#[ twelfth doctor. ] || cant you see me
moss-flesh · 6 months
okay but that “Me” character from 12’s run is literally just a lame version of Sebastion Grayle from Seasons of Fear…
except they took way more time time with it and ended up making a worse story and worse character
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butchtwelfthdoctor · 3 months
i got peer reviewed on this post by @pikechris (sorry for the tag hope you dont mind) but still had way more thoughts hehe anyways i was gonna leave tags but it got pretty long sooo those tags and the rest of my Thoughts under the cut cos damn this did get really really long
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i looked in the replies of that post & people you're not getting it he didnt kiss rory with romantic feeling behind rory was just there and eleven got excited about something else and rory visibly looks weirded out afterwards. it was practically eleven kissing as stimming. like when he kissed jenny. it wasnt out of romantic feelings at all he knows madame vastra would kill him & he isnt interested he was just happy to be able to move after the crimson horror thingy. kissing rory was also played as a joke it was a funny haha yknow. i also dont remember eleven kissing the james corden character but like whatever i cant imagine that being meaningful in any way either.
OH in the same way that nardole having a crush on twelve (canon btw nardole practically says as much is played as a joke. like with the post i mention above, like thats played as a joke because can you imagine the cool very beautiful twelfth doctor having romantic or sexual feelings towards nardole, who is literally, as missy puts it, comic relief? i dont think that its queer is a part of that but idk it might be.
but in any case. the doctor hasnt kissed or been kissed by a man with romantic intent onscreen since 2005. we COULD have had a thirteen and yaz kiss but we didnt which is i think why? people forget? about them? doctor was confimred queer she had lesbian attraction but nothing really. happened about it. so yeah. also apparently a lot of people didnt watch thirteen like cmonnnnnnnnnnn it really isnt as bad as people make it out to be.
twelve kissed missy who was probably the only person he would have kissed at that point. he's horrified when she kisses him before he knows who she is but then the very next episode he kisses her in a... if not exactly romantic a very emotionally charged way. and she knows that. we dont see them kiss again even as their relationship grows more and more romantically inclined (which i actually support any amount of canon thoschei conventional romance would probably be. bad and kill the appeal immediately) because like i said. she turns every dead body on earth into a cyberman then lies about where gallifrey is then fakes her own death then tries to get the doctor to kill clara then he leaves her on skaro iirc then he is supposed to kill her but doesnt and instead locks her in a vault for ~70 years but its okay cos they have takeaway food in there together sometimes. and then world enough and time / the doctor falls happens which i cant even start talking about or i'll never stop & thirteen was 1) aroace and 2) too emotionally repressed to even get close to kissing Anyone, let alone the master after all the timeless child stuff, even though she probably?? wanted to kiss yaz?? a bit??? at least?? yaz wanted to kiss her but there was too much emotional repression going on on both sides but mainly the doctor Which Brings Me To My Point.
Fifteen is the most, shall we say, flirty doctor we've had for a while, and Ncuti is also the first openly queer actor to play the doctor on tv, and while of course everyone on tumblr is Very familiar with all of the ways the doctor is queer (and neurodivergent) without any need for the show to specifically say so, it is really really great that a) the doctor is played by a gay actor b) there are more queer characters and c) we got an actual episode where The Doctor Is Gay With A Man. especially after the. somewhat odd. way yaz & thirteen's relationship was dealt with at the end of thirteen's run, which even though was a queer relationship was like....... not really. shown. they just talked about it. and had icecream. okayyy i guesssssssssss
BUt NOW fifteen gets an entire episode where his mutual attraction to another male character (assuming the doctor is actually a man, pretty sure i read somewhere Ncuti was he/they-ing the doctor but he might have meant the doctor in general, not just fifteen) is a Main Focus of the episode. its the main tension, the main drama, the main interest - you pretty much know from the 'okay we'll teleport the chuldur away' that thats whats going to happen, and i for one went 'oh my god rouge is going to get teleported' from the moment the doctor fixed it to carry six. the Main Focus is now their flirting, their dynamic, the way Those Two Interact, their almost kiss (which the doctor was so ready to duck out of as soon at the thing beeped, but you can tell by the look on rouge's face that he's for sure trying that again later). the doctor showing actual episode-arc spanning romantic interest in a character, let alone a specifically queer one... that doesnt happen a lot.
(the girl in the fireplace has a lot of superficial similarities, though you could also argue that madame de pompadour was far more romantically into ten than he was into her. thirteen's characteristically very awkward attempt at flirting towards yaz in the sea devils special didnt have nearly as much focus on it)
but really the point is the doctor was kissed! for the first time on tv in ten years!!!! and it was a queer kiss!! and that romance was The Major Part of the episode!! the doctor doctorwho was gay kissing a man on out television screens after a genuinely quite good build up!!!!!!!!!!! it would of of course be amazing if rouge makes another appearance (i think he will, most likely in a later season instead of the next 2 eps), and even better if we had a longer arc of that romance, but we got it!!! actual canonical queer romance for the doctor!! their first canon kiss in like at least a couple hundred years of their life, and while i am an aspec doctor who believer there are 100% time when he feels attraction and this was for sure one if them. and it was really beautiful & emotional & the flirting was fun & rouge was a good character & their dynamic was really good and yay!!!!
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sarah-dipitous · 11 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 294
Devil’s Bargain/Twice Upon a Time
“Devil’s Bargain”
Plot Description: Dean, Sam, and a newly freed Castiel pursue a weakened Lucifer who’s travels lead him to a faith healer who is not what she seems
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I mean, CAs barely looked alive at the beginning…oh, Lucifer’s going to steal some of that Cupid’s grace for sure
Lucifer, you didn’t need to punch a hole right through him
Aw, poor Lucifer is still experiencing human symptoms like hunger
Ketch, you are so fucked. Yeah, just go kill the devil before he fills back up on grace
Uh oh. I’m very curious about who this faith healer actually is but now I’m scared for her
No, Cas, don’t push your feelings about having been captured and Dean not knowing Azmodeus wasn’t actually you down for the sake of the mission
I mean, Sister Jo is an actual angel but WHO is she? Ok, not one we’ve seen before
She’s right. She’s not a very good angel, but she’s pretty good at negotiating business
If I never had to see that smug English bitchass again….
Thank you, Castiel, for saying what everyone was thinking:Ketch CANT just want to strike a blow for the good of humanity
This angel is so hot for Lucifer, good lord. Especially when she’s almost let him fully deplete her grace and she feels almost human (my phone tried to autofill allo … I mean, that too)
I’m convinced they made Donatello need a whole bunch of fried chicken to do his thing just so they could make evil Colonel Sanders Azmodeus be disgusted with it
Oh fuck. She’s a terrible angel, but I guess if you spent eternity just pressing a button each time a soul entered heaven and no one listened to your ideas on how to fix heaven, but then the universe’s bad boy angel took a liking to you and listened to you, yeah, you’d betray the Winchesters, too. Who are they to you?
(I’m being so brave trying not to cough, thus spooking Megumi)
Ketch…just because you CAN pass info from Azmodeus to the boys doesn’t mean you WILL. Thank you AGAIN, Cas, for stating the SHOULD BE OBVIOUS
I’m not saying the angels should take Lucifer’s offer (he’ll make more angels and give them back their wings in exchange for making him the indisputable ruler of heaven) but it’s a tempting offer
Omg they actually did it. They made him ruler of heaven.
I DID NOT RECOGNIZE HIM. GABRIEL?!?! THEY BROUGHT GABRIEL BACK?! He’s been imprisoned in Hell for who knows how long?!
“Twice Upon a Time”
Plot Description: the twelfth Doctor must face his past to decide his future
I love that the “previously on” took us back 709 episodes
Uh oh. If the first Doctor doesn’t regenerate (I know he eventually will), will twelve start to back to the future disappear?
I should not have gone to imdb to see if that was Mycroft…I just got spoiled for actors who will be back (though, if they weren’t, I’d be surprised)
Time is just stopping everywhere for just about everyone. It’s wholly unnerving
No one likes TARDIS redecorations, and One HATES Twelve’s
Hey….it’s occurring to me that Mark Gatiss has already been a character on Doctor Who [insert obligatory England has 12 actors joke here because so has David Bradley but you don’t see me complaining that he took over the ship with the last living dinosaurs and is now the Doctor]
Oh poor Peter. I also thought he was older than he is. Finding out not that long ago that he’s five months older than my dad was jarring. Either my dad looks younger than his age or Peter looks older, but to have to defend to a man born in 1942 that you are younger than him 😭
Twelve having to defend all his decisions to One is hilarious and I can’t believe I came across a post about what your younger self would say if they saw your living space today. One called the dim lighting akin to a restaurant for the French and he’s about to criticize the electric guitar
Also Twelve having to try to stop One from saying casually misogynistic things, you’d hardly believe Moffat wrote Twelve’s lines
I had to pause because seeing Bill again and watching her hug Twelve made me sad
Who’s been stealing the faces of the dead? Like you didn’t take the face of a Pompeiian
I mean, he’s not wrong. They did cut out all the good things the Doctor has done, but “to be fair, they cut out all the jokes” is possibly the funniest way to defend himself
Ok. We can stop with the “a female companion’s job is to clean the TARDIS because I’m the Doctor from the 1960s” jokes now, we MAY continue the “1960s Doctor isn’t up to date with modern tech terms and asks Twelve what browser history is and we watch Twelve become uncomfortable” ones
I’m trying so hard to not say things like “Mycroft would never let that happen to himself” I need you to know how hard I’m trying not to say that when small octopus-like aliens launch themselves at his face
Fuck. She IS a duplicate
Oh, are they actually on Skaro? I didn’t want to hold out hope that those were Daleks
I’m confused as to what Twelve is doing with this particular dalek, but I’m sure it’ll get spelled out eventually. What I’m actually more interested in is why testimony needs all this info from One
He’s spent so much of his time fighting capitalism in space and the future and toxic positivity that he doesn’t know what to do when confronted with a plan that doesn’t sound evil on the surface
Of course not-Mycroft is a Lethbridge-Stewart. The thought had been noodling its way through my brain since I saw that he was just referred to as The Captain on imdb. I love that the Doctor kept his promise to keep watch on his family
Ok, FINE, Steven. You got me. You pierced my heart with One thinking that THIS is what it means that his future selves are a Doctor of War 😭
I know it’s not over yet but I was promised another special guest…THERE SHE ISSSS!! There’s Clara 😭😭
His smile when he sees and remembers herrrrrrrrrrr
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Godddddd he’s so happy
Twelve’s arc is so so so wonderful. He started out with Clara being his “carer” (she cares so he doesn’t have to) and now he cares SO MUCH. Possibly TOO much
Him giving advice to the next Doctor before he regenerates 😭 I just…
Ok much as I do like Jodie’s Doctor outfit, I do sort of wish she could have had Twelve’s
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twelveteenth · 3 years
twelve season 8 ep 1: i’m not your boyfriend clara
twelve the entire rest of seasons 8 and 9: *is clara’s boyfriend*
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It had been awhile since he had seen Addie. He had asked her to come and meet him at the park this afternoon, unsure if she would turn up, he’s been here awhile. 
He was sat on a bench, eating a packet of crisps he was hungry and thought now was the best time to snack. After all he had something to ask the other, if she accepted his offer, he knew he had something planned. 
It would be obvious from a distance where he was, the TARDIS was parked right behind the bench that he was sitting on. It was for a fast get away after he got an answer from Addie about asking her to go on him for one trip, anywhere she wanted to go to. 
Seeing she was a fan, he wondered if she had anywhere she wanted to go. 
( @starryskiesrps​ && going on a trip with the twelfth doctor? )
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nightmanatee · 6 years
My thought on THORS
I`ve seen a couple of posts about THORS today and I have something to say (using my bad bad English).
This story to me is very simple and tragic. First of all, as we all know Doctor have lost someone (Clara) not so long ago. To my mind, he forgot almost everything about her by this moment (or, at least this is my headcanon as I think that the Doctor was loosing his memories about Clara in an incremental way). So he decides to understand why he`s so sad. It`s Christmas, everyone is happy but not him. Why?
Because he lost someone special. Not so long ago. And! He doesn`t even know whom. 
He meets his wife, his loved one (a long time ago). He realises that this is an obvious choice. I realise this too. I mean, who elseif not her? From all of the New-School companions she is the only one to be a) alive (debatable from the perseptive of an actual canon), b) avaliable to meet the Doctor currently (Rose is in the parallel world, Martha is married and (I hope) happy, Donna... well, is Donna, Amy and Rory (sobbing) are locked in their own timeline and Clara is (actually crying) *dead*). 
She is an obvious choice.
Doctor is mourning someone, he is sad and heartbroken. He lost someone and wants to know whom. He sees River, hopes that it`s all about her but... it`s not. The most tragic part of this story is my and (I think Doctors`) realisation that Doctor have spent 24 years with *wrong* person whom he loved but not the one he wanted to be with by this time. 
And gosh I hope River will never know this because spending your last years with someone who`s searching for someone else, loving this person, sharing your last memories and last moments with him...
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(Also, yeah, I think that Doctor have realised this earlier because of the fact that it was Nardole to take River`s diary. Why not the Doctor especially because there were their- HIS adventuries?)
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daringdarlingdt · 3 years
Time for some Doctor who updates! Instead of making a couple different posts, since I don’t have a lot to say but I wanna comment on the last few episodes I watched, I’m gonna do it in point-form.
I am in season 9 now, and I’ve gotta say I think the twelfth doctor has grown on me since my initial reaction. A bunch of mutuals told me he was their favourite so I had high expectations and was kinda disappointed when I started season 8, but I can see the appeal now. However, I think he’s still probably one of my least favourite doctors ranking-wise. We all know I love ten, and I actually really miss eleven now that his era is over so I think nine and twelve may be tied for third.
I love when twelve plays the guitar that’s cool. Also the sonic sunglasses?? He’s doing it for the aesthetic and I can respect that.
I really like Clara and twelve’s relationship/friendship dynamic. Probably more than eleven and Clara, honestly.
Episode 9 - “Sleep Now More” was soooo good. Like the actual monster itself was kinda eh and the scientist-evil-plan dude was confusing at the end (although tbh I wasn’t paying attention at that point) but the whole commentary on the capitalist nature of society and how hustle-culture promotes the thinking that people only have value while they’re working and that if they have time that’s what it should be used for, while casually examining the importance of sleep for the human body and how it’s a huge literary theme for a reason was bloody excellent. When I read the title of the episode I immediately thought of the Macbeth quote the doctor says during the episode and how throughout the play Macbeth’s insomnia increases as his guilt does and that it contributes the mental illness that follows his murder of Duncan. Same with Lady Macbeth sleepwalking before she kills herself. And throughout whenever he says crazy stuff Lady McB is like “you lack the season of all natures, sleep”.
So addressing the fact that if corporations could find a way to push their workers even harder and cut out the perceived waste of time that is sleep, they would (this was like 3 years ago too before Covid made this painfully clear) and then personifying the harmful lack of sleep that’s been identified often in historical literature (as well as by doctors and scientists) into an actual monster? Yeah. That was a good episode.
WOW I CANT BELIEVE THEY BROUGHT BACK RIGSY!!! I thought he’d just be a one-off side character but he’s here and oh! HE HAS A BABY AND PRESUMABLY A WIFE GOOD FOR HIMMMM
Oh my god Rigsy’s gonna die.
*gasp* Ashildr’s the one responsible???
Ooh Clara has a clever plan
Wait is that kid played by the sister from Black Panther? (She was, I was right, it’s been fact-checked)
Oh no Clara’s gonna die… but they’ll get her out of it right… right?!
That was a really nice speech she gave before she died. Like she told the doctor not to take revenge, not to get angry. At least she got to say goodbye but still, she deserved better 😭😭😭
“Heaven sent” was so good can’t believe he died and re-teleported himself over and over for billions of years holy shit.
And it was really cool whenever he’d sorta retreat into his own mind, in the Tardis and talk to a memory of Clara basically and figure out how to not die.
And that’s where I am. I haven’t quite finished season 9 yet but I’ve only got one episode left: “Hell Bent”
So I’m excited about that but don’t really know what to expect and I know that twelve has new companions in the next season (and Missy comes back too I believe) cuz i know they exist and I know that he only has one season left cuz Jodie Whittaker comes in and is the thirteenth doctor in seasons 11 and 12 and I’ve also seen the trailer for season 13 and I know that that’ll be later this year and it will be her last season as the doctor. So I’ve got all that to look forward to.
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sokkisky · 4 years
~baby or no baby, you’re still mine~
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Want to make a request?: https://forms.gle/NyZgUcqkCPzHRvVn6
Want a short quick post?: https://sokkisky.tumblr.com/ask 
Rating: SFW (Comfort) 
Pairings: Bakugou x Infertile Y/N 
Warnings: Infertility 
A/N: Today’s request was very interesting to me and Bakugou comfort is something I still am trying to work on. The request goes like this. 
Y/n finds out they cant have kids and has to break it to Bakugo when they have been trying for a little while. And Y/N ends up having a hard time with depression afterwards... You dont have too do this. I just found this out myself and honestly Bakugo is just my comfort character... if you do write it thank you from the bottom of my heart.
And I’m very glad to write this for you. I’m sorry you’re struggling through this and I hope this helps in any way. <3 The ending is slightly split so if you want a little extra added ending, it’s right there for you! As always remember to take care of yourselves and be kind to yourselves. I love you all so much. 
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You sat on the rim of the bathroom tub, holding the pregnancy test in your hand. You teared up seeing the results. Negative. Again. It didn’t matter how much you tried, the tests always came back negative. Your eyes welled with tears, sinking to the floor and clutching the test in your hand. “One more try, just one more.” you said quietly to yourself, gritting your teeth trying to hold back the tears. 
Even though this would be the twelfth try that  you said ‘One more try’.
Bakugou opened the door, walking in and sitting next to you. He looked over at the test in your hand, his face dropping. He didn’t say anything, he just pulled you close. “We can try again, sometimes things like this take time.” he said softly, his tone somewhat gruff as he spoke to comfort you. You nodded, sniffling a bit. 
“We could always get medical assistance.” you said softly. He looked into your eyes, the white turning a light pink from your crying. He held your face, swiping away tears with his thumb. “Of course teddy bear.” 
“You’re infertile.” 
You almost didn’t hear the doctor’s words. Bakugou slammed his hand on the bed, “You’re wrong check the paper again.” The doctor sighed, looking over his clipboard. “I assure you I’m correct Sir. You’re wife here is infertile.” he said calmly, adjusting his glasses. 
Bakugou balled his fists a bit, glaring at him. You noticed taking his arm in your hands. “Suki” you said softly. You felt his tensed body somewhat relax but he didn’t look at you, he just glared at the doctor. 
“I’m so sorry ma’am” the doctor said wearily, turning his gaze to you as you sat on the patient cot. “But there’s nothing I can do.” Bakugou sneered, his teeth gritting in anger, “What do you mean there’s nothing you can do? You’re a damn doctor aren’t you?” You looked up to his anger filled face. His eyes, however, looked sad. You knew he just wanted someone to blame, someone to put the problem on. 
But inside you knew it was your fault. 
You knew you could never give Bakugou a family because you were infertile. He used to talk for ages about having his own little rascals running around but now, 
Now that seemed impossible. 
You racked your brain trying to come up with a solution. “What about a surrogate? Or maybe we could try something else I-” the doctor held his hand up. Shaking his head. He placed a soft palm on your shoulder. “Your body isn’t suited to bear, or create offspring.” he said gently, his eyes saddening from the look in yours. 
Bakugou slapped his hand away grabbing yours, his strong tight grip enveloping your fingers. “Your body will be suited for my fist if you don’t shut your mouth!” he said before storming out, you followed behind, the tears running down your cheek. 
You sat in the bathroom, the door closed sobbing against it. You felt yourself bottle yourself up, bringing your knees to your chest. Bakugou went to his office as soon as the two of you got home. 
You knew he was as hurt as you, maybe even more. This was what he wanted for a long time, kids of his own that is. You sobbed, feeling like less than yourself. You couldn’t do the one natural thing most could. You’d never thought you’d feel so sad, slumping yourself against the cold marble floors. You sobbed into your knees, your tears streaming down your legs, you wanted to be numb, to not feel a thing but you couldn’t. You were forced to deal with this, do deal with the situation. 
You felt alone all until you felt a push on the door. 
You lifted your head slightly as another push was felt against the door, like someone was trying to open it. “Move dumbass let me in.” a small voice said from the other side. Bakugou's voice sounded meak, small, like he was crumbling inside. The words alone would make you think he was angry, but he didn’t sound that way, he sounded pained. 
You slowly scooted away from the door and it swung open. Bakugou stood there, his eyes watery, welling with even more tears when his eyes landed on you. He shut the door, standing across from you for a second before kneeling in front of you. He sat down and parted his legs, pulling you close to his chest. “Don’t cry, there’s nothing to be sad about.” he said, his voice low. “Stop crying idiot…” his voice trailed, wavering unsteadily. “Baby or no baby, you’re still mine do you understand? It’s going to be okay.” he added, choking on tears. He coddled your head and body close to him, rubbing you gently. He kissed your forehead. “Please don’t cry anymore” he said, his voice crumbling under his emotions. 
The two of you held each other softly crying, in each other’s arms. You both knew that things couldn’t go as you wanted, it was impossible now, but somehow, just sitting there, holding each other, you felt better. Slightly a bit more calm. 
A few days passed and while the sadness still lingered in you, you felt that Bakugou had become a lot more open. He talked to you about how he was feeling a lot more, not being shy to pull you into his arms whenever he wanted you close. 
Whenever you’d work he would slide behind you and wrap you in his arms. Resting against you quietly as you worked. If you cooked he’d stand behind you, his head resting on your shoulder, leaving sweet kisses along your shoulders and back. He was very soft around you, always bringing you small treats or snacks. 
You sat in your bed, laptop on your lap as Bakugou walked in, holding a stack of papers. “Hey teddy bear?” he asked softly. You looked up, turning to him. 
“Do you want to adopt?” 
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hazmatblogs · 4 years
Eras of The Doctor’s Life (Part 6: Nu-Who)
The Post-Time War Era
Defined by The Doctor believing himself to be the last of his kind. This era sees The Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Doctors face creatures and villains as normal again, alongside surviving threats from the war (including the Daleks, The Master, Davros, and the Time Lord High Council), coupled with his own PTSD. This period of The Doctor’s life ends when The Eleventh and Tenth Doctors share an adventure with The War Doctor and decide to save Gallifrey rather than burn it.
(9th Doctor-11th Doctor)
- 10: The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston)
- 11: The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant)
- 12 The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant | Aborted regeneration)
- 13: The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith)
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The Pre-Hybrid Era
Defined by The Doctor’s on-again-off-again search for Gallifrey, coupled amongst many more adventures in time and space. During this era, The Eleventh Doctor spends the vast majority of his life on Trenzalore, defending the Town of Christmas from attack for 900 years against countless alien aggressors attempting to access a crack in time leading to Gallifrey. He sees off the New Dalek Paradigm (the last of the aggressors remaining) with a huge explosion resulting in the first of a newly granted regeneration cycle, transforming into The Twelfth Doctor. Facing many dangerous threats (such as the Daleks, Cybermen, Davros and many such others), The Doctor also went through a major evolution of character during this era, going from a stern solitary fellow resistant to hugs; to a kind, deeply caring man, willing to go through hell for 4.5 billion years trapped in his own Confession Dial simply to return to Gallifrey and attempt to bring Clara Oswald back from death (neglecting his people’s fears about The Hybrid prophesy in favour of his friend’s wellbeing). This care also extended out to his old enemies, mostly very much referring to Missy (a female incarnation of The Master attempting to regain her long-lost friendship with The Doctor), watching over her for decades on end at St. Luke’s University in hopes of rehabilitating her (very nearly succeeding until the reappearance of her prior incarnation and her subsequent death).
(11th Doctor-12th Doctor)
- 13: The Eleventh Doctor
- 14: The Twelfth Doctor
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The Hybrid Era
Defined by The Thirteenth Doctor’s troubling revelations about her hidden past, coupled with the return of The Master to his despicable heights of depravity, this era saw everything that The Doctor had come to rely on about herself destroyed. Gallifrey, the world her prior incarnations had worked so hard to save, has been destroyed by The Master seeking revenge (fulfilling the feared prophesy of The Hybrid). The truth behind her life becomes abundantly clear, and The Doctor has to face the fact that she has lived far many more lives than she initially thought. The history of her species (if she can even call them that anymore) is based upon her hidden suffering... and THAT is this place where we leave The Doctor... for now... ;) (god I cant wait to see what they do next)
(13th Doctor-???)
- 15: The Thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker)
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Thank you all so much for reading this far if you have! The intention of this is purely because I love Doctor Who to hell and back. It has such a wonderful lore, and if I’ve introduced anybody to any new sections of the fandom, then I feel I’ve done a good job. :) For everybody else’s this has taken me all night to compile, so I hope I did a good job for all you diehards out there! 😁
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lilslotsofchat · 4 years
the end of the eleventh
i wrote this after sobbing to matt smiths regeneration.
missy is just an own character and i guess it’s what the doctor called her. like the doctor chose the doctor he called her missy and it became her known name.
it’s bad and short but i needed to get it out it was in my head
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“doctor is this it” missy asked the man she loved feet away from her. he smiled weakly his hands rubbed against one another. a tear dropped from her eye along her cold rosy cheek.
“i’m afraid so” he said his voice wavering. missy looked at him. she studied him. she did this every day in the TARDIS from the balcony as he did his own thing for a while. he looked older. the man aged before her eyes and she just let it happen.
“can you stay longer, as you. as the doctor i know” she asked tears now falling constantly her eyes were glazed over, like many of the planets and stars the couple had seen together. eleventh time was up. she knew this. she knew that her time with her lover was over.
“missy, you-“ the doctor started before his voice choked up. tears were falling from his own eyes. he looked up at the ceiling of the TARDIS. his eyes following the walls back down to his lover before him.
“i know i know but can’t i go back see you with you be with you, be with you before it’s over.” missy begged stepping forward slightly. her voice was weak. she hadn’t slept in weeks. the TARDIS helped made it feel like a night but in reality she hadn’t slept in weeks. the doctor watched her pull her patchwork cardigan around her frame, like she always did. it’s like the way he plays with his hands.
“missy you’ve lived every day you could with me. if you went back i would know it’s not you. your hairs changed you’ve changed. you’ve aged. i’d notice this. you right now have to let go let me move on become number twelve” the doctor said his hands waving around her stature. his eyes streaming. he loved her more than anything in the universe. her eyes were pleading for something.
“what if” the doctor opened his mouth to cut her off but she stopped before the words left his mouth. missy’s eyes watched the words he had not leave his mouth. she stepped closer to him.
“missy you love me yes” she nodded. she wiped her eyes but more tears took their place. “you need to love me to let me go. there’s so many millions of places you could go.”
“i don’t want to go anywhere if it isn’t with you doctor.” she shouted at him. her small height allowed for the feistiness to fester inside her. it came out rarely but when it did it, it was only when she was angry or trying to get her point across. the doctor looked at her his mouth closed
“missy this is my regeneration. i cannot stop this. you know this you’ve seen with my tenth self. you watched my regenerations through my eyes when i gave them to you. you know everything about my missy. you knew this was coming. i cant stop me changing into a different man. we all change. every day we live a new day sometimes a different person.” he was watching her she just listened tears falling fast. he stopped forward and put his hands to her cheeks. she let out a sob. “you can go on. visit twelve tell him all about me. there’s nothing you can do to keep me as me missy” he said he put his forehead to hers. his breath fanned along her face. cooling her cheeks that had grown hot in the boiling anger of loosing him. “missy you are the best thing that has ever happened to all of my selfs. you made me realise that i didn’t need to be a cold lonely mad man with a box. i would become a loved mad man with a box and his girl” she laughed. their tears dropped onto the floor. meeting. a small glow appeared around the tiny tear puddle on the floor. the glow grew. along the floor of the TARDIS. the golden glow wrapped around the pair. the doctor looked up. he saw the glow. missy knew what she had to do.
“i love you doctor” she said. she took three steps back and disappeared from the glow. she wasn’t in the TARIDS. the doctors face dropped. tears fell from his eyes faster than they ever had before.
“missy” he shouted. he stepped forward to where she just was and she wasn’t there. the glow followed him. “where is she. tell me where she is” he screamed at his TARDIS. the console screen lit up and he ran around his boots clattering on the floor. there was a picture of a graveyard. rory and amys graveyard. missy was stood by the graves. her patchwork cardigan wrapped tightly around her shoulders. “why are you there” he said his fingers dragging along her figure on the screen. his fingers now glowing. the screen fluttered to a different place. missy was stood in the tower of london with kate. talking to her. the doctor did not have any idea how missy was moving around the world. the TARDIS changed the image once again. craig was stood on his doorstep hugging missy. his hand was rubbing her back. she was sobbing into his shoulder. alfie now a toddler walked out of the house and missy turned to the small boy and handed him something the doctor couldn’t see. he cried the doctor sobbed. the image changed. missy was stood where they first met as missy and the doctor when he was the tenth. she looked up to the stars and kissed her fingers and put them to the sky. the doctor smiled. “oh my wonderful light” he said his hand was streaming his regeneration glow. missy was now stood on top of a mountain. she was sobbing. her body was deprived of air. she was struggling to breathe. the doctor noticed the red sand that she was sat on. she was at the day he died. “missy missy missy how i love you” and with his last words as the eleventh.
his twelfth face snapped into his clothes. he saw the woman on the console screen sobbing. the twelfth doctor yelled in pain as his new kidneys came into his body. “how to fly this thing” he asked the air. the TARDIS showed the twelfth what to do. the police box vanished from its place.
missy stood up from the mountain. she looked out in front of her and saw the doctor die. shot by river. she sobbed even more. she saw her younger self begun running forward. the astronauts suit containing river turned away. missy let the suit walk away. she fell to the floor next to the doctor. rory grabbed her shoulders and pulling her back. she remembered this day like it was yesterday. it could have been yesterday for all missy knew. missy was screaming and kicking. missys older self stepped away when she saw river looking over at her. she waved her hand at river and then vanished from the mountain top.
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i-am-smol-narwhal · 4 years
Truth Serum - Twelfth Doctor x Reader
By: Ineffable-Timelady
You wake up feeling dizzier than you ever have. Your head is throbbing as though theres an entire stampede running around in there and stomping all over your brain. You haven't even opened your (e/c) eyes yet and you already know that once you do, you'll feel nauseated. You try to lift a hand to your head only for it to be in vain as you quickly realize that you're chained to a chair. Your eyes instantly fly open and you ignore the intense throbbing as you take in the room.
You've never been here before, that's for sure. It looks sort of like a dungeon, making your stomach churn in concern. The walls of the room are made from what looks to be old cement blocks with large cracks and moss growing on them. Each wall is bare and you notice the wall that you are facing has a wooden door attached to it.
Although you want to scream and cry for help, you choose instead to analyze your situation. First question, what happened? Second, where are you? Third, how will you escape? Somewhere in between each of those questions are some minor sub-questions that you are certain you'll ask, but for now those are the main three.
You think back to the last memory you have before appearing in this dark murky dungeon. The smell of mildew and petrichor reach your nose as you try to focus, and petrichor immediately makes you remember. You were leaving the TARDIS to go home for a bit, needing a break from the Doctor. You love him, of course (and of course he doesn't know that), but sometimes he would just be so rude without realizing and it pissed you off.
What happened after you left? Why cant you remember? Oh, theres those sub-questions! You choose to worry about those questions later as they just make you dizzier.
You take another look around the room, taking more in since your vision isn't as blurry. The walls are bare, as you concluded before, but there are some... blood stains? Definitely blood. And tally marks. Someone had been here before you for a long time. You realize that not only are your hands chained down to a chair, but so is your head and feet. Whoever kidnapped you really wants to make sure you comply.
You let out a huff and cast your eyes as far down as you could. You're in completely different clothes than anything you own, but at least there are clothes instead of being stark naked. There's a needle in your arm that looks sort of like an IV needle, but it isn't hooked up to anything.
You look up as you hear the door unlocking and suck in a breath. Whoever your captors are, they're standing right beyond that door. The door creaks as it opens and you mentally prepare yourself for some type of dangerous alien. Daleks? No, they would just exterminate you. Cybermen? Doubt it, but possible since they have hands... Your mind runs quickly to think of what could be on the other side of the door until the thing on the other side takes one step in.
You sit in shock for a moment when you see someone who looks human. He smirks at you and eyes you a bit before he opens his mouth to speak.
"Do please continue to compare me to other aliens. It's quite amusing to see just how wrong you are."
His voice is familiar. Everything about this man is familiar. He's blond with menacing blue eyes, has a small goatee, hes wearing a hoodie and some slacks and his aura just screams dangerous.... but its also comforting. You just stare at him for a moment before responding in a very raspy voice.
"You heard me?" You ask, your voice cracking a bit. The man just chuckles and walks over to you with a glass of water. He places the glass at your lips and only gives you a sip.
"I'm slightly psychic," is his only response. He pulls a chair from behind you up to where it's in front of you. "Do you recognize me?"
You bite your tongue and shake your head. How daft would it be to say 'no but your aura is familiar'?
"Think of your past prime ministers."
Your head fills with images of Harold Saxon and you freeze. He cant be here. He cant. He died. So why is this bastard sitting here right in front of you?
"Now you recognize me. So you know what I'm capable of." You nod to your best ability, not trusting your voice right now. The Master was someone that the Doctor warned you about. You dont remember much from the day of the 'tochlafane' due to some slight amnesia, but from what the Doctor told you, hes highly dangerous.
You suddenly feel some foreign substance enter your body and look down, seeing the Master attached something to the needle. It burns in your veins and feels like fire is dancing around. You quickly feel it fill your body until suddenly you feel completely numb.
"Let's start easy first," he stands and walks around you, pocketing his syringe. "What is your name?"
You want so bad to tell him to fuck off. You want to tell him it's none of his business. You want to say that he should already know if he kidnapped you.
But instead, you say, "(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)." You tense in shock and he just smirks at you.
"Truth serum. You'll tell me everything I ask of you," he sits in the dingy metal chair again, making it slide back slightly. "Do you travel with the Doctor?"
"Where did you two go last?"
"The planet Henthe in the year four thousand and twenty-three."
"Why do you travel with him?"
You bite down on your tongue, willing yourself not to answer. Your heart is racing hard as the truth serum is trying to force you to speak. Your whole body trembles but you stand your ground until you suddenly feel a distracting pain in your temple.
"He's amazing and I love the adventures. I love travelling with him and running into the face of danger. I love the beauty of everything he shows me. I love the exhilaration I get from running from dangerous creatures," you can't stop yourself now. Your heart is slowing back to normal now that you've answered and you couldn't be more grateful for that.
You watch a guard slip in the room. You choose not to ask what he's doing in here anyways, possibly hoping that he isn't bad like the Master.
"Interesting. What's the Doctor's weakness?"
"You know the Doctor. Sometimes I think he doesn't have a weakness. Other times-" You bite your tongue again and glare at the Master. Doctor, please save me. The Master grabs your arm again, roughly this time, as he searches his pocket for another syringe. He injects the flaming red liquid into you again, making you scream in pain.
This time, the flame coursing your veins was different. It burned hotter, brighter. You can't help but to scream, screwing your eyes shut tight. You clench your fists, your nails digging into your palms hard enough to draw blood but it doesn't register. To you, that pain would be much more preferable over the flame licking your entire body.
You let out shallow breaths when the burning pain dissipates and open your eyes. You see blood coming out of your right hand but ignore it to glare at the Master.
"If you want to go through that again, I have all the time in the world," the Master practicaly snarls, an annoyed look crossing over his face. "I wonder how much truth serum it takes to kill a human?" He chuckles. "Nevermind that. Does he love you? The Doctor, does he?"
"No. He's a Time Lord, like yourself. He cant love a human like me," you flinch at how quickly you answered. There's a lot more of the serum running through you so it shouldn't be much of a surprise.
"Does the little human have a crush on the big bad Time Lord?"
You bite down hard on your tongue. You cant answer that question. You dont want to.
"Remember I'll torture you if you do not answer me," the Master growls, an evil look crossing his features again.
You feel tears falling from your eyes and a sob wracks your body. "Yes. Yes I love him. I love the Doctor," you can't stop the sobs that escape you. You just want to be in the Doctor's embrace right now more than anything.
The Master laughs. He sounds amused and like he is belittling you. "He could never love you."
"I know," You whisper. The guard behind the Master suddenly walks over to us and places a hand on his shoulder.
"The Doctor has been spotted in Wessex," The guard states, his voice null of emotion.
"You stay here," The Master barks at you, leaving the room nonchalantly. The guard keeps his eye on the Master until hes out of sight and then smiles a bit at you, making you flinch. He gets down beside you and starts undoing your restraints.
"Dont ask questions," The guard demands, making you shut up.
He continues to untie you and then tries to hug you but you push him away.
"Keep your hands off me. I appreciate you freeing me, but I cant trust someone who works for that asshole. Now either you tie me back up or you let me leave and tell me exactly where the Doctor was spotted," You look around the room now that you can move and see a knife in the back.
"I dont work for him-" the guard takes another step towards you and you run over to the knife and pick it up, pointing it towards him. "What are you doing?"
"Arming myself?" It comes out as a question although it shouldn't have.
"For wh- oh," he chuckles, "sorry sometimes I forget to take this thing off," He suddenly pulls off his face, making you jump back in fright until you see the stormy grey-blue eyes of the Doctor and his fluffy grey curls.
"Doctor? Hold on wait no, this cant be right. It cant be you. You tried to hug me. If that's another face mask thing it's not fooling me this time. A-And your voice. Totally different from my Doctor's."
"Its me," His voice now sounds exactly like himself... you feel tears come to your eyes as you hear his voice but you don't take a step forward. "If it helps, before we went to Henthe, we went to Agfrole, or planet of the weird frogs as you call it."
You drop the knife you armed yourself with and walk over to him warily. You wrap your arms around him immediately though once you inspected him a bit more. "My Doctor."
He awkwardly wraps his arms around you and snaps his fingers, making you grin when you see the gorgeous blue of the TARDIS in the corner of the room.
"How'd you do that?" You ask.
"I made her invisible," the Doctor explains simply, "now quick. Into the TARDIS."
You comply and practically run in, the Doctor following on your tail. He shuts the doors quickly and before long, he's launching the two of you somewhere else. You smile at the familiar sound of the TARDIS.
"Did you mean what you said?" The Doctor suddenly asks, looking up at you with curiosity in his ancient eyes.
"You love me?"
You freeze and realize the serum is still in your system so you can't hold it back. "Yes. I do."
"And you think that just because I'm a Time Lord, I cant love you back?" He asks, head tilted a little.
"Well yeah. That's kind of obvious, right? You're like... immortal. I'm not. I live maybe ninety years and then I'm gone. I don't regenerate," you sigh. "Look. If you're just going to send me home because of my feelings, go ahead and do it. Don't make me spill my heart out to you."
He walks over to you, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "Send you home? Now why would I do a stupid thing like that?" You open your mouth to answer and he places a hand over your mouth, a small smile on his face. "That was rhetorical. Don't answer it." You nod and he places his hand down near your waist, causing you to blush. "I do have feelings for you, (Y/N). Has that not been obvious?"
"Sometimes I think you do. But other times I think I'm not important to you," you respond, looking down at your feet.
He tilts your face up to look up at him and he smiles at you. This smile you've never seen. It isn't cruel like you expected. It isn't sarcastic. It isn't because he is boasting about how incredibly intelligent he is. No, this is love. He leans in close, both hands on your waist now, but he stops half way. You feel his breath fan over your face and blush a little. You stand on your tiptoes and press your lips to his, your hands resting on the nape of his neck to pull him closer.
The kiss was like fire, but instead of the blaze you still feel in your veins, this is welcomed. It's like being at a bonfire with the people you care about the most. You taste the tea and jelly babies he had eaten recently against his lips. Your lips part and he slips his tongue in your mouth a little before pulling away.
"Do you want to know what I feel for you?" He asks quietly as he rests his forehead on yours.
"Please..." you whisper. He lets out a nervous chuckle and gives you a lopsided grin.
"Keep your mind open for me." He brings his warm fingers up to your temples and hovers over them for a moment before pressing them against your skin.
You close your eyes as you feel the raw emotions. Happiness, trust, enjoyment, worry, and pure unadulterated love. Love so strong that it nearly knocks you back.
You smile and remember something Vastra did when the Doctor first regenerated into this man in front of you. You hope that although you're a smaller species than the Silurians, maybe you can reflect your feelings into him as well while this link is formed.
You smile a little as you try to push your feelings to him and hear a slight change in his breathing. Is he feeling it? Does he know just how much you love him? His fingers leave your temple and you can no longer feel his presence in your mind. You open your eyes and see him looking at you in confusion.
"How did you do that?" He asks, looking directly into your eyes.
"Well um... when you first regenerated, you wouldn't sleep. Vastra asked you to put the image of perfect sleep into her head and she somehow reflected it onto you. I know I'm not anything special. I'm a boring old human. But I had to see if I could do it. I wanted you to know how much I love you too," you smile, taking his hand in yours. Your smile falters a little though, "was... was it okay for me to do that?"
"Of course. It just surprised me, love." Your heart flutters a little at the nickname and you smile. "Now, Paris! 1813. What do you say?"
"I say... allons-y!" You grin and wink, hearing him groan a little at that.
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rkivepacks · 4 years
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TITLE: In the blurry memories from the other side of my dreams Originally posted on: AO3/dtgloss Pairing: taekook/kookv/vkook (Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jeongguk) Rating: PG13 Genre: Fluff Word Count: 2,889 Trigger Warning/s: Swearing Disclaimer: Title is from Lucid Dream - Monogram. This work is solely from the idea of the author. Should there be similarities with the works of other respected artists are purely unintentional. This also do not reflect on the real lives of the artists portrayed in this work. Comments, suggestions and any other concerns are accepted in my inbox. Thank you! 
[See all works here]
Summary: Jeongguk, Taehyung learns, has a habit of cancelling plans. Plans that were predetermined by Taehyung’s dreams. In his defense, he was not aware that Taehyung has these kinds of dreams. Jeongguk, Taehyung learns, can prove that habits, in fact don’t die hard. or the au where taehyung’s dreams become reality and jeongguk accidentally stops them from becoming a reality until one day he doesn’t that nobody honestly asked for
He remembers this. He learned the difference between deja vu and his dreams when he sees them, or dreams about them, rather. Taehyung would like to think it just happened and not some kind of accident where he hit his head and suddenly he happens to dream about things that eventually becomes real or some asteroid shit he stumbled upon when he was thirteen suddenly gave him his supposed talent. He noticed the pattern when his dreams become real, and he admits quite a handful cant be that pretty. He also learns how to use them to his advantage.
Like that one time he had a dream where his boyfriend in twelfth grade had dumped him. He had four days to prepare himself from the classic ‘it’s not working out’. Or that one time he saw Jimin getting into a compromising situation, prompting his best friend to be careful if he won’t let Taehyung stop him from going to that one club.
And this, he remembers. A dream he once had involves him performing in a theater, a full house at that. He remembers it being a musical. He also remembers the reason why he ended up as a performer is this. He also remembers the most memorable part of his dream - he was apparently romantically involved with the other lead actor who plays the role of the other half of his character.
However, this he does not remember. He does not get along with the said co-actor.
“He’s still salty not getting my role, hyung.” He grumbles for the second time when his Namjoon hyung insists the said co-actor was probably pining for him, because who the fuck goes behind your back and bad mouths about you to the director? Surely not someone who likes you, and your supposed other half as his dream told him. He feels quite betrayed that his dream did not tell him about the said asshole, or maybe he does not remember at all.
Taehyung eyes the milk he badly wants to have, weighing the pros and cons of having it the morning he needs to leave for the call time of his show that day and the consequence of being lactose intolerant before he runs up to his room to grab his bag. He reminds Namjoon of the tickets he reserved for them and that he put them inside his bag already because, hyung if you lose them I will strangle you with the curtains, and leaves his apartment.
Taehyung’s favorite part of being a theater performer is the adreline rush behind the curtains that just closed, signaling the end of the performance. It was a good mess, people congratulating each other, talks of the next performance, and the food. Taehyung was in the middle of texting his friends to wait for him in the lobby so they can all walk to dinner when Director Kang knocks on his dressing room, with people towing behind.
“Kim Taehyung, playing one of the main roles.” Said the director who introduced him to the three people standing near the couch inside his dressing room. One of them was also a director, one he recognizes from the plays he may have seen in the past, the stage manager for this very play he just performed in and -
“Jeon Jeongguk. He was supposed to play the role of Cunnings.” There was a hint of regret in Director Kang’s voice and oh, honestly.
“Really? Why didn’t you?” Taehyung asks just because, why the fuck?
“Minor accident. I insisted on pushing through with rehearsals but recovery will take up half of it.” Jeongguk explains, noticing the inner turmoils inside Taehyung’s head. “Congratulations by the way.” He offers to which Taehyung gratefully accepts with sincere appreciation.
This, Taehyung doesn’t remember. He feels betrayed by his dream because honestly, not informing me of this important information? Life threatening.
Taehyung finds himself explaining what took place in his dressing room to his friends because, Jimin, I could have saved him.
“What are you gonna do? Stop the car? Take the hit? Push him behind you?” Namjoon snorts, followed by a horrible rendition of his infamous line “Why did you do it?” from one of his plays before where he was stabbed and died.
The Performing Arts Theatre has a small community, they would see each other again. Just wait, soulmate.
They had met sooner than they think. It was at the audition of the next major play for the First Quarter of next year. Going through heaps of aspiring actors aiming to earn a role for the major play.
Taehyung had a dream about this. Which is why he came prepared in the form of his best clothes he only wears for his dates. Namjoon thinks he is being a flirt and straightforward, to which Seokjin adds gayforward, Namjoon. Taehyung is gay as fuck. Taehyung thinks he is smart and Namjoon is a little bitch.
Which is why, Taehyung sits at the table with the profiles of the actors in front of him and Jeongguk to his right, in his all black glory. They have shared glances and notes in the first half of the auditions and Jeongguk even got him a water bottle that Taehyung contemplates bringing home with him, because you gotta save the environment and all that shit yadda yadda.
Taehyung had a dream about this. Jeongguk sitting across from him at the sizzling plate diner 2 blocks away from the theatre. Jeongguk talks about the newly-opened diner that was on its soft-opening that he wanted to try, and Taehyung doesn’t wonder why the other members of the panel were not invited because he honestly couldn’t care. Not when Jeongguk has been laughing at him as he blame Jeongguk for leaving him to work with an asshole.
“I met him also. Was a bit smug he got the role instead of me.” He chides.
“He sucks. I just hope he wouldn’t be in the first quarter productions.” Said Taehyung.
“You said you had a minor accident? That’s why you didn’t get to play my other half.” Taehyung bites his burger, still guilt-tripping his future man (he damn will be, Jimin. Watch me).
“I fell funny during dance practice. Therapy kind of took a long time and its compromising with rehearsals. I told them I could do it. Doctor said I’m annoying as fuck.” And maybe Jeongguk made up the last part just to see Taehyung laugh.
Taehyung can’t remember if he had a dream about this. But he doesn’t care. Not when they had to go back to the theatre to be in the second half of the auditions. Not when Jeongguk walked him to his car and got his number. Not when Jeongguk hugged him before he left. Not when he bursted through his apartment and hit Jimin’s back with the door knob and got hit by the slippers because sue him. He’s met the love of his life (My Dream, 2014), he’s happy. Contented--
Jeongguk also ignores the way he doesn’t feel guilty that his packed lunch soiled inside his bag just to get lunch with Taehyung. He also ignores the way Director Kang was looking when he said he had to be somewhere for lunch and had to quickly leave with Taehyung without them knowing. He also ignores the script he needed to memorize just to construct the first message to Taehyung.
“Taehyung what if he’s being nice. You work together.” Jimin says with a pout. The one where he’s honestly just trying to ruin Taehyung’s fun.
“My dreams said otherwise. She also said fuck you Jimin.”
“You knew each other for only a week.” Namjoon adds, breaking Taehyung’s train of thoughts where he had already planned their wedding, their honeymoon in Malta, their first two children named Taehan and Jungmin.
“He’s probably already taken or straight.”
“You’re paying for my fucking drinks tomorrow or I’m stealing your m&m’s stash” Taehyung makes sure of the threat with the force of the pillow he threw aimed at Jimin’s dick.
“What’s your star sign, Tae?”
“Capricorn. Why?”
“I can trust you. Good to know.” Also good to know we’re compatible, Jeongguk adds.
“And you, Jeonniboy? You act like you’re an Earth sign.”
“Ah, kinky.” Taehyung inappropriately comments, making the two of them laugh in the middle of Burger King.
“I’d like to defy stereotypes for us virgos and prove we’re fun. Would you grant me the honor of having a drink with you this Thursday?” Jeongguk inquires, raising an eyebrow, getting too close for Taehyung’s health.
“Is that where you bring your dates?”
“Yeah I get them drunk and dump their bodies behind the bar. Don��t tell anyone.”
“You’re killing the person who’s willing to dispatch a dead body for you?” Taehyung tries his best to sound hurt.
“We’ll if you bring bleach I’ll reconsider.”
“Cut up the bodies and I’ll bring the plastic bag.” Taehyung sounds serious, earning a strange look from the table beside them.
Thursday morning comes too quick but Jeongguk doesn’t mind. He may have prayed for it to come quick but no one questions him aside from Yoongi, who has been judging him for being awake before ten in the morning.
His phone lights up with a message from Taehyung, saying ‘Mind if I bring friends? You can say no, I can tie them up and hide the keys.’ to which he replies with ‘as long as I still have your attention. And because I’m competitive, I’ll also come bearing gifts.’
Fast forward to the night they see each other, respective friends in tow, the group quickly falls deep into conversation. Taehyung sits in the outer part of the booth, with the excuse of having low control for peeing, and Jeongguk excuses himself to the bathroom and comes back to a different seat, now parallel to Taehyung. The two have been in a competition on who can stay sober the longest without having to stop drinking, and Taehyung never failed to give his attention to Jeongguk.
Their current game is a staring contest, where nobody won because Jimin just had to ask-
“do you want a separate table?” Really loudly, gathering the attention of everyone at the table, and snickering.
“Jimin, eat.” Taehyung warns, shoving a big chunk of bulgogi inside Jimin’s mouth, Hoseok laughing really loudly at him.
Jeongguk looks to his left where Yoongi sits, eyeing him that’s almost teasing.
“Hyung, also want one?” Jeongguk threatens, pulling a tight smile, as he picks up a rather bigger chunk of bulgogi.
The night ended with Jeongguk walking Taehyung, helping him pull a very drunk Jimin to his car.
“Designated driver?” Jeongguk asks as Jimin hit his head on the door and Taehyung nods. “Want me to drive you?”
“It’s fine I can manage. You need rest.” Taehyung shrugs, opening the door to his side.
“Text me when you get home.” Said Jeongguk, who later on adds, “please” earning a chuckle from Taehyung.
“You too, please.” And Taehyung would like to think he had a dream about this, of Jeongguk diminishing the space between them to place a kiss on his cheek, and he knows he did not imagine it when his body tilted back a little because of the force. He helpes Taehyung get inside, watching him drive away, before walking back to his own car where Yoongi had been waiting for him, threatening to leave with his car.
Taehyung and Jeongguk have been locked up in the latter’s apartment since the latter had called Taehyung to come help him practice his lines, and Taehyung agreed, will always agree to Jeongguk’s wishes. They had been throwing lines back and forth, Taehyung looking down at the slightly tattered script while forcing Jeongguk to drop scripts.
“Hyung, do you want brownies?” Jeongguk suddenly asks.
“That’s not a part of the script.” Taehyung replies and Jeongguk throws the softest pillow. “You bake?” He gapes.
“Hell no. It’s pre-mix.” Jeongguk yelps as he gets a slap on his thighs.
The two has long abandoned the script and made a bee line towards the kitchen, where Jeongguk has started mixing the butter with the brownie mix and Taehyung sits at the counter top for moral support. His best role.
“Taste.” Jeongguk has his point finger covered in the brownie mix near Taehyung’s lips and the latter tries not to jump the opportunity that quick. “Good?”
“Tasty.” Taehyung wiggles his eyebrows, earning a chuckle and a flush from Jeongguk.
Jeongguk assigns Taehyung the task of mixing the batter while he prepares the oven only to turn around and catches Taehyung dipping his finger on the brownie mix and what seems to be not the first time he’s been doing it. Taehyung has his fingers mid-way to his mouth newly-dipped, covered in brownie mix when Jeongguk gets a grip of his arm, halting his actions causing Taehyung to jolt.
“Traitor.” Jeongguk grumbles playfully, contradicting his first action by guiding Taehyung’s hand to his mouth. And Taehyung, who got a slightly horrible hand-eye coordination, missed his aim a little, a slight whip of the mix getting to his chin, making Jeongguk chuckle. Taehyung, with flushed cheeks and brownies on his chin, aims to wipe it off with his free hand, and Jeongguk with his fast reflex catches his other arm, causing him to practically back hug Taehyung.
“I’ll get it for you.” Jeongguk mumbles, leaning down to wipe the mix on Taehyung’s chin with his own lips, pausing for two seconds, before moving closer to the corner of Taehyung’s lips.
And Taehyung is glad he did not dream of this. Glad he knew he was gonna make a little mess of himself. Glad that Jeongguk was there to clean up for him. Glad of his own way of helping Taehyung. And suddenly, Taehyung has 20 ideas of ending the script he was trying to write.
The smell of the butter pre-heating in the oven pulled Jeongguk away and he’s glad. He wouldn’t know how to explain his actions to Taehyung. “Set up the console?” He asks Taehyung as he pulled away, putting a safe distance between them, before grabbing the brownie mix and turning to the oven.
Later that night, the two (unsurprisingly) are sitting too close to each other, with Jeongguk sitting behind Taehyung, who was sitting between his legs, in an intense game of the classic overwatch. Hoseok comes home and sees the two in a slightly out of context position before turning on his heels quite fast, with the excuse, oh shit, I left my wallet at Yoongi’s. Jeongguk ignores how the back pocket of the older is bulging with his said missing wallet. He doesn’t care. He’s contented.
That night, Taehyung left his apartment with packed brownies and a kiss more secured than the one they shared earlier in the kitchen and Taehyung goes home with a bounce in his steps, wallowing in happiness while munching the brownies, swatting Namjoon’s hand when he tried to sneak a small piece, claiming they are pot brownies.
That night, Taehyung dreams of a laid back date with Jeongguk, going to see a much-anticipated play that was half and an hour away from where they are and a dinner at that damn diner that was still on it’s soft-opening. Taehyung wakes up in the morning with a to-do list that includes preparing his outfit and a rehearsal to attend to. The following night, Taehyung’s dreams include Jeongguk bringing him donuts and milk tea for a working breakfast while the two sit in another auditions, and another intense game of fortnite in his apartment.
Jeongguk, Taehyung learns, has a habit of cancelling plans. Plans that were predetermined by Taehyung’s dreams. In his defense, he was not aware that Taehyung has these kinds of dreams. Jeongguk, as Taehyung’s dream told him, had rightfully brought him his donuts and a milk tea. However, Jeongguk couldn’t attend the second half of the auditions, as he needed to oversee the technical dress rehearsal of the major play of a close friend directing the said play.
Jeongguk, Taehyung learns, can prove that habits, in fact don’t die hard. The former had sent him a text that says I’m picking you up, is thirty minutes enough? to which he replied sure, before screaming and scrambling for his closet in panic. Taehyung sure is wearing the outfit he has prepared the morning after he had the dream where they had a date.
“Where are we going, good sir?” He asks Jeongguk who chuckles.
“Just somewhere.” He shrugs. And Taehyung knows. Knows what they’ll do, where they’re going.
The night happened just as it did in his dream. Turns out the play they have seen was the one Jeongguk was overseeing that one time they had to cancel their second date (as Taehyung’s dream called it). However, Taehyung’s dream purposely left out the part where Jeongguk has his hand wrapped around Taehyung’s the entire time. Or the random kiss he received in the middle of the play (Taehyung swore he cried because of the scene). It also left out the part where Jeongguk stayed the night in his apartment, Jimin and Namjoon caught in the act of munching over his brownies, the one he baked with the person sitting beside him, arms wrapped around him.
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corescorner · 5 years
Charmberry Cove Chapter Two
Chapter Title: Brothers
Wordcount: 3,133
Taglist: @unsocialchapeau @aularei @softest-emo
“Remus!” Roman yells while storming into his twins room, who is lounging in the middle of his floor drawing something and also wearing Roman's hoodie. That is exactly why he's here. “Stop stealing my clothes!” He flails his arms towards his brother in emphasis.
 “Hmm, nope” Remus says popping the 'p' and not looking up from his drawing. Roman huffs, gesturing even more frantically at the other.
 “Are you wearing my pants?”
 “You are insufferable. What else do you have of mine?”
 “Lots of stuff.”
 Roman stares Remus down, hands on his hips waiting for him to crack. Which he doesn't because he never does it's like he's impervious to being intimidated.
 “Stop. Stealing. My. Clothes” Roman enunciates after the glaring doesn't work, and that finally gets Remus to stop ignoring Roman's protests.
 He stops drawing his head slumps towards the floor and groans. “Uuuuuuuuugh, but Rooooooo.”
 “No. No 'but Ro' me mister! We've been through this” he stomps his foot as if to drive his point home.
 Remus slowly raises his head, looking up at Roman with a pout; Roman admits that he cracks a bit at the look.
 No, he needs to stay strong in his decision darn it!
 “Too bad” Remus announces.
 Roman steps back half a step making an incredulous noise, he can't believe he almost just felt sorry for his trash goblin brother.
 “Rude, you are a rude heathen is what you are” he says crossing his arms.
 “Well I don't have many clothes of my own yet that are comfortable enough for me to wear right now, so deal with it Broman.”
 Roman falters in his resolve.
 “Fine, but start asking first” he says as he saunters to his brothers side he sits next to him on the floor.
 “We should go shopping” he decides.
 Remus continues his drawing and hums “you should tell that to Mom. Look at my drawing!” he thrusts the sketchbook at Roman, who of course takes it; they are each other’s best critics after all.
 He stares at the pencil sketch, blinking at the image. It's good? It's weird. But that is the norm for Remus.
“What am I looking at here?” He asks pointing at a jar? Of some sort on the page. “Are these eyeballs?'
“Yep! It's based on my dream last night” Remus informs, Roman nods and points to something else that might be a tree.
“What exactly is this?” He asks and Remus lights up.
“That's a hand tree, it's very grabby” he says while making slow grabby hands, smile wide showing off his neon braces in full display.
Roman recalls when they got their braces maybe under a year ago, a couple months before their twelfth birthday; the doctor said that they'll probably have to have them for a couple years.
When asked what colours they wanted Roman chose to go full rainbow for his tooth accessories, and that is how he's choosing to think of them as.
Remus yelled out in the doctor’s office that he needed his to be glow in the dark neon green and they actually had that as an option much to Remus' delight.
They annoyed Roman for the longest time, still do honestly.
Remus took a weird liking to them immediately though, he said that the feeling was 'funny' and he liked the 'aesthetic' of them, whatever that meant.
Roman just thought that they hurt and took up too much space in his mouth.
Shaking himself out of his thoughts and still staring at his brothers dream picture.
“This is one for The Wall then. Do you need to add any colour to this one?” he asks.
Remus snatches the sketch book back “yea, red!” he replies.
Roman nods, a lot of his dream pictures tend to only have red in them.
As Remus fills in the parts that need red, Roman stares at The Dream Wall. That's what they call the wall that Remus' bed is against, the wall itself is filled with pages upon pages of sketches, on all types of papers in differing colour schemes, from full coloured ones to black and white sketches. Most however only have red accents to them.
“We should go shopping today, I'll ask Patton and Looogan if they want to come with us” he smirks at his brothers now watching eyes.
“Logan too? He doesn't like shopping.”
“Mm, but he's our friend and he'd probably enjoy it nonetheless” he says as he takes out his keyboard flip phone. His first phone, Mom said that they should be able to get in touch with her and each other just in case, so they both got one two months ago for their birthday. Patton and Logan already had phones, Patton got his first one a while ago; Thomas always likes to know where his baby brother is. And Logan is very responsible so his parents didn't see why not.
“How much allowance money do you have?” Roman asks.
Remus slowly looks to him.
Roman sighs.
“You have been saving up like we said we would right?”
“Yes?” Remus says sitting up “but probably definitely not as much as you have.”
“How much do you have?”
“Maybe fifty bucks.”
Roman sighs again. “We've been saving for months, what have you been spending it on? Never mind I don't wanna know” he puts his hand over Remus' open mouth.
“We'll just go to the thrift store then” Roman decides as Remus licks his hand to make it move from his face. “Oh ew, you so did not have to slobber on me” Roman whines, Remus laughs but otherwise ignores Roman's pout.
“You say that like we weren't going to go to the thrift store to begin with.”
“Shush you! I need to text our friends!”
Remus sticks his tongue out at him, going back to adding red to his drawing.
Opening his text option he sends Patton and Logan their own texts.
-Hey Puffball, me and Rem want to go thrift shopping today, care to join us?
-Hey Nerd! We wanna shop wanna come along?
 Logan is the first to reply to Roman's text, he usually always is the fastest to answer; he doesn't like having backed up messages.
-I am sorry Roman I cannot make it today, I am otherwise engaged in an activity with my parents. Perhaps another day?
 “Pff, the little nerd is out” Roman informs Remus, he sees him shrug from the corner of his eye as Patton’s reply comes in.
-aww! that sounds like so much fun! but i cant im helping a friend move. maybe tomorrow if you wanna wait for me?
-Helping a friend move?
 -yea! ill tell you guys about it tomorrow okay? i havta go.
-Alright, have fun with that.
 “That's weird, Patton is helping his friend move?” The concept of Patton helping a friend move isn't what confuses Roman, he can see it perfectly well, Patton helps anyone he can. It's just that... Who is there to move?
“Who's moving?”
“I have no idea, but he said that he's down to do this shopping thing tomorrow, so I'll just text our nerd back and inform him of that.”
-You're free tomorrow right, wanna come then?
-Affirmative, that sounds adequate. I shall see you tomorrow
 For someone who is 'otherwise engaged in an activity' he sure answered that quickly.
And now that that's settled, they're going shopping tomorrow.
If they can get a ride to the next town over that is.
“I'm gonna go ask Mom if she can drive us tomorrow” Roman says, getting up and dusting himself off.
Remus ignores him being fully concentrated on the gore splattering his page his tongue caught between his teeth as he tries to get a blood puddle the right tones of red.
He leaves his brothers room to look for their mother, which was rather easy considering she's sitting at the kitchen table.
He stands in the doorway to the kitchen, looking at her work, she shuffles some papers around.
“What do you need sweetheart?” She asks without taking her eyes off of the page she's scowling at,  then sighs and puts it down. “I need a break, want some lunch? Do you know if your brother is hungry?”
He shrugs, “probably, but I came down to ask if you can drive us to the town over for some shopping tomorrow?”
She sighs as she gets some sandwiches ready, “I'm sorry My Little Prince, that's almost an hour long drive and I have to work all day tomorrow, I need to get this out to my editor by Monday.”
Roman nods “it's alright Mama, I'll figure something out.”
“Oh hey” she perks up, “I know for a fact that Thomas is doing absolutely nothing tomorrow, why don't you ask him?”
Roman's cheeks pink a bit. “Great idea Mother, I shall text Patton to ask him for us.”
She hugs him as she hands him two sandwiches, a bag of chips and two water bottles.
Roman bounds up the stairs with the food, and freezes in Remus' doorway.
“What are you doing?” He asks his twin who just so happens to be halfway out of his bedroom window, he’s backwards and upside down, his legs holding on to the windowsill.
Roman sets the food on the bed and rushes to hold Remus' ankles.
“Hanging out of the window!” Remus yells.
“Yes, I can see that but why?”
“Why not?” Remus rebuttals.
“It's dangerous to start with. You can seriously hurt yourself is why not!” He scoffs honestly, Remus really needs to stop giving Roman heart attacks, he might actually kill him with it one day from what he puts Roman through.
“That's why I have you silly!” Remus flails his arms up towards Roman as if that was the most obvious thing.
“What?” Roman asks.
“Well, you'll always be here to help me, you're The Prince, you'll always save me” he states matter of factually.
Roman's chest squeezes at his brothers pure faith in his capabilities and assurance that they'll always be there for each other.
“Okay, well take this as me saving you right now then and get inside here and away from the window, we are on the second floor you absolute heathen.”
Remus laughs out as he begins to pull himself up, but just falls back down and his laughter doubles after Roman hears a thump.
“Hey Ro? I can't get up.”
Roman stares at his brother in disbelief before his own laughter escapes him in peals.
The next day has come and Remus is excited about the days plan. Usually he doesn't care for shopping, too much waiting around and too many rules to follow. But this is with his friends and that's a whole different situation.
And fucking around in thrift stores is fun.
Jumping out of bed and pulling on Roman's hoodie that he was wearing yesterday back on is as much as he's gonna get dressed considering he slept in yesterday’s pants, so he's good for today.
Banging on Roman's door proves to be amusing for him and annoying for his twin. Roman opens the door, clothes and hair dishevelled an annoyed look across his face.
Remus waggles his eyebrows “you got someone in there Ro?”
“You just woke me up you idiot. It's too early to leave what are you doing?”
“What? No it's not, it's almost ten! Get dressed bitch. Or don't, either way” he shrugs.
“Don't let Mom hear you swear” Roman mumbles sleepily and adds “Thomas said he'd drive us after lunch.”
He pushes his way past Remus to get to the bathroom and closes the door before Remus can utter anything else.
Logan is probably awake, he'll just bother him.
-Hey BiTcH you comin with today yea?
-Good morning Remus, yes I am indeed going to be 'chilling' with everyone today. I informed Roman of this yesterday, did he not pass on the information?
-Sweet! Just confirming! I'm bored Roman is being boring entertain meeeeeeeeeee
-Roman is one of the least boring people I have ever been in the presence of. Though I guess that could be said for all of you. I don't know how I deal with it.
-Shuuut up you love uuus!
-Are you sufficiently entertained?
-why got somthin somthin to be doin over there?
-Not at this very moment I do not.
-ThEN keep talkn to me nerd, tell me nerd stuff
-Very well. What would you like to know today?
 Remus thinks on this, he and Logan do this often when Remus needs a distraction, and Logan is always glad to rattle off some knowledge, especially if he's highly fascinated by the subject matter. Logan can make anything interesting anyway, it's in the way he enunciates with hand gestures and how he explains things.
Remus can listen to nerd shit for forever if Logan was the one talking. It just calms his thoughts.
-Do you have a subject matter you wish to know about or would you like me to just tell you random facts?
-OH HOW ABOUT old torture methods!
 -Ah, that is actually very fascinating to look at through the ages.
-Would you like me to break it down for you or just fun facts for today?
-FuuuuuUN fACts!
-Very well. Did you know that one method was to take an elephant, getting it to slowly crush all the bones in ones limbs before inevitably crushing the person’s skull? Very babaric.
-Was that a Babar pun?
-I, what? No. It was simply a typo.
-I won't tell Paaaaatton your secrets saafe with me
They text back an forth like this for a while. Logan telling him facts on whatever Remus' mind jumps to in that moment.
Roman walks into the living room where Remus is lounging upside down on the couch with his feet up in the air.
“Is Mom gone?” He asks rubbing a towel through his wet hair.
“Ymmmhm” Remus answers he’s not really paying attention to Roman, he has the stuff Logan is sending him to read.
“You talking to Looooogan?” Roman sing songs while setting his arms on the back of the couch to lean on them, looking at Remus expectantly with his eyebrows raised.
Remus kicks him in the head.
He was literally (metaphorically) asking for it, standing in the exact right position for Remus' foot to connect to Roman's head.
“Hey!” Roman squawks, “I just took a shower I do not need your grody feet in my hair!”
“Well you shouldn't be in kicking distance now should you” he shoots at his twin.
Roman huffs, walking out of Remus' sight into the kitchen and comes back with a muffin. For both of them, well that's nice of him.
A muffin thwacks off of his forehead, making him drop his phone on to his face. His phone and the muffin are now on the floor and Roman is in the background laughing his ass off.
Okay, not nice of him then.
He throws his body to the side and flops off of the couch to grab both items. Double chocolate muffin though, score.
“Thomas will be here in an hour or so” Roman informs him.
He wiggles his eyebrows “you been talkin to Thooomas a lot lately brother dear? How scandalous.” He puts his hand to his mouth in mock shock.
Roman splutters “Ugh. Ugh, Remus. Please. He's basically Moms age. And for your information, it’s Patton that's been informing me so ha!”
“Doesn't mean you don't have a cruuuuuuush” he sings.
“Shut up. Go get dressed.”
“I am dressed.”
“You wore that yesterday!”
“Your point?”
“You. Wore that. Yes. Ter. Day.”
“You can't repeat yourself to prove a point.”
“I can if that's my whole point! Which it is cause I can not believe that I need to say it more than once to prove it!”
Remus rolls his eyes “no one caaaaaaaaares.”
“Logan would” Roman mutters.
“Give me some clothes then.”
“Wha- bu- euhhhuuuhuhh.” Roman whines out articulately.
“I'm kidding!” Remus says brightly and Roman relaxes. “I'm not changing” he says in a more serious tone and Roman deflates and whines again.
The hour-ish goes by pretty quickly, with Roman putting on where they left off from Full Metal Alchemist and about halfway through the third episode that's playing the doorbell rings.
The twins open the door to Patton’s smiling face.
“Heya guys! You ready to go shopping!” He bounces in place, giving off waves of pure happiness. Well he's extra happy today, and everyone would have noticed even if he didn't have his gift.
“Hell yea!” Remus shouts loudly as Roman locks the door behind them.
Logan is already seated in the back of Thomas' car and Remus gets in before Roman could so he can sit next to him. Patton climbs into shotgun so he can be in front with his brother.
“Hey guys” Thomas greets them as they buckle and settle in the seats.
“Thomas!” Roman crows “how's my favourite theatre teacher?”
Thomas chuckles “I'm not your teacher yet Roman, school hasn't started.”
Roman scoffs “it starts next week, we're practically there.”
Thomas starts the car and drives out of their driveway.
Its funny watching Roman's attempted flirting with Thomas, cause he so doesn't know what he's doing and Thomas obviously doesn't reciprocate so it just goes over the older man’s head every time Roman tries.
There's mischief in Thomas' eyes and Remus isn't the only one who catches it, he shares a look with Logan then glances to his brother to see his reaction, no doubt it'll be hilarious.
“Well Roman” Thomas begins and Roman perks up, “how do you even know that you'll be qualified for theatre?” He asks 'innocently'.
Patton snickers at his brother and lightly slapping his arm. “Tommy” he softly chastises.
Roman makes the loudest most offended noise Remus has ever heard him make; and they live together.
Logan smiles and Remus loudly chortles at his brother’s expense.
“I'm kidding Ro, I'm sure your audition will blow everyone’s socks off” Thomas says to calm the spluttering prince.
“I'm insulted that you even need me to audition, hasn't my whole life been enough of an audition for you?” Roman says flippantly.
“I can't play favourites Roman” Thomas says.
Patton giggles, “pun intended?” He asks.
“Of course” Thomas replies.
Roman perks up “I'm your favourite?” He asks giddily. Remus snorts, Roman elbows him.
“He just said he didn't do favourites Roman. Listen up” Logan interjects.
“Shut your boyfriend up” Roman whispers to him and he elbows Roman harder than he did to Remus.
The rest of the ride goes similarly and they make it to the other town in what seems like no time.
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meshkol · 6 years
Twitter Threads (or That One Time Tony Dialled It Up to Eleven)
Summary: Social media is hard and full of trolls, and Tony has poor impulse control.
Notes: I hate this so much. Less cracky than I wanted it, because I suck at writing humour. Fill K-3 for the Tony Stark Bingo 2019: Gossip Press. Unbeta'd as per usual. Any relation to existing twitter handles is entirely coincidental.
Warnings: Social Media, Twitter, Homophobic Language, Sexist Language, Ableist Language, Internet, Trolls, Protective Tony Stark, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Goes On A Rampage
No one can say that Tony’s ever had good impulse control, especially about people he loves.
@1234ideclareathumbwar posted: I donno what it is about dr strange but he must suck dick like a pro if hes got iron man whipped god knows theres nothing attractive about him except those dick suckin lips #drstrange #ironman #wtfisstarkthinking
 @100percentDONE-xxx replied: yeah its not like he can give a decent handjob ffs must me the lips or maybe hes just tight every1 knows stark loves a tight whole hes prolly cheating neway poor cripple
 @itsawrapandimreadytoparty replied: Probably just lays there and thinks about the wizard gods just to get that $$$...I’d think of England even for a nymphomaniac drug-addicted sugar daddy too, tbh.
 @BlessYouThor-ness replied: still can’t believe he chose strange over THOR like everyone can see the chemistry between them and tony is such a bottom he’d take thor’s cock so well fuck yes
 @they-did-the-thing777 replied: is it just me or does strange look like an alien maybe there’s no magic at all just aliens and he’s got a tentacle dick and stark just wants to mark off another box on his worlds-biggest-slut checklist #tonystarkispathetic
 @snowflakes_makeme_lol replied: hes just fkn ugly i s2g stark id spread 4 but strange??? that bitch be ugly asf n not worth gettin my dk wet prolly get aids
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: You guys are the pinnacle of our evolution and I am in awe of your genuine kindness and polite generosity (and grammar). Wow, I can’t believe Stephen Strange saved all of your jerkass lives TWICE for this shit and you know what? Everyone knows I’M the cocksucker in this relationship, dumbfucks.
 @kiki_blow_this_popsicle_stand replied: HOLY SHIT LMAO
“What are you doing?”
He doesn’t bother looking up from his tablet, backing away from that thread because he has no interest in seeing the replies, and hunting for the next war he can wage. “Destressing,” he replies gleefully, clicking on a thread that mentions Pepper. He can feel Rhodey behind him – and, what’s more, he can feel the disapproval seeping out of his pores too now that he’s peeking over Tony’s shoulder – but he’s on a roll, and fuck impulse control when he can sass and bitch on twitter. Some people just need to be removed from the genetic pool of the human race and not be allowed to procreate, honestly.
Somewhere in bumbfuck-nowhere, Fury is having a coronary and Stephen is rolling his eyes so hard they’re permanently lodged in his cranium.
@rudethatyoureallamatwink posted: Does anyone else think that Pepper Potts only got the job at Stark because she’s got awesome legs and a great twat and Tony Stark wanted to stick his dick in? #idfuckher #pepperpotts #starkindustries #idfuckhimtootbh #tonystark
 @MyNameIsGoFuckYourself replied: lol ur gross shes like 35 or smth but wvr u want crusty ol lose pussy u do u bro #oldchickgross #getbotox
 @shredderinmymetal3-14 replied: @MyNameIsGoFuckYourself lmao wtf?? He started fucking her when she was like twenty or something so she was still nice and tight back then. I mean I’d still fuck her right now cause she’s one hot cougar and I bet she’s learned a thing or two from the Slut Extraordinaire. And anyway, how tf do you know what her cunt’s like?? The only hole you’ve fucked is your mom.
 @queeen-bee-says-hi replied: Wow, you guys are pigs. Pepper Potts is a strong, independent, beautiful woman who is worth a thousand of all you, and your mothers would be ashamed of you all.
 @gags_are_the_best_fight_me_bitch replied: @queeen-bee-says-hi hey look theres the feminazi if you want i can replace that stick up your pussy with my dick you know you need it ill fuck you real good show you what a real mans like
 @truthisanillusion replied: I’ll fuck @queeen-bee-says-hi AND @OfficialPotts_CEO at the same time fucking feminazi cunts, god knows you bitches would be grateful for my prick in your gaping lesbian pussies
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: Wow. So. Uh.
1. That’s revolting and my AI just delivered the IPs of @gags_are_the_best_fight_me and @truthisanillusion to the authorities for premeditated violence, rape, and hate crimes. You’re welcome, and feel free to send a cash donation to the charity of your choice for my thoughtfulness. I’d recommend something for women’s or LGBTQ+ rights, and I’ll match it with a multiplier of 1000x.
2. @queeen-bee-says-hi, good for you, and I can see from your profile that you’re a student. Consider your crops watered and your schooling paid for, all the way to your twelfth PhD if you want it.
3. @OfficialPotts_CEO can and will murder you with her pinky nail. I’ve taken on Thanos and I’d rather go ten rounds with him than piss her off. THAT’S why she’s CEO, not because of her admittedly awesome legs.
4. I hate this hellsite. If I buy it, can I kill it?? Rhodey says “technically” so I’m gonna look into that now.
 @i_stan_one_legend_named_virginia_p_potts replied: IRON MANNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! DEFEND THE QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!! #PEPPERPOTTS4PRESIDENT
 @iaminlovewithcapandimunashamed replied: lmfao incels be fkd when #ironman comes to town
 @truthisanillusion replied: Hey @YouKnowWhoIAm No one trusts you or likes you, you fake ass super “hero” taking it up the ass like a faggot stfu and die already, kthxbye
 @queeen-bee-says-hi replied: whAT OH MY GOD THAT IS NOT NECESSARY
 @OfficialPotts_CEO replied: Tony, stop picking fights and threatening to buy twitter or I’ll ground you. And just accept the gift, @queeen-bee-says-hi - after all, he’s already done it.
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: Shut up Pepper, you aren’t the boss of me.
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: And jokes on you @truthisanillusion because I’m already dead inside come at me bitch I’ll be the one in the multi-billion-dollar suit of armor surrounded by Avengers
 @OfficialPotts_CEO replied: Actually, I am. Don’t make me take away your toys. Or call @Sorcerer_Supreme_With_A_Scalpel. He’s on speed-dial, sweetheart, and he likes me better than you.
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: Rude.
 @Sorcerer_Surpreme_With_A_Scalpel replied: The last time you threatened someone, your house got blown up. Please refrain from egging on internet trolls or I’ll dump you for Rhodes for my own sanity.
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: ALSO RUDE.
“You know, I’m not even remotely bi-curious and I would totally tap that,” Rhodey says absently, though his lips are quirking into a smirk.
Tony rolls his eyes. “Hands off, you little shit, or I’ll tweet about that one time in MIT when you ate that—”
“Fuck you.”
“Been there, done that,” Tony quips cheerfully. “Not remotely bi-curious my ass—”
“You know what’s better than picking fights with twelve-year-olds on twitter? Kicking your ass right here. You come at me, Stank.”
Tony opens his mouth to reply but then gasps, already losing himself in another thread after sending a middle finger emoji into the last one.
@mwahahaha-666 posted: You guys can wax poetry about Tony Stark all you want, but screw that basic-ass rich boy - everyone knows Doctor Strange is the smokin’ hot one. #takemenow #mybodyisready #drstrange
 @ukulele_jedi_master replied: PREACH!!! stark may be loaded but stephen is the one that looks like a prada model giMME THAT MAGICAL DICK
 @xxx-foreverfit-xxx replied: Fuck both of you. I just wanna be a fly on the wall when they’re fucking each other...or better yet, DIRECT them on how to ruin each other #ironstrange #otp
 @highpercentageofuselessnessachieved replied: i wonder if he can clone himself like can u imagine?? being fucked from all ends by #drstrange cock?? what i wouldn’t give to be tony stark omfg i don’t even want the money just the hard dickin from that fine piece of ass
 @its_a_fact_that_captain_america_has_a_big_dick replied: He’s got Iron Man wrapped around his little finger so he must have the biggest dick and the know-how to use it properly. Yes pls and thank you very much, I’ll take that monster dick pronto.
 @TGBYHN_4_LYFE replied: dude i tell u what i would do what @xxx-foreverfit-xxx said: sit in the corner w a ridign crop in 9’’ stilettos rubbin myself while directing them 2 do what i want...make em touch n stroke n suck n bite n fuck each other til they cant walk anymore n then cuddle w them n stroke their hair
 @catcatcatcat-cat replied: I would give my college education, my life, my cow, and my internet access away for the rest of my life for a sex tape
 @xxx-foreverfit-xxx replied: @TGBYHN_4_LYFE omfg fuCK YES CAN YOU IMAGINE listening to them moan as they lost themselves in each oter, so fucking desperate to get off that they’re begging you to let them cum even as they try their hardest to obey, covered in precum and sweat and hot as fuck
 @bigfoot_is_nessie1987 replied: I s2g the amount of fanfiction I write about those two alone should have me committed but I literally can’t stop the two of them are so fucking hot together that it should be illegal god bless Iron Man and Dr Strange and their sexy, sexy chemistry and sexy, sexy bodies #killme
 @one-upon-a-time-in-asgard2 replied: They are the hottest couple in the history of the universe and so fucking pure I love them both so much also @bigfoot_is_nessie1987 I demand a link to your fics cuz I’m always looking for more ironstrange porn #otp #ironstrange
 @YouKnowWhoIAm replied: @Sorcerer_Supreme_With_A_Scalpel Hey, they think you have a big dick. Little do they know that they’re totally right and that you also have the added bonus of actually BEING a big dick too! #dontthreatentoleavemeforplatypus #orilltagyouinthirstposts #awesomethirstposts #stephenhasabigdick #andiloveit #goodshit
 @mwahahaha-666 replied: OH MY DUCKING GOD
 @its_a_fact_that_captain_america_has_a_big_dick replied: Well, I’d be mortified that Tony Stark is replying to this except Tony Stark is acTUALLY REPLYING TO THIS BLESS YOU IRON MAN
 @Sorcerer_Supreme_With_A_Scalpel replied: One of these days I’m going to murder you with your own bravado and not lose a night’s sleep over it. And fine, I won’t touch Rhodes...I’m sure Rogers is free anyway, and he’s always so polite when I visit.
 @bigfoot_is_nessie1987 replied: Please don’t read my fanfiction I will literally combust in embarrassment also I am dying over here in Copenhagen omfg
 @catcatcatcat-cat replied: ...oh my god what does that mean you guys are MARRIED??!?! BLESS THE WIZARD GODS!!!!
 @Sorcerer_Supreme_With_A_Scalpel replied: Rhodes, I know you’re reading over his shoulder, so if you could please take away his phone now before he ends up on the cover of the Times...or breaks the internet. Again. Thank you in advance.
Tony reacts immediately, trying to make a break for it, but Rhodey’s already tackling him into the couch, a hundred and ninety pounds of lean muscle and pretty Class As. Tony hisses breathlessly, the wind knocked out of him, and he struggles valiantly to keep his hands on his tablet while Rhodey does his best to rip it away. He doesn’t have a very good position so he makes a hair-brained, split-second decision to throw his body weight to the side, making them both roll off the couch. Rhodey’s a jerk though, and manages to react fast enough so that Tony takes the brunt of the impact, and he can’t even help but groan in a mixture of mild pain and disappointment as he feels the tablet being removed from his lax fingers.
“Sucks to be you, Stank,” he says breathlessly, fingers flying over the keyboard, and Tony cranes his neck until he can read Rhodey’s reply (and on Tony’s fucking account what in the hell!):
@YouKnowWhoIAm replied: I think I broke your hot mess of a husband, Stephen. Come collect him before he murders me with his eyes or gets his hands on another electronic device. We’re in the lab.
Three seconds later, Stephen walks through a portal, looking oh-so-fucking-gorgeous in his battle robes, and wearing a scowl of irritation that bodes well for rough, mock-angry sex in the near future.
Tony grins unapologetically, and abandons the lure of social media in exchange for his pseudo husband.
It’s an easy choice.
Also read on ao3.
Feel free to prompt me things on my Bingo Card!
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sightofsea · 7 years
rating all of the doctors outfits based on how gay they are
first doctor:
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i can tell this was once something gayer. it gives off the vibe of a brideshead revisited cover if u aged everyone up 70 yrs. the plaid pants mean something, the coat but its just not...cohesive. 5/10
second doctor:
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see, this is very much like ones, but the bow tie adds the nutty professor vibe. it very much gives off the vibe of someone who is the town eccentric who has a very straightlaced husband. the haircut might be a dealbreaker but its the same shape of one belonging to a lesbian living in 1982. 7/10 for the solidarity working here in this outfit
third doctor:
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this is a gay person. this is sincerely just the gayest of people. the ruffle shirt, the coat? whatevers on his shoulders?? the STANCE?? yes, pose is everything here too. and god does it bring this full circle. 10/10
fourth doctor:
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now see i love four as much as anyone but this distinctly reminds me of a straight guy i knew freshman year of college who dressed almost exactly like this, with no knowledge of the show itself, and i cant disconnect these two people now. sorry, dude. 2/10 bc of the rainbow scarf, thank you for showing your support
fifth doctor:
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this is the haircut ive only seen on gay women, and the squat + that jacket is making me dysphoric. good job five only gay outfits can make me hate my body like this. 9/10
sixth doctor:
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this irritates me, but only a gay person would go to this level of carefully coordinated outfit disasterhood and i have to respect it. 8/10
seventh doctor:
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the stance, the vest, the umbrella, the scarf.....this outfit would be up there if it werent for the hat. it reminds of every straight guy i know from comic book clubs. you were so close but like icarus you flew too close to the sun. 6/10
eighth doctor (move): 
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this is gay in the fact its super victorian and the repression is just coming off in waves, an inherently gay act i know well from my childhood. the long hair rly solidifies the cohesiveness and vibe this look creates, but it doesnt hold the iconicness it needs to get rly up there. 5/10
eighth doctor (short):
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NOW THIS IS THE ICONICNESS I NEEDED! the outfits basically the same vibe wise but the loosening of everything? the blood? the haircut. this is the look of not just an icon, but a bicon. 9/10
war doctor: 
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aaaand here’s the same outfit again, but its......i dont know. i cant get into it. maybe its the weird fauxhawk. ill give props to the scarf, and whatevers going w the calf area. 4/10
ninth doctor:
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leather jackets inherently give off the gay vibe, and that’s my second choice in hair if i didn’t have the worlds lumpiest head. the v neck deters me slightly but i feel it could go either way. 8/10
tenth doctor: 
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i know so many butch lesbians that dress like this, and i love it. everything just works so well here. the suit, the hair, the sneakers, the coat....every piece is so unneccessary and just adds to the look of it all. 10/10
eleventh doctor: 
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this outfit is accompanied w the inherent vibe and premonitions of the twirling and hand gestures, and that should make this super gay. anybody who decides to look like a schoolboy from 1958 is gay. and i want it to be, but again straight guys have adopted this and made the connection in my head to the point where it detracts a little. so, 7/10
twelfth doctor: 
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twelve has like six different outfits but this one is my favorite, and i wanted to add bill in here because i love here and want to rate her outfit. like, honestly the bomber jacket? the patches?? the hair bow?? i love her so much. 10/10 always.
anyways, twelves outfit. this is peak emo. the shirt, the hoodie, the velvet jacket.....its hot topic chic, but in a good way. he looks like your cool gay uncle whose not rly ur uncle but teaches you how to skateboard. i want this exact outfit. i want both of their outfits, right now. 10/10 for the both of them honestly
thirteenth doctor:
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do i even need to say it. id say harold and leave it at that but i want to talk about this so bad. the boots n socks. the suspenders. the haircut, and let us just look at that rainbow shirt. this is the outfit i see all the popular tumblr lesbians wearing. this is what a gay person wears, and i have never felt so called out for my fashion choices until i saw this and knew i could probably recreate it with whats in my closet right now. 500/10. gay rights personified. i love women
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It was finally time for him to check up on them, he might not be able to get back to the exact year they landed back to or had been when things went down. But he could keep his distance and a few years after everything happened. 
But t had finally come to the time he felt ready to check up on the Ponds. Really make sure what Amy wrote to him was true, that she had found Rory and they lived happily. 
He just had to be sure. 
He wrung his hands together and took a deep breathe. He was just going to keep his distance and see what happened. He was wishing and hoping for the best, pulling the lever to get the TARDIS going now as it travelled through the vortex now. 
“Let’s see how they are doing..” 
(starter with 12 for @thegirlwhowaited-dw​ )
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