#[ the princess and the turtle -aflockoffeathers]
ducknotinarow · 1 year
Casey is just going to, casually, curl an arm around Raph's hip, and give a tug. Their grip was strong enough to get the Terrapin to move an inch, Casey trying to encourage Raphael onto his lap, but not so strong they couldn't easily break away if they weren't comfortable with the idea. The blush on Casey's face was burning as he did this though, blue hues flickering between Raph and his lap as he gave another tug. He knows he needs to be direct with Raphael, but he's hoping the bonehead has enough sense to clock onto what he's trying to get them to do right now.
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Raphael dose smirks just faintly to himself as he gazes over to the side watching Casey little move. The whole cliched as hell gesture of the fake stretch out of his arm before he moved to let said arm rest over the back of the couch oh but oops its on your shoulders instead. Dork. Is all the turtle can think but he doesn't mind it one bit he won't say it but it's cute. So he reciprocates by moving in just a little closer, letting his thigh press in against Casey's own. A way to sort of flirt back with the idiot. But Casey didn't seem to just stop there once Raph was closer he could feel Casey's arm move down so it would curl around his hip. Leaving their arm free to drag over Raphael's scales, if he could Raph knew the small touch would leave him with goosebumps. Which slightly annoys him how one little move could work on him as Casey tugs him in. No resistance on the turtles end as he finds him self in the strong embrace of Casey's hold. Not quite catching what they were up to he simply sticks to being brought in closer to them.
Casey was pretty physically affectionate after all laying an arm over Raph or play wrestling with him. So, sure Raph sort of just assumed that was just more of what was going on here. Way all to aware of how Casey's hand rested on his hip right now, did make a shiver work down his spine, the spot burned. Trying to just keep focused on the TV but he honestly couldn't care for whatever they were watching anymore. Or pretend he even knew. Before Raph can really think on how to reciprocate he feels another tug, he's nearly glued to Casey side right now. Sure he liked, okay more than liked being right up against the guy but still.
"Case what are ya doin' I can' get any closer to youes 'han ya got me!" Raphael turns to look at them now, Raphael was not much for subtle despite the whole ninja training under his belt. Always more a direct approach guy. As slightly snaps at Casey. "Jeez ya pull me over any more and 'm basically be right on top of- oh."
Slowly pieces came together as he noticed the blush tinting Casey's tanned skin. How their blue eyes flicker slightly towards their own lap and then returned their gaze back to the turtle himself. They didn't offer any verbal response just another tug. Now Raphael seems to follow that was exactly what Casey wanted. "bonehead"
Is all the turtle grumbles before looking down to Casey's lap not fully sure how he wanted him to sit, Raph did move once he had it all figured out. Swinging his leg over and following the motion as he set his hand on to Casey's shoulder. Straddling their lap as he find his new seat on Casey's legs. The perfect little perch to call his throne as he settles in getting comfortable. Eyeing the way Casey smirks his way once having Raph in his lap. Raph's not sure if its because he got his way or because Raph didn't exactly show any resistance to the idea. near about jumping at the chance. Feeling Casey's hands rest on to his hips. Eyeing how they still were sporting that blush to their face. Raphael moves to brush Casey's hair back, letting his fingers push deep blue strands of hair past Casey's ears. As he let his hands cup the sides of Casey's face in his hands. Just soaking in Casey's looks. That damn smirk, those deep blue ocean eyes before he knocked their foreheads together. His affections were rare but didn't mean he didn't like showing it to Casey, as he stoles a short lived kiss from Casey's lips. Loving how soft they were.
"Idiot" he says it softly in his husky tone, its not said but it's in his tone, a claim that Casey was his idiot. It's still cute though Casey feeling a need to play at little games to flirt and get his turtle closer to him. Not that Raphael fully understood why they wanted him in his lap. Did he mind it? Not really. Kind of liked it. How close it let him be to Casey, plastron against their shapely chest. Getting to soak in Casey's warmth from where he sat. Raphael shift to get more comfortable in his position as he focused on Casey's lips. Snout brushing against Casey's nose, as he leaned in again beak meeting Casey's mouth. Once more all the turtle can think is just how soft Casey's lips were, how tasteful and addictive it was making him lean in to them as he let himself get lost to the feeling he had so many times.
Rapahel focused on the pair of lips pressed to his beak as he can feel Casey's fingers dig into the flesh of his hips. A small blow of air escapes his mouth a content sigh break between them. Trying to keep back that damn sound he feels Casey's trying to work out of him with the motion right now, but there's a faint bubble in the back of his throat. As he can feel Casey squeeze at his thigh, Raphael moved a hand back to cradled the back of Casey's hair. Letting fingers dig into the soft hair letting them comb through them. He can feel something wet swipe over his beak, and he parts his mouth the second his mind can clock in on it being Casey's tongue. Nibble against Casey's bottom lip, always mindful not to bite down too hard but making use of the sharp edges his teeth had. He can feel Casey start to pull back, but the red banded turtle had only a slight taste and clearly was already starting to crave more. Lunging forward as he slammed their mouths together. Letting teeth class a moment. Suddenly needy as he found Casey's tongue. And their little battle picked up. No different than when Casey would suddenly tackle him to start up a game of play wrestling they left them nothing but a tangle mess of limbs. Grabbing at any part of the other, rolling over the floor. As bodies pressed in against one another. Raph finds himself pressing down against Casey as his mind slowly fogs over with the image playing in his head. Hand moving to drop and find home on Casey's biceps.
Feeling over the tone muscles as he let his thumbs work small circles to dig in to Casey's flesh. Engaging in a battle of dominance as Raphael pushing past Casey's teeth, melting in against them he can't help but let the pleasant churr purr out against Casey as he grounds his hips down against Casey's pelvis. Just eating and feeding into the whole moment he easily loses himself in the heat of it all that he nearly misses the feeling of Casey breaking their kiss. Mouths parted enough to breath between them, Raph can feel how Casey's deep husky voice comes across his beak as they seem unable to help themself. He can hear the smirk tugging at the corner of Casey mouth calling him princess just now. Soon Raph's hold changes from a clear desperate desire for them to gripping at the collar of their red tank. Pressing his face against Casey's those churrs turning into low growls.
"I may be in ya lap but don' 'hink I won't kick ya fine ass!" They both know know Raphael was nothing but all bark likely why Casey only smiles at him the damn fuck smirk still on their face. It clearly from the color now painting Raph's face, he doesn't fully hate that little nickname. But he dose feel called out when ever Casey uses it. So easily worked into their lap, and how suddenly the turtles sought out Casey's touch and more from the simple closeness it brought them. Raph can't deny the need he fall into even from turtle habits getting the better of him. Casey calls him out again with a simple 'sure princess' and it only makes the red in Raph's face grow hotter.
Raphael make another shift spreading out on legs as he sets his knee on to Casey's legs now, pushing between them so they spared out across the cushions. Grip on the red fabric between his hands only grows tighter. He fucking hates that nickname. Ignoring the fact that isn't true in the slightest or he would have told Casey that. Calling him princess was like pointing out just how easy Raphael was to roll over and let them have him. There's really nothing wrong with it but when you pride is as huge as Raphael's? it a sure fire way to go and rile up the guy. And Casey just seems to eat up the fact one word alone seemed to work up the turtle. How Raphael felt his next action would somehow change their turn or mind on this, could only be blamed on the clearly growing tightens in his shell. As he slips his knees in closer letting it rub in against the crotch of Casey's joggers. The thinner fabric made it so much easier to feel the outline of their dick. Earning a deep moan from Casey.
"Say it again I dear youes." Raphael threatens letitng his breath beat against Casey's mouth, what exactly was the threat here? Cause the singles couldn't be blamed for getting a slight mixed. As Raphael worked his knee against Casey's crotch. Sure if he wanted her could go for the dirty tactic and knees Casey in the ever so sensitive area. But Raphael may play dirty at times he wouldn't do that if hes clearly trying to work up Casey with the motion and touch. All he's getting is that damn knowing smug smirk from his boyfriend. Only Casey seemed able to rile him up in such a way and Raphael swears they get off to it. "I fuckin' hate you." He says they both know that's a lie. "I ain't a fuckin' princess dickweed." Is all he goes to add before beak in planted firmly against Casey's mouth once again.
Casey took the turtle in to his arms. Making it easier for them so they didn't have to lean forward so much to meet their kiss. Raph letting go of Casey shirt, unsatisfied till they were close together once again. Plastron glued to Casey's wide broad chest. Not a single protest between them when thier bodies came closer. The faint sensation of Casey's hands working over his shell gives Raphael dull satisfaction. Despite how it may seem he could feel how Casey's touch trailed over ever groove of it.
This is why he hated that damn nickname. It gave Casey something over him, how much it just shows how he needs and wants them that he allows it. Smug bastard seemed aware of it too. Raphael is pleased at least when they both break from the kiss at the same time. Forehead resting against the others as thar slowly catch thier breath. Raphael can feel his body humming from it alone. Letting his head fall into the crook of his neck when he caughtes sight of that damn look. Letting teeth sink into Casey's skin. A faint warning to his bite as he pulled back and planted a kiss to the skin. Now sporting Raphael’s marking. Before he continues mapping out his kisses along thier skin. Raphael had clearly been hitting his limit, he could drop at any second here. But fuck if he was giving Casey that satisfaction.
Even with his lust boiling in the moment. Soaking up every touch from Casey, even ifnit came with the simply taunt. He pressed his knee in further against Casey's confined cock moving to straddle on of thier thighs to ground himself slightly. He wants Casey to break first tell him he wants him. Then he'll let Casey have him he decides. Eger mouth pressed against Casey's neck. Follow bites far more gentle nibbles, love bites to decorate Casey with. As he gently nibbled against their Adam's apple. Letting his tounge slip out and drag across the smooth skin. Bathing Casey in his hit heated breath. Every inch wanted Casey so bad in the moment, but his pride was winning here. A rough lick given as Raph let his hands work between their bodies. Hiking Casey shirt up. He knew thier weak spot as he let hands trail up to chest. The well defined muscle just begging to be felt over. As Raph wasn't shy to take a good handful of Casey's firm developed pecs into his hands. Thumbs feeling over nipples in small gentle circles.
Raph dose soak up the sound of Casey's moans vibrating out from thier vocal chords. Is it possible to have a kink for that? Or was it lole a voice kink? Either way he dose softly churr over the sound and feeling. Needing more and he gentle drags his teeth over that spot thar got it out of Casey. Fuck he loved that reaction so much.
Just keep making that noise, Raphael thinks to himself. As he contuies to bite and lick over thier neck. Tail easily waging behind him. Just contuing like this till hear hears the faints hint of a want from Casey. Any tempting to bule ball casey is in the futherest corner of him mind right now at least. Due to the unbearably tighten in his shell Casey was safe from Raphael being thar much of bastard right now. Suddenly he gets what he wants and pulls away from Casey neck loving the blush on there face, lifting a hand to cup thier face as his thumb stroke over the bright red coloring. Once again leaning it to tap his forhead to Casey's. Chuuring against thier mouth as he just keeps close to them for a moment. "Idiot."
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
[Rosalina 2k3 Raph - not the first time a turtle got into space :'D]
Rosalina stared, quiet, nothing different there, observing this new Turtle that had found their way onto her Observatory. This wasn't the first time she had a sudden visitor, but this isn't one she had recognised from her hundreds years of travel. The Worlds always reset every hundred years, even if not the same, but this is quite different. Feet gliding above the floor, she approached the red masked stranger cautiously,
"...Welcome..." Rosalina speaks delicately, "I am Princess Rosalina, and this is my Comet Observatory..." A simple explanation, surely there will be no questions, "May I ask how you got here...?"
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Shell pressed up against a wall as he was peering around the side it seemed clear good. Moving to the next hidden space, he could find quick and fast on feet as he took cover once more. Looking around once again as vision was scanning his surroundings if it weren't for the fact he had no idea how he got here in tje first place, he might take a moment to admire it. It was like je was resting among the stars themselves after all. A wide, unending, vast sea of stars nearly all over the place. If it weren't for the fact he was lost, separated from his brothers, and slightly worried because of those two facts alone. Far as he could tell, he was here by himself. Least if Leo was here, he had a better plan on where to go. Heck, maybe Donnie would be able to tell what happened or give some theory? It would be easier to focus if even Mikey was here to be the one scared and worried or distracted by pointing out the situation.
Raph just growls to himself as he looks around again. This place seemed empty? It mostly was just this tall tower in the center full of...star people? Were they people or like animals? Alien's? Watching one simply just floating in the air. They could be graud or something? That might be a bit too suspicious, a thought even for Raphael.
Sure, him being cautious was a good thing for once but he wasn't getting anywhere like this he needed to figure out where he was and fast so he can get back home! Maybe this was like the time before? So what he just waits till someone brings him back like Splinter had? This was all making him feel restless at best. Not having a single lick of information to work with her le was just getting annoying. He looks back to the star creature he saw before, he'd see a few they didn't seem hostile?
"If I get killed cause of 'his Casey gonna laugh at my grave." He groans but moves from his hiding spot at last. Waiting and being patient wasn't exactly a strong suite for him, after all. As he strolls over towards the nearest star creature. Sizing them up a moment he doesn't grab for a sai, but he keeps his arms at his sides just in case. "Hey you! I wanna talk to ...star thing?" He wasn't trying to be intimidating but he can't help the harsh tone in his voice. "Uh look im lost I guess I jus' need ta know ..where this is I guess for starters?"
He starts to ask, but it's clear from the odd sound the star makes he might not be getting answers here. He already feels defeated but tries to keep talking to this thing. It's his only lead after all till he throws his arms in the air. "Don' any one here talk normal!"
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Raph turns on his heels at the sound of a voice, another voice that is. A bit surpised when hos eyes land on the sight of a floating women? "I think I hit my head." The star creatures of platform in space were one thing but now flying people? Well guess he should be greatful for a maybe human? She looked humanish at least? As she floating over to him seeming more curious about him. Where Raphael was a but more suspicious of her taking a step back so the space between them was greater.
He voice is soft, controlled even her gaze seems simply curious as well. Raph just keeps to where he is none the less. Offering a slight nod of his head. Well if she was up to anything he guessed she would be approaching like this right? Still though he can't lower his graud just in case.
"I am Princess Rosalina, and this is my Comet Observatory..."
"Observatory?" He parrots back now looking away from her to the lonely tower here. Didn't look loke the ones on his home but that must means it had a telescope right? Like thise fancy ones Don talks about?
"May I ask how you got here...?"
"Err...princess, I don't know?" Raphael states as he finally eases how he stands, rubbing at the back of his neck as he figures well she can at least talk normal so he doesn't have many other options here. So he kind of has to trust her though in truth she seemed like he could? Maybe he just has a thing for blue eyes but well she didn't seem to hold any malice in her gaze when she looked at him. He sighs and andnproperly stands up. " 'm Raphael, but 'hing is 'm not positive. I 'hink I got beamed here? Or somethin' 'ike that? Kind of iffy on the how's?" He offers to her before looking around "definitely ain' my home that's all I know Princess Rosalina." He offers to her "you called this an Observatory though? Dose 'hat mean you got a telescope? Or somethin' 'ike one?" Be his luck telescopes weren't a thing for whatever she was. "Maybe I can look at it to figure out where I am?" And how far he was from home though surrounded by stars already made him prettt sure he was to far away from home as is. He pauses a moment "Uh not ta be rude sorry jus'...I gotta get back there's people I need to return is all." His brothers and Casey. What did they think? He hopes none of them were in a situation like he was though. "Soon as I figure 'hat out I'll be outta ya hair princess."
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