#[ the emerald masquerade // murder mysteries ]
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slasheddreams ¡ 4 months ago
CHAPTER ZERO // THE EMERALD MASQUERADE [ broken glass // blood rain ] - The Emerald Masquerade - MURDER MYSTERIES [ broken glass // blood rain ]
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This is the original, unaltered story for the Emerald Masquerade. The contents of this story is not for the faint of heart. Read the context warning list very carefully. You've been warned.
content warning for: [ themes of gambling, smoking, and drinking, themes of sexual abuse and assault, themes of violence and exploitation against minors, themes of loss and death, implications of self-harm and disordered eating habits, themes of murder/death, and more. ]
[ read moderator ame's note about the emerald masquerade here please ]
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… we live in a world filled with so much blood and regret, and it’s too late to turn back now.
Blood dripped from the edge of the bottle, his crimson blood mixing with the fine, crimson wine. His chest squeezed, his chest ached, and his chest burned. Mangled white hair, stained red with wine, a slumped body on the ground. Unmoving.
Why wasn’t he moving?
Why wasn’t he moving?
Chloe paused a moment, her fingers gently clasped around the small, golden entrance ticket. The Emerald Gemstone Casino, the world’s largest gambling casino venue, home of the elite and the powerful, a symbol of wealth and power. The golden edges of the casino glowed like heaven in starlight, Chloe thought. What a beautiful White Night it was, the perfect night for the Emerald Casino’s “Emerald Masquerade Ball”.
Tucking a strand of her light brown hair behind her ear, she couldn’t help but marvel at it. The golden fountains, the glistening porcelain tiles, the lovely greenery… everything about this casino screamed grace and elegance.
Gently, she tucked her hand behind her head, a soft hand laying against the golden ornaments in her hair. Pinned to a teal headband, completed with a brown bow and white pearl beads, it was something simple yet, one of a kind. Hand sewn by Chloe herself.
Her gloved hand gently smoothed down the creases in her vest, clearing her throat nervously as she nodded. Rehearsing a greeting in her head, drafting potential responses to potential questions, preparing for the ultimate social death… awkwardness. Oh, how she loathed social contact. She spoke too much, too quickly, always having too much to say but never enough substance to say it with. In short, she was a yapper and she knew it.
A young, attractive blonde man stood by the side of the reception desk, with the most mesmerizing set of purple eyes. A light blush on his cheeks, the most gorgeous set of eyelashes (Chloe wondered what mascara he wore.), and a smile that would melt the ice in even the coldest of hearts.
“Welcome to the Emerald Casino, dear guests. I’ll be your guide for tonight’s masquerade, may I see your tickets?”
The guest in front of Chloe, a young woman in a rather gorgeous pink sweater dress and the loveliest, caramel-colored hair, dug through a small, heart-shaped bag resting on her hip. Chloe watched as she pulled out a small, golden ticket from the bag with an infectious grace. White gloves passed off the ticket to the blonde-haired desk attendant, who responded with a light chuckle. 
Chloe paused, her eyes falling on the beautiful woman’s long hair. A caramel blonde at the top, fading into a rich coffee brown at the bottom, pulled back into an utterly gorgeous French braid. (It was so long, she wondered how long it took the woman to grow it. Was it dyed? Extensions? She was so, so curious.) And the love-struck pink of the woman’s dress? Paired with the comforting material of a knitted sweater, combining fashion with comfort? As an aspiring fashion designer, she respected the creative force behind it. And the eggshell fluffy boa and those pink stockings? Chloe debated asking the lady about the designer, but she didn’t want to come off as a creep.
Shifting on her heels, she peeked over the woman’s shoulder. She was the next in line… and glancing at the reflection in her phone, she was the last to arrive. She wasn’t late… but everyone else invited seemed to have come rather early. (And she thought being fifteen minutes before the start of the party was excessively early.)
Nervous, Chloe took a step up, rubbing the golden ticket between her fingers. She was far, far from home. A little countryside girl in the grand city. She always thought the protagonists from the south, freaking out over the big city was always a little cheesy if she was being honest… but no. The big city was mortifying. She understood it now.
“… you must be Chloe Medena. You’re the last person left on my waiting list.” Holding out his hand, the blonde man smiled warmly. A little too warmly, Chloe felt like a witch melting from its warmth.
“Uhm… y-yeah! That’s me! Ehehe…”
God, you’re so awkward, Chloe. Who laughs like that? Someone who’s lying, that’s who! She wanted to hit herself for being so dumb, but that might only make her look more suspicious for no apparent reason.
“… is this your first time to our fine establishment?”
Raising a brow slightly, the man chuckled, covering his mouth with his white glove. Chloe was sure she looked positively baffled. A rich man’s laughingstock, surely. She couldn’t even manage to say anything, not with a single yapping bone in her body, only manage a small nod. Like an utter fool. Ough, I’m so embarrassed. They’re gonna submit me onto America’s funniest home videos, I’m sure of it!! nooOOOO-
“I see I see…” Gently, he took the tickets from her hands with a soft smile. “I’ve been there too, once a really long time ago. The atmosphere is a step above, and you wonder if you really belong here.”
Placing the ticket down, the blonde man held out his hand towards Chloe, his soft smile feeling like sunlight after a cold night of rain. Something about it felt so soft and homely… she reached out hesitantly, her gloved hand hovering just above the man’s gloved hand. Taking initiative, he reached up, gently clasping his fingers around hers. Then, lifting it to his lips, he planted a firm but light kiss against the back of her hand with a chuckle.
“But you were invited here tonight for a reason, darling. So, I implore you to have a little more faith in yourself.”
She was going to pass out. Okay, no she wasn’t. She was just being dramatic. (I think?) Was her face getting flushed? She must have looked as embarrassed as she felt, surely. The casino certainly has a smooth talker on their hands… haha…
“The ballroom is down the hallway there, through the third door on your left and a right turn around the hallway. Did you catch all that?”
Nodding eagerly, Chloe responded in silence. A little too eager to escape her embarrassment, she stumbled off towards the hallway. Covering her face with her hands, she groaned silently.
“God… why do you have to be so awkward, Chloe? Stupid, stupid, stupid…”
Shaking her head furiously, she attempted to pound the embarrassment out of her head. Of course, not literally. Her therapist always told her that hitting herself wouldn’t solve her problems, and that she didn’t need to “punish” herself to “make up” for her mistakes. These were only words, however. It was up to Chloe to practice it, and to bring meaning of her own. She balled her hands up in frustration, trembling as she resisted the urge to hit herself. A devilish temptation and an easy solution to her self-made problems, she thought. But it wouldn’t really fix anything… would it?
Taking deep breaths, Chloe’s trembling fists slowly unclenched, and then, fully relaxed, laying flat against the deep brown fabric of her dress pants. A weak sigh escaped her lips, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. She was such an embarrassment. She should just go home.
A loving last gift from a man who loved her so dearly. She wasn’t his granddaughter by blood, but she was his granddaughter by choice. He loved her like she was always one of his own, and she loved him equally in turn. He always supported her dream of being a fashion designer, even when she didn’t believe it would ever be viable. She always felt like she was letting him down.
Even now.
“… are you lost?”
A deep voice snapped Chloe out of a memory ditch, a weak sniffle escaping her throat. She felt pathetic. Standing up straight, she lifted her hand, messily trying to wipe the tears from her eyes before they could have the chance to further embarrass her and fall.
“Are you crying?”
Nevermind then. Kill me now, she thought. Her vision blurred slightly, and her eyes ached ever so gently, however, she couldn’t help but hone in on the man’s striking features. His pale skin, adorned with a soft pink blush, that deep, curly purple hair, and those striking, cold red and yellow eyes… sniffling again, Chloe tried to speak, to respond to the odd man. However, her words choked in her throat, a gargled "noOo..." coming out instead. She couldn’t stop the tears from rolling, the hiccups from emerging, the sobs from starting… she felt so pathetic.
The man sighed, a cold "tsk" emerging from the depths of his throat. (It reminded her of her father when she announced for passion for fashion.) Then, reaching into the breast pocket of his dust green suit, he pulled out a small dust purple handkerchief, placing one hand on his knee as he bent down.
“There’s no need to be crying over something so trivial. Everyone gets a little lost sometimes. There’s no embarrassment in it.”
Gently patting the tears dry with his handkerchief, the man shook his head solemnly. Sniffling, Chloe’s fingers gripped onto the edges of her vest, crinkling the once pristine fabric.
“There. No more tears. You’re going to be okay.”
She felt like a little kid again. She felt so useless. But… the guidance felt nice. A little bit. His hand gently brushed up against her brown bangs, pushing them to the side softly as he wiped the remainder of her tears. Then, reaching for his coat, he reached his hand inside, rummaging around. Why was he doing…?
“… huh?”
Cocking his head to the side slightly, he grumbled as he rummaged around on the inside of the coat, before pulling out a small, travel-sized blush pallet from… nowhere. Did he have an inner coat pocket…?
“Here. Your tears ruined your makeup. You’d at least be able to do minor touch-ups with this.”
“… oh!”
Gasping, she carefully took the travel blush from the man’s hands, popping it open and glancing into the small mirror. Her eyes were slightly red and puffy… not too noticeable, she thought. Her mascara was okay (thank god for waterproof mascara, she believed), but her blush… tear streaks were not a style she wanted to rock.
Gently pulling out of the travel blush applicators, Chloe’s brows furrowed. Finding the closest match would be hard… but she could do it. Grandpa’s love and this stranger’s kindness couldn’t just be ignored… 
“Wait!” Looking up suddenly, Chloe’s eyes fell on the man in front of her, her brows furrowing in frustration at her own rudeness. She was so caught up in her own nonsense that she completely neglected the first rule of etiquette.
“I’m so sorry!! I never asked what your name was, kind sir!”
“… Hyde Williams. You can just call me Hyde though.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mister Hyde! My name is Chloe.”
Holding out a shaky hand, Chloe attempted a friendly smile. Keyword… attempted. If he rejected her… she might unravel and fall apart all over again. Nervously watching as the man shook his head, her hand trembled even more. Please please please please, please. She never craved the validation of a random stranger so badly before.
Reaching his hand out, he gave Chloe a quick but firm handshake. His hand felt rather warm in her gloved hand… she wondered if the entirety of him was just as warm.
“Your makeup, Chloe.”
“… oh yeah! Let me get on that… heheh… heh…”
You have got to stop laughing like that, Chloe.
Gently tapping her fingers against her cheek, she observed her face in the small mirror of the pocket palette. You could barely tell she had been crying. Closing the palette gently, Chloe looked up at the purple-haired man, who found himself a comfortable spot against the wall to lean on as the disheveled girl picked up the broken pieces of her dignity. Hyde Williams… it was a name unfamiliar to her, as was everything else in the casino.
He seemed kind enough, though. She wondered if it would be awkward to ask a man who she had met under… rather mortifying terms if he could be her friend. Despite his younger-looking appearance, he carried himself with the wiseness of a saint… or a monk.
"... thank you for your help, Mister Hyde."
"You can just call me Hyde."
Taking a step forward, she held out her hands with a smile, the small pocket palette resting in the center of her palms. Sighing gently, the man took the palette from her expectant hands. Cocking his head to the side as he opened his coat pocket, slipping the pocket palette inside his pocket. Then, holding out his hand to Chloe, he nodded. Hesitantly, she stepped closer, wrapping her arm in his own. 
"I'll take you to the main ballroom. The masquerade ball is going to start soon, you shouldn't miss the opening to the dance."
A man stood on the large, grandiose stage, laced with gemstones and gold. Dressed in a soft red suit top and pristine pearl pants, the man chatted with the emerald-suited man from the entrance. All smiles. Chloe's neck craned slightly as she looked around. The room was huge, much bigger than she ever imagined. 
Her hands fidgeted slightly as she looked around the room. There was a bar on one side, a tall pink-haired man and a shorter, blonde-haired girl chatted on the other side of the bar, the girl holding a bar glass with a confused expression. If Chloe had to garner a guess, bartender and... maybe a bartender in training. Her eyes shifted, to two giant casino tables with two distinctive people standing by their sides, thick black hair curling against their shoulders. Dealers... Chloe found it all so interesting.
Being such a regal and classy place... it felt surreal to her, something only possible in your dreams. Reaching out slightly, her fingers entwined along the satin green fabric sleeves of Hyde's suit. His red eyes fell on the young girl standing beside him. Sighing slightly, his eyes shifted to the side.
"Ahem…” The man on the stage cleared his throat and like a king in the castle court, everyone turned their head to face the tall, elegant red-suited man. “Thank you everyone for coming to the annual Emerald Gemstone Casino Masquerade night. Tonight is a special night for everyone here, is it not? Filled with regulars…”
During the pause, the blonde attendant waved to the people in the crowd, and Chloe couldn’t help but look at the people waving back. A fair-skinned, pink-haired woman in a short, love-colored dress… something about Hyde’s side glance gave her an odd feeling… animosity, but she wasn’t sure why. A blonde-haired woman with longer, choppy hair in the back and a lilac blue suit also waved back with a smile, elbowing a young, brown-haired man sitting beside her. A dusted blue-haired male sitting at the bar glanced up, nodding slightly as he raised a hand in salute. His yellow eyes were almost captivating to Chloe, something so unique and so… decisive and striking.
“Filled with new guests…”
This time, the man in the red suit clapped his hands gently, waving to additional folks in the crowd. A blonde-haired woman wearing a boa, wearing a fancy red dress waved hesitantly back. It looked like satin, Chloe believed. The caramel woman with the heart-shaped pocket bag also waved with hesitance. A scruffy-looking man, sitting next to the woman in the pink dress that her new companion seemingly showed for earlier raised a glass in… was it salute? The countryside was never this uptight about etiquette… it made her shudder.
“New staff working the masquerade… and lively they are.”
As if on cue, the girl at the bar counter waved towards the men on stage, the pink haired man belting out a hardly laugh in response. The girl seemed nice… Chloe enjoyed her energy. She should visit the bar later on tonight. (Maybe she could buy Mister Hyde a drink or snack as a thank you gift for helping her earlier?)
“This masquerade ball is made up of different, unique faces, all here tonight. It’s very exciting, the chance for once-in-a-lifetime memories to be made. Saae, would you mind doing the honors?” Chuckling, the man in the red placed his hands on the golden microphone, scooping it into black-gloved hands. Then, handing it off to his attendant, the blonde-haired man smiled. Tucking a piece of his blonde hair behind his ear, the man cleared his throat briefly before bringing the microphone to his lips.
“Welcome to the Emerald Gemstone Casino’s yearly event, the Emerald Masquerade, dear guests! This is your host for the evening, Frederick Kronos, and I am your co-host, Saae Avente.”
His voice sounded like what you’d imagine a thick but velvety honey would taste like. Rich and choked full of a sweet, distinctive flavor, the kind that coats your lips and leaves a deep impression on your mind for days to come. That thought was… actually extremely weird, she thought as she reflected on it. 
“Slots, drinks, games, and more… this golden hour is your opportunity, and we’re here to bring your wildest fantasies into a reality. But, the two of us could not do it alone.”
Watching as the emerald attendant, named Saae Avente, stepped off of the stage, Chloe couldn’t help but fully note Saae’s attire. The tall white sharp heels he strutted around the casino grounds in, with a degree of balance that made Chloe just the slightest bit jealous (for she was positive if she wore the same exact heels, she would fall and bruise much more than her already sullied pride.) The split paneling on his suit in general was something Chloe had never seen before, it intrigued her so dearly. (She wondered how it was achieved, such suits didn’t exist in the fashion world in its current era. Did he make them himself, tearing through the seams of different fabrics and stitching them into the current fashion he wore? She would have to ask him later. It was possibly the prettiest thing she had seen in a while.) But the thing that caught her eye the most was the peacock feather-themed trail, something hidden from behind the counter he had stood behind since she arrived. They floated behind him with an airy elegance, and Chloe almost wondered if they were really there. 
“If you’re looking to play games tonight-” Saae placed his free gloved hand lightly against the casino round tables, leaning over as he chuckled. “-then our two most trusted dealers will be here to make your wildest dreams come true. To my right is Lady Roxanne Tiye , our jack of diamonds and new dealer for the evening, and to my left is our betting round dealer for our masquerade events, Lee Wittlestein. Don’t be afraid to come pester them for a game, they won’t bite.”
As if it were on cue, the two dealers lifted up their heads, waving into the small crowd of onlookers. One of them, Roxanne (as Saae had introduced her as), was a bored looking lady, Chloe noted. With thick, long black hair and a visible yellow eye, Roxanne looked… she didn’t want to say displeased nor discontent, but she noticed that Roxanne didn’t seem as thrilled as some of the others. Chloe’s gaze shifted slightly to the figure standing to Saae’s left side. Standing tall and composed, they exuded an aura of calmness, as if this were just an average friday evening for them. Similar to Roxanne, Lee’s hair was long and black in color, worn in a high ponytail, a red eye poking out of beneath messy bangs. Chloe couldn’t gain a solid read of Lee’s gender, even with the aid of the black vest and frilled white and red shirt they wore. She would have to ask them about their pronouns later on. (Their style reminded Chloe of a vampire… or something a little more specific… the words “betting round” echoed in her head. Betting round… betting… nope. Whatever thought she had, she lost it. Oh well.)
“Uhh… we’re happy to be your dealers tonight?” A white hand reached over, tilting the outstretched microphone to the left. “We’re both delighted to make your acquaintances this evening, and hope to see you guys at one of our tables later in the evenings for a friendly game. Saae.” (... their voice only left Chloe more confused. I’ll just narrate with they/them in mind, I literally cannot tell.) Taking back the microphone with a snicker, he shifted slightly as he stood up tall. Then, making his way over to the bar, Saae hummed.
“And, if drinks are the thing you need-” Leaning over the bar counter briefly, he sat on the empty bar stool, wrapping an arm around the blue-haired man with striking yellow eyes. “-Well, some of our guests have already found their way to the bar, it seems~” Another velvety chuckle, and Chloe swore the blue-haired man waved his hand dismissively. (She also swore said man was smiling.)
“Our bartenders for the night are more than happy to mix you the perfect drinks. Isn’t that right, Elliott?” The tall pink-haired man, named Elliott, chuckled as he crossed his arms, puffing his chest with an enthusiastic nod. “You know we make the best drinks this side of town, Saae.” Saae chuckled softly, and then leaning over the microphone, he smiled. “Do you have any drink suggestions for our new patrons, CJ?”
Turning around, the blonde-haired girl gasped slightly, then, walking over, she leaned close to the microphone with a smile. She hadn’t even spoken, but her energy was contagious. “Well, I know Elliott makes a mean strawberry mojito drink, and he always slices the fresh strawberries to per-fection! If you want something iconic but tasty, that’s what I would go with!” Leaning into the mic, Elliott pitched in. “And, while you’re here, why not pick up one of CJ’s iconic amaretto tiramisu cakes to eat with your drink? Soft, fluffy and a delicious snack to enjoy through the night.” “Hey… well, I can make a mean drink and a mean dessert myself, I suppose.” “Of course you can, your menu items are my favorites.”
They had such good energy together… the banter was cute and endearing, and the food sounded absolutely delightful.
“You’ve heard it firsthand, my dear guests. So, make sure to visit our two bartenders later on for a sweet drink… or a sweet treat.” Spinning in the chair, he jumped onto his feet, landing with such precision that she couldn’t help but believe he practiced such a stunt. (If it were her, her ankles would have certainly been a goner.)
“So, everyone…” He took a slow walk around the room, placing a hand on the pink-haired woman’s shoulder, earning a giggle from her. “Welcome to the Emerald Gemstone Casino.” His fingers lightly ran along the shoulders of the brown haired woman timidly sipping on a lime margarita, his fingers trailing along the underside of the blue haired man’s wing shaped earrings, a small fist bump with the young bartender (Was her name CJ?) breaking the oddly intimate(? Chloe wasn’t sure if that was the right word for that.) sensation. “Slots, drinks, games…”
He ran his hands around the casino tables, lightly squeezing the shoulders of the two dealers sat nearby, a gentle hand on the shoulders of the blonde-haired woman and the brown-haired man already planning a game with the smug-looking scruffy man and a grey-haired man, fiddling with a pair of golden plated die.
“This golden hour is your opportunity to live your lives a step above.”  His fingers gently brushed against the locks of the hair of the woman with the heart-shaped purse as he passed by, his touch lingering lightly against the fuzz of the dusted pink fur of the blonde woman’s boa.  â€œI invite you all to come and have a dance underneath our emerald-encrusted lights. Have a dance, play games, have drinks with companions, and ultimately…”
He came to a stop in front of Chloe and Hyde, his hand held up, hovering lightly against Hyde’s lips. Chloe glanced up at Hyde briefly, a look present on his face that she couldn’t decipher, yet, extremely evident with discomfort. Her eyes shifted on Saae, an equally indecipherable look present on his face. Secrets locked behind a teasing smile.  â€œ... I hope these next few hours will be as blinding as your wildest dreams.” His eyes shifted slightly, his hand lowering as his eyes met Chloe’s. Leaning down slightly, he moved the microphone away from him, a solemn yet… joyful expression on his face.
“Your grandfather would be very proud of you, Chloe. I hope you enjoy the ball and find that inspiration you’re so desperately looking for.”
Nervously, her eyes fell on the clock.
It was 9:00 PM.
“That was the perfect introduction to start off the Emerald Masquerade event yet, Saae.”
Placing a hand on Saae’s back gently, Frederick smiled softly. Laughing heartily, Saae gently tapped his wine bottle against the wine bottle Frederick held. Relaxing in the back, as they always do after a masquerade introduction.
“I think having CJ and Roxanne on the team this year did wonders for the public morale to be honest. CJ and Elliott bring a contagious yet light and fun atmosphere, while Roxanne gives Lee the breaks and assistance they need. Even if Rox isn’t the best on the morale, she plays with the love of the game… most of the time.”
Lifting the wine bottle, Saae took a swing of the wine inside, a soft crimson liquid dripping off his lips. Chuckling, Frederick held his wine glass in his hands lightly, white curled hair shifting in and out of his vision.
“We’ve also managed to sell more of those… special packages this masquerade. We’ve made an additional 1500 dollars this year.”
Saae’s face dropped, his eyes frozen on the wine bottle. He could see the back of Frederick’s curly, combed-back white hair in the reflection on the glass, an eerie apathy in his demeanor. He was tired of special packages.
“W… What?”
His words came out breathless, a slight tremble seemingly left unnoticed by the man in the room. His hands trembled slightly as he lowered the bottle, sweat dripping down his face. He felt so clammy.
“... Two of our new guests bought your package deals, the 500-dollar ones, as well as our regular deal buyer. Did Elliott not tell you?”
“No. No, he didn’t fucking tell me. Maybe he did. I wasn’t fucking listening because you know I hate-” Putting up a hand, he cut Saae off. How dare you. “I know. Headquarters denied your request, you’re such a major source of income for the casino it would be catastrophic if we lost it. I’m sorry my hands were tied here.”
His chest ached slightly, a tightness in his chest preventing air from entering his lungs. His hand ached from how tightly he held onto the wine bottle, like it was the only lifeline tethering him to a cold dull reality. 
“You’re sorry? You’re SORRY? Frederick, you do realize they touched me even-” “Even when you asked them to stop, I know. And they didn’t stop. They took advantage of you. I know. You’ve told me these stories time and time again, Saae.”
Placing his glass down, Frederick paused nervously. Clasping his hands together, he moved towards Saae slowly. His open hand twitched, his fingers pulling at his skin. A small groan escaped his lips, annoyance dripping from his lips like blood in a river.
“Do you even care? I mean, augh… this isn’t even about me at this point, Frederick. I mean, what if it was someone else-” Pinching his fingers against the bridge of his nose, his eyes squeezing shut shakily. His hands trembled slightly, his chest ached, the shadows of hands reaching out materializing in his mind. “Frederick, please. Just hear me out for once-”  â€œI don’t have the power to make it stop, Saae. You know that. I can try to put an end to that system, but in the end, I’m just as replaceable as everyone else in this casino-”
His vision blurred, the red and white of Frederick mixing, blurring into nothingness. He felt like a little boy all over again. There was a man, born from the darkest fragments of his frazzled mind, a smug smile on his face. Closing on him like a predator on prey. He felt a slight pressure on his chest, the feeling of ghost-like fingerprints against his chest.
“It’s just so hopeless, day after day after day, and you just don’t fucking CARE-” "Saae."
A slight squeezing, a pressure on his wrists. Saae remembered that night well, it was something that always replayed it on the worst of nights. He remembered crying, pleading with the odd man to stop. His neck ached, the ghostly imprint of teeth burning up against his collar. His fingers scratched absentmindedly against the flaring skin.
“Do you know what it’s like to feel like a piece of meat on a hook, Frederick? To be something less than human.” "Saae... please."
The bottle shifted in his hand. The alcohol in his system, (although not much)  perhaps it had clouded his judgment in an emotional high. His emotions burned a hole in his chest, a blinding aching in his brain. 
“He took advantage of you, I get it-” “NO YOU DON’T! You don’t understand! You’ll never understand it! Fuck, I don’t want you to understand it!”
… His body felt so far away, like something foreign. Watching a movie from an outside perspective, almost. He didn’t remember moving so much. He didn’t remember flipping the bottle in his hand, still filled to the brim with rich crimson wine, so much so it was rather heavy in his hand. His chest ached, his breaths came out as weak wheezes. His eyes blurred, refusing to focus on anything. He blinked slowly. The bottle felt so light now, he wasn’t sure why.
“... I just…”
Black eyes shifted, falling on the blurred bottle. His breath quickened, yet his chest still felt so tight. Lifting it slightly, there was only broken, jagged glass connected to the handle of the bottle. The rest of the glass was missing. The fine crimson wine was gone. 
“... I just wanted you to listen to me so it wouldn’t happen again...”
Tears welled up in his eyes, and he raised a clammy hand in response, wiping the tears from his eyes. A few tears slowly dipped down his face, staining the makeup he wore. He stared at the ground, a blur of colors shaking, and slowly shaping into a scene he only recalled seeing in his nightmares.
Blood dripped from the edge of the bottle, his crimson blood mixing with the fine, crimson wine. His chest squeezed, his chest ached, and his chest burned. Mangled white hair, stained red with wine, a slumped body on the ground. Unmoving.
... I don’t get it.
Frederick wasn’t moving. He wasn’t breathing. He lay still in a puddle of blood and wine. Saae bent down, trembling hands reaching out.
I always dreamed of harming my abusers. 
His hands felt oddly cold. He was always known for being really warm and friendly. Warm and caring, that was who Frederick was. He wasn’t perfect though. 
I wanted to hurt them the same way they hurt me. 
Saae’s fingers brushed through his hair, a mess of wine-stained white curls. His eyes watered slightly. Pulse… pulse… where was he supposed to check for that again…? His mind, racing with thoughts moments ago, was left eerily blank.
I thought it would help me cope. 
His fingers felt so shaky and clammy. He didn’t think he could get a recent reading of Frederick’s pulse, even if he could remember where to check for it at. It wasn’t his fault headquarters was such a demanding piece of shit.
I thought it would help me feel better.
They didn’t care about him. They only cared about profit. As long as people paid good money to touch him, kiss him, get him drunk, to “love” him, to have their way… it didn’t matter. In their eyes, he was nothing more than numbers. A toy to line their pockets.
But it doesn’t. 
And somehow, it was his fault when the words “no” would go unnoticed, when it was convenient. Frederick didn’t ignore his cries for help… he just couldn’t make a choice when it really mattered to Saae. And now he’ll never make another choice, ever again. His eyes fell on the clock.
I just feel regret.
It was 11:20 PM.
Sitting down at an empty section of the bar, Chloe placed her hands on her lap lightly. Something about Hyde’s expression… bothered her. Even after the masquerade events started up and most of the awkwardness died down, she couldn’t help but wonder…
“Are you alright?”
Chloe fiddled with her hands nervously, looking up at Hyde. Her brows furrowed in frustration. Her eyes focused on the uneaten tiramisu and the strawberry mojito drink lying on the table. Well, it wasn’t uneaten per se… she had seen him take a bite. And then, he excused himself from the bar for a while, coming back a little paler.
“Are you okay? You seem sad.”
Shifting in his seat, he leaned on his hands, a complex expression on his face.
“You remind me of my kids is all.”
“You have kids? I’m sorry, how old are you-” Gasping slightly, Chloe slammed her hands over her mouth. That was so rude, Chloe! “- I am SO sorry I didn’t mean it like that you just look so young and-”
Sighing softly, Hyde picked up the fork weakly. Staring blankly at the tiramisu, his brows furrowed in frustration.
“I’m 37 years old. I turn 38 in a week, though. My youngest, Emily, is 10 years old, she overthinks everything just like you do.”
Lowering her hands slightly, her eyes sparkling slightly. A kid, huh…? Reaching out, he gently pushed her messy brown bangs to the side. A weak smile on his face. She felt a little bad for asking.
“But, she’s a really sweet kid. Always brought me food when she thought I needed to eat-” He pointed at the mostly uneaten tiramisu she had ordered for him. “Or asking me if I’m okay.” … was she really that similar to a 10-year-old-
Rubbing her head in embarrassment, Chloe pouted. However, the pouting only seemed to make Hyde laugh more. A hearty yet genuine smile… Chloe would let it slide. (She says, as if she had any plans of “taking care of it.” to begin with.) Leaning against her hands, her feet swung back and forth on her stool.
“Thank you for the worry, but, really. I’m fine. By the way, how old are you? Since you asked me earlier.”
“Oh! I’m 23 years old!” Placing a finger on her chin, she nodded slowly. “You said your birthday was next week. What day is it?” Curious, she tilted her head, clasping her hands together with stars in her eyes.
“... it’s June 23rd.”
Shifting on his arms, he poked aimlessly at the tiramisu with a frown. Lifting his fork, he mumbled to himself, words left unheard. Then, pushing the edge of the container with the edge of his fork towards Chloe, Hyde shook his head.
“I’m… not hungry. You can have it.”
… Chloe felt herself sigh. She wasn’t sure why. Hesitantly, she took the tiramisu in her hands. What did they say was in it again…? She forgot. Not that she wasn’t listening, of course. In fact, Chloe felt she was listening… a little too much.
“Pfft… look at him, pussy footing around good food. It wouldn’t kill him to put on a few more pounds.” “I don’t know, Marianne. I saw him in the bathroom earlier, gross sounds, I’m telling you, the poor smuck looked paler than a starving girl on a Sunday morning.” “Oh, I bet he couldn’t even eat the shitty wine and crackers they give out on Sunday mornings.” “Oh, he’s probably too sensitive to handle it. I bet a burger would send his ass into the 5th dimension.”
Chloe felt a little sick. Her eyes shifted slightly, glancing over at Hyde. He had his hands clasped over his mouth, looking paler than ever. He looked like he was trying not to cry. Chloe felt more sick.
“Can your arteries handle the grease, Dynasty? With all the junk you spew from your hole, I’m surprised you haven’t choked on the sheer audacity yet.”
... huh?
“I bet a burger would send you into cardiac arrest, and your mommy can’t pay your way out of that one. Mind your business, jackass.”
Looking up fully, Chloe turned. A tall woman walked past the gossiping duo without much more than a ounce of attention. In fact, the woman barely looked back. Her heels clicked against the floor as she made her way towards the bar. 
Yelping slightly as the woman suddenly reached out, Chloe swayed slightly. Running her hand around Chloe’s shoulder, she came to a stop suddenly, lilac eyes boring into her soul. Glupping nervously, she tugged at her collar nervously. Did she fuck up by eavesdropping? Oh, she might have fucked up. Mama also told her that it was bad etiquette to eavesdrop on things that didn’t concern you but-
“Your foul mouth is going to get you into trouble one of these days, Hermione.”
“Words have consequences. You know that lesson the best. Who’s the kid?”
Tapping Chloe on the nose lightly, Chloe squeaked. Ignoring the strange looks from the woman and Hyde, she reached from her sparkling water to divert from the embarrassment she felt. Talk about drowning in a cringe-filled sea, I mean, really-? Squeaking? What are you! A squirrel??? Damnit Chloe!
“... she’s not a kid-?” “You’re almost 40 years old, Hyde.” “You’re almost 40 years old, Hyde.”
… well, she wasn’t a kid. She was 23 years old! But… compared to Hyde (who was turning 38 in a week), she was still rather young… and 15 years did make a large difference. (At least, all those scientific studies in brain and lifetime development lead her to believe so. However, she was no scientist.) They certainly were in different life chapters. But, she was no kid! … I think.
“My name is Chloe! Chloe Medena!” 
Clapping her hands together in joy didn’t quite help her argument, did it? In fact, Hyde almost seemed appalled by the motion. “Really?” seemed to be written all over his face. However, for her efforts, the odd woman returned the gesture with… a headpat. Wow… she really DID feel like a kid all over again. (But, in a good way this time.)
“My name is Hermione Wesker. You can just call me Hermione, though.”
Hermione, despite her sharp tongue and intimidating aura, wasn’t all too bad, Chloe decided. Mama always said never to judge a book by its cover, no matter if it was worn down or encrusted in jewelry and glamour. It was the inside that always mattered. Mama was right about that, but, it was hard not to judge a book by its cover when she felt the book would try to bite her head off if she looked at it wrong.
“So, you guys met in a widower support group…?”
This book just so happened to have Chloe captivated.
“It brings back memories. Some good, some bad… most of them are painful, though. I lost my husband of six years when I met Hyde, but…”
Hyde’s hands laid on the table softly, a gentle expression on his face. His eyes stared down at the wooden grooves on the table, a soft frown on his face. Just like that, he looked like he was going to cry all over again. Chloe couldn’t help but scoot closer, reaching her own hand out. Gently, placing it on top of his own, she leaned her head against his shoulder.
“... I lost my wife to a battle with cancer three years ago. We were together for fifteen years and married for twelve years.” “Oh… I’m so sorry Hyde…”
Lowering his head more, he laughed weakly. Gently lowering his head against the wood of the table, a weak sob escaping his throat. The pain of loss… never fully goes away, does it? The idea scared Chloe a little. She wondered if she’d ever fully heal from Grandpa’s passing, or if she’d be sad over it forever. She wanted to hug him. (She wondered if it would be overstepping.)
She glanced over at the clock. It was 12:10 AM. She didn’t even realize how time flew by. Her eyes shifted again, falling on her drink. She bit her lip. What an… awkward moment to have to use the bathroom. She looked back at Hermione, eyes wide in panic as she swung her legs anxiously.
“... drank too much at the bar, kid?”
She nodded eagerly, a slight pout on her face. I’m sorry! I didn’t see my night going like this, I’m not trying to escape this situation, I sWEAR. Please believe me :(
There was a chuckle as Hermione stood up, placing one hand on Hyde’s shoulder as she leaned over. Getting a glimpse at his face as she lifted it up just enough to free her hands… it made Chloe sad. Sorrow weighed heavy on his features, and even half asleep, pain stained his features, the loss of life etched on his weary body like a curse.
“Thank you…”  She felt like she had to mouth it, but she didn’t want her thanks to go unheard.
Getting up, Chloe clamped her hands together nervously. Suddenly, one shining, glaring issue presented itself… where WAS the bathroom? She didn’t remember if the attendant (Saae? Sae? Say????) mentioned it… her eyes darted from side to side as she walked up the bar nervously. The young bartender (CJ) skipped over, holding a pair of metal cups in her hands with a smile.
“Hi Chloe! What can I get you this time?”
“Uhm, actually… I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the restroom?”
Why did she sound like a young Victorian girl? You’re in the twenty-first century, Chloe, not the seventeen hundreds. What’s next? Asking “Mister Potter” for just a singular crumb to eat? You don’t even know a “Mister Potter”, Chloe!
“Of course, it’s-! Wait, actually, I don’t know where the closest bathroom is.”
“... oh!”
Turning to her right, CJ reached up, tapping Elliott on the shoulder with a wide-eyed stare.
“El. Where are the bathrooms at?”
“Huh? They’re upstairs, why? Did you need to take a break and go?”
Pointing at Chloe (who squeaked in embarrassment. again.), CJ laughed nervously.
“Well, Chloe has to go, but now that you said something… I kind of do too.”
Pausing a moment, Elliott nodded. Holding up a finger, he turned and walked down the bar, moving over to where Saae had been sitting. She watched as he leaned over, whispering to him. There was a nod, as then, Elliott made a motion to CJ, who walked over to the edge of the bar. Opening the gate, Saae walked into the bar, while the two bartenders walked out. Oh, swapping places.
“Come on Chloe! I’ll lead the way.”
Following Elliott and CJ up the stairs, Chloe glanced over at the clock. 
It was 12:15 AM.
Walking up the stairs, she fiddled with her hands, glancing around. Stopping at the top, she glanced over at the event coordinator silently. He had been standing there, leaning against the golden railing, his phone up against his ear. She didn’t remember when he came back to the party, but he had been up here the entire time… she found it odd. Everyone else was enjoying the masquerade, even the co-host, Saae. Yet…
He hadn’t moved an inch.
Glancing at the man as she walked, she could feel her mind wandering again. As she followed Elliott and CJ down the hallway, she wondered, what was he-
With a slight stumble, Chloe tripped over… something, bumping into CJ. Yelping, CJ stumbled in turn, both of the girls ending up dizzy on the floor. Groaning, Chloe squinted her eyes. She had tripped over… something. But, she couldn’t see what that something was.
The sound of a loud gunshot tore through the air suddenly, a sound equally jarring and menacing against Chloe’s ears. Her hands trembled as they shot up to cover her ears, her eyes squeezing shut in panic. There was a muffled thud! that followed, and shortly after… screaming. Lot of it.
Watching- well, not really watching, her eyes were still closed shut from terror- listening to CJ stand up, Chloe yelped as she felt CJ’s hands on her shoulders (well, she assumed it was CJ?), pulling her up off of the ground, and into the bathroom behind them. Her heart raced, and she swore she could hear her heartbeat in her fingertips. Cracking her eyes open hesitantly, the bright lighting of the bathroom flooded her vision, stinging her eyes slightly. The sudden shift brought tears to her eyes.
“... it was only one shot?”
Chloe wasn’t positive in herself, after all, so much of her energy was spent in an attempt to make sure she didn’t shatter underneath the fear she was feeling. However, looking back, CJ nodded in agreement. One shot. It sounded like it came from the second floor, the floor they’re on right now… yet Chloe never hear anyone running.
How odd.
Hestiantly, Chloe popped her head, peering into the hallway. Nothing unusual… I think. Gunshots aside, Chloe really couldn’t wait any longer.
Linked arm in arm with CJ, a grizzly sight greeted the girls’ eyes. At the bottom of the ballroom floor underneath where the railing he had been standing on since the ball started was the mangled corpse of Frederick Kronos. Grimacing, she covered her mouth. She had just left the bathroom… yet she felt like she was going to be sick.
“Oh goodness me!”
Running over to Chloe, Hermione grabbed the girl by the shoulders, frantically checking her over before letting out a worried sigh. After letting go of her, she crossed her arms with a shake of her head.
“Way to go and leave at the worst time… Are you two okay?”
Reaching out, her fingers briefly ran over CJ as well, a glint of concern in her eyes. CJ nodded hesitantly, however… Chloe’s eyes began to wander. The entire masquerade party was in shambles.
Her eyes shifted to the body of Frederick. It wasn’t that long ago when… they all saw him alive. She felt like she was going to be sick. 
Bending down next to the corpse, a ponytail of long black hair obscured most of her view of the body. Never had Chloe been so thankful for a bad angle before. Red gloves moved around the body, pulling the coat open to reveal a single gunshot wound, directly positioned in his heart. Chloe couldn’t see much else, but she imagined his blood blossomed in the white silk fabric, like a stain. A disease.
She looked at the gaming tables. Roxanne seemed to try and calm the players of the game. Judging from the blonde woman’s reaction, it wasn’t working. The man with the angel wing earrings was also over there. He looked like he was talking to the man with the brown hair.
Her eyes shifted to the bar, which was all but empty… of course, to no surprise, she thought. The bartenders weren’t there, Hermione was over here, those bad mouthing bar guests were observing the body with Lee. The only two people that weren’t elsewhere was…
He sat calmly by Hyde’s side, Chloe thought. A hand on his back, hunched over, whispering to him. Perhaps calming him. Although, she noticed he didn’t seem too conscious at the moment. His mannerisms… he looked confused.
Her eyes trailed back to the body. His lifeless eyes looked at Chloe, a haunting last image. His lips were pale, they were almost blue in color. Like the life was sucked out of him. She squeezed her eyes shut, clinging onto Hermione like her own life depended on it. Maybe it did.
“Is boss…”
CJ’s voice cracked, and Chloe could hear the terror in her voice. An eerie silence followed, she could hear the sounds of CJ trying to hold back tears. 
“Come on… you two should sit down… a lot has happened…”
Hermione held onto the two girls, slowly moving them away from the body. Chloe didn’t know where they were going. She was too scared to open her eyes. She wasnted to say something.
But all she chould choke out were weak cries of terror.
“Are you ladies okay?”
Chloe sniffled as she sat down at the bar, trying furiously to wipe away her tears. It only proved to be futile in the end. She wished she were stronger in times of tragedy.
CJ looked roughly just as deshevled as Chloe herself, and she felt a tad bit guilty for being glad she wasn’t the only hot mess there. It was okay to be a hot mess though… there was a literal corpse in the room with them. They remembered Frederick, smiling so brightly just hours prior.
All that was left of him was a cold, clammy corpse.
“It’s okay… My name is Nuxi. I’m a retired police officer, I’ll just be asking you two a few questions about what happened while you were gone, okay?”
She nodded in silence. She wasn’t sure why she didn’t want to speak. She wasn’t guilty, she didn’t kill him. But, everyone always said that silence speaks volumes. Maybe she was worried if she spoke, she’d only start sobbing all over again. CJ seemed to feel the same.
The angel earring’d man pulled up an empty bar stool, sitting across from the two girls. Opening up his coat pocket, he retrieved a small pen and notepad. Then, looking at Chloe, he sighed.
“If you don’t think you can talk, don’t try and force yourself to. You both can simply nod yes or no to my questions, okay?”
They nodded silently. Sniffles occasionally broke the silence.
“Alright… around 12:15 AM, you two alongside bartender Elliott went upstairs, correct?”
Chloe nodded slowly, rubbing her eyes tiredly. 
“We were going to the bathroom… but when I- I got up there, I tripped over something and-” She squeezed her eyes shut tightly, her hands trembling. “I fell. I fell and I knocked over CJ. I was looking for whatever it was I tripped over and-” “That’s when we heard it. The gunshot.”
Nuxi was quiet, yet, he seemed attentive, noting down each part of their story. Even as they struggled to get the words out. Even as terror gripped their voices. 
“So we- we hid out in the girls' bathroom… and eventually, we came down and that’s when we-” A sob cut CJ off, burying her face in her hands as she sobbed weakly. She sobbed, and she sobbed… and she sobbed. That was when they came across that grizzly sight. That corpse.
Why did this happen?
Nodding slowly, he placed his hand on his chin slowly, his brows furrowed in contemplation. Chloe could tell, something about the story bothered him. She wasn’t sure what. She was too scared to ask.
“Did either of you happen to catch what time it was when you heard the gunshot go off?”
Pausing slowly, Chloe scratched her chin. The time…? She wasn’t sure, she didn’t remember seeing a clock while upstairs. Or, well, she wasn’t looking for one, at least. She shook her head no. CJ answered the same. Nodding slowly, Nuxi wrote… something down in his notebook.
“You said you tripped over something, Chloe?”
“Uhm… yeah. But, I couldn’t see what it was. And, then the gunshot went off and, I got so scared I couldn’t move. CJ dragged me into the bathroom, assuming the person with the gun was upstairs with us. But, we never heard anyone run from upstairs, since we were really close to the stairs.”
Nodding again, Nuxi mumbled something to himself quietly, his brows furrowed again. Then, closing his notebook, he looked up with a soft expression. 
“Thank you, you two. I have to go question Elliott… have either of you seen him?”
Shaking her head no, Chloe frowned. So caught up, she didn’t see where he went. By the time she had come back to reality, she only saw CJ. She had no idea where Elliott had gone to. 
CJ paused, rubbing her head in confusion. Her brows furrowed, her tongue sticking out as if she were searching the depths of her memories for something.
“If I had to guess, El went to… probably the employee break room that’s nearby the bathrooms. He kept yawning so… maybe he went to get a cup of coffee while we were in the bathroom?”
The break room… interesting. Chloe noted it in her head. Coffee… coffee sounded nice right about now. She was never too big on alcohol anyway.
“Right. Thank you, CJ.”
Nodding slowly, Nuxi placed a hand on his chin. Then, turning away Chloe and CJ, he leaned over. His voice lowered to something, barely above a whisper. Hunching over, he mumbled something she couldn’t catch. Chloe tilted her head slightly. 
Shifting in her chair, her brows furrowed. Her eyes fell on the corpse in the middle of the room. Her eyes watered slightly, she couldn’t help it. Her hands shook slightly as she buried her head in her hands. She was so scared, she couldn’t help it. 
Her brows furrowed. She remembered his words when the ball started, they echoed in her head. They were so nice and comforting in the moment, but now… they’re nothing but ironic last words. (Or well, not maybe his last words but… the last words Chloe ever heard.)
“Thank you everyone for coming to the annual Emerald Gemstone Casino Masquerade night. Tonight is a special night for everyone here, is it not? Filled with regular, new guests, and new staff working the masquerade (and lively they are.) This masquerade ball is made up of different, unique faces, all here tonight. It’s very exciting, the chance for once-in-a-lifetime memories to be made.”
Memories… memories certainly were made, Chloe thought. However, memories that weren’t… all too pleasant. Not all memories were good, not all memories were pleasant. Closing her eyes softly, she sighed. Covering her face, she couldn’t help but want to cry. She felt so overwhelmed. She wondered if it was over, or if this was just the beginning of a long, long line of tragedy.
Welcome to the Emerald Gemstone Casino Masquerade. Slots, drinks and games, this golden hour is your opportunity. 
Come and dance under emerald skies, let these last hours of your life be as blinding as your wildest dreams.
... she wanted to go home.
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my-one-love-is-music ¡ 6 years ago
Behind the Mask
Summary: Jason finds someone rather alluring when he's working a case at a masquerade ball. And it really shouldn't be that surprising to find they're closer than he first thinks they are.
Also on AO3!
Jason pulled at the bowtie around his neck. He tried not to choke at the feeling of the tight fabric around his throat. He hated dressing up in a suit or tux in the first place, but it was made even worse when he was attending fancy social events or galas hosted by Gotham’s elite.
Undercover work was his least favorite part of the vigilante gig. He preferred busting up meetings between kingpins or punching people’s faces in until he got the answers he was looking for. Or shooting them in the leg to make them bleed until they were delirious and willing to tell him anything he wanted if it would make the pain stop.
But whenever some of the elite were involved in shady business or the target of shady business, he had to get dressed up and make polite conversation in a stuffy environment built on the exploitation of the poor and those in need.
Jason sighed and swiped a glass of champagne from a passing tray. He paused, glass halfway to his mouth when he spotted a familiar head of black hair and a giant grin across the room. Even with the masks covering the faces of each guest in attendance, Jason would know Dick anywhere. He was laughing and gesturing with the hand holding his own glass as he spoke with a pair of socialites.
Jason shook his head. He didn’t know why he expected to be the only bat there when the mob was involved, but he was hoping to avoid any kind of confrontation with the rest of them. He could only hope his emerald green mask would be enough to keep any attention from Dick off him.
His mask wasn’t the most elaborate around, but he thanked the universe for small favors that the event was a masquerade ball and all of them could keep under wraps. Even if that made his job harder since he couldn’t see the identities of everyone around him.
Jason took a long drag from his glass and paused again when his eyes landed on the figure at Dick’s elbow. She was standing an inch or two away from him, shoulders relaxed as long fingers wrapped around the bubbling glass of champagne.
Jason looked over her figure appreciatively. Her black, sequenced dress had ruby undertones, a long slit sliding up her thigh and teasing the pale, inviting skin hidden underneath. He glimpsed red stilettos underneath, the heels sharp enough to keep any man on his best behavior for fear of getting one of those through something sensitive.
Soft, black hair framed her face, the edges brushing her jawline. A rich, red mask framed her face and high cheekbones. Jason had no hope of seeing what her eyes looked like, but the lipstick staining her plump mouth reminded Jason of the worst kind of murder scene.
Jason knew he was staying in one spot too long. If she was even the tiniest bit perceptive, she’d notice his eyes on her right away. He didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. She could either think him insanely creepy or find him just as intriguing.
Jason knocked back the rest of his champagne and set it on another tray that passed behind him. He barely tasted it and shoved his hands into his pockets, pulling his gaze away from the mystery woman as he moved into the crowd to continue his survey of the gala.
He could approach her later when she wasn’t so close to Dick. He could only hope they weren’t there together or he’d never learn what her name was.
Jason stifled a yawn as he took a reprieve behind a potted plant. The small talk was starting to grate on his nerves and he was ready to give up any hope of getting some action, either in the form of a mob attack or from a decent guest at the party, and would rather leave and patrol the streets for something good happening that night.
“Your hiding spot could use some work.”
Jason tensed, mentally cursing himself for letting someone sneak up on him. He had to be more tired than he thought if a civilian was getting the drop on him. He turned and nearly did a double-take when he found the girl from earlier standing at his side.
“I thought hiding behind the snack table was a little cliché. Thought I’d try somewhere new and I’ve been told my mask blends in with the shrubbery,” Jason said with a crooked grin.
She smiled and took a step closer. “The shrubbery was a nice try, but I think you’re more creative than that. There has to be somewhere else you’d rather hide from the masses of stuffy rich people in attendance.”
He shrugged. “I guess you could say that. But considering how well you were getting along with the stuffy rich people earlier, you don’t seem like the kind of person who would consider them to be stuffy.”
Her smile grew wider and she crossed her arms. “So I was right, you were watching me earlier.”
Jason flushed and cleared his throat, shifting from foot to foot. “Well, you see, I…”
She laughed, covering her mouth with the edges of her fingers. “I don’t mind. You’re certainly more exciting than my not-quite date that I brought with me.”
Jason grinned, always happy to one-up Dick even if he couldn’t tell this beautiful woman that. “Since I’m more exciting than your not-quite date, do you think we could make this night more exciting for the both of us?”
She hummed and tilted her head to the side. “What did you have in mind?”
“Oh, maybe doing things the stuffy, rich people way.” Jason took a step back and crossed one arm behind his back as he held out his other, bowing slightly. “Would you do me the honor of sharing a dance with me?”
She giggled again and placed her fingers in his hand. “Of course, Mr…?”
“Drew. You can call me Drew.”
“Mr. Drew,” she purred.
Jason blinked, thinking he might have heard a hint of disappointment hidden under her tone. “And what am I allowed to call you?” he asked, tugging her closer.
She went with him easily, letting herself be guided out from behind the plant. “Emily. Call me Emily.”
“Well then, Emily,” he said, pulling her chest against his as he wrapped an arm around her back. “Shall we dance?”
She huffed and rolled her eyes as they slipped into a gentle waltz among the other dancing elite. Now that she was closer, Jason could see her eyes were a striking, electric blue that practically illuminated her mask.
Jason didn’t take his eyes off her and he was beyond glad she did the same as they moved seamlessly through the crowd, having no trouble stepping around the other couples.
“What brought you here tonight anyway?” Jason asked once his curiosity got the better of him. “You don’t seem to enjoy wining and dining with the elite, so why are you here?”
She shrugged one shoulder. “Why are you?”
Jason raised an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes.
“There are some things I can’t get out of. Consider it a work obligation,” she answered.
Jason nodded. If he had to make a guess, she needed to be in attendance in part for some business deal. It would make sense if she managed to wrangle Dick into being her date. Considering how much he loved performing and his cheery personality, if Emily needed to impress or woo any potential business partners, Dick had the kind of charm to win anyone over to his side.
As to who those business partners were, Jason didn’t give too much thought. He’d been around enough shady people to know that Emily could easily be involved in illegal activity. She knew he’d been watching her earlier and she was vague about her reasons for coming. He didn’t have anything to pin on her yet, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t something there.
Jason barely noticed the pause between one song and the next as the string quartet transitioned between pieces. Neither of them faltered as they moved out of the waltz step into a gentle sway, rotating slowly among the rest of the dancers.
“I can see the gears turning in your head,” Emily said, looking up at him through her eyelashes. “I know you’re trying to figure me out and believe me when I tell you that I’m really not as interesting as you might think I am. I’m actually quite boring if I’m being honest.”
Jason chuckled and spun her around, impressed when she kept up with him, not a stumble in sight.
“You? Boring? Impossible,” he scoffed.
She huffed and shook her head. “I’m serious!”
“I think you’re going to have to convince me. I don’t buy it.”
“What if I told you I’m a workaholic?”
Jason shrugged. “So am I. That doesn’t mean you’re boring.”
“I’m a workaholic, I drink too much coffee, I look like a disaster on the best of days, and I don’t even know what my hobbies are or even if I have them!” she cried, trying to gesture with the hand Jason was holding.
“Well obviously you care enough about your work or you’re interested enough in it that you want to work as much as you do,” he argued.
“Is that why you’re a workaholic?” she challenged.
“Nah, I’m a workaholic because I’m insane.”
“Not much of a reason,” she muttered.
“What’s your favorite movie?” Jason asked, taking pity.
She opened and closed her mouth, staring at him.
“T.V. show? Book? Band?” he shot off when she continued to stare at him. “When was the last time you actually sat down and watched a movie?”
She dropped her gaze, forehead wrinkling in thought. “I…don’t know?” She laughed and looked up at him, eyes shining. “I really don’t know,” she admitted. “Which is kind of ridiculous, but there it is.”
“We need to get you caught up on pop culture,” Jason muttered, turning them towards the edge of the dance floor in the hopes of spending more time with Emily. Preferably with a drink. Or in a dark, secluded corner.
“Promise?” she purred, pressing closer to him.
Jason nearly tripped over his own feet, not expecting her to be so open and honest. “Y-yeah,” he admitted. “I promise. We can start with some classic movies. Maybe order some pizza,” he rambled.
“You mind if we grab a drink?” she asked, putting a halt to Jason’s thoughts.
“Sure, yeah,” Jason agreed. “I’m sure there’s a waiter around here somewhere…”
He turned away from the dance floor, unconsciously slipping his arm around Emily’s back, large palm resting on her hip. He nearly froze at the feeling of her narrow waist under his fingers and fought to keep his mind out of the gutter when his thoughts raced far, far ahead of where he currently was.
“I think I see one over there,” Emily said, using Jason’s hand on her hip to guide him through the crowd.
Jason kept glancing down at her, barely paying any attention to the people around them. His senses were overwhelmed by the woman at his side and he was enthralled. It was a dangerous game to be playing. Especially when she knew nothing about him and Jason wouldn’t be able to share himself with her.
Emily glanced up at him and grinned before she turned and gripped his shoulders, shoving him against the wall. Jason’s eyes went wide. She had strength behind her hold, but Jason knew if he needed to, he’d be able to break out of her grip.
“Emily?” he asked.
“Sorry,” she breathed, fingers wrapping around the back of his neck and tangling in his hair. “I’m not trying to surprise you, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you once I noticed you staring earlier and have been hoping things would go as well as they did.”
Jason swallowed and watched Emily glance down at his lips. He licked his lips and she did the same before dragging her gaze back up to his. Jason tentatively wrapped his arms around Emily’s waist, pulling her flush against him.
“Can I kiss you?” she murmured. “I know it’s not really polite to my date, but I’ve been thinking about it for half the night and we’re running out of time before this Cinderella has to leave the ball and I’d rather not miss my chance.”
Jason nodded, every thought wiped clean from his mind because of the impossible woman wrapped in his arms. He ducked his head, pausing a breath away from her lips. He glanced up to meet her eyes and she nodded.
He closed the last speck of distance, sighing at the feeling of her soft lips. He pulled her closer and sucked on her bottom lip, their masks scraping together. Emily’s fingers tightened in his hair and she tilted her head back, seeking more contact.
Jason eagerly pressed forward, sucking on her bottom lip. Their kiss was gentle and exploratory at first, but quickly turned frantic and desperate and Jason was ecstatic he wasn’t the only one feeling so affected by their proximity.
If he was lucky this didn’t have to end with just one night.
He didn’t know how he’d make it work considering the kind of life he lived, but he was willing to try. He’d never find out what could be if it was never given a chance.
She reared back, pulling away from Jason’s grip. Jason tried to follow, not wanting the kiss to end just yet. He reluctantly blinked his eyes open and scowled at finding Dick standing several feet away from them, shoulders tense as he eyes darted between them, obviously displeased.
Jason glanced at Emily whose cheeks were red. He could see a smear of red behind the hand she held in front of her lips and knew his lips must be covered in the bright color.
“We should go,” Dick said, glaring at Jason who sneered back.
“R-right,” she muttered, giving one last look back at Jason. “Goodbye Drew.”
Jason nodded, head jerking with the motion. He tried not to let his anger simmer under the surface when Dick placed a large palm on her lower back and herded her through the crowd and away from Jason.
He knew Dick wouldn’t hurt her, but he still didn’t like his attitude.
He let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes, willing his heart to slow down. He glanced at the other guests and stuck to the perimeter of the room as he shuffled towards one of the ballroom’s side doors.
He slipped through the doorway and into the dark hallway beyond, shaking his head before disappearing into the night and hoping that punching a few people’s faces in would be enough to make him feel better.
Jason yanked his helmet off with a growl as he stalked into his bedroom. Patrol had done nothing to soothe his anger or feelings after the gala that night. His run had made him even angrier because he couldn’t get Emily out of his head.
He wanted to feel her lips against his again and keep her close. He hadn’t been entranced by someone in so long and he needed to find her. Even if it was only to see her in passing. He just needed to know she was happy and safe and then he could leave her to her life.
Jason tore at the latches of his uniform, barely caring what happened to it as he threw it back into his closet and pulled on a dirty pair of joggers and foregoing a shirt altogether. He was gross and grimy and would need to take a shower before bed, but he had something else he was going to work on first.
He grabbed his laptop and sat on the couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table. The largest bank in Gotham had been hosting the event and he was really glad they’d been using tablets during guest check-in.
Hacking their general system would be easy and he doubted the gala information and guest list would be under intense security.
Once Jason was through the firewall he started searching the database for anything referencing the gala, a guest list, or the previous day’s date.
It didn’t take him long to find what he was looking for and he was soon staring at a spreadsheet with various colored cells. The names that were in green boxes were the ones in attendance and those in red were those who were absent.
He searched for the name Emily and frowned when nothing came back. He couldn’t really be annoyed that she didn’t tell him her real name considering he hadn’t either. He searched for Dick’s name and was surprised when his did come up. He would’ve thought he would go under an alias, but one of Gotham’s banks having a gala meant he practically had to attend as himself considering how rarely Bruce made public appearances when they weren’t for his own events.
Dick didn’t have another name associated with his attendance, simply a ‘+1’ box that was highlighted green.
Jason scowled. He didn’t want to call Dick and ask who came with him, but he had no other way to track down the woman who was with him.
He sighed and sat forward, swiping his phone from the coffee table. He scrolled through his contacts and winced before he hit dial and put the phone up to his ear.
“Jason!” Dick gushed. “You never call me! How are things going? What’s new with you? What do you need? You’re not hurt, are you? You know you can-”
“Shut up Dickface and listen to me. If you can stop talking for five minutes for once,” Jason snapped.
Dick cackled, voice light like Jason hadn’t just insulted him. But Dick was used to his attitude by now.
“Fine, fine. But seriously, what did you need? You never call me to chat.”
Jason leaned back into his couch cushions and glared at the ceiling.
He huffed. “Fine, fine. You were at the bank gala last night.”
“What about it?” Dick asked, curiosity piqued.
“I need to know who your plus one was.”
The line was silent for a moment and Jason pulled the phone away from his ear to make sure the call hadn’t dropped.
“You need to what?” Dick asked.
“I need to know who you went with last night.”
Several seconds passed before he started cackling. Jason scowled and pulled the phone away from his ear to avoid going deaf thanks to Dick’s annoying laugh.
“What’s so funny?” he snapped when Dick’s chuckles started to die down.
His question only seemed to make things worse and Dick started snickering and laughing again.
“Seriously, Dickface, just tell me what’s so funny about me wanting to know who your plus one was?”
Dick finally managed to get control of himself, a few chuckles still escaping as he fought to catch his breath.
“Sorry Jason, but I can’t do that.”
“And why not?” he scoffed.
“Let’s just say they’re quite…personal about things. But if it really means that much to you, do your research on expensive lipstick brands. I’m sure…Emily would be flattered if you did a little detective work to earn their attention after capturing it so strongly last night,” Dick said, barely keeping himself under control when his laughter threatened to leave him gasping for breath once again.
“Whatever,” he huffed and ended the call.
He glared at his computer, trying to figure out why Dick reacted the way he did. It wasn’t an outrageous question. It might be a little weird since they didn’t know each other that well before making out, but he couldn’t help himself when she was just so enticing.
“What the hell does he mean by expensive lipstick brands,” he muttered, grabbing his laptop from the table.
Jason settled back into the couch cushions and balanced his computer on his thighs, doing a quick google search of designer lipstick brands.
The list that came back was longer than he would’ve liked and altered the search for Gotham designer lipstick brands.
“Oh she just loves playing games doesn’t she,” he muttered when the new search came back and the first name at the top of the list was “Emily DeLane.”
He clicked on the website and was immediately shown a picture of the designer who didn’t look like the woman he was speaking too. Not narrowing his search down at all was exactly the way he was hoping this would go.
Jason scrolled through the products and nearly choked when he found the only red lipstick listed cost $300.
“Who the hell is this?” he muttered.
He set his computer on the coffee table and pushed himself to his feet. He was going to need ten times the caffeine that was currently flowing through his system-which was currently in the negatives-if he was going to spend the next few hours hacking into this designer’s company’s website to access their transaction history and track down the number of people who’d bought this lipstick.
Jason grabbed the coffee grounds from the cabinet and threw them into the coffeemaker to brew while he took a moment to prepare a sandwich. Coffee would help keep him awake, but he really needed some food if he was going to avoid crashing and burning.
His sandwich was gone by the time the coffee was ready and he knocked back an entire cup before pouring another and taking it back to the couch. He set the coffee on a coaster and made himself comfortable on the floor in front of the coffee table, his back pressed against the couch.
Jason cracked his knuckles over the keyboard and got to work. The mainframe was simple enough to bypass, he’d faced harder challenges when he was learning how to hack in Bruce’s simulations as a kid and that was years ago. He found the sales portion of the website easily enough and nearly rolled his eyes at the transaction history listed for each object.
If he was a business owner, he wouldn’t leave such an obvious footprint on the internet that anyone could come along and copy. The business owners obviously didn’t care that much for their customers if anyone with decent hacking skills could come along and break into their financial records and steal the information of anyone who bought their products.
Jason scrolled down the list of products, growing more and more irritated the longer it took to reach the lipstick. He nearly scrolled past it, since the length was shorter than he expected, not that he should be surprised only a few people could afford such expensive makeup.
He recognized the first few names on the list as some of Gotham’s most notable socialites, but it was the fifth name that gave him pause.
“Tim Drake?” he muttered, mouse hovering over his name.
Tim certainly had the money to buy lipstick, but if it was for an undercover mission, the price on this wasn’t worth it. Not for the small amount of time it would be worn. He’d have better luck in a drugstore buying the cheapest stuff he could find.
Jason knew he wasn’t dating anyone. None of the Bats really dated since that led to a far too complicated life of lying and secrets that would drive even the most well-meaning people away. Tim couldn’t have bought it for anyone. Not even Steph or Cass. Cass didn’t wear makeup and Steph would want something purple.
He paused when a realization hit him and he felt like the biggest idiot in the world.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” he muttered, leaning back against the couch and scrubbing his hands over his face.
Dick’s laughter suddenly made a lot more sense considering Tim had been the one with him the night before. He was the same height and build and Jason realized he should’ve recognized his blue eyes. Or at the least the uncanny strength he had compared to his dainty looking appearance.
He never knew Tim could be so sassy or snarky when he wanted to be. He huffed and shook his head, closing out of Emily DeLane’s website. He pushed himself to his feet and walked into his bedroom, shoving his sweats off and pulling on a pair of jeans and his boots. He slipped on a shirt and slid his arms through the sleeves of his leather jacket.
Jason strode through his apartment to the living room windows and disabled his security, slipping out onto the fire escape. He crouched, making sure everything was in place before he jumped down to the level below, a hop in his step as he descended the stairs.
It was early in the day on a Sunday. Most of Gotham’s college students were recovering from their nights spent partying and the elite social class hadn’t quite pulled themselves from their homes yet unless they had brunch dates to keep.
Jason’s boots hit the floor of the alley with a soft crunch and he pulled the protector from his bike. He pulled his helmet out from under the seat and slid it onto his head, snapping the buckle into place under his chin.
He threw one leg over the bike and settled into the seat, bringing it to life with a low rumble. He pushed off the kickstand and rolled to the end of the alley, making sure the street was clear before he eased off the brake and hit the gas, jumping forward and into the turn before straightening easily and flying down the street.
Jason expected Tim to be in either one of two places: his apartment-which was the most likely unless he was absolutely exhausted from the night before-or he decided to stay at the Manor. Staying at the Manor was less likely even if he was exhausted considering his habits of pushing himself to the brink in favor of getting work done.
And since no one showed up with guns at the Gala, Tim was probably hard at work doing more research to track the group behind the threats and shady business dealings to get some evidence as to their activities for the police to make their arrests.  
Jason leaned into the next turn, glancing up at the quickly approaching skyscraper apartments that were still dwarfed by the W.E. offices the next street over.
He revved the engine and slipped past cars dutifully following the speed limit. The light ahead of him changed to yellow and he pushed forward, nearly skidding through the next turn after taking it so fast, but he made it through the intersection before the light turned red so he couldn’t much care.
Jason slowed as he approached Tim’s apartment. He turned into the underground parking garage and found a small space that wasn’t meant for any vehicle to be parked there, but he had other concerns he needed resolved first. And it was early enough no one would come looking just yet.
He punched the up arrow on the elevator and had his hands raised to slip into his jacket pockets when the doors slid open. He blinked and shrugged, shoving one of his hands into his pocket as he stepped inside. He smashed the button for the top floor and leaned against the back wall, watching the doors slide closed before he felt the elevator rise underneath him.
Jason expected to start feeling nervous as soon as he got to Tim’s apartment. He hadn’t really thought any of this through, but he was always better at jumping into fights rather than thinking through a battle plan.
He knew what he wanted and that’s all that mattered. It didn’t really matter if it was Tim in that dress and he wasn’t being completely honest and forthcoming because Jason was lying just as much as he was that night and putting on his own act. But he’d glimpsed a shred of the pieces of Tim he never got to see and he wouldn’t mind getting to know him just that little bit better.
The elevator slowed and dinged as they reached the top floor. Jason blinked his eyes open, not realizing he’s closed them as he ascended the building. He rolled his shoulders and stepped out of the elevator, eyes focused on the door at the end of the hallway.
He strode past the other apartment doors, not caring about them or the occupants within. All that mattered was Tim hiding behind the door at the end of the hallway. But he wasn’t going to let him run away or hide from this.
Tim had something to face and Jason was going to make him face it, because he wanted to face it too.
He raised his hand and rapped on the door, keeping it as light and nonthreatening as possible. He was sure Tim had cameras in the hallway that he couldn’t see with the naked eye. It was the type of behavior he would pick up from Bruce and he could only hope that Tim would still open the door and let him in.
A few moments passed before the door was pulled open a crack and he was met with a very confused looking Tim.
“Jason?” he asked. “What are you doing here?”
He shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets. “I had something I needed to talk to you about.”
Tim nodded and belatedly stepped to the side, pulling the door open wider to let Jason walk in. Jason nodded and slipped past him, his heart starting to pound in his chest when the door was shut behind him and they were finally alone.
“Is it about a case?” Tim asked, walking past him towards the kitchen where Jason could see a steaming mug of coffee sitting next to his laptop at the kitchen island. He walked around the back of the island and planted one hand on the island, reaching for his coffee with his other.
“You could say that,” Jason hedged, trailing after him. “It has to do with a case I’ve been working on.”
He looked Tim up and down. His hair was messy and pushed back with a black headband. He had on a pair of sweats and an oversized tank, one of the straps nearly sliding off his shoulder.
Tim nodded. “Do you need intel or extra backup?” he asked, taking a sip of his coffee and meeting his eyes over the rim. Jason was once again amazed he had no idea Tim was in front of him at the gala, not when he saw him clear as day now.
“No, nothing like that.”
Tim frowned and set his mug on the table. “Then what do you need?”
Jason sighed and turned away, pacing in front of the kitchen island as he fought to claw back a little of his nerve that brought him here in the first place.
“I was doing some undercover work recently at the masquerade gala. Nothing happened so didn’t really get any new leads on the guys I’m going after…”
“So, you do need intel,” Tim said, an odd note to his voice.
Jason glanced away, hiding his smile before he wiped it from his face.
“Of sorts,” he admitted, enjoying feeling cryptic for a moment. “I saw Dick there working the same case as me and he had someone with him that I thought I’d never seen before.”
“And you’re trying to track down this girl?” Tim asked.
Jason’s heart skipped over itself as he turned to face Tim. “I never said that someone was a girl.”
Tim went still. As still as if he was being stealthy in the shadows to avoid detection, like he was hoping Jason’s gaze would somehow slide right past him despite the two of them being engaged in conversation.
“I didn’t understand it at first. I tried finding the name she gave me on the registry, but there was no one by that name. Then I went to Dickface and couldn’t for the life of me understand why he thought it was so hilarious that I wanted to know the ID of his plus-one so badly. It made sense when I did a little bit of digging into Gotham’s designer makeup companies and found the transaction history for a pricey tube of red lipstick.”
Tim hadn’t moved a muscle since he started talking, but Jason could tell he was thinking through every escape route out of his apartment and ready to bolt now that Jason had cornered him.
“Tim,” he sighed.
Tim jolted and jerked backwards, back slamming into the counter behind him.
“Tim, whatever it is you’re worried about, you really don’t need to be.”
Tim stared at him for a moment before barking a hysteric laugh. “Don’t need to be worried?” he scoffed. “First of all, I put on a practically obscene dress and heels-and enjoyed every bit of it, might I add-I cornered you and kissed you when you had no idea who I was or what I was doing there. I think that constitutes plenty of reasons to be worried.”
He crossed his arms over his chest and hunched his shoulders, trying to make himself as small as possible in the hopes he could sink through the floor and disappear.
“There’s nothing wrong with enjoying wearing dresses and heels,” Jason argued. He felt himself flush. “I mean, you looked pretty amazing in what you were wearing so you should feel confident about looking gorgeous at least…”
Tim stared at him, his mouth opening and closing.
“And as far as the kissing thing went,” he continued, face growing hotter, “it wasn’t bad if that’s what you were worried about. You’re actually a really good kisser and I got to see a more fun and relaxed side of you that I hadn’t seen before-at least I’m assuming I did-and I really, really wouldn’t mind getting to know you a little better because, since I’m being so honest here, I had a lot of fun in the few hours that we got to spend together and, yeah…that’s it, I guess.”
He let out a long breath and glanced at Tim before glancing away and then back. Tim stared at him, trying to comprehend everything that had happened in a matter of seconds. His interest in dresses and makeup was something he kept tucked in the far corners of himself.
Jason ran a hand through his hair as the moments stretched on. “That’s all I basically came to say so it would be great if you could either tell me it’s not weird between us now or you can kick me out of your apartment for overstepping my boundaries. The choice is definitely up to you, but-mph!”
Jason blinked at Tim’s too-close face. Tim’s lips were as soft as he remembered them being and tasted better now that there wasn’t the bitter hint of lipstick on his tongue.
Before Tim could even think about breaking the kiss-because Jason knew that was going to be his reaction if he didn’t do something soon-he wrapped his arms around Tim’s back and pulled him tightly against him.
He tilted his head forward, forcing Tim’s head back to deepen the kiss and when Tim sucked on his lower lip, Jason let a happy groan rumble in the back of his throat. He slid his hands along Tim’s back and down to his thighs, fingers digging into the muscle before he lifted Tim from the floor.
Tim wrapped his legs around Jason’s waist and Jason closed the last few steps to the kitchen island, setting Tim on the edge, but not letting him get any further away. He tangled the fingers of one hand in the long strands of Tim’s hair and flattened the palm of his other hand on Tim’s lower back, keeping him pressed against him.
Tim’s fingers slid up through the back of his hair, nails lightly scratching along his scalp. Jason hummed and swiped his tongue along Tim’s bottom lip, almost surprised when Tim parted his lips for him.
He wasn’t sure exactly what this meant between them besides a mutual attraction and fascination with each other’s mouths. But he was more than happy to keep kissing Tim as long as he was willing.
They could figure out the rest later. And if Jason was lucky, he could get Tim to wear a few more dresses for him to look real pretty.
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aion-rsa ¡ 4 years ago
Mare of Easttown Is a Story of Addiction
This article contains spoilers for Mare of Easttown through episode 5.
On its surface, Mare of Easttown is a murder mystery: Who killed poor, sweet, Erin McMenamin? By the time the credits roll on the final episode, we will almost certainly have that answer (unless we don’t). Yet, the connective tissue of the series goes much deeper than a simple whodunnit. The threads that bind the citizens of Easttown together are woven through with unspoken pain, loss, and tightly held secrets. 
Of course, Easttown itself is meant to be a primary character in the show. Ever since the endless “squee-ing” over New York City as the fifth member of the Sex in the City posse, the city-as-character trope has made its way into many a prestige HBO series. However, instead of the effervescent heartbeat of spontaneity that NYC lent to SATC, Easttown invokes obstinate loyalty and stagnation. And, while the oppressive slog of existing in Easttown certainly looms large in the series, it’s the grimy patina of addiction that colors every single frame of its story. 
Much like the malicious It in Stephen King’s popular novel, addiction is an evil force. It wends its way through communities, dosing everyone along the way with a bit of hopelessness and despair. Addiction doesn’t just impact the person struggling with addiction; it’s an insidious cancer that spreads throughout families and communities, fueled by apathy, denial, and repressed trauma. 
While we see many characters in the town struggle with addiction in various ways, Mare (Kate Winslet) is virtually surrounded by it. First, Mare’s job as a detective sergeant requires her to often navigate substance-related issues. Early on in the series, she tells the spacey Betty Caroll (Phyllis Somerville) that she investigates all the “really bad shit” that goes on in town, including burglaries and overdoses (pronounced with those exaggerated Delco ‘o’s!). This is a town that has been hit hard by the opioid crisis, and part of Mare’s job has shifted to dealing with all of the horrors that come along with that waking nightmare. 
On the family front, we know that Mare’s son Kevin had a troubled past. Throughout the series, we’ve been learning more and more about Kevin’s life, about both his impact on Mare as a person and a mother and her impact on his development. He had been diagnosed with several disorders in his childhood, which led to over-medication, which led to substance misuse and eventually suicide in his early 20’s. 
This is all very heavy stuff. And it only gets heavier. In therapy, Mare reveals that her father also suffered from depression and that he had committed suicide when she was only thirteen years old. She also recalls suffering from bouts of depression, but states that she didn’t want to burden anyone else with her problems when she was experiencing them. So, instead, she drinks. 
Mare might not realize that she is self-medicating with every casual swig from her emerald Rolling Rock bottles or every violent tug from her vape pen, but she definitely is. She feels that she was unable to help her son or her father, and now she is trying to forget her feelings of crushing guilt, however temporarily. And she is truly haunted by the fact that a similar fate may be waiting for her adorable little nugget of a grandson, Drew.  
Read more
Mare of Easttown: Why Fans Should Watch Happy Valley
By Louisa Mellor
Mare of Easttown’s Saddest Moment Isn’t Even the Murder
By Alec Bojalad
Ultimately Mare misuses alcohol in an attempt to help her cope with her job, much of which is dealing with substance-related crime, all while reeling from the loss of her son who also struggled with addiction. It’s an addiction lasagna all the way down. Weighted down by repressed emotion, Mare chooses to numb herself out instead of facing the pain head on. In doing so, she unknowingly perpetuates the cycle of intergenerational trauma all while desperately wanting to break free from its grasp. 
This. This is what addiction wants. This is how it wins. By keeping people numb and trapped, these maladaptive coping mechanisms can pass down through the generations, and misery can continue unbroken. And there is so much misery in Easttown. Mare is certainly not alone in her choice to self medicate rather than reach out for help, but it’s also apparent that there isn’t much help to be had in the area. Mare’s encounter with Freddie (Dominique Johnson) in the first episode of the series illustrates as much. 
When Mare chases down Freddie for burglarizing his sister Beth’s house, she sticks him in a cop car and runs down his options. His heat has been turned off for lack of payment, so he can either stay in his freezing house or he can stay at the local shelter run by the church. After some convincing by Mare, he opts for the shelter. She directs the newbie officer driving the car to bring Freddie to the hospital to have a wound looked at, then bring him to the shelter, and then call the power company. Whew. That’s quite a lot for an officer to take responsibility for, but the young man agrees without blinking an eye. 
Mare’s directive to the officer takes mere seconds, but it encapsulates why police funds desperately need to be redirected to agencies that have the capacity to truly help people in Freddie’s situation. As a part of the police department, Mare is doing the best she can with what she has, but she is unable to take proactive steps to help people like Freddie recover. She can only take reactive steps after a crime has been committed. 
Faced with a scarcity of well-funded and competent community supports, even well meaning authority figures like Mare can – and do – become desensitized and inured to the humanity of people struggling with addiction. It’s clear from the jump that Mare had mostly written off Katie Bailey, the Original Missing Girl™, as simply an addict who was probably dead at the bottom of the Delaware River. But, shocker, Mare was wrong. Katie has been alive the entire time, as the end of episode 4 reveals. 
Even though she had issues with addiction, Katie was certainly worthy of saving. However, the way that American society has conceptualized addiction is that it is a moral failing on the part of the individual, and therefore these individuals are responsible to deal with their own respective consequences and recoveries. We now know that this is dead wrong.  The continued scourge of addiction is a policy failure that treats substance misuse as a criminal justice issue instead of a societal one. Therefore there are no readily available resources for people to access even when they do want to seek help. This is likely why Katie was engaging in risky behaviors to obtain money for drugs, and why she was in a vulnerable position to be exploited and kidnapped by a monster masquerading as a man.  
On a different side of the spectrum, we can also look to Drew’s mother Carrie as a prime example of this problem. At one point, Mare visits Carrie at her halfway house. It’s a small, dilapidated structure. A new admit just arrived carrying bed bugs. According to Carrie, the agency is called “Rebirth”, implying that the residents were “all dead before we got here.” To the system, individuals who suffer from addiction problems don’t actually count as people until they get clean and sober. Carrie, like so many others, is managing to succeed despite the system, not because of it. (Also despite a scorched earth, drug planting campaign from Mare, but that’s a whole other story.)
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Carrie. Katie. Mare. Freddie. There isn’t a single character in Easttown who has been untouched by addiction. It is a complex evil that encourages people to stay quiet out of pride, guilt, and shame even when they need help and support. It is an evil that often goes unnamed until it is too late. And it will continue to infect the shadows of towns both small and large unless we bring it into the light.
Mare of Easttown airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on HBO. 
The post Mare of Easttown Is a Story of Addiction appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3eTF77a
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operationrainfall ¡ 5 years ago
A while back, I promised I would provide some impressions of a few of the games revealed at the USC Games Expo 2020. And though this has taken longer than I was anticipating, I am a man of my word. I had a few hiccups along the way, but eventually settled on the following 5 projects. None were featured in the keynote address, but they all have merit. There’s a variety of genres here, from mystery to platformer to action adventure to SHMUP and even mobile. To avoid bias, I’ll list the games alphabetically, and share what they do well and poorly.
Although The Death Mask is the first USC Games title listed, it’s paradoxically the last one I played. That’s cause originally I was aiming my sights at another narrative game, but had problems installing it. So imagine my pleasant surprise when I found a murder mystery rife with political intrigue! The Death Mask is touted as a mobile mystery game, but it also works well on Mac and PC. You use the mouse to progress, and drag a flower icon to select narrative choices. You can agree with people, dissent, search for gossip and much more. It’s a simple interface, but in a good way.
I was drawn by the aesthetic style of the game. It uses simple but bright colors, and the masks in the game’s main masquerade are all eye catching. While you read and make choices, relaxing ball music sets the mood. You play a guard searching for clues into the disappearance of a ceremonial blade, and do so by questioning those attending the event. As you play, you’ll gain access to different masks, which allow you to get answers out of unwilling guests. For example, early on I put on a Servant mask so that I could get helpful gossip from a worker. It’s a fun little project, and should appeal to many types of gamer. My only minor complaint is that I found some typos during my time with the game. Other than that, it’s a lot of fun and surprisingly well put together.
This next USC Games project also caught my interest due to the art style. It’s very attractive and full of cute details, and it’s called Riscue. This is a game focused on environmental change. You play a squirrel grabbing nuts before the tide crashes in. Basically you just jump your way through stages by pressing the Up key until the timer runs out, leaping over holes and grabbing tasty food. At the end of each well animated stage you climb a tree and count your nuts.
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Though I’m totally fine with single button gameplay, and found Riscue fun enough, it does have some issues. First of all, no matter how many nuts I got in a stage, my score was always the same. This immediately killed my interest in playing more. With no story to speak of, and no score system as motivation, it’s hard to find a reason to keep playing. That said, the aesthetic presentation and overall theme of the game still kept me engaged. I think the game could be a great one, it just needs a tighter gameplay focus to match the visual presentation.
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The next game was one of the most impressive that I spent time with. Scarlet could easily be from some decently sized studio on consoles, it’s that good. Considering it was made by a small team of USC Games students with limited resources, that’s even more impressive. The demo played very smoothly for the most part, and only had some minor slowdown, though that could be attributed to my computer. I played the titular Scarlet as she searched for someone named Emerald in a large facility. I wasn’t clear what my ultimate intent was, though it seemed I was there to end Emerald’s life. Despite that, she kept welcoming me over intercoms, and this discrepancy made me really interested in the plot of the game.
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But it wasn’t all philosophical. As I wandered about what looked like a factory, I came across hideous insectoids that wanted me dead. I won’t lie, they reminded me a lot of the bugs from Starship Troopers, but they were still cool looking and fierce. I fought them back with slash attacks, both light and heavy, and a great dodge move. I was very happy Scarlet was made with controller support in mind, as my 360 controller worked marvelously. More and more clues were unearthed as I explored between fights, and the demo culminated with a boss battle against a gigantic spider beast. It tried to burn me with concentrated beams of light, as well as slashing at me with giant appendages. Even then, I was more than a match for it. Overall, this is a really good proof of concept, and I find myself genuinely curious to see where this game goes.
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I’m gonna start with the fact I have never played a mobile game on my phone before. Ever. So I wasn’t sure what to expect from Sky: Children of the Light. And I’ll admit, I had a bit of inherent bias against mobile games, thinking most to be cheap cash ins or shovelware. Not so here. Sky has shockingly good production values, including truly vibrant music and lush if simplistic art. The entire game is told visually, through various animations and cutscenes. Despite that, you can read the emotion in each part of the game.
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As for how Sky plays, you naturally fly around hunting for clue and artifacts in an expansive and magical world. You gradually increase your capacity to soar the winds as you wander. Though it took me some getting used to, the controls are also pretty intuitive in Sky. One finger controls your movement, swiping with another changes the camera angle, and pressing and holding various icons lets you do things like pick up candles and react with emojis. I admit I didn’t care much about the latter, but I was all for exploring this breathtaking world. If nothing else, Sky has totally changed my negative bias against mobile gaming. And considering this is a totally free game, I can easily recommend it to everyone.
Finally, I’ll close things out with Tri-Ger. I love the simplicity and challenge of SHMUPs, so I had to try one at USC Games Expo. It has pumping music and simple yet attractive artwork. Your goal is to match colors when destroying enemy waves to increase your score. That’s it, pretty simple. But that’s not the same as easy.
Honestly I had my ass handed to me by Tri-Ger. The enemy projectiles weave back and forth like snakes, and it’s easy to get hit unexpectedly. Oh and did I mention the enemy waves are procedurally generated? That said, it’s a cool premise reminiscent of games like Ikaruga, and the tunes were very catchy and enjoyable. Sure I might have appreciated features like secondary weapons or bombs, but the core experience here has a lot of potential.
All in all, I was quite impressed by the diversity of talent shown by the students at USC Games Expo 2020. I may have to reevaluate my expectations on the abilities of college students after this. Sure not every game was breathtaking, but they all had a lot of heart and skill evident in them. I encourage everyone reading this to check out the other games available at the Expo, and open your minds up to new gaming experiences.
Hands-On IMPRESSIONS: USC Games Expo 2020 A while back, I promised I would provide some impressions of a few of the games revealed at the…
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lifebeginsbyleaving ¡ 6 years ago
This or that
I was tagged by my homeslice @halevetica so buckle in mofos OPINION TIME (I'mma talk a little bit other than the bold cuz I don't ever stfu) So lessa go!!!
*Coffee or tea*
Hmmm let's see the devil's diarrhea juice or heavenly leaf beverage that after reading one chart makes you feel like a witch for brewing a cup of chamomile for your stomach ache hmmmm
*Early bird or night owl*
*Chocolate or vanilla*
*Spring or Autumn*
*Pop or alternative*
*Freckles or dimples*
I refuse to choose because and stay with me here... BOTH uggggh perfect
*Snakes or sharks*
I actually have a phobia of sharks when I was little I used to want to get out of the tub because I thought the water would attract a shark and he'd come bursting through the floor and eat me buuuuut you didn't need to know that besides lil snek so cute
*Mountains or fields*
*Thunderstorms or lightning*
~you can't have one with out the other~
*Egyptian or Greek mythology*
*Ivory or scarlet*
Liiiike the colors??? Why pick those two in particular 😒😒😒 it just seems odd
*Eyes or lips*
*Witch or fairy*
*Opal or diamond*
*Butterfly or honey bee*
You heard me
*Macaroons or eclairs*
Neither because 1. Eclairs are shit they're basically soggy crust wrapped around snot with shitty chocolate on top and slapped with whipped cream and a maraschino cherry like every other cheap whore dessert and 2. WHAT THE FUCK ARE MACAROONS are they the lil aesthetic two cookies with the creme in between (basically the French complicated Oreo that comes in pastels) OR are they those coconut (biscuit???) things
*Typewritten or handwritten letters*
*Secret garden or secret library*
I bolded library because if I did have to choose thas wha I pic but just secret rooms in general why did that stop being a major thing when castles stopped I mean come on people where is your sense of adventure your sense of mystery your sense of secrecy your sense of Scooby Doo your sense of living in a remote castle that you reclusively live in all alone except your Butler Walter and ferret Michael that you've had since you were a boy and one day you invite thirteen random strangers to solve a murder mystery that ends with a real death yours because the family money doesn't even feed Mikey anymore so you decide to shoot yourself at the end of the night to escape your crippling debt BUT conveniently as everyone faints because of the spiked Cornish hen that Walter prepared you fake the scene and go behind a painting into a secret room with Michael and a backpack for your new life as a mountain climber ANNNNNNNNND THATS WHY YOU HAVE SECRET ROOMS
Rooftop or balcony
Spicy or mild
I issa spicy boi me lov tha fiare
Opera or ballet
London or Paris
To live London to visit Paris
Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet
Denim or leather
Hisses at a denim dress and scuttles across the hard wood floor till I squeeze under a couch to my nest of leather jackets
Potions or spells
Ocean or desert
Mermaid or siren
My brain wants to know what they would sing and who they would look like but my heart knows they'd sing when you're here you're family and they'd look like freshly baked bread sticks
Masquerade ball or cocktail party
So umm thanks??? Idk what I'm supposed to say but I guess y'all have a good one and come back now ya hear *tips cowboy hat*
I tag @idonthaveanyfriendsonhereexcepthalevetica
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