#[ outofspells. ]
condomglitter · 1 year
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I've been roleplaying with robots instead of humans because robots have no standards, but like... in Theory... what ARE the humans up to these days, anyways? What shit do I need to fix so I can use this goddamn blog again? I am an OLD LADY.
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iputaspxllonyou · 1 year
Tumblr just informed me that this blog turned 8 years old recently.
Wild, right?
How do you do this RP blog thing again?
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natures-lost-warden · 10 months
*furiously erases and rewrites something based on todays D&D session*
That twist was good, I need to put it into Tobis Canon past ASAP!!!
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thelostapprentice · 2 years
Me: rising from the grave like zombie!Strange
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malevolentmagic · 3 years
okay. gotta put away load 1 of 4 of laundry, take olive for a walk, and then pick up bestie from the airport and then do my meal prep for the work week. i will not say the thing that will jinx me but i will that i have no other plans after those things.
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magicties · 5 years
Things to do:
1. Finish verses pages
2. Add Evie from "The Mummy'
3. Write opens
Yeah. I can do that...
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sabmagog-blog · 5 years
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//I got this in Hot Topic while on vacation in Chicago! I could not help myself, when I saw her, especially since it's the Sabrina from the comics! She's so cute!//
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witchofdiamondcity · 5 years
//Eyyy, looks like it’s time to jump on the train and throw a game recommendation your guys’ way, and following the trend everyone’s been up to, I’m going to gush about WarioWare Gold for the 3DS!  The gameplay follows three main mechanics, everything’s kept super simple, easy to learn and not terribly hard to master, and the microgames are so fast-paced and weird that you can’t help but love it...unless the speed of it gives you trouble.  And of course there’s the wide, unique cast of characters that populate Diamond City!  Gold is the first in the series to have fully-voiced cutscenes, and while the ones before gave them plenty of personality, hearing them talk to each other and confront their own dilemmas in the story’s sure to get you completely charmed by all of them and just as outraged as us in the fandom that they’re not in any Mario spinoff games. (Seriously, Nintendo, there’s so many of them that it’s a waste not to include a few!  I’m not even asking for Smash anymore!  Ashley riding her broom through a Mario Kart course!  Mona going all sporty in Mario Tennis!  So many more!  They’d fit so well yet you squander their existence ;^;)
The game’s been out a little over a year now, so I’m sure you can find it for a good price out there!  Have fun!
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marcoarmada · 6 years
I miss writing this dipshit. Would anyone care to thread with him?
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amylilypotter · 6 years
// PSA
// hello, darlings <3 I am so sorry that I have not been here since few months, like a long time really, but every time I wanted to come back something happened that just pushed me away from writing, it was a hard year, really hard year for me mostly and now I think I finally have a strength to write again. But first things first, I wonder if any of you wants to RP with me again and talk ? I missed you all so much and I slowly want to come back to RPing, cannot promise, because of my work and the schedule, that I will reply every day like I used to, but I’ll try, if anyone wants to RP again.
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ofstrongest-blog · 6 years
but y didn’t anyone make a game of thrones reference in the reboot. the demon was literally a whitewalker. like. lmao. 
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condomglitter · 5 years
Inbox call, while I'm stuck on mobile?
Might send a meme, might send an interaction - who knows! But Nat will be in your inbox, causing trouble spreading the love!
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iputaspxllonyou · 4 years
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This has little to do with Bonnie. Other than we have the same level of culinary skills (which is to say none). I just want to show someone my first homemade baked Mac and cheese that I am very proud of!
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natures-lost-warden · 10 months
Not me creating an entire new set of AUs for Tobi based on something said in a Discord vc
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thelostapprentice · 6 years
when you remember it is St. Patrick’s day and you work at a bar
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malevolentmagic · 3 years
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