#[ one i rat shake in my head though bc i love putting this old man through the Horrors
marinehero-a · 1 year
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     Whether it's due to his connection to Dragon, or his own beliefs towards the Celestial Dragons, Garp has always avoided the Revolutionary Army as a topic of conversation. Even following the War when his status as Dragon's father became public, he's inclined to do little more than confirm it and laugh before moving on. Alhough he doesn't keep regular contact with Dragon, he is more familiar with the activites of the Revolutionary Army than most marines. Sengoku, Tsuru, and Bogard tend to keep him updated, and — if he could be bothered to — he could give a decent guess as to what Dragon's intending at a larger scale.
     Regardless of whether his knowledge is correct or incorrect, if their paths were to cross, Garp would only interfere with their buisness if it were harming his men or civilians. Likewise, if he stumbles across spies or RA members, it's more likely for him to sigh and look the other way than take any action.
     That's not to say he approves of them. He hates how they involve civilians, encourgaging people to stand up for themselves and fight. Even if a part of him, perhaps even a large part, understands, he doesn't agree with it.
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ironspiidey · 4 years
Superhero’s get Bullies Too Part 10
Chapter 1
Chapter 10: Harley Stark & Throat Punching a Bully
Read on AO3
Thats right guys finally a new update!!!!!!
friendly reminder a hoe for likes and comments. They also fuel me :)
“So you and May eh?” Peter says with a smirk as he slides into the backseat of the car.
Happy glances in the rearview mirror. “Me and your Aunt are just friends Peter.”
Peter rolls his eyes. “Liar. I know my aunt well enough to know you two are more than just friends Happy.”
Happy tossed Peter his phone before turning out of the apartment parking lot and in the direction of the tower.
“Oh thanks!” Peter unlocks his phone and scrolls through his texts, seeing a bunch from his very concerned boyfriend, which made him smile. “Stop ignoring me.”
“I’m not ignoring you.”
“You’re not, not ignoring me either.” Peter looked up from his phone to give the driver a pointed look in the mirror.
Happy shook his head. “Your aunt and I are friends Peter, we may have hung out once or twice.”
“Three times.” Peter says without looking up from his phone, quickly sending a message in his group chat with MJ, Gwen & Ned about how Happy’s picked him up and brought him his phone.
“Excuse me?”
“You’ve hung out with her 3 different times. First time was when she went looking for me at the Tower but I was at a decathlon thing, you took her for coffee but only told Mr. Stark you were taking her home.”
“How do I know? Well we did some major catching up during pee and snack breaks today when we were watching Greys.”
Happy nods in understanding “Ah okay, She does become easier to talk to when that TV show is involved.”
“Did you two ‘Netflix and Chill’ in my living room?”
The older man remains quite.
“Oh gross.”
Happy chuckles as he puts the partition up, clearly having enough of the redheads 21 questions.
Peter shakes his head and looks down at his phone. He starts deleting old conversations to clean up his inbox and his thumb hovers over Harley’s messages. He opens the conversation and sighs.
H: Hey Pete, not sure when youll see this but yeah. I know your upset with Stark for looking in your phone but he cares about you a lot more then he lets on which I know is hard to believe
 H: my point is trust is huge with him and he’s low key freaking out that he lost you even though im saying he hasn’t bc your too stubborn to give up on his crazy ass. Just maybe cut him some slack when you get here. He means well.
 H: and Im kinda getting used to having you around so yeah.
Peter bites his lip debating on digging out the messages from Flash that he archived a few months ago or deleting them. Knowing that it will send Tony even more over the edge then the superhero already is but at the same time remembering how upset he sounded when he found the one conversation. Peter sighs as he responds to Harley’s messages.
 P: Don’t worry Harley, it’s going to take more than one fight to get rid of me. I know he cares and tell him to stop being a dumbass and that he hasn’t lost me.
Peter sighs again, realizing if things are truly going to work he needs to be as truthful as possible with the older man
 P: and tell him I have something to show him when I get there.
 H: So happys picked you up? How long till your home also will do parker
Peter knocks on the partition.
“Yes Peter?” Happy responds once he brings the glass screen down half way
“How far are we away from the Tower?” Peter asks without looking up, shooting his boyfriend a quick text about how he isn’t mad, that he still loves him and everything will be alright.
“About 20 minutes, traffic seems slow today.”
“Thanks Happy.”
Peter goes back to his conversation with Harley and tells him just that, switching to Tony’s chat as his phone vibrates.
 T: my nephew ratted me out didn’t he?
 P: Or I could be telepathic
 T: without even being near me?
 P: I always said we were meant to be :P
 P: But seriously Tones, you know I love you. I’m not going to run away that easily.
 T: I love you Underoos
 P: Happy says I should be home in 20 minutes, should I order takeout?
The younger man’s phone buzzes, showing Tony’s caller ID
“I’ll take that as a yes?”
“Actually no.” Tony starts “I have something planned here and no I’m not telling you what it is.”
‘Don’t worry Parker, you’re going to love it!!!’ Peter hears Harley holler in the background
“Another dinner? You really are sucking up.” Peter says with a grin
“What? Cant a man provide a nice dinner for the ones he love.”
“You’re definitely up to something Tony.”
“Always. Harley here go put this on the table. Okay Petey I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
“Okay Tones, love you.”
Peter smiles to himself after disconnecting the call. Happy smirked as he glanced in the rearview mirror. Peter noticed and raised an eyebrow “What?”
“Not a thing.”
"So your Uncle let you come to school Keener?"
Harley gave him a look as he entered the building "What the fuck do you want?"
After the weekend the blonde just had. Finding out just how much of a piece of shit Flash was, Harley’s patience was nonexistent with the other teen.
"I want in."
"In on what?"
Harley's eyes widen "What the fuck do you mean? It’s too fucking early to deal with your dumbass"
"Don't play stupid with me. I know you’re fucking him, and maybe even your uncle is too. I want a fucking piece with or without your help."
"Is that a fucking threat?"
"It's a promise."
"You leave Parker the fuck alone or I'll fucking end you." the blonde teen growled.
"Ah ah ah, what would your uncle say if you got into another fight?"
Harley stepped up into Flash's personal space "He'd fucking congratulate me for putting an end to your disgusting, useless life."
Flash pushed him back. "Gonna kill me are you?"
"C'mon Harley, Flash isn’t worth it. Think about Peter." Harley’s friend, Tommy finally spoke up. Harley didn’t exactly tell Tommy everything but Tommy knew Flash was on some serious thin ice based on some texts between Flash and Parker. Harley had a bad temper on a good day but after whatever happened this past weekend, well Tommy was pretty sure his friend was just a ticking bomb ready to explode.
"Yeah Harley," Flash mocked. “Who would save him if you're stuck in jail being somebodies little bitch."
Harley turned to his friend and laughed manically "Ha, this guy."
"Oh no." Tommy sighed as Harley turned back to the bully and punched him in the throat. So much for a quiet Monday.
Flash fell back grasping at his throat before lunging at the blonde. "You’re going to regret that."
Harley quickly dodged him, sticking his foot out so the brute fell. He flipped him over and grabbed a hold of his collar. "You are going to regret ever fucking with Parker.” Harley spat and he hauled his arm back and started punching him repeatedly
Tommy sighed and leaned against the wall, keeping an eye out for teachers or Flash's boys. They were by the side entrance of the school that nobody uses except the kids smoking but you couldn’t be too careful. Plus the last thing they needed was Parker coming around and seeing this.
After a few punches were thrown Harley let off. He wiped the blood on his knuckles off on Flash’s shirt then got up.
"Know your fucking place Thompson. Ready to go?"
Tommy turned and nodded "Yeah let’s bounce before Parker shows up."
"This isn't fucking over!" Flash sputtered as moved to get up.
Harley turned and spit in front of the other teen. "If you know what's good for you, it'll be over."
"How long do you think we've got till he blabs to someone?"
Harley shrugs "Hopefully till lunch."
As they make their way to the front of the school Tommy’s phone starts buzzing. "What the fuck?"
Harley looked at him puzzled. “What?"
The other boy tilted his screen so that he could see "See for yourself."
"Why is Parker calling you?”
"The better question is how he got my number. Harley!"
The blonde put his hands up “Wasn't me dude. Well answer it!"
Tommy gave him a funny look before answering. "Yo."
 "Hey Tommy? It’s Peter. Peter Parker. "
"Hi Parker."
 "Hi! Is Harley with you?"
"Yep, wanna talk to him?" Harley held his hand out
 "Um no actually I wanted to talk to you. You don't have me on speaker do you?"
Tommy shook his head at his friend, shrugging when Harley gave him a confused look. "Nope."
 "Okay great. Well I just wanted to say it’s my fault he didn’t get to hang out with you this weekend."
"Your fault?" Tommy pushed Harley away when he tried to listen in.
 "Yeah uh well you see." Peter coughed, clearly nervous "Harley got angry at Flash because of me and To- Mr. Stark was not impressed and basically put him on house arrest."
"House arrest?” Tommy glanced at his friend, mouthing 'He's apologizing'
 "Yeah. His uncle didn't trust him."
"I don’t blame him there, Harley's a heathen." he snickered, wincing when Harley punched him in the arm.
 Peter giggled "I'm not sure what he told you so I just wanted to clear things up in case he said something stupid like he had a date or something."
"That would be stupid?"
 "Well duh, he's your best friend and he shouldn't lie to you. Especially not for me. Could you do me a favor?"
"Depends on what it is?"
 "Nothing bad! I just want you to keep an eye on Harley and maybe uh make sure he stays away from Flash. I'm worried he's going to do something stupid and then To- Mr. Stark would lose it and it'll be a giant mess. So if you could do that for me that be great."
Tommy shook his head. "Yeah Parker I can do that but you owe me one alright?"
 "I expect nothing less. See ya Tommy"
"What was that about?” Harley questioned him as the call ended.
“Parker is too smart for his own good. He just called me to ask me to keep an eye on you and keep you away from Flash."
"To keep an eye on me?"
"He's something else. Bet my uncle had something to do with it." Harley pulled out his phone as they entered the building, texting his uncle
 H: did you tell Peter to call Tommy?
"Yeah that’s the other thing!"
Harley looked up from his phone “Other thing?”
“Yeah he kept starting to call your uncle by his first name than correcting himself.”
“Oh.” Harley tried to remain normal but was freaking out inside. If Tommy was to ask any questions about his uncle and Parker, well Harley wasn’t sure how he’d be able to lie to his best friend without him becoming suspicious.
“Yeah like I know he’s his intern and you two are kinda friends and hang out at your place together so I’m sure he doesn’t call him Mr. Stark. There’s no reason to cover it up.”
Harley shrugged “Yeah well maybe he’s trying to hide that we hang out?”
“Why would he call me to say he’s the reason you couldn’t hang this weekend then?”
“He did what? I thought you said he called to make sure you kept an eye on me?”
“Well he did. But first he wanted to make sure I knew that you didn’t chill this weekend because of something to do with Flash bugging him and you and Stark got into it.”
“Why would he bring that up?”
Tommy shrugged. “Somethin about worrying you’d make up some shit story about a date to cover it up. I’m your best friend and you shouldn’t lie to me especially for Parker.”
Harley gave him an unimpressed look.
“What? His words not mine.”
“I’m serious! Then he asked about keeping an eye on you. So see what I mean when it makes no sense?”
Harley was about to respond when his phone buzzed
 Stark: No. Did you do something that would require him to talk to Tommy?
 H: Not even. So you’re telling me you had nothing to do with him getting a hold of Tommys number to call him?
 Stark: You are becoming paranoid nephew  .
 H: That don’t answer my question uncle.
 Stark: *doesn’t. Stark: Get to class I’ll see you after school.
Harley rolled his eyes as he put his phone back in his pocket. “Sorry what?”
“Were you even listening to me?”
Harley sighed. “Yes buttercup. Peter thinks you shouldn’t lie to me, wants you to keep an eye on me and hiding our friendship makes no sense considering he called you about that shit.”
“Someone is moody as fuck today.”
“Sorry man it’s just my uncle.”
Tommy raises an eyebrow “That or Flash hit a nerve.”
“Excuse me?”
“Well I mean dude you have a temper but the last time I seen you beat the shit outta somebody like that over a conversation was when my girlfriend was given a hard time. So unless someone you know is dating Parker, you’re catching feelings.”
Harley scrunched his nose up in disgust. “Fuck no. He’s just my Uncle’s intern man.”
“Since when has your uncle needed you to protect his interns?” Tommy challenged
“Since he started having a nerd the size of a beanpole for an intern.”
Tommy gave him a look as they entered first class.
“Seriously. You’ve seen how skinny he is. If Flash wanted to do some damage it wouldn’t be that hard!”
Tommy nods. Seeing Ned and Liz walk into class, he nudges Harley with his foot. Hoping he’ll get the hint to shut it.
Harley gave him a confused look before seeing Peter’s friends walk in.
“Hey Harley!” Ned stops in front of his desk.
“What’s up Leeds?”
“Was Peter with you this morning?”
“No. Didn’t he have some nerd thing with you at 8?”
Ned nods “Yeah but he didn’t show.”
Harley felt his heart drop into his throat. Peter never missed early periods. The whole point of them was so that a day or two a week he could spend the afternoon at SI. “Did you hear from him?”
Tommy glanced at Harley while trying to act indifferent. Last thing they needed was Ned snooping around if Harley did have a thing for the other teen.
Ned shook his head. “He texted me around half 7 saying he’d be there but he didn’t show.”
Harley looked confused. “Well I’m sure everything’s fine. Maybe something came up with SI.”
“I don’t think so. He’s only supposed to be an active intern outside of school hours.”
Harley shrugs “You’re just a worry wart Leeds.”
Liz nodded “See me and MJ told you everything was probably fine. Go sit down mother hen.” She pushed him in the direction of where they usually sat.
“Do us all a favor though and text your uncle. I really don’t feel like listening to Ned worry all damn day.” She whispered as she passed both boys.
After they were out of ear shot Tommy leaned forward. “Well we heard from him like 20 minutes ago so everything should be fine right?”
“Clearly Flash didn’t have anything to do with whatever’s going on.”
“You should get ahold of Stark. Leeds will probably try calling his aunt if we don’t find out what’s up.”
Harley shuddered at the thought. His uncle was scary but Peter’s aunt? She was a damn nightmare when it came to her nephew. “Shit your right. I got no interest in dealing with the wrath that is May Parker.”
Harley quickly takes his phone out and sends his uncle another text.
 H: Hey is Peter with you?
He frowns when immediately his phone rings showing Tony’s contact. “Shit.” He muttered under his breath. “He’s fucking calling me.”
Tommy looked at him in alarm “Who Peter?”
“No. Stark!” He whispered harshly as he got up quickly heading outside.
“Hello?” Harley answered once he was outside of the room.
“Why are you asking about Peter?”
 Tony cut him off “Why aren’t you in your English class?”
“Well I was in fucking English before Peter’s friends started asking me where the fuck he was!”
“Language nephew. Why are they asking you where he is?”
“Apparently I’ve become his fucking keeper or something. All I know is he didn’t show for that thing for early period and Ned is being a mother hen.”
“Clearly I need to wash your mouth out with soap. Peter didn’t show to Decathlon practice? Hmm.”
Harley could hear some rustling in the background which concerned him mildly. If he uncle didn’t know he was there how the hell was anyone else going to? “Uncle?”
“One second.”
The rustling continued for a beat before Tony spoke.
“Friday, Can you pinpoint Peter’s location?” Tony spoke before the line went silent for roughly 30 seconds.
“Thanks babygirl. Okay so everything is perfectly fine. I think he plans to reach out to his friends. He’ll be there soon.”
“Well what even happened?” Harley questioned. Then the second warning bell rang.
“Get to class.”
“But-” Harley was interrupted by a dial tone. He sighed as he pocketed his phone. Peter was going to be the death of him, he was sure of it.
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furuba-imagines · 5 years
A Glimmer of Hope [1]
A/N: I shall be posting requests over the weekend. I started writing this story around 2016 (it’s on my quotev and FanFiction.Net) but bc of the rebooted anime I decided to reboot my own story as well the new anime’s honour :3
Word Count: 2706
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of sad character past, mentions of family abuse. Crappy format bc it was posted on mobile app. I’ll fix it up later. For now, enjoy!!
Pairing: Eventual Kyo x Oc
Story Notes:
Bold text is Amélie’s thoughts and inner dialogue.
Italicised text is when Amélie is narrating bits of the story like Tohru does in the anime as well as flashbacks (I will let you know what’s a flashback and what’s not though)
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Amélie smiled to herself as she breathed in the fresh morning air. She marvelled at how beautiful and blue the sky was and how the white fluffy clouds looked as if they were painted in gentle strokes.
'Oooh yeah, that sun feels so warm.'
The sun shone bright, warming up her pale skin, erasing the goose bumps that littered her exposed arms. Turning back to the small black tent that she currently called home, her lip twitched and formed into a forlorn smile as she looked at the photograph sitting atop a folded pile of clothes in a simple brown wooden picture frame. It was a picture of her when she was six, posing with her mum and dad. Everything was so happy and bright back then... but a dark storm washed all that happiness away and she hasn't really felt it since. Despite the accident that befell them happening so long ago, it still got to her. It still haunted her dreams at night and plagued her thoughts during daylight. She wished she could just stop feeling – it would make things so much easier.
With a heavy sigh, Amélie grabbed her school bag and guitar and secured them both around her back and shoulder respectively. She cast one last glance at the picture before zipping up the tent and making sure it was secure, not that she was worried about anyone breaking in. Not many people passed by this area.
'See you guys soon. I love you.'
Even so, she didn't keep her more valuable belongings in the tent, like her piano keyboard. She kept that safely locked up in the school music room. Normally, she'd leave her guitar there too but she wanted to work on the new song she was writing. But she never kept both instruments in the tent at the same time in case something did happen. She didn't want to risk it no matter how small the chance. A part from the picture, her guitar and piano were the only things she had left of her parents. They were both musicians – her mum sang and wrote and her dad played. Music was one of the only things she still found happiness in. She hoped that one day her music would be played across the world for people to enjoy.
Amélie tugged at her uniform, wishing she had a mirror to check herself with. Amélie was never very fond of the girl's uniform so she wore the boy's one instead. She traded in her skirt and blouse for the pants and collared shirt and paired it with her own plain black Doc Martin's. She felt more comfortable in them than the lace up shoes the school provided. The school faculty stopped carding her after the first two weeks she refused to change. She also liked the fact that she didn't have to worry about boys trying to sneak-a-peak up her skirt. The last boy who tried walked away with a swollen cheek, bruised eye and busted lip. She stood by her actions however.
'The little shit deserved it. He had it coming if you ask me.'
Amélie hadn't always lived in a tent. After the death of her parents, her French side of her family were given custody over her but she wouldn't really call them family. The first thing they did was disown her, cast her out and hand her over to the state orphanage as soon as they could. She ended up living there until she was thirteen after her Japanese side of the family finding out about her and adopting her. Amélie would've preferred to stay at the orphanage since they were more of a family than her actual relatives. By the age of sixteen she had endured enough of their abuse and torment and ran away. She ended up staying at both her friends, Uotani and Hanajima's place for a while upon their insistence but the guilt became too much so she lied about having found good accommodation. In reality, she kept moving from hotel to hotel until she was forced to live in the tent she was living in currently. A glamorous life she liked to sarcastically call it, but she was grateful at least that she wasn't living on the sidewalks or under a bridge somewhere.
"Il ya toujours un arc en ciel après la tempéte!" She quoted to herself. There's always a rainbow after a storm. It was something her mother used to quote quite often.
The forest that she walked through she found to be quite calming and beautiful with all the tall trees and lush greenery. With that being said, feeling a little adventurous this morning and wanting to delay school as much as she could, she decided to take a different route. The more she drifted away from her usual path, the more the forest became increasingly unfamiliar until she had no idea where she was going.
"Fuck sakes," She cursed. 'Why would you even try straying from the main path with your horrible sense of direction? I'm such an idiot sometimes.'
However, much to her surprise, something in the peripherals of her vision captured her attention and halting her steps. To her far right, down a hill was a large clearing that lead to a traditional Japanese looking house. Amélie should've known that a forest as beautiful as this one had to have some kind of estate built upon it. With her curiosity piqued to the max, she couldn't help herself and decided to investigate.
‘A little snooping wouldn't hurt anybody.'
"It's called trespassing Amélie and its illegal," she reminded herself but proceeded to ignore her own warning.
Amélie was careful as she made her way down the hill. Hiding behind a bush, she did a quick look around to make sure the coast was clear before approaching the house.
'At least they don't have to worry about annoying neighbours. Must be nice to live here.'
Coming up close to the porch, Amélie couldn't help but be drawn to little ornaments sitting on a wooden rack. Upon closer inspection, she recognised them as the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. She smiled to herself.
"They look so well made and detailed. I wonder how long it took to paint them all..."
"Hello, this is a surprise. We don't get many young girls wondering around these parts."
Amélie bristled at the sudden voice and stumbled backwards, almost falling flat on her ass.
'Shit, shit! You've done fucked up now! Run before he calls the cops on you for trespassing! On second thought... he doesn't look too mad. Just play it cool and maybe you can leave without getting into any trouble.'
"I'm so sorry sir! I was just admiring I swear! I'm not here to cause you any trouble." She barely managed to string her words together without fumbling over them.
The man just chuckled and waved a hand at her. "It's quite alright, no harm done." The man's smile turned pensive. "I just find it hard to imagine that a teenager like yourself would find this place interesting." He mused.
'Oh thank goodness, I'm not in trouble.'
Amélie was quick to shake her head as she knelt in front of the rack, the man following suit. "No, it's a very lovely place. And I especially love these little zodiac ornaments here. Did you make them?" She asked.
"Yes I did. They're a favourite of mine too you could say."
Amélie scanned every rock that had been painted with detail and precision but a frown soon formed on her face when she noticed something missing.
"Of course you left out the cat just like everyone else." She muttered. It was more to herself than to the man in front of her although she realised she must've spoken too loud because of his surprised expression.
"The cat? Oh right, I see. You're referring to the old zodiac folktale." He said in realisation and Amélie nodded.
"I used to get dad to tell me the story sometimes before bed. I've always thought the cat had just as much importance to the story as any of the other animals did. I always felt for him."
Little Amélie laid in her bed all snuggled and tucked beneath her plush blankets.
"Goodnight princess," Mr. Hoshimi smiled down at his daughter and placed a gentle kiss to her forehead. As soon as he stood up to leave though, Amélie grabbed onto the sleeve of his shirt and tugged on it.
"Wait! Can you tell me that story about the animals again? Pwease?" She pouted, putting on her best puppy dog eyes. The elder man quickly fell for her doe eyes and hopeful smile and found himself smiling along with her.
"Oh wow could I ever say no to that cute face?" he cooed, sitting back down onto the bed.
"A long, long time ago, god decided to invite all of the animals to a glorious banquet. He sent out word for all of them to come to his house the following evening and he told them not to be late.
"Can you name all the animals Amélie?"
Amélie sat up straight and proudly listed all the animals – The dog and the dragon, the rabbit and tiger, the rat and the pig, the cow and horse, the sheep and the rooster, the monkey, the snake... "And my favourite, the cat!" She cheered.
Mr. Hoshimi just laughed and tucked Amélie back underneath the sheets and continued with the story.
"However, when the mischievous rat heard the news, he decided to play a trick on his fellow neighbour – the cat. He told the cat that the party was the day after tomorrow."
Amélie turned her nose up and scowled. "I hate this part," She grumbled with a huff. "The poor kitty cat deserves better..."
"The very next day, all of the animals lined up for the celebrations with the rat leading the way, riding all the way on the back of the cow. Everyone had a wonderful time, except for the foolish cat who missed the whole thing." Mr. Hoshimi finished.
When he looked down at his daughter, he chuckled at her grumpy pout and furrowed brows.
"Amélie honey, why so grumpy?" He asked, but he knew why. She always got mad at the rat for tricking the cat, even though it was only just a story, Amélie had vowed to be the protector of all cats.
"Because the rat was so mean! If I was the cat, I would've kicked the rats butt for being such a... well, a butt!" She exclaimed, balling her hands into tiny fists.
"And if mummy heard you talk like that, she'd have yours."
Amelie giggled sheepishly before a thought popped into her head. "Do you think the cat would like it if I started a year of the cat?!"
Mr. Hoshimi just smiled. "I'm sure he would love that honey."
>>> End of Flashback <<<
The kimono wearing man smirked and tapped his fingers against his chin in thought. "Funny, I wonder how he would feel after hearing that story, knowing he has a little fan."
Snapping out of her reverie, she looked at him with a confused tilt of her head. "I'm sorry, who?"
The man shook his head and part of her wondered if she was actually meant to hear what he had said or not.
"Oh nevermind. So, what year were you born in?" He asked, quickly distracting her by changing the subject and Amélie went along with it.
"Year of the Ox," she replied.
The man nodded but Amélie noticed his eyes drift to her uniform. Most people found it odd that she wore the boy's uniform so she was used to it by now. She was about to speak, but he beat her to it.
"I apologise, I don't mean to stare. I've just never seen a girl wear the boy's uniform before. I must say though, you pull it off quite well."
Amélie's cheeks flushed at the compliment. She was the worst when it came to accepting flattery and compliments.
"Thank you."
"You're not from around her are you?" He asked suddenly in a curious tone.
Amélie had been waiting for that question. Something she was often asked about also.
"It's my accent isn't it?" She supplied with a smirk.
'I'm glad it isn't too thick for people to understand me.'
"It is quite nice to listen to. I mean, aside from your pretty fa-"
Whatever the man was going to say next came to an abrupt stop and was replaced with a pained gasp as something landed on his head. It was a schoolbag, just like the one Amélie and most other high school students had.
'Oh shoot, did not expect that.'
"My head!"
"Will you at least try to control yourself?" A new voice sighed.
Amélie's eyes trailed up the person's arm that held the bag until she reached their face and her eyes widen in shock.
'No way, Yuki lives here?! If I get caught with him, that stupid fan club of his won't let me hear the end of it.'
Yuki turned his attention away from the man to Amélie. "Good morning Miss Hoshimi, I'm sorry for my cousin. He's bit of a flirt but's he's harmless. It's best to just ignore him."
"Oh no, it's alright. We were just talking is all; he's good company."
The man, Yuki's cousin, rubbed the sore spot on his head. "What do you have in there? A dictionary or something?"
Yuki barely batted an eyelash at his whining. "Two dictionaries actually," he sighed in exasperation as he slid the schoolbag onto his back, adjusting the straps so it fit comfortably on his shoulders.
Yuki's cousin rubbed his head one last time. "So, you two know each other?" He asked, pointing between the two of them.
"Miss Hoshimi and I are in the same class."
Amélie dipped her head in a respectful bow. "The name's Amélie, pleasure to meet you." She officially greeted.
"Same here. I'm Shigure Sohma and Yuki here is my little cousin." He explained with a friendly smile.
"And what brings you to our house this morning?" Yuki asked in his usual soft and polite voice.
Amélie offered them a nervous smile, rubbing the back of her neck. 'I can't exactly tell them that I live in the middle of the forest. They'll probably laugh at me. I need to think of something good to say and fast!'
"Oh uh, well you know, I live... nearby." She trailed off lamely. It wasn't a complete lie.
'Oh yeah, that's such a good cover up.'
She gulped when she noticed their stunned expressions and wished they would change the subject. She didn't do well under pressure.
"Around here? Really?"
"You do? Where?" Yuki pressed. Amélie was hyperaware of how clammy the palms of her hands were becoming.
'Abort! Abort!'
"I don't mean to be rude but I should probably head to school. I haven't been late in a while and I wanted to keep my record clean this semester."
'As if they cared or needed to know that last bit.'
She bowed to them once again. "It was nice chatting with you. Have a good day." She said in a hurry, quickly turning on her heel and walking away.
'Don't look back. Just keep walking...'
"Miss Hoshimi?" Yuki called out after her.
Amélie sighed inwardly. 'Dammit.'
Putting on a smile, she turned to face him. "Yeah?"
"Since you're here, why don't we walk to school together?" He suggested.
'Say no. It's not worth the wrath of the fan club.'
"Sure, I don't see why not?" She accepted with a forced smile.
The entire walk was done so in an awkward silence as neither Yuki nor Amélie spoke a word or even looked at each other. And to make matters worse, they did eventually run into the Prince Yuki Fan Club, prompting both teens to ignore their chants and poses which only made it all the more awkward until they parted their separated ways.
'I better prepare myself for their onslaught of pathetic questioning.'
Amélie groaned. She could feel the headache coming on already...
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angelaiswriting · 6 years
The Assistant (2 of ?) | Vladimir Ranskahov x reader
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[original picture: pinterest + no new banner today bc i don’t want to risk to spend the rest of the day analyzing these two hands haha]
✏️ Pairings: (eventual) Vladimir Ranskahov x fem!reader | Anatoly Ranskahov x OC (Paulina) | probably other pairings
✏️ Requested by @kellydixon01 : Y/N–hacker, big mouth, even bigger attitude–is the new addition to Fisk’s team. Sent to help the Ranskahovs, she immediately gets on Vladimir’s nerves. But as time passes, they start to take a liking to each other, even if none of them is willing to admit their feelings. Yet.
✏️ A/N: I wanted to post this before lunch, but I got carried away but Vlad’s tattoos HAHA I’m a fucking Master Procrastinator (but it could be useful for the story, who knows. If I find the pics I was referring to last night, I might even research them all bc as of now all we have are dark photos since Daredevil is what it is...)
✏️ Warnings: none that I can think of tbh
✏️ Word-count: 2,823
<< chapter one <<
Weirdly enough, the meeting was going to be held in a new location, one that had been kept a secret until an hour before its beginning. Commonly enough, though, the location was another building still in construction and owned by Fisk’s company, for he wanted to be sure to be on safe ground. No police, no complications. He wanted one clean operation so as to not blow up his cover.
It wasn’t going to happen anyway, the Ranskahov brothers reasoned. They cared about their money and their traffics and even though they weren’t exactly that excited to be working with Gao and the Yakuza, they weren’t going to complain. As long as money poured into their pockets, they were fine.
What they weren’t fine with, was a spy.
What had previously been a simple rumor had later turned out to be, in fact, the truth. The girl Wesley was going to bring along was a hacker–hence, in Vladimir and Anatoly’s dictionaries, a fucking spy.
Why did that girl have to be there, none of them had a clue. Was it because of the failed shipment two months ago? It couldn’t be: they had had three other meetings with Fisk’s man and the problem hadn’t been brought up. It hadn’t even been addressed because it hadn’t been their fault.
And yet, the real question was: where the fuck were the Asians? Their absence felt weird, a stinging aftertaste at the back of their throats. They had always been present because they were part of the deal and part of the business. They dealt with drugs and the Russians with weapons and human beings. They were symbionts: they worked together because they benefited from the others’ work.
Unless, of course, this was Fisk’s way of removing them from the chessboard. He acted like its king, he felt as though he was its king: what was going to stop him from killing off the Russian side of the traffic?
Vladimir gritted his teeth, the smoke of the cigarette finding its way out from his flaring nostrils. The fingers that held the cigarette trembled, but not in fear. He wasn’t at ease, he didn’t like to stand and wait in an unknown place, unaware of its emergency exits and hiding corners. Unlike his older brother, much more composed, he felt like a caged animal. He could smell the people on the other side of the bars, even though he could barely see them, and the more he waited, the more that cage shrank in size.
It was almost like being six again when he had been trapped in that damn elevator that never worked like it should have. He had grown up in an old building–old, and dark, and stinky. He saw shadows everywhere, even if he wanted to show a brave façade in front of his brother and father. After all, Vladimir Ranskahov was no pussy. The truth was, though, that he had been terrified by that creepy junkie that lived down the corridor, or by the man that, two doors from his own, yelled at any given moment. And so, he never took the stairs. Hopping from one foot to the other, he always jumped into the elevator, forced its doors closed so as to not let anyone else inside, and punched the button that would bring him up to the sixth floor. It was always an endless ascent: that metal box smelled like cat piss and the neon light above his head flickered and threatened to switch off. He had felt a jerk, that day, and he had bumped his head against one of the four walls but hadn’t immediately realized what had happened. It had taken him a couple of minutes, for it was weird that the doors hadn’t opened yet. And so he had understood and pressed the button with the yellow bell, hoping and praying that someone would come.
It had almost been like being in a movie: the hot guy and the hot girl ended up in the same elevator, which would soon break, and they’d end up kissing and touching. But he was not a hot guy and there was no hot girl and he had felt an invisible fist squeezing the air out of his lungs, leaving him breathless as his mind worked at the speed of light.
It had been the longest four minutes of his life before the doors finally opened and the building’s technician welcomed him onto the corridor.
Even now, as he paced back and forth on the ugly and bare cement floor, inhaling the smoke of his cigarette as though it was pure-quality air, he felt confined inside the four walls of that elevator, locked in there like a sardine in its can.
He wasn’t good at this. The only thing he was capable of doing when he felt trapped was fighting. He fought with kicks and fists, he bared his teeth like a wild animal, he turned into the beast he had been back–don’t go there–back there. And it didn’t matter that that place was just that–a place–nor that he tried his best to pretend it didn’t have a name, because deep down, in the deepest part of his mind, it still had–Utkin.
Fuck, no.
“Where is that fucking doormat?” Those words were a canine growl at the base of his throat, burning with the fumes of his third cigarette in the last fifteen minutes. It scratched his throat with its dusty fingers, it knotted his stomach, it set his brain on fire, slamming it into survival mode.
Anatoly turned towards his brother, more concerned about his compulsive smoking than he was about Wesley’s tardiness. He didn’t like the guy, so he was happy he wasn’t there yet–his lateness also probably meant that the meeting would be cut short because, as he always loved to put it, “he was a busy man”.
He spat to the ground and wasn’t able to stop his head from shaking. Fucking rat. How could someone really expect someone of his caliber to take orders from someone who couldn’t even clean his own ass? His fingernails split the flesh of his palms, but he was too busy worrying about his brother to even notice.
The night before Vladimir had come home late–and Anatoly knew that just because he had asked–ordered–Petya to tail him. He had supposed he still hung out at illegal fights’ rings, but before that day it had only been just that, a supposition. He thought… He had been foolish enough to believe that…
What do you do when you find out someone you love is still attracted by the wrong people like a magnet? He didn’t know, not anymore; probably he had never even known for sure. Not once did he delude himself into thinking he wasn’t one of ‘the wrong people’ because–damn!–he was, and Vladimir was, too. But he and Paulina had tried to help him endless times–or, better, they had deluded themselves into thinking they could indeed help him, when all he knew was fighting and how to fight and how to win a fight–and they had always failed. Vladimir kept going back to his own special drug and while Tolya had believed he had stopped fighting, Piotr had proved his convictions wrong: Volodya fought and he fought well, he hadn’t lost his skills.
Faced with the news, he thought he had lost his brother.
And even now, as he stared at him, it felt like staring at a stranger. He couldn’t recognize his face, nor his ugly scar, nor his bruised knuckles. He sighed–he hadn’t meant to, so it had probably been his subconscious’ response to the terrible feeling of failure that threatened to drown him.
Right then, Vladimir turned, one eyebrow cocked into a questioning expression, and Anatoly couldn’t understand how he had managed to hear that sound above what he knew had to be the screams of his own thoughts. “I’m going to give the moron five minutes: if he’s not here by then, I’ll leave this fucking place and go home.”
“No Russian here, please.”
The brothers turned into the direction of the voice just to see Wesley walk into the open and half-built space, a young woman trailing behind him with an annoyed smirk on her face.
“No newbies here,” Anatoly retorted, mocking Wesley and throwing his own cigarette to the ground. “She can wait outside, whatever it is.”
“Unfortunately I fear this is not what my boss wants.” The man shrugged his shoulders, almost sorry he couldn’t fulfill Anatoly’s wish, and his words gave the girl the courage she needed to take a few steps forward, to better look at the brothers.
Vladimir groaned. He turned towards the city, visible through the missing windows, just as the night breeze slipped in, blowing the smoke of his cigarette in his face. His eyes closed on reflex even before his brain had the time to send out the order and the man inhaled deeply before reopening his eyes. “Make this quick, we don’t have whole night.” And, unable to help himself, he let a muttered ‘mudak’ slip past his lips.
“This is Y/N.”
Anatoly greeted her with a curt nod of his head, his eyes scanning her whole form. It wasn’t just to take her in, but also to check if there was any visible trace of a weapon poking out from somewhere. Wesley had eventually put his mind at peace, for the Ranskahovs would never leave their guns at home when they went to one of his stupid meetings, but they weren’t going to accept some unknown newbie to be armed in their presence.
“She works for us,” Wesley went on. He had clearly expected some different kind of reaction from the brothers and had been disappointed by its lack.
“We don’t care who works for you,” Vladimir spat, finally turning around and letting his cigarette fall to the ground. “We have our men and your boss has his. We do not care.”
They both hated Fisk’s bootlicker, with his tiny eyes and rectangular glasses and his stupid hair brushed back. He was annoying, he believed himself important when all he was, was a doormat. What role did he have in Fisk’s business? He never got his hands dirty–nor stained with blood. He was just a pawn. And yet, he always presented himself with that stupid expression plastered all over his face, screaming slap the shit out of my eye sockets.
“Well, actually…” Wesley’s smirk grew bigger. At its sight, Vlad felt his blood boil through his veins, turn into a furious stream, threatening to blind him. “She will be working with you from now on.”
For a second it was as though time had stopped and dilated. The brothers turned to stare at each other with silent questions passing through their brains and over their eyes, and Anatoly saw Vladimir’s fingers twitch in the attempt to not close his hands in fists. He then watched him swallow–slowly, almost painfully, saliva as thick as blood as it slid down his brother’s throat.
Then, when he least expected it, Vlad let out a cold, robotic laughter. Tolya had feared he’d take his gun and shoot James Wesley between his eyes, yet his reaction chilled him to the bone.
“We will not work with woman,” he declared, nodding in Y/N’s direction. She had been standing there, staring at him with her clever eyes shielded behind her pair of glasses, and he hated her examining stare, almost as though he was some weird animal that needed to be studied. The scar on his face, the one Utkin–fuck–gifted him for his twenty-fifth birthday, burned almost as though he was back there and then, blood still spilling down his face like his mother’s tears. “We have all men we need. She would be useless.”
“Actually-” The girl had tried to speak, but Wesley stopped her with a wave of his hand.
“Our boss,” and he emphasized on the adjective, “was pretty disappointed by your failure, two months ago.”
“He should have spoken up as soon as it happened,” Anatoly cut in, taking a step towards his brother to stop him with his presence from doing anything stupid. “It has not happened ever since,” he smirked, breath coming out loud from his nostrils, head slightly tilting to one side. “How could this girl,” and he stared down at her, his gaze accusatory and mouth set in an annoyed sneer, “help?”
Vladimir chuckled and the sound somehow came out harsher than his previous laughter. It made Anatoly’s hair stand up on their ends and Wesley’s satisfied smirk fade. “Unless she’s good at sucking dick, she’s useless.”
“I know more than you do,” the girl cut in, too tired and annoyed by the Russians’ words. “And I will not trouble myself with your tiny dick, so you might as well find yourself someone else. Maybe you could even resort to your own hand.”
Vlad’s face contorted into a sneer, air coming out boiling and furious from his nose, hands wrapping up into fists. Anatoly had to hold him back, for he knew his brother would smash that girl’s head on the floor if he let him take another step forward.
“Come on, guys, come on.” Wesley had taken a step back, leaving Y/N alone on the front line. “This decision is unnegotiable. Y/N will come to your garage tomorrow morning and my boss expects to not hear one word from you,” he pointed to the Russians, “and not even you, Y/N. Work your problems out without killing each other and you might even earn a reward. She will check your clients, help you with commissions and business and if you let her do, a bigger portion of the business will be waiting for you.”
Anatoly nodded, forcing his brother to turn his back to Wesley and the girl. Unconcerned by the man’s first words upon meeting them that night, he switched to his native language. “I don’t want her with us either,” he confessed, grabbing Vladimir by his arm. “She could be sent to spy or God knows what else. But it’ll do us no good if she hacks into our shit and tells everything about our business to this dog or to their boss. Let’s play their game for a while and see how it goes.”
“It’ll all go to shit, brother!” Vladimir could hardly see straight. That fucking shipment had failed because the Asians had insisted on doing it their way and yet it was them that had to put up with a stupid babysitter. “Whatever she’s been sent here for is not to help us. Where’s Gao? Or the Japanese? This is a fucking trap and this stupid American and his boss only want to sack us, give our part of the deal to someone else and drop us somewhere on the bottom of the Atlantic.”
Toly turned to glance at the girl, who was staring at them both with an annoyed frown settled upon her otherwise sweet features. “Look at her, she looks just as annoyed as we are, though.” As Vladimir turned to make sure his brother’s words reflected the truth as his mirror welcomed him with the ugly reflection of his scar every morning, Anatoly continued with his reasoning. “If she really can hack into our shit, she wouldn’t be sent to work with us.”
“So what? You think she’s not a real hacker?”
Tolya grunted. “What I’m trying to say is, let’s wait and see. If anything goes wrong or is she tries to do something, we can still kill her.”
“Why don’t we do that now? Give me five minutes alone with her and no one will ever find her corpse.”
His brother was so stupid, Tolik thought. How couldn’t he see beyond his nose? Maybe he had left what little brain nature had given him back in Utkin, he reasoned, and that had to be the real reason behind his stupidity. “Why make her work with us if she can end us with her computer?”
Vlad peeked a glance at Y/N one last time before turning to stare at his brother. “Is Ivan sure she’s a hacker?”
Tolik nodded. “We can use her to know things about the people she works for, too.”
“I’m trusting you on this, brother,” Vladimir sighed, finally turning towards Wesley.
The man wasn’t just annoyed, he was pissed but, for once, he chose not to make any remarks about the men’s use of a language he did not understand. “Are you done?” he simply asked.
Anatoly nodded his by-now-throbbing head while his brother grimaced at the presence of the girl he was apparently forced to work with. “I want you at the garage tomorrow morning at five. We hate latecomers.”
>> chapter three >>
HAHA I can’t wait for you to read the beginning of chapter three (and for me to start it) bc Y/N will be pissed HAHAHAHA
Thoughts? Suppositions? Suggestions? I’m all ears.
TAGS (to be added to or to be removed from any list, shoot me an ask. Same goes for ‘Bratva’)
Everything: @idhrenniel @saibh29 @fuckthatfeeling @aya-fay @pebblesz892  @mblaqgi
Bratva (people not on the lists but that might still be interested): @sweetvengeancee @theranskahovs @brobachev
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catastrothicc · 7 years
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one of these days i'll make a coherent intro post, however *bts vc* not today !!  hello and welcome to johnny's world where we're shit @ introductions and even worse at consistency. honestly i cant stick to shit someone assist. anyways ! i bring the last piece of the puzzle rocky, who for some unfathomable reason wasn't taken ?? and i cried ?? fate. uh right i'm 19 and i never fkcing learned how to read. mdt timezone. them/they pronouns. continue under the read more to kill some brain cells !! 
tw: physical and mental abuse/manipulation, drugs/alcohol and death/murder. 
here's his soundtrack if u wanna listen while u read 
DON'T DWELL ON THE PAST // ( i'm not even sure if i'm sticking to this [ looks @ admins nervously ] so things might change up if it doesn't fall w/ the right timeline. ) ( forgive the length the muse is real )
born on october 31st, 1995 ( happy halloween ) in deadtree, rocky was an entirely healthy baby received with much love by his mother and with some hesitance by his father. all he knew was how to shit and cry and life was a paradise, until eventually the months started rolling by that became three years and his mother was in a freak car accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down and with a bad case of major head trauma. 
rocky still firmly believes that she woke up from her coma by god's will even if her basic executive function skills and self-regulations were gone. she had to be taken care of just like him, and the doctor's promised she'd learn to eat on her own again and her speech problems would regulate. this... did not happen. maybe it would've, if she had lived longer, but rocky never got to see the day when he didn't have to help his mom bathe or brush her hair. 
his dad was the only source of income in the household besides his mom's monthly pension that the man would take and then disappear for days. he was bitter about having to raise rocky all on his own and even more bitter about the hefty hospital bills they were going to be paying off for the next several years. all the man wanted to do was laze about with a beer in his hand and a blunt in the other. 
from early on he was prone to anger and it often manifested itself physically, so rocky would always have a bruise or two somewhere on his body. it was fine as long as the man wasn't hurting his mom, and he couldn't do anything else but accept the rough treatment. 
he and his mom were becoming more and more neglected by his father, who only provided the bare minimum to eat and took his wife's pills for himself. rocky was already in school and he was that kid who always got off the bus running to get home. no one knew that he always ran to make sure his mom was okay while he was gone. 
he was nine years old when his dad handed him a bottle of morphine and explained to him that the whole bottle would help his mom get a good night's sleep for once. rocky, knowing how much his mom struggled to rest, took the bottle and put each and every pill in his moms hand and watched her drink them until the last one. she did go to sleep, of course. rocky thought he'd done good until she didn't wake up the next morning. 
he grew incredibly distant from his dad after this. he was already used to taking care of himself and his mom was the only reason he really bothered to make it home early, so after her death he got into every after-school activity he could manage, and when it wasn't enough, he ran around the streets with the older kids and pretended to be *cool*.
he started dabbling with the drug scene really early on in middle school, when he realized that his dad would never strive to be anything else but a piece of shit, so he decided to steal his pills and weed just like the man had stolen his mothers medication. he would sell them to his upperclassmen and never took any for himself because he saw what they could do, though eventually he did weed in high school and besides the occasional dose of ecstasy he doesn't do more than that.
one day, at age seventeen, he went home and his dad was gone. he waited for three weeks before he sold everything and fixed up a small abandoned house that became his new abode. with the cash he'd gotten from the car and the furniture he began growing his own hella dank nug, and eventually there was word on the streets about it. his dad had always been his unaware provider, but soon enough rocky joined a group as a dealer while selling his own stuff on the side.
he didn't want to follow under someone else so he got to the roots and offered the group's providers a better deal and eventually the business was going to him alone. people saw more opportunity with him and they flocked to his side one by one until he ran the original leader to the ground. honestly this kid was hella good in school and just as good in the streets. 
of course it didn't happen without a fight tho so talk about several near-death experiences !! the streets are dangerous children stay in school.
fast forward, he had what he intensely regrets with elaine-- honestly had a good time dating a rich ‘good’ girl until he got real bad vibes from her and it wasn't chill anymore. felt real personally attacked that she was ashamed of him and broke it tf off. fuck a fake bitch !! 
( me: plays hero by enrique iglesias for this section ) and then shiloh came ! his lord and savior. his fkcing BAE. would do ANYTHING for this boy is2g makes me so emo i'm shAKING just thinking about it. rocky truly believes this boy is his soul mate. he loves him so much oh my godfjsdh.
at this point his drug ring wasn't at all what it is now. it was relatively small and the profits weren't all that good but he was doing what he could. he had steady members who had been with him since the start and shiloh became an addition along with his best girl giselle and (eventually) barbara. honestly the dream squad nothing could stop them they were invisible. unfortunately there was a snake in their ranks and goddamn he's glad she showed herself honestly good fucking riddance barbie. he felt real betrayed after she left but if anything he thinks it made his crew tighter and stronger. still hates tht bitch tho afTER EVERYTGIH HE DID FOR HER.
( to be 10/10 honest tho rocky is a manipulative bastard and he thinks he's real slick but barbie caught on and he feels extremely attackt )
anyways so knowing that shiloh and giselle are his tru ride or die pals ( 👀 @ giselle ) the business continues and they're still the dream squad. sure they're doing shady af things and they've always been doing them but u kno what they say there ain't no rest for the wicked !! 
he didn't at all like the fact tht shiloh pursued an internship w/ the mulani family but he tried to keep it chill because he loves and supports his bae but honestly could not do it. he doesn't personally pay too many visits to sycamore city precisely bc he goddamn loathes the mulani and moon families after all they've done to his people ( esp the moon’s ) and to think shiloh was getting involved w/ them really tested him as a person. he fcking failed because of how much shiloh wanted a pass into the city and rocky held him back but he's so goddamn proud of their love like damn. he knows he doesn't offer everything shiloh wants but he's out here tryin' his best to get his bae the life he deserves even if he's the worst street rat and everybody knows it. 
( what is he secretly doing w/ all tht money tho hmmm ) 
BABY RIDE WITH ME // in regards to the *gollum vc*  precious ( the ring )
just so the squad and ex-squad can get a feel of how rocky runs the ring i'm includin' this here
so rocky makes it a point to be an approachable leader whom you can go to with your problems and he'll have your back 100%. honestly everyone's dad there's no one left out. he keeps his status as the leader not by cruel acts to show what happens to rats but by making sure he's understood by each individual member. he's not the violent type at all unless someone really tests him but this guy preaches that people understand by words and acts of kindness not by violence and torture. he needs loyalty above all else so he offers a safe sanctuary to anyone who needs it. it comes with a price ofc but all he asks is that u do ur job and he'll keep u off the streets. basically in his group everyone has each other's backs and he's involved with everyone, not only because it helps him keep close tabs on everything but because that blanket of safety for his members is very important to him. 
when it comes to his dealers he basically lets them do things their own way as long as they're not out there hurting innocent people. he pays by commission so it's really up to the dealers how much they wanna sell and who they wanna sell it to. he doesn't force his own morals onto his peeps so if they wanna sell to junkies who are gonna overdose on their next hit then that's really up to them. he just tries to guide them by telling em' the right things to do even in a shady business like their own. 
w/ that being said shiloh is also a huge part of it, being his right hand man and all. rocky isn't all too meticulous or anything fancy like that, so he leaves a lot of decisions up to shiloh and honestly they're both huge dads just running a drug ring fjsiudhfgi 
HE KNOWS HE'S SO FUCKING TALENTED // regarding his personality 
rocky is a cocky piece of shit honestly i hate it but best concept
he genuinely thinks so highly of himself ?? even though he knows he's up to Some Shit ??
anyways i just wanted to mention that LMAO but find his full list of attributes here that i jst ctrl c ctrl v from the app. honestly will tell u all about his personality. thanks for reading this long ass, terribly structured, shitty shitty intro honestly u.... deserve a medal if u got thru it. is it too late to mention tht english is not my first language fhsuidfh 
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