#[ nabataprophet ]
frauleindermorgen · 4 months
@nabataprophet sent:
[ Adrestria ] - A court dance that has spread like wildfire through Fódlan ballrooms. This waltz is best known for a special move that calls for the partners to join hands, together forming the shape of a bird in flight. It's a bit thrilling, if not nerve-wracking, to be tossed around the dance floor, being passed from partner to partner. Eventually Sophia finds herself face to face with one of her classmates from the Black Eagles, albeit one who she hadn't spoken much to. "Ah... from the Day of Devoted..." There was more to the name, but she could never remember the full thing. More importantly, there's a question she has wanted to ask the other girl this whole time, but never found the time or space to ask it. "You," she starts, hand clumsily forming wings, "...matched us... based on fate. Then you also... see the future...?"
This Adrestrian number is dream-like, almost, in the way one partner moves from another in a continuous flow; but Micaiah finds she appreciates it, even if it does not give her a chance at conversation with all her partners.
When she locks eyes and hands with the next, however, both seem to find the same flash of familiarity though it is not Micaiah who voice it.
"...hearts," Micaiah finishes, not bothering with the rest of the title (though so carefully rehearsed she certainly could have). "Yes, I remember. Sophia, was it?"
They have not shared any classes together but Micaiah recalls they are in the same house. Slowly as each circle each other, hands in flight, Micaiah considers the question:
"I used to be able see the future. But that was before my Goddess left for her slumber. In truth, those matches were based on divination cards which is... less conclusive."
She laughs; then again, Yune's visions had not always been clear to her either. Perhaps that was just the way of things.
"But you, you can see glimpses into the future then?" Her tone is wondering, smile turned nostalgic and a little saddened.
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mercenarymage · 4 months
[ Fashion... Inspector? ] 
Sophia will be the first to admit she had not been particularly close with the vast majority of Lord Roy's army. That was a privilege reserved for the more socially inclined. Still though, she likes to think that she had at least cursory knowledge of who everyone was by the time she had parted ways, more or less.
But to tell the truth, Sophia... is not actually entirely sure what this man's name is. She knows that she had heard Niime shout something at him on more than one occasion, but not what that something was.
"...Niime's grandson," she settles on somewhat awkwardly. "We... match."
She is referring to their brooches, of course, but makes no indication of this.
Hugh had been taking a break from the festivities when he hears the name of the last person he expects hearing. It initially brings a chill down his spine - if they only know him through his grandmother, there's no telling what he should expect next!!! But, when he hears the follow up, and he glances towards the source of the voice, a heavy sigh escapes him.
He hasn't talked with Sophia much, but he remembers a face when he sees one. She's definitely travelled with him in the past, and it comes to no surprise that Niime would be the first she remembers over him. As cranky and unagreeable as she was around him, Niime's a powerful shaman, and well regarded for her studies. That, and he's pretty sure he's seen her chatting it up with Sophia before. 
(Aside from Sophia's potential with magic, though, he's not quite sure why.)
Ok, chatting it up was a bit of an overstatement. If there's one thing he's caught on about Sophia, its that she's not much of a talker. But that's fine! It's fine. He's more than happy to fill the gap for the two of them. 
"Matching, you say?" he asks, observing her attire. It's cute to see her trying a new fit for the ball, but when he compares it to his own, he can't really see the similarities. Still, he plays along. "Yeah, we both pulled out all the stops to look nice, didn't we? Did you pick the outfit yourself?"
"Oh, and-" he pushes a smile on his face. "You can just call me Hugh, alright? No need to be formal around me!" At least he's not being called sir or mister. He'll take those small victories when he can.
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lycianlynx · 6 months
Sophia might not be participating in any battles, but she has tagged along with the rest of the Black Eagles nevertheless. That is to say, rather than standing out on the field, she's hovering around the medical tent waiting for people to start returning, staff in hand. People do begin to trickle in, but certainly no one that Sophia recognizes. It's a large academy and the number of participants this year is high, after all.
There is one person, though, looking very much like he would prefer to bury his head in the sand at the moment.
Well, she's never really been one to pry. Whatever happened out there is their business and she has no intention of intruding. They don't really have the kind of relationship where they talk about such things, either.
"Do you..." A tilt of the head as she glances down at them. "...Want me to heal you...? I'm not the best at it, so if you want someone else..."
Tumblr media
Chad's not sure if he's more embarrassed by the fact he ate it in round one again, because this is the third time he's given Raymond an incredibly poor showing in any kind of competition, or because he got called a 'little guy' seconds before being carted off the field in front of God and everyone.
Actually, it might be all three. The fact he at least got to get an attack in is but a paltry comfort in comparison. Either way, Sophia's all too correct in her observation: Disappearing into the Nabata Desert sounds really nice right about now. She actually catches him while he's considering the next best thing (crawling into a dark corner and licking his wounds on his own), and his head snaps around a bit faster than it should while his entire body's smarting from blade and magic alike.
"... Sophia." He starts, half poised to decline, but stops to mull on her offer: Healing magic seems more readily available in Fodlan from not having to use staves (though she's choosing to use one anyways), but he still feels bad for imposing. But he doesn't, well, want anyone else, and if there's anything actually serious that the adrenaline drowned out...
Well, he'd rather it be her than some stranger. He was already first blood last year, so being out this early again... If anyone tries to bring it up with him, he might have to kill them, or something. (Obvious hyperbole, but he's on edge.)
"... Go ahead." They limp a bit further back into the tent, where there are less people, and start clumsily unbuttoning their cloak. "You're fine."
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nelithic · 1 year
although she had not seen them in thousands of years, it was as if the spines of gradlon's mountains themselves were erupting beneath her skull. weary, distant eyes linger on a far corner of the ballroom as she sits with back to the cooling flat of the marble wall, a wineskin of ice — courtesy of water, who had seemed the most contrite of the five over their fellow elementals' behavior — pressed to the worst of the pulsing injury a few inches beneath the crown.
in truth, she feels deeper regret for having resorted to her transformation than most other things about the altercation.
events had moved quickly after that, and it had been impossible to tell just how many had seen her in her draconic form, and how many would remember it; rather than, with any luck, dismissing it as yet another absurd fantasy of the night, not to be trusted any more than the dust of fairy wings and serving mice at its conclusion.
shy movement in her periphery draws a sidelong glance — straightening with a sigh where she sits, nel recalls she'd been deposited at the side of another. something about a date, which does not concern her now. only that the girl is a stranger, a student aboveground, and a potential witness to something she would have rather kept to herself.
"how much did you see."
 ▀▀ @nabataprophet ₊
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atypicalsenerio · 1 year
"...I have one...now." Sophia speaks without preamble, raising her right palm to Soren, where a symbol like a bolt of lightning thrums with magic. It's a strange feeling, to be sure, to feel magic that isn't dark running through her. The static feels foreign, like the aftereffects of being hit with Thoron, but it does not go away no matter how long she waits. "A...Brand?"
Soren stared blankly. He looked an awful lot like Sophia herself in that moment.
"That's not... no."
He sighed and extended his hand where he also had his new mark. "They're unrelated. My forehand Brand will stay. This is just a gimick of the party. However, I suppose we can shake."
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higaneion · 11 months
After recent events, Sophia has become intimately familiar with not only the location of Lilina's room, but its contents as well. On Lilina's birthday, practiced steps bring her to the Ostian's doorstep.
Sophia raps her knuckles on the door, calling quietly: "...Lady Lilina?"
She waits a few moments for an answer that does not come. Perhaps Lilina has stepped out for the moment or maybe Sophia just hadn't knocked hard enough. The reason does not particularly matter; today surely must be a busy day for her.
Regardless, Sophia sets down a small wrapped gift in front of the lordling's door. Contained within the package are a pair of ceramic bookends, carved into the shape of blooming flowers, and a candle that smells faintly of aloe.
A sealed letter is placed delicately on top. When opened, it reads:
"Lady Lilina, Happy birthday. When I was in your room last time, I noticed that you have a lot of books, but your organization is a little (a word is crossed out here) unique. I hope these bookends are useful for you. A lot of your candles were down to the wick, as well, so I've also included a candle. The scent reminds me of home, so it may not suit your taste. You don't need to use them if you don't want to, but I wanted to get you something for your birthday. Oh, and also as a thank you for the ribbons you gave me earlier. ...Also if you would like me to help return some overdue books for you, please let me know. I spend a lot of my time in the library anyway. —Sophia"
Returning once more to her dorm would reward her with yet another package. Delight blooms in her face when she reveals its contents and even more so its sender. Though she does grimace a little at the reminder of the well past overdue books, she appreciates the sentiment all the same and it wasn't anything she wouldn't laugh off a moment later.
Though ideally, she would like to thank her in person, she often misses her despite being in the same house. Besides, she fears she could not properly thank the girl in the way she wants to. So, some time later does she sit down to draft a letter to slide in the slit of Sophia’s door. 
Dear Sophia, Thank you for the gifts. How thoughtful of you. Rest assured, there will be plenty of use out of them. Of course I am not familiar with the scents of your home, but each time I light one, I will be reminded of you and that is special enough for me. I just hope I don’t burn through them too fast hehe. Perhaps we could go to Nabata when we return to Elibe? As for the books, yes… I mean to return them on time, but I get caught up in other tasks and lose track of time. I think the rental period is far too short. Maybe we will run into each other there! (A sentence has been scratched out here, if examined closely one may be able to decipher the words: study date.) Anyway, I know you are likely just as busy as I, but I hope to chat with you more. Kindest regards from your friend, Lilina P.S. Aren’t these flowers pretty? I visited the greenhouse and they permitted me to take a couple. They will last a little should you choose to keep them.
As an additional touch, she adds pressed hydrangea flowers of purple, blue, and pink in with the envelope.
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inferniso · 2 years
✢⁎. dragon to dragon communication
A name ill-practiced on the divine demon’s tongue. She, much like Roy, was a face Idunn came to recognize in those short months at the oasis. She knew Fae--even better than Idunn did--and has the distinct air of something... Similar. Not the same, but similar.
Whatever the case may be, she vanished from Idunn’s life much like the lion. Seeing her again at the school, the full-dragon nearly smiles. Her decision to leave has been reinforced.
“This word,” her finger rests on a passage of text in the hefty tome she carries, evidently something she’d been trying to study, “what does it mean?” The word is Dukedom, taken from an explanation of Fodlan’s history. Being from another land requires that Idunn learn of the one she resides in. Not that she minds, of course. She delights in coming to know the human world.
The rest she read with varying degrees of ease. But this one--this Dukedom--isn’t something the village elders or Fae could’ve possibly taught her about.
Setting the book down in front of the prophet so she could properly see, Idunn continues, feeling the growing need to explain herself, “I’ve seen you reading before. You must be very smart... So maybe you can help me understand.” All spoken in a matter-of-fact tone, robotic in lilt and mundane in pronunciation. 
But that’s okay. Facts and knowledge are becoming a part of her daily life, learning one of her favorite pastimes. As she fixes her position in her seat--the wood creaking in perfect harmony with the desk she leans on--Idunn daydreams about the human world. It has so many things. Few of them were of import to a drone, so many remain a mystery.
A bubbling sensation rises in her chest, now that Idunn’s focus has gently shifted across the classroom. Sophia’s answer will be one step closer to freedom, one vital bound toward the winged dream of her master. 
If she knows what a Dukedom is, perhaps she can learn to love it--perhaps she can bring it peace.
//starter for @nabataprophet
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ninocence · 2 years
Sophia finds herself staring at one of the people who has been assigned to her group for the latest mission. Vibrant green hair and clear blue eyes—she looks eerily similar to the young pair of mage brothers who had also found their way into Lord Roy's army. Had they been triplets this whole time? No, Raigh hadn't mentioned anything about a sister...not that he was particularly forthcoming with information about himself to begin with.
"...You look like...someone I know," Sophia mumbles, continuing to gaze at the oddly familiar stranger. "Do you...have brothers...?"
If not, then maybe...
"Huh? Oh wow, how did you know?" Wide eyes turn towards the lavender-haired girl in surprise as she approaches; while a stranger to Nino, the girl speaks as though she might recognize her. And her brothers, as well.
"Yup, I have two brothers," she replies, with a small smile that's only a little sad around the edges, "One's really mature and kind, and the other's rough, but he always means well..."
Though... she tries to think back as hard as she can, in her time with Black Fang and then her time with Eliwood and the others, but no one who looks anything like this girl comes to mind. Nino tilts her head towards the other with a sheepish look. "I don't remember seeing you before, sorry... But um, I'll do my best to remember! Can you tell me your name? I'm Nino, in case you didn't already know!"
Maybe with a name to match to her face, she'll have better luck scouring her memory!
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lukendary · 2 years
Hang Loose! [Sophia & Luke]
+1 Riding Starter for @nabataprophet
Rusalka is an idyllic territory by the coast. It’s easy to see why anyone would be captivated by the sun, the sea breeze, and the high, rocky cliffs overlooking the shimmering ocean. The people in the port city seem friendly enough, but few seem to recall seeing any knights around lately. This is the biggest city in the area though, so someone is bound to come through at some point. With the shopping and the weather as good as it is, no time like the present to have a little vacation while you wait for leads then, right? Beach day! Maybe even try your hand at what the locals call “surfing.” [Grants Riding +1] 
Luke was already charging towards the beach, surfboard in hand, halfway through hearing the explanation about how to surf given by a local. Riding the waves? Doing cool, totally awesome tricks to impress people? Living the dream? He needed no more convincing than that.
The beach also gave him a welcomed excuse to get comfortable. The sun was warm on the sand and against his skin and he tossed his tunic off over his head, kicking off his boots and socks too. He grinned, shaking out his hair, feeling the soft sand underfoot.
Oh yeah. The Luke’s new natural habitat.
First of all, he had to give surfing a real try. He walked directly out to the waves, board in hand. As eager as he was to get out in the water... even he was smart enough to stay to the beginner’s area of the beach first. It turned out surfing involved a lot of watching the waves, paddling, and waiting for the perfect one in the perfect spot.
He did... alright.
When the wave came he jumped up on his board, ready to ride it. He nearly fell off immediately but managed to right himself with some arm flailing and a shout that was luckily drowned out by the rush of water. It was a smaller wave but hey, he didn’t die! Luke let it carry him, riding the wave with a triumphant holler despite nearly falling into the ocean at the start.
He scanned around the beach, wondering if there was anyone to flirt surf with. Feet back on the sandy shore, he approached the first person he saw, mind racing as he tried to remember where he’d seen her.
Weird Pie Girl! That was right! Luke needed to call her something else in his mind, so he ran up to her, board in hand. He stuck the end of the board in the sand once he was in front of Sophia and grinned. “Hey, we didn’t get to introduce ourselves the other day. Name’s Luke. If you wanna get in on some wave action, I’m your guy. It’s pretty fun!”
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fellincantation · 1 year
🐍 "...? So dragons...can look like this, too...?" There truly is so much she doesn't know; both about herself and the outside world.
"Aghhh we do not! This is some foul curse on my form and it is miserable! My true form is a terrifying visage to behold and would strike fear deep into your heart!" Grima shouted, writhing in frustration. She flopped about and flapped her wings furiously. Yes! She was lifting off of the ground!
"See? Almighty!"
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lionsword · 2 years
They're really supposed to stay with their own groups, but at some point after seeing who's in her group, Sophia wanders off to seek out a certain redhead. She need not report her every action to him, but in this case, it feels necessary, because it involves his father.
"Um, Lord Roy..." Sophia calls out from behind him. She clutches her hands to her chest, struggling to find the words. Even she has no idea what will happen inside the world of dreams, so words of comfort feel empty. Even so, he is Lord Roy's beloved father, his only family, so she must do what she can.
"Your father is in my group, so... Don't...worry. I will protect him...so please...stay safe, as well."
“Yes, Sophia?”
Roy patiently listened to her, grateful hand on her shoulder. He had to admit, even knowing her abilities, he felt protective towards her. At hearing her promise, he smiled. “Thank you, Sophia. I’m sure he’ll look after you too. He’s selfless that way- a hero.”
Eliwood always made it home, neat and tidy with a pretty bow at the end of an adventure. Roy…
“I’ll do my best. I couldn’t bear to let you down.” He didn’t want to think about that time last year when he shouldn’t have made it… didn’t make it. “Take care, okay?”
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ashenprofessor · 2 years
Sophia would like to receive dark magic tomes! Or was that dork magic tomes? The cursive is a little hard to read.
Another book request. Byleth added it to the list for their trip to the bookshop. If only the note wasn't smudged making it hard to discern what type of magic tomes Sophia required.
Browsing the shelves, Byleth was able to find plenty of dark magic tomes. This was essentially a university town after all. Picking out a couple of promising looking volumes, the professor added them to the stack waiting to be bought on the counter. Just to be safe, they decided to buy a couple of 'dork' magic books as well. It wouldn't do to disappoint.
"Merry yuletide" Byleth greeted Sophia before handing over the wrapped tomes. "I apologise for any mix up in your gift but I hope these are satisfactory."
The book titles: - A darker side of magic: the reason they wont teach you at school - A Practical reason for combat: magic to defeat monsters - Clown magic and other trick to entertain kids - Talking to people: Magical aids for interactions and social situations
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nagaficat · 2 years
🎄+ 💋 (wrong child)
Sophia. Deirdre will not make the mistake of calling her the wrong name again. Especially since she has now had the pleasure of meeting her Julia as a kind and beautiful young woman. Especially especially when they both sit in her classroom as she lectures on magic. She feels quite foolish for ever having mixed them up!
It does not make Sophia any less special to her though. She may not be Deirdre's daughter but she still holds a very special place in the professor's heart.
When she sees Sophia standing beneath the mistletoe she's hung in the threshold to her classroom (it looks so festive!) Deirdre is quick to make her way over to her student. With a smile, she gives her a quick kiss right on the cheek. "May your holidays be as lovely as you are!"
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making-dough · 2 years
🌠- A time they wished upon a falling star
readmored for lengths and for spoilers for anyone who hasn’t played blazing sword yet
memories meme
♠ - "Whoa! Can't believe we ended up fighting a giant flamin’ dragon!"
It might have been the Dread Isle but Valor without Morphs wasn’t something completely suicidal anymore. Well, for anything short of a small army, anyway. Still dangerous - its misty forests were natural homes for wolves and other dangerous animals but no more dangerous than anywhere else. Well, from her (well-experienced, if she were to say so herself) judgment, anyway.
Which was why Farina could find herself comfortable enough to lie back, enjoy the evening breeze and relax on a hill overlooking the battlefield where they’d had that giant face-off against that army of Morphs. If there was going to be imminent trouble, she was more than sure that they were more than capable enough to fend off anyone or thing that came their way. They’ve just beat back a whole dragon, after all.
Which shouldn’t even have been a thing. Dragons had been extinct on Elibe for nearly a thousand years, after all. She’ll recognize all that talk about Arcadia when she actually sees it, shhh. 
“Yes, that was a harrowing battle. It was a miracle we all managed to survive.” A cool and calm voice chimed in from her left. She’d recognise it as from her big sis Fiora without even looking.
“But...now, w-we can all meet together like this. I-isn’t that great?” And another voice piped in from her right. A jittery voice filled with nervous energy from her younger sister Florina. Both of them lying down relaxing right next to herself on that same hill and both looking up at the stars with her together.
“Uh-huh.”, came Farina’s hum of agreement before she sent her gaze back up into the night sky. Well, Flo had a point. So far as Farina was concerned, easily the best part of the end of this mission was the fact that she could finally hang out with her sisters without some huge pressing emergency hanging over their heads. Well, packing for the return trip back to Lycia aside, anyway. 
Well, whatever. That was something she could worry about in daylight hours. For now, she just wants to rejoice in the fact that they were all alive and not in any imminent mortal dang-
“Oh, wow! It’s a shooting star!”, a soft voice pointed out, an outstretched arm pointing straight up at the sight, a moment’s marvel having seemingly transformed her shyness into wonder. 
Farina tilted her gaze up to where Florina’s arm was pointing and...”Who~a!”, came the cry in one airy breath of wonder. ‘Oh, wow.’ was right. It was truly beautiful, a faint streak scattering a trail of stardust in its wake. A slight tilt of her head to her right found her a very curious sight. A flustered (as usual) Florina, rapidly switching between one set of whispers to another. Wonder what she could be up t-Oh, yeah!
There was an old fairy tale that said that any wish spoken under a shooting star three times will come true. Well, by hearsay, anyway. She wasn’t one much for wishes or fairy tales. The harshness of the world had crushed any such hopes out ages ago. But there was one wish she could think of. One that she could at least hope to be granted.
So, Farina closed her eyes and made her wish and spoke it three times.
“Eh?”, came a surprised cry from her left. “I thought you didn’t believe in these things, Farina.” And she'd be right. She still didn’t. But just for this moment, she could pretend to believe.
“Eh?”, came an excited cry from her right. “You made a wish, sister? Tell us! Tell us!” 
A request to which Farina could only answer with a laughing... “Not telling! It won’t come true if I did!” 
As she drowned out Florina’s groan and continued begging with her own uproarious laughs, Farina cast another gaze back up at the night sky where she made her wish. For a moment like this to come again. For these three sisters to never have to cross lances. And may they all return home. To Ilia. Safely.
It was a bit of a far cry from her usual wishes but then again, she could grant those herself easily. Well, it wasn’t as though wishes meant much of anything. Not a whole did. If they ended up having the misfortune to sign up on opposing sides, well, the mercenary code was very clear on that scenario with an outcome she would much rather avoid. 
Maybe she’ll even take a job on another continent somewhere. Elibe can’t be alone in the world. If she ran far far away, then she’ll stand a better chance of avoiding having to cross lances with her sisters. Yeah, that was a plan. She could just slip away quietly and start looking the moment they touched shore at Port Badon. She hated good-byes, anyway.
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hresvelged · 2 years
[ CROWN ] Make a flower crown, or bestow one upon another. Sophia spots the Black Eagles House Leader among the crowd and slowly makes her way over. Although she's been part of the class for a few months now, she has yet to pay her respects. Better late than never.
She hands over a flower crown with no preamble. "... Here... For you..." Delivery made, she wanders off.
“Oh?” A singular phrase is all she gets out as she turns around to the enchanting piece by her side. The flower crown now within her hands is made with care. She knows Sophia as one of her own, of course. There are many reasons the princess is given presents these days⁠— Personal gains are one of many. When she looks at Sophia, though, she feels that is not the case. What the house leader sees is a soft-spoken face, one she fears she knows little about.
Before she can offer a proper sign of gratitude, her classmate disappears. A small sigh leaves her lips, but it is not one of annoyance⁠— Contentment, rather. Acknowledgement and appreciation. Edelgard takes a moment of silence, fingers trailing atop the petals. Just for a bit, perhaps, it might be okay to wear. So long as she remembers it is not forever. Gracefully, she raises it upwards and places it atop her head. The way it lays is so light⁠— She almost cannot feel it is there. Still, Edelgard knows of its presence and of the way she has been given it.
She always sits in the same spot during class each day. It is close to the front, focus diverted onto their professors. But, for tomorrow, she will make a change. She hopes to intentionally place herself next to Sophia, if only to make up for the lack of words exchanged today.
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atypicalsenerio · 2 years
[ HUG ] Although the costume lacks wings, the distinctive round shape and yellow coloring are enough to make Sophia do a double take. If the vague resemblance wasn't enough, that weird sensation thrumming through her very blood is back once again.
And despite herself, she hugs the costumed person. "...Fae..." Sophia mumbles, face pressed into the fuzzy yellow fur.
Oh dear. There she was telling Fae that she would have to be prepared for when they would inevitably need to part and now here she is missing her terribly.
Soren nearly protested. He wasn’t whoever Fae was, and clearly they were someone dear to Sophia. The strange connection, not quite what he had with other Branded, but with something wholly his own, something draconic, tingled in his skull like memories from a different life, from a people more ancient than him.
He let her hug Thunder Mouse, hugging back as best he could with the little arms, paws patting her.
Maybe people needed make-believe to heal old wounds.
He wished for a split second he could be the person others needed, but he wasn’t, and he’d never be.
She walked away and he let her go.
Soren wondered if what pulled dragons together wasn’t blood, but a life steeped in loss and grief.
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