#[ m.c.w  answered. ]
failedhero-archive · 3 years
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                           @fiightcr said to Mary  “we all have an achilles heel.”                          
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             “Yeah well, this is much too Greek to me. The revenge plot. The blood feuds that we somehow get caught up in the middle of. I mean- honestly it’s like my family has been put smack dab in the middle of some ancient tragedy.” Mary’s keeping her cool relatively well but- she’s had a hard go of it. Learned a lot in a short span of time. 
              “I didn’t ask to be anyone’s Achille heel, kiddo. I didn’t fucking ask for that.” 
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25 Days
25 days have come and gone. 25 days ago, you held me hand and told me you loved me. 25 days ago, I was yours.
I’d appreciate an explanation, Something to help me understand. Was it me? Was it you? Did I do too much? Did I do too little?
Did you stop loving me months or days ago? Did you tell your friends or keep it to yourself? Did you even love me?
You left me heartbroken, You led me on. You left me alone with no hand to hold, no one to hold me up when I was down.
So many questions that have no answers. So many things I wish I could have said. I can’t take another heartbreak. But you left me 25 days ago.
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