#[ lunaetis / My heart aches when I look at the moon and think of the one who made me realize that nostalgia has more than one name ]
caemthe-a · 6 years
" i can't believe you still have that with you. " the cherubim had her eyes upon the green spear he was holding. a remnant of that war they had spent together no matter how short a time. something so fickle and how it was simply a makeshift weapon compares to his noble phantasm, yet, he had kept it all these years. " so you remember what i told you back then, huh. " even after all this time. fingers toyed with his azure locks, drawing him closer as her lips captured his own quietly. silly pup.
To tell the truth, he still was getting used to the idea that she was here. It could be considered silly by others but, after everything that had happened and all the hazards that had been overcome until now… it still was hard to believe that fate had reunited them. That and there also was the fact that the Ulster warrior had gotten too used to using the spear that Misaya had given to him as a gift. It was one of his favorites after all and a reminder of the promise he had made to her. That’s why he always carried with him, always using it at the battle, switching to gae bolg only if he was forced to.
But now that Misaya was here… sometimes, technically, depending on who is taking over at the time(?)… they’re still figuring that out. Now that Misaya was here, the Lancer had to make a couple changes and switch to gae bolg once again so that she wouldn’t tease him about how much he had missed her and how attached he had become over during the time where they were apart from each other. Even after everything, he still found himself holding onto his pride and refusing to give her a reason to show that wicked smirk of hers. It had been a long time since he accepted that he was weak for her, he loved her so there was no shame in that. But what he didn’t need was to have her remind him of that at any given opportunity. He knew she enjoyed watching him get flustered or nervous, that slightly sadistic nature of hers never changed.
Unluckily for him, he forgot about his own plan once their party was taken by surprise by a group of beasts. The summoning of the green spear was practically instinctual and soon he and the other servants were engaging in battle. And, once the last body fell to the ground, once they returned to Chaldea and everyone took their own path, once it was just the two of them, she broke the silence. His eyes widened like never before and he wasn’t sure if it was because he had completely forgotten to use gae bolg or because he had been caught and there wasn’t much he could say to save face.
So he did nothing. The Lancer didn’t move from the spot where he was standing as he watched her get closer and reduce the distance between them with each of her steps. There was no way for him to hide the embarrassment that painted his face red. He opened his mouth hoping that the words would flow on their own. “That’s because…” But he couldn’t come up with any excuse. The only thing that came to mind was the truth. That’s because I missed you. I love you. I made a promise to you. All things that he didn’t need to say out loud as she most likely was aware of them.
And then they were only a few inches apart from each other and it was difficult to think when all he wanted to do was to lean down and kiss her. But her next comment threw him off balance. He wanted to tell her that of course he remembered like it was the most normal thing in the world. But then her lips were on his and his hands were pulling her closer by the waist and just how many years had it been since he first dreamed of kissing her? It was in moments like this that Cú felt like they were cheating on destiny, refusing to accept the tragic fate that was meant for them, stealing a few minutes of happiness and making them last for an eternity.
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Once they pulled away from each other -as if by magic- the Lancer had recovered his voice and his thoughts weren’t all over the place like before. A tender smile appeared on his features as he leaned down to press a kiss on the space between her hair and her forehead and say: “How could I ever forget?” It was like asking if he could ever forget her. It was simply impossible. He remembered every little detail of that war, the time they spent together as if it had happened just yesterday.
“And just so you know, my promise hasn’t changed. I still plan on winning that war with you and see you take back the years that were stolen from you. So I really hope that you’re starting to make plans for the future instead of thinking of leaving a pretty corpse behind.” Dying young wasn’t as cathartic or poetic as artists made it seem. The two of them knew that well enough and, if he tried harder, Misaya would still have a chance to lead a long and free life. That was his only wish.
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