#[ if you have q's; feel free to reach out any time :) ]
foundationhq · 7 months
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DATE & TIME: FEBRUARY 19 - FEBRUARY 23. Various classified times.
DECLASSIFIED DETAILS: The MTF Chi-00 team meets in the 2F of the Site-φ Base of Operations for their first, great challenge: mandatory workplace introductions. Beyond that, it's a simple week of getting to know their surroundings and hopefully, starting to acclimatize into their new lives.
FOR PLAYERS: 𝑎𝑐𝑡  𝑖.  𝑐ℎ.  𝑖.  (𝒅𝒊𝒔)𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏  is  live  FEB.  19  -  FEB.  29,  2024. FoundationHQ is now open for interactions! Regular activity requirements will commence today. In our game, players “play at the their own pace,” meaning all that is mandatory for event participation is the STORY BEAT. Other topics and activities listed in SIDE STORIES are recommended to get a fuller game experience, but not required to progress the mainline plot. Free free to use them for jumping off points in starters, threads, self-paras, etc.! Respond as you see fit, and have fun! And watch the world respond to you.
𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻.
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STORY BEAT; 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠.
You  arise,  the  sun  waking  up  with  you  over  the  strips  of  gray  haze  that  curtain  its  brilliance.  The  wan  daybreak  lights  the  interior  of  your  new  home  for  the  next  three-hundred  sixty-five  days.  It  is  empty,  just  like  your  head.  Since  the  flight  into  Site-φ,  intense  brain  fog  has  rolled  in  and  settled  deep  in  the  recesses  of  your  mind,  nesting. 
Like  a  cuckoo  child,  a  parasite,  this  sense  of  a  waking  dream  lodges  itself  in  your  higher  cerebral  reasoning,  immobilizing  any  mental  processes  until  you  get  a  sip  of  water,  a  smidgeon  of  coffee,  or  tea...  Then  and  only  then,  your  thoughts  unfurl,  leaving  behind  wrinkled,  indecipherable  reminders  and  memories  of  what  you did  last  night  before  sleep  overtook  you. 
The  alarm  rings,  and  the  bedside  clock  rattles, hopping  between  its  two  stick  feet.  You’re  all  dressed  and  ready  to  go.  You  don’t  remember  washing  or  putting  on  your  clothes.  Whose  face  did  you  see  in  the  mirror? 
A  gunmetal  pearl  Jeep  Wrangler  Sport,  the  car  the  ombudsmen  said  would  come  to  pick  you  up,  creeps  into  view,  rolling onto  the  driveway  of  the  resident building.  You  depart,  wanting  to  arrive  on  time.  Inside,  the  Captain  of  the  Security  Team,  Junichi  Kato,  greets  you  with  a  broad,  gap-toothed  grin.  Although  the  ride  is  pleasant,  you  cannot  harken  any  of  the  captain's  live  commentary.  Your  stomach  churns  as  the  jeep  races  through  the  grayed  landscape  towards  Site-φ’s  principal  base:  a  massive  colossus  of  concrete  and  metal.    
“Great  chat,  by  the  way!”  The  Captain  chuckles  as  he  helps  you  out.  It’s  cheery.  There’s  no  hint  of  sarcasm  or  a  single  blister  on  the  man’s  ego.  Therefore,  the  bright-eyed  sincerity  is  worse;  do  you  tell  Captain  Kato  you  recall  nothing? 
After  check-ins  in  the  lobby  and  passing  through  checkpoint  screenings  —  standard  security  measures,  every  seasoned  employee  of  the  Foundation  knows  this  —  you  receive  your  modified  pager  and  a  temporary  Level  0  Clearance  keycard.  According  to  the  secretary,  the  photographer  rejected  the  headshot  you  sent  earlier  before  your  arrival.  They  wish  to  schedule  a  private  photo  shoot  with  you  later  in  the  week  to  capture  the  “essence”  of  Standardized  Employee  Identification  Cards.  As  you  mull  over  what  that  could  possibly  mean,  the  elevator  dings. 
The  second  floor.  The  office  space  bears  signs  of  recent  remodeling,  showing  that  it’s  cleared  out  and  set  up  for  MTF  Chi-00,  also  known  as  “The  Broken  Scales  of  Themis,”  also  known  as  your  team.  Across  the  hall  is  a  large  conference  room  with  glass  walls.  Someone  has  drawn  the  blinds.  A  man  is  already  sitting  inside  —  legs  crossed,  elbow  propped  on  his  knee,  and  chin  rested  in  the  palm  of  his  right  hand  —  and  he  fixes  his  gaze  straight  at  you. 
Logic  kicks  in;  it  must  be  your  new  commander.  Dark  eyes  track  you  as  you  continue  to  move  forward.  You  pause  near  the  door.  Waiting,  waiting.  Come  on,  get  a  move  on.  Your  will,  that  quiet  but  ardent  nudge  inside  you,  propels  you  forward. 
You  enter  the  glass-walled  room,  and  the  bearded  man  stands  up  to  shake  your  hand.  He  says,  “Mornin’,”  his  tone  is  raspy  but  unexpectedly  soft  and  polite  compared  to  his  casual  attire  and  gruff  appearance.  The  commander  gestures  for  you  to  sit,  and  you  find  one  suitable. 
It’s  silent  but  tense;  the  Commander  looks  downright  bored.  You  feel  it,  the  heavy  fruit  of  compulsory  small  talk  dropping  —  then  the  door  opens  again.  Another  welcome.  Wash  and  repeat.  The  seats  fill  with  bodies,  mouths  exchange  hellos,  and  eyes  start  to  scout  and  hide  amongst  the  ranks.  Some  steeled,  armed  glares  promising  retaliation;  some  wobbly,  seeking  a  guardrail;  sixteen  pairs  orient  themselves  to  the  lone  man  standing, who steps forward. 
“Well...  Guess  I’ll  go  first.”
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⒈ Post an in-character introduction to the team, no minimum or maximum word limit. This will be your character's first impression to the team! Have fun and format it however you'd like. Dialogue, script, narration, what have you! ⒉ React to others' in-character intros; how does your muse feel hearing their introductions? Players may respond directly to other's tumblr posts via the reply feature, via reblog for a longer form response, send a smoke signal (...maybe not the last one...), and there is no word limit. For these reactions, even one-liners and gif reactions are allowed! Three (3) reactions are mandatory to pass this event check. If you'd like to react to all the muses (we highly suggest doing one-liners, you wacky animal!), special subplots may be unlocked for your muse.
📍 If all muses receive at least three (3) reactions within the event, a huge bonus will be unlocked for the first mission for all members.
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Based on the results of the group's discord theories regarding our first event preview, some side stories have been declassified. Good job, everyone! And there are some side stories which are yet to be discovered by you. Even if some events are “classified,” we hope that our players take a leap of faith and go for what interests them the most! Who knows where that rabbit hole leads...
𝒇𝒆𝒃. 𝟏𝟗
INTRODUCTIONS; the members of themis introduce one another, some meeting for the first time, others shying away from too-familiar faces. after first impressions, where does everyone stand with each other?
PHOTO OP; the site photographer would like to take a photo of your muse for their employee identification card at site-φ. it is highly recommended, or you'll be carting around a level 0 clearance card all throughout the base, which may affect access. 📍 players are recommended to either dm or submit photos if they'd like a personalized graphic as well! a sample ID will be posted on the FHQ DISCORD.
TOUR OF THE FLOORS; HR has appointed ombudsperson A.J. to take the themis members on individual and group tours of the main base facilities. the mtf chi-00 team are shown the above ground floors, as well as the basement floors B1F-4F. 𝑆𝑀𝑂𝑂𝑇𝐻 𝑂𝑃𝐸𝑅𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 has access to B5F+, and peeked at B6-7F. 𝐷𝑌𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝐵𝑅𝐸𝐸𝐷 has been briefed on B7F's current persons of interest. notably, the guided tour does not enter any of the current containment floors.
RECEIVE YOUR PAGER & WELCOME PACKET. at the end of the day, you receive your pager, your means of remote communications throughout the site. every pager is fitted to be functional anywhere on the mountain, with message storage and also the ability to assign contact names. although it is a secure private communication for staff in the area, be mindful, pager messages can be traced. with your pager, you also get a small welcome basket comprising of a tiny plastic house plant of your choice, a site-φ stationary kit (notebook, writing tools, a small protractor), a bag of authentic german pretzel chips, and an all-you-can-brunch site-φ cafeteria buffet ticket.
𝒇𝒆𝒃. 𝟐𝟎
THE LAKESIDE; 11:48 AM - 6:21 PM. the crater lake is temperate at this time of year. it is temperate every time of the year. the water is great. come on in. [𝙲𝙻𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙵𝙸𝙴𝙳]
LAB APPOINTMENTS; there are empty lab rooms within the main base for themis' researchers to conduct their own experiments — related to their current work, right? — that can be booked through the head of research at site-φ. just let them know what you intend to research, and immediately jump the line of the other scientists at the site who've been working for their independent lab space all their lives. some themis researchers, depending on their prestige, may be given a full team of lab assistants to aid in their noble pursuit to secure, contain, and protect.
SCiPNET LOGIN SETUP; for those who haven't been in the foundation long, or have avoided the online access terminal, they will be placed in a short seminar to establish and update their SCiPNET logins. SCiPNET is the main mode of sending emails, consulting the database on SCPs, and accessing sensitive files for those with high clearance. if you're looking to send an email to a fellow staff member, you need a SCiPNET account. SCiPNET does not work where there is no Wi-Fi, so the connection to the database is strictly limited to the main base, as well as other smaller operational buildings around site-φ.
𝒇𝒆𝒃. 𝟐𝟏
WALKING CLUB SIGN-UPS; the walking club, a group of highly-intelligent pack of dogs, is looking for new members! the 8-dog squad is here to keep staff members safe while on the ruff trails of the ██████ mountain ranges. they insist you don't go wandering off alone! also that you have a bag of treats!!
DEFENSE SEMINAR; some of themis' esteemed have no experience with hand-to-hand combat, or handling protective arms. for others, it might have been a while. as mtf chi-00's auditing missions may require coordination in the field, or in the case there is an unlikely event of a security or containment breach at site-φ, the security department will be offering self-defense as well as weapons handling classes.
𝒇𝒆𝒃. 𝟐𝟐
CORNER COFFEE; BARB, the barista on the 3F, has a special on days with "repeating" numbers (i.e. the 11th, the 22nd, and the 33rd). come pick up a personalized drink from her before she closes shop. BARB is definitely a person in-the-know of site-φ's happenings, and who knows what she'll say while brewing your drink... *UPDATE: only available for threads dated on the 22nd, will expire after the event closes.
DESDEMONA SEEKS VOLUNTEERS. the quartermaster, DESDEMONA, is thrilled to see site-φ's latest join the ranks. she'll need to take your measurements, as per her profession. however, if you don't mind staying a while after fittings, perhaps you'd like to assist the gentle old lady with a favor? oh, those rumors? don't believe them. there's ample supply of tiger balm in the infirmary. [𝙲𝙻𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙵𝙸𝙴𝙳] *UPDATE: only available for threads dated on the 22nd, will expire after the event closes.
𝒇𝒆𝒃. 𝟐𝟑
(𝐢𝐧)𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞; a ttrpg interactive game element. for more information, click on the link.
FRANKIE'S FAMOUS FISH; a new shipment has come in via air-drop and you know what that means! frankie's famous fish is on the menu for a limited-time only! don't forget to grab a bib, a waiver, and your favorite brand of antacid tablets! will you take on the deadly challenge? *UPDATE: only available for threads dated on the 23rd, will expire after the event closes.
"MANDATORY" FIRST ASSESSMENT WITH WELLNESS COUNSELOR J. OYUUN; to gauge the mental wellness of site-φ's newest, the HR department has arranged 1-on-1 assessment appointments with oyuun, the wellness counselor. they're not one to strictly abide by a schedule, so they've told you that if they're free, which you can literally see as their office is a glass room suspended in the air of the B1F, you can drop on in. they're not much of a talker, but they know exactly what you need to feel better for that day.
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Side stories are not mandatory, and are features for enhancing your experience immersing into Site-φ’s world. Feel free to interact in any shape or form, be it directly or indirectly referencing them for open and closed starters, pager chats, self-paras... you can even request to interact with the NPCs 1-on-1! Based on your muse's movements during this event, new information, features, and subplots may be unlocked following the event's conclusion. This game is responsive to you; your actions will directly affect the environment. As for the [𝚁𝙴𝙳𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝙳] event on the FHQ Discord, stay tuned... and hope luck is on your side...! All in all, however you wish to spend your time at Site-φ, we hope that it'll be a fun and memorable experience!
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Hey, I want start off to apologize. I'm so sorry for bringing awareness to the tapes and then not clarifying on what to do or how to start. I did try to answer every question I can. I did post a guide a while back but Im still remastering it
F10- body asleep and mind awake
F12- having your consciousness in the universe and expanded
So first off you need click on drive. Once you open the drive you will see tapes.
Before staring the tapes you NEED read a MANUAL. So if you look at your bottom left corner. You will see a PDF and it will have a picture of a old man. He's name is Bob. The creator of the tapes. I love Bob.
Once you click on the tape. You scroll down and you see titles. These titles are the titles of the tape in the folders that your going to use. At the bottom of the titles, there going be a discription. These discription tell you what the tapes do but also how they work and what you need to do during those tapes. Once your done your ready to go
Step 1: open the drive and you will see the folders of tapes. ‼️DO NOT USE ANY OTHER AUDIO EXPECTED THE DRIVE. YOUTUBE COMPRESS THEM AND MAKE THEM NOT WORK‼️
[GATEWAY TAPES DRIVE ](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1vZJg5oJvfYVwWryJh05pfkZTV0cnd026)
Step 2: click the bottom far left corner. It's a Manuel and has a picture of a old guy smiling (bob)
Step 3: find the title of the tape your going to use. Read it carefully and know what's going happened and what to do
Step 4: go to discovery and play the first tape. Don't fall asleep! Be awake during the tapes!
Great! Keep doing these tapes for each tape. Each tape you must do it 3 times or more. So you can get familiar with it. BUT MOST IMPORTANT IF YOUR NOT READY TO MOVE ON OR YOU FEEL LIKE YOU NEED KEEP DOING. THAT'S OKAY, SHIFTING IS ALWAYS GOING BE HERE SO DONT RUSH
Once you reach Tape 3- advanced F10. There's a trigger that YOU MUST MASTER. The whole point of discovery is to train your brain to be awake and body asleep.
Now continues the normal steps like the other but this time. You need keep doing it until your able do It without the tapes. This is very important because when your trying reach F12(the goal). You need to be in F10 first and master It already
After that, you NEED to do the other tapes like the normal steps. Because the 4 tape is to have fear go away and if you blockages. The 5 is for awareness while you sleep and 6- free flow- is to freestyle
‼️Make sure to let go any expectations of these tapes because this will hold you back! Put your expectations and your needs in the energy box!‼️
But you can go to F12 tape.
F12 tape is next to discovery. Know as Wave 2. A lot of people ask why only that tape and not the others. Well! If you do F12 tape and in beginning bobs explains that after F12 tape. Those tapes are TOOLS. Those tools involved with manefisting, remote viewing, answering questions etc (I recommend you to check it out)
So the thing you need to do is master F12 and then shift!
Tips and questions
Q: what are gateway tapes?
A: here's some recourses that explains it way more better then I ever could
[gateway tapes ](https://youtu.be/46E_FX-KxZ8?si=yV8dqgoBdcNJXclD)
[Gateway tapes CIA EXPLAINED ](https://youtu.be/HOFq3ruef7I?si=JbwpcgnZ9rrbGyyz)
Q: can I shift at F10?
A: yes you can. It's possible but it's not really meant for that. Its more of SATS approach if that's what you're looking for because F10 is mind awake and body asleep
Q: how many times do I listen to it
A: as many times you feel like. I personally listen to it 3-4 times a day but only because I'm in summer break. Whatever works in your schedule
Q: how do I know I'm in F10?
A: your body is heavy and your limbs are numb. Your body is supposed to be asleep. Many people reported that the hear themselves snore. Me personally, my breath is non-existent and my chest is numb in away. Or like barely there. Trust me you will know. Ofc this doesn't mean you can't move you body at all. You can move your body in F10 but need the WILL to move your body. It can be different from everyone
Q: I tried it couple of days, why is it working?
A: first off, you need patience. This is practice. It's like a baseball player wanting to be the best pitcher in the world but they throw the ball couple of times and then when it's not right. They run and cry in there room. You need take the tapes seriously not half ass it and be PATIENT. Don't rush things. That's the worse thing you can do because you will miss important cues and it's going be all bad.
Q: I keep falling asleep why is that
A: your brain and body is not used to it. Your brain isn't normal active. Its active but it's going through your sleep cycles. So having your brain be in vibration state of being awake and your body being sleep cycle. It's going get confused because it's not used to it. That's why the tapes train it.
Q: do I need earphones or headphones when listening to tape
A: yes, you need ones that aren't noise cancelling and make sure that you hear bob in your right ear. Only because there certain sounds that play in both your ears for your brain to sync.
Q: are these tapes actually going make me shift
A: yes, I believe it will. The only reason why I personally believe that anyone can 1000 percent shift because these gateway tapes were run by scientist and actually doctor in fields to perfect it. Not only that CIA agents use these and it's approved by the CIA. There actually evidence and research done. It isn't like some random teenagers made a method up in there room. These tapes are designed to open the human mind and Bob himself even talked to alter version of himself with these tapes.
Now, you gotta have open mind and believe it too. You cant go in the tapes with a negative mindset and expect a beautiful outcome. This is in every method you used..not only the gateway tapes. If you believe it won't work because whatever the case then obviously it won't work because your mind is going block everything and not letting it's self In general. This is life In general.
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trashfangirlsworld · 6 months
Hello! I've been inactive due to the current events in the mcyt community, but I've been keeping up with the qsmp admin situation and I thought I'd share some opinions because the amount of doomposting I've seen the last few weeks has been more than I've seen in any fandom in a while and I feel like it's reached the point where people really need to chill the fuck out because they're not thinking straight and actively not helping. Everything I'm gonna say is based on stuff I've seen on both tumblr and twitter.
they should not promote/release merch! : one of the things that baffles me the most tbh; how do you expect any employee to be payed then? Merch is so far the only big source of income for the server besides q's own cc salary or whatever income they get through the official qsmp channel on twitch and youtube (which I don't think is a lot). "I get that they said they have no funds, but still it doesn't feel right"... sorry but at this point I don't know what to tell you, do you expect them to pull money out of their asses? You can't demand that they stop making merch and then complain that they can't afford the twitter admins at the same time. If you don't feel comfortable buying anything from them it's fine obviously, but if your reason for it is that you're helping the admins then I have bad news for you. I have seen people propose that quackity sets up a patreon, and while I think it would be a good idea, I understand why he's not doing it, since with the merch he can at least give something back to the people that choose to support his project instead of people just giving him money for free, especially with what's happening now. Also with how much hate he's been receiving simply for the merch I can't imagine that a patreon would be recieved well.
we don't know if the money is going to the admins/ they should not use pomme's likeness! : the money is definitely going to go to the employees and admins because otherwise the server would not last. And as much as I understand people feeling protective over pomme's admin, quackity studios is very much allowed to sell merch of the character because it is not the likeness of the admin, it's a minecraft model made by the people that work there. Would you have rathered they skip her character entirely? Do you really think that would have been okay?. Also correct me if I'm wrong, but I've seen posts and tweets saying that pomme's admin has been confirmed to come back with the other eggs whenever it happens by pierre, who talked with her admin.
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the admins of the update accounts got fired, it means they want to fire everyone, they aren't making things better! : it sucks that the updates accounts had to end and I feel bad for every twitter admin that clearly cared a lot about the project, but unfortunately it had to happen if there simply isn't enough money to pay them adequately like they deserved and ultimately the update accounts were not essential to keep the project going, so it makes sense that they were let go unfortunately. This is not gonna be the case for the egg admins because if they got fired (which they didn't), the server would basically end. Just because a cc does not know when they will be back does not mean it's not gonna happen. Just because tubbo randomly said that he's not sure if they will be back does not mean they were fired; tubbo is normally not a reliable source of information, even less so when he's been live nonstop for the past 20 days, which is prior to everything happening. If you genuinely didn't expect a reduction in non essential staff considering everything, then you have unreasonable expectations on how this stuff goes. As I write this, I'm seeing people saying that "they would understand this decision if q had set up a patreon to pay the admins", and once again I don't understand how people don't realize why quackity might not be keen on the idea of having his fans pay his own employees for his own project instead of, you know, doing it himself; and, again, do not fool yourself into thinking it would be recieved well. That being said, it's fair to criticize how everything was communicated to the admins, but I'll get to this in more detail later.
quackity should not have uninstalled social media, he's trying to avoid everything! : he's not avoiding anything, he's been off social media for a while now, which is why it took him that long to remove wilbur from the server. He has every right to not want to look at social media, as his focus should be on restructuring his server instead of doomscrolling on twitter because people think he needs to see how much people dislike him. The only people that he should talk to are those that have important information to tell him, like josè with the document. He explicitly said on stream where to contact him if you have helpful information and I'm sure that despite multiple well liked posts saying not to spam his email, people are definitely doing it anyway, which is probably gonna slow the whole thing down even more. I hope josè's document is able to be seen with pierre's help as well.
quackity studios is not communicating with their employees and leaving them in the dark and that's not okay : I agree with this. i think a huge chunk of doomposting lately has been due the lack of communication not with the audience, but with the admins, and they deserve to know what is happening behind the scenes more then us since this is about their current or future job.... that being said, I do kind of understand why they're being so secretive and shutting everyone out, and that's due to all the "leaks" that have been spread online. I understand the anger but I really wish some people would realize that discussing leaked bts lore stuff in ccs discord servers does not help the situation at all and instead makes it seem like they're only doing this to rile up the fandom against quackity studios by using the lore of people's fav characters.
At the end of the day, I think people just aren't used to dealing with a situation that does not have a clear cut solution and someone to clearly hate, so the result is this doomposting and the over aggressiveness toward anything related to the project. Personally, I haven't witnessed anything that made me lose faith in the qsmp like some people have been saying, as every change that we've seen so far coincides with what quackity said on stream a while ago. I only wish things were communicated properly to the admins clearly, as they're the ones most affected, so I hope that's resolved soon. Ultimately quackity is singlehandedly restructuring the server from basically zero, has had to fire people that were misusing money and power and, depending on what josè's document said, is probably gonna have to fire some more. This is not an easy process, nor a quick one, you're not gonna hear about sunshine and rainbows for a while and doomposting about everything you hear because you expected quick change is useless. Think before you speak, have a clear head and most importantly have empathy.
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macrocest · 20 days
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Cestember 2024
Cestember is a month long multifandom shipcest event with daily prompts and weekly suggested pairings hosted by Macrocest.
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Prompts and FAQ below and on AO3:
Week One Suggested Pairing: Siblings
01. Wet Dreams 02. Voyeurism 03. Intercrural Sex 04. Bunk Beds 05. Fucking Machine 06. Threesome 07. Spanking
Week Two Suggested Pairing: Parent/Child
08. Student/Professor 09. Lingerie 10. Fantasy 11. Prostitution 12. Sex Toys 13. Tickling 14. Orgasm Denial
Week Three Suggested Pairing: Extended Family (e.g. cousins, uncles, grandparents, etc.)
15. Loss of Virginity 16. Objectification OR Somnophilia 17. Corruption 18. Glory Hole 19. Cockwarming 20. School Uniform 21. Accidental Incest
Week Four Suggested Pairing: Pseudocest (e.g. adopted siblings/children, step-siblings, step-parents, god-parents, incest roleplay, etc.)
22. Sexting 23. Hate Sex 24. Dubcon 25. Playing House 26.Cum Dump 27. Exhibitionism 28. Breeding
Week Five Suggested Pairing: Selfcest (e.g. past/future self, clone, multiverse version of themself, etc.)
29. Objectification OR somnophilia 30. Grooming
Q: Can I use different pairings than the suggested pairings? Like, could I do the same sibling pair the whole month through? A: Absolutely! They are only suggestions, you can use whichever pairing you want.
Q: The day for the prompt has already passed. Can I still write a fic? A: YES! You can still submit a work for any prompt that has passed. The AO3 collection will not close.
Q: Could I combine prompts? A: Yes.
Q: Will you reblog my post? A: Yes, we will reblog every fic on that tags our Tumblr account. Give us 72 hours to have it reblogged before reaching out to us about it. If we still have not reposted it in that time, then please feel free to DM or send us an ask about it.
Q: How should I incorporate the prompt into my work? A: Feel free to use the exact word/phrase in your work, or just use the prompt as a general idea. (Example: if the prompt is ‘not in the swimming pool!’ then you can use that as a quote from one of the characters, or simply write about a scene where something ensues that maybe shouldn’t be done in a swimming pool.)
Q: What is the word count requirement? A: There are no word count requirements! You can go as short or as long as you would like.
Q: Can we combine a prompt here with another event? A: Yes! As long as it follows the rules of both/all of the events!
Q: I have another question that wasn’t answered here. Is there somewhere else I can ask? A: Any other questions can be asked by sending us an ask on Tumblr or emailing us at [email protected]
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Intro Post!! For real this time!
(I’ve decided to use lots of blinkies. Tw eyestrain probably)
My name is Sam!
Just ask for pronouns! (Follow my side-blog @duck-yuri-only )
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I like the color purple a lot.
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im 13, I love cats and I like to make friends! Feel free to send asks and dms! I will gladly talk with you!
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I am a therian! My theriotypes are Eurasian Lynx, golden retriever, cladotheian cat, snowy owl, arctic wolf, and vampire bat! (Couldn’t find blinkies for my other theriotypes :(
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im a Christian despite my being queer. feel free to ask me about that!
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smilining friends, ride the cyclone, sk8 the infinity, Bungo stray dogs, blue lock, and other stuff just ask me!
I have an oc named Amber, to see stuff about them, look in the #Amber stories! Tag! I have an OC named Cellian! To learn about them, go to the #Cellian stuff tag! I have an OC named Q, to learn abt them, look at #Q LORE! tag. I have an OC named Lyle, to learn abt them, look at #Lyle slays tag I have on OC named lane, to learn about them, look at #lane oc tag
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@gelnanapass @four-leafed-queer-gal @belovedrat
@be-gay-do-several-crimes @vera-deville
@the-cheese-slut @musical-dash-trash @airpandabear
@felixthetherian @ali-510 @thatgaynewsies @eylexi
@g0dwat3r @gallonwghost @weird-dork37
@ferocioustrout @machathecat @hotelcaliforniaenbydancer
@nobody-important-fuck-life @celestialudenburn7
@raeprise @nen-a @gaygoose09 @puresin10101
@randompolykin @merlatealeaf72 @moonlitscales
@punkishtoxtricity @fleepadeep @unstableunicornsofasgard
@quintesstially1 @rainbownerd12345 @mun-urufu
@daggerhobbit @star-dust-shark @thecrazyalchemist
@aesthetic-writer18 @catgadalka @tomkittycat @lemon16
@sashathegirliepop @peachpitssss
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
03/06/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Kristian Nairn; Ruibo Qian; Fuckeries; Watch Party Polls; Watch Party Reminders; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; Pink News; Q+ Magazine; Stats; #ReleaseTheJenkinsCut; Love Notes/Morale; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
== David Jenkins ==
David popped his head out today with all the Jenkins Cut talk going around. @bbviago thank you for bringing Dad out of hiding!
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Our friends at @adoptourcrew captured the fandom reaction pretty well me thinks:
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Also too, @skrifores had a really excellent point about how different the interpretations of this were. Which way were you all thinking? Any thoughts?
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== Kristian Nairn ==
Remember the book Kristian kept hinting about? It's up for preorder! It comes out Sept 24! Wanna pre-order it? Visit Kristian's Linktr.ee
Src: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
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== Ruibo Qian ==
Our pirate queen singing and playing the guitar for us. In addition... there's some clown/honking going on because of the note she added to her Instagram. *Resurrection* with 3 tiny stars, anyone? 👀
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Ruibo Qian's Instagram
== Fuckeries ==
Save OFMD Crew is calling out for some help! Please reach uot to businesses, streamers, personalities, etc today to bring in more engagement if you have a few spare minutes!
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== More Watch Party Voting! ==
We need you!
Our crew-mate @iamadequate1 implores you to come vote for the final version of the watch party hashtags! They're neck and neck!
Final Short Poppies Watch Party Hashtag Poll
Flight of the Conchords Watch Party Hashtag Poll
== Watch Party Reminders ==
= A League Of Their Own =
Tomorrow the 7th is ALOTO Episodes 6-7, and then OFMD 6-7 Time: 1-4PM EST/6-9PM GMT Where: You can watch ALOTO on Amazon Prime
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Watch Party Hashtags:
= Mar 4 - Mar 8: Wrecked Season 1 =
Don't have access? DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 1 watch from March 4th to March 8th. 
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST.
Saturday there will be a re-watch for those who need to catch up (time TBD) .
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards! =
Thank you thank you @melvisik for recognising our dear Gabriel, Nick Kroll! So glad to see some of the actors from just one episode getting some love! Another card to add to the collection!
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= Pink News =
I realise that Pink News is an actual news site, but they are joining under the fan spotlight tonight for their continued dedication to #OFMD and quality content/memes.
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= Q+ Magazine =
Our friend @spanishjenkies caught Q+ sending some incentive over to Chaos Dad 😉. Just more reasons to love Q+ for their continued support!
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Great News Everyone Looks like Season 1 and 2 are ranking in the top 20 Comedy shows in Germany! WAY TO GO DEUTSCH CREW! Thank you @quirkysubject for the update!!
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= @AdoptOurCrew Data Updates! =
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== #ReleaseTheJenkinsCut ==
Thank you to @sweet-little-goldfish-stede (@Rowan_ofmd on twitter) for bringing this new hashtag to our attention! #ReleaseTheJenkinsCut is being used not only for fun, but to encourage streamers to #AdoptOurCrew! Please feel free to use it liberally, especially with your favorite BTS scenes! Also, kind thanks are in order for catching Jenkins trending!
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== Love Notes / Morale ==
Hey there lovelies! Today had some pretty great excitement going on! Chaos Dad popped his head out, Kristian's book got announced, our Ruibo put out a lovely song for us. All good news! Even though a lot of folks had peaks today, I know some of our crew is still having some troughs, so I wanted to send out a little reminder that it's okay to have bad days. It's okay to not be as excited as everyone else. It's also okay to be excited when others are feeling down. We are all individuals and we all have our unique experiences and struggles we deal with every day.
You don't need to compare your experience to others-- you're allowed to be exactly how you are right now. If you feel down, give yourself a hug, you don't have to come out of it right now if you're not ready, but if you are, there are plenty of things happening to give you some joy.
I was going to save this song for when I wanted to talk a bit about mistakes and dealing with them, but I think it's pretty applicable to any situation where we're feeling down. It helps keep me grounded sometimes when I'm not feeling up for things. Here's just a couple lyrics from: "It's Alright - by Mother Mother"
"It's alright, It's okay, it's alright, it's okay You're not a demon, there's a reason You behaved in that way It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay And I believe, yes I believe that you will see a better day It's alright"
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Another lovely note from @spanishjenkies I thought was really important to include tonight-- Jen is right, David didn't say stop :) Remember that whenever you're feeling like the gravy basket is feeling too deep. Chaos Dad is still fighting the good fight in the background and he hasn't told us to throw in the towel.
Goodnight/G'day Lovelies, hope you all get some rest and have a wonderful day tomorrow!
==Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika==
You can blame thank @celluloidbroomcloset for the inability to think after that Darby gif. @ofmd-ann thank you for the reaction gif for all of our brain cells in the form of Taika.
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cassandraclare · 1 year
Q&A Chain of Thorns — continues!
starlightblackstairs asked: I was wondering; why did no one ever free rupert if they knew ....
of him being trapped at chiswick? 🥹 it seemed like jesse knew that tatiana trapped his father there during that whole showdown scene but no one ever went back to help free rupert until julian and emma centuries later.
Because none of them did know he was trapped at Chiswick. Reread the scene — Chiswick is never mentioned.
What Lucie learned when she summoned Rupert was that he was not in the ordinary place ghosts go—
…she was all that was holding Rupert Blackthorn here on this earth. She could feel the starry void trying to pull him back, trying to fling him out of this world and into the other. It was taking every bit of her will to hang on… What had happened to Rupert? What binding was there on him, that was not present with other ghosts? Was it that binding that now tried to pull him away from the courtyard?
And this was confirmed by Tatiana herself— “You have been bound, bound for so long, bound in the shadows where even the other dead cannot see you. Belial promised that as long as he kept you there, he could bring you back.”
Rupert was also aware that he was in an unusual situation, we see this in his conversation with Jesse—
“If you’re a spirit—how was I a ghost for so many years and I never saw you?” 
Rupert raised a hand as if he could touch his son’s face. “Your mother made sure of that,” he said. “But Jesse—we have little time.” He was right, Lucie knew. He was slipping away from her, already growing more indistinct around the edges. His fingers were turning pale, translucent, the edges like smoke. “I was asleep,” Rupert said, “and have been awakened, but only for this moment. I died before you were ever born, my child. Yet after death, I have seen you.” 
“My mother said—you were bound in the shadows—” Jesse said haltingly. 
“I could not return as a ghost on this earth,” said Rupert gently.
He was fading faster now. Lucie could see entirely through him, see the stones of the Institute, see Jesse’s stricken face. “Yet I dreamed of you, even in my endless sleep…”
Rupert knew he had a resting place of sorts (he says to Tatiana— “I was drawn from my resting place by the cry of a Shadowhunter in battle. One who needed my help.”) But Rupert did not understand—or was unable to express—that he was specifically bound to Chiswick House.  In fact, he says he is not a ghost on this earth at all.
Lucie and Jesse’s understanding was that Tatiana—with Belial—had done something strange to keep Rupert from fully passing over into death. In the Shadowhunter world, typically the death of a magic user would cause all their charms and spells to unravel as a natural process. (We saw this happen when Malcolm was killed in TDA, and Johnny Rook, too.) If it had been just Tatiana binding Rupert, they might have thought that would have happened, but Belial was named, too. However, once both Belial and Tatiana had been killed, there was no reason for Lucie or Jesse to think that any spell would remain to bind Rupert. They would assume that Rupert was freed by the destruction of those who had bound him. They certainly didn’t know that his binding was woven in with Benedict’s complicated and equally unique house-protection spell—that was a special case, and highly unusual—so unusual that it evaded detection for decades even when the house was searched multiple times.
Sadly, once Lucie lost her special ability to command ghosts, they lost the one remaining avenue they would have had to reach Rupert, who could not appear as a ghost voluntarily until many years later, when the binding spell was beginning to deteriorate. And remember, Lucie, Jesse and James can all see ghosts, they've all been to Chiswick, and they've never seen Rupert. They've no reason to believe that even if he was a ghost, he'd be there.
It is indeed tragic that they were not able to help Rupert sooner. They just didn’t have all the information they would have needed to make that happen.
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uluvjay · 5 months
Please-Q. Byfield
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Quinton Byfield x fem! Reader
In which all you have to do is tell him what you need
Warnings?; smut, penetrative sex, p in v, unprotected sex( a big no no), thigh riding, cursing, pet names, kissing, after care, I apologize for any errors!
“Q..please.” You whimpered against his lips, doing your best to grind your hips down against his muscular thigh despite the tight grip his hands had on your hips.
“Please what baby?” The forward smirked up at you.
You huffed in frustration once again attempting to grind down but the man’s grip only tightened giving you no room to try again.
“Gotta ask for what you want, how am I supposed to know if you don’t ask hmm?”
You groaned at the sound of amusement in his voice, knowing he was enjoying every moment of this pleasurable torture.
“C-can I please ride your thigh?” You asked softly.
Quinton couldn’t help the grin that broke out on his lips, eyes darkening as he let up his grip and guided your dripping core to his thigh, enjoying the way your head dropped back and the soft gasp that escaped your lips as he began to move you back and forth over the tattooed skin.
“Fuck..” you cried as he flexed his thigh allowing for more pressure against your core.
Your hands gripped tightly onto the cushion behind him, stabilizing yourself as the pleasure began to overtake your senses.
You mind went blank as the hot feeling in your lower belly spread throughout your body, his large hands feeling hot against the bare skin of your hips.
“So good Q.” You moaned as you opened your eyes back up to look into his lust filled ones.
A shiver ran down the boys back at the fucked out look in your eyes, his own want and need taking over at the feeling of your cunt leaving his thigh wet and messy.
“Fuck this.” He mumbled.
You didn’t have time to take in his words before his hands were moving down to your thighs and you were quickly pinned under his larger body, his hands pushing down his basketball shorts and boxers in one go, allowing his cock to spring free.
You moaned at the sight of his swollen cock, the tip glistening with precum as he ran it along your glistening folds.
“Quinton..please.” You begged once again, needing nothing more than your boy inside of you.
He groaned at the sound of your pure need, not making you wait any longer he pushed his cock into you.
Your body arched into him as he slide in, his thick cock stretching you wide earning him a mix of whines and moans as he filled you to the brim.
He allowed you a second to adjust before he began fucking into you, he set a slow pace at first, groaning as your nails dug into his back.
“Fuck-so good for me baby.” He moaned into the crook of your neck, lips moving all around the skin as he nipped and sucked at the skin.
You wanted to reply, you really did but your mind was clouded with pleasure. The feeling of his strong body pressed so closely against yours while his cock continuously nudged at the spot deep inside you.
Quinton could feel you getting close by the way your pussy clenched around him so tightly and your moans raised an octave.
He pulled his lips from your collarbone to pull you in a heated kiss, his soft lips slotting over yours as he kept up with his deep thrusts.
“Gonna come for me baby? Can feel you hugging me so tight.” The boy smirked down at you.
“Mhm” you nodded mindlessly, mind completely mush due to the constant pleasure the boy was providing you.
The boy groaned at the way your body shook against his, a small wince escaping him as your nails scratched down his back as your orgasm rolled over you.
He reached his high shortly after you, his soft whimpers filling your ear as his hips stuttered and body shook. He collapsed on top of you after he fucked you through his high, placing soft kisses against your damp skin.
“You did so good for me pretty girl.” He praised you softly as he traced random shapes on your stomach.
You smiled at his words, placing a soft kiss to his head as you allowed your bodies a moment to recover.
Quinton was the first one to move, apologizing at your soft whimper when he pulled out. The forward scooped you into his arms and walked you towards your bathroom before starting the shower.
He held you close in the shower, washing your hair and body before allowing you to do the same to him, sharing soft kisses in between each step.
He dressed you in one of his to big shirts and your favorite pajama shorts before tucking you into bed and going to get your favorite snacks.
You two spent the rest of the evening cuddled close in bed, your favorite show playing on the large tv until you both fell asleep wrapped up in each other.
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lains-reality · 10 months
nisargardatta, i am that, ch.96.
Q: Unless I am told what to do and how to do it, I feel lost.
M: By all means do feel lost! As long as you feel competent and confident, reality is beyond your reach. Unless you accept inner adventure as a way of life, discovery will not come to you.
Q: Discovery of what?
M: Of the centre of your being, which is free of all directions, all means and ends.
Q: Be all, know all, have all?
M: Be nothing, know nothing, have nothing. This is the only life worth living, the only happiness worth having.
Q: I may admit that the goal is beyond my comprehension. Let me know the way at least.
M: You must find your own way. Unless you find it yourself it will not be your own way and will take you nowhere. Earnestly live your truth as you have found it -- act on the little you have understood. It is earnestness that will take you through, not cleverness -- your own or another's.
Q: I am afraid of mistakes. So many things I tried -- nothing came out of them.
M: You gave too little of yourself, you were merely curious, not earnest.
Q: I don't know any better.
M: At least that much you know. Knowing them to be superficial, give no value to your experiences, forget them as soon as they are over. Live a clean, selfless life, that is all.
Q: Is morality so important?
M: Don't cheat, don't hurt -- is it not important? Above all you need inner peace -- which demands harmony between the inner and the outer. Do what you believe in and believe in what you do. All else is a waste of energy and time.
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I understand why people can't travel into the time war. But what's stopping me from travelling to gallifrey before the time war
How does the Time War time lock work?
🕰️ The Time Lock Explained
During the Last Great Time War, the Time Lords were fighting an all-out, no-holds-barred war with the Daleks, and things got really messy. To protect Gallifrey and its history from being altered by the Daleks, the Time Lords time locked the events of the Time War and Gallifrey's entire history.
This time lock acted like an impenetrable barrier in time, preventing anyone (even other Time Lords) from travelling into Gallifrey's past or into the Time War itself. The reason you couldn't get into Gallifrey's history was to make sure that its history couldn't be changed—no sneaky Dalek plots to prevent Rassilon's birth, no meddling in Gallifrey's early days. Can you imagine if they did? No Rassilon? Oh, the horrors!
However, this time lock wasn't perfect. There were some breaches, suggesting it wasn't as strong as some might have hoped.
🛑 But Wait, There's More...
However, it's worth noting that long before the Time War, Rassilon time locked the Dark Times, declaring it off-limits. This was meant to contain certain ancient horrors and potential dangers. Despite this, that pesky Doctor has made trips to pre-Time Lord Gallifrey, so this lock doesn't always work either.
🔓 What About Now?
These days, the Time War time lock is no longer in place, and Gallifrey can be reached at its new location at the end of the universe. So, if you want to travel to Gallifrey before the Time War, you can do so.
However, before you merrily jet off, I'd probably check with Professor Chibnall first—he has some wild theories that Professor Davies has yet to clarify in his lectures on the state and whereabouts of Gallifrey.
💬|📜👽Does Gallifrey have anyone they've had friendly interactions with?: History of historical alliances Gallifrey have made
🤔|⚔️🧬Could post-War Time Lords have biological hangups from the conflict?
📺|⚔️🪖The Could’ve Been King with his army of … etc.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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microcest · 6 months
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Microcest is a weekly multifandom microfic prompt blog for incest pairings
Microcest on AO3, Twitter/X, and Dreamwidth. #Prompts / #Works / #Announcements Calendar / Prompt Gallery / Prompt Submission Form
Macrocest on AO3, Tumblr and Dreamwidth. Other Cest Events
1. All microfics need to include incest, but every fandom is welcome! 2. Relationships can include more than just the incest pairing, but the incest pairing must feature 3. NSFW, Dead Dove and dark content is welcome, but please tag them accordingly. 4. When posting your microfic, please tag @microcest and include:
- the name of the prompt   - your word count - a note of nsfw content or triggers  (somnophilia, underage, etc.)
This might look like:
Explosion Sirius/Regulus | 150 words for @microcest prompt: Getting caught Warning: nsfw, gore It wasn’t supposed to have happened this way…
but you can format it in any way you choose!
Q: When will the prompts be posted? A: Prompts will be posted weekly on Wednesdays around 10am EST/New York timezone.
Q: Where are prompts listed? A: They will be posted here on Tumblr with the tag #microcest prompt
you can also view them on our Microcest Calendar or Microcest Prompt Gallery
Q: The day for the prompt has already passed. Can I still write a microfic? A: YES! You can still submit a microfic for any prompt that has passed, just note the original prompt date in your submission.
Q: Will you reblog my post? A: Yes, we will reblog every microfic that tags this account. Give us 72 hours to have it reblogged before reaching out to us about it. If we still have not reposted it in that time, then please feel free to DM or send us an ask about it.
Q: How should I incorporate the prompt into my microfic? A: Feel free to use the exact word/phrase in your work, or just use the prompt as a general idea. (Example: if the prompt is ‘not in the swimming pool!’ then you can use that as a quote from one of the characters, or simply write about a scene where something ensues that maybe shouldn’t be done in a swimming pool.) Q: What is the word count requirement? Does my microfic need to be a specific number? A: Microfics are generally anywhere between 50 and 500 words, but if you feel inspired to write something longer, then we encourage that as well! We have a sister blog, MACROCEST, that is for longer works.
Q: Can we join a prompt from microcest with other events? A: Yes! As long as it follows the rules of both/all of the events!
Q: Is faux-cest allowed? As in people not blood related partaking in roleplay? A: Yes! Faux-cest, step-siblings, step-parents, incest play, implied incest, etc. are allowed.
Q: I have an idea for a prompt, can I submit it to you? A: Yes! Send your prompt here!
Q: I have another question that wasn’t answered here. Is there somewhere else I can ask? A: Any other questions can be asked by sending us an ask on Tumblr or emailing us at [email protected]. All of our previously answered questions can be found here.
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aftg-paranormal · 4 months
Before this gets out of hand, I would like to make a post to explain what is not accepted for the Paranormal Fic Fest 2024.
I apologise if I have misled any of you in any way. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. However, I hope this post will make the event rules clear.
Q: What ships are not accepted?
A: Incest ships and Pedophilic Ships are not accepted. This is because, I, as Admin, am incredibly uncomfortable with these ships and do not wish to be associated with them. If you want to write those things in your own time, that is your decision to do so and I have no desire or right to control that. However, what is written for this event specifically directly impacts me as an organiser. It is not only associated with me, but I also have to see this content.
Q: What themes are not accepted?
All themes are accepted, as long as it is supernatural and does not contain incest ships or pedophilic ships. It must be tagged correctly on AO3 and given the correct warnings.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out. I am only human and I make mistakes. Please remember that you are talking to a real person behind the screen who has real feelings. If the harassment continues, I will close this event and I really do not wish to do that.
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medusas-musings · 1 year
Coffee's for (Elevator) Closers
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(A/N) First fanfic on Tumblr! If you have any requests for one shots, feel free to message me, I'll come out with a list of what I write for soon! Also Gif not mine 🖤
As I walk down the crowded and unforgiving streets of New York, I curse myself for not leaving 5 minutes earlier to get this coffee run in time for the shoot today. My shoes barely graze the street as I do my best to push through the crowd and reach the building we’re supposed to film in today. I stop in front of the skyscraper, and I double check the address before turning around to use my back to push through the doors and feel the weather change from the cold streets of Staten to the warmth of a heater. My lungs take a breather as I stop in front of the double elevators with a socially acceptable distance from the only other person also waiting for a lift. I find less anxiety clouding my mind now that there’s someone else most likely getting to set as late as I am. I take a glance to my side to notice that it’s one of the guys starring in today’s shoot. My knowledge on the show and who they were was very limited; If I never got a job as an assistant, I would’ve never even heard his name, nevermind seeing him in person. The doors shift to open and I see him look up from his phone, and gesture it forward in a motion applying the gentleman’s value of “ladies first”. I give a nod and a small smile in return and I assume that’ll be the most of our conversation as I enter the elevator and put my back as firmly as I can to the rail. Normally, I would be gripping both hands onto whatever I can stabilize myself in whatever way possible, trying to stifle the irrational fear in my head. The least I can say is that moving to a big city can certainly become exposure therapy for a fear of heights and elevators.
However, it turns out my worst fears would only become realized as I suddenly jolted forward, doing my best to recover my balance and spill the least amount of coffee possible. My pulse quickens as I can’t feel the inertia of moving up or down gives me, which only strengthens my fear worse. A curse escapes my lips, as I put the trays of drinks into a corner and go over to the panel, pressing any button I can. While I want to believe one of these will be the magic answer to getting out of this hellbox, but I was then gently set me aside to accept the fact we were stuck by the man I shared the space with. “Here, hon, I got this.” He murmured, then hit a button with a phone icon above it, one I thought I’d never have a use for it. Even in the state I was in, I didn’t let how attractive the simple gesture was. In a moment, another voice came through the speaker, and the shaggy-haired man explained the situation to them; it’s as if he wasn’t freaked out but I couldn’t help but feel my hands shake and my breathing quicken.
“You alright, sweetheart?” He said, making sure his tone was tender. I looked up, remembering his name–Well, nickname–Q. Seeing him on set, he seemed so much more intimidating to talk to, so unapproachable. Right now though, I could tell he was doing everything he could to keep the young woman in front of him from having a breakdown. “Don’t worry, I used to be a firefighter, you’re in good hands. Just breathe” His deep brown eyes pierced into mine, making me have to keep my gaze to my shoes half the time he was calming me down. I caught a glimpse of his chest raising and did my best to mimic the rhythm, my lungs filling with stale elevator air.
My heart can’t stop beating regardless of how much calmer I felt in the predicament we were in. What set in for me was the fact that this was the man I not only worked under, but I would catch glances at while I ran around him, like a small treat to my workday. I couldn’t deny that this was a guy I had a bit of a “workplace crush” on, but I didn’t think I would ever be so close to him, let alone being alone together. My brain finally registers a comprehensive thought in my daze of anxiety, and I turn around and kneel in front of the coffees, scanning the orders until I pull out a plain black I hand over to Q. “Here,” I say. “At least someone should be able to get their drink on time.” I continue, hoping to bring a little less tension to…well, everything.
He gives me a chuckle as he takes the cup from me, our hands grazing just barely. Even in that small moment, I could feel how small my hand felt next to his. “I appreciate the speedy delivery, Miss…”
I tell him my name, filling in the gap of his sentence. “I’m one of y’all’s assistants today. Shit, I’m gonna get chewed out for getting there so late.”
“You’ll be alright, Sweetheart, I won’t let ya get in any trouble.” Q reassures me. The comfort he’s supplying me as well as the slight display of power both send a shiver down my spine. “All I want you to worry about is keeping calm, alright?” His eyes keep mine in such a gentle glance. I can’t help myself when I feel the heat in my cheeks rise.
“Thanks.” There’s a pause in the air as I let out a small chuckle. “I really didn’t expect to talk to you more than just getting your lunch order later.” I grasp at anything I can grasp for a conversation. Hell, if I’m gonna be stuck in a closed place with my attractive boss, I’m gonna make the most of the opportunity.
Q took a swig of his coffee before a slight smirk crept onto his face. “Well, I guess it’s one way to meet the cute coworker.”
My brows furrowed and my mouth became agape, as if I was going to say something but nothing came out. After my brain finishes rebooting from the shock. “Is this a way to get my mind off being stuck in an elevator?” I ask, a slight smile occurring on my face. It doesn’t feel like a real thing that happened, as if this was some nightmare turned lucid dream.
“A little.” he shrugs, taking another drink of his coffee. “But it’s not a lie. I’ve seen you around, I’ve been meaning to find a way to introduce myself. But when I finally get a break, you’re usually busy so…” Q trails off as he keeps his eye contact. It was astonishing how honest he could be with me without a hint of fear. You couldn’t pry information like that out of me if you tried. “Well, guess the universe helped you out.” I brush my hair out of my face, trying to mimic his levels of confidence. “So tell me, if you ever did have a chance to talk to me, what was the game plan?” Q lets out a hearty chuckle. “You realize 90% of the show is excuses to talk to strangers? The actual excuse to approach you would be easy. Like the coffee.” Q pointed to the tray. “I could make up some bullshit about saying my coffee tasted wrong then go with you to replace it. Probably buy you something too as a thank you.” My eyebrows raise, an amused smile spreading on my face.
“Impressive, I can tell you're a professional.” I say. “If we’re being honest here, I also thought you’re kinda cute too. I just figured it wouldn’t be anything…” I trail off, searching for the right words. “… realistic?”
“If I’m being honest, I have caught you staring once or twice. It’s the only reason I would lay it on so heavy.” I looked down with a smile on my face, slightly embarrassed, but enjoying the teasing words.
Before I could reply, we could hear a commotion on the other side of the door; the technician was here to help, prying the doors open with a crowbar. As we get out, I take my coffee trays from the elevator. “Hey.” I turn around to see Q standing over me. “Let me help you with that.” He takes the second tray from my hands, allowing me to feel so much more stable. I thank him and we go up a flight of stairs together, making small talk as he holds each door open for me. We get to set, and we place the coffees onto the table. No one bothers to fuss about coffee being late since Q walked in with me, a shield for any higher ups to take their drink instead of nagging me.
Before I could walk away to check what else I have to do, Q gently grabs my shoulder to get my attention. He has his phone in his hand, pointed towards me on a ‘new contact’ page. “Hey, I’d love to get your number, maybe plan something that isn’t in a 5 by 5 square foot box.” Q’s eyes look nervous while his smirk tries to give off the impression he’s as cool as a cucumber. Biting my bottom lip to keep myself from smiling like an idiot, I take the phone from his hands. I put my number and name into his phone, but I can’t resist putting a green heart and an elevator emoji next to my name as a little inside joke. I give the phone back to him and he smiles at the name I used. “Thanks, I’ll see you around” Q concludes, waving to me with his phone in his hands before joining his co-stars.
I smile as I walk away, and I feel my phone buzz with a notification.
(New Number): Nice to meet you! And be your hero from that elevator encounter ;)
I quickly add the new number to my phone, knowing this isn’t a number I want to lose anytime soon. I may have to take the stairs for the rest of my life now, but at least I got to score a date with my hot boss.
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lindseybots · 6 months
Welcome to The Wind’s Track AU!
A lot of people have been stopping by to check this AU out, so I thought now was a good time to make a pinned post for this.
What is this AU?
This is a Legend of Zelda AU in which Link, the Hero of Winds from Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass (nicknamed Wind in this AU), sticks around New Hyrule as a spirit after his life has reached its conclusion.
During his wanderings as a spirit one day, he went to check on his old pal Niko to find that Niko had taken in a baby named Link (nicknamed Spirit in this AU) whom he found washed ashore. This baby will eventually grow up to be the Hero of Spirits from Spirit Tracks. Wind is surprised at the matching name and almost identical appearance, but even more surprising than all of that is that this kid has the ability to see and hear him.
Basically, the ghost of the Hero of Winds helps raise the Hero of Spirits.
Don’t know where to start with exploring the AU? Try this, or try exploring some of the tags!
Important Links / Tags
#The Wind’s Track AU
#The Wind’s Track
#WT Fanart
#WT Comic
#WT reference sheet
#Lindseybot answers
#WT Wind
#WT Spirit
(if you want to type these in manually, do it lowercased. Tumblr sometimes gets weird with the tags if you capitalize them.)
WT AU Collaborative Spotify Playlist (A Spotify playlist for the AU made with y’all’s help.)
Some WT AU Questions and Answers (under the break)
Q: Is this associated with Linked Universe?
A: No. While Linked Universe is a wonderful AU, the Wind’s Track is its own, separate AU. The events of Linked Universe DO NOT and NEVER WILL HAPPEN in the “canon” of this AU. If you would like to see a little more of my thoughts on that, please view this post.
Q: Can I post fanart, fanfics, etc. of this AU?
A: Absolutely! If you do, all I ask is that you credit me for the AU. (Also, please tag me so I can see it. 🤭) While on the subject, feel free to check out the tag #WT reference sheet if you’d like to see references of the characters within the context of the AU.
Q: Is there an official fic for this AU?
A: Unfortunately, no. I am not a confident writer. I have an Ao3 account (Lindseybot), but I never post fics on it. I, instead, use it to subscribe, leave kudos, leave comments, etc. I occasionally post little comics of the AU here on Tumblr, however.
Q: Will there be a full comic then?
A: As of now, I do not have any plans to do that. Not only is this AU still very early in development, but that would take a LONG time. With my current schedule being the way it is, it just wouldn't be feasible. Still, never say never. You never know what the future may hold. As of now, I plan to just occasionally post mini comics and art pieces that take place at any random point in the timeline of the AU.
Q: Can I use your art as an icon, banner, etc.
A: Sure!! I’m honored that you like my art enough to want to use it for that! Please just make sure to credit me!
Q: Can I send you asks? / Can I send you a lot of asks? / Can I send you suggestions?
A: PLEASE DO! Hearing from y'all makes me very happy. Anons are welcome too! If you decide to ask anonymously, I will give you an anon name. If you ask about a character’s shoes or something (as a silly example) I might dub you "Shoe Anon." Whether or not you use the name is up to you, but if you want to send another ask later and make it known to me that you are the same anon as from a previous ask you can be like: "Hey! It's Shoe Anon again! I have another question!"
Q: Why does Wind look young? Did he die young?
A: Nope! Don’t let his looks fool you. He may look no older than during the days of his adventures, but he actually lived a long, happy life. His adventures were the most impactful part of his life. As such, his appearance as a spirit is simply a reflection of that.
Q: What ships are in this AU?
A: ST Zelda x ST Link. If you want to see more of my thoughts on that, check out this post.
Q: What games will this AU cover content from?
A: This AU will contain spoilers for the following games:
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Other games within the Legend of Zelda series are subject to be mentioned, but they are a lot less likely.
Q: The Spotify Playlist collaborator link isn’t working, but I want to be a collaborator. What do I do?
A: Not to worry! Spotify’s collaborator link always expires after seven days. We are forced to put up with that feature. Send me an ask about it. I’ll renew the link! :)
Q: I want to add a song to the playlist, but I don’t want anyone to know I was the one who added it. Is there still a way for me to add it?
A: That’s perfectly fine! Send me the song name and artist name through an anon ask. I’ll add it for you!
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12thperigeeball · 10 months
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<(Dancing, flowing gowns and handsome suits,)> <(glittering baubles, laughter, luxurious food and the sweetest romance…)> <(It’s once again time for our favorite winter tradition.)> <(I’m looking forward to host my first ball and see you there.)> &lt;(Best regards,)> <(Your host... Kilran Barbas.)>
Who’s ready for the winter Yule ball?!
Welcome to the 12th Perigee Eve Ball, a winter event designed to let people show off their trolls in beautiful outfits and have a chance to crown a King, Queen, and Grand Couturier of 2023 and maybe even forge some new bonds and roleplays with friends old and new!
Please enjoy and see below for more details!
Attending is easy, since the invitation is open for everyone. Just keep an eye out for the official post about the inauguration for the ball on the 16th of December. After this, how you attend is up to you; whether you post openers under the ball’s open rp-tag, or if you rather roleplay in private, write drabbles or create art pieces, the event is your oyster!
It’s a GREAT opportunity to interact with people you’ve never interacted with before since trolls attending would naturally be in the same area, I highly recommend reaching out to people you normally don’t roleplay with these two nights!
You’ll find most you’ll need to know in the Guidelines, so make sure to read them!
That aside, you can also have your troll nominate a friend, quad, or even themselves, to be the Ball King and Queen, or Couturier! The winner will be crowned during the ball night, based on collected votes by everyone attending.
More information is likely to come up the incoming few weeks if needed! Please feel free to send asks if you got any questions regarding the event, just make sure to read the Guidelines first and check the Q&A-tag if anyone has already asked the same question. (Note that some asks may be from earlier years, but in most cases they still apply, ask if very unsure).
I recommend tracking and tagging everything ball related #12th perigee ball 2023, and for rp starters #12th perigee ball 2023 open!
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struttingstag · 7 months
Introducing: Stag Microfic
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Stag Microfic is a twice weekly microfic series posted on the The Strutting Stag Discord Server and the @struttingstag Tumblr.
Each week, we will share one SFW-leaning prompt, and one NSFW-leaning prompt to both Tumblr and the Strutting Stag Discord Server.
You can post your microfic here on Tumblr, on our Discord and/or on our AO3 Collection.
Rules & Guidelines
1. All microfics need to include James, but every pairing is welcomed and encouraged!
2. Relationships can be gen, platonic, romantic, and/or poly as long as it is centered around James.
3. Feel free to make either prompt of the week SFW or NSFW.
4. NSFW, Dead Dove and dark content is welcome, but please note them at the beginning of your microfic.
5. When posting your microfic, please tag @struttingstag and include:
- the name of the prompt   - the date of the prompt - your word count - a note of nsfw content or triggers  (somnophilia, incest, etc.)
This might look like:
@struttingstag Feb 19 Prompt: Explosions James/Lily/Regulus | 150 words Warning: nsfw, gore It wasn’t supposed to have happened this way…
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Q: When will the prompts be posted? A: SFW prompts will be posted on Tuesday mornings, and the NSFW prompts will be posted on Friday mornings at midnight in EST/EDT / New York timezone / UTC-05:00.
Q: Where are prompts listed? A: Prompts are shared into the #stag-microfic channel on The Strutting Stag Discord Server, as well as on our Tumblr page. Here is a link to our past prompts.
Q: The day for the prompt has already passed. Can I still write a microfic? A: YES! You can still submit a microfic for any prompt that has passed, just note the original prompt date in your submission.
Q: Will you reblog my post? A: Yes, we will reblog every microfic that tags this account. Give us 72 hours to have it reblogged before reaching out to us about it. If we still have not reposted it in that time, then please feel free to DM or send us an ask about it.
Q: How should I incorporate the prompt into my microfic? A: Feel free to use the exact word/phrase in your work, or just use the prompt as a general idea. (Example: if the prompt is ‘not in the swimming pool!’ then you can use that as a quote from one of the characters, or simply write about a scene where something ensues that maybe shouldn’t be done in a swimming pool.) Q: What is the word count requirement? Does my microfic need to be a specific number? A: Microfics are generally anywhere between 50 and 500 words, but if you feel inspired to write something longer, then we encourage that as well!
Q: I have another question that wasn’t answered here. Is there somewhere else I can ask? A: Any other questions can be asked ⁠by sending us an ask , pinging the microfic mods on our Discord, or emailing us at [email protected].
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