#[ ic :: Blitzo ]
vvenuspng · 2 months
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[venus vs. color: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)..]
first palette suggested by @yer-a-legend ♡
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goetiiaprince · 1 month
this goes out to all the Blitzo's —
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Blitz is packing shit up, making sure he has his weapons and supplies to wade out the day. Fuck, he feels like a shitty coward, running from those angel fuckers again and again. But even he knows better than to try and tangle with them. One day though, he's gonna show those self-righteous fucks why they're just as possible to kill as any of them down here.
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mannyriveraeltigre · 3 months
Members Of The Guy Members Magia Episode Series
Original YouTube Link:
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themosthatedbeingg · 4 months
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“Why the fuck does this have to happen right before my busiest month of the year im already not gonna sleep as it is… “
He’s gonna have so many meetings with heaven lined up— he’s already wheezing with panic attacks .
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countlessrealities · 7 months
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@the-perfect-scientist ~ Blitzø & Carlos for the Valentine's starter call
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Valentine's Day in Hell. A place that was supposed to be all about endless punishment and bad shit in general. How ridiculous that idea was.
With a frown, Blitzo knocked down the latest drink he had ordered. He'd say that he had lost counts of how many he had had, but he hadn't been counting at all. He knew the only thing that mattered, namely that he wasn't wasted enough to put up with all the sickening horniness that surrounded him.
...Alright, maybe he also had himself to blame for that. He might have chosen the seediest bar he could find, but he was still in Lust, after all.
Grumbling under his breath, he signaled the bartender, just to steal the bottle when the other made to pour him a drink. Then, he hopped off the stool and scanned the crowd, until his gaze fell on a hellhound like demon sitting on his own in a corner. Perfect, another lone, sad motherfucker. Just the kind of company he needed to share his misery with.
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"Finish your fuckin' drink, I got better than whatever you're drinkin'," he claimed, dropping in the chair in front of the other, without asking or greeting. "I'm done with those two horny fuckers screwin' on the counter. They almost spilled my drink twice."
Not to mention that they had been making him feel beyond lame."
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hclluvahctel · 3 months
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THE DOOR CLICKED SHUT BEHIND HIM, unsure if Loona would be asleep or not. Despite his lack of eating, he finds himself not wanting to fix up anything to eat. The blanket he'd taken from the party still wrapped around him, he walks over to the couch and dropped down onto the cushions.
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doublejango · 3 months
Fizzarolli is literally the most beautiful imp ever of all time, before and after being burned. He's perfect and I love him.
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mono-rogue · 7 months
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a sketch request made for a friend a while ago
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I know Stella is abusive but the thing is, that’s all there is to her. The reason she’s so awful is to make Stolas look better.
Yep. Because Heaven forbid anyone sympathized with the spouse being cheated on for even a millisecond when we've got a gay ship to board
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mintaikk · 1 year
Last night I had a dream about cute and awkward teen Blitzorozzie fluff and I can't get it out of my mind 😭
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thesilent-o · 2 months
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Ask my muse about... / accepting
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"Oh I'm very good at it. But you know, I could always show ya if you don't believe me~"
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madefate · 3 months
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for tilla, what does she think about where her kids are now ? / @fizzarollitm
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❝ My, what a question, Fizzie. How did you know I think of that everyday ? Am I that obvious ? - I'm only teasing, only teasing. But they do occupy my thoughts, always.
❝ My sweet Barbie, my baby girl - it's so hard to see either of them older than the little things that clung to my legs or nestled into my hammock. I remember the way her eyes would light up when she finally learned a trick, the way she would look at my old costumes and tell me which ones she would wear when she was headlining a show. The way she would lean against me when I polished her horns. - I see the way she's fighting now.
❝ All I can I ask of her is to keep trying, to not give up on herself. The path she's on - I know that path. I know how dangerous it is, how lonely. But every time she gets back up and starts walking forward again - ... I see the star she has always been, burning brightly, refusing to be put out.
❝ Blitzo - oh, I suppose it's Blitz now, isn't it ? - my little man. He was always trying to be so much bigger than he was - louder, stronger. I wish - I'm so sorry, this isn't the time for my own regrets. On the days when I was sicker than others, he would sit by me and promise to take care of everyone - and if I could have taken the responsibility from his hands, then and forever, I would have in a heartbeat.
❝ I never once doubted that he would end up in a position like the one he's made for himself - running a company, hiring good people who care about him and the work they're doing. And goodness, the way he is with Loona - I think he's the most wonderful father I've ever seen, truly. I am so, so proud of him. - And worried. I hope with everything I have that he can set down these long years of guilt - that he can forgive himself the way I don't even need to. I hope he can be as proud of the young man looking back at himself in the mirror as I am of him. - All I want is for my babies to find each other, to remember how much they love each other, and how much I will always, always love them.
❝ And now, Sweetheart, I know I wasn't your mother, but I want you to know how proud I am of you. How you took those sewing lessons and stories of circus life and all the little bits of advice I could remember - and now you're living the dream that you were so determined to achieve. You never gave up - Hell is not kind to us, but you squared your shoulders and looked it in the eye and said, if you pardon my language, fuck that and became a star.
❝ But really, what I'm proudest of is the love you've found. It takes so much courage to open yourself up to someone who cares for you - to trust both them and yourself, particularly in a world as hard as ours. I love you too, Sweetheart. ❞
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Wow, that Asmodean Crystal really does work wonders! He's gonna have to thank Reyna later for showing him how to use it to warp normally. Cause he ended up in front of Stolas' manor, he'd be happy to get see his precious prince...man, to think he could actually consider him that. With how much he owes Reyna, he feels like he's cheating her out. But that can wait for later, he's gonna see if he can find Stolas here.
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"Hmm... front door is too boring. Let's try something more fun!" He says as he uses his magic to create a hammer that launches him over the walls of the garden. Landing in a bush, he crawls out, looking around for the owl. "Hey, Stols! You here?!" He calls out. He unfortunately can not pick up on the subtle differences of the garden.
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civicmuses · 19 days
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"He's going to die."
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amilliontales · 5 months
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"Sleep is over rated anyway" Says the man going on 3 days without actual rest.
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