#[ i like your url wink wonk ]
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mencnfire · 2 years ago
🍒 + my url <3
(( VIX. where do i even begin?
well, first and foremost - i'm so glad to have met you! when we started writing opposite on chris, i immediately had so much fun with our thread(s) and general ooc interactions. your positivity is infectious (which is funny cause resident evil heehee) - you go above and beyond when it comes to being a polite and kind person to chat with. like, from talking to you about our muses to chatting real life, i just always have such fun talking to you. i love hearing about your work shenanigans (wink, wonk) and i love partnering up various muses with your girls (istg, gib me all your girls).
plotting-wise; the plots we discuss and have discussed / written have been so interesting & i love the way that we can just bounce off of each other with ease. i never feel an awkward silence or indecision with you, you're confident and you're fun.
i LOVE the directions you take with your girls & the fact that you can swap between someone like mother miranda to mia with absolute ease. i am really looking forward to writing opposite you with these lads ( i JUST NOW saw an ask response pffft so pls forgib me for getting to that slowly! ) - but yeah, honestly, vix - you're just a treasure. i'm so glad to have met you and i hope we write for many more moons to come. you're a legend <3 ))
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djsangos · 8 months ago
stopping pressing x to doubt and now pressing f to pay respects thats rough buddy hope it gets better soon
maybe you can take a mini spa day between jobs like go get a facial before your next uh
crusade? i dont know what gods do for a living besides just hang out and be gods
yeah it sure is interesting when its not mindjacking people and trying to kill everyone on the planet cod damn
land fish came a good while after all the humans and other landbound animals perished iirc
huge war huge flood etc etc itd take way too long and someone way more versed in history to explain the whole thing
what kinds of animals do you guys have anyway are they all animal people too
oh no dont worry ive got plenty of head injuries and always get them checked out
despite all the doctors best efforts though they still made me Like This
but i guess it could be worse
holding you at gunpoint say shes the prettiest fish youve ever seen right now or i swear to cod ill pull the trigger
but yeah the humans ive seen on here do look pretty similar to us but a bit more uh. furry? theyre pretty fresh
oh my coddddd at least invite me to lunch first before you roll up like someones drunk aunt at a family reunion full of people youve never met saying you could toooootally officiate our marriage if were thinking of tying the knot *wink wonk*
that being said were not engaged yet
we probably will be in the future near or far if ive got any say in it were both just weird and waiting for the right time
but sigh..... one day......
guess ill keep your url in my back pocket if we dont find any options we like here thanks for the offer
Any moment that we are not working is a moment that someone is either trying to kill us our themselves, so we are going to have to pass on that front. Believe us when we say that our stress levels are only going to increase if we take any time off. It's better like this.
Oh? Still not entirely sure what a robot is either, but we think that we can grasp the concept of an artificial intelligence based on the name alone. Technological advancements certainly are impressive, even if they've caused more trouble than they seem to be worth.
So mammals are extinct where you come from? Fascinating…our own home does host quite a few bipedal fish who walk on land, but we are able to live alongside them with relatively few issues. Ah, but we digress again…
You have certainly been through quite a handful of adventures yourself, hmm? Make sure that you get those head traumas treated and checked out, if you haven't already — they can be quite nasty, even when the stakes don't involve the fate of the world or whatever else you've seen.
Cooking is an invaluable skill, immortal or not. Whether you are feeding yourself or others matters little…and admittedly, it is rather fun in its own right. But we've already bored you with our aimless rambling on the topic for long enough; we won't drag it out any further.
Hmmm…we see. Admittedly, we are not too sure about the whole "hairless/scaleless limbs" thing, but to each their own! Actually, she kind of reminds us of the few humans that we have seen…you know. If humans were more visually interesting to look at, that is. Regardless of our own preferences, though…
#arent i just the luckiest squid
If she makes you happy, then we are inclined to agree. Spending your fleeting mortal life with someone who brings you joy is probably one of the most important aspects of courting a potential spouse. That is to say that if you are ever looking to officiate your relationship with her, we are ordained to handle such matters!
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ackermans-freedom-inc · 4 years ago
ship your moots!! pick a few mutuals and ship them with which aot boys you can see them with and why!
*rubs hands together* god im so nervous IM SO NERVOUS I DONT WANNA UPSET ANYONE
BUT AIGHT LETS GOOOO - gonna set these all in the modern age and everyone is obvs 18+ at my mutuals I’m sorry if you hate me after this @@ I haven’t done this before but it was really fun!! I also know some of you better than others and I’m real sry for not chatting more tbh. If u end up wanting me to take ur part out just lemme know!!
@anlian-aishang I know u like blonde bois (does he count) and u are literally the most bright ray of sunshine??? And best person??? And I just see u with Farlan and just wow??? Literal ray of fkin sunshine anlian with a nice soft kindhearted Farlan who is also capable of kicking major butt is just 11/10. amazing, cute, so super smart and sometimes silly. This is one of those “get you a mans that can do both” moments. Soft one second and bam will slice someone for u in the next. Him playing among us with you???? Bodyguard af. Me and u playing among us style.
@melancholicmonologue my dear Mara my dear sweet Mara I feel like you would do well with Eren he’d be an entire hype squad all the time?? He would literally hype you up doing anything, wearing anything, just casually makin mozzarella sticks and he’d be like WOW THE BEAUTY THE TALENT WOW. And I would love to see that.
@bluebellhairpin (I wanted to say Eren just to be a prick 🤣 but honestly if you and him were a thing it would be SO entertaining to watch, just you constantly kicking his ass and fighting and oof)
Ok ok in all seriousness for you Nemo for some reason I get Reiner vibes?? You exude such a badass energy and that just makes me imagine Reiner realizing and being like “oh? Oh shit? Nemo is a badass”. That makes me happy to think about. Also I just KNOW you could take the man. Ok he would be like “NO U LISTEN HERE” and you’d be like “did u just raise ur voice to me?” And he’d be like “o shit uh no I didn’t I’m sry”. Also imagine the cuddles with this bigass dude of a man *huff*
@alrightberries ALRIGHT. Ignoring where it says “boys” in the ask, but I see you with Historia??! For some reason?? You exude some sort of *vibes* that make me feel like the two of you would be super cute?! Poor levi-esque insomniac you with your arm falling asleep cause Historia is laying on it and you’re too nice to wake her up to save your arm?? Why can I see this??
@commanderserwin U GET ERWIN. AS YOU ALWAYS DO. GO CLAIM YO MANS BEE GET EM. HONESTLY it matches it fits. your way with words would make him give you heart eyes and your way with bodies and muscles bc of school wink wonK mans would try to beat around the bush asking you to help him out with a sore spot or something and you’d be like “get your ass over here” Erwin would be the luckiest man.
@rainteslerrrr I have and always felt an Annie vibe for you, you’re so sweet and I can just imagine Annie looking away with a small blush on her cheek hiding being her bangs bc you did something cute. And you know she would watch anime with you. She’d pretend to not be interested but will always queue up the next episode.
@proseofpandemonium honestly HONESTLY ok ok Bertholdt??? Mans would be nervous and soft and quiet, but I know you would take charge and he would just sit and listen to you talk or chat, or the two of you would just sit while you draw or write. And he would love cats and I know how you feel about cats!!! He would definitely volunteer at a shelter and keep bringing home cats he gets attached to and you two would foster cats as well?? And it’s just...cats everywhere.
@starstruckkittensweets OKAY HEAR ME OUT but Moblit??? Your shenanigans with your roommates are absolutely hilarious and I can just imagine Moblit being over and just like “wow this is so relaxing”. I just know he would be super supportive in everything you do.
@acekou I.....is it bad that I wanna put u with like...Erwin bc GODDD THE THINGS U WOULD DO TO HIM oop. The mental imagine I have rn is NOT ok.
@jean-does-not-have-a-horseface HONESTLY. not bc of your URL but JEAN. FOR SURE. You would be defending the dude against all the insults and he just decides that you’re a good friend. Starts getting lowkey clingier and will keep up with the late night losing of mind screaming sessions with no problem.
OK I THINK IM DONE these were all...knee-jerk thoughts because I think those first impressions are there for a reason. AGAIN pls lemme know if you’re uncomfortable in any way or want me to take you out for any reason!
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ppangjae · 4 years ago
interview tag game!
tagged by: @nctsworld
tagging: @sehunniepot @smoll-tangerine @jeongvision @jaedore @lebrookestore @danishmiilk @ncteaxhoe and everyone else who wants to! i’ve completely blanked out it’s like 5am pls bear with me
name: alexa (alex for short wink wonk)
pronouns: she/her/hers
star sign: pisces
height: 5’7 (i finally checked after a doctor’s appointment — i am indeed 5′7)
time: rn... 5:02 am EST
birthday: march 12 uwu
nationality: filipino-canadian
favorite bands/groups: bts, nct, exo, red velvet, epik high, the whole dpr gang gang, uhHHhhh i suddenly cannot think dkjhfskdjh but honestly i listen to everything except country music so that should explain a lot
favorite solo artists: oof if we’re talking s.k soloists: iu, chungha, sunmi, hyuna, jessi, SAM KIM, and a LOT of khh and krnb artists but if we’re talking like outside of s.k solosists: jacob collier, daniel caesar, sza, kiana lede, frank ocean, H.E.R, the weeknd, rex orange county, and there’s just... a lot to unpack so i hope this shows you what kind of music i’m generally into
song stuck in your head: telepatía by kali uchis 
last movie you watched: one week friends! sighs kento yamazaki... what a refined man
last show you watched: idk probably some filipino drama but listen filipino dramas are on some next level intense family drama shit and it really just shoots your blood pressure up so ever since then i’ve just.. no <3 ALSO now that i think about it, the last legitimate show i watched was probably alice in borderland which was in december-january kjsdhfkjshd so it’s been a while
when i created my blog: oof december 2019 it’s been 2 years
last thing i googled: i shit you not... it was ‘skrrrt corvette corvette’ don’t come at me 
other blogs: a really old blog of mine is still up on tumblr but has been neglected LMAO it’s @rkiverse but my side blog is @ppangjaes and my fic rec blog is @ppangrecs 
why i chose my url: (ppang = bread) + (jaehyun condensed = jae) = ppangjae
# people i follow: oof 413 
# followers: eeeee we recently hit 2k so i’m just uwu i love u guys so much
# hours of sleep: LISTEN my chaotic gc can back me up on this but ever since i got my puppers i’ve been sleeping really early and waking up early so from 9-3 that’s a solid 6 hours of sleep but BEFORE i got my puppers i had a questionable and confusing sleep schedule — we love consistency 
lucky #: 3, 9, 12, 7, 1, uhHHhh i think that’s it
instruments: i used to play the piano until i was like 12, i played clarinet for a good 3 years.. stan talent jk i wish i never quit piano i truly regret that now as a 22 year old
currently wearing: a very oversized shirt and a pair of biker shorts 
dream job: i’d love to be an obgyn but that’s a very hard dream to reach so something with gynecology studies or lab research
dream trip: japan, s.k, greece, italy, honestly all of europe 
favorite food: ahhhh my mom’s meals point on period
favorite song: hideaway by jacob collier it truly takes you to a different world
top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: marvel ohohohohohoho, also harry potter, and uhhhHHHhh that’s pretty much it oop 
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rogue-of-broken-time · 7 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Congrats on 20 million, @markiplier! These don’t really have anything to do with the milestone, but I made them a while ago (even watermarked with my old url, wow) and since the I Feel Lost vlog was actually just over a year ago, I felt like bringing these back.
Very faintly on each of these pictures are words you have spoken. The gray side is from the I Feel Lost vlog, and the pink side is from that stream where you were goofin’ around the new office, talking about how excited you were to be back to making videos after your hiatus last fall. I remember watching you that night. You seemed so overflowingly happy and I guess I just had to try to capture that. :3
I hope you feel found again, Mark. It’s been wonderful watching you for the time that I have been– and for all the ups, the downs, and even the upside-downs (wink wonk), I’m excited to see where you’ll go next :)
(… also, I can’t “art” but I still wanted to contribute to the festivites :P)
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sabazio · 7 years ago
( repost, don’t reblog. )
ONE ( NAME / ALIAS ): xoe / xoxo TWO ( BIRTHDAY ): feb 26. THREE ( ZODIAC SIGN ): pisces FOUR ( HEIGHT ): 5′2 FIVE ( HOBBIES ): uhhhh doing art stuff, video games, petting my cat is a hobby. SIX ( FAVOURITE COLOUR(S) ): purple yea boi SEVEN ( FAVOURITE BOOKS ): i don’t fuggin read EIGHT ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO ): ride on time (which has no business boppin that hard) NINE ( LAST FILM WATCHED ): P3 the weird masquerade (with clio!!!!) TEN ( INSPIRATION FOR MUSE ): akimitsu and ryuji interactions are literally the only thing that fuels me to log in right now ELEVEN ( MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL ): 
First of all: sabazios is one of Akihiko’s ultimate weapons (with ice element wink wonk) that you can fuse using Cybele and a nihil fist (my old/first url lol.) 
Secondly, 'zio’ is his element and derivative from the Greek name of Zeus (dyeus/deus/zeus). Lastly, Sabazios is actually the name of the horseman and sky father god of the Phrygians and Thracians, which encompasses the symbology of both shinji (and by extension castor; a horseman) and akihiko as a whole. Additionally it’s referenced alongside Mercury which is a Virgo’s complimentary planet. 
tagged by: @jououpansa​ oh hecc i didn’t see this thank u dear
tagging: do it binch im tired
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ceesdesk · 7 years ago
congrats on 1k!! my favorite stationery item is probably mildliners (if u can't tell from my url ahaha)
hi eloise! ooo mildliners, ive never tried them haha. i do own pastel highlighters tho and i like the colours :-)
url: ♡♡♡♡♡
icon: ♡♡♡♡
desktop theme: ♡♡♡♡♡
original content: couldn’t find any :-(
following?: no, sorry :-( / now i am! / already was :-) / oF COURSE!!
additional comments: i like ur url, it’s simple n cute! i also really like your desktop theme especially cause its yellow (mine is yellow too wink wonk) i wasnt able to find any original content, but if u happen to post og stuff tag me #thestudycee!! i would love to see :-) i just graduated from hs and im wishing u the best of luck in high school!!
1k blogrates!!
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kissmetae · 7 years ago
✨🌸Spring is coming🌸✨ Go out on cute lil dates with your mutuals. Tag one for each and tell them why you chose them. (coffee date, concert date, hiking date, amusement park date, picnic date, cooking date, gaming night)
This is so cute but it also makes me realize that I talk to little with my mutuals aaah
coffee date || @monchoi 🌸• Because coffee shop AUs is life and we’d go to the most aesthetic one and there’d be cute baristas and so many pretty pastries (like super cute cakes and cupcakes) and all the different teas and coffe drinks aaaah also I picture the cafe to have a lot of wooden interior¿ and a lot of books lying around so it’s smells all wood x book store-ish in there feat fresh ground coffee beans. Also the aesthetic photo you have with the bike outside the café!(!!!) Like imagine we’ve walked around and done some shopping and we finally get to drop all the bags to the floor and sit down and spy on cute baristas while drinking tea aaah
concert date || @monchoi (again)• BUT IMAGINE daniel ceasar or like a soft jazz band performing (or bts or b.a.p or just 3 hours of Ravi *wink wonk*) but it would be such a great evening. Like just relaxing to a passionate performance. To be honest put jazz or daniel ceasar in the café, a late night café with live performances yes
hiking date || @kooksluv 🌳• Lets take a walk ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but also talk a bunch during because I need book recommendations and I also love talking to you because I feel like I can say anything without feeling awkward hahahha
amusement park date || @blumiin 💿• I might not be the best amusement park buddy, I don’t like upside down rollercoasters or high up swinging ”drop” etc attractions- BUT THE REST I LOVE (and ”normal” rollercoasters) and all the games and the nice scenery oh and all the water rides (loooove) But I want to get to know you mooore so why not at an amusement park? :3
picnic date || @protectaetae 💕• A basket full of Karumi, do I need to say more? + Drawing + a butler to bring us tea OH and we’d have the picnic near a castle, the castle grounds (I’m picturing Tjolöholm slott please look it up) and we can listen to music and draw or just chill and talk about life while we eat karumi and listen to hixtape hahaahhah
cooking date || @sarangtaee 💐• Ok firstly I miss you!!! And I follow you on instagram and I remember you posting ”cooking is a wonderful therapy” and also the other food pics (now i’m hungry) but a cooking date made me think of you hahhaha
gaming night || @ Mess Fam ❤️@rudetae @minimins @suavemino @queenjunghoseok @namsinn @1wyf • I suck because I don’t know all of your urls aaah But gaming night would be great with y’all
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snortinglaughter · 7 years ago
Tagged by: @kei-xxiii how can I not answer when you flatter me so much? You’re dangerous, hun ;)
Nicknames: Gigi, Gorda, Gaby, Gabytwebbles (my bro and sis always call me that, why? No fucking clue lol)
Gender/pronouns: Female, she/her.
Star sign: Aquarius.
Height: 5'2 and fabulous.
Time: 09:30 a.m.
Birthday: February, 15th.
Favorite bands: Hmm… Café Tacvba, Deftones, Queen, Depeche Mode, Enanitos Verdes, Korn, Creedence, Molotov, The Beatles…
Favorite solo artist: Hmmmmm… Freddy Mercury (I mean, he’s a legend), Juan Gabriel, Sia, Edith Márquez..
Song stuck in your head: It’s the Mickey Mouse clubhouse, come inside, let’s come inside🎵…… I just realized how dirty my mind is
Last movie you watched?: At the movie theater: It. At home: Independence Day: Resurgence.
Why did you create your blog?: I kept hearing about Tumblr and I was curious, ya know. Then I started reading fanfic and got obsessed and a little flame inside of me ignited and a voice in my head kept saying do it, write something, DO IT… and here we are :D
What do you post?: Mainly Drarry but everything I can encounter Harry Potter-wise, things that make me laugh and cute stuff that involve fluffy animals 😛
Last thing you googled?: “Tiny black laced panties nice ass” lol
Other blogs: Nope.
AO3: Snortinglaughter.
Do you get asks?: I’ve only gotten, like, two lol
How did you get the idea for your URL?: Well, it’s quite literal. Sometimes I laugh so hard I’m left out of air and I, um, snort like a happy lil pig 😂
I follow: 77.
Followers: 401, which include some porn blogs.
Average hours of sleep: like, 9-10 (yes, I love to sleep anD YOU CAn’T TAKe THAt AWAY FrOM ME)
Lucky number: 23, 8
Instruments: I used to play the piano when I was 8 but it wasn’t much of my thing and eventually stopped practicing and now I barely remember how to do it.
What are you wearing?: What am I not wearing? *wink wonk*
Dream job: Getting paid for writing fics, sleeping and eating.
Dream trip: EVERYWHERE.
Favorite food: Spaghetti a la bolognese and tacos (real tacos, not jack n the box or taco bell)
Significant other?: Tom Felton 😌
Last book I read: The Cursed Child, currently re-reading Whispers by Dean R. Koontz.
Top 3 fictional universes: Harry Potter, getting into Avengers, and um. That’s it.
Tagging: @dewitty1, @insufferable-git aaaannnnddddd let’s tag @purpledramallamas :D
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thehourglassisempty-blog · 7 years ago
sets url down and sits
[ ♛ ] send me your url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: Hey. U know the drill. Sora is a precious sunshine boi. U like cats, buddy? WELL THEN I GOT A SORA 4 U HE IS SUN BOI AND CAT BOI WOWIE WOW WOWhow they play them: U GIVE SORA SUCH VIBRANCY??? Like not even counting the crack threads (which are A+++ for a good laugh) he feels like??? Yes it’s sunshine but it’s mirrors and prisms and like. super EVERYWHERE in a good way he’s got ENERGY and honestly bab I love it and WOW u slave over every detail of ur furry son and go so in depth and think so much and GO GO GO UR SO GOODthe mun: APRIL. MY APRICOT. COME HERE LEMME HUG U IM GONNA GET SAPPY like wow what did the KHRPC do to deserve such a kind sunshine of a bean????? We’ve known each long LONG before we ended up RPing (tho u were here at least a good year before me AND u had to deal with my angsty cringey mess of a teenager phase whoops) anyone and honestly it’s always low key overwhelming to realize uh. I’m kinda ur role model lmao plz get better taste BECAUSE U SHOULD HONESTLY BE UR OWN? You’re seriously super kind and super welcoming to a lot of people (given they follow your really simple guidelines which really it’s not that hard I say as I probably dont tag my stuff as well as I should RIP) and not to mention always here to bring fun time (angst counts as fun times too!) and you called me warm but nah ur WARMER and speaking of like seriously you’re??? so good to your friends and so supportive and kind and I can’t believe my emotionally wrecked butt got schooled by you but in seriousness you’re an incredibly grounded and mature miss and YOU BETTER BELIEVE IM GONNA CRY BECAUSE IM SO PROUD OF U I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE U SPREAD YOUR CREATIVITY AND JOY TO THE WORLD OR SMTHN THE WORLD DESERVES YOUR LEVEL OF PASSION AND FUN MY FRIEND BRB IM CRYING IN THE BATHROOM (wink wonk)
do i;
follow them: WHAT DO U THINKrp with them: NOT ENOUGH BUT WE’RE WORKING ON ITwant to rp with them: YESship their character with mine: Uh I mean IDK Xeha don’t want no heckin furries and Ven does not want to date his precious sun son. As for Shiro no opinions have formed yet.
what is my;
overall opinion: look plz follow and support Apricot she is doing her Best(tm) which is heckin more than a lot of other people and she’s rly sweet and has such a fun cat boi and has put so much passion and love into everything she does
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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thepallas · 7 years ago
♛ ovo
[ ♛ ] send me a url and I’ll tell you the following;        
my opinion on;
character in general: Actually I don’t know a lot of stuff about Talon.. More like just some snippets of info about him, but I like him as a character I guess. :D I mean, I have nothing against him and right now I actually want to know more about him.
how they play them: Hmm, it’s not a secret that, there are many Talon blogs on Tumblr and everyone portrays him differently (and ofc it’s great). Wellp, what I can say from your posts that I’ve seen on my dash, your portrayal sort of stands out and I really like it. Your Talon actually feels like a realistic human being.  He has unique dramatic past, sophisticated personality, his own outlooks on everything and the way you write him doesn’t make him feel fake. I hope that you understand what I’m trying to say. xD In addition, I love that you portray him with long hair (definitelly doesn’t have a weakness for long haired men “>>). Also, in general, your writing is really great. Really something to look up to. The thing is, that I would love to see the way you write him personally, so *wink wonk*. Oh and your art is gorgeous *.*
the mun: We haven’t talked, but from the ask that I’ve received you seem to be a really nice and caring person. ^^ I would love to talk more sometime. I believe it would be fun.^^
do i;
follow them: Yep :3
rp with them: Nope, not yet. :
want to rp with them: Would love to. :3
ship their character with mine: o.o I mean hmmm I’ve never thought about that. ;o Pallas is not exactly the one who gets into relationships and is more of a one night stand (when soul of a mortal becomes his dinner or breakfast) kind of guy. However, I have a ship for him, so he can feel something, even if it seems unbelievable for him. Yeah, Pallas x Varus is my main (and for now only) ship.. but hey.. there are different universes and realities, so I dunno *shrugs* if someone would want to ship, I wouldn’t be against it. (I’ve just noticed that you’re a single-ship blog, but just whatever ;p).
what is my;
overall opinion: So yep, I love seeing you on my dash and I get excited when I get asks from you. I love the way you play your Talon and your writing is incredible. Keep it up! ^^ We haven’t interacted much, but you seem to be a very nice person.. so hey everything is in the future, eh?:3 (I hope so>>)
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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jungleruler · 7 years ago
lowkey slides over my url
send me a url and i’ll tell you || @rp-ipliers
the physical stuff
    what i think about their url: gorgeous, beautiful, i love it, can do no wrong on this earth     what i think about their aesthetic: gorgeous, beautiful, i love it, can do no wrong on this earth     what i think about their theme: actually rlly pretty. kiiiiiiinda simple for my tastes but meh     what i think about their organization: i mean it’s decent. i think when they answer questions and the meme link, like, says different stuff, it makes it kinda hard for me to follow what’s what but other than that its cool     what i think about their tags // tagging system: really good !! the tag sizes are all really inconsistent but mine are too since i made this blog like,,,,,, a while ago. AND its kinda hard to read sometimes but that’s just a me thing.
the emotional stuff
    how close i am with them: REALLY CLOSE V CLOSE NOT CLOSE ENOUGH BEST FRIEND BEST FRIEND BEST FRIEND      what i think of the mun: oh god,,,,,,,y’all they so pretty and sweet and kind and loving and selfless and good and pure and cUTE OH MY GOD SO SO CUTE AND ADORABLE YOU CAN NOT S T E P TO THIS LEVEL OF ADORABLENESS I LITERALLY GOT DIABETES FROM IT     what i think of their muse: i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove i love love love all of their muses and theyre all sooooo fucking good. my faves in terms of canon-ness and accuracy are def mumflr, kots, wilford, and bing. my personal faves, though, are probs robbie, gareth, kots, and jasper.     what my first impression was: i dont actually know ?? i probably thought something neutral and unexciting but BOY was that a mistake
the misc // weird stuff
   thing’s i’ve thought about your muse but never said: umm ?? not too much ???? im really honest about a lot of stuff, but about two weeks ago i had the BIGGEST puppy love crush on you.     if i wish i could be like you: honestly, yes. pretty, smart, kind, adORABLE. all things i wish i were.     if i wish i could be like your muse: mmmm some of them yes, like maybe jasper or gareth, and some no, like wilford and kots.     what first date i would take you on: a rabbit date wink wonk     if i would trust my pet with you: mmmmmmm yeah i would i would     if i would cuddle with you when it’s cold: i would cuddle you if i was engulfed by thirty bonfires
note: the mun’s answers could be blunt and painfully honest
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princess-megz · 7 years ago
get to know you tag!
get to know you tag
tagged by: my dear baobei @simplicitwannaone , and mom !! @seungkwanslowqualityenglish <3
Rules: answer the 30 questions and tag 20 people! but i have like -2 friends im sorry
Nicknames: mug? meg !
Gender: female
Star Sign: aries
Height: ,,,,157.5cm ish gg or 5’1 otl
Time: right now its 9:48 am!
Birthday: but why march 25th
Favorite Bands: monsta x, got7, wanna one, astro, blackpink, twice, sf9, omg this is a lot alr, nct, mxm, jbj, these are just the ones off the top of my head!!
Favorite Solo Artists: kim samuel, jeong sewoon, oof dean, sunmi!!! lots more ive just forgot hehe oops
Song Stuck in My Head: rn listening to baby - astro?? but recently dramarama - monsta x has been stuck in my head, pls check out them if you havent already <333
Last Movie I Watched: wonder woman?
Last Show I Watched: goblin!!!
When did I create my blog: oo like a couple months ago, 2/3?
What do I post: i reblog mostly puppies/landscape shots, however i do also occasionally fit in the kpop post hehe
Last thing googled: 157 cm in feet LOL
Do you have other blogs?: yup! @bravpunxhbabes and one more hehe
Do you get asks: y,,,es, sometimes
Why did you choose your url: o bc its a running joke in my fam :~)
Following: er idk like 60+?
Followers: i dont know something like 300ish oops
Favorite colors: i love all colours !!
Average hours of sleep: like 0 uhhh 6/7?
Lucky number: i dont have one, however i do like the numbers 3, 7, and 21!
Instruments: cello, guitar, and i would like to play the ukulele!
What am I wearing: school uniform with an oversized hoodie :~)
How many blankets I sleep with: 1
Dream Job: im so undecided lol lawyer/natural sciences in uni
Dream Trip: to australia hehe wink wonk or just anywhere in the world where im with my friends or family :~)
Favorite food: i love all foods!!! right now im craving beef with rice LOOOOOOOL or like carbonara
Nationality: im a cbc :~)
Favorite Song Right Now: moon u - got7, dramarama/newton - monsta x
i tag: @the-redamancist, @ukulelewrites, @jsioos, @prince-ss-kris, @ladynightmareii (hap birthday maknae!! i love u <3), and @jihoonslattee! <33
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aceofscale · 5 years ago
awkwardly drops my inactive af url here
ARI , gosh. another veteran who has been to the …. asshole of this fandom and back with her head held high and her muse potrayal on POINT.
your love for minerva and your dedication to her is awe-inspiring at the very least, your interpretation of her makes a heckin lot more sense than OTHERS OUT THERE. nudge nudge wink wonk @ mas*ima. you’re so protective and dedicated to this character that i wouldn’t wanna cross u in a dark alley over her – in the best way of course! keep doing what you’re doing because it truly is fantastic, brilliant, creative, amazing, dedicated —– inspiring to other minor character lovers like myself. LIKE YOU EVEN WENT AS FAR TO LIKE DO HER FAMILY TREE??? AND BRING THEM TO LIFE TOO??? GIRL. I BOW TO YOU SO DAMN HARD MY HEAD IS GONNA PLUMMET THROUGH THE FLOOR.
we don’t talk much ic or ooc tbh — but i will follow every blog of yours to the ends of the earth and back because your writing, your portrayals, your content is just fantastic stuff and my dash would be a lonelier place without it …,, that’s for sure.  keep doing what you’re doing because it’s incredible to see and you’ve certainly got a fan for life in me, ‘cause i am here for the long haul and beyond.
i love ya. you’re inspiring. you’re ace. just —– a creative genius, that i certainly look up to. 
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honeyvain · 8 years ago
yea its a tag game
I was tagged by @crashtan ily babe!
Nickname: @starsmatters sometimes calls me fuckign miles i... h8 her (..from looking 4 alaska smH)
Name: Ki
Star Sign: Sag Sun, Cap Moon, Libra  Ascendant
Height: 5'5.5
Time: 10:37 pm PST
Birthday: Dec 11
Favorite Band: florence + the machine !!!!  
Favorite Solo Artist: lana del rey tbh :,) 
Song Stuck In My Head: empty room by chaos emeralds and !! lost in your love by colyer 
Last Movie I Watched: the greAT GATSBY (2013!) yes biTch 
Last Show I Watched: mmm bones for 3 seconds when i checked on sleepy kayla
When Did I Create My Blog: 2013
What Do I Post: aesthetic depresso gay knife shit and fuck awful humor 
Last Thing I Googled: bitch literally the last thing i googled was “did x try to kill himself” i needed that tea and i Got it! fuck that guy lmao it wasnt real he’s just being gross
Do You Have Other Blogs: yes!!!  pls follow @2nitesmood i post a lot of uhh moods on there!   also i guess if ur adventurous and like untagged nsfw, violence, soft gore + blood, vent short stories abt consensual nonsexual murder, and other Very emo things u can follow @hunnyblood ?? u been Warned 
Do You Get Asks?: sometimes yea!  my friends are babes (’: 
Why Did You Choose This URL: honey is my Brand my fave Vibe and i wanted honeyvein like honey as blood but vain is nice wink wonk (insert knife emoji)
Blogs You Are Following: 2,773
Followers: 450
Average Hours of Sleep: 23 bc summer afshdg 
Favorite Color: peach!
Lucky Number: i like 5 ngl 
Instruments: quit em all lmao im a choir bitch 
What Am I Wearing: black skirt, gray crop top 
How Many Blankets I Sleep With: one its Hot 
Dream Job: sheepherder in ireland but the sheep are all dogs and we just hang out
Dream Trip: ireland 
Favorite Food: any sushi that doesn’t have crab 
Nationality: usa mmph 
Favourite Song Now: im crushin on Space Song by Beach House and Genesis by Armors 
i tag @marscie @reverse-skeletor @eatacactusass @coolsorcery @helloiofficiallydontcare @i-just-wanna-be-your-hero no pressure pals 
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exo-yeol · 8 years ago
11 questions tag
I was tagged by @xiulayallday thank you for tagging me! :3 
1. Favorite physical feature of your bias?
THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!! Can I just say his whole self? Or can I do a top five? ....yeah I’m gonna do a top five!
*clears throat* ahem...in no particular order here are my top 5 favourite physicals of Mr. Park Chanyeol!
1. His tummy (SQUISHY!YEOL IS THE BEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO THIS PLANET DONT FIGHT ME! Like don’t get me wrong, I live for those abs, but when he has his squishy tummy thats all round and plump it just makes me feel all gooey inside idk i just love him??)
2. His gorgeous big ears (too freaking CUTE)
3. His eyes (theyre just so big and they make him look so dopey and cute at times but other times you just get so lost in them??? and ALSO! I have THE BIGGEST obsession with the little crinkle he has under his right eye! Idk why, I just really love it! <3)
4. His hands (the THINGS that boy can do with those hands *wink wonk ;P* ...hehe no but seriously, his hands are so nice and they way he can play guitar and piano and every other instrument on the planet with them just amazes me! <3)
5. His butt (Hehe I mean pretty obvious consider my url, but its so under appreciated and its sooo fine so its gotta be on here!)
hehe I know that was long and I totally cheated but yeah :P
2. Your second favorite group/artist?
BTS and HyunA! (although they’re tied with EXO) so apart from them I’d say ASTRO, AOA and SHINee and so many more, I could be here all day! :P
3. The drink you usually get at coffee shops?
I usually order hot chocolate or peppermint tea, but lately I’ve been a ho for frappes :P
4. Can you speak more than one language?
Uhhhmmmm I can speak multiple to beginner/intermediate incl Korean, Japanese and French! But I’m probably closest to being fluent in Irish or Gaelige as it is also known! 
5. DC or Marvel? or EXO
EXO ALL THE WAY!!! ....ummm I think overall I prefer Marvel! :)
6. Your favorite face emoji?
😂😊 <--these
7. Favorite dessert?
CHOCOLATE!!! Literally anything with chocolate and I’m there! 
8. A country you’d like to visit?
Korea! Japan! China! Hawaii! I’d also love to go back to The Netherlands! :)
9. One EXO blog you’d suggest to others?
@baekscrazylady is always a good one! :P For fanfiction @exostace is amazing! And of course @xiulayallday who tagged me in this! What a cutie! <3 
10. Favorite hairstyle on your bias?
Okay so if we’re just talking hairstyle, and not hair colour, then thats pretty straightforward! Its gotta be comma hair! ...or anything where you can see that gorgeous forehead! (floofy candyfloss style was a close second!) ...and lets not get into colours, cause that boy has had every one under the sun and I’ve been trash for all of them! :P 
My 11 Questions are:
1. What was your first ever kpop album that you bought? BONUS: Whose photocard did you get? 
2. If you could go back to any era for your bias group, what era and why?
3. Do you have any pets?
4. Can you do a backflip or any other tricks like that?
5. A kpop choreography that you’d love to know?
6. Exo’luxion or Exo’rdium?
7. Any treasured childhood teddies or toys you still have?
8. First movie you saw in the cinema?
9. Most to least likely to wake their roommate by tickling: you, Sehun and Lay
10. A piece of kpop merch that you reaaallly want?
11. Chinese Take Away or Pizza?
Gosh, coming up with questions is hard! 
I tag @baekscrazylady @mintchocfringe @aerigom and @xiulayallday (you don’t have to answer them if you don’t wanna!) (also feel free to tag me back if you want me to answer your questions! ^^) 
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