#[ i forgot i had this sitting in my drafts so i might as well toss it out to the world ]
darsynia · 2 years
Trust Fall | Ch 23
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ARC by Eury Escodero | gif by @cindysmoon
Story Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Summary: Tony/OC, ‘terrorists made us fall in love;’ IM1 timeline. In this chapter, Emory feels the effects of the serum withdrawal and gets some details about the mission she's been drafted into.
Length: 4,795
Taglist: @starryeyes2000 @raith-way @arrthurpendragon @themaradaniels @starksbf @chickensarentcheap @tiny-anne
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Emote: You still have my shirt
Metal Man: I’m sleeping with it in lieu of you being here
Emote: Aww, that’s kind of sweet
Metal Man: Yeah, well, the next step is to dress Dum-E in it and roleplay little arguments about how much of my arm real estate is on display
She is entirely too shy to admit she’s been sleeping with his clothes, but her heart is full to bursting at the comparison. Unfortunately those thoughts could generate power, which is a bad idea in the car, so she goes for a joke to defuse the romance potential of their conversation.
Emote: That is so ridiculous!
Emote: I’m way shorter than that thing!
Metal Man: I was expecting you to object to the lack of boobs, but actually that was me. I object to the lack of boobs. I miss boobs. Yours in particular.
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Chapter Twenty-Three: Heat Haze
“Apparently, I have a lawyer,” Emory tells Clint as she reads an article written about sightings of her over the past few days. ‘Emory Autumn’s lawyer’ asks for privacy as she builds her life back from scratch. Whoever wrote it isn’t wrong-- but she doesn’t remember being consulted about it. If it’s the same gentleman she spoke with by phone to discuss the forged POA papers, though, she trusts the man’s judgment. He’d done a lot to reassure her about that situation, and had promised to contact the police on her behalf.
“Good,” Clint says. “You’ll be able to defend against my civil suit for emotional distress after you ate the last of my seasonal chocolate.”
She lets half of the paper fall forward so she can glare at him. “You said I could have anything in the cupboards!”
“I forgot they were in there!” He flips a coin that lands in exactly the right way to knock a piece of wood into the window latch, releasing it so the hinged pane swings open. He tosses another at the opposite window, with the same result. The immediate crossbreeze is a blessing in the hot July temperatures. “They had Christmas wrappers, Emory. That should have been a sign.”
“I thought I was doing you a favor!” Emory argues, scooting forward on the couch in preparation to get up. “Do you know how demoralizing old chocolate can be? You are so ungrateful.” She goes to stand up, but her knees fail. It’s as if they’ve liquified and cannot hold her legs straight anymore. Emory falls back onto the couch, her insides flash-frozen from the splash of adrenaline and fear.
“Em?” Clint says, rushing over.
The now-familiar weight in the pit of her stomach sinks lower, and for the first time she recognizes its similarity to the aches and pains she’s been feeling in her joints over the past week.
“Oh my God,” she whispers.
“Serum withdrawal?” he asks, concerned. All Emory can do is nod, but when she sees him go for his cell phone, she pushes herself to elaborate.
“I’ve been feeling ‘off’ for at least two weeks, but I figured I was just tired. I thought that bone-deep weight pain was anxiety!” she croaks, her vocal cords feeling thin and brittle. She pulls his lone couch pillow onto her lap and buries her face in it.
“You had one job,” Clint teases, sitting down beside her to rub her back with a wide, warm hand. 
He’s right. She was taught a few maneuvers they wanted her to know, but the crux of the mission is based on the debilitating effects of serum withdrawal. Everyone is waiting for her to get sick, but the pain had crept up on her so subtly that she’d completely missed the signs.
“Hey, Nat. It’s time. She says they might have been happening for a while,” Clint’s saying into the phone. “Yeah, I agree. No more than ten days.”
Ten days sound like a lifetime to endure in terms of deterioration and far too soon when looking at her own preparedness. If the alternative is to progress through pain like this until she dies, though, Emory would rather face her fears, both real and imagined.
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“I took your suggestion and offered to back up all the records, so there’ll be more than just SHIELD ops on these,” Rhodey says, setting down what sounds like a very heavy box onto the floor beside Tony’s desk. To check for sure, Tony reaches out a foot and pushes against it with his toes. It’s as solid as Gibraltar. He gets up and offers his seat to his friend. 
“They just let you hobble out with decades of this stuff?” Tony asks, crossing his arms and looking down into the box. It’s a collection of hard drives of varying ages, all jumbled together like tetris pieces.
“They wanted me to find something to do while on desk duty with this leg, so I did,” Rhodey shrugs. “It’s not like there isn't a warehouse somewhere with all the paper copies.”
Colonel Rhodes had been one of the airmen injured when an improperly secured load gave way. Tony still hasn’t found out whether he sprained his ankle running away or being struck by something, which really only matters for the teasing.
“In reality, I’m doing you all a favor, is what you’re saying,” he says, lifting out the first ancient-as-hell hard drive. 
Tony heads over to rummage in a drawer of cables, looking for the right connector to start copying over the data. There’s something symbolic about the fact that his father had kept exactly the right kind of cables for the copy, but had never rigged up this basement lab space with the kind of airflow that made it bearable in the summer. Howard Stark always did prioritize machines over people, except maybe when Steve Rogers was involved.
“Either that or you’ll piss them off by helping me do it too quickly.”
“There’s no reason why you can’t just wait to tell them you’re done, Mr. Eagle Scout!” Tony points out. “I’ll text Happy to go grab some of the terabyte drives we have in storage. We’ll expense them to your boss, and you can take two boxes in when you go back to work.” Rhodes is notoriously reticent with pain medication, so Tony pushes that button, just because. “On second thought, maybe just one at a time. You’re probably on some pretty hefty drugs, and those hand cart dolly things count as heavy machinery.”
“Speaking of heavy machinery, are you ready to let me take a look at the device you keep hinting at? The one that you said let you know what it’s like to fly?” Rhodey asks, completely ignoring his jab.
Tony doesn’t want to show Rhodes the suit. It wasn’t built for war, but he’s not naive, not after all the years he’d spent consulting for the military. There are five, maybe ten places in the carapace that could be modified for weaponry, and that’s just off the top of his head. They’ve been best friends for years, but James Rhodes is a model soldier. He’ll see the practical applications right away, but once his colleagues get ahold of the armor, they’ll want to add weapons to it, guaranteed.
He brushes off those thoughts and tosses a flippant comment at Rhodey.
“I thought you liked airplanes, Orville.”
“The Wright brothers were as fascinated with the design process as they were with flight, you know that, don’t you? From what you’ve implied, the thing you came up with involves both.”
Tony leans over to make sure the copy’s going, but when he straightens up, he lets a big grin cross his face. “Almost better than sex. Almost.”
“Even with that woman you were--”
“Are,” Tony corrects. “And that’s why you’re doing this for me. Shield’s got their claws in her, and I’m going to get my claws in them.” Since Rhodey had been teasing him about settling down or catastrophically falling in love for years, he changes the subject. “You guys good to find another weapons supplier? Anyone but Hammer, okay?”
“Maybe we should. Watching the troops struggle with that guy’s shitty designs might be enough to change your mind,” Rhodes tells him. He reaches down as if to scratch his leg and frowns at the bulky boot that encases the lower half of it. “Damn. It’s really tempting to sleep for a week, if only to stop my damned leg from driving me crazy inside this thing.”
“Yeah, the itching is the worst. I’ve got this, okay? Most of it doesn’t need much more than mild supervision,” Tony tells him. “Skedaddle, Daddio.”
“I’ll go on one condition: you never say that again. Ever.” 
“Fair enough. I’ll call you when I get those drives, this’ll take a few days, tops. I’ve got multiple computers that can work on this. Go rest.”
Rhodes agrees, and Tony walks with him to the car. He’s happy his friend chose to have a driver for this visit, and even happier that circumstances had worked out to give him access to those records. Just like with the SHIELD agent before, Rhodes’ hired car had parked out front, and Tony watches it drive off from the front door, almost thumping his forehead against the frame in a form of violent stress relief. There are probably still cameras watching the front of his house, though, so he ostentatiously scratches his face with a middle finger and goes back inside. 
He heads back in after waving goodbye at the retreating vehicle, anxious to get started on the protective armor he’d started designing for Emory. As cool as it is that she can fly under her own power, the emotion-based nature of that power leaves her dangerously exposed, as does the idea of using air as any kind of protective barrier. The trick had been finding a material that’s light enough not to need significantly more power consumption to stay aloft, but Tony’s pretty sure he’d found the right combination. As a bonus, he’d been able to devise a fastening system that she can easily get in and out of, something that wouldn’t work with his heavier, thicker metal plates. That part isn’t fabricated yet, though. He doesn’t have a Bridgeport at the New York house, but despite JARVIS’s jokes about his rapport with the lab guys, they haven’t minded him stopping by to make a few things. They’d liked the attention.
Emory’s mission can’t be more than three weeks off, not that he expects that they’ll let him know very far in advance. There are a few more tests to run on the efficacy of her armor, tests that would be easier if he could ask Emory to spin air around the prototype while he tested how much mitigation that adds-- but Tony would rather surprise her. The plan is to fly back to LA tomorrow for a day and a half so he can use Stark Industries’ wind tunnel. It’s just a shame the palladium shipment won’t be there yet. Tony’s own improved arc reactor design allows for palladium inserts rather than a depletable ring, so he can at least build the power core for her suit without having to wait for Obie to show up with it next week.
When he gets back to his workroom, Tony heads for the boot he’d been doing wirework on. On the table beside it is a floor-incorporated design for the Disrobe-Bot, but he pushes that aside for now. The wiring for Emory’s suit has taken a little longer than his own, mostly due to him having left the best tools in Malibu. He tells JARVIS to make a note that he should pack some of them up to bring back to New York. 
“Certainly sir. In addition, you should know that the preliminary results from our SHIELD analysis are proving concerning,” JARVIS says.
“I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise,” Tony mutters under his breath. Director Fury has yet to call, not that he’s surprised. He’s observed that, quite often it’s the ‘little guys’ who are more trustworthy than upper management. Barton and Romanoff feel like they’re legit, if mysterious. Coulson and Fury? Conniving at best, duplicitous at worst. “Lay it on me,” he says, louder.
“Drawing solely from public data, there is a twenty-two percent overlap of SHIELD ops at locations where adverse events occur within a week’s time. I believe the deviation from random chance is enough to warrant more investigation. However, this may change when the confidential missions are factored in.”
Tony squints one eye, then another, as he tries to figure out what his AI is suggesting. He tosses out a guess. “Are you saying that SHIELD has managed to schedule actions that coincide with crisis events so often it might be on purpose? That’s far more likely to be bad luck, wouldn’t it?”
“The number of occurrences are statistically significant.”
“Not to question your diligence, J, but have you factored in the idea that at least some of those missions were designed to prevent the catastrophes in question? That the public facing part is a smokescreen?”
“I have.”
Tony stands in silence digesting that idea as the soldering iron he’s just turned on heats up. “That’s… bad, right?”
“Quite possibly. More data is required.”
Tony shuts off power to the soldering iron and shoots a text to Hogan saying he’ll pick up the hard drives himself. He’ll see what computers are laying around unused and bring some of those home to expedite the copying process. It seems like the most important thing he can do to protect Emory right now is find out what her new buddies are really up to. 
He’d love to find out the location of her mission, too, but that will be more tricky. If SHIELD finds out he’s even thinking about that, they’ll probably trump up enough charges to keep him tied up in legal knots for years.
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The benefit to being covert in D.C. is the proliferation of governmental offices. Emory knows that she’s being watched mostly tangentially by the press; thankfully Tony’s reappearance on the social scene and her extreme ordinariness has done a lot to neutralize Rory’s accusations. The general consensus is that she’s working with ‘the government’ in relation to the kidnapping, something that Tony can’t do because of how busy and difficult he is. Any residual talk about the whole thing has been more about the nasty letter Tony’s lawyers reportedly sent to Rory.
Emory’s lawyer has strictly instructed her to avoid any contact with her former boss (not that there’s been an attempt, which she supposes would hurt more if she hadn’t been forcibly removed from Rory by the kidnapping in the first place), and to stick to ‘no comment’ if/when she’s asked about it. That’s only happened a few times, though. The car that SHIELD sends for her blends in with all of the other cars like it, and sometimes they even duck into a nondescript parking garage and wait a while, just to muddy the waters.
As she often does to pass the time during the ride, Emory sends Tony a text through his private messaging app. He’d explained the high level of encryption to her in a note he’d sent with the phone, which she’d thought was adorable. The entire thing read like complete gibberish to her. At first she’d felt stupid and insecure about it, but eventually Emory realized that he’d taken the time to explain, rather than assuming she’d never understand.Someday she’ll ask how much is made-up tech speak, which, knowing Tony, has a 20% chance of being true. 
Tony is inordinately proud of the fact that his pre-existing music-related username is even more apropos nowadays.
Emote: You still have my shirt
Metal Man: I’m sleeping with it in lieu of you being here
Emote: Aww, that’s kind of sweet
Metal Man: Yeah, well, the next step is to dress Dum-E in it and roleplay little arguments about how much of my arm real estate is on display
She is entirely too shy to admit she’s been sleeping with his clothes, but her heart is full to bursting at the comparison. Unfortunately those thoughts could generate power, which is a bad idea in the car, so she goes for a joke to defuse the romance potential of their conversation.
Emote: That is so ridiculous!
Emote: I’m way shorter than that thing!
Metal Man: I was expecting you to object to the lack of boobs, but actually that was me. I object to the lack of boobs. I miss boobs. Yours in particular.
Everything she can think of to say is based on his reputation as a womanizer, so Emory just sits there like a rock, biting her lip and staring at the phone waiting for him to say something else.
Two minutes go by.
She can’t take it anymore.
Emote: Tony?
Metal Man: I’m sorry, I got distracted.
Emote: Please tell me you weren’t thinking about physically modifying your robot so it can wear my shirt!
Metal Man: I was not
Metal Man: I was thinking that I’d rather talk about your boobs on a voice call. In detail. You free tonight?
Her hair blows into her face from the jolt of energy that prompts. Emory does what she’d practiced: she sets the gathered ball of power in motion around her head like an invisible crown. The energy packet will ruffle her hair and eventually blow out or knock itself free, but it won’t disrupt anything too badly. It’s a precursor to the actual shielding she’d tried before, but with a bit more density per ‘ball.’
That’s her power dealt with, but her body’s physical reaction is still raging. Because, yes, she does want to hear his voice, low and teasing, telling her to do things, explaining what he’s doing in response.
Metal Man: Please tell me you’re busy thinking about that.
Swearing under her breath, Emory scoots her body away from the back of the seat and adds another packet spinning around her shoulders.
Emote: Guilty as charged.
Emote: I can barely hold my phone now, I can’t even imagine what a mess I’ll be if you’re serious about this!
Metal Man: Oh, sweetheart, our hands will be too busy. That’s what speakerphone is for.
Fuck, she can picture that in full technicolor surround sound. The car comes to a complete stop and she looks up, surprised and certain something’s wrong, but they’re already at the Triskelion.
Emote: Speechless. Car ride over. Yes to the call. 
Emote: !
It’s all she can do to send her stored up energy spinning up into the sky above her before she steps into the huge lobby. Her phone vibrates, but Emory doesn’t let herself check it till she’s more calm. It’s been a while since she’d gotten so flustered, power-wise, but really, SHIELD would deserve it if she flattened a few fancy sculptures after the bullshit they’ve pulled on her so far.
Tony’s message is worth it, when she gets to peek at it in the elevator.
Metal Man: Good, looking forward to it. I’ll even promise not to make ‘Stark naked’ jokes.
She taps out a response, lips curving into an indulgent smile.
Emote: Don’t make promises you can’t keep!
She ducks into a bathroom and splashes water on her red face, trying to settle her imagination down. Both of their sexual encounters had included dim or nonexistent lighting, and she hadn’t even seen his mansion bedroom… but the images in her mind’s eye capture Tony with so much realism that she’s breathless.
The intense feelings of longing she’d felt in the cave had retreated while she was trapped at SHIELD, but they’re back now that she’s back in the modern world. Just as Yinsen had implied about his time confined with his future wife, Emory had expected that the rush of affection and desire she felt for Tony was about seeing him so often, learning his quirks, watching him hammer on metal, arms slick with sweat. But even though they’re separated by more than two hundred miles, she still wakes up expecting to catch a glimpse of Tony changing shirts, or see him angrily brushing back his shaggy hair as he glares at a schematic. She hasn’t gotten to trace her hands along the angles of his bare back like she’d promised herself she’d be brave enough to do someday.
“Shit, I swear I stepped in here for something more than cooling off, but what--” Emory mutters to herself. At least her frequent ‘thirsty’ thoughts lately have helped with keeping her power generation at bay. In addition, the flood of endorphins from her favorite coping mechanism eases the chronic ache from serum withdrawal. It’s a hell of a silver lining, but she’ll take it.
A text from Natasha pops up reminding her to take her pain medicine. Emory smacks her head in remembrance, shoots off a thank you text to Nat, and takes the pills, rushing back out to be on her way. There are two checkpoints to get into the conference room, and once she’s inside, Emory hears the hum of an odd-sounding machine.
“Sound scrambler,” the woman at the head of the table says. It’s Agent Sharon Harris, who seems to be leading the mission briefing. Harris offers a thin smile. “It’s probably overkill, but this will be the culmination of over two years of work, most of it undercover, all of it vital. We’re just waiting for Agent Barton to finish up with one of our suppliers, and we’ll get started.”
Emory hadn’t seen Clint, but Harris nods over to an alcove in the room where he is speaking on a landline in another language.
“I didn’t take his seat, did I?” Emory asks Natasha in dismay. 
Before Nat can answer, Clint does it for her. “Nah, you’re good.” He says to Harris, “Transport’s on, sightseeing tour is a go. The Army reserve ‘World War II in Two Weeks’ group will stop to see the Nazi massacre site of Baron Kovačevi’s private army early in the AM. One scenic drive later, we’ll be in position around noon.”
Nat watches him sit down across the conference table and remarks, “We’re going to another location directly before heading into Sokovia for that, right? I have some candidates.”
“Not that one,” Clint says, pointing with narrowed eyes. “We do not need to be hung over for this.”
“It’s not my fault you can’t hold your liquor,” Natasha purrs.
“If that’s settled, we can start with the overview,” Agent Harris says with the barest hint of a smile.
While folders of information are passed out, Emory whispers to Nat, “Is she your superior or is the leader different for each mission?”
She holds up two fingers, probably meaning option #2.
Despite her enduring dislike for her, Emory gains a new respect for Agent Sharon ‘Nurse Kate’ Harris as the hour-long briefing unfolds. Far from an opportunistic mission unlocked by her own unexpected capture, the lead-up to the assault on the serum scientist has been going for eighteen months or more. Harris has been undercover for much of it, posing as a negotiator for a dying crime boss from a place called Madripoor. After his death, she’d been offered a job working as a liaison between their target, the scientist, and his victims. Emory’s appearance had been fortuitous, shifting the focus of the assault to one where Emory, guided by Sharon, would suggest offering the serum to Tony Stark in an attempt to appeal to their target’s ego.
“Ms. Autumn is meant to be seen as a sad, beaten person who is out of luck, money, and options. All she has left is influence,” Sharon tells the room.
“Valid, but ouch,” Emory says, as all eyes turn to her.
Not long after that, the assault support team is asked to break off into a separate room to discuss logistics and travel. Natasha gets up and speaks with one of the agents, who nods and leads the group of twenty of them out.
“Starting to feel like a rabbit in a trap,” Emory says. She has managed to keep her fear-based energy generation at a minimum today, but it’s not nonexistent. Natasha’s focus on her ability to control herself is making a lot more sense now that she has a better idea of what they’re up against. It seems pretty clear that this villainous scientist will view her as an adversary until Emory proves otherwise, and he’ll be prepared for her to have ‘magical’ abilities as a matter of course. A beaten-down supplicant is going to generate outrage at a different pace than a deceptive adversary.
“Do you need to go toss some tornadoes, for courage?” Clint teases.
“No, but I’d take a time machine, if you’ve got one,” she jokes weakly. “I think Stark would be the better choice for a double agent.”
“Don’t worry,” Sharon says briskly. “Your demeanor only makes you more credible.” Without further pause, she starts in on a few of the things that she’d wanted to keep quiet from the rest of the team. 
Most of it sails over Emory’s head, all but one (encouraging but astonishing) thing: through her liaison work, Sharon has managed to make allies of two of the people currently working as ‘minions’ because of their inability to pay for the life-sustaining serum injections. It’s encouraging in a way, but Emory’s incredibly grateful that this isn’t what they asked her to do. Talk about a rabbit in a trap!
In the car on the way back to Clint’s, Emory can’t help but wish Agent Harris felt more trustworthy. Her demeanor is hard to deal with, but the woman’s actions have been nothing but helpful. Sharon Harris reminds Emory of a kind of ‘reverse’ Rory Fall, at least up to the last couple of years. Rory had always been careless or neglectful, but her attitude had remained friendly, albeit needy. She’d played the part of a lost, desperate best friend who couldn’t do without Emory’s help, paying lip service to their relationship while always choosing what was best for herself. Eventually, the people they worked with got tired of dealing with her shortcomings, and the veneer slipped. 
It should feel better to interact with someone trustworthy, whose actions speak louder than their brusque, dismissive words, but Emory almost feels conditioned to mistrust, at this point. She pulls out her phone and almost sends a message to Natasha about it, but the last thing Emory wants to do is look like less than a capable partner on the upcoming mission.
Clint will be gone for many hours yet, so when she gets inside the apartment, she locks it and heads into her bedroom, locking that door too. As they were leaving the conference room, Nat had asked her how her power generation control has gone lately. Emory was able to tell her truthfully that she sets aside some time every day to practice control during moments of strong emotion. That’s true, but it’s not always on purpose. Throwing herself onto the bed, she tries not to picture herself as a storm-tossed boat, but that’s hard.
She’s frightened by the pain of withdrawal.
She’s scared by the mission.
She’s angry at Rory.
She misses Tony.
These same emotions flash through her every day like lightning. Emory employs various strategies to dissipate any power that accumulates as a result, and she does try to learn how to diffuse the more powerful emotions before they get out of hand. All of that is reasonable, and it makes sense. The problem is that the most effective way to mitigate those strong emotions, the ones she’s wracked with when she curls up in bed, is… unorthodox, at best. She’d never be able to do it on a mission, in public, anywhere else, really. For the most part, Emory had avoided sex while working for Rory, and romance? Forget it. In a way, it makes sense that she’d be consumed by these feelings now. But something about her upbringing (or maybe the way she was almost never afforded privacy in her life as a PA) makes her feel like she’s doing something wrong.
Telling Tony she’s been touching herself for stress relief is impossible to imagine, even though he’s the person she thinks about the whole time. When he’d joked about phone sex, she’d nearly collapsed in on herself.
Emory rolls over on her side, pulling her phone from her pocket so it’s not uncomfortable. Suddenly, the familiar pain in her joints hits her. That’s new. Usually she has a mostly coherent, pain free existence until nighttime when the withdrawal pain catches up to her. But it’s three in the afternoon!
“Noooo. It’s too early, come on!” she groans. 
A sudden buzzing sensation under her has her jolting upright. Everything on the dresser across from the bed flies off into a heap. Emory hobbles over, pain seizing up her joints, but nothing is broken. Her blast of energy dissipated almost as soon as it had appeared.
On the bed, her phone is ringing. She must have been lying on top of it and missed the quieted ringtone. It’s faster to throw herself onto the bed and roll over to reach the darned thing than take the pained steps to walk closer.
“Hello?” In her haste to answer it, she hadn’t checked who was calling, but only two or three people have the number anyway.
“Hey, gorgeous. Why do you sound like you’re dying? You’re not dying, are you? I have a strict ‘no dying’ policy.”
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Next chapter... Tony calls Emory up and the two of them greatly enjoy the ensuing... conversation.
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shotheart · 7 years
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                                    This is the way you left me, I'm not pretending.                                               No hope, no love, no glory --- --                                                         No happy ending
                                  independent sole survivors from fallout 4.                                  penned by sky. -- - multiverse / multiship.       
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182 Centimeters | Tall!F!Reader x Surprise
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A great boon has been bestowed upon Aoi Todo. First, he got to meet Takada in person. Second, he gained a brother. Third, he was able to fight a special grade all in one month.
Is there anything else that could make this trip perfect?
Todo didn't think so until he lays eyes on you, standing in the middle of the hallway with luggage tucked under one arm and the other holding onto a rolling suitcase. He remembers now about Mai mentioning a late edition transfer student who was going to be joining in the school games a little late. He only wishes Mai had warned him about the other thing about you. The fact that you are an amazon in the flesh.
"She has to be 187," Todo thinks upon first seeing you and sizing you up from a respectable distance. "No, she's definitely closer to 185. Definitely, 185," he corrects as he tries to measure you by judging how far your head was away from the top door frame. When he glances down at your feet, he realizes his stupid mistake and smacks himself on the forehead. "I'm such an idiot. I forgot about her shoes." Taking your soles into account, he finally narrows down your height range. You have to be 182cm. An even 6 feet. That makes you taller than even Takada!
Todo's eyes widen upon the realization.
You had half his attraction factor right there; and with his help in training, you would definitely have the second half. He knows plenty of exercises that would make your ass look great and have the rest of your body strong enough to toss any curse. You guys could make training into dates, and dates would lead to the two of you making kissy faces. Aoi can already picture it. Naturally, you'd be admiring him, shirtless and glistening with sweat, unable to take your eyes off him. Then, you'd grow embarrassed when he would call you out on it and try to look away like you were never staring in the first place. Luckily for you, he wouldn't mind if you wanted to look at his chiseled chest a little while longer. Or better yet, touch it. 
Todo isn't sure what he's done to deserve such luck. Perhaps the world is rewarding him for finally breaking his record of 1000 sit-ups in an hour or maybe it's the limited-edition lucky Takada-chan charm that arrived in a mail a week earlier working its magic?
Either way, this might be the best year of his life, Todo decides.
That is until he hears a familiar voice. 
"Hey there! How are you doing?" Yuuji asks loudly as he walks up to your person. Todo should've known. Of course, his brother would sense best girl material walking into the building.
"My name is Yuuji. What's yours?"
"I'm (Name). I'm a new student here. I'm a little lost actually. Could you help me out?"
Even your voice sounds so cute! You were so perfect.
That means Yuuji had no chance with the way he was doing things now. Despite Todo wanting you for himself, he could never leave his brother to make such an embarrassment of himself. If the two of them are to battle for your love, it has to be a fair battle.
"Yeah, the dorms are thi—" Yuuji yelps as he's suddenly tugged away from you and dragged around the nearest corner, leaving you in a confused state where you stood.
"What’s the big idea?" Yuuji asks, breaking free from the grasp that held him.
"I'm trying to save you, brother! What do you think you're doing walking up to a woman like that so casually?" Todo asks.
It takes Yuuji a few seconds to realize that Todo meant you were the woman that couldn't be so casually spoken to since he's fairly sure you're a first-year like him. "I'm pretty sure she's the same age as us, dude."
This is worse than he thought. He's definitely going to have to give Yuuji the rundown on how to properly ask a girl out. "That doesn't matter. She's still a lady that requires finesse if you're going to try to ask her out," Todo says. 
Sadly, they are too busy in their discussion to notice you getting impatient for Yuuji to return or to notice another one of your classmates passing them and heading in your direction. You are just thankful to finally have someone help walk you to your dorm and not ditch you instead.
For the rest of the day, Yuuji is stuck with Todo lecturing in his ear. The first time being at the baseball game against the Kyoto school.
"First, you need to set the mood. And by mood, I mean you need to get her attention on you. Do something to impress her without her knowing you're trying to impress her," Todo instructs as you round home base on long legs, which Todo claims is made for a goddess. You were able to get a score for the team thanks to Fushiguro's sacrifice bunt, and the two of you take a seat in the dugout.
"Shouldn't you be helping your team?" Yuuji asks Todo after seeing him compliment your score. Todo sighs. Obviously, Yuuji needs more lessons. 
Eventually, Yuuji steps up to the plate for his turn. Naturally, he hits a home run. As he rounds home, he sees you applauding loudly. Your eyes perfectly on him. It definitely feels good to have a cute girl's attention, and Yuuji realizes that he did really want to ask you out. He wonders if Todo thinks that's a good way to set the mood.
The next time Todo decides to instruct Yuuji is after they all take their showers and decide to rest up before dinner. "Next, you need to leave a letter under her door. Something to pique her interest and make her want to meet up with you."
Luckily, Yuuji has seen this before in anime. "Right, right. I heard of that actually." He easily drafted a letter and slid it under your dorm door. It sounds like you're talking to someone else on the other side so Yuuji hopes you'll see it in time so the two of you can meet up in fifteen minutes.
"Finally, make sure the place you meet up is scenic," Todo says, nodding his head and closing his eyes to repeat the steps in his head as he follows his brother to the school's courtyard. Impress? Check. Letter? Check. Scenic meet-up place? Check.
It isn't until he feels Yuuji's hand on his shoulder and a quick thanks that Todo realizes his mistake. Yuuji rushes away from him to the other side of the courtyard where you're waiting with the letter in hand. 
"My name is Yuuji. I don't know if you remember me from class."
"Oh, yes, I know! You hit that homerun. It was really great."
Todo stands in shock. 
...He was so busy trying to teach that he actually forgot to pursue you first!
"Really? Thanks! I was just trying to make sure I actually hit it. I wasn't expecting it to go so far." Yuuji laughed. "So, (Name), I was wondering if you wanna go out together?"
Todo could cry. Actually, he already feels the tears coming down his face, but his brother could at least be happy. And if his brother is happy, that's all he needed!
"I'm sorry," you say sweetly. "I only showed up because I didn't want to stand you up, but the truth is I already like someone, and I wouldn't feel comfortable going out with someone when I have a crush on another person."
Todo's ears ring with your words. You already like someone!
"Oh, well, that's too bad, I guess. Thanks for telling me," Yuuji says with a disappointed yet understanding smile while Todo finds the opportunity to scoot in the middle of your conversation.
"Excuse me but your crush wouldn't happen to be on me by any chance?" he asks, hopeful.
You force a smile onto your face and tilt your head. "Sorry...Have we met?" you ask, nervously.
Todo gasps as he feels his world crashing down. Your date. Your marriage. Your kids. All gone, and it’s all black in his memory after that. The next thing he can recall is sitting in the eating area with Itadori. He remembers this heartache once before. "It's just like with Takada-chan..." he mumbles heartbrokenly.
"I told you already. We never went to the same middle school, and you never confessed to Takada," Yuuji grumbles, but Todo knows that Yuuji is only trying to make him feel better. He is so lucky to have such a good brother.
"Who...Who do you think it is anyway?"
Yuuji pauses.
He actually wonders that as well.
Then, they hear your voice ringing through the dining hall. Immediately, both sets of eyes are on you. 
"Fushiguro-kun, I wanted to thank you for helping me get settled into the academy. My mom gave me a buy one, get one free for a sushi place for when I made some friends, so...I was wondering if you wanted to be my plus one?"
Then, Yuuji finally gets it. He had been ignoring the small conversations happening around him the entire time thanks to Todo's interruptions.
The Hall.
"Excuse me. I'm looking for the dorms. Gojo-sensei was supposed to show me, but he got sidetracked so I've been sort of left on my own."
"Of course, he did. Geeze, that guy." Megumi sighs. "You can follow me. I'll show you where some empty rooms near the other girls are."
"Thank you so much! I'm (Name) by the way."
"Fushiguro," he states plainly and simply as you struggle behind him with your luggage. "Is that stuff heavy? Want me to help you carry it?"
”Yes. My arms got numb while I was waiting. Thank you so much!”
The Game.
"Out!" Gojo says. Fushiguro rounds first base to head back to the dugout, but you at least made it home to score. You head to the dugout as well.
"That's too bad, Fushiguro. You'll get it next time," you say, sitting next to him.
"As long as Kugisaki made it to second and you made it home then it's fine. I'm not really too hyped up on winning anyway."
”Oh. I was really looking forward to seeing you get one.”
”Too bad. Guess you’ll have to wait,” and by “wait” Megumi had meant probably not ever but you laughed anyway even though you had got what he meant. 
”I don’t mind waiting.”
The Dorms.
"Kugisaki-san said you could summon different shikigami animals."
"That's true."
"Would you mind showing me sometime? I love animals."
"What is your favorite?"
"I really like rabbits. Are you able to summon those?"
"Not at the moment, but I’ll show you when I learn it. How do you feel about dogs instead?"
”That cute dog was yours? That’s amazing.”
And now.
"Yeah, sure. I wasn't really in the mood for anything at school anyway," Fushiguro agrees, and your face lights up with a glow that could rival sunshine. Yuuji thinks if he squints he can see the anime hearts starting to dance over your head but Fushiguro didn't seem to mind.
Itadori could almost laugh. That's a new record in anyone ever befriending Fushiguro. The two of you must have hit it off really well. Yuuji smiles. In that case, he couldn't be upset. That must mean fate has something in store for you guys, and he didn't want to get in the way. "I guess girls really do like that cool, quiet type."
Meanwhile, Todo is crying in defeat. How could a woman like you like Fushiguro? 
"He's so boring though..."
599 notes · View notes
night-eagle-flight · 3 years
Just Go For It! (Modern AU)
Connor Kenway x reader
So this one-shot is a modern AU but I hope you enjoy!
“That’ll be all for today. Everyone is dismissed.” Shay said as he ended the meeting. As everyone left you began to put away the notes you had taken for Shay.
“That invitation to dinner is still open if you want to join me lass.” Shay said as he looked over some of the notes you had taken. 
You smiled, “I’m grateful for the invitation but I have some things to do today after work.”
Shay made a side smirk, “Next time then.”
You stood up and began to head to your shared office. When you opened the door you were greeted by a tall man with greying hair who was accompanied by a younger man with dark hair.
“Um... Can I help you?” You asked wondering how they got into the locked office.
“Good Evening,” the grey haired man stood up, “My name is Haytham Kenway and this, “he gestured, “is my son. Connor.” You shook both their hands as Haytham looked towards you, “We are here to speak with Shay Cormac regarding a couple upcoming projects.”
“Here I am sir.” Shay said as he walked in, “Sorry for the tardiness, but I was-”
“Busy flirting with your assistant, yes?” Haytham said with a smirk.
Shay blushed slightly, “N-no sir.”
You couldn’t help but blush as well but Haytham simply smiled at you and looked back at Shay, “Let’s get down to business.” 
You sat down wondering how Haytham knew and that’s when you caught Connor’s eye for a second before he looked away. You smiled and began to sit down to take notes.
“Excellent.” Haytham said as he stood, “It seems everything is in order. Connor? Have you anything to add?”
You looked at him curiously. During the whole meeting whenever Shay would look at you Connor would glare at him and whenever Shay’s eye lingered he would clear his throat to regain Shay’s attention. 
“No.” He looked over to you and smiled, “I look forward to working with all of you for this month.”
“Month?” Shay asked slightly surprised.
“Did I forget to mention that Connor is starting up his own business and wanted to see how we worked ours?” Haytham stated.
“Might have slipped your mind sir.” Shay said with a small deadpanned expression. He gave Connor a side glance and asked, “I thought you’d be taking over the family business?” 
Connor shrugged and offered no answer.
“Connor wishes to show me that he has better ideas that will help the community far more than what I do. I am simply playing along to humor him.” Haytham gave Connor a smug grin which made Connor’s eyes roll.
“Um.... Is it ok if I go? I don’t want to miss the last bus.” You said as the banter continued.
“I can take y-” Shay was interrupted.
“Nonsense. You and I still have a few things to go over privately.” Haytham interrupted, “Connor, perhaps you can drive the young lady home?” 
“I don’t want to impose!” You said slightly startled. 
“It is alright if you allow me.” Connor said looking away slightly as he put on his coat.
You could see Shay shooting a small glare at Connor but you acted like you didn’t see it seeing that Haytham looked far too amused and was enjoying the show. 
“If it’s ok with you.” You said as you followed him. You looked back, “I’ll see you tomorrow Shay and it was a pleasure to meet you Haytham!”
“Goodbye (Y/n).” Shay said with a sigh.
“Goodbye dear.” Haytham said as he put his hand on Shay’s shoulder.
When you and Connor were gone Haytham chuckled, “In love with your secretary?” 
Shay dropped his head, “We went to school together sir.”
“Ah. The classical college crush then?” Haytham smirked.
“You can say that.” Shay chuckled a bit, “But then you come along and added competition.” He sighed, “Looks like your son has taken an interest.”
“To be fair, Connor was the one who asked me to intervene. He was going to knock on your door and he saw how you looked at her when you asked her out for dinner. Something about you not being able to take a hint.” Haytham put on his coat as Shay’s face pinched, “Besides. I doubt he’ll be able to woo her anyway so I wouldn’t worry too much.”
“What makes you say that sir?” Shay followed Haytham out of the office.
“Simple.” Haytham smiled, “My son can’t flirt.”
Connor was certainly a gentleman. He opened the car door for you before getting inside and he asked if you were too hot or cold to adjust the car AC. But after that... it was utter silence. So you tried to make conversation,
“Thank you again for driving me home.” You said.
“You’re welcome.” He said warmly.
................ utter silence once more.
“Your dad said you were shadowing him to start your own business, correct?” You asked.
“Yes.” You noticed Connor’s hand tighten a bit on the wheel, “I know that my idea will be beneficial to everyone but my father insists that it’s a waste of time and that I should stay with the family business.”
“I see.” You thought for a second, “Well, I don’t know if this means anything but... I’ll cheer on and support your dream.” You smiled at him, “If you need help with notes or just need someone to speak with I’d be more than happy to listen.”
Connor felt his heart thump but a smile finally appeared on his face, “Thank you.”
The silence became comfortable and soon you were home. Connor waited until you were inside to drive off and he couldn’t help but wave when you unlocked your door to go inside.
“You both drove in utter silence didn’t you?” Haytham said as soon as Connor stepped inside the presidential suite.
Connor glared at his dad who was reading the newspaper, “It was not utter silence.”
“I see. So you said maybe 30 words or less?” 
“I.....” He thought back, “Be quiet father... It was 34.”
Haytham barked out a laugh, finally putting down the newspaper to laugh harder at his son’s expense.
Connor rolled his eyes. 
He was ready for bed.
It had been a week since Connor and Haytham came by and you found out that Haytham’s sass had bite and Connor was probably one of the nicest people you ever met. They were like night and day.
“Daydreaming lass?” Shay asked from across the lunch table you sat in. You blinked at he continued, “You’ve seemed a bit distracted lately.” He placed a bag in front of you, “I noticed you weren’t eating and figured you forgot your lunch again.”
“Oh um...” You smiled, “Thank you Shay.”
Both of you ate together as you chatted and as both of you finished Connor approached your table.
“(Y/N), when you’re done with your lunch can you meet me in my office?” He asked.
“Oh Su-”
“She’s busy.” Shay interrupted, “I need her to take notes for a conference call we’re having.” 
Connor gave him a side glance, “It was cancelled an hour ago.”
You saw Shay toss him a glare but you kicked his foot lightly under the table and gave him a pleading smile when he looked at you.
“Fine.” Shay said with a sigh, “But when you’re done (Y/N) we do need to prepare for our conference tomorrow.”
You nodded as you stood up, “Lead the way Connor.”
Once both of you were at his office he started to speak, “Are you still interested in taking a few notes for my business?”
“Yeah!” You immediately took out your notepad, “Ready when you are.”
Connor began to talk about his plans and would often asked about your input. What you thought, what you suggested, and so on. Soon 2 hours flew by. Yes you had been taking notes but both of you would get slightly side tracked when one topic would jump to something personal or a slight side joke.
“I see you 2 must be done if you’re laughing.” Shay said as Haytham stood behind him.
“Oh!” You stood up, “I’m sorry Shay. I didn’t realize the time.” You gave the notepad to Connor and walked off in a hurry to Shay’s office. Shay stared him down for a second before he soon followed you.
“Well then Connor.” Haytham said as he entered, “I hope you didn’t get her into trouble for nothing.” He sat down on the chair in front of Connor’s desk and leaned in on his arms, “Let me hear about your 1st week in my company and your first draft of your proposal.”
“You and Connor seem to be getting close.” Shay said bluntly.
You paused and looked at him, “He only asked me to take notes for him and help him with his draft.”
“So laughing was part of his draft I assume?” 
You rolled your eyes a bit, “Shay. You and I talk and laugh when we work together. I can’t do that with a new coworker?”
He looked away, “You can. Just...” He sighed, “Nevermind. Let’s just keep organizing.”
You continued working and whispered, “We’re still friends... right?” 
“We are lass.” He looked over and smiled, “We are.”
“This is painful to watch.” Shay told Haytham as he watched Connor try and fail multiple times in putting his hand over yours on the lunch break table.
“She’s no better.” Haytham said, “Whenever (Y/N) tries to compliment my son her voice becomes too quiet and she stutters whenever Connor asks her to repeat herself.”
“Today is the last day you’re here isn’t that right sir?” Asked Shay.
“Yes.” Haytham sipped his tea, “If he doesn’t make a move he’ll miss his chance.”
“Let’s hope.” Shay muttered.
“Nothing sir.” Shay said.
The day continued awkwardly and whenever you and Connor would look at each other you’d both blush and look away. 
Soon it was time for them to leave and you walked to Shay’s office to give them you farewells.
“Ah. Ms. (Y/N).” Haytham said when he turned around. He walked over and stretched out his hand, “It was a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to seeing you grow in this company. Perhaps one day you’ll have Shay’s job.”
You giggled as Shay rolled his eyes with a smile.
“Goodbye (Y/N).” Connor said as he went for a hug but stopped midway when he saw you stretch out your hand for a handshake. Both of you laughed nervously and the you went for a hug when he went for a handshake.
This was awkward...
You hurried and shook his hand, “It was great to meet you Connor. I know your company will flourish with you at the helm.”
“Thank you.” Was all he could say as his mind was racing, ‘Say something else!’ He thought, ‘Here’s my number! I enjoyed working with you! Something!’
“I will... see you again one day.” Connor said.
“Yeah.” You said with a smile, “Take care.”
You took a few steps back and then turned to walk away leaving the men alone. Connor’s eyes lingered while Haytham and Shay shook their heads.
You were sad to see Connor go but you knew his stay would be temporary. When you had gotten home, you showered, changed into regular clothing, and headed out for the night to get your mind off him.
“Maybe a movie will get my mind of him.” You whispered.
There had been a movie rerun that you had really wanted to see in theaters and tonight would be the last showing. You had been so busy at work that you thought you were going to miss it. You bought your ticket, got your snacks, and sat down on your seat.
What you hadn’t noticed was the 2 men that had been sitting 3 rows behind you. 
“She’s here.” Connor whispered.
“Well it’s not like you’re going to do something about it.” Haytham popped a popcorn in his mouth, “As soon as you like a girl you start to shy away and become painfully awkward.”
“No. I’m not going to miss this chance.” Connor said to his father.
“Well if you don’t hurry you will.” Haytham stated, “Shay has been pursuing her for quite a bit and by the looks of it, he’s planning to sit down next to her.” He looked at Connor, “If you don’t decide to go out with her now, Shay will.”
Connor saw Shay had walked in and was looking for a seat. So he stood up after grabbing the bucket of popcorn from his father, jumped down the 3 rows making popcorn rain, and sat next to you. You were clearly startled but you calmed down once you saw who it was.
“Hi.” Connor said as he offered you the bucket, “Popcorn?”
“Um.. sure?” You said as you picked one from the now half full bucket, “You like kettle corn too!!!???”
“Yes. I... uh...” He saw Shay glare at him as he walked towards Haytham, “they’re my favorite.”
The movie started and you took a chance to lean your head on his shoulder. He smiled as he took a chance as well and intertwined his fingers with yours. As the movie progressed he looked at you and you turned when you felt him staring.
“What is it?” You asked
He leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. You reciprocated making the kiss that much sweeter. 
“Perhaps... we can be more than friends?” He said slightly shyly.
“I’d like that” You smiled and both of you leaned closer to each other to enjoy the movie.
“Finally.” Haytham said, “Took him long enough to just go for it.”
“Aye sir.” Shay sighed, “Guess we weren’t meant to be.”
Shay smiled when he saw how happy you looked.
“If your son breaks her heart I’m breaking his neck.” Shay said pretty bluntly.
Haytham snorted, “Protective as always.”
They were quiet for a second.
“Shay grab me a bucket of popcorn will you.” Haytham pretty much ordered, “Connor stole mine.”
“Right away sir.”
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holidaywishes · 3 years
you finally made sense
Tumblr media
  Requested: 👍
  Summary/Request: So Jacob Markstrom idea for whenever you’re ready. Because I am simple and just love the idea I would love to see how you would write friends to lovers but where Jacob has known for a while that he wanted more but the reader is much slower to come to a realization. Like maybe she realizes when someone makes a comment about how they are such  a cute couple or something.
  Warning: Google Translate, fluff, maybe some language?
  Author’s Note: For some reason, this GIF doesn’t come up in the GIF search but I love it too much not to use, so I believe it’s from @droppedgloves​ and I want to thank them for it. It’s beautiful, thank you. Fun fact: I forgot what the ‘plan’ was after I wrote “here’s the plan” because I had to save it as a draft and do other stuff 😂😂 I’m not super familiar with Markstrom, so I had to spend a good full day scrolling through YouTube to watch videos and interviews of him to get a sense of his personality so I could figure out how I wanted to write him and, here’s another fun fact: I didn’t realize that video of the goalie playing with dolls (you’re the better goalie, you’re the better goalie) was actually Markstrom so that made me giggle when I was watching stuff. @mandypants95​ I hope this gives you a little bit of what you were looking for. Friends to Lovers is fun to write because of all the cliché’s that come with it so I hope everyone enjoys it, even just a little bit! It’s quite long, like I told mandypants, it kind of got away on me, so just prepare yourself 😂Stay golden, loves! <3
  P.S. The names of Marky’s friends are not real people, -- he might have friends with these names but I have no idea, -- I just needed to make up some names for his friends 😜
  P.P.S. If you keep seeing this appear after you’ve liked it, I’m sorry. Sometimes edits need to be done because of grammar (I hate when my fics have bad grammar) and if I do it on the app, sometimes the title doesn’t save so the link gets we-- it’s a whole thing.
 the other masterlist
  You met Jake his first year playing with the Canucks but it wasn’t a natural friendship like he usually explained it to everyone. He was sweet, sure, but he was also very cocky; like he knew how good he was and was eager to make sure everyone else knew. It didn’t take long, though, for him to charm his way into your life.
  “JAKE!” you called as you walked through his front door
  “What’s up!” he yelled from the top of the stairs
  “Here’s the plan:” you started to explain, “we’re going to this bar, you’re not going to run off and leave me alone with all these strangers, we’re gonna leave when either of us decides that we’re done, got it?”
  “It’s a party, (Y/N),” he laughed, “we have to interact with them”
  “I know and it’s your birthday,” you added, “I’m just saying, I don’t know your friends. You can read me, I can read you, so just help me out a little, okay?”
  “Fine” he sighed sarcastically before running down the stairs to meet you, bumping your arm lightly with his shoulder before walking into the kitchen to grab a glass of water
  “Good” you smiled
  “Great” he teased
  “Look,” you sighed, leaning against his counter while he practically chugged his water, “don’t be weird. Don’t wear a suit and make me feel under-dressed, just wear jeans and a t-shirt”
  “It’s my birthday party...” you scoffed
  “I know, so just be comfortable” you grinned and he shook his head
  “God, you’re so demanding today” he joked
  “I have to be or you won’t listen to me”
  “You know me too well, I guess” he smiled, forcing an exaggerated eye roll from you before you turned on your heels to make your way home. “Wait, you’re leaving?”
  “Yeah” you scoffed
  “You just came over to boss me around and leave? Like this couldn’t have been done over text?”
  “I have to go get changed!” you laughed
  “What?” he chuckled, “you just told me to dress casual”
  “I know because I know you,” you admitted, “you’ll still show up looking like you’re going to some fancy event. Even in ripped jeans and a ratty t-shirt”
  “I won’t” he smiled
  “You will. Just let me go home and put on a dress. I’ll meet you there”
  “You’ll text me when you get there?”
  “As soon as the Uber turns the corner” you smirked
  “Okay, see you there.”
Jacob’s P.O.V
  You waited outside the bar for (Y/N) to show up for your birthday party that your friends from Sweden came in for but she was taking forever
  “Where are you?” you asked impatiently
  “I told you I’d text you when I was there” she sent back
  “Yeah, but you were supposed to be here like 20 minutes ago!”
  “There was traffic. I can’t control the traffic”
  “Oh I’m sure you could if you tried”
  “Yeah well, maybe next time”
  “Are you close?”
  “The car is just turning the corner now”
  “Finally” you watched as cars paced by the bar until one black Lexus pulled up in front of you and (Y/N) stepped out slowly. Your eyes couldn’t help but follow her as she walked toward you, completely enthralled by the deep blue colour of her dress as it swished side to side. “Wait” you stopped her from walking into the bar, ahead of you
  “What?” she sighed as she stepped back in front of you
  “Why are you allowed to dress like that,” you gestured to her before gesturing to your outfit, “and I have to dress like this?”
  “Because,” she started, a smile creeping across her face, “these are your friends. They’ve never met me before and I want to make a good impression”
  “But it’s not like they need to approve of you,” you smirked, “we’re not dating”
  “Oh I know,” she scoffed, “but if I look good, that makes you look good. They’ll know that you’re not failing over here because you hang out with awesome people like me” she turned and walked into the bar, grabbing your arm so she could drag you in after her. Her laugh, paired with her warm touch, sent your heart racing and you hoped she would hold onto you longer but as soon as your friends greeted you, she let go
  “GRATTIS PÅ FÖDELSEDAGEN!” they shouted, grabbing you and practically tossing you back and forth between them before you noticed (Y/N)’s uncomfortable expression. You moved your hand to rest on her back
  “Guys, this is my friend, (Y/N),” you said, pushing her forward so they could see her, “(Y/N), this is George, Niklas, Ollie, Sam, Malcolm, Dustin, Eric and Corey”
  “Wow,” she exhaled with a laugh, looking at you as she tried to think of something to say, “forgive me if I mix up your names. Jake moves a lot faster than I do”
  “Guess that’s what makes him a good goalie?” Ollie joked and (Y/N) nodded
  “So you guys are just friends?” Dustin pried
  “Yes” (Y/N) was quick to answer and you hoped that none of the boys noticed your face fall
  “Let’s get some drinks!” Niklas exclaimed, directing (Y/N) to the bar while the rest of you followed behind them
  “Så är du verkligen bara vänner?” George started, speaking Swedish so (Y/N) wouldn’t be able to understand
  “Ja” you scoffed
  “Av eget val?” Corey asked
  “Så klart det är” you countered
  “Ja? Din eller hennes?” Dustin teased
  “What are you boys gossiping about?” (Y/N) laughed before you could answer, catching your eyes and a pathetic smile as the group sat at the bar
  “They’re just asking when I’m gonna win the cup” you lied
  “Did you guys meet here? In Calgary?” Ollie asked her, ignoring your lie
  “No, actually we met in Vancouver,” she admitted with a smile, “in 2016?”
  “Yep,” you added, “the end of 2016. We were instant friends”
  “No we weren’t” she laughed
  “What?!” you said, shocked at her confession
  “Ooh, Jakey, what did you do?” Malcolm teased
  “Nothing! I was a complete gentleman” you tried
  “No he was,” she laughed, placing her hand on your arm to reassure you, “you were. He was very sweet but he knew I knew who he was and I didn’t really wanna give in to it, you know what I mean? But we kinda stayed in touch for a couple days, had lunch with some of my friends, he got us tickets to a game and made us feel welcome and all that. It was all very sweet”
  “So what was the issue?” Malcolm asked, as if he knew something had changed
  “I got a job in Calgary. I had moved to Vancouver for University but I was about to graduate and the island was a little too expensive to live on after having the loans I had. So when I moved back to Calgary, we just kinda couldn’t really become friends” she replied
  “But obviously you did” Corey added
  “He found me on Instagram and added me,“ she laughed and you could feel your face fill with heat, “then he just wouldn’t leave me alone”
  “And then he got traded here” Sam finally added, earning a round of laughs from everyone when they realized he hadn’t said anything
  “Then he got traded here. During a Pandemic, in the weirdest season of Hockey I’ve ever witnessed” she laughed
  “She flipped when I told her”
  “I hadn’t kept up with the trade deadline” she added
  “So she was in the middle of a Zoom call or something” you continued, the two of you now telling the story together
  “When I get this text”
  “I wrote, purposely very cryptically, I’m coming to see you”
  “And I was obviously very creeped out”
  “But she still replied”
  “Well, I had to figure out what the hell he was talking about!” she laughed, pushing your shoulder playfully
  “Sure but you could’ve just been like ‘this is a joke’ and left it at that” you teased before she rolled her eyes
  “Anyway…” she smirked, “I sent back a message asking what the hell he was talking about”
  “So I told her I got traded and she sent a voice note practically screaming”
  “I was excited”
  “I was nervous but I was happy that I’d have a friend in the city outside of hockey”
  “So I asked him when he was going to get into the city, to see if we could meet up”
  “I told her”
  “But then Alberta went into a weird quasi-lockdown and I didn’t want to get him in trouble”
  “So we FaceTimed”
  “Which we’d obviously done a million times over the years”
  “We caught up”
  “Planned to get together”
  “Which we did, pretty soon after, and now here we are”
  “Here you are” George interjected, leading you and (Y/N) to laugh awkwardly before each taking a sip from your respective drinks and Niklas pointed out a booth where everyone could sit and talk without having to crane your necks. After a while, and a few more cocktails, everyone seemed to be getting along which, honestly, made you smile; something that Ollie was all too quick to notice.
  "I'll be right back" (Y/N) said with a smile before she started to push you out of the booth, leaving you with your friends and their very obvious questions
  "Before you say anything," you smirked, "just don't"
  "Come on" George laughed
  "If you already know what we're going to say, why don't you answer the question?" Sam added
  "Come on, Jakey" Malcolm teased
  "Säg det" Corey added
  "Säg vad?" you played dumb
  "Kom igen..." Eric continued
  "Ingen aning om vad du pratar om..."
  "Hur länge har du älskat henne?" Dustin finally asked
  "Hey!" you exclaimed when you saw (Y/N), trying to get them to forget about the question
  "Hi," she said, caught off guard by your excitement, "everything okay?"
  "Yeah" you answered, letting her back in before you squeezed in next to her
  "You sure?" she said, furrowing her brow
  "Yeah! We just wanted to get another round but wanted to make sure you were here before we did..."
  "You're a terrible liar" she laughed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and exposing her neck
  "Så... ska du berätta för henne att du älskar henne eller måste någon av oss göra det?" Sam said, causing (Y/N)'s head to ping pong back and forth between the two of you, as if she was trying to understand what he said to you
  "What did he say?" she asked you, leaning into you, causing your cheeks to flush with heat
  "Nothing," you said, distracted by her peach-scented shampoo and the way she didn't move away from you, clearing your throat when you realized that you were almost moving toward her, "they're just teasing me. You all have that in common”
  “Yeah, something tells me that’s not what he said” she smirked, her eyes dancing between yours before she sat back up and continued talking with the guys; they told her stories about how you were as a kid, she laughed and said that you hadn’t changed at all.
  “It was nice to meet you, (Y/N),” Malcolm said, “take care of him while we’re gone okay?”
  “I will” she smiled
  “Take care of yourself, too” Corey added
�� “And you,” George pointed to you with a smirk, “you take care of her”
  “Yeah yeah yeah” you joked
  "Vi är seriösa, J," Niklas said, "Hon är för bra för dig men om du tar hand om henne ..."
  "Då vet du..." Sam added, raising his eyebrows as (Y/N) called a cab
  "Allvarligt killar, sluta" you sighed
  "Du älskar henne" Ollie whispered
  "Berätta bara för henne," Dustin said while Eric nodded his head
  "Det är inte så enkelt" you sighed, watching (Y/N) continue to try to hail a cab and fail, dropping her head in annoyance
  “Come on!” you heard her yell, earning a scoff from you
  ”Har jag varit kär i henne i ungefär två år? Ja," you confessed, "spelar det någon roll? Nej, för hon känner inte samma sak om mig och jag tänker inte tvinga henne att känna något hon inte gör”
  "Tycker du inte att hon förtjänar att veta det?" Sam asked
  "Vi såg hur hon såg på dig," Ollie grinned, "Jag tror att det finns några känslor där"
  "Jag tror inte det" you sighed once more, looking over at (Y/N) who had successfully hailed a cab
  “Jake!!” she called excitedly, a huge smile spread across her face, “come on! It was nice to meet you guys!” she called to your friends and they waved her goodbye, “Jake, I can’t keep this guy waiting forever!”
  "Du bör gå" George laughed
  "Hon är så bossig" Corey joked
  "Ja, det är hon" you smirked, looking at her calling you to the small yellow car and telling the driver to wait just one more minute. ”Okej killar, jag måste gå. Tack för att du kom in för att önska mig en grattis på födelsedagen,” you smiled, “Ha en säker flygning tillbaka”
  "Kommer att göra, Jakey," Malcolm said
  “Hallå!” Niklas interrupted one last time, "Berätta bara för henne"
  “Adjö” you shook your head before smiling and waving them goodbye
  “Geez! Took you long enough!” (Y/N) whined, hopping into the backseat of the cab with you close behind
  “Relax, I had to say goodbye. They came a long way” you replied
  “Such a good friend,” she said, “can I just stay at your place tonight? I’m exhausted”
  “Yeah that’s fine” you agreed, letting your hand fall next to hers, brushing her skin with your pinky and waiting for someone to break the silence
  “Where to?” the driver finally asked, bringing your attention to him before giving him your address
  “Your friends were nice,” (Y/N) added wearily, “they didn’t really like to talk in English though did they?”
  “Their Swedish is better”
  “That’s fair” she yawned, closing her eyes and leaning her head against the window. You smiled as thoughts of how your life could be with her — falling asleep next to her, caressing her skin as she slept, pushing her hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear so you could kiss her softly — but you knew she didn’t feel the same, so all you would ever be was friends.
  You fell asleep in the cab next to Jacob but you could swear you felt him watching you. He did wake you up, gently, when the cab pulled up in front of his apartment.
  “(Y/N)?” he whispered, “hey”
  “Hi. What’s going on?”
  “It’s time to go inside” he smirked
  “Oh” you scoffed, pushing yourself across the bench seat and stepping out of the cab, stumbling into Jacob when you finally stood up
  “Whoa” he chuckled, placing his arm around your waist to keep you from falling
  “I’m sorry,” she whined as you both stepped into the elevator, leaning back against the cold metal and away from Jake. “I didn’t think I drank that much but I guess I couldn’t keep up with you guys”
  “It’s okay,” he laughed and you started to drift off to sleep again, “hey, we’re almost to my place, don’t fall asleep here okay?”
  “Okay” you hummed before he started to keep you awake by telling you jokes. “Oh my god, Jake, stop!” you laughed, “your jokes are awful”
  “Hey! My jokes are pure gold” he countered
  “Sure they are” you scoffed. When the elevator finally opened, you slowly walked out, swaying and stumbling through the hallway before Jake eventually placed his hands on your waist and guided you to the door
  “Alright, here we are. Come on, drunky”
  “Why aren’t you more drunk?” you finally asked, only now noticing that he seemed very sober
  “I’m twice your size,” he laughed, “I can manage a bit more alcohol than you”
  “Yeah but you’re like… sober. Like you didn’t drink at all” you questioned before stumbling into his chest
  “Oh-kay, let’s just get you to sleep,” he said, carrying you to his bedroom
  “Hey mister,” you slurred, “what do you think you’re doing?”
  “I’m putting you in bed” he said
  “This is your bed, I don’t know what kind of ideas you have in your little Swedish brain”
  “Don’t worry, kid,” he scoffed, setting you down on the firm mattress before tucking you under the covers, “I’ll be in the guest room”
  “Wait!” you called as he started walking away, “happy birthday” you smiled, realizing you hadn’t said it to him nearly all-day
  “Thanks,” he whispered and you saw him smile while he began closing the door, “now get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.” The next morning, you heard him in the kitchen, trying to be as quiet as possible, rummaging around the cabinets
  “Hey sleepy head!” he exclaimed
  “Oh wow,” you replied softly, rubbing your temples, “why are you yelling like that?”
  "I'm sorry," he whispered but it still felt like yelling, "am I annoying you?"
  "What are you doing?" you asked, glaring at him while you sat down on the stool at the kitchen island
  "I'm making pancakes!" he smiled
  "You can't cook" you groaned, still rubbing your temples in hopes that it would cure your hangover
  "Wow, rude," he joked, throwing a metal spoon into his sink and you shuddered at the ringing of the steel that echoed through the room, "do you want some aspirin?"
  "Yes please" you smiled gratefully
  "Here" he said, handing you a glass of water and two small pills
  "Thank you," you said and he saluted you lazily, earning a scoff from you, "so what's going on today? Post birthday plans?"
  "My mom is calling in soon and then I have to go to practice, we've got a game tomorrow. In Vancouver, so we're flying out this afternoon," he replied, keeping his eyes on the food in front of him while he spoke, "so the day is pretty much set..."
  "Oh," you said, clearing your throat as you finished your glass of water, "okay. I'll just... leave you to it then"
  "What?" he scoffed, "I didn't mean it li-- you're not gonna stay and talk to my mom? You know she loves you more than she loves me"
  "Well, I am very lovable," you teased, smiling at him until your headache forced you to stop, "but I don't want to intrude or anything. I'll just grab my phone and get an Uber so I can head home"
  "Stop it," he huffed, turning off the burner and walking over to you, "I'll drive you home later, just stay and chat with me and Mom" he placed his hands on your arms before his eyes focused on your own and you found yourself unable to resist his insistence; your pursed smile giving it away before you could
  "Fine," you finally said, "I'll stay."
  "Good" he smirked, turning back to grab you a pancake, practically tossing the plate to you. When his mom finally Facetimed him, he was in the other room so you were forced to greet her first
  "Hey, Lena!" you exclaimed
  "(Y/N)! Darling! How are you?" she asked, her smile so much like her sons
  "I'm good, how are you?"
  "I'm good! Thank you for asking," she smiled, looking past you for Jake, "now, where is my son?"
  "He's probably off puking somewhere," you joked, "he really can't handle his alcohol in his old age"
  "His tolerance must have lowered since moving to Canada"
  "Especially when the actual alcohol percentages are so low compared to Sweden"
  "I'm disappointed in him" she laughed
  "Me too!" you added, laughing with her before Jake finally walked into frame, standing behind you with his arms on either side of you and his chin resting on the top of your head
  "Alright you two," he smirked, "stop making fun of me"
  "It's your fault," you teased, tilting your head so you were looking up at him directly, "not being in the room and all"
  "When will I learn?" he joked, looking down at you before making a funny face
  "Never. You'll never learn. You're impossible" you laughed, sticking your tongue out at him as he pushed your shoulder and sat down in the seat beside you
  "You two are so sweet" Lena smirked
  "Ma..." Jake sighed
  "We are sweet, aren't we?" you replied, noticing both Lena and Jacob shake their heads; granted, with different expressions on their face
  "It's not--" he started, exasperated after having clearly had this conversation with his mom more than once
  "What's wrong?" you asked, confused
  "I think you're the most adorable couple I've ever seen, honestly" Lena admitted and you scoffed, a blush creeping into your cheeks
  "Oh, whoa," you smiled, "Jake, have you been going around telling your parents we're dating?"
  "No" he sighed, closing his eyes lightly as if he was embarrassed
  "I've been trying to get him to ask you out for months now but he won't do it" she teased
  "Well, he wouldn't," you said, looking between the mother and son, "because we're just friends. He wouldn't want to ruin that"
  "Alright mom," he said, over the back and forth, "enough of this conversation. I've got to take (Y/N) home, okay? Love you, thanks for the chat"
  "Hey, Jacob!" Lena yelled before he could end the call, "we haven't spoken, don't hang up on me like that"
  "I'll just.. go wait outside" you whispered, watching him sit down in front of his computer to await the disappointed words that his mom would soon say to him. You waited outside for a few minutes before checking if his truck was unlocked, sitting on the step when you saw that it wasn't and realizing that if you tried to open the door, the alarm would go off. It was another hour before Jacob finally came outside to meet you
  "Sorry about that" he sighed
  "That's okay. She called to talk to you, I'd be upset too if someone tried to hang up on me when I specifically called t--"
  "Yeah, I get it," he said through bared teeth, "let's just go, okay? I have to be at practice soon" you furrowed your brow but got into the passenger seat, looking at him take a deep breath before starting the car. You thought about the words his mother used when she spoke about you and Jacob. You two are so sweet, the most adorable couple I've ever seen, I've been trying to get him to ask you out for months. It was all kind of odd to you. Not only that Lena had said it, or that she and Jake had clearly had the conversation before, but that he was so irritated by the whole interaction. Why was he so upset? you thought to yourself. Did he think you were embarrassed? Did he think that you would be hurt that he had never agreed to take you out on a date? Or was there something that he had said to Lena that he didn't want you to hear?
  "Jake?" you said, as he drove through the city silently but he didn't respond. Soon enough, he pulled up outside of your apartment building and you hesitated before finally jumping out of the car, with just enough time to clear the door before Jake sped away from you. What the fuck? you scoffed, heading inside in hopes of clearing your head. You spent the day racking your brain about what could have gotten Jake so upset but nothing came to mind; nothing you said was rude, or at least you didn't think it was, and everything was true, so what was his deal?
  "Tell me exactly what happened?" your friend, Susie, asked from the other end of the phone after you had explained the morning to her
  "Again?" you whined
  "Yes, again, I need to know if you're missing something"
  "We went for drinks last night, for his birthday, with his friends. We all laughed and had a good time. I drank too much, stayed at his place, in separate rooms. When I woke up, we joked around like we always do, he gave me some aspirin and made some pancakes before his mom called from Sweden" you exclaimed, smirking to yourself a little while you thought of the conversation you and Lena had before Jake came back into the room. "She loves me, so we joked about Jake a bunch but then he came into the room, stood behind me and rested his chin on my head. I looked up at him and we teased each other a bit more. Lena said we were sweet, I said yeah of course but Jake seemed to.. argue with her? I don't know, Lena kept going saying that we made a cute couple but I corrected her, saying we were just friends. My exact words were to Jake 'have you been going around telling your parents we're dating?' to which he said No and then Lena said she's been trying to get him to ask me out for a while but he's always said no"
  "And what did you say...?" Susie interjected, her tone telling you that she was hearing something that you clearly weren't
  "I said that he wouldn't ask me out because we were just friends," you replied plainly. It was the truth, what was wrong with that? "and that he wouldn't want to ruin that"
  "He wouldn't?" she questioned with a scoff before continuing, "fine. What happened after that?"
  "Things got weird and tense. I let them talk alone and then he drove me home in a weird mood. He barely talked to me, he barely even looked at me!"
  "(Y/N)..." she sighed, "(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)..."
  "What? What? What?" you scoffed in reply
  "HOW ARE YOU SO BLIND?!" she shouted through the phone, forcing you to pull it from your ear for a minute
  "What are you talking about?"
  "I've seen it for years," she said, "but I always thought you knew. But you really don't, do you?"
  "Know what? What have you seen for years?"
  "The way you'd stop everything when he called, the way you'd schedule FaceTimes like clockwork, the way he knows your favourite colour as it changes from week to week. The fact that he could have anyone he wanted, who would want him back, but he chooses to ask you to hang out with him all the time, from a different province? A different time zone?" she explained but you were still lost
  "We're friends. We like hanging out with each other and we can't really do that in person because of what's happening now. Plus, he's so busy..."
  "(Y/N)!!!" she yelled again, "COME ON!"
  "JUST SPIT IT OUT! I'm clearly not gonna get what you're trying to get me to get..."
  "He's been in love with you for years. Probably since the two of you started really getting to know each other," she said and the words hung in the air as you tried to grasp them, "but when you said that you were just friends? He probably thought that he was never going to be anything more than that to you. Maybe he thinks he's wasted his time all these years"
  "He's not in love with me" was all you could think to say
  "Yes, he is," she laughed, "and you're in love with him"
  "Now, hold on," you scoffed, "I'm pretty sure I would know if I were in love with somebody"
  "Would you?"
  "Of course I would"
  "Fine," she replied, seemingly dropping the conversation, "but he is in love with you and I think you need to talk to him about it"
  "And say what?" you asked
  "I don't know..." she said, her smirk ever present on her words, "but I'm sure you'll think of something"
  "I gotta go," she interrupted, "keep me in the loop. Love you, bye!"
  "WAIT!" you shouted to a now static line, "well what the fuck...?" you said to yourself. You were left alone with the thought that Jake might have feelings for you and the words that Susie tried to convince you were true
  "You're in love with him, too" it was nonsense. You couldn't love Jake... It was Jake. He was Jacob Markström. Was there a part of you that found him attractive? Yes. Yeah, sure but were you in love with him? No. No, there's no way.
  "FUCK!" you shouted to your empty apartment, as you paced through the living room, "why would she say that? It doesn't matter. I don't love him. I mean, he's Jake. He's just the guy who teases me for literally every move I make. So, he knows that my favourite colour changes every week, who cares? That doesn't mean anything. Sure, you knew that he loves Country music more than he's actually confessed in his interviews, but that's just what happens when you're friends with someone. And, yes, when the light hit him just right, he looked like he was covered in gold but that's not him. That's the sun... It's not like he's a god or anything, he's just got blonde hair and the sun does stuff to blonde hair..." you could feel yourself making excuses but you had to because maybe you didn't want it to be true. You couldn't be in love with him, could you? "Fuck" you sighed.
Jacob's P.O.V
  You had been ignoring (Y/N) for almost a week at this point. You weren’t sure what to do or say to her knowing now, for sure, that she only thought of you as friends but you hated not having her around. She had become such an integral part of your life and not having her there just felt... wrong
  “Jake, talk to me, please!” she texted and you sighed, staring at your phone and contemplating an answer but you just couldn’t think of something to say, “JAKE! I know you’re getting these messages. Just let me talk to you please. If you don’t want to say anything fine but I need to talk to you”
  “Are you gonna leave me alone if I let you talk?” you finally gave in
  “Yes,” she sent back, “but I need to see you to say all of this...”
  “Seriously?” you scoffed
  “Yes. Seriously. Please?”
  “Fine. When are you free?”
  “Right now!” she replied quickly
  “I can’t right now. I literally just walked into the locker room, how about tomorrow?”
  “How about after practice? I can meet you at the Dome...”
  “Fine” you huffed to yourself
  “Everything okay?” Tanny asked when he heard your exasperation
  “Yeah” you sighed, holding up your phone to let him know that it was something on there
  “Great!” (Y/N) added, “I’ll see you at four?”
  “Yeah sure, fine” you tossed your phone into the shelf in your stall and rubbed your face in frustration
  “Yo, Marky...” Chris continued, noticing your stress, “seriously man, what’s going on?”
  “(Y/N) wants to meet up and ‘talk’” you replied, putting air quotes around talk
  “The girlfriend wants to break up huh?” he chirped and you scoffed, shaking your head in return
  “I’ve been ignoring her for like a week. I don’t know what to say to her... I’ve been able to hide my feelings for her for so long but she finally said to my mom, on my birthday, that all we’ll ever be is friends and, I don’t know, I just don’t know what to say to her. I don’t know if I can hide how I feel anymore”
  “She has feelings for you, too” he said
  “Yeah.. she thinks of me as a big brother”
  “No,” he countered, “she has the same feelings for you as you do for her. She’s just scared to admit it”
  “Why would she be scared to admit it?” you said dumbly
  “Because,” he smirked, “it would mean admitting that guys and girls can’t just be friends. That there’s always some kind of attraction and that sex gets in the way”
  “Sex?” you blushed
  “I’m not saying you’ve had sex or that you’re going to,” he admitted, “I’m just saying, I’ve met (Y/N) before and she’s always said that she doesn’t agree with the idea that guys and girls can’t be friends because someone always wants to sleep with someone else. But if she admits to having feelings for you, then all of that becomes... hypocritical”
  “She wouldn’t be that petty...”
  “I wouldn’t call it petty,” he said, heading back toward his stall to continue putting on his gear, “I would call it stubborn.” By the end of practice, you were looking for (Y/N) everywhere but there was no one in the stands and you figured she must have wanted to meet you in the parking lot so you could drive her somewhere private. You took a quick shower and packed up your bag, looking at your phone quickly to see if there was anything from her but your screen was clear, forcing your brow to crease in response
  “Take it easy, guys” you smiled as you made your way out of the locker room, waving to the team before catching Tanny give you a head nod. You practically ran out of the building to find (Y/N) when you saw her arguing with a security guard
  “Oh, Jake! Finally. I’ve been arguing with this guy for like an hour. He wouldn’t let me in!” she explained through gritted teeth
  “It’s fine. Thank you,” you said to the guard, pulling her away from him and toward your car, “what is wrong with you? You can’t argue with Security, you’re tiny. You’re not a threat, you just look like a chihuahua”
  “Ha ha” she replied sarcastically
  “Am I taking you somewhere to talk or what’s going on?” you spat
  “Do you wanna go somewhere?” she asked
  “I wanna know what you wanna talk about and then maybe I can decide if we should go somewhere” you admitted, stomping off to your car
  “I wanna talk about us” she whimpered as she caught up to you. You caught her eye for just a second before shaking your head
  “Get in the car” you scoffed and she did as you told her. The two of you were silent for a while before (Y/N) tried to get you to start talking but you shushed her, keeping the ride silent aside from the radio until you got to relatively empty part of Prince’s Island Park. “Alright,” you said sternly as you slammed the door shut, “talk”
  “I...” she hesitated, closing the door lightly
  “I never--”
  “Never meant to hurt me?” you interrupted thinking you were finishing her thought
  “I never wanted to be with you...” she admitted and you scoffed in return
  “Wow... thanks. Glad we could have this talk”
  “No, wait, Jake, stop,” she sighed, “I didn’t mean it like that. I didn’t realize how you felt until like a week ago. Apparently, everyone else around me knew but I was too stupid to see it. I thought we both wanted the same thing”
  “And that was to never be with each other?”
  “I thought we just wanted a friend”
  “Because I can’t get my own friends?”
  “Because I didn’t think you thought of me like that” she shouted
  “Why not?” you exclaimed
  “You never really did anything to make me think otherwise!”
  “Sure I did!”
  “Jake... come on. You never did anything differently...”
  “I drove you places” you tried and she scoffed
  “Oh no, you’re right,” she teased, “how could I not have known?”
  “How about me calling on Valentine’s Day?”
  “How was I supposed to know that was anything other than you having a day off?” It was a fair point, actually. She knew that you’d often lose track of days when you were on the road and, sometimes, you’d miss holidays altogether
  “I never forgot your birthday!” you said as if that proved something
  “And... you should’ve known then”
  “Jake, it doesn’t matter,” she sighed, “the point is that I didn’t notice until now.”
  “So what?” you asked, “you wanted to talk to tell me that you never wanted to be with me? I don’t get why you couldn’t just wait for me to come to you or why you had to stop everything for this”
  “I mean no, you didn’t stop everything but you might as well have”
  “Jake...” you heard her say, trying to get you to stop but you continued rambling
  “But that’s what I do. For you. I drop everything as soon as you call or text because you need me and I like that you need me, so I stop and run to you”
  “I LOVE YOU, TOO” she shouted over you, her eyes closing softly when she realized how loud she was. “I didn’t realize it until I looked back at everything and I didn’t think it was actually how I felt because, I mean, it’s you...” she chuckled, “and it’s me. We couldn’t be an ‘us’ but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted there to be an ‘us.‘ I knew you were mad, you weren’t taking my calls or responding to my texts -- even though I saw that you had read them -- and I didn’t want to make things worse but I hated not having you around to tell me that I burnt my pizza, again, or that I should eat more fish or that I was a terrible tour guide. I hated not hearing your voice everyday or seeing your smile,” you began walking toward her as she continued to ramble, your heart warm with each word that left her lips, “I was always confused why you weren’t with anyone and why I was happy that you never were but when I figured it out, everything made sense. You finally made sense...” she stopped when you stood in front of her, closing any space between the two of you
  “You done?” you asked with a smirk
  “I-I think so...” she stammered as your hands crept to the sides of her neck, your thumb pushing her chin up so you could lean down and capture her lips slowly. She welcomed your lips as if they had been missing from hers for a lifetime but her arms stayed at her sides for a minute longer until it was too much for her and she let her hands clutch your wrists while your tongue glided across her lip to gain access inside her mouth. She let out a small moan when her mouth opened, earning a smirk from you before your hands fell from her neck, down her body, until they cupped her ass and you picked her up; her legs instinctively wrapping your hips, mirroring her arms wrapping around your neck. You set her down on the hood of your car while your tongues intertwined with each other and her fingers tangled in your hair. It took a while for either of you to break the kiss, leaving her chest heaving as she tried to her breath
  “I’ve wanted to do that for so long” you laughed as her head fell against your chest and you kissed her forehead
  “And?” she asked, lifting her head back up to look at you
  “It was better than I thought it would be”
  “Gee,” she scoffed, pushing your shoulder playfully, “thanks”
  “I think we just need to keep doing it” you teased
  “I can do that”
  “Good” you whispered, leaning back in to press a kiss to her lips as she smiled against your lips
  “Maybe we should go somewhere private” she whispered
  “Sure” you replied, distracted by the feel of her skin under your fingertips, before you moved your lips to her neck, eliciting small whimpers from her
  “Jake...” she moaned and you hummed against her skin, smirking to yourself, “somewhere private...”
  “Fine,” you smirked, reluctantly agreeing with you before picking her up again to carry her back into the passenger seat. You sat in the drivers seat but didn’t make any moves, half hoping that she’d pull you into the backseat and say that this was ‘private enough’ but she didn’t do that. Instead, she leaned across the centre console and kissed your cheek
  “Let’s go” she whispered in your ear, making you smile before your hand found its way to her knee, stationing itself there throughout the drive. She stopped you from moving your hand further up your thigh by grabbing it, holding it with both of hers
  “Hey,” you whispered, bringing her hand to your lips, “we’re gonna have a lot of fun together”
  “Yeah,” she smiled, “I think so, too.”
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That Damn Sex Pollen - Part 2
Pairing : Steve x Reader / Bucky x Reader
Words: 1800+
Warnings: Mild smut / swearing... nothing too bad!
A/N: Found part 2 in my drafts so here it is! There will be a final part to follow.
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It had been just over 2 weeks since the Sex Pollen incident with Bucky, the incident that led to us having mind blowing sex and confessing to feelings we'd been hiding for a while. This wouldn't have been a problem if i wasn't already engaged to his best friend Steve Rogers!! Aka Captain America!!
Now don't get me wrong i love Steve, i love Steve more than I've ever loved anyone.... but i cant deny that i don't love Bucky as well! Since the moment Steve introduced me to his long lost best friend there was something between us, we had never admitted to our feelings or acted on them in anyway we kept it to ourselves. I had decided to push my feelings for Bucky aside and give Steve my everything.....That was until that damn sex pollen!!
Bucky volunteered to go on a mission with Sam and Nat the day after we got back to the compound and had been avoiding me ever since they got back a week ago, he would even leave the room as soon as i walked in!
Steve was currently in a meeting with Tony so i headed down to the gym hoping id see Bucky and we could talk about what happened and try and clear the air, if he kept avoiding me the way he was then Steve would get suspicious!
I walked into the gym and saw Bucky lifting weights  in the corner, i also saw the second he noticed me enter the room!! The weights were dropped and he started grabbing his things to leave.
"Bucky will you stop!" I said rushing over to him "you cant keep running away from me!"
"I just think its best to put some distance between us Y/N" he mumbled still avoiding eye contact.
"So you don't think we should talk about what happened in that warehouse?"
"No. No i don't! I think we need to forget all about that!"
"Fine! It never happened! But you need to get your shit together Buck! If you keep leaving every room i walk into Steve will know somethings wrong! You and me always got along before.... you were always hanging out with us and now? This is the first time I've spoken to you in 2 weeks!"
"I cant sit around and watch you and Steve together okay! It hurts too much.... I'm trying doll, i really am. I just need some time and space"
"Don't" he said simply shaking his head keeping his distance from me.
"Okay..... i miss you" i told him truthfully as i backed away towards the door, Bucky gave me the smallest smile and nodded in agreement.
I was sitting on the sofa watching a movie when Steve walked in a couple hours later.
"Hey sweetheart" he smiled leaning over the arm of the sofa and pressing his lips to mine.
"Hey babe, how'd your meeting go?" I asked grabbing his hand and pulling him down on the sofa with me. He chuckled but quickly settled down and pulled me into his arms.
"It was okay, just going over some details of tomorrows mission"
"Who's going?"
"Me, Buck, Wanda and Vision"
"I get the day off! Woo hoo" i joked as my hand moved under the hem of Steve's tshirt, my fingers stroking over the smooth patch of skin under his belly button.
"You fancy going for a run with me?" He asked as i felt his fingers stroke the back of my neck.
"Not at all" i laughed "i just wanna stay here with you and watch a movie"
"You keep that up we're gonna be doing more than watching a movie" he mumbled looking down at where my hand was still stroking.
"Oh really?.... you like this huh?"
"Y/N...." Steve said before shaking his head chuckling.
"What?..... i like your happy trail"
"You do?"
"Mmhmmm...." my hand slowly stroked over the area again before slipping into the band of his sweat pants and finding his already hard cock "you do like that!" I teased as my hand wrapped around him and slowly started stroking.
"Jesus..... baby that feels amazing" he said as his head fell back against the sofa.
"See, isnt this better than going for a run?"
"Im not gonna argue with that!" He laughed before pulling me closer and kissing me hard. I quickly found myself straddling Steve, dry humping the huge bulge in his trousers as we made out like teenagers. I pulled his t-shirt off and trailed kisses up his chest to his neck... biting at that area where his neck and shoulder joined. Steve had one hand under my shirt fondling a breast whilst the other gripped my hip and rocked me against his hard cock.
"I need to be inside you" he mumbled in my ear before nipping at my earlobe.
"Please Steve...." i begged reaching into his sweat pants to free his cock.
There was a quick knock at the front door to our apartment before it opened
"Hey Steve, you ready...." Bucky was saying as he walked through the door.
"Oh shit!.... im sorry!" He said quickly turning to leave.
"Fuck!....Sorry pal i completely forgot, i got a little distracted" Steve chuckled "can we finish this later?" He said quietly to me and i nodded before climbing off his lap and heading to the bedroom.
"Its fine, we can go tomorrow" Bucky shrugged looking very uncomfortable.
"No lets go" Steve said standing up and grabbing his shirt from the floor.
"You might want to change your pants...." i heard Bucky say and turned to see him scratching his head awkwardly. Steve looked down to see the wet patch from where we had been grinding against each other moments before and blushed "oh shit, guess you're right. Give me 5".
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After finishing a training session with Nat i headed back to mine and Steve's room for a shower. When i walked in i was surprised to see Steve's go bag next to the door, the shower running.... they got back early from that mission.
"Steve?" I called out as i made my way to the bathroom.
"Hey sweetheart" i heard him call over the running water.
"You're back early, did something go wrong or...."
"It went fine, easy mission"
"Thats good. You mind if i join you? I just got done training with Nat I'm a mess" i said stripping out of my sweaty work out clothes and tossing them in the dirty wash basket.
"Its all yours" he said stepping out and grabbing his towel "I've got to go to a debrief with Tony real quick but I'm all yours after. We have some catching up to do"
"Mmm i look forward to it" i smiled reaching up to give him a much needed kiss, i had missed him so much while he was gone. Before getting into the shower  I placed a pair of sleep shorts and a cami on the closed lid of the toilet ready to put on once i was done.
Steve went to get dressed while i showered, i was rinsing out my shampoo when he stuck his head in letting me know he was leaving for his debrief.
"Be back soon, love you" he said before rushing off.
When i was finished i stepped out the shower reaching for my towel to find it was gone!
"Are you fucking kidding me!" I moaned under my breath, the clothes i had set out were also missing! WTF!!
Oh well it wasnt like i couldnt walk around naked, id just have to make a dash for another towel!
I threw open the bathroom door and was just walking to the bedroom when the front door opened.
"Steve you ass! You took my towel and my clothes??"
My head whipped round at the sound of Bucky's voice!!
"Bucky!? Shit! God I'm so sorry i thought you were Steve!" I quickly tried to cover myself as i rushed into my room and grabbed my robe, once it was secured i went back to see why Bucky was here.
"What are you doing here?"
"Steve asked me to cone grab a file he forgot..."
"He did? When?"
"Called me just now as i was heading down to the debrief"
"Why would he tell you to come in here.... he knew i was showering and he'd taken my clothes...."
"I have no idea, can i just grab that file and i'll be on my way..."
I sat down on the sofa rubbing my wet hair with a towel while Bucky disappeared into Steve's office for what he needed.
"Hey doll?...." he called from the office.
I smiled at the familiar nickname i hadn't heard in weeks.
"Yeah Buck?"
"There's no files in here"
"You're sure?..."
"Yeah, where else would he keep them?"
"Thats where it would be"
"There's no file in there" i heard Steve's voice and turned to see him leaning against the front door smirking.
"Steve.... what the fuck?"
"Im sick of this tension between the two of you, i miss us all hanging out together"
"So you take my clothes and send your pal here for a non existent file in hope's he catches me naked??! Are you mad?" I shouted shaking my head at him.
"You set us up?" Bucky asked appearing in the hallway.
"Guilty" Steve shrugged "enjoy the show Buck?"
"I don't get it.... why....?"
"Because I'm sick of you both pretending theres no feelings between you"
"He's lost his damn mind" i got up to walk away but Steve grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me close.
"I know what happened in that warehouse between the two of you"
My eyes went wide as i looked over at Bucky, he looked just as shocked so i knew he hadn't told him.
"Bucky didn't say a word sweetheart i saw the CCTV..... audio included" he smirked.
"Steve.... it wasn't like we had much choice that plant...."
"Oh i know baby, i know exactly what that plant was"
"You've known all this time and said nothing?"
"It was you, you put it there didn't you?" Bucky accused Steve "why the fuck would you do that Steve!?"
"I had to do something! The two of you are so loyal you never would've hurt me and acted on your feelings.... not without a little push".
Before i knew what i was doing my hand connected with Steve's cheek.
"You had no right!"
"Tell me you don't want him" Steve pointed at his best friend.
"See...." Steve smirked looking smug.
"Right now you're the one i don't want!" I said through gritted teeth and stormed into the bedroom slamming the door behind me and flipping the lock for effect, i knew it wouldn't keep Steve out but it made me feel better.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes @bellamy-barnes @buchanansebba @rosalynshields @turtoix @dottirose
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needdatbag · 4 years
Drinking You
notes: Hi! This is my first fanfiction ever. I just wanna see if anyone might like it? Haha...Anyway, if you do, please leave a like or a comment. Hope you enjoy! Oh and this is only the first part. 
Summary: You encounter a stranger on your way back from the grocery shop and everything about him pulls you in. 
Pairings: Eren Yeager x Reader; Various pairings eventually
Warnings: NSFW; mentions of smoking.
Part 1-Stranger Danger
You were not ok. Today was a hellish Monday like you rarely encountered. Of course Monday sucked in general  but it’s a different kind of pain when you work in a department full of detectives. Everyone is stressed day after day and they don’t have any notion about free time, for them it is equivalent with supplementary work. It’s been 4 months since you started working as the main profiler of the team and you feel as if you need to step up your game. Everyone likes you but the fact that you’re new in the field is noticeable. You do your best all the time but experience is key after all. So here you are, after working hours, walking out of the closest store while holding a beer and a pack of cigarettes in one hand while the other is busy holding the phone to your ear.
’’I will take a look as soon as I get back to my desk, I was planning on checking the brief details we have about this case anyway. I took the file before I left and I will be making an idea about the whole deal tonight. We will receive the rest tomorrow, right? I mean I can get something but without all the information it might just be wrong or incomplete.’’
Your boss sighed and agreed with you.
’’I know. There is a reason behind this lack of information but I am afraid you’ll have to find out tomorrow. I will explain everything to you as soon as we have the OK from the fucking higher-ups. Do what you can tonight, L/N.’’
He was tired but you almost swore you felt a tinge of sadness in his tone. Your gut told you something was just starting. You gulped.
’’Don’t worry sir. You’ll have the draft for the initial report on your desk as soon as I get to work.’’ 
You said goodbye and hung up while tossing the phone in the pocket of the pyjama pants you wore. You came home half an hour ago, ate a quick dinner and realised you forgot to buy the two things you needed for survival on days such as this Monday: a beer and cigarettes. Unhealthy coping but you got over that thought in college. Regrets were a pain in the ass and you wanted none so you did what you wanted.
 As you were walking towards your apartment building you couldn’t help but think about this case. Your team was way on the edge when they received word about it. They were silent about it and that scared you. Because, even if you only knew them for 4 months, you knew all of them were loud, outspoken and chaotic. Your head always throbbed at the end of the day. But you almost missed that today because instead of debates and childish arguments, this day was extremely tense and everyone seemed to be at each others throats out of silly things. As if they disagreed on something you had no idea about. It felt as if a powerful untouchable presence was messing with them and it saddened you but it also stirred your curiosity. Who or what was doing that? 
You were so lost in your thoughts you didn’t notice the person walking right in front of you and you bumped into them dropping your cigarettes in the process and almost dropping your beer but you managed to catch it before it hit the ground. 
’’I’m really sorry. I wasn’t paying attention…’’ you said as you immediately bent down to pick up your cigarettes but the stranger beat you to it.
’’It’s fine.’’ he answered in a low pleasant voice and started walking away. 
It took a second for you to register what happened and move. He walked away so casually that it pissed you off.
’’Heyo.’’ you said while grabbing his shoulder and making him turn to you. He was tall, well built with medium length long brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing an open black coat with a black cotton sweater and light blue jeans with a pair of some black and white Nike shoes. ‘Well damn’ you thought, ‘this theif is hot as fuck’. But priorities were priorities. You were going to offer him a piece of your mind. And if needed, a piece of your very basic physical training. 
He first looked at your hand on his shoulder and then at you with a total lack of interest. Without any facial expression he asked:
You took your hand off his shoulder and attached it to your hip in a somehow sassy position. Then with the other hand where you held your beer, you pointed at the cigarette pack he held.
’’Give me back my ‘candies’...Stealing is a crime, jerk. Instead you could’ve asked for a few. I would’ve... ‘’
But he didn't seem to pay attention to you anymore as he looked at something behind your figure. He started walking, right past you to the spot where you bumped into him.
You were speechless. You debated a moment if you should chase him again but you decided as soon as you remembered you didn’t have any money on you anymore to buy a new pack. You turned with a determined look on your face. He was picking something from the ground and as soon as you got close to him, right before opening your mouth, he held out his hand to you, holding a pack of cigarettes. He had another one in the other. And then you realised and your face started to redden. ‘Shit’
’’I have my own ‘candies’ though it seems they are the same as yours.’
You grabbed your cigarettes slowly while touching his hand in the process. You got a chill down your spine. This time his eyes were fixated on you and all the courage from earlier was down the drain. You were embarrassed of course but the way his direct look intimidated you was surprising. Your gut was telling you something but you couldn’t quite understand it. You were busy staring right back into his cold green eyes. He looked away first and sighed. 
’’Well, if this is done, goodbye.’’ and walked away from you for the third time in 5 minutes.
Somehow that didn’t sit right with you. Your brain was telling you to just walk slowly home and finish the work you had left for today, take a shower and start everything again tomorrow, while your body was already chasing the long haired man, adrenaline pumping through your veins. You told yourself you just wanted to apologise for calling him a jerk but the truth was there was something invisible pulling you in his direction. Maybe it was your toxic curiosity or the silly fact that you two were smoking the same cigarettes, an old brand that made you forget things that screamed in your head constantly, or perhaps it was just the simple fact that he was a handsome stranger. Who knew? The only thing you knew was that you were a fool. But that never stopped you before. 
’’I’m sorry! I never meant to insult you….I should’ve just looked around...Usually I’m not such an airhead. I wonder how come I didn’t notice another pack on the ground.. heh.’’ you said while reaching him. You guys were walking in the same direction anyway. He didn’t say anything, he just looked straight ahead not really paying much attention to you but he also didn’t seem bothered by your presence.  As you reached a crosswalk and waited for the colour to change you watched his profile as discreetly as you could. He looked as if he was completely lost in thought but at the same time aware of everything surrounding him. He was close but far and that really tickled your brain. You groaned internally. 
‘I shouldn’t care, he is just a stranger whom I’ll never see again. Asking him for a coffee out of the blue would be weird too.. And he seems to be completely uninterested in my existence anyway, though I guess that is mostly because of my bloody pyjam..’
’’So what’s up with that pyjama?  he said out of the blue.
’’I don’t like to assume things but if you’re following me because you want to ask me out or something I think you might be my best friend's soulmate. He has the same Star Wars pyjamas.’’
Your mouth was hanging open. You looked down at your clothes and then back at him. He was watching you now as well. The light changed and he started walking as you followed.
’’I live on the other side of the road and this is what I usually wear at home, so no, I don’t really bother dressing up for a trip to the grocery store. And I’m just going home, I’m not following you..’’ 
You bit your lip as you hesitated before continuing wondering if you should say what you were going to say.
’’...and I also have a ..boyfriend.’’
You two reached the other side of the road and he suddenly stopped.
’’You’re lying.’’ he said calmly
Both of you stopped walking. You looked at him wide eyed. How could he know you were lying? He sounded so sure too. His expression seemed to change for a second when he saw your confused face, some sort of realisation hitting him while he shook his head.
-He stepped closer to you and tilted his head, a few stray strands of hair falling randomly on his face. This guy was handsome, annoying but handsome. Even his skin seemed to have a special kind of glow, besides the fact that it was a beautiful tan colour and the combination with the kind of green/teal eyes that he had left you almost breathless in close proximity. Of course you lied. What boyfriend? You were working most of the time and you studied people for a living so of course you were overthinking everything about any guy that came your way. You either figured them too fast and they bored you or you didn’t even look their way. You were not easy to deal with either as you had a very straightforward personality on the outside but on the inside you were trying to keep everything from collapsing. You were confusing, caught between being intimidating, bad mouthed and weird or depressed and minding your own business in silence...and those moods were not exactly any guy’s cup of tea. 
So lately you always try to play the sweet girl card when it comes to guys, hiding your trust issues for another day. But this time you were not in control...of anything. It wasn’t even a big deal, really.
 You were just talking to a stranger. But his presence was dominating you effortlessly. And for some sort of reason you couldn’t even start to figure out why. Your brain was foggy, your breathing was irregular and your knees were suddenly weak when he got close to you.
‘What in the Twilight..’ you thought
You couldn’t read him while he seemed to have no problem reading you. And that bothered you the most.
’’You should go home..’’ he spoke in a lower, raspier voice ’’..I’m not as interesting as you might think. I’m a simple guy actually.’’
His words seemed so honest, his tone too. But something told you that he lied. Or that what he said might have been true. Once. But not anymore as his eyes didn’t meet yours when he spoke the last part.
You tried to ignore the sensation that formed in your stomach when he spoke so close to you in that voice that seemed to echo inside your head. You were getting a little lightheaded and for a moment you thought about the possibility of being physically sick. In this case this would've been the better scenario.
 ‘I should just go. Ignore everything about the way I feel now as if nothing will ever be boring again. Yes, I should ignore the fact that I don’t need to pretend because there is no point in doing so in front of this person. They see through me anyway. But that’s a bad thing and I’m not thinking clearly right now and he screams ’Stranger Danger’ and for God’s sake I work with the police...What should I do..His eyes are so pretty, his voice is so beautiful and I’m just a curious superficial fool.’
You took a breath and turned around while his eyes never left you. You started walking towards the entrance of your apartment complex and with every step your heart started beating faster and louder. Your ears were captivated by a weird inner buzz. You bit your lip and clenched your fist, your nails actually hurting the skin of your palms. 
‘Don’t do it. Don’t do it.’
But in a swift motion you turned around, fear, excitement, some sort of distorted happiness and an unusual laughing sensation taking over you.
’’Come upstairs for a coffee, Stranger-Danger?’’
His eyes were still on you when you turned around. After you finished your sentence he covered his mouth with a hand. He might have laughed at the nickname, you guessed. But he came anyway.
Later on you would come to realise that you saw something flickering in his cold eyes when you turned around. A cunning fire that hid behind that wall of ice. Who knows..?
It might have just been the fact that this was exactly what he was waiting for all along. 
But there was no coffee upstairs. 
The moment the elevator doors closed you started kissing, like there was an unspoken agreement that this was going to happen exactly then. The kiss wasn’t rough as you would have expected it to be, it was gentle just as a declaration or an apology. But that soon changed as both of you became consumed with each other. The kiss became meaner from both of your sides, egoistical, as if both of you were trying to steal more from each other than the other did.  He caressed your cheeks and then his hands travelled to your neck where he felt your skin and your pulse. His hands were cold but the touch of his fingertips on you felt as if it burned your skin, leaving scars even if there were none. You held on to his coat while he pushed your back against the wall. After you stopped kissing, he licked his lips and looked into your eyes. You looked back. Nothing said. He started kissing and biting your neck.
When you entered your apartment clothes started flying left and right and while kissing him, between undressing and tugging at each other's clothes , you could only be thankful that you were wearing the ‘good’ underwear you still had on and not some panties with silly patterns you usually wore at home. Somehow you two reached your bedroom but you had no idea how because you were blind to mostly anything around you but him. He picked you up, your legs now straddling his waist as he walked and you could feel his muscles. His body was very well defined, strong arms,abs and everything, beautiful large shoulders and prominent collar bones. ‘Weird’ you thought...because he didn’t  really seem like he worked out. His body looked as if it developed naturally this way. You only saw that at the guys working in your department when they trained, the girls too. Their body developed over the years thanks to all the training.
 For a second your mind wandered to what he did for a living.
You didn’t know anything about him... but the way his lips tasted, the way he smelled so fresh yet intoxicating, the way he made you so dizzy when he stared into your eyes, those things left you unwilling to think about anything else besides the feeling of his body on yours. You were drowning in him, his presence overwhelming you. The way you two moved against each other felt like a feverish dream in which you were dancing. He was leading and you could only stare into his eyes even though you knew this wasn’t like you at all. 
He was far too intoxicating to be your type, and he was far too in control for you to be his. 
While he laid you on the bed gently his hands traced mindless patterns on the skin of your legs moving higher and higher towards your thighs where he started to grab your flesh making you groan. He was either teasing you or enjoying feeling every inch of your body. He started kissing your inner thigh, sucking, licking and biting his way up to your core.
’’You’re going to leave marks.’’ you said breathlessly
He raised his head from between your legs  and with a teasing but cold voice he said:
’’Is that a bad thing? Your ’boyfriend’ won’t mind.’’
Your face started to redden at the mention of the ’fake boyfriend’ and you opened your mouth to protest but in a quick motion he reached your face and kissed you. He was trying to shut you up by kissing you ruthlessly, biting your lips and sucking on your tongue. You couldn’t get a break and when you wanted to fight back he was kissing you even harder. 
He only stopped when he ran out of breath. You wanted to retort something again but he beat you to it. Between pants of air he said:
’’You sure like to talk a lot don’t you ?...But I guess I’ll drink you anyway.’’
He effortlessly tied his hair in a messy man-bun that fit him weirdly well. The lights were off in your apartment but the street light coming from your bedroom's window was highlighting all the right parts of his silhouette. His abdominal muscles, his strong thighs, the movement of his arms as he fixed his hair, the veins on his arms, his slender but strong neck, his jaw, the right side of his face, his lips, his straight nose, his green eyes who looked directly at you without giving you a break. You were done talking now. 
He slowly leaned over your naked torso while still maintaining eye contact and you could feel his warm breath on your skin. He watched you as if he was silently asking if you’re not backing away so you just nodded, ashamed of the fact that you were more excited than embarrassed. It was what it was. Your mind was fuzzy and your body was needy. And he intrigued you. However that was the part you chose to snooze for now.
He started kissing all over your breasts in a soft manner but eventually he transitioned into biting and teasing all over them, especially your nipples. You began slowly moaning because of the sensations that were overwhelming all your senses. He was only teasing your body but you were already melting. When he started placing wet kisses on your abdomen, going lower and lower, you squeezed your legs together and he felt it so he grabbed and squeezed on the side of one of your tights just to let you know that he was aware of the power he had on you.
When he finally reached your most sensible part you arched your back at the sensation of his tongue. Sure, you had sex before but it was almost always dry and this was also the first time someone went down on you. Like they knew exactly what they were doing and where to touch specifically. It was as if he knew what you wanted without even knowing you. It was strange. Suspicious. Addicting. Dangerous.
 He trailed his fingers against your back while he ate you out. You were putty in his hands, your body flushed and high on the way his mouth felt. He teased your clit mercilessly, over and over, until you came multiple times. The good kind of torture.
As he slowly entered you he started groaning and placed your hands on his shoulders. You moaned at the sensation of being filled. It felt just right, as if your bodies just ‘clicked’ in every way. He grabbed your face with his hands while he started thrusting.
’’Just... hold on ...to me and... relax.’’ he told you between groans and sighs
You nodded rapidly, not really caring about anything anymore besides the pleasure and relief you were seeking. Your bodies were rocking in sync with each other, both of your pulses skyrocketing with every increase in pace. He was thrusting faster and harder now. Your hands were not on his shoulders anymore but outstretched above your head, his strong ones holding them pinned to the bed as he was losing himself in the sensation of you.
You two fucked as if both of you were running away together but from different things. When both of you reached your high his eyes seemed to light up when he looked at your face consumed by his presence. For a few seconds, while he lost control and pleasure overwhelmed him, you felt as if you saw someone else, still him but different. A real fire seemed to burn in those eyes during those moments but you only gazed at it a little bit and it was gone, replaced by that wall of ice that effortlessly unnerved you.
He collapsed next to you as both of you caught your breath.
You two sat in silence not feeling the need to talk, His fingers were mindlessly drawing battens on the back of your palm. You liked that. Somehow it warmed you. You turned your head in his direction. He was watching the ceiling and you could swear his expression was a little warmer now but something still felt melancholic about it. He turned his head and looked back at you. You really tried to memorise the way his upper lip was more prominent than the lower one, the way his eyes had such a nice, kind shape yet they looked at something beyond what you knew, the way his skin had such a pleasant warm tone, the way his hair fell on his face. 
Your eyelids started to become heavy. You were tired but you tried to fight off the request your body and mind had regarding some rest. You really wanted to say something before you fell asleep so you mumbled in a sleepy voice.
’’..The more I look at you...the more...I don’t see you...smoking...I don’t know..why...tho..’’
Your body became heavier and your eyes were slowly closing. The only thing you saw before drifting into the dream world was the faint image of a smile on his face. 
‘’I don't.’’ he said 
You woke up late the next day and he was gone, as if everything was nothing but a weird illusion. You pushed away the feeling of disappointment, told yourself to grow up and forget last night and took a shower, ate breakfast, dressed up for work in some brown dress pants, a white sweater and some dark red leather heels, grabbed your jacket and bag from the hanger and left for work.
‘I was right. He is a fucking jerk. He didn’t even leave a note or something. I don’t even know his name..but I guess it doesn’t matter. We’ll never see each other again.’
 You sighed.
You had more important things to do and worry about. How were you going to tell your boss, or The Captain as your crew called him, that you forgot the file you promised to look over, at work and you had no idea what the case that was assigned to your team and that was stressing everyone out, was about.
’’Captain Levi is going to beat the shit out of me..’’ you said out loud as you entered the building...even so...something bothered you as you could swear you placed the file inside your bag yesterday. You usually double check everything anyway.
You entered the HQ of the Survey Unit, your and your team’s unit and said a quick ’’Hello’’ to Jean, Sasha and Connie who were drinking coffee around Jean’s desk while discussing something intense. 
’’Hey, L/N...What is with the panicked attitude? Come drink a coffee with us and stop acting like the sky is going to fall. Need help with something ?’’
You took off your jacket and reached your desk. Nothing besides your cactus and your agenda that you usually left at work. The file was not here either. Hell. Your mind started going into overdrive.
’’The sky is actually falling Jean...and I’m the fucking sky.’’  you said while facepalming. How could you possibly lose the file?? A file with confidential police information.. You bent down and started searching for it under the desk but it was clear it wasn’t there.
Sasha was unpacking one of her sandwiches as Jean and Connie were both looking at you with a confused expression on their face. But their attention switched to Mikasa and Armin who entered the doors while being surrounded by a gloomy atmosphere. Mikasa looked as if she lost weight in the last two days while Armin’s dark circles were obvious testimonies of a sleep deprived individual. Jean and Connie went over to them discussing something you couldn’t hear while Sasha came in your direction. 
’’This really takes a toll on all of us...but I really pity Mikasa the most...I guess you read the brief details about the case...Having to arrest one of our own, someone who betrayed us and is also her step brother … Man..I would be stress eating like crazy..I still do it.. but anyway.’’
You snapped your head in her direction.
’’What? Mikasa has a brother?’’
Sasha raised a brow while chewing her food.
’’Yes. Though they are not related, she was adopted into his family when her parents were killed. His parents died too after a few years and they had to survive, together with Armin who was in the same situation. He and Armin had been best friends ever since they could remember. He betrayed us a year ago and went rogue...but we never knew how far he went.. The Military Police assigned him to us. I’m sorry... We never really spoke about this because it’s a sore subject…You must be confused.. Huh?’’
You were speechless. You never knew that. Not a single word about it. But you always that something was missing however you kept your silence about it. 
’’Why would the MP assign him to us? It’s cruel and it doesn't make sense..’’
Sasha shrugged and said:
’’My guess is that they need Cpt.Levi to catch him. After all, he trained him. The MPs are big mouthed but they were never able to tame Eren.’’
You raised a brow. ’’Eren?’’
Sasha nodded. 
’’Yeah, that’s his n….Y/N did you know you have something stuck on your bag?’’ she asked while pointing at the black bag you owned. It looked like a post it note.
‘What the hell..?’ 
You picked it up and noticed something written on it. The writing was a little bit messy and squarish.
’’MEETIIIIING!’’ screamed Hange from the conference room
 Sasha went ahead: ’’I’ll see you there. Hurry up.’’
The words written on the note were: ’’I’m sorry. You’re a kind person. Thank you.’’
There was no name but you knew it belonged to the stranger you met last night. You started breathing heavily.  It wasn't the fact that something felt off about the note but where it was placed. On your bag. 
The FUCKING FILE was IN the bag.
In your mind a memory flashed suddenly. 3 months ago, after working hours the whole team went out for some food and drinks. You and Armin discussed your favourite movie series. You froze while remembering the crucial detail of that conversation.
’’It’s kind of embarrassing but I even have pijamas with Star Wars..’’ Armin said while his face flushed red.
You placed a hand on your mouth remembering a part of last night’s events.
’’.. I think you might be my best friend's soulmate. He has the same Star Wars pyjamas.’’
’’L/N! Move it!’’ Cpt Levi’s voice snapped you out of your daze. 
You started walking shakingly thinking over and over again about the possibility of this all being a coincidence..but when you entered the conference room and saw the screen, your blood went cold.
 /Runaway-Eren Yeager/ Accusations / Terrorism/ Multiple Murder Acusations/ Insubordination/ WANTED/ Dead or Alive/
And right to all these accusations was the picture of a younger version of the guy you met last night.
Your ex-colleague.
You looked at the note in your hand. 
It made sense right now. He used you right from the start.
You felt like laughing but you sat down next to Jean, trying to compose yourself and paying attention to what your Capitan was saying. 
In your mind only one phrase kept repeating itself.
You just fucked the enemy.
That was my first ever smut scene...Am I going to hell yet? haha
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wickedshank · 3 years
Stay. Still.
Thominho Week 2021・Day 6・One bed AU
Minho didn’t mind having to share a bed with Thomas, until he found out just how restless his friend could be.
Also on AO3. Enjoy!
When Minho had thought about their upcoming summer training camp, he’d thought of the many hours he’d spent running and even more time joking around with his friends from the track team. He’d thought of fun and games and being thoroughly drained by the end of the day.
He hadn’t spared much thought for what would happen after lights out.
Yet between everything else, he couldn’t even bring himself to be terribly upset when he found out he’d be sharing a room and double bed with Thomas.
“Just keep your smelly feet on your side of the bed, and we’ll be well happy,” Minho told him.
Thomas scoffed. “As if I’d want to be anywhere near your smelly feet.”
They had a laugh about it. As they dropped their things off in the room, they easily agreed who’d take which side.
And then night fell.
“Stop. Hogging. The sheets.” Minho tugged them back with every grunted word.
Thomas rolled over even farther, pulling at the covers apparently just to spite him. “Now who’s hogging the sheets?” he mumbled.
Clearly still him, Minho thought. He gave up with a groan, letting go of the disputed sheets so suddenly Thomas almost rolled off the edge of the bed. He put his hand on the floor to keep from crashing down.
Minho didn’t even try to hide his delight, sitting up and barking a laugh.
“Minho,” Thomas grumbled, pushing himself back up. He launched for Minho, tossing the covers aside and pushing away Minho’s hands, toppling them over so he wrestled Minho down onto the bed. The cause of their struggle lay forgotten trapped beneath Minho’s back as Thomas pinned both his hands to the mattress.
It took a moment for Minho to stop laughing. He wiggled his fingers, arching an eyebrow. “Just what do you think you’re doing?” he asked.
Eve in the dark he could see Thomas’s grin. “Winning, clearly.”
Funny guy he was, that Thomas. Minho relaxed, luring Thomas into a false sense of security so he loosened his grip before he struck. He threw Thomas off so he bounced on the mattress and rolled over, gripping the sheets at the same time. Minho sat back, crossing his legs as he wrapped the comforter around his shoulders. He grinned victorious.
“What the—” Thomas pushed himself up on his elbows, a little dazed.
“Coach told us to go to bed already,” Minho reminded him with a glance at the clock. And frankly, he was tired as hell.
Thomas ignored him. “Hasn’t your mom ever taught you to share?” he asked.
Minho huffed. “I share food and homework, but when it comes to warmth, I got to look out for myself first.” He pulled the covers a little closer around his shoulders. “And right now, myself is freezing.”
He wasn’t even exaggerating. It might have been early summer, but the room was unexpectedly cold. The air conditioning was stuck so they couldn’t turn it off, there was a draft beneath the door, and the bathroom tiles had all but frozen his feet to the floor earlier. He suppressed a shudder and huddled down with the comforter still wrapped tight around himself, Thomas be damned.
“Minho,” he whined, tugging at a corner. “Come on, dude.”
Minho tried to ignore him, but knew Thomas well enough to know he’d just continue to be annoying however long it took.
He lifted the covers with one arm. Thomas tilted his head, not understanding.
“Just get in here,” Minho said with a sigh. He was too damn cozy to give it up now. So long as they stayed close together, Thomas wouldn’t get to make away with the sheets, he figured.
Thomas raised an eyebrow. “You want me to snuggle up to you?”
“Don’t go putting words in my mouth. I want you to let me go to sleep already.”
Thomas finally complied with a huff. The mattress dipped as he lay down next to Minho. His cold feet hit Minho’s shins before he pulled them back, and he seemed unsure where to put his hands for a moment before he curled one arm beneath his pillow.
Minho found himself holding his breath for a moment. When he looked at Thomas and found those brown eyes already on himself, he inched back. He cleared his throat. Maybe this hadn’t been such a great idea after all.
“Your idea,” Thomas mumbled.
“I know.”
Yet the extra body heat made Minho all the more comfortable. He closed his eyes and could quickly feel himself slipping into sweet dreams.
That was until a few minutes later Thomas began to shift and turn and altogether cause a disturbance.
“Can’t you lie still?” Minho asked, voice gruff.
“Ngh. Can’t get comfortable.” He turned onto his other side, pulling the covers with him. Again.
“For f—” Minho groaned. He pulled the sheets free from Thomas’s hands and threw his arm over his friend’s side, covering them both.
Neither said a thing. You could have heard a pin drop. Minho feared Thomas might hear the sound of his beating heart in the quiet room — or worse, feel it pounding against his back.
He hadn’t meant to get so close. He’d acted on impulse.
Friends could cuddle, he told himself, obviously it didn’t mean anything — he forgot what he was thinking when he breathed in the scent of Thomas’s shampoo and sighed.
“Minho?” came Thomas’s whispered voice.
He opted for fake bravado. “If you wanted me to keep you warm, you should have just said so.”
“Shut up,” Thomas said weakly. Almost like he was nervous. Minho tightened his grip a little. His breath hitched when Thomas’s hand bumped his before he linked their fingers together.
Thomas relaxed against him, and he barely moved again for the rest of the night.
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frostsinth · 4 years
A Line in the Sand - Pt. 2
Intro - Part 1| - MasterList
Another part of this lovely Lizardman for @ivymemnoch​‘s commissioned Monster Match. It’s fun to have all these lovely little misunderstandings between them. In this section, Devaraj’s reveals a bit more about his profitable work, and Sera thinks about taking off.
Want your own Monster Match? DM me for prices! Check out my MasterList above for a smattering of other stories and ramblings, and please feel free to BuyMeACoffee while you are there. 
Always looking for ART-spiration, so feel free to drop me an ask or comment with some of your thoughts!
In the end, I’m not sure what woke me. Was it the soft thrum of insects, waking with the first rays of dawn? Or perhaps it was the soft twitter of birds, that grew from a petering distant echo to a soothing trill around me. I remember hearing the soft snorting huff of Nur, sensing the big draft had wandered close to my sleeping spot. Feeling his heavy steps shake the ground slightly before he drifted off again. Whatever the cause, my eyes slowly opened, and a yawn stretched my mouth.
It took me a few belated moments to reconcile my current place with my memories of the previous evening. I blinked groggily a few times, rolling and looking about. As my brain woke more, I considered the soft tented cloth over my head, and the warm bedroll around me. The scent of sand came to my mind, but not to my nose, and I realized I was alone in the makeshift shelter once more.
I rolled again, shifting and shaking the last of the sleep from my eyes. Managing to pull myself up and look around the small clearing. But the reptilian man was nowhere to be seen. Nur stood by the side of the small nest we had made, snuffing and huffing at some dried branches. The saddle and bags were still where I had left them the night before. So wherever he had gone… It couldn’t have been far…
“...Shri?” I called hesitantly, rubbing at my arms as I emerged from the soft warmth of the blankets. There was no answer, and straining my ears, no sound of movement.
Slowly, I crawled out from beneath the tent, peering between the bows and trunks of the trees around us. I could just make out the road in the distance, and sighed as the soft crackle of leaves crunched under my boots. For a moment, I thought this might be a blessing… and opportunity to escape. Certainly he was out of sight and earshot, and he had opportunely left all of his supplies behind. I wandered over to the bags, glancing at Nur almost guiltily as if the horse might betray my malicious thoughts. I shifted from foot to foot, glancing about. But I was confident the strange man was nowhere near.
I kneeled beside the bags, and started to reach out to one. Then I hesitated. A flash of intense yellow eyes, the glint of teeth. Not frightening, but instead… friendly. Welcoming. Kind. I sighed again, shaking my head at the nerve of my conscience and dropping my hand. I also couldn’t quite shake the reminder of his words when I had asked him if he was worried I might steal from him; “You could certainly try. It would be amusing.” … I wondered if perhaps there was a magical charm on the items, or if there was some sort of anti-thief trap… Well, I would just wait, I determined. Until we reached the next town. That way, I wouldn’t have to risk anything nor take his supplies, and could simply slip away into the shadows. Honestly, it was probably for the best I left. I doubted he knew exactly what kind of trouble he had gotten himself into when he had signed me on.
Shaking myself again, I stood and slowly pivoted on one foot. Looking around the small clearing again. Wondering where exactly my new ‘employer’ had gone. I walked over to Nur, who lifted his behemoth head as I approached and wuffed softly, his huge flanks fluttering with the deep breath. He nudged me with his big nose, his nostrils flaring, and being that his head was almost the size of my entire torso, even that gentle touch had me staggering a step to maintain my balance. He snorted again, taking a step towards me and flattening his forelock against my chest. I scratched behind his speckled grey ears absent-mindedly, still looking about.
“Do you know where he went?” I asked the gelding, then had to jerk back to avoid being tossed aside as he lifted his head and shook it with another loud snort. I smiled, wondering if that was a real answer, and patted his velvety nose. “Well, I suppose I should go look for him then?”
Nur looked at me with his big, dark eyes, and no answer seemed forthcoming. I ran my hand up and down his nose, then turned and considered my options. The way back towards the road seemed mostly clear; unless he had gone there and travelled up or down its length a ways, I should be able to see him from where we were camped. So that left the notion that he had headed deeper into the woods. I gave Nur a final pat, then began to pick my way through the woods beyond.
“Shri?” I called softly, the unfamiliar word still heavy on my tongue. 
I was careful to keep a scan of the surroundings as I moved, not wanting to accidentally miss him during my search. I doubted that would be very likely; even with the vegetation, the man was far too large and broad to simply hide in plain sight. Though his mottled green scales might blend rather well with the shifting foliage. The chill night before reminded me that fall would be upon us sooner rather than later, though the air was very mild now. I wondered briefly how the cold-blooded lizard man would fare in the snows, and had an amusing image of him hibernating in a log cabin with a roaring fire and a bloated belly. A few yards in, I heard the sound of running water; perhaps a small stream nearby. I decided that it might have also drawn his attention, and turned to make my way towards it.
I caught sight of his shoulders between the trunks of the trees, and almost sighed with relief. I didn’t notice until I had broken through the treeline that it was not the beaten grey of his cloak that caught the fresh morning sunlight, but the green of his bare scales. A delayed heartbeat later, I realized he was completely without clothes again. I nearly fell over as I staggered to a halt, frozen in place by the full sight of him, unobscured by steam or darkness.
The crisp golden rays splashed down his broad shoulders, pricking his mottled green into a smoky emerald color. The scales looked smooth, and rippled as he drew in long, deep breaths. His broad shoulders were squared, and I was again stunned by their width, at least double my own. From this angle I could clearly see the base of his four dark grey horns protruding from his skull before curling forward, and the delicate fan of the leathery skin on the top of his head between the spikes. I followed the curve of his spine down his muscular back, each muscle more pronounced and defined by the shape of his large scales. Tracing down to the point of his spine, just about his bottom, where his tail protruded. It was long and thick, perhaps thicker than my thigh, with a flat top studded with the soft flat spikes on either ridge. I hadn’t gotten nearly so good a look at it before... I wondered how much he could move it. He had it half curled around, forming a semi-circle around his large, muscular legs which were neatly folded in a criss-cross pattern beneath him. I could see his huge arms were relaxed, palms resting open on his knees and the soft yellow/cream color of the scales there bathing in the light.
“Good morning, Sera.” He called lightly without looking over his shoulder. His thick voice had me jumping in surprise. I saw his head tilt, saw the flash of his yellow eye as he considered me out of its corner. “I trust you slept well.”
If he was upset I had been spying on him, he didn’t show it. Nor did he seem particularly concerned that he was completely without clothes; I noticed them folded neatly into a pile beside him. I swallowed hard, trying to ignore the pulsing of my blood beneath my cheeks.
“Ah… Apologies, shri… I did not mean-”
He made a noise deep in his chest, shaking his great horned head. “I am merely greeting the sun, Sera. There is no need for your words.” The tip of his tail twitched. “Come, join me.”
“Greeting the sun?” I echoed, venturing closer tentatively.
He nodded looking up at me. Even sitting, his head was nearly to my shoulders. “Yes. I believe it is similar to how you humans… what is the term, break fast?”
I started to answer, then suddenly gave a soft ‘eep!’ instead as his hand wrapped around my wrist and yanked, firmly but gently. I tumbled onto his lap, and he wrapped his huge arms around me. I was so startled, my mouth dropped open, and I froze. A deep rumble formed in his chest, vibrating against my cheek, and his thick flat tail came around and dropped heavily across my lap. Further entombing me in his embrace.
“W-what are you doing?” I stammered, so surprised I forgot to try to wriggle free.
His scaled brows were arched slightly when I finally managed to pull my head far enough back to look up at him. I stiffened as I felt the tip of his tail flick where it had fallen on the inside of my thigh. A fresh wave of heat washed through me, and not all of it went to my face. Pressed against him, I was once again surrounded by the scent of sand. His scales were smooth and silky over his firm muscles, and I was given the distinct expression of touching a rock that had been warmed by the sun. Part of me wanted to run my hands over those scales. To feel the grooves and see if they lifted and overlapped or met carefully at the edges. 
“I am returning your warmth, Sera. As you so kindly shared yours with me last night.” His words brought me to the present and I jumped a little. He titled his head curiously to the side. “Though you seem quite warm already. Have you been sunbathing as well?”
“N-no,” I finally remembered how to move, and started to wriggle, trying to right myself and scramble out of his arms, “I just woke up and found you gone so-”
“Ah, I forget that humans do not sunbathe. Save for pleasure.”
I found the way his tongue rolled over the word ‘pleasure’ was far too much for me. He unwrapped his arms but otherwise did not try to help or hinder my fight to regain my feet. I clumsily rolled from his lap onto the soft grass in front of him first onto my bottom then settling on my knees, glancing up at him through my lashes. His long scaled lips curled back again, revealing those sharp teeth in what I assumed was a smile. His tongue slipped out, and I swallowed hard again as a tingling rush went through my body. I cleared my throat, and rubbed at the back of my neck.
“How long have you been out here?” I asked, trying to change the subject and looking for something else to stare at besides his broad chest.
He gave a soft hmm, eyelids drooping in a pleased manner. “As soon as the air began to warm this morning. But now that you are up, we can be on our way.”
I fell back on my hands as he stood, his big body moving with a languid grace that I found surprising for his size. I craned my head back to look up at him, and couldn’t help my jaw dropping open a bit. By the Gods he was big… and there was far too much of him to see without his clothes. I couldn’t help skimming my eyes over a particularly private point between his hips (if only ever so briefly on the way up to his face) and was slightly surprised to see… nothing. The same smooth scales of his stomach as far as my quick glance had perceived. I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or disappointed. My mind wandered dangerously and I felt my cheeks flushing darker. He offered me that toothy, lipless grin again and his large clawed hand. I wondered if he knew what I was thinking, and my guilt had me hot at the collar as I sheepishly put my hand in his.
“Why not head back,” He told me as he gently pulled me to my feet, “Start packing camp while I get dressed. We should be able to reach the next town in an hour or two, and can have our meal at their tavern. Yes?”
I nodded, my tongue still too large for my mouth and my head still buzzing with thoughts that really should never be brought to light. I didn’t wait for further instruction, heading back between the boughs. Within a few minutes, I broke through the trees to find Nur nosing the tent canvass curiously. He raised his big head when I approached, and gave a huff that sounded oddly disinterested for a horse. I patted his velvety nose briefly, then went about rolling back up the tent and bedroll and tying it tight. Trying hard to dislodge the image of sun warmed scales from my mind. I was just hoisting up the saddle with both hands when Devaraj returned, his scarf hanging loose about his shoulders but otherwise fully dressed again. I couldn’t help the wandering eye that drifted down the edge of his low collar as he strode over.
“Excellent, thank you, Sera.” He praised me, taking the saddle from me and easily slinging it over Nur’s back. The draft bobbed his head almost eagerly.
I was glad he had returned when he did; I wasn’t sure I would easily be able to reach the big horse’s back. As he secured the straps, I gathered up the bags and bedroll over my shoulders and carried them over.
“Do you have… business in the next town?” I asked, curious despite myself. I realized suddenly that my opportunity to part ways with the reptilian man would be coming sooner than expected... It left me with a strange tingling regret in my chest.
“Not in the town, as such, but in their crypt.” He told me, taking the bundles and slinging them behind the saddle. I moved around to the other side to secure them there.
“Their crypt?” I echoed, surprised. 
“Yes, crypt is where-”
“I know what a crypt is,” I interrupted, and slipped under Nur’s neck to come around to the same side as him again, “But what business do you have at a crypt??”
His toothy grin returned. “Ah, I am what my people call a prizrasha. A… charmer, I suppose would be the best translation. Of spirits.”
“...Excuse me?”
“Yes? Do you need to pass?” He looked at me, his fierce eyes curious. “Why do you say ‘excuse me’? Do you need some time to yourself?”
“No.. I mean... “ I shook my head, blinking stupidly a few times trying to sort myself out. “I-I said it like… excuse me, as in I’m not sure… I’m not sure I heard you correctly.”
“Ah! Excellent, I did not know this.” He started to turn back to finishing securing the saddle and removing Nur’s hobble. “I said I was a prizrasha, as my people call us. And we are spirit charmers.”
“Y-yes, I heard the words,” I stammered, stepping out of the way as he moved to secure the reins and flip them over the gelding’s head, “I’m just not certain I understand what you mean by… “spirit charmers”.”
“Hmm.” He patted Nur’s flank, turning to look at me. “I suppose it is a rather inadequate description.” He stood by his mount’s head, taking up the reins and jerking his chin towards the road as he began to lead him out. “What is it that your people call ‘spirits’?”
“A ghost.” I replied, following him hesitantly. “A phantom. The… spirit of someone who has died that lingers on this plane.” I tried to keep the shiver from my voice.
He nodded along as I spoke. “I believe I see. This is a part of it, I am sure. However, I suppose the translation is poor… Nessiim have a stronger word for it. The dushrasha. It is the spirit of those who have passed, yes, but it is also in those still living.” He paused, seeming to struggle for words. “It is… hard to explain in this tongue.”
“So… What is it that you do with the… dushrasha?” I asked timidly, trying to keep the fear out of my voice. If I had thought him strange before, I certainly found my previous thoughts on him downright dull compared to them now.
“I charm them.” He replied, his voice light with the teasing tone returned to it. “A prizrasha speaks to the spirit and can cure what ails it. It is a form of healing that is not limited to the living.”
We had reached the road now, and Devaraj pivoted Nur to face the right direction before turning to me. I took a step back warily, then stopped myself. I placed a steadying hand on the draft’s flank, turning over his words in my head.
“... I-I’m still not sure I understand what it is you do-”
“It is rather simple, I suppose,” He placed his hands on his hips, looking down at me with his head tilted to the side, “A prizrasha is uniquely skilled at dealing with all manner of things. Sometimes, I am called to deal with a so-called malevolent spirit, other times to heal someone deeply scarred beyond the reach of local healers. Yet other times, to deal with untamable beasts.”
I opened my mouth to say more, but was silenced by the gasp that escaped instead as he hoisted me up, his big hands scooping around my waist, and sat me at the horn of the saddle. I quickly adjusted, swinging one leg over so I could properly sit rather than riding side-saddle again. A breath later the leather squeaked as he bounded up into place behind me. I tried not to stiffen as I felt the rough material of his tunic brush my back. Nur was already moving before he had fully settled, eager to be off.
“And for this particular… job?” I managed, my voice whisper soft.
“A dushrasha has been harassing the town, or so I am told.” He explained. “I will be seeing what ails it, and hopefully helping it leave this plane to its final resting place.”
A shiver went down my spine, and I jumped a little as his big arm came around my hips. Perhaps it was meant as a reassuring gesture, but instead it had me swallowing the lump that formed in my throat at his words. It’s fine, I told myself, you’ll be leaving soon. It doesn’t matter what he does.
“Have I upset you?” He asked as he used his big thighs to steer Nur around a deep rut in the road. I was surprised that his voice sounded… concerned.
“Ah.. n-no shri.” I assured him, and hoped again that part of his strangeness did not extend to being able to detect a lie. “I am just… surprised…”
“Dushrasha are not evil, Sera, even those without a body left on the mortal plane.” He told me as we rode along. “Most are pained, or tied by some grief or unfinished business. In both the living and the dead.” I felt his chin come to rest on the top of my head. “Think of me as a Healer, though perhaps at times this word is also a stretch.”
I nodded, falling silent. Trying to reconcile with the writing snake that was my stomach turning knots in my gut. We rode quietly for a time, and I tried not to pay too much attention to the soft sensation of his chest rising and falling against my back. I jumped again as his arm coiled about my middle suddenly flexed.
“If you are afraid, Sera… Please do not be.” He told me, his muzzle now beside my ear. My eyes flicked to the corners, as if they would be able to see him from there without moving my head. His long tongue flicked out, nearly grazing my cheek as it did. “I will keep you safe. No harm shall come to you, I promise.”
I felt my blush returning, and dipped my chin down. A thousand different possible responses came to my lips, but I could abide by none of them passing beyond. So I remained silent, giving only another curt nod in response.
It mattered not, within another hour we were at our destination. A small hamlet with a dozen buildings or so clustered around a main field. There were other houses in the distance, likely farmers and hunters. I doubted there were many people here who did not live off the land. We rode over a crest in the hill, then down the long muddy road. Heads raised as we passed, and whispers were quickly exchanged. I saw more than a few shoulders tense and hands go for the nearest item passable for a weapon. I shifted in the saddle, but a glance over my shoulder did not reveal how Devaraj felt about his welcome.
We rode unmolested into the center of town, stopping beside the tavern (as indicated by an old swinging sign in the shape of a foaming mug over its door). Nur tossed his head and snorted in irritation, obviously displeased with the likelihood of being stalled again. He scooped one meaty hoof into the soft ground, tossing clumps behind him as Devaraj slid from the saddle behind me.
“Go and procure us some food, yes?” He told me as he helped me down from the saddle. “I will secure Nur and bring in our bags. Then we shall notify the town leaders that we have arrived.”
I glanced over his shoulder at the numerous eyes lingering on us as he dug through the purse at his hip and pressed a few coins into my hands. Based upon what I saw, I doubted very much we would need to announce our arrival.
But I did as I was told and turned to duck into the tavern. Ignoring the eyes following me and the whispers brushing just beneath the scope of my hearing. I wondered briefly how good Devaraj’s hearing was.
The tavern was dim, dusty, and in disrepair. There were a few patchy holes in the rafters that allowed thin beams of broken sunlight to filter past the old wooden frame and hit the dirt ground below, and were the main source of late as the windows were far too grimy to provide much. A spattering of tables, mostly empty save for a few seedy sorts nursing chipped mugs, and a greasy bar at the far wall that looked as though it had seen better days. A few heads raised as the door thunked closed behind me, but interest was quickly lost in favor of whatever content they sipped from their cups. I made my way over to the bar, where a large bellied man sat rubbing at a mug with a dirty cloth.
“Ay, miss, what’ll ye need?” He asked as I approached, his voice gruff but polite.
I nodded to him in greeting. “Two breakfast plates. Sausage, egg, biscuits. The whole works if you have it.”
He returned my nod, placing the cup on the counter and slinging the cloth over his shoulder. “No’ a problem, miss. That’ll be three piece, yeah?” When I dropped the coin in his extended meaty hand, he gave me a cheery, broken toothed grin. “Ye’ll be wanting something to wet yer palate too?”
“Ale would be fine.” I replied, leaning against the bar for a moment and glancing around. The man disappeared into the back room, and I heard pots clanging and the creak of a stove cover opening.
I lingered for a minute on my meal request. Wondering if it would be sufficient. After all, I had forgotten to ask what Nessiim ate. I chewed over this for another moment, before a sudden wave of realization washed over me like a bucket of cold water splashed at my back. This was my opportunity. Devaraj would be otherwise occupied, and I could easily make myself scarce even in a town as small as this. Maybe even catch a ride with a traveling merchant or farmer to the next town. Certainly I didn’t want to have anything to do with his… work. A shiver worked its way down my spine at the thought of our earlier conversation. But it was quickly replaced by the skipping beat of my heart in my breast at the memory of his muzzle next to my ear… I will keep you safe. No harm shall come to you, I promise... I rubbed my fingers against the worn wood of the bar, trying and failing to assess why I suddenly felt so reluctant to leave. I had always been on my own, for as long as I could remember. What could possibly make me want to change that now? I glanced about again as my anxiousness rose, and my palms itched to relieve the room of their valuables, sparse as the pickings would be. Something to take my mind off… I shook my head and sighed. Resisting the urge.
The door thunked open again and I peeked over my shoulder to watch the reptilian man duck his huge horned head to fit beneath its frame. His entrance had the current patrons reacting much differently than my own; I saw them stiffen, uncurling from over their drinks and wary scowls quickly forming on their lips. If he noticed, Devaraj made no indication. His sharp yellow eyes settled on me and he gave a gentle nod before making his way over to an empty corner table. The closest adjacent table’s occupants quickly took their leave, gathering their things and scuttling to another table. I frowned, surprised by the abject fear I felt wafting off the patrons. Sure, he was an unusual specimen. But he was hardly aggressive looking... Or was I simply biased now?
I pivoted to attend to the barkeep, who’s return had returned preceded by the creaking of hinges from the kitchen door. He had two iron plates piled high with greasy looking food, and he plopped them down in front of me.
“Lemme get yer ale, Miss.” He told me. I returned a polite smile.
“Hey! Scaly!” Came a loud voice from behind me, and I stiffened slightly. “What the hell is wrong with you? You some sort of… devil spawn?”
I turned in time to see one of the burlier men approaching the corner table boldly. His shirt was stained and filled with holes, and he had a large crooked nose he looked down to glare at Devaraj. He had nothing on my companion’s muscle, but was certainly tall and heavy set enough to cause trouble.
“Indeed not, sir.” Came the thick reply, and I noticed the reptilian man’s usually airy tone had been replaced by a twitchingly harsh edge.
“Don’t ‘sir’ me, scales. I’m not your sir.” Growled the man. “We don’t let devils around here.”
Devaraj blinked slowly at the man, and I noticed his long tongue dart out briefly. The man stiffened at the sight, his eyes widening by a hair. But then he gritted his teeth, and I noticed his fists ball. I quickly gathered the plates in hand and bustled over to the table.
“Apologies for the delay,” I told Devaraj quickly, laying a plate in front of him and deftly putting my body between him and the irritated patron, “I hope this will be to your satisfaction.”
“Oi!” Came the expected grunt from behind me. I turned, pretending to just have noticed the man. He looked me up and down, scowling. But I saw a seed of doubt forming in his eyes. “.. You know this beast?”
“Beast?” I scoffed, hand to my chest, “By all that is holy, you must be joking. You mean you don’t recognize him?? You are the true beast if you would think him as much!”
The man blinked stupidly, my insult flying over his head. “...Eh?”
I placed my hands on my hips. “Well, I do apologize, I had believed you to be a traveled and educated man who would know a Spirit Charmer when he saw one!” My dry tone was lost on him, and I sighed deeply. “And here we are, summoned by your own leaders and treated to such disrespect!”
I noticed the rest of the room suddenly rapt with full attention. I squared my shoulders and craned my neck up to look at the man before me. I saw him glance around to his companions, becoming more uncertain by the minute. He reached up and rubbed at the back of his neck.
“... Spirit Charmer, you say?”
“Yes! One of the best, for which I am certain you are all proud that your leaders were able to procure one of such notoriety!” I cocked my head to the side at him. “Unless we were mistakenly misinformed to your… troubles.”
I saw more than a few more spines stiffen, and the barkeep came slowly over with the two mugs of ale. I saw him eye Devaraj warily, then turned his attention back to me.
“Yer here about the spirit at the craig crypts?” He asked tentatively, placing the mugs on the table.
“The very ones.” I bluffed, hoping that was indeed what we were here for. “Have you been plagued long?”
The barkeep and his patron exchanged a look, and the crooked nosed man nodded slowly. “Ay, miss, we have. There’s a terrible keening most nights, and the things’ been killing sheep now… We’re worried it might be takin’ the children next.”
“Has anyone passed lately?” Devaraj asked, speaking up for the first time. “Or has the crypt been disturbed?”
“...There’s an old legend of a man who lived out by the craigs...” The barkeep answered hesitantly, glancing at the scaled man over my shoulder. “Folks’ be suspectin’ its his angry spirit hanging about.”
“Well then, it seems like my employer and I arrived just in time.” I exclaimed, hoping no one saw the nervous shiver down my spine at the mention of the spirit. “... Unless of course you’ve found an alternative method to deal with your spirit? We have many demands for his skills and would be happy to be on our way-”
“N-no ma’am… ah, miss…” The barkeep held up his hands, and even the crooked nosed patron shook his head sheepishly. “We be right glad yer… ‘employer’ is here.”
I cocked my head to the side again. “Are you now? Pardon, I was a bit confused by our welcome.”
When I looked pointedly at the other man, his face ruddied and he rubbed at the back of his neck. “Beggin’ your pardon, Miss… Sir,” He looked over my shoulder at Devaraj, bowing his head humbly, “I didn’t know… I won’t bother you further…” He bowed his head and quickly scuttled out the door.
“I am right sorry fer Kam, there,” the barkeep continued as the other patrons made a point to go back to whatever had been occupying them before, “None of us ‘ave been gettin’ a good sleep, right? An’ we havena seen a… a Spirit Charmer before…”
I stepped to the side, moving to take the bench across from Devaraj. “Certainly understandable, such a profession is rare in these parts, I am told, which is why it was wise of your leaders to send for one.” I looked him over, staying on my feet a moment longer. “My employer and I have travelled a long way to be here, I hope it is alright that we take a meal before speaking with them?”
“N-not at all!” He exclaimed, bobbing his fat chin nervously. I saw his eyes flicker back over to Devaraj, but quickly dropped his gaze. “We’re on edge, sir, I hope ye understand. Wut with all the… activity in the area.”
Devaraj nodded his long chin, but otherwise said nothing. The barkeep stuttered out a final apology as well as a farewell, then moved back to his place at the bar. Leaving us alone to our meal. I picked up the biscuit, which was still warm from the oven, and broke it in half between my hands. An uneasy murmur had settled through the tavern, but other than a curious eye here and there, we were left to ourselves.
“That was expertly handled, Sera,” Mused my companion quietly, picking up his mug and giving it a curious sniff, “I do not believe I have ever had such an easy introduction.”
I scoffed softly, staring down at my food and chewing slowly. “That was easy?”
“By comparison, yes.” I peeked up at him through my lashes to see his elongated mouth stretching into a closed mouth smile. “I am pleased you decided to take my employment offer.”
I nodded lightly, hiding a blush and the stab of guilt that came from the thought of what might have happened had I decided to abandon him just a short while earlier… I took a quiet sip of my ale, then gestured to his plate after I replaced my cup on the table.
“I-I wasn’t sure if you would mind a traditional breakfast… Do you have a food preference?”
He chuckled lightly, and I watched as he took a bite of the sausage. “I do not. I am content with whatever meal I can procure. Though I must say,” He managed to smack his scaly lips, “This is better than I have yet had in your lands. It smells quite good.”
Another stab of guilt, wondering exactly had he been eating before that this greasy slop seemed so decadent to him. I swallowed my mouthful and took up another. As I took another swig of my ale, I used the opportunity to glance about again discretely. But it seemed we would not be bothered again, though I was certain our appearance would still be on the villagers’ lips for many days to come.
“You are good at this, Sera,” He intoned, and I turned my attention back to him, “One day in and you have already proved your worth tenfold.” He tilted his big horned head to the side and snaked his long tongue out at me. “Perhaps you deserve a raise.”
I choked on a quiet laugh, shaking my head. “You haven’t paid me yet… Besides, I’d settle for my own bedroll…” A blush rose to my cheeks. “And a horse… if possible.”
“Hmmm.” Came his response, and his thin nostrils flared slightly. “I will miss your warmth when we ride, but understand it might not be most ideal for you.” A finalizing nod. “We shall procure you a mount before we depart then.”
“H-how long will that be?” I asked curiously.
“Depends on the situation with this spirit. But I suspect it shan’t be more than a day or two at most to soothe its ails and bring some peace back to this town.” He took a large mouthful, scarfing it back with a pleased rumble in his deep chest. I watched his throat ripple as he swallowed. “There will be a contract ready by the time we finish, I am certain.”
That gave me a start. “... We?”
His toothy grin returned. “But of course! I shall be most grateful for your assistance, Sera!”
I pushed my plate away, unfinished. Suddenly having lost my appetite.
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fragileizywriting · 3 years
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I want to see you. I want your talkative companionship for just a little while longer, if that’s alright with you.
He is helpless to her wishes. After all, the demonic seal that is tattooed onto his chest and onto her ear lobes are exactly for that— whatever his Lady and Princess wants, so long as it is in reason, he’ll try to provide it to her. Her words aren’t chains or shackles— they are quiet and reasonable guides. She speaks the words out loud, wanting, wishing to be heard and understood, and Chat listens— listens to Marinette, his mother’s Ladybug, and he answers. It’s not an even exchange— not yet, anyway. He will do her bidding so long as she is willing to give in return.
At first, it had meant nothing to him— he’s been privy to working for humans before, and had never felt an inkling of affection or sympathy. Making a deal with a demon just means that their soul will be taken and corrupted whenever their wishes are done and completed, and he’s never felt bad about making deals with adults who crave power and indulgence. Their souls are filled with tar whenever he consumes and eats them, but it settles the hunger in his stomach. He’s never thought of anything less.
Until now, of course.
Marinette. Marinette. How could he ever take her soul away? How can he sit here, knowing that the hummingbird beating of her soul one day is going to end up inside of him instead of where it belongs? How could he live with himself, knowing that he’d ruined her this way? Even though Marinette made the deal with him willingly, there— there must be a way to get rid of the tattoos on their skin.
He can’t do this to her.
He has to keep looking.
He’ll search everywhere for an answer. Every textbook, every witch. Every spare piece of gossip from Alya. There must be a way to break and erase the tattoos that burn on their skin. He’ll do her bidding regardless— he’ll help her with her wishes to cast the miraculous cure— but he can’t do it knowing that her soul is on the line.
The world is so big, and yet, it always surprises him to think that he’s ended up in Ladybug’s life. The girl who worships and works for his mother from first breath to last, trying to make a world a better place— he can’t take away Ladybug’s soul, can he? He’s in a predicament in that sense, too. If his mom were to find out that he’d been planning on eating a Ladybug’s soul, he’s certain to get a scolding of a lifetime for it. But he doesn’t know what to do— it’s almost as if they were put together for a reason.
And the reason, he suspects, might be because of his father— with that shit-eating grin he’d had on his face the moment that portal had opened up in the throne room just as Chat Noir had walked in, claiming that it was time for Chat Noir to experience the new.
He’s yet to get an answer from that god if this is what he meant.
Maybe Tikki already knows. It’s possible she does— after all, Marinette does her bidding quite a lot. Surely his mom has already felt the whispers of his magic tainting everything that Marinette does as well, right? And knowing her, she’s probably adamant about the two of them staying together.
“I used to get a lot of migraines when I was younger,” He breaks the silence in the living room.
Marinette’s eyes are distant again, even as she watches him eat her piece of honey she’d given him. It’s a silence he doesn’t know how to navigate very well— he doesn’t know what to say or do. The honeycomb tastes too brittle without her company, so he doesn’t know whether to stop eating and just wait for her, or try prodding at the silence.
It’s been a little while that he’s transformed back into his normal form, with them sitting in the living room seating area in front of the fireplace he’s poked back into life. It helps— sometimes, not always— that he’s capable of using fire magic. There’s no need for any matches of any kind when all he has to do is create flames in the palm of his hand. His magic isn’t as generalized as Marinette’s is— most of his spells he’s learned are, after all, to cause as much chaos as possible. Fire, floods, earthquakes, cataclysms— all of it is in the realm of his hands.
He doesn’t know how to mend things. It’s never been his strong suit.
She startles, realizing that he’s trying to have a conversation with her. Trying to complete her wish in the best way he knows how. “You did?”
He blinks slowly, trying to figure out how to approach the topic, so he tries for a smile. “Don’t tell anyone that the great Chat Noir is susceptible to headaches, the last thing we need is another myth circulating around the world that Plagg’s prodigy is nothing more than a demon that is sensitive to light. Let’s keep it a secret between us.”
“Of course,” She nods, not exactly understanding that he’s being sarcastic. Her hair is ink against her skin as she sits properly on the couch with him, tucking her shoulder into one of the back pillows. “How bad were the migraines? How long they did they last?”
Is Marinette trying to get more information so she can read about it? That seems most likely— he could mention that he sneezes at a certain smell and she’d disappear with the scent entirely within hours. It’s a miracle he’d convinced her to not toss out all of the scented soap the moment she’d learned that his nose is capable of picking up practically anything— Marinette cares about him too much.
Still though. He can’t force himself to lie to her— not when he’s trying to make sure that she knows that he’s always available to listen to what bothers her. “I wish I could say they weren’t too detrimental, but… the migraines got so bad that most of my memories from childhood are gone.”
It’s warmer than it was before, and even with the lack of fur he can feel that the cottage is at a reasonable temperature. She’s not shivering anymore, which is good— Marinette shivers from simply a threat of a cold draft, he’d hate to have her actually be freezing. Her brows crinkle at whatever she’s thinking, trying to place her thoughts together. “What? Y-you don’t remember your childhood? Any of it? At all?”
“No.” He taps on the plate in his lap. “I don’t remember much of those days. Practically nothing— my memories are entirely blank and dark. Huge portions of my life are missing.”
“Chat,” She gasps. “How— you—”
“It’s not that bad. Twelve-ish years of life disappeared, sure, but that’s okay. I’ve been told that I’ll live for hundreds of years, so I can’t be too upset that a couple of years disappeared.”
“Oh. Yes, of course,” The sides of her mouth tick down. “I forgot that demons live for long periods of time.”
“My parents never thought of me as less for it, and it doesn’t sound like those years are fun to remember, either. From the parts I can still remember, it was a lot of seeing my parents in the throne room looking scared and confused while I cried for my mom, begging her to hold me and comfort me.”
“Chat,” Her face pinches.
He continues with a smile, trying not to feel elated that Marinette is so easy to sympathize with him. “My mom used to say that the migraines got so bad that she would have to sit with me for days for it to go away. Trust me, Princess, I’m fine now. I haven’t had any migraines in years. Mom always called our moments together as bonding-time, although I think it was just to make me feel better.”
“Tikki said that?” There’s a bit of humor on her face, a fleeting little bit of amusement in her eyes even as she thinks about his blanked memory, the same humor from bringing up the silly argument they always have with each other.
Marinette is still convinced, even after all this time, that the Goddess really isn’t his mother— that he makes it up for humor. After all, according to Marinette, Plagg and Tikki aren’t really together, they’re gods— they don’t have children. They’re from completely different realms— why would his deity Plagg and her deity Tikki be together? Why would Tikki and Plagg have a child? And why him?
No offense, of course. But he understands what she means— he doesn’t really look like either of them. His mom talks about him as if he’s a miracle. But still— and this is integral— why would Plagg and Tikki be together? Marinette doesn’t ever understand.
But then again…
She has no idea about the loving glances his parents give to each other.
She has no idea about how every time his mother would leave hell to go take care of her own domain, his father would spend every day waiting for her to come home by carving little wooden statues by hand. Large, calloused, working hands of a god as old as time, whittling away at pieces of wood so smooth and soft that it looked like he was cutting through butter with a knife.
She has no idea how many yearning nights he’d spend at his dad’s feet, listening to Plagg talk about how much he loves his mother, and how they both miss her dearly, with his father creating little wooden dolls to keep his hands busy while he wishes for Tikki to come back to them. Each wooden doll more elaborate than the last. Each wooden doll more delicate than the last. A horse— a princess— a dragon— a demon— a rose. Sometimes his father would even carve a little doll of Tikki for himself, and smooth his thumb over the little figure whenever his missing got too much for him.
Chat Noir still has a couple of the gifted wooden dolls still in his room lining his shelves, each doll a scene from a story that Plagg would tell to keep him entertained as little Chat Noir gripped his leg in sadness. Knights and dragons and princesses and Ladybug’s that healed the sick with just her hands, and Chat Noir’s that ate the sun to give fire to the humans just to watch explosions and war dot across the Earth.
He always wished he had the skill to create like his dad. He always chalked it up to not having enough patience to shave away at bark. Besides, his hands are more suited to tearing and grabbing. He’d keep himself busy, waiting for his mother to return, by hunting the wanted whose faces were always plastered outside the castle walls, bringing the hunted into the throne room by carrying them over his shoulder or dragging them in by the leg.
He’d take a few Earth jobs, too, whenever a summoning portal was open and he was in the area and didn’t have any immediate plans. As long as he sent a letter back down through the portal notifying he was on Earth, his father didn’t mind him leaving hell.
Marinette also has no idea about the plentiful gifts that Tikki would bring back from her domain, with flowers large and plentiful in her arms to decorate their rooms. They have always been his favorite gift from hers whenever she returns. No amount of trinkets, or prizes— gold, jewelry, fruits from above ever caught his eye like the way they catch whenever she brings these to him.
Fire lilies.
For a man such as himself who’s entire myth and legend is simply just fire, and destruction— hell’s favorite golden and green child— seeing fire being associated with a flower always amazed him. Even as a young boy, when his blackened claws were much too sharp to take care and cultivate flowers like his mother, he always tried to keep himself from ruining the petals. Sometimes it got so bad that he’d beg his mother to keep the flowers with her so that they wouldn’t tear in his hands. Watch from afar. Admire them in a glass vase. Keep away from his hands.
The petals of these flowers are always so dark and red. Petals as red as his mother’s fiery hair, lively and beautiful. He always attempted to keep the fire lilies as alive as possible, knowing that the flower would break at the slightest indication of accidental injury. Every time a petal would fall off, he’d break from it.
Oh, he realizes. Marinette is his fire lily.
It makes sense. Of course it does. One of Tikki’s gifts happens to coincide with her most valued worker on Earth— the thought almost makes it difficult to breathe. Marinette is the one person in this entire world that he cares about at such a deep level.
He likes bantering with Luka— their fishing competitions are fun, even if the naga cheats.
He likes the rivalry between him and Alix, who is convinced that she can win against a legendary demon like him.
He likes talking with Alya, who has so much knowledge in her glittering brown eyes that it would take him entire lifetimes to parse through all of her silver and golden words.
He likes being with Nino, too— the one completely magic-less human who never treats him like a creature of the night and instead just his friend. He’s never had one before this.
But Marinette is the one person that he’d want to preserve, if he had to make that choice. His very own fire lily, the most beautiful and wonderful flower of all, safely kept. He wishes to keep her safe from harm. He wishes to keep her from hurting any more than what she already has.
The more and more he thinks about it, the less he realizes that he’s not paying attention to Marinette, who watches him in silence. By the time he’s out of his thoughts, Marinette’s looking at him with a knowing glint in her eye, one filled with soft humor, and it’s enough to give him hope that maybe he’s guiding the conversation into the right place, even if he doesn’t know where he’d left off. “So, Tikki would really comfort you?”
He thinks back to those earlier days. The days where he’d beg for his mother to stay— the days where he’d scream for no apparent reason at the sight of summoning portals being open, the days where he’d cry endlessly at the prospect of having to go through them. His mother never knew what to do. She’d sit there, bewildered, struggling to calm him down— he realizes, then, that he’s much in the same predicament. How would he calm down? What would get him to smile that day? Would the same tactic even work on Marinette?
“She’d sit with me. Sit with me a lot and just let me cry.” His voice is soft, nodding along to his own words. “To be fair, my mom had no idea what to do. She’d never had a child before. Every other Chat Noir that Plagg and hell had created before wasn’t exactly their own child. This was different.”
“She did well, if you turned out to be like this.” She pulls her knees up so she can hug them. She’s interested in his story. She always is. “I know I haven’t met every single demon, but you’re the nicest one I’ve met. And sweetest.”
“She’s nothing short of a perfectionist,” He winks, not letting his face stain red at the compliment no matter how hard his face wants to. “Nothing less for her. It took her a bit of time to understand my migraines. I don’t know. Sometimes I wish I remember parts of my childhood, but my parents told me that I was frequently inside a lot because of the migraines. The headaches would get so bad that I could hear light.”
“The great Chat Noir,” She murmurs, the smile small on her face, but there. “Who knew that this version of Chat Noir was prone to headaches?”
“Not all Chat Noirs are built the same, you know,” He grins. “Some of us can pull the sun out of the sky, it’s true. Hold the flame in our hands. Light the Earth on fire with it. And some Chat Noirs stay inside their dark bedroom for long periods of time, hopeful that the headache would pass.”
“Gets into fights with the local fishers, too.” She muses softly. “Technically wins because the fisher doesn’t have fire powers.”
“You got to take wins where you can get them,” He’s so happy when she finally laughs. He misses her laughter every time it’s away. “And the great Chat Noir never falters to do the impossible.”
Her laughter is light, and airy, but as sweet as the honey on his plate. “What would you do to keep yourself entertained, then, oh great Chat Noir?”
“Listen to my mom talk about my dad,” He tries not to scrunch his nose. He takes a bite from the honeycomb, trying not to think too hard about how he wouldn’t mind being that way with Marinette. Would she tell her children about him, if she were to ever have any? Why does the thought of being out of her life taste so sour on his tongue? “I’ve never heard two people more in love in my life.”
Marinette’s face brightens at his words. “They must be very lucky to have each other.”
He looks around the cottage, to all their little things they’ve collected while being together. He thinks about their hens, their meals together, the days where he’ll laze in the sun patch as she works on long and complicated spells that she doesn’t want help with. He thinks about her attempts at perfecting her fortune charms by loading his arms with so many beads that it’s almost impossible for him to move his arms. He thinks about the way she hides her face in his chest when she’s feeling afraid.
He’s lucky to have her. He hopes that she’s lucky to have him, too.
“They aren’t the only ones.”
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nightingiall · 4 years
things i love about you: you make lovin’ fun
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a post-little do you know drabble series // story page
Niall was, in a word, exhausted.
For some reason, despite the many cups of coffee he’d consumed, he still felt himself nodding away at his desk, unable to keep his eyes open. The words on his screen were so blurry that he kept rubbing at his eyelids, as though attempting to scrub the drowsiness away would help.
He felt like he’d been behind at everything lately. He was always writing an article down to the last minute, barely making a deadline before he was assigned a new story. Eventually, he’d had no choice but to take his job home, often working on a story well into midnight, only making it to bed after his girlfriend basically had to drag him there. Even then, he couldn’t sleep, mind constantly buzzing with words and synonyms and phrases he could use to replace something in an article. It was like he was buried under a pile of work all the time.
“Here,” someone was saying to him, and he pulled his hands away from his eyes—apparently, he’d been rubbing at them again—to find his co-worker Duncan sliding a cuppa onto his desk. “You look like you need this. And if you have more coffee I’m afraid your heart’ll give out.” After tossing some sugar packets and a wooden stirrer onto the desk, he smiled, flashing that famous gap-toothed grin that Niall had seen woo many ladies at various evenings spent in multiple Manhattan bars. “And how will I explain that to your girlfriend.”
Niall rolled his eyes, laughing along nonetheless as he ripped open a sugar packet and dumped it into the hot beverage. “Thanks, mate.” Working with Duncan, a fellow Irishman, was something Niall didn’t expect to enjoy as much as he did. Always laughing and joking, he could be counted on to lighten the mood. He was also whip smart and was basically like Niall’s human thesaurus, something Niall never forgot to thank him for. Besides, the rest of his friends loved him, which he took as a good sign for keeping him around.
Duncan settled into his chair at the neighboring cubicle. “Need help with anything?”
A scoff pushed through Niall’s lips as he mindlessly stirred at his cuppa. “A fuckin’ break would be nice.”
This made Duncan laugh. “Tell me about it.” They had been absolutely swamped for the past few weeks, and if the darkness beneath their eyes were any indication, work had clearly taken a toll on them. “Why don’t you take a vacation, mate? You didn’t go anywhere this summer.” Duncan stretched back into his chair, his spine giving a rather satisfying crack. “Take the missus out to a beach somewhere or something. Might do you some good.”
Niall smiled softly at this, reclining back in his chair as well. It was not lost on him that this topic had come up several times over the past few weeks. “Yeah, we were talking about going somewhere but never finalized any plans.” The tea slinked down his throat as he took a sip, filling him with warmth and a newfound focus. Perhaps they should just take off and go somewhere for a week. He needed some sun and some quality time with his Mona. Preferably soon too. He felt himself slowly starting to go crazy, just sitting there at his desk. “Any suggestions?”
Duncan hummed, pressing the tip of his eraser to the corner of his lip. “Anywhere in the Caribbean is always nice. My mam’s from Barbados and it’s always quiet down there around this time.” He took a sip of his own drink before lighting up with another idea. “Oh, Hawaii in the off-season is great too. No big crowds, good prices, fantastic food.”
Pristine beaches, warm saltwater air, and a room that overlooked it all sounded like a phenomenal idea to Niall. Most of all, he wouldn’t have to share his time with anyone else except for Mona. Not with work, not with clients, not with friends or colleagues, even though he very much enjoyed every one of them. For now, though, he just wanted uninterrupted relaxation time with the person he loved most.
He and Duncan talked about Hawaii for the rest of their shift. While sorting through emails and drafting up an article, he quizzed Duncan on the most ideal resorts and sights for a quiet and peaceful but still fun trip. By the time the day was over, he had a rough draft, which he sent over to his editor, and some semblance of a vacation idea he can talk to Mona about when he got home.  
It was all he thought about on his commute. New York may have been teeming with gorgeous fall colors, but somewhere warm sounded so nice. And he’d like to not have to worry about waking up early to take the subway or meeting deadlines at work. He needed a break from it all. They both did.
He was just twisting his key into the lock when he remembered that it was Thursday. Mona’s Mimi day, as she liked to say. Her therapy sessions often left her in unpredictable moods. Lately, she’d been having more rough sessions than good ones, and he often came home to find her curled up either on the couch or in bed—whichever she could drag herself to first—her head buried into a pillow and eyes clenched shut.
He usually tried to pick up some flowers or her favorite sweets from the Indian grocery store on her Mimi days, just to cheer her up, but he’d totally forgotten today. A frustrated huff worked out of him as the realization dawned, and he scrubbed a hand over his eyes at how terrible a boyfriend he’d been lately.
After all, the only reason they hadn’t actually gone on a trip yet was because he was too busy at work. Most days, he’d get home late, and even then he’d work until late into the night, unable to find it in himself to unwind and leave his job where it belonged, at the office. By the time he was ready to crawl into bed, it would be midnight and Mona would be fast asleep. He was honestly just lucky that she’d still indulge him with a cuddle, despite being deep into her dreamland.
To his surprise, and relief, when he swung the front door open, he was met with the soft twinkle of Mona’s laughter, his most favorite sound in the universe. She was perched on the couch, cross-legged with a bowl of pistachios on a pillow on her lap, the shells tossed into a smaller bowl beside her. Something on the telly was making her laugh so hard that she reached up to swipe a stray tear from her lashline with her sleeve. The mere sight of her, dressed in his jumper, her hair freshly washed and draping over her shoulders in soft, slightly damp waves, filled him with such a surge of affection that all he wanted was to curl right into her, on the couch, and not have to move for the rest of the night.
“What’re you laughing so hard about?” he asked as he kicked his shoes off and rounded the corner of the couch, stopping behind her to press his lips to the top of her head. She looked up at him, mid-giggle, and he pressed another kiss to her nose too because he couldn’t help it. He loved her like this, big, fluffy hair and flushed cheeks and a huge, wonderful smile that never failed to have his knees go impossibly weak.
“Worst Cooks.” She gestured to the TV, which Niall noticed was, of course, turned to the Food Network. “How have we never watched this show before? I never thought anyone except for Harlow could burn water but there’s a whole world of terrible cooks out there!” Sure enough, just as he looked up, a woman had somehow managed to flip her burger while simultaneously getting it to catch on fire. Mona cackled gleefully at the sight. He couldn’t help but laugh along with her, completely enamored.
After putting away his bag, hopping in the shower, and changing into clean clothes—he didn’t like staying in his dirty work clothes, especially after his subway commute—he felt much more relaxed and ready to curl into the warmth of his wonderful girl, who was still lounging about on the couch, laughing at the kitchen mishaps on the TV.
Taking the bowls of pistachios and shells from her lap and placing it on the coffee table, he stretched out on the couch beside her, head resting comfortably on the pillow on her lap. Her hair was fully dried now, and as she brushed the strands behind her ear, he caught a whiff of peppermint. It was only the beginning of October but she’d whipped out her favorite holiday shampoo anyway. It was his favorite too.
She smiled so sweetly down at him that he had to close his eyes, otherwise he was sure his heart might burst. “How do you feel about pizza for dinner?” she asked, trailing a finger down the bridge of his nose. She was so soft and so warm, her arms wrapped around him, consuming him with that peppermint scent, and Niall wanted her to just hold him like this forever.
“Whatever you want.” He breathed out a laugh when she let out a soft cheer, reaching for her phone to order. It was the second time this week that she’d asked but he didn’t care. She could ask for the stars and he’d find a way to give it to her.
When she was done, she tossed her phone to the other end of the couch, returning her attention to him. The TV was a quiet soundtrack to their evening but Niall felt like he couldn’t even hear it. He was too lost in the way she smiled at him, the way those big brown eyes glittered. It didn’t matter that he was dead tired and worn out; whenever he was all wrapped up in her, everything always fell into place.
Mona skimmed her knuckles over his cheeks, her fingers cool on his warm skin. “Everything okay?” she asked, voice a hushed whisper. When he opened his eyes, her smile was softer now, more subdued. He hummed in answer, nuzzling into the hand caressing his jawline. She simply sighed at him, fingers now gently trailing against the skin below his eyes. “You work too much. You look so tired.”
Her lips pressed kisses to his closed eyelids, the tip of his nose, the hinge of his jaw. Soft and feather light. It filled him with immeasurable joy. “’M fine,” he murmured, even though he knew she could see right through him. It was as though he could feel her eye roll when she scoffed, and he couldn’t help but huff out a laugh. She pressed her cheek to his forehead when she was done with her little butterfly kisses and he sighed contentedly, so comfortable that he could just fall asleep right there. “How was your Mimi day?”
Her fingers were twirling into the hairs at the nape of his neck now. “Fine. We talked about love languages, which I hadn’t heard of before.” She started to shift away from him but he stopped her with a quick tug on her wrists. It was too comfortable; he didn’t want her to move. “I was trying to figure out what yours might be but I couldn’t. Do you know what it is?”
Niall smiled because he did know. He had always known. It was her, spending time with her, lounging around like this or going out on dates or cooking a meal or curling into one another in bed. Anything with her. Everything with her. They could be doing absolutely nothing, just sitting there listening to each other breathe, and it was just enough for him. Simply being by her side made him happy. Nothing else could compare. “I think if would satisfy you more if you figured it out yourself.”
Mona sighed, pursing her lips against his forehead. “I think you’re right.”
They sat in silence for a few moments. He relished in the warmth of her as she continued to run her fingers through his hair. He could have fallen asleep like that, just lying in her lap, taking her in. Then he remembered. “Hey, Mo?”
“Let’s go to Hawaii.”
She sat up then, brows raised at him. “Hawaii?”
He grinned up at her. Just talking about it made him excited. Beaches and beers and tropical sights and Mona. It sounded like a damn great time to him. “We need a vacation. We keep talking about it but never actually go anywhere. What are we waiting for?”
She was grinning too, a laugh bubbling out of her. “Well, when do you want to go?”
He shrugged. “Soon, please.”
And so, the rest of the night was spent with pizza, some wine, and their laptops, sending in their vacation requests to their jobs as well as booking everything they needed, like flights and a hotel.
All Niall could think of was one thing: Hawaii, here we come.
~ “I told you to wear sunscreen.”
Niall huffed at this. He was currently slumped against the pillows of the biggest bed he’d ever seen in his life, watching as Mona got ready for their dinner plans tonight. She was fussing with her hair while simultaneously scolding him about his bad skincare habits. It wasn’t his fault, really. After all, he wasn’t used to applying sunscreen when it wasn’t the summer months, and how was he to know that their afternoon hike would cause a bad sunburn on his nose? “You’re being mean.”
It took a great deal of effort to hold back a laugh at the way she glared at him. “It’s not my fault you don’t listen.”
This time, a chuckle inadvertently escaped him. She wasn’t wrong after all. “Darlin’.” He crawled off the bed, hands finding her hips and smiling at her reflection in the vanity mirror. She was still trying to decide whether to leave her hair down or pin it up. “You look stunning as always and your hair looks fine. Now can we go get dinner? I’m starving.” This earned him one of her signature eye rolls and a flick to his sunburnt nose. “Ow!”
Mona simply grinned at him, turning around to pull him close and press a light peck to the stinging area. “You’re so annoying.”
“I can’t help it,” he breathed into her skin, all thoughts of dinner suddenly evaporating from his mind as he skimmed his hands down her spine. “You’re so cute.”
“Ugh,” she huffed out, but laughed nonetheless, lightly shoving him away. “Let’s go.”
Niall laced their fingers together as they walked over to the restaurant. He didn’t know why they had never done this before, splurged on an actual vacation, because this was quite possibly the best idea ever. Their flight into the Big Island had been long so they hadn’t done anything on the first night, but yesterday they had gotten a couple’s massage before lazing about in the hot tub, and today they rented a car to drive around before taking an impromptu hike to indulge in picturesque views of the island.
Now, with Mona’s hand in his, the night air warm and inviting around them, palm trees and flower bushes lining the walkway, he felt a bit like he’d fallen in love with her all over again. It was like he was twenty-one again, holed up in a winter cabin with his friends, completely entranced by this girl with dark hair and soulful eyes and a killer sense of humor. Except this time, she actually loved him back.
There was a moment today, when they had hiked up the mountain and were greeted with the mesmerizing views of the entire coastline, she had turned around and laughed, big brown eyes glittering in the sunlight, skin shining with the slight sweat she’d worked up on the climb, and he almost did it. He almost dropped to one knee right there, fingers already reaching for the ring in his pocket. Somehow, the words got a bit lost in his throat though, and it never happened. It was a perfect moment; she pulled him in and pressed the most reverent kiss to his lips, murmured that she loved him before smiling that sweet smile at him.
It was a perfect moment, yes, but something told him it wasn’t the right one.
“It’s so warm here,” Mona mused as they settled at their reserved table. They’d chosen a spot outdoors so they could eat with a view of the ocean. The sky was swirling with the colors of dusk, the sun already nestled beneath the horizon. Mona was smiling at him, pinks and oranges painting the sky behind her, waves crashing into the sand in the distance, and all he wanted was the ability to freeze this moment so he could hold onto it forever. “What if we just packed up and moved to an island? Left everything behind and lived the rest of our lives in…” It took her a moment to find the word she wanted, eyes glazed over as she mulled it over. Niall simply admired her, cheek resting in his hand as he leaned against the table. Her eyes absolutely lit up when it came to her. “Paradise,” she proclaimed dreamily.
Niall grinned, imagining them as island dwellers with their own little home in a tropical oasis. “What about all our friends?”
She shrugged, reaching for some chips on the platter between them. He hadn’t even realized when the waiter had placed it there. “We could write them letters.”
At this, he laughed, leaning back into his chair again. “You’d really just leave everyone behind?”
She tutted like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Yeah, why not. I’d have you.” She was popping another chip into her mouth when her eyes were lighting up again. “Ooh, you know what we can do? We can get a puppy.”
“A puppy?”
“Yeah!” At this point, the chips were halfway finished. She seemed to notice this and offered him some, and he opened his mouth so she’d feed it to him. “We’re not having kids any time soon so in the meantime we can at least get a puppy.”
Niall was about to respond when the waiter arrived, asking if they were ready to order. Once they’d decided on what they wanted, the waiter left and Mona excused herself to the bathroom. As he watched her go, his fingers trailed absentmindedly against his pocket, tracing the outline of the ring inside.
He reached in for it, rolling it in his hands for a moment. For months, he’d been carrying it everywhere. At first, he figured he’d plan something nice; a date night, perhaps, and he’d surprise her with the ring. But the longer he thought about it, the more he realized he had no idea where to pop the question. The ideas were endless: at a picnic in Central Park, at the top of Empire State, at the botanical gardens, or maybe even in their damn living room. So he figured that if he just carried the ring with him everywhere, once the perfect moment arose, he’d be ready.
But every time he thought it was the right time, something happened. They were either being interrupted or there were too many tourists around or the words simply got trapped in his throat. It felt a bit like he was trying to tell her he loved her for the first time all over again.
The ring glinted in the candlelight. Mona’s mom, Raina, had given it to him last year when they visited her in San Francisco. She had waited until Mona had left the room before she pressed the box into his hands. “I was going to give this to Nick,” she had said, “but it feels more right giving it to you. It’s the same one their dad gave to me.” Niall had simply looked down at the box in utter shock. Raina closed his fingers around it and smiled. “Think of it as my blessing to you both. And I know Mona will really love having something of her dad’s.”
Niall thought of that moment every day. He sometimes just sat back with this ring, rolling it between his fingers, and wondered how Raina even considered him worthy enough for this. Perhaps it was why he was having a hard time figuring out the perfect moment. It was too important. This ring meant so much.
He was just sliding it back into his pocket when Mona returned. She smiled, asking how he wanted to spend the day tomorrow, but all Niall could think about now was whether Hawaii was the place to finally ask her to be his wife.
As their food arrived, she mentioned something about snorkeling or deep-sea diving. Niall wasn’t sure. He was too engrossed in how she glowed. The sun had splashed a bit more color onto her skin, and she shined as bright as the moon that was now visible in the darkened sky. She threw out another idea of swimming with dolphins and Niall told her they could do whatever she wanted. He’d follow her anywhere, no questions asked.
She settled on the dolphin idea, happily chattering away about making reservations in the morning and that they could even go to the luau on the beach on their last night. They’d have to do some shopping for their loved ones, of course, but they’d find time to do that somewhere in between.
When they were sufficiently stuffed with great food and even greater desserts, they took the long way back to their villa, hands interlaced as they strolled down the beach, the waves splashing up against their ankles. The ocean was surprisingly warm. With the salt and humidity swirling in the air, Mona’s hair had gone even bigger and fluffier than usual. She was laughing at something he’d said, head tossed back, strands of hair fluttering in the slight breeze, and his fingers instinctively found the outline of the ring in his pocket again.
Her eyes twinkled at him and he stopped himself. Not here, something in him said. It was dark and he had a sudden vision of accidentally dropping the ring into the water. The thought wedged a quick twist of anxiety in his chest and he inadvertently squeezed Mona’s hand.
“You okay?” she asked, brows quirked in amusement. She stopped walking to pull him into her, arms wrapped loosely around his waist. The stars seemingly reflected in her eyes as she smiled softly up at him. He briefly wondered if it was ever possible for this to get old, because they were nearing four years together and every time she looked at him like that he still melted inside. “You’re kinda quiet tonight.”
He dropped his shoes to drape his arms over her shoulders, holding her close. Sand in his toes, salt in his hair, and a whole lot of love in his heart. He was on cloud nine. “Just taking it all in, I suppose.”
She huffed out a laugh that gusted over his skin and he pressed his forehead to hers. They stayed like that for a few moments, taking each other in, swaying gently to the sound of the waves lightly lapping up against the shore. When she spoke again, her voice was a delicate murmur against his lips. “Thank you.”
Niall’s arms tightened around her as he pulled her closer, nose nuzzling against hers. “For what?”
He felt her smile against his skin. It sent a surge of warmth rushing down his spine. “You choose me every day. Even when you don’t have to. Even when you probably shouldn’t.” She held him so tightly it was as though she was attempting to keep him from floating away with the waves. “So, thank you.”
To any other person, this would have sounded nonsensical. But he immediately thought back to their conversation on the couch all those days ago, when she talked about Mimi telling her about love languages. He smiled. “You figured it out, didn’t you?”
A breathy giggle fell from her lips. “Yeah.”
He pulled back to press his hands to her face, the curve of her jaw nestling perfectly into his palms. The tiniest bit of moisture had collected over her lashes and he swiped it away with his thumbs. “Of course I choose you.” Sometimes he held her like this and she looked at him like she couldn’t believe it, like this was all just a dream, and he had to gently remind her that he did indeed love her. More than anything in the world. “You’re the other half of me.”
This seemed to work for now. She smiled softly at him, pressing her lips to his in a tender kiss before grabbing their shoes in the sand and tugging him back to their villa. They’d barely gotten there and he could hardly keep his hands off her, trailing fingers against her sunkissed skin, lips finding her sweet spots, the pulse on her neck, the space between her collarbones.
She’d only just gotten the door closed behind them when his lips finally met hers, kissing her slowly, languidly. They had all night and the rest of the week for themselves. “’M gonna take my time with you tonight,” he murmured into her mouth. She hummed, breath hitching when his fingers gripped her thighs beneath her dress, hoisting her onto the bed.
“Yes, please,” she breathed, blindly undoing the buttons of his shirt as he peppered kisses over the soft skin of her shoulders, making quick work of the zipper at the back of her dress and pushing her straps away.
After all, he didn’t need to be told twice.
Mona missed a few strands when she’d pulled her hair up into a messy bun. Niall busied himself with brushing them away to make room for his lips, grinning to himself as her skin rippled with goosebumps at the feather light touch of his fingers, shoulders giving a slight shudder. She sighed quietly as he pressed slow, lazy rows of kisses from the nape of her neck to the edge of her shoulders, his arms wrapped loosely around her middle, holding her close.
She was reclining back against him as they relaxed in the lounger on their private lanai, both of them dressed in nothing but the soft sheets from the bed. The lanai overlooked the ocean and was a perfect spot to watch the sunrise, which Mona had dragged him out of bed for, insistent upon watching the sky transition from dark blue to swashes of reds and yellows. He didn’t mind, really. Not when he could snuggle her close like this.
She gasped softly, gripping his wrist as she jutted her chin towards the horizon. “It’s happening,” she breathed, eyes lighting up brighter than any sunrise. Still, he followed her gaze, the sun just barely peeking over the sea in an arc of deep orange. Mona shifted so she could rest her head on his chest, wrapping both her arms around him, and they silently enjoyed the sight of the sun slowly slinking up the sky, bathing them in a warm golden glow.
When it had gotten too bright to look at anymore, Niall shifted his gaze to his wonderful Mona darling only to find a serene expression on her face, lips quirked up into a soft smile. He ran his fingers down her spine just to feel that sharp intake of breath again. “You thinkin’ about moving to a remote island again?” he teased.
A giggle bubbled through her lips. “No.” She looked up, head resting on his shoulder, and he held her close. “I was thinking about that time we went to Vegas. After Deepa’s wedding. And,” she started to laugh, “Harlow schemed her way into getting us that honeymoon suite.”
Niall laughed at this too, remembering. It seemed like yesterday, even though it was a few years ago. “That was a fun weekend. Even if we weren’t really together yet.”
She hummed, fingers tracing abstract shapes into his side. “I already knew how I felt about you though.”
This surprised him. “Really?”
Her smile grew. “Mhmm.”
“Huh.” He quirked a brow, looking off into the horizon for a moment, processing this. He had always thought she didn’t see herself with him romantically back then. “So, when did you actually realize?”
She shrugged, a hand finding his, pressing them together. They both had long, nimble fingers, but her hands were smaller. Niall liked how they slotted together with ease. “The cabin. You kissed me under the mistletoe and then you dragged me up that stupid hill in the cold.” They shared a laugh. Mona’s eyes had glazed over in memory, voice soft and reverent. “You made hot chocolate with whiskey in it. It was a full moon and the stars were out and you said we don’t get that kind of view in the city. And you smiled. And it hit me that I’d been in love with you that whole time and I never even realized it until then.”
Niall laughed in a bit of disbelief, mostly because he remembered the moment well. She was laughing at something he said until a sort of struck expression came over her and she swore under her breath. If he had known then what it all meant then he’d have told her how he felt right there. It didn’t matter much now considering she was currently in his arms, but perhaps they could have been together sooner.
“When did you know?” she asked.
Niall smiled wryly at her. “The cabin.” She tutted and he realized she didn’t know what he meant. “The first time at the cabin.”
She stilled for a moment, seemingly turning his words over in her head. It was as though he could feel the gears working. Then, she sat up abruptly, looking at him in shock. “Shut up. There’s no way.”
He grinned, highly amused by this. He loved her the whole time and she never even knew. “It’s true, darlin’.”
This earned him a scoff and a frown. “Nuh uh. You’re lying.”
“I’m not!” he got out through a laugh.
A deep breath worked through her as she thought this over, deflating slightly. “I never knew,” she mused, clearly still in shock.
“Yeah,” he said, shaking his head, “you were always kind of oblivious.” Then he thought of the fact that he’d been carrying around a damn engagement ring for a whole year and she was none the wiser. “You still are, to be honest.”
She swatted a hand against his chest, a stunned sort of giggle escaping her. “Shut up.” Still, it wasn’t long until she was curling into him again, pressing her cheek to his shoulder with a sigh. “All that time…you never said anything.”
The breeze was beginning to pick up. It swirled around them, their little sanctuary of love, and flicked her stray hairs into her face. He brushed the strands back into the knot on her head, pressing a gentle touch of his lips to her nose. “Darlin’. You would have freaked out if I told you before you were ready.”
She pursed her lips, rolling her eyes at this assessment of her. “I hate that you’re right.” Their laughter trickled into the air, echoing slightly around them. Mona shifted until she was straddling his lap, her arms draped over his shoulders as her lips turned up into that beautiful smile. Niall leaned back to catch the full view of it. “Doesn’t matter,” she murmured, tracing a finger over his eyebrows before delicately smoothing back his hair. “I think we turned out alright.”
He felt a surge in his chest then. This was it, a perfect moment. She was all wrapped up in him, soft and warm, messy hair and no makeup. Her cheeks were flushed slightly, from the sun and the fact that she couldn’t stop laughing. He was so enraptured by his love for her, laying back and taking her in. He could ask her right now.
But, for once, he didn’t have the ring on him. It was still in the pocket of his jeans, folded over the top of his suitcase, and to go get it he’d have to let go of her; he’d have to break the moment.
So he didn’t ask. Not now. Not yet. He wanted to hold onto her for the rest of the morning, wanted to savor that smile and the soft kisses she was currently pressing to every inch of skin she could find.
It didn’t matter. They had all the time in the world. And besides, she’d given him an idea. Another perfect moment. He’d just have to wait for it to come around.
For now, he pulled her face towards his and kissed her with his whole heart. She was here. She was his. The beach beyond was calling their names.
He was happy and nothing else mattered.  
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obsidiancreates · 4 years
Shame On a Billboard (Actor Mark)
Mark takes a deep breath, nervously reaching for his bow tie again.
Celine stops his arm, smiling softly. “You’ll make it crooked again.”
Mark sighs. “It’s just-”
“A big moment, I know,” Celine says. 
She links her arm with his.
“But I’ll be right beside you.”
Mark smiles gratefully at her. 
They share a quick kiss, and face the door.
Together they  step out onto that red carpet for the first time.
And the camera lights flash.
When they say; "You and what army?" I guess they're talking about you and me
“Taking the world by storm, Hollywood’s latest power couple,” Damien reads from the paper.
He looks up at The DA over the headline. “That’s my sister,” he says proudly. “My sister and my best friend, taking the world by storm. Can you believe it?”
The DA rolls their eyes fondly. 
Damien can’t stop grinning. “Mark’s always been a one-man show in and of himself, and my sister is a one-woman army. Honestly, I’d have been surprised if they didn’t make headlines, working together.”
The  DA wads up a bit of paper and tosses it at him. “Yes, yes, you’re very proud. I know.”
Damien laughs when the wad of paper hits him. “They’re going to be able to take over the world, I swear. Power couple indeed.”
Baby, nobody will love you Nobody will love you like, like I do
Mark uncovers his wife’s eyes, and she gasps.
“Mark, this is-”
“Nothing compared to what I want to gift you,” Mark says. She slaps his arm.
“This is outrageous, even for you,” she says, nothing but love in her voice.
“Go ahead, try it out.”
Celine laughs. “This is crazy.”
“Well, I am crazy about you.”
She pretends to gag. “If I take a seat will you stop with the cheesy lines?”
“I’m an actor, my dearest love. You know I can’t. But, for you, I’ll try.”
She  gives him a kiss, and walks towards the gift.
A plush, deep red and velvet-cushioned, gold framed throne.
Celine laughs as she sits down,  feeling overwhelmed and ridiculous.
She  brushes her hand over the armrest, and notices two words, raised just a  bit from the rest of the rest.
My Love
Mark beams.
I guess that's half true
William grins, dropping his bags and running up to the steps of his childhood home, to the arms of his his childhood friend, standing next to his childhood cru-
Mark’s wedding ring is cold against William’s arm, and Celine’s glints  in the light.
“I’ve missed you,” Mark says, hugging William tightly.
“We both have,” Celine says, smiling with her divine smile.
... Oh.
Oh, William would give her the world to be able to always see that smile.
Come down, come down Come down from your holy mountain
Mark sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I asked to delay filming, but... yes.”
Celine swallows. “How long?”
“... Six months.”
“Six months?! Mark, you’ll miss our anniversary!”
“I’m sorry! You know I don’t want to miss it! But my agent, he says this role could be my big step into breaking away from just... romantic films, into some real works of art.”
Celine sets her jaw. “Mark, please. You’re gone so often now, just- just turn down the role!”
Mark stares at her. “I can’t just turn it down!”
“You can’t miss our anniversary!”
I'm down, I'm down
It would be a hit. A terrible hit. His agent will be furious.
“I won’t be second to your career,” she says firmly.
The words pierce Mark’s heart like a dagger.
“No, no of course you’re not second.”
... It’ll hurt his career.
“I’ll... turn down the role. And we’ll take a trip. Just the two of us.”
Celine’s expression softens. “You mean it?”
Mark steps closer, taking her hands in his, same as he did on their wedding day. “I do. You’re the most important thing in my life. I-I never want to hurt you for some lousy hero role.”
So put your shame on a billboard for a second
Mark tries not to look at the billboard as he drives by it.
... It should be his face up there. His spotlight.
The trip had been nice.
Though he’d ached to get home to The Manor the whole time.
Sometimes, sometimes The only way out is through
Mark drags his hands down his face.
The fireplace crackles and flicks, but the room  feels oddly cold.
“It’s just a bump in the road,” he says, voice tired.
“How many bumps will there be?” Celine asks, pacing the room. “This bump  is a year long, Mark.”
“You could always come with me, you know.”
Celine sighs. “I-I could never-”
“Leave Damien behind for that long,” Mark finishes, rubbing a hair through his messy hair. “I know. You said it last time.”
“... I... could take a few trips out, I suppose.”
Mark nods. “If that’s your ideal solution.”
They’re both quiet for a long while.
'Cause everyone loves Bob Dylan! I just want you to love me like that, yeah
Mark laughs, a practiced and empty laugh, as the fan asks for an autograph.
Celine stands next to him, smile plastered on her face, eyes cold.
Mark’s own plastered on smile droops a bit.
The fan gazes at him adoringly.
Celine looks at him tiredly.
He finishes signing.
“Let’s just go home,” he mutters to her once the fan has walked away, clutching their precious piece of paper.
Would you bury me next to Johnny Cash? I'm obsessed Do you love me like that?
Mark’s throat feels dry.
“Am I your favorite actor?”
Celine sits up. “Of course. What brought that on?”
... Mark isn’t sure, really. He just...
He got... jealous. Of... something.
He’s not sure what.
“You’re telling the truth?”
Celine’s frown deepens. “Yes. Mark, is something wrong?”
You smell different.
I swear you smell like cologne.
That isn’t mine.
I’m not imagining it, I know it.
“... Nothing.”
Celine almost pries a bit more... but she gets a sudden chill.
There’s no draft. The fireplace is lit.
She goes back to her book.
... Witches, hmm?
So what fates do we share? Windows down, wind in your hair
Celine sighs. “Thank you for this, William. It’s been ages since I’ve been out of that stuffy Manor. I swear the air is thicker in there.”
William tries to keep his eyes on the road, and not her hair, loose around her face, let out of the bun, blown gently by the wind...
“It’s always had it’s own atmosphere,” William says, trying  to pay attention to the ring on her finger.
Celine scoffs. “Mark claims to not notice anything. He says it’s easier to breathe in there.”
“... Maybe he’s just homesick. From all the traveling.”
Celine stares out the window, at passing trees and fields. “... Maybe.”
Baby, no one ever thinks of you No one ever thinks of you as much as I do
Mark paces the den floor.
... She and William have been gone... an awfully long time.
No. No,  she wouldn’t- he wouldn’t- they wouldn’t-
He ignores the ringing phone. 
Where are they? He didn’t even ask where they were going. William just said “on a drive”.
He shakes his head.
He’s just being paranoid. It’s his wife. His best friend, practically brother.
He feels a chill go up his spine, in the windowless room.
But what if...
Not, not even you
Celine laughs as she’s dragged up the hill by William.
“I told you a little fresh air was the solution!” he boasts. 
Celine hasn’t smiled this genuinely in ages.
“I forgot what freedom feels like,” she says with a laugh.
“Now now, it’s your husband’s job to be in the dramatics. You can go anywhere you want, whenever! Sounds rather free to me.”
Celine sighs, looking out at the grass fields around them. “Mark’s schedule is... filled. Always. And when we do go out... we can never just... be out as us. As Mark and Celine. It’s always as... Markiplier and his loving wife.”
She scowls at the title the headlines so often mistake for her name.
“... That sounds awful,” William says.
She turns to look at him.
Oh, oh, he’d fight a thousand men if it would erase the pain in her eyes.
“... I miss the old days. When we were just... us. Carefree. Deeply in love. Butterflies in our chests whenever we locked eyes...”
William’s heart pounds in his chest as a breeze gently runs it’s hands through Celine’s hair, and he’s sure he’s feeling jealous of the wind.
But then... she sniffs.
William’s eyes leave her locks... and find tears on her cheeks.
“He’s always gone, William. Even when he’s home. And-and I- I miss feeling...”
He steps closer, slightly opening his arms to her.
She accepts.
“I miss feeling loved,” she says into his shoulder.
William’s breath catches.
He hugs her back. Cards a hand through her hair.
She melts deeper into his embrace, and weeps.
They stand like that for a long while, the breeze picking up a bit, the sun beginning to set behind them.
Celine pulls away, and look at him.
William looks at her.
Their eyes meet.
... Celine... feels butterflies.
She shouldn’t.
He shouldn’t.
But they do.
Their lips meet as the sun dips behind the hill.
For a moment, she stops thinking about how it looks. How it might appear to others.
She stop thinking about being The Actor Markiplier’s Lovely Wife.
And for a moment, Celine feels as she once did.
Come down, come down
Mark watches the car roll into the driveway. Standing on the balcony, he watches William and Celine step out.
William bows. Bids her farewell.
She bids him farewell.
Something’s wrong.
He can’t tell why he’s suspicious.
But he is.
Come down from your holy mountain
He cut filming short.
He left filming early. To surprise Celine.
She’s been... more accepting of the distances lately, and the overtime, and...
And she...
She’s been put in second place for far too long.
Mark pulls into the driveway. He makes sure to grab the roses he bought on the way, their petals blood red and beautiful, fresh as can be.
He opens the door.
Walks up to the bedroom.
It’s late, after all. She’s usually in bed reading by this hour.
“Celine, I ended the session early-”
The roses fall to the ground.
I'm down, I'm down
... A note?
After all they’d been through?
She just left a note?
... Her jewelry... gone with her.
With him.
With them.
The house is cold with her gone.
Mark puts on his warmest robe.
He still feels numb.
So put your shame on a billboard for a second
“Yes. Yes, I want you to take it down,” Damien says. “Because it’s just immoral! He’s a man, same as us! He doesn’t need his personal life plastered on the tops of buildings for all to know!”
Damien glares at the photo in the paper.
Power Couple Splits, Markiplier Gives No Comments
“It’s bad enough the news has it! Just take it down, now!”
Sometimes, sometimes
Mark looks in the mirror.
He slicks his unwashed hair out of his face.
His ring glints at him.
He leaves the bathroom.
Something else glints at him, sitting on the table.
The only way out is through
His eyes stare, unblinking, at the photos on the table.
A dagger lays in his limp hand.
A hole in his heart. Left behind by her.
... And by his own hand.
'Cause everyone loves Bob Dylan I just want you to love me like that, yeah
Her throne sits in the living room, collecting dust.
Her jewelry is collecting dust elsewhere. Pawned. Traded for freedom.
He lays in his- their- bedroom.
Collecting dust.
Would you bury me next to Johnny Cash?
His body lays there for hours.
His eyes stare at the pictures.
He’s written a note.
It details what the funeral is to be like.
And then.
He blinks.
I'm obsessed
He rolls the dagger casually in his hands. 
Which one is this? Number thirty? Must be, by now.
He stopped counting a little while back.
He raises it, looking excited.
Oh, he can’t wait to go back.
Do you love me like that? Yeah
He watches them dance in the downstairs, the gray and decaying world matching his gray and decaying form.
Oh, what times.
When love seemed... real.
When she swore to love him.
Only him.
Only him...
He gifted her as much as he could...
His love... all of it... his whole heart...
It’s not fair.
Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh Woah, oh, oh, oh, oh 'Cause everyone loves Bob Dylan! I just want you to love me like that, yeah
Mark flattens down his robe.
He grins into the mirror.
The role of a lifetime.
His final role.
His eternal role.
Beloved hero. With people devoted to him. People who won’t leave for something more exciting.
Would you bury me next to Johnny Cash?
Damien has the only satisfying reaction.
No matter.
That corpse will go in the ground. Mark won’t be joining it.
I'm obsessed
His characters are set.
The actors are playing their roles.
He has lost his mind.
She has lost her self.
They can’t betray him again.
Time to be the hero.
Do you love me like that? 
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whisker-biscuit · 5 years
Home Is Where The Hedgehog Is
Fandom: Sonic Movie (2020)
Rating: G
Summary: Living with Donut Lord and Pretzel Lady is super fun, even if there are dumb rules he has to follow sometimes. Sonic is going to hold onto it with everything he has.
The first in a one-shot collection of a hyperactive hedgehog trying his best to fit in with his newfound family, and two humans who want him to know he doesn't need to try at all.
MAJOR spoilers for the Sonic Movie!
Living in a house was much different than living in a cave.
For starters, the draft wasn’t nearly as bad, even when Sonic forgot to close the attic window at night. And now he had an actual, honest-to-goodness bed to burrow into when it really was that cold. Came with a blanket and pillow too, deluxe model!
The other thing that was different was the company, Tom and Maddie and Tom’s so-called “best friend”. Maybe he should have mentioned that one first, but hey, a hedgehog could only focus on so many new changes at one time.
Speaking of changes, a personal alarm clock wasn’t something he was expecting this morning.
“Good morning, Sonic!” Maddie’s head poked up past the attic trapdoor.
“Mmph…” The teen mumbled, curling into a tighter ball under the covers like it would make him invisible.
The woman hoisted herself up from the ladder and made her way to his side. “Come on, you promised you’d go to bed early tonight, so you can’t be complaining now. It’s time for breakfast, up and at ‘em.”
“Food?” A pair of ears perked out from the quill ball. Sonic’s head popped up soon after. “What kind of food?”
“Guess you’ll have to get up to find out, won’t you?” She winked at him and ruffled the fur on his forehead, then started heading back to the ladder.
There was a whoosh of wind and the pitter-patter of impossibly fast feet against the wooden floor, and suddenly Maddie was all alone in the attic.
“Come on slowpoke, I’m hungry!” Sonic called up to her from the hallway before he zoomed into the kitchen, sliding to a halt just in time to avoid crashing into the kitchen island. Tom was busy loading up three plates with eggs and bacon. He didn’t even flinch at the boy’s arrival.
“Morning, Sonic. What took you so long?” The man raised an eyebrow with a bit of a smirk as his comment made the hedgehog pout.
“It’s not my fault, you guys didn’t even wake me up! Ooh, is that my plate?”
“Ah, not yet,” Tom grabbed the offending plate and held it up out of Sonic’s reach. “Go wash your hands first.”
“But Tooooom…”
“You heard me the first time.”
“Ugh, fine. Why you hafta be such a stickler for rules? You were more fun on the road trip.”
“That’s because –” the man blinked and the teen was no longer there. He sighed good-naturedly as Maddie arrived looking just as frazzled.
“Day one,” she said with a smile and a slight giggle. Her arms found their way around his waist as he scraped grease off the skillet. “This might take some getting used to.”
“You’re telling me.” He tilted his head back to sneak a quick kiss to her cheek. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Me neither.” The woman hummed against him. A breeze picked up.
“Hey, if you wanted to do lovey-dovey couple things you coulda just said that.” Sonic sat at the table with his arms folded, kicking his legs out and giving them a scrunched up look like he couldn’t decide whether to be grossed out or resigned.
Maddie laughed and gave her husband another kiss, then released him from her hold to help carry their food. Tom shook his head, giving the boy a look. His response was a smirk and eyes too large to be innocent.
“Okay smart aleck, I expect to see that plate clean before you even think of excusing yourself from this table.”
By the way Sonic was eyeing the food laid out in front of him, it didn’t seem like a hard task.
Through breakfast, the three of them ate and chatted together like they had been doing it for years. There were a few mishaps – Sonic had a very bad habit of talking with his mouth full, and accidentally ratted Tom out when the man tried to sneak some bacon to the dog – but the energy didn’t wane at all. It wasn’t until Maddie pulled Sonic over to help her with the dishes that things started to quiet down. Tom, having made breakfast this time and contractually not required to help this time, went to change into his uniform.
The woman was making small talk as she washed the food off and handed each item to the teen to place in the dishwasher, and he’d occasionally interject with comments or questions. Just as they finished, however, Maddie noticed as she dried off her hands that Sonic had stopped talking entirely and was just staring at the hand towel she’d given him.
“Something on your mind?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, I mean no, it’s fine.” He was quick to toss the towel on the counter and rubbed the back of his head. “I just realized that I’ve never done this before.”
“Washing dishes?”
“That too but…all of it, I guess. It’s kinda weird. You guys have this whole routine thing going on and that’s cool, but for me it feels…. I dunno, more important? It’s dumb.”
He was starting to fidget in place, obviously wanting to say or do something else but not sure how to bring it up. Maddie frowned a little in thought and crouched so she was at the hedgehog’s level.
“Do you mean eating breakfast? Or – ah.” She gave him a reassuring smile. “You know, having company in everyday things is nice. I used to take it for granted.”
Sonic looked at her sharply. “What do you mean?”
“Well, Tom and I married not long before I started vet school. We had been so used to being around each other for every little thing that it felt like they weren’t ‘special’ anymore. I think that’s how it can get for a lot of people, honestly. But when I started school, we didn’t see each other nearly as often. I was gone all day for classes, and he had to pick up a second job to help make ends meet, which usually meant evening shifts. We barely had the chance to even sit down for a decent meal together, most days.”
The teen’s expression was opening up into something more vulnerable. “Was it hard?”
“Very hard. We still loved each other, so not being able to just be together without work or school in the way made it hard sometimes. But it was because we loved each other that those times we could just sit back and relax became so much more precious. It’s been a while since those days, but I try not to forget the feeling.”
She reached out and took his hand, making sure to keep steady eye contact. He was stock-still.
“It’s alright to find joy in doing things with people, even if they’re simple things like eating breakfast or doing chores. No one’s going to think it’s strange that you’re loving it. Especially not me or Tom. Okay?”
Sonic was staring at their connected hands. There was a barrier around his emotions in that moment that looked very close to crumbling. With a quiet sniff and a nod, he gave her a huge grin.
Tom’s voice from the other room broke the moment.
“Why’d it get quiet all of a sudden? You two aren’t planning my untimely demise right now, are you?”
“You bet your badge we are!” The hedgehog called back, already settling into his more common mischievous persona. He made a motion to zip away, then stopped to give Maddie a tight hug first. She almost lost her balance from the impact but returned it anyway.
“Thanks, Maddie.”
“Always, kiddo.”
A blur, a whoosh, and he was gone.
A/N: I'm back on my Sonic kick from forever ago, and there's no obvious end in sight. I love the found family trope, I love that it happened in the movie, and I love that Sonic is allowed to express real negative emotions (screw you Sega, do our blue boy justice). Have no idea how many of these I'm going to do nor how long they might get, nor do I know if they’ll all stay rated G. We’ll see.
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untitledbkdkblog · 4 years
took me a bit longer then I wanted, but I managed to finish before his birthday was over in my timezone. happy birthday blasty, glad you got to spend it with your greenbean
AO3 link
edit: in my rush to post before it hit midnight in my timezone, I forgot to tag @third-winchester-second-potter and thank them for the photo album idea
Three months nine days and approximately eighteen hours, that's how long Izuku had been planning this. This, the best damn birthday ever, as to be proclaimed by his boyfriend Katsuki, as soon as it’s over. After nearly two decades of knowing each other, and three years together, properly, it had been hard to track down every picture of them, but he was sure now that he had found most of them at least. Between what he got from his mom, Katsuki’s parents, and their old classmates from UA, he now had a photo album thicker than most of the books they had to lug around in their third year of high school. But the real surprise, that wouldn’t be till the end, not till after dinner, not till Katsuki got to the last page of the book. That’s the part Izuku had really put the most work into.
Tracking down all the photos, reserving a nice table at Katsuki’s favorite restaurant, making sure no press would be around to disturb the high ranking duo, and worst of all, making sure Katsuki had a nice looking suit to wear, it was all a breeze compared to putting together the last page of the photo album. He had poured his heart and soul into it, and keeping his boyfriend from finding the rough drafts had been hell. He’d take the entire League of Villains any day over trying to hide shit from a pro hero ever again.
    Fixing his tie in the mirror he knew it would all be worth it though. He had made sure tonight was going to be perfect, the best birthday Katsuki would ever have. Taking a moment to take one last look at himself, he nodded. “Alright, go time. This may be a sensitive mission, but I’ve planned out everything. Well, almost everything, but I can’t make a plan for the impossible. That’s just impractical.” Grabbing the nicely wrapped package of the foot of their bed and tucking it under his arm he stepped out of the bedroom, and right into his boyfriend's chest.
    “Damn Deku, took you long enough to get ready,” Katsuki chuckled, grabbing Izuku’s arms so he wouldn’t topple over. “Weren't you the one in a hurry earlier?”
    Smoothing out his boyfriend’s suit, and then his own, Izuku nodded. “We are in a hurry.” Taking Katsuki’s hand he made his way towards the front of their house. “I took the appropriate amount of time to get ready. You’re the one who took twenty minutes to put on that tie, Kacchan.” 
    A sigh, a very dramatic sigh in Izuku’s opinion. “I hate these damn things Deku, is it really necessary? Where are we even going?” Katsuki closed and locked the door behind them, before following Izuku to the car.
    “If I told you,” Izuku leaned into the backseat, placing the present down there, “Then it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?” Standing back up, he noticed his boyfriend still standing on the drivers side. “You can’t drive Kacchan, I’m the one who knows where we’re going.”
    “Nah, wasn’t planning on it.” He grinned. “Just enjoying the view.”
    Now it was izuku’s turn to sigh. “Get in the car Kacchan. You can enjoy the view all you want after dinner.” Getting into the driver's seat, Izuku heard a chuckle, and simply rolled his eyes as he waited for Katsuki to be ready to go.
The ride to the restaurant was mostly uneventful, filled with the sounds of the radio, and Katsuki insisting to know where they were headed, as Izuku took a less than direct route there. Both for the sake of surprising his boyfriend, and to make sure no one was following them. Even with the indirect route Katsuki still managed to guess about a block away from the restaurant, leaving Izuku grumbling about a blindfold.
Once there Katsuki ordered, predictably, the spiciest thing on the menu. The two ate and talked, and as it got later watched as the restaurant cleared out. Twenty minutes to midnight Izuku finally gave his boyfriend the present. “Oh can I open this now? And here I was starting to think it was just an empty box you wrapped up to look pretty, Deku.”
Izuku rolled his eyes, laughing. “Don’t worry Kacchan, that's not till next year's gift.” He was fidgeting a bit now, picking at his hands and unable to sit still. Luckily, Katsuki was too invested in unwrapping the book. “Anyways, I think you’ll like this a bit more than an empty box.”
Laughing as he tossed the wrapping paper at his boyfriend, Katsuki looked up at him. “Only a bit more? Damn deku, and here I thought you’d put a bit more thought into my present then that. Or was all the dramatics over the suit and restaurant a ruse?”
“That’s it. You’ve caught me.” He tucked the crumpled up paper under the table for the time being. “All of this was just a cunning ruse.” Katsuki was looking down at the photo album now. “All I got you was a book you’ll probably only look at this once.”
Izuku had feared that Katsuki would simply open it, leaf through the pages, then close it again, but was able to sigh in relief as he slowly made his way through the pages. Izuku kept moving in his chair as Katsuki took the time to stop and look at all the pictures. He frowned, a worrying sight, until Izuku noticed where he was. A little less than halfway is a gap in the pictures, as a startling jump from seven year old Izuku and Katsuki to nearly sixteen year old Izuku and Katsuki was made. A nearly ten year gap in age, that Izuku knew Katsuki regretted. He sighed in relief as his boyfriend kept going, and his expression softened. Three quarters of the way through he looked up. “How long did this take you.?”
“Long enough that Kirishima was a real pal for letting me keep it at his place when I wasn’t working on it. Putting them all in the right order was still only the second hardest part of it all.” He smiled, urging Katsuki to keep going.
With a nod, Katsuki went back to the pictures. “That explains why you two kept making excuses to hang out the last couple of months.” Izuku blushed, a bit embarrassed at having been caught, and Katsuki chukled. “Relax, if it had been anyone but you two I might have been worried, but I have it on good authority that Kirishima’s planning something for you know who, so I assumed he was getting your help on that too.”
Izuku chuckled now. “So you heard that too, huh. Well, yea, we were both helping each other out with our projects.”
“Well now, that sounds ominous Deku. What have you been planning?” Katsuki looked up and grinned, just as he turned to the last page.
With an eye roll Izuku nodded to the book. “Why don’t you finish the last page first. I put a lot of work into that, you know.” Katsuki threw his hands up in defeat, looking down to the last page.On the left page was a photo taken after their last big mission, the two of them standing side by side, hands clasped and in the air above them. And on the right page was a letter. 
“If I told the little green boy, in the beginning of this book, where he would be at twenty two he would think it was a dream come true. If i told that same boy during the empty page where he would be, he’d think I was lying to him. And if I told him just five years ago, he’d think it was impossible. But it’s not. It took a lot of work, on both our parts, but it was possible, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I know you mourn for the time we missed out in middle school, and I do too, sometimes, but our relationship is so much stronger now for it. We’ve moved past that, and worked for a friendship. For a relationship. Built on talking, and understanding, and most importantly, sharing. That little quirkless boy has become the hero he always dreamed to be, and he’s done it with the partner he always wanted standing beside him. Some days I still have to pinch myself, just to reassure myself that this is real, because you make me so happy, even when we’ve both had a bad day at work, and I could never ask for anything more. We’ve known each other our whole lives, and I want to be able to say that, for the rest of mine. Whether I live till ninety nine, or just till next week. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and that’s why, Kacchan, I need you to finish reading this, and look back to me again.”
As Katsuki read Izuku grabbed the much smaller box he had hidden in his suit’s inner pocket, and quietly got down on his knee, waiting for his boyfriend to finish reading. By the time he did look at Izuku, Katsuki’s eyes were red around the edges, and even in the low lighting of the restaurant Izuku could tell they were shiny with the beginnings of unshed tears. He heard Katsuki whisper his name, but ignored him as he opened the box. “I’ve been thinking about how to do this for a very long time, and at some point I realised, I was never going to be able to make it perfect, because no matter what I tried to plan, I always thought of something better three days later. So I decided, why bother with perfect, when I could do something, us, instead. That’s what we’ve done our whole lives after all.” As he was talking Katsuki got down on the floor with him, so they were kneeling in front of each other, both properly crying now. “It seems silly, to ask you to make me the happiest man alive on your birthday, but what can I say, I’ve always taken a shot at what I want.” They both chuckled at that. “So Kacchan, will you marry me?”
It was silent for fifteen, agonizing seconds, before Katsuki pulled him into a hug, laughing his ass off. “Of course I will.” He kissed Izuku once before pulling back to look at him. “You’re a dumbass though, you know that? Not perfect my ass. We could have gotten takeout at home, and you could have shoved it in my face and said ‘let's do it’ and it would have been perfect. You always overthink everything. And I love you.”
Izuku wiped some of the tears away from his own face, laughing a bit. “I love you too Kacchan. Thank you.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m the one who should be thanking you right now Deku. For the best damn birthday ever.” Katsuki smiled, pulling his fiance in for another kiss, longer this time, and full of promises.
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streetlampsunset · 4 years
Coffee (With The Right Amount of Sugar) How You Like It
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It took him an embarrassingly long time to notice, but David was pretty sure Patrick was a witch. In a building this old there should have been a draft, but there wasn’t anything more than a light breeze accompanying the chime of the bell. 
No matter how preoccupied he got dealing with customers, David’s coffee never grew cold after Patrick brought their drinks back from the cafe. Most importantly, his selfies were always perfectly lit behind the cash, despite the fact that the stark white should have completely washed out his complexion. It was the bulbs Patrick had wired there that made him come to the realization. 
“David?” Ronnie called. She was installing shelving in the backroom now that they had the money to splurge on a few things. David was perfectly content to continue stacking their paperwork along the wall, but Patrick had wanted a more visible filing system from day one. 
“Hum?” he asked, glancing up from his phone.
“This wiring is a safety hazard,” she said, peering into the wall. “To be honest, I’m surprised they’re even running.” David shrugged, Patrick was good at fixing things. “Can you get the other bulb there?” she asked, gesturing with the end of her level. 
David reached up to unscrew the light, a familiar current rushing through his fingertips. It felt like cocoa powder on his tongue, warm air curling over his skin, the sun catching the angle of his jaw just right. There was a steady thrum of energy keeping the bulbs running, but it wasn’t electricity. It was magic. He had thought the store felt like home from the start. He hadn’t realized Patrick was a witch too.
“Are you spying on Ted again?” David asked, leaning over Alexis’ shoulder. He had come out of the bathroom to find her sitting on her bed. Supposedly, she was doing her makeup, but she hadn’t moved for nearly three minutes. 
“Oh my god, personal space, David,” Alexis said, snapping her compact shut. The last time she had been scrying something that intently, it had been a followup to the bunny webcam incident. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m checking on the animals,” Alexis said, “Twyla found two baby kittens in the dumpster behind the cafe and they have to sit in these sad little cages all day waiting for someone to buy them.”
“Mmhm, and you just happened to check up on them when you knew Ted would be getting back from his run?” He asked, moving to his closet.
“Okay, it’s not my fault if that’s when I have time,” Alexis said, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “I have a very full schedule today.” David snorted.
He flicked through his sweaters, “Did you know Patrick has magic?”
“Um, yes, obviously, David,” Alexis said without glancing up from her phone.
“Uh, excuse you,” David said, holding up a Rick Owens for consideration, before deciding against it. “What do you mean, obviously?” 
“We talk witchy things literally all the time,” Alexis said. She waved her hand in his direction, “He uses little hedge spells to keep your clothes from getting all wrinkly and your hair from looking sad.” Alexis tilted her head and scrunched up her nose. “You can’t feel them?”
David slid on a Gavinchey piece and bent down to tie his high-tops. When he stood up, Alexis was about two inches from his face. 
“Um, now who doesn’t understand personal space?” David asked, rearing back as she slid her fingers along his hairline.
“Shush, David,” Alexis said, going almost cross eyed as she focused on a spot near his temple, “and hold still.” 
The Roses didn’t practice witchcraft so much as they lived it. Their mother’s idea of a magical education had been warning him to keep Alexis out of faerie circles while they explored the grounds, lest they bring malevolent energies into her homestead. It had been up to them to study what they found relevant to their craft. As a result, Alexis was unusually good at picking apart the intention behind a casting. She slid her thumbs across his cheekbones.
“Oh my god, David, he put a focus charm in your under eye serum,” Alexis said, grinning as she stepped back, “he is so into you.” 
“Just because he did one moderately invasive thing, does not mean that he’s into me,” David said, arranging his rings for the day. 
“Mmm, okay, you’re so wrong,” Alexis said, “ask him to come foraging with us tomorrow then.” 
David grimaced, glancing away, “about that.”
“Do not tell me you forgot again, uuugh. No, David, I am not going alone. The woods are so creepy in the morning.” She rummaged around in her bag handing him a pair of cinnamon sticks wrapped in twine, “here, I was going to use this tonight, but it seems like you need it more.” David tucked the courage charm in his pocket; that was uncharacteristically unselfish of her. 
“Patrick is good at carrying things and that way you’ll have to come.” David sighed, grabbing his bag and heading to work. “David, David!” she called from the doorway, “the woods, David, ask Patrick.” 
“Walk into traffic,” David yelled back.
David hadn’t always gotten along with other witches. Especially not methodical, practicing ones like Patrick. He could see it now that he knew where to look, the ritual in Patrick’s movements. The organization and dedication to order. He watched Patrick spritz the basil plants in the window, murmuring to them softly.
“I’m going foraging tomorrow morning,” David said, words spilling out of his mouth before he could think them through. “It’s a good time of year to harvest around here if you want to come.” 
Patrick looked up from the plants, grinning, “I’d like that.” The bell chimed over the door before they could talk more, a wave of customers pouring in. They had a pretty steady number of them until mid afternoon.
“Why am I doing this again?” Patrick asked, wiping the brush on the inside of the bottle. They were standing on opposite sides of the counter. David had complained about how difficult it was to paint his dominant hand and Patrick had offered his assistance.
“Because it requires a steady hand,” David said, taking another sip of his coffee, “and this makes me jittery.”
“Well, in that case, maybe I should stop bringing you one after lunch,” Patrick said, grinning. He moved on to David’s pointer finger, covering the nail in black polish with even strokes.
“That seems like a bit of an overreaction, when we have a simple solution to the problem right here,” David said, gesturing to his nails with the hand he was supposed to be letting dry. Patrick’s fingers darted out to wrap around his wrist, carefully lowering it back to the counter.
“If you smudge them, I’m not redoing it,” he said, glancing up to meet David’s eyes. 
“Okay, well how am I supposed to drink my coffee, then?” David asked, shrugging with both of his hands flat on the counter. It was a very strange feeling. 
Patrick rolled his eyes, picking up David’s coffee and tilting it toward him, “there, drink.”
David nodded to his sweater, “Okay, but this is Gavinchey so-”
“Just drink the coffee, David,” Patrick said, laughing, “I’m not going to spill on your sweater.” David leaned forward, taking a sip. He could taste the magic in it now. The warmth of the cocoa powder rushed through him. 
“I’ve never thanked you for this,” David said, nodding at the coffee, “keeping it warm.” Patrick grinned, ducking his head as he moved to the next nail. 
“You don’t have to thank me, David,” he said. “Honestly, it’s mostly automatic by now.” David bit his lip to keep from smiling. “You, uh, you looked so disappointed on opening night when it got cold, so I charmed it the next day, and the one after that, and I guess I never really stopped.”
“I don’t remember that,” David said. They’d had a constant stream of customers from the time they opened the doors til a few minutes after they were supposed to close. “We were so busy the day of the opening, how did you even have time to notice?” Patrick shrugged, capping the nail polish and setting it off to the side.
“I always notice you, David,” he said, glancing up to meet his eyes. Patrick was right there, eyes darting towards David’s mouth.
“Someone said I’m not supposed to move my hands,” David said, tapping his fingers against the counter. The cinnamon sticks were warm in his pocket; he could be brave, “so if you want to kiss me you’re going to have to make the first move.” 
Patrick’s hand reached out to cup his jaw. He leaned in, closing the distance between them. David was pretty sure nothing was ever going to feel more magical than this, kissing Patrick in the middle of the store they had built together.  
                                     *                     *                       *
“Turn,” David said, making a circling motion in the air. Alexis raised a brow, eyeing the charm in his hands. “Oh my god, Alexis,” He repeated the gesture with greater emphasis, “just turn around.” Alexis rolled her eyes, but did as he asked.
“I’m not going to wander off, sheesh, David,” she said as he wove a well worn ribbon through her braid. Small silver bells dangled between the strands. He secured the top with a citrine hair pin.
“Mkay, that’s what you said at Yellowstone,” he said, tying off the end. “I ended up having to call for a park ranger because you were lost in the woods for two and a half hours.”
“I was five, David,” she said, twisting in the mirror to admire the adornments. “I know better than to play with the fae now.”
“Do you?” Patrick asked, mouth quirking up as he met David’s eyes over her shoulder. 
“Ugh, yes, Patrick,” she said, moving to dig the brown bag their mother had given her out of the closet. David snagged his eyeliner from her makeup bag while she wasn’t looking. It kept ending up there, although Alexis claimed she had no idea how. Patrick followed him to the bathroom, closing the door behind them.
“Can I help you?” David asked, leaning against the sink with his arms crossed. Patrick grinned.
“Actually, I was wondering if I could help you,” he said. “I thought you might need a steady hand for that.” He nodded towards the eyeliner pencil. 
“Did you?” David asked. He held it out, gesturing at his face, “by all means.” 
Patrick reached out to cup David’s jaw, tilting his head. Patrick took a step forward, studying David’s face. His eyes were dark in the low light from the window, honey brown turned light whiskey. He laughed softly.
“Look up,” he said, lifting the pencil. Oh, right. Patrick drew it over his waterline with even strokes. “Close your eyes, David.” 
David slid them closed. He felt the edge of Patrick’s hand brush over his cheekbone and then there was gentle pressure along his lash line. Every other time he’d had someone do this they’d stabbed him with it, but Patrick’s hand glided over his other eye without incident. 
“There,” he said softly, “you can open your eyes now.” David blinked them open, Patrick was inches from his face. “David,” Patrick said, thumb sliding down his cheek. 
He wasn’t sure who moved, but one second Patrick’s gaze had drifted to his mouth and the next David could taste the mint on his tongue. Patrick’s hands found their way around his waist. David pressed closed, bringing one hand up to rest on his shoulder, the other twining through the short curls at the back of his neck. Patrick brushed a chaste kiss to his lips as he pulled away. 
“You look nice,” Patrick said, squeezing his hips lightly.
David was wearing head to toe Rick Owens . This was a sweater he chose often for foraging; the exaggerated hood made a convenient pocket to carry mushrooms or leaves back to his bag. The skirted pants were mostly for aesthetic purposes, but they were also comfortable over long distances. He had a pair of boots somewhere, probably in Alexis’ closet, that laced halfway up his shin and were particularly good for walking through the underbrush. 
More traditional witches had called it sacrilege, the way he and Alexis intermingled their crystals and herbs with designer pieces. But their mother had always believed that one's connection to magic was their own. She had taught them not to mind the opinions of others when it came to honoring their craft.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to tell you when I got here,” Patrick said, “you know, with Alexis around.” 
David flinched, stomach sinking. His hands went cold where they rest on Patrick’s shoulders. Of course Patrick wouldn’t want people to know they had kissed. He thought he contained his expression well enough, but Patrick caught it. 
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked. David had to step away, turning back to the mirror to fiddle with his hair. He had thought being the dirty little secret was behind him, but he really liked Patrick. If this was what it took to be with him, so be it.
“Mmm, fine,” David managed. He watched Patrick’s reflection out of the corner of his eye. A small, worried line formed between his brows. 
“I’m sorry if I said or did something upset you,” he started, but David cut him off.
“It’s fine, Patrick,” he sighed, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose to keep from crying. His eyeliner had turned out really fucking good. He kind of hated it right now. “If you don’t want people to know, that’s. It’s fine, okay?” Patrick’s mouth turned down, eyes going wide and sad.
“David, no,” he said, hand coming to rest on David’s elbow. “I just didn’t know how much you had told her and I know Alexis gets under your skin sometimes. I was trying to respect your privacy.” As David’s expression softened, Patrick grew more teasing. “We can tell the whole town if you want. I’ll go ask Stevie to get the word out right now.” He moved towards the door and David sighed with fond exasperation, looping his arms around Patrick’s neck.
“Mmm, I don’t think we need to resort to such extremes just yet,” David said. Patrick grinned, running his hands along David’s sides as he leaned in. David melted into the kiss, relief flooding him. Patrick wanted this, wanted him.
“David?” Patrick asked tentatively, grabbing the eyeliner off the sink. “Will you do mine?” David looked him over, woolen socks, denim jeans, loose cotton shirt. It was more modern than some, but still traditional, a selection of natural fibers. 
“Why would you,” David trailed off. 
“It’s part of your ritual, isn’t it, yours and Alexis’?” Patrick looked David over like he was something worthy of admiration. “I want to be a part of that, David.” 
“Oh,” David breathed, “well, look up, then.” He took the pencil and drew it across his lower lashes. Patrick’s eyes fell closed and he repeated the motion on the upper ones. 
“Thank you, David.” Patrick leaned in to kiss him once he had finished.
“Mmm, well, don’t thank me yet,” David said, “you haven’t even seen it.”
“I don’t need to.” Patrick pressed a kiss to David’s cheek. “I trust you,” he said, turning to open the door. He reached for David’s hand, interlacing their fingers as they joined Alexis to finish getting ready.
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saltydean · 4 years
Another ficlet! Was inspired to write more thanks to @definenormalifyoucan . Also on my AO3. Enjoy!
Title: Can’t Quit You
Description: Dean and Cas watch Brokeback Mountain because of course they do. The film brings out certain feelings in the pair, and they share an intimate moment.
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“Alright Cas, this time I want you to pick the movie.” Dean said, raising his eyebrows and looking at Cas with a playful excitement on his face. “I think you’ve earned that much at least.”
It was early evening, and team free will 2.0 had taken a well deserved day off. Dean and Cas were lounging in the library, while Sam was paging through a novel he’d started a few days prior. Jack was nowhere to be seen; he’d spent all day watching TV in his room.
Cas was leaning back in his chair, looking at Dean with a familiar fondness. “Are you certain? I really don’t mind watching whatever you pick Dean.” Cas said. “I’ve always enjoyed your selection of movies.”
“No, no, this time you pick.” He affirmed. “You pick the flick and I’ll go on a beer run.” He got to his feet and patted his back pocket, confirming his wallet was present.
Sam didn’t look up. He was consumed by whatever it was he was reading, happy to be in his own world. It was because of this, or perhaps it was intentional, that he did not ask to be invited.
“Be back in a few” Dean said - walking past Cas, patting him on the shoulder and letting his hand trail across the angel’s back as he walked towards the stairs.
Nobody noticed the angel close his eyes and breathe in slowly, as he was caressed in this brief moment.
When Dean was gone, Cas stood and glanced over at Sam. “I’ll be in the Dean-Cave.”
Sam raised his eyes from the book that was clasped in his hands “Yeah, sure Cas. I’ll be here.” He flashed Cas a quick smile and returned his attention to the book.
Cas made his way to the Dean-Cave, and over to the laptop sitting next to the big flatscreen. He knew he wanted to put on a western, since they were Dean’s favourites. He browsed the downloaded movie titles, smiling to himself as he read ‘tombstone’. That was the last western they had watched together. He really got a kick out of witnessing Deans fanaticism of cowboys and gunslingers. He continued down the list. Silverado.. already watched. Magnificent 7..already watched. The next title was unfamiliar to him, but after reading the synopsis, he knew he’d found exactly the kind of thing he needed.
Not much longer after Cas had selected the movie and settled in, he heard the clink of beer bottles coming down the hall.
“Alright, got the beer, ordered the pizza..you pick a movie?” Dean said, his voice getting louder as he walked into the room. He placed the beer down on the coffee table and took off his jacket.
“Yes, I did”. Cas replied, taking off his trench coat and draping it over the back of his chair. “I’m continuing our western theme.”
Deans face lip up. “Atta boy Cas” Dean said with a grin. He popped the cap off his beer using the tables edge, took a long draft and abruptly stopped.
“Wait” He said seriously, with a hint of urgency in his voice, nearly spilling beer from his mouth.
Cas looked at him, visibly concerned. He tensed and moved to get up.
“What Dean? Are you-”
“Wait right here.” He interrupted, gesturing the angel to sit down. “You forgot something.” Dean stepped out of the room. Less than a minute later he returned, now donning a sleek Stetson and holding a cheap, more tacky cowboy hat in one hand.
He grinned sheepishly as he walked over to Cas and placed it on his head.
“Dean..” Cas said, exasperated. He adjusted the hat on his head.
“Thems the rules Cas, you know the drill.” He said and nodded to Cas with a goofy grin.
Knowing his queue, Cas stood and walked over to the laptop. He plugged in the HDMI like Sam had showed him, and with the barest of hesitations, clicked play.
Movie night was almost a ritual. The pair would drink beer, eat pizza, and get comfortable. It was a way to escape the hunter life for a few hours, and even if consciously unknown to them, it was an opportunity to bond and enjoy one another’s company. They always did this together, with a noticeable absence of Sam or Jack.
Cas retuned to his seat, and glanced over at Dean, waiting to see his reaction once he realized what movie he’d selected.
Dean, seeing the opening credits flushed slightly. “Y’know Cas when you said western this isn’t exactly what I thought you meant.” He said with a nervous chuckle.
Cas blanched. “I-I can change it..I didn’t-“
“No, no you picked it. And hey it is a western of sorts. Nothing wrong with .. you know” he awkwardly gestured to the TV with his beer in hand as the title Brokeback Mountain displayed on the screen.
Understanding that Dean was referring to the two cowboys, Cas nodded but didn’t turn his attention from Dean. He took in the lines of his face, the shape of his mouth, and his soul - oh the brightness and fullness of it. He noticed the hunter seemed nervous. Not uncomfortable exactly, more flustered. There was a redness in his cheeks, and Cas could feel an aura of longing emanating from him.
Dean shifted in his seat, thinking of whether or not Cas knew what the movie was about. Of all the choices, why this one? He stole a glance at the angel from the corner of his eye. Cas was watching him. His heart beat quickened and he felt the flush on his face deepen. What on earth was happening to him. It was only then that he noticed their two chairs were much closer together than last time they were here. Had Cas moved them? No, it must be his imagination.
Some time later, there was a knock on the door and it swung open. Sam stood in the door frame holding a flat box. “Pizza’s here guys.”
Dean and Cas looked up at Sam, both with embarrassed expressions on their faces, though Sam couldn’t figure out why. They appeared as though they’d been caught doing something they shouldn’t.
“Ah y-yeah thanks Sammy” Dean stammered.
Sam put the pizza down on the coffee table and glanced over at the TV.
Don't try to fool me no more Ennis! I know what that means! Jack Twist... Jack Nasty!! You didn't go up there to fish, you and him...
 Realization on his face, Sam asked incredulously “Are you guys watching Brokeback Mountain?”
Dean gave a shrug and an awkward, rather sheepish scoff.
“It was my choice.” Cas said, not bothering to explain anything further.
“Right..” Sam chuckled with raised eyebrows. “Don’t have too much fun, you two”. Before Dean could retort Sam had left, closing the door behind him a little harder than necessary.
Dean cleared his throat, directing his attention back at the cowboys on screen. “Typical Sammy” he said shaking his head. “Ruining the best part”. They dug in to the pizza.
The rest of the movie left Dean feeling a mix of emotions. He was trying to bury the thought of him and Cas in the cowboy’s places. Why did that keep flashing through his mind? Ridiculous. He fought harder to ignore the throbbing in his pants; and the mix of embarrassment, disbelief, and thirst he had. Though he had plenty of beer left..
The voice of cowboy Jack rang from the TV, interrupting his thoughts.
 I wish I knew how to quit you
 Eventually, the end credits started rolling. Dean’s eyes were glossy and he blinked away whatever might have been forming in them. He’d forgotten what a sad ending this move had.
“Hah, well there you have it Cas” he said gruffly, hiding the emotion he felt. “Good ol’..Brokeback Mountain”. Cas noticed Dean had said this with more bravado than warranted. 
Dean eyed the angel where he sat, from the top of his head down to his feet, and back up again. Without realizing, he was biting his lip. He swallowed hard.
This nuance didn’t go unnoticed, however, and Cas tilted his head at the hunter. He got up from his seat taking off his cowboy hat as he rose, and tossed it rather aggressively on the cushion behind him. He stalked over to where Dean sat, moving with purpose. Dean could see the outline of his arms through the dress shirt. He looked so different without the trench coat on. Though, he wasn’t complaining.
Cas leaned over him, hands on the chairs armrests. His face was inches from Dean’s; his gaze piercing as though seeing right through him.
Feeling the heat from Cas’s body and breath on this nose, he flushed yet again.
“Cas what are you doing?” Dean choked, turning his face away from Cas, eyes darting in several directions nervously, trying to look anywhere but the face before him.
Cas removed Dean’s hat with one hand, and put his thumb and forefinger on Deans chin, to bring his face back to him. “I think we should..go fishing” he breathed, not breaking eye contact.
The stare continued as the hunter’s face transformed from confusion to realization. Dean gave the barest of nods, and his lips parted in a shaky exhale.
Cas closed the small gap between them, lightly brushing his lips across Dean’s. They were surprisingly soft. His forehead pressed against the hunter’s as he breathed him in.
Dean’s knees were weak and his heart was racing. He couldn’t take the tension anymore and without thinking, grabbed the angels tie and pulled his lips onto his own. They connected with a fierce and desperate desire. Cas moved his hand onto Dean’s neck, crushing their lips together harder. With his free hand he grabbed the front of Dean’s shirt and effortlessly lifted him from his chair, to a standing position.
Dean wrapped his arms around Cas, moving in closer. He could feel his hips press against the angel. His hands gripped the back of Cas’s shirt in bunches, trying to hold on to this moment. To his angel.
They barely breathed. Both could feel the other’s pants shifting, becoming tighter.
“Cas..” Dean breathed.
“Dean, I..” he began, breaking their kiss apart.
“My room” Dean said hoarsely. “Now.”
A small smile traced on Cas’s lips. “I don't care if you're moving slow or fast, as long as it's in my direction”.
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