#[ empatheorem. ]
isolaradiale · 3 months
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This is an event rerun. For more information on how to participate, please check our EVENT RERUN GUIDE! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask! Keep in mind that this event has already been rerun before, and any form of past participation in the other runs means you cannot claim it again.
“GOOD MORNING, FAIR RESIDENTS OF SPIRALE! DO YOU REMEMBER ME? OF COURSE YOU DO, HOW COULD YOU NOT!?” Regardless of what one was doing at the stroke of midnight, a booming voice echoed throughout the minds of every resident of Spirale in tandem. “IF YOU’D KINDLY TURN YOUR EYES TO THE NEAREST SCREEN, I HAVE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!”
Every screen in the city - be it a television, a phone, the digital screen on the fridge - all tuned into the same image. Rudimentary camera work pointed at a barely-lit visage. A three-eyed beast, each eye sporting a gleam as its feline features became more apparent. For many this was a beast that had appeared once before, but for others? “I AM THE MAD MERRYMAKER, THE PRINCE OF– AH, I’VE DONE THIS BEFORE. SIMPLY CALL ME K’HORII.”
As the cat beast spoke, throughout the city those that came from other worlds began to feel peculiarly disoriented. They couldn’t tear their eyes away from the screens but neither did they feel rooted on the ground. Almost as if it were an out of body experience. “MY ATTENTION WAS CAUGHT BY THESE HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES OF YOURS! AREN’T THEY PECULIAR? YOU LOT SPEND THE OTHER 11 MONTHS OF THE YEAR ARGUING AND FIGHTING, BUT AROUND THE HOLIDAYS YOU PRETEND TO GET ALONG! DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND ONE ANOTHER? NO! BUT THAT IS THE POINT OF MY BUSINESS HERE.”
The screens all flickered off in tandem, leaving the out-of-worlders in completely different forms. At least for now. But… what could he have possibly meant by the situation not being as straightforward as it seemed?
Welcome to our next rerun event, EMPATHEOREM!
As you’ve surely gleamed from the above text, this event is based around the idea of living in another’s skin and coming to better understand people in ways you might not have otherwise. Here’s a general overview of how things will work mechanically:
characters can only swap with one other character at a time. the duration of the swap is up to the muns involved, and it could last the entire event, a number of hours, or even less. do what you’re comfortable with!
the characters do not to be within close proximity of one another to swap nor does it have to be with someone they know. it could be with someone on the other side of the city, leaving them to try and figure out who they are.
swapping must be done with mun permission. please respect the boundaries of other muns!
you cannot swap with an animal / pokemon unless they are a character on the masterlist. if there’s a pikachu on the masterlist for example you could swap with them, but not the pokemon of a trainer on the masterlist.
powers remain bound to the body regardless of whether they are physical or mental along with the unlock limitations. so if muse a were to swap with muse b, they would be able to use all of muse b’s unlocked powers provided they could figure out how to use them.
it isn’t merely a physical swap however, and there are side effects to being in another’s body that become more and more prominent the more time they spend swapped.
swapped characters may be prone to acting more and more like the owner of the body they are in. so for example if muse a and muse b swap, the longer they remained swapped the more they may begin to act like one another.
swapped characters may also experience one another’s memories. with mun permission, feel free to have them remember experiences only the host body might have known. this is a great way for characters to learn things about one another that might otherwise have gone unsaid!
the former two points are optional. you do not need to utilize either if you are not comfortable with it.
if your character has any special biological traits to note, please make sure to include this information in an info post or on your ad! in cases where characters have a fatal weakness to something mundane (in cases like being weak to the sun), you can choose to have anyone in their body subconsciously realize this for example. please do not kill anyone else’s muse without permission!
a posted mini will not count as participation during this event unless it is replied to before the event period ends. likewise during this event, drabbles will not count. this is because the event is very dependent on bond building interactions and we would like you guys to reach out and write with each other.
if you are not comfortable swapping with another character you are free to avoid doing so for the event! however to earn participation you must interact with at least one character who has swapped with someone else!
in regards to icons: if you’d like to offer up icons for people to use you can, but it isn’t mandatory at all!
you can use an info post to list things like unique biological characteristics, unlocked powers, and what kind of things like memories or personality traits a character in their body may come to expect if you’re okay with them experiencing these things. you can also provide a sampling of usable icons if you’d like! we recommend you tag these info posts with ‘#iremp info’.
even if you have mun permission we will not allow nsfw to be written during the event (unless it takes place outside of the event of course!). we also ask that you do not write any content picking fun at your new body in any form, even lightheartedly, for the sake of member comfort (for instance, if your muse does not have breasts and ends up in a body that does, do not joke about “having boobies”, or if they are a different weight do not draw attention to and mock it). if you are at all unsure if something crosses this line, we ask that you refrain.
the event officially ends at 11:59:59PM EST on july 5th.
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hcrpyiia · 3 months
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There's a trail of mess in her wake. Broken glasses, ripped fabrics, shattered windows, and walls broken. A palm slams against the wall, creating another indent from sheer force. Her heart HURTS. It's funny.
Ramattra doesn't have a beating heart, yet her feeling is SO incredibly primal. The anguish she feels that isn't her's to feel. This is all his pain and this is all his rage. How does he do it? How does he keep all of it at bay? She wants to scream and she wants to cry, but....There are NO tears for her to shed.
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innerbeast · 3 months
so short was his reprieve. he could almost forgive the spinning of his head once feeling a familiar tug and sway behind himself, a freedom to his thoughts he'd come to miss. but what was spirale city if not a place to pluck one from their comforts?
for no sooner had he expelled a sigh of relief towards some normalcy, did he feel himself lurch forward with an upsetting, familiar dizziness.
there's was a subtle hope it was merely a wave of nausea, an after effect of the prior switch. perhaps he was too eager with such wishful thinking. this was no sickness, just that same soul-gripping tug he had felt before; a sense of grounding becoming non-existent as the world around went black.
dizziness followed him once dar'khol was able to open his eyes again. already he was aware of an unfamiliar cieling, a few blinks given to try and determine if he could brush the whole thing away with an adjustment of sight. to no such luck. this was more than some bad dream, he was experiencing a new page of that three-eyed beasts game.
with a grown he's pushing himself up, hand rubbing at his face before running it back through a longer set of hair. for a moment, he finds himself pausing with a palm-ful; staring at the hair and the hand that held it. that's when eyes shifted to the side, the sound of something moving nearby catching his attention.
one might think his heart had stopped with how quickly he froze up.
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"repede...?" the miqo'te's voice ( not really his, was it? ) left him quietly; a breath of disbelief as the dogs single eye stared back. there was a look of confusion that they seemed to mirror for a moment, broken by a questioning 'grruff?'.
"shit." perhaps not the most helpful choice of word, but there was a clear panic etched into the stare he gave. realization could not have hit him any harder, the fact emotions could run so vividly like this, too -- not at all stunted like he'd put up with prior.
"sorry, boy," dar finally muttered to the companion he was left with, "afraid i'm not exactly the guy i'm all dolled up to be." though partially awkward, at least he could talk fairly freely, but that wasn't important right now.
sliding from the bed he'd awoken on he was making quick work onto his feet, a hand instinctively reaching for a sword kept nearby. dar'khol held no intention of needing it, yet this body held enough of a routine regarding it. guess he was taking it with him.
"i have a sneaking suspicion where he might be, though." repede offered him another stare, something about it holding a sense of understanding to it. dar found himself rather thankful for it, all things considered.
briefly does the idea strike him to utilize yuri's phone; to give his own a ring to check in... but there's a sense of hesitation. something about it seemed different, yet familiar to how he's felt since they last interacted. no -- no, surely that's just his own still peaking through.
" -- c'mon." forget the phone idea, he knew were he needed to go and repede seemed willing enough to follow.
-- @darkenforcer
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daxned · 3 months
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"When I thought we'd meet again, I thought it would be during another part get-together." After all, in their first meeting she remembers he had promised something. Who would have thought this would be the reason they met.
She's tired of this whole swapping business and it looks like even the small sapling is too. It squeaks, long spindly limbs reaching upward. Oh, it's going off!
"You're complicated." But did she truly have any room to talk?
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sunliteve · 3 months
"Bloody Mary~! You can relax! It's me, your most beloved person!"
As much as Hiyori (currently "Constantine") tried to coax her toward him from his place kneeling on the condo floor, she continued to shake and watch him nervously. She remained stuck directly to the leg of the one that looked like her "most beloved person" without a moment of hesitation.
"Don't look at me like that... I simply can't take it!"
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Thoroughly depressed, he leaned forward and dropped his head onto the carpet. There were many things to question or regret in this situation, but nothing could be worse in this moment than his dog's rejection.
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thegreatfraud · 3 months
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"I am lucky if i get out of this with just a spine buster huh?"
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Between waking up somewhere she wasn't familiar with and in a body she had never met before NJ wasn't exactly having a wonderful morning. Yet even as she wandered throughout the city she couldn't find her actual self regardless of where she looked. Just a tad bit depressing that out of anyone the "black dragon" couldn't find was herself. Primarily because her mind was on other things.
"Honestly if that guy was a BIT younger I'd probably shoot my shot with him. Then again I don't know if he's already got a date or not." Which caused a shake of their head and a slap on the cheek.
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"...Ok NJ, find my body first and then go find a date. I doubt anyone would believe me if I was still walking around like I got ripped straight from Wonderland."
And as such the search continued...
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learnspells · 3 months
ʚїɞ - "You said you'd be the one to give me a ride sometimes, but it seems like the reverse is true." Fern had taken a little bit to adjust to having a pair of wings on her back. And a bird tail. And a pair of talons for feet. But in the end she had made it to her home where she had agreed to meet Yumine. It only made sense she'd be at her home since they'd swapped bodies and all.
But Fern had her regrets. She was too worried about messing up while trying to fly and hurting Yumine's body, so she just hadn't bothered trying.
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"So long as I can figure out how to do fly, that is."
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fairyknight · 3 months
● "YOU! Give me my body back!" Baobhan had thought to jump at the woman wearing her face to pin her down, but had completely misjudged her own strength and the distance needed since she was so much smaller.
She flew about half the distance she planned on, and the wind even knocked her off course. "AND WHY IS THIS STUPID BODY SO LIGHT!?" It was unnaturally light!
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She was not taking being stuck in a teenaged dragon fairy's body well, clearly.
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elfcast · 3 months
✲ "Indigooooooo!? How do you deal with living like this!?" Marcille was at least glad that she had swapped with someone she lived with, much less her partner. There hadn't been any reason to panic beyond having to adjust to having a different body. But it had never occurred to her just how different a djinn's body was.
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"Like the only good thing is that I can reach the top shelf! I'm constantly craving a smoke and even though I want to sleep to pass time, I can never fall asleep! Don't you get bored!?"
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horoffic · 3 months
👻 "Is dreaming you've switched places with your body a normal dating thing?" Perona really had to wonder! She didn't have any context for what was happening, just that she'd been asleep while Kyrie had been visiting and the next thing she knew she was floating elsewhere in her home.
She recognized her clothes, the sound of her voice... But she felt different. Probably because she was dead? "Hahaha! I didn't know dreams could be this realistic!" That had been what she was going with until a familiar face wandered into the kitchen with her.
Familiar because it was her own face.
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preciouswitch · 3 months
✦✧ "Dam-bi! Please be careful! Remember that isn't your body!" It had only been about an hour since the two of them had swapped bodies and Coco was already tired. She had been trying to learn anything that might have been of use to her while the two were exchanged, it felt like the one in her body was all over the place.
At least she hadn't suffered from any side effects so far. Maybe she felt a little calmer than normal?
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"That critter that always follows you around seems to be confused too. Not that I blame them..."
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hcrpyiia · 3 months
Please! I will go with you. So please, please I beg of you to not destroy their hard work. These crops and these homes are theirs. They built this community with their hands!
It is me you want, so please...
As she walked away from the people in the town, she could see them crying and begging her to not go. Even so, they couldn't stop her from leaving.
The dream shifts though. A strange and unfamiliar setting for Yumine. There's a young boy at a hospital. At least that's what she gathered when one of the nurses came and went when checking up on the young boy. He looks sad and lonely and she can feel it, too.
feel it?
And when she wakes from her sleep, she's confused. She feels all-around different. Upon a closer look, her eyes manage to focus on the ceiling, then the walls to her left then right, and then...
"Where amI---" That wasn't her voice. Yumine shoots right up and falls right off the bed, landing on her stomach, "oof!" She must have swapped again!
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She hoped she didn't wake anyone.
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innerbeast · 3 months
he remembers his eyes being glued to a screen, watching some form of beast upon it. it's words strange, confusing. too focused, was he, on the sensation of not being quite where he knew he was. the last clear image in his mind was that pair of eyes; a set of three all shown crimson... and then his world went black. shifting, turning.
then, he was looking at a screen once more.
this one was smaller, fitted well for a home unfamiliar to him. yet... not? there was a sense of ease that blanketed him; a knowledge that this is where he should be, and no where else. a feeling of importance, attachment -- but not for the home itself.
what finally had his mind racing was the sight of his hands. no, these weren't his. the tone was pale, the flesh softer and not as calloused as they should be. it had the warrior sucking in a breath, eyes darting around him. a look of panic not familiar to this face.
a chair clatters to the floor, one previous sat upon, as dar'khol shoots up. there isn't a thought more than to find an exit -- the door to this home in question. as hurried steps lead him out a name was called after him by someone else, another resident of the property.
the name wasn't his. his heart drops, albeit briefly.
once a good distance had been achieved, dar'khol's pace slows and hands delve into a pocket. fingers instinctively knowing where the device he sought would be. the thumb he, now, possesses works quickly against the screen, an awareness for it he did not previously possess.
he finds his name, starred and saved for later. it's pressed and the phone is brought to an unfamiliar ear.
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"where are you."
the voice delivered causes lips to purse together, weighed down at the edges. his tone is icy, assertive. not at all the rushed, seething air he had thought to carry. he knew the eyes he perceived the world from, at this moment, and he wanted nothing more than to tear himself away.
"be precise."
-- @hollowfaith
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darkenforcer · 3 months
empatheorem event info !
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he can trigger Over Limit (lvl 3) and use his Shining Fang arte, each 5x daily! i doubt it'll rly come into play since it doesn't impact his fighting style much, but you can take a look at his app if you wanna know how they work.
effortless, casual confidence is the gist of it! he's loose with his movements and blunt with his words, but the same can't really be said for how he expresses his emotions; not straight-faced by any means, but definitely cool and collected. while selfless above all else, he can be a bit of a shithead from time to time, too! teasing, snark, an inclination toward minor crimes if the situation calls for it... the works.
he's sure got 'em! some a lot worse than others (even damning, especially out of context), but there's still plenty of sweet stuff crammed in there. embarrassing stuff, too! i know vespy's not the most mainstream ip out there, so feel free to ask for specifics if you wanna do any memory swaps during the event! good vibes or bad.
i did everyone a solid and condensed my 900+ icons into a much more manageable... 300-ish (lmao..). i'm more than happy to share them via dropbox or wherever's easiest! repede's in the pack, too, just in case you'd like to include him somehow! 2 for the price of 1!
so with all of that out of the way, hmu (or mention it in the replies ig) if you wanna do some plotting! i might post a designated starter call later, but i'll wait and see how things go first.
oh, i'm also 1000% okay with a muse being in yuri's body for other threads! go wild, be free!
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corvisque · 3 months
the world is dark, dark, dark and there is a pounding in his head.
a horrible pounding.
he opens his eyes, he thinks he does, he knows he does, but the world does not grow any brighter. is he still sitting in the rainsworth manor, as he had been only moments before, or had he been suddenly swallowed by some horrible abyss? the pit in the center of the city, perhaps. or else had the sky gone black, as if the world were about to end? unfair, that he would be forced to suffer such a possibility twice in one lifetime.
he is not quite to the point of panic, although he fears he is far closer than he has been in a good long while. his heart is racing, and every beat seems to make the pounding in his head worse. and his stomach. he feels nauseous.
it occurs to him, now -- has he been poisoned? had someone who he had ostensibly considered a friend slipped something into that tea that had been so readily offered? he cannot think of a reason why break would do something like that, but a lack of noticeable motive means nothing, he knows.
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"ah, break?"
it is his lips that form the sound, but it is not his voice.
❱ @schleckermaul
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