#[ ch: matt donovan. ]
founderscouncil · 9 months
♛ — KATHERINE PIERCE (@malka-lisitsa) brings a bottle of bourbon, a tin of cookies and a really warm scarf to MATT DONOVAN. She stole them all but he doesn't need to know that.
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It gets cold in Virginia, with the occasional snowfall, though it's always a tossup whether that snow arrives in time for a white Christmas or not. Still, it's enough to make the windshield of his truck ice over and he spends a good amount of time each morning scraping it off.
This morning is no different, and he can see his breath as he tries to work quickly. He's just thinking to himself that he probably should get himself a new hat and maybe some boots when there's a prickle at the back of his neck, his sixth sense when it comes to supernatural creatures. Still, it doesn't keep him from jumping when he turns and sees Katherine suddenly by his side.
"Jesus, Katherine," he breathed out, trying to bring his heartrate back down. He doesn't know what it means, the fact that he's fairly easily able to distinguish between her and Elena at this point. "What are those?" he asks, cautious when he spots the items in her hands. "Did I miss the Secret Santa drawing?"
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daenysthedreamer101 · 2 months
Youngest Original ~ TVDU
Ch 10 - Dangerous Liaisons
Warnings: none/ a little Stefan x Kassie moment?
A/N: the og title of the episode was too iconic I couldn't change it
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October 2010
"I haven't written in this diary since 1996. With good reason though. I was daggered. For 15 years I exited between dream and reality. My mind was in limbo and I could do nothing about it. I was at the mercy of my brother and his whims. I've only been awake for a little over a month and already I find myself itching to get away from Klaus.
Mother is also back. Somehow. I don't like it. I don't trust her. She is up to something, I know it. But the others seem to not notice. Except for Elijah. I think I can convince him. He will believe me. 
She spoke to me about him. She told me that I needed to let him go for my own good and that I had been wasting time waiting for him to return. When she said that...it felt like she ripped open all the wounds in my heart and poured salt all over them. It felt worse than when I was daggered.
I know he is alive. I know it. 
Tomorrow evening I will have to attend a ball Mother has organized. She claims it's in honor of our family being reunited. But...I don't know. I just can't believe she forgave Klaus so easily after what he did to her. 
Oh, did I not mention? Klaus is the one who killed her. Not our father...I know she's planning something. I just have to find out what."
"Are you going with me or not?" Bekah asked as she entered Kassie's room. 
"Of course I am. Just need to put on some shoes." Kassie replied as she grabbed a pair of heeled Chanel boots from her closet. 
She was dressed in black boot-cut jeans and a black turtleneck. Over that, she wore a black Vivien Westwood blazer. 
Where were they going? Well to stalk Elena Gilbert, of course. Once Rebekah was awakened, she told Kassie how, on the day of the homecoming dance (the same day Kassie was brought back by Klaus) Elena stabbed her in the back with a dagger. 
Naturally, Kassie was pissed and volunteered to help Bekah get her lick back. 
They found themselves in front of the Mystic Falls Ambulance as they waited for the doppelganger to exit it. After some time, they finally heard her voice. She was with Matt Donovan, the mortal Rebekah had a crush on, apparently.
"Get home safe," Matt said to Elena and left. 
The girl got inside her car and turned it on. She started reverse parking but seemed to hit something. She got out of the car, worried she hit someone. At the foot of her trunk, she saw someone lying on the ground. 
"Oh my god!" Elena gasped and rushed over to the person. 
She gently touched them and turned their head only to be met with the face of one Kassandra Mikaelson. Her bright blue eyes opened and met Elena's and a wicked smile appeared on the vampire's face. Elena immediately recoiled from Kassandra. 
"Well hello, darling. It seems you should work on your reverse parking. You could've killed someone." The vampire said as she got up and was now face to face with Elena.
"Kassandra...what do you want?" Elena asked as she looked around the dark parking lot. 
"Me? Just out for a night stroll. Don't worry about me, little doe. I'm not the one you should be scared of." She remarked and Elena couldn't help but shudder. Kassandra grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around.
"Drive much?" Rebekah, who appeared of out nowhere, commented. The blonde grabbed Elena by the throat and slammed her against the car.
"Surprised? You drove a dagger through my back, Elena! It hurt." Rebekah hissed and was about to bite Elena's neck when something pushed Rebekah away. It was Elijah. 
He held his sister by her throat and told her to leave. Rebekah pushed his hand away. "Are you challenging me?" He questioned.
"You're pathetic. Both of you." The blonde said and vanished. 
"God, Elijah. You just can't let a girl have some fun." Kassandra commented from behind Elena. The girl jumped and gasped while the vampire just chuckled. 
"Kassandra. I expected better from you." Elijah remarked as he got between Elena and his sister. 
Kassandra rolled her eyes while crossing her arms. "Well, I'm glad you think so highly of me, brother." 
Then her eyes fell on Elena, who couldn't help but cower under Kassandra's intense gaze. "It's nothing personal, love, I just needed to let some steam off since I've been feeling quite...restless lately."
After a moment of silence, she added  "Actually, it is personal because you stabbed my sister in the back!" Kassandra moved toward Elena, but Elijah stopped her. 
A shiver went down Elena's spine as Kassandra hissed in her direction, her fangs on full display. Elena had seen many vampire faces but something about the Original's faces froze her blood.
"Enough! Kassandra, go home." Elijah reprimanded his youngest sister who was still staring angrily at the doppelganger. 
The Original finally listened to her brother and backed off. The fangs and black veins disappeared but her blue eyes still stared coldly at Elena. Elena could feel her heart beating wildly against her ribs. 
Kassandra seemed to notice this as well. "You're scared...Good." She remarked with a smirk and turned to leave. 
"Oh, and If I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open." She added, and in a second she was gone.
"Well, I believe we have a little catching up to do," Elijah said and Elena gave an exasperated look.
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The next day
All of the Mikaelson siblings were in the lounge room - Rebekah was getting her nails painted, Finn and Kol were getting their suits tailored, and Elijah was...cleaning his shoes? Kassie was on the opposite side of the couch from Bekah and was filing her nails. She preferred doing her nails by herself. She had a habit of being a little bit of a micromanaging freak.
"Rebekah. Tell me how handsome I am." Kol demanded as he looked at his sister through the mirror.
"Oh, Kol. You know I can't be compelled." Bekah responded and this earned a chuckle from the rest of the siblings. 
"Kassie?" Kol turned to his other sister. 
"You look handsome, Kol," Kassie replied flatly, not even looking up from her nails. 
"But you're not even looking at me!" Kol remarked. She looked up for a split second and repeated herself. 
Then, Klaus burst into the room and questioned Bekah and Kassie for going after Elena. 
"Here we go," Rebekah remarked as she looked up at Klaus. Kassie glanced at her furious brother from the side of her eye. 
"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Klaus threatened. 
"Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?" Kol commented. 
"Oh, go back to staring at yourself." Klaus hissed at Kol. 
Kassie rolled her eyes. "God, you're such a hypocrite" She murmured under her breath. 
This caught Klaus's attention because he snapped his head in her direction. "What did you just say?" 
"I said, Oh my god, you are such a hypocrite!" Kassie repeated loud and clear. 
"How dare you-"
"Ah, ah, ah! No! You have been silencing me for centuries. Not anymore. You're the first person in this family to use and promote violence when it benefits your goals and you're the first one to go after someone and take revenge when you feel slighted. 
But when we want to do the same thing, we're not allowed cause it goes against your grand plans. Well, I don't care about your stupid plans. Besides, Elijah stopped us before we could do anything so no need to get your knickers in a twist."
Klaus was fuming and the only thing missing was steam coming out of his ears. He walked closer to her. "You little-"
She quickly got up and stared him down. "Look me in the eye and tell me what I just said isn't true."
"Instead of pretending to know anything about my plans why don't you go back to moping around and pining after your dead lover." Klaus taunted.
The room was dead silent. Nobody moved. It was like time itself stopped. Elijah and Finn exchanged worried looks while Rebekah and Kol stared at Klaus in disbelief. He was not to be mentioned. Ever. It was an unspoken rule and Klaus just broke it after 900 years. 
Kassandra looked shocked and a flash of pain danced across her face but she bounced back. "Ad hominem, brother. I thought you knew the rules of rhetoric. You seem a bit rusty. Perhaps you should brush up on Aristotle." 
Before Klaus could respond their mother intervened all of a sudden and beckoned Klaus into a nearby room. "Enough! Niklaus. Come."
 "Kassie, are you ok?" Bekah asked gently. 
Kassie stood in the middle of the room frozen, thinking about Nik's words. "I don't mope around..." She murmured and quickly left the room, her dark curls bouncing behind her.
One more hour until the ball. Kassie was already dressed, with make-up and hair done to perfection. Yet, she felt incomplete; she felt like something was missing. Looking at herself in the mirror, she tried to find what was wrong and then realized. 
She quickly locked the door to her room, making sure no one would disturb her. She scrambled to her closet, knelt, and brought out her diary chest. Alongside her diaries, there was also a small wooden box. Picking it up, a thought appeared in her mind - "What would the others think? Is this the right move?"
But then, she remembered how Klaus insulted her mere hours ago and how her Mother reopened her wounds only days ago. No, I will do this. I no longer care what they think.
With a deep breath, she opened the box. 
Kassandra was nowhere to be found. Mother instructed him to find her. Using his supernatural hearing, Elijah scanned the house - Kol and Rebekah were talking in the hallway, Finn and Mother were...somewhere and he couldn't hear them, which only raised his suspicions and Klaus was on the couch. 
Kassandra, from what he could hear, was in her bedroom. Speeding up the stairs, he stopped in front of her door and took hold of the door handle, only to find the door locked. Gently knocking on the door, he called for her. 
"Kassandra. It's me. Mother wished for all of us to gather in the living room."
Seconds later, the door was unlocked and opened. In front of him stood his sister, in all her immortal beauty. She was dressed in a beautiful, long gown of blue velvet; the underbust, forearms, and waist were covered in many a pearl. 
Her dark curls were pulled back and braided into a bun. Around her neck was a stunning choker with six rows of pearls and a big oval sapphire in the center. On her ears were small sapphire studs. XXX
He was in awe. "Darling, you look...magnificent, simply brilliant."
She offered him a shy smile and a little chuckle. "Why thank you, brother." She said and did a small curtsy. "You don't look so bad yourself." She added. 
With a smile, Elijah offered his arm. "Shall we?"
She linked her arms around his and at that moment, something caught Elijah's eye - the shimmery blue gem on Kassandra's hand. She hasn't worn it since... 
"What is she up to?" Elijah thought but held his tongue. 
"Don't you look exquisite?" Kol commented as they walked toward the main hall where the ball was being held. 
Kassie rolled her eyes playfully. "You always have something to say, don't you?"
Kol smirked and offered his arm. "What else am I supposed to do with a beautiful sister like you?" 
"Flattery will get you so far, brother," Kassie remarked as they entered the main hall. 
Dozens of people in formal suits and gowns were scattered across the room, talking to each other with champagne in hand. An orchestra was playing a classical piece that sounded familiar. Yet, Kassie had no time to ponder on the music before she and Kol bumped into Carol Lockwood, the town mayor, who was talking to Damon Salvatore. 
 "Mayor Lockwood. We haven't formally met. Kol Mikaelson." Kol introduced himself and kissed Carol's hand. 
"May I introduce my sister, Kassandra Mikaelson." Kol introduced Kassie as she shook hands with Carol. 
"Pleasure to meet you. And this is my friend, Damon Salvatore." Carol introduced the blue-eyed vampire to the Originals. 
"Yes, we've met before," Kassandra commented as she shook hands with Damon. 
Kol was already bored, Kassie could tell. "Excuse us. There are many more people to greet." Kassie said and the two siblings started walking away, just as Elena Gilbert walked in. 
"Doppelgangers and their love triangles," Kassie thought as she observed how smitten Damon seemed with Elena. 
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Kassandra found herself standing on the stairs, below Kol and above Elijah. With her right hand, she held a glass of champagne and with her left, she held onto the stair railing. She observed as Finn talked to the Gilbert girl. 
"Strange," she thought; Finn was never one to go up and talk to random people. 
"If everyone could gather, please," Elijah announced to the entire hall. Finn excused himself and quickly found his way up the stairs. He stood below Rebekah. 
Elijah went on to say how a dance was in order and asked everyone to find a partner. "Shoot. Who am I dancing with?" Kassie thought with panic as her family started descending the stairs. 
She was in such deep thought, that she failed to notice Kol offering his arm. "Kassie!" 
"What? Oh, thank you, Kol." She said and grabbed her brother's arm and they walked down the stairs. 
"What is going on in that pretty head of yours, doll? You seem distracted." Kol commented as they walked toward the dance floor.
Kassie shook her head. "Nothing, just don't know who to dance with." 
"Ah, there you are! Kassandra, it seems Stefan lacks a dancing partner. Would you like to dance with him?" Carol Lockwood asked, appearing out of nowhere while the Salvatore begrudgingly stood next to her. 
"I would, yes," Kassie responded. Better him than someone else. 
Kassandra put her left arm on Stefan's shoulder and connected her right hand with his. They, alongside the other couples, started dancing. This was her first time being so close to him. In the 1920s he spent most of his time with Bekah or Klaus, rarely talking to her; though to be fair this was mostly her fault as she avoided him. 
"You look beautiful, I must admit." His gentle voice broke her out of her thoughts. She felt blood rushing up into her cheeks. When was the last time she was in the hands of a handsome man? She doesn't remember.
"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." She said, returning the compliment. 
As they danced, they outstretched their arms while holding each other's hands. Stefans's gaze fell on the sapphire on her left hand. He doesn't remember her wearing such a ring in the twenties. 
"That's a pretty ring." He commented as he pulled her closer. 
She averted her gaze, catching a glimpse of Klaus dancing with Caroline. "Yeah, it is." She murmured. 
"Where did you get it?" 
"...It was a long time ago," Kassie responded quietly, not excited to talk about her potentially dead husband. 
"Was it a gift?" He asked and she simply nodded. "From who?"
She sighed and unknowingly squeezed his shoulder. "From someone near and dear to my heart." 
Stefan noted the pain in her voice and hummed. "Where are they now?"
Finally, she looked back at him - A storm of emotions brewing in her eyes - anger, grief, anguish and so much more. One thousand years worth of sorrow were swimming in her bright gaze. 
"I...don't know." 
He then spun her around and with that, she was gone, in her place, now stood Elena. 
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After the dance, Kassie found herself all alone. She was sat in a remote corner chugging down champagne. She had no friend in the stupid town, no one to talk to. Maybe Rebekah, but she was with Kol, somewhere. 
Maybe I'll go outside for some fresh air, she thought as she got up. Right as she turned around the corner, she bumped into someone - Caroline Forbes, one of Elena's friends. 
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you." The blonde apologized quickly. 
"It's alright...I like your hair." Kassie said.
"Oh thank you! You look gorgeous as well!" 
Kassie smiled. She has forgotten how it felt to be friendly with other people besides her family. Caroline left to go outside and Kassie almost went after her but then heard her name being called.
She turned around to find Elijah standing at the end of the hall. She quickly walked toward him, her velvet gown dragging across the marble floor. He pulled her into the same corner she was sitting in minutes ago. 
"Lijah? Is everything alright?"
"I just had a moment with Elena. She went upstairs to talk to Mother. I have a feeling Mother is...onto something. I asked Elena to relay their conversation once it's done."
"And you trust her?" Kassie asked with a raised brow. 
"Why shouldn't I?"
Kassie rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Elijah. The last time you trusted her, she stabbed you in the heart with a dagger! She and her stupid group of friends want nothing more than to get rid of all of us! I have no idea why you put so much trust in her."
This gave Elijah food for thought. 
"Plus, Finn's been acting strange," Kassie added as she looked over her shoulder.
"How so?" 
"I don't know. He's been ignoring me all evening. I would expect it from Klaus, but not him. He's never been so cold toward me." 
Elijah hummed. "I'll keep an eye on him as well, I suppose." 
"What do you need me to do?" 
Elijah sighed. "Try and keep Rebekah and Kol out of trouble. You know Mother's rules." 
Kassie nodded. "I'm onto it."
All the attendees were now in the main hall. A round of champagne was served. Kassandra stood next to Kol and Finn. A waiter passed by with three glasses. Finn took one for himself and gave one to her. 
"For you, sister." He said, which was the first time he spoke to her that night. 
"Thank you." She said and took the glass. She smelled it. It seemed like normal Rosé. 
From atop the stairs, Mother gave a speech about how happy she was her family was reunited. 
"Cheers!" Mother said, raising her glass. Everyone else followed suit. 
Kol was the first one to drink it. Finn was second. Kassie hesitated, but it seemed that Finn noticed. 
"Won't you drink the toast, sister?" Finn asked. 
"I've drunk enough and maybe even too much this evening," Kassie remarked. 
"One sip won't hurt." Finn insisted. 
Kassie looked down at the pink drink and hesitantly took a sip. It tasted like regular champagne though something in it left a strange aftertaste in her mouth. 
"....he gave you five seconds of attention? Don't be so predictable, Rebekah."
"You don't have to be rude about it. Just leave him be, okay?"
"What's happening?" Kassandra's voice rang clear as she approached Kol and Bekah. 
Kol sighed and rolled his eyes. "What do you want? Elijah sent you here, didn't he?" Kol groaned, his voice laced with annoyance. 
Kassie looked him up and down, her brows furrowed. "Excuse me. What's with the attitude?" 
"Kol is just being an arse. Let's go." Bekah said, grabbing Kassie's arm, set on leaving the scene. 
"Rebekah chickened out, that's what happened." Kol hissed. 
"Chickened out of what?" Kassie asked. Kol proceeded to explain their plan of killing Matt. 
"Seriously?" Kassie sighed and pinched her nose. 
"No. You're not killing anyone. Kol, just leave him alone. You know Mother's rules." Kassie said sternly and left alongside Rebekah. 
Almost half an hour had passed since Kassie last saw Kol and she was nervous he was going to do something. She split from Bekah and told her she would go upstairs to search for him. Bekah went to search for Matt.
Just as she was climbing up the stairs, Matt Donovan came into view. His back was turned to her and he seemed to be walking toward a balcony. Damn this dress, she thought as the heavy velvet gown drug across the floor. She wasn't able to use her vampire speed in front of all the humans roaming the halls. 
She walked briskly, her white heels clicking against the marble floor as she neared the balcony. Focusing on her vampire hearing, she could hear Kol's voice as he introduced himself to Matt. From the sounds she was hearing, he was crushing Matt's hand. Damn it! 
"Hey, hey, easy on the hand. The guy's a quarterback."  The voice of Damon Salvatore rang in her ears. 
"ENOUGH!" Kassandra's clear voice but through the night air. 
All three men looked at her - Kol was crushing Matt's hand, Matt was kneeling on the floor and Damon was to her right, looking at her like she spoiled his fun.
"Kol, let him go! Now!" She commanded her brother in their mother tongue. 
Kol looked outraged that she was commanding him but something in her eyes told him he wouldn't like the alternative. He clicked his tongue, rolled his eyes, and sighed dramatically but eventually released Matt's hand.
"Well, what are you doing? Help him and get out of here! Both of you!" Kassie commanded Damon. 
Giving her one last look, Damon helped Matt stand up and the two walked away. Kassie turned her attention to her brother and gave him a disappointed look. 
She tsked. "Why did you do that!?" 
Her brother avoided her eyes, his gaze fixed on the marble floor. 
"Kol. You're not a child. So why do you act like one?"
"...Just shut up." He spat and walked away, leaving her alone on the balcony. She sighed and walked over to the railing. Looking down, she saw Elena and her band of friends leaving the party. 
Elena looked up and locked eyes with Kassandra. A shiver went down her spine as the Original stared her down. There was a certain vitriol in her eyes that Elena knew was directed explicitly at her. Something told Elena that Kassandra specifically would be difficult to get rid of. 
Taglist: @ashaluuler
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kookie29 · 2 months
☆☆~~ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6: ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴇᴅᴅɪɴɢ ~~☆
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Synopsis: A short story of Jeremy Gilbert's short-lived but profound romance with the love of his life.
Warning: None
Genre: Fluff/Slight Angst
578 words
Ch1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch4 Ch 5, Ch 6, Ch 7, Ch 8
The day of Jeremy and Lena's wedding arrived, bringing a mix of excitement and nerves. Mystic Falls was transformed into a picturesque setting with twinkling fairy lights and beautiful floral arrangements. Friends and family gathered to celebrate the couple's love.
Lena stood in her dressing room, her heart racing with anticipation. She wore a simple, elegant gown, her auburn hair cascading in soft waves. Her bridesmaids, including Jeremy's sister. Elena helped with the final touches, offering words of encouragement and love.
"You look stunning," Elena said, hugging her new sister-in-law. "Jeremy is one lucky guy."
Meanwhile, Jeremy stood with his groomsmen, trying to calm his nerves. His best man, Matt Donovan, clapped him on the back. "Don't worry, man. Everything's going to be perfect."
The ceremony began, and Jeremy watched with bated breath as Lena walked down the aisle. She was radiant, her eyes locked on his. When she finally reached him, they joined hands, feeling the weight of the moment.
The officiant began, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Jeremy and Lena. Their love has brought them to this moment, and it will carry them through the rest of their lives."
Jeremy and Lena exchanged vows, promising to love and cherish each other through all of life's ups and downs. Tears filled their eyes as they spoke, their voices steady and filled with emotion.
"I, Jeremy, take you, Lena, to be my wife. I promise to stand by your side, to support you, and to love you with all my heart."
"And I, Lena, take you, Jeremy, to be my husband. I promise to be your partner, your confidant, and your biggest supporter. I love you now and always."
As they exchanged rings, a sense of peace and joy settled over them. They were surrounded by the love of their friends and family, and they knew they were ready for whatever the future held.
"You may now kiss the bride," the officiant said with a smile.
Jeremy and Lena shared a tender kiss, sealing their vows and beginning their new life together. The crowd erupted in applause, and they walked down the aisle as husband and wife, ready to face the world together.
However, as they reached the end of the aisle, Lena suddenly stumbled. Jeremy caught her, his heart pounding in his chest. "Lena? Are you okay?"
Lena's face was pale, and her breathing was labored. "Jeremy... I don't feel so good," she whispered, her voice weak.
Panic surged through Jeremy as he called for help. The guests, who had been cheering moments before, now watched in horror as Lena collapsed. The paramedics arrived quickly, but despite their best efforts, Lena's condition worsened.
Jeremy held her hand, tears streaming down his face. "Stay with me, Lena. Please."
Lena looked up at him, her eyes filled with love and sorrow. "I love you, Jeremy," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Always."
And with that, she took her last breath. Jeremy's world shattered as he held her lifeless body, his heart breaking into a million pieces. The wedding that was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives had turned into a nightmare.
As the paramedics worked to determine what had happened, they discovered a faint trace of a rare poison in Lena's system. The realization hit Jeremy like a truck—Lena hadn't died of natural causes; she had been murdered.
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dramiones · 6 years
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“you want a love that consumes you, you want passion and adventure, and even a little danger.”
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felicitykings · 6 years
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I’ve been doing this too long, Ric. [requested by anonymous]
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silencedrage · 4 years
@withinthefallen​ asked  “ i don’t care what happens to me. as long as you’re safe. ” ( for rebekah and matt )
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           The panic in Rebekah’s voice makes Matt pause long enough to see that there is a glimmer of fear in the vampire’s eyes. She’s scared, not for herself because what does an Original vampire have to be afraid of? No, she is afraid for him, very human, very fragile Matt Donovan. A part of Matt hates that he is considered so weak, even if it is the truth. He would never trade his humanity for vampire strength and speed, would rather die instead of doing that, but it also means that in moments like this, he is nothing more than dead weight. Monsters and enemies find them every other month it seems, and every time, Matt has to watch while his friends go out to war and just hope that they all come back. Even when he is allowed to help, it is from a faraway rooftop, behind the scope of a rifle. If something happened, he would still be useless.
He lets out a quiet breath and cups Rebekah’s face. It’s something he used to do with Vicki, and even with his mother. To be the calm, comforting presence. Stability. “I know you’re indestructible and you can kick my ass eight ways to Sunday, but I feel the same way about you. So please, can we find a way to do this together?”
0 notes
bonneibennett · 7 years
i still think matt donovan deserves so much better
Me and Matt Donovan were fighting through much of the final two seasons. Also season 2. But I still love good ole crumplyface, idc lol
What do you think he deserves better... than?
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matthmurdocks · 7 years
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do not reblog.
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Keeping Secrets Ch. 13
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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Pairing: Currently TylerxOc, but eventuall Damonxoc, Elijahxoc, then Klausxoc endgame.
For the next week Katie and Tyler hung out at the grill and went on a couple dates. She was working the bar even though she wasn’t supposed to be when Tyler came in and set down. “Hey.” He said as he leaned across the bar and she kissed him.
“Hey.” She smiled back then started washing some glasses.
“Are you working tonight?” he asked and she shook her head as she hummed a negative answer. “Wanna go to the bachelor raffle with me?”
“What?” Katie laughed. “I thought you hated those stupid events.”
“I do, but my mom is making me go and it will be a lot more tolerable if you’re with me.” He said and she hesitantly looked him in the eyes. “Look, I know you don’t like my mom, but-”
“I’m pretty sure it’s her that doesn’t like me and I really wish she did because then I’d have at least half a chance being picked for Miss Mystic.” She said interrupted.
“You seriously signed up for that?” he asked.
“The winner gets a scholarship.” She shrugged not liking that she was going to have to suck up to people and flounce around in a pretty dress to get a scholarship, but she was desperate.
“So was that a yes?” he asked getting back to his original question.
“That was an I’ll think about it.” she answered.
He rolled his eyes at her. “Come on, you and my mom will have to see each other at some point.”
“I’ll think about it.” she told him again not letting him push her into something she didn’t want to do.
“Okay fine. Just text me and let me know what you decide.” He told her then walked over to the pool table and started playing pool with Matt.
When she pulled up in front of the boarding house she saw Elena’s car in the driveway. So she headed inside intending to find her and Stefan in his room and ask them for advice on what she should do about Tyler’s mom. “Knock, knock.” Katie called as she came up the stairs and into Stefan’s room. Instead she found Elena buttoning up Damon’s shirt. When he turned around she could tell that he was drunk as a skunk. “You’re not Stefan.” she drawled coming to a stop.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” Elena asked as she walked around Damon to Katie.
“I live here, remember?” Katie reminded her.
“No, here as in Stefan’s room.” she asked, her tone verging on snotty.
“I saw your car in the driveway, I figured you two would be up here. I need some Tyler advice.” She said with a shrug not understanding why Elena was getting snotty with her.
“You just barged in. What if we were busy or if I wasn’t in here and he was changing or something?” she asked, her tone fully snotty now.
Katie glanced at Damon to see him looking at them, liking the girl fight going on. “Seriously? Are you trying to sound like a jealous girlfriend? Because that’s how you’re coming off right now.” Katie asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“No, I’m just saying that we need to establish some boundaries.” Elena tried to calm her down.
“Boundaries?” Katie asked not believing that was what Elena was saying at all. “Stefan and I have established boundaries. If the door’s open I’m welcome to come in, if it’s closed it means that I need to knock.”
“What’s goin’ on here?” Stefan asked and they looked over to see him standing in the doorway.
“Elena thinks Katie Cat’s trying to steal you away from her.” Damon spoke up with a drunken sway from side to side. “Which I know can’t possibly be true.” He told him then looked at Katie.
“Why’s that?” Stefan asked out of pure curiosity as he walked over to Elena and placed his hand on the small of her back.
“You’re too muscly.” He said not looking away from Katie. “It grosses her out.” He said with a smart ass wrinkle of his nose at her.
“First off, don’t call me Katie Cat. Second, thank you for that so very helpful bit of information. Third, how do you know I didn’t just lie about that to keep from hurting your feelings?”
“Okay none of this is helpful.” Stefan spoke up cutting off the fight before it got bad. He then looked down at Elena. “Katie’s right, those are the rules we silently established. So she had every right to think it was okay to come in.”
“Right, so you two are hanging out in here now?” Elena asked simmering down the snotty-ness a little, but it was still there.
“Okay, I’m going to go get dressed for the raffle.” Damon said to no one in particular.
“You’re going to the raffle?” Katie asked with raise brows and he hummed as he walked out. “Okay, I came up here for advice, but I think I figured it out on my own.” Katie tried to walk off, but Stefan grabbed her shirt sleeve stopping her. She growled out a sigh and back tracked to face him and Elena. “What?”
He let go of her shirt and pointed to one of the old armchairs in the room, “Sit.” Katie sighed and sat down then he looked at Elena and pointed to the second matching chair that sat kitty corner to the one Katie was sitting in “You too.” Elena rolled her eyes but sat down and Stefan sat down on the arm of the old couch that sat against the wall not too far from them. “Elena, I told Katie that if she ever needed to talk that she could come to me.” Stefan started. “She and I are friends.” Elena just blinked at him, still not liking it. “And considering we’re living in the same house now, I thought it would be better than her hating me.”
“I just don’t understand why she can’t talk to me, or Caroline or Bonnie.” Elena said talking with her hands.
“There are things that he gets that you and the girls don’t.” Katie spoke up deciding to not let Stefan do all the talking.
“Like what?” Elena asked.
“Like I stayed the night with Tyler the other night.” She replied and Elena’s jaw dropped.
“You what?” she asked with a disapproving look.
“Yeah and his parents came home early and caught us sleeping.” Katie added fanning the flames.
“Oh my god Katie. Just because you lost it to Damon doesn’t mean that-” Elena started, but Katie interrupted her.
“See that,” Katie pointed at Elena as she sat up straighter, “That right there is why I didn’t call you to pick me up. I knew you would judge me nine ways to Sunday like you always do.” She stood up not being able to sit down for this conversation. “If Bonnie was home I would’ve called her because at least she would’ve heard me out before she passed judgment.”
“I think we’ve gotten off point.” Stefan spoke up trying to reel the girls back in. They both stopped glaring at each other to look at Stefan. “The point is, that Katie is just a friend.” He looked at Elena. “I don’t see her that way and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t see me that way either because apparently I gross her out.” He smirked at Katie and Elena looked at her expecting her to say something.
“He’s like the big brother I never had.” Katie added with a non committal shrug and Stefan gave her a thankful look. “And we don’t hang out in here. Contrary to what you seem to think of me, I wouldn’t step on your toes like that.”
“See, no harm no foul.” Stefan stood up. “So why don’t you two go talk it out down stairs so I can get dressed for the raffle.”
“I need to get changed too. I’ll see you guys at the raffle.” She texted Tyler letting him know she was going to go to the raffle with him as she headed to her room. She changed from her work shirt and ratty jeans to a black knit sweater, jeans and some knee high boots.
She was headed out the door when she ran into Elena who was also leaving. “Hey, I’ve been meaning to tell you…” she started making Katie pause and look at her friend. “I found out who my birth mother is.”
“Wow, really?” Katie asked not having been expecting what she told her.
“Yeah.” Elena looked down and brushed her hair behind her hear. “Turns out she was Mr. Saltzman’s wife.” She looked back up.
“Wait, was?” Katie asked, her heart falling a little.
“Yeah, we think she was killed by a vampire.” Elena answered as they left the doorway and walked out to the cars.
“I’m so sorry.” Katie looked down at her car keys. “I wish I knew something else to say, but you know me, I suck with words in moments like this.”
Elena actually smiled. “It’s okay, at least I know someone who knew her, you now? Maybe he can tell me about her.”
“Yeah, maybe.” Katie said awkwardly then a moment of silence fell over them and she couldn’t stand it. “Are we okay?” she asked making Elena look at her. “I really don’t like Stefan that way and I’m sorry if I stepped on your toes. I mean, I have Tyler now and I must really like him if I’m going to walk into the lions den with him.”
“Lions den?” she asked not answering her question.
“His mom is running this whole thing and she’s the one that walked in on me asleep with her son.” She answered. “I don’t really know how to look the woman in the eyes now.”
“I’m not trying to judge you, but you two didn’t…” she made a suggestive face.
“No. We just made out, a lot, and fell asleep.” Katie answered still fiddling with her keys. “I may have changed a lot recently, but there are still a few of my morals that Damon didn’t destroy.
“Destroying morals is my specialty.” Damon walked out and gave the girls a smile.
“I think that’s one of the few things we won’t argue about.” Katie quipped then waved to Elena and left.
Katie got to the grill before Tyler so she decided to hang out with Elena, Matt and Caroline where she stood selling the raffle tickets. “He’s already been hit on, like, thirty-five times. He’s total cougar bait.” Caroline said with a smile at Matt.
“Impressive.” Elena said.
“More like embarrassing.” he said with a smile at Caroline who laughed.
Katie stepped out of the way when Matt’s mom walked up. “Hi Misses Donovan.” Caroline greeted the woman with way too much cheer in her voice.
The woman just rolled her eyes at her and looked at Elena then smiled. “Elena, honey.” She greeted Elena with a hug and Katie noticed Caroline’s smile fall as she looked down at her hands on the table. Elena asked her how she was doing. “Same old.” She answered still ignoring Caroline. “Mattie tells me you broke his heart.”
“Mom.” Matt scolded his mom.
“Just kidding. Calm down.” She told him then jerked her head at Caroline. “He found his rebound girl.” Katie felt her jaw slack at the comment. “Here you go, sweetheart. How ever many that will buy.” She handed Caroline a folded bill. “I just hope I don’t get bachelor three. I dated him in high school. Not impressive.” She said then whispered, “in any way.” Matt and Katie rolled their eyes while Caroline and Elena smiled as Kelly took her tickets from Caroline and walked off.
“Wow, Matt, your mom is uh…” Katie shook her head looking for the right word, “A real piece of work.” She finished with a tight lip smile and lifted brows.
“Yeah, I gotta get back to it.” he said with a point over his shoulder.
“She hates me.” Caroline said after Matt walked off. “She caught us making out on the couch.”
“Well,” Katie said getting Caroline’s attention, “rebound girl is better than getting called trash like Mrs. Mayor douche bag called me before she caught me in Tyler’s bed.”
“What?” Caroline asked with a shocked laugh. “She caught the two of you having sex?” she asked with a smile.
“No, we were just sleeping. Fully clothed I might add.” She said as she motioned for Caroline to keep it down. “Well, he wasn’t wearing a shirt, but still.” She added getting off topic. “So I’d say you have a better chance of winning over Matt’s mom before I even put a dent in Tyler’s.”
“Did I hear my name?” he asked as he walked in and put his arm around Katie’s waist.
“Nope, you’re hearing things.” Katie quipped with a smile up at him and he kissed her on her lips. “Hi.” She told him then looked over the room, her eyes landing on a drunk Damon chatting up Tyler’s mom.
“You want to grab a table before they’re all taken?” he asked with a nod to the tables and Katie nodded.
Other than a few dirty looks from Carol the party was going good. Carol was on stage questioning the bachelors. Things took a turn for the worse when she started questioning Damon. “Do you have any hobbies, like to travel?” Carol asked trying to get him to talk about himself.
“Oh, yeah, L.A., New York.” He listed off a few places. “A couple of years ago, I was in North Carolina, near the Duke campus, actually. I think…I think Alaric went to school there. Didn’t you Rick?” Katie could tell that he was up to something as soon as he turned things to Mr. Saltzman. Normally when given the chance he would only talk about himself. “Yeah ‘cause I know your wife did.” At the mention of Rick’s wife Katie turned her eyes to Elena to see her staring blank faced at Damon. “I had a drink with her once. “She was… a great girl. Did I ever tell you that?” Damon asked Alaric. “’Cause she was… mmm she was delicious.”
“Oh my god.” Katie didn’t mean to say it out loud but she looked over to see Elena get up.
“What’s the matter?” Tyler asked.
“Nothing I just, uh, I’m feeling light headed. I’m gonna go get some air. I’ll be right back.” Katie got up and ran after her to find her and Stefan talking outside.
“Damon was the vampire that killed her?” Elena asked Stefan with tears in her eyes.
“I don’t know what happened. Alaric said that they never found the body.” Stefan told her.
“Oh my god…Stefan…” Elena said looking around, her eyes landing on Katie standing behind Stefan.
“Hey, I don’t mean to intrude, I just…I couldn’t stay in there after that.” Katie said as she walked up.
“I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I just… I wanted to know more.” Stefan told her as Katie joined them.
“Did you know?” Elena asked Katie.
“No, I promise you I didn’t.” Katie said with her hands raised.
“I was feeling sorry for him, hoping that losing Katherine and Katie would change him. I’m so stupid.” Elena said holding her arms out to the side before she let them flop down to her sides.
“He doesn’t know about the connection to you.” Damon started. “I thought about confronting him, but he’s already so on edge and fighting with Katie isn’t helping.” He paused remembering that Katie was standing there. “Not that you can help it.”
“Why are you protecting him?” Elena yelled, angry at Damon for killing her mother.
“Because you’re not the only one hoping that he might actually change.” Stefan answered with a look over at Katie. “I know you don’t want to believe it because he hurt you, but he really does love you. I haven’t seen him look at anyone the way he looked at you since he was with Katherine.”
Katie was crossing her arms over her chest when Elena said, “That man.” and they followed her eyes to a guy standing down the street staring at them. “I saw that man outside of Trudie’s.”
“Get back inside, both of you.” Stefan said as he put his hand on Elena’s arm and urged them side.
Katie walked in first, hearing Carol announce who won what bachelor, when she ran into Damon. “Whoa, easy there. Buy a ticket like everyone else.” He quipped, alcohol rolling off of his breath.
Katie took a step back then back handed him. “Elena will explain what that’s for.” Katie walked around him and over to Tyler. “Hey, I’m not feeling too hot, I think I’m gonna head home.”
“Yeah you don’t look good, do I need to drive you?” he asked looking genuinely concerned which made her feel even worse about lying to him.
“No,” she smiled tiredly at him, “I can drive. Thank you though.”
“Okay.” He gave her a smile and kissed her cheek. “If I ever heard Matt say this I would make fun of him so bad, but text me when you get home so I know you made it there okay.”
Katie gave him a weak laugh. “Okay, I will.”
Katie pulled up to the boarding house and killed her car but didn't get out. Instead she leaned forward, putting her head on the steering wheel. "I miss my old life." She sighed then forced herself to pick her head back up and get out of the car. She could hear Damon and Stefan talking and she followed their voices to the library.
"Like you've been handling Katharine and Katie?" Stefan asked and Katie stopped in the doorway and covered her mouth with her hand when she saw Mr. Saltzman dead on the rug in front of the lit fireplace.
"I've been handling it fine." Damon said, neither of them seeing Katie standing in the doorway. "You know what? Isobel came to me. She found me. And if she's related to Elena that means she's related to Katherine. Maybe Katherine sent her to me."
"Stop it." Stefan told him still not seeing Katie. "You don’t have to keep looking."
"It can't be a coincidence Isobel sought me out." He pointed at Stefan with the same hand he was holding his bourbon glass in. "Nu uh, it can’t." He finished his drink and set the glass on the end table and stood up. "I assume you'll take care of this?" He turned to leave and they both finally saw Katie standing in the doorway with tears in her eyes.
"How much of that did you hear?" Stefan asked not moving from Alaric's side.
"I came in on…like you've been handling Katherine and Katie..." she answered not taking her eyes off of Damon. “You killed my favorite teacher?”
"He attacked me first." Damon scoffed and walked around her and out the door.
Katie stared at her dead teacher as she walked into the room and sat down on the couch. "He was a good guy, he deserves better than to be buried in some random, unmarked grave."
"I'm sorry you had to see this." He told her as he kept looking down at Alaric.
They were both just sitting there in silence when Alaric's fingers twitched. "Did he just-?"
"Yep." Stefan answered not letting her finish the question.
Katie yelped and jumped back when Alaric gasped in a deep breath and sat up. "What happened? What's going on?" He asked.
"I just had a heart attack, that's what." Katie said looking at her breathing teacher who was dead ten seconds earlier. He looked at her then back to Stefan.
"You were just..." Stefan trailed off looking the man over. “Did Damon turn you?”
"No, I uh...I went for him and then he uh... he stabbed me." Alaric said checking himself over for wounds.
"No, no, no, you must have vampire blood in your system somebody slipped it to you." Stefan argued.
“No it uh,” Alaric looked at his hand and wiggles his fingers. “It's something else.”
“Could it be the huge, ugly thing on your finger?” Katie asked noticing it was similar in size and ugliness as the magical daylight rings that Damon and Stefan wore.
He looked at Katie then down at his ring. “Isobel?” He asked as Stefan looked up at Katie. “This ring protected me.”
“That's impossible.” Stefan said then stood up and helped Alaric up.
“It's no more impossible than what your ring does for you.” Katie pointed out.
“He lives here, but what are you doing here and how do you know about this stuff?” Alaric asked Katie.
"I kind of live here too." She answered.
"I thought you lived with your grandpa." He pointed out.
"He kicked me out." She explained. "And I know about vampires because I dated Damon."
"It's not safe for you here they can mess with your mind." He said getting ready to give her a speech about how she shouldn't be living with vampires.
"There's vervain in my necklace." She told him and he closed his mouth and blinked at her. "Trust me. I'm safer here than with my grandfather."
"You should probably get out of here." Stefan told him and Alaric nodded and picked his stake off of the floor. They watched him walk out.
"It’s been one hell of a night." Katie groaned and stood from the couch. "And I'd like nothing more than for it to be over." She started out of the room. "Night, Stefan." She called over her shoulder. She heard him hum at her before she was completely out of the room.
After showering and writing a journal entry she sat down on her bed and picked up her guitar from the stand she kept it on near her night stand. She practiced a little letting the self taught guitar lesson relax her enough that she could lay down in bed and go straight to sleep. She found herself missing the days of sleeping with Damon to clear her mind.
A couple weeks later Katie stood at her locker talking to Tyler when Caroline came over with a smile on her face. “Hey, Elena and Stefan and me and Matt are going on a double date, I figured we could make it a triple date.”
“Sorry, I have to work.” Katie answered, not really wanting to go on the triple date anyway.
“Aw, come on, you can’t get out of it?” Caroline asked with a frown.
“Nope, sorry.” She shrugged and tucked a book away in her locker then shut it.
“Okay, see you later then.” Caroline walked off.
Tyler looked at her with a smirk and raise brows. “What?” Katie asked defensively.
“You just didn’t want to go did you?” he asked being able to see straight though her mock disappointment.
“And be witness to Caroline trying to see if Matt is really over Elena? No thanks.” Katie said with a disgusted face and a head shake.
“Oh, that’s what that’s all about?” he asked and Katie nodded with a hum. “Well thanks for saving me from sitting though that.” He said with relief in his voice.
Katie grabbed his hand and looked at the watch he always wore. “I should be heading to work.” She moved his hand around in hers to hold it and gave him a smile. “I’ll call you later.”
Tyler gave her a small smile back as he leaned in and kissed her. “Okay.”
Katie was serving a customer when she saw Damon walk in and sit down at the bar next to Matt’s mom, Kelly. She knew as soon as the two started talking that the night was going to be interesting. An hour later Matt, Caroline, Elena and Stefan came in and sat down at a table in Katie’s section. So she took her note pad and pen out as she walked over and greeted them. She took their order, already sensing a little awkwardness in the group, then went and stuck the order on the ticket wheel. With no one else in her section she moved to the bar that the new, flakey bartender had abandoned.
When she saw Damon, Kelly and Jenna being loud, Katie understood why the bartender fled. “Don’t be grumpy. It can’t be that bad.” Jenna said as Damon grabbed a bottle and poured a shot. Katie stood at the other end of the bar, unnoticed by Damon.
“You’d be surprised. My primary reason for existence has abandoned me. And, after today’s events, the remains of the shaky ground that I walk on are about to go ka-boom.” His words made Katie wonder what happened today that would make him say that, but then he looked at Kelly and said, “Let’s get hammered.”
Katie rolled her eyes and put on a fake smile. “Is there anything I can get you guys?”
“Yeah, a new bottle.” Damon answered, making Katie roll her eyes as she reached behind her and grabbed a bottle of the bourbon that she knew he liked.
“Aren’t you too young to be bartending?” Kelly asked.
“Yes, but unlike you the manager likes me.” Katie smiled sweetly. “Besides, do you see a bartender around here anywhere?”
Kelly looked at her as if she couldn’t believe she had said that. “Come on Katie Cat, don’t be catty.” Damon told her with a smirk.
“You don’t get to call me that anymore.” She told him with an aggravated look.
“Oh, yeah, that’s right. You two broke up recently.” Jenna said already a little buzzed.
“Wait, you…dated her?” Kelly asked with wide eyes and a judging look.
“Yep and he’s not impressive…” deciding to mimic what Kelly had said about bachelor number three at the raffle, Katie cut her eyes down and dramatically whispered, “In any way.” then walked off while Damon gave her the evil eye.
A few hours later the double daters left and Jenna decided to bow out of drinking with Damon and Kelly who were getting too into each other. After seeing Damon take a tied cherry stem out of Kelly’s mouth with his, Katie decided that she wanted her sanity more than a pay check and went home.
She saw Elena’s car and Matt’s truck in the driveway, but when she went inside she didn’t see them. Bored, she sat down at the piano in the room and lifted the cover over the keys. Not knowing if she would even remember the one song her mother taught her before she died, Katie put her fingers on the keys and started playing. She messed up a few times, but for the most part it felt like riding a bike.
She was so lost in playing that she didn’t hear Kelly and Damon walk in. When she was done playing she got up and went to go to her room, but she stopped in her tracks when she saw Damon leaning against the wall with Kelly’s legs wrapped around his waist, his hands on her ass, holding her up as they made out.
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Katie was stuck, trying to decide if she should break them up or let them carry on when Matt, Caroline, Elena and Stefan walked in. “Mom?” Matt asked making then freeze.
“Damon?” Caroline asked as he pulled his face out of Kelly’s chest and looked at them. He let Kelly go and she stepped back looking guilty. Damon’s eyes instantly found Katie, taking in her rapidly beating heart and clenched fists.
“Oh my god, Matt.” Kelly said as she bent down and picked up her jacket and grabbed her purse. She walked out looking ashamed of herself.
“I got to-” Matt started with a point to his mom.
“It’s fine. Just go.” Caroline told him with a sigh.
“I’ll take her home.” Elena told Matt.
Katie watched Damon as he grabbed the bottle of alcohol off of the table that he and Kelly had been making out next to then poured a glass. When Matt and his mom were out of sight Stefan, Elena and Caroline glared at Damon then walked outside. When they were gone Katie finally unfroze. She walked past him, purposely hitting his shoulder with hers as she did, then went to her room.
She sat down on her bed with a sigh and ran her fingers through her hair then balled her fists up, pulling her hair. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs or throw something. Instead she went down stairs to the library to get a drink, thinking no one would be in there. But Damon was sitting in the arm chair with his leg thrown over the arm of it. She ignored him as she grabbed a clean glass and filled it half full.
She was standing at the end of the couch, taking a big gulp, when Stefan came in. "Are you crazy?" Stefan asked.
Damon rolled his eyes. "Save the lecture. Look,-”
He was cut off when a male vampire jumped though the window and tackled Stefan, stabbing him in the chest with a piece of broken glass from the window. Damon pulled the guy off of him and they started fist fighting.
Katie was about to make a run for it, but a female vampire jumped through the window, sped in front of her, grabbed her by her throat and slammed her into the floor, sinking her teeth into her neck. Katie struggled to get away, but her vision was spotty from her head being slammed into the floor.
Stefan finally managed to get the glass out of his chest and staked the woman as Katie's world faded to black.
Damon, seeing Katie unmoving on the floor, blood seeping out of the back of her head and on to the rug, mustered the strength to throw the guy across the room. "Katie?" Damon ran to her side, sliding to her on his knees. "Katie, come on." He bit his wrist, opened her mouth and placed the bite mark against her tongue. The vampire looked at them, realized he was now out numbered and sped out of the window. "Come on Katie Cat, don’t do this. Wake up."
Stefan walked over and listened for a pulse. Damon looked up at his brother with wide eyes, keeping his wrist on Katie's mouth. "Her pulse is faint, but it's there." Relief washed over Damon's face. "Pick her up." Damon slid his arms under Katie and picked her up. Stefan felt of the bloody spot on the back of her head. "Her skull is shattered. It's going to be a while before she wakes up." He jerked his head for Damon to follow him. He put a towel over her pillow then Damon laid her on her bed. "I doubt she'll want to see you when she does." Stefan said then walked out.
Damon brushed her hair out of her face and placed a kiss to her temple then left her alone.
Katie woke up and sat up in her dark room. With a groan she felt of the back of her head to find dried, crusty blood in her hair. Remembering that she had been bitten, she then moved her fingers to her neck feeling dried blood there too, but no wound. It clicked that someone had fed her their blood and saved her life.
The events of the night flooded back to her making her remember why she had gone downstairs in the first place. So she headed down stairs, not caring if she got attacked again. The living room was empty and instead of pouring a glass she just grabbed the bottle and went back to her room, drinking it as she went.
She set the bottle on her dresser as she stripped out of her clothes, then grabbed it and brought it into the shower with her. She only sat it down to wash her hair and then to dry off after she got done showering. She had the bottle in her hand and her towel secured around her as she walked out into her room. With her head tilted back and the bottle to her lips, her eyes landed on Damon, sitting crossed legged in the middle of her bed. “I’ve pushed you to binge drinking?” he asked not moving even though she was glaring at him.
“Life has pushed me to drinking.” She corrected. As she stumbled, her towel fell to the floor around her feet and she stumbled again this time falling onto her hands and knees. The bottle in her hand tipped over stilling the amber liquid all over the floor. Damon got up and walked over to her, holding his hand out to her. She didn’t take it so he grabbed her under her arms and picked her up, pushing her towel over the liquid. “And you’re a part of my life.” She didn’t look at him, but down at the floor as tears slipped from her eyes. “You’re not supposed to be… that wasn’t the plan…” she scooped up the bottle and walked over to her dresser.
“What are you talking about?” Damon asked a little confused by her drunken ramblings.
“You and me, you weren’t supposed to still be here when we ended. You were supposed to run off into the sunset with Katherine and let me move on with my life with you one hundred percent out of it. A clean break, but no… life had something more cynical in mind.” She set the bottle on the dresser and opened the drawer.
“Life never follows our plans does it?” he asked, now on the same line of thinking as her. She didn’t answer and he watched as she pulled out one of the thongs he had found while helping her move and pulled it on. She had grabbed a bra that had stripes on it that reminded him of Zebra Gum and started trying to put it on, but her drunken fingers couldn’t fasten the hooks. He walked over and helped her. “This is a change. I’m usually getting women out of their bras not in them.”
“Ain’t that the truth?” Katie scoffed and when he was finished with the hooks she grabbed the bottle and took a drink. “I’m pretty sure we were about ten seconds away from seeing Kelly topless and none of us want to ever see that.” She set the bottle back on the dresser then fished a pair of shorts out of it and started trying to put them on but after the third time of her missing the leg hole with her foot Damon grabbed the shorts from her and kneeled down. She instinctively placed her hands on his shoulders and picked her foot up then repeated the movement with her other foot. He had pulled them up to her thighs when she placed her hands over his and helped him pull them all the way up. His hands flipped around, holding hers, while he still kneeled on the floor.
Their eyes met and after a few seconds Katie felt herself leaning into him. When her nose brushed his he grabbed the back of her neck and kissed her hard. In a blur they were on her bed with him on top of her pulling her legs around his hips. Katie’s hands caressed his neck and back, but when he started kissing her neck, tears started slipping from the corners of her eyes, some landing on Damon’s hands near her head, making him pull back to look into her blood shot eyes. “What’s wrong?” he asked, concern filling his voice as his eyes searched hers.
“I can’t do this.” She pushed his shoulders and he sat up and watched her pull her knees to her chest, folded her arms over them then press her forehead to them. “I can’t cheat on Tyler. I’m not a cheater. I can’t be that girl.” Her body shook with sobs as she rocked back and forth.
Damon put his hand on the back of her head, caressing it. “Then break up with him.” She just shook her head, not looking up at him. “Why not? It’s not like you love him.”
She looked at him, her head still resting on her arms on her knees. “I’m happy with him, Damon.” She told him and when she blinked another tear fell.
“But you don’t love him.” He argued, brushing his thumb over her cheekbone.
“But I could, one day, maybe.” She said, her head swimming from the alcohol. “I owe it to myself to find out if I can love someone who is actually capable of loving me back.”
“I love you, Katie.” He told her as he slid his thumb over her bottom lip.
“Not whole heartedly. I heard you the other night, you’re still…looking… for Katherine.” She picked her head up and regretting it when she got dizzy. She closed her eyes, waiting for her world to stop spinning, and felt Damon cup her face in his hands. She opened her eyes and looked into his. “Until you stop looking for her…until you realize that she doesn’t want you…there is no hope for us.” She told him then let her head fall back onto her arms.
He saw her eyes started slipping shut. So he pulled back her covers, laid her down then pulled them over her. “Good night, Katie Cat.”
Katie woke up the next morning with a raging headache. She pulled a tank top on and went downstairs to find Stefan in the kitchen. “Good morning.” He greeted her.
“Good is debatable.” She grumbled back as she pulled the icebox open.
“How are you feeling?” Stefan asked curiously.
“You mean other than extremely hung over?” she asked, shutting the door with a sigh. “I’m fine.”
“You got drunk last night?” he asked with a frown then took a drink from a silver flask.
“You’re one to judge?” she asked with a point to the flask.
“It’s animal blood.” He explained.
“Is there anything for a hang over in this house?” Katie asked unfazed by his statement.
“Really, no reaction to me bluntly stating that I’m drinking animal blood?” he asked, humor in his curious voice. “You’ve been around us too much.” Katie rolled her eyes and gave him a look that told him to answer the question. “Here.” He walked over to a drawer and grabbed a bottle of aspirin.
He tossed it to her and she managed to catch it. “Thank you.” he left the kitchen as she took two pills then put the bottle back where he got them from.
She was walking through the house, eating a bowl of oatmeal when she walked by Damon carrying a large board, nails and a hammer. She realized then that it was storming outside and the window in the library was broken. “Need any help?” she asked, putting her spoon in the bowl.
“We’re talking now?” he asked not looking back at her as he made his way to the library.
“Yes.” She told him simply.
He stopped and set the board down. “Do you remember what happened last night?” Damon asked her with a frown.
“Yeah, unfortunately.” She told him as she picked up her spoon, “Other wise I’d be wondering why I have a kick ass hang over.” She took a bite of oatmeal and walked around him and into the library.
“Mkay.” Damon drawled as he picked up the board and followed her.
“Look, I can’t be mad at you and move on with Tyler, because if I’m mad at you then it means that I still feel something for you.” she told him as she watched him walk over to the window then took another bite of food hoping a healthy breakfast would make her feel a little better. “So we need to figure out how to just be friends.”
"And if I don’t want to just be friends?" He asked as he put the board up over the window.
"Then you're just going to have to get over it." She said as she put her empty bowl down and grabbed the hammer and a nail.
She put a nail in the bottom corners then handed him the hammer. "A cheerleader that knows how to use a hammer." He said with an impressed smirk.
"It’s not that hard. I can also install electrical outlets, hang light fixtures and ceiling fans, float, tape and texture drywall, and build a birdhouse from scratch." She said with a smile and pulled a superwoman pose as she held out a nail to him.
"And how did you learn how to do all that?" He asked then started putting more nails in the board.
"Working with habitat for humanity." She shrugged. "Hey, um, how bad was I hurt last night?" She asked not wanting to know, but she needed to.
He stopped hammering to look at her where she stood next to him fiddling nervously with a nail. “Really bad." He told her quietly. "Bethann crushed your skull. Stefan thinks that if I would've gotten to you any later that we would've lost you."
"So it was you that saved me." She said with a nod as she sat down on the leather couch in the room. "Wait. You knew them?" She asked realizing that he called the vamp that almost killed her by name.
"Yeah. About that..." he started as he walked over and looked down at her. "They were in the tomb."
"How did they get out? What about the rest of them?" She asked, standing up again.
"The witches screwed up their juju. All of the vampires that were down there are free." He told her waiting for her reaction.
“Son of a bitch.” She sighed and sat down on the couch again.
“That’s not all. Some of them are hold up in a farm house just outside of town. Pearl, Katherine’s best friend from back in the day, is leading them. They want to take the town back. She came to me looking to trade Katherine’s location for information about the council.” He told her and she sat up putting her elbows on her knees.
“What did you tell her?” Katie asked, not judging him, just wanting to know more.
“I told her no way in hell then she gouged my eyes out with her thumbs.” He answered. “I didn’t really have a choice after that.”
“What’s going on in here?” Stefan asked as he and Elena walked into the room.
“Damon’s just filled me in on who those people were last night.” Katie said not looking to see Elena in the room too.
“Are you okay?” Elena asked and Katie looked over at her not lifting her head off the back of the couch. “You look like crap.”
Katie moved her eyes to Stefan as he walked further into the room. “Did you not tell her about last night?” she asked feeling like her head was going to explode. “Alcohol hangover ontop of vamp blood hangover…No es muy divertida en absolute.”
Elena shook her head and set down next to Katie. “Leave it to you to speak crappy Spanish when you’re hung over.”
“Yeah, Katie, kind of almost died last night.” Stefan said making Elena’s head snap to him then look at Katie with wide eyes.
“Yeah, vampire bitch crushed my skull and bit me.” Katie added.
“Katie you have to move out. You can stay with me if you need to.” Elena said looking at her friend with wide eyes.
“Another discussion for another time.” Katie brushed her off.
“Yeah we need to figure out what to do about these tomb vampires.” Stefan spoke up making Elena look at him.
��I say we go to Pearl’s, bust down the door, and annihilate the idiot that attacked us last night.” Damon spoke up after putting the last nail in the board.
"Yeah? And then what? We turn to the rest if the house of vampires and say, oops. Sorry?" Stefan asked.
"I can't believe you made a deal with her." Elena told Damon.
"It was more like a helpful exchange of information." Damon said talking with his hands still holding the hammer as he walked around to stand in front of the fireplace. "It’s not like I had a choice she's...scary." Damon said actually looking a little scared in his own, Damon way. "Besides, she's going to help me get Katherine back."
Katie felt her hatred of Katherine growing every time Damon said her name. "Oh, of course she is." Elena scoffed and stood up to stand by Stefan. "Damon gets what he wants no matter who gets hurt in the process."
Damon gave Katie a look that seemed to say, not everything I want, then gave Elena one of his cocky smirks. "There's no need to be snarky about it." He walked over and sat down next to Katie, putting his arm around her only for her to grab it and move it.
"I woke up this morning to learn that all the vampires had been released from the tomb. I've earned snarky." Elena replied making Katie roll her eyes.
She wanted to point out that she had learned the same information and wasn't being snarky, but then again Katie never was the snarky kind. That was always Elena's department. "Ugh." He scoffed and started playing with the hammer. "How long are you going to blame me for turning your birth mother into a vampire?"
"I'm not blaming you Damon. I've accepted the fact that you're a self serving psychopath with no redeeming qualities." Elena bit back.
Damon made a sound as if he had been burned. "Ouch."
"This isn’t being very productive." Stefan stepped up seeing Katie glaring at Elena who didn't notice. "We’re going to figure out a way to deal with Pearl and the vampires yeah?" Stefan asked Damon who just stood up and walked out.
"Okay, I need to shower and get to work." Katie pushed herself off of the couch then walked out.
Thanks to the rain business was slow so when Tyler and his Dad came in, she was able to play pool with him. "How have you worked here for so long and not learned how to play pool?" Tyler asked as he leaned over and took his shot.
"Who says I'm not just pretending to suck?" She asked examining the table looking for an easy shot.
"Yeah, I don't think so." He told her with a shake of his head.
Katie found her shot and leaned over, lining the pool cue up then took her shot, the ball that she had intended on sinking didn't go in. She stood up and wrinkled her nose with an ashamed smile. "Okay so I suck."
Tyler shook his head at her then walked around and wrapped his arm around her waist. "Then let me show you."
Katie bit her lip as she leaned over the table as he leaned down with her, helping her line up the cue. "Who's that woman with your dad?" She asked noticing mayor Lockwood smiling at the woman across the table from him.
"She’s not my mom that's for sure." He said as he lined her cue up where it needed to be. "Try that." Katie took the shot, sinking the ball into the corner pocket. They stood up and Katie turned to Tyler to see him giving his dad a dirty look.
She wanted to ask him if he felt like talking about it, but someone was seated in her section. "I have to get back to work." She told him with a frown. "But I get a break in twenty. Wanna have dinner if you're still here?"
Tyler looked at his dad. "I'm sure I'll still be here."
Katie slid between him and his view of his father. "Your dad's an ass, your mom deserves better and I could really use a kiss." She told him as she placed her hand on his neck. Tyler kissed her on her lips keeping it short and sweet since he didn't feel like getting a lecture about pda later.
Katie and Tyler were halfway through dinner when Mayor Lockwood walked over and touched Tyler's back getting his attention. "Grab your stuff we've got to go."
"We kind of have half a burger left." Tyler argued at his dad grabbed his coat off the rack by the doors.
"They found Vicki Donovan." His dad informed them.
"Oh god." Katie whispered.
"Are you serious?" Tyler asked as he stood up. Katie noticed Jeremy walk over. "Where was she?"
"The storm unearthed the grave off county road. They just brought her body down to the morgue." He answered not looking or sounding at all affected by what he was saying.
"Wait. She's dead?" Jeremy asked.
"Come on we've got to go." The mayor urged.
Tyler looked at Katie, "Go, go. I'll catch up to you later." She told him and he nodded then followed his father out.
Katie found her manager and told her what was going on and got the green light to leave. She got a text from Caroline, telling her what was going on and asking her to bring coffee, creamer and sugar to Matt's. So she stopped by the store and picked up what Caroline asked her to get along with Styrofoam cups and swizzle sticks and headed to Matt's.
The sheriff let her in and she headed to the kitchen to put the supplies away when she saw Tyler sitting at the dining table with Jeremy. When he saw her he stood up and started helping her put things away. When they were done she grabbed his hands and pulled him in for a hug. She felt like shit because she'd known that Vicki was dead for months. "I'm going to go pay my respects. Are you going to need a ride home?"
"Yeah. My dad dropped me off." Tyler answered.
"What about you?" Katie asked Jeremy.
"Na, Elena's on her way. Thanks though." He replied flatly.
After awkwardly paying her respects to Kelly and Matt, she headed back into the kitchen to find Tyler sitting at the dining table in deep thought. She sat down next to him and slid her hand across his shoulders. He blinked over at her and she gave him a weak smile. A few minutes later sheriff Forbs came in and announced that it was time to give the Donovan's some space.
The drive to Tyler's house was silent, neither of them knowing what to say to the other. When they pulled up in front of his house Katie killed the car and got out, walking hand in hand with him to the door. "I sorry. I suck in times like these." She sighed. "All I know to say is you have an ear right here if you need one." She pointed to her ear and he gave her a small smile. "Any time day or night."
"I don't know what to say either. Still feel like it's not real. Like it's just a bad dream." He said with a shake of his head.
Tyler grabbed her and pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Tyler." They heard his mom say from the doorway. They pulled away from each other, Katie couldn't make herself look at Carol. "It's late. Come inside."
Katie cupped his cheek in her hand, "Try to get some sleep, okay?"
"Okay." He told her with a nod and a tight lipped smile.
Katie finally made herself look at Carol and say, "Goodnight, Mrs. Lockwood."
"Good night, Katie." Carol replied as Katie turned away and headed to her car. Katie was surprised to find there was no snooty undertone to her words.
Not wanting to bother Elena with a late phone call Katie went to Stefan’s room and since the door was open let herself inside "Stefan I hate to...whoa." she said as she took in the blood bags laying around the room. Then her eyes landed on him looking up at her with blood on his face and it looked like he had been crying. "Are you okay?" She asked as she slowly started to walk closer to him.
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"No, no, no. Don't come any closer." He told her and she stopped. "I could hurt you."
"Why are you drinking human blood?" She asked remembering what Damon had told her about him and drinking from humans.
"Damon hasn't told you?" He asked and Katie shook her head and shrugged.
"Katie get out of here." She heard Damon say and she looked behind her and shook her head no. "I'm serious. He really could hurt you right now. I'll fill you in later, just go."
“You’re here, and I started drinking vervain.” Katie told Damon then looked at Stefan, “He won’t hurt me.” She kept a rag in her back pocket when she was at work, and she pulled it out as she walked over to Stefan and sat down in front of him. “I want you to tell me what happened.” She said as she gingerly took the empty blood bag out of his hand and replaced it with the rag.
“After you and Elena left I went hunting. Some of the tomb vampires got the jump on me, took me back to their farm house and started torturing me.” He said looking more like he was staring through her instead of at her. Katie took the rag from Stefan since he wasn’t cleaning his mouth with it. She looked at the doorway to see that Damon was gone. “Damon, Alaric and Elena got me out. Damon and Alaric kept the others busy while Elena got me to the car, but Frederick, the vampire from the other night, intercepted us and staked me. Elena stabbed him with a vervain dart and fed me her blood.”
“She fed you her blood?” Katie asked with raised brows. “Does she know that you have tendency to rip people apart when you feed on them?”
Stefan gave her a pained look. “No and I didn’t know you knew.”
Katie shrugged. “It kinda just came up when I was questioning Damon on the difference between animal and human blood.
“I don’t want her to know.” He told Katie as she stood up and went to his bathroom to wet the rag. “You can’t tell her.”
Katie walked back into the room and handed him the rag. “Wipe your mouth or I will.”
He took it from her and started cleaning his face. “I’m serious Katie you can’t tell her about this she’ll think it’s her fault.”
“I promise, Stefan, I won’t tell her.” she took the rag from him and wiped a few spots of blood that he’d missed. “Be honest with me, please. How bad is this?”
“It’s really, really bad.” He told her looking like he was going to start crying. “And Damon killed the one person who could always put me back on the wagon.”
“Lexi?” Katie asked and Stefan nodded. “Maybe, since you don’t want Elena to know about this, I can help you?”
“No.” he shook his head and moved to sit on the couch he had been leaning against. “Lexi was a vampire, I couldn’t sink me teeth into her when I started losing it.”
“You would bite me knowing that I have vervain in my system?” Katie asked.
“No, but I could easily rip your head off.” He said and she took a slow deep breath trying to figure out how to help him.
She let it out and stood up. “So there’s nothing I can do to help you?” Katie asked and Stefan shook his head no. “And Damon’s… Damon, so he’s not going to even try.” She said out loud.
“Nope, I have to figure this out for myself.” Stefan told her with a shake of his head.
“Okay, well, you know where I’m at if you ever need to talk.” She told him then picked up the empty blood bags and headed down stairs. She ran into Damon in the kitchen. “So you and my history teacher, a man you killed, rescued Stefan today?” Katie asked as she threw the blood bags in the trash. “How’d you get him to help?”
“I told him that Pearl would know where Isobel is.” He answered as he grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge. “It was a lie, obviously.” He rolled his eyes and gave her a smirk. “So you really think I won’t help my brother out of this whole binge drinking mess Elena got him into?” he asked as he ripped the corner off of the bag and poured the blood into a glass.
“You love for him to be miserable.” She pointed out as she went to one of the over head cabinets and grabbed a cup of noodles. “He’s miserable.”
“Yes he is.” He smiled as he threw away the blood bag. But when he looked at Katie his smiled fell. “It’s not safe, you living here. I thought I could protect you, but after last night and now Stefan…”
Katie filled a tea kettle with water then put it on the stove. “I know. I’m not going to make it till February.” She turned the stove on then turned to him and crossed her arms over her chest. “As much as I don’t want to ask you to, will you compel my grandfather into letting me move back in?”
“Katie.” He sighed her name and set down his glass of blood. “You once told me that you would probably do anything if I asked you too.” He took her face in his hands as he leaned down and looked her in the eyes. “That’s a two way street.” He kissed her forehead then pushed her away.
“Thank you.” she told him as the kettle started whistling. “Since you’re going to be compelling him anyway, can you also make him give me my old room back?” she asked as she took the kettle off and poured some water over the noodles. “Grandpa took it and moved me into my dad’s office when he moved in.”
“Now you’re just being greedy.” He told her with a smirk and she rolled her eyes at him. “Yes, any more requests?” he asked, as he finished off his glass of blood.
“Yeah, how do I spike my drinks with vervain?” she asked sheepishly.
“You liar.” He gasped in fake shock. “You totally don’t have vervain in your system do you?”
“No, but it worked did it not?” she asked. “He didn’t bite me.”
“No, but he’d also just binged and probably wasn’t starving. Don’t pull that again.” Damon rolled his eyes and told her where to find the vervain oil down stairs. Then they both turned in for the night.
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queenofthedramedies · 4 years
Mother Approved: Ch. 15
Hello, my lovely readers. Rebekah's trying to find love and friendship. Will she succeed? On with the show…
Ch. 15: We Could Have Had It All!
Another wondrous day of schooling was being provided for the Mystic Falls gang-and certain Mikaelson siblings-in Caroline Forbes' living room. Rebekah Mikaelson felt cross. And she showed it by crossing her arms over her chest, glaring down her nose in disdain at the group, in general. Jeremy Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett, and Rebekah's idiot brother, Kol, kept passing notes to each other. The males, Rebekah understood. They were fools. But Bonnie, ignoring their AP English teacher's discussion of The Crucible. Hmm...
Eyes moving about the group, Rebekah searched for someone to entertain her. Not Nik. Too busy whispering something stupid in Caroline's ear, and waiting to do boring things to her; when they were alone.
Tyler Lockwood and Matt Donovan seemed to be writing a diagram for a football game. They were using Caroline's salt and pepper shakers to make plays. How dull.
Still looking, Rebekah found Hayley had curled up in a ball, to take a nap. Elijah needed to locate the wolf's pack, soon. Rebekah could not take one more day of the wolf following her about with those big eyes and sniffing at Rebekah's hair. It was annoying. Although Rebekah did need female friends...
Speaking of people who Rebekah could not see herself becoming friends with... Elena Gilbert scribbled extensive notes during the lecture. Finally, someone who was taking this portion of human life seriously. Then Rebekah's eyes narrowed. Wait! No! That was the doppelganger's diary!
Rebekah leaned the teeniest bit closer: Damon is such a- Elena's head snapped up. Their gazes met and Elena slammed the notebook closed. She unzipped her bag, shoving the diary inside. As if that could keep Rebekah out.
With a smirk, Rebekah re-focused on the lecture. Only it had come to an end. "Lunchtime!" Caroline cried out. The baby vamp scrambled to her feet. It could not be more obvious what she and Klaus intended on doing during this period.
Rolling her eyes, Rebekah gathered her things, placing them inside her bag and heading for the front door. However, none of the other students had been fast enough, because the sound of Caroline's door opening and a loud moan, made them all leave that much faster.
"I am starving!" Tyler said as he tromped all over Caroline's freshly-mown grass. "Hey, Bekah, did your mom make anything for lunch?"
"I wouldn't know, Tyler," Rebekah retorted, with a note of scorn. "Why don't you dash off, and find out?" Her lips twisted into a smirk at the thought of Tyler and Matt appearing on Klaus' doorstep, uninvited. Of course, it would help if Klaus were at home, not in Caroline's bedroom.
"Cool! Matt, let's go." Tyler began to jog away, perhaps working up an appetite. Perhaps the football player was trying to get away from Caroline's, because on some level, deep down, he did not want to think about what Klaus and Caroline were up to. For that, Rebekah could not blame him.
"Did you ever have Mrs. Mikaelson's pastrami on rye. She has this sauce that is soooo good!" Matt was saying as the two jocks ran off.
With a shake of her head, Rebekah tried to not be disturbed by her mother's bonding with the local human youth. Moving to the sidewalk, she felt peaceful. Then someone spoke to her: "Rebekah, we're having a picnic on the lawn of the old school. Did you want to come?" Bonnie asked. The witch was sandwiched between Kol and Jeremy. As much as Rebekah wanted to play fourth wheel to their frightening trio; Rebekah would rather be caught on the Equator, sans daylight ring.
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Be safe,
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founderscouncil · 4 months
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Matt's at a loss. What does a broke, working-class kid get a centuries old vampire for her birthday? Every idea he comes up with sound worse than the last, and he's not entirely sure whether any of his friends would be willing to help.
Alcohol is a start, and he sprung for a decent bottle of scotch but it also feels impersonal in a way. He's got no way of defining whatever the hell is happening with him and @malka-lisitsa, but she's at least someone he cares about in his own way, and he likes to think it's the same on her end. Or maybe he's just walking blindly into a trap. Wouldn't be the first time for that either.
But he pulls up in front of the Grill, dressed in a clean pair of jeans and a flannel without any holes in it. They're only meeting here for convenience's sake, and he feels a little like he's driving up to the Gilberts' for the first time to take Elena out on a date.
But Katherine is decidedly not his ex-girlfriend, and Matt finds himself a little grateful that they're such opposite personalities despite looking identical. His truck idles at the curb as he hops out of the cab, all nervous energy that both feels misplaced and not, given the current situation. "I was thinking I could take you out for your birthday? Like, out of Mystic Falls somewhere. If you didn't already have plans?"
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muhammadqt-blog · 4 years
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notgoingtohappen · 7 years
Revenge, Interrupted (Part 7)
[Ch 1] [Ch 2] [Ch 3] [Ch 4] [Ch 5] [Ch 6]
Caroline woke up to sore limbs and a back that ached far too much for someone in her twenties. Stefan was sitting up, staring into space and looking really out of it.
“Good morning.” she said weakly.
“Hey, sleep well?” he asked, looking a little relieved to have someone to talk to.
She scoffed. “Are you kidding?”
She was tired and sore and exhausted, and judging from how Stefan looked, he wasn’t faring much better. After all , they’d slept in a cramped up elevator.
He sighed and nodded. “I’ve barely slept in two days.”
He buried his head in his hands and Caroline felt terrible seeing him that miserable, so she scooted over to his side and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Maybe today will be better. Thats the advantage of being a new graduate: you can sleep in the whole day.”
He looked up at her, eyes softening with what she thought might be a smile, and she felt the irrational impulse of kissing him again. 
Because last night had probably been the best kiss she’d ever had.
His eyes flickered down to her lips and maybe he was thinking the same thing, leaning closer, ever so slowly. The red glow fell on him perfectly, bringing into sharp focus his strong jawline and cheekbones. She moved closer almost unconsciously, mesmerised.
Then he suddenly seemed to catch himself and slumped back against the wall, a muscle ticking in his jaw.
“We still on for that date?” he said finally.
They were both aware of the fact they needed sleep, but Caroline found herself nodding at the prospect of spending more time with him. “Yeah, in the evening.”
“Great, I can send in my applications before then.”
“Where are you applying?”
“A publishing house, an NGO that helps rehabilitate addicts, and social services.”
She eyed him, the corners of her mouth turning up. “Hero.”
He turned to look at her, eyebrows raised, and they settled into their familiar, easy rapport once more.
“Heroes don’t play elaborate and long-drawn practical jokes on their friends, Caroline." 
"Hey, I like to think of this revenge strategy as genius.”
“So, no boyfriend who would mind?” he asked evenly, the sentence almost too carefully casual. Or maybe she was imagining things.
“Nah, I broke up with my last serious boyfriend in college and it was hard so I mostly only had flings after.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, it was right . Tyler and I had grown apart. We weren’t the same people we had been back in Mystic Falls.”
Stefan’s mouth formed a little ‘O’ shape in surprise. “I have family there!”
“I used to spend some summers with my uncle and his family in the boarding house. Until sophomore year.”
“No way! Wait, the boarding house on the edge of town?”
He nodded.
“Woah. How come I never saw you?”
“I used to stay in, mostly. I love that house and the gardens. Sarah literally had to drag me away when she wanted to do something else.”
“Sarah Salvatore! She was a few grades below me. How did I never make that connection?”
“Do you think the college trio know?”
She giggled at the title Stefan had assigned their friends. “Probably. They just forgot to tell us, what with all the planning to set us up and all.”
“Elena never mentioned that Damon used to spend summers in your town?”
The truth was, Caroline didn’t know. She might have, but Caroline didn’t remember. Elena had never been one for a serious relationship, and if Caroline remembered every detail of all her flings she’d have no space left in her head for information she actually needed. She’d been pretty surprised on finding out how serious Elena was about Damon.
“Didn’t Damon tell you anything?”
“Uh, I don’t think so. But Damon’s had so many girlfriends before I just figured she was another casual relationship and didn’t pay attention to everything he said about her.”
Caroline was a little shocked. “Literally same.”
They looked knowingly at each other before he continued. “I knew some people. Matt Donovan, he worked at the Grill.”
She pursed her lips. “Of course you did.”
“He and I dated. Turns out he wasn’t all that over Elena and thought I brought way too much drama to the relationship.”
He shook his head quickly. “Idiot.”
She was strangely touched. “It all worked out, we’re friends and I got closer to and later started dating his best friend who was a much better boyfriend.”
She thought maybe the jaw muscle was back, but before she knew it he looked his usual amount of serious again. She’d probably just imagined it. Were hallucinations common if one had been trapped in a small space for hours and everything was lit in red?
“That’s good.” He said.
It was almost too crazy to believe, how many times their paths had crossed without them ever meeting. Seriously, the same town? His brother dating her best friend and attending the same university? 
They sat in silence. The red glow made the air feel different, like a magical world where it was only the two of them. And she had to admit Stefan was turning out to be someone high on the list of people she’d want to be with in this red elevator world.
“Another reason I didn’t really mix with you guys: I was too busy getting stoned with Vicki Donovan my last summer in town.” He added suddenly.
She burst out laughing. 
“Hey, I am vulnerable. Don’t be mean.” He joked, grinning back at her.
“God, no way!” She groaned.
“How is V doing?”
Caroline stopped laughing. “She had to go to rehab for a bit in senior year.”
“Is she okay?” He asked, eyebrows furrowing in worry.
“She’s sober now. I can’t believe it, I never took you for a stoner, Stefan!”
“I was a kid!”
Suddenly, there was a thump that sent her hand flying into his as she moved close into his side on impulse. 
The elevator doors slid open and they winced at the light coming in.
Two girls stood outside the elevator door, staring at them in confusion.
“Did… did you not check the buttons when you woke up?” She exclaimed in disbelief.
He blinked in confusion and she shot daggers at him, and half-dragged him out of that godforsaken place when they reached their floor.
Elena, sitting at the table and sipping coffee, looked up as they entered the apartment. Her gaze skipped the dark circles and dragging feet and stiff movements and went straight to the messed up hair and dishevelled clothes.
“What have you two been up to?” she smirked.
“Elevator broke down” Caroline said, in way of explanation.
“Worst” Stefan said vaguely.
“Had to sleep in it”
“Everything hurts”
“Need a bed now” Caroline all but whispered.
And then he didn’t look quite so sleepy anymore, his eyes widening a little.
“There’s coffee in the pot. Looking at you two is making me sleepy. Goodnight- or morning. Sleep well.” Elena walked off to Damon’s room.
“You can sleep in my bed, I’ll take the couch-“ Stefan started.
Caroline was too exhausted to deal with his ridiculous chivalry and cut him off. “We slept in a freaking elevator! We are both sleeping in a bed, okay? It’s no problem, we’re friends, right?”
She thought Stefan looked a little relieved about not having to spend another night on the couch. “And a couple” he added, the corners of his mouth turning up a little.
Caroline smiled tiredly at his feeble joke and walked to his room, feeling like a zombie and desperately needing to lie down on a soft bed. She had barely gotten any sleep the night before the last either.
He followed her into his room and she glanced around. The curtains were drawn and there was just enough light streaming in from the sides to make out the queen sized bed with its inviting comforter and pillows.
His desk was cluttered; a leather bound journal with a fountain pen sticking out from between the pages, a laptop lying open with loose papers around it, and a leather jacket hastily strewn on the side.
She was just about to comment on his terrible organisation, thinking about how different it was from her neat desk with the books piled evenly, coloured pens and stationery in their holders, post-its perfectly in place in the corner, laptop in the bag and jackets in the wardrobe, when the bookshelf on the side caught her eye.
It was lined with books, probably hundreds, stacked in all directions, horizontal, vertical, some upside down. Boxes and boxes of books lay on the floor below it. She recognised some of the titles. He had everything from Harry Potter to Keats to Shakespeare. She also felt the crazy impulse to organise them, because nothing gave her as much satisfaction. She was a perfectionist to the core.
Also, who needed a library subscription when their fake boyfriend had the biggest collection of books in the country?
She turned to say something but she saw him looking at the bed, eyebrows furrowed again and his serious look plastered across his face.
“Pick a side?” He asked.
She collapsed on the side of the bed nearest to her and barely had the energy to kick her shoes off before weakly pulling the comforter over her.
She felt the bed dip a little next to her with Stefan’s weight as he got in next to her.
“Good night, Caroline.” He said, so softly that she barely heard him.
And then her head hit the fluffy pillow and it was heaven. She drifted off to sleep at once, warm and comfortable. ~*~*~ Caroline kept her eyes shut, refusing to wake up. She was vaguely aware of warmth around her that was lulling her back to sleep. She unhooked her hand from under the pillow and strained her neck to look at the clock.
It was just noon. She could sleep a little more. This was the best sleep she’d gotten since moving to the city. ~*~*~ Caroline shifted in her sleep, but was stopped by an arm slung over her waist, holding her close. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes and felt Stefan’s chest against her back and legs against hers, and felt a hint of those ridiculous butterflies in her stomach.
She looked down to see her hand on top of his, and felt that blush that she had been free of since freshman year of high school creep onto her cheeks. Good lord, what on earth was going on with her?
They had been cuddling.
And she didn’t want to move away. She turned over slowly and found herself looking at Stefan’s sleeping face once more.
Why did this keep happening?
He looked so peaceful, not serious for once, and she couldn’t help but reach up and gently trace her finger down his cheek, a hair’s breadth away from touching him. Stefan seemed to sense her and wrinkled his nose slightly, and she suppressed a smile she might have recognised as affectionate were she not this drowsy.
She could feel herself drifting back off to sleep, and pulled away a little to turn on her side. As she closed her eyes, Stefan’s arm tightened and pulled her in closer, and she vaguely registered that this felt good, way more than it should have, before falling asleep again.
[Ch 8]
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henrytcasey · 7 years
Watch This Wrestling 20 (5/18—27)
So, yet again, this took me a little more time than usual to produce. What's different about this week is that I've put more days of research (read: me watching as much wrestling as I can, with a notebook at my side) than usual. Here on out, the reports will start on Sundays and end on Saturdays.
As for when reports will come out? I'm hoping Sundays, but could see it happen on Mondays or Tuesdays at the latest. It all depends on how much wrestling there was. As you'll see below, there's a shitton of graps going on in New Japan Pro Wrestling's Best of the Super Juniors. On top of that, I'm putting time into starting PROGRESS, which might lead to me putting notes from that into this.
In marvelous news, though, we get Lucha Underground back this week! Yay!
One final note, I skipped the ROH TV show this week, because it was all Honor Rising material I saw in February.
As always, if I'm missing anything that can be accessed without too much trouble, @ me on twitter: henrytcasey.
What I Watched
NJPW Best of The Super Juniors, Odds and ends of matches from 5/18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27
Being The Elite Ep. 53, 54, 5/18, 23
EVOLVE 84, 5/20
EVOLVE 85, 5/21
PROGRESS Ch. 48: Bang The Drum, hit VOD 5/21
WWE Backlash, 5/21
Monday Night Raw, 5/22
SmackDown LIVE, 5/23
205 Live, 5/23
Talking Smack Live, 5/23
NXT, 5/24
WCPW World Cup Canadian Qualifier, up on YouTube 5/26
Upcoming Watch List
NJPW Best of The Super Juniors, 5/28, 5/29, 5/31, 6/1, and 6/3
Monday Night Raw, 5/29
ROH Wrestling, 5/29
SmackDown LIVE, 5/30
205 Live, 5/31
Talking Smack Live, 5/31
Lucha Underground Season 3.5 Premiere, 5/31
Non-WWE Segment of The Week
Who Will Keith Lee Challenge?
EVOLVE 85, 5/21
EVOLVE doesn't do as much theatrical storytelling in the style you see from WWE, so clashes like these mean something. Lee shows up with a decision to make, challenge WWN champ Matt Riddle, or take on EVOLVE champ Zack Sabre Jr. (note to fans: make a ZSJ to Zack Sabre Jr. text shortcut, it's worth it). What happens next, is delightful.
EVOLVE 85 is available on FloSlam.
Honorable Mentions:
the arm is bye bye..., Darby Allin/WWN Live 5/18
After The Press Conference...Being The Elite, 5/19
Ep. 54: A Curtain CallBeing The Elite, 5/23
Non-WWE Match of The Week:
Bushi vs Kushida
NJPW Best of The Super Juniors, 5/23
I had originally picked Dijak vs Lee for this, but hot damn did Bushi and more specifically Kushida change my mind. As of this moment, Kushida isn't in the lead in the Best of the Super Juniors tour, but it's bringing the fire back to his performances, after getting buried to set up that Ricochet/Takahashi match.
And yes there are a lot of matches in this below list, pick based on your favorites if your time is limited.
New Japan's Best of The Super Juniors tournament is available on NJPW World.
Honorable Mentions:
Donovan Dijak vs Keith Lee, Evolve 84, 5/20
Ethan Page vs Zack Sabre Jr. (c), Evolve 84, 5/20
Kyle O’Reilly vs Matt Riddle (c), Evolve 84, 5/20
Will Ospreay vs Ricochet, NJPW Best of The Super Juniors, 5/18
Ricochet vs Hiromu Takahashi, NJPW Best of The Super Juniors, 5/21
Matt Riddle vs Tyler Bate PROGRESS Ch. 48: Bang The Drum, 5/21
Jinny vs Session Moth Martina, PROGRESS Ch. 48: Bang The Drum, 5/21
Marty Scull, Yujiro Takahashi, and The Gorillas of Destiny vs David Finlay Jr., Ricochet, and War Machine NJPW Best of The Super Juniors, 5/22
Ryusuke Taguchi vs El Desperado, NJPW Best of The Super Juniors, 5/22
Will Ospreay vs Jushin Thunder Liger, NJPW Best of The Super Juniors, 5/23
Taichi vs Hiromu Takahashi, NJPW Best of The Super Juniors, 5/23
El Desperado vs Volador Jr., NJPW Best of The Super Juniors, 5/25
Speedball Mike Bailey vs Brent Banks, WCPW World Cup Canadian Qualifier, up on YouTube 5/26
Taichi vs Marty Scurll, NJPW Best of The Super Juniors, 5/26
Taka Michinoku vs Hiromu Takahashi, NJPW Best of The Super Juniors, 5/26
WWE Match of The Week:
Pete Dunne vs Tyler Bate (c)
NXT: TakeOver Chicago, 5/20
The WWE United Kingdom Championship Tournament two-day event may have been big, but this one match did more for UK wrestling as a whole. Not only does it give Pete Dunne the shine he so greatly deserves on an NXT TakeOver special, but it stole the damn show away.
After this show, TakeOver Brooklyn III neeeds it some Pete Dunne. Hell, we all do. Sure, Pete was the biggest rising star outside of the WWE, but now it’s Network-official. 
Honorable Mentions:
DIY vs AOP, NXT: TakeOver Chicago, 5/20
The Usos vs Breezango, Backlash, 5/21
The Usos vs Breezango Pts 1 & 2, SmackDown LIVE, 5/23
Akira Tozawa vs The Brian Kendrick, 205 Live, 5/23
WWE Segment of the Week:
TakeOver Chicago Ends
NXT: TakeOver Chicago, 5/20
Even if you saw it live, it's time to watch this again:
Everything about this is great. It being a post-credits-bug moment, the first since Owens turned on Zayn. The crowd's shock and boos and horror at it all. The fact that only those who knew about a mistaken and deleted tweet (regarding Gargano getting new solo music) saw it coming. The social media kayfabe thereafter.
This, is how you break up a tag team. Unless you want ironic THANK YOU GOLDDUST chants.
Honorable Mentions:
Shattered Dreams Productions, Monday Night Raw, 5/22
Money In The Bank Entrants Announcement, SmackDown LIVE, 5/23
Are The Fashion Police turning in their badges?, SmackDown LIVE, 5/23
Cold Open: The Brian Kendrick Promo, 205 Live, 5/23
Hi, I'm Drew Gulak, 205 Live, 5/23 
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Emmy Awards 2017: The Winners List!
I look younger now than when I was in my early 20s
Take home those pretty statues!
TV's biggest night was a roaring success as the 2017 Emmy Awards not only had stars rocking the red carpet in some glam outfits, but Hollywood heavyweights from your fave programs were honored for their brilliant work.
In case you missed any of the announced winners, please ch-ch-check out the complete winners list (below)!
Outstanding Drama Series
Better Call Saul
The Crown
The Handmaid's Tale - WINNER
House of Cards
Stranger Things
This Is Us
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us - WINNER
Anthony Hopkins, Westworld
Bob Odenkirk, Better Call Saul
Matthew Rhys, The Americans
Liev Schreiber, Ray Donovan
Kevin Spacey, House of Cards
Milo Ventimiglia, This Is Us
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Viola Davis, How to Get Away with Murder
Claire Foy, The Crown
Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid's Tale - WINNER
Keri Russell, The Americans
Evan Rachel Wood, Westworld
Robin Wright, House of Cards
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Michael Kelly, House of Cards
Jonathan Banks, Better Caul Saul
Ron Cephas Jones, This Is Us
David Harbour, Stranger Things
John Lithgow, The Crown - WINNER
Mandy Patinkin, Homeland
Jeffrey Wright, Westworld
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Uzo Aduba, Orange Is the New Black
Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things
Ann Dowd, The Handmaid's Tale - WINNER
Chrissy Metz, This Is Us
Thandie Newton, Westworld
Samira Wiley, The Handmaid's Tale
Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series
Ben Mendelsohn, Bloodline
BD Wong, Mr. Robot
Hank Azaria, Ray Donovan
Brian Tyree Henry, This Is Us
Gerald McRaney, This Is Us - WINNER
Denis O'Hare, This Is Us
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series
Cicely Tyson, How to Get Away with Murder
Laverne Cox, Orange Is the New Black
Shannon Purser, Stranger Things
Alison Wright, The Americans
Alexis Bledel, The Handmaid's Tale - WINNER
Ann Down, The Leftovers
Outstanding Comedy Series
Master of None
Modern Family
Silicon Valley
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Anthony Anderson, black-ish
Aziz Ansari, Master of None
Zach Galifianakis, Baskets
Donald Glover, Atlanta - WINNER
William H. Macy, Shameless
Jeffrey Tambor, Transparent
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Pamela Adlon, Better Things
Jane Fonda, Grace & Frankie
Allison Janney, Mom
Ellie Kemper, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep - WINNER
Tracee Ellis Ross, black-ish
Lily Tomlin, Grace & Frankie
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Louie Anderson, Baskets
Alec Baldwin, Saturday Night Live - WINNER
Tituss Burgess, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Ty Burrell, Modern Family
Tony Hale, Veep
Matt Walsh, Veep
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Vanessa Bayer, Saturday Night Live
Anna Chlumsky, Veep
Kathryn Hahn, Transparent
Leslie Jones, Saturday Night Live
Judith Light, Transparent
Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live - WINNER
Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series
Matthew Rhys, Girls
Riz Ahmed, Girls
Lin-Manuel Miranda, Saturday Night Live
Dave Chappelle, Saturday Night Live - WINNER
Tom Hanks, Saturday Night Live
Hugh Laurie, Veep
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series
Wanda Sykes, black-ish
Carrie Fisher, Catastrophe
Becky Ann Baker, Girls
Angela Bassett, Master of None
Melissa McCarthy, Saturday Night Live - WINNER
Kristen Wiig, Saturday Night Live
Outstanding Television Movie
Black Mirror: San Junipero - WINNER
Dolly Parton's Christmas of Many Colors: Circle Of Love
The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks
Sherlock: The Lying Detective
The Wizard Of Lies
Outstanding Limited Series
Big Little Lies - WINNER
Feud: Bette and Joan
The Night Of
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or a Movie
Ewan McGregor, Fargo
Geoffrey Rush, Genius
Robert De Niro, The Wizard of Lies
Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock: The Lying Detective (Masterpiece)
John Turturro, The Night Of
Riz Ahmed, The Night Of - WINNER
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or a Movie
Carrie Coon, Fargo
Felicity Huffman, American Crime
Nicole Kidman, Big Little Lies - WINNER
Jessica Lange, Feud: Bette and Joan
Susan Sarandon, Feud: Bette and Joan
Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or a Movie
Bill Camp, The Night Of
Alfred Molina, Feud: Bette and Joan
Alexander Skarsgård, Big Little Lies - WINNER
David Thewlis, Fargo
Stanley Tucci, Feud: Bette and Joan
Michael Kenneth Williams, The Night Of
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or a Movie
Judy Davis, Feud: Bette and Joan
Laura Dern, Big Little Lies - WINNER
Jackie Hoffman, Feud: Bette and Joan
Regina King, American Crime
Michelle Pfeiffer, The Wizard of Lies
Shailene Woodley, Big Little Lies
Outstanding Reality Program
The Amazing Race
American Ninja Warrior
Project Runway
RuPaul's Drag Race
Top Chef
The Voice - WINNER
Outstanding Variety/Talk Series
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - WINNER
The Late Late Show with James Corden
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Real Time with Bill Maher
[Image via Getty Images.]
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latoyarubalcava3546 · 7 years
Emmy Awards 2017: The Winners List!
Take home those pretty statues!
TV's biggest night was a roaring success as the 2017 Emmy Awards not only had stars rocking the red carpet in some glam outfits, but Hollywood heavyweights from your fave programs were honored for their brilliant work.
In case you missed any of the announced winners, please ch-ch-check out the complete winners list (below)!
Outstanding Drama Series
Better Call Saul
The Crown
The Handmaid's Tale - WINNER
House of Cards
Stranger Things
This Is Us
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us - WINNER
Anthony Hopkins, Westworld
Bob Odenkirk, Better Call Saul
Matthew Rhys, The Americans
Liev Schreiber, Ray Donovan
Kevin Spacey, House of Cards
Milo Ventimiglia, This Is Us
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Viola Davis, How to Get Away with Murder
Claire Foy, The Crown
Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid's Tale - WINNER
Keri Russell, The Americans
Evan Rachel Wood, Westworld
Robin Wright, House of Cards
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Michael Kelly, House of Cards
Jonathan Banks, Better Caul Saul
Ron Cephas Jones, This Is Us
David Harbour, Stranger Things
John Lithgow, The Crown - WINNER
Mandy Patinkin, Homeland
Jeffrey Wright, Westworld
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Uzo Aduba, Orange Is the New Black
Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things
Ann Dowd, The Handmaid's Tale - WINNER
Chrissy Metz, This Is Us
Thandie Newton, Westworld
Samira Wiley, The Handmaid's Tale
Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series
Ben Mendelsohn, Bloodline
BD Wong, Mr. Robot
Hank Azaria, Ray Donovan
Brian Tyree Henry, This Is Us
Gerald McRaney, This Is Us - WINNER
Denis O'Hare, This Is Us
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series
Cicely Tyson, How to Get Away with Murder
Laverne Cox, Orange Is the New Black
Shannon Purser, Stranger Things
Alison Wright, The Americans
Alexis Bledel, The Handmaid's Tale - WINNER
Ann Down, The Leftovers
Outstanding Comedy Series
Master of None
Modern Family
Silicon Valley
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Anthony Anderson, black-ish
Aziz Ansari, Master of None
Zach Galifianakis, Baskets
Donald Glover, Atlanta - WINNER
William H. Macy, Shameless
Jeffrey Tambor, Transparent
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Pamela Adlon, Better Things
Jane Fonda, Grace & Frankie
Allison Janney, Mom
Ellie Kemper, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep - WINNER
Tracee Ellis Ross, black-ish
Lily Tomlin, Grace & Frankie
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Louie Anderson, Baskets
Alec Baldwin, Saturday Night Live - WINNER
Tituss Burgess, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Ty Burrell, Modern Family
Tony Hale, Veep
Matt Walsh, Veep
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Vanessa Bayer, Saturday Night Live
Anna Chlumsky, Veep
Kathryn Hahn, Transparent
Leslie Jones, Saturday Night Live
Judith Light, Transparent
Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live - WINNER
Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series
Matthew Rhys, Girls
Riz Ahmed, Girls
Lin-Manuel Miranda, Saturday Night Live
Dave Chappelle, Saturday Night Live - WINNER
Tom Hanks, Saturday Night Live
Hugh Laurie, Veep
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series
Wanda Sykes, black-ish
Carrie Fisher, Catastrophe
Becky Ann Baker, Girls
Angela Bassett, Master of None
Melissa McCarthy, Saturday Night Live - WINNER
Kristen Wiig, Saturday Night Live
Outstanding Television Movie
Black Mirror: San Junipero - WINNER
Dolly Parton's Christmas of Many Colors: Circle Of Love
The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks
Sherlock: The Lying Detective
The Wizard Of Lies
Outstanding Limited Series
Big Little Lies - WINNER
Feud: Bette and Joan
The Night Of
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or a Movie
Ewan McGregor, Fargo
Geoffrey Rush, Genius
Robert De Niro, The Wizard of Lies
Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock: The Lying Detective (Masterpiece)
John Turturro, The Night Of
Riz Ahmed, The Night Of - WINNER
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or a Movie
Carrie Coon, Fargo
Felicity Huffman, American Crime
Nicole Kidman, Big Little Lies - WINNER
Jessica Lange, Feud: Bette and Joan
Susan Sarandon, Feud: Bette and Joan
Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or a Movie
Bill Camp, The Night Of
Alfred Molina, Feud: Bette and Joan
Alexander Skarsgård, Big Little Lies - WINNER
David Thewlis, Fargo
Stanley Tucci, Feud: Bette and Joan
Michael Kenneth Williams, The Night Of
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or a Movie
Judy Davis, Feud: Bette and Joan
Laura Dern, Big Little Lies - WINNER
Jackie Hoffman, Feud: Bette and Joan
Regina King, American Crime
Michelle Pfeiffer, The Wizard of Lies
Shailene Woodley, Big Little Lies
Outstanding Reality Program
The Amazing Race
American Ninja Warrior
Project Runway
RuPaul's Drag Race
Top Chef
The Voice - WINNER
Outstanding Variety/Talk Series
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - WINNER
The Late Late Show with James Corden
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Real Time with Bill Maher
[Image via Getty Images.]
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