#[ but oh golly... shes so smol...... ]
captainseamech · 8 months
5'7" c:
Height comparisson shenanigans!
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             “Hum, maybe my real height might be an issue sometimes... But I mean, hey, that’s how we met in the first place, right?”
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Ok so sleepover time: SO i had this idea a while ago of like the reader being with peter and they've been together for around like 5 months, and she knows may and everything, and they're all cute and close, and she knows about the Spider-Boi Business, and yeah. and Like peter talks to TOny and like all the avengers about her and hes really happy, and they're all wondering when they're gonna meet her, and how would peter introducing the reader to the avengers go essentially?
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Frick I’ve been waiting to write this for my entire life
Peter is not good at introducing himself to new people so him introducing you to some of the people that he values most in his life is so nerve-wracking for him
He’s literally put it off for almost a year but see he’s also the type of person that, once he gets comfortable with them, won’t shut up about you
So they’re forced to sit there and hear all about you except they don’t even know you and they don’t get to meet you??
Tony is literally so tired of hearing about you from Peter because he wants to mE ET you not keep hearing about ‘that one time when they fell asleep in a class that they shared with me and they leaned their head up against my shoulder’
So Tony finally, after hearing this specific story for the twelfth time he is like nope this is the time
“If you don’t bring Y/N over here tomorrow I will take away your suit and kick you out of the avengers forever”
We are pretending that peter was brought into the avengers and not destroyed like an hour later
Peter is like oh GosH gOLLy gEE
He calls you ten minutes later and is like you doing anything tomorrow? Oh you are? Well my entire life rides on you coming over to the tower tomorrow so I’m gonna need you to cancel your plans
Peter sets everything up and you’re gonna meet him there at ten am the next day
He’s like i stg they’re real and they’re coming over here tomorrow
Tony is like I’ve got my eye on u Parker
Peter is sweating
The meeting time literally gets there so fast Peter is like uM did any time pass at all? It’s already here???
He’s literally so nervous acK
Like he’s not nervous about them not liking you he’s nervous about you not liking them or about them embarrassing him in front of you and argH
He meets up with you and you’re in a cute lil outfit he’s like oh goodness I’m crying
HE nervously takes ur hand and brings you inside and he’s like deep breathing the entire time because these are the aVeNgErS and they mean a lot to him but you do too????
You squeeze his hand and he realizes that he hasn’t even thought about how nervous you must be because you’re meeting the aVeNgErS
And he feels so bad
On the elevator ride up he tries to give you a pep talk but doesn’t really know how he’s like I love you and I know they will too and don’t be scared of them like I know they’re superheroes and Natasha will probably have a small knife on her and Thor might be there with his hammer and stuff but like you don’t have aNyThInG to worry about
The doors of the elevator slide open and you’re like shaking
Nice pep talk Peter
He leads you into the main room and you’re like two minutes early and Peter texts Tony that you’re in the living room
You hear like a friggin rumbling and you’re  t e r r i f i e d
And you see Iron Man coming down the hallway
Suit and all
Just walking tf towards you almost in slow motion
You want to bail
You are so scared
He takes off the damn helmet and is like oh hi I didn’t hear u come in I’m iron man hbu
Peter is so done
He kindly suggests that Tony get out of the suit and into something less life-threatening
He’s like hm okay
Comes back out with a suit on :’)
He wants u to be impressed
By that time it’s past two and everyone else has arrived
Natasha does in fact have a smol knife with her
She throws it up and down a few times 
Steve and Natasha are the ones to notice how freaking terrified you are and be like oh honey how are you we’ve heard lots about you I hear you like doing this in your free time how’s that going and oh man you gotta update us on how the rude teacher situation is going has he surrendered
Peter is sitting there smiling like haha they know everything about u
You end up really enjoying everyone and Tony, Steve, Bucky, and Natasha get your number before you leave and you make a group chat
Slowly, one by one, other members of the team are added
But peter is never
Which is good because you use so many meme faces and bad pictures of him in that chat that he’d be so embarrassed if he knew
You get invited for family dinners every week
They all just really like you because of how completely whipped Peter is for u
Sometimes you’ll leave school and Tony or Steve will be waiting there like hi :)) want a ride kiddo
All in all being introduced to them would be terrifying but so worth it because fun group chat with memes
Taglist: @peachybabykxo @5aftermidnight @spideyyypeter @book-wyrm-snacks @loki-sharpe-hiddleston-imagines @set-phasers-to-cuddle @thecurlyhairedwinchester @lou-la-lou @ilostcount-helpme @snazzy-posts @meisiisem @stevieboyharrington @clean-and-claire @peter-null @embrace-themagic @yafriendlyfangirl @fandomnerdsarecool @ellie-emb @soniaxmsj @avngersunite @m4shtyx @sparkling-gayyy @nervous-shawn @americaswritings @robinkat3 @buckybabyy @mrsstarkstrange @servamp-addict @Darkworld-Student @alexiamiky2003 @freightcarcap @dumbasscorn @cordelia-sagewright @multifandomshitblog @stickybuckybarnesmarvel @dorcasmeadoweslupin @chloe-geoghegan1 @remusfreakinglupin @lostnliterature @chaospossum @closertothesunwhenimwithyou @serpent-tea @marvelouspottering @karanliginkizilovato @swansong321 @xinyourdreamsx @melannchoholic @swansong321 @xinyourdreamsx @melannchoholic @deathofthethrones @tylerposeforme @infinitywarrior @1penryn @spideymood @hp-hogwartsexpress @marvelandsuchstuff @cmweikle37 @marauders-trash-forever @lensedwriter @khaleesiclifford @gaylactic @southsidespidey @positiveparker @thisismysecrethappyplace @bellamyblakemorley @flower-holland @coonflix @not-jay-cosby @stardust.and.glitter @ink-bottlebouquet @mamarhee @marcymakemagic @tomshufflepuff @obsessedfangirl4lyfe @jade7he9em @spiderman-n @lush-bby @lush-bby @delicately-written @tnrthings @goldenariana   @gummyhoneybees @panic-at-top @captainbuckyy @mysticracoon @dumbass-sandwich @crushed-velvet-nothings @iwritemaybe @ariagrillart   @hiddlestonstansworld @raavka @maraudersandco @lokislilcarribbeanprincess @sock-and-sandles @potterhead-of-ilvermorny @spencer-is-too-perfect @my-babies-are-ash @whysoseriouspadfoot @mysticalsandwichseeker @existingovertherainbow @laurenicochran @graciegxo @silverquartx @peetieparker @smhavengers @nefelimalfoy @sedanleystanley @yallgotkik @jessicaklehrwinchesters @keey-lime-pi @screeching-student-unknown @soakingandsoaring @chrisstabme @sovereignoblivious @itsanarttodie @hollandhours @multifxndom-avxngers @galaxyoffangirls @just4muggles @everything-s-comin-up-aces @binki-g @hbknati @tomhollandhasnolips @awkward-useless-unicorn @justinekomwriterkru @boomtownboy @sedanleystanley @starryeyedsupernova @mcu-potter-pirate @mikylxhh @parkersingfinitywar @the17resa @spiderparkersfanpage @good-old-fashioned-queens @chillinjules @ragnorak-dust-deactivated201903 @majesticavenger @honestlylrh @jellyfishwriter @queenvoiid @thewitchmadness @righttide @marvelousmarauderstrash @its-the-unknownspidey @hero-ically @itshelaodinsdottirbitch @lovinnholland @sewarner @its-shaula-wii @bloomingonmay @lokeystan @peterparkersbb @deavvy @jbetsiea7-23 @rose-aesthete @built4broadway @hp-hogwartsexpress
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nattikay · 5 years
First Thoughts on Party Crasher
Well that was certainly...something lol
-So Adrien video chats with Wayhem. Well alrighty then, I guess a legit friendship is much less weird than an all-consuming obsession with some guy you only know from a 30sec perfume ad
-D...did Wayhem dye his hair to be more blond? I swear it was darker before. b r u h
-Gabriel has a hologram of himself in his car?! He’s really going all-out with these deceptions isn’t he o_o;
-So he hatches all the akuma butterflies in the secret basement? Does that mean they don’t actually just come with the Butterfly miraculous? What do Butterfly wielders do when they don’t have ready access to butterflies if they don’t just come with the powers?? Or did Nooroo generate the caterpillars and Gabriel just had to raise them? If so why can’t Nooroo just generate them fully grown? I’M SO CONFUSED MAN
-So Nino and the boys want to have a guy’s day with Adrien. I guess that’s fair haha
- “Nathaniel’s computer crashed and he lost all his comic pages!” Ok I know it was just a made-up excuse but as an artist who had experienced that kind of things before WOW BIG OOF I CRINGE IN SYMPATHY THAT IS THE WORST D:
-Apparently the Gorilla collects superhero figures or something and can be bribed with them. Well. Now we know.
-(Marinette trying to call; getting blocked by Nino) and the Adrien’s all like bUT MARINETTE’S OUR FRIEND TOO obviously wanting her there BOI
- “Let’s turn up the volume unnaturally loud!” Uh yeah guys if you’re trying to pretend that you’re working on a school project that’s probably a REALLY bad idea you big dumb dumbs
-I swear the beginning of that song they keep playing sounds like YMCA and it keeps throwing me off lol
-Ok so the way Gabriel panics when the power goes out, it looks like the coffin thingie really is actively helping keep Emilie alive through some sort of technology and not just holding her body. Hmm...
-Lol @ Kim swimming in the bathtub but like...if Adrien was videochatting/browsing the web before his friends came over then like...why was the tub full in the first place??
-Officer I-forgot-his-name came over because of the noise...ok that’s reasonable
-Aaaaand he’s secretly a foosball champ. Alright haha
-Wait and now Astruc himself is coming over? And a whole lot of increasingly random people wHAT IS GOING ON I’M SO CONFUSED WHY ARE ALL THESE RANDOM MEN SUDDENLY JUST CONGREGATING HERE FOR NO CLEAR REASON
-Confirmed: genderbent!Marinette is called Marino lol
-I...can’t believe that disguise actually worked
-Well actually yes I can because cartoon logic but...yeah lol
-Oof I keep forgetting Fu sounds like that in the French dub XD Most characters I either prefer in French or like equally in both French and English, but Fu is the one character I definitively prefer in English lol
-When Marinette trips and reveals her true identity and Adrien is like “:0 Marinette??” and she’s like “oh haha no”and jams her disguise back on but he already knows who she is now and make that smol Soft Smile like BOI YEAH WE ALL KNOW YOU’RE SO HAPPY TO SEE HERRRRRR >:3
-Poor Wayhem, all these random people getting in and he, who is actually more or less a friend of Adrien’s, doesn’t get the chance.
- “The only emotion I sense in my house is...happiness?? SOMETHING MUST BE WRONG!” -deep inhale- BOI
-The villain catches Ladybug almost immediately...that’s a first 
-Good golly gracious Fu is just handing these Miraculous out like candy
-Wait MAX has a Miraculous too?? When did that happen? HOW MANY EPISODES WERE SKIPPED??
-Looks like Max has the horse, which seems to have some sort of teleportation power.
-Viperion’s power seems to be to reset/rewind brief amounts of time...and it looks like he did it twice? Is Luka old enough not to have the power limit or is that just the nature of his power?
-Kim and Xuppu are equally doofy I see
-Interesting choice of music on Kim’s transformation
-Did we ever get a hero name for Kim? I didn’t catch it
-Well, that was that I guess
-Aaaaand Marinette and Nino bond over protecting Sunshine Boi lol
-Suffice it to say, I think Party Crasher has officially beaten Chris Master as Weirdest Episode™
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
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                                                                     [ x x x ]
     [ So due to life being a TOTAL MESS these last several weeks, I actually managed to miss a rather important date last week...that being the fourth anniversary of Ryū and I RPing on Tumblr! It’s weird, it both feels like it’s been longer, and shorter...but! To celebrate, I thought we’d do a little shout-out to the peeps who have stuck around the longest, interacted the most, and overall just made these past four years as fun as they have been. 
     Sadly very few of our original partners remain, but we’ve gained and lost many over the past four years! This, of course, isn’t mean to exclude anyone who has found us more recently (and some inactive blogs may be excluded, but are still loved), but as a little something for those who have been around for the long haul, and who we’ve gotten to know well both IC and OOC! The Naruto RPC has seen its share of ups and downs and changes, after all. So without further adieu...here we go! ]
@historias-multorum :: Little sib! Someone I’ve known I think pretty much since you started, right? A wonderful friend, and so many great interactions between our many muses. It’s been so awesome watching you and your muses grow since you arrived in the community. Tumblr wouldn’t be what it is to us without you <3
@ascxndinggg :: MY SON. Core of my heart, receiver of puns, sharer of memes. The last of my OG mutuals from those first few weeks when so many of us OC blogs banded together and got each other going. You’ve grown so much little one, as a person and a writer, and it’s humbling to see. I love you, kiddo <3
@duckbuttsurvivor :: Sanjiii! One of the first Sasuke blogs we got to interact with, and my goodness Ryū scooped him up as her little brother so fast xD She adores him, and you’re such a good bean, Sanji. A wonderful artist (who has drawn FAR too many things for us (which we love ofc)) and just a sweet guy with sweet muses that we adore <3
@despairinghxpe / @uchiha-madara :: Oh Phoenix, where to begin with you? The clicking between our muses was so much fun to explore (and in some cases, so unexpected!), and remain some of my most memorable interactions we’ve had in this site since coming here. Your writing is phenomenal, and you’ve always been such a sweetie to talk to whenever we get the chance <3
@frogprinceus / @redlineoffate :: MITSUKI! Oh my gosh, writing with you has ALWAYS been such a blast. I love your muses, and all of their bonds with my silly beans. From father-daughter interactions with Jiraiya, to ItaRyū, to all Ryū’s friends on redline, there’s never a shortage of bonds between our blogs. And you are legitimately one of the nicest muns we’ve ever had the pleasure to meet! <3
@hyugainterior :: Hina-mun, you too are one of the brightest lights in the Naruto (and other fandoms) RPC. Your voracious positivity never fails to inspire me. While we don’t write IC, you’re still one of the most memorable people I’ve met during my time here, and every snippet of conversation we have is a gift I treasure. I just hope you’re keeping up with your own well-being as much as you strive to do so for others <3
@sennenryuu :: Another AMAZING OC blog - one that’s dipped in and out of the RPC, but one I’ve adored since discovering it. N, your level of attention to detail of your character and her lore is something I very much look up to and strive to match as a character creator and worldbuilder myself. We’re so happy to see you back in the community, and can’t wait to write with you and get to know you more <3
@yukaikokoro :: STAR! Devourer of my lore x’’D Seriously though, you’ve become one of my closest friends, and I love just chatting with you, and writing with you. It’s been so much fun talking about DL with you, and you’ve honestly been a huge help in pushing my imagination further with it. Now all I gotta do is write it, right? But seriously, we love you both <3
@scnjuclan :: Another blog we’ve formed such awesome IC bonds with. I love our family verse so much - it’s one of my favorite canon-based verses. Little Ryū looks up to Tsunade so much, and uncle Nawaki is a major favorite! All of our interactions always feel so welcoming and organic, I love them. And it’s always great to chat with you, Bailey <3
@silverfaxg :: Oh my goodness, this is seriously the cutest OC blog we’ve ever encountered. Kadia is SUCH A SWEETHEART, and I adore our interactions, especially with Ryū and with Reiji. They’re all just so fluffy and filled with good feels. And chatting ooc is always fun, talking about our silly beans and what shenanigans they’ve gotten themselves into next, ahaha <3
@kyuuzuchiha / @xkaekox :: Booooo~ One of the sweetest muns on the planet. And I know you don’t write too much anymore, but our interactions with both Naruto and Sasuke are too beloved NOT to say something. Between the sibling-like aspect with Naruto, and the budding romance with Sasuke, just...! So many great times. And of course we miss YOU alongside those boyos, and hope you’re doing well my friend <3
@quiet-kunoichi :: Jack, my dear friend. Golly I miss writing with your girl. The modern thread we had was honestly one of my all-time faves and I miss it to pieces, it was SO GOOD. And I love having our little pop-up chats! I hope you’re doing well, and look forward to any return you might make in the future so our girlies can continue being gay messes xD <3
@abyssaldespair :: mEEEG! Bruh. One of my most active RP partners, and one of my closest friends. Still astounds me how we went from cracky side interactions to the mess of shipping and threads and fics we have now, my gosh xD I LOVE our IC stuff, and also just getting to chat with you. Just! One of my besties for sure <3
@noharin :: I AM SO HAPPY YOU’RE ON TUMBLR AGAIN AHHH. I am A Mess at keeping up with Discord stuff but ohman, it’s so great having Rin-senpai back in town across all my silly bloggus. Mey you’re a peach and I love ya and we’ve had so many great threads and AUs. By far one of my favorite blogs and muns <3
@ncgeru :: Oh my gosh, this blog man - this blog xD You are so much fun to talk to OOC even if we don’t do so too often. My goodness. And don’t even get me started on your boy. He’s such a gem! Ryū cares about that boyo a ridiculous amount, and I still giggle to myself over the ToD game with him and Obito duking it out, my gosh xD I love our interactions and always love to see where they go next <3
@i-minato-chan :: I don’t get to write Ryū when she’s a smol too often, so honestly this blog and the AU we write in is SUCH a breath of fresh air. Your little Minato is such a good boy, and Ryū’s friendship with him is so pure and adorable. I love it. Whether it’s them being nerds together or just chilling, each thread has been so much fun <3
@masshirohebi :: Okay real talk, your blog intimidated me for the LONGEST TIME - you’re such a beautiful writer and your characterization is just! So amazing. I’m so glad to be finally interacting with you more. Seriously your Oro is just beyond perfect. I adore them and all their sneaky ways xD And you’re such a sweetie OOC, thank you for writing with us <3
@oc-lootcrate :: Oh my goodness, the OCs on this blog are so GREAT! We need to interact with more of them, I just haven’t had the time dfjhgdfg but the ones we HAVE written with have been a blast. Whether it’s adorable lil Senri or Ryū being this || close to nabbing Kenji, your muses are awesome. And you’re so sweet and easy to talk to, a v v good bloggu <3
@thecorpsecarrier​ :: This blog is just so...unique. I love the idea of the corpse corps, and Jun is such an intriguing character. I have LOVED our threads with the smols. Ryū is so curious about her and just! Wants to be friendos. I love them. And you’ve always been super approachable. I hope life isn’t keeping you too busy, and we get to write again soon! <3
     And to all of our other mutuals we have yet to get to know, we love you guys too! And we look forward to getting to interact both IC and OOC as more time passes. Tumblr RP has, at times, been a rough place to be...but overall it’s been a second home full of wonderful friends who have gotten Ryū and I through many a tough time. So even if you aren’t listed here, you’ve made a difference in this nerd’s life one way or another, so...thank you, and we look forward to another year <3
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brotato-chibs · 6 years
...If we’re gonna talk about AUs, what about a shrunk!Ran Au?
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Ooh golly I didn't think anyone would read my word vomit Σ(・ิ¬・ิ) (here's a doodle for you, anon)
And I think there's one shrunk!ran by @detectivegeekshin but it's a rolereversal where she's the detective instead of Shinichi(it's so good a a a)
Now when you mentioned that AU, I thought of one where there isn't any role reversal but she decided to check on the men in black instead, since she does have this hella good intuition?(correct me if im wrong x''D i dn think i got most of her characteristics down)
I don't really have a strong sense for a good plot/story, but i'm feeling giddy abt this AU so here goes! :
Shrunken Ran's first person to go to for help would be Shinichi, not cuz I'm a Shinran shipper erhem but he's her bestfriend, smart and has also seen those two men in black. (Though he's not much help with coming up with a new name)
They decided to let both of Ran's parents know about her situation. Ran has mixed feelings on how the both of them are, in a way, finally together again but only after she got into the incident
Ran with Professor Agase's inventions. Probably don't even need to say this but Ran with her killer kicks plus the powered up sneakers 👌👌
Shinichi would be more protective of smol Ran, and when you add the Shounen Tantei Dan into the mix you'd get the ultimate MotherHen!Shinichi. He'd tag along on their adventures because of this
He'd still be a corpse magnet though
They would still use the Mouri's agency to find info on the Black Organization
Ok that's all my brain can come up with rn :'))) feel free to add on to it hhh
Oh and juuust because I'm a sucker for KID
I don't think Ran would be the one to be interested in chasing the thief so Shinichi would still do the fireworks thing?
KID dressing up as Shinichi during the Black Star heist but later on gets threatened by Ran's warning punch to the wall after she found out.
Idk what nickname he'd give her but my tired brain said "Karate-chan" smh
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themilokin · 5 years
14, 17, 29, 30, 31
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
Oh god. Oh no. The LONGEST LIST…
The Historical Preservation Society of Fandolin - My first ever dnd party playing Lost Mines of Phandelver! This was a bunch of years ago and I still have very very fond memories. We got our name by a scheme that managed to get us a 1v1 fight with a necromancer and then later an invitation to see some bugbears but that turned out less good. Comprised of Flint the Dwarven Cleric who 100% started a table-wide superstition of warhammers never hitting their targets, Taris the Half-Orc Paladin noble who originated the scheme, Tilwynn Syrr (Mr. Sir)- my wood elf rogue- who continued the scheme and butted heads with Taris repeatedly, and Eileer- a wood-elf beastmaster ranger who we called Grandma for her age and general personality. It was a wild few months.
Ghostbusters - A hard-scrabble group of idiots fight off supernatural threats and actual cannibal Shia LeBouff in the Magic The Gathering setting of Innestrad. The first campaign my girlfriend and I got to play together, and her first campaign! Comprised of her Ness (a Hunter Ranger with RIDICULOUS damage output), my Vermillion Kade (assassin and group dad), a Fighter that died to a Shambling Mound and came back as a Bagpiping Bard whose names elude me, Nessnemo (Nemo for clarity- a barbarian whose outfit consisted of primarily straps and little else), and Anders (A druid who caused the tablewide joke of ‘Bear in a Banquethall’ whenever players do something Very Ill-Advised because they missed a detail of description). We also saw a character named Chrodechild in this game while I took over for a Birthday Two-shot DMing stint.
OG Sendra - The first attempt at a full-length campaign. Comprised of Chrodechild the enchantress that eventually face-heel-turned into a villain, Lorelai Elffei the thief from a town of children who died and came back, Nemo (once more, but tiefling this time), Eseka the Halfling Monk/Bard performer in a circus (I THINK to melil, actually) who died and was restored, and Feverfew- the Drow Warlock of the Archfey.It had a pretty high character-swap-and-death rate. Feverfew the warlock died and became Patrin the Dragonborn Paladin who was then ALSO killed, and Kanseif the Human Barbarian Warrior Princess came about to replace him. Chrodechild turned evil and was replaced with Rhadha the crippled tiefling warlock who had made a deal with hags and had a long contract full of stipulations. Brill had to depart after character moments occurred and came back as Sylvienne Ghost- an Aasimar druid and Therapy Dog. There were further character swaps later on, but by the time they occurred the campaign had begun to grind to a halt.
Shards of the Past - A campaign run by a friend. The party was gathering the broken fragments of a rod of Manticores to fight back against the northern Empire. We were contracted by the queen to do so and BOY we sucked at it but we sure did win the war! A human paladin (whose name escapes me) with a lion-steed named Balthazar, Kestral the human Ranger-assassin (who had bird-themed names for her whole family it was rad), and my gnome Wizard Sullivan Orren du Ghislain-Ameritte III, who slowly descended towards lawful evil as the game progressed. It was a WILD romp. 
ThreaTTT - My second stab at DMing! The players awoke in prison after a night of wildly out-of-hand carousing and had to pay off their debt to society in service to Drann’s public. Mostly monster hunting and character-driven, the first introduction of The Timeless and Sliver of Moon! Party consisted of Tor (half-elf half-dwarf bard who was locked in an endless one-sided rivalry with Fortesque D’artigan- another half-elven bard), Risc Taxis (an assassin from the Talons, the southern Thieves and Assassin’s guild in Sendra, and an addict to Celadon- a opiate that stains fingers blue), and Atonement/Toni- an Aasimar Archfey warlock who was fleeing an engagement and was beholden to the whims of her 12 year old patron. They more or less made a thrash metal band by level 5, and Cera- a merfolk enchantress prostitute- joined up with them after a trip to the Stormlashed Sea. Her name didn’t fit the scheme, but she was loads of fun.
Pile of Idiots/Fortune’s Favor/Dumb Luck - You know this one, Muffin. ;P Comprised of a Fireball-Happy Endlessly-Curious sorcerer, an Extra As Shit 4 Elements Monk, the Queen of the Sea herself, The Worlds Best Bard, Smol Druid with Smol Doggo frond, and Beefest Lizard Tank, these idiots try and save the world- or at least get by.
Trees Beneath the Seas - A campaign that got very away from us, and where Moon received most of his character development. It was a huge party, which I think detracted a bit from the potential RP fun, but I got to be RECKLESS. We had Damon Pyre the Half-Elf-Half-Dragon Sorcerer, Durieal Durnam the OP monk that was killed by the weapon he carried, Saneva Amailo the hexblade warlock of Garagos and certified Edgelord Supreme, Quv the gnome-turned-elf rogue that left and whose player came back with Rue the Pumpkin Queen the human druid, Amaya Arissius the wood-elf Horizon Walker Ranger (who died and was reincarnated as a human), Verath the Dragonborn bard, Persephone O’Dougal the Canim forge cleric, Braugen Rowcron the dwarf barbarian who came back later as Satsuss the yuan-ti artificer, Arlow Rathers the paladin of Illmater and best baker the world has ever seen, Waruk Flamesong the half-orc wizard/cleric who sank the world, and finally Sliver of Moon who robbed, lied, and smooth-talked his way into and out of worlds of trouble as a swashbuckling rogue-fighter-paladin-sorcerer (we got to lvl 30 shit got WEIRD).
Harder Than We Thought - Thrush’s game! We played on the continent of Sivaan- slowly coming under siege by a power called The Parody that wanted to make the whole world just a liiiiiiiittle more interesting. Evelynn Mercado (Parsippany Olapieros) the half-elf blade-bard with ten tons of swagger in a ten ounce body who was looking for her father and making her own name in the world, Thrush Marigold the endlessly sunny sun-soul monk who was learning about his tiefling heritage while looking for his mother, Sir Tim the Halfling Hero For Hire Paladin who was making his tiefling lover and his son proud, Dune the bloodhunter with a Big Problem with hags, ‘The’ Wothe the more traditional halfling bard who was potentially about to be Thrush’s uncle by marriage, Perryn the Air Genasi Beastmaster Ranger and prankmaster general, and a dragonborn sorcerer I cannot recall the name of with terrible eyesight.
Punk! - A portal-fantasy run by our Innestrad DM, with a fantastic set up where he said he had to take a call during our session 0 and walked out. We then all got messages at the table saying he’d been replaced and to not trust him, and when he came back his whole body language was changed and then ‘sucked us into a portal’ via his tome of handbooks he got rebound into one HUGE book. We all played ourselves but better, and it was wild.
Umber Wilds/Aspiring Cryptids - One I’m currently running on mondays! A group of adventurers Doing Their Best. Audhilde Stoneforger is the Eldritch Knight and Battle Goddess who can leap up to 170 feet because I’ve broken my own will. Larken Delmare is the human shadow sorcerer who used to be an elf and came back wrong, she’s got ties to the first lands of Thielle and is dealing with Coming Back Wrong as best she can. Yseult Brighton is a water-genasi grave cleric with both Selune and Shar claiming portions of her soul, she’s been dubbed the World’s Okayest Cleric and is basically a fishbowl made of friendship. Lastly there’s Ekaterina Sheralova, a drow Gloomstaker Ranger with the most flamboyant fashion and cat-like personality whose family is probably going to wind up killing her or trying to.
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
BIG CRITS! You max your primary damage die and then roll the second, so you’re always hitting big when you get that nat 20! I have to beef so much health because of this.
Flanking - Instituted around the In-Person table: when you flank you get a +2 to hit, not advantage. It’s less OP that way.
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
Usually RP heavy sessions are my favorite thing, but sometimes you just want to hit something. XD I’ve found I really like a healthy dose of both, but I love it when the combat functions to fuel RP, so RP is probs my more favorite kind.
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
They’ve trended more diplomatic! I’m grateful for it, and it’s neat seeing what pushes characters into ‘murder’ when they start out with diplomacy.
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
Oh golly, probably Rogue or Paladin for favorite class, but Bard is up there too. I love versatility, and Rogue and Bard are skill monkey classes that are super fun. Paladin’s whole ‘strength from your belief in an ideal’ is also hella fun tho, I like it when paladins draw power from belief not in a god, but in a principle that guides them. Favorite race is harder, I don’t really have a favorite- but I know I dislike playing as Dragonborn, Aarakokra, and Lizardfolk personally. They’re just not for me, I think.
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undertsums · 6 years
Short Christmas Lyric songs
Just some short ones.
Joyce to the World (Joy to the World):
Joyce to the world, the Joy has come Let monsters become free Let every soul be blessed with Joy And King and Queen sing And Joy and Sadness sing And Monsters, and Joy, and Sadness sing
A Joyful Joyce Christmas (A Holly Jolly Christmas):
Have a Joyful, jolly Christmas It's the best time of the year I don't know if there'll be snow But have a cup of cheer Have a Joyful, jolly Christmas And when you walk down Snowdin Say hello to friends you know And everyone you meet Oh, ho there Papyrus Stands where you can see Papyrus waits for you Sans is there too Have a Joyful, jolly Christmas And in case you didn't hear Oh by golly have a Joyful jolly Christmas This year
Roman the Spike-Headed Skeleton (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer):
You know Undertale and Dancetale and GTale and Underlust OuterTale and Underswap and Swapfell and InkTale But do you recall the most little AU of all?
Roman the Spike-Headed Skeleton Has a very bad scar And if you ever saw her Her eyes would shine like gold
All of the other AU’s Used to say she doesn’t belong They never let poor Roman Join in any AU games
Then one foggy Gyftmas Eve A Human came one day "Hello there, my name is Joyce Would you like a friend tonight?"
Then how the skeleton found joy As she shouted out with glee "It’s nice to meet you My name is Roman New"
Blue Neela (Blue Christmas):
I'll have a sad Christmas without joy I'll be so sad just thinking about joy Decorations of pink on a blue Christmas tree Won't be the same Joyce, if you're not here with me
You’re a Mean One, Shadow (You’re a Mean One, Mr Grinch):
You're a mean one, Shadow You really are a fart You're as cuddly as a ghost You're as charming as a croc Shadow You're a floaty ghost with a greasy black soul You're a monster, Shadow Your soul's an empty hole Your brain is full of hatred You've got dust in your body, Shadow
Deck the Void (Deck the halls):
Deck the void with Roman’s friendship Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la 'Tis the season to be Joyful Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la Neela’s here with little TFrisk Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la Let’s have Shadow sing this carol Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
People used: @bettinalevyisdetermined Joyce, @fastrainbowdas Neela and @a-smol-little-blog TFrisk
Tell me your fave I’m actually proud of the Rudolph one.
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Smol Kole & Smol Rayne - Merry Fucking Christmas
Christmas/holiday starter for @ghostofaformerself
“Have a holly, jolly Christmas! And in case you didn’t here - oh by golly have a ho-lly, jo-lly Christmas this yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr!”
The former high school student (having dropped out at the beginning of the semester) sang his heart out as he strolled down the sidewalk lightly coated with fresh white snow. He skipped and hopped his way down town, his destination being the local bakery that his aunt likes to visit every so often. Though Christine did her own baking, she particularly liked the pastries sold in the establishment. The baker, a girl he used to go to school with he remembered, was very talented. 
And cute, if Kole were being honest.
As he entered the bakery, Kole continued his Christmas caroling, mixing humming and singing Jingle Bells as he walked around, eyes glued to the delicious spread in the display. Upon seeing the very girl he thought of as cute, Kole beamed that goofy smile he was known for. 
“Good morning, Rayne!” At least...he hoped that’s what her name was. “Merry Christmas!” 
Tumblr media
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cyrusjonahjyrus · 6 years
truth or truth
aw bex and andi have a fort
i can’t believe cyrus kept that note omg
bex ate lint
“truth or truth” don’t do it lads
wait if buffy promised not to flip the board… who does?
aw jonah genuinely looks heartbroken when andi doesn’t reply to his texts
“we’re just preparing him for high school” accurate
“YO!” jonah is literally me trying to get my friends’ attention
jonah’s lil smirk at cyrus when him and buffy make an alliance im dead
but i think she made the right decision not to call him
“i do… but can’t i have an alliance with him too?” jonah beck my smol bisexual son
jonah doesn’t wanna pick a side
awwwwwww jyrus is so pure
okay no offence but andi needs to back off i think bex is right
calm down andi wow
“i’m talking to buffy, not you” GET BACK IN YOUR PLACE MISTER
and he just flipped the board
and andi didn’t reply to him (probably because he used the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ emoji tbh)
“and for the record… we’re still having our first big fight” whoa
cyrus just looks absolutely disbelieving when he says “how could she break up with you” like he genuinely cannot fathom why someone would want to break up with jonah beck
and now cyrus looks sad because jonah wants himself and andi to be a couple
oh poor bex
but at least cece can help
wait andi’s gone rip
oh no now she’s staying with bowie
i mean that’s cute but bex will be sad
hey tj and cyrus!
uh oh buffy/cyrus dramaaaaaa
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the-mad-hattie · 6 years
Saint Paddy’s Party: Part 1
“You really went all out this year.” Asriel said to his tiny sister, looking at all the decorations. Tables of food and desserts, pots of gold filled with various treats, and of course a stocked bar.
“Maybe just a bit.” The six inch tall Chara replied rubbing the back of her head with a smile. “But we made a lot of new friends this year, and what better time to throw a big party than Saint Paddy’s.”
Asriel laughed. “Yeah, I guess that’s true. Speaking of which, I’m not sure I know all these guests?” Asriel said seeing many he himself had never interacted.
“Some are friends of friends, and I haven’t yet met all of the ones I should have by now.” Smol admitted.
The sound of a dish broke in the other room. “Who’s idea was it to invite these clumsy little things!” Alice came into the main room holding two tiny borrowers.
“We didn’t mean to!” A three inch tall Frisk pleaded.
“Put us down or I’ll stab you!” A three inch Chara threatened Alice with their needle sword.
“I’ve got this one.” Asriel assured his tiny sister and walked towards Alice to save two of Smol’s newest friends. @avatarcatz2323
“Hey Chara!” A long haired tol Asriel greeted. @long-hair-tol-azzy-boi
“Asriel!” Smol greeted back. “Long time no see.”
“It’s been awhile.” Asriel smiled. “I believe my Chara and Frisk got here before me?”
“Yep.” Smol answered. “Chara’s off with another Chara, both setting up dessert tables.”
“Oh no.” Asriel replied worried. “I wasn’t aware Chara was participating in the pot luck.”  
“Yeah…” Smol shared the sentiment. “I don’t think those two food tables will be visited more than once.”
“That Chara too?” Asriel inquired if the younger Chara setting up their own food table beside Ichi’s was as bad as Ichi when it came to food preperation.
“Them too.” Smol confirmed.
“Oh golly.” Asriel was doubly concerned now. “What about Frisk?”
“Muffin came to the party in her bunny outfit, and is being chased around by the younger naughtier you ( @ask-thegoatbro ) trying to pinch her.”
“She forgot to wear green on Saint Paddy’s?”
“I assume so.” Smol said.
“Weird, I wasn’t aware Asriel knew about all the little traditions of human holidays.”
Smol Chara and tol-azzy-boi looked at each other. “Let’s assume he does.” The two agreed with awkward smiles.
Two tiny heads popped out of the glorious mane of hair on Azzy Boi.
“Perfect timing you two.” Asriel said reaching into his hair for the two smols. “Smol Muffin and Smol Ichi are here too.” He said placing the two in front of Smol Chara. “I trust you’ll take good care of my tinier Chara and Frisk.” Asriel gave Smol a death stare of “or else.”
Smol Chara smiled awkwardly with a sweat drop going down her brow.
“I’m just kidding.” Asriel laughed. “Who better to take care of the smol ones, than Smol Chara herself.”
Smol gave a sigh of relief. “I promise these two will be in capable hands with me around.” Smol assured Asriel. “Just set them on the food table, I got some special planned for us smols.”
“Will do.” Tol Azzy Boi gave a little salute with a laugh and walked towards the food table.
Smol’s Asriel returned, giving the taller Asriel a wave as they passed. “I got your two tiniest friends settled on a plate of food at a more secluded table.”
“That good.” Smol replied. “They weren’t interested in the punch bowl pool party?”
“Frisk might have been, but Chara started going into a rant about not being a part of giant being’s food. I tried explaining this was a separate bowl of punch, but they were pretty adamant about not risking Frisk being food.”
“That Chara certainly is pretty stubborn when it comes to protecting their sibling.” Smol laughed.
“Speaking of drinks, are you going to be hitting the hard stuff tonight?” Asriel asked if his sister would be drinking tonight.
“No thank you.” Smol shook her head with a laugh. “I did enough of that earlier this week.” She admitted. “Today’s festivities will be nice and calm.”
                                          A few minutes later.
“Yo piss face!” Fell!Riel winced hearing his nickname spoken so unironically. “You do realize that’s not my actual name, right?”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. I thought you were going to spike the punch.” Yakuza!Muffin asked the Underfell Asriel.
“I did.” Fell!Riel seemed surprised Muffin would assume he didn’t.
“Really? Because all I see are adults drinking responsibly, and no drunk children going off the rails.” She said gesturing to the room. “Should have known you’d wuss out.” The Yakuza Crime Boss said walking off disappointed in him. It was his idea after all, she just wasn’t going to stop what could have been the only entertaining thing at this party.
“I don’t get it, I… Oh no.” The edgy goat said looking over the punch bowl he had spiked, seeing the three smols swimming in their punch pool. “Those three are going to be so wasted.” ________________________________________________________________
A fun idea I had to have a party containing multiple characters across multiple blogs. Hope everything enjoys *sweats*
Today’s Guest appearances: Tiny Frisk and Tiny Chara @avatarcatz2323 Long Hair Tol Azzy Boi @long-hair-tol-azzy-boi Goatbro @ask-thegoatbro Muffin, Ichi, Smol Muffin, Smol Ichi, Fellriel, and Yakuza!Frisk @channydraws
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poppyssupergirl · 7 years
A Fortunate Back-Hand to the Nose
@a-dot-burr-ell this was from a prompt meme thing you reblogged so I figured I should tag you (also how is the smol and you? I hear you have been v tired, I hope this maybe helps you relax just a lil).
It was "person A hits person B in the face while gesturing wildly to a friend"
------------the 'I'm on mobile' line--------
Alex <i>loves </i> telling the story later. She always makes Winn take the backhand to the nose. It's very gratifying.
Of course, it's Kara, gesturing wildly about the incredibly, ridiculously large and expensively made hoagie that Cat had gotten her for her birthday. She didn't see the woman in a hoodie and sweats because Lucy was bent double weezing with laughter. So when she stands, with a final floirish to encompase the raw emotion she felt at such a display of love and affection, she did, indeed, smash her hand into the woman's nose.
The woman later explains that it felt like walking into a very soft-skinned wall.
Kara turns, with a look of horror etched into her face, and begins apologizing immediately. "Oh my gosh, oh I am so sorry, oh Rao you're bleeding, here let me let me, oh golly I'm such a klutz please, let me help, here's a napkin, here hold it there and gosh you have such a pretty face I am so sorry to have maybe broken your nose oh no- wait, my sister's a doctor she can- Alex!! Stop laughing and help us!"
Lucy can't help either, she's still wheezing. But she's wheezing mostly because the woman is slowly blushing more and more because Kara keeps touching her. Like, touching her face and hands and shoulders and hair, because Kara gets so concerned. And Kara's got a pretty nice face too.
Lucy likes to play 'which women in the bar is into women' with Maggie. She's <i>really</i> good at it. Though, that may be because she asks while in a crop top and with a smirk that could get nuns wet.
Anyway, Kara's got both hands on this poor woman's face, nearly in tears, when the woman blurts out-
"Can I have your number?"
At this point in the story telling, Alex pushes Winn out of a chair to simulate how Maggie fell out of hers. Alex claims that her gawking was because she couldn't believe that Maggie could even be surprised anymore.
Kara just stares and it's Cat who responds from the other side of the table.
"Are you a multi-million dollar CEO with an icy reputation?" She swirls her drink and arches one eyebrow in a move that has brought presidents to their knees (one particular soon-to-be president to her knees multiple times, though that was back in college and Cat only tries it every other week and Ol-).
Right, so, the woman, hand filled with napkins and pushed against her nose, replies with-
"No." And Cat smirks because she is, indeed, better than anyone else in this small yet chick cafe. "I'm a multi-<i>billion</i> dollar CEO with an icy reputation."
And, much later in private, Cat will explain how that magnificent come back just really <i>did it </i> for her. At the time, she says-
"Well then, <i>I'll</i> take your number and we can discuss arrangements over dinner."
And that's the story of how Kara and Cat met Lena Luthor and Alex, Lucy, and Maggie nearly didn't make it out of a small cafe alive (even with her amazing abdominals, Lucy limped out of that coffee shop).
Winn would like to put in that he wasn't even there and thus should not be included in the retellings.
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yvvaine · 7 years
I just had the nicest getaway/date.... first he drove two hours across the bay to see me, then he picked me up and we went to this historic hotel from the 1920s that's like two towns over (bc I told him how much I liked history before!!) and we went on this roadtrip through the hills to get there for like an extra hour bc there was too much traffic on the freeway and he let me pick where we ate and I picked this speakeasy place and we walked hand in hand through the cute riverside shops to get there and the food was yummy and awesome and I got a burger and he let me use all of his ketchup bc the spices in mind were too spicy and he basicallly payed for literally everything (though I offered at dinner lmao, but still the hotel, esp how nice it was couldnnot have been cheap) and though we stayed at the hotel together and minimal clothes and lots of kissing was def involved (I mean he's hot as fuck, six feet, sorta lean but w muscles to die for ((abs included!!)) and superman curls for hair and the best cheekbones and a light beard-shadow and literally the body of the statue of David so fuck ya I'm not gonna be like no!!! I do not wish to gaze upon your naked form!! Lol) he didn't pressure me to have sex or anything, he just wanted me to feel good and stuff. So like, when things were getting hot and heavy he he kind of pulled me away and held me instead and I was all are you kidding? You've worked me up mister. And then he took care of me and i him if ya get where I'm going butmlong story short we never had sex. Instead We cuddled and talked all night and he held me and it was so amazing bc I'm smol and he's so big and strong and dreamy he like cradled my head and stuff 😍. We watched tv and the daily show bc we both like it and the hotel room was so nice and lovely and he held open all the doors for me everywhere we went and then when he dropped me off at home he like waited to make sure I was inside even tho he was kind of running late if he wanted to make it back home for work that afternoon and just ...... I've never had any semblance of a date like that before.... ?? And he's a bit older?? Like 23/4 and I'm just 19 but he was such a gentleman and oh so sweet and handsome and interesting and we got along so well..... he texted me from traffic saying he'd let me know when he got home and stuff too. I could definitely fall for this guy I mean this is just date ONE He knows I'm sick too as I told him before we went out and he like.... didn't care. I mean he cared bc Im not well but that didn't change anything or his interest in me which is realllllllllyyyyy new.... no one wants to date a sick girl even if she's pretty or interesting. They just don't. It's my reality and it's a big reason why I've never had a boyfriend. But it doesn't matter to him or how he sees me and just golly
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cringeandunbased · 7 years
  On a Monday morning, Patrick awoke to the sound of a blaring alarm. With an exasperated sigh, he picked up his phone and chucked it out the window.
“PATRICK,” yelled his mother from downstairs. Patrick immediately awoke, fearing for his own life. He ran downstairs swiftly in his My Little Pony footie pajamas. The sound of pounding footsteps against the wood flooring echoed throughout the hallway, all the way down to the kitchen. His mother immediately face-palmed due to his attire. “I’m not even going to ask,” she stated whilst shaking her head.
“Uh-I can explain!” he shouted with the utmost sincerity.
“No-no I don’t even think I want to know,” his mother replied. Patrick stood in the kitchen attempting to avoid eye-contact with her. “Okay so this is not the reason I called you down, did you throw your Samsung I8160 Galaxy Ace II Black ffa11® out the window?”
“Yeah…” he trailed off, “But don’t worry it’s not broken I’ve done this a million times!” He replied earnestly.
“Okay, son, but just get ready you don’t wanna be late for your first day of school!”
“Yes, I do.”
He walked out of the kitchen and walked back up the stairs. Once he reached the great feat, otherwise known as the top of the stairs, he was already huffing and puffing. He mumbled quietly to himself, “#Relatable,” although he regained most of his energy and slipped on his khakis and an ‘I used to have a social life, before I took an arrow to the knee’ t-shirt over his body along with sunglasses with the words ‘YO and LO’ on each of the lenses. He soon took his Rainbowdash backpack from underneath his bed and ran back downstairs, getting his exercise for the day. He grabbed the crisp toast from the toaster and shoved it into his mouth and broke out into a Naruto sprint, getting his exercise for the week.
A group of teenagers around his age stood in huddles around the bus stop. He immediately recognized this as separate groups of cliques. A smol five-foot boy waved to get Patrick’s attention.
A cryptic, yet familiar sound filled the silence. Patrick felt a shiver run down his spine, perhaps it was just the cold Summer air? “Howdy! I'm Koy-chan,” said the small boy, before Patrick could introduce himself the boy cut in once again, “Koy, the student body president! You’re new to the school, aren't cha?” Koy cut in before he could answer, once again, “Golly, you must be so confused, someone ought to to teach you how things work around here, so I guess little ole me will have to teach you,” He replied with a twisted smile.
“Okay that’s great and everything, but do you hear that?” “Oh, that’s just my ringtone don’t worry about it, as I was saying—” The bus came to a screeching halt, to Koy’s disappointment. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME I WAS JUST ABOUT TO—” By then Patrick had already left, Flow- I mean Koy called out to Patrick… But nobody came.”
Patrick walked down the bus aisle scanning for an open seat, his eyes met with his ex-Aaron, as Aaron smiled sweetly and moved his Fluttershy bag so Patrick could sit.
“Nope,” He stated as he sat in the middle of the aisle. On the hour bus ride, the group of cliques fell into perfect harmonies of WAKE ME UP and Kumbaya. Patrick could appreciate this. Everyone exited the bus and took off his ‘YOLO’ sunglasses muttering, “Mother of God,” under his breath.The school was massive, and cliches were littered throughout the front. A blaring alarm sound and everyone began their journey to their first class. Patrick looked at his schedule. As he scanned it he noticed the word, 'Phycology' printed in a bold letter at the top. He narrowed his eyes and muttered, "Wtf is this SJW bullshit?!" He continued to walk forward accidentally bumping into a back leather blob.
    "Watch where you're going you cis scum!" He aggressively flipped his hair before Patrick could even attempt to stutter and barely apologize. Patrick continued to walk forward, being sure to avoid any more of whatever the fuck that was.
   The room read '666'. Patrick entered finding the closest seat the front like the need he is. He took out his materials and immediately crashed face first into his desk. He awoke in the middle of a lesson.
    "All of you failures just missed the perfect demonstration of REM sleep. Patrick, good job extra credit for you!"
    Patrick casually fell asleep again. Another loud bell spud for the next period. So he walked straight into the math building. Literally. He now had a bloody nose and rock-kun slapped him, thinking he was being perverted and doing something he shouldn't have. He blushed slightly as he was into kinky shit. He then walked in and sat again in the front as always. The teacher began the class starting with,
    "Okay class today we'll be learning about slope! It'll be really fun and I'm sure this weekend so many of you will be doing math for fun!"
    Patrick fell asleep again. He awoke to the sound of, "and now you all know how to use -mx+b form to calculate how downhill your lives are going." The bell sounded and now it was the most difficult class. Lunch.
    Patrick walked around, Pop-Tart in hand searching for someone to take pity on him and allow him into their clique. There was always that 2007 edgy teen that he met. Or Aaron. Edgy teen it is!
    He walked under the weeping willow finding the black void sitting underneath it, a black leather journal in hand. Patrick sat down criss-cross-applesauce.
 “fuck off m8,” exclaimed Patrick
    "Um, wait till Tumblr hears about this," He flipped his hair.
   "I'm sorry," Patrick said as the grunge idiot whipped out his phone, whilst repeatedly flipping his hair.
    "Okay, I guess I can like forgive you because I haven't been triggered so far." He flipped his hair again.
    "Wow, really?!" He replied excitedly.
     "Yeah I guess, I mean I have this poetry slam and it's like really lame but if you want to you could watch me perform. Not like I'd care if you didn't go. I'd probably just write some really good poetry about it tbh."
    After lunch, he just took off until the poetry slam took place. This was an entire week he skipped. He entered the darkened art room and immediately recognized every last one of the Grunge's paintings. They were all various shades of black and gray background with a white anarchy symbol. He walked in just in time as it was his turn. "So...um up next is... Yves!" He began muttering silent enough so only Yves could hear, "Please don't do anything to weird like the last one, we can't afford any more mics being broken."
    "Yeah I know, trust me it'll be fine." She cleared her throat before unfolding a sheet of paper with her poem on it. "I love the way the way you speak, your voice so sweet as though it were honey, if I could I would hold you until the end of time. With ropes. I love the idea of having my hands around your neck allowing complete control over your life. Oh, how I love you so. If I could I'd gag-"
    "OKAY! That's enough, I'm kinkshaming this shit, give it up for, Yves! As this is her final performance," he glared as she sat back down. That audience snapped. Patrick thought long and hard about the message he just couldn't quite figure it out.         "Up next is...Peri!" So that was his name.
    "DEATH, DESTRUCTION, CHAOS, POVERTY, MOIST SOCKS," all that could be heard was a single breath from Peri and the audible squirming coming from the local rock fucker at the word, 'moist,' "Thank you," Peri breathes heavily and dropped the mic as feedback echoed throughout the room.
   "DID YOU BREAK ANOTHER FUCKING MIC?!" The principle yelled.
     "FIGHT CAPITALISM!" He yelled in response and did a barrel roll out the window and was just gone. Patrick clapped loudly and the snapping poetry people just stared at him.
    "Hey, so not to be weird or anything but do you know any not-so-straight girls? Name's, Eli by the way," they shook hands. "So you got an answer. I mean I'm not gay or anything but like...Girls exist and stuff. I'm asking for a friend! It's not for me that's gay and I'm straighter than a ruler, straighter than the straightest line, straighter than stripes! Straighter than anyone! I AM THE STRAIGHTEST! IM NOT GAY, YOU ARE!"
    "Okay jeez I get it you're straight no need to get twisted," he calmly replied.
    "IM NOT TWISTED, IM STRAIGHT! But so like do you know any girls, asking for a friend," they calmed down by then.
    "No, I don't. I only know the 'do a barrel roll' kid."
    "Okay, well, see you Saturday at the party I guess."
@ikolonena you wanted this shit.
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maychorian · 8 years
hey! i was wondering if you have any voltron angsty lance-centric fic recommendations? aside from your own amazing ones ofc
Mmkay, so I’m what I’m doing here is going through my fic rec tag and just copy-pasting stories where Lance suffers. Some are angst, some are hurt/comfort, some are epic stories where the angst and hurt/comfort might be more of a side dish than a main course. The word count on most of the WIPs is no longer accurate, and some are complete, but I am too lazy to edit. This is taking long enough as it is. But yeah, you asked for it, you’re getting it. Langst recs, maychorian style. Warning: This is long. If you press the read more, be prepared to scroll.
Trembling Lips by nonna Words:  14,001 (WIP, but only one chapter to go)Author’s Summary: Lance is an emotional person who cries easily (and does the trembly-lip thing a lot) but tries to stay strong in front of the team.ORFive times Lance stopped himself from crying in front of his teammates, and the one time he couldn’t hold it back.My Comments: The BEST gen Lance-angst I have found yet. It is so good. The fourth chapter almost made me cry and I think I read it five times. I just…kept going back. I am DYING for the last chapter, omg, join me in waiting for it. Lance’s characterization is great, and Shiro is trying so hard, and everyone’s making mistakes but they don’t mean to. It’s absolutely marvelous and you should read it.
Collateral baggage by Zan_scrawlingWords:  718 Author’s Summary:  Lance can’t sleep; Coran is up and able to listen. My Comments: TOO SHORT but very sweet little character study. I’m such a sucker for Coran being serious and comforting for all these tiny, tiny smol children who have ended up in his castle, for real. I read this fic early on in my fandom experience with Voltron, too, so it, uh, might have influenced me.
I’m not the Lance You think I am by KairaKara101Words:  36,200 (WIP)Author’s Summary:  Lance isn’t human. Not that the team would know, he likes to keep that little fact a secret because he’s not sure if they’d treat him the same. That they’d be as welcoming as his family is. How in the world did he go from fighting in space to living on Earth acting like a class clown to fighting in space again?My Comments: I haven’t finished reading even what’s available yet but I’m reccing it anyway because it’s FANTASTIC. Lance as an alien crash-landing on Earth and immediately being adopted by an enormous, loving Hispanic family is absolute joy, and I’m just getting into the chapters where he joins Garrison and meets Hunk and the others. It’s just…really fun, and Lance is adorable and SO sweet with his new family and siblings. I love it, great stuff, I wish it was 200k words and I am honestly glad that it’s a WIP because I want more and I want to watch it grow up healthy and strong.
Burning by Tiger1Words:  11,457 (WIP)Author’s Summary:  The aftermath of their escape from Zarkon led to serious consequences for each member of the team, but at least they were all still alive - still together. Lance, however….well, let’s just say Lance didn’t get by totally unscathed. My Comments: As soon as the notification for my subscription on this lands in my email, I drop everything to read it. It’s a little more simple of a story, maybe, but it has everything I like. I would also like this one to be much, much longer, and also finished so I can read it at once.
Hunk and Lance’s Excellent Adventures by kiaella_vWords:  4,883 (WIP)Author’s Summary: Hunk and Lance being buddies.Chapter 5: Breathe.Or; Hunk and Lance Best Friendy Fluff..now feature Angst.My Comments: The CUTEST Hunk and Lance on AO3, golly, I love them so much. The first three chapters were just pure fluffy sunshine, then the author brought in the pain, and I am breathless for more. (Apparently going to be Klance eventually, but the focus is Hunk and Lance friendship.)
my head is dizzy now by asexualreyWords:  3,871Author’s Summary:  Allura had better get there soon. He doesn’t want to be responsible for Lance dying just because he’s completely useless. My Comments: Lance gets suddenly sick on a planet and Keith has to take care of him and Keith is AWKWARD and he is SCARED and it’s really NICE. Klance but can be read as gen.
My Youth Is Yours by MilkTeaMikuWords:  29,840 Author’s Summary: An unforseen blast in the middle of a battle de-ages Lance into a child for a week. Keith does not understand babies.My Comments: I am a HUGE sucker for deaged fics, and oh look, it’s Lance! What an adorable wee child! But also there is angst and heartache and pain and the Galra, and Keith is confused, but also drawn, and everyone is sweet and helpful, and Hunk and Shiro will be amazing parents someday if they live past this war, I swear. But yeah, well-written, super cute, baby Lance. Klance endgame, but mostly it’s about how cute tiny Lance is.
Tight Spaces by Emerald_AshesWords: 2,716 Author’s Summary: Set after “Crystal Venom”, the castle is slowly being brought back into working order after the corruption in the ship’s systems. Coran has a training exercise planned to serve as a test that is supposed to be simple, and easy. But with Lance things are never easy, although this time it’s really not his fault. My Comments: Mmm, yeah, Lance having a panic attack. This is really well-written and heart-wrenching, and everyone is very supportive in the end. I may have read this more than once. Or twice.
Waiting Room by GemmaRoseWords:  3,033 Author’s Summary:  When a fight ends badly, Hunk is hurt and needs more medical attention than a cryo-pod can provide. Luckily for the paladins, they’re close to home. My Comments: Really lovely future fic in which the paladins have been fighting together for over a year. Told from Lance’s POV as he fights to get Hunk medical attention, then has to wait for news with the others. The author does a great job of making everyone feel a little older, and a little harder, and a whole lot closer. I want a lot more. This could go 20k+, easy.
Just Static by Jessadilla (wobblyarms)Words: 73,144 (WIP, one chapter to go)Author’s Summary: –Static—–iro, Hunk, Kei—, nybody? I’m—–static—-I’m sorry guys. This is all my—-static–cc—–I found my coordinates. They’re—stttcc–guys. I hear something—–scccc–end transmission- Alone on a hostile planet, transmissions aren’t getting through. How did it come to this?My Comments: Another really good Lance-focused hurt/comfort fic. Everyone is well-written and characterized, though Keith and Lance get most of the screentime. Starts with the self-doubt and ends with Lance stranded on a planet with a very cool and interesting new enemy to deal with while everyone fights to save him. Epic H/C, and Klance.
Seeing Red by SagitarrowWords: 4,360 Author’s Summary: There’s a constant throbbing in his spine, like someone royally pissed at him is taking a hammer to it. It radiates through his whole body, every inch is pulsating and Lance can’t even remember what it was like to be pain free. Or: Lance falls down a hole. The rest of the team freaks out.My Comments: What it says on the box! Lance is hurt and the others rescue him. The descriptions are really sharp and visceral, and Lance’s self-doubt rears its ugly head again, but for the most part it’s a fairly simple hurt/comfort fic. And I LOVE that. Klance if you squint.
Counterclock by riverbanksWords: 3,273 Author’s Summary: Post Crystal Venom -Later, there’s a shift, and Hunk notices long before Lance is aware of himself. My Comments: Can be read as Hance or gen. So as you may have noticed, I’m a huge sucker for Lance with PTSD. This is a really lovely exploration of it based on canon, with a tremendously loving and wise Hunk. And the lions, too! Both Blue and Yellow are very important in this fic. Beautiful and touching.
ghost of a king by ashinan Words: 16,878 (WIP, but only one chapter to go)Author’s Summary: During a routine recon mission turned ambush, Lance and Blue must take drastic measures to ensure their survival. The aftermath leaves Lance lost and dreaming, and the team helpless to the possibility that, without a guide, he won’t make it back. My Comments: Klance, but everyone is equally important. This is one of the most gorgeous fics I’ve ever read, bar none, let alone in this fandom. The space battle in the first chapter is absolutely thrilling, as well as visceral and terrifying. The descriptions of the abstract space Lance falls into are stunningly beautiful, and the team’s desperate struggle to get him back is heart-wrenching. And Blue! Blue is AMAZING in this fic! She and Lance have conversations and go back and forth on who is in control at any one moment, a complete partnership much more developed than anything we saw in the show. It’s beautiful and I love it to death. Can’t wait for the conclusion.
Aid by HaurvatatWords: 8,362 (WIP)Author’s Summary: Frankly, the only person on Team Voltron with their shit relatively together is Hunk. Lance tries so hard, but… he can’t help but feel there’s a reason he never gets too far with that one, and maybe not 100% of it is Keith’s fault. All it takes is one battle, one accident, one mistake, and one secret to make it all rise to the surface. My Comments: Really, really good and interesting take on Lance in this one, different than I’ve seen anywhere else, but still perfectly in-character. It feels entirely realistic, and all of the characters are themselves, including sometimes being jerks to each other. But my favorite aspect of this fic is the relationship between Lance and his lion. The blue lion is so SASSY in this story. And she and Lance are incredibly close and good friends. I love it and can’t wait to see where it goes.
weak link by asexualreyWords: 6,249 Author’s Summary: The one thing he always wants when he doesn’t feel well is his mom, and she’s…god knows how far away she is. She probably thinks he’s dead. In this moment, he almost wishes he was.My Comments: I am so BLESSED to be in a fandom that loves writing hurt/comfort featuring my favorite character, like for real. Yeah, Lance is horribly, horribly sick, and he wants his mom, and he tries to hide his weakness from the others. It does not go well. This one made me feel a lot. I’ve read it several times. Klance.
He Sleeps in the Sky of Ice by jadencrossWords:  16,043 (WIP, 8/16)Author’s Summary: It’s been three months since the plan to rescue Allura, and Team Voltron has finally found each other again. Well, almost. A certain blue paladin didn’t meet up with who he was supposed to. And now, the whole team has to figure out why. He wouldn’t just abandon them. Would he?My Comments: This is a great action/adventure type fic where the whole team is searching for a missing Lance. The peril is really intriguing, and the world-building is cool and interesting. The emotions are also very sharp and well-characterized. I’m very excited for every single update. I really want to know what happened, and I want them to find Lance, and I want him to be safe and okay.
 Necessary by always_a_slut_for_hcWords: 22,026 Author’s Summary: Keith screws up, Lance is captured, and the blue light of Voltron is dimmed. Who are you really, Lance? And what do you need?My Comments: Yep, it’s another fic where Lance is tortured, rescued, and recovers. I like these fics, what can I say. This is well-written and complete, so if you’re a sicko like me, check it out. Klance, but everyone is important.
Long Distance by Emerald_AshesWords: 1,565 Author’s Summary: Some nights you just wanted to call home, and know that everything was going to be okay. My Comments: Pidge and Lance! And Hunk as mom friend! But yeah, poor Pidge and Lance are both homesick and tired and they just want their families. I’m glad they have each other, though. The ending made me achy and happy.
Prison Bonds by GriffinRoseWords: 18,295 Author’s Summary: Keith and Lance are captured and stuck in a cell together, but it’s not the Galra. They almost wish it was. These Cordalians feed off of emotions, and their favorite emotion is sadness. Worse, they’ve found a way to make their victims relive their worst memories to make that pain fresh again, and Keith has a lot of terrible memories he’d rather not relive. My Comments: SO GOOD. SO MUCH PLATONIC CUDDLING. Lance and Keith are both suffering horribly, and all they can do is comfort each other and wait for rescue. I’m so happy that it’s gen, too. And it’s finished! Run, don’t walk. It’s so great.
your claws in me by burlesquecomposerWords: 41,766 (WIP)Author’s Summary: “Oh trust me. When I’m done with you, I won’t be able to stop laughing,” Lance says lowly, and his lips curl farther, and there’s something wild in his stare, and it hits Keith suddenly. This isn’t Lance.Lance falls under the control of Zarkon’s Druids, and although his friends manage to get him back, nothing is quite the same. Maybe the Galra succeeded after all. Maybe the Galra merely wanted to tear Team Voltron apart from the inside.My Comments: Tagged as Klance, but so far it reads platonic. Really, really amazing story with Lance fighting brainwashing and everyone struggling to save him, trust him, return him to normal. Everyone has an important role, though there’s an emphasis on Keith. I really liked this one. It’s tense and heartbreaking at times, but it also has moments of great beauty.
Fake It by WashiPuppyWords: 8,994 Author’s Summary: Without the presence of other people to drown them out, the thoughts inside his head were getting too loud. Loud enough to drive him from his room in a desperate attempt to escape his own stupid head for long enough to sleep. It was too loud in there, and too honest. He needed to be around people, otherwise he was just left with…Just himself, and the agitated, twitching feeling of his own skin. A tale in which Lance and the Blue Lion have a one-sided conversation, Hunk is a Lance Whisperer, Pidge notices lots of things, Keith gets the wrong end of the stick, and Shiro gets a new nickname.My Comments: It is a known fact of Voltron fanfic that an insecure Lance requires a wise, comforting Hunk. This should be chiseled in stone somewhere. It practically already is. But yeah, I love this. Some snark and humor in there, too, and the characters feel like themselves.
Space Is Cold by borrowedphrasesWords: 1,152 Author’s Summary: Lance is a pain in the butt, but Hunk loves him and worries about him anyway. My Comments: Hance. Cute, sweet, adorable, loving Hance. My sweet summer boys. Just the way I like them.
Simple by APendingThought for MilkTeaMikuWords: 1,363 Author’s Summary: Keith has babysitting duty for baby!Lance tonight. Six hours into the mission, he calls for backup. My Comments: Hey, look, more deaged!Lance! Wow, I’m predictable. I’ve previously recced the fic this one is based on, and this addition is very sweet and lovely.
Welcome Home by RenaRooWords: 1,253 Author’s Summary: Lance figures they’re lucky that homesickness isn’t contagious. My Comments: LANCE AND PIDGE! I’m so glad to find more fics with these two being kind to each other. The characterization is great, with Lance trying to shrug things off with humor at first, then showing his real emotions to someone he trusts. I want so much more with these two.
Bundle in Blankets by KnightNuraStarWords: 23,173 (WIP)Author’s Summary: The wormhole did more damage to Blue and Lance than anyone could imagine.Lance is vulnerable and Blue makes a deal.Lance faces different challenges ahead. “What the fuck.” “PIDGE LITTLE EARS!” “I AIN’T LITTLE JACKASS!” “LANCE!”“HE STARTED!” “I DON’T CARE WHO STARTED IT! I’M ENDING IT!”My Comments: This one, ah, it’s a little bit of a guilty pleasure for me, but gah, I do enjoy it. Lance is deaged and stuck on a hostile planet, and there’s only one way that Blue can make sure he survives: Make a deal with Sendak. I know, right? But the author makes it work. Things get worse, and worse, especially when the rest of the crew finally finds them, and it’s super dramatic, but the emotions really work for me. Give it a shot if you like deaged!Lance and hurt/comfort and sympathetic Galra.
Coming Undone by Emerald_AshesWords: 2,409 (WIP) Author’s Summary: A mission quickly transforms into an ambush. Outnumbered, and without the immediate assistance of their Lions, the paladins retreat. However, Lance is captured. And when he is eventually rescued, the circumstances of his capture raise more questions than answers. Things only continue to get worse as Lance now has to deal with the aftermath of being prisoner to the Galra, and they try to figure out why the trap was staged in the first place. My Comments: HEY LOOK, one of my favorite Voltron gen writers is doing a multi-chap fic! I’m SUPER excited. Go subscribe!
Nightmares by TrashnessWords: 14,864 Author’s Summary: Lance’s nightmares are getting out of control. It’s effecting his and the team’s performance, but he’s at a loss for how to fix this. Apparently sleeping next to a warm body helps.My Comments: Klance, but it’s so FLUFFY and full of such nice hurt/comfort that I have to rec it. I just really like Lance being cuddled when he’s sad and scared, okay. I really like it.
Vulnerable by nerdyketones Words:  7,850 Author’s Summary: Each paladin gets their own chapter describing a time when they were vulnerable, and when their teammates and team supported them and helped them through their hardship.Pidge-IllnessKeith-AnxietyHunk-GuiltLance- LonelinessShiro- Pressure/PTSDMy Comments: THESE ARE ALL SO GOOD. All of the children deserve comfort, and they get it. Allura helps too!
Damsel in Distress by birdzillaWords: 6,269 Author’s Summary: Somehow Lance always finds himself in trouble. Fortunately, his friends are always there to get him out of it. My Comments: This is so CUTE. The space crew has figured out that Lance has terrible luck and walks headfirst into danger too much due to his friendly and trusting nature, and they take steps to protect him. It’s very subtly and gently done, until the end, when it isn’t anymore. So good. Give me all the Lance Protection Squad fics, please.
Let The Water Lead Us Home by LynnLarshWords: 12,972 Author’s Summary: He’d just wanted a glimpse. It was stupid and childish and selfish, but he’d just wanted one more look out on the ocean, one more peek in the window of his family home, just in case they never made it back to Earth. Just in case he never got another chance.But this wasn’t the Holo-Deck from Star Trek. And this broken simulator tube wasn’t going to be able to do any of that for him, now was it? A.K.A - Lance finds himself stuck in a simulation and Keith is determined to get him out.My Comments: Hey, look, it’s two of my biases in a well-written Klance fic. Please protect Lance and let him see his family again someday, please.
He’ll Be Fine by babitty for everyone who loves some good angstWords: 7,471 Author’s Summary: In which Hunk gets hurt, and Lance has no one to steady him. “Lance’s face burned, and he could hardly see through the blood and sweat dripping into his eyes. His arms burned from supporting Hunk and carrying his bayard. His legs burned from running and his lungs were fire in his chest, pure adrenaline coursing through his entire body. It was the only thing keeping him upright.”My Comments: As always, I am down for an exploration of Hunk and Lance and their relationship, mmm yes, and this is a good one. Poor Lance is so frantic about Hunk getting hurt, and he really needs his team to reassure him that everything will be okay, even though it’s hard to believe. Warm and fuzzy to the max, with bonus big brother Shiro just being as sweet as can be with a distraught Lance.
All That Matters by CamsthiSkyWords: 637 Author’s Summary: Keith talks Lance down from a panic attack. My Comments: Short but sweet! I would read Keith (or Hunk, or Shiro, or anyone) talking Lance down from a panic attack all day long.
I’m Trying to Reach You by WashiPuppyWords: 22,109 Author’s Summary: The mind is a tenacious thing. Once it grabs hold of a thought, a memory, or a problem, it can be hard to convince it to let go.Pidge has her drive to find her family, though right now she has these communication codes that could help her do that. Shiro has his past, though right now he has his a lion asking him for help and teammates who won’t tell him what’s going on in their heads. Lance has his doubts. And Keith… Well, he’s convinced that Hunk is some kind of Sex God who has slept with both Shiro and Lance. Now, how to prove that? Meanwhile, Hunk is just doing his best to look out for everyone. It’s like herding cats.My Comments: This is a sequel to a fic I recced in the past, and you should probably read the whole series for context if you haven’t yet, but this is SO good that I had to tell you about this one specifically. Lance has convinced himself that he’s replaceable, unnecessary, and Keith has gotten a misunderstanding from things seen out of context, but mostly this is about how much Blue loves her paladin and will do anything to prove that to him. The ending made me cry.
The (Not So) Still Of The Night by Sandyclaws68Words: 3,532 Author’s Summary: A few nights in such close quarters taught all of them a lot of things about their team mates.My Comments: Technical problems with their living quarters force the paladins to all sleep together in a little tiny room, and bonding ensues. They all irritate each other, they all help each other, they all comfort and cuddle and learn about each other. It’s beautiful in every way.
Rough Landings by SilfrvargWords: 2,079 Author’s Summary: In which Lance is having a bad day, and Keith is there to help however he can. My Comments: Aw, Lance. Sometimes everything just kind of falls apart at once and overwhelms you, even when you’re a Hero of the Universe. I loved Keith just doing absolutely everything he could to help Lance get through it.
It’s Only Allergies! Swear! by carefulrenWords: 2,621 Author’s Summary: Lance starts his week off with an innocent case of the sniffles that he believes to be allergies. Despite growing worse as the week progresses, he wants to believe that it’s still allergies. It’s not.My Comments: It’s a Lance sickfic. Of course I like it. I’m not even embarrassed anymore. Well, maybe a little bit. But I’m still reccing this.
Open Water by NeyieaWords: 1,398 Author’s Summary: Lance misses the smell of salt and the crunch of sand and the untameable waves. My Comments: I love Lance and Coran interaction almost as much as I love Lance and Hunk interaction, and this fic gave me BOTH. It’s short but incredibly gorgeous, heartachey and sweet and satisfying. It hits the spot.
Beautiful Minds by PotatoBenderWords: 16,247 (WIP)Author’s Summary: Lance used to be proud of his mental abilities. A pilot. A Paladin. Someone experienced with delving and controlling his mind. But after being captured, and enduring just a single encounter with Haggar, his castle was reduced to rubble. Rescuing Lance was the easy part - healing him is much, much harder.My Comments: This is my favorite kind of torture-and-rescue fic, where you kind of gloss over the actual torture and get straight to the rescue and healing and recovery. That’s what I like. I really like this. I’ll be reading each update as soon as it shows up in my email.
Empty Shell Inside Of Me by infiniterhapsody, vagrantBreathWords: 7,180 (WIP)Author’s Summary: After a mission, Lance is acting strange. Spacing out, taking a while to respond to everyone. After a mission, Lance is locked away deep within Galra territory, at the hands of a Galra commander only wanting two things: information and his terror. Wait, what?My Comments: This one is especially heartrending because you get two Lances for the price of one, and they are BOTH scared and hurting and in need of help and gah, I’m so on edge about this story. The chapters are short but they’re updating quickly, which is good. I need them.
All The Stars In The Universe by jamwritesWords: 7,045 Author’s Summary: After being rescued from capture by the Galra Empire, Lance isn’t the same. He’s silent. Reserved. Broken. But Keith won’t accept this; every night, he comes to talk to Lance. Every night, he attempts to fix what is broken, and tonight may be his last chance. My Comments: Mm, yeah, hurt/comfort, this is the good stuff. THE GOOD STUFF. I was really touched by Keith’s tenacity and Lance’s courage, after all he’d been through, to still reach out the only way he could. Klance.
A Million Stars Apart by SerenePhenixWords: 8,217 (WIP 2/?)Summary: Lance usually could deal with a lot of things: being whisked away by a sentient alien ship together with friends, his hero and a rival, becoming part of an intergalatic war he had never known was even taking place, getting separated and reuniting with the closest thing he had to family in space…Yeah, it was not nice but he could take it.—–After surviving another incident with a malfunctioning wormhole, Lance finds himself in a position that might push him to his very limits. There are a lot of things he is unsure of but he knows with certainty that he does not wish to fail Allura or Coran in their quest to save the home they’ve lost. My Comments: This is such a fascinating concept. After a wormhole malfunction, Lance finds himself having dreams of an apparent alternate universe where he’s Allura’s sick younger brother. (BTW, yes, I am a big fan of AUs where Allura is Lance’s mom or big sister. Love ‘em.) Trouble is, he’s not getting any rest during these dreams, so he’s getting exhausted in his regular life. Seeing as I have written over 100k about exhausted Lance getting pushed to his breaking point and beyond, you can imagine how I feel about this fic. I am a fan.
Ablaze by waywardflowerWords: 5,297 Summary: He can’t burden them like this. He’ll be good, he’ll be fine by himself and he just has to show them that and they’ll leave him. Lance wants their attention, craves it, needs it to survive with his stupid omega body, but he can’t stand the thought of needing it. … Lance goes into heat.My Comments: Platonic omegaverse fic! Whoda thunk. Insecure Lance gets taken for a ride by his body, and it takes concentrated effort from everyone else to keep him safe. Some of the speeches at the end felt deeply personal and heartfelt. This fic made me ache, but I liked it.
This House Unfinished by boyghostsWords: 30,776 Author’s Summary: “Concept,” Lance said, his voice heavy and gutted with the ache of it; he caught Keith’s gaze and smiled wide, for show. “The war’s over. We’re back home. All the things we love in one place.” Lance keeps losing the things he’s built. Then there’s Keith.My Comments: Klance. This is a gorgeous fic. The writing is so descriptive and emotional, and I just adore Pidge and Hunk and everyone doing what they can to help Lance with his homesickness. The relationship with Keith feels natural, too, but the author did manage to kind of rip my heart out near the end, so. I’m gonna need some more, okay?
Feeling Blue by SkarmoreeWords: 8,940 Author’s Summary: Lance was the class clown back in school. His crooked grin full of gaps often brought a smile to his friend’s faces. Seeing everyone else smile made him happy. Lance was the shameless flirt in the Garrison. It made the girls laugh at his failed attempts, and the boys chuckle at his ridiculousness.He didn’t mind being turned down, because everyone ended up happy.Lance was the blue paladin. It was his duty as a member of Voltron to keep the universe happy. But sometimes, just sometimes -Lance couldn’t bring himself to smileMy Comments: Another fanfic trope I’m weak to: that one guy who always supports everyone else eventually not being able to do it anymore, having a breakdown, an injury, whatever, and everyone else rallies around to offer support in return. This fic does it well.
Trial by Ordeal by To Be or Not to- Oh forget it (Mikki)Words: 89,187 Author’s Summary: They’re supposed to be two sides of the same coin, or something like that. The truth is a bit more complicated. (Character study of Keith and Lance)My Comments: This is long, but absolutely worth the effort. Warning for depictions of abuse in both parts, but it’s treated realistically and respectfully. There were parts in Keith’s chapter that I had to stop reading for a while and do something else, and pretty much everything in Lance’s chapter made me ache for him and the family he left behind. But it’s really, really good. Amazingly well-written and deep and lifelike, and it all makes so much sense, for both of these characters. I’ll be thinking about this one for a long, long time.
Home by kencatWords: 1,138 Author’s Summary: Lance just misses home. My Comments: BEAUTIFUL Hunk and Lance interaction. I love them both so much.
Winter High, Winter Low by carefulrenWord Count: 3,362 Author’s Summary: Lance and Keith both live in the same shitty apartment complex. With a massive blizzard roaring outside and no power, Keith has to take care of an incredibly sick Lance. My Comments: Klance. Modern AU sickfic, and it hits the spot.
Long Distance by JennypenWord Count: 1,004 Author’s Summary: Someone gets the Christmas present they need. My Comments: Gah, I just love it when the others help Lance with his homesickness.
Just Ask for Help by genericfanaticWord Count: 1,787 Author’s Summary: Lance is having a problem with what should be an easy task. Shiro talks him down from his frustration My Comments: It’s sweet and simple and comforting, and kind, wise Shiro is the best.
Hold me close. by sevansaWord Count: 3,705 Author’s Summary: Lance’s heat is approaching… he has never felt so alone before. My Comments: Turns out I have a weird affinity for platonic omegaverse fics. Who woulda thought. I always hated the concept, but when it’s done like this, I don’t know. The idea of team-as-family is just ramped up to a hundred, and with some of the pack suffering biological needs that require special attention… I dunno. I like it. This is quite an id fic for me. It feeds something. I read it twice.
Restless by BanjiWord Count: 1,899 Author’s Summary: [X-posted on FF.net] Lance tries to find comfort in one of his friend after another night of bad dreams and worries. Keith is probably not the best choice. My Comments: It is fluffy and I approve. Keith tries, even when he’s out of his depth.
Road Trip to End Times by VelkynKarmaWord Count: 1,604 (the next chapter has the langst)Author’s Summary: The outbreak is at its peak, and the country is in ruins. But there’s still hope: Safe Haven, the colony on the West Coast. Reach it, and you’ll find safety and a chance to rebuild a new life in this zombie-controlled world. If you reach it, that is. But Shiro doesn’t intend to give up on trying. Not when he’s got four teenagers desperate to find their families again under his protection.My Comments: The author has been posting ficlets from this sort of tongue-in-cheek AU on tumblr, and they are all AWESOME. I will happily read them again on AO3. My favorite was the one where Shiro saves Lance from bandits, but that one isn’t on AO3 yet. But here’s Lance in his typical role as Best Morale Officer Ever, even in the middle of the zombie apocalypse.
The Empty Spaces Between the Stars by sliveredWord Count: 5,329 Author’s Summary: Talking was a far cry better than grunting, even if Keith’s voice did sound like… Feces, was it? Strange those human phrases that Lance had been trying to explain to him and Allura. But it didn’t sound good, was the point.*Five times Coran takes care of the Paladins.My Comments: This is super sweet and good and Coran is the best and I would like him to take care of me, too.
strength of the small by nowweareunstoppableWords: 12,736 Author’s Summary: A false distress signal lands the paladins in a tough situation. It falls to Pidge to earn their freedom, and it doesn’t come without a dangerous cost. My Comments: This fic is AMAZING. Pidge is an absolute badass, smart and strong and extremely well-characterized. The frantic run afterward to get her to help was intense and wrenching, too. And Lance was especially wonderful. You can feel his desperation, how deeply he loves Pidge and needs her to be okay, because she’s his little sister now and he CANNOT lose his family. Ahhh, I loved this one to bits. Highly recommended.
boredom is cruel and unusual punishment by babittyWords: 3,183 Author’s Summary: 3000 words of Lance getting the shit beat out of him, because i needed to get some angst out of my system. it’s not very graphic but injuries are listed and batons are used. My Comments: This is an old-fashioned whump fic, where the point is very much Lance (and Keith to a lesser extent) getting beat up. But there’s a lot of courage and tenacity on display here, and they do very much feel like themselves. An enjoyable fic, if you’re in the mood for hurt with not a lot of comfort.
all alone, all together by seulesWords: 1,516 Author’s Summary: This is bigger than anything he ever imagined. Lance knows the world’s balls deep shitty, so it’s not much of a stretch for the universe to take a crap and coat itself in it, only in a much larger scale. But it’s different when you’re told that the universe as you know it is about to be completely taken over by a tyrannical, fascist madman (surprise, surprise) and Obi-Lance Kenobi, you’re 1/5 of the universe’s only hope! My Comments: Aww, Lance and Allura bonding! I’m astounded that mine is the only comment on this fic. Please read it and encourage the writer.
Piece of Goo by genericfanaticWords: 1,207 Author’s Summary: Lance is sad and eats terrible food. My Comments: This is an excellent portrayal of depression and UGH I just want to give Lance a hug.
Infection by 5557Words: 73,271 Author’s Summary: While exploring an alien planet, Lance is nearly killed by a mysterious monster. Now he’s convinced that he is infected with an alien sickness. Why doesn’t anyone believe him? It must be Keith’s fault. This is a horror-comedy (but like, also a romance?), and I drew pictures.My Comments: Here, have some epic Klance hurt/comfort. It’s really well done. 
the currents you create by theoddoodisnudeWords: 18,501 Author’s Summary: Some days, he woke up even more tired than he’d been when he’d gone to sleep, and willing his body to go through the motions was just—tough. Like wading through thigh-high water or running on soft sand that gave under the soles of his feet. My Comments: Here’s my obligatory Klance hurt/comfort for the week. I think there’s always one. Anyway, this one is very good. Very realistic depiction of depression, and I liked how supportive everyone was, and how hard Lance tried to deal with everything even when he just wanted to give up. Also some wonderful Hunk and Lance and team bonding in there.
But a Scratch by manunulatWords: 1,052 Author’s Summary: This is a brief vignette set after s2ep2. Some things can’t be fixed by healing pods. My Comments: Would you like some Hunk and Lance being funny, loving bros, with just a touch of angst? I always like it. I like this one, too.
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nerbert · 8 years
This is like, months late I’m sorry please forgive me
This was a questions tag thing that went around like a month ago, and it’s been sitting in my drafts waiting for me to finish it
I forget the rules, and I think everyone has answered these already, so I’m not going to bother tagging more peoples, but if you haven’t done this yet, and want to, answer any 11 of these questions!
3 people tagged me, so this is long
@thecrazyexfangirl tagged me for these:
1. What are you studying or what is your profession? 
I’m studying economics! I’ll graduate with an honours undergrad degree next year, and then I want to complete a masters in economics, a masters in public policy, and a phD in economics, then spend my career writing macroeconomic policy for governments. Basically I want to run the world 
2. I read a lot of opinion about FMAB and FMA03 Mustang, but what is your opinion about FMAB and FMA03 Edward?
I have opinions, and I am going to start on that essay post soon! 
3. Where are you from? 
I grew up in Victoria BC 
4. What is your favourite film/book and why? 
Across the universe is my favourite movie, because I love Beatles music, and I think the movie is just so well done. and Harry Potter is my favourite book, because, well, why does anyone like Harry Potter? It’s the first book I read all the way through, because it came out when I was a smol, the first book that had enough diverse characters that I could identify with, and rereading it it’s feels like catching up with an old friend❤ 
5. If you get a role in the FMA live action, which role would you play? 
I would love to play Major General Olivier Mira Armstrong, but I think honestly, I would want more of like an extra role, because I’d be too busy fangirling to actually act, plus, acting isn’t really my thing 
 6. FMA03, FMAB or FMA manga? 
Good golly, that’s tough. I haven’t read the manga yet, I have a processing disorder that makes it hard to read black and white manga. Between 03 and brohood, brohood is definitely a better series, but 03 is important to watch. I really love Ed’s character development in 03, and I LOVE satan Tucker’s fate. Death is too merciful for him, I love that he sufffeeeerrrrrrrrrsssssss 
7. If you get an opportunity to meet with an author who would you choose? 
I think Arakawa would be a really cool person to meet. From the little that I’ve read/heard about her, I feel like we’d get along 
 8. Which fictional character would be your best friend? 
I think Mai from atla would be my saltmate for sure 
9. Favourite fandom? 
Definitely fma 
10. When did you join to the tumblr community? 
I think I made a tumblr in like 2012, but didn’t really get into it, then after watching fma, I started looking at fanart, and found royai fanfics that soothed my soul, and then I started using Tumblr, so mid 2016. 
11. Do you make fanarts, fanfictions, amv etc.?
I wish. I am an artist, but I paint impressionist landscapes, so fanart isn’t really my domain. And I’ve never really been a writer.
@queenxolivier tagged me in these:
How did you get into fandom? What was your catalyst to finding the tumblr community?
This was kind of answered with when did I join Tumblr. But I got into fma after my brother nagged me to watch it. I got into fandom back in the days of My Immortal and the Harry Potter fandom, but I didn’t have a tumblr back then, so it was more looking at hp fanart on deviantart and MySpace, and googling fanfics, but I was never part of a fandom community until I found fma
What’s your favourite part about your favourite fandom?
I love that the fma fandom is still thriving, like, brohood ended 6 years ago, and people are still joining the fandom, making new art and fics, it’s awesome!
If you could spend the day with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
I’d love to spend a day with Katara, she’s so incredible, and I think I could learn a lot from her, like just how to be a better person in general
What fictional character has had the biggest impact on your life or has inspired you the most?
Hermione was the first character to have an impact on me. And it was because I have gigantic teeth just like her. Seriously, my front teeth are like twice the size of my husbands, and I’ve had these teeth since I was a tiny 8 year old. So I latched onto her character, and started to find more similarities between me and her, and she taught me it’s ok to be smart and a girl
Talk about your favourite book (I KNOW IT’S HARD but if you had to pick one).
Lol hp fo sho. It's just so perfect, like even now, there's still more I'm learning about the Harry Potter universe, and so many more headcanons I can get behind...and more reasons to hate Snape 
Do you have any accomplishments or anything in your life you feel the most proud of?
Ha, way too many. I have a super interesting back story, but that will take to much to talk about here
Tell us about a project you have going on! Or if you don’t have one, maybe something you’ve always wanted to write or draw?
Right now I’m doing an econometric analysis on whether minimum wage increases have impacted the CPI in British Columbia for the last 30 years, and I’m also writing about how Canada’s economy wouldn’t have developed without the help of the Indigenous Peoples
How do you feel about AU’s?
Meh. I like the funny au headcanons, like the one @izumiicurtis proposed, where everyone wears period clothing, except ed still looks like he robbed hot topic in the dark (that is the best joke in the fandom I swear) but I never really got into au's
Do you have any favourite composers or soundtracks?
I really love the Rent soundtrack 
In your opinion, what is the best Disney movie to come out since Disney’s Golden Age?
Wreck it Ralph
Fangirl about something, really go wild.
Major. General. Olivier. Mira. Armstrong. that woman is a goddess and could kill me and I’d be ok with it. She’s so powerful and doesn’t take any crap and she’s so smart and always plans ten steps ahead of everyone and she’s not afraid to admit she doesn’t know everything and she loves her brother so much and does so much to protect her family plus she’s absolutely beautiful like her hair is made of silk I swear and the way she fights with a sword instead of guns I just love swords
@haganenobeato tagged me in these
1. Would you wanted Solf J. Kimblee perish a deserving death on that train? Yes or yes? 
Yes. He should have died RIGHT THERE 
2. Is there fanart or fanfiction you feel needs to be made but doesn’t exist yet or w/e? FMA or otherwise? 
There should be more RizBecca (Riza and Rebecca) fics/ art, and more Marier (Maria Ross and Olivier Mira Armstrong) fics/art. Just more wlw content in general in the fma fandom 
3. What do you think Hayate’s Cream Shiba’s name is? 
well, I think that dog must be Roy’s, and Roy is a nerd, so he probably named her similarly to how Riza named Black Hayate
4. Knowing the FMA baddies masterplan, what would you have tried to do to stop Father? 
lol I’m 5 feet tall and I’ve never been in a fight in my life, If I tried to stop them, I’d somehow trip and accidentally press the big red button that sets the plan in motion (oh there’s no big red button that does that? surprise, when I’m around, there’s suddenly a big red button that does The Bad Thing(tm) )
 5. Which is your favorite AU? 
Idk, I’m not really into AU’s
6. What fictional character would you have a comfortable silence with? 
Riza. I feel like she’s the type who doesn’t do small talk, but when she gets to know you she starts like, making puns and when she has a topic to talk about, she really gets into it. And she doesn’t seem like the type to be awkward with silence
7. Which fictional character would you introduce to your family? 
Riza. I think she’d have a lot of fun with my family, and I think my family would like her. I would say Olivier, but she doesn’t seem like the ‘meet the parents’ type of person to me
8. Which fictional character deserved better? 
Katara in legend of korra, they really did a horrible job with her character 
9. Which FMA character (assuming they don’t know alchemy, even if they do in canon) would you rather be stuck on an island with? 
10. What scene brings a smile to your face each time? 
the EdWin proposal, it’s just so cute, and so awkward, and so appropriate for how Ed/Winry propose to each other
if you read this all, you’re my new best friend
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🎈, 💸, ⚜, 🐋
// oh gee oh golly O: thanks anon c: i got excited ‘cause i didn’t expect to see anythin but here we are X3
🎈Share a childhood memory!//okay, so when i was little, pigeons stole my food. they made me terrified of pigeons for years but now i hecking love pigeons! i got 6 birds now. real great beans
💸 If you had a billion dollars and could only spend it, what would you buy first?//!! okay so.. let’s see. i’d probably get this lil coconut hut for my parakeets o: ‘ve had my heart set on gettin it for them since i saw it. like. i gotta get it. for the smol beans!
⚜ What is the most precious thing you own?//well, if we’re talkin things i own. like. i can go to the store and buy it and like. have it. it’d be like.. well, anythin my mom gives me. like.. she can be really upsetting sometimes, but.. my mom, dude. and out of those things, probably my shirt that she gave me that has goofy on it X3 it has many holes. she had it when she was 19 and gave it to me years ago. this thing is pretty old. lov it though. still wear it despite the holes X3
🐋 share a Weird/funny story?//bro yes i love tellin stories. okay. so let’s see.. ‘cause a lot of stuff happens when i’m out with my friends during break times. hmm… okay. so a funny one was when i was out with my friend angel and we were at the mall for my birthday and they were the only one to show up. what happened, was we went to the walmart in there and bought a shit ton of food, then sat at a bench and shared cookies with this nice old lady who came to chat. was awesome.
//butlikeseriously thanks anon you cool dude
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