#[ au; disney worker ]
unwillingwriter · 2 years
Be Grateful (Max & Goofy)
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Originally Written: August 21st, 2022
Author: This is an Unfinished Story, I honestly forgot that I wrote this.
“I’m not a Goof Up!.” Max denied whole heartedly glaring at his uncle as if he had just insulted the teen in the most horrible way possible. Big Pete stared down at his nephew with a look of ‘oh really?.’ That’s basically what it said and it only made the dog more irritated with the large cat.
“Really?, you do see the faces that my customers are making at you?.”
Max slightly hunched where he stood hesitantly looking over his shoulder to see some customers trying to help each other off the puddle of Coffee the young Goof managed to spill all over the floor, others had their food poured on top of their heads, trying their best to clean themselves off.
But aside from that they were all looking at Max, all sharing the same look on their faces. A Familiar look that Max has seen directed towards his own father, a look he probably did as well when his father would embarrass him.
It was anger and irritation. The pup didn’t like those looks.
“Like Father Like Son.” The cat said in a plain tone. Catching Max attention.
Max looked back at him with a mean glare.
“Of all my time working here, I never messed up and now that I do. The ONE time that I do, I'm suddenly a goof up!?.” Max accused glaring at his uncle.
“Watch your tone with me boy.” Pete warned glaring down at the teen.
Max huffed, unbelievable. Pete never seemed to have a cool down button.
The dog shook his head.
Unbelievable, just unbelievable.
“Your father really didn’t discipline you enough, speaking out of turn when you don’t have the right.”
Max continued to glare at him.
“Then again your father did always mess up anything he touched.” Pete spoke as he rubbed his chin as if he was thinking.
Max balled his hands into fist at his sides.
His dad didn’t mess up everything he touched— of course he could be embarrassing at Times— maybe annoying— very clumsy— BUT! it was all out of good nature. His dad never meant bad by it.
Goofy never got easily mad like Pete does with PJ at times, his dad was nicer— much more nicer and honestly Max is still surprised till this day that his father is friends with Pete— and as much as Max loves his Uncle Donald— he’s surprised that he’s friends with him as well.
His father may be embarrassing and an endangerment to himself— he was a good guy and always meant well.
Sometimes— sometimes Max knows he doesn’t deserve his dad, his dad that didn’t abandon him when his mother did— his dad who took care of him when he was only 19 graduating high school— who went to college but dropped out in his 2nd year due to Max. His father who tried to do his best to give Max a good life— his dad that loved him no matter what even when Max would treat him like shit and would rage at him like he was a horrible person.
“At least I don’t fear my Dad like how PJ fears you.” He grumbled under his breath.
“What was that?.”
“That’s what I thought, now go clean up that mess boy and make sure it’s spotless. This is coming out of your paycheck.” Pete shoved a bucket of soapy water and a mop into Max’s hand pushing him towards the dining hall.
Oh great.
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whimsi-clown · 5 months
A New Form of Psychological Torture Discovered.
Part 2 of the Reverse Isekai Disney Villains x Modern Reader AU
(Or RIDV AU for short)
Warning: Still a whole lot of swearing and OOC
"So... What would you like to know first?"
You asked with your hands clamped together, gathering the energy of minimum wage customer service workers just for this moment.
Those people have the highest patience, and you so badly need that right now.
The rest of the villains remained silent, glancing at one another until Dr. Facilier spoke up.
"How about you start by telling us how we got here... Wherever here is..."
He spoke, leaning forward against the back of the couch, the rest of the villains nodding and muttering in agreement.
"Well, to borrow your words, Dr. Facilier... You're in my world now, not your world... And you guys are the friends on the other side that I seem to have... Accidentally summoned??"
Dr. Facilier raised a brow at that, wondering how you knew that phrase. The rest of the villains, however, either rolled their eyes or groaned in irritation.
"Yea, we know that, babes. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out. What we wanna know is how we got here."
You turned to Hades, whose flaming hair was now turning light orange at the tip, showing how quickly he was losing patience with you,
You nervously gulped at that. You're gonna have to speed this up if you want your mansion to remain intact, hoping that reason will save you from 3rd degree burns.
"Alright, alright. Look, I really don't know how you guys got here, but I can tell you what I've been doing before, and you can take away whatever from there. Is that fine with you all?"
Thankfully, most of the villains agreed with reason, turning to Maleficent, who had been silent for most of this entire exchange, for the final say.
"Very well, speak."
With the mistress of all evil's confirmation, you began summarizing the events before their unexpected arrival, from your employer's death, you moving into their mansion, the mysterious door you found, the random junk on pedestals, how you cleaned them, and then the wierd lightshow that happened after that which resulted in their arrival.
By the time you were done enumerating, you were already out of breath, panting as your mouth felt like it had just gone through a marathon.
Was this karma for all those times you didn't speak up during those group presentations?
The villains contemplated your words, processing every detail (including the ones they deemed useless and unnecessary) before Jafar finally decided to speak up.
"You mentioned having cleaned some... Random junk before our arrival, correct?"
He asked with a raised brow, the other villains turning to face you for confirmation and a silent order for you to fetch those items for them.
You nodded at that, wordlessly running back to the mysterious room to gather every item in your arms and rushing back to the living room, laying them on the coffee table.
Most of the villain's eyes lit up in recognition of some of the items, snatching them off the table and inspecting them closely.
Maleficent held onto her staff, watching as the crystal orb at the top glowed a soft green. (1st mistake, letting the tall dark fae hold onto what is the equivalent of a lethal magical weapon)
Grimhilde didn't seem too fond or attached to the mirror in her hand, but she appreciated still being able to admire herself in its fractured surface.
Hades didn't seem too attached to the item he held too, inspecting the lit torch with a raised brow.
Jafar on the other hand was all too eager with the lamp in his hold, aggressively rubbing its surface with the cloth of his wrist, only to let out an irritated huff when it did not yield the results he desired.
Captain Hook was carefully inspecting the silver hook and the iron hook he had on him with a critical eye, and after careful contemplation, he decided to trade his rusty iron hook for a clean silver one, disregarding it over his shoulder as he gleefully applied the new hook onto his arm. (2nd mistake, letting the fancy ass pirate attach a deadly weapon onto their person. At least you won't get infected with tetanus when he makes good on his promise to slice your throat)
Gaston was checking his hunting rifle for any marks or scratches on the surface, doing mock firing poses before letting out a hum of approval. (3rd mistake, does not need an explanation whatsoever. He is a big dumb man with a big gun) As he was about to set the hunting rifle down, he accidentally pulled on the trigger, causing everyone within the vicinity to flinch in surprise at the loud bang, looking up to see the large bullet hole that was made on the ceiling of your home, some debris falling off. (Case and point)
Shaking his head at Gaston's mishap, Dr. Facilier continued to shuffle the deck of tarot cards in his hands, effortlessly doing card tricks like it was second nature. (You may or may not have been momentarily entraced by the smooth and eye-catching movement)
Shan Yu, who had not said a word since the "summoning incident" stood at the far side of the room, leaning against a wall as he simply watched the scene before him, the sword now kept on a sheath that was strapped around him. (4th mistake, again, very self-explanatory. Big man who's literally and probably the only person in this room with the largest body count) Shan Yu's head turned to your direction when he felt your gaze on him, his gold eyes seeming to pierce through you, causing another unsettling chill to crawl down your spine.
You decided to quickly turn your gaze away from the ruthless hun leader and focus your sights back on the rest of the group.
Watching Scar boredly play with the lion skull like it was a sock puppet of some sorts, Ursula and Cruela already wearing the nautilus shell necklace and the exotic fur coat respectively, and finally Oogie Boogie rolling the pair of die around his pointy stub of sack he called a hand. (How the dices remained on his hand despite his lack of fingers is a mystery you will never learn the truth to)
"Great. Now that I've satiated your curiosity. I'm gonna go..."
You mumble aloud, not really caring if they heard you or not. You just wanted to escape to the kitchen right now. You were starving.
Before you could make your great escape, however, a gloved hand grabbed a hold of your shoulders.
"Now hold on just a moment darling, you haven't completely satiated our curiosities just yet..."
Cruela stated, her grip surprisingly strong for someone of her age and stature.
"She's right. We've still got one thing left to ask."
Says Ursula as she comes closer to you, a tentacle wrapping itself tightly around your leg, preventing you any chances to bail.
You begin to grow nervous as they all begin to crowd you once more.
"Uhm... And... What exactly... would that be?"
You hesitantly ask.
"You referred to us as... Disney Villains... Why?"
Grimhilde commanded, glaring down at you.
"And you best not deceive us, little one, because I'm starting to get quite... Hungry..."
Threatened Scar as he licked his tongue over his canines, eyeing you like you were gonna be his next meal.
Oh shit.
Gods you and your big mouth, why did you have to say that before them? They obviously don't have any idea that they're works of fiction and entertainment like in Mickey's House of Mouse or Once upon a Studio.
Actually, how would they react to that?
It was never really shown how the characters coped with the idea of being created for the purpose of entertaining children.
So how would they respond to the realization that their lives had been depicted for them from the very start and that they had no actual say in the course of their stories?
A morbid curiosity begins to settle in your mind as a smile spreads across your cheeks, making the villains unconsciously flinch at the uneasy feeling that came with your wide and ecstatic grin as you look up at them.
"How likely are you all to suffer from an existential crisis?"
End of part 2
Previous Part, Next Part
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writingpastmybedtime · 8 months
Cinderella AU
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x f!Reader
Summary: The classic Cinderella AU. It's heavily inspired by the Disney live-action remake, but with a few tweaks here and there.
Word Count: 8k, oops..?
Warnings: None, except for extra cute Prince Sebastian.
A/N: It’s my first time writing for Seb at this length & I'm kind of proud of how it turned out. Oh, and I gave Sebastian the nickname 'Bash'. Hope you love it as much as I do!<3
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Once upon a time, or however the story begins, there lived a girl named Y/N. She was the most beautiful thing in her parents’ eyes and held the kindest heart. They lived happily in a secluded small mansion. They weren’t the richest per se, but they could keep up with the house and even had a few workers in the kitchen and garden. 
As time went by, the girl discovered a passion for music and playing the piano. Her sweet melodies often graced the halls of the house, and whenever she wasn’t behind the piano, she had her face buried deep in a journal, writing down every last thought that had occurred to her that day.
Alas, the time that had passed had also come bearing sombre news. The little girl’s mother had fallen ill with a disease so rare, there was nothing left to do but wait. Those three months spent waiting were the hardest for the girl, as she was always staying beside her mother’s bed, reading to her, brushing her hair, and playing lovely tunes on the piano to soothe her mother’s mind. 
It wasn’t until one night, that the clock in the writing room, which her mother so deeply loved, stopped working and the house suddenly grew more quiet.
Years passed, and Y/N grew even more beautiful. She was always happy and kind, helping out everyone around the house and being there for her father. Y/N’s father was a merchant, so it was not uncommon that he had many trips abroad and many foreign friends. He had a certain way with him, his friends even called him a man of many words. He always found a way to insert an inspirational quote into whatever conversation was going on. His personal favourite, however, was a quote about courage. 
Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.
“Darling, would you accompany me to the garden?” Her father asked her. Of course, she followed him with a smile on her face. He began to tell her of a widowed woman, with two daughters just a few years older than Y/N. He explained that he’d known the woman's late husband, having met him many times on his travels. 
“They need a place to stay and they need a sense of security,” he began shyly, before continuing. “I think I can offer them that, I think we can offer them that.”
Y/N smiled as she took her father's hands in hers. “Father, if it’s something that would make you happy, it would make me even happier.” He smiled at her and pulled her into a hug.
Madam Deveraux was a widowed noblewoman with two daughters, Arabella and Isadora. The Madam herself was mostly reserved and you could never tell what she was thinking just by looking at her. Her gaze always remained strong, even when the death of her dear husband crushed her spirit. As months passed after the tragic death, the demeanour of Madam Deveraux changed. Once just a composed and modest lady, was now hardened at heart, with only one true goal. To see her two daughters succeed and be wed off to rich husbands, no matter the cost.
Arabella, the eldest daughter was certainly pretty on the eyes, however, she had a mouth to her that diminished her beauty to a certain degree. Never afraid to speak her mind and even once in a while throw in a more vulgar term here or there. She was fascinated with all kinds of different adult romance books - that’s where she probably learned those indecent phrases. She also loved to draw, but truth be told, she wasn’t really any good at it.
Isadora, like her sister, was also beautiful in her own way. She certainly wasn’t as crude as her sister, but still had a peculiar sense of self. Her ego was probably the biggest between the three of them. Every reflective surface she saw made her gaze at herself longingly, always fixing her hair or makeup. Always whispering sweet affirmations to herself. She knew she was the prettiest person, whenever she walked into a crowded room. Even if the snobby personality sometimes made her mother’s eyes roll.
After a few weeks, it was time again for Y/N’s father to take his leave. Y/N felt crushed, and a sense of dread filled her heart, making her father promise that he’d return.
Unfortunately, on his travels back from overseas, Y/N’s father fell ill and was never able to return to her. It saddened her deeply, but due to her chores, given to her by her step-mother, she didn’t have time to dwell on her grief. 
Months passed, with her chores growing bigger and bigger. She had given up her bedroom because Arabella and Isadora were too cramped up in their own smaller one. Unfortunately for Y/N, instead of getting the smaller room for herself, she had to stay in a storage room right next to the kitchen. It wasn’t the most tedious place to be, for someone somewhere must’ve had to have even worse living conditions. That thought kept her appreciating her commodities and trying to tidy up the tiny storage room as best as she could.
“Y/N, could you be a dear and help your sisters with their dresses?” Madam Deveraux’s cold voice could be heard from upstairs, as Y/N was just finishing up setting the table in the kitchen. Sighing, but still with a smile on her face, the girl walked upstairs to assist her step-sisters. Arabella was tugging Isadora’s corset, to make it more tight, as Isadora was standing near the mirror letting out gasps of air. 
“A little bit of help, please?” Isadora asked in her saccharine voice, looking at Y/N through her mirror. Y/N nodded and took over from Arabella, pulling and pulling until the corset was perfectly on Isadora’s body. 
“Hmm, I look good, don’t you think so?” Isadora spun around, now in her huge pink sparkling dress, which did not do her beauty any justice. Y/N, however, was not one to judge. She just smiled lightly and nodded. 
“Pfft, as if you had any sense of style,” Isadora went to grab her rings, before putting them on her dainty fingers. Her brown hair was curled in an updo and she had put on a plethora of perfume, that was way too sweet, but ironically, fit her perfectly.
“Hah, you’re right sissy, this wench does not know anything about fashion. I mean look at how she’s dressed right now.” Arabella looked at Y/N from head to toe, her face grimacing. Y/N lowered her head to look at her grey dress. Yes, it wasn’t as fancy as the gowns on her step-sisters, but it had belonged to her mother. The grey dress made her feel some kind of sanity, running around doing chores for the Deverauxs’. Picking invisible lint from the pocket of her skirt, the step-sisters just laughed at how humiliated Y/N looked.
“Yes, you do look absolutely atrocious as of late,” Isadora smirked as Arabella grinned, taking joy in embarrassing Y/N. “You’re just plain ugly,” the eldest sister managed to get out before laughing.
“Here, take this, go buy yourself something prettier,” Isadora scoffed as she handed Y/N three silver pieces. You could not get anything fairly pretty with that kind of sum. Y/N had given up on pretty dresses a while ago, being content with the ones her mother had left her. She shook her head at the silver coins, not accepting the pity donation. 
“Fine have it your way, I was just trying to be nice,” Isadora threw the silver pieces on the floor as Arabella snorted in an unladylike manner. “Now leave, as I remember correctly Mama wanted you to go down to the forest to pick up some flowers for the gathering tonight.”
Y/N nodded to the girls, before hastily leaving the room, blinking back tears. She had grown accustomed to their derogatory comments, but that didn’t mean a part of her always ached at their remarks. Never had she been anything, but good and friendly towards the girls and their mother. She shook her head, as if to shake it clear from the depressing thoughts and picked up a dark-brown wooden basket from the kitchen table.
The walk from the house to the forest was always Y/N’s favourite. As soon as the house with the hectic people inside of it disappeared from her field of view, a certain kind of calmness filled Y/N. It was as if she could finally breathe without restrictions. Even the world around her seemed a little bit more saturated. Birds were flying around, singing their beautiful songs; it was spring after all. Y/N started to hum a melody she used to love to play the most on her piano.
Y/N twirled around and smiled, suddenly feeling joyous and elated. She closed her eyes, still twirling, liking the feel of the afternoon sun on her face. A total bliss. Suddenly, when taking her last twirl, she felt her foot get stuck on a tree root and braced herself for a fall.
However, the fall did not come. 
Instead, strong hands had grasped her waist, holding her a few centimetres off the ground. Y/N finally opened her eyes, the sun making her squint a little before finally her vision was back in focus. She was looking into blue eyes. Into the most gorgeous blue eyes she’d ever seen. Serene, deep blue eyes, that she could get lost in. That she did get lost in.
“Miss, are you alright?” Y/N blinked, before realising the man was still holding her. She stumbled to get out of his grasp, before wiping her dress from invisible dirt. Her cheeks flushed pink, suddenly feeling embarrassed. 
“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you..?” Y/N said, waiting for the person’s name to finish her sentence. To thank him personally. She now had time to look at the man that had so gracefully caught her. He had brown medium-length hair, which seemed abnormally soft and Y/N wished she could tread her fingers through it. The man smiled, no grinned rather, and Y/N was taken aback by how handsome this stranger looked.
“You really don’t know who I am?” The man chuckled and Y/N shook her head quizzically. Was she supposed to know him? She browsed through her brain, wondering who this man could be; maybe she’d met him before. But no, she’d remember him. She could never forget those eyes.
Y/N saw a peculiar look in his gaze before his grin grew even bigger and he introduced himself. “My name’s Bash,” he said, and Y/N furrowed her brows, but smiling nonetheless. 
“That’s a peculiar name,” she spoke, before realising her comment was nowhere near acceptable nor did it come off as friendly. The man, Bash, as she’d learned, let out a genuine laugh at the comment. Y/N felt embarrassed and was about to apologise before he stopped her.
“I like your candour,” he smirked. “It’s actually a nickname. A name that my father calls me whenever I haven’t done anything to upset him.” Y/N smiled, no longer feeling embarrassed, but just a little bit of something else. A strange warm feeling was creeping up in her chest. 
“Well, thank you, Bash, for catching me. And I’m sorry you even had to, I’m not normally so clumsy.”
“It’s no problem, besides, what even is a beautiful girl like you doing out in these woods anyway?” Bash asked, not being able to take his eyes off Y/N. He’d never seen a girl so beautiful before. And ‘beautiful’ was not even enough to describe her. 
“Oh, I’m just on my way to get flowers for a party later on. Which does remind me, that I should be on my way,” Y/N looked down at her basket, which she hadn’t fortunately dropped, when she had stumbled. Realisation hit her then, that he’d called her beautiful, but she couldn’t believe it. Perhaps she’d heard wrong?
“Do you work nearby?” Bash asked, his eyes still admiring her own. He did not want to leave her this soon after just meeting. But her duty called and truth be told, so did his. He wasn’t even supposed to be out here. He was out riding with his horse when suddenly he heard the most beautiful voice humming somewhere nearby. Having left his horse a few metres behind, was when he finally saw her. She was twirling and twirling and completely not noticing the tree root that was about to make her fall on the next twirl. Thankfully, he was fast and had caught her on time. 
“Yes, I do. Are you from around here as well?” Y/N asked politely. Knowing that she should be going now, but his eyes were just too mesmerising, to not look away from, that she stayed grounded.
“I actually work at the castle,” he said, his eyes turning pink as if he was embarrassed about the notion. Y/N smiled at that. “Must be nice,” she thought out loud, as Bash just shook his head at her comment.
“Depending on the day, it can be a little bit too much sometimes.” Y/N nodded at that, trying to understand what it must be like working amidst hundreds of people. Working for royalty.
“Well, it’s like my father always taught me,” she began as she gave him the sweetest smile. “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” Bash raised his eyebrow at that. “And do you feel like that?” 
“Do you feel seen?” He inquired, and Y/N shrugged. The question was raw - she hadn’t expected that. Did she feel seen? No, not as of late. But she couldn’t tell him that, now could she? She noticed the sun had turned just a tiny bit more golden and felt fear rush through her. She was supposed to be making supper for the Deverauxs and their guests.
“Look, it’s been wonderful having this chat with you, but I really must take my leave,” she nodded to him, taking her basket and turning around, completely forgetting about the flowers. 
Bash felt a tinge of sadness in him, before nodding and giving her a final smile. “Well, it was wonderful making your acquaintance. I hope to see you again someday.” Y/N turned around at his voice. She nodded, grinning at him.
“So do I.”
“Soon,” Bash said and saw Y/N blush, before finally taking her leave. 
She found some wild poppies just behind the house and hoped they’d do. Fortunately, Madam Deveraux only gave her a quizzical look, before dismissing her. She took a breath, thanking the gods that her step-mother did not freak out over the flower arrangement. All evening as she was making supper for everyone, her thoughts went back to the kind stranger she’d met. 
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Y/N was browsing through the city fair, currently looking at new books she wished she could buy when suddenly a horn was heard above in the upper city. She glanced up from the booth towards the sound, seeing everyone gathering around.
“Hear ye, hear ye,” a man in a formal outfit began. Behind him stood many other men, dressed the same.
These were men from the castle, she concluded. Her thoughts went to Bash for a second, before focusing back on the man giving out the information.
“As requested by His Royal Highness, Prince Sebastian, there is to be a ball, for two weeks hence, in honour of him choosing a bride. As per his wishes, the ball is open to everyone in the country.”
Squeals and cheers were coming from every corner of the city at the news. Y/N suddenly felt very happy. Maybe this was her chance to see Bash again in the castle, after all, he did say he worked there.
Having made her way back home, she rushed to Madam Deveraux, who was sitting in the living room with Arabella and Isadora. The latter was playing the piano. Correction, trying to play, for Y/N, did not know it was possible to make that kind of noise on the delicate instrument.
“What has gotten you in a rush? Your dress is all dirty again,” Arabella scrunched her face, clearly disgusted by Y/N’s clothing once again.
“I was just in the city when they announced there is to be a ball in two weeks as the Prince is to finally choose a bride. It’s open to everyone.” She smiled as she saw Madam Deveraux jump up from the couch, her daughters following her. Suddenly they screamed and the two girls jumped around.
“I’m going to be the new princess,” Isadora squealed before Arabella nudged her on the shoulder.
“No, I am!” Arabella insisted before Madam Deveraux made them quiet down.
“Y/N, you have to go into town and get three beautiful dresses,” Madam Deveraux smiled at her, a new prosperous future in mind for her daughters. She knew they had to look their best to catch the eye of the Prince.
“Yes, yes I will. Thank you for letting me come with you.” Y/N said as she was about to leave back to the city, her mind joyous and excited. Madam Deveraux had finally accepted her as part of the family and she got to go to the ball as well.
“Come with us?” Madam Deveraux scoffed and raised her eyebrow. “Why in the seven hells do you think you’re coming with us?”
Y/N started to say something before she was rudely cut off.
“Nuh, uh-uh.” Madam Deveraux pointed her finger at Y/N. “You do not belong at events like these. You will not go, I forbid you.” 
Y/N felt tears in her eyes, not understanding why she was being so mean to her. 
“Oh, Mama, look. You’ve made the duckling cry.” Arabella snickered and Isadora laughed.
“But why? All I’ve ever done is be nice to you. I do all these chores, you ask of me, and more.” Y/N started shaking but was reluctant to let out real tears. They cannot see me cry, she thought to herself.
“Have you ever considered that you’re maybe just not enough? Not enough pretty, not enough smart,” Madam Deveraux took steps toward Y/N, placing a finger under her jaw, pulling Y/N to look at her. “You’re no one.” Madam Deveraux turned away, before muttering instructions that Y/N was to buy dresses for the three of them the following day.
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After helping the Deveraux sisters into their beautiful ball gowns and doing their hair, Y/N watched them leave in a big beige carriage. Letting her shoulders shrug, she finally let out the tears she’d been holding in. Y/N had hoped to visit the ball as well, hoping to see the blue-eyed man who had taken over her thoughts.
Y/N heard footsteps behind her and her name being called, before turning around and seeing Anastasia, an older lady that she’d known all of her life. Anastasia was a neighbour, a lovely woman, who always took care of Y/N whenever it was needed. Anastasia did not like the way Madam Deveraux had started treating Y/N after her father died and even offered to let Y/N move in with her. However, Y/N always passed the opportunity down, saying that she made a promise to her mother and father to look after the house.
“My dear,” Anastasia came closer, taking Y/N’s hand and seeing the tear trails on her face. “Why are you not at the ball? Everyone’s invited.” 
Y/N shook her head, before explaining that Madam Deveraux had forbidden her to attend the event. Anastasia pursed her lips, before muttering, more to herself than to Y/N.
“This will not do,” then louder, “this will not do at all.” She grabbed Y/N’s arm and started pulling her towards her house which was just a few minutes further away. “You will go to the ball, end of story.”
“But how? I have no horse to take me, let alone a carriage. Nor do I have a dress that is suitable for this kind of event.” Y/N saw Anastasia grin, before ushering her faster towards her house.
“Have courage, dear one. I will make sure you get everything.”
And just as Anastasia said, Y/N had it all. Anastasia was a well-endowed lady, who did not have the joy of getting to raise a daughter of her own. No, she was instead blessed with three sons. So it was mere luck, and perhaps a little bit of something else, that Anastasia had a beautiful periwinkle blue dress in her closet waiting to be worn. It fit Y/N perfectly as if it was made only for her to wear.
Anastasia did Y/N’s hair next, whilst explaining that she’d already talked with her personal chauffeur, who was to take Y/N to the ball. 
“I cannot begin to thank you enough, Lady Anastasia,” Y/N had tears in her eyes, although this time they were there for another reason. Gratitude.
“Oh, stop it, dear. I’ve told you a thousand times to not call me that, it makes me feel old,” she grimaced, before helping Y/N into the carriage. As Y/N took a step, Anastasia saw her shoes, which looked worn out and definitely didn't go along with the dress. She muttered something under her breath, before looking at Y/N again.
“There’s something in a box inside the carriage. Make use of them. And make sure to dance.” Y/N furrowed her brows, trying to understand, before she took her seat and felt the carriage take off slowly. “But wait, what about Madam Deveraux and the step-sisters? Won’t they recognize me?” Y/N asked worriedly, looking back at the kind woman.
“Oh, don’t worry about something so trivial, my dear, it’s already been taken care of,” Anastasia winked, before remembering, “and before I forget, try to return at midnight. I cannot explain why, but it’s imperative that you do so. You have to be back when the clock strikes twelve.” With a smile, Anastasia stayed behind, waving at Y/N. 
Y/N was a bit confused, even more so when she opened the box that was on the seat in front of her. Beautiful shoes, made out of iridescent glass, were inside the box. She gasped when she took one in her hand, not even feeling the weight of it, expecting it to be heavier. She slipped off her slippers, before trying on the glass shoes. 
They fit perfectly. As if these shoes, just like the dress, were made just for her. Maybe Anastasia was a witch? No, that sounds too evil. Maybe she was her Fairy Godmother. Y/N chuckled at the silly idea of magic but still felt curious about the predicament she was in.
Y/N didn’t have enough time to dwell on the whereabouts of her dress and shoes before she saw the castle in front of her. Only a few minutes separated her from the majestic building.
“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen,” she whispered to herself, looking longingly at the castle ahead.
The castle itself was beautiful. Y/N had never seen a building so marvellous in her life. Taking slow steps through the garden in front of the castle, she was in awe. Twirling around and trying to take it all in. The castle inside was just about the same. Mesmerising to the point of Y/N being left speechless. She imagined what it’d be like to live here. So in contrast to her current living conditions.
Before she knew it, she was standing behind a huge door, with two guards standing on each side of it. This must be the ballroom, she figured. She gave a nod and a curtsy to the guards before they nodded in return and opened the doors.
She heard the buzz of the voices first, before walking towards the balcony that was connected to the ground floor of the ballroom. About a hundred and fifty other people were mingling downstairs, not counting the guards and other workers. 
She began to make her descent down the marvellous staircase, walking slowly, as if not to ruin the dress and not to stumble on her feet. She felt anxious, before reminding herself of her father's wise words again.
It was then that Bash saw her, from across the room. He’d been waiting for her for hours now. Hoping that she’d grace the castle with her beauty. And what a beauty she was, indeed. He was left bewildered when he saw her. She looked otherworldly.
She looked ethereal.
As if they were magnets, he felt an invisible string pull him towards her. He apologised to the princess currently in front of him and nodded to his father, before taking his leave and stepping onto the dance floor. 
Y/N had just reached the last step when she noticed the crowd parting and giving her way. At the end of the tunnel of people, she saw him.
It was him, it was truly him.
And oh, the way he looked at Y/N. As if she’d hung the stars in the sky. 
He grinned when he was finally near enough to notice the sparkling eyeshadow on her eyelids and the pink tone of her lips. 
“Wow, just wow,” Bash let out, scratching the back of his head. A habit of his, whenever he was nervous. “I’m speechless, really.” Bash said, before taking Y/N’s hand and placing a delicate kiss on her knuckles. 
“You look breathtaking,” he said, looking up. Y/N blushed heavily, still not having noticed the ballroom growing quiet. All she saw was him. He was wearing a dark blue suit, with small gold intricate details, that made him look regal. It was then, Y/N realised, he was probably not just a mere worker in a castle.
“Would you allow me this dance?” He said as he stood up straight again. Y/N nodded, not trusting her words at the moment. He took her hand gently on his, placing his other on her waist. The pull between them only grew, the magnetic feel forcing them to be as close as possible.
And then they danced. He was a wonderful leader, and fortunately for Y/N, she was not so bad herself on a dancefloor, having taken dance lessons in her youth. The pair only had eyes for each other, completely ignoring the looks they were getting all over the ballroom. Some were jealous, some were elated, and some were more than angry with the outcome happening right now.
Y/N grinned as Bash twirled her not once, but twice, and then made her fall into his arms. The song ended and they were both out of breath. Y/N felt Bash put a strand of hair behind her ear, looking longingly into her eyes. He leaned in, before closing his eyes and stopping himself.
“Come with me, I want to show you something,” Y/N nodded as he led her away from the dancefloor to the confines of a secluded room filled with high bookshelves. There were rows and rows of books. Y/N twirled around, taking it all in. She’d never seen bookshelves this high before.
They were in a library. 
Sebastian noticed how Y/N smiled in awe as she took it all in. He just had a feeling she would like it.
“You didn’t tell me you were a prince, Prince Sebastian,” Y/N said when she turned around from admiring the thousands of books gracing the shelves. Bash chuckled.
“I told you I worked at the castle. Which is true,” Y/N narrowed her eyes before smiling. 
“I just didn’t specify,” Bash said, a finality in his tone. Y/N then saw him truly as he was, as a future king. 
A kind future king, she acknowledged. 
“True,” she took another longing look at the bookshelves before something else caught her eye on the other side of the room.
There was a black grand piano, waiting to be played. Almost calling her name as she took steps towards it. Bash saw what her eyes had fixed on, a grin growing on his face.
“Do you play?” He asked as Y/N let her fingers slide tenderly across the black-and-white keys. 
“I used to,” Y/N said honestly, still gazing longingly at the beautiful instrument in front of her. “I haven’t in a while, not since my father passed.” Bash looked at her sorrowfully, before whispering his condolences.
Sebastian took a seat in front of the piano, patting the place next to him. Y/N blushed before she obliged. 
She watched Sebastian place his hands on the piano, pressing a few keys, which made the sweetest tune. She closed her eyes and hummed to herself when she heard him continue. Suddenly the sound stopped and she opened her eyes to come face to face with Bash.
“Your turn,” he whispered, his face was so close to hers, that she could feel his breath on her face. She blushed but shook her head.
“I shouldn’t.”
“You should.”
“I shouldn’t.”
“You should.”
“I shouldn’t, really.”
“You should, really.”
“I will.” She said finally, seeing Sebastian grin before she placed her trembling hands on the keys.
She took a breath before letting her hands take over, the notes she played were familiar to her, never forgotten. Even if she hadn’t played them in so long. She let herself be carried by the tune, until at some point, there was a dialogue.
Sebastian had accompanied her on the piano, he was playing on his side, giving supporting yet beautiful notes to the ones she played. Y/N was enthralled and totally mesmerised by the music. 
So was he. Before today, Sebastian was sure Y/N could not surprise him anymore. She was already perfect enough. But here she was, letting out a precious and delicate part of herself that not many could see. She trusted him. And he appreciated it more than Y/N could ever imagine.
Later on in their life, Bash would tell Y/N that this was the moment he fell in love with her.
As with all good things in life, the song came to an end, and Y/N removed her hands from the keyboard to her lap. Fidgeting with her fingers, as if suddenly ashamed of letting someone see her so bare.
Sebastian placed two fingers underneath her jaw, making Y/N look at him. Her eyes were so vulnerable, that he wanted to fix everything in her life. Not knowing anything about her, but vowing to himself that he’d do anything and everything in his power to make sure she was happy at all times.
Their faces were close again, just one small nudge, and he could feel her lips on his. Y/N saw as Bash’s gaze moved from her eyes to her lips, hers following the action. They were so–so close. Sebastian nudged Y/N’s nose with his own as if asking for permission. Y/N closed her eyes and grinned, him doing the same, and just as their lips were about to meet, Y/N heard the clock strike. 
Her eyes flew wide open and she pulled away. Looking at the clock behind them, she realised she was running out of time.
“I’m so sorry, but I have to go,” Y/N said apologetically, coming to stand. Bash followed immediately, wanting to grasp her arm, but not wanting to overstep.
“You’ve been absolutely wonderful and I’ve had the time of my life, truly.” She started walking away, fast. Sebastian was bewildered, not understanding what went wrong.
“Why are you in a hurry?” He asked, giving her a smile to try to ease the sudden tension in the room.
“It’s hard to explain, I don’t even understand it myself. But I made a promise,” she said, looking over her shoulder at him. Bash was trailing behind her; they still weren’t out of the confines of the library. “I don’t break my promises.”
“Then promise me, we will meet again,” Sebastian told her, as he saw her quicken the pace. She was at the door now. The door that connected to the ballroom. The door that would bring them back to reality. She gave him one last look over her shoulder, grinning at him the way she’d never before when she finally whispered so only he could hear.
“Goodbye, Prince Sebastian.”
She took off and Sebastian followed. He felt his pulse quicken in his chest, for he had been so close to telling her that he’d chosen her as his bride. 
And she’d used his full name. Not the nickname he’d given her.
Bash felt dread creep up on him. This wasn’t supposed to end like this.
And that’s when he realised he didn’t know her name. All this time together, and he had forgotten to ask the simplest of questions. 
She had passed the ballroom now and Sebastian tried his hardest to catch up. With his luck, though, what with being the prince and all, he wasn’t so quick. Girls touched him and pulled him into them, everyone trying to score a chance at a dance with the Prince Sebastian. 
Sebastian muttered countless apologies, before finally getting free of the wandering hands and quickening his pace towards her.
Y/N tried to run as fast as she could. Suddenly she stumbled and one of her glass shoes had fallen off. She looked behind herself and saw Bash following her, even if he was a bit farther behind. She did not have time to go back for the shoe, trying to get the other one off her foot, while still running.
She finally made her way to her carriage, letting it drive away. In her last glance towards the castle, she saw Bash picking up her glass shoe, holding it to his chest, and looking longingly towards the carriage. She blinked and felt moisture on her cheeks. She was devastated by leaving him, but he was a prince. He was the Prince Sebastian and she was just a commoner. A maid, if she could be called even that as of late. However, the feeling was bittersweet, as she’d have memories of this night to remind herself for the years to come.
The way his hands had felt, the way he had looked at her, the way his breath had made goosebumps on her skin when his nose brushed against hers.
The carriage dropped her off at her house, and she hastily made her way into her small room. As she changed into her other dress, the grey one that was her mother's, she noticed that her periwinkle dress was gone. She had just hung it up in her closet, but it was nowhere. She looked again and again, pulling out every other dress in her closet, but nothing.
It was as if it was never even there.
All that remained, which reminded her of the evening spent with the Prince, were her memories and the small glass shoe on the ground in her closet. Reminders, that she hadn’t imagined her time in the castle and that it had been real.
It was quiet until she heard voices coming from the hallway. Annoyed voices.
“I cannot believe, we didn’t get to dance with the Prince,” Isadora said grumpily, sitting down at the dining room table with a disappointed look. “All because of that stupid girl in that pretty dress.”
“At least I touched him,” Arabella closed her eyes, trying to remember the feel of his shoulder beneath her fingers. “He was so firm,” Arabella continued to daydream and took a seat next to her sister. Madam Deveraux was the last to arrive in the room, taking note of Y/N and how bubbly she suddenly looked.
She had a certain spring in her step, when she finally brought the food on the table, for them to eat. Madam Deveraux raised her eyebrow, eyeing Y/N thoroughly, but not saying a word. She thought Y/N would be more devastated at not having had the opportunity to attend the ball.
Something was going on. And she did not like it one bit.
Y/N spent the rest of her evening writing everything down in her diary. She wrote of every minute spent in the castle and her time with the Prince. Mostly, she wrote of the Prince.
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It was a month after the ball when Y/N went to her room to check her closet. She had a peculiar feeling in her chest as if something were amiss. Her diary had been exactly where she’d left it, but to her surprise the glass shoe was missing. Y/N looked around her closet, but it was nowhere in sight.
“Are you looking for this?” She heard the cold voice of Madam Deveraux from the doorstep, before looking at her quizzically. “It’s a wonderful little thing, isn’t it.” Madam Deveraux said, looking at the shoe in her hand and then at Y/N. “Do you even know that there’s a countrywide search for whoever wore these shoes to the ball?”
Y/N was surprised, for she did not know the Prince was looking for her. Mostly because she hadn’t even been out of the house these previous weeks. Madam Deveraux had been giving her more chores than she could manage and now she figured out why.
“I won’t even begin to ask where you acquired such a thing, for I simply do not care.” Madam Deveraux hit the glass shoe on the wall next to her, making Y/N gasp and let out a weak ‘no’.
Madam Deveraux smirked, taking pleasure in Y/N’s sorrowful state. “It’s only a matter of time before they knock on our door. And you will not be a part of this household when they ask. It’s only me, Arabella and Isadora.” She grinned darkly, looking at Y/N sitting on the floor, tears in her eyes. 
“Do you understand? Do you now, finally, understand that sometimes a person of your stature is just not enough?” Y/N whimpered as Madam Deveraux closed the door of her room, locking it behind her.
Y/N looked around herself, she had approximately enough food in her room to last her a few days, but she had finally accepted her fate. She would never see Bash again.
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It was the afternoon of the next day when Madam Deveraux heard knocking on her door. She placed on her most pleasant smile and opened the door wide, to be met with the new King’s chancellor. 
“Hello, we are here on behalf of His Majesty the King, to try to find his beloved. Are there any ladies in your household, to whom this shoe might belong?” The man in a dark blue suit asked, showing Madam Deveraux the glass shoe she was all familiar with.
Madam Deveraux was thrilled. She had ordered her daughters to lotion their feet daily and to try to squish them into smaller shoes, for she had to be sure that one of them would find their place near the King. 
Arabella was first, as was expected of the eldest daughter. She let out a bunch of profanities while trying on the shoe, pushing and pulling the glass to try to fit into it. “One more time,” she said, her face completely red from the puffing and huffing.
“Oh, give up already,” Isaroda said, whilst nudging her sister, making her fall and catching the shoe in her hand.
As expected, it didn’t fit her either.
Madam Deveraux was absolutely annoyed with her daughters, completely disappointed in their incompetence.
“I am sorry for wasting your time, Madam Deveraux,” the chancellor said, as he was stepping out of the house. Just as he was about to get back on his horse, there was humming to be heard.
The loveliest voice was humming a tune somewhere in the house. Madam Deveraux’s eyes shot up, trying to close the door behind her.
The chancellor raised an eyebrow. “Is there someone else in the house with you?” 
Madam Deveraux smiled smugly, however slightly shaken with the idea of the kingsmen hearing Y/N’s humming. She shook her head.
“No, there is no one, but me and my two daughters.”
“You’re lying,” said a strong voice, as a man jumped off his horse. He removed his hood, and everyone gasped.
It was Prince Sebastian. No, he was King Sebastian now. His father had fallen ill and given Sebastian the throne early.
Madam Deveraux was flabbergasted and immediately curtsied. “M-my prin-King, My King, I had no idea, you’d be here.” 
Sebastian took a few steps forward, still hearing the tune of Y/N’s humming. He knew it was her. It was the same song they’d played on the piano together. 
Sebastian looked at his chancellor, nodding towards the house. “Want to check it out, or should I?”
His chancellor, his best friend, smirked when he saw the glint in Sebastian’s eye. “Go ahead, Your Majesty.” Sebastian grinned before fastening his pace and entering the house. He followed the humming to the small door near the kitchen.
Sebastian saw that the door was locked, so with one, really-really strong pull he tore the lock off the door and exhaled before opening the door.
Y/N had no idea what was going on. She had been trying to calm herself ever since Madam Deveraux had locked her in this room. So when she heard noises coming behind the door, she had expected the worst. 
What she didn’t expect, however, were the kind eyes of Bash.
Sebastian faltered, his steps coming to a stop. There she stood. His beloved. His Queen. He furrowed his brows as he took in her commodities. The way she was dressed. The way her eyes were red-rimmed - an indication that she had been crying. 
She had been locked up.
Everything suddenly made sense to him and he wasted no time in hurrying towards Y/N and pulling her to him. Hugging her so close to him, finally, finally, feeling her in his arms.
“Bash,” She let out weakly and Sebastian just shushed her, placing his head on hers. “It’s okay, you’re safe now.”
Y/N tried to push herself away from him, afraid to get even more hurt. She had felt enough disappointment and grief in her life to experience it again. And grief she would feel if she lost Bash too. So it was easier to push him away before her feelings got too strong. Although, deep down, she knew there was already no turning back. She had fallen for him. Deeply.
But Sebastian wouldn’t budge, he was only grinning more widely when he realised that Y/N, the one he was looking for, was safely in his arms.
“Do you know that I have a countrywide search put out for you?” He asked casually, not even minding that she was trying to break free of his hold. Letting his fingers run through her hair, silently comforting her.
“Bash, have you even realised who I am?” Y/N looked at him through tear-filled eyes. “I'm a nobody. A maid at best. I have no prospects, no dowry. I am not someone you want next to you to rule a kingdom.”
Sebastian laughed at that, pulling the smaller one closer to his chest, letting his head fall on her own again. “That’s where you’re wrong, darling,” He inhaled her scent before placing a kiss on her head.
“You’re strong, you’re honest. Your heart is made of gold. You’re the only person I want to share the throne with.”
She finally looked up into his eyes, to see the most sincere gaze ever directed towards her.
“Well, aren’t you supposed to give me a shoe to try on then? Or have I heard wrong?” She finally retaliated and he chuckled at that.
“Fair enough,” he said before slowly kneeling in front of Y/N.
She looked at him, Prince Sebastian, no, King Sebastian now, on one knee, holding up a glass shoe.
Her glass shoe.
“May I?” Bash cheekily said, before Y/N blushed, and pulled up her skirt just a bit to give Sebastian her leg.
Bash placed her foot in the shoe, and as a surprise to neither of them, it fit her perfectly. His eyes found hers instantly, a strong, confident look in his gaze.
“Can I now, finally, know your name?”
She laughed at that, a tear escaping her eye as she finally began to realise that her old life was coming to an end.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” she said as Sebastian’s eyes glossed over as well.
“Y/N,” Bash tried the name out on his tongue, and he liked how it sounded. He closed his eyes and shook his head, before looking at Y/N again with a new determination in his face.
“Y/N, would you please do me the honour of marrying me and making me the happiest man to ever walk this Earth? I promise to give everything in me to make you happy. To keep you safe. Please, just please, end my misery and come back to the castle with me. As my equal. As my Queen.”
Y/N fell on her knees in front of Bash, her tears falling on her cheeks, although she did not care for them at that moment. All she saw was Sebastian’s face near her as she started to nod and laugh.
“Yes?” Bash looked at Y/N with a hopeful gaze, placing his hands on either side of her face, and pulling her towards him.
Y/N closed her eyes, feeling Bash’s forehead on her own.
Time stopped then.
Sebastian pulled Y/N closer to himself and finally connected their lips. Magical was not even the word to begin to describe how it felt like. They were made for each other, of that, were they both certain. Y/N had never experienced anything like this before. His lips were so smooth and soft on her own that she let out a whimper. Bash smiled at that and Y/N followed. 
They both pulled away, grinning at each other.
“I love you,” Bash said, caressing Y/N’s face with his right hand.
“I love you,” Y/N said before Bash connected their lips again.
It was no surprise that the wedding of Y/N and Sebastian happened only a week after their first kiss. Y/N had moved into the castle immediately after Sebastian had caught her locked up in the storage room. Madam Deveraux was put to trial, for treating Y/N the way she had. Arabella and Isadora, although crude in their temper, were pardoned, but made to leave the country, effective immediately. 
As for Y/N and Sebastian?
Well, their story is just at the beginning, filled with sweet kisses and even sweeter memories.
“Do you have any idea how happy you’ve made me?” Bash asked as he held Y/N, his wife now, close to himself.
“Hmm, I can begin to imagine it’s something close to the way I feel,” Y/N chuckled and Sebastian laughed, finally taking a look at her.
Ethereal, he thought. She stood in front of him in their shared bedroom, still in her white gorgeous wedding gown.
Sebastian just shook his head, still in disbelief that his happily ever after was in his arms at last. He pulled Y/N closer and placed his lips on hers. The one of many kisses shared that night.
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sprintingowl · 5 months
Marvel Multiverse TTRPG
The Marvel Multiverse TTRPG is genuinely well designed and I am confounded.
Previously, I'd read Marvel Universe TTRPG (which is a completely different system written in the 90s) and was caught off guard by how clever *it* was. In it, you assign power gems almost like a worker placement minigame to pass checks, prioritizing effect vs safety.
Marvel Multiverse TTRPG is a totally different system by a totally different team, and now I have to confront the reality that there are at least two very elegantly designed and unfortunately Disney-owned Marvel TTRPGs.
So, what makes Marvel Multiverse work? Well, it starts with a bad idea.
Marvel Multiverse runs on a d616. This sounds *awful* but it's the best bit of tech I've ever seen in a game with this high a budget.
First, that 616 is actually 3d6. You roll and add up, and mathematically this gives you more average outputs. Also the "1" crits on a 1, and its 1s count as 6s. So it's basically an extra strong d6 that hands you crits 1/6th of the time.
If you crit but miss the target number you botch instead, but Multiverse's advantage/disadvantage system gives you the option of rerolling individual d6s. So you can try to hit the TN, or you can crit fish.
Also, that "1" tells you your attack damage. It's used as part of a formula that also factors in your stats and optionally weapon. No need for a second damage roll. You get a really high density of information out of a single pass through the 3d6.
Now, Marvel Multiverse is still a very traditional style TTRPG. You can hop from DnD to this and barely notice the change in scenery---it's just the dice are cleaner, faster, and more predictable. You're still moving around in 5 foot squares, using your suite of character-specific powers, swinging at and sometimes missing a rat.
But those rat-misses happen a fair bit less, and your special abilities all come from one big mana bar called Focus, and you can intentionally spam your powers until it puts you in a stupor.
Basically, I'd recommend this system to three people:
-It's Marvel Give Me Marvel
-I Want To Play Modern AU Superhero DnD
-Fellow Sleek Core Mechanics Enthusiast, This Core Mechanic Is Sleek AF
If those people are you, you may want to give it a look.
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💿Reboot AU, Post One, Patient is the Night:
• The breeze is colder than you expected it to be today. It nips at your skin, at your nose, at your cheeks, at your eyes. It stings, as though someone tossed ice on you. But you keep going, taking the old cracked sidewalk to get to your destination.
• It's an old building, with many windows showing off antique tea sets and plates, Christmas trees and baubles, old lamps and costume jewelry, and different paintings and old furniture and knick knacks. The place has been there for as long as you can remember, with its dark green, chipped doors, it's slanted entrance, and it's lack of heating and air conditioning. The old place, the Bay Antique and Flea Market, has three floors: the ground floor, the basement, and the top floor. And inside are booths upon booths, with almost anything imaginable. It also happens happens be where you work.
• Entering the old building causes the bell above the door to ring, and you're greeted by a tired co-worker, who waves you off, letting you go to your section of the antique store. You pass many items, mostly old and vintage, only a few new things sticking out here and there in bright, mismatched colors. There's the large glass display case featuring silver spoons, different large and jeweled rings, mannequin parts displaying necklaces and bracelets on their black velvet shapes, and thimbles and cups and rare toys in protective casing. As you pass that, you slip by the clothing section, full of expensive old fur shawls and coats, old prom dresses as far back as the 60s, feathered and ostentatious hats, pointed heels, and old bows and ribbons and brooches. You turn sharply to the left, wea ing between large oak drawers and stained glass lamps, past the old porcelain cups and mugs and glass goblete and retro kitchen items, further past the fake fruits and oil paintings and old rocking horse, and then you reach the old metal stairs.
• You descend, gripping the middle railing as you go down, reaching the next set of stairs, taking the right set, and then you're in the basement area. Where the ground floor smelled of coffee and leather and old metal, down here smells like mothballs, dust, and old book pages. In the farthest room is a whole book section, with children's books from different decades, science and history and algebra books for homeschooling, ABC and Spanish and hymnals, even old Bibles and trashy romance novels. Next to that section are old costumes and skirts and dresses, donated by older teachers and grandparents and old theaters. You loop through the section, moving quickly past the football team mascot merch and old soda bottles and creepy dolls, and into a section you quite enjoy, amd where you usually stay: the Marvel section.
• You pop your back, then get to work. You start unpacking old comics, each in protective plastic, and categorize them into their appropriate sections. After that you're putting up random T-shirts, with different phrases or characters or motifs on them, from Disney to Deadpool to even chibi Avengers. Once that's over with, you sit down, taking a small break.
• That's when you notice the box
• It's on the display case/desk, worn and dented, with no address or writing, besides being addressed to someone that sounds like some odd hero or villain name. You feel a little put off by it, but with careful hands, you peel back the flaps...
• Huh. There are a few DVD cases, depicting different teenage and adult characters, with some title that includes X-Men. You feel puzzled looking it over, checking the cases and DVDs for damage, but oddly find none, not even a scratch on any of the discs or chipped plastic on the cases. You take a closer look at the title...
• X-Men: Evolution... except when you peer closer, it says by it "the Rebooted Series". Hmmm... You go through your thoughts, trying to think of what you know about any X-Men or Marvek media, but come up short. Huh. So. This could be an old series, one that became lost media. Or could be a fake version. Or it might even just be a prank by some dumb teenager. Well... You're curious, and you could use a good thing, so with that decided, you set up the old TV in your section.
• It takes a few tries, but you figure out the remote, soon turning on the old screen and setting it to AV. You open the case labeled as the first season, and take out the first disc... You shiver, feeling a purckling sensation along your back... but you shake it off, inserting the disc, then press the play button... The screen flickers, a small pop of static, then it sends you to the main menu... You hum lightly, pressing the play all option, and soon it winks out... And then it opens to the first episode, and you breathe out a sigh.
• You watch the first few episodes, enjoying the designs of each character, puzzling over undertones that there are secrets being kept, watching the teams form and dynamics be made, and you grin, a tired, warm tilt of your lips and a settled look in your eyes. It's a comfort, somehow, seeing the adult X-Men and Brotherhood members acting like odd mentors and parents, seeing the teens become friends and teammates, seeing the difference abilities and powers that bring them together... You find yourself feeling calmer somehow, and you soend the next few hours finishing the first season...
• You added a bit of commentary as you watched, and you tilted your head when the characters seemed to pause from time to time, or mentioned they were missing someone, or asked seemingly no one if they were watching, if they heard them, if they could remember what had happened... you feel a deep sadness at that, wondering who they're trying to reach, and what could possibly be wrong...
• Your dream is fuzzy around the edges, dark, as though blurred, but by what you don't know... something is speaking to you, or whoever you're supposed to be... they aren't kind, but your head can't remember what they're saying, it can't focus on what's happening... you feel pain, filling your veins then filling your heart and then filling your mind, drowning you under deep agony... there's a bright light, there's a sharp jolt through your chest, and then everything go numbs, voices settling, darkness swallowing everything whole...
• You jump, waking up. There's no one there... Your head feels weird, thick and groggy, as you struggle back to wakefulness. You can hear the muted voices from the TV, and let out a small breath. You're okay... You're fine... It's just a nightmare, it's just a dream, it can't hurt you...
• You look back at the screen, noting how the characters seemed to stare back for a moment... before resuming their conversation, a few sounding concerned while you started waking up.
• "-not okay, how do we know it's safe-" "-if we don't try now, we won't get another chance-!" "-settle down, please-" "-shhhhh, you woke them up!" "-remind them-" "-miss them-" "-it vill be okay, guys, it has to be-"
• You groan slightly, pulling yourself up to your full height. Your shoulders roll back, firm and strong, amd your legs carry you over to a small mini fridge. You squat down, yawning a little, and pick out a cold coffee. You pop back up, heading back to your seat, and take a minute to down your drink. Your sweater is soft, in a warm shade of brown, and your jeans are a dark gray. Your boots, short bit sporting heels, click together lightly as you bounce your leg a little to help you wake up. You finger your left ear a little, noting your three earrings are still there: a trio of dangling moonstones; a thin silver hoop; and a dark black stud, twinkling like a star. You rub at your eyes, then you're back to being awake.
• You look back at the screen, noting the characters are all getting ready for bed now, and you yawn. They have the right idea... You watch as the episode is finished, and soon the first season is done. You stretch as you get up, then stride over to the TV, popping out the disc, then setting it back in its case. You wander over to the worn box they came in, and sift through the remaining cases...
• There's at least... five, if not six, seasons... And while you really would like to start the second season right away... you think maybe taking a nap would be a good idea...
• "Night, guys... See ya in the morning..."
• As you lay your head back down, pillowing it on your arms, you think you almost hear something... but you're soon winking out, too tired to stay awake a second longer...
• "Night, Reader... we miss you..."
• The screen flickers once, twice... and then it fades out, a quick flash of eyes watching the sleeping teen, before it disappears...
@sugar-soda @vivid-bun @danni1323 @weebwholovesuchihasasuke @thewickedweiner @opossumdaydreamz @ainsellshadewalker @c0ld0utside (Welcome to 💿Reboot AU...)
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nephilimeq · 27 days
100 AU Prompts
100 AU Prompts
Historical AU
Royal AU
Modern AU
Coffee Shop AU
Bar/Restaurant AU
Bookshop AU
Florist AU
Hospital AU
Dance AU
Airport Travel AU
Neigbor AU
Roommate AU
Detective AU
Bodyguard AU
Criminal AU
Prison AU
War AU
Circus AU
Summer Camp AU
Teacher AU
Dystopian AU
Space AU
Performer AU
Soulmate AU
Fairy Tale AU
Massage Fic
Sick/Injured Fic
Proposal Fic
Wedding Fic
Holiday Fic
Angel/Demon AU
Ice Cream Shop AU
Rockstar AU
Monster AU
Steampunk AU
Western AU
Superpowers AU
Hunger Games AU
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Business AU
Harem AU
Hooker AU
Alien Invasion AU
Mafia AU
Pen Pal AU
Pirate AU
Wonderland AU
Vampire AU
Werewolf AU
Mermaid AU
Retail AU
Co Workers AU
Time Travel AU
Kids AU
Radio Host AU
Maid AU
High School AU
Hogwarts AU
Firefighter AU
Tattoo Artist AU
Greek Gods AU
Celebrity AU
Fake Dating Fic
Pacific Rim AU
Red String of Fate
Blindness AU
Theater AU
Hated Rivals
Artist/Model AU
Sitcom AU
Horror AU
Siren AU
Scientist AU
Pornstar AU
Boss/PA Fic
Writer AU
Comicon AU
Deaf AU
Single Parent Fic
Influencer AU
Ice Skating AU
Masquerade AU
Office AU
Vineyard AU
Sex Shop AU
Athlete AU
Olympics AU
Road Trip AU
Ghost AU
Trailer Park AU
Band Groupie AU
One Night Stand
Photographer/Model AU
Yoga Class AU
Disney AU
1950s AU
Scientist AU
Hitchhiker AU
Las Vegas AU
Lawyers AU
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ofmdjanuaury · 1 year
Tumblr media
Welcome to OFMD AU-gust! Check out the prompts and start creating 💙
Rules and text version under the cut!
Any OFMD fan creations count! Fic, art, dioramas, bakes…
You can do one day or all of them, and use as many prompts from the day as you want!
Tag everything #OFMDAU-GUST
Every time you post something, try and comment on someone else’s, too!
You can post any prompt any day AFTER that prompt’s official day! So you can post Improv fics any day after 8/1, but you can’t post theatre fics till 8/31.
Text version of the prompts:
1. Mechanic | Mail Carrier | Improv
2. Fantasy | Solarpunk | Fiber Arts
3. School Staff | Art Model | Taxidermy
4. Social Media | Tentacles | Identity Theft
5. Music/Band | Specific TV Show | Jumanji
6. Journalism | Specific Movie | Planetarium
7. Phone Operator | Rennaissance | Y2K
8. Sports | Ancient | Pacific Rim
9. Medicine | Aquarium/Zoo | Makeup Artist
10. Celebrity | D&D | Gig Worker
11. Science Fiction | Superheroes | Birdwatching
12. Coffee Shop/Bakery | Magical Girl (gn) | Influencer
13. Restaurant | Medieval | Eldritch Horror/Cryptid
14. Science | Place-Based | Weed Guy (gn)
15. Porn Star | Specific Book | Natural Disaster
16. Crime/Mob | Specific Cartoon | Drag/Burlesque
17. Farm/Rural | Time Travel | Polar Explorer
18. Small Business | Apocalypse | Stargate
19. Writer | 19th Century | Escape Room
20. Law | Nightclub | Professional Cuddler
21. Rebels | Zombie | Desert Island
22. Bar | Ghost Hunters | LARP
23. Transit | Daemon | Community Meeting
24. Archeology | Aliens | Paint and Sip
25. Epistolary | Public Access TV | Gas Station
26. Neighbors | Heist | Reality TV Hosts
27. Noir | Grocery Store | Blacksmith
28. Disney | Olympics | Sentinel/Guide
29. Boats | Non-Anglophone Place | Lumberjack
30. Canon-Divergent | Gardening | Kink Club
31. Theatre | Free Space | Someone Else's Universe
(Thanks to yerbamansa for reminding the mod to be accessible!!)
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jayflrt · 11 months
bc of a stoners guide to starbucks im so obsessed w getting an email to rate my uni starbucks 😭😭i just realized i finally got a survey but missed the deadline bc it’s been 11 days
omg im so glad you’re enjoying a stoner’s guide to starbucks !! :’) although that is a sweet sentiment i DO have something i would like to address on that note
i’ve been meaning to say something about this for a while actually due to the very obvious setting of my smau, but i’d greatly appreciate if we can separate the fictional starbucks in my social media au from starbucks as a real life corporation ! anon btw i hope you don’t see this as a jab at you at all, i just want to put this out there in general for everyone who’s reading !!
if you don’t know already, more than 8000 palestinians in gaza have been killed by israel just this month. israel is a settler colony, which is a form of colonization that aims to replace the native population of the land they’re colonizing with their settlers. so palestine has been oppressed by israel for decades with the support of nations like the united states and the united kingdom
why im bringing this up is because three targeted boycotts are happening: starbucks (suing its union for posts about supporting palestine), mcdonald’s (donated free meals to israeli army), and disney+ (pledged $2m support for israel). so i please ask that you don’t support starbucks by buying food/drink from them or giving them high ratings ! the starbucks worker union itself is asking us to boycott starbucks and their stocks have been plummeting rn btw
also PLEASE do not harass people who work at starbucks or mcdonald’s. most people don’t support genocide but don’t have the financial capabilities to quit their current jobs, especially with the state the job market is at right now in america. plus the main reason why people are being asked to boycott starbucks is because starbucks union workers themselves were fired for standing with palestine
if you have any questions or would like further resources then lmk or look for informational threads online !! be careful about certain news outlets because there’s a LOT of pro israel propaganda going around
there is a lot going on in our world right now—several active genocides. it’s important we educate ourselves as the ones who have the privilege to not experience the fear and trauma that millions of palestinians are going through and have to live with. if you think that sharing posts and speaking up about it on social media is fruitless then do remember that israel has cut off palestine’s internet for a REASON so please use your privilege and your voice to speak up about palestine!
note that this post is specific to palestine, but there are genocides happening in several countries as we speak and NO big news outlets are covering the horrors. free palestine, free sudan, free congo, free armenia, free tigray
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
50 Romance Prompts Ask Meme
From my 141 prompts (plus links) post
A mix of normal/standard AUs and a few Funky Ones. Send one or more characters and a prompt, and maybe you'll get a drabble!
Reminder: You send prompts to people in the ask box, not through replies.
Met at the Gym
Niche Academic Field AU
Food-based Small Business Owner and their New Regular
Author and Editor
Mystery Author and Serial Killer
Cosplayer and Creator of the series they're cosplaying from (author, actor, whatever)
Made out while in costume at a Halloween Party
Renaissance Playwright/Artist/Artisan/Creator and their Wealthy Patron
One Night Stand but the next morning you learn it's your CEO's kid
Bodyguard AU
Whoops I accidentally became a Sugar Baby
Whoops I accidentally fell in love with the sex worker I've been involved with (OnlyFans, exotic dancer, full-service, whatever)
Rich person pretends to be poor, secures a date with actual working-class person
Celebrity Romance
Con Artist and the person who saw through their grift
We each don't speak the other's language, but we both speak Klingon or Ancient Greek or Latin or something so we're making do
Sexy Repairman
Hot Single Parent and babysitter/nanny
Pilot and Flight Attendant
Model and Designer
Accidental Pregnancy
Fake Dating
Fake Married
Marriage of Convenience
Green Card Marriage
Arranged Marriage
Age Difference Marriage
Mistaken for Cheating
Casanova in Love
Only One Bed
The Perfect Student/Citizen and the one with a motorcycle and tattoos and piercings (and a heart of gold)
"My parents are out of town, you up?"
Just saw an ex at an event, started making out with the hottest person in arm's reach and now we're dating?
There's a ghost here and I'm going to date it
Assassins after the same target
Regency Romance
Late Victorian Dueling Detectives
Silent film stars
Alien and astronaut
Reincarnation AU
Soulmate AU: Matching Marks
Soulmate AU: First Words
Soulmate AU: Timers
Vampire and Hunter
Demon and Angel
Eldritch Being and the person they are being SO normal about
Omegaverse, but it's not Alpha Male/Omega Male
Hallmark Film AU
Disney Princess Film AU
And the other sections of the 141 Prompts list:
26 Family Prompts
37 Platonic/Gen Prompts
28 Setting Prompts
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froggychair05 · 1 month
Hello, my friends!!! @jelo-boi and I have been cooking the past few days working on our MCSM Enchanted AU (AKA Minecraft: Enchanted Mode), a re-telling of the 2007 Disney movie Enchanted but with the funny blocks.
Putting a cut here because this is a bit long 🫶
Jesse as Giselle
Lukas as Robert
Petra as Edward
F!Jesse (Jessica) as Nancy
Ivor as Nathaniel
Reuben as Pip
Romeo as Narissa (the disguise he uses is Vos)
Nell as Morgan
Olivia as Sam (the secretary)
Axel as Arty (the construction worker)
Isa as Robert’s boss
Milo as the other divorce lawyer
Jack as the guy singing in the park
Nurm as Clara (the old woman on the bus)
Cassie Rose as the bus driver
Ellegaard and Magnus as Phoebe and Ethan (the couple getting a divorce)
Things start out in the fairytale land of Beaconlasia, where Jesse lives in a house in the woods until she’s saved from the Prismarine Colossus by Princess Petra and the two are to be married.
However, Petra’s stepfather King Romeo doesn’t want to give up the crown (he’s been trying to keep Petra from meeting a boy) and he disguises himself as an old man, tricking Jesse and pushing him down a well.
At this point, Jesse ends up in the middle of Manhattan. He wanders around the city, lost, until he quite literally falls into the arms of a divorce lawyer named Lukas and his younger sister Nell, and he goes to stay with them.
Meanwhile, Petra and Jesse’s pig friend Reuben venture to the real world to find her, and shortly after, Petra’s valet and Romeo’s servant, Ivor, goes through to try and stop her from finding him.
Lukas is engaged to a woman named Jessica, but shenanigans happen and he winds up falling in love with Jesse, and Jesse winds up falling in love with him as well. Ivor tries to poison Jesse a few times, and then eventually Petra finds him.
Except Jesse doesn’t want to go back because he loves Lukas and he likes being around Nell, but he agrees to return to Beaconlasia after going on a date with Petra.
They wind up going to a ball and Jesse dances with Lukas while Petra dances with Jessica, and then when it’s over, Petra and Jesse go to leave, but Romeo shows up disguised as the old man again and poisons Jesse with an apple. Petra finds out and tries to give him true love’s kiss, but it doesn’t work, so he has Lukas kiss him and he wakes up. Then Romeo turns into a dragon and captures Lukas, but Jesse saves him and Romeo falls off of the building and dies.
Jesse and Lukas have their happy ending while Jessica goes back to Beaconlasia with Petra and they get married, and Ivor writes a book and Reuben also writes a book and they all live happily ever after.
Important Details:
—> In the animated bits in Beaconlasia, they are Minecraft blocks.
—> Nell is Lukas’ younger sister, not his daughter. She’s still six, but with some of the mannerisms and attitude that Nell has.
—> Jesse cuts Lukas’ curtains to make his clothes—the suspenders are the patterned bits.
—> Instead of the running gag of Giselle’s wedding dress getting stuck in everything, it’s that Jesse’s suspenders keep getting caught on stuff.
—> Aiden is Lukas’ ex who left, causing him to have a sort of sour view on love (Aiden is also Malvina from Disenchanted. More on this later.)
—> Jesse and Jessica are long-lost siblings. Back when they were still babies, Jesse was more of a stubborn, adventurous type prone to wandering, while Jessica was a bit less stubborn and more reserved. Their mother was strolling them through Times Square on the same day maintenance work was also being done on the sewer, particularly the manhole that leads to Beaconlasia. When the stroller was just in place while their mother wasn't paying attention, Jesse crawled out while people were crossing the road. He got lost in the crowd, and eventually crawled all his way to the manhole and ended up stranded in Beaconlasia. Baby Jesse first wound up in the entrance to the wishing well inside the castle walls, but some parts of the walls had cracks that were big enough for him to crawl through. Eventually, he kept going on and kept roaming until he reached the forest, and there, the animals found him and took him in as their own. Ever since that day, Jessica grieved the loss of her brother, and as years went by, she wound up hiding those feelings inside her. Then, when she meets Jesse for the first time with Lukas at his apartment, she's initially jealous-angry at Lukas, but when she rides the taxi, she realizes how Jesse looks eerily similar to her, and she's like, “It can't be him, can it? It was so long ago. That's impossible.” After that, Jessica is less bothered by the notion of Lukas cheating on her and moreso by the notion that the person Lukas was with may be her long-lost twin. When she calls Lukas after receiving the flowers post-That’s How You Know, Jessica also asks for Jesse to come along with him to her workplace. Right after the scene where Jessica is awed by the flowers and thanks Lukas for the ball invitation in person, she calls for Jesse to have a talk with her. They have a heart-to-heart talk about how Jesse may have been separated from them since they were babies, and both confirm that he really is Jessica’s sister. Then they hug and they both cry and comfort each other as they realize they’re both family.
—> Dewey was one of Jesse’s friends back in Beaconlasia and he comes to the real world with Petra and Reuben, finds them while they’re at the park, and then stays with them when Reuben goes back to Beaconlasia
Green Suspenders Jesse and Lukas
They meet when Jesse falls off of a billboard and Lukas brings him back to his and Nell’s apartment to stay the night. After some initial misunderstandings with Lukas’ fiancée and coworkers, he begins to truly care about Jesse, and Jesse grows reluctant to return to his own world after realizing his feelings for Lukas.
Female Jesse and Petra
Jessica falls for Petra while they’re at the ball. Taken by surprise by Petra’s completely straightforward and earnest nature, she’s swept off her feet after Lukas falls for Jesse. The two return to Beaconlasia together and get married.
Ivor and Romeo
Ivor is entirely devoted to serving Romeo, but Romeo couldn’t care less about him. Once Ivor realizes this, he turns on him and helps Petra and Jesse defeat him.
Magnus and Ellegaard
A couple who were going to get divorced before Jesse stumbled into things and re-ignited their spark.
If you’ve never seen this movie, PLEASE check it (and the sequel) out! They’re both so good!!
EDIT!! Check the reblogs for Jelo’s half of the post :D
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ravenwriter16 · 2 months
Creative Minds Think Alike!
Episode 1---Episode 2---Episode 3—Episode Four---Episode Five--Episode Six
Featuring the amazing: @amymaleneart
Reminder! If the content creator doesn't approve of how i represented them, or their AUs/OCs then I will edit my work or DELETE it. It's not my intention to mock or belittle anyone's work. This series is supposed to showcase amazing creators!
I do not beta read! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!
I hum a random Disney song to myself while I finish up preening my wings. I grunt when I untangle and pluck a few of my downy feathers. Holding the offending feathers up to my face I narrow my eyes at them.
I exam each one before selecting a couple to keep, tossing the rest into the bag hanging by a hook nailed into the side of my desk.
My hands smooth over my preened wing before the whole thing shifts back behind my back. I roll my shoulders, getting comfortable. I hold the smaller feathers in hand close to my chest as I lean back in my spot on the windowsill.
It was a very relaxing day today. A few complaints here and there from Residents, a couple certificates stating new worlds starting up, and some even came over and registered their OCs. Very easy paper work, so easy in fact that I had handed the reigns over to my little servants.
The robots handling the records after some sprites review them for any falsities or spelling errors. A small Mothman wearing reading glasses was signing documents in the corner. Whenever one of my servants finishes a document, record, or more commonly a letter, they wrap the parchment up, tie it with a strand or ribbon, then hand it off to my messenger ravens.
I open the door with a small smile as one of said ravens waddle up to me. I nod my head in courtesy as it takes to the skies. A small white roll of paper tied to its leg.
I hum and get to my feet, stretching while I suppress a yawn. “I should do some work to pass the time…”
Looking down at the feathers in my hand an idea comes to mind. Snapping my fingers, two plushies encased in a green light float over. They weren’t sewn shut yet, so it made it easier to deposit equal amount of the feathers into each of them.
I wave my hand and they seal with magical thread. I grin and hold out my palms. The green fades from them and they drop into my awaiting hands. Two Squishmellow-like plushies, with one looking like a cute frog the other a baby bat.
As I head to the door with the plushies in hand, a couple pixies fly over with my cloak, my Archivist coat of arms pin, and side satchel. I thank them, taking each object one by one.
They bow, giggling as they head back to their cleaning tasks.
I eye them suspiciously but end up just sighing and heading out. It was noon right now, and I take a few steps away from my mushroom before stretching my wings out fully. I hum in content before folding them back up and heading down the cobblestone path to the Castle.
I wave to castle workers, mainly gardeners currently, and to creators who happen to be out or were tidying up their houses. It was a peaceful day…
Which made it a very boring day…
I sigh and fold my hands behind my head as I walk, biting the side of my lip slightly. “I know I need to protect this place from thieves and assassins…But I could really go for anything like that right now…”
When in doubt, head to the art room!
Now here’s something you must understand about the Castle’s Legendary Art Room. It is HUGE!!!
Of course it has to be, with all the creators here who uses this room and its materials for their own enjoyment. It was like a grand extravagant ballroom but with multiple floors connected by floating stepping stones. The room having enough space for canvases of any size. You can find whatever color paint you could think of and a plethora of brushes, paints, markers and pencils.
If you choose a spot to use and want privacy, you can even raise up walls that block everything out. There you could change your surroundings, add music to help you to focus, and even the smell to suit your tastes.
Already there were a bunch of creators, some taking a little snack break and sitting at the tables in the middle of the room. On either side of the walls were a few boxes and opening areas in use. The sunlight falls in through the glass ceiling, providing a comforting warmth.
A few people pass by me, either carrying their new creation out of the room, or hurrying into the room with a huge smile on their face that gave away their excitement to start on a new project.
I head into the room, arms falling to my sides and wings folding in closer to my back, not wanting to knock anything over.
I reach an open wall on the first floor. A small easel with a blank canvas is positioned in front of a simple wooden stool. On a small table near the canvas was a simple six well pallet, three already filled with simple green, red, and blue. Next to it was a small tin can, with paint splatters all over, which was filled with paint brushes.
I grunt softly as I take a seat on the stool, my wings draped behind me and on the floor. Lucky it the floor looked newly cleaned, so I didn’t worry too much about dirt getting on my freshly preened feathers.
I sigh and eye the brushes. A flat acrylic brush with white bristles stands out. The white wooden handle covered in splattered paint of various bright colors, most of yellow. I reach into my bag and pull out white fingerless gloves, making sure they stay tight around my palm as I slide them on. Then I snap my fingers and my wings melt into my shadow. My clothes turn white and my leather bag becomes a light beige, slightly fuzzy material.
Now prepared, I reach over and lift the brush I was looking at earlier. It feels rough and light in my hand.
I dip the brush in the green paint and lift it to the canvas. It’s sloppy and I think I made it too small, but I enjoy myself as I paint a simple door. I finish up with a small circle that made up the knob and then I set the brush down.
I can’t help but smile and wiggle un my seat in excitement as I lift my fist up to the canvas. I knock on my painted door, green staining my knuckles. I pull my hand back and wait.
I hear the sound of the keys jingling, then metal shifting against metal, then the door knob turns. The door slowly opens and a bright light greets me.
I laugh as the light becomes blinding. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I get tossed into a room, landing roughly on my bottom. I yelp and groan in pain while standing up and rubbing my back side.
“Oww~…Forgot about the rough landing…” I grumble.
The room I was in was white and bright. No shadows around expect for my own under my feet. I dust my pants off, making sure I still have everything on me. I straighten up and take a deep breath.
What happens next is going to be a tad difficult but nothing I haven’t managed to do before.
I plant my feet down fully and flex my hands into fists then relax them. I repeat this action while taking a deep breath.
It all happens so quickly. A bunch of bright and popping colors start splatting on the white walls, floor and ceilings. It was strange yet amazing to look at.
Though there was the usual itch at the front of my mind that told me to move, I knew it was better to just let it happen and go with the flow of colors.
Moving one foot in front of the other, the splatters start to actually form real illustrations.
Soon I was under a bright blue sky with a couple white clouds. I smile as a small breeze blows by, rustling a few trees nearby. A multitude of flowers surround me, scattered around these grassy hills that made up this strange painting-like world.
Everything seemed to be painted into existence. While I walk, paint squishes underfoot. Splattering on and staining my white clothing. Seeing some brighter flowers in the distance and up a small hill, I break off running.
Laughing as I’m covered in paint.
When I reach the top of the hill, I spread my arms out and take in this world’s sunlight. Covered in bright pinks, reds, yellows, blues, and greens.
A long and high whistle draws my attention. I look around, holding my hand over my eyes as I scan the fields.
I smile when I see a familiar yellow Fox Fae waving excitedly down the way. I wave back and start my descent down the hill. I lose my footing and start tumbling down instead of the graceful run that I had envisioned.
I hit the bottom in a face plant. Groaning in embarrassment when I hear the fae give a windchime like giggle. I hold up a finger, face still planted in the ground.
“Not…a word…”
More laughter than something poking my head. I look up and meet a green and blue gaze. Her yellow, gray, and black fur puffing out as She keeps trying to contain her laughter. She wears her usual blue overalls with the multi colored sleeves and legs.
A big bushy black tail, which had yellow paint coating most of the tip, swings happily behind her. Her ears pull back slightly as she covers her mouth.
“Oh ha, ha. Yeah, laugh it up.” I halfheartedly scold.
After getting back to my feet. I take in the giant colorful splatter all on my front and probably on my face as well. I gesture to my messy cheeks and raise a brow.
The fae giggles again, holding out both her paws. The yellow pads on her left paw turn white and she dips her right clawed index finger. It becomes coated in paint and she begins drawing in the air.
I watch and hold out my hand underneath the magical drawing. She pulls back with a smile and snaps her fingers. A handkerchief falls into my awaiting palm.
“Thanks, Color.” I wipe my face off with the offered cloth while the Fae nods her head happily before turning around and heading back to her easel and canvases.
I pull the handkerchief away enough to get a peek at the already completed sixty-four paintings. Yes, I counted them…I WAS JUST CURIOUS!!!
Anyway…Twenty-two of these canvases have the familiar blue and yellow aliens with their little human pet. I smile, laughing evilly but quietly so Color won’t hear me. Both Veterinarians were really nice and Stardust was so cute when they found out I could understand them.
Color scolded me though for teasing them…So of course I’m gonna do it again today!
Tucking the dirtied hanky into my satchel, I walk over to stand behind Color as she works on her newest painting. It was still in the beginning phase of her creative process, but I could already make out two VERY worried aliens and a very loopy looking Stardust.
“Painting #23 looks great, Color. Though, I expect nothing less from a talented Resident such as yourself!”
Color nods her head, claws flying over the canvas with such ease. She pulls back from the finished product and holds her chin, tiling her head. I watch as she turns her gaze to me and gestures to the painting.
I blink owlishly at her before something clicks. I smile and the feathers in my hair start to puff out in excitement. That’s all she needs as she grabs my arm, fur glowing a bright yellow as she jumps into her painting, with me screaming in confused delight behind her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The ship was pristine and busy. Species of all types in various uniforms pass by the two of us. To fit in better, I had allowed my wings to come out once more. Color walks next to me, leading the way.
A few people recognize the emblem pin on the strap of Color’s overalls. Color was not only the creator of this world, but she was also the Head Chef on this ship, making food for both Alien and Human alike. I watch as she smiles and waves at people she knows, my eyes wander to her new pair of arms that she made of paint.
I snicker and look down at my own arms, only the one pair. I was glad I could play my whole appearance on being from a distant planet. Color helped me with that when I first met her, letting me volunteer at a human shelter for a while so I could better integrate into this world.
“Miss Color!” I look up to find a white-feathered Cosmodian wearing a pink uniform walking towards us. She had a sash around her chest that was bulging with two wiggling bumps.
Color beams and waves at the ship’s head scientist. As Dr. Chica Cygnus walks up, Color starts doing her usual sign language. Luckily, with a little translation spell, I could understand her like everyone else on this ship…with some extra words that the signs couldn’t express.
-Hello Chica! How are you?-
“Just dandy! These two little sweeties are so well behaved!” She pats the sash and two cute little chubby faces pop out.
I gasp and try to keep my squeal to myself as I fish out the two plushies. Color smiles and pets the yellow and white/blue heads. The harpy toddler versions of Sun and Moon chirp, Sun’s blue eyes sparkling as he almost jumps out of the sash, while Moon’s red eyes only peak out from the fabric.
Color keeps Sun in the sash, Chica and her fussing and lightly scolding him, while I put the small plushies into the sash.
Sun immediately dives after the frog while Moon raises the bat and starts to chew on its head. I smile then look to Chica, “Giving their Caretaker a break?”
Chica nods, “Poor thing is working so hard. Thought ze might like a small breather!”
-That’s really sweet of you Chica! When I get back I’ll do a little check in with ze.- Color signs, giving one last scratch to both the harpy chicks, who purr in response.
“Miss Color?” a familiar voice calls out, drawing our attention down the hall.
There they were, Dr. Sunafetia Obqaurtz, Dr. Moontiedea Obquartz, and Captain Dawntitus Eclipseso. All looking profession in their uniforms, and looking very cute with their fluffy ears. I could just reach up and run my talons through the fluff all day—,
I clear my throat and look away while Color and Chica greet them. Chica gives a small bow before taking her leave, cooing at the two little bundles of feathers and happiness as they play with their new toys. I stop her subtly and place two more of my longer and softer feathers.
I say a quiet thank you before turning my attention back to the conversation color was having with the three boys.
Dr Sun was smiling, cradling a small form close to his chest, “It’s so good to see you again, is everything well?”
Color nods her head, ears happily twitching. -How’s little Stardust?-
“Not so good, I will admit,” Sun looks down at the little human in his arms with small pink, star-shaped scars all over their skin. They whine and nestle their nose deeper into his fur. “Poor thing got into Monty’s medicine. But after they sleep it off, everything will be fine.”
I snicker, very happy with the whole situation. Last time I was here , the little brat that Sun was holding, threw their lunch at me, bit me, and thought it would be funny to toss their toys at me in a nice game of catch…but only with my face.
Don’t get me wrong! I do hope they get better and I understand that they were forced into this. They were fun to hang out with and I…kind of deserved all their onslaughts…
Color and I can understand human speak as well as Cosmodian tongue. So, I might have…teased Stardust with it for a while…
Moon spares me a glance, raising a brow, “Miss Raven. Fancy seeing you out here.”
“Oh uh…Yes, I’m here because Ms. Color invited me over for…” I spare her a glance, “Tea?”
She snorts, covering her mouth, her ears shaking. She calms down and raises her arms, -I wanted to show her around the ship a bit more. Were’s the harm?-
The Captain rolls his eyes, all of his ears, folding back slightly as one of his canines peaks out from his lips. “The harm is, last time you brought this certain Cosmodian, it resulted in an all-out brawl with her and Private Lunesetia. Which ended with both of them in the infirmary.”
“Great job by the way.” Moon comments and I smirk. Sun was trying to hide his amusement by checking on Stardust.
“Not helping.” Eclipse growls.
I hold up my hands, “With all due respect, she had it coming.”
“Really?” He crosses his arms, “And why, in the great abyss, is that?”
I look to Color for help, eyes pleading.
She raises a brow, a mischievous smile splitting her lips as she takes a step back, her tail happily swishing to and fro behind her. Her yellow fur gaining a pinkish hue, reminding me if a sunrise. My wings puff up in surprise before my gaze darts back to Eclipse.
Sun was now standing to the side with Color, Moon joining them as well, leaving me alone to have a stare-off with Eclipse.
“Traitors…” I mumble, blowing some hair out of my eyes.
“I’m waiting.” Eclipse steadily taps a finger against his arm.
“Okay so uhm…funny story actually—,” I fidget with my hands, rubbing the leather of my gloves. Why was this feeling like I was getting scolded by a parent.
“YOU!” a shrill voice shrieks.
Color flinches, ears twitching irritably, in fact, all of the four Cosmodians present fold their ears back. My wings jolt up, spreading out and hitting a poor cleaning bot. Slamming the poor thing to the ground.
Before I offer my apologize, a gray blur charges towards me. I yelp and grab both the oncoming fists, making sure to keep a steady hold on them. I slide back a bit, the force almost knocking me off my feet. I grit my teeth and look up at the offender.
My green eyes meet burning yellow eyes. I grunt and take in a sharp inhale, “Heya Roxy! How’s it going? Lip feeling any better—,”
“SHUT UP!” She growls, spinning me around.
As I’m turning, I shoot a glare at Color, once again asking for help. But she was holding Stardust now, rubbing their hair while giving me a coy grin, her fur bristling.
“You’re evil!”
Moon raises a brow, “The Private or Ms. Color?”
“I SAID SHUT UP!” Roxanne yanks one of her fist away from my grip. She rears it back before sending it hurtling towards my jaw.
I barely have time to dodge, releasing her other hand. She’s slams on the floor, face first. I shout as I tackle her, keeping my weight on her to pin her down. Ny wings were very helpful in that regard, adding more weight.
She growls as I grab her arms and pin them on her back. She twists and turns, trying to snap her giant teeth at me.
My chest rises and falls as I greedily gulp down air. Roxanne, though a jerk, was a worthy advisory in combat. I really need to brush up on my training.
“Yield?!” I ask.
“Enough! I will not have this on MY ship!” Eclipse’s booming voice causes both of us to still.
Moon and Color snicker while Sun, covers his mouth. But his flapping ears give away his real feelings towards all of this.
“Raven, get off the private, NOW.” Eclipse levels me with a hard stare as I climb off the gray Cosmodian.
Roxanna scrambles to her feet, giving me a stare that screamed murder. Then she dusts off her red uniform, growling slightly at the massive boot print I left on the side.
“Private, you were out of line—,”
“Was doing NOTHING that warranted you charging at her.” Eclipse takes a step forward, his tall stature dwarfing both of us. “You’re already on thin ice already! I ordered you to stay in my office while we went to fetch human 411811*13112-8.”
“I received no such order from you, Captain.” She puffs out her chest in defiance, though I could see the slight tremor in her form as Eclipse flexes his hands in an attempt to calm himself.
I balk at her boldness, eyes darting between Eclipse and her while my mouth hanged open.
Before Roxanne can make her situation worse, Color steps in. Having handing calming blue to Moon, she was free to use her hands. Her colors changing to a calming mixture of blue and green.
 -Captain…if I may be so bold?-
Eclipse looks down at her, eyes losing some of their fire now that they aren’t directed at me or the Private. He takes a deep breath, “You may.”
-I would like to be in charge of their punishment. I can assure you that this won’t happen again.-
“I’m not so sure…” Eclipse looks over her and straight at us. The wolf and I flinch, then shuffle away from each other.
-Trust me…-
Eclipse sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Fine…You’ve never steered me wrong before.”
He then waves to us, “Be my guest, Ms. Color.”
Sun chuckles while Moon grins. The oldest of the twins lets out a whistle, “You guys are in for it now~.”
She smiles and turns around. She spares a glance at me, and upon seeing the evil twinkle in her eye I’m suddenly very afraid. She turns all her attention to Roxanne.
-Private. You will help the cleaning crew with caring for uniforms for the rest of the day
“Private!” Eclipse warns, making her shrink into herself slightly.
Color just raises a brow, a small streak of red piercing through her calm greens and blues. -I hope this will help you reflect on the error of your actions today…-
Roxanne growls lowly, clenching her paws into fists. She turns tail and storms off, her stomps booming thanks to the sound echoing off the walls. Her tails swishes angrily behind her.
Color smiles then looks at me and I flinch, a shudder going down my spine.
As an Archivist I have a sort of…Spider Sense so to speak. I’m able to sense a Creator’s Aurora, a small pulse of otherworldly power that ebbs out of their body. Every Aurora feels different, unique to its user.
Color’s—Amymalenart’s Auora felt like invisible feathers flying through the wind, soft enough to tickle. Though as her stare continues to linger on me, I could feel the wing pick up, making the feathers slightly sharp as they fly over my skin.
My own feathers bristle at the feeling.
I swallow the lump in my throat. I wish they taught me how to deal with handling these type of things when I was back at the Academy.
-You…will help me in the kitchen!-
I blink, my wings stilling. “That…That’s it?”
“Boo…” Moon voices, yelping when Sun elbows him, reminding him to behave.
Sun steps up to Color, who gives him a warm smile. The yellow Cosmodian gives a small bow, “Moonie and I will take our leave now. It was nice seeing you again.”
Moon rolls his eyes, rubbing Stardust’s back as he begins walking away. When he reaches my side, he leans in slightly, “Next time, put more strength into your grip.”
I give him a pointed look. Of course he would want me to get into MORE trouble…
Sun pats my shoulder when he also passes me, giving me a reassuring smile. The brothers turn down the hall, removing themselves from view. Eclipse steps between me and Color.
He folds his hand behind his back, “Behave…BOTH of you.”
‘Fat chance…’
I roll my eyes mentally while I assure him I won’t and Color does the same. He gives us a look that said he didn’t believe us, but sighs tiredly before leaving, following after his younger brothers.
I let out a sigh myself, “That was a lot…”
-You’re not done yet~.-
I eye her, “Well I know I have to help you in the kitchen, but like…only as a taste tester right? Or helping you cook something?”
Color lets out her usual chime-like laughter. Her magic wavers and I see her human form. Blue hair framing pink glasses. Her black and yellow sweater having a few paint spells. She wipes a tear from her eye, her fae form returning.
-Hardly! I received a shipment of…We’ll say potatoes. AND THEY WON’T PEEL THEMSELVES!-
She snatches my arm and drags me to the kitchen. I groan which she ignores, laughing. I can’t help but laugh as well, Color’s joy contagious.
I shrug, resigned to my fate of peeling alien tubers with my colorful friend.
Guess I’ll have something to do today after all…
Episode Three is completed!
I want to say my most gracious thanks to @amymalenart! Thank you for letting me write your AUs and you amazing Fae-sona.
And thank you for roleplaying with you on your blog! I've been having so much fun!
Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed it as much as i had writing it!
Have a Fantastic day or night!
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deconstructthesoup · 4 months
Finally talking about the Enchanted AU now...
First off---the way the fairytale world works in this universe is inspired by Dimension 20's Neverafter, in that it's shaped by the authors who tell the stories. Currently, it's all happy and bright and Disney-esque, but there were times when it was much more reminiscent of the Brothers Grimm, with doom and gloom and no happy endings. The Narrator, as the evil king, has reached awareness in this sense, and he intends to reshape the world into the land of horror it once was.
Of course, the Narrator (aka the Crow King) has to deal with his two twin nephews, Simon (Smitten) and Skip (Skeptic). Simon, as the firstborn, is the heir to the throne and is set to become king once he gets married, and Skip found out about the Crow King's nefarious plans before he was even an adult. But the Crow King is clever, and has found a way to manage both of those problems---with Simon, he continues to send him out on dangerous quests to keep him distracted and prevent him from meeting anyone, and with Skip, he put a hex on him that forces him to cooperate.
Meanwhile, in the Enchanted Forest, a beautiful and sweet young woman named Danielle (Damsel) lives alongside her many animal friends, sewing clothes and dreaming of one day meeting a prince... but not just so she can finally have her love story. About a year ago, her twin sister Priscilla (Prisoner) mysteriously disappeared, and since maidens don't go on quests in this world, Danielle hopes that her prince will find her sister for her. So when she meets Simon after he saves her from a troll and the two fall in love immediately, she feels like her dreams have come true.
Naturally, this is bad for the Crow King, because not only does this mean that Simon will inherit the throne once he and Danielle get married, he's the one who took her sister. Priscilla happens to be an incredibly talented alchemist who'd also discovered the truth about the world, and she's secretly being kept prisoner so the Crow King can learn from her knowledge---though, she sabotages him while she can. She and Skip are also well aware of each other, though their relationship is... well, fraught, seeing as Skip is working for the man who's imprisoned her, hexed or no.
On the day of their wedding, the Crow King, in the guise of a beggar, sends Danielle to, in his words, a place where there are no happily ever afters---the place where the fairytale world draws its power from. One of Danielle's bird friends, a parrot named Conrad (Contrarian), alerts Simon, and the two dive in after her. And the Crow King sends Skip and his misbehaving crow familiar Harry (Hero) to the real world... along with a hexed Priscilla, as he's close enough to succeeding that he has no need of her anymore.
Meanwhile, in modern-day New York City, a thrift shop owner named Willow (Witch), has lost a lot of her old zeal for life after coming out as a lesbian, getting divorced, and having to take care of her six-year-old Bea (Beast) on her own. She's currently in her first ever queer relationship with a tarot enthusiast and museum worker named Sienna (Spectre), but she's got a lot on her plate, and she's too wrapped up in everything she has to deal with to really pay that much attention to Sienna... or realize that the two of them aren't really that good of a fit. So, when she and Bea run into a very lost and very distressed Danielle on their way home from Bea's karate lessons, Willow's first instinct is to leave her alone---except, Bea likes her, and for some reason, Willow starts feeling a little bit of sympathy for Danielle very fast.
I'm not gonna go into the rest of the story here, but I will say who everyone else is:
Willow's employees are as follows---Zora (Razor), an overly chaotic metalhead and the lead singer in an amateur band; Addison (Adversary), Zora's girlfriend, her bassist, and a professionally trained boxer; Scully (Stubborn), Addison's best friend-slash-fellow boxer and the drummer in the band; Oliver (Opportunist), Scully's boyfriend, the electric guitarist, and Willow's annoying cousin; Natalie (Nightmare), a mischievous goth girl and a premed student in college; and Percy (Paranoid), Natalie's long-suffering classmate and a "skittish little nerd" in everybody's words but his. Literally all of them constantly badger Willow with their version of advice, and literally all of them think that they know better.
Sienna shares her apartment with her brother Colin (Cold) and their friends Stace (Stranger) and Ben (Broken). They end up taking Simon, Skip, and Priscilla in, and they all constantly have to deal with frequent visits from Ben's ex-girlfriend Tiana (Tower), who's a big-time lawyer and thinks she's the queen of New York. Right below their apartment is a bookstore owned by an older couple named Hunter (Hunted) and Chester (Cheated), both of whom are a little bit grumpy and a little bit wary of new people, but are very nice when you get to know them.
I, of course, have a lot of other thoughts, but... that's it for now.
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respectthepetty · 10 months
Yooooooooo, your theory of Playboyy as an Only Friends AU is absolutely brilliant!
Your brain just, holy fuck, wow!
If you're hitching a ride, can I hop on this theory train with you?
Because if so, I'm dropping the following baggage:
First and Soong as Ray and Sand
I mean... let's take a look at the list...
- rich kid thinking money can buy anything and everything, check
- rich kid finds a partner he pays first and then starts a fwb, check
- first there is the issue of mutual exploitation before it becomes more; we can't quite say yet, so we'll leave that open, but the signs are pointing to check.
- then the issue with addiction (with Ray alcohol and drugs, with First sex)... yep. Check.
I am not connecting anything rn because we also just had an EP Playboyy, but holy CRAP... there really could be something to your theory.
(Yes, we have more couples than in OF but seriously, if the writers had crammed all the stuff that's supposed to happen into 8 characters... Good night, I think the thing would have exploded0.0)
Anon, it's not my brain. @lukaherehelp has been hyping up this show since Earth was created, and the writer, Den, stated in a few tweets that Only Friends and Playboyy were basically the radio edit versus the album version but as television shows. One was Disney channel and the other was Cinemax.
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Between the two, I already like that unlike Mew, who was shown to view his virginity as a prize to be won, Zouey seems more touch averse, which could also connect with a desire to remain in control. As a self-identified slut, it makes sense to me that he would be more open to giving than receiving, so he could remain in control of the situation. But I really don't want to compare hotdogs to hamburgers.
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However, know that I also see Ray and Sand in First and Soong, and I also wanted Sand to be a sex worker in Only Friends much like I wanted Top to be.
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I had theories for days for Only Friends! I wanted sex workers. I wanted a dead body. I wanted police involvement. I wanted the poor stealing from the rich.
And I just might get it in Playboyy.
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First calls Soong a "whore" when?
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hybridcrows · 8 months
you. me. medieval au lore dump.
what are we getting for dinner? lore dump of course!
it all starts with nori :33
nori is the ruler of the kingdom of worker drones. one day she falls in love with a carpenter/architect called khan (hence the obsession with doors coming in later). one day she receives a prophecy from someone (woah mystery) that those who wear her family crest (absolute solver) will be cursed and that assassins would be coming to slaughter her people.
uzi now exists (the joy of parenting) and is the silly little 🎶 rebellious Disney Princess 🎶 who hears about people in towns getting slaughtered by some gossip spreading in taverns (thad tells her) and goes out to steal her mother's cloak, her father's horse and takes her makeshift sword (medieval railgun that i might make into a crossbow later) to cross the gate and find the assassins
khan doesn't actually inquire about this but notices his horse is missing and pieces it together with nori where their daughter would have gone. they gather a handful of guards and set out to find her (khan would have probably asked nori to stay home but she would have been stubborn)
meanwhile uzi arrives at a town she heard would be under attack and finds it's too late, the place torn to bits and a chill in the air. she has her little tussle with N then uzi gets stung by his tail (hyrda venom woah foreshadowing) and uzi slices off his head which grows back because..well..hydra stuff.
uzi interrogates him while N is left pretty ':3' for most of it then she tries to take him prisoner but not before the bad bitches come in and forces uzi to hide in an abandoned building to avoid being spotted. she overhears some of the conversation but then is found and starts just running to her horse
J and V convince N to get to the kingdom and destroy the gates with them, the whole gin rummy scene plays out and that's all I have plot wise so far. it's pretty much just the pilot episode in a different font however i do want to explore upon what the hydra curse and everything with that does
this is by NO MEANS a proper or fully developed au and I would love to hear your ideas for it
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princesssmars · 1 year
part of your world
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finally created the little mermaid!au fic with prince abby and ariel reader
abby longs to see the world. little does she know that a horrible storm and haunting voice will give her what she's looking for.
wc : 918
contains : readers skin and appearance aren't described besides your hair being long! i also described it as flowing down but i thinkk that can apply to different hair types/textures.
a/n : thinking about doing a mermaid abby version since people were asking! i'm so against disney's remake mania but go watch the little mermaid 2023 if you haven't already halle was a knockout.
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abby who has lived most of her life longing for an adventure. often thinks back on how when she was younger she and her mother would take trips on a royal ship to nearby islands and towns, spending time in the markets and having picnics on the beaches.
how when her mother died in a shipwreck she was devastated, her father banning most non-trade sailing only adding to it. after a few years, she manages to convince her father to let her join some of them and she's never felt so at home as she does on the seas with her crew.
but for a night luck wasn't on her side. one moment she's laughing and singing a sea shanty while some of the crew life her up on their shoulders and the next she's fighting to stay above water, watching the sea phoenix go down in flames.
the first thing she hears when she gains a bit of consciousness is a voice. its blurry at first but then it becomes soft, melodic, almost angelic. when she opens her eyes a bit she sees a figure of a woman before its gone in an instant.
for the next day its all she can think about. the faint glimpse she got at her saviors hair, flowing down her shoulders like waves. the little flecks of the sea on your skin, the shape of your lips while you sang to her...
her father and some of the workers in the castle think its a symptom of being at sea after a wreck for so long, but eventually they start a search for the mystery girl who saved the princess's life.
when she gets word that an unknown woman has been found on the coast she rushes faster than she ever has to meet you. when she bursts into the room her heart sputters as you are probably the prettiest person shes ever seen. if you were the one that saved her shed drop to her knees and propose on the spot.
but you cant be because you cant speak. she tries not to let her dissapointment show.
when you get invited to stay at the palace she decides to be courteous and invite you to explore a bit with her, and its better than she could have imagined. you have a wisdom about the world and the ocean she's never encountered with anyone else.
when she shows you the rock she discovered at a nearby island market you simply hold it up and drop it to the ground, giving her the mineral inside like you knew what it was the whole time.
everything becomes more confusing the following day when she takes you to the local markets. the way you smile at her and the way you look so beautiful while dancing throws her for a loop. but you are a bit odd, as when she was admiring you talk to the flower seller you gently took one from her hand and bit it?
later that night she takes you to the river system a little ways away from the markets to see the beautiful waterfalls and the fireflies that only come out during this time of year. while rowing she swears she hears a voice in her ear telling her to kiss you, and just when she think you are close to doing so the boat is nearly tipped over.
when she's lying in her room that night she is the most confused she's ever been. when she thinks of you her heart races and she feels nervous. in a good way. all she wants to do is spend more time with you and explore and show you every inch of her kingdom. but at the same time the thought of her mystery savior remains on her mind.
the last thing she remembers is heading towards your room before the voice that saved her makes everything blurry.
when she comes to she's apparently in the middle of her wedding to a woman named "vanessa" and in the middle of you saving her you've turned into a mermaid. her brain is stalling in shock but her body goes into defensive mode when some of the guests start to crowd in on you calling you a "sea monster".
and she cant believe it took her until this moment to realize it wouldn't had mattered if you saved her or not (although she is slightly giddy that you did) because she really does think she loves you.
she hopes helping you kill the giant tentacle monster woman in the sea will help her prove that to you because if it doesn't she will be a little ticked off.
when the clouds part and the water settles her kingdom, friends, and family are safe. but it's clear you've gone back to your home as well. and she's glad knowing that you're probably safe and happy. she just wishes it was with her.
its another normal sunny day as she sits looking out over the ocean, daydreaming and giving constant pets and cuddles to bear who sits at her feet, when out of the corner of her eye she sees you walking up the stairs and she doesn't think she's ever run faster than when she moves to pick you up and twirl you around in her arms.
when you pull back you look at her like she hung the stars and moon in the sky, and she hopes her face shows the same.
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bokettochild · 1 month
Opera house AU
Telma's has a group of old regulars that have been coming to her bar since it opened 27 years ago. Theyre pretty much the cast of Cheers with how familiar they are with her and each other;
Rusl: ex-army, current Ordon rancher. Started visiting when he was in the Reserves, always comes by whenever he's in town. Introduced Twilight to the place and delivers Telma Ordon Cider
Renado: a general practice doctor, currently lives in Kakariko. Usually hitches a ride with Rusl to the city
Auru: university professor and Dusk's old high school teacher. Visits the most and has an endless well of amusing anecdotes about his students. Also an amazing piano player, Telma's has one that he loves playing
Shad: aspiring historian, currently works at the museum. Helped Twilight settle in due to being about his age
Ashei: wildlife ranger that works in Hebra (Wild has seen her a few times). Dresses like she's a 1760s pioneer with all the animal furs for keeping warm, has wrestled bears and tamed Tundra Rhinos
Grandpa: One of the oldest regulars and recommended Telma's to his gang. Has such a strong liver that out-drinking him has become a popular wager (his winning streak spans 15+ years)
When all of them get together, they belt out this:
I love the idea of Rusl being an ex-military man, even if it was the reserves and not active duty. I feel like the moment he learned Twi intended to head up Crown City side once he outgrew the foster system, he totally decided to help him by introducing him to some folks up there, and what better place than at his favorite bar/diner?
I see Renado being a GP from Kakariko, sure! I can see him being a quieter presence at the bar, but plays along when someone inevitably makes a joke about "is there a doctor in the house" whenever someone insults another person. he get's a kick out of that, but mostly just enjoys hanging out with people closer to his own age.
Auru being Dusk's highschool teacher though means he probably knew about all the drama going on there. He knows about Midna (when she and Twi started dating i think he probably would have been trying so hard to hold his tongue and mind his own business) but finding out that Rusl's "grandson" is actually the kid of two of his old students would blow this man's mind LOL
Shad is totally a museum worker, and trying to get a research grant. I'm seeing him like Milo from Disney's Atlantis though, and no one wants to support his research into a lost and forgotten civilization (actually, check that, why is Shad literally just Milo?!?!?!?!?!) Shad has shared his research with Twi (and thus lil Ledge) for years. I'm injecting my history nerd Legend agenda in here to say they get along like a house on fire, and Shad drags both of them (and anyone else he can) on "research missions" around Crown City. He wants to explore around the old opera house, but Lullaby won't let him LOL.
Asheii and Twilight are hiking buddies I think. For fun. I want them to be hiking buddies. Sometimes they go with Shad when he wants to look at old ruins, but most of the time they go alone because he's kinda slow/has horrid stamina. They don't do much talking, but she totally takes him along to work sometimes and they go on camping adventures every summer.
Grandpa is a new member of their group, but has been coming to the bar since before Telma acquired it. It just so happens that his biker group comes in on the same days that the others do, so they intermingle quite a bit. He and Telma joke and bicker at each other like an old married couple (they have no interest in each other) and it humors the rest of the regular crowd to no end.
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