#[ au thirteenth doctor. ] || magic gamelord
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“Well this is certainly new..” 
The Doctor had come into the store, but something felt unusual, like there was something here that was alive, he could feel it in the air. He was unsure about what it was, other than the other people here. He mused through things and found himself drawn to a doll, a doll in a loita style, emerald green eyed and everything, a beautiful doll and her eyes held a life-like quality to them. 
So he bought her and took her with him back to the TARDIS. carefully sitting her on the chair and he’d sit crossed legged in front of her. The apprentice-magic user was unsure about this, but he could almost feel something in her. 
the muse roulette was spun. || you got the au 13th doctor! || @ambcrheart​
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The Doctor is just going to poke his head out from the blue police box now. Looking around, it looked to be some sort of office or building, he hoped he hadn’t disturbed anyone. He just wished he hadn’t interrupted an important meeting or something. 
He’d keep this hope until her saw the man with the cybernetic arm staring at him and the box. The Doctor chuckled a little sheepishly and stepped out, closing the door behind him now.  He’s running a hand through his hair before addressing the other now. 
“Um hello there, sorry about my box, would you mind telling me where I am, navigation’s got a little hazy?” 
muse roulette has spun || you got the au thirteenth doctor! || @atlascompanymanrs​ 
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( au thirteenth doctor starter call. like / reblog / reply to this post. ) 
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"Your TARDIS.. she's alive.. I can feel it" @thedoctor
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“You can sense that huh, how interesting.” 
He smiled softly, resting his hand on her console now, it was probably just obvious that the TARDIS was alive, in the way he treated her, the way she responded to anyone. But the way the other had said she could feel it, well it intrigued him. 
“…How are you doing that if I may ask?” 
( @fxrcefound )
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The Doctor was familiar with this time period, honestly it was one of his favourites. He often found himself more drawn here. He liked the architecture of the buildings, fashion of the people and the general feel of this era. 
It was simple and peaceful, sometimes there was trouble but what was his life without that? He smiled to himself as he walked the bustling streets of Victorian London. He was a little lost in looking at the buildings and his thoughts when he felt himself bump into someone or something. 
He managed to just grab whatever it was, though it seemed more like a person considering he seemed to grab them by the shoulders, he looked down to see a young lady, concern grew over his face as he stepped back and removed his hands from her shoulders once he had made sure she wouldn’t fall. 
“I-I’m so sorry Miss, are you alright?” 
( starter with au 13th for @emilytrancy​ ) 
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The Doctor would smile softly as he looked up from his game console, he wasn’t totally sure how to answer the words the masked person had just said to him, however he stood to approach them and do his best to give them an answer.
“That’s very kind of you to say, masked friend, however I cannot in good consience return with words of false feelings, even if they are what you might wish to hear, however in time if we were to get to know each other better, then who knows?” 
He’d however, hold open his arms to offer a hug, a hug of friendship. 
( anon asked;  (Last month of 2019 thing, to any Doctor) I love you )
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