#[ am i a real middle blocker yet ??? ]
despairforme · 7 months
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myreygn · 11 months
tkltober day 12: Bites/Nibbles
Haikyuu!! - ler!Osamu, lee!Suna
“You’re a terrible host.”
Suna didn’t even bother looking up from his notes. “I’m busy studying, Samu. I told you I’d be.”
Osamu let out a huff. “Yeah, and I, your guest, am hungry.”
“Yeah, and you, my boyfriend who’s here five days a week, know exactly where the fridge is.”
“That’s not the point.”
The middle blocker sighed and finally glanced at his visitor who was sprawled out next to him on the bed and glared at him. “Then what is?”
Osamu sat up to throw an arm around his shoulders and lean onto him. Suna didn’t mind the sudden invasion of his personal space, just returned to his biology homework without waiting for the point. If Osamu had to throw his body weight on top of him like this to make it, it couldn’t be a good one. “The point is that you’ve barely given me any attention this entire time and fixing us a snack is the least you could do, for both of us. I’ve been here all day, haven’t seen ya eat a single bite.”
Oh, right. Damn, he had really been wrapped up in his stupid school work. Suna gave Osamu a pat on the head. “You’re right… let me just finish this, okay?”
“How long is it gonna take?”
“I just need to get through one… two more pages, then I’m done with this topic.”
“That’s too long.”
Even though Osamu sounded somewhat upset, Suna continued scribbling down notes. His boyfriend would get over it and besides, he had been behind on this shit since the school year started and he wasn’t so sure they’d let him play in nationals if he didn’t catch up soon. “After that we can make dinner, I promise.”
And Suna thought that was the end of that, but of course it wasn’t. With Miya Osamu, there never was an end to anything revolving around food. “Hey- whahat are you doing?” He couldn’t help the giggle that slipped out when he felt a nose nuzzling into his neck.
“Just watching.” Lips were pressed to his skin and Suna flinched. This would’ve probably been very nice if his neck wasn’t one of the most sensitive spots on his body.
“Samu, that tickles-”
“I know.” A squeak slipped out of Suna’s mouth when Osamu softly bit him - it didn’t hurt, it just tickled like crazy. And when Osamu spoke, the smirk was audible in his voice. “I’m just getting an appetizer.”
“Samu, Sahamu, wahahAIT- gyahahaha!”
“That bad already?” Osamu let out a low chuckle that would’ve made Suna weak in the knees in literally any other situation - not when it was used to mock him though! “I haven’t even done anything for real yet.”
The only good thing about what followed was that the teasing stopped. A hand softly but firmly holding his chin prevented him from scrunching up to protect himself and a second hand holding his wrist made it nearly impossible for him to interfere with the relentless mouth his neck was being subjected to. The bites, kisses and even licks might’ve even been really hot if it weren’t for the fact that he was damn near crying from laughter in no time. Should’ve never let Osamu find out about this. Should’ve never let Osamu in his life in the first place. When he felt a nibble on his ear, it was officially over.
“So you’re gonna get food with me now?”
“Heh, alright.” Osame pressed one last kiss to his cheek before letting go of him and laughing softly when Suna slumped against him, trying to catch his breath. “You okay?”
Suna nodded and sat up with a groan. “I’m good, I’m good... Let’s get take out. My treat.”
“Really?!” He almost laughed at how excited Osamu got (why was he so cute, this was unfair) and quickly gave him a kiss.
“Yeah, really. I’m sorry for ignoring you all day.” A wicked grin spread his lips. “And I need to strengthen myself so I can get you back later.”
Osamu just laughed and stood up, holding out his hand for Suna to grab. “I can live with that.”
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kokamobi · 3 months
"Oh! Sorry- woah!" Hinata exclaimed after colliding with someone and having to look up, up. "Woah, you're so tall!" He bounced on his feet, jumping a little, wondering how he hadn't seen him before. "Hey! Are you in any club yet? You could join to the volleyball club! We could use a height like yours! The tallest of us is Tsukishima, and I don't like him and the way he's always reminding me how short I am..." He scrunched his face, looking around. Bouncing again, he smiled up at the boy.
"I'm Hinata! Hinata Shoyo. I'm a middle blocker, just like Tsukishima, even if I'm this height! Isn't that cool?"
He noticed then the deadpan expression of the boy. He hadn't say anything, and looked bored.
"Oh, I'm sorry! Maybe you don't care about volleyball at all? Uh, sorry if I'm bothering you."
The boy shook his head, and Hinata was left confused.
"Never... played volleyball" the boy said. Hinata bounced, a big smile coming back at his face.
"You could like it! It's awesome! Why don't you come- Oh! Come on Saturday! We're having a friend club -all the way to Tokyo!- to play against us that day. It will be so exciting! I'm sure you will like it. It's so fun! I wanna be like the Little Giant, you know?"
Takanobu could feel the excitement leaving Hinata's body. The way he talked, the way his face beamed. He felt excited too. He nodded, and was gifted with the biggest smile he saw from Hinata that day.
"See you on Saturday, uh..."
"See you, Aone-kun!"
Two days later, Takanobu was anxious about the invitation. It was real, right? Hinata didn't seem like he was lying. But...
"Aone-kun!" Hinata called, making a small signal to the classmate he was talking to before approaching him. "You're in 1-5 class, that's why I'd never seen you before. You're coming, right? On Saturday? You'll see me play! Ah, I'm sure everyone would be happy if you join, too."
He nodded, looking at Hinata's eyes. It seemed like they were sparkling.
"Uh..." Hinata started, looking curiously up at him.
"Time...? Oh!" Hinata laughed softly, scratching his head. "They would be here like at ten... Uh, ten a.m. is okay? Yeah? Maybe it's too early for a Saturday, hm..."
Takanobu shook his head. He was waiting for seeing Hinata play, see what was so amazing about volleyball that got the kid so excited.
"Great! It's in gymnasium B. Ten a.m. I'll be waiting for you!"
"Whaaa!" Hinata yelled, making everyone turn their heads to his direction. Takanobu felt shy, but Hinata came up to him like a sunshine cannon ball: small, shiny and fast. "You came! Ah, I'm so glad! Captain, this is Aone-kun!"
"Hinata, who's he?"
"Is a new teammate?"
Overwhelmed, he kept bowing, giving quick glances to their faces.
"I told Aone-kun he could watch us play. Is that okay? He even could join us if he likes it!"
A hand slapped his back, making him jerk. It didn't hurt, but being touched surprised him.
"Hey. It would be great if you join us. You can sit there, next to Shimizu-san. Nekoma will be here soon" the captain told him. He nodded, quickly going to sit next to the girl, getting away from the turmoil.
Volleyball was really something. It seemed so fun, the energy and excitement from the guys as they played were contagious. But the most something thing was Hinata. He jumped and run so high, so fast. He was vibrating with joy when he scored a point, he groaned when he got blocked. He bantered and cherished. He stole glances from him, waving his hand at him and smiling.
So he joined the club.
"Woah, your hands are so big!" Hinata exclaimed, grabbing one of his hands and measuring with his own.
He didn't like being touched, but when Hinata gave him these casual touches, he felt something inside his chest fluttering, his cheeks warmer.
"You're getting supergood at blocking, I'm not gonna let you beat me!"
"Yeah, sure."
"Ah, Tsukishima, leave me alone!"
ㅡThe biggest crow
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ninapi · 1 year
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Premise: Rintarou unexpectedly meets the girl of his dreams through an online game and he does his best to find this mysterious girl in the real world and keep her for good.
Word Count: 3591
Chapter 3: Mine.
The way back to your place has never been this tedious, not only was the hot weather really getting to you at this point, but the bus was just not coming. You wanted to get home faster which is why you decided on taking the bus instead of the train since the station was farther away from the school but seems like you missed it.
Your phone lights up with a chat notification, Suna literally dashing over to his house, took him less than five minutes to arrive at his destination, all he wanted was to hear your voice again. “Let me know when I can call you. I’m home now.” he added a sticker of a fat cat laying on his bed texting, this making you laugh and forgetting the hatred you were feeling towards your local transportation system. “The bus won’t come, save me.” his heart was crashing against his own bodily cavities, you were just too cute for his brain to process.
Your phone rang right away, startling you, but you answered the call instantly, “Someone told me you were in need of being saved.” your quiet giggles were all he needed to survive now, who needs food. “Seems like you live closer to your school than I do.” you keep on looking around, hoping to spot the bus, “Nah, I just ran real fast. Had a cat lady waiting for my call.” was he always this smooth? He was surprising himself with his antics, “You didn’t have to run, I bet you were already tired after practice.” Having someone worry over him and his levels of stamina was heartwarming for the middle blocker, all he heard all the time was how he needed to stop being so lazy, you were certainly an angel. “Practice was pretty intense as usual, but you are that important.” you were officially a blushing mess, now hoping this bus wouldn’t come any time soon, at least you were alone at the bus stop and nobody could see you.
“You are making me blush~” you teased him just a bit but that was all he needed, the last push, he was dying to see you. Your phone started beeping for it to switch to video call, your heart about to burst, you heard he saw a picture of you, but you’ve never seen him, being as nervous as one can be you even forgot what was needed to accept the call, fumbling with your thumbs. Once you managed to get it to work, your soul left your body, “Hey gorgeous.” It’s all he said, giving you a small smile, he was laying down on his bed, still wearing his uniform. “Oh my god, hi! Look at your face! So squishy.” your dreamy eyes were digging holes in his existence, that picture did no justice to you, with the poor lighting of the bus stop you looked almost ethereal, “Squishy- is that even a good thing-“ your giggles, live, all for him to see, life was being so good to him, he promises never to complain again, “Being squishy is the best thing ever, well at least for me.” and at the end that’s all it mattered to him.
“So, am I the only one who really wishes teleportation was like a thing? Because I’m about to search in the black market for options.” how does he manage to make to make you laugh with everything he says, is beyond comprehension but he enjoys it heavily. “You are not. Let me know if you find something, otherwise boring old trains would have to do.” was he even serious when he said he would visit you on the weekend? He doesn’t even know where you live. “Yeah, about that. It’s a bit far from here, so I’ll get on the first train, should be in Sendai station around 10, would that work for you? If you think this is too weird or you just don’t wanna meet me yet, we can-“ you cut him off immediately, of course you wanted to see him, you wanted to see him right now. “I’ll be there! Let’s meet outside at the main entrance.” he nodded, his eyes never leaving yours. He was doing something crazy, you should not meet random online people, that’s a rule, but the Karasuno dudes knew you, is not like you were some shady unknown woman.
Your phone was flooding with notifications coming from an unknown source, but you decided to ignore them for the time being. The bus was now on sight, and you had to end the call, of course not without promising Suna you would text him as soon as you arrived home safe and sound.
The dopey look on your face was making people around you stare, but you were just so happy, not like you could control your face. You not only managed to find your mysterious stranger, but you have a date on Saturday! You haven’t had an actual date in forever and the last one you had was awful, Miyuki wanting you to date her boyfriend’s cousin, who let’s just say wasn’t an ideal fit for you, making you avoid going on dates for a while.
Once you were comfortable on your seat, you checked the messages you got earlier noticing they were from Tsukishima, he wanted to make sure you arrived home safely. He was a sweet lad, you made so many friends in a single day, you were really appreciating choosing Karasuno over Seijoh.
Tsuki was already in his house, staring at his roof, waiting for your reply. He wasn’t sure if he was even allowed to text you this quickly, but the look on your face when you were on the phone with Suna was hunting him. He’s never crushed on a girl like this, of course he’s been intrigued by a couple of girls in his life, but they were never worth the risk. You on the other hand, were driving him nuts.
He remembered how a few nights back his older brother was teasing their mother saying it was time for his hormones to kick in and that she shouldn’t be surprised if he brought a girl home any time soon. He thought it was all nonsense as usual, but his hormones were clearly out of control today. He thought of how soft your body felt pressed against his own, your hair smelled so sweet, almost like going into a candy shop, the way your tiny hands wrapped around his massive one….sent his mind to the gutter, he needed to get up and take a cold shower. But that’s when his screen lit up displaying your name, “Not yet ☹ I missed the bus, but I’m on my way now. Thanks for worrying, Tsukishima-kun, you are really sweet.” you thought he was sweet. No one had ever said that about him, not even once. “Just call me Kei. Let me know when you get home, or I won’t be able to sleep.” you were being spoiled by two handsome men, how did all this happen, people rarely even look your way. You sent him a cute bunny nodding sticker and stashed your phone back into your bag, our friend Tsuki though was staring at the sticker thinking of your cute little button nose, you looked just like that cute fluffy rabbit. His mood swaying from the need to do something about his raging hormones, to the need of wrapping himself into a blanket burrito, something was really off with him today.
・ 。゚☆: .☾ . :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・
Saturday was finally here, and you spent all night trying every single possible outfit, nearly crying in despair. Nothing was just good enough for you, but you went for a fitted summer dress, concentrating all your effort into the hair and makeup side of the outfit instead, you weren’t sure what he would even like in a girl so you wanted to play it safe for now.
When Suna got off his train and walked over to the entrance he was just frozen in place. You were trying to fix your bangs using your phone as a mirror, very much noticeably nervous. He just couldn’t believe what he was doing, he’s never been even that interested in women and that train ticket was hella pricey. But every penny was completely worth it the moment your eyes met. You gave him the widest smile he’s ever seen, your eyes filling up with tears and you just ran straight into his arms. “Well hello to you too, stranger.” he looked down at you, resting his forehead on yours, “Are we even strangers at this point-?” you were so cute he just wanted to smother your face with kisses, maybe even bite those cheeks a bit, but that was definitely not the place or the time for that. “This is the first time we officially meet, so technically we were until just now.” he reached over to hold your hand, pulling you with him, “The term ‘boyfriend’ sounds better though, you might want to use that one.” you were smiling widely, hiding your face on his arm as you walked along the sidewalk. “Right, so what are we doing today, dear boyfriend of mine?” his chest puffed out on its own, pride filling every inch of him. “Hm, if it was up to me, I would just bring you to my house and we would watch a movie, eat some pizza and probably nap.” that actually sounded like a perfect date to you, “But sadly, its hours away from us and doing that in your house might be a bit too much for your family specially since we just met-“ you stopped walking, shyly looking down, “Mom is working till late today, so it would be just sausage and us. I mean if you want to, that sounds like a great plan but I know it could be too fast-“ this time it was him the one who cut you short, “Lead the way, gorgeous.” he motioned for you to guide him through the city he had no interest at all in knowing, meeting your cat being way more interesting than sightseeing.
You stopped along the way to buy some cake for later, Suna quickly falling into the boyfriend role, holding you from behind while you guys waited for the lady to wrap your choice of cake. Of course, none of you knew Tsukishima was going out from the athletic store right across the street, he wanted to get new shoes as he kept on growing and they were starting to feel tight again. He thought he heard your giggles, making him look around in a paranoid frenzy, was he officially loosing his mind now? But then he saw his worst nightmare, aka.Suna Rintarou, nuzzling his face on your neck right there for everyone to see, what was he, some sort of animal? Was it necessary to mark you as his or something?
He knew this would happen, it was very clear that both of you liked each other, and he had accepted this and willingly decided to wait for you, but saying this didn’t hurt was utter bullshit. He didn’t want you to see him, so he went back inside the shop saying he changed his mind and wanted them in white instead of black.
You took Suna to your house, your cat being the skilled ninja he is, immediately jumped on his head, enjoying his soft locks and claiming them as his new bed. This made you both laugh, “Told you, he likes you.” getting off your shoes, you grabbed a hold of his fingers, pulling him into the living room, “Hope you like me too, otherwise I might have to kidnap this cat as a consolation price.” you rolled your eyes at him, wasn’t it obvious that you did? Plopping on the sofa, you turned on your tv, giving him the remote to choose what to watch while you scrolled on your phone for a pizza place, “Pretty sure I like you more.” pleased with the answer he got comfortable next to you, carefully moving the cat to set him on his lap, choosing the scariest looking movie he could find. You scheduled the pizza to arrive a couple of hours later and got your comfy blanket out to go under it with Suna. Even if it was boiling hot outside you turned the A/C to its max to have your house freezing on purpose, cuddling the middle blocker being the ultimate goal.
Who would have thought you would be doing something so intimate with someone that was a complete stranger a week ago, but it was so soothing to be pressed to his side, your head resting on his chest while enjoying the beauty of horror.
He was sneakily trying to tickle your sides, his suppressed needs from Friday hitting him like a truck. “Rin stop! You know I’m ticklish!” you squirmed against him, trying your best to continue watching the movie, but that wasn’t good enough, if sausage could make you giggle like crazy he would accept that challenge and steal his place. He looked down at you, expressionless, before attacking your tummy with his fingers in full force, you’ve never laughed this hard, his fingers were digging into the softness of your body skillfully, the cutest sounds coming out of you as you gasped for air. Before you could actually react to what was happening you saw Suna pretty much on top of you, his lips less than an inch away from yours. You were panting heavily, your cheeks as red as they could be, eyes glossy and lips slightly parted, he lost all control of his body, his lips crashing hard on yours. Not what you thought the first kiss you’d share would be like but who were you to complain, your arms wrapping around his neck, bringing him down on you. Your lips were as sweet as the rest of you, he just couldn’t get enough of you and his mind was getting clouded, against his better judgement he lets go of your rosy lips, looking into your eyes for what felt like an eternity before going back to his spot on the sofa.
After regaining your breath, you checked your phone seeing the pizza guy was already outside waiting for you to pick up your lunch, Suna went for it, setting it down on your coffee table. The rest of the day went pretty much as planned, you finished watching the movie, having to go back a few times due to some steamy kisses here and there but the task of finishing it was over by mid afternoon. He wanted to take a short nap, having to wake up so early to take the train taking its toll on his body. You indulged him, having a mass of heavy warm muscle pressed against your body for about an hour, he slept like a baby, but you weren’t able to close an eye, too self-conscious of the situation you were in. After having some of the cake you bought earlier, it was getting pretty late and was time for him to go back home, not looking forward to number of hours needed for him to return, he just wanted to live under your bed forever, maybe no one would notice.
You walked him to the station, none of you wanting to let go of the other. Holding his face on your hands you pecked his soft lips, “I’ll go visit you next weekend, I promise.” he hated this, would Karasuno accept him? They were clearly in need of a good middle blocker, maybe he could convince his parents. “Can’t I just live in Sausage’s house? Looked pretty comfy.” It broke your heart seeing how he didn’t want to leave either; you were now understanding completely why long-distance relationships were hard. “I wish you could, but your team needs you as much as I do. Though, I like to think I need you just a tiny bit more than they do, specially after today.” you let go of his face, grinning up at him, his train was leaving in ten minutes and he needed to hurry to the platform or he would indeed need to share your cat’s cardboard house. “They can all turn into monkeys and join a circus for all I care. I’m quitting school and becoming a cat tamer.” You burst out laughing, patting his backside for him to start walking, “Got it, then let’s buy a camper and travel across the country showcasing your cat magic.” hey that didn’t sound like a bad idea, but before he could think on it more he saw his train displayed on the screen, it was already there and he would have to run, “I’ll start looking for campers in the train. Text me when you get home.” he leaned down to peck your lips once more before leaving, your heart going with him in the process.
・ 。゚☆: .☾ . :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・
It’s been just a few weeks since the last time you were able to physically see your boyfriend and you’ve been so down. You wanted to see him and not just through a damn camera. His kisses were so warm and addicting, you just needed more of him. Sighing loudly, you slumped on your chair, school was over and you should probably get going, but Nishinoya came looking for you shortly after, “Hey (Y/N), the boys and I are going to get some ramen, practice got cancelled since the school is repainting the gym. Would you like to go with us? Tsukishima has been acting weird and you seemed pretty down, I bet that would make you both feel better!” some fatty unhealthy but delicious food was just what you needed, besides, the guys are fun to be around, “Sure, why not. Let’s go!”
When Nishinoya arrived at the shop with you following, the boys got overly excited, Kiyoko had declined the invitation and having a lovely face around was always welcomed. Tsukishima however couldn’t look at you without thinking of the disgusting expression on Suna’s face, making his mood even more sour.
“Hey Tsuki, why don’t you sit next to (Y/N)? I’ll seat over there with Kageyama.” before he could say anything, Yamaguchi had already pushed him down beside you and was running to hide behind Kageyama, suddenly fearing for his life at the cold look on his friend’s face. “What are you going to order, Kei? I’ve never been here before, not sure what’s good.” Kei???? Every pair of eyes now on Tuskishima’s face. Not even Yamaguchi calls him by his first name. “Hmm, you would probably like the shoyu ramen best.” you smiled at him, trusting him completely, “Got it, then that’s what I’ll get.” you deflated on your seat, resting your head on his shoulder, “Tired?” you just nodded, playing with a napkin. The team was silent taking in what was going on between you two as they waited for the food to arrive. Since when have you become this close? They didn’t know you’ve been talking daily, only Yamaguchi knew about this.
Once the food arrived, the usual bickering of the team continued, making you laugh and forget about your depressing afternoon, Hinata’s nose was currently dripping with soda and you just couldn’t stop laughing, Tsuki’s mood changing for the best. He knew you were taken now but just spending time with you was fun and he enjoyed having you by his side. He leaned over, cleaning the excess oil from your mouth with his napkin, this making you blush at the sudden touch, just what he wanted. He just went back to his ramen bowl, giving it no thought. He wanted you to get used to him, to his touch, to his presence, he wanted you to think of him whenever you felt sad, whenever you needed someone.
Your phone’s screen lit up and you answered the call right away, “Rin! How was practice? I’m eating dinner with the volleyball team right now.” he wasn’t jealous of them per say, he just wished he could be there and join you for dinner, “Heh, I bet those hungry men are all staring at your gorgeous self, not even eating.” your demeanor changed right away, earning a deep sigh from Yamaguchi, he really wanted his friend to find love and stop being so salty all the time, but you were definitely head over heels with this other guy, “Don’t be silly, everyone here knows I’m yours.” Ouch, that hurts. Tsuki got up, taking both of your empty bowls along, silently walking over to the counter, trying his best to be a man. He knew it would take time, he might not even succeed ever, but he had to be patient, “His, huh? We’ll see about that.”
・ 。゚☆: .☾ . :☆゚.・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.・
You’ve been dating Suna for the past seven months, he’s been the most loving boyfriend you could ever wish to have, as funny as always, bringing happiness to your heart every day.
But long distance relationships are hard.
You loved him so much, all you wanted to do was to be by his side. Be able to cheer for him during his matches, having him hold you to sleep. It was now physically showing how desperately you wanted this, it was clear to everyone you were barely sleeping, lets not even mention eating. You weren’t looking good at all and Tsukishima was worried.
You were forced to run for the school sports day, not being many girls in your class every single one of you were obligated to multiple roles. You didn’t even had two hours of sleep last night and breakfast…well…who had time for that, so you were feeling a bit dizzy to say the least.
Your friends were there to cheer for you at the race, Tsuki being in the first row making sure he wouldn’t miss a second. But the one that missed something was you, as soon as you started running you blacked out, falling in front of your classmates and even being stomped on by some that weren’t able to stop on time. “(Y/N)!!” the last thing you heard was Kei’s voice and that just brought you the sense of security you needed to completely loose consciousness.
Tsukishima ran over to you, lifting you in his arms and running over to the infirmary. Miyuki, who was holding your phone, called your boyfriend first before following the first year into the building.
The nurse told him you were exhausted and probably haven’t been eating much, so she wanted you to stay there for the rest of the day with I.V fluids. One of your schoolmates had also stomped too hard on your wrist and it seemed broken, so you would need to go to the hospital after class, your mother was not available to take the nurses call so she left a message and told all this to Tsukishima so he would rely the message to you when you woke up.
It took a couple of hours for you to stir, Tsukishima had been holding onto your good hand all this time hoping you would wake up soon. “Kei..? What happened?” you were very disoriented, the pain killers in your I.V being very efficient, you could barely feel any pain. “You blacked out on the middle of the race. Was told you aren’t sleeping or eating. Why are you doing this to yourself, (Y/N)? Is it because of Suna?” you could hear the amount of venom coating his last question. If he was your boyfriend he would take such good care of you, just when were you going to realize that?? “I’ve just been having a hard time lately, it’s all on me though.”
Before Tsukishima could retaliate to your argument the doors to the infirmary burst open, a very agitated and panting Suna blocking the entire doorway. “Baby, are you ok? I came as fast as I could!” he ran over to your side, cradling your face gently in his hands, taking a good look at you. You looked dead tired, sick even. “No. She’s not ok. She hasn’t been sleeping or eating for months now. Just look at her! She’s so weak can’t even run properly and got hurt, now she has to go to the hospital and get her wrist fixed and why? All because you aren’t here for her! Isn’t that what a boyfriend is supposed to do?” he was fuming, you were as startled as Suna was, what’s gotten into him? “It’s not like I don’t want to be here, Tsukishima. Do you have an idea of how far my house is from here? Why do you think it took me so long to come? I had to beg my coach to drive me here, I don’t even know how am I going back home I even forgot my school bag and my wallet is in there. I’m doing the best I can.” you reached over, placing a peck on the side of his hand, you knew he was having as much of a hard time as you were and you just appreciated him so much. “Well, it’s not enough! If you can’t fulfill your role as her boyfriend then maybe you should step down so someone else can take the spot. Someone who can and will be there for her all the time.” he was growing louder, a small crowd forming outside the doors trying to see what was going on.
“Oh? And let me guess, that person would be you, right? Pft, look, I appreciate all you’ve done for her, she adores you and you are a very important friend for her, even I know that, but you gotta understand she is MY girlfriend and that isn’t going to change any time soon.” Suna was growing more and more agitated, not even Atsumu has gotten him this aggravated before. “You see her like twice a month, Suna. How can someone like that be there for her? Think about her, about her well being! If I was you I would have done something already to be by her side.” now you were the one getting angry, why do they keep on talking like if you weren’t there?
“Don’t even talk about things you don’t know. I wanted to transfer to Karasuno but (Y/N) wouldn’t let me. She’s proud of the fact that Inarizaki scouted me to play for their school, my family moved all the way from Aichi just so I could be part of the team and I was more than willing to leave it all for her, so don’t talk like you know everything when you clearly don’t.” the blonde middle blocker was losing his last straw of patience, so what? He would have done it anyways. “So? She has to throw her life into a trashcan just so you can become someone one day and you’re just going to agree with that? Just like that?” you were now sitting up, giving your friend an annoyed tired look. “No, kei. I’m not that stupid. That’s why I’m transferring to Inarizaki next spring.” Both of them were staring at you bewildered, not even your boyfriend knew about this. “That’s why I haven’t been sleeping well, their entrance tests aren’t easy and I wanted a full scholarship to make sure my mom would agree to it.” Tsukishima’s heart was cracking and he didn’t know what to do, “But (Y/N)! What about us? You have so many friends here that love you. Are you willing to leave us all behind that easily?” you could hear the desperation in his tone of voice it was heartbreaking. “It’s not easy, Kei. Did you really think I was just sad and loosing sleep over missing my boyfriend? Of course that’s a huge part of it but making this decision has been tougher than I thought it would be for me. Not only will I be leaving my friends but also my mother, my hometown, everything I’m used to. Do you think that’s easy? But I would never make Rin come here for me, it would be like stealing his future. He is fantastic at what he does and you know it’s true. There’s nothing I can do here that I can’t do at Inarizaki, so I must be the one to move.”
They were both in complete shock, Suna’s heart was about to burst with so much love. You were really willing to leave everything behind just to be closer to him. He never thought he would find someone like you, for someone who didn’t believe in love for majority of his life he’s been blessed with the best of the best.
“We will still talk every day as we do now, Kei and I will visit often. I’m sorry to disappoint you I’m just doing what I think is the best for my boyfriend’s future and my own.” he just nodded trying to take everything in. You were leaving in just a few weeks, then what, was it all over for good? He hasn’t even had the chance to confess his feelings to you yet.
Suna was moving away your covers, gently removing the I.V from your arm. “What the hell do you think you are doing? The nurse said she had to stay with that on all day.”
“I know, but (Y/N)‘s mother, who’s a doctor, told me to bring her home after taking her to the hospital to get her wrist checked. She will get her back on it as soon as I take her to her room. Now if you excuse me, I have to take my girlfriend to the hospital.” he told you to hang on tight as he carried you bridal style out of the infirmary, all the onlookers either jealous of you or trying to snap a picture to gossip later.
Was it really the end? Was there nothing he could do? Tsukishima collapsed onto the bed you were laying on just a few seconds ago, thinking about a way to covey his feelings before it’s too late.
Tagged babes: @dazaisfavgf, @lauraagrace, @thisbicc, @jcrml, @karasunoya
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asena-graywolf · 1 year
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Considerate Boyfriend
“Look y/n… are you really dating that weird guy?”
"Yes. Is there any problem with that?”
You could proudly tell your friends that you were Aone's girlfriend. Unfortunately, your friends were biased about your boyfriend because of Aone's outwardly scary appearance.
“No but…he looks like a bully”
"Yes. Does he treat you badly?"
“Did he do the scar on your knee?”
As usual, they managed to get on their nerves.
“What nonsense are you doing? I fell off a horse last week. Luckily I survived with only one minor scratch. He also put the tape on my knee.”
"You can’t be serious!"
“I am quite serious. He may look like a terrible bully from afar, but he is never what he seems.”
"Is he just being nice to you, then?"
“I have never seen him mistreat his teammates or anyone else. Besides…who knows? Maybe you don't deserve to see the real good side of him. So he's not really showing you how kind and bland he is."
They laughed at the answer. Obviously, no matter what you said, they wouldn't be convinced that Aone wasn't what they thought she was.
“This is crazy. Open your eyes, fool! That guy is a bully. Besides, I've heard that when he gets on the train, no one sits next to him. The team captain punched Futakuchi in the shoulder”
“Who knows what Futakuchi did? Also, Aone doesn't hit anyone for nothing. Either something happened to make him very angry or he couldn't control his power. Doesn't anyone sit next to you? Don't be funny! I'm sitting next to him. Others may fear him, but his kindness and cuteness never frighten me. You are low-thoughted people.”
“You are blinded by love. If you ask me, try to save yourself from this mental patient as soon as possible"
“Watch your tongue! That boy you call mentally ill is the strongest middle blocker on the volleyball team. He’s such an iron wall. Plus it's way better than those cool kids you're dating. Don't ever laugh at him or blab around about him!”
“At least those cool boys can talk, y/n-chan. Can your boyfriend really talk?"
“He can talk. But he doesn't want to talk to you. Why would he talk to fools like you who don't understand the heart and love? He talks when he wants, not when he doesn't want to. Everything is up to his taste. He is aint for none”
Your eyes are filled with anger, but you try not to show it.
“Shut your mouths and keep hunting handsome boys, you jerks! Leave my boyfriend alone! You don't know him! You will never know!”
You quickly drove away from there. You wanted to throw yourself away. It never mattered where. You thought of the attic and you went up there.
You felt a little calm as the fresh air hit your face. You calmed her nerves and kept her eyes from watering.
It wasn't just because you felt the fresh air blowing. When you turned your head, you saw Aone sitting against the view with her back to you.
It couldn't be a coincidence that your boyfriend was here at the same time as you.
“Aone? Were you here too?" you said and you approached him
There was no way he hadn't heard you. Yet he did not react. You knew you weren't supposed to go after him when he didn't want to talk. But you needed to talk too
“It is no coincidence that we are here at the same time. My dumb classmates pissed me off again. I hate when they talk back and forth about you. They don't know that you have a loving heart. Seriously, none of them deserve to see your true personality. People are really cruel and prejudiced…that's why I don't want to make friends. Except for you of course"
Again, Aone didn't react to you. He was just listening to you. He knew that even though he didn't answer you, he could understand your feelings.
"Come on! Will I always talk to your back like this? Okay, I know you don't like to talk. But you don't like talking to me too? I'm literally taking words from your mouth with tweezers"
You sighed and smiled slightly. You turned around and sat down with your back to his
“Well okay. Let's not talk. Then show me a sign of how I can get along with you without speaking."
You rested the back of your head on his back and took a deep breath. Then you turn yourself to the right, face her back, and wrap your arms around her waist. You put your cheek on his back. You could hear her breathing and heartbeat
"Do you know?…I love you. No matter what they say. I'm not ashamed to be with you. Quite the contrary, I'm proud to be your girlfriend. If you're just with me, that's enough for me. I don't want anything else. I don't need any friends but you anyway. Lovers are also like each other's best friend"
Your words must have pleased Aone. You felt the warmth of his hands on your hand. He stroked his knuckles and the back of his hand
“Sit near to me” she said briefly and clearly.
You put your arms around his waist and came over to him. You pulled your knees to your chest and sat down. The Band-Aid on his knee caught his eye
“How was the your knee?”
"Better. For you sticking the tape"
He caressed his kneecap with his huge palm
"Well. I am pleased"
“Do you have practice today?”
He nodded yes.
“Oops! Look at the chance. I also have training. If it wasn't, I would say let's meet in the park at the exit"
“Don't worry, we'll find time to meet up. You go to your training. But watch out. This time, don't fall off the horse"
“I do, don't worry. You do well too. Do well-by to your iron wall nickname"
He took your hand. Your hand looked tiny within his huge hand, and it was literally disappearing. He ran his fingers through yours, she. The warmth of your palm hit your cold palm
“How huge are your hands. Tall people have big hands and feet though. And look at my hand. Lost in your hands" you laughed
While you were laughing, Aone pulled her hand towards her and placed a kiss on it.
You rested your head on his shoulder. His free hand caresses your cheek
"Come on. Lunch break is almost over. Let's go" he said and you stood up
You continued to attend your classes until the departure time. Unfortunately you couldn't meet at checkout and you only wished him a nice and productive workout via text message.
After I came home and had a snack, you went to practice. You loved this job. Both horses and riding them
You took your horse from the stable and rode it, and you were enjoying a workout in the company of your trainer. You felt extremely cool.
I wish Aone could see you on horseback too. You would like him to discover your riding charisma
Then you turn yourself to the right, face her back, and wrap your arms around her waist. You put your cheek on his back. You could hear her breathing and heartbeat
"You know what, I love you? No matter what they say. I'm not ashamed to be with you. Quite the contrary, I'm proud to be your girlfriend. If you're just with me, that's enough for me. I don't want anything else. I don't need any friends but you anyway. Lovers are also like each other's best friend"
Your words must have pleased Aone. You felt the warmth of his hands on your hand. He stroked his knuckles and the back of his hand
“Come with me,” she said briefly and clearly.
You put your arms around his waist and came over to him. You pulled your knees to your chest and sat down. The Band-Aid on his knee caught his eye
“How was your knee?”
"Better. For sticking the tape"
He caressed his kneecap with his huge palm
"Well. I am pleased"
“Do you have practice today?”
He nodded yes.
“Oops! Look at the chance. I also have training. If it wasn't, I would say let's meet in the park at the exit"
“Don't worry, we'll find time to meet up. You go to your training. But watch out. This time, don't fall off the horse"
“I do, don't worry. You do well too. Do justice to your iron wall nickname"
He took your hand. Your hand looked tiny within his huge hand, and it was literally disappearing. He ran his fingers through yours, she. The warmth of your palm hit your cold palm
“How big are your hands. Tall people have big hands and feet though. And look at my hand. Lost in your hands" you laughed
While you were laughing, Aone pulled her hand towards her and placed a kiss on it.
You rested your head on his shoulder. His free hand caresses your cheek
"Come on. Lunch break is almost over. Let's go" he said and you stood up
You continued to attend your classes until the departure time. Unfortunately you couldn't meet at checkout and you only wished him a nice and productive workout via text message.
After I came home and had a snack, you went to practice. You loved this job. Both horses and riding them
You took your horse from the stable and rode it, and you were enjoying a workout in the company of your trainer. You felt extremely cool.
You wish Aone could see you on horseback too. You would like him to discover your riding charisma
You wouldn't fall off the horse like last time. But it didn't turn out the way you think. You lost control of the horse, just as the horse jumped over the obstacle, the reins slipped from your hand and you were blown up.
The last thing you remember was being in the air. You couldn't remember how you hit the ground and what happened after that
You opened your eyes in the infirmary. He was surrounded by your trainer, your fellow riders, and a few doctors.
“How did this happen?”
“Suddenly he lost control of the reins and fell down instantly”
“She walked away from accident. She's conscious. No cracks or cracks anywhere. Just let her rest.”
Luck wasn't really smiling in your face. Just two weeks ago you fell off your horse and injured your knee, and now you're covered in bruises.
This was normal for your trainer. You were still a beginner and you were going to learn by hovering
You're alone with your trainer after everyone leaves
“Yes y/n-chan. Falling off the horse is normal, but you need to be a little more careful. You heard the doctor, rest well. Is there someone to take you home? Do you want me to inform your family?"
You weren't fully sober yet. You had difficulty speaking. It occurred to him to call Aone. must have wondered about you
"No. I hafta call my boyfriend. He can take me home. I don't want to worry my family for nothing"
"Ok. Wait, I'll get your bag"
When he looked outside, it was getting dark. You knew Aone's temper. If he couldn't reach you, he was going crazy with curiosity.
You answered your phone as soon as your coach brought your bag. You saw the screen full of missed calls and messages from Aone.
Y/n…where are you?
Pick up that phone!
Are you gonna make me worried sick?
If you don't response it I'm really going to the police
You immediately called Aone. He picked up the phone instantly. There was fear and anxiety in his voice. Anger stemming from some fear
“Y/n! Finally! Why don't you pick your phone up! I've been calling you for hours! I thought something happened to you, i went through hell and back”
"I am sorry. I didn't want to worry you. But unfortunately I fell off the horse again. This time is worse than before”
"What did you say? Are you ok? I'll come and get you"
You tried to get off the stretcher
“That's why I called you. Please come get me Aone"
“I'm coming right now. I'll be there in a short while" and hung up the phone.
You got dressed and waited outside the training ground. Aone arrived within minutes. You stood up as soon as you saw him.
“Aone…so you got here”
He took her face in his hands and examined the scars on his face.
“God! Don't you ever pay attention y/n?"
He kissed you on the forehead
“It happened in an instant. The reins slipped out of my hands.”
You were dizzy and almost lost your balance.
"Are you ok?" ' she asked, holding her shoulders.
"I feel dizzy. I am not able to stand”
He took you in his arms and hugged you tightly. You lay your head on his chest
“Get some rest. I will call a taxi. Then I'll drop you home"
Somethings and someones made me Aone fan and this is my first Aone x reader fic
I love him so much, he’s not popular but he deserves to love more
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todomochi-uwu · 4 years
Of Unspoken Troubles & Loving You (3/3)
Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader
Warnings: Angst
Author’s Notes: Done.
"Don't worry, Toshi. We'll be okay."
Previous parts: First Second Second&Half
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Tension filled the entire gymnasium, you could feel it, the players could feel it, the rest of teams could feel it, everyone was gathering around the court, watching as each of the teams gave out their best to try and beat the other.
Anxiety ran through your veins, your shoulders were tense and the need to vomit was becoming more prominent each second it passed, you knew damn well you might have caused all this stupid rivalry, and while an outsider might see it as an over-exaggeration, the thought of someone getting hurt was throwing you over the edge. You could see the face of each and every single one of the boys, you could see the desperation, the nerves, the tiredness; and you couldn't help but pity them, there was nothing left to say, there was no way to convince them, it just simply would be stupid to do it.
The ball flew by leaving each court, points were given and groans let out, sweat covered their entire faces and their breathing so heavy it could be heard across the room; it was already the third set and none of the teams had asked for a time out, no one was giving up. It wasn´t until the mandatory rest at the half of the set that you could finally approach the boys.
"Hey boys, please take it easy. I don't want anyone getting hurt, okay? Please remember this is only a practice match, nothing to lose here." You try and calm them up, passing out water bottles, just as you were making sure everyone was okay, the rigidness of a chest crossed your way.
You looked up and couldn´t help but get flustered at the sight, Ushijima's breathing was heavy and sweat drops ran down his face, he sported the same stoic face as always but the look in his eyes was trying to tell you something, he longed for something and you knew what it was, wondering if you should give in and just comfort him, but once again the words 'Manager, not captain' filled your thoughts, and suddenly the urge washed away. "You are giving your best Ushijima san, but remember not to overwork it, Washijou wouldn´t like for you to pull a muscle." Patting his shoulder, you made your way to the rest of the team.
You were helping Tendou bandage his fingers, which were now red and bloated from all the blocking he had done, every time you would pass the bandages around them he would let out a small hiss, "You know, he didn't mean to be an asshole, he´s sorry for what he did." Tendou mumbled, making you frown "I see, so that´s why you are here apologizing for him." Tendou tried again, "Y/N…" "No, Tendou. I'm more than tired." You got up, finishing the last touches and going next to make sure Goshiki was okay.
The rest of the match was even worse, Kenma could barely breath and the look that covered Kuroo's face was one of pure frustration, the board wasn´t looking good for his team, 24-19, and while they had managed to win a set, he didn't think they could get away with the victory.
And while they tried their very best, in the end, it wasn't enough.
Everything was over, and while everyone seemed satisfied enough that the match was over, Kuroo couldn't help as if he had to prove himself to you. Feeling ashamed that even at this moments, Ushijima had managed to surpass him.
"Good job, guys!" You came running with towels and a box full of energy drinks, making sure everyone had one, even Nekoma. After reassuring all of them were okay, you spotted a very tired man sitting by the benches, head low, covered by a white towel and gasping for air still. Kuroo.
You approached him slowly, not wanting to startle him, "Hi." Your voice was small, not knowing how he would react.
He raised his head, the look in his eyes said everything, "Hey."
Few minutes passed by, no one knew what to say next.
"I knew that maybe we didn't stand a chance, but this is a new kind of humiliation." He giggled humourlessly.
"Kuroo…" You tried, before he continued, "I'm not mad at you, it would be stupid to be. I just can't believe that asshole has absolutely everything right in front of his fucking nose and yet he doesn't seem to care." He shook his head, desperation filling his veins, clouding his vision. "Fuck this." He got up and the process he kicked the bench next to him, making his way down the gym.
"Kuroo?" You followed him, worried for what he might do.
His pace didn't stop or faltered, his eyes screamed in fury and his body language indicated only one thing if Ushijima wasn't going to realize by himself how lucky he was, maybe he would have to give him a clue.
Meanwhile, you kept trying to stop him, reason with his logic and the thoughts that fogged his mind, but nothing worked, he was determined to do something.
"Ushijima!" The raw voice filled the hallway, making the miracle boy turn around. His features hardened at the sight of you behind Kuroo; he didn't say anything but didn't back down. "You are a fucking jerk, are you aware of that?"
Nothing you could say or do would change the current situation.
"You. You fucking idiot." His finger pointed directly, coming closer every second. "You have absolutely everything I have been killing myself for, you are monster in volleyball, we get it, but you also got her?" This time the attention was directed at you, making you uncomfortable, "And yet you dare ignore her and treat her like a piece of shit. Who the fuck do you think you are?" He couldn't hold back anymore, pushing his hands against Ushijima's chest, he kept going, not worrying about the consequences, "You don't deserve it, you don't deserve the love she's giving you." The final straw, "And for that, I'll make sure you don't get any more of it."
Everything seemed so blurry, one moment to another Ushijima was on top of the middle blocker, punches flying everywhere, curses and threats were thrown and terror swallowed your heart.
Tendou and Reon trying to hold back Ushijima while Bokuto and Lev tried to do the same for Kuroo, it had finally blown up and you couldn't help but feel responsible.
Coaches surrounded the boys, dragging them apart and lecturing them in what just had happened; feeling completely useless you made your way outside, trying to clear your thoughts.
Was all of this necessary? Ushijima might be oblivious and blunt, but you loved him; he was also having a hard time and you knew it, yet decided to go on.
And what about Kuroo? Why did you have to get him involved in your mess? He was doing more than okay, yet you were selfish enough and dragged him.
If it was love, whatever you seemed to be in, why was it so difficult to feel happy? It surely shouldn't be like this, you should be able to communicate all your worries to Wakatoshi, it should not be this difficult, and to this, you worried. Was Ushijima the real problem here, or was there something more to it?
Making your way down to the nursery's office, know full well Ushijima and Kuroo would be there, not being quite ready to face them, not knowing what to say or how to act, you just knew you had to see them.
Sitting down on a bench next to the door was Kuroo, he was holding an ice pack to his right cheek and small bandages covered his lips along with some cream covering the small bruises in his nose. The sight of his face alone made your heart feel even heavier. "Hey, cry baby." He mumbled.
"Hey." You sat down, trying to find the right words. "You look like shit." God, why are you like this?
"Yeah? You should see what I did to him." He said lazily, "He doesn't punch as hard as I think he would, do you think he was holding back?" He smirked, before wincing out in pain.
"I am sorry."
He gave you frown, "Why?"
"I dragged you into all this mess, and now you are hurt. It was my mess to deal with and I involved you in it, for that I am sorry."
"You didn't do anything, I decided to be here and while I didn't expect it to turn out this way, I'm glad." He gave you a reassuring smile, cracking a little bit when the pain kicked in once again.
"You are a moron."
He giggled, "Yeah I might be, but I also know about who feels like an even bigger idiot." He sighed, "We had a little bit of a talk, and turns out he is aware of the problem; he owns it completely and is willing to try to make things better, but…"
He hesitated.
"I'm not sure about what you want."
You sighed, shaking your head "To be quite honest I don't know. I mean, I still love him, he's not a bad person and I'm sure he still loves me, but…"
"But I'm not sure if it's the best thing to jump into it right away, maybe we should go back a few steps, you know?"
"I completely understand, and I know he will too. Just talk to him, he loves you enough to give you time and space, or to let you go if that's what you want."
Nodding, "I don't want him out of my life."
"And that won't happen but for now tell him how you feel, it'll be okay."
"Hey, Kuroo?"
"When we first met, you talked about going through the same situation, care enough to explain?"
"Fuck, I did talk about that huh? Well, let's just say I was taken for granted, treated like shit and I went through this spiral of lies and obsessive thoughts that emotionally destroyed me, that made me doubt myself, my friends and every single thing I believed in." He rubbed his hands, looking out the ground, "When I got out of it I felt so empty and dead on the inside I genuinely considered never dating again; it might sound like an overreaction, but I was so numb to the entire world I didn't think love was worth anything. And then, someone came in and made me realise that maybe, just maybe it wasn't my fault, it was my abuser's fault, that I wasn't at fault for giving my all to someone who just drained me, they helped me and now here we are." He looked into your eyes, "Sometimes I wonder if the trauma would have healed faster if they had appeared while I was still in that hell, instead of after. That´s why I felt the urge to help you, and while Ushijima is nowhere an asshole as my ex was, you were hurting and I hated seeing it."
"Kuroo…" Tears filled your eyes, threatening to fall.
"Oh common, please don't cry, I'm on the other side now and everything's okay."
"Do I know them?"
"Huh let's see, they are just as weird as you, but a little bit less annoying I guess." You groaned in annoyance, "I'm kidding, but yes you do know them."
"Aren't you going to tell me?" Before you could continue complaining the nursery's office door opened, and here he was, the giant, buffed, airheaded man you called your boyfriend.
Standing up you met his gaze, there was no coldness in it, no hate, no malice, just pure longing and regret, and your hurt couldn't help but clench. Taking his hand in between yours, you caressed it, making him shiver.
"Don't worry, Toshi. We'll be okay."
"So you want to break up?" He furrowed his eyebrows, his hands felt clammy and his breathier became a bit quicker.
"Not quite like that, I think we jump into a relationship way too quickly, we barely even knew each other and even if we have been in this for some months now, we are not working out as we should."
"I will try harder, I swear," He mumbled.
"And I know you will, I trust you to do it, but how about we make our priorities the things we love right now? Like you win those nationals and I focus on getting into university?"
"I didn't know having me impeded your education."
"It's not, but I want to know what's like to look out only for me, to know I'm not chasing anyone, just for a little while."
He nodded, didn't say a word for a few minutes, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel as if you were chasing me. I missed my chance and I understand it. Know that I still love you and will keep on doing it, and I respect your decision of letting things between us end." He vowed and turned around, not sure how to processed what just happened.
"Ushijima." "Yes?" Locking your arms around his waist, looking straight into his eyes and caressing the side of his face, "I am not letting you go, I can't. This is just for me to be able to heal, but I still love you Wakatoshi, please don't forget that."
His arms surrounded your waist, leaning his head against the crook of your neck and nodding, his body shaking slightly "Okay."
Tags: @samanthaa-leanne @missalienqueen @anime-weeb-bnha @minnieminnie00-got7 @ama-suhen @iiwah @saeranoppa @4ambagelbites @sunaswife @puma-d-a @lionhearteddame @ix-elastix @dudejuststop @pruemania @salty4tsukki @wonderblogger @animexholic @kenmascateyes @aralynxo @decaffeinatedcheesecakemiracle @tsibba01 @softkookyy @nnessworls @xxitsaeonxx @hallothankmas @sinex @shinhiromi @killuaking @icedberrytea @foreverdebbie​ @nati-08​ @amoursa​ @lilolpotato​big @bigtitmisfit​ @itzgabz22​ @holographicwriter​ @aonenthusiast​ @flmshneverbreaks​ @yeolliedokai​ @cyber3lf​ @lyrxbz​ @nikkiandherrandomshits​ @josieveli​ @ryk-iok​ @lueurdeespoir​ @vee-77​ @keiwaii @katxsukishima​ @sweetpeas-serpentprincess​ @russiankgbspecialagenta​ @decaffeinatedcheesecakemiracle​ @ilhy2003​ @psionic-s​ @feifood​ @katsukispointyhair​ @amoursa​ @crystal-lilac​ @uwu4ushijima @crescenttooru @cuddlesslut​
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caxsthetic · 4 years
Not Fine
Miya Osamu x F!Reader
Hurtful Truth: Not everyone was given the chance to have someone that they loved. And sometimes, we could only think about what could have been.
Pt. 2 ⇚ Part 3 ⇛ Ep.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. GRAND MASTERLIST .* :☆゚. ───
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"All your services are brutal today, Atsumu."
The setter's grip on his water bottle tightened when his upperclassmen — now fellow teammates on Japan National Team — stated his well being all over again. He didn't answer, nor was he willing to explain why he looked like he was ready to kill anyone on sight.
Though, the wing spiker knew. Ojiro didn't have to hear anything from the blonde setter. The news about the Onigiri Miya scandal was all over the nation after all. The drama that no one ever thought would occur, knowing how much the owner and the woman behind the company loved each other.
But sometimes, this life was not all about fairy tales and happy endings. Not everyone had the privilege to have the love that they wanted. Not everyone could have someone they love to be their lifetime partner. And Atsumu, he knew that fact for a long time, ever since the first moment he laid his eyes on you.
"My sister will join us at today's practice." The middle blocker said after munching on his lunch. "Hope you guys would be okay with that."
Atsumu groaned, hating the fact that there would be some kind of distraction. He didn't care less though, knowing he would not even spare a glance. But a new face at practice only meant that everyone would swarm them, like a toy that everyone wanted to have. Especially since they were related to the members of the club, that made everything worse.
"Does she really have to?" Rintarou rolled his eyes a little when the setter parted his lips. Not because of the question, but more like how the question was being thrown.
"My parents are going to be home late. They will kill me if she's all alone in the house." Though the brunette just answered a matter of factly, knowing for certain if he answered with the same tone, all hell broke loose.
"Tch. Is she just like another squealing pig or something? Can't she take care of herself?"
"No, Samu. For real, do all girls really can't defend themselves? Why is she being treated so highly you can't make her stay at home all alone?" The commotion was not necessary, but he just couldn't help it when someone had the potential to wreck the practice.
"It's all about being a great sibling, Sumu." The opposite wing spiker answered with his usual flat intonation. "Something that you really lacked off, ya know?"
"Hah?! What does that mean?!" Atsumu really wanted to throw some pickles at his twin. But somehow he could imagine the silver-haired man opening up his mouth to catch the food instead, so he chose to stay silent and grumbled under his breath.
He played with his food, poking the vegetables as he had a big pout plastered on his face. "What is she anyway? A princess or something?"
But by God, you were more than just a princess.
The second you walked inside the gymnasium beside your brother, his jaw dropped as he felt like he was blessed by the deity. You were not like any other girls that were usually so timid and acting all shy — no, not like that.
You had your chin up, throwing your soft smile to anyone that met your gaze. So confident, as if it was the thousand times you were already meeting the whole team. Rintarou didn't even need to introduce you, you already talked to everyone like an old friend.
Something about you just made him feel warm. Atsumu didn't know you, he didn't even bother to ask the brunette middle blocker for your name. But he swore even though you were just standing there, eyes still focused on anyone else, he could feel his heart singing.
A genuine smile emerged on his face, the smile that only appeared when he looked at some cool volleyball technique or a row of fatty tuna at the convenience store.
"Hey, Samu." He called out to his twin brother as his brown orbs still planted on your figure. "At this moment, I claim Sunarin's sister as mine!" He expected to hear any remark, or maybe a volleyball being thrown towards his face.
But there was only silence. The setter was sure that his twin was standing right beside him, so why didn't he get any answer — oh. Oh, that's why. When he turned his face to look at the silver-haired man, he really wished he didn't.
The grey orbs that usually so dimmed, that didn't even spark that much when they were on the court, were now shone so bright with adoration and amazement. Atsumu followed where the gaze fell, what could possibly have made his twin brother have such intense expressions.
And he could feel his shoulder slumped when he realised that his twin was looking at the same person that he saw before. Why of all things in this world, they just had to have the exact interest towards one person. Not fair, he wanted to say that he was the one who looked at you first, he wanted to punch his brother's arms and told him that you would be his.
"Didja say something, Sumu?"
But right now as his twin brother finally composed himself and turned around to face him, Atsumu just realised how the love that he had for his twin brother was a little bit too much for his own good.
"Nah. Just some dumb things."
Guess happily ever after really existed only in the children's books.
"You have been scrolling through your phone for the last couple of minutes." The blonde setter didn't give any kind of response as he just drilled his eyes to the small screen. Knowing that he wouldn't receive anything, the stoic ex-captain of Inarizaki VBC decided to just sit beside the melancholic male, taking the empty stool.
It was not really like Atsumu at all, to seclude himself while everyone was either on the dance floor or bantering together — since it had been so long for the rest of the team to be in the same place. Though, Kita couldn't blame him from wanting to get away from here.
"You do understand that one day you have to make peace with Osamu, right?"
Just the mention of his twin was enough to make his blood boil. He gritted his teeth, scoffing at the idea of him to be on the same page with the businessman like before. As if he could see his twin brother without disgust, as if he could see his twin brother with the same fondness.
No, Miya Osamu didn't have the liberty to be considered as his brother the second he decided to cheat on you.
From the very first moment he saw you, Atsumu never thought that he wanted to have someone in his life as much as when he met you. Your sweet smile, supportive nature, so good and just felt so right even as time went by.
Though he never dared to say anything, not because he was a coward and afraid of rejection, it was not that. But because he knew too well that his twin brother used to look at you the same way he commits. What sickening was when he realised he still gazed at you like a fool in love while the younger twin didn't anymore.
And he wished, he really wished that he never let Osamu have a taste of your love since the beginning.
"Tch. Like hell I am willing to do that." Atsumu locked his phone and threw it mindlessly to the bar. "I am sorry, Kita-san. But you of all people should have known why I act like this." He clenched and unclenched his fist to calm himself down, to erase the little tremor that he felt.
The brown orbs that belonged to the setter now sent a dagger to the laughing man that was swarmed by a lot of people. How could his twin have such a joyous smile on his face after everything that he had done? How could someone act so free as if he didn't just tear someone else's life?
Osamu was blessed to have such a wonderful woman that never turned her back on him. When his twin called him that one particular day, saying that you said yes to his wedding proposal — Atsumu realised that he had lost the promise that he made at one of their fights.
"When we are in our deathbeds, I am gonna turn and look you right in your face! And say I had a happier life!"
He scoffed the second he hung up the call. His twin had won, there was nothing that could make him happier than to have you in his life, cheering at him on every match that he had. You were there though, on most of the tournaments that were held, being such a supportive sister-in-law.
You always sat on the VIP bleachers, the one that was located at the side of the court. When you were there to support him, you went all out, wearing his volleyball club's merchandise as if you were paid with how you looked like you were drowned by all of those items. And by all means, he wanted to run up to you after a service ace, he wanted to cup your cheek and smash his lips to yours.
Yet he knew that it was just a mindless dream. For years he buried his feelings that never wanted to leave. He was there to be the best wingman that he could ever be for his twin brother, he made sure that no one captured your heart except for Osamu — and of course himself.
Yet right now as he looked at how Osamu had his arms wrapped around Rintarou instead of you, he wished he never helped his brother to get your heart in the first place.
He couldn't, he couldn't do this anymore.
Atsumu grabbed his jacket and car keys, rushing out from the club that smelled nothing but sweat and alcohol. He used to enjoy it, to have fun and get wasted with his brother. But now a glimpse of the twin and he wanted to spit on his face.
His upperclassmen didn't even bother to stop him, knowing that if he tried to make him stay, it would only result in a fight. The setter didn't care how his brother called out to him, he didn't even turn his head as he walked through all the strangers that were invited here.
He sped up his pace, slipping through the swarm of people as he didn't want his twin brother to catch up on him. "Hoi, Sumu!"
Atsumu could finally feel the fresh air when he barged through the door. The night air was cold, but it was a lot more refreshing than the packed space inside. He stopped for a second, to gather his breath before continuing his pace to the car.
But then he tensed up when he heard someone else walking outside, following him. Something about a bond between a twin brother, was how they could feel each other's presence within some range. A scowl immediately appeared on his face as he could hear his twin panted behind him.
"Why the fuck you followed me?" His voice was flat, but from how he chose the words was enough to make Osamu know how much his older brother despised him. "I don't want to see you, go back to your — fuck, to that whore!"
Osamu snapped when the blonde setter insulted his fiancé. He couldn't control it as his body moved on its own, fist making contact to the back of his brother's head. It was as if there was a fire blinding him, what fire? He didn't even know as he continued to plant his fist to his doppelganger.
"Take that back, Sumu!" He was so enraged as he forcefully turned his brother's head to face him, hand gripping on the collar. "Don't you bring my fiancé's name like that! Rintarou didn't have any fault—"
"Didn't have any fault?!" Atsumu spit on his twin brother's face, making the black-haired man drop him to the ground. "You fucking cheat on (Y/n), and he agreed! The two of you fuck around on the goddamn house that you shared with her! He did it willingly, Samu!"
The parking lot was quiet, as everyone was currently inside and enjoying their night. Oblivious of what happened just outside the club. The setter dusted his clothes, gritting his teeth as he looked at his twin brother that he always boasted around here and there. But now, now the brown orbs looked at his carbon copy with disappointment. "And I still can't believe you did that too."
The two of them just stared at each other's eyes, five feet apart since they were sure another fight would ensue if there was no gap in between them.
Atsumu letting out a sigh, chuckling bitterly as he could feel tears pricked at the corner of his eyes. His twin brother could do nothing but to face the ground, funny how they were so close, yet felt so far as if there was no bond that connected them since birth.
The younger twin didn't dare to face his brother as he let every word that was just being thrown towards him sunk inside his mind. He knew that the setter now wanted nothing to do with him, he knew that perhaps for the next few years, Atsumu would do anything to avoid him.
Ever since everyone knew what he did with the professional middle blocker, he could feel how the string that linked them together — started to get loose. The two of them promised inside their own mind, that they would never leave each other behind. So he had to cling on that hope.
"Hey, Samu." The younger twins looked up, only to see the broad back of his brother. He didn't know what was inside the setter's head, he couldn't see his expression to predict the words that might come out. But somehow, he could feel his heart clenched as if it would be the last time he saw him.
"I wish I never had you as my brother."
And right at this moment, he just realised that he had lost not just one — but two people at the same time.
He had lost you, the only woman that would do anything for him in a blink of an eye, you that interlaced your hand with him as you walked right by his side from the beginning. You, you, and you. His first love, his first kiss, his first everything.
And he, too, lost Miya Atsumu, his very own twin brother that was there to accompany him when he breathed the first air in this world. Now his greyish orbs could only stare at the car that passed him, a sign that showed him from now on — he was on his own.
Osamu buried his face on the white sheet of his bed, covering his whole head with a pillow. This had been going on for the last minutes, and the setter started to get tired of hearing his usual quiet twin, acting like he just dropped some food down the floor, whining and grunting.
"Can ya shut yer trap?" Atsumu was not angry or something, he was just curious about what could cause his twin to be like this. "You are awfully annoying right now, ya know?"
He expected to hear some reaction, another insult just like how it used to. But surprisingly, he was only greeted by silence. The blonde that was playing the console before now paused his game, walking towards the bed and poke his head at the upper level. He nudged his twin brother on the waist, making the opposite wing spiker to jolt and yelped.
"What do ya want?!" Osamu grumbled and sat up straight on his bed, glaring at his twin. "I am busy thinking, what is it?"
"You are making disturbing noises as if you are going to die!" The blonde retorted, folding his arms in front of his chest. "What is it? Don't tell me you failed another exam."
"No, no." Letting out a sigh, the foodies leaned his head on the wall. "It's not that, it's something silly actually."
Atsumu raised one of his eyebrows, now really worried when he saw his twin brother looked so gloomy. He didn't want to show it, yet if someone saw him now, it was really visible through his brown orbs how much he cared for his younger brother.
"Yeah? How silly?"
"I like Sunarin's sister."
He parted his lips, wanting to say something, maybe a joke or some playful response. But it was as if there was a huge lump on his throat, making his voice to be stuck there when the information finally seeped on his mind.
He should have known this fact by now, everyone that had eyes could see how clumsy Osamu would be when you were around, how by just having you watching the practice made his performance on the court even better. Yet when he finally heard it right from the younger twin, he knew that there was no chance for him to make a move on you.
Ha, as if he had a chance from the start anyway.
"You are not really subtle, Samu." Atsumu snickered, trying to coat his own pain that was now bubbling inside his heart with some laughter. "Why did you look so scared? You have this handsome face, it would be easy to catch her heart." He playfully pointed at his own face, after all the two of them were twins anyway.
The silver-haired man rolled his eyes, now snickering when the setter had a big pout on his face. Atsumu felt relieved inside his heart, that at least now his twin brother could laugh and came back to his usual self. He may not look like it, but he would do anything to make sure that his twin lives the best life.
"For real, though, Samu." He cleared his throat, a smug look was now written all over his face. "I will be the best wingman ever, and you will get that pretty lady to be your lover ten days from now!"
If that meant he had to sacrifice his own feelings, then so be it. Miya Atsumu loved his brother, maybe more than anything in this world, more than the woman that could make his heart skip a beat in a matter of seconds by just glancing at her.
And when he saw the grey orbs covered with hope, he knew that he had chosen the right thing to do.
Right now though, Atsumu really wanted to turn back time when he was still in high school.
He wanted to go back, to when he first laid his eyes on you. If he was given the chance, he would snap his fingers in front of his twin. If he could be on that day once again, he would make sure that the once wing spiker could hear him loud and clear when he declared you would be his.
Atsumu chuckled bitterly at how everything turned out. His brown orbs stared into the ceiling, ignoring his phone that kept vibrating on the drawer. Every time he looked at the screen, it was always the same name. Miya Osamu, one of the most successful businessmen below thirty.
Today, he was supposed to be the best man for the business tycoon. He should have worn the black suit that had a golden accent on the collar and the wrist. But the exact same suit was now still packed under the plastic wrap, hanging inside his massive closet as if it was just another old clothes that he would never wear.
When he got that suit all those months ago, he was appointed to be the best man at Miya Osamu and Suna (F/n) wedding, that was the deal. He already prepared the speech, as he wanted to be as perfect as he could be in front of the two people that he loved the most.
Even though he was jealous, even though sometimes he flipped his twin's portrait so it was as if he was the one inside the picture with you, he still wanted the best for the black-haired man. Yet now, to know that he sacrificed his own happiness, to know that you devoted your whole life for his twin only to have your heart broken at the end of the day — Atsumu really couldn't stop himself from thinking about what could have been.
He groaned when his phone vibrated once again, and he was ready to just throw it out the window or turned it off. But he was anticipating someone else, he was afraid that you would call him. He wanted to make sure that he was just one call away, that he was easy to reach.
And well, it was all paid off when your name was now all over his screen.
Atsumu immediately sat straight, bouncing like a child as a smile adorned his lips. He didn't know why he felt so nervous, it was just you after all. Ye,s you, the one woman that he had been pining from for the last ten years he lived in this world.
"The superior twin is here!" He declared with so much confidence in his voice, and he was so giddy when he could hear you snicker from the other line. "I am serious though, I am older, therefore I am superior."
"I don't know where you got that way of thinking, but I will let it slide for you." You answered, though his forehead scrunched up a bit when he caught how different you sounded like just now. But he shook it off, he would keep talking and become your company, that was his goal from the start.
Something that he noticed was how clear your voice was just now. Usually, it would crack here and there, the results of you crying for hours. But you were so much calmer, yet you still sounded so tired, as if you had been working nonstop.
"Ah, miss (Y/n), always so humble." But he wouldn't ask anything if you were not the one who opened up to him. "Say, what have I done to get such privilege hearing your voice?" Because for him, to be at least the one who you were comfortable talking to, was enough.
"I just need company, Atsumu." You breathed out softly, and he could hear a gentle splash of water from your side. "Are you busy helping around the wedding?"
"No, I am not busy. Not at all." He wanted to confess that he was not even at the venue, but somehow he could hear you scolding him for not being a good brother for his twin. So he decided to keep his mouth shut, focusing himself solely on you. "I am here, (Y/n). I am always here if you need me."
"Yeah?" Your voice was strained a little. "Then, would you tell me a story? Anything? I just want to listen to your voice."
His heart skipped a beat faster from your statement. Your words made him feel something that he had lost, the thing that he buried since he saw how his twin's eyes sparkled when he saw you. Hope. He cleared his throat, chuckling a little as he tried not to show how nervous he was right now.
"Since you asked so nicely."
Atsumu was a great storyteller, that was what you could conclude by hearing his tone went up and down so easily as word after word rolled down from his tongue. It was refreshing, to hear him talking non stop like this.
Something about his voice just made you feel at peace. As if you were back to your high school days where everything was all good. He always came up at you, usually talking nonsense and whined about his twin brother. It had been so long since you had a decent conversation, all because the work schedule and adulthood being harsh.
So to hear the same voice that used to accompany your teenage life, to hear the same cheeky remarks here and there that just screamed freedom — you knew that it was the right thing to call him.
"Hey, Atsumu."
"Thank you."
The blonde setter was taken aback by the sudden gratitude that you gave. He never asked to be acknowledged by you, he never expected himself that one day you would see him without any lingers that reminded you of your ex-fiancé.
Then again maybe, maybe this was a good start, and he really couldn't wait to see you back in line, became the princess — without prince — that kept thriving to reach the ultimate ending.
"Really, it's nothing." He chuckled softly, carding his fingers to the strands of his blonde hair. "I just tried to be the best... friend that I could ever be."
One step at a time, Miya Atsumu. He reminded himself. Maybe one day you would find your happily ever after, but you needed to be patient.
"Hehe, you are the best." Your voice sounded more distance by now. "Now I wonder what would happen if only I am being honest at that time." As if you dropped your phone somewhere, and you were too tired to pick it up.
"Honest?" But he didn't pay too much attention to it as he was more curious by your words. "(Y/n), what do you mean? That time when?"
There was only silence, and right now his mind was creating a lot of scenarios. He bit his lips, wanting to know what was the meaning of your words. "(Y/n)? Please, what do you mean by being ho—"
"I used to like you, you know?"
And time seemed to stop, as the confession rolled down from your lips so easily. He wanted to say something, he wanted to ask you to define your words. Like was such an ambiguous word. It could be interpreted as how you like his personality, or you liking the fact you were friends with him, "I used to love you, at one time."
"W-What?" But this one word slipped from your lips, answered his questions from before. "Don't joke around like that. You always loved Samu, everyone knew that." Yet he didn't want to believe it. "You kissed him on your first date! Not any girl would kiss—"
"Because you were there, right?" He stopped talking, bringing himself back to that particular day. "You always tried so hard to make sure I fell in love with Osamu, I am not that dumb. So I just want to make you happy by opening up my heart for him." The same day where he tucked his feelings away. "You are one wonderful man, you know that, Atsumu?"
The day he let you go for his twin, was the same day you let your feelings go to love another man that was not him.
"(Y/n), I—"
"So even though now I wonder about what could have been," He just felt hope a moment before. "I am glad." So why now suddenly it felt like someone just burned the bridge that would lead him to his happy ending? "I am glad that you were the last person that I spent my time talking to."
"Wait, what do you mean?" He wailed, waiting to hear for your response. "(Y/n), fuck! What did you mean by the last person?!" He screamed to his phone, begging for any kind of sign that you were there. But there was nothing, once again he was greeted by nothing but silence.
Atsumu felt like he couldn't breathe. He needed to see you, he needed to make sure that you were alright. Maybe you were just falling asleep, maybe just like what Akagi had wished, you could finally sleep after days being in such a rollercoaster of emotions.
Ten minutes. He could be there in ten minutes by foot, a lot faster compared to how he needed to prepare his car and opened up the garage. The setter didn't think twice as he wore his shoes and ran to your house. He didn't bother to lock his front door as he dashed himself to see you, mind too predominated by lots of dark scenarios.
You used to love him. He tried to hold on your words. If at one time you fell for him, then perhaps one day you could love him once again. He wanted to believe in that as he ran even faster, thanking himself for choosing to be a professional athlete that could make him have a lot of stamina.
His mind kept replaying the fact that was being poured on top of him like a bucket of ice water. Ever since he knew you, he was too busy coating his own feelings. Telling lies to himself, belittled his own mind because he didn't want to have any regret when he helped his twin to be close with you.
If only he knew, if only he looked closer to your eyes and not just focused on his twin — maybe, he would have his very own fairy tale that he always yearned to have.
He knocked haphazardly on your front door, his heart still felt so heavy as he waited for the latch to be unlocked. But even after seconds went by, even after he kept screaming out your name without a care that people would call the police, you didn't even show yourself.
"Fuck it."
When he didn't hear anything from the other side of the door, he immediately spun his brain, searching around the terrace since he knew you had a habit to save a duplicate key somewhere — a habit that your ex-fiancé once told him.
Atsumu let out a smile of relief when he saw the silver key tugged on one of the potted plants. And without wasting another time, he immediately turned the key, eyes scanning the whole ground floor in case you were there, maybe falling asleep somewhere.
But there was no sign of you, not even in the bedroom of yours. Your room was clean, nothing but a bed, some books, and photographs. It was as if you never lived here with how the room looked like what people could find in a design magazine.
Everything was too neat like you have been gone for a long time. And he was ultimately afraid that you were not here to begin with.
Then his mind replayed the phone call from before; every sound that you made, the calm voice of yours, each of the syllables that came out from your lips, he tried to remember all of that. Splash of water. He heard it in the first minutes, and it was enough for him to take another step in this mission to find you.
He braced himself as he walked closer to the master bathroom that was connected without any door. Atsumu was ready to hear you scream, maybe throwing some of the shampoo bottles in his direction — he was okay with that, because at least, at least you were fine.
The bathroom was the same, so clean that no one could find any unusual things. Though his eyes were sharp enough to see the two bottles of sleeping pills on the sink. He took it to his hand, and he swallowed a huge lump when he saw the condition. All were opened, all were emptied.
He immediately jerked his head to the bathtub that was filled to the brim. The colour was milky white, and the surface was scarily stagnant. No. It can't be. He was scared to take another step forward. No, no, no. Because now as he was standing right beside the tub,
His orbs could catch the silhouette of a human body, one that was perfectly — still.
"No," He hiccuped as he could only feel dread. In a swift moment, he jumped himself to the enormous tub, trying to find where your head positioned with how blurred the water was. "Please, please." And he gasped when he could finally see your face.
You looked so glorious, that if you were a heroine in some kind of fantasy book, he was sure that you would become more than just a princess. Even with your hair sticking all over your face, even with how your lips slowly turned to blue, you still looked the same through his eyes.
Perfection, the only person that could make his life complete.
Atsumu cradled you, pulling your now cold body on his embrace in case he could hear your heart beats. But there was nothing. In this space he was in, the only thing that could be heard was the prickling waters and his own misery.
When he imagined himself to have you in his arms, this was not the scenario that he ever had in mind. He wanted to hold you close for a thousand times, he wanted to be the one that could make you feel better when you were feeling down. Maybe he was already like that, but it was not enough.
With trembling hands, his finger swept your hair gently, tucking the strand of it at the back of your ear. He eyed your expression as you fell asleep, and he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle that filled with bitterness and anguish.
"Can you hear me? Hey, (Y/n)?" His voice cracked, vision blurred with his own tears as he shook your body. "(Y/n), please, y-you haven't heard it, please." He swallowed a huge lump, biting his own lips as he was still clinging to some miracle that could happen.
"I love you." So fucking much. "Can't you hear me? I love you! I love you, (Y/n) why didn't you wait for me?!"
His finger pinched your cheek, it was the fastest way to wake you up when you fell asleep on their practice all those years ago. He needed to see your orbs, he needed to see how your lashes fluttered open the second he woke you up, just like usual. One more time, he needed to see it just one more time.
"Hey, wake up. I promise I am not going to leave. I will always be here, I'm always here."
But your eyes still closed, and he shouldn't have expected a miracle when he knew there was not any.
"I am sorry. I am sorry."
And Miya Atsumu should have known better, that there was no such thing as happily ever after in this real world.
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haloshornsinkstains · 3 years
Carrying This Imagination, I'll Go
The aftermath of the Inarizaki vs Karasuno game and how it affected y/n, their manager, and her relationship with the team.
Kita x F!Reader (but its pretty mild)
cw: female reader, attempts at writing Kansai dialect
a/n: i’m debating turning this one into a series, I have ideas and I've written some of it past this chapter but still it may be a while between chapters if I do. At least until work eases up and I’m not pulling overtime so much.
As the ball hit the floor you felt your heart lodge itself in your throat, grip white knuckled against the edge of the bench as your muscles screamed at you to move. There would be time for that later, you told yourself, blinking back tears as you watched your boys congratulate the other team before turning to line up and bow. The few simple words of thanks lingering in the air like the bittersweet sting of a wound. They filed out of the hall, a line of bowed heads and black jerseys, and still you couldn't let yourself move. Not until the coach rested a gentle hand on your back did you unfurl your fingers and slowly push yourself to your feet.
"C'mon l/n. They'll need ya around."
You nodded, exhaling a long sigh as you glanced towards the bottles on the side. "I'll get water."
You didn't see his small frown as you collected the empty bottles and headed for the taps, smiling at the other teams manager as you passed. 
"Hope to see ya around. Good luck."
She smiled softly in return and you could almost feel the burning jealousy of her team on your back. Not that you could blame them, she was gorgeous. 
"For once he's right." You chuckle. "Next year Shin, ya better be watchin' us 'cause we're gonna win Nationals."
Later you carried the newly filled bottles through the corridor, listening for the loud shouts of your idiots. You find them not long after by the stairs, just in time to hear the Captain's soft spoken admission and Atsumu's impassioned reply. You smile up at them, holding the bottles aloft.
"Yeah! An' when I'm a famous volleyball player yer better tell all ya friends that ya taught me!"
You shake your head and behind him Suna laughs, clapping one hand on the blonde setter’s shoulder. “Oh don’t worry Tsumu, I’ll tell everyone plenty of stories about you.”
You dissolve into full blown giggles, memories of the plentiful escapades of the Miya twins flashing behind your eyes and the bottles of water forgotten at your feet. You don’t see the way Kita’s face softens into a smile as he watches you, the pain of the loss softened a little by the antics of his team. Suna though, his analytical gaze doesn’t miss the affection in the captain's eyes, and he nods his head just a little at the older man. Eventually your breathing evens out and you wipe a few stray tears from the corners of your eyes, nodding towards the water bottles.
“Well I didn’t lug all this water here for ya to not drink it! It was a long game, grab a drink everyone.” You hand out the bottles with a smile, turning to glance over your shoulder once they’re all drinking. “When yer all done we’re heading back to the hotel, and you stinky boys are going straight to the bath.”
“Oi! We don’t stink!” Atsumu’s outburst sent water and spit flying all over Osamu and Aran, and you burst into giggles all over again as both men smacked him in retaliation, Osamu yelling at his twin for being a disgusting scrub.
Before another fight could break out between the Miya’s you heard Kita clearing his throat, levelling them both with a stern look. “A hot bath will do all of our muscles good.”
You offered him a soft smile in return and nodded. “See, Captain knows. C’mon stinky boys.”
Amidst the grumbles the team headed back towards the bus, you falling into step besides Suna with a chuckle. Gently you bumped your shoulder against his arm.
“You did real good out there Rin. Glasses really got on yer nerves huh?” You hummed, glancing at him sideways. 
“Hmm. Surprised you aren’t crying yet.” He chuckled, gently ruffling your hair. “You were sobbing when we lost to Itachiyama.”
“Later. Lookin’ after you boys comes first.”
“We had the same idea.”
The tears didn’t fall until you were washing the jerseys, as much as they didn’t really need them the next day it gave you some time to be alone. A place to cry, hidden from the boys you wanted to be strong for, the sound of your sniffles drowned out by the hum of the machine. Under the dull hum you didn’t hear the sound of the door opening, startling when the familiar warmth of a body filled the space beside you.
You relax, feeling lips press against the crown of your head as you nod.
“It needed to be done.”
Kita chuckles quietly and you can picture the small nod of agreement.
“Routine is important.” He agrees, lifting the washbasket ready to collect the wet jerseys. “Routine is the foundation that made me who I am.”
“And it makes ya happy.” You laughed.
“And it makes me happy.”
“I just… it felt like something I could do to help. I feel like I let ya all down, like-” you hiccuped, holding back a sob “I wish we had won.”
Strong arms encircled you, Kita pulling you into the warmth of his chest. One hand gently petted your hair, letting you tremble against him as you cried.
“I know. But, at the same time, I’d like to see how far those crows go.” His grip tightened, just a little. “The boys were talkin’ about watchin’ the rest of the matches, I think ya should come too.”
You nodded. “I’d like that.”
Watching games without the pressure of winning was a surprisingly good way to relax, and you were able to focus on the abilities of the other teams. Picking up plays that you could suggest to the boys, and making note of players who would be worth keeping an eye on for next year's competition. Inarizaki might be a powerhouse school but it was always worthwhile to keep an eye on the others. Kita and Aran had disappeared to watch Itachiyama with Omimi, while you, Rin and the Miya twins wanted to see Karasuno’s next match. The others had their phones, so wherever they’d wandered off to you weren’t too worried.
“Those two are scary even from here.”
You tipped your head back to smile at Osamu. “You two were pretty scary yourselves yesterday. But Nekoma are pretty terrifyin’ too.”
Rin nodded. “They’re a great defensive team.”
“Yeah. That middle blocker Captain of their is- holy shit! That Libero is so cool!”
You whipped your head around to stare at the two men who had appeared next to you, noting their white jackets.
“Um, bless you? Hey, yer from Fukurodani right? I was plannin’ to come watch ya play later, you guys are awesome.” You grinned, leaning across Rin to wave at the two men.
“Hear that Akaashi! She thinks we’re awesome!”
“I did Bokuto-san. Nekoma’s libero, his name is Yaku-san, and he is indeed very talented.” The dark haired setter, Akaashi, sat himself next to Suna and gestured for Bokuto to join him. “You’re from Inarizaki High yes?”
“We are, I’m l/n, this is Suna and those two behind us are Atsumu and Osamu Miya. It’s nice to meet ya Akaashi-san. And thank you for the information.” You nodded turning back to the match.
“Kuroo is cool too.” The grey-haired Ace sounded almost pouty.
“He is Bokuto-san. I’m sorry to hear about your loss to Karasuno, from what I hear it was a close game.”
Suna nodded, eyes focused on the middle blockers while you sighed and offered the two men an apologetic smile. You didn’t miss the way Bokuto muttered something about Akaashi wanting Karasuno to win but were polite enough to ignore it.
“Get back here ya scrub! Yer not having my onigiri!”
“Learn to share ya pig!”
With an irritated growl you shook your head. “Sorry, those are my idiots. Rin, if you even think about pullin’ out yer phone I’ll be after you next.” 
You vaulted over the chairs, stalking towards the arguing twins just in time to see Osamu preparing to kick his brother. With a grimace you put yourself between the twins, gripping each by the front of their shirts and glaring at them in turn.
“Oi, idiots! Yer gonna sit down and behave yerselves or so help me god…”
“But y/n!” 
“Don’t but me! Sit yer asses down and behave.” You narrowed your eyes. “And if yer not gonna listen to me, I’m sure I can get Kita to come here.”
Suna chuckled, slipping his phone back into his hoodie and nodding towards Bokuto and Akaashi. “And that’s why our manager is the best.”
“Agashee! Did you see that?!”
“I did Bokuto-san.”
“She’s so cool!”
You laughed, jumping back over into your seat and shaking your head. “Glad ya think so, dealing with those idiots had to have some upsides.” 
Akaashi made a small noise that sounded suspiciously like a chuckle before it was interrupted by a quiet beeping from his pocket. Sighing he stood and gently pulled on Bokuto's arm.
"Bokuto-San, we need to go prepare for our match. It was good to meet you all." He gave a polite bow and a soft smile, his reserved nature all the more striking compared to the chaos surrounding you.
"Come cheer for us l/n!"
"Likewise. I'll be sure t' come find ya when they finish." You grinned, waving the pair off. "Ya done makin' heart eyes Samu?"
"Shurrup, yer always droolin' over players." 
You shook your head. "I only 'drool' over one player, I just admire the rest." You huffed, ignoring the heat in your cheeks.
Focusing back on the match your heart felt lighter than it had done in a long time, here, surrounded by people you loved and the sound of volleyball, you came to a realisation. This was something you always wanted in your life. Volleyball was something you never wanted to leave behind no matter what.
The rest of nationals went by in a blur, Kita joining you for more matches than not once the pain of losing so early had dulled. You cheered for Fukurodani as promised, and joined the Miya twins watching the duo of terrifying first years from Karasuno. Every moment just cemented the idea that you wanted Volleyball in your life forever further and further into your mind.
Time continued moving forwards. You cried when the third years graduated, Suna took so many pictures of your teary face you almost threw the phone at his head. But the third years graduation meant the end of so many things, their patience and calming influence, the routines you had built up since joining the club, and your first relationship. Still time seemed to fly, the Miya twins made for surprisingly good leaders (officially Atsumu was captain, but you were grateful for Osamu being there to keep him in check no matter how many fights you broke up) and all too soon you found yourself at Nationals once more, earning your revenge against Karasuno for the previous year. Your unlikely friendship with the new Fukurodani captain cemented when the pair of you exchanged numbers on the first day. (Osamu had pouted over it for hours, and none of your insistence you were just friends helped).
University only fuelled your focus, managing the boys team there and watching them rise through the ranks. Joining in on practice to help them out and feeling the old familiar rush in your veins. You kept in touch with the other second years, thankful for their support when your family were disappointed in you. They were the ones there when you graduated, and the ones to throw a celebratory party when you landed a job with the JVA. And they were the ones there to keep your spirits up when a few years into your dream job it seemed like you were about to lose everything, even when they didn’t all know the details.
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- Anilysium SFW Server Collab - masterlist
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Ice Skating by Sasa
Satori Tendou x f!reader
Summary: Your first date went not the way you planned it rather it turned out even better.
cw: fluff, Christmas spirit
wc: 1.1k
a/n: Something fluffy for the holidays. Not my best work but it still warms my heart. Thanks for the inspiration to
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„Lets go ice skating for our first real life date!“
Your exciting voice still rang in Tendou’s ears even after he hung up the phone. Lost in thoughts he stared at his phone.
Due to his wish to become a chocolatier he studied at a renowned school in Paris. There he met you on the campus a few months ago. You started dating soon after but with the pandemic still going on and all of you practically in lockdown there wasn’t a chance to meet face to face yet. But Tendou enjoyed your virtual dates just as much as the upcoming one. A smile formed on his lips when he thought back to all the virtual dates you had. Falling asleep while on facetime or watching you cook dinner with him will always warm his heart.
But now the lockdown was lifted so you came up with the beautiful idea of ice skating on the local Christmas market. It wasn’t that Tendou thought it was a bad idea - no on the contrary - ice skating gave some nice opportunities to touch each other and hold hands without it being awkward and forced. That would’ve been the case if it wasn’t for one very important detail: the redhead couldn’t skate at all!
You two agreed to meet up this Sunday in the afternoon when it started to get dark and the lights transformed the market into something magical. The former middle blocker was waiting at the agreed spot. He checked his watch for the third time in a matter of seconds and tried to brush some imaginary dust off of his jacket.
“Satori!” Your voice reached his ear and a few seconds later your beautiful face came into view. His stiff and nervous posture changed completely and he waved at you with a big smile.
“Y/N!” You rushed your steps and bumped into his open arms. After the longest hug you just looked at each other. Still not comprehending that you were actually touching each other for real. It felt nice. His strong arms around your shoulders and his hands on your lower back giving you a feeling of belonging.
“Shall we go directly to the ice ring or do you want to stroll over the market, mon chouchou?” Your cheeks warmed at the cute nickname he had picked out for you. “As long as we are able to spend time together I don’t care what we do first.” Tendou smirked down at you. “Then strolling it is.”
After some time where you enjoyed the Christmas markets specials and wandered hand in hand you came to the ice skating ring. You got a bit anxious because although you suggested this date, you weren’t particularly good at skating. But with a gleeful smile you thought, that’s what I have Satori here for. It will be super romantic and if I fall he will catch me. Tendou on the other hand was getting nervous too. He couldn’t bring himself to tell you that he couldn’t skate. Hopefully you would’ve been happy with just skating along the edges.
After borrowing some skates you wobbled onto the ice. Thankfully it wasn’t too packed so you had enough space.
“Are you coming, Satori?”
“I’m right behind you, Y/N.”
It took some time to get used to the skates but you managed to skate a few meters without holding onto the barrier. Looking behind you, you saw Tendou struggling. You smiled and huffed at him. He looked like Bambi on the ice. It was too adorable. If he couldn’t skate he just could’ve told you. A meaner smile spread across your face and you skated towards him.
“What takes you so long? I thought you sport aces don’t struggle with a bit of skating.” You teased him and offered him your hand. “I am not struggling. It’s these borrowed skates. They are not right. Normally I would fly over the ice,” and after taking your hand he added “But I don’t want to abandon you so I adapted to your pace.”“Are you saying that I hold you back?” You pouted, letting go of his hand and stemming your fists into your sides. Without your hand the red head wiggled unsteadily and to gain some stability he hunched over in a cowering position.
“If I hold you back, I can just leave you to your glorious flying over the ice.” You teased some more. Tendou raised up from his hunching position, a wicked smile on his face. You skated a few steps backwards, out of his reach. You knew exactly what he had planned with that look on his face. So for each wobbly step he took you scooted back two and soon you both were ice skating over the whole area.
“Look at that. And here I was thinking you couldn’t skate.” You mocked him playfully. With a loving gaze you studied his face and saw his eyes widen in realization. Tendou couldn’t believe his eyes. He stood in the middle of the ring. Euphoric he skated too fast in your direction and before you could react he knocked both of you down. “Are you hurt, mon chouchou?” Concern dripped off of his voice. “I’m not so great after all, huh…”
Tendou sat on his knees and lifted you up with him. Both of your faces were beet red from the cold and the sudden closeness. You couldn’t help but laugh at his guilt ridden look. He looked like a kicked puppy. His eyes narrowed at your laughing fit but not long after he joined in - your laugh too contagious and the situation too ridiculous not too.
“You are the greatest to me. Even if you can’t ice skate like a pro.” You beamed at him after you calmed down enough. Carefully you leaned in closer and pressed your cold lips onto his. Surprised by your action he didn’t react at first. But after his brain caught up with the situation he reciprocated with all he got. After you parted you noticed some white spots in his short hair. With glee you looked into the darkened sky.
“Look Satori, it snows.” But Tendou didn’t pay no mind to the beautiful snowflakes. He was too engrossed with your glowing face and gleaming expression. He was sure that you were the one and if you wanted to go ice skating again, he just had to practice. He wasn’t unfamiliar with that concept. If that meant he could spend more time with you then he would spend all day on the ice.
He knew then and there that he was utterly in love with you.
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back through the hole
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haikyuucute · 4 years
You’re Dating Him? (Kenma Kozume)
Request: Hi! I just read some of your fics and they're absolutely amazing 💜 I'd like to request a scenario / one-shot for Kenma pls 🥺 the idea is that yaku has a younger sister (same age as kenma) that attends a different school and he doesn't want the boys to meet her because he thinks they will try to flirt with her. But one day she goes to their practice because yaku forgot something at home, and of course the boys tried to flirt with her (kuroo, yamamoto, lev...) but somehow after some time she ends up dating kenma, the only one yaku thought would never try something with her sister 😂 It's just an idea so change anything you want! And thanks in advance ❣️
A/N: Lol this turned out way longer than I thought. I also had some trouble writing for Kenma but I think this was pretty good practice! Ty for the request❤️❤️
Word Count: 1.1k
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“I wanna go—“
You huffed, “Morisuke—!”
”I said no (F/N).”
”But why nottt,” you whined, crossing your arms as you leaned back in your seat on the train you were both on, “My club got cancelled after school today, so you know this is a rare occasion! I won’t have anything to do so I can just go to Nekoma, watch your practice, and we can walk home together!”
”You know why not. Last time you showed up, the guys were all over you.” He recounted bitterly, “Just go home after school.”
You sighed, feeling dejected as the train reached your brothers stop and you watched with a small scowl on your face as he got up to leave.
However as the doors closed and train started moving again towards your own school now, your scowl fell once you spotted what was left behind in Morisuke’s spot.
His knee pads.
Suddenly, a much more mischievous grin played on your lips.
“Alright,” Kuroo’s voice sounded throughout the gym as he took over practice, “After warm up’s, Lev is going to practice receives with Yaku and....”
Yaku drowned out the rest of what Kuroo was saying as he frantically searched his bag for his knee pads. He inwardly groaned when he couldn’t find them, the idea of going for receives without knee pads already made his knees ache.
But when the gym doors opened to reveal his sister with his knee pads dangling from her hand, and a cheerful “Morisuke!” leaving your lips, he decided he would’ve rather put up with the bruises he would’ve gotten without them.
He glanced at his team, already cringing at the way the boys’ faces lit up at the sight of you.
Lev and Inuoka had that same love struck face from the first time they met you, Kuroo’s annoying smirk played at his lips, Yamamoto looked as if he was going to pass out, and a few of the others started blushing.
The team eyed you briefly as you happily skipped towards your brother to give him his knee pads, before Nekomata scolded them to focus.
”What are you doing here?” Yaku whisper yelled at you.
You innocently shrugged, “My stupid brother left his knee pads on the train, and being the sweet sister I am, I decided to bring them to you.”
He narrowed his eyes at your smug grin, “You’re evil. Just go sit over there, and don’t bring any more attention to yourself.”
”Yeah, yeah,” you giggled, making your way over to where the coaches sat.
However, Yaku had missed the flirty wave you sent towards Kenma and the subtle pink tint that covered the setters cheeks.
Practice had gone fairly well, other than the occasional comment Yaku overheard about his sister he knew it could’ve gone worse.
The real danger was when practice ended and he quite literally had to fight the boys off you, as he was not above tripping Lev when he attempted to make a bee-line towards you.
And while Yaku had been busy yelling at his teammates for looking at you, you had sneakily wrapped a hand around Kenma’s wrist, who was already standing off to the side away from everyone.
Kenma’s eyes widened, not expecting to suddenly be shoved into the storage room.
”Kenma!” You exclaimed, throwing your arms around him. “I missed you!”
He stumbled back slightly from your sudden weight, but caught you.
You had been seeing Kenma for about a month or so after you originally met him the first time you visited the team. It was in a situation similar to this one where your brother had been trying to stop his teammates from flirting with you, and in the chaos you spotted Kenma. You struck up a conversation, exchanged numbers, and before either of you really knew it, you were dating.
Of course, no one else needed to know— especially not Yaku.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, seeing as you hadn’t let go yet. “We just saw each other two days ago though,” he said.
You pulled back, to face him better, “I still missed you,” you grinned, “That’s why I came today!” His cheeks tinged pink. “Also, my brother is gonna be out tomorrow if you want to come over— I just got that game you’ve been wanting to play.”
His eyes lit up at the idea, “Yeah, I can go.”
Your smile widened and you quickly leaned in to place a chaste kiss on his lips.
Unfortunately, it had to be in the same moment the door was swung open.
You and Kenma turned quickly to find Yaku standing in the doorway with a stunned face, a couple of the other members stopping once they caught the sight of your arms wrapped around Kenm’s neck and his hands resting on your waist.
Yaku hadn’t said anything, continuing to stand in stunned silence with his mouth agape.
That was when Lev bounded up next to Yaku, “Kenma are you dating (F/N)!?”
That seemed to bring Yaku back to reality as he pushed the lanky first year away, before turning back to the two of you, “What is this?”
You laughed awkwardly, glancing at Kenma before stepping away from him, “Uh— we’ve been dating for a little while now.”
His eyes widened, “And you never told me!?— And out of all of them I thought Kenma would be the last person I had to worry about!” He exclaimed.
You rolled your eyes at him, “Oh stop it, at least it’s not Kuroo-san—“
“Wait, what—?” The middle blocker asked, looking mildly offended.
You ignored him, ”—We all know you would’ve lost it if that was the case.”
Yaku huffed, glancing past you and at Kenma who stood there awkwardly, not exactly liking the attention he was suddenly getting.
”Alright fine,” he admitted, “I guess there were worse choices— but you could’ve told me.”
”Well now you know.”
”Whatever. C’mon we’re going home,” he grabbed your wrist dragging you along as the team watched in amusement as the two siblings bickered, “And I’m telling mom you have a boyfriend.”
”She already knows!”
You launched into a fit of giggles, turning to look back at Kenma, “Bye Kenma, see you tomorrow!”
Yaku gasped, “What do you mean you’re seeing him tomorrow—!”
Your arguing fell silent in the gym once the doors were slammed shut, leaving the rest of the team to figure out what just happened.
Kenma walked out of the closet towards Kuroo so they could finally head home themselves as well.
He frowned upon seeing Kuroo’s smirk.
”Stop it,” he huffed, making Kuroo laugh.
”I haven’t said anything.”
”You were going to. Let’s go,” he muttered, walking past him towards the exit.
Kuroo laughed once again, smacking Kenma’s back, jolting him forward slightly, “Good job getting Yaku’s sister.”
Kenma sighed.
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catwithangerissues · 4 years
hi hi hi! if your weekly prompt is still open can i request kuroo and BOYFREN by LoveLeo? THANK YOU and this event is so cool :’)
BOYFREN by Loveleo - Kuroo Tetsurō
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I am in love with this song 😌 Thank you for requesting this art
Warnings: None! Just some flirty + playful undertones with Kuroo 😌
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“You know I'm grade A
Ya boyfriend wanna B me
You go outta your way
To make sure you don't C me
You should break up with your boyfriend
You should break up with your boyfriend
You should break up with your boyfriend
And get with me”
The provocative bedhead was never one to hide his feelings for you, or your poor choice in relationships.
He was your best friend, and he’d loved you for years. He knew the boy you’d been dating for the past few months was a bad guy. A cheat, a liar, and a pretty heavy stoner.
It’s not that you weren’t aware of the fact that he was an absolute douchebag, but you didn’t really have the courage to leave him, cause that would mean admitting you were wrong about him being a good guy in the first place, and you held on to the smidge of hope that he still was.
Kuroo was always openly flirty with you, and while you always told him you didn’t feel the same way, he knew you were lying through your teeth.
You had loved Kuroo for just as long as he had you, but you were oh so stubborn to admit it. You felt wrong admitting it while in a relationship anyways, and your pride got in the way.
But it didn’t stop the thoughts about how Kuroo was your idea of the perfect partner, and it honestly made you wonder why you chose that asshole over him in the first place. You knew he was better in every way.
“I'm bored and I'm outta my mind
Fingers crossed I hope that I'll be fine
Doing my best to make it rhyme
(Now I'm)
Runnin' runnin' runnin' runnin'
Runnin' runnin' runnin' runnin'
Runnin runnin out of time
Bet you think your boyfriend's cool 'cause he's got nice clothes
Wonder who he saw wearing those (Me!)”
Kuroo wasn’t shy to point out how unoriginal and gross your boyfriend was. You would try to defend him, but you didn’t really disagree with the middle blocker, if you were honest. He was always trying to be cool, and he didn’t really care if he was a douchebag while doing it. Your tall best friend loved to send you a sarcastic comment about your absolutely superb choice in men whenever the guy would do something extra stupid.
You hated the idea of admitting your petty defeat to Kuroo- finally coming to terms with the fact that your current boyfriend was exactly what Kuroo said he’d be.
“I really think that you should break up with him soon
You should break up with your boyfriend
You should break up with your boyfriend
You should break up with your boyfriend
And get with me”
You had always known in the back of your mind that it would happen someday, you’d heard it a thousand times from not only Kuroo but all of your other friends as well, but that doesn’t mean you were any more prepared when you actually saw it before your eyes.
As you open the classroom door to turn in the project you’d worked so diligently on, your eyes glued to your boyfriend, well- the back of his head at least, who had just last minute canceled your plans to hang out later that afternoon, who was practically sucking the face off of the popular girl you’d always hated. They were way too into their make-out sesh to even notice your presence, and much to your own dismay, you weren’t really all that surprised.
In a moment of bravery, you took a sneaky picture of the two, so that you’d have your proof later when you confronted the guy and told him why you were officially over. It wouldn’t be the first time you two broke up, but you’d make sure it was the last.
After quietly laying your paper on the nearest surface, you turn, closing the door and making way to walk to the gym. You sent Kuroo the picture with a bitter, “Guess you were right” text. You weren’t really mad or anything, you didn’t honestly like the guy anyways, but you still felt more than a little annoyed.
“I come through (Oh no)
Like a wrecking ball
And break these walls (Oh god)
That you kept him to
And I can't sleep (Oh no)
The night I slept with you
And I can't say (Oh god)
That I'm in love with you”
The black haired boy met you by the doors to the gym, a familiar meeting spot for the two of you. His hands were in his tracksuit jacket pockets, his head slightly tilted towards the sky as it rested on the wall he leaned his back on, his right leg bent with his foot on the wall behind him. You couldn’t help but noticed the resemblance to a cliche romance movie you two had right now.
He turned to connect gazes with you once your figure came into his field of view. A concerned look written on his face, but a smirk of victory hidden underneath his features. You give him the run down of the story, he listened and watched your face closely to find any signs of discomfort. You told him that you didn’t really care for the poor fool anymore anyways, that you’d just been too prideful to tell Kuroo that he was right about the guy.
Kuroo couldn’t help but smirk at your annoyed expression, puffed out cheeks and a slight pout as you turned your gaze away from him in frustration. He gave you a light chuckle, “Maybe now you’ll finally admit your feelings for me, hmm?”
You gave him an incredulous look, hand on your chest and mouth agape as you tried to hide your amusement, but the slight upturn of your lips didn’t go unnoticed by the captain.
“Who said I ever felt the same way, huh?”
“You did after I kissed you.”
He didn’t give you the chance to finish your one word sentence before his lips had already connected to yours, his hands on your cheeks, and his body pressed dangerously close to yours.
Your eyes went wide, you unconsciously gripped his wrists with your proportionally much smaller hands, but you found yourself soon melting into it and kissing him back. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t wanted to do this for years now.
Once the two of you pulled away, hands still cupping your face, his smirk was even more prominent than before.
“So?” He pushed. “Wanna admit it yet, sweetheart?”
You pouted at him, slightly annoyed by how right he was. But you sighed before preparing yourself for what would be an endless amount of him poking fun at you.
“I like you too, Tetsu.” You finally gave him the words he’d been dreaming of for so many years, and you couldn’t help but feel like a massive weight had finally been lifted off your shoulders as you admitted it. You noticed his expression soften drastically, and he leaned in to press a soft kiss to your forehead before gripping your hands tightly in his.
“Let me show you a real date, then.” He smiled down at you, and you beamed at his offer. Finally happy to be with the one you loved for so long.
“And by the way,..”
“You should break up with your boyfriend.”
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✨Tag list!: @almalckd @toworuu ✨
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🌱Thank you for requesting! I love this song and story concept! It isn’t very well executed though😬 Hope you still enjoy !
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koushisatori · 4 years
kuroo x f!reader
genre: birthday fluff
warnings: none
word count: 2.3k
note: I made it !! Happy Birthday to you, Kuroo ! <3 - Also I’ll beta it later when i’m home from university, bc it’s 3 am here, oops x.x
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Kuroo wasn’t jealous, really because logically there was no reason to be
You were his girlfriend and you did not mind sudden Hollywood blockbuster worthy kisses when he got a spurt of…possessiveness towards you
He is in no way overbearing or anything, both of you share the opinion that even though you’re a couple you don’t have to be together all the time, spend afternoons with your friends
Then again, you two spend quite a lot of time together, with you being the  Volleyball Clubs manager, always staying behind with your team when they practiced way past the official clubs' training's hours
But sometimes he woke up and felt the need to have you all to himself
On those days a slightly lingering gaze by other would irk him enough to    permanently glue himself to your side or back
Because of the rareness of that situation, you generally give into that specific mood and take him either with you if you had plans or adapt to whatever your handsome boyfriend seemed fit
(usually, it consists of getting snacks from the store to make watching movies more fun after you both finished your homework. And also cuddles. Lots and lots and lots of cuddling and kisses.)
Anyway, normally he’s a super laid back, relaxed, and ‘’the best boyfriend in the world, right, baby?’’
Kuroo was happy with being ‘’a bit (big times) nerdy’’ as kenma liked to remark, liked that things had their reasons and were logically intelligible
Well…he quickly realized that, while emotions were chemically explainable this also was as far as logic was helpful with them
Sooo…there was no reasonable excuse for him to feel that ugly burning in his chest watching you ruffle through Lev’s hair and giggle so cutely
But it was his birthday, and you should be all over HIM because HE was YOUR boyfriend and in general, maybe he had one of those not so great days bc not only did he get stuck in his bedsheets and face planted to the ground first thing in the morning but his breakfast toast also landed with its face on the kitchen floor just after he put away all the things he used
You were…not avoiding him but kind of distant with your thoughts
At lunch, he was telling you something you’d usually find at least funny if not hilarious because your humor was so fantastically similar to his, but all you did was smile lightly
You even whispered with Yaku instead of talking to him !! how dare you
Rest in peace, Kuroo (you will survive one day with a bit less attention of your s/o)
He wasn’t jealous of Lev or thought that you suddenly developed feelings for the younger boy
He was jealous because that tall child hoarded all of your attention, while you had looked at him maybe twice, three times tops, in the last hour
‘’Kuroo.’’ To the untrained ear the small setters voice as passive as usual. Kuroo though is able to easily distinguish the various different layers of Kozume Kenma’s very real, emotional bandwidth. The captain did hear Kenma and his questioning as well as slightly worried tone, he simply chooses to not react in favor of shooting (barely) decently hidden death glares at the to-tall-for-his-own-good-boy. 
‘’Kuroo.’’ The slight change in his childhood friend's voice was enough for the black-haired player to grudgingly turn away from you and Lev to look at Kenma.
‘’Yes.’’ Tetsurou huffs out, giving his best to not sound like a petulant child. ‘’You’re so dumb.’’ Kenma said dryly, definitely analyzing him. The questioning sound leaving Kuroo was close to embarrassing, a quick cough and back straightening later, he adds ‘’You wound me. Right here.’’ While pressing his hand flat against his chest. ‘’Where’s my understanding childhood friend to put balm on my hurting heart by sharing emotionally charged, empathic words with me?’’
Instead of offering the desired words, the smaller boy rolls his eyes before he averts them to his hand-held gaming console. ’’Can you put that thing away, we’re at practice Kenma.’’ Kuroo all but unintentionally whined. 
Everything was stressing him out today. Usually, his childhood friend at least stuck to the general rule of not using it outside the breaks. But obviously, there was a plot against him going on with the goal to annoy him more than usual because, of course, why not doing it on his damn birthday. Nice friends and their nice presents.
Just like Kuroo did mere minutes before, Kenma decided to simply…ignore his request half voiced as some kind of instruction. Well…things didn’t work like they were supposed to, he didn’t feel like arguing with his friend so he let him be for now. Rather than that, he turned back to you and Lev, who – for once – seemed eager to train his digging and passing game because you threw the volleyball for him to dive after.
‘’Where in freaking hell is Yaku…’’ Kuroo muttered grumpily, before repeating louder ‘’Yaku! Why am I the only third…Noboyuki!’’These definitely aren’t my friends, he thought while finally giving in to his deepest desire of ripping you away from the grey-haired future wannabe ace. 
‘’You truly are dense when it comes to (Y/N),’’ Kenma says, moving away towards the benches, before swerving around them to leave for the clubroom. ‘’The definition of tunnel vision.’’
The thing is, Kuroo heard Kenma say it, but his brain refused to acknowledge them, too focused on finally being in the spotlight of your focus.
 Meanwhile, you were watching your dark-haired boyfriend closer than he realized. You carried the whole plan. Or rather your ability to make him lose focus on anything that isn’t you, with just the right amount of addressing the slight possessive side of his and deprivation of your attention.
Even though all of this was just so the others could fulfill their part of the plan, you hate how it led him to mope around the whole day. It was so hard to not laugh about his stupid science joke at lunch and overall, not tell him all day how glad you were that he was born. This is his special day, why wouldn’t you tell him how much you loved his presence and his annoyingly attractive smirk? If not for the others and them begging and bribing you, you would smooch his kissable cheeks, nose, forehead, and lips all day long to honor this special date.
You are an amazing and emphatic girlfriend, so…of course, you realize that his mood in general is rather on the bad side today. He wants you close and to himself, and you did the complete opposite! Tetsurou would absolutely give you an ear full later when he finally understood the whole plan.
Nonetheless, it is kind of cute how he tried to hide that he was sulking. Your big baby of a boyfriend was currently trying to kill poor Lev with his gaze alone, staring holes into the back of his head all the while directing puppy dog eyes at you to relent and come over.
Usually, your Tetsurou was the perfect team captain. Attentive, clever, strategical, and just the right amount of authoritarian and approachable. But with his mind stuck on questioning why you were being weird to him on his birthday, he had yet to realize that through the whole time of today’s practice all of his teammates inexplicably went missing for about 15 minutes before they either sneaked back in (the first years and some of the second years) or openly announced a little too detailed information on how, for example, the bathroom visit has been absolutely necessary and could not be postponed.
The only problem: Lev wasn’t allowed to know of the plan until a second beforehand to not accidentally spoil the surprise out of pure excitement to surprise his Kuroo-senpai.
When you see your better half starting to approach the two of you, yelling for his vice-captain and the libero simultaneously, you whisper ‘’Lev, when I say now, you have to start running okay and call for Yaku. Ask him to practice your receives as loud as you can, and take off over to the clubroom as fast as possible, alright? Also, please don’t fall, we don’t need a bloody and broken nose, Tetsu is pissed enough already. Please do it for me, okay?’’ It was a bit unfair of you to look at him hopefully like that, but as the team manager, you posessed a certain power none of the other third years had over the younger players.
Just a moment before Kuroo got the chance to grab the clueless middle blockers shirt collar, you voice out a hushed ‘’Now!’’. You immediately look up innocently to your boyfriend and finally put the warm smile on your lips that wanted to sit there since your eyes fell on him the first time this morning. ‘’Tetsu...is everything okay?’’ - ‘’Yaku-senpai, please help me with my receives!’’
‘’Lev never asks for receiving practice...’’ is…not the thing you wanted your boyfriend to say. Panicking that he might find out now, still a bit too early, you do the only thing that you know WILL take his mind off of it. You cup his cheek with your hands and pull him down to press your lips against his. 
His reaction was immediate, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you so close to him that not even a feather would fit between the two of you. Getting into the spontaneous moment, you happily loop your arms around his neck, smiling softly into the kiss. 
Yeah...you definitely had missed that.
When you break apart, he pecks your lips a few additional times for good measure before he bends down even more to bury his face in your neck, enjoying how your fingers softly stroke through and play with his hair, in all the right ways, helping him to relax for the first time in hours. ‘’Baby,…’’ he murmurs against your skin ‘’…no one is training the way they should, let’s just ditch practice. We get a cake from the bakery down the street and eat it in bed, okay?’’
For the second time today, you feel bad. Your boyfriend's voice sounds tired and that was not how a birthday boy was supposed to sound. With his face in your neck, you were able though to watch the entrance. They should come in any second now. You feel tempted to give into Tetsurou’s wishes.
Can they hurry up?! 
The thought desperately shoots through your head, because even though he was currently not paying attention to anything but recharging and breathing you in, Kuroo is way too perceptive to not get behind the ruckus going on in the gym the whole afternoon.
‘’We can cuddle later, Tetsu, I promise my whole afternoon is all for you. If you want I can even sleep over.’’ Your soothing words made his invisible cat ears prick up and listen interested. You knew that, from the moment you both enter the comfort of his home, he would drape himself over you for permanent, never-ending cuddles. The only reason for him to let go of you - unwillingly so - will be you whining about having to use the bathroom. For everything else, you would have to carry a (nearly) dead weight of the size and weight of your boyfriend everywhere.
‘’I haven’t heard Tora for a while now….’’ The raven-haired middle blocker mumbles, and your heart picks up some speed again.
Looking for words you stammer some intangible syllables, which lead Kuroo to look up, suspicion swirling in his hazel eyes. ‘’Baby…what’s wrong?’’ he asks, cocking his head to the side, watching you like a cat its prey. Quickly waving your hands in front of you, you hastily answer a ‘’Nothing.’’ And try to smile away the panic.
Before he got the chance to repeat his question and pry it out of you, the gym darkens, and you breathe out a sigh of relief. Just on time. With the door opening a little source of light illuminates his teammate's faces with his closest friends at the front. Yaku holding a cake stabbed with 18 sparklers, and Nobuyuki holding an unholy amount of the ugliest birthday ballons you had ever seen. All of them together slaughtering the happy birthday song in such a passionate manner, that you could see yourself being able to forgive them the torture they put you through in the near future. 
‘’Come one, birthday boy.’’ You say with a loving smile, and grab his hand to pull him to the rest of the group.
The moment the lights flicker back on and everyone is cheering out loud one last time. You realize belated that Kuroo (intended) and you (unintended) were besieged with confetti and glitter. (You, until this day, suspect Yamamoto who looked a bit too innocent for your taste.)
‘’All of that…for me?’’ Kuroo questions, his gorgeous eyes shining tell telling in the remaining light of the sparkles. Following his words, Kenma takes a small step forward quickly handing over a small book – filled with birthday wishes, pictures that were taken with each and all of them, inside jokes and doodles - just to move out of the spotlight again as quickly as he jumped into it. ‘’Surprise, Tetsu.’’ You say with a sweet smile, that makes him move closer to you to gift himself a taste of your lips.
Before things get to turn mushy and emotional, a chant of Cake! Cake! Cake! – started by Lev and Tora, joined by everyone, disrupts the moment the two of you had.
‘’Okay, okay! I hear the will of the people, I’ll submit to it!’’ Kuroo gives in laughing. ‘’But…’’ a theatrical moment of silence ‘’I want to cut the cake with (Y/N) together!’’ Your boyfriend proudly announces, and, to his delight, you blush furiously. Yakus laughing remark of ‘’Oi, Kuroo, this is not your wedding, you know!’’ was followed by various joking wolf whistles and some hollering. You didn’t know how you ended up being in the center of attention together with him, but when Tetsuro easily replies ’’Well, I need to perfect this skill it for the real ceremony after party one day.’’ You knew that you wouldn’t want to be somewhere else.
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kindiekritz · 4 years
Get Some Rest, Samurai...
Via Anon Ask; “because im also a sap for Johnny and V- How do you think Johnny would help V cope with a panic attack? Especially when its likely something he's feeling laggy echoes of himself if he's in her head during it? (hurt/comfort is a FAVE of mine and i have anxiety, can ya' tell?)”
B ro,, don’t worry anon bc same here, we are anxiety homies together 👏😔 - This is my first time writing for Johnny Silverhand! Trying to get back on the writing boat, (haven't forgotten my previous fic!) and there's nothing like simping for video game characters to get that inspiration flowing. Do let me know what you think! Johnny may be a bit too OOC in this, I may have gone a little bit overboard with the soft? Ah well, I hope someone will enjoy it regardless :P
Here is the Ao3 Link! :D
V’s time was running out. 
Every time the relic in their head would malfunction, every time they went into a coughing fit and the disgusting taste of metallic blood would fill their mouth, every time he would manifest himself in her head and V would catch a glimpse of his stupid fucking face…
V was reminded of the fact that their time was running out, and fast.
And despite the fact that they were doing everything in their power to stop the construct in her mind from completely destroying her from the inside out, that didn’t stop the fact that she still had to pay the rent. 
In fact, it wasn’t cheap coughing up the eddies to pay Rouge for her services, or having to pay for bigger and better gear that would keep her alive when dealing with Arasaka guards, hell, it wasn’t cheap to keep purchasing more and more bottles of Omega Blockers, the pills were the only thing that kept him from completely taking control. 
She found herself taking more and more gigs, trying to simply keep up with the extra costs of having a completely second personality living rent-free in her mind. But even then… she couldn’t find it in herself to reject or turn away people who needed her help, even if they had little to nothing to offer in return. 
It seemed as if her phone was constantly buzzing with calls and texts of people who wanted and needed her help. No matter where she went or what she did, people needed her services, people needed her time.
And yet, time was something that she had very little left of.
V was exhausted. The bags under her eyes revealed that she hadn’t slept in days, and she couldn’t remember when she last had a proper meal.
She was always on the go, she didn’t have time to take care of herself.
But as she groggily opened the door to her apartment, she thought to herself that… maybe, just maybe… she would finally let herself take a nice, long warm shower.
V was too exhausted to care about the possibility of Johnny potentially staring at her nude form as she stood under the running water. Hell, let him stare for all she cared! The thought of warm water running over her exhausted muscles, washing away the dirt and grime of the city… it was too appealing at that moment. 
She removed her weapon slung across her back, letting her beloved leather Samurai jacket slip off her shoulders and onto the ground, too exhausted to care about putting it away properly. 
The weight of the gun in her hands was normally a welcome and grounding presence for V when she was on a mission, the weapon in her hands keeping her safe from those who wished to do her harm. But now? It felt too heavy, unbearably so, as if the weight would make her topple over onto the floor below. The muscles in her arms were exhausted and spent. As she rotated her shoulder she heard the joints audibly pop. The consequences of pushing her body too far.
She would do anything for the physical ache to go away. 
As she stepped through the door to her armory and switched on the fluorescent lights of the room, her gaze fell upon someone already there, casually lounging atop her workbench and raising a cigarette to his mouth, pausing to speak before inhaling a deep puff of smoke.
“Damn V. You look like shit.”
She rolled her eyes at his comment, and made her way to her weapon locker instead, trying to ignore the weight of his gaze on the nape of her neck.
V fiddled with the combination, her foggy mind struggling to remember the correct numbers and the correct order, her fingers felt clumsy and uncoordinated as she inputs each digit. V cursed herself for making it so damn difficult, but eventually, she finally managed to swing the metal door open, proceeding to put her gun away amongst her collection of stored weapons. 
Johnny hopped off of the workbench, stepping towards V as she organized her storage, resting his metal arm against the locker, using his height to his advantage as he towered over her and confronted her. “No, seriously V, you look like shit. When was the last time you slept?”
��Fuck— Johnny, I dunno… A few days I guess?” V slammed the door of the locker using more force than necessary, Johnny already starting to get on her nerves, the last thing she needed was Johnny Fucking Silverhand following her around like a worried mother hen. V pouted and huffed, blowing away a stubborn strand of hair that had fallen across her face, then turning to meet his gaze, hidden behind wine-colored lenses, and asked, “Why do you care anyway?”
“You’ve been on edge all day, I can feel it. You’re like a string that’s been strung too strongly. I feel like you’re ready to snap at any fuckn’ moment, V.” 
She could feel his stare on her body and the tension in the room was beginning to suffocate her. He was poking at a sensitive topic for her, and he knew it. 
V stuttered, trying to find the right words to say as she couldn't bring herself to look at him in the eye anymore, instead choosing to halfheartedly push him aside and walk away, “Johnny… I’m fine. Really. I just— I just need a shower and a nap, that’s all.”
As V stepped out of the room, the weight on her chest seemed to grow heavier with each step. 
She wanted to crumble, she wanted to cry. 
She just wanted to wrap up herself in a bundle of blankets and cry into an order of takeout. One of those ugly cries that made snot dribble from your nose and your cheeks flushed and red.
She wanted— no, V needed to let everything out.
But… she couldn’t. She didn’t have the time for it, she needed to get back to work soon. Here were people that needed her help and there were eddies to be made. She would let herself rest when she’d gotten that damned biochip out of her head.
It was at that moment when V’s phone began to ring, the sound interrupting her thoughts and causing her to pause in her step.
Almost as if on reflex, she quickly reached into her pocket and withdrew the device, not even bothering to check the caller ID before answering, “V speaking, what do you want?”
“V, it’s Regina. I’ve got another report of a cyberpsycho attack…”
V stopped listening to the voice on her phone, too distracted by the crushing pressure on her chest and the fact that she had begun to tremble and shake like a leaf.
All she had wanted was a hot shower and a night in, was that too much to ask?
After weeks of dodging blades and bullets, running meaningless errands and tasks for just a few eddies in return, spending sleepless nights that left dark circles under her eyes, and going days on end without even seeing her fucking apartment, all she wanted was a night in.
Was that too much to fucking ask?
She could faintly register Johnny’s voice coming from behind her, an uncharacteristically concerned tone in his voice as he asked, “...V? What’s wrong?”
The pressure in her chest grew heavier by the second, her breaths becoming strained and labored as the increasing fear and dread overwhelmed her body. She gripped her phone tightly in her hand, glaring at the device with tears prickling the corners of her eyes.
“V? Are you listening? I said that there’s another report of a cyberpsycho near your current position, are you still—“
With a press of a button, she hung up the phone.
Johnny watched V, her form trembling and shoulders tensed.
In all of their weeks stuck together, he’d never seen his little merc look so small. A real juxtaposition when compared to her usual self; a real fucking hardass, she was the only other person Johnny had ever met that was just as bullheaded and stubborn as himself. 
As much as he teased her about it, Johnny knew one thing for certain. V was strong, V was determined. A damned force of nature and he pitied the bastards that stood in her way.
But despite the cybernetics in her body and the chip in her mind… V was human. V had her limits.
The facade she’d built up for herself couldn’t last forever, and Johnny knew it. He’d sensed the cracks in her resolve grow larger and larger with each sleepless night and after every exhausting gig.
But for a brief second, a thought crossed Johnny’s mind; 
V was fractured… V was broken… V was weak.
And with that thought, V finally snapped.
V cried out, lobbing her phone at him. It phased right through him, instead hitting against the wall, shattering the screen, and sending the device flying into some unknown corner of the room. 
She froze, her eyes widening in shock, almost as if she couldn’t believe what she had done. The realization slowly setting in after the result of her outburst.
V’s vision blurred as tears welled in the corners of her eyes, she slowly fell to the cold floor, cradling her knees up to her chest and muffling her sobs in her arms.
Johnny watched as she sat in the middle of the room and sobbed. 
She didn’t let herself cry when Jackie had died, she didn’t let herself cry when Vic told her that she was practically dying. V didn’t cry as she carried Evalyn’s bloodied body, and V didn’t cry late at night when she was alone, and her chest felt tight and her throat choked up.
He knew it was coming, he could feel V’s emotions as they bubbled up and reached their boiling point. 
But what truly surprised him, was just how much it hurt him to see his little merc cry.
“Shit— V…” he nervously swallowed his throat, but try as he might, for once in his goddamn existence, he couldn’t find the right words to say.
Johnny didn’t like the way he felt. 
Johnny didn’t like the way she made him feel at that moment.
He didn’t like the way his chest tightened at the sound of each of her sobs. The way he felt so restless as he could only watch her curl onto herself for comfort. He couldn’t stop himself from pacing back and forth across the room, unsure if it was her anxiety or his that was setting him off. 
Johnny could almost feel V’s heart racing in her chest, the adrenaline flooding her veins, adrenaline meant to stimulate a fight or flight reaction. But when the pain and panic swelled from within her own chest, there was nowhere V could run, nobody she could physically fight.
All she could do was sob into her knees, desperately trying to hide her sobs and cries from him, but her own cries easily overpowered her. 
And because of him, she didn’t even feel like she had the ability to freely have a goddamn mental breakdown in her own apartment, even as she choked and sobbed, she tried to grasp onto the shattered remains of her facade. Was it for her sake, or for his?
At that point… neither of them knew.
V couldn’t stop her body from trembling. She tightly gripped onto herself until her knuckles turned white. But V didn’t notice. It didn’t even register in her mind.
She didn’t register the hot tears as they streamed down her face, the shuddering cries that caused her lip to quiver with each breath. She couldn’t recognize that no matter how hard she tried, her frantic breaths caused her lungs to feel as if they were on fire, incapable of delivering oxygen to her body.
V’s mind didn’t even register the fact that Johnny had stopped pacing back and forth.
Her mind cursed at her to get her shit together. V needed to wipe away those tears and she needed to get back on the streets. A moment of weakness could’ve gotten her killed in her past, and now was no different. 
But… the thought of standing up and leaving her apartment caused another fresh wave of sobs to rattle her body.
She was tired… she was so goddamn exhausted… 
All she wanted was a night in. Was that too much to ask? After all of her hard work and effort, hadn’t she earned it?
“V, listen to me.”
Clearly, she hadn’t done enough if people were still calling, still demanding her presence. Clearly she—
V felt something warm touch her cheek.
Someone was there. 
Although her mind had stopped temporarily spiraling, she felt the wet salty tears dripping down her face, her vision was still blurry, and her cheeks were incredibly flushed. She must’ve looked… pathetic she thought. But regardless, she allowed herself to look up at the person who had reached out to her.
The cold of his metal rings juxtaposed the warmth of his hand, and as her eyes trailed up towards his arms, she caught sight of his familiar tattoos, but also an unfamiliar detail as she reached his face.
Instead of seeing her reflection in the lenses of his glasses, she was surprised to see his eyes staring into hers. Gone was any trace of malice or cruelty, instead his brown eyes reflected nothing but concern… an emotion she’d never expected to see from him.
As her tearful eyes met his, he could’ve almost sworn that he felt his engram heart stop beating for a second. The tears rolling down her cheeks, the way her lip trembled with each breath. He didn’t know why the sight of V feeling so upset affected him so, he blamed her emotions, her hormones, whatever came into his mind. He hated the way she made him feel, he hated that she had this much power over him. 
But most of all, he hated the fact that he felt so powerless to stop it.
He would’ve gladly taken V cussing him out, he would’ve taken V nagging at him and complaining about the smell as he smoked in her apartment. He would’ve even happily taken V as she sang along to the car radio, something she’d originally done to get onto his nerves, but now it has become a sound he’s grown… to tolerate. Even sometimes… appreciate it. 
He wasn’t the type to comfort people like this, he was the type to leave as soon as emotions came into play, the countless amount of hearts that he’d broken in the past were evidence enough. Fuck, he didn’t know how to deal with his own goddamn emotions, blowing up Arasaka tower as revenge to deal with his grief, that’s what got him into this mess.
But as he wiped away a tear from her soft cheek with his calloused thumb… he wasn’t going to just sit there and let his little merc cry.
“V. You’ve done more than enough for this city than it deserves. You’re always running back and forth, trying to make this shithole a better place… all while trying to keep yourself alive.” He wanted to tell her that this damned city didn’t deserve her generosity, it didn’t deserve her hard work, fuck, this city didn’t deserve her.  
He didn’t deserve her.
And she didn’t deserve what he was doing to her.
“You keep spreading yourself too thin, you keep wanting to do shit for others, you keep wanting to help. But then you add the cherry on top — the fact that there’s a chip in your head slowly killin’ ya… You’ve got enough on your plate. You’ve earned a few nights of rest.”
V sniffled and tried to wipe away tears, her voice wavering as she spoke, “I-If I don’t keep goin’ if I don’t keep looking for a solution— I’m gonna die. Johnny, I don’t want to die—“
“V, you’re gonna end up dead long before the chip has an opportunity to kill you if you keep pushing yourself like this… You need to get some rest.”
He was right. As much as she fucking hated it… he was right.
She felt his metal hand cup her other cheek, the cool metal refreshing against the flushed skin, wiping away tears as he continued to speak.
“You’ve proven yourself enough to this city. You’ve proven yourself enough to me. But running yourself to the bone is not worth it in order to prove it to yourself. And you’re not alone V… as much as they get on my fuckn’ nerves, you’ve got chooms lookin’ out for ya, even if one of them is a fuckn’ cop—“
Through tears, V chuckled and playfully chided him, “Johnny…”
There it was… that little chuckle of hers that he was looking for. He wouldn’t admit it to others, he wouldn’t even admit it to himself, but V’s laughter never failed to make him feel something funny in his chest… it wasn’t like the high of drugs or liquor, but it felt just as addictive. It wasn’t like the adrenaline rush of a firefight or the rush during a show, but it made him feel just as excited and lightheaded.
He cleared his throat, trying to get his mind off of that feeling, and spoke, “Listen… all I’m saying… is that you’re not alone V. And although I don’t have much of a choice, whenever you need me…” he playfully smiled as his eyes met hers, “I’m always here for ya V.”
And that’s all it took.
In one moment to another, V wrapped her arms around his waist, knocking him on his ass from his previous kneeling position, and burying her head against his chest.
Despite sharing a head and body, somehow, someway, V always found a way to surprise him.
He groaned, the deep rumbles from his chest as he spoke making V settle in closer, anchoring herself to his presence.
“Fuck, V, a little warning next time would be nice.”
But even as he whined… he wasn’t complaining. Not when her sobs were beginning to fade, and she was instead chuckling at his expense in his arms. 
He ignored that funny feeling in his chest as his organic arm wraps itself against her body, his calloused hand rubbing circles against the small of her back, feeling her trembling begin to slow under his soft touch. Over time, her breathing began to even, and soon enough she was taking deep breaths as she recovered. 
Without even consciously doing so, Johnny’s metal hand found itself entwined with the strands of her hair, softly caressing as V’s eyes began to droop, and exhaustion began to overtake her body.
“V… it’s time for you to go to bed.”
“I’m fine Johnny, I’m—“ a yawn interrupted her mid-sentence, “I’m not even tired.”
“And I’m not buying it.” He chuckled as his arm wrapped around her midsection.
“W-wait Johnny what are you— Johnny!” In an instant, V was thrown over his shoulder as he stood from the ground, and she gripped onto him in order to avoid falling to the floor.
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m taking you to bed.” He chuckled as he felt her hand playfully slap against his shoulder.
“Fucking hell Johnny, a warning would be nice!” He could almost imagine her expression as he walked across the apartment, the way she would pout in exasperation.
“Just repaying the favor, that’s all.” He smirked as he reached her bed. Slowly setting her down from his shoulder onto the mattress below. 
“There. It’s time that you allowed yourself to get some rest, and not that weird shit you do where you sleep across the bed huddled in a little ball, but some actual sleep, under the covers and all.” 
“Fine, fine…” V slipped into a pair of nightclothes as Johnny had the decency to look away, and then slipped under the blankets, making herself comfortable. But before she drifted off to sleep, she called out, “Johnny?”
“... yeah?”
“I just— I just wanted to say thanks. Y’know, for tonight and all.”
“‘Course…” he stepped towards the bed once more as he spoke, “I mean, if I’m the one telling you that you need some rest, you probably fucked up somewhere along the way.”
“That’s true… judging from your memories, you’re terrible at following your own advice, Johnny.” She smiled at him, uncertain if the lack of sleep had made her delirious or if perhaps she was feeling particularly honest that night, but she spoke, “Y’know, if fucking up this badly was the catalyst for us to meet… I would do it all over again.”
He smiled sadly in return, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, his cold metal hand brushing her cheek as he did so. An action to acknowledge the words between them were best left unspoken and unsaid— at least, for now.
“...Goodnight V.” He tore his gaze from her as he turned to walk away.
“Wait— Johnny!”
She grasped his metallic hand before he had the opportunity to pull away.
“... stay with me? Just for tonight?”
With her eyes looking up at him, her smaller hand clinging onto his, causing his breath to hitch and his heart to race—
How could he say no?
“Fine, but just for tonight. I can’t have you thinkin’ I’m goin’ soft or something.”
Johnny slipped under the covers, and without even needing to be asked, he wrapped his arms around V, and she rested her head against his chest in return.
“Get some rest, samurai… the city will still be there waiting for us when you awake.”
Thank ya kindly for reading! I'm always down for some constructive criticism and I love to read any lovely comments about my fics. Do let me know if there are any mistakes, I don't have a beta reader for Cyberpunk just yet, so a few mistakes may have gotten away from me!
And feel free to send in asks/requests! I'm so in love with Johnny and V and I can spend hours thinking and talking about them aaaaa
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𝘛𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧
@shrimpyblog asked:  Hello!!! Can I request a suga x reader? Where she plays on the girls team (maybe libero?) who is willing to put the team/game before herself and winds up either just being exhausted or hurting herself during a game so suga lectures her about self care and takes care of her? Its okay if not!!!
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
Hi and thank you for requesting with us! This is such a cute concept for Suga, I hope you like it! Funny story to this, is when I was writing this I was trying to picture how a real game would look like and I blanked. How sad is it that I spent so much of my time watching Haikyuu and yet I couldn’t retain any of the actual volleyball part of the show lololol.
Also, I’m sorry if you wanted this to be more fluffy, instead I made it kind of angsty ;;;; I hope that was okay ;;;;
Tags/warnings; Arguing, mentions of an injury, cursing, shouting, a little bit angsty but a happy end, mentions of sadness.
>Admin 𝕋
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
Sugawara watched the game without even blinking, his muscle tense and his brows furrowed. His concentration never broke as he watched his girlfriend play against one of the best teams in the nation. It was suspenseful to say the least, the game being an even match all throughout. Both teams had won one match each, and were currently on the last game, the score being a 20-21 with her team in the lead. But it soon became even again with another score made by the opposing players.
Suga watched as (y/n) grit her teeth in frustration, putting her hands on her knees, ready for another ball to come at her. She looked beautiful to him, the way her face twisted when she is serious, her eyes alight with determination.
He watched as she crouched down low to bounce the incoming ball off her wrists, watching it go to the other side. She kept her eyes on the ball as it flew in the air, about to be hit by their middle blocker. Sugawara and (y/n) both knew she wasn’t going to make it, to make sure it wouldn’t hit their side of the court.
But she always did surprise him in the worst of ways. Sugawara quickly stood up from his bleacher seat, not noticing the stares he was getting from the other spectators as he watched (y/n) throw herself to the side of the court in the hopes of bumping the ball back into the game. Not only did she not hit it, she propelled herself a bit too harshly, causing her whole body to fly into the borders that were lining the court. The contact was loud, making everyone in the gym quiet as they all watched (y/n) hit her head on the corner of the border, blood dripping onto the sleek floor.
It happened quickly, a couple medics who were on the sideline came up to her, examining to see where the blood was coming from. Sugawara felt his heart fall into his stomach when he saw that (y/n)’s were rolling to back of her head, and the medics had to put her on a flat board, taking her to the medic office.
He felt time stop as he rushed to where they were taking her. He got lost along the way, and had to ask someone for help. When he finally got to where he needed to be, he opened the door and saw her on a bed with an ice pack to her forehead and a doctor writing something on a clipboard.
The doctor looked up form the paper and eyed Sugawara with a weary eye, “Hello, may I help you?” she asked him. Sugawara panted out, unable to say anything, and before he could even try, (y/n) spoke for him.
“He’s with me.” she muttered, lowering the ice pack, showing off her impressive wound. Sugawara stared at it as the doctor nodded to (y/n) and then left the office, leaving the two of them alone.
Slowly, he walked to the bed, and sat on the rolling chair that was conveniently there. He got comfortable, his breath slowing as his heart slowed and evening out. He gazed into her eyes as she did him. “What was that?” he asked her, his voice low. She gave him a confused expression.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m meaning you throwing yourself literally across the court, and injuring yourself in the process, just to grab a ball you and I both knew you weren’t going to get?” Sugawara explained, his voice raising with each word, his face contorting in anger. But, (y/n) didn’t flinch nor did she back down.
“I was doing what I am supposed to be doing as a member of my team.” she retorted, glaring. 
“But that doesn’t mean hurting yourself!”
“If I have to then I will!”
“No, you don’t! God, do you ever stop to think?! About how your actions have consequences, especially if it’s going to get you hurt?!” he yelled, abruptly standing and pacing around the office. “You always do this! Not even in volleyball, you do this even out of it!”
“No, I don’t--”
“For fuck’s sake, (y/n), yes you do! With volleyball, with school, with your family--all you ever do is put everything else before you, and you never--never-- think about yourself!” he was panting again, his eyes wild. (Y/n) stayed quiet, waiting for him to calm down, but still glaring. 
“Where is this coming from?” she murmured to him and watched as he sighed, putting his hands on his face.
“You don’t understand how many times I’ve seen you hurt yourself, unintentionally, physically and mentally, thinking you are doing something you need to do. But you don’t, you don’t need to do any of it.” he pleaded. As the silence grows, Sugawara sits down again in the rolling chair, taking (y/n)’s hand in his and putting it to his forehead. “I just want you to value yourself more. I know you don’t.”
“I’ve been you boyfriend for awhile now, (y/n), and I love you enough to know when you love yourself or not. I know that the real reason you act so selfless, or should I say recklessly, is because you value a rock more than your life.” he told her, his voice shuddering with emotion. He’s been wanting to say this for awhile now. Been wanting to tell her how what she has been doing wrong. Ever since they started dating, he noticed that she was devaluing herself constantly. Always doing things out of her comfort zone or taking more than she can do. “You hide behind your selflessness in the hopes of--” he couldn’t say it, he didn’t want to.
(Y/n) felt her eyes prickle with unshed tears. She set down the ice pack and put it on the side of the bed, and gripped his hands in hers. She positioned her forehead to touch his. “I’m sorry Koushi. I’m sorry..” she mumbled. He shook his head.
“You don’t have to be sorry. I just want you to value yourself more. I just--” he choked on his spit. (y/n) rubbed the back of his neck.
“No, I am sorry. You saw right through me, and yet you didn’t say anything, you had to watch as I didn’t take care of myself, and I am so sorry. I promise--I promise you--that I will do better, be better.”
Sugawara inhaled and exhaled, then dragged (y/n) into a tight hug. He pulled back a bit and kissed her cheek, then kissed her tears away, putting some loose hair behind her ear. He didn’t expect her to kiss him on the lips, but it was definitely not uncalled for. She kissed him a couple more times before wrapping her arms around his waist and laying her head against his shoulder.
“I have a headache now.” she mumbled into his shoulder. He chuckled and rubbed her back soothingly.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you.”
“No, this was probably the final straw for you. I understand.” 
“Yeah, well, seeing the blood hit the gym floor like that and then seeing you pass out for I don’t know how long really scared me.” he told her. She nodded her head, understanding.
“If I were in your shoes, I would’ve done the same.”
“You are pretty stubborn.” he chuckled, kissing her neck. She rubbed her cheek against his shoulder and sighed.
“I love you Koushi. And thank you. Thank you for being my voice of reason.” he shrugged and squeezed her tighter. He loved her too, so so much. And he hoped that she learned, from him or someone, that she is valuable.
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arhvste · 4 years
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requested by jaceyandme on wattpad
summary - after spending more time with a classmate, tsukishima finds himself caring more than what he’d like leading to you both reaching your limits - angst
warnings - cursing
an - i might do a part 2 i really wanna. this is also kinda rushed i’m kinda under time pressure rn so i might improve later or go into more depth in a later part
Your usual routine in the morning would be to get ready, meet your boyfriend outside your house, walk to school together (Wednesdays and Fridays Yamaguchi would join the two of you), change your shoes at your lockers and finally say your short goodbyes as you both departed to your separate classes. That was how things usually ran.
Not for the past two weeks however.
Tsukishima was a man of routine. He liked things to be in order and found satisfaction in things fitting in place, the fact that the usual routine the pair of you shared had been broken recently did not sit well with him and he knew exactly who was the ultimate cause of it.
Hara Itsuki.
His teeth would grit whenever he heard that name, a discreet but stewing anger would boil inside him and it didn’t help that sometimes you were oblivious to the middle blockers change in demeanor.
In your defense though you sometimes found Tsukishima hard to read. He was a sarcastic piece of shit with a tongue too sharp for his own good. It wasn’t rare for your boyfriend to take a hit at people out of nowhere. Tsukishima wasn’t the type to openly express genuine emotions either so it would’ve been hard to pick out his particular distaste towards Hara.
Hara Itsuki was a boy in your class who had recently come to ask for your assistance in literature. You, being the kind and helpful girl you were raised to be, agreed to help him after school while your boyfriend would be at practise.
You hadn’t intended to spend time with your classmate outside of the one hour after school you tutored him in, but the more you spoke with the boy, the more you found you had in common and found him easy to confide in.
At first Tsukishima didn’t care about your new friendship with your classmate, he wasn’t insecure or bothered by it and it’s not like he had any valid point to argue against it at first, but those one hour tutor sessions became 2 hour meet ups after school and a few lunchtimes a week you would be missing from your regular spot at your usual table as you would be eating elsewhere with your new friend.
This began to raise concern with Tsukishima but his pride wouldn’t allow him to confront you just yet at least.
It wasn’t until 4 weeks into your sudden new bond with Hara, Tsukishima felt himself edge towards the end of his relatively thin patience. The two of you rarely spoke due to Tsukishima’s everlasting bad mood and when you did speak, all you’d talk about is how great this Hara Itsuki was and quite frankly, the middle blocker would rather rip his own ears off than listen to what you’d have to say about this boy.
Yamaguchi would sometimes bring up your absence of late but it would always end in Tsukishima telling him to “Shut up.” and the boy would comply.
It wasn’t just Yamaguchi who noticed the effect your absence had on your boyfriend. The rest of the volleyball team noticed the tall middle blocker had become more hostile and cold towards everyone. Rarely talking to anyone and snapping at them when he did. Kageyama and Hinata made mental notes to keep out of his way for the time being and hold back on the provocative comments and snide remarks.
“Tsukishima, are you -uh, well you know -”
“Spit it out already.” The middle blocker spat.
“Are you missing Y/N?”
Everyone in the gym went silent. Tanaka took a step back from Tsukishima once he saw the look in his eye from his question.
“What sort of question is that? I couldn’t care less about the girl and who she's hoeing about with.”
The team stood wide eyed not sure on how to respond to such hostility.
Sugawara took it upon himself to attempt to diffuse the heavy tension in the air.
“Hey, If Tsukishima-san says he’s fine then we should just take his word for it and let it be.”
“But he’s obviously not fine. His blocking has been off and he’s not as observant on the court like he usually is. Quite frankly it’s annoying he can’t get it together, if we were playing in real matches right now we’d be thrashed within the first set because he can’t get a grip.”
All eyes turned to Kageyama. In truth, Kageyama had only said what was on his and potentially most of the team’s mind. The genius setter held a glare towards his teammate as he awaited a reply for his blunt comment.
“Sorry not all of us are fucking geniuses with no emotion. I don’t want to hear anything from you when your middle school teammates didn’t even want to play with you because of how selfish and obsessed you were. If Y/N wants to be a whore that’s fine I’ll deal with it myself, but I don't need any of you nosy imbeciles invading into my personal life!”
Tsukishima’s patience had finally snapped and nobody dared speak a word.
“I think we should call it a night. This isn’t a good atmosphere to be training in and I think we all need to clear our heads.” Daichi spoke up as both Asahi and Sugawara nodded.
The gym was cleared in silence and the team began to slowly disperse out the gym.
“Hang on a minute Tsukishima. I think we should have a quick chat.”
Tsukishima mentally cursed but approached Daichi anyway. Who was he to deny his captain and upperclassman’s request.
The two were the only ones left in the gym and Daichi patted the bench next to the court as they sat down.
“Listen, I know you’re going through a rough patch with your girlfriend right now and I’m by no means trying to invade or involve myself into your personal life but, from what we witnessed tonight it’s clear to me that it seems to be affecting the teams dynamic and that is my concern.”
Tsukishima couldn’t quite find the right words to respond to Daichi. It’s not like he could pull out a snarky remark about how he didn’t care about his girlfriends actions because deep down he knew he did in fact care and apparently more so than what he led himself on to believe.
“I’m not telling you what to do. Only you can decide how to handle the situation but I advise talking to L/N about how you’re really feeling. I know you’re not the most expressive person, but I also know that you do have a genuine concern for others whether you show it blatantly or not. Talk to her so you can both figure this out. I’m not just saying this for the best interest I have for our team but rather my best interest in you. Regardless if you want it, myself and all the others are concerned for you and want you to feel like you can rely on us.”
“Yeah. I’ll have a chat with her tonight.” The middle blocker stared at the ground as he began to rise from the seat. “I’ll have a think about everything.”
Daichi gave the first year a soft smile and patted his back.
“Good. Nobody’s mad at you, we’re just worried. Even Kageyama.”
To this Tsukishima snorted. “Whatever you say.”
“The kid’s blunt but he does care about you in his own way.”
After Daichi finished locking the gym up, both players said their respective goodbyes and went their separate ways.
Tsukishima made his way home but was stopped by the sight of you and Hara talking and laughing outside the school gates. Just from having that pep talk from Daichi was enough to encourage him to finally confront you. Not because he cared but for the greater good of the team, well that’s what he told himself anyway.
“Oh hi Kei...”
You nervously smiled at your boyfriend's irked expression.
“Oh so you do remember my name?” he sharply hissed at you.
Tsukishima had initially intended to have a civil conversation between the two of you, but seeing that bastard Hara standing there with a smug expression fuelled his hostility towards the whole situation.
“W-what? Of course I remember your name! You’re my boyfriend!” You replied as you fidgeted under his intense stare.
“Oh am I? Because from the way I see it, this loser over here seems to be your boyfriend rather than me.”
“What are you talking about?!”
“Don’t play clueless with me Y/N! If you wanted a side hoe you could’ve just said so and we wouldn’t have wasted time!”
“Side hoe?”
“Yes side hoe! And if you’re degrading me to second best to that thing -” Tsukishima pointed to where the now uncomfortable Hara stood . “- then I don’t want any association with you!”
“You’re insufferable!”
“And you’re impossible!”
Tears began to pool in your eyes as your anger began to flare.
“You know why I spend so much time with Hara-san? I’ll tell you why. He isn’t rude, obnoxious or judgemental. He is always considerate and never brings people down with snide comments and unnecessary insults. I love you Tsukishima, I really do, but right now you’re showing a perfect example of what I’m talking about.”
“If you really loved me we wouldn’t be having this argument. If you really loved me my team wouldn’t have to point out my lack of focus recently. If you really loved me you would’ve just told me the things about me that bother you so much. But none of that has played out has it? So tell me Y/N, do you really love me or am I just a test subject for you to use and compare to other people before you decide to settle down?”
You were in shock. You knew you were spending an increased amount of time with Hara but you didn’t know how big the effect was on Tsukishima.
“Uh, I’m gonna go.” Hara said suddenly as he began to turn to walk away.
“No you’re not. While Y/N is busy thinking about whether she really loves me or if that was just shit pouring out of her mouth, you’re going to tell me what exactly was running through your head approaching a girl who obviously is in a relationship.”
“For literature, I needed help.”
“And you got it. So why are you still hanging around her like some lost puppy?”
You finally had enough. Snapping your gaze up to Tsukishima you gave him a deadly glare.
“Will you shut up? Questioning my love for you like I’m some sort of slut who tests the water with every boy. I have never ever once complained about any girls approaching you to confess their love for you. I’ve never once stepped out of line. I’ve always supported you Kei.”
“Dont ‘Kei’ me L/N. You have no right to complain about the confessions I get because I turned each and every one of them down and for you. I know I was genuine to you but it was clearly not reciprocated. You’ve wasted enough of my time I’m fucking done. Messing up my performance in volleyball and making me look stupid, I’m done with you L/N, go have fun comparing Hara to other boys when you’re done trying him out.”
And with that Tsukishima turned around and stormed off out the gates.
You stood there speechless. You knew Tsukishima could be cold and make uncalled for remarks but this hurt. Him denying your feelings and calling you out to be like some sort of whore.
Hara wrapped his arm around you and pulled you into his chest.
“Hey it’s gonna be okay. You deserve better than that four eyed loser anyway Y/N.”
You didn’t particularly want to be comforted by Hara right now. In fact you wanted to be away from the boy who had contributed in homewrecking your first real relationship whether that was his intention or not but, you also didn’t have the physical or mental strength to push him away just yet. You needed someone and Hara just happened to be there.”
Sniffling into his chest you nodded slightly as you wondered if Tsukishima was upset or if this whole break up had no effect on him. You thought the latter as your anger towards him grew.
“He probably doesn’t give a shit anyways. It’s not like he can’t have a replacement for me by now anyways. He probably does have a girl waiting on the side for him as we speak.” You snarled as Hara pulled you closer to him.
“Probably, what a man whore. He doesn’t deserve you Y/N.”
You walked home with Hara that night trying to take your mind off of what had happened. The thought of Tsukishima not being bothered or phased by the break up lingered at the back of your head though.
What you were unaware of was that Tsukishima had immediately let his tears fall as soon as he reached the safety of his own room, and rather than watching dinosaur documentaries or studying, he spent the whole night in his room silently sobbing and wishing he could turn back time. He had loved you in his own way and would’ve worked on improving his snarkiness for the sake of you if only you had brought it up to him. But you didn’t and for that, Tsukishima stayed up all night tear stained wondering if you had ever really loved him the way he loved you.
part 2
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caxsthetic · 4 years
Be Fine
Miya Osamu x F!Reader
Hurtful Truth: Some things would always haunt us, no matter how many times we tried to run away. 
Pt. 1 ⇚ Part 2 ⇛ Pt. 3 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *. GRAND MASTERLIST .* :☆゚. ───
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He never knew heartbreak.
For almost thirty years of his life, Miya Osamu never knew how it feels to have his heart shattered into a million little pieces.
Since he was sixteen, he had a lover that always took care of him. He had you, someone who devoted all of your life for him, even abandoning your own dream to make sure that you could always be there by his side in a matter of seconds.
There was no one as loyal as you, the woman who got a lot of people standing in line just to get some attention from. Osamu didn’t have to be worried that someday you would leave him, he didn’t have to ask who you were with for every few minutes. Because he knew damn well — that you would turn down everyone who showed you even a glimpse of interest.
So he kept coming back to the moment he knocked on your brother’s apartment all those months ago. He kept replaying how his hand touched the brunette’s cheek, how his lips captured the unfamiliar plump lips, how he got in bed with someone else that was not you.
What worse from that, was the fact he kept coming back to the same new routine.
He didn’t particularly know when his feelings for you started to vanish into the thin air. There was just no spark anymore when he kissed you, no fiery flame that he usually felt when he pushed you to the bed and devoured you for the rest of the night. Something that used to fulfil his mind and soul satisfaction, became just a physical necessity.
The sound of vegetables being cut was the only thing that rang on his eardrum as he got lost in his mind all over again. Even though he was not alone, he knew better not to make a conversation with his company. His twins, Miya Atsumu.
Ever since he broke it off with you, his twin never stopped pestering him and guilt-tripped him for every chance that he could get. Right now, he even could feel how the brown orbs that belonged to the setter currently sending daggers at the back of his head.
“Don’t you think you are rushing it?” Atsumu finally cut the silence. He actually never once wanted to intervene or poke his nose on his brother’s life. “Didn’t you just start to fuck Sunarin around ten months ago?” But this, this was something that he couldn’t let go as it was.
Because it involved you, you and your very much fragile heart.
Osamu knew too well about how much the setter cared for you. Sometimes he would even think how much better you would be if you fell in love with the blonde instead of him. Atsumu was the one with immense passions, the successful volleyball’s player that had the attention of the whole nation — even beyond.
Yet for all of those years that went by, he was the one who got your heart. And by any chance, he felt like he was winning, at least he was winning something in this life for having a woman that his twin once wanted to have too.
“It’s none of your business.”
He answered with such a curt voice, focusing on the meal that he prepared for his fiancé. Rintarou was away for a week, and he wanted to do something for the love of his life. Yeah, the love of his life. He kept telling himself that, about how if he didn’t really love the brunette he would never cheat on you anyway, so he was pretty sure that his feelings right now were real.
Osamu realised how his relationship with the EJP Raijin’s middle blocker would turn out. Too fast as they just want to reach the finish line, to secure a goal, a real win. Not even one thinking about how you felt as you can only zip your mouth while standing on the sideline.
He thought that the silence that ensued after his response was enough. That maybe today he could just think about his fiancé with peace. Without you that still managed to slip yourself inside his head, without his twin letting out an opinion about how stupid he was for wasting your life.
But when he heard the stool knocked to the ground behind him, he knew that his nightmare would never end.
“For fuck sake you just dumped (Y/n) four months ago and now you are going to wed her brother?!” Atsumu was seething, stomping on the hardwood floor of his twin’s new apartment with a hand carding his own hair in frustration. “You are disgusting.” The setter even spits to the ground, but Osamu didn’t mind it at all.
Because he deserved every insult and hatred that he got.
Atsumu scoffed and grabbed his car keys from the kitchen island when his twin didn’t turn his back to face him. The nausea that he felt when he was around the businessman was sickening, that at this point he wanted nothing but strangle the life off the body of his doppelganger.
It did not come though, another slander or any kind of physical abuse from the setter. The black-haired man just stirred the miso soup that he prepared, numbing his heart and soul, once again acting like someone didn’t want to kill him or something. He knew that Atsumu would surrender, he would get tired anyway when he didn’t receive a response.
When he heard the front door being slammed, that was when he could finally breathe. Osamu didn’t even realise that his hands were trembling, that his skin produced a cold sweat as he once again succumbed to the guilt that eating him alive for every morning that he woke up to.
He still remembered the look inside your eyes, how the warmth that usually there was gone in an instant when he confessed what he had done. He remembered how you took a step backwards every time he walked closer to you, the frightening look that he never thought would be seen from your orbs.
It was only a matter of time before his family and friends knew what he did to you, only a matter of seconds that the news popped on the internet of how the woman behind Onigiri Miya left their shared house — that had been filled with their for years.
His family gave him a look of disappointment, and his twin brother even now could only see him with disdain predominating the brown orbs. But even then, even after what he had done to you, there was no hatred that could be felt radiated from your body. Just utter sadness, and distress.
Possibly because you were just having your heart crumbled, possibly because you never thought that he would do such a thing to you. But just that. You still look at him with the same love that you showed for him since you were sixteen, not even the tiniest bit of loathe could be seen.
And he didn’t deserve that.
“Hey, Rinrin.” Rintarou looked up from his phone, turning his gaze towards you as you twirl your body around. “Penny for your thoughts?” You looked so beautiful with the wedding dress that your mother and he used on her wedding day.
You looked so ready, all grown up now as an engagement ring circled around your finger. He swallowed a huge lump, funny how his long time crush was the one who slid that sophisticated ring on his sister.
“You look good.” He cringed from his own compliment to you. You looked so radiant that he even thought twice whether you were really related to him or not.
The two of you were nothing alike. You were such an angel with all of the good intentions and positive vibes that you had. While him on the other hand — sometimes he wished for your relationship to end, sometimes he even wished that he never introduced you to his teammates back then in high school.
And he always felt so nasty, because you had never been anything but kind to him. “I mean—”
“Hehe, I know, Rin.” You chuckled a little and walked closer to his figure. “I know that you wanted to say more than that.” You always knew what was inside his mind that was always filled with thousand random things, a contrast to the words that slipped from his lips.
Always so good, too kind for this world. You never knew how poisonous his mind sometimes no matter how much he loved you. And he always felt so sick for even thinking about such things about your happiness.
You fiddled your fingers, making him raise one of his eyebrows. He knew that you felt nervous, that you were afraid of whatever that could happen in your life. Your mind was filled with thoughts, and he wondered what inside your head right now. He was not you, he couldn’t read his sibling’s mind.
“I want to say thank you, Rin.” You looked down, stroking the ring that adorned your finger. “Thank you for bringing me to your practice that day.” Then you looked up, teary-eyed fell on his face. “Thank you for bringing Samu to my life.”
See? An angel. So innocent, eyes glimmering with hope and love.
How could he even think about tearing those joy away from you? What kind of brother was he for wanting to be in your position? To be such a jealous person and wishing that he didn’t have a sister that could catch the eyes of his crush.
He promised, he promised to himself that he would let you be happy. That his feelings were nothing compared to your happiness. That someday he would find someone else that would be his last harbour. He pulled you close to his embrace, and he could feel how you were so warm, that just having you as a sister was already a blessing.
He would never hurt you, he promised that.
Yet two months from now, he broke it so easily as he slithered his hand under your fiancé’s shirt, capturing the lips that caught yours for years. So easily, he did all of that so easily. And he continued to do so, he continued the taboo rendezvous over and over again — as if you were never there, to begin with.
“Rin?” The middle blocker jolted when he heard the familiar voice calling out to him. “Rin, sweetheart?” Why it felt wrong, why it didn’t feel right as the nickname rolled down from the tongue of his love. “You looked pale, are you alright?”
Osamu put down the glass of champagne to the table, ignoring all the blare of music that filled the entire club. He was now worried about how the brunette seemed to be sick. Rintarou didn’t answer, his green eyes were blank as it stared at the bubble on his glass.
“I am not, not really.”
Tonight was their bachelor party, they were supposed to have so much fun together with a bunch of friends. Man and woman, they were all joining the entertaining night. With both of their money combined, the couple reserved a famous club downtown until morning.
Everything went so good as everyone laughed and danced, some congratulate them, saying that they were happy for them.
But were they really happy for them? Or was it all just an act because it was the proper thing to do?
The black-haired man really wanted to part his lips and asked. He wanted to know what could possibly make his fiancé look so gloomy at a party, the party that was held for them. Yet deep down, he knew. He didn’t want to believe it but somehow at the back of his head, he could see it.
“Have you heard anything from (Y/n), Samu?” The nickname rolled so smoothly from Rintarou, the nickname that Osamu allowed only for his twin brother and his lover. Used to be you, the other person that could call him like that used to be Suna (F/n). Not — not Rintarou, not your brother.
It was as if the entire club was being put on hold. They stare at each other, with a look that they couldn’t quite fathom, both didn’t know what was inside each other’s mind. Letting out a sigh, Osamu drew his phone from his pocket, unlocking the screen lock and scrolling through the messages that he had left for you.
All was left ignored.
“The last time she answered my message was three days ago,” Osamu announced, he closed the app and opened it up again, wishing that maybe it was just his phone lagged or his internet connection being a shit. But there was still nothing, no new message even though his phone was in its prime condition.
“What was it all about?”
“About this party.” He swallowed a huge lump, biting his bottom’s lip to prevent himself from cracking. “She said she would be there for the two of us. Saying that she would always be there.” His grey orbs never left the small screen, reading through the passage that you sent.
Rintarou groaned and gulped down the champagne as if it was mineral water. He didn’t care about the dizzy feeling that he would get, later on, he didn’t care about that at this point. Slamming the glass to the table, he leaned his back on the soft cushion, staring blankly at the glittering ceiling.
It was the same, the last time he heard from you was around three days ago as he asked about whether you would be there to join the party that was being held two nights before the wedding day. You said the same thing, about how you would be here, how he didn’t have to worry about anything, that you were not going anywhere.
But it had been three hours and yet the gigantic door of the club still closed without your existence graced this place.
“Osamu.” Now the black-haired man was the one who jolted. “Michinari hit his limit now, I need to help him get back to his place.” The voice that belonged to his old captain brought him back to reality. “Is it alright to go home early?”
A little smile was there on Kita’s face as both of his hands were propping to help the now wasted apothecary. Akagi said that he would have work tomorrow, and yet he was the one who got so drunk, making the dual coloured haired man snicker at the fact.
“Oh, yes. Of course, it’s alright Kita-san.” Osamu immediately stood up, followed by Rintarou as they bowed to the man that they had immense respect to. “Please take care, we couldn’t wait to see you on the wedding day.” He said it so smoothly as if it was something that he practised in front of the mirror for hours.
“Alright then. We will take our leave.” Kita bowed a little, turning his back after that and focused on the man in his care. But before he could take another step forward, Akagi yanked his attention back to the couple.
“Ngh, please take care of (Y/n)-chan.” His voice was a slurred, yet everyone could get his point across. “She had been asking me for more sleeping pills, I think she had trouble sleeping.” The ex-libero said it so effortlessly as if it didn’t make the two men in front of him feel like being poured with cold water.
The couple looked at each other, nodding and smiled at the wasted man.
“We will, Akagi-san. I am going to check up on her tomorrow.”
Satisfied with the answer, their upperclassmen finally turned away completely. The businessman still had a soft smile on his face, waving his hand to the two fleeting figures. And when they finally walked past the door, he could finally let out a breath that he didn’t even realise he held it in.
“I will check her tomorrow,” Rintarou muttered under his breath. “You had been there the last time, now it’s my turn.” He missed you, he felt like he missed something in his life every time he had an official match and couldn’t see you on the bleachers.
You were always pushing him forward, always the first person who came when he needed company, the first person that helped him pick up all of his pieces and made it intact once again every time he was down.
So maybe he would be the one who helped you up now. Maybe it was time for him to have your back.
Yet at the same time, he felt like it was not his place anyway.
Since he was the one — who shattered your life into pieces.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
The morning light peeking through the curtain. It stung his vision as it was the first thing that he saw. Was it morning? The sun was too bright to consider that right now was still early. Suna groaned, sitting up straight on the bed since he remembered that he needed to go to your house today.
His eyes darted to his side, eyebrows raised as he realised that he was alone. He still needed to get used to this house, the trace of you could still be felt on every corner of the walls. Swallowing a huge lump, he immediately got out from the bed, once again disgusted with himself as he realised that he slept on the bed where you slept for years.
He never thought about it before, when he first got lost on the same bed with the black-haired man. For the first six months of his lust-filled night, your existence was nothing to him. He knocked, being led to the bed, whimpering and groaning as the dainty fingers that usually shaped onigiri — shaping him into whatever that his lover wanted him to be.
Did you really want to see him? What if you wanted some space? Osamu once told him that both of them could not pressure you. They needed to give you time. After all, you already allowed them to be together, you were alright with it as you pushed the two of them to be together once again. You already forgave — no, wait.
You never said anything about forgiving them.
Rintarou groaned frustratedly as he jumped under the shower. His nails dug the hard surface of the tiles as the shame and guilt started to tear his sanity little by little. He shook his head, wanting to believe that you were happy for them. You let them together, to be in love with each other, at least they got your blessing. That was enough.
The brunette just decided to do a quick shower, grabbing a random shirt and boxer from the drawer. He needed to do something, he needed Osamu. They needed to talk, he would go insane if it would be going around like this. It felt too much; the scent, the aura, everything in this house just screamed you.
He hurriedly walked downstairs, his heart beating so fast all of a sudden as if he was running away from a serial killer. Rintarou needed to talk things out, either to his fiancé, or his lovely sister. Before the wedding, before he changed his last name to Miya, he needed one more reassurance.
But his heart immediately felt at ease when he saw the back of his lover. Osamu hummed a song while cooking. Perhaps lunch — or breakfast for him — he flipped the pan effortlessly. And with just a sight of his old-time crush since high school, Rintarou was blinded once again.
His mind was clouded with needs, with peace. This was what he always imagined, to see someone he adored so much cooking for him. The sight was worth thousands of dollars; with arms flexing, broad back moved around here and there, Rintarou took some steps closer to gather more warmth.
He slipped his arms around Osamu, eyes fluttering close as he was now recharging his mind and body. His fiancé just chuckled and turned off the stove, untangled himself before turning his body to face the sleepy man.
“Can’t believe you really sleep for hours.” Snickering, his hand carding the brown strands gently. “I cook some European cuisine today, do you want to eat—” But he stopped the second he saw the forlorn look inside the green orbs. And he understood the reason behind it.
Osamu couldn’t believe himself this morning as he woke up and reached out his hand to the side. He interlaced his hand with the one person besides him. Instead of squeezing it, he pulled his hand so fast, as if the feelings were foreign. That was not you, the size and the skin were different.
It was as if he came back to a year prior, where he wanted no one else but your presence. Maybe it was just alcohol that made him feel as if he never cheated on you as if he never had his tongue inside your brother’s lips. You were haunting him, even though you said you let him go already, it still tasted so bitter every time he swallowed down his saliva.
“Maybe it will calm you down, maybe not. But (Y/n) called me this morning.” Osamu spoke up, the information made the brunette’s pupil dilated. “I missed it, and when I called she didn’t answer. But she left me a message, she’s fine, Rintarou.” And right now, he didn’t know anymore was he trying to comfort his fiancé, or himself.
“And the message…?” The middle blocker pulled himself away, a little bit fidgety under the gaze that he couldn’t quite fathom. “She’s going to our wedding tomorrow, right? Or what was it all about? Define ‘fine’, Samu. My sister’s messages, how she typed her message? Is she really saying that she’s okay?”
He was always like this when he became too agitated, or too nervous. Osamu patted his shoulder gently before cupping his cheek, wiping the tears that wanted to spill from the corner of his orbs. “I needed to see her, I had to see her, Samu. I—”
“She’s away, Rin.” But those words shut him up. “She said she’s sorry that she couldn’t attend the wedding tomorrow. Maybe she needed space, we have to respect her choice.”
No, there was more to it. You were someone who always prioritizes others than yourself. It was just too drastic, to know that you suddenly told one of them that you were not going to be there. Something was off, Rintarou could feel it on every fibre inside his body.
“Hey, don’t think too much about it.” The long fingers that belonged to his lover, tilting his chin so his orbs met with the greyish one. “She’s fine, Rin. She needed more time and started to prioritise herself, it’s a good thing.”
He really wanted to retort, to voice out the sickening feelings that were swirling inside his stomach right now. Yet the gaze that he received told him to just zip it in, that he just had to focus on each other as tomorrow maybe when they seal their love, you would come around and they would be at ease.
So Rintarou just kept his mouth shut, believing the words that rolled down from his lover’s tongue. His eyes fluttering close before once again capturing the lips that now belonged to him.
Miya Osamu was all his, Miya Osamu wasn’t yours anymore — and he needed to get lost one more time, feeling the heat that he finally tasted after ten years just pining and grumbling. He wanted to be selfish, forgetting the breakfast that his fiancé prepared before.
He had to feel some kind of distraction, one thing to focus on until tomorrow at the time their future would be secured by the vow.
Because he needed to shake his own mind which forced him to keep coming back to you.
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