#[ VERSE ] โ”€โ”€ * MAIN ( ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฆ )
melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
continued / @misplacedreporter
"Mhm," she hums absently, not looking up from the papers and notebooks spread around her as she scribbled notes. "I do have a job. Don't touch anything, I have an systemโ€“" Not that one could tell in the chaos of the desk. "...Did you need something?" she asks after a moment, lifting her head to blink at him.
He was in the middle of reaching out, fingers itching to touch what he shouldn't touch. Tongue poking out, right between the lips as Vash concentrated a little. Then the warning came: Don't touch anything, and Vash instinctively yanked his hand back and whistled; an act of pretend, to be perceived as innocent.
"Pfah, nooo. I just got curious, that's all. So what'cha writing about? Is it about little ol' me?" He's overdramatically fluttering his eyelashes when saying that. "And my incredible wit and talent?"
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melpcmene-arch ยท 9 months
"i always found it hard getting close to anyone." @ vash
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the walking dead season 7. ( accepting. )
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Vash nursed his drink; swishing it around instead of gulping it in a rush. Not when Wolfwood was speaking. He felt something akin to Wolfwood's words, and yet Vash has proven to be the opposite. "..." The gunslinger knew how Wolfwood felt. But Vash didn't frown, no, Vash went for the opposite, which was typical of him to do so. He smiles.
"In this day and age, I can't really blame you. Not when people are dropping like flies. The survival rate is slipping. People turning on one another. But you've accomplished something. You got close to me. I think that's a big improvement. Especially since I'm the opposite of you. You befriended the one who gets close to anyone." He barks with laughter.
"But you know what they say? Opposites attract. But I get you, you don't know the half of it. But I can't help but understand that feeling so well." To constantly lose people. It hurts, but Vash keeps moving on. It's a rinse and repeat, a lesson learned and then a lesson forgotten.
"We're that close, that I do very much trust you, Wolfwood. I trust you because I truly see a good person underneath it all." He added with some seriousness, but to dilate it down, Vash simply added another thing: "And since we are friends, I now must include the friendship fee. You can pay me in doughnuts, and you can do that in installments at any given time. However, I will include a love and peace discount."
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melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
@stellarhistoria ( wolfwood! ) / vash-centric starter call
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He's glaring right at Wolfwood, mentally trying to blow his head with his mind. Was it successful? Of course it wasn't. No lick of success. "Y'know. If you wanted something to eat, I could've gotten you something as well! Look! Plate! Empty! You rob me off sating my hunger!"
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melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
@wastelandsrunaway / vash-centric starter call
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"Well, ain't you a pretty lady. Carrying quite a few things I see, you going anywhere? Do you need some escorting? I can happily offer my services to you, of course."
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melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
@climatact / vash-centric starter call
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His eyes practically sparkled, can't you see the shimmer in his eyes? It was like he was in love! "Whoaaaaaaaah! Hello! I see we've bumped into each other again. Must be fate all over again, huh. Vash, I'm Vash. I don't think I introduced myself the last time."
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melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
@stellarhistoria ( lex! ) / vash-centric starter call
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"โ”€โ”€Excuse meeeee, excuse me. Vash the Stampede is coming through! I highly recommend y'all run off now, scram!" The outlaw shouted out, not wanting anyone to get caught in the crossfire. Then Vash skids, cutting the corner to hopefully escape only to bump into someone. And without a second thought, Vash scrambles behind the stranger. "You think you can do a favour and attempt to hide me? I'll give you all of my money." Pause. "At least half of my money." Pause. Back to reconsidering. "At least some..."
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melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
โ€˜ย  whatโ€™sย  theย  dealย  withย  you?ย  โ€™ / cross to vash!
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Vash lets out a hearty laugh. "You want a list or somethin? Though, I'm just minding my business. Not my fault that I accidentally stopped whatever you were doing!" The plant waved it off, laughing still. "Nothin' too important, I hope?"
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melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
@hauntedreality liked this post for a vash starter !!
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"โ€”โ€”AAAAAAA," You yelp loudly like a startled cat with its fur standing up. "PUT THAT GUN AWAY. ARE YOU TRYIN' TO KILL SOMEONE?"
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melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
@vulpesse liked this post for a vash starter !!
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You peek your head around the corner, a friendly smile upon your lips. You found your latest victim: a plate of goodies. "Are you gonna eat that?" You're practically drooling. They look so, soooooooo, delicious. "Y'know, I heard sharing is caring and all that, soooo, you knoooow."
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melpcmene-arch ยท 9 months
Wolfwood standing nose to nose with Vash: โ€œWhy are you so short?โ€ย 
ย I actually don't know who's taller. I just know they're both tall. XD
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Sendย โ€œWhy are you so short?โ€ย for my museโ€™s reaction.ย Or sendย โ€œWhy are you so TALL?โ€ย for my museโ€™s reaction.ย ย ( accepting. )
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Short? Short?! The audacity! "That's funny coming from your short ass. Incredibly short that you honestly make Meryl look tall when she's standing next to you!" He adds, standing nose to nose with the other, painfully pressing their foreheads together as punishment to Wolfwood for calling him short.
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melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
{@ Vash} He was originally going to just pick his pocket like all the other blow-ins that very obviously weren't local and didn't belong, seeing how the guy seemed to bumble his way around town in that flashy red jacket... he couldn't be all that clever, right? An easy mark, for sure. But admittedly he couldn't help but pause and stare at that unnatural robotic arm when he got close and saw him from the right angle, not subtle at all about how he tipped his head at it. It was... very glittery and shiny and not at all like anything he'd personally seen before, his curiosity for once outweighing his impulse to steal. Just where did someone get a prosthetic like that?
He casually walked around, a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He whistles a tune, appearing casual and carefree. But deep down, Vash had a feeling. Someone was looking at him. He didn't appear to notice it, feigning obliviousness as Vash continued to walk. He continues to whistle, looking for the nearest inn, and hoping that the inn served food. If not, he'll be looking extra hard for some restaurant.
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Then the whistling comes to an end, slowly fading, as Vash failed to shrug off the feeling. Someone was staring. Someone was near or so he felt. Then he managed to found out who. Hm. The corners of his lips curled, forming a smile. "Why, hello there friend." He said so naturally, smiling. "Oh, I see my prosthetic caught your eye? Bit of a fancy one; hand-made. Useful in my travels. I hope you don't plan on nickin' it. It'll be troublesome, y'know. Nicking an entire arm off someone. Doubt it'll sell a lot."
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melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
it is a spectacle kaen has only seen once or twice afore ( the memory comes unbidden; the gleaming glory, the winged herald who stood untouched by forces of destruction, her empyreal grace imprinted in their mind for the last several years-- ) . they did not suppose they would see it again, at least, nothing quite like it. and not from vash. nervous, they are, to be greeted by furls and threads of sprawling plumes. but even in fear, kaen is awestruck, is curious. saying nothing, they approach, slowly, cautiously-- scarred hand outreaching and grazing ruined fingers along the intricate feathers. their path is tender, gentle... almost loving. they let out a breath, blue eyes blinking wide up at his face before offering a small smile. " 's beautiful, innit?" rhetorical. he ought to know how lovely he is; how lovely they find him. now even more so.
It's not something that Vash is used too. On that note, Vash felt a little embarrassed by the feathers. How the plumes would sprout somewhere, not even on his back. Like they had a mind of their own, unfurling by accident. Whenever this happens, it meant that the feathers themselves were summoned by Vash's feeling of overwhelmingness. Like they're connected to a certain weave of emotions. There's also an ick feeling to them; a form of hatred, disgust, the way other people felt towards them when they saw them. The plumes themselves formed across the cheek, in a pattern, along with forming somewhere else, in various places; small patches worth of feathers. Then there was the wing; just a wing, singular, that had sprouted off his back, where the shoulder blade is.
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A hand is pressed over his eyes, an act of embarrassment and a show of shame displayed in his actions. Then his fingers parted, peeking through the split. Beautiful? His own blue eye met similar blues. He was very aware of fingers that have tenderness against his feathers. He breathed in, slowly, almost very deeply as if keeping it together. He's not used to this. Consider Vash as heavily touchstarved. Because that's what he is. A touchstarved man. Decades of being hurt, but still living with idealism thoughts and feelings. Keeping certain memories of Rem to heart. Keeping her memory and her smile alive. Yet that loving tender touch doesn't make him recoil.
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"Is it?" He said, a strained smile on his face. "Not sure if it is. It's just another part of me that is..." He doesn't finish the word. "Either way, I don't think it's that beautiful. It's... dangerous. What will they call me next? The Angel of Death?"
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melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
@breathofcosmos ( meryl perhaps? ) / vash-centric starter call
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Memories flooded him; overwhelmed him to the point of breaking mentally. Screaming. Hot tears ran down his cheeks. It broke him in half. No. It completely broken him in thousands upon thousands of sharp, small pieces until there was barely enough to scrape by. Screaming so raw that if Vash was considerably feeling human, he would feel it. But he didn't. He continued to cry and yell. Wings sprouted forth from his body. Wings unfolding from wings; uncurling out, long, unnaturally long. The weight of his wings, the complicated amount of them, made Vash lose balance. He ended up on his knees, practically balled up a little, crying loudly.
His tears clouded his vision, a mind messy and shattered, but he looked up to see someone. He couldn't tell. His mind was unfolding onto itself. His tears obscured some of his vision and his mental state was becoming feral.
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melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
@strywoven ( kaen! ) / vash-centric starter call
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His smile, or had been a smile, was now set in a tight line. A hand was drawn out, fingers calloused yet gentle pressed to the rifle. Pushing it down. Looking at them, Vash, who had been silent, soon began to talk: "You know. I've seen you handle that gun. Like you got a story behind those fingers and how you're gripping it. I see you, Kaen. I see people with rifles and guns. They have their own personal stories with the guns they choose. You got a painful story, don't you?"
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melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
i saw a whole other future. i can't stop seeing it. (for Vash)
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โ‚ ๐ŸŽž โ‚Ž ย ย revolutionary roadย  ย (2008) ย rpย  startersย  ! ( accepting. )
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This is both concerning and intriguing. But Vash follows a certain ideology created by Rem. A blank ticket to the future. You can go anywhere. He recalls how his adoptive mother mentioned it; speaking about a dream. A ticket, completely blank. But he was certain that he did not want a future that had been caused by someone like Knives. History repeating. Humanity dead or/and possibly dying, struggling as they're already in the midst of struggling. Is that the whole other future? If so, Vash didn't want to see it. It'll break his heart of a possibility. That's the destination he won't be going nor seeing.
His smile is strained. "I doubt it's a good other future, unless it's a good breaking point for all of humanity and the prices have dropped for all sweet and savoury kinds? Therefore, we can get more out of it?"
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melpcmene-arch ยท 10 months
the answer to the riddle is love. /smacks vash
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Love? The humanoid typhoon stopped and looked at his brother. When was the last time Knives even said such a word? It almost caught Vash off guard. Suddenly out of the blue. There has to be more than that; it can't just be love. That cannot be the answer, and definitely not Knives' answer. Unless the riddle is loveโ”€โ”€
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"โ”€โ”€and Peace?" Clasping his hands together, Vash's soft blue gaze shimmers with such optimism. "Nai, that's something that I don't hear often from you." Yet the tone, Vash noticed the tone, and was sure Knives was stringing up such a word with bitterness. Or maybe he heard wrong. But to hear such a word alone coming from a brother who wasn't optimistic about love unlike his twin brother here.
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