#[ Unless you want to end up married. They will not back down. They're the galaxy's gay chicken champions. ]
cc1010fox · 1 month
Rex: Where have you been? It's been days! Echo: Seriously, we were getting worried. Fives: So...I played gay chicken with Commander F--Sorry. Marshal Commander Fox... Echo: Gay...chicken? Rex: ...How far did you go? Fives: ... Rex: How far did you go, Fives? Fives: I think I'm winning. Rex: You haven't backed down yet!? Echo: Can someone please tell me what's happening right now? Fives: We're heading to 79's to celebrate! Rex: You can't be-- Echo: Celebrate what? Rex: You didn't... Fives: I'm married!
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Kryptonian Lena headcanon: Taylor gives Lexi a bracelet as an anniversary gift and kara and Lena interpret it as a marriage proposal, because thats what giving bracelets meant on krypton. So when they see it they're like "Lexington Luthor Danvers you did NOT get married without even telling us" and its a cute little misunderstanding
So I changed it from Kryptonian Lena to regular Lena since I wanted to make it a full chapter! Hope you don’t mind!The Bracelet
Lexington Olivia Luthor-Danvers is beyond ecstatic.
She’s … she’s …  
What’s the English word?
Yeah, that’s it.
Intense excitement and happiness.
She can feel it, tingling along her nerve cells, tapping her fingers against her thigh as she studies the interactive galaxy hologram in front of her.
It’s her birthday, one of her favorite holidays. It isn’t like the winter holidays, where all of her family gets together and the laughter fills the apartment. And isn’t like her adoption day, where she just feels so much and all at once. But still, it’s nice and people are nice, and she had brunch with Taylor that morning and her moms are on their way to take her to dinner…
It’s a nice day, and she sighs happily as she gazes up at the planets and stars swirling around her. She needs to remember to get with Uncle Winn next time she visits National City so they can program in the new planetary system that was discovered last week. She could do it herself, but it’s their project, she can’t just fix it without him. Even if all it would take was a simple -
A knock on her dorm room door startles her out of her thoughts and she bounces up, throwing it open to reveal her parents standing in the hall.
Kara is mid-sentence when she launches herself towards her ieiu.
Her ieiu gives the best hugs - tight and warm and perfectly calming to her jittery nerves. They stand like that for a long moment, swaying back and forth with the force of their embrace before Lexi pulls back.
“Happy birthday, little one.”
She grins at the nickname before turning towards her Mama, not hesitating as she pulls her into an equally fierce hug, the smell of expensive perfume flooding her senses. It smells like home, in a way that she can never replicate, and she sighs contentedly.
Some people (most people), would be scared shitless at the sight of Lena Luthor- Danvers standing in their doorway; all four inch stilettos, knee length trench coat and a tight bun, but Lexi’s never been able to see her that way. She has a healthy respect for her parents of course, but how can she be scared of someone who does all the voices (British accent included), when she reads Harry Potter?
“Happy birthday, Ma’ Chroi.” Lena whispers against her hair and she grins again before pulling back to tug them both inside.
“I just have to get my shoes and we can go, Taylor is meeting us at the restaurant - she had a last minute assignment she had to work on.”
“No rush, the reservation isn’t for another half hour.” Lena smiles, gazing around at the hologram. “The Dewalt system isn’t in programmed in here yet.”
“I finished working up the code for the planet scans yesterday, but I wanted Uncle Winn to help me program it in.”
“Ah!” Kara exclaims. “Speaking of Uncle Winn and Uncle James… “ She digs around in her purse for a moment before presenting Lexi with a small but beautifully wrapped package. “They said something about how they couldn’t send this through the mail.”
Lexi’s hand darts out to grab the package as she squeals in delight.
“Yes! The cheat code synthesizer we’ve been working on for Warlocks and- I mean, the totally legal, definitely not cheating … expansion pack.”
She looks nervously to Kara but her mother’s eyes are trained on her wrist.
“What’s that?”
“What?” She raises her arm, the bracelet on her wrist sliding across her skin. “This?”
They’ve caught Lena’s attention now, because she shuts down the hologram and focuses on Lexi.
“Is that a bracelet?”
“Yes? Taylor gave it to me for my birthday.”
“Taylor gave it to you?“
She hasn’t heard her ieiu speak in that tone since she and Astraid ‘accidentally’ orbited the Earth.
Her heart rate quickens.
“Well, I mean she made it? She’s been taking a metallurgy class … “
Lena grasps her hand, gently bringing the bracelet up to eye level.
“It’s a beautiful bracelet.”
To anyone else, it would sound normal, but Lexi can hear the slight tremor.
Was she going to cry?
She wants to ask what’s wrong, but Kara’s voice interrupts her thoughts.
“Isn’t it a little soon for bracelets?” Kara’s hand comes up to adjust her glasses and Lexi does the same.
A fidgeting chain reaction Lena likes to call it.
“I don’t think so? I mean we’ve been dating for over a year!”
Kara looks like she wants to say something but Lena’s hand on her shoulder stops her.
“I’m sure she has a perfectly good explanation for why she didn’t tell us.”
“Lee, our little girl got married and didn’t tell us! What’s a good explanation for that?”
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
“What?!” She hopes the shock she feels is evident on her face, because there’s a lot of it.
“We talk everyday.” Her ieiu looks so sad, and Lexi feels a pang of guilt, even if she isn’t sure what she did to cause it. “I just thought you would tell me about something this big. I mean, even if I don’t approve of your timeline, Taylor is a nice girl -“
Lexi knows that interrupting isn’t polite manners, but sometimes the situation calls for it; such as now.
“Do you - do you think I’m married?”
Her moms look at each other and then back to her.
“You exchanged bracelets.”
Suddenly, it all clicks.
“No, no, no, no.” She paces the floor, wringing her hands. “We didn’t exchange bracelets.”
“No?” Her ieiu looks a little less hurt, but the trademark crinkle is still there.
“No! She just gave me this bracelet, for my birthday, because that’s what human girlfriends do sometimes. Definitely not- I mean she doesn’t even know the Kryptonian tradition of giving bracelets, and even if she did, we’re not - I mean, I love her but - I’m not ready for that? And I would definitely talk to you guys about it first.”
“See, I told you there would be a perfectly good explanation.” Her Mama says, looking at her ieiu admonishingly.
“I’m sorry,” Kara says, relaxing, and Lexi can feel her stress level go down. "I freaked out, you’re just growing up so fast and I just worry that we aren’t as close as we used to be.”
“I wouldn’t get married without telling you! And I certainly wouldn’t get married at 19!”
“Good, because I would hate to have to ground you.” Lena warns her teasingly.
“You can’t ground me at university.” Lexi laughs as she tugs on her loafers.
“Mmm, don’t tempt me Lexington Luthor-Danvers, I know the Dean.”  
Lexi can’t help but roll her eyes at that.
“You know everybody, Mom.”
“Exactly, which is why we have reservations at the new Italian restaurant you’ve been, quote, ‘dying to try’. Reservations that we’re going to miss if you don’t hurry up.”
“I’m ready! Unless you guys want to give my present now … “ She trails off, gazing up at them hopefully.
“Ha! Nice try. After dinner.” Kara shoo’s her out the door and the three of them head down the hall.
“I can’t believe you thought I got married without telling you.”
“It’s your mom’s fault, she wouldn’t let me stop for a snack - you know how irrational I get when I’m hungry.”
“You ate an entire pizza right before we left National City!”
“So I haven’t eaten anything in almost two hours! I’m probably delusional at this point.”
Lexi can’t help but grin and shake her head as they board the elevator. She may not be married yet, but she knows exactly what she wants it to look like when she does.
“Speaking of food,” Lena says excitedly, "I’ve heard this restaurant has a Tuscan kale to die for.”
“Aww,” Kara leans into give Lena a kiss and Lexi rolls her eyes, turning to stare pointedly at the door. "I think it’s adorable how excited you get over something that tastes so nasty.”
She definitely wants it to look like that.
Because later that night, she knows Kara will end up with a giant plate of kale.
And three servings of lasagna, of course; but isn’t that what marriage is all about? Compromise?
                     Fun fact, Lexi started college early - which is why she’s about to graduate with a double major at 19, and she also has a single person dorm room because having a mom who is a billionaire tech genius CEO has it’s perks!
And also I kinda struggled with this chapter because I’m so used to writing Lena POV, so let me know what you think! I might end up doing more Lexi POV chapters if ppl like them
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