#[ Of spite and stubborn hearts — wendy / study. ]
allg0ess0uth · 4 months
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Wendy Testaburger
I’d let Wendy kick my ass and thank her afterwards.
Wendy has been accepted! Please send in a blog and a face claim if you want to a featured on the main blog!
out of character info
Name/Alias: Mak Pronouns: she/her Age: 20 Join Our Discord: Yes/No? Sure! @ohmak#5799 Timezone: CST Activity: 6-7, and probably higher the closer we get to winter break. Triggers:  none to date, really. Password: dildo, lmao
Character that you’re applying for: Wendy Testaburger Favourite ships for your character: Wendy/Stan, Wendy/anyone tbh she’s not picky
in character info
Full name: Wendy Testaburger Birthday: April 16th Sexuality, gender, pronouns: Bisexual, female, she/her Age and grade: 17, 12th grade Appearance: Wendy is about 5’4 and weighs approximately 130 pounds. Her signature pink beret sits atop a mess of long dark hair that falls down her back and curls slightly at the ends. She’s average height for her age and her frame is petite in nature. She’s got olive skin that gives her the appearance of a perpetual tan. Wendy has sharp grey eyes that hold a sense of innocence with their wide, doe-like appearance. She’s got a button nose and thin lips with a small yet pointed chin. Wendy’s makeup is typically light and natural, using not much more than mascara and chapstick.
Wendy’s appearance, while sweet in nature, tends to garner attention in a more subtle way. She’s a wallflower. She’s never been the jaw-dropper of her class (like her best friend,) but takes pride in her own appearance with a little help from Bebe. She dresses nicely every day per the request of her parents, though every once in a while she’ll wear something a bit bolder to spite her parents: and when she does, she’s sure to turn heads. Wendy is your ‘girl next door.’ She’s the type of girl you can bring home to your parents, take to your family dinners, and have around to keep your parents from questioning about your high school antics.
Personality: Wendy is a bright student who puts more effort than probably necessary into her schoolwork. She’s strong-willed and stubborn, and while she typically can keep a level head, she is notorious for letting her anger get the best of her. She is kind and generous, willing to give what she can, when she can. Sometimes people take advantage of this. She takes into account everyone’s opinion before making a decision that affects the group, but isn’t afraid to shut someone down if their opinion is harmful or isn’t beneficial in the slightest. Wendy is a rule follower. She’s been called a ‘goody-two-shoes’ more times than she can count and tends to respect authority unless absolutely necessary. Wendy is known to be the ‘mom friend.’ She’s constantly worrying over her friends and ensuring that they’re doing okay in their classes and getting enough sleep at night. In fact, she worries more about her friends than she does herself. Wendy is incredibly active in extracurricular activities at all. She is bubbly about being active in her community and takes pride in being Student Body President and a member of the cheerleading team.
While she may not admit it, Wendy has found herself victim to what her parents would define as ‘peer-pressure.’ She doesn’t see it that way. She’s a good girl for sure, but is always willing to get into risky business with her friends if it means that she isn’t a downer. After all, Bebe is her best friend. How can she be so prude when the life of the party plays such a vital role in her life? Let’s just say, she’s a fun drunk to be around. She’s allowed to let loose the person she isn’t allowed to be during the day due to her parents’ watchful eyes and the time constraints per all her extracurricular activities. She’s got a wild heart and hopes that by doing well in school and getting accepted into her dream college, she’ll finally be able to get her parents off her back and finally be the bold and independent person she dreams of being.
History: Wendy’s childhood could be described, at best, as average. She grew up in a loving home with two loving parents and a grandmother that was always there when she needed her. She may not admit it, but she holds a deep-rooted resentment for her parents and their constant desire for her to be more. Because of this, Wendy has made straight A’s since the second grade and is as involved in extracurriculars as she can be without being too detrimental to her health. She’s fluent in three languages and plays multiple instruments, yet still feels like her parents expect more of her. But, she will chastise herself, she cannot complain. She has never gone without and her parents have always provided the best for Wendy. She hates to say it, but she errs on the side of spoiled. Her parents make up for their endless pushing by buying her all the nicest things. Wendy can’t help but feel that her parents are trying to buy her love.
Middle school was a humiliating time for Wendy Testaburger. She’d developed acne and had to wear glasses and the other kids would never let her forget it. She was a true activist and always tried to educate her peers on important issues in the hopes that she could bond with the other kids over mutual interests. But despite her efforts to build friendships she was bullied relentlessly. She felt like the only person she could count on was her best friend. With Bebe giving her constant assurance and fiery pep-talks, Wendy finally developed a backbone and stood up for herself. She will never forget the power she felt when she dumped her lunch all over the same girl who’d been bullying her for four years. Wendy laughed at the crying girl and spat at her feet before walking away. Nobody messed with Wendy after that. After that, she refined her attitude and walked with a purpose, and is now far more outgoing than she ever was before.
High school, on the other hand, has been wonderful for Wendy. She’s got a nice car, makes good grades and works on her studies relentlessly, even if it means losing sleep and forgetting to eat. She’s popular among her peers and her friendships have never been stronger. She’s stayed single since her relationship with Stan, claiming that she just doesn’t have time to cultivate a relationship with anyone. She’s made it perfectly clear to all that try that she’s perfectly happy being single. Maybe if she says it enough times it’ll become true. She can only hope.
Sample paragraph: “The cheerleading team, huh?” Wendy’s mom eyed her with a raised brow. Wendy nodded excitedly, her face breaking into a beaming smile. “Yeah! I’ve already reorganized my schedule and have made time for practices and games in between study sessions with my friends and Student Council! Aren’t you proud of me?” Wendy’’s smile faltered slightly as she watched her mother’s unwavering expression of incredulity. “Wendy, you know that the debate team is accepting applications starting next week, and your father and I really wanted you to apply, we talked about this.”
Wendy huffed and crossed her arms, leaning back into her chair. The two women were sitting opposite each other at Tweak Bros. Coffeehouse before school. It was tradition for Wendy and her mother to have coffee or breakfast before school once a week, but Wendy found herself wishing more and more that her mother would give up on the bonding time. “Mom, I know we talked about it, but think about it. Physical activity has been proven to boost dopamine and disciplinary skills. Besides, it’s good for my health. I don’t understand why you’d be upset with this.”
Wendy grabbed her coat and stood. She picked up her coffee and drained the last of it before tossing it into the garbage. Her mother said nothing in return, only sighed and grabbed her purse. “I suppose it’s time to get you to school, now.” Wendy nodded without looking her mother in the eye. This was a stale argument between her and her parents. It was never about the same thing specifically, but always revolving around the same theme: college. It was like nothing Wendy did was good enough for her parents. “I love you, sweetie. Now let’s hurry, we don’t want you to be late for your poetry club meeting before class.”
Wendy has an enthusiastic appreciation for art.
She drives a brand new Lexus, of which all her friends have dubbed ‘The Mom-mobile.’
When she has the free time, she loves to go sit out at the pond and watch the sky change colors.
She has a bad habit of thinking out loud.
She has a cat named Archibald.
Still a virgin.
Wendy can’t stand when people click their pens. She will NOT hesitate to rip it out of someone’s hand during class to throw it across the room.
Listens to bands ‘you probably haven’t heard of.’
Anything else: Not much! 
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