#admin mona
FAVOURİTE COLOR:|| i cant choose but i think my all time favourites are always;
pink, white. green/ all shades. dark red
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LAST MOVIE; I| i recently rewatched Jumanji and let me tell you, this movie never fails to make me laugh😭🖐️💀
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LAST SERIES;I| i also recently rewatched brooklyn 99 its one of my comfort shows <3
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CURRENTLY READİNG;|| im currently reading a book called; "deniz kızı ağladığında"
By; ekin koch.
Which means; "when the mermaid cries" in English. its a pretty awesome book so far and i would definitely recommend it!!
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY I i absouletely LOVE LOVE LOVE all of them!! i also like a little bit of everything like @crookedherringcolorclod ✨ but if its for a relationship, i definitely prefer a sweet x savory type relationship because spicy type relationships kinda makes me uncomfortable??
CURRENTLY WORKİNG ON;|| well i was actually writing a diabolik lovers greek god AU mainly focused on Eros and pysche's story but as Kanato and Malorie <3 (i didnt finished it yet and i dont think i will in a long time lol)
Thank you so much for the tag! @crookedherringcolorclod you are too sweet💖💖💖
Tagging; @summercreolefanfictioner @krunicandrea @besnella @mariicake @yui--komori @samsvenn @lovely-oh-so-lovelyyui @ofstormsandsaints
and feel free to do if you are interested💖
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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worst conversational topic tbh
#my default answer is ‘sleeping’. it’s always ‘sleeping’.#there’s no freakin’ way that i’m gonna tell my coworkers i like to make questionable fan translations for a certain fandom on tumblr </3#though speaking of work… i just found out that there is a resident ghost at my workplace and i’m very👀👀👀👀#i can’t wait to finally get rostered on the night shift👀👀👀 just 1-2 months to go till i can go ghost hunting👀👀👀#i’m very amused by this revelation though. i wish i learned of it sooner!!!#especially since i was told that the admin staff take the ghost so seriously that they even placed offerings in the room she haunts#i’m intruiged👀👀👀 but aaa i wish they’d told me about her during the seventh lunar month </3 missed opportunities!!#but also speaking of work… i’m sadded in ‘i don’t understand what my coworkers are talking about for ≈half the time’#they speak in their mother tongue language as often as they speak in english… and i only understand like 10 words max in that language#s o b s why isn’t that language available on duolingo ಥ‿ಥ i want in on the fun!!!#though… speaking of languages… no one cares about this but i’ll be tling yet another segment of the yujiro-mona bonus monaraji#my hearing sucks almost as much as mobile imovie though so there’s no guarantee when that’ll be out#but thanks for the 30 views yo!!!!! i can’t believe there’s more than 1 view tbh… so thanks ya!!!!!!!!#it is suiyoubi my dudes
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starsimpact · 1 year
ooc. now that i’ve got cyno i can finally continue working on everything SKSKKS (which is almost done i just need an art piece for it. the rest can wait)
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my-little-malewife · 2 years
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alt acc news, mona
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latinotiktok · 9 months
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-Sanji one piece es literalmente el pechurina con papa como no va a ser latino ese hombre cocina escuchando reggaeton y baladas de señora
-Sanji es boricua porque te garantizo que él usa adobo goya para cocinar
-Propaganda de la mamá del admin: "me gusta que el papá le diga "Berenjenita"...me hizo llorar" (se vio OPLA)
Candy Candy
-Candy White Andrew (Candy Candy) La mona china número 1 entre las mamis de latino América, visitó México y salió traumada de ahí. He escuchado a amigos de mi madre decir de manera no irónica que Candy era su amor platónico de la infancia. Vamos, tiene acento argentino. Yo sé que quieren, déjenla volverse latina.
-Candy Candy, básicamente la protagonista de una telenovela de chica pobre/chico rico y nada es más latinoamericano qué eso
-También Candy candy porque hizo llorar a mi mamá y mis tías (y a las de toda latinoamérica) cuando murió antony. Iconic
-Candy de Candy Cabdy , voy a quedsr como tremenda tarada si es latina y yo ni sabía pero se lo merece
CANDY candy ya esta aqui?? Siento como no vi a candy en esa lista y de verdad no puede ser porque como es que mis papas tienen su opinion de candy aunque son divorciados y se casaron otra vez y también los papas nuevos también tienen algo de decir de candy. Creo que ella es del anime de 1979 o algo. El punto es que candy debe ser latina
Candy candy otra vez. Toda via si mi papa dice “pero porque candy tuvo dos novios? No es bueno engañar la gente smh” mi mama y mi madrastra se quejan taaaanto no se puede creer
BONUS PROPAGANDA: -Terry de Candy Candy para argentino Explicación: es un tremendo hijo de puta pero es gracioso (saludos desde argentina)
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I know we've been absent for a long time, but just wanted to share our happiness: last week, our Persona 5 cosplay group finally made their debut!
This one was just a test, due to a series of unfortunate events: our Skull couldn't make it to the con, our Queen wasn't feeling well so she went with Makoto's uniform instead of the phantom thief suit, there were some issues with our other Panther cosplay (yes, we have two Panthers, in the future one of them will probably be our Violet), but it was a very happy day for us! We're looking forward to doing it again, this time with a full group!
Joker (Babi Eve, admin here) - @babiliicious on Instagram
Crow (Estel Fortuna, admin here) - @estelfortuna on Instagram
Oracle - @cicloptopus on Instagram
Panther - @tefi.cosplay on Instagram
Noir - @calegari_duda on Instagram
Makoto - @velcakeatelier on Instagram
Mona - @mortellana on Instagram
Photos by @yaari.max on Instagram
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agendabymooner · 10 months
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AHHH !!! Apparently I made too much Filo OCs (there’s never too much but for some it maybe a lot?). So why not make a little character directory based on the Formula One drivers I’ve written about?
(I am not Filipino baiting I promise 🥲 I make a lot of Filipino OCs because I too am a Filipino)
This is done alphabetically btw. By surnames :) enjoy xx
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LOUELLA LOURDES VILLAR: A Filipino celebrity who met Charles when she moved to Monaco to pursue her masters. Arthur, Charles' brother, calls the two of them "homie hoppers."
"slut", smau: charles' ex trashed his new girlfriend a while ago, but too bad he wasn't really into the thought of making music with anyone but lou villar.
DIWA J. ARELLANO: McLaren F1 team's admin who works to constantly slander and support Oscar Piastri and Lando Norris. Also a bit besotted.
caught 'em lacking, smau: diwa arellano is mclaren f1's social media admin. so what if her constant teasing of oscar bites her in the ass and accidentally posts something that could potentially compromise her job? meanwhile, lando and oscar laugh at her demise while pato finds it endearing.
CARMELLA AYALA PEREZ: Checo’s Miss Universe wife who represented the Philippines!
she's beauty, she's grace, smau: in which carmella ayala perez, the miss universe 2018 winner, tied the knot with checo after their five years of relationship and the birth of their second child.
TALA MORAN: Daniel Ricciardo's partner that he accidentally exposed as his to the public.
leaked, smau: daniel ricciardo is a borderline blabbermouth.
PALOMA SAN PEDRO: Oscar was a victim of Jollibee obsession introduction because he’s so in love with her. She’s also Carlos Sainz’s cousin-in-law.
jollibee, madrid and all that romantic fiasco, smau: paloma san pedro is carlos sainz's cousin-in-law who also introduced oscar to his newly found filipino fast food chain addiction. safe to say that he bought a ticket last minute just so he can obsess over her, too.
live tweets, japan and all that romance fiasco, smau: how oscar's podium win in the japanese gp led to the revelation of his relationship with carlos sainz's in-law, paloma. lesson learned: just call her "pal" then she'll spill the tea for the both of you easily (f, h)
lucky charms, qatar and all that romance fiasco, smau: oscar is quite a forgetful guy, he forgot to mention to carlos, his future in-law, that paloma was his sprint lucky charm. (f)
long distance, england and all that romance fiasco, smau: paloma moved to england a year after enduring a long distance relationship with oscar.
MAGDALENA SAN PEDRO SAINZ: Married to a Ferrari driver. A bit unhinged and as equally millennial as Carlos. Apparently her marriage with him calls for reparations lol.
ride home, smau: the ferrari driver accidentally outed himself as a married man, so mona magdalena sainz stepped in to say hi to his loyal fans. (f, g, h) (extra)
dear, smau: nobody loved each other more than magda and carlos sainz. OR a series of tweets in which magda and carlos never took each other seriously. (h)
pag-ibig, traducido (love, translated), fic: no matter what cultural context and backstories, magda and carlos' souls were entwined into one all thanks to the languages of love that they shared. OR times when the spanish and filipino defined their love in many languages. (f) ♡
BARBIE BLANCO: Sebastian Vettel’s adoptive daughter that Mick practically grew up with.
she's everything... and he's just mick, smau: barbara 'barbie' blanco is the vettel family's foster child that gradually turned to kimi vettel's nanny and mick's crush? (f, g)
"besties", smau: everyone swore that mick and barbie are more than "babysitting pardners" (f)
who is kenough, smau: mick nearly took the piss from arthur leclerc after the posts that the monegasque had of barbie. too bad, mick was already hers before arthur could even try. (feat. arthur leclerc)
kenergy unfolded, fic: written version of who is kenough OR arthur leclerc was only scheming just so mick could do something about revealing his relationship with barbie. ♡
the vibing allan and the reluctant ken, smau: for mick, there are only two words to describe his girlfriend's best friend arthur: a headache. OR arthur leclerc is a third wheel that mick always get on a fight with. thankfully, barbie had fair experiences with boys who are petulant and childish at times (kimi and seb)
extra - barbie and the schuminis
mick multiplied, socmed snapshot: girl dad!mick that's all
the little schuminis, fic: 4 times when mick showed his devotion + 1 time his devotion paid off
PIA ELLIS: An indie singer who also happens to be Yuki’s much shorter girlfriend.
line without a hook, smau: pia ellis misses her mystery bf that everyone thought to be her delusions. it turns out he's a formula one driver who definitely misses her too.
chaos family, socmed snapshot: yuki is a dad to the little mini yukis known as hana and shin.
BEL VETTEL: A socialite from Philippines who’s married to the kindest human to have ever existed. Also a mother to Seb’s kids (including Barbie Blanco).
crazy rich wife, smau: everyone (some twitter account) wonders where the recently retired german driver had gone to after the 2022 season. thank god for bel vettel, his fans now know that he’s still alive and is being spoiled and pampered by his wife. (f, g)
sweet spoiled husband (+ son), smau: mick schumacher is a grown man that both bel and seb treat like their own child. (f, g)
sweet spoiled schatzi, smau: bel and seb introduce the newest addition to their little family, and mick seems to love kimi vettel as much as a godfather loves his godchild. (f)
sweet little similarities, smau: bel and everyone could tell that kimi vettel was becoming more like his father, sebastian's, carbon copy as days went on. (f, g, h)
sebastian and sons (and soufflés), fic: day in the life of a retired sebastian vettel, featuring his kids kimi and barbie (and a nervous mick). (f)
sweetest spoiled sons, smau: sebastian was a father to not only two- but THREE kids. OR stefan vettel is the newest addition in the vettel household after years of trying and it's safe to say that everyone welcomed this news with open arms. (f)
crazy rich and famous, smau: the vettel couple stepped up to address the scrutiny that their children faced OR sebastian activated his instagram account just so he could show his masterpiece: photographs that he took of his wife for their anniversary.
seb's best girl, scenarios (x daughter!ofc)
Summary: Sebastian Vettel understood the downfalls of infertility just by being there for his wife. What he didn’t know, however, was that his life would drastically change when their foster daughter, Barbie Blanco, was put into their care. OR, what made Sebastian the best father figure to a teenager who had nobody but herself. 
one, enter barbie: fifteen-year-old barbie blanco thought that meeting new people was intimidating, and sebastian learned that making her comfortable in her new home was a responsibility he should uphold as her father figure.
two, meeting mick in malaysia: barbie was brought to her first race ever and had met her newest best friends there. it was obvious that she and mick schumacher would get stuck to the hips after their first meeting.
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Round 3 poll 6
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Shellshocked Summary : what is Raphael Hamato, age 25 to do when he ends up with 4 mutated baby turtles one night after a patrol? Why raise them of course!! Raphael and Mona Lisa have a lot on their hands when it comes to raising 4 sons but they have more than enough help along the way. But something seems to disturb their family’s bliss as the boys grow, and it becomes an even greater threat when their sons start their training.
Last ronin becomes a discord Admin summary : The Last Ronin survives and finds himself on a Discord server with alternate, very alive versions of his brothers. Did I forget to mention he's also the admin?
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sapphiresgarden · 9 months
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ABOUT THE BLOG ☾⋆⁺₊ this is a genshin impact x reader blog focused purely on wlw/nblw relationships and a safe space for everyone who identifies as wlw or nblw. before interacting please read BYF/DNI. more utc. dividers used on the blog by @cafekitsune
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i am a 20 years old non-binary lesbian and i use he/they pronouns! i main venti/xiao and my favorite genshin girls are mona, ei, ningguang and furina. in general i'm a rather lazy writer and i take time to write... but i usually finish it at one point lololol i adore action filled criminal mysteries, especially if they are queer! and also, i've been writing for years now... nine or so, maybe? on a side note: this isn't my first writing genshin blog and i have one that is more general in its content~ if you are interested, check out @heiayen
i am a person of many names at this point so frankly, you are free to use any nickname you want for me!! i probably won't mind <3
masterlist will come soon~
# sapphires ☾ organization a tag for all organization related things
# sapphires ☾ garden's flowers all works
# sapphires in the moonlight all nsfw works
# sapphires ☾ from the gardener general posts from the admin
# sapphires ☾ favorite flowers mutual/anon asks
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deoboyznet · 1 year
aka network members, admins, & affiliates! you can apply to become a member here, and networks can contact @sungbeam about affiliations!
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members (alphabetical, by user)
★ indicates admin status
@astrae4 — gill, she/her
@biaswreckingfics — britt, she/her
@ceebit — cece, she/her
@cloverdaisies — clo/clover, she/her
@cupidjyu — yumi, any prns
@daisyvisions — daisy, she/her
@deobienthusiast — k, she/her
@dreamyzhou — elle/ellie, she/her
@ethereal-engene — ash, she/her
@everykebbie — yas, she/her
@from-izzy & @from-m-izzy — izzy, she/her
@hcuyk — vae, she/her
@hongyangi & @coboftea — dal, she/they
@hyungseos-cafe — peony, she/her
@jinisnuggets — jini, she/her
@jinnieboosworld — peachy/mio, she/her
@justalildumpling — j, she/her
@juyeonszn — fawn, she/her
@kimsohn — maya, ask for pronouns
@kkinou — boki, she/her
@leejuyeonswifey — aya, she/her
@littleroaes — dora, she/her
@mars101 — mars, any prns
@o-onikix — nara, she/her
@pagesofmiracles — mi, she/her
@quaissants — mona, she/her
@recordsfilm — heaven, she/her
@sanaxo-o — sana, she/her
@snowflakewhispers — ophelia, she/her
@sohnric — bar, she/her
@starlitmark — jasper, she/her
@stealanity — matty, she/her
@strayed-quokka — lennon, she/her
@sunfleursgarden — fleur, she/her
@sungbeam — beam/duckie, she/her ★
@sureogi — mae/julia, she/her
@tbzhub — codi, they/them
@winterchimez & @midnightfantasiez — ally, she/her
@wuahae — cat, she/her
@zzoguri — moni, they/them
affiliates (alphabetical, by user)
@atzhouse — ateez
@lepidus-illusio — all groups
@bluesia — all groups
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guardianasdelrpg · 28 days
Ok, vale, lo que quiero es rolear, pero es volver 15 años atrás y a un foro de principiantes. // Fuera de quienes sean los admins del foro, creo que os estáis pasando con lo de la skin. Es sencilla y mona, es normal que haya errores en un foro principiante, y más aún teniendo en cuenta que todos somos ADULTOS, y por tanto no siempre se tiene tiempo libre o dinero para pagar skins super preciosas. Dadles margen de una semana al menos para empezar a quejaros. Buitres.
Relax, la crítica creo que va más por la organización. La skin es lo que he dicho, no es fea, pero el fondo a mi parece no le hace bien xD
✶✯╰☆╮ ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤── ☠ ~ JINX ~ ☠
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i dont want to be disrespectfull but for the love of god please do all literature teachers are kinda annoying or is it just mine?
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stangeranfanficion · 10 months
Callout Post: @nthosa!dsmth and F^/ggs
This is a callout on @anthosaidsmth/@anthoshouldshutup/@freddyfazzer-official/pissbabywawawatheycryandshittytheirpanttyeveryday and @fr0ggs or @tf2shipswag.
They are both DANEGROUS INDIVUGALS who HATE imainge Dragon. They both were in a voiuce call with me and I shoulded them the mona lisa 2 aka Waluigi in a gun <Link: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxNm8kB8_NqnuY95pLESc53mbUXd07va98?si=W1Ol4V5ZOpGpDpWT>
They both then called me a pissy piss baby who need to be coddled by Admin tf2 and said agent tc2 died in a gas expotion. This SHOCKED me. I though I was #based and #acoolfagoot. but appearly no, im unbased and have to feel something by shipping myself with fictional characters. They even BULLIED ME
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Anyways please send them all the hate mail on every platform and even on the roblox dating app were they are both simping over Scary Blue and Huggy Wuggy.
Love U <3
fuck off
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melonpalooza · 10 months
Sup! I wanted to ask a question, but it’s totally fine if u dont wanna answer it. Since you referenced Yuichi Usagi in The Last Ronin Becomes a Discord Admin
I was wondering if you would in the future have Rise Raph have his own Mona Lisa or Alopex?
I know neither character is technically canon to Rise, but I kinda want to see Rise Raph go after someone or pursue something and the his brothers (and alternate selves/ or are technically all kinda act like cousins ig?) actively support him.
So even if it was just a passing reference it’d make me extremely happy! However I completely understand if you don’t feel like putting it in.
Hopefully you have a good time zone, and stay hydrated!
wow i never thought about it! maybe? never really shipped rise raph with anyone but it'll be super cute if it's one of those instances where a character's nickname is revealed to be mona lisa after they both showed interest in each other and everyone's like OMGGGGGGG lol
and it'll be interesting it ift's alopex instead bc well again only 2012 would know abt her and to them she's just a fox they met like once lmao, aaah that'll be cute. that'll be so cute
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Every time I think of this blog, I always go back to the beginning. Not like, mincident beginning, but like, the beginning beginning.
Last year - can you believe that? It's been nearly a year - I stumbled upon some game I'd vaguely heard about in my dad's massive list of Steam codes. And I went, "Sure. I'll give it a shot," and loved every second. I went on to get the demo just because I'd 100 percent-ed the main game, and a friend even bought me Ultra Deluxe.
Not long after, I made my way deep into the tsp tag and ran into a little askblog. It couldn't have had much more than thirty followers. But I liked this blog; the admin was cunning in a way I'd grown to somewhat expect from Stanley, and despite the few posts, there was something so fun and light-hearted about the blog that drew me in even closer.
Out of the blue, then, came a post - jokingly asking for a blog posing as the Narrator to accompany the existing Stanley one. I entertained the thought for the day, but by the next, I was setting up a brand new Tumblr.
The rest? Is history.
I know that in the grand scheme of things, this one askblog is nothing but a droplet of water in the sea that is the universe. But even if Tumblr fades into obscurity, and memories of this place fade alongside it, the impact that was made will not.
I remember, when I made this blog, it all felt so big. Now I realize that I may have just been caught up in the moment, but what a moment it was. So many of you - one hundred and sixty-six (166) as of today, March 10th, 2023, and more just keep coming.
I'm sorry to those that have joined recently, as our curtains are drawing, but I hope you've enjoyed your stay, however short it be. I'm sorry that you came across this blog as its ashes have picked up in the wind, but I am so thankful for each and every one of you, whether you've vowed to never touch a mint sandwich or you have no clue as to what that could mean.
For the individuals I cannot exclude...
ABPA, holy shit, I love you. You're like a childhood best friend, accompanying this blog as it grows and shapes and lays itself down to rest. Watching Dan run through life and cause chaos with Stanley and sing karaoke with their coworkers brought me joy I could've never realized in the moment. Thank you for being there.
WIP, my beloved, my belothed, my arch-nemisis and my muse. What would my galley be without every single little post you've made? What would I be, without them? I still have that ask saved, from when you first gave yourself a name. I still feel bad for never answering, but the relic remains, hung in a frame of gold in a private gallery. Thank you for giving me strength to keep creating.
NYNA, named with no name, the little cat that's gained permanent residency in my dash and my notifs. A voice of reason and safety in a world of uncertainty. Another wing in the taspblog art gallery, small, priceless feel-good doodles up high next to the Mona Lisa of the taskblog (whatever that may be). Thank you for the little things.
432, I'm about to be very blunt, and very honest with you. I didn't like you, at first. But over time, your goofy little personality attached itself to me, like a little parasite growing harmless gumdrops in my garden. You didn't even need a blog to make yourself an essential part of the story. Thank you for being the book without a cover.
For those I couldn't make this post even more of a mouthful for, I still thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, named anons, not-named anons, and those who just liked and reblogged (don't think I forgot about you, Stanley-Central).
And of course, Ivan. Without you, this blog would have never existed in the first place. Without you, this community would have never come together. Without you, who would we be?
Thank you. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being you.
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lotusmuses · 2 years
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hello, i'm ruòlín (若霖) and this is my fandom / writeblr account!enjoy your stay ♡
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— about me 💜
you can call me ruòlín / raine
she/her, 20, aroace, black
main (academia/studyblr) blog: @yinlotus
procrastinator with executive dysfunction
leader of the "xiao is originally from sumeru" club
na server, ar45, current team: alhaitham, lisa, mona, layla
na server, el4, current team: dan heng il, ruan mei, yukong, natasha
owner of Metamorphosis: an 18+ honkai star rail rp server
admin of Infernum: a 20+ hazbin/helluva rp server
mod of Skies of Teyvat: an 18+ genshin rp server
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