#[ KARENMATT; blindbastard ] and in the middle of her chaos there was him
lastavenged · 4 months
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[ inbox ] ⸻ @blindbastard ⸻ It might be my birthday, but you're the most important person in the room tonight. (for Karen <3)
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There's an incredibly important duty of hers to be done today. Of such utmost importance that she had been in the office early. First to get some work done and while Matt may not benefit from the decor she puts up, everyone else who came by would absolutely have to know there's a birthday boy to be celebrated. Foggy teases her for that, the reminder that the man in question is blind, as if they both didn't have faxes they were ignoring to put up some tinsel and add cheer to the occasionally glummy office.
It'll be special this year and every year after, but it's the first birthday that this duty falls on her shoulders not only as his friend or something complicated in between, but as his girlfriend. It's a lot of responsibilty, and she's happy to lead the charge in organizing the celebration. Matt Murdock's not wiggling his way out of a celebration, at his friends and loved ones getting to spoil him and there were plans for a little get together, a few drop bys, over a dinner (nothing fancy; its all of matt's comforts) and a few drinks.
There was no surprising Matt, but he still in good nature smiles when Foggy blows the kazoo and Karen ambushes with a party hat to wear, at least for one picture (okay, she snuck two more pictures for herself) before they got about their day in the office. What work they could get done gets tucked back into their desks, and moved onto the fun part. Dinner, drinks, a few of Matt's other friends invited to drop by and a corner booth of a bar taken over the Nelson & Murock crew.
Her arm had linked around his arm, gently guiding him along and her focus on what Foggy's saying. A joke, big arm gestures, and she's laughing over his story about college Matt and Foggy hijinks and memories. Eventually they moised into the bar and claim their corner, it's there that the tinsel banner she had tucked in purse gets pulled out. With Foggy's help, they stick the banner to the wall which Karen gives the barkeep an apologetic smile but continues to hang up the HAPPY BIRTHDAY, if only because it'd make it easiest for those invited to wish Matt well would find them.
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Keeping to her two glass limit, she's sipping on her second rose lemonade (choice of the night) while Jessica is razzing Matt. Her eyes scan over, noting the way that he seems to relax over the course of the conversation. It's nice to simply look at him without notice. After a few moments, lull hits in Matt's conversation and picks up among others and he finds his way over to her. The bar's not romantic, far from that. The music is not quite loud enough to really feel nor is the song really any kind of dance song.
However, a hand is offered out to her and she takes his, decides on the moment to get to her feet and sweep him away. Not far from the others, they only really had the space for this party in this corner booth. Conversations still well within Karen's earshot, but her focus is all on Matt now that she's got him to her again.
❝ Having a good time? ❞ She had asked, voice a little softer and looking up to his face, searching for the first signs that he's happy with all of this, with life and her, his birthday. ❝ I just wanted tonight to be something special, felt important to make sure it was, for your birthday. ❞
It might be my birthday, but you're the most important person in the room tonight.
Her heart skips an extra beat when he turns her words right around on her, her head shakes a small moment with her lips curling upward. Grip tightens, pulling him in and her head moving forward to connect with his shoulder. ❝ Hey ⸺ none of that. ❞
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lastavenged · 4 months
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The Paige Angel arc
Daredevil vol 1, issue 359, released; october 1996
One of my favorite sequencees, actually this whole issue is good with the public's daredevil theories. Karen staring at here employers knowing she has to be careful what she says, yet she is honest and says something about herself (that she know matt can infer about and relate to), and then Matt calling in to let Karen know he approves of her new job (they had a small fight about this).
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lastavenged · 4 months
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i now can harass you about them here.
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