#[ Joker VC: Yes but also no! ]
thewomanwholaughed · 5 months
[continued from here] // @arkhamcalamity
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"Now, why would I go to a cemetery? There's hardly anything funny there! I mean, they all already received their punchline! HAH!" With a slap of the knee and a quick skip, she hopped onto the barrel, crossing her legs as she listened to her dearest bunk buddy.
"Oh so that's what it is!" Joker's tone was one of sincere surprise, of understanding. "I thought you had done your hair!" Giggling, she reached out with her cane, trying to see if she could push it through Amity or wave it around and mess up her form.
When prompted with the question she snapped her fingers going back to the subject at hand. "See that's the thing! I was back in Arkham, spent quite a while there. But I didn't see you, despite me calling for you. I thought we were bunk buddies!" Joker pouted, arms crossed, legs crossed, toes crossed. "I thought we were going to do each other's nails and talk secrets! Where were YOU is the real question!"
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anderwhohn · 1 year
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@bloodiedbiotic asked: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ Joker — Orgasm controlling
💌 guess my muse's kinks [ meme - accepting ]
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Joker vc: "I don't know what you're talking about, Commander."
YES. Very much, yes, and he's not picky as to whether he's on the giving or the receiving end, though there's also something particularly delicious about it when the other person involved is Commander Shepard.
If pressed to say whether he enjoys being in control or being controlled where Shepard is concerned, he'd actually struggle to find an answer, because he really does enjoy both, but for very different reasons. Though there is always a little extra gleam in his eyes when he's in charge, because yeah, it's a little bit of a power trip for him to have that control, even more so when it's someone like Shepard who's letting him be in control.
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palmviewfm · 2 months
Hi there, I wanted to double check of you have any banned movies or TV shows for counterparts?
hey,  friend  !  thank  you  for  double  checking with us beforehand !  yes.  we  absolutely  do  have  quite  a  few  that  we  wouldn't  allow  counterparts  for  !  i do feel like they're pretty standard, though. i'll  place  them  under  the  cut  for  you  so  that  you  can  use  it  for  reference  and  i'll  also  be  sure  to  add  it  onto  the  actual list  too  !
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shows and movies:
13 reasons why
365 days
american horror story 
attack on titan
avatar / avatar: way of water
bates motel 
call me by your name
fifty shades of grey
flowers in the attic series / all vc andrews literature and movies
five nights at freddy’s
handmaidens tale
hazbin hotel
helluva boss
human centipede 
historical media based on real life humans. ( reign, six the musical, hamilton, etc. )
house of ashes
killing, stalking.
life and death
most animes
the conjuring series
the simpsons
the boys
the last of us
south park
stranger things
until dawn
banned characters:
animal characters / inanimate objects / droids, cartoons.
characters with n*zi affiliation / hydra characters.
characters based on a real life person / celebrity. ( hamilton, dickinson, pam and tommy, etc )
greek mythology + other mythology figures.
multiples of the same characters. 
adrian griffin ( the invisible man )
auden scott ( after )
anakin solo ( star wars )
alpha ( the walking dead )
beta ( the walking dead )
chewbacca ( star wars )
chuck bass ( gossip girl )
doctor poison ( DC )
driods ( star wars )
ezra fitz ( pretty little liars )
erik killmonger ( marvel )
earth x characters ( dc )
emery scott ( after )
freddy kruger ( nightmare on elm street )
ghostface ( scream )
general hux ( star wars )
grogu ( star wars )
groot ( marvel )
gigi hawkins ( the resident )
hanniba lector ( hannibal )
ian thomas ( pretty little liars )
joker (DC)
jason voorhees ( friday the 13th )
jason dean ( heathers )
kiilgrave ( marvel )
luke castellan ( riordan )
michael myers ( halloween )
mark jefferson ( life is strange )
marcus richards ( marvel )
negan smith ( the walking dead )
nick goode ( fearstreet )
pietro maximoff ( marvel version only )
redskull ( marvel )
snoke ( star wars )
thanos ( marvel )
the governer ( the walking dead )
the joker ( dc )
the darkling ( shadow and bone )
wanda maximoff ( marvel version only )
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Dream SMP Recap (August 19/2021) - New Manifoldland
Living in a desert miles away from Spawn, Jack builds up his new home for himself while Sam gathers resources for a giant future terraforming project.
Jack Manifold
- Sam’s objective for today is to gather as much stone and dirt as possible for his top secret project
- Foolish logs on
- Sam gets stone from the Punzo Chunk and kills a bunch of squid in the river
- He continues going around the server looking in chests for materials
- Techno’s bell is still in the cell because it’s too annoying to break it
- Sam says there will be lore with the prison within two weeks
- He accidentally links a Nether Portal to Logsted since his oasis island is nearby
- Jack logs on
- He continues gathering resources and goes to the Blaze spawner. Jack logs off
- Jack logs on again, Sam reacts to the most recent Manhunt
- At some point, HBomb logs on
- Jack starts stream welcoming chat to his new home, standing in a desert. He declares the place New Manifoldland
- The first thing he needs is food, but since he’s getting attacked by mobs, he digs himself into a one-block hole and declares it the Manicave, mining in pitch darkness
- Foolish messages him through chat. Jack is annoyed that people are trying to talk with him. Foolish wants to know if Jack is still bald and Jack replies yes
- He continues digging out the cave and decides to give New Manifoldland an orange filter
- Jack gets back up to the surface and needs a place to live. Every nation on the server that meant anything started with a specific type of building:
L’manburg started with a hotdog van
- Jack is going to build a van out in the desert to sell dru– objects out of. He builds it out of stone
- Niki logs on. Sam greets her, but Jack doesn’t. Foolish was the last one, he’s not speaking to people anymore
- Niki whispers to Sam asking for TNT, as she wants to work on her underground city some more
- Jack remains alone in his cave
Jack: “I just want my van, dammit. I just want my little – I just want a van. I just want a van, and I want a little homestead, and I just want to be happy, alright? That’s all I want. That’s all I ever wanted...I just wanted it to be happy. And given that no one else could make that happen, I guess it’s up to me.”
- Sam travels to Nik’s city to meet her and gives her a few stacks of TNT. He remembers to ask if she has any dirt and smooth stone and she shows him the chests full of it to take. Sam feels bad
Niki: my things are your things! this is a place where we help each other out
- Sam thanks her and leaves
- Jack continues working on the Vanifold and also builds himself a little shack to live out of
- Jack, comparing himself to Walter White, might need a “Jesse,” a companion
- After Sam messages him, Phil logs on to help with the supplies. Jack tells himself he doesn’t miss them
- Phil meets Sam at Sam’s island to drop off tons and tons of stone
- While riding in a boat on the ice highway back from his mountain base, Sam bumps into Foolish, getting rid of his boat
Sam: KaCHow
Sam: I am speed
Niki: what?
- Phil drops off a ton more dirt at Sam’s island
- Foolish calls Sam about losing his precious boat
- Jack finds a bee and wants it to be his Jesse. He names it Jessbee. He gets Jessbee into the van, calling the day there
- Sam and Foolish lament about the lack of shulkers and discuss ideas for an uprising against DreamXD, where they would shove feathers up DreamXD’s nostrils to defeat him
- Phil keeps coming back with more full-chests-worth of dirt. Sam thanks him, telling him he will not forget this
Phil: now release techno :)
Phil: jk
Phil: lmfao
Phil: dirt for the pig
Sam: *Phil arrives the prison and sternly asks Sam to release Techno*
Sam: *sam complies*
Phil: “member da dirt”
Phil: “I member”
Phil: *beep beep beep
Phil: backing up with dirt
Sam: *right this way to the main cell sir*
Foolish: *starts licking dirt*
Phil: it’s like not even being delivered to the right location just outside prison
Sam: *Let’s get you your piggy back*
*Ph1Lza takes another canon life from Foolish
Phil: with mind bullets
Sam: oh no philza has become to strong
Sam: I must release Techno
Phil: end scene that’s a wrap
- Phil logs off, leaving Sam to continue working while chatting with Foolish. Foolish suggests they do some random lore tomorrow, just see where it goes. Maybe they can canonically lock the Joker up in the prison
- Sam and Foolish get very confused by Bad appearing in the VC, thinking he’s just a soundboard. The three of them hang out
Upcoming events remain the same.
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psyclownsis · 6 years
What is date night like for Harley and some of her bfs & gfs?
dc says that date night with joker always involves killing people and i am here to tell you that’s FAKE. date night with joker only SOMETIMES involves killing people. other things include:
getting super dolled up and going out to a fancy restaurant (the iceberg is a good one because oswald always treats his guests right and he knows the kind of stuff clowns like... of course, this hinges on oswald not wanting to throttle them both at the time)
going on a shopping spree (they may or may not pay for anything with money that may or may not be theirs)
going to amusement mile!!!!!
honestly they’ll do just about any typical date thing as long as they can get through the date without everyone making a big scene and ruining their fun because they’re “certified nutjobs” or “wanted criminals” or “oh god it’s the joker run before he kills us all”
she likes to take ivy to natural history museums and botanical gardens and stuff because, while plants may not be harley’s jam, they are certainly her girlfriend’s jam, and watching ivy get totally engrossed in plant stuff is something harley will never get tired of
harley and ivy will also go to fancy restaurants, have spa dates, go to the movies, etc., but ivy prefers to do stuff that doesn’t involve being around a lot of people
breaking into a museum and stealing a priceless artifact? of course
they go to pet stores/animal shelters and give cuddles to all the cuddly animals and while this is a totally self-serving act they also are socializing the animals so the people in charge like, can’t technically get mad at them for it, so between that and being notorious supercriminals they pretty much get off scott free (and maybe with a new kitten!)
black mask:
fancy dinners but probably at his penthouse or mansion or whatever idk where roman lives other than the steel mill
fancy parties for rich people in gotham (he complains about how much he hates everyone and then they get into secret discussions about gruesome ways he should kill them)
idk he’s black mask he doesn’t strike me as a very date-savvy type of guy lmao
john bishop:
restaurants that were recommended to him or “jessica” but within 5 minutes they realize it’s either awful and cheap or way too fancy and it’s awkward but they make a good effort to be not awkward
walks in the park where bishop probably points out all the sketchy people so he doesn’t have to deal with Feelings(TM) and she’s like “has anyone told you that you have serious problems dealing with Feelings(TM)”
she keeps vague tabs on him via the gcpd and if he gets beat up she’ll stop by his apartment like hey i brought you some beer want to get drunk while i put ice packs on you
do his court-mandated therapy sessions count as a date for the purposes of this discussion? yes. yes they do
harley going out and doing some supervillain nonsense, bishop almost arresting her, harley almost letting him
harley as a supervillain being very flirtatious, even more flirtatious than usual, super jumbo extra deluxe flirtatious, bishop getting a migraine because of it
idk what happens after she turns herself in to arkham and he probably finds out that he was dating harley quinn the whole time but that’s a whole big can of worms in and of itself so let’s not go there
doesn’t do dates very well because he’s a homebody and also a serial murderer who is constantly anxious about getting found out (smh)
that said there are probably a lot of rinkydink county fairs/town festivals/etc. that go on nearby so she drags him out to those and they win stuffed animals for each other and share milkshakes and it’s cute as fuck
drive-in movies
*cecil baldwin vc* going to the diner and ordering a slice of pie!
going on walks around all the random undeveloped fields along the old highway and probably saying gross shit like “dang it’s beautiful here, if i ever get killed by a creepy truck driver this is where i’d want him to leave my body” “i’ll keep that in mind”
cleaning up said murder
being questioned by the police and denying any involvement in said murder
having total psychotic breakdowns and trying to kill each other
they’re not technically gfs yet but listen. liSTEN
she’s not above plagiarizing catwoman’s deal and stealing random stuff just so the silver lining chases her across the city and then when she finally catches up they can say a lot of double entendres and maybe make weird mask-wearing love on a rooftop where neighbors can probably see them
strength contests w/ arm-wrestling and carnival games
“hey babe what’s up i brought nail polish and face masks” “harley you can’t keep breaking into my house like this”
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antonisms-blog1 · 7 years
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> anton escaping the “shrussyhq gc, 2017″
waddup folks and egg yolks, it’s your third fave aussie, lilac, bringing to you straight from her batcave, smol lil anton van dalen !! (i s2g batcave isn’t a euphemism alright, i just hide in my room from the harsh rays of the SUN). click that readmore to learn more about everyone’s fave short meme boi.
warning: this intro is going be le terrible™ however anton is the light of my life so at least respect the poor lil bean here ?? i have condensed my app into this intro essentially but if you want LONG AND UNENDING sentences, be sure to check out his bio page :-) there’s plenty more hcs there too so if you wanna know more,,, anyways. onto the actual intro !
BEFORE HE WAS COOL // history.
lil anton (or ant, antonini, tony, antony ?? i really should have thought about this smh) was born second child to angelica and eric van dalen !! the first boy to the family, and at the time, much loved.
with two wealthy parents, anton never worried about much (except his pet plants which he always killed rip). he p much always got what he wanted, and spent most of his time in his parent’s finely curated library in the back of their mcmansion. life was swell for the young boy
a few years later anton (and his older sister annaleise) were given a younger brother, and that changed everything. it was at van dalen three that eric and angelica realised they were completely indifferent to each other, and were far more career orientated than family orientated. so the three kids from that point grew up under the influences of nanny after nanny, each other, and whatever tv character they idolised at the time (you bet your ass anton went through a pokemon phase.... and many others !! paracosmshq task one, identify one of anton’s childhood phases.)
despite their parents being somewhat absent as they were growing up (angelica was a doctor and eric a lawyer), they both put a lot of pressure on the van dalen kids to do well in school and out-perform everyone. built on competition and image, it was stifling for a young anton to confORm to what his parents wanted him to be. not the polite and well-mannered genius they had hoped, anton was instead a loud-mouthed and curious child who always got himself into trouble, made a fool of himself in front of his peers, and ran off constantly. it wasn’t long before anton became anton van burden, and his parents were sick of his... antics *ba-dum-tss*
but the truth ??? anton wasn’t trying to cause trouble for anyone, he was just a free spirit. he liked making people laugh, and he loved exploring places he’d never been. unfortunately his gregarious and comical ways weren’t appeasing to his family, and for many years he was shamed for being who he was, aka a normal human bean.
the older anton got, the more insecure he became as his parents constantly tried to change anton to fit into their family dynamic more. his other siblings had already gotten with the program, so anton was the odd one out. it didn’t help that when anton was younger, he was very awkward looking too. he was short, he had big ears, and his weight was disproportionate to his body. this meant he was bullied at school,,, a lot
going to a fancy college for all his childhood schooling, anton was stuck with the same donkeys his entire life. at first the vivacious and extroverted joker, the older he got the more he was worn down by the people around him, and he secluded himself and spent most of his time writing and reading, with only like, one close friend :(
it wasn’t until his sister moved out that anton was like “you know what,,, i am in charge of MY LIFE” and decided he was sick of what his parents thought, and flipped them off essentially
he started working out and my boy got ripped
he also began suppressing those insecurities and began socialising with the mass populace of his school once more. he took his mantle as the class clown and finger-gunned his way up the social hierarchy
graduating the top of his class, the most surprising thing happened,,, what ? ANTON is evolving ! the ugly duckling had become the swan, the caterpillar had become the butterfly. anton had finally reached his final form.
the second he finished high school, anton had never felt better ?? so the second he could he put in his application to any uni that was on the other side of the country so he could truly have a fresh start
although anton wasn’t allowed to pursue writing like he wanted, he fell in love with criminal psychology and criminal law, which was [hannah montana vc] the best of both worlds for him (he may have gained his independence but he was still a pushover ok lmao) 
now he’s a regular dude bro that runs a meme page and does his best to make others smile :-) 
anton van dalen: writes his dissertation on how memes affect the criminal psyche 
WHY HE IS CURRENTLY COOL // personality and stuff.
if you saw anton’s stats on the main,,, you’ll know what he’s like
he’s constantly off in his own lil world and is sort of,,, just rolling through, one jape at a time
his intentions are pure and he can be a lil naive bc negativity ?? not in front of his salad !!
one of his many flaws tho is that he can’t take things v seriously,,, the second things get tense, he’ll make some joke. there’s a dead body ? knock knock joke. someone going through a break up ? an inappropriate pun. generally having a bad time ? here’s a meme
he’s also a complete IDIOT ??? like,, he wants to be indiana jones and his clumsy ass will probably end up falling off a balcony as he tries to tarzan swing from one place to another not unlike spiderman tbh
also you want an impromptu song and dance sequence ?? anton’s your mans !! karaoke nights, jamming to sick bops and high school musical re-enactment is anton’s number One (1) pastime. 
if he’s not hanging with pals, he’ll have his nose in a book and !! give him all the adventures !! #nerd
honestly anton is the biggest yes man ever and he is super trusting ?? ask him for anything, and you’ll have it within minutes. he’s also disney trash and a hopeless romantic,,, sighs. when will he LEARN
one of anton’s many hobbies is magic ??? yes, he legit is a magician in his off time. at this point he’s still doing card tricks and making flowers come from hats, but he’s learning !! (he’s such a dork ok don’t say i didn’t warn u)
y’know what im leaving this here i want the last hc to be the one above k BYE
tbh i don’t have many plots in mind yet bc the connections are so damn juicy and i love chemistry based threads ?? BUT i still love plotting and at some point i will most likely slide into your ims (and onto an actual slide of the water variety bc its summer here and im CRISPIN) 
i actually do have a wanted plots page though ! it’s not very good lmao but,, it’s there. check it out !! (or not i can’t tell you what to do. or can i ??? nah probably not rip).
i’m gonna end this travesty of an intro here but if you’ve read this far ?? thank you ! can’t wait to mssg y’all and start this rp. it’s gonna be great. :~)
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