#[ It's not fond of my tagging system though so I may need to overhaul it :( ];
clavicula-ovis · 2 years
                   [ Continued from ✎ || @youllthinktwice ]
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     ›› Xavier would listen intently, letting gloved fingers tap away at his lips and chin as he mulled it over. It was a bit clear she wasn't giving a complete answer, but he wasn't the type to push his luck; they'll work with those cosmos first.
    ❝ Yes, they certainly can! Take a look at my cloak closely; It's not an artificial design, but rather a bunch of my familiars latched together. ❞ ›› To prove his point, one of them would detach at one point and scramble up the weave of little void lantern vines, until it sat upon his hat and spread its petals in almost a smiling fashion.
    ❝ Familiars can be just about anything you add your own essence in to; I just happened to choose floral ones. ❞
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