#[ I thought purple was my thing? - aflockoffeathers]
ducknotinarow · 2 years
 cTag drop just a few uwu
Raph and Don : [ you think first I hit first - aflockoffeathers]
at first just a stand in but i ended up liking it cause these two are very similar its just they go different way to handle an issue. Also I just love the fact this can be swapped cause sometimes in pinches you see them switch thier usual tactic uwu
Mikey and Don : [ the brains of this operation - aflcokoffeathers]
A relationship between two younger siblings can be something so personal ;3; also it’s cute how these two are together Mikey deff just looks out for Donnie in his own way and Dons one of the few who at times takes mikey a bit more serious compered to the others.Donnie is the smart one and know for what he can do Mikey though thinks more creatively and often I feel that can feed into don’s work because Mikey suggest stuff and Don tends to take it and improve on it. Rise!Don and Don [ I thought purple was my thing? - aflockoffeathers] Okay I took that from the mind meld episode but still it works well here cause my donnie will have such an ego bruising  over another donatello at first XD Usagi and Don [ genius dose not equal crazy - aflockoffeathers] Look I know Donnie was hell bent that Usagi clearly hurt Leo in the battle nexus and i’m never gonna get over it XD but once they fought together you can see these two really bonded and just Donnie was so happy to see usagi in samurai tourist ;3; Usagi deff treats Donnie like a brother and just think of the differences usagi’s curiosity fueling Donnie need to explain and Donnie’s patience with someone who would general be interested in his ramblings not to mention usagi would be good at helping don not to got to out there on his ideas spinter and Don [ purple is always the funny one - aflockoffeathers] likey just adopted don on the spot when meeting him hes deff different from Dons spinter thats for sure but I think his father inscit kicks hard when seeing how stressed out this donnie looks. Usagi and Bishop [ madder than the march hare - aflockoffethers] yes I did go for an Alice in wonder land refrence here uwu and im pretty proud of this one I wont lie XDD Forthehonorandthegolry: Piccolo and Gohan [ I got a finger on a heartbeat connection - forthehonorandtheglory] Mostly cause how often he has gotten killed protecting gohan alone and it hits me hard to thinka bout okay! and ya know the whole mentor and mentee realtionship between them just ;3; Freiza and furture gohan [ chain my heart - forthehonorandthegolry] Considering the whole working under him and being his pawn I feel this is pretty stright forward in truth uwu Future trunks and futrue goten [ some place only we know - forthehonorandthegolry] I have many emotions on our boys even more so for the future verse ;3;
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[I am here to ruin your Don's day uwu]
Donatello quirked his beak, looking between the piece they had found while out in the Hidden City, and this World's Don. They really needed nicknames or something for each other. Regardless, he was thinking about how they mentioned they were 'banned' from With Town, something about magic and science clashing. Admittedly Donatello was too busy in awe of the Hidden City to take in much information about the exact reason behind Don's banning.. After a moment, he decided to share his thoughts,
"So, why exactly don't you like magic?" He finally asks, looking Don's way, "I mean, once, my brother's and I were trapped in a MMORPG while searching for Master Splinter's data bytes," He pauses, smiling awkwardly, "Uh, long story for another time," He laughs slightly, "Anyway, while there, I was a Wizard in the game, and honestly, it was fun getting to use magic."
Oh, he has no idea what he just said.
Looking back to the piece, Don kept talking, so very unaware of what he had started,
"I mean, magic itself is just a form of science we simply don't understand, don't you think?"
Strange...why does Donatello suddenly hear Boss Music...
| Muse interaction
Beyond pleased over the find Donatello was holding it carefully in his hands openly biting down on to his bottom bill as he held it between his fingers. Not often something he would get to use BUT no one could tell him he couldn't now! Having the whole 'oh look its a Donatello from another dimension suddenly in ours! of course we must save them and help them return to their home.' Meaning anything Donnie needed was all up for him to get. Even if it meant he had to be met with the view of that stupid Witch Town he was WRONGLY banned from. Turning his head as held the bit of metal container carrying that's right uranium! tight between his three fingers hand. Physically turning his snout up at the place as he huffed out loud enough to get his counterparts attention with the action.
"And LOOOK at that! oh what the MARVELOUS WONDER THAT IS SCI-ENC-EEEE " he stretched out the word as about as long as he could manage to do so eyeing the front gate of witch town as if he was just picking a fight with it alone. And in a way he was but it was more the residents inside the town he was picking this fight with. Didn't matter that he had worked past that tiny, massive worry and fear of his. Donatello was still holding on to this grudge of his. Stance wide as he was holding the oh so longed and desired chemical element, shaking his hand at the towns sign. Openly sticking his tongue out as he blew a razz barry, yes very mature of the scientist. "THAT'S RIGHT! Look at this you second rate, two bit Vegas act hacks! he stated with pure mockery in his laugh!"
"So, why exactly don't you like magic?"
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Turning to look at the interdimensional Donatello who seemed to find their voice again, not that Donnie could blame them much hell the first time they saw Run of the Mill Pizza his brothers and him were amazed alone by the sight. Not to mention the hidden city. Didn't seem like their world had a mystic city filled with yoaki like this world did. Ease hos he was standing to return a far more relaxed stance as he turned to face them keeping his back to Witch Town, Oh where ever should he start with his answer on that? not that he is given much chance to fully think when they continued on to speak up.
"I mean, once, my brother's and I were trapped in a MMORPG while searching for Master Splinter's data bytes,"
"His data bytes?" Donnie found himself repeating his attention was piqued at this tidbit, stuck INSIDE a video game! Oh that sounded like a dream to him! TO BECOME code!
"Uh, long story for another time,"
"Aw come on don't leave me hanging like that I wanna know about that!" Donnie stressed hands held out as if he could grab at the words that would tell him about that experience.
"Anyway, while there, I was a Wizard in the game, and honestly, it was fun getting to use magic."
Don's face fell at that mention, they were a Wizard in the game? an old little itch seemed to flare at that wording, Going so far as to hold and arm over the others as he brushed finger nails over his arm to 'scratch it' and it as fun to use? He slightly shifted his teeth inside his mouth biting down on them. no where as bad as Raph with the biting but Don being a soft shell could bit just as bad as his big brother.
"I mean, magic itself is just a form of science we simply don't understand, don't you think?"
No... Wait did they seriously just make that statment? Don though as his brow knotted up, beak pucking as if he just ate the most sour of lemons ever. Donnie turned up his beak over the MERE idea of another Donatello uttering such NONESENSE! Fixing amber eyes squarely on to them. Waiting. Giving them a chance to state this was purely a joke of some sort that they didn't mean it.
Oh were they serious?
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"Magic itselc is just a form of science?" He repeated "MAGIC itself is just a form of SCIENCE!" there was suddenly an odd crack in his voice, even as he moved and gestured with his hand out toward them as he was trying to comphend what they just said to him. Only for a laugh, but not a good one even if he found himself doubling over now holding himself around the waist as he well froced that odd laugh out of himself once he repeated that once more "Magic it self is just a form of science! Snapping on full disbelief!" That odd little quirk he had to narrate what his emotion was in the moment. An old habit due to how he was and his brothers needing the verbal wording to help them understand what he was feeling.
Moving to stand up straight now "OOOOH my friend you ate so WRONG it be laughable, even if I had indeed laughed over this." He gose to point out woth a shrug of his shoulders. "BUT you!" Aiming a finger at them "dare insult the study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world. And compare it to magic." He used his hand to mimick mouth movement just now. "Oh yes clearly just the whole display if waving around some wooden trinket about well mumbling out the NONESENSEICAL! Thrown about words to produce some spark." He rolled his eyes "pfft sicene was the mother of fireworks nice try magic! Oh how the slice of an odachī blade slices air to create a portal HA too back its easy to portal jack!. Portals created through science? HA all the curcits and wiring can't be tampered by greedy paws!" Was that specific? "Oh oh I know how about a aura that engulfs one in a full gaint version of them self? To bad its resist busts! Pft gaint robotic enegring never has that issue!" Yeah this was starting to sound personal, even donnies eyes seemed to flicker as he contuined his ranting "or magical fire! From what basically functions as a yoyo!" Arma throw out infront of himself as another bit of light worked on the purple patterns on his arms.
Shoulders moved up and down as he was breathing hard and fast, needing a moment as he set his hands flat against each other. Resting his forhead to fringer tips. "I can't believe one of my counterparts would use a crutch like magic. No wonder you, bo staff, is wooden." He states, glaring at them from the side. There is something about how he says it, though. It is not so much an insult as it should be, but as if he was admitting something in between his statements. Eyes only flicked back forward at the sound of Raph's voice. They weren't meant to have grouped up sometime ago, and of course, the eldest got worried when neither Donatellos were around. Having gotten caught up with this discussion. Donatello clearly still steaming as he walked over towards Raph, now to meet them but instead to pass them up. "Raffla, it seems your friend" because he wanted no association with them now "here would like to explore more of the city. Why don't ya watch him, Kay? Cool ill head home." Metal arm reaching out to pat Raphael's shoulder as the soft shell contuied on with. "It's not like I need some magician wannabes help ANYWAY!"
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[2k3 Don @ either Rise Don or Rise Raph :’D I don’t mind who in this situation :’D]
This was...weird, to say the least. He was in the Sewers, he knew that for a fact, but it wasn’t quite the same as he remembered. Different bricks for starters, and a lot more graffiti. There’s something off about this, and though Donatello can’t pinpoint what it is exactly, he’s aware that his surroundings were not his home. It’s why he opts to grip his Bo tightly, ready for an attack, just in case.
He’s completely on guard, even more so when someone else approaches. On his own, teeth gritted, Don swallows thickly, ready for a potential fight. He doesn’t want to fight, it’s never going to be his first choice, but, he was skilled in combat. Doesn’t stop him from silently wishing his brothers were here with him though, maybe they would’ve stopped him from, stupidly, calling out,
“I mean no harm! I don’t wanna fight!” Donatello calls out, against better judgement, “Really I’m, I’m just lost!”
| Muse interaction
Don's day wasn't so much at the end like the others once the sun went down they went off to bed and turned in for the day. Donnie not so much night time was precious minutes that could still be used for his own needs, often the best time to work since he was less likely to be bothered by anything. Currently sat in his chair fringes pressed to each over as he loomed over the back of his eyes. Googles were set over his eyes as he was just looking over different samples in a moment. A personal project so to speak just something different to sort of help reset and refresh his mind clear it up from the other many works he had in different stages of completion at the moment but just was not all that set to work on currently. So lost and absorb in what he was doing that he didn't even notice camera feeds from the security system picking up someone wondering in the tunnels right now. Seeing how no alert sounded though there was truly nothing to make Donatello ever brother giving a glance that way.
If it weren't for Sheldon noticing Don may have gone fully unaware to wrapped up with the multiple petri dishes he had set up in front of him right now. He was still trying to figure out which of his brothers snag his left overs. They were all claiming innocence of course, like the no good lairs they are. He knew they called dibs on his stuff jerks. Which is why he was far to focus on this, look could he just let it go and be mad in general? No. That was the only answer here no he could not just 'let it go' He had to be right on who did it his guess was Leo at the moment. So adsorb in what he was doing when the robotic turtle started to nudge at him telling him he saw something on the cameras coming into the lair. "Don't worry if it was a threat my genius security would have sounded off, I state in full confidence." He tells them finally tearing his eyes away from his little project as he look to his well basically son. They didn't seem to appreciate Don brushing it off as if it were nothing so he rolled his eyes and looked tot he feed displayed right now. "It was likely just a rat, or bug nothing to get all worked up over."
A small 'ding' sounded off near him as he snapped attention back to his little project, beak curly up in the unmistakable grin of a turtle who was right and about to be insufferable about it. Pick up his evidence as he long forgot about Sheldon's worries. "I knew it! I knew it was Leo! It's always Leo oh just wait dear brother I am going to make you regret this!" feet pushing off the ground as he went to stand up at the same time making his way out of his lab heading for his twin's room. Face glued to the paper as he was walking Sheldon hovering after him trying to get Donatello to focus on his concerns to which Donnie brushed off, he knew his security system would pick up on any intruder there was no reason to doubt something he made with his own two hands after all. "Sighhhhh fine okay I will have a look I don't know why you are so worried." folding up his paper and tucking it into his belt. He much rather go about his own business here but he guesses he needed to address the robotic turtles worries, they did seem distressed. Sliding down the half pipe and making his way the exit. "Besides not like I wont enjoy being right twice in a row."
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Oh Donatello should have not said that because it would seem Sheldon picked up on some traits of his. Which would leave him to eat his words.
“I mean no harm! I don’t wanna fight!”
Donatello pauses the second he hears the voice call out just now. Less concern on that and more on the fact he just knew Sheldon was grinning over being right now. Donnie let his shoulders slump a bit doing everything he could to keep from looking directly at his son right now. A quick shake of his head as he went to get his tech bo in hand just in case. Didn't seem like he needed to alert his brothers just yet, as he made his way closer who just gives away their location like this? if they were indeed sneaking in? then shouldn't they well not be yelling out to draw attention? Don soon had his answer once he was closer to their intruder. A mutant turtle to be more exact a ninja mutant turtle wearing purple holding a wooden bo. Leaving Donnie to pause as just stare at his finding now. "uh that explains why no alerts went off then." he said under his breath side glancing to the robot beside him
“Really I’m, I’m just lost!”
"Yes, clearly I can see that. I dont have time for this. " Donnie expressed a bit of frustration cracking through his monotonous voice. Now, I'm turning to Sheldon now. "Alright, you were right happy?" They indeed were, but that didn't mean that was going to be the end of this. Donnie rolled his eyes before setting his tech bo back on to hus back as he made his way over to this other Donatello. Humming as he fixed amber eyes onto them, lifting his hand to slip his goggles over his eyes now as he began to scan them idly typing away on his arm. Slightly quirking his beak as he let out a frustrated groan. "Damn it." He grumbled under his breath because this would totally undermine the whole my twin ate my leftovers, and I had soild proof it was him.
Pinching at the space between his eyes processing this all no an alternate dimension version of likely himself? Should be the priority. "Stupid Leon must have luck for this of all things to happen to get him outta this all." Soon setting his hands together as he looked at the other purple banded turtle.
"I'm assuming your name is Donatello? I am also Donatello, though I'm sure enough figured that out. After all, if I'm a certified genius, then you must be as well. You have come.in at the worst possible time buuut I guess it can't be helped. Stupid Leo." He muttered thar last bit before darting his back to them. "Sooo what excatly are you doing here?"
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