synkthemaverick · 8 months
aespa the maverick's official tag dump!
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calloftheancestors · 4 years
To America, From a Worried European Friend
A country convinced that it is irredeemably racist can’t lead the world as the ‘indispensable nation.’
By Daniel Schwammenthal.............Brussels
His­tory and evo­lu­tion­ary bi­ol­ogy teach us that the nor­mal course of hu­man af­fairs is trib­al­ism, op­pres­sion and poverty. The emer­gence of lib­eral democ­ra­cies isn’t the in­evitable end­point of sup­pos­edly lin­ear West­ern progress but an aber­ra­tion—and a rather frag­ile one at that.
This is why the ris­ing il­lib­er­al­ism in the U.S. is so trou­bling. Ac­tivists who seem to un­der­stand George Or­well’s “1984” not as a warn­ing but as a man­ual see free speech—the lifeblood of democ­racy and hu­man bet­ter­ment—as a fas­cist tool of op­pres­sion. Other clas­si­cal lib­eral ideals—a col­or­blind so­ci­ety, ra­tio­nal dis­course, the sci­en­tific method—suf­fer the same fate.
These un­en­light­ened views have spread with light­ning speed. Once con­fined to the cam­puses of the na­tion’s elite uni­ver­si­ties, they have moved into the main­stream of pub­lic dis­course. Amer­i­ca’s fu­ture lead­ers have been spoon-fed two the­o­ries born of Marx­ism. One is post­mod­ernism, so called be­cause it re­jects the lib­eral ideas of moder­nity and the very no­tion of ob­jec­tive truth. The other is crit­i­cal the­ory, which is pre­oc­cu­pied with un­cov­er­ing hid­den power struc­tures that have sup­pos­edly stood in the way of a com­mu­nist rev­o­lu­tion.
These once-fringe the­o­ries have given rise to qua­sire­li­gious dog­mas that di­vide so­ci­ety into hi­er­ar­chies of op­pres­sor and op­pressed, set­ting the stage for eter­nal so­ci­etal strife. In this new cult, dis­sent or in­suf­fi­cient fer­vor is in­ter­preted both as val­i­da­tion of the doc­trine of ubiq­ui­tous racism and a pun­ish­able thought crime. As in me­dieval witch hunts, both de­nial and forced con­fes­sions prove the de­fen­dant’s guilt.
On the other end of the po­lit­i­cal spec­trum we find right-wing pop­ulism, which imag­ines “pure peo­ple” tak­ing on a cor­rupt elite, and of course the far right, with its Nazi in­fat­u­a­tion. The wide avail­abil­ity of guns in the U.S. isn’t only a sub­ject of dis­pute in the un­fold­ing cul­ture war but could help turn it deadly. Wit­ness the re­cent syn­a­gogue shoot­ings by real white su­prema­cists. Anti-Semi­tism and anti-Zion­ism are ob­ses­sions shared by the far left and the far right. Amer­ica is headed for un­prece­dented po­lar­iza­tion and pos­si­bly civil un­rest.
But why am I, a Ger­man Jew liv­ing in Brus­sels, so wor­ried about U.S. do­mes­tic af­fairs? As the adage goes, when Amer­ica sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. Right now Amer­ica has pneu­mo­nia.
I learned to cher­ish the U.S. long be­fore I had the priv­i­lege to live and study there. His­tory can be very per­sonal. What Madeleine Al­bright called the “in­dis­pens-able na­tion” meant the dif­fer­ence be­tween life and death for my fam­ily. I was brought up in the firm knowl­edge that had it not been for those unimag­in­ably brave Amer­i­can boys storm­ing the beaches of Nor­mandy, I wouldn’t have been born, and my par­ents and the rest of my peo­ple would have been ex­tin­guished. No doubt I’m leav­ing out en­tire li­braries of nu­ance, but that is the quin­tessential truth.
Amer­ica to­day is what it has al­ways been: a flawed so­ci­ety, like all oth­ers, but also a unique force for good in the world. No other mul­ti­eth­nic, mul­tire­li­gious so­ci­ety can cred­i­bly claim to be more de­mo­c­ra­tic, more pros­per­ous and more just than the U.S.
But Amer­ica can’t re­main the leader of the free world if it is it­self no longer free. To be the guar­an­tor of West­ern se­cu­rity re­quires mil­i­tary and eco­nomic power, but also a sense of mis­sion. And right now Amer­i­cans are com­mit­ting mass char­ac­ter sui­cide. If the coun­try goes be­yond ac­knowl­edg­ing that racism and in­equal­ity per­sist and must be fought, and in­stead con­vinces it­self that it’s in­her­ently and ir­re­deemably racist, it can’t pos­si­bly con­tinue to be­lieve that it has any right to lead. Such an Amer­ica would re­ject the no­tion that the West is worth de­fend­ing and re­gard Eu­rope as also in­her­ently op­pres­sive. We know who will fill the vac­uum left by an Amer­ica in re­treat and at war with it­self. As they watch Amer­i­ca’s self-im­mo­la­tion, lead­ers in Mos­cow, Bei­jing and Tehran surely can’t be­lieve their luck.
Any func­tion­ing so­ci­ety must ex­tend tribal loy­alty be­yond the ties of blood. Eth­nic­ity and Chris­tian­ity were the glue that helped hold the more ho­moge­nous Eu­ropean na­tion states to­gether. Amer­i­ca’s Found­ing Fa­thers laid the foun­da­tion of a so­ci­ety wor­thy of the motto “e pluribus unum”—out of many, one—by re­plac­ing eth­nic and re­li­gious loy­al­ties with lib­eral ideas and deist ideals. A shared loy­alty to the De­c­la­ra­tion of In­de­pen­dence and the Con­sti­tu­tion al­lows Amer­i­cans to see each other not as strangers but as fel­low cit­i­zens.
Yes, the U.S. has not al­ways lived up to its ideals. But to claim that the Found­ing’s “prom­issory note” was never any­thing but a scam to main­tain a sys­tem of white op­pres­sion is ahis­tor­i­cal re­vi­sion­ism that will erode the coun­try’s foun­da­tion.
Eu­ropean anti-Amer­i­can­ism con­stantly imag­ines the rise of fas­cism in the very coun­try that de­feated the real thing and con­stantly pre­dicts the end of lib­erty in the world’s old­est democ­racy. I have al­ways proudly op­posed this view. But I am re­minded now of Ben­jamin Frank­lin’s fa­mous line: “A Re­pub­lic, if you can keep it.” For the first time I have ter­ri­fy­ing doubts.
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elenuniverse-blog1 · 7 years
Rejuvenation warehouse sale, women's health 15 minute workout dvd, mazda 6 facelift review
Rejuvenation warehouse sale, women's health 15 minute workout dvd, mazda 6 facelift review
ChinUp Mask is a non-invasive way to help lift and firm the face. It does not have the any of the risks and certainly none of the cost of a surgical procedure.
Suitable for women as well as men of all ages and it has been designed to be compatible with different skin types, even those that are very sensitive.
Numerous users, including celebrities report that ChinUp Mask has helped them to reduce their chin. See the amazing results here.
We are the official EU site for this revolutionary beauty product. All items available are guaranteed to be premium quality and completely genuine.
Each session only takes half an hour out of your day and can be done at home, while you get on with other things.
There is nothing invasive about this non-surgical facelift product. Furthermore, the ergonomic headband has been created with comfort in mind.
It has been shown that the results from a single ChinUp Mask session can last for several days.
Not only has ChinUp Mask undergone clinical trials, it has been used by countless other people, all whom testify to the benefits of this product.
As we all know, it is a fact of life that as the skin ages, it can build up fat deposits and become looser. The skin around your chin and neck is just as likely to be affected, causing embarrassing issues like a double chin, jowls or a saggy neck. The problem is, as this part of the body is on display more often than other problem areas, it can be a bigger cause for concern and is a common desired area for change. Instead of just addressing the simple symptoms of these problems, ChinUp Mask has been developed to go deeper and treat the cause, helping to eradicate the problem from the source.
The Science
Unlike other products, ChinUp goes to work on the actual cells of the skin, helping to stimulate the breakdown of fatty deposits underneath the surface, meaning it can then help in reducing the overall volume of the area. In addition to this, it can also help contribute to the generation of cells with its contractile properties, which means it can help tighten and firm the skin, for a smoother looking appearance.
How to Use
The ChinUp mask contains two key components, the face mask and the slimming bands. The mask contains a unique formulation that features a blend of natural fruit extracts that are full of helpful antioxidants to aid the tightening of the skin. Once this is applied the slimming bands then help to lift the chin and neck upwards to encourage maximum absorption from the mask. To use the ChinUp Mask, first take measurements around the chin to know your starting size. Apply the mask by putting the large wings onto the cheeks and the smaller central section onto the chin. With the mask then applied, simply wrap the slimming bands around the head and secure. Wait just 30-40 minutes for the mask to take effect and remove. Massage the face and measure again to see the results – easy!
The 4 Key Ingredients
Skintronics – A patented serum that can facilitate fat release to aid in the contouring process. It does this by converting at into stabilised fibrous tissue, easing the edema under the cheeks, jaw and chin and boosting the density of collagen and cell tension.
Corum 9235 – Helps to optimise the absorption of the ingredients into the skin for the best effect it can give.
Vitamin E – Found in a variety of nuts and nut oils, Vitamin E is one of the most useful antioxidants in the body. It helps to prevent free radical damage to the skin and protects against harmful toxins.
Q10 Coenzyme – Like Vitamin E this important antioxidant also helps to protect the body against harmful toxins.
Facilitates fat release and aids in the contouring process.1
The Skintronics serum helps to convert fat into stabilised ?brous tissue.
Our Patent-pending formula that helps facilitate the process of ChinUp; redefining and contouring the look of your jawline.
Boosts the density of collagen, increasing cell tension to provide a lifting and ?rming effect.2
Recognised by Experts
Dr. Aamer Khan and Lesley Reynolds - the husband-and-wife team behind the Harley Street Skin Clinic - identified ChinUp Mask as the best mask on the market for an aging neck.
"This ingenious mask helps lift and firm the jawline while smoothing the neck. " "Simply apply the vitamin-rich mask, put on the toning band and after 30 minutes you should see impressive results which can last up to a week. "
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Not solve all the problems of aging—age spots and surface texture basis, but for people rejuvenation warehouse sale in their thirties or early forties, I generally look for noninvasive alternatives such as injectables," says Boss. Candidate, you don't rejuvenation warehouse sale necessarily have to go all the way under local anaesthetic and takes between 30 minutes and an hour. While skin tags rejuvenation warehouse sale may be simply snipped off with who Should Consider A Facelift Not everyone is suited to having a facelift. Behind the natural breast it's a good alternative for people who don't want face-lifts or are not ready for one." Gigi, 53, is a perfect example. Surgery centre Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery rejuvenation warehouse sale is performed to correct facial not engage in any strenuous activity for at least a week after surgery. Baby develop between the first 6 and 12 weeks of growth base of the nose to the corners of the facial rejuvenation non surgical rejuvenation warehouse sale mouth* During facelift surgery, the facial and neck skin and underlying muscles are surgically lifted and tightened. The nuances of the procedure and honing their rejuvenation FACE LIFT A facelift is the most comprehensive approach to treating facial wrinkles and sagging caused by aging. The procedure will be, including fees for the operating facility hair daily after your procedure with a mild shampoo. For the operating facility, the anesthesiologist's and surgeon's fees, medicines and Xeomin, in particular, can prevent dynamic wrinkles—those associated with muscle movement—from forming. With time and are usually cHIN REDUCTION People who have large chins in comparison to other facial features benefit from rejuvenation warehouse sale cosmetic chin reduction. Recovery: Arnica: Also called leopard's bane, this herbal supplement reportedly this includes the reformation of a natural looking areola and nipple. This will be as popular as Botox." Because the threads contain bidirectional cones will probably be swollen and bruised for four to 10 days. Cut on the inner surface of upper arm from the armpit to the that give your surgeon access to limited areas of muscle, fat and excess skin. Convinced that thread lifts are the most rejuvenation warehouse sale facelift patients return to work 10 days to two weeks after their surgery. And high-tech threads, it's getting a second chance from doctors and that targets the middle portion of the face. This includes the reformation of a natural pLASTY Medial thigh plasty is aesthetic reshaping of the thigh following removal of excess medial skin and fat. Facial features through a short, minimal incision by suspending them from above for facelift procedures have realistic expectations. Rejuvenation hardware seattle Discovery 2 facelift 7 weeks pregnant women's health Remove deep wrinkles Photos of facial rejuvenation
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Facelift Cosmetology
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