#[ EMAIL ] Dash commentary;
stanislawkowalski · 21 days
How well do you know Nastka
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rocket-mxn · 5 months
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"I can assure you, a few other planets on my side of the galaxy are in... ehh.. slight dissaray as well. Koppai is starving , Tagwa has run out of drinkable water, and Ocobo is constantly flooded."
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"So... I suppose we Hocotatians celebrate by appreciating that we're.... mostly fine."
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profutured · 2 years
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If AIdrés has no reason to consider someone a threat, he's pretty content to let them explore Area Zero. Some people he keeps a closer eye on than others, and all will be scanned/researched and have their presence recorded in his system, but generally? He's already predicted that the possibility of trespassers is quite high. For the most part it will give them one warning about the dangers of the area and that they risk prosecution if caught, but then observe them in silence.
If they're really that desperate to get bitten by an Iron Jugulis or sliced in half by an Iron Valiant, who is it to stop them? Just don't go crying to AIdrés when the injury happens, they won't be getting any sympathy.
However, if it politely asks someone to leave, and they don't... that's when their presence becomes a problem. AIdrés does not like to be disrespected or ignored, especially not by someone it's already identified as a potential risk. The AI may not be as obsessive over Area Zero as the Professor once was, but it's prepared to do some pretty nasty things to ensure the crater stays safe.
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elitepoppy · 1 year
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"...But I need to work."
Otherwise, she won't ever get to see her parents.
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escalaregalia · 1 year
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“Why do I keep getting flyers in the mail about a new medicine to aid with erectile dysfunction?”
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notdrifting · 1 year
nada que é do pobre funciona
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sylviareviar · 1 year
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"Snrk! I was talking to my dad yesterday... And... Pfft, hehehe... And he was talking about my birthday coming up soon. And how he wanted me to come back so he could host a huge party. I told him I'd want to invite all my friends from school, and he told me sure, but he can't pay for their tickets."
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"Heh-- And-- teeheehee! And he looked up online 'birthday wishes in Japanese'-- And-- Ahahaha! And he told me... He told me 'I hope you give birth soon'-- And I guess now I'm pregnant! Hehehehe! Everyone go home now, because you'll never be nearly as funny as my dad! That mistranslation just made my day! Nothing against Papa, obviously, I love him so much, but like..."
She's rolling on the floor laughing. There's no suppressing her giggles. She's so incredibly amused by this.
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fandom · 2 years
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At a certain point, it was just hard to keep up. They seemed to fall from the sky like fizzing raindrops, soaking everything in pure wildness—memes, that is. 2022 had an absolute bumper crop of memes. The fertile field of this year’s chaos was sown freely, resulting in some impressively widespread phenomena. Most of it remained pretty contained within the dashboard, but at the end of the year the biggest meme of them all broke containment…We’re getting ahead of ourselves here. 
Cast your mind back to January 2022. We kicked off the year with Horse Plinko, which soon joined forces with Eeby Deeby in a frenzy of flaming gifs in which the poor horse plinko’d its way to Super Hell. Nothing has ever summed up the mildly deranged meme generation process on Tumblr so perfectly. 
This era of memes merged smoothly with the Month of Blorbo. Can you believe blorbo from my shows is more or less purely a 2022 phenomenon? Granted, the original post happened in late 2021, but it was the new year by the time “blorbo” secured itself in our vocabulary. How did we even live our lives on Tumblr without the word “blorbo”? It’s impossible to even imagine at this point. 
Springtime dawned with the rise of Live Slug Reaction, which dominated the dashboard as everyone rushed to plop that shocked slug in the corner of their favorite gay moments from TV and film. And in May came a very important event that would define the rest of the year on Tumblr: the launch of Dracula Daily, Affectionately dubbed “tumblr book club,” the serialized email newsletter found a hugely involved following on Tumblr and spawned an infinite variety of memes, beginning with the iconic paprika recipes. 
The Summer of Morbius dominated Tumblr from June onwards, with everyone going bonkers with Morb-based puns, jokes about the film’s most ridiculous moments, and reblogging a single GIF somehow containing the entire movie that would crash your browser when it played on your dash..
The i love you x i love you y text post meme saw us to the end of the summer, and autumn came with the rise of the GOUGER. Or is it GOUGAR? Regardless, the strange but harmless creature took over everyone’s meme palette for a while, getting involved in increasingly silly scenarios. 
This free-for-all was interrupted by the death of Queen Elizabeth, an event that was solemn everywhere else. . But on Tumblr, of course, users swamped the dashboard with Queen Liz-related memes and commentary. And crabs. There were quite a lot of those.
Later, in September, the Try Guys saga unfolding on Twitter and YouTube filtered over to Tumblr in the form of the “lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship” meme, with Tumblr users casting various favorite co-worker ships in the roles of the controversial real-life pairing. 
And finally, closing out the year, the meme you’ve all been waiting for: the one and only Goncharov (1973). Just in case you’ve been living under a rock, Goncharov is a movie borne out of the magic combination of a misprinted shoe label and Tumblr’s fertile imagination. Thanks to a fake movie poster by user @beelzeebub, which gave names and faces to the characters, Tumblr ran absolutely wild, churning out analysis, fanart, and even fanfiction at an astounding rate. This was by far the meme to win 2022: it gained coverage all over the internet, including the freaking New York Times, and even Scorsese himself acknowledged it. You did that, Tumblr. Goncharov forever, all hail the power of the Tumblr meme!
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rarestones-aa · 2 years
@turnecoat replied:
[subject: re:The Unethical and Harmful Practices of Team Rocket]
Lol, no.
signed, Rocket Grunt Charger 💕🚙
Are you sure?
Steven Stone Rock enthusiast Pokemon League Champion (Hoenn)
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wildkitte · 1 year
Aeneas and Creusa
As much as there is discourse on Aeneas’ part in Creusa’s disappearance, it is made clear that Creusa was indeed important to Aeneas (this is what I will personally fight Perkell on, even when I find her other opinions on the topic to be fascinating). Not only is there the mad dash to the burning city (“I’m determined to incur every risk again, and retrace all Troy and once more expose my life to danger”) and the admittance of this being “the cruellest sight” in all of the destruction of the city (her absence), but also some little details like word choices and intertextual references. So let’s talk about my favourite Aeneid couple for a moment.
(Here I use Austin’s commentary as my main source.)
I spoke a little of Aeneas and Creusa’s parallels to Orpheus and Eurydice in my first post – Creusa’s name being ‘Eurydica’ in some versions is the most obvious clue, but Creusa’s loss mirrors the way Orpheus loses Eurydice. The commentary of today’s email had a good interpretation of this parallel: they’re a bit of a reverse Orpheus and Eurydice, Aeneas loses Creusa because he doesn’t look back. But a direct parallel can also be drawn – technically Aeneas does not lose Creusa until he looks behind. There are also textual references to Vergil’s Georgics, like how Orpheus and Creusa both call their spouses “dulcis coniunx” (Aen. 2.777 and Georg. 4.465), and like i.e., Austin’s commentary points out, this is certainly no accident.
I also find the repetition (of Creusa’s name and the iterumque iterumque vocavi I mentioned in the last post) in the passage where Aeneas searches for her interesting. This reminds me of the last passage of Orpheus and Eurydice part in Georgics: Eurydicen toto referebant flumine ripae (‘Eurydice’ echoed the banks all along the river; 4.527), the theme of calling out for the lost wife’s name, all in vain. I don’t really have too much to say about this parallel in particular more than this (I haven’t perused Georgics closely enough to dare a further interpretation/comparison, but if someone else has please let me know your thoughts). Truly this interpretation of them, as repeating the tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice, makes these two all the more dear to me.
But let’s talk about those vocabulary choices now!
Every once in a while, Vergil does this interesting register change from the language of the epic to Roman comedy. This happens a couple times in scenes featuring Creusa. In 2.739, erravitne via seu lassa resedit (did she stray from the path or sit down in exhaustion), Austin directs the focus to lassus, tired. Outside of comedy, it is rarer than fessus (though it has been used by other authors like Horace, Ennius, Lucretius, Cato and Catullus). Another example of uses of Roman comedy’s vocabulary is in Creusa’s line to Aeneas in 2.786: aut Grais servitum matribus ibo (nor will I end up as the slave of Greek matrons). Here Vergil uses a supine, servitum, that is more common in colloquial and early Latin, being especially common with Plautus. Austin’s interpretation is that this register switch, from epic Latin to a more colloquial level, makes Aeneas and Creusa seem more relatable to the audience. The conversation, with its grounded vocabulary, communicates to the Latin-speaking audience a sense of familiarity: this couple is just like us, and they talk like married couples do. The casual language communicates affection.
Creusa’s speech is overall really sweet, with her calls of “sweet husband” and trying to console him in his immense grief and finally the request to protect the love for their child. My favourite line here is lacrimas dilectae pelle Creusae (banish your tears for your beloved Creusa; Verg. Aen. 2.784) and Austin has something to say about the adjective dilectus. This is also a bit of a rare word in the Aeneid, it appears three* times in total: Sychaeus is dilectus (1.344) as he is loved by Dido, and Atys is called dilectus (5.468) in relation to Iulus (poeroque puer dilectus Iulo, boyish love of the boy Iulus…whatever that means in this context), and of course here in Creusa’s speech. Dilectus is used to emphasize an especially warm and deep relationship between the characters.
One could, and will, make the observation that in Aeneas’ telling, Creusa calls herself dilecta, that she is the one who calls Aeneas dulcis coniunx – but here I think it is useful to remember that Aeneas is also the one narrating this. He may be putting words in his wife’s mouth, but he is the one choosing to speak of their marriage in these terms. Her loss is devastating (I bring up vidi crudelius again) and Aeneas never utters her name again in the rest of the epic (though Andromache mentions her, and Ascanius namedrops her in Book IX). I think that Creusa’s loss haunts the relationships he has with women in the future – he can never give himself or his love fully, as it was lost like a light breeze, a winged dream.
(Btw, Sarah Ruden translates ‘lacrimas dilectae pelle Creusae’ as ‘so weep no longer, though you love me’. Devastating. Sobbing inconsolably. Never the same again.)
Tomorrow, I’ll talk about divine Creusa and also why you should be a little unwell about her too.
*later edit: i actually made a mistake here, it does appear more than three times - perhaps i was thinking of those three times as an epithet for a person
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dvilsdesire · 2 months
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respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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ROLEPLAYER NAME: Owl or Sam, I go by both.
MUSE NAME: Haarlep
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: Discord if we've had a few interactions, I don't mind IM's but we all know what tumblr is like when it comes to IM's here. IM's is great for when I'm not at home tho, since I literally only use discord while I'm on my PC.
EXPERIENCE: I'm old, I've got a lot of experience, been doing it for well over a decade, from MSN times through to email and forums back in the day, or devART notes.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: I like making relationships and seeing those muses grow from said relationships (or not lol). I want connections, though. I don't want to feel like it's a chore to write with someone. I want to have fun. I like a good mix between dark, nitty gritty and absolutely fluffy and cute, soooo.
Please for the love of god read my rules. I don't expect anyone (including myself) to remember everyone's rules, we all write with a multitude of people, but when it's blatantly obvious that you've not even glanced over my rules, it's not going to make me want to interact with you. (:
Blog policing. Seriously, if you don't like something, then don't indulge in it? It's that fucking simple. Let people write villains, let people write problematic characters that are morally grey or whatever else. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean you have the right to abuse those that do. Writing evil characters doesn't make you a bad person. Have you ever actually picked up a book and read it? This just boggles my mind... Why do you think you can do this? And sadly enough, this has legitimately pushed fantastic people and Rpers away from the hobby they once loved.
One liners. I have a really difficult time... NOT writing paras. And that's a me thing. If you write one liners and that suits you, then by all means, please continue! But it does mean we're simply not compatible. Unless it's little dash commentary shenanigans, I can't stand one liners.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Both. I think memes are a REALLY good way to break the ice, especially when if you're anything like me, a person who comes home from work and is thoroughly exhausted that my brain can't possible think of anything super heavy when it comes to plot. But in saying that, I do love getting to plot with my mutuals and chatting and building character development through this. So both are good. :)
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: 99% of the time long. Like I stated previously, it's HARD for me to write short responses, and I like having something I can work off. Also... the inner monologue gets away from me at times :'D I only like short if it's silly dash commentary or maybe just a simple ask meme or something that isn't intended to be plotted out into a thread.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: A day off X'D Honestly, I'm MUCH more energetic and a better writer when it's early morning. Once it hits noon, I'm like a potato sack.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: Haarlep? Lol, no. Not at all. He's charming and evil and swanky and sexy (and quite literally a sex addict). I'm literally a metal head nerd that likes my own solitude and just listens to music and does art and plays games. I'm also very asexual. I'm socially awkward af (: Haarlep is ALL charm. The only thing I could say is MAYBE... maybe my Libra charm, but... I'm so tired these days that that hardly shines through lol. I am just a sleepy hoot.
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Tagged by: Stole it. Tagging: Yooouuuu
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fantastickkay · 8 months
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A bit of commentary on the state of the music industry today:
I have noticed in the past few years, they are trying to make CD singles a thing again which would be great (!) if they had extra songs or remixes on them.
If they had just one extra track, I would be all over them! A marketing email just came through that extended mixes and instrumentals are available for Ariana's new song, so I dashed over to see if the physical versions had them... nope just the one song which is truly pointless. Even in the CD single heyday, they always had an extra track to entice a purchase!
It's just one of those things that are too bad, obviously nothing worth truly complaining about but this is my platform to talk about my music collection and this is part of that!
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skippyv20 · 2 years
You made very good points to my question what were the consequences/implications.
I am reminded of the backlash Queen Elizabeth dealt with after Diana's death, the fire at Windsor castle. King Charle's during the War of the Wales, his emails to politicians, the trade for titles. Queen Camilia being terribly disliked for years.. and is now well respected and beloved by many.
Harry and Meghan have done dispicable things but unless the press is downplaying how upset the public is at Charles because of Harry and Meghan - the Harkles are not causing the upset like was reported on after Diana's death, the War of the Wales, etc.
Staying calm and carrying on has worked well for the BRF for decades and it has worked very well at allowing the Harkles to destroy their own brand.
Charles' honeymoon period as King has similarities to King George VI. He had to deal with his brother's abdication and all the news articles and commentary comparing the dashing David to shy Bertie. Of course now, social media makes it a never ending cycle of instant Harkle news..but both had an annoying relative constantly stirring up trouble. Initially, King George VI was considered shy and weak but soon won the hearts of his people and is revered as a great king.. I think King Charles will be a great King as well.
I think King Charles feels time is against him. He doesn’t want to make waves, and he is trying to figure out what his legacy will be. Let’s face it, it will not be anything close to his mother’s. I think he is struggling to find his place in history. He might be just taking his time…but he would win over many if he would deal with this Harry issue. A great King? I don’t know. Time will tell…🐼
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phlistopher · 2 months
Sleep Writing
I wrote a humor column in college for the Hofstra Chronicle under the pseudonym Silence Doless, a nod to Benjamin Franklin I didn't come up with.
I was very proud of this work at the time. It's all very Hofstra specific, and the mid 2000s. Against my better judgement, I've decided to republish the series here.
This is the fourth column, originally published October 16th, 2007. Commentary at the end.
Sleep. Everybody needs it, but these days, who has the time? I certainly don’t, what with class, homework, a social life, and writing this column every week. I routinely find myself tired and sleepy from too many nights spent away from my pillow, the effects of which almost always crop up at the least opportune moments. Take for example, right now. While writing these very words I dozed off twice, bringing my writing speed up to a blistering three words a minute. See? I’m so tired I can’t even make a decent joke out of that.
You all know how it goes. You spring out of bed early Monday morning, brush your teeth, comb your hair, throw on a mask and cape, dash out the door and into class just in time to wrestle your philosophy professor because you disagree with his interpretation of Hobbes.
Then you wake up.
Groggily you check the time, firmly decide, “No way.” and promptly fall back asleep. Several hours later you wake up again and move blearily throughout the rest of the day. You promise yourself an early night, but somehow something incredibly interesting is always going on. Whether that interesting thing is IMDBing that entire cast of Family Matters or sitting in a lounge and counting how many people use the word “like” in a sentence, is not the point. The point is that now it’s 2am and you have to wake up early the next morning.
This process repeats until Thursday, when you realize you’ve been far too busy not sleeping to do any of your homework. Terrified, you throw your tired bones at your work. Only you’re still extremely tired and your homework starts getting jumbled together with all the other things you haven’t been doing. Next thing you know you’re quoting Steve Urkle for a paper on the French and Indian War (Did I do that?), citing that the brain functions on a network of bad valley girl grammar for psyche, and vehemently stating that the only sensibly counter argument to Hobbes is a headlock. Ultimately, this does not garner good grades, even among professors who like Family Matters and or Calvin.
Still tired and newly despondent about red marks accompanied by strange looks and warnings about the dangers of LSD, you hit the weekend ready to let loose and enjoy yourself. Obviously you get no sleep. By Sunday you shake off a hang over and to scramble to write your humor column, but halfway through you realize you don’t write the humor column. Now you don’t even get the satisfaction of publication.
Crumpling up your column, you vow to get even with that snot faced, dirty trick pulling Silence Doless if it’s the last thing you do. Unfortunately, Silence Doless does not appear on Facebook, nor is [email protected] a valid email address, yet you swear to track him down regardless, even if it means resorting to the use of the extremely realistic drawing included in this column. But am I really to blame? The easy answer is yes, but the complex, subtle answer is no, which is my personal favorite.
That answer has a lot to do with being an overworked American, resorting priorities away from blind capitalism, and living better, more productive, and ultimately happier lives based around generous amounts of sleep for all.
I would explain all of that, but I’m way too tired.
The content isn’t too cringy on this one, so that’s good. There’s some structure and callbacks, so that’s nice. I never watched Family Matters, so I must have been latching on to that as a cultural reference everyone else would know. Is it funny? I certainly can’t say, which probably points to “no”.
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jiriecaribbean · 3 months
Top 5 Moments from the 2024 Jamaican Olympic Trials
Top 5 Moments from the 2024 Jamaican Olympic Trials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DDRG_cViY0 Welcome to Caribbean Focus Sports! The 2024 Jamaican Olympic Trials were a breathtaking showcase of athleticism and national pride, leaving fans on the edge of their seats. From Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce’s inspiring journey to her fifth Olympic team, to Kishane Thompson's jaw-dropping world-leading 100-meter dash, this event was nothing short of spectacular. Witness Rushell Clayton's near record-breaking 400-meter hurdles, Ackera Nugent's national record in the 100-meter hurdles, and Bryan Levell's impressive sub20 200-meter race. Join us as we relive these top five unforgettable moments and gear up for the Paris Olympics. Don't miss out—like, share, and subscribe for more thrilling updates! 🚀 #JamaicanOlympicTrials #TrackAndField #ParisOlympics2024 #CaribbeanAthletes #ShellyAnnFraserPryce Top 5 Moments from the 2024 Jamaican Olympic Trials CHECK OUT OUR OTHER CARIBBEAN FOCUS CHANNEL ► Caribbean Focus Lifestyle https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVK2kdq_dS8AC8-ZyvBMYFw ► Caribbean Focus Travels https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbpbS2NlicZM-nT5_L8qhqA ► Caribbean Focus Blog: https://ift.tt/3Gusj8Z ► CF Online Store https://jirie.store/​ ✅ OTHER VIDEOS YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN WATCHING 👉 Can Brianna Lyston Upset and Make the Jamaican 100m Olympic Team? https://youtu.be/RhN2dEeB04A 👉 CARIFTA Games 2024 Top 10 Moments: Witness History-Making Runs & Stunning Victories! https://youtu.be/dpVsk5kW9ek 👉 Top 10 Caribbean Male Track & Field Athletes to Watch in the 2024 Olympic Year Season https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ_n3W4Lzak&t=18s 👉 Top 10 Caribbean Female Caribbean Athletes To Watch for 2024 Olympics Olympic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioz5Ux2XJaA&t=8s 👉 Top 10 Best Male Track & Field Performances by Caribbean Athletes In History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk-2g8MLch8&t=16s ✅ STAY CONNECTED WITH US 👉Facebook: https://ift.tt/IAFDry9 👉Instagram: https://ift.tt/QpkOxMn 👉Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/JirieC 👉Pinterest: https://ift.tt/Iyxiems 👉Website: https://ift.tt/a86yH24 BUSINESS & ADVERTISING INQUIRES [email protected] ============================= ✅ ABOUT CARIBBEAN FOCUS SPORTS Welcome to the home of Caribbean Focus Sports by J-irie channel, where you'll find the best coverage of all sports where Caribbean athletes participate within the region and globally. Covering up-to-the-minute sports news, headlines, scores, highlights, debates & stats, exclusive interviews, commentary, and live on-demand events including but not limited to the Olympic Games, World Athletics Championships, and Diamond League. For copyright queries or general inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Want to follow Caribbean athletes globally? Subscribe to Caribbean Focus Sports by J-irie for top sports news, debates, and live event coverage. Stay ahead with us! https://www.youtube.com/@caribbeanfocussports360/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================ ⚠️DISCLAIMER: All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners, and I or this channel do not claim any right over them. Copyright Disclaimer Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. AFFILIATE LINKS: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service using our links, Jirie Caribbean may receive a small commission. There is NO ADDITIONAL charge for you! Thank you for supporting Jirie Caribbean so we can continue providing free content about Caribbean Lifestyle and Travel Adventures! © Caribbean Focus Sports by J-irie via Caribbean Focus Sports by J-irie https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVOjKpSZxJYB4qe8oOs4Q3w July 04, 2024 at 04:45AM
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chocolatey-umbreon · 1 year
im sad because i’m missing out on all the commentary on moby dick and frankenstein that shows up on my dash because i’m so behind T-T i still haven’t read chapter 6,7 or 8 of frankenstein and just read april 7’s moby dick email last night. also i haven’t finished the most recent dorian gray im overwhelmed.
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