#[ *loudly drinks my punch through a straw until it gurgles because the cup is empty* anyway ]
dolcetters · 4 years
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so anyway, i’m emotional and since i still haven’t drawn the hecking scar map for dol like i said i would months ago (*writes that down on my Getting My Shit Together List*), here’s a dumb collection of visible scars as well as canon/”documented” wounds received during the raid from mangahood because i guess i hate myself:
near point-blank gunshot wound in upper right chest
the injury in ishval that resulted in him getting pulled off the battlefield at the brink of death and taken to the 5th labs 
[[ faded due to time and the healing process provided by alchemic splicing ]]
various and multiple needle-induced scars on forearms
developed due to continuous use of IVs and injections of medicines, drugs, toxins, etc. during the 14 years of experimentation in the 5th lab. he prefers to keep his forearms covered in part because of these and it’s reason for the arm guards he wore pre-raid. post-raid, he wears long sleeves.
[[ some are more faded than others ; usually can go unseen from a distance but can easily be noticed on closer inspection ; hair growth on forearms is considerably “patchy” due to the repetitive tissue damage ]]
faint scarring on corners of the mouth
brought on due to struggling while mouth was forcibly held open by a metal guard.
[[ these are incredibly faint and likely only noticeable if you’re close and deliberately looking for traces of them ]]
extreme muscle and tissue damage to right calf
caused by a failed experiment who mauled him during an attempted escape. he almost always wears long pants due to this injury; he doesn’t want to see it and he doesn’t want to be asked about it. 
[[ one of his most noticeable scars. has been known to seize if strained without proper exercise or stretching beforehand. ]]
two surgical scars on his chest and abdomen
due to surgeries performed after his splicing to see if combining him with the dogs had altered his internal organs.
[[ faded primarily due to time as this was in earlier lab years ]]
puncture wound from left shoulder blade through lower left ribs
from being, literally, stabbed in the back by bradley (thanks for the extra pockets). it’s likely his left lung was damaged in this strike.
[[ due to being a clean stab, it’s one of his smaller visible scars from the raid ]]
three bullet wounds in his upper back
took shots while defending roa and cutting gas pipes to help them escape. literally ran right into the gunfire like a madlad.* 
[[ two scars are slightly larger than the third; appears to be an exit wound around his right collar possibly from one of these bullets ]]
long and jagged slash scar across midsection
from what should have been the finishing blow that disemboweled him**. only survived this injury thanks to sakura’s aid and otherwise would have bled out in the water.
[[ largest raid-incuded scar; sometimes experiences phantom pains from it even long after the events of the raid ]]
*found exclusively in brotherhood adaptation **manga death is not nearly as brutal and explicitly graphic as brotherhood and, frankly, thank god, please miss me with that disrespectful shit
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