#[ 饾殸饾殠饾殨饾殨 饾櫢 饾殧饾殥饾殫饾殟饾殜 饾殤饾殜饾殱饾殠 饾殣饾殯饾殠饾殠饾殫饾殝饾殠饾殯饾殣 / oliver greenberg ]
ofblackskies 1 year
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Voice low as a whisper, Ollie leaned forward in his seat. This wasn't something he did. Ever. Normally, the Greenberg boy would be way too shy for it. Especially during class... but he figured if there was any chance that he was going to get rejected by @carp3diems, this would be the best chance to keep it quiet. "Meilani...?" He asked quietly. "Hey, did you hear about that underground party that's going on tomorrow night?"
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ofblackskies 1 year
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"Hey yo, Stiles!" Ollie called out to @carp3diems, trying to catch up after practice. "That was a rough one, hey?" The Greenberg boy asked, knowing full well that the coach had worked him harder than anyone else. Whatever it was about him that coach hated, it was raring today. "Did you still need those notes from the class you missed yesterday? I... overheard you and Scott talking about it. I wasn't eavesdropping I swear. But I have them if you guys want...?"
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ofblackskies 1 year
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Exhaustion. As Coach blew the whistle and hollered for everyone to hit the showers, Greenberg collapsed on the grass instead. He didn't know how the suicide runs had started. One minute they were all doing drills together, and the next Coach was hollering at him, 'Greenberg! Not like that! Suicides until I say stop!' And then... he hadn't said stop. At all. Honestly, Ollie wasn't even sure he could move at this point, "Hey @conradfish3r? Gimme a hand up? I think I might die here." Ollie asked, hopeful as he raised a hand to try and get some help.
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ofblackskies 1 year
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[ 饾櫨饾櫥饾櫥饾櫢饾櫞 饾櫠饾殎饾櫞饾櫞饾櫧饾櫛饾櫞饾殎饾櫠 / 饾殜饾殠饾殰饾殱饾殤饾殠饾殱饾殥饾殞 ]
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ofblackskies 1 year
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"Are you just gonna pretend I don't exist now?" Ollie demanded through the empty hallway as @tvintedspvrk just... walked on past. Erica had been his best friend... until something had changed. It was almost supernatural how her skin had cleared up overnight, how she had gotten her hair done... and she seemed like a completely different person. No seizures and all. He was glad about that... but it sucked being left behind. "I mean I'm glad you don't feel like you have no choice but to be my friend anymore... but I thought we actually were friends."
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ofblackskies 1 year
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Ollie couldn't look at @tvintedspvrk. It was like a weight was hovering above his head as he tugged off his helmet and did his best not to throw it on the ground as he avoided looking at Dani. While others were celebrating their win, he felt like trash for being pulled out of the game. But he wasn't angry at the coach. "I almost screwed the whole thing up. No wonder he put Stiles in instead." He was blaming himself.
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