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brucespringsteencomments · 2 months ago
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varpusvaras · 3 months ago
It has been way over a decade since this happened, so some details are a little blurry, but I still have to tell this story here too:
So, my dad's colleague was on a trip with their friends, who were a couple. Now, the wife of this couple was a huge U2 fan, and the highlight of this trip was going to a U2 concert. Later that night, after the concert, they went to a restaurant, and who do they see there at another table? Bono. The wife wants so badly to go and ask for an autograph, but in a typical Finnish fashion, she doesn't want to be a bother because surely Bono just wants to enjoy his night and not be surrounded by fans all the time, so she doesn't go.
Then, she notices that someone from Bono's table gets up and goes to the men's restroom, so she also gets up and goes to wait outside the men's room, until the guy comes out. She then stops him and goes excuse me, I saw that you were at the same table as Bono, would it be in any way possible that you could ask for an autograph from him for me? (because apparently it is much less mortifying to bother someone else you don't know than to bother the guy directly, I guess).
The man apparently kinda stands there for a moment, just looking at her, before he asks, sounding just a tad bit confused, if he heard her right. You want me to go and ask Bono for an autograph for you?
Yes, she says. She's being very polite about it. If you would be so kind. That would be great.
The man says yes, sure, I'll see what I can do about it.
They then part ways and go back to their own tables and continue the night, and some time later, they notice that Bono and the rest of the people who had been at that table have left.
Oh well, the wife thinks. No can do, maybe he just forgot or something or just didn't want to do it. It's okay.
They finish up their meal and ask for the bill. The waiter tells them that their meal has already been paid for, and then tells that they were left with two notes.
The waiter gives them the notes. They are both autographs. One of them says Bono.
And the other says Bruce Springsteen.
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bestoldmanyaoi · 5 months ago
Old Man Yaoi Semifinals
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crashdavis · 11 months ago
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Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run
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thedickcavettshow · 4 months ago
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I really do like how he’s doing this for an audience of mostly men
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cafffine · 1 year ago
you need to listen to Bruce Springsteen’s live albums not just his studio stuff because his crowd work has three modes it’s either “Clarence you should walk me on a leash” or “one time I fell down the stairs and I still think about it….do you still think about it?” or “this songs for my dad who only loved me sort of which was worse than not at all. he’s not in the crowd tonight. or maybe he is. if you see him please god tell me.” and before anyone can react to any of that he’s hootin and hollerin and Clarence Clemons is doing things with a saxophone that are now illegal in more than 15 US states
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good-in-space · 11 months ago
"All I do know is as we age, the weight of our unsorted baggage becomes heavier. With each passing year, the price of our refusal to do that sorting rises higher and higher...Long ago, the defenses I built to withstand the stress of my childhood, to save what I had of myself, outlived their usefulness, and I've become an abuser of their once lifesaving powers. I relied on them wrongly to isolate myself, seal my alienation, cut me off from life, control others, and contain my emotions to a damaging degree. Now the bill collector is knocking, and his payment'll be in tears."
- Bruce Springsteen
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aaronstveit · 8 months ago
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This is a song about running short on choices.
Atlantic City • Bruce Springsteen Stockholm, 1993
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chappell roan could do dancing in the dark and bruce springsteen could do hot to go and they really really should just for me
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bloodcrownedking · 10 months ago
Learning to drive so that i may have a more complex and nuanced understanding of the themes within bruce springsteens music
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brucespringsteencomments · 15 days ago
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proto-language · 1 year ago
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solarmorrigan · 8 days ago
See, like, we've got rock star Eddie, right? And he's taking his dog (a shelter rescue of indeterminate breed; he's a whole mess of patches and spots of color and Eddie loves him) to the vet, dressed down in a hoodie and jeans and a beanie, hoping no one will recognize him. And he's in line at the counter behind possibly the prettiest man he's ever seen
A pretty man who seems to be in distress
He's got a cat carrier next to him, and the cat inside is yowling up a storm, performing a whole opera for the waiting room, and Pretty Guy is running a hand through his hair and pulling, and then he asks, "How long will he be okay without it?"
And Eddie's heart sinks a little, feeling for the guy. It wasn't all that long ago that he was scrimping and saving every cent for the things he needed - and vet bills are expensive. The tech behind the counter says something to the guy that Eddie misses, but it only seems to distress him further.
"Can you hold it for me? Just for a while, until I can see if I can get the money for it?"
Whatever the tech is about to say is lost, because Eddie is stepping forward and placing his credit card on the counter. "I've got it," he says.
Pretty Guy glares at him, which - fair. There's a certain amount of pride involved in being able to afford your own shit. Eddie gets that.
"You don't need to do that," the guy says
Eddie nods. "I don't. But I can, and I want to."
The guy huffs. "You don't even know how expensive this medication is."
"I promise, whatever it is, I got it. Think of it like paying it forward," Eddie says. "Besides, maybe I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for..." he trails off and gestures to the carrier, where the cat is still hollering. He can see that it's a Siamese now, all blue eyes and vocal as hell.
"Bruce," the guy says, and then he waffles for a moment, weighing his pride against how much he wants to take care of his cat, and it seems like the latter wins out. "I'm going to find a way to pay you back," he insists, stepping to the side so Eddie can reach the card reader.
"You don't have to," Eddie says.
"No, I'm gonna," the guy shoots back, immovable in his certainty, so Eddie only shrugs.
He pays for his own bill while the guy gets Bruce's medication, and they walk out front together. "Give me your phone so I can give you my number," the guy says as soon as they're out. "So I can pay you back."
And Eddie doesn't even think about it--doesn't think about whether this guy might be a rabid fan using this as a ploy to get Eddie's number, doesn't think about whether he's going to sell it or share it around--he just hands his phone over. When he gets it back, he has a new contact saved on the screen. Steve Harrington.
"I don't mean to sound ungrateful, just... thanks for that," Steve says.
"Think nothing of it, good sir," Eddie replies with a little bow, because he's an overblown dork at his core, no matter how famous he might be.
Steve doesn't seem to mind, anyway. And if they text more than is strictly necessary while Steve is working out how to pay Eddie back, and if Eddie says maybe Steve's company would be a good start, and if they end up going to dinner together, and if they only carry on from there - well. Eddie considers it the universe granting him a boon for his good deed. Even if he does eventually have to deal with Bruce's midnight yowling when he spends the night with Steve anytime he's in town.
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idrinkyouryouthquake · 11 months ago
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I just want what they had
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hawkeyeqierce · 5 months ago
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those fucking muppets could fucking never
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radiolewes · 2 years ago
First show on a new theme - that of "work"
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