"Relational Centeredness"
Research wasn’t exactly my strong suit in high school, but in my early 20s, I developed a hunger for learning new things. Fast forward several years and it has become so much deeper of a search than I could have ever imagined, and now while I continue seeking out every aspect of the truth, paired with the life experiences that have expanded that search, I am also learning to ask the right questions; core value questions. Sometimes we’re given others to help us with certain topics – mentors who don’t necessarily give us the answer, but stretch ourselves to the understanding that the answers are within our own grasp. Let me ask, what is your “teachability” index: Who are you listening to? What are their fruits? What is their skill level? Are they willing to let you learn from them? Do they have your best interest at heart? I often see information online that is posted regarding this faith and I’m struck by how similar we are coming into it. If we have integrated in from another faith, we inevitably go through what looks like stages of grief: anger, sadness, denial, and even panic seeing others stuck behind the veil. The chronology of my own writings reveal the stages I was at in my transition and growth. It all feels like you’ve come out of a dream though, seeing the entire canvas of scripture – in awe! So many things that are vital to growth had previously been drowned in a sea of religion; truth has been trampled on and scriptures edited and twisted. For all the chaos, mistakes, heartache, and backsliding a few decades of religion had brought me, my newfound faith brought the realization of just how simple and easy a faith walk with Yeshua really is; we sometimes make it hard though. While I have come to an understanding of what I believe His Spirit gave to me to be His true name, to others, it may have been different. Perhaps His name is pronounced differently based on the dialect of whatever tribe you belong to or have been grafted in to, but regardless, to harp on it is a source of contention and (1) “if at all possible, live in peace.” At the same time, His name is just as important as His character. Hebrew language is much more complex and emotional than Greek and we’re uncovering just how much was lost in translation. As such, I realize that the character of Yeshua, so often portrayed as soft-spoken and a weakly interacting individual, (2) had a following of thousands and while we see Him (3) weep at the death of Lazarus, have (4) compassion on many to heal them, and (5) feed thousands, it is also easily found in scripture of Him calling others (6) “hypocrite”, (7) “vipers”, (8) “fools”, and even (9) “Satan”. Father revealed to me that the Bible wasn’t written for the world. The narrative of scripture was intended for His people and for those of His who are lost (backsliding). Yeshua Himself stated that He (10) came not for the world but for the lost sheep. The (11) tares, (12) goats, and the (13) “world who hated Him first” are not those that the scriptures were written to. Anyone (14) CAN be saved, but He doesn’t force the (15) gift on anyone. He (16) chose (meaning there’s a choice to be had) and (17) will have mercy on those whom He will have mercy on (meaning some won’t). While the world has the misconception that all are saved cart blanche because (18) “God so loved the world”, it is those who believe and (19) “Hear and Obey” that are saved. It is in that misconception that you see the world cherry picking scriptures to try and guilt those in churches into a place of acceptance of sin through the (20) misinterpreted “judge not” agenda. And we see now from the outside how the churches are compromising their values instead of (21) properly correcting one’s neighbor. When I (22) came out of the worldly celebrations and into the (23) feasts of YaHWeH (God), the beautiful picture of prophesies fulfilled came into view. We see the entire backdrop of scripture paint a masterpiece of the (24) Lamb of God through the Passover, First Fruits, and even Sukkot (which technically is said to have not been fulfilled – as well as two other feasts - but is reflected in the miracle of Yeshua’s birth). We see the New Testament not as a replacement, but as a compass always pointing north (25) back to Torah. Each step along the way, Father was pruning away the unfruitful areas of my life, sweeping out the dirt, shedding light on new truths and bringing clarity while removing the denominational lenses that had been so prevalent before. I realized that there is so much ambiguity to what Sabbath means to each person; we know what is mentioned, but there’s so much that isn’t and when you research the original Hebrew words, new revelations joyfully spring forth. When Father showed me that He wanted (26) His Spirit to teach and grow my faith, a new understanding of assembly was shown; (27) I am of HIS flock and I know HIS voice. The definitions of all His names have taken on new meanings when you read that He is the (28) “great physician” and worldly medications are (29) “Pharmakeia” and when paired with (30) clean eating, the reasons behind His perfect and symbiotic system reveal themselves flawlessly. A large part of the puzzle was seen when I started praying for the revelation of what love looks like and what it feels like. The facets of His love are too numerous to count. The permissions to (31) express my emotions in a healthy way, within the permeating safety of His Spirit, (32) the Comforter, gave new perspective to His desire to be an integral part of every aspect of my life. For me, it seemed that if I stifled my emotions within the (33) new creation that I have become, then I was stifling His Ruach HaKodesh that (34) resides within me – His temple. Religions with their buildings and traditions mask the authenticity of faith and lack the daily interaction and communication with Yeshua our Brother which keeps us centered with Yeshua. We seem determined to hammer out the fact that love is an action (35) and not a feeling, but we’re missing the fact that there are emotions there that we’re wired to express that seems to be quenched in the midst of it all. (36) Compassion and empathy and kindness are not to be forgotten. While we are to be helping each other grow with the understanding that this community is there to help keep each other accountable, we have to understand that this is exactly why it is the Holy Spirit has been tasked to be our teacher because He knows where we are at in this walk and what we need. I realized that when the Holy Spirit, the Comforter began to teach me, then the rituals, added mysticism, denominational creeds, and others’ interpretations that are not authentic to a committed and genuine relationship with Yeshua, began to fall away allowing me to be (37) centered with Father and into a place of true freedom. The understanding of this faith that it is not a religion lead me to the understanding that when we’re stuck in tradition, we put another man behind a pulpit who has no idea where each individual is in their walk or what each individual needs. When we end up putting others on a pedestal, we run the risk of breaking commands; of putting (38) another god before HIM. When we listen to someone else tell us what scripture says, we miss out on what He’s trying to tell us (39) directly – as intended. We’re locked into a pattern of obligation to tradition and religion, instead of the understanding that Yeshua is not only our King, but our (40) blood brother and (41) friend. The relationship, the daily interaction with our Brother Yeshua and YaHWeH our Father is how we find that “relational centeredness” that fits the entire picture of His love into our purview. All the other aspects of this walk become second nature and He lets us know how to interact with others who are at different places in their walk; calendar, Seder, pronunciation of His name, etc. Finding that forgiveness is a (42) process, it also gives me permission to forgive myself because I’m not “there” yet, but always (43) “getting there” and the fact that His Ruach HaKodesh is growing me, is a fantastic place to be. When we (44) “still” our lives and listen, we’ll hear (45) His voice. When we (46) “stay in Him”, then “He’ll stay in us”. We were made in (47) His image and in His likeness. (48) Obedience without relationship is a burden. Yeshua is in the (49) business of restoration; restoring our relationship with Father – no one comes to the Father except through Yeshua. The key is that it isn’t just about obedience because, of course, that is part of our obligation, but it’s also about (50) listening; “HEAR and obey” – relationship. Three mentors that I have in my life right now are ones that always ask the right questions first, “What has Father told you?” “What does scripture say?” and “Have you asked Father to show you?” They gently guide me – asking, not telling - to the conclusion that lines up with scripture – and IN CONTEXT – as it should be and that’s the healthy kind of mentorship that, like Yeshua and the New Testament, points us to the Father and a “relational centeredness” with Him. When we are in covenant with Father, (51) nothing can separate us from Him; (52) He who never changes.
1.) Romans 12:18
2.) Luke 5:1-3
3.) John 11:35
4.) Matthew 9:36, 14:14
5.)Matthew 14:13-21, 15:29-39, Mark 8:1-8
6.) Matthew 6:2, 23:13-15,23,25,27,29 Luke 13:15
7.) Matthew 23:33
8.)Matthew 23:19
9.) Matthew 16:23
10.) Matthew 15:24
11.) Matthew 13:24-30
12.) Matthew 25:31-46
13.) Proverbs 8:36, John 14:17, 15:18-27, 1 Corinthians 16:22, 1 John 2:15
14.) Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13
15.) John 4:10, Romans 6:23, 2 Corinthians 9:15
16.)John 6:37, 17:7-26
17.) Exodus 33:19, Romans 9:15, 18
18.) John 3:16
19.) Psalm 103:13-14, Isaiah 10:22, Jeremiah 31:1, Matthew 7:22-23, Romans 9:27
20.) Strongs 2919 to condemn
21.) Ezekiel 3:18-21, 33:8-20, Matthew 7:5, 18:15-17, Galations 6:1, 1 Corinthians 5:12-13, 6:3-5, Wisdom of Solomon 3:8, Revelation 5:10
22.) Isaiah 1:14, Jeremiah 10:1-4, Amos 5:21, Matthew 15:8-9, Ephesians 5:11, 1 Corinthians 10:20-21, 1 Thessalonians 5:22
23.) Leviticus 23, Isaiah 66:23-24, Jeremiah 31:36, Psalm 119:77, Matthew 5:17-18, 12:50, John 5:46
24.) John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 15:20,23
25.) Yeshua said, “It is written” 63 times
26.) Isaiah 59:20-21, Jeremiah 31:33-34, Ezekiel 36:27, Matthew 23:8-10, John 14:26, 1 Corinthians 2:12-13, Hebrews 8:10-11, 1 John 2:27
27.) Jeremiah 3:14-15, John 10:27
28.) Psalm 103:3, Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24 (31 references can be found in scripture to Yeshua healing) John 14:12-14
29.) Strongs 5331 pharmakeia “magic, sorcery, enchantment” where we get our word “pharmaceuticals” Exodus 7:11, 8:18, Isaiah 47:9, Galatians 5:20, Revelation 18:23
30.) Leviticus 3:17, Leviticus 7:23-24, Leviticus 11, 2 Corinthians 6:17
31.) Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:26-27,30-32
32.) Isaiah 51:3,12, 66:13, John 14:16-18,26, 15:26, 16:7-8
33.) Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Colossians 3:10
34.) 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:18-20
35.) John 14:15,21,23-24, 15:10,14, 1 John 2:4
36.) Exodus 34:6, 2 Chronicles 30:9, Psalm 86:15, 145:8-9, Isaiah 49:13, Joel 2:13, Nehemiah 9:17, Lamentations 3:22, Zechariah 7:9, Luke 3:36, Ephesians 4:32, 2 Corinthians 1:3, Colossians 3:12-13, James 5:11
37.) Psalm 119:165
38.) Exodus 20:3, Deuteronomy 5:7, Matthew 4:10, 5:17, 6:24, 1 Corinthians 8:4
39.) God spoke directly to Adam & Eve, Cain, Noah (and his sons), Enoch, Job (and his friends), Abimelech, Isaac, Jacob, Joshua, Samuel, David, Nathan, Solomon, Jehu, Elijah, Isaiah, Ahaz, Manasseh (and his people), Jonah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Haggai, Zechariah, the people in the wilderness at Mt. Sinai, the people at Yeshua’s baptism, Paul, and 2 Peter 1:21, Hebrews 1:1, and more.
40.) Psalm 22:22, Matthew 12:49-50, Romans 8:15,17, Colossians 3:24, Hebrews 2:17 God is the Father of Yeshua; we call Him Father also
41.) 2 Chronicles 20:7, John 15:13-15, James 2:23
42.) Matthew 6:12,14-15, 18:21, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13
43.) Deuteronomy 6:5-7, 11:1,13-28, Matthew 6:33, 2 Timothy 2:15, Colossians 4:6, 2 Timothy 3:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:17,21,24
44.) Psalm 46:10
45.) 1 Kings 19:11-12, 1 Samuel 3:4-10,19
46.) John 14:20, 23, John 15:1-17, John 17:11, 21-23, 26, 1 Thessalonians 5:10
47.) Genesis 1:26-27
48.) Genesis 4:4, 2 Corinthians 9:7, 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
49.) Psalm 119:1, Psalm 119:142, Deuteronomy 32:46-47, John 1:14, John 14:6, 2 Corinthians 5:18
50.) Exodus 24:7, Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Matthew 22:37-40, Luke 11:28, James 1:22
51.) Deuteronomy 31:5-6, Romans 8:38-39, Hebrews 13:5
52.) Malachi 3:6-7, Hebrews 13:8
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Pulled to the pit? A few questions...
Tell me folks. Did Yeshua really come to do away with Torah? That would mean He contradicted His Father, and wouldn't that be a house divided? So God brought the Law to His people only to send His only son to do away with it? Wouldn't that make God double-minded? And for those of you who say the Law is only for the Jews, clear this up for me, God gave the Law to the Jews, but came to save the Gentiles FROM it? I thought once you believe in Yeshua, you're grafted in to Israel... but that would mean the Law is then for you too. When a law stated "forever" or "perpetuity" or "all generations" did that somehow change in definition because Yeshua obeyed it to show us how to live only to be the final one to live that way? So God changed? But the church decided... oh, they hold a higher authority than Yahweh? But Paul... but what? Paul was FALSELY accused of teaching against Torah but his own writings cleared him... or else those would have been truthful accusations. Once you start asking questions, the lies from the "pulpit" just sound sad... and ridiculous.
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never seen a more accurate portrayal of third wave feminism, way to go spectator, way to go
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Hamas has announced that 150 homes in the area of the old “American School” in Gaza will be razed. 2500 people will become homeless. The neighborhood will be bulldozed and the land given for free to Hamas employees, probably in compensation for not receiving their full salaries. Hamas has done that before. For comparison, Israel demolished 125 illegally built homes in the West Bank in all of 2015, according to B'Tselem, with far fewer people becoming displaced. (The counts of the homes Israel demolishes are often counted several times over the years as NGOs, often from Europe, rebuild the same illegal homes multiple times.) The many NGOs who monitor the horror of Palestinians having their homes demolished have very little to say when they are not demolished by Israel.
We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
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Christmas; My Introspective Journey
Celebrated throughout the world by almost every culture and civilization in some shape or form. Some focus on the time spent with family and friends, some focus on Santa and entertaining their children, some focus on the winter solstice celebrations while others focus on the birth of Christ of which the actual date continues to be a highly contested issue. While some focus on the actual birth dates of historical figures and the Christ, I will not be addressing that topic except to state that scriptures seem to only discuss the celebrating of birthdays among rulers and not in a particularly good light. While birthdays are definitely tracked – because we know how old individuals are throughout the Bible – I haven’t found any indication that celebrations of them are authorized by God. For me, the idea of Christmas evokes memories of bubble lights, the heirloom blown-glass icicle ornaments, Christmas carols, the potato gift (inside family joke), and the year I showed up and surprised my mom. I spent countless hours staring at the bubble lights on the tree and even started out a holiday poem by mentioning them. O Holy Night was my favorite song that I even sang as a special two different years at two different churches. I absolutely loved picking out just the right gift for my loved ones and friends, trying to select things that would truly mean something. Then in 2012, Christmas was canceled. I was going through a divorce and didn’t want anything to do with it. I didn’t buy a single gift, didn’t hang a single decoration, didn’t listen to any of the holiday music, didn’t send any cards, didn’t go anywhere and really didn’t want to. When the days came and went, I didn’t even feel like I had missed anything. Looking back, it was a blessing in disguise; it was God’s way of preparing me for a life without it. 2013 was the year I drew a line in the sand. I spent almost a year with my mom and while I was caring for her physically, she was caring for me spiritually. I asked about her faith that she had converted to (from a life of Christianity) some 12 years prior and I began to see the Bible with new, unadulterated, non-denominational lenses. When I removed the filter with which I had been reading the bible, I began to read scripture with a level of understanding I had never had before (and to date, I don’t subscribe to any titled religion or assembly). It was by no accident that I came across a link on Facebook that seemed to link Yule to paganism which peaked my interest and down the rabbit hole I went. I can safely say that Christmas was the catalyst in my path to understanding the Jesus of the tribe of Judah. My journey revealed that while Christmas wasn’t necessarily born under the banner of paganism, it has certainly morphed into a melting pot of symbols that point to their origins of paganism that can all be seemingly traced back to the Babylonians. I went to the scripture that the article had referenced to find a scripture in Jeremiah that turned my blood cold. It was like finding a photograph over a hundred years old that looks exactly like you in every way. Jeremiah 10:2-4 “Thus says the LORD: ‘Learn not the way of the nations, nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens because the nations are dismayed at them, for the customs of the peoples are vanity. A tree from the forest is cut down and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman. They decorate it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move.’” The scriptures go on to talk about idols but isn’t that exactly what a Christmas tree is? We decorate it, bow down to put gifts under it and bow down to take them out again. We put little items on it that we cherish, take pictures of it and share them, lovingly pack the decorations away for next year, put a star on top and hold hands, sing, and sway around it. I was dumbfounded. I read that scripture a few times and I KNEW exactly what God was referencing; He knew what the future was going to hold and what mankind would do and what traditions we would manufacture for our lives. But this was big. It is something most hold on to so tightly and sure anyone would understand my reason for not celebrating it one year because my life had been a mess and I hadn’t wanted to face it that year, but who would understand me rejecting Christmas because the very nature it was wrong? He was telling me right there in black and white and His spirit had my heart pounding and every fiber of my being was resonating the truth of it and like a guitar wire, it took me several moments to stop shaking. This was leaving me with no excuse though. I had, in fact, gone through a season without it and now knowing what I knew, could not hold on to any of it; He was holding me to the knowledge He had revealed. It was at this point that I had to search myself introspectively to answer my own question as whether I would choose not really MY own traditions, but the feelings of others over what I believed God was revealing as wrong. I felt Him telling me to be "set-apart". I would choose God. I began to research why He had chosen the most obtuse symbol of Christmas to reveal His aversion to it. It wasn’t the origin of Christmas or the pagan deities’ birthdays, but the symbols that have been adopted and grafted into it that I focused on. The actual “holiday” vs “Holy day” came later. So as I write this, I feel compelled to give the most basic understandings of the symbols and leave the digging and details for you to find, should you be inclined to do so. I found that virtually everything attributed to Christmas comes from a pagan celebration or practice. The felt “elf” hat, the wreath, the round ornaments, the lights on the tree, caroling, mistletoe, the yule log, gift exchanging, fruitcakes, and more, have their foundations in the solstice, Saturnalia, Yule, or some other tradition not of God. Even the traditional foods and colors surrounding Christmas I found to be symbolizing those worldly celebrations. So then I thought, “Well what about the Nativity scene?” Two things instantly came to mind: 1.) More evidence points to the Messiah’s birth being at the time of Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) and 2.) Exodus 20:4 “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.” The baby Jesus is a ‘likeness of that which is in heaven’ and the animals are ‘likeness of that which is in the earth beneath (the heaven above)’. So He was definitely showing me everything surrounding Christmas and I was definitely paying attention. At the end of 2013, I was exhausted in every way imaginable. I passed the baton to my sister to care for my mom, I was broke, broken-hearted, my car was in the shop, I was without a job, and staying with my sister in her home. I still chose to refrain from participating in her family’s Christmas celebration. Joined by my mom, my sister lovingly placed a Hanukah candle in the window for us and said not a word. I tear up thinking of how much self-sacrifice that was for her with two little ones in her home excited about it all. It was a journey. Searching for the “why”; why my life was such a mess, why did I keep messing up, why were His promises not being fulfilled in my life, why did I continually feel so empty, etc. The contradictions of Christmas led me to the realizations of His intentions for my life. I can’t say that the memories aren’t nice, but I don’t look back with longing – I look back with hope. I hope that God’s appointed times are one day celebrated by His children with as much fervor and joy, as the world celebrates Christmas. Shalom, Deborah Isaiah 1:14 & Amos 5:21 (key word “your”)
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Bittersweet Victories
As the surprise wears off and 8 years of tension starts to melt, I find myself faced with a new set of challenges. The consequences of the last eight years are revealing themselves in the youth that have been brainwashed into minimalizing those that lived a history they were only “taught” in revisionist style. Curriculum changes pushed propagandas and ideologies that have led these individuals to violence claiming anyone conservative, republican, and/or of faith are hateful; the very essence of irony. Now, my hope, my trust, my joy and my purpose is founded in my faith in YaHWeH and the everlasting life granted by the death, resurrection and ascension into heaven of Yeshua Messiah. Having said that, I am happy that there was a victory over Hillary and the end of the Obama administration is near. I have said numerous times that I’m not a cheerleader for Trump, but was openly against a Hillary administration. Hillary had promised to continue the policies of Obama and go further and yet, Obama was caught reading “The Post American World”, by Fareed Zakaria therein leading me to believe neither Obama nor Hillary intend to continue America and its culture. I am looking forward to an administration that respects the National Day of Prayer, respects the Boy Scouts, one that doesn’t invite a suitcase bomb building student to the White House, or holds the most expensive Halloween party during the worst recession in modern day history. I’m looking forward to a President that doesn’t usher the Dalai Lama out the service entrance back by the trash dumpster or walks out on a dinner with Netanyahu or returns the Winston Churchill bust to the Queen of England. I’m looking forward to a President that stands up for America rather than apologize to the rest of the world for it. I’m looking forward to a having a President who doesn’t pander and placate to nations seeking “Death to America”, while proselytizing the youth in this country to a religion of intolerance of traditional values. I’m looking forward to a president that other world leaders will respect and will actually shake hands with; a president that understands tough negotiations, business, and one who listens to the counsel of others. I’m looking forward to a president who is the clear leader of his family, the patriarch of his empire, and one willing and able to make the tough decisions. I’m looking forward to a president who is looking to the betterment of THIS country first and foremost. I’m looking forward to a president who has made his money outside government backroom deals and criminal “foundations”. I’m looking forward to a president who was awarded the Ellis Island Award for his contributions to better conditions of inner city black youths; receiving it alongside Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali. The bleak economy, bankrupt business, and broken trust Americans had in the corrupt bureaucracies that was the progressive Obama administration is what lead to this country voting for someone running on policies similar to those of the Reagan administration; those of us who remember a country that the citizens prayed for with alacrity is what I voted for.
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Being a Godly wife
So, here I am sitting in my living room and I was listening to my husband talk to a very dear friend of ours and they’re talking about different aspects of faith and how best to share within the talents and gifts Father Elohim has given. It reminded me of a topic Father wanted me to share; stepping into the role of a helpmate. Whenever I come across a woman getting into a relationship, there are several pieces of advice I am always compelled to share, thus this particular writing. I have always been someone seeking to improve myself. If you seek to improve yourself; if you want to be a healthy person emotionally and mentally, you will become the person others are seeking. A great meme I once saw, “Become the person others are looking for.” Speaking to the women if you want to find someone to share your life with, you need to be that type of woman a man will be looking for in a future wife/mother. Stereo-typically speaking, a man knows he will likely find a “good time” at a bar, but he will more likely find a future wife at a place like Barnes and Noble. Think about it ladies. Before meeting my husband, I prayed a prayer that surprised myself, “Father, I don’t trust myself. I don’t trust my judgement. I drop all my desires and stipulations. I ask that if You would provide a man for me, I ask he loves You more than he love me.” I said that because leading with my feelings and emotions had been detrimental. “The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). If your man loves Father, loving you will be second nature. I have read several self-help books trying to find ways to better myself and look introspectively in the deepest way possible to ensure the security and longevity I was seeking in past relationships. I read several relationship books that gave great little gems along that way that helped. Indeed you should know what your partner values (1): time, touch, gifts, affirmation, etc. You should understand that it is wise to guard yourself for the first three months until a person’s true self starts to reveal (2). You should know what your needs are and what his needs are (3). You should read about how to keep your marriage together before it even starts (4). Those aspects from different books I’ve read and several things Father has put it on my heart to put out there that I have learned in my past experiences; sometimes the hard way. A. Both parties need to be on the same page. Period. It is critical to ensure both of you know each other. Ask the “what if” questions. Take personality profile surveys (5) and read each other’s results – strengths and weaknesses. B. Know that codependency is UNHEALTHY. It is NOT your job to make your partner happy. It is NOT your partner’s job to make you happy. While we should be a support to our husband, we are not a landfill for garbage (6). We SHOULD be compassionate though (Romans 12:15). C. Expectations are dangerous. With the exception of faithfulness, provisions (1 Timothy 5:8), and leadership, beyond that, we should not put expectations on our spouse. If you do have expectations, you need to CLEARLY define those and if you do, ideally, that should be spoken (or better yet, written out) prior to the marriage. Our trust should be in God; our husbands are gifts, children are gifts, every breath is borrowed, but in others is not where our trust should lie (Jeremiah 17:5-7). D. Problems are usually not relational. Nine time out of ten, a problem within the relationship is not about them, but gets put between the couple. What they fail to understand is that they are a team and need to attack the problem together. A fight about (i.e.) the toilet seat, toothpaste tube, the milk left out, the garbage, the wet towel, empty gas tank, etc. are all about either unspoken expectations or an outside issue that has nothing to do with your relationship. A fight about how, where, when, who is going to take care of sick/dying parent, what school your child is going to go to, where your spiritual tank is going to be filled up at, etc. is all about not knowing each other fully in the beginning of the relationship, but still not about your relationship. As a team, you attack a problem together and don’t let it get between you. You’re both stronger together. This also shows others how to properly handle the issues of life. E. Submitting; a word a lot of women cringe at. Let me just say that I have written on this topic before, but I’ll get right to the crux of it. This is a voluntary concept. This is putting the best interest of your marriage above you. When you allow the man in the relationship to lead as he has been instructed to, you are respecting the hierarchy that Father put into place. He is to love you (selflessly) as Yeshua loves the “Body of Messiah” which is a great responsibility. The balance of submitting to EACH OTHER (Ephesians 5:21) while respecting the role and hierarchy is one we should attain to keep. Shalom in a marriage should be FIERCLY guarded. F. You are “him in another body”. When you understand the “oneness” that the covenant of marriage is, you understand (and he should research this and understand it too) that you hold all of his authority when he is gone. In the same way an ambassador is given the king’s signet ring to show he holds the authority of the king, you have the same authority when he is gone. He should communicate that to all participants within the home. Understand that you are the queen, but no one usurps the king. G. Consistency. The only thing we have in this life that truly means anything is our word. When you say you are going to do something – do it. No excuses. My husband is a veteran and I love his quote from the military, “What’s the maximum effective range of an excuse? Zero meters.” Let your yes be yes and your no be no (Matthew 5:37). H. Finally, never – EVER – contradict your spouse. “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand” (Mark 3:25). A woman of Elohim has several models to choose from in scripture. Part of my vows to my husband included the words from Ruth chapter one, “where you go, I will go, where you stay, I will stay: your people will be my people, and your God shall be my God.” The other model I included in my vows was that I would strive to be a Proverbs 31 woman. I seek to be the warrior and sensible judge that Deborah was, the logical woman that Abigail was, the patient woman that Hannah was, and the bold woman that the Samaritan woman was. The other not-so-good models are there found in scripture as well (Proverbs 21:19). Our words have power (James 3). Those of you who are mothers need to understand the symbiotic relationship that occurs within the house. Your obedience to your husband (within confounds of scripture) directly correlates with how your children will obey you. Teaching your children to obey you is teaching and training them to obey God. Your husband’s obedience to God is the example necessary for the whole family. Strive to be a better you; a woman of Elohim, the queen to your king, a child of the Most High, an ambassador of the Good News. Shalom, Deborah 1. Men Are From Mars; Women Are From Venus, John Gray, PhD 2. How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk, John Van Epp, PhD 3. His Needs, Her Needs, William F. Harley 4. Saving Your Second Marriage Before it Starts, Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott 5. Jung Typology Test www.humanmetrics.com 6. Law of the Garbage Truck, David J. Pollay
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A Holy Temple
I was given the opportunity today to share what this week’s Torah portions meant to me. I found myself in front of the congregation, not nervous, but not quite in my comfort zone. I’m a writer by nature; a gift Yahweh has blessed me with and one I enjoy tremendously. Tasked with tying together Torah, Haftarah, and the Brit Hadasha, I found it a rewarding experience. I thought it would have been weird to write something like this and then just read it, but perhaps if volunteered to again, I’ll do just that.
Exodus 25:1 – 27:19
This was a beautiful excerpt of scripture. Father asked for an offering from the Israelites; gifts of their own volition should their hearts be moved to give. The reply was a beautiful offering from the people for the building of the temple; lovely fabrics in royal colors of purples, reds, and blues, clean gold, talents of skill labors for the crafting of the ark, show bread table and the lampstand. Intricate detail is given in the measurements and decoration of the temple’s Dwelling place, Set-Apart place and the Most Set-Apart place. The alter, courtyard, columns, bands, hooks, sockets, pegs and utensils are all described and prescribed for specific dimension and use. Yahweh wanted the people to make a place for Him to dwell within their midst. He had spoken directly to His people from the mountaintop and intended the relationship to be without a mediator.
1 Kings 4:26 – 6:13
Solomon is able to build the temple and uses the finest of wood and engraved it, precious stones for the foundations of His House (temple), paying handsomely for the labor and materials, the building begins 418th year after the children of Israel had come out of Egypt – in the second month (I’d like to think he waited until the festivities of Passover had ended). Ensuring that no tool was heard in the building of the new temple, and giving the dwelling its due honor and respect, all stone was finished prior to being assembled.
And then Yahweh speaks to King Solomon saying, “This House which you are building – if you walk in My laws and do My right-ruling, and shall guard all My commands and walk in them, then I shall confirm My word with you, which I spoke to your father David, and shall dwell in the midst of the children of Israel, and not forsake My people Israel.”
Matt 12:46 – 13:58, 9:23-24, 10:1
Yeshua shares the parable of the seeds being sown onto rocky soil, thorny soil and good soil. His disciples ask the meaning of this and He shares that if the good news is shared in rocky hearts, the sun quickly withers it as there’s no depth to the soil and choked out if weeds are present. Yeshua goes on to say that good soil results in growth and can multiply the fruit 30, 60, sometimes even 100 times. Those who possess everlasting life through Yeshua shall be given more; those who don’t, even what they do have will be taken away. To hear and understand is to be the vessel of the Word of Yahweh, to grow and multiply.
This reminded me of the passage of scripture from Isaiah 64:8 “And now, O Yahweh, You are our Father. We are the clay, and You our potter. And we are the work of Your hand.”
We are the temple of Yahweh; we are to be holy, and perfect and righteous and CLEAN and in us, our ELOHIM dwells!!! We are to flourish and grow and multiply! If we allow good soil to fill our vessel, we are being conducive to life. The name of Yahweh means “He who exists” or “He who causes existence”. He ALWAYS wanted to dwell in our midst. We should remember what care was taken in the building of the temples and ensure that our beings should be just as pure, just as clean and strive to be holy. He decided to LIVE in us and we should be HONORED to be worthy of that.
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Acts 15 Explained - and a bit more
I confess, I was completely caught off guard when I read this passage the first time, so I read it a few times and did some research.
To fully explain this particular passage of Acts, one really needs to take a look at scripture in full purview. I had to look at what exactly is the chapter saying and in the context of the book, what is it saying? From there I took several steps back and really laid it all out. I’m a researcher at heart, so this was actually fun for me. Is the book in front of me the unequivocal, unadulterated word of God? Is this version the right version? What about the 1611 bible? What about the Apocrypha and the Psuedepigrapha? What about the book of Enoch?
Yeshua taught from the Torah (the first five books) and from the Prophets (to include Enoch if you look at how it’s referenced in the current canonized bible). He may have taught from Psalms as it has prophetic verses in it, but is technically classified as poetry. So what exactly is the rest of scripture? It’s what several groups of individuals over time deemed it to be. Not to diminish its purpose, beauty, and place – because I truly believe it has its place in faith, but there should definitely be disclosures when reading from passages in the bible. The first disclosure should be that one blatant change from 1611, “Oh, by the way folks, we’re reading from the shortened version of scripture today; the one from 1611 had an additional 14 books that didn’t make the director’s cut and ended up on the editor’s floor.”
And the versions? As it turns out, each version (via copyright law) must be 20% different from the others... so what gets lost in translation? I finally settled on a combination of King James with Strong’s Concordance and ISR98. That with the fellowship of others and the Holy Spirit, I’m content.
After reading the book of Enoch, I was really hot under my collar that they put that one in the “Pseudo” category. Of course, the one that explains what happens when you die and what heaven really looks like and what are the Anakim/giants that are so briefly reference in the current bible… yeah, let’s leave that out. “Yeah, we know Enoch prophesied the Exodus, but they don’t need to read that… and the fallen angels, definitely leave THOSE details out.”
So, looking at the rest of the current canonized bible, they needed categories – oh wait, that had already been done! Imagine that. Proverbs, written by Solomon, is often seen as a book of wisdom, but why isn't the book “The Wisdom of Solomon” in our current canonized Bible? One made the cut but the other didn’t? Acts is an account of the history of the church. Romans through Philemon are letters written by Paul (only Hebrews is in question there). The Epistles are self-titled and the Revelation of Paul was specifically instructed to be written and read.
So, that’s the short version of my research there, but now we understand what the book of Acts is; a historical account of the “church”. So, let’s look at chapter 15 in context: two guys go out (without being asked) after hearing the controversy surrounding the new believers and what they should and shouldn’t do. Peter had to diffuse an uncomfortable situation regarding circumcision, knowing full well that when a believer comes to the faith, they will desire to obey all as their faith grows (milk vs meat). Peter listed out four things he believed the Holy Spirit was giving him permission to say, but then he followed up with this: “For from ancient generations Moses has, in every city, those proclaiming him – being read in the congregations every Sabbath.” Meaning, if you let a new believer know those four and direct them to the congregations, they’ll hear the rest of Torah. And those in the discussion were satisfied with that, “Then it seemed good to the emissaries and elders, with all the assembly, to send chosen men from among them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabus. Verse 24 clearly states that the trouble started when they heard words from “whom we gave no command”. Verse 30 states that they had written a letter with the “no greater burden than these necessities:” and delivered the letter. We are not privy to the full contents of that letter, but having been previously informed of Peter’s added notation – that Torah is read every Sabbath in every city – we can safely say that it was not a place the new believers would stay at; nor would Peter contradict the teachings of Messiah Yeshua.
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The Word became flesh
John, chapter one starts out a narrative that seems quite poetic. The first verse reads, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with Elohim and the Word was Elohim.” John 1 uses the same capitalized “Word” (Greek: Logos) in verse 14 “And the Word became flesh and pitched His tent among us, and we saw His esteem, esteem as an only brought-forth of a father, complete in favor and truth.” Reflective of that verse is found in 1 John 1:10 “If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His Word is not in us.” Obviously truth is synonymous with the “Word”.
Father has had this message on my heart for a little while now. What better time to share it than when most of the world celebrates. Scripture tells us that, “Yeshua Messiah is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8. Our Father tells us in the Revelation of John that, “’I am the ‘Aleph’ and the ‘Taw’, Beginning and End,’ says Yahweh ‘who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.’” And again in chapter 22:13 “’I am the ‘Aleph’ and the ‘Taw’, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.’” In chapters 38-41 of the book of Job, Yahweh speaks for Himself and clearly states what He set in place from the beginning while challenging Job to answer some tough questions.
HE never changes, and He and His Word are one and the same. His Word became flesh; Yeshua is the same yesterday, today and forever. John 10:30 “I and my Father are one.” This then starts to make sense as you read Hebrews 4:12-13 “For the Word of Elohim is living, and working, and sharper than any two-edged sword, cutting through even to the dividing of being and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all are naked and laid bare before the eyes of Him with whom is our account.” Notice how verse 12 is defining the Word as living and capable of judging autonomously and transitions into describing the Word as Him and having sight in verse 13. Revelation 19:13 “and having been dressed in a robe dipped in blood – and His Name is called: The Word of Yahweh.” From verse 10 of Revelation 19, it is evident that Yeshua was the witness; or the account – the Word prophesying and speaking for Yahweh.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “My word is my bond” or “What mom says around here goes”? We see that Cain and Able offered sacrifices, but that was before “God sent down His Word”. Yahweh clearly spoke with Adam and Eve in the garden, but we’re not told all of what was communicated. We know from the account of creation that He set apart the 7th day and made it holy. That’s Torah, but it hadn’t been delivered in writing; in a covenant (or contract), yet. Yahweh delivered His Word to the people at Mount Sinai. That same Word was exactly WHAT became flesh. So if His Word was in the beginning and was Elohim and was Torah and became flesh and never changes, then Yeshua is Torah – His Word – and will never change.
Yeshua is prophesied to come again to judge the nations. How exactly would anyone judge, without a set of Laws? The ark of “The Covenant” holds the two tablets which contain that which Elohim wrote upon the tablets; the COVENANT, described as the “TEN WORDS”. What is written on the tablets is the covenant, not the “ten commandments” as has been translated. Yeshua is the new covenant and one covenant doesn’t negate another. Father didn’t stop at the first 10; it just so happened that the covenant (contract) has ten words and the Israelites cried out asking Moses to mediate after Yahweh had spoken out the first of many. Yeshua’s blood fell onto the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant, fulfilling the contract; not negating it. The adversary comes to kill, steal, and destroy which is no wonder we’ve distorted His Word. To tell nations that He went back on His Word is heartbreaking and it’s evident in the lives of so many who don’t know what it looks like to “obey” His Word.
We can take Yeshua at His Word when He stated in Matthew 5:17-18 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy, but to complete. For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.” Until heaven and earth pass away… they are still here; Yeshua, Yahweh, the Word is trustworthy, faithful, righteous. Romans 3:31 “Do we then nullify the Torah through the belief? Let it not be! On the contrary, we establish the Torah.” Malachai 2:6 calls it the “Torah of truth…” Psalm 100:5 “For Yahweh is good; His kindness is everlasting, and His truth, to all generations.”
The argument still goes on that the law was cursed…. Well, yes, but not the Law of God. The law of sin and death was cursed. Man’s law is cursed, the law of Herod, the law of Rome, the law of the Pharisees, but not the Law which is the Word, which became flesh, which in the beginning was the Word and was with Elohim and was Elohim… that Law (Word) was NOT cursed.
Even scientists will tell you that everything follows a set of laws and everywhere you go there are rules. Why would the greatest kingdom be one without laws – lawless? That would fly in the face of everything Yeshua taught and he always pointed to the Father and taught from Torah - Father’s Word - which is holy and just and good (Romans 7:12) and spiritual and a kingdom is not without a ruler. A ruler signifies that there are rules. If Father and Yeshua are of right-ruling, what would they be ruling from if Torah is abolished?
Lawlessness is defined by Torah (Law / His Word) and those who work lawlessness are told to depart from Him, Matthew 7:23. The whole story of the man who built his house upon the sand follows that statement as a parable of one who says they love the Father, but does not obey Him – one who is foolish. A Father disciplines those whom He loves. How do you discipline without rules?
All of this to say that the Word of God is more than His bond, which places the words of Yeshua into a wonderful perspective and for me, highlights passages in new light. Matthew 5:37 “But let your word (logos) “Yea” be “Yea”, and your “No” be “No”. And what goes beyond these is from the wicked one.” Father didn’t give the Israelites a set of rules only to go back on His Word; that would be from the wicked one.
When Yeshua came to us, called Immanuel (God with us), that was salvation because he showed us HOW to live according to Torah. Why would He live according to it only to abolish it? Why wait 4,000 years to show up and abolish it? None of that makes any logical sense. He came as a babe to show us that it can be done. His Father loved us so much that He sacrificed His one and only begotten Son to fulfil the contract with us so that no further sacrifices would ever have to be made. Yeshua asked three times to have that “cup” passed from Him; He didn’t WANT to die, but out of obedience to the Father, He freely gave of Himself to the will of the Father, so Yahweh’s Word would not come back void.
1 John 3:18 “My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.” John 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall keep My commands.”
Yeshua taught from the Law and from the Prophets; He wasn’t teaching from “the New Testament”. He always pointed back to the Father and the Father’s Word and while they are One, the Word was in the beginning – the Word became flesh.
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The Day - Survive or Conquer
Is there a handbook for life? How do you know what the day will bring and how to deflect negativity? At the end of the day, do you feel defeated or victorious? Did you feel alone or did someone help fight your battles? What were the challenges you faced?
Everyday comes with it’s own challenges, joys, beauty, headaches, changes and everyday most of us wake up, put on our clothes, and face another day, but is that it? Were you taught how to negotiate an argument with your spouse (partner, boyfriend/girlfriend, friend, etc.) or grieve the loss of someone you were close to? Were you taught how to let someone’s nasty remarks roll off your back and let it go? Do you trust in the security of your job or it’s pension or the 401K you’ve watched over the years? Do you trust in the education you received at that four year university to provide income to sustain you into your golden years?
What if in a single day, it all came crashing down? So often we see some apocalyptic-type movie/game/TV series that only serves to release adrenaline into your system, gnawing at some place you've created in your mind called “fear” making you wonder if you’re prepared enough should something happen tomorrow (let alone today).
I took these questions to the next level. I’ve seen things in my lifetime that took away any doubt that there’s more to this life. Whether you believe the same way I do or not, there’s always that never-ending question of who created it - who created the first... and that question is self-perpetual. So if there’s that, then what is after this and what drives me? This question inevitably led to the spiritual side of things. My personal journey concluded that we are spiritual beings in a physical world.
Understanding that, it was an easy conclusion that most of what we face on a day-to-day basis is spiritual. If I wake up in the morning and acknowledge my creator with thanksgiving and reverence, allow Him to fill me with His presence, then it is His love, peace and strength that drives me; protects me from the negativity because my focus isn’t on what is said by whomever is upset but on leaving my footprint of peace on their life and not the other way around. I don’t let the world define me, put me in a box, or dump it’s trash onto me or my day.
My specifications tell me to put on love. My specs tell me to put on the whole armor of God to have the power to stand against the schemes of the enemy because we do not war against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual matters of wickedness in the heavenlies. My specs tell me to put on His word to be ready with an answer to everyone asking me a reason concerning the expectation that is in me. My specs tell me to put on strength. My specs tell me to put on compassion, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, patience...
My specifications tell me to put my trust in Him. If I plan, it’s with the self-imposed caveat “If God wills it”. My specs tell me not to worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will bring it’s own worries; today’s troubles are enough for today.”
We are all born with the same affliction; mortality. How we face each day and with what defense is up to us.
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