anneimaginesundertale · 9 months
1. First impression with Blue? Maybe with the kids or first meeting me XD
A little flashback, to about two years ago….
Blue has hearts in his eyes as he looks down at his newborn daughter. “She’s beautiful,” he whispers. “Ray, she’s just gorgeous…Our little Cherry Swash…”
You sigh, happy but tired and sore from the birth. “She’s perfect,” you agree.
“Just like her mama.” Blue leans over carefully to kiss your forehead. “I love you so much, Ray.”
“Mmm…love you too, Sans…”
You close your eyes and Blue turns his attention back to the tiny babybones in his arms. She looks back at him with big green lights in her sockets. Blue blinks away tears. “My precious girl,” he murmurs to her. “I love you so much already. You’re absolutely perfect…”
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kezibun · 3 years
1. A is a low-ranking aristocrat. Their parent/s (or guardian) want them to marry up, maybe even as far as the ruler of the whole country, but they have a huge crush on B, a commoner and don’t know what to do about any of it. Maybe Black is the aristocrat and I'm the commoner? Just to switch it up XD
He paces back and forth across his room.
His brother sits with a heavy sigh. "So?"
"They expect me to marry before the year is over… and they want it to be, to... Her.." Black grumbles. 
"You knew this was gonna happen." Pyre shrugs.
"I know but it's different now." He takes his fancy purple coat off, tossing it on his bed.
"Then screw them, who cares, follow your heart and all that-"
"Papyrus. You know, It's so much more complicated than that." He grabs a scruffy black coat, throwing it on. "I'm going out. Don’t get into any trouble while I'm gone." He storms out through the balcony doors.
"Say hi to yer lover girl for me." Pyre chuckles.
There you were. You liked to sit on the edge of the town's fountain and read a book this time of day, he'd met up with you here on countless occasions now. You were like a rose among thorns, a true beauty, inside and out, a rarity among the women he'd met. The way you sat so focused as you read. He didn't want to disturb you, well almost. 
He walked over and sat next to you, he waited a moment to see if you would notice him. But your head was so far into your book that the whole world just didn't exist. That's one of the many things he adores about you.
“It was horrible to watch her face change. It went from a kind of desperate excitement to dark despair, in gentle slow motion. It was as though a shadow had drifted across the land-.” 
You brought your book to your chest as you heard the words you were reading. 
You turned. “Oh Sans?” You couldn't help but giggle. 
“That's a good book,” he replied. 
“I didn’t see you there, did you do your little appearing trick?”
“Funnily enough no. But never mind that, how are you today?”
“I’m good, how about you?”
He gave a little hum. “Say. Do you remember the day we first met?”
"Of course, was it just a few years ago now? In the market. I tripped and spilled my shopping over you." You laughed.  "How embarrassing am I right?"
"I'm glad we met that day." His voice was soft and seemed happy but his shoulders slouched, betraying him. 
"Sans… do you want to go for a walk?" 
He shrugged. "Can do, if you'd like." 
So you pulled him along to one of the gardens around the town. This town has always been known for its beauty, and since Sans stepped up with his lordly duties the beauty increased ten fold. He's put so much work into it all, he planted most of the flowers in the very garden you walked though, you know because you worked alongside him. 
The perfectly placed roses and petunias and lilies, and marigolds and all the other flowers shone brilliantly in the morning sunshine. The trickle from the little fountains, the breeze through the trees, the birds and the songs of nature fill the quiet with peace. 
"Sooo Sans… I have a question." You look over to him.
"Oh? Go ahead then." 
"Are you alright? You seem a little…"
You nod.
He pauses looking over the gardens for a moment. 
"I'm not alright. But I just have a lot on my mind." He sighs.
You step in front of him, consern painted over your face. "Can you tell me what's wrong?... please Sans…"
"Fine. You see. The… the lord and lady who care for me. They expect me to marry by the end of the year." He states matter of factly.
He looks down. "They. Would like me to wed the heir to the throne." 
"But. Do you want that?"
"The oldest son, adoptive or not, doesn't get to make choices like that." He steps around you.
"But Sans?" You have to walk a little faster to keep up. "You're obviously not happy with this." 
"But what choice do I have?" 
"Sans!" You grab his hand. "Slow down… please let's just talk about this."
He huffs. "Alright. You want to know what I think? How I feel about this?" He replies not looking you in the eye.
"More than anything."
"I'm frustrated. With myself. I was prepared for this, I knew this would happen, it's duty and it's the right thing to do to repay their kindness but… but…" 
"You don't like their choice?" 
"I mean she seems decent… I just, well I fell in love with someone I shouldn't have." He pulls his hand out of yours, crossing his arms as he turns away. "I want to do what they want but when I think of her, her smile, her brilliant way of thinking, how she always makes me feel better, her patience, kindness, and just thinking about losing her… well. My soul breaks a little." 
You give him a small smile. "Love is difficult like that…" Who are you to give him love advice? You're literally pining over the man before you as he pours his concerns out about two. other. women. It's not like you can ask him to forget both of them and run away with you, right? As much as you may wish.
"I don't know what to do." He sits on a short wall by the path.
"I'm sorry Sans." You sit next to him. "If they didn't expect you to marry the princess would you have chosen this other girl?" 
"I would love to. But I doubt they'd be happy if I married a commoner." 
"Right." Your gaze shifts to your shoes. 
He picks up a wilted flower and twirls it. "She doesn't even know how I feel about her." 
"Maybe you should tell her then? it could help?" 
"I… I want to think this over, you know, figure it all out first. Before possibly dragging her into this mess." He stands. "Thank you though, you never fail to help me feel better." He gives you a little smile and hands you the flower. "I'll see you soon." 
With the blink of an eye he disappeared, as if he faded into the wind. 
You look down at the purple flower in your hands. If only you could tell him. 
He flops on his bed with a sigh, "If only I could tell her." 
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anneimaginesundertale · 9 months
What's new with Poppy, Boss?
Boss is in the playroom at his house, in the middle of a very important tea party. He doesn't seem to hear your question. His little daughter, Poppy, dressed in her finest, pours imaginary tea into a dainty cup and then drops something extra in. She pretends to stir and then holds out the cup to her father.
"Lookit, Papa! I make tea!"
Boss takes the cup and looks into it carefully. "Oh," he says, "what a pretty butterfly hairclip there is in my tea. It will add such a nice flavor. Thank you, Poppy!" He pretends to sip at the tea while Poppy watches him carefully.
"No drink bufferfly," she says. "On your head!"
Boss stops drinking. "Oh, I see. It goes on my head. Thank you so much! I will put it there right now." He lifts the pink butterfly out of the cup. "Will you help me put it on?"
"Yes! I help!" Poppy grabs the clip and climbs her father like a jungle gym, until she's sitting on his shoulders. She sticks the clip (which must have some kind of adhesive on it) to the very top of his skull and then drums her little hands on either side of it. "Papa is preeettty!!!" she sings. "Papa look soooooo nice!"
You see Boss wince a little as his child uses his skull like a bongo, but he keeps a smile in his voice. "Poppy is soooo helpful," he sings to her little tune. "Poppy is the best girl in the whooooole world!" He reaches up and puts his hands around her waist, lifting her down to sit in his lap instead. She looks up at him adoringly.
"Love you, Papa," she says.
"Love you too, Poppy-bug." He finally seems to notice you. "Have you been there the whole time? Come in and have tea with us. Poppy, make Auntie Ray a cup of tea."
Poppy leaps out of his lap and rushes to her task. "Tea for Auntie!" she cries. Something from her pocket goes into your cup and she runs across the room to hold it out to you. Lucky you. She must just have butterfly clips in her pocket today. (The last time you were here, she had real ladybugs.)
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anneimaginesundertale · 9 months
24. First draft with Stretch?
"What you working on, Uncle Stretch?"
Stretch looked away from his writing as his oldest nephew wriggled into his lap. "Hey Randy," he said. "I'm writing a new story."
"Ooh!" Randy looked at the yellow legal pad on the desk and tilted his head, trying to read the lines. He reached out a hand and tapped some of the letters. "I...a...r...a...n...d...y..." He grinned. "That's my name! You writing about me?"
"That was good reading, bud," Stretch said, taking time to think of an appropriate answer. "I was just about to put you into the story," he finally added. "You wanna help me write it?"
"Yeah!" Randy bounced on his uncle's knee. "Let's write a really good story, okay?"
"You tell me what to write and I'll write it," Stretch said. He folded back his current page to reveal a fresh one and picked up a pen. "What should we call the story?"
"Randy's Really Cool Story With Uncle Stretch!" the child declared without any hesitation. "Write that down!"
Stretch did so, carefully spelling each word as he did. "Okay," he said when he was done. "Now, how does the story start?"
"Oncest upon a times, there was a boy named Randy. He was so cool. He liked pokemon!"
"Good beginning. Gimme a moment to get that down!"
Randy watched happily as his uncle transcribed the amazing, magnificent, super cool story of Randy the Pokemon trainer, who travelled all around with his sister Cherry and found pokemon for everybody.
Eventually, when Randy was in the middle of finding a pokemon for Uncle Finn, Stretch very pointedly set down the pen and yawned widely. "Phew!" he said. "All that writing is making me tired. And hungry. Are you hungry, Randy? You wanna go get a snack?"
"I wanna finish writing first," Randy said, even as his little tummy grumbled.
"You wanna know a secret writer trick?"
Stretch carefully wrote three words at the bottom of the page, speaking each one as he did. "To...be...continued..."
"What's that mean?"
"That means come back later and find out what happens next. Writers do it all the time when they need a break."
"And it really works?"
"Every time!" Stretch stood up and swung Randy up onto his shoulders. "C'mon, writing partner. Let's get a treat and then you can tell your mom and dad about that book you started. We can work on it some more another time."
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anneimaginesundertale · 9 months
What's new Sweets?
Sweets has a hard time looking at you. He's currently buried under six little skeletons, who have all decided that he's the uncle to pile on today. (Yesterday it was Blue.) The tall skeleton manages to smile at you from between the babybones.
"Quite A Lot Is New," he says, shifting children slightly so his head is free. "I Have New Orders To Start. People Are Already Thinking Of Valentine's Parties. We Have New Presents From Gyftmas That We Are Still Enjoying, But Several Customers Are Already Ordering All Kinds Of Sweet Treats."
"You sound a little overwhelmed," you say, moving to grab your two kiddos out of the pile. They happily climb on you instead of their uncle, giving him a bit of a break. "Anything I can do to help?"
Sweets sighs. "I Am Quite Capable Of The Baking Part. It Is Just The Customer Orders That Are Bothering Me. Some Of The People Are Not Very Kind!"
"That's why we had to have a cuddle puddle," little Someday adds, clinging to her father's elbow. "Daddy was sad, so we cuddled him to make it better." She kisses at his upper arm and leans her head against his shoulder. "Are you better now, Daddy?"
"Much Better, Sweetness. Thank you." He kisses the top of her skull.
Their little interaction gives you time to think. "I could help you with the orders," you say. "I'm pretty good at customer service stuff, and we're always over here or at my place. I wouldn't mind taking calls and recording details and stuff for you."
"Yeah! I'm always up to do a favor for my in-laws." You beam.
"That Would Be A Great Help," Sweets admits. "But I Will Not Let You Do It As A Favor. If You Are Going To Do Part Of My Job, Then I Will Pay You."
"Oh, you don't have to," you begin, but he holds up a hand.
"I Insist! I Will Talk With Anne About The Details Later Today, And You Can Start As Soon As You Like."
His cell phone rings. One of the kids fishes it out of his pocket for him. Sweets looks at the caller ID and then holds it out to you hopefully. "Right Now? If You Don't Mind?"
"Of course!" You take the phone and answer. In your best customer service voice, you say, "Sweets Creations. How can I help you?"
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anneimaginesundertale · 11 months
Tick or treat! (This time a little more planned with a nap XD How about giving Sans a go)
We'll do a little bit with Uncle Finn too, to make it up to him, but Uncle Sans first.
Randy was rested and dressed in a new costume. You had his candy bucket and an extra bag with treats for Uncle Finn.
As you reached the door, Randy clapped his little hands together. "Wingabell!" he informed you.
"That's right," you said, "It's time to ring the bell again." You let him reach out and push the doorbell, giggling madly as it rang.
Sans opened the door. "You rang?"
"Bell!!!" Randy shrieked and reached for him. Uncle Sans, in a costume covered in bells, stepped out onto the porch and grinned at you both.
"Wingabell!" Randy cried and, before you could stop him, launched himself at Sans, his hands aiming at the ding bell his uncle had set on his skull. Sans caught him and Randy happily whacked away at the bell. Dingity ding ding ding!!!
Well, what was a mom to do in a situation like this? You burst out laughing and managed to get your phone out to film. Sans sat down on the porch and let Randy ring as many of his bells as he could reach. "Figured this'd be a better treat for him," he said to you. "Blue'll probably like that he's not gettin' tons of candy, and I thought he'd like all the bells."
"You're a great uncle, Sans," you told him between giggles. "You mind watching him while I head down to the pond for a minute?"
"Fine with me." Ding ding ding.
With Randy safely in the arms of his dingy uncle, you headed around the side of the house. You had another uncle who needed a bit of an apology.
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anneimaginesundertale · 9 months
9. First day at work or school, and tgis is probably the only time I'll put in two but Blue and Randy, it's too perfect not to combine XD
"I'm going to KINDY-GARD-EN!" Randy sang at the top of his lungs. Your older child bounced in his seat at the breakfast table. "I'm going to KINDY-GARD-EN with DAAAAADDDYYYY!"
You managed to hide your laughter with a big sip of coffee. At the counter, Blue became very focused on packing two lunch boxes. Next to you, your daughter Cherry banged on her high chair. "Kind-eeeeee-garden!!!!!" she shrieked. "I go with Daddy!"
Oh. Ooo...
"No!" Randy turned to his sister before you could. "Only I go with Daddy today! You're too little. You stay with Mommy and have fun here!"
Cherry's big eyes filled with tears. "Mommy?" she asked, looking at you as if someone had kicked her puppy.
You swallowed your coffee and gave her a big bright smile. "That's right, Cherry Berry! You and I get to stay home and have fun with the cousins. Uncle Sweets is going to bring over Gracie and Gideon to play with us, and Uncle Boss is going to bring Poppy. We'll have a Two Crew Party!"
That seemed to calm Cherry for a moment, but then she asked, "Someday too?"
"Uh, no, honey. Someday's going to school with Auntie Anne. She's starting pre-k, just like brother is starting junior k."
"Kindy-garden," Randy corrected.
"Yes." This particular fight was not a fight you were going to win, so you'd given up days ago. "Randy and Someday are going to be big kids and go to school today, and the Two Crew all gets to party here."
"And," Blue added, noting the looks on both children's faces, "we'll all have a big family dinner tonight once everybody is home. All our family and friends will come to celebrate, because it's a big big day!"
"Big day," Cherry repeated.
"That's right." You took your cue from Blue and spoiled a little surprise. "You and the Twos are going to help me make decorations, and help Uncle Sweets make cookies."
"Yaaaayy cookies!!!" Cherry banged on her tray again. "I do it now!"
"Not now. Eat breakfast first."
Randy was still looking a little torn. "Can I help with cookies?" he asked.
You leaned over and hugged him. "I'll save some for you to decorate after school," you promised. "The party won't be until dinner time, so there's time for you to help too."
"Yay!" Randy hugged you and then turned back to his breakfast. "Come on, Daddy! Eat fast so we can go! We have to get to school!"
Both your boys bolted their breakfast. Blue sent Randy to his room to get dressed. You cleaned up Cherry a bit and let her out of her chair. She toddled off in the direction of Randy's room. You'd have to go after her, but you took a moment to have a moment with your husband.
"I'm really proud of you," you said, hugging him. "You're finally a full time teacher!"
"I know!" Blue bounced in your embrace, beaming. "I'm so excited!" He leaned in and whispered in your ear, "And a little nervous..."
"You'll do amazing," you assured him, and sealed the promise with a kiss. "I'm so proud of you, love." One more kiss and then the two of you separated to go and deal with the wild giggling shrieks coming from Randy's room. (Somebody decided the bed was a trampoline, apparently...)
Twenty minutes later, you watched your husband and your son get into the car and drive away. You and Cherry waved until they turned the corner and were out of sight.
"Mama sad?" Cherry asked, noting the tears in your eyes.
"Just a little, baby," you said. "I'm going to miss Daddy and brother."
"They come back," Cherry assured you, and your heart melted. You hugged your daughter close. You were so, so happy and so blessed to have the family you had.
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Trick or Treat with Stretch this time! (Once again, baby is along for the ride XD)
"I wing!" Randy says as you mount the porch steps again. You giggle as he reaches for the doorbell and pushes it with his tiny baby hands, dropping his candy bucket in the process.
"Hang on," you hear Stretch call from the other side. "I'm comin'! Ease up on the bell, kiddo!" He opens the door.
Randy rings the bell again with a delighted giggle. "I wing! Unca! I wing!"
"I see you ringin' the bell, buddy," Stretch says, grinning wide. "You know what to say once you're done ringin'?"
Randy turns in your arms to look at you. You smile at him. "You remember, baby. What do we say? Trick or..."
"Tweat! Twick tweat!" Randy beams and claps his hands. "Twicktwicktwickatweeeeeeeeet!"
Stretch laughs and hugs you both. "You got it, buddy," he says. "One treat comin' up." He leans into the house and grabs a handful of candy, which he puts in Randy's little pumpkin bucket. He picks it up and holds it out to the baby. "All set!"
Randy takes the bucket and squeals happily, flailing his arms (and flinging candy all over the porch in the process). He leans forward out of your arms again and presses both hands to the doorbell. "I wing!" he declares.
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anneimaginesundertale · 11 months
Trick or Treat! (Back at it again with my cute candy getter XD)
The wheel has declared that Uncle Bones is next!
When it became apparent that this was going to be a Thing, Anne sent you the results of the random wheel so you could be a little more prepared. Accordingly, Randy is dressed up in a costume that a certain uncle bought him, complete with a little fedora. He isn't very fond of the hat and takes it off as you climb the steps again. You decide it's not worth the fight and let him just hold it.
"I wing bell," he tells you, reaching for it and pushing it with all his tiny might.
Uncle Bones opens the door with a bang. "Hide it all, quick!" he shouts to somebody inside. He grins and winks at you, then makes a face at Randy. "I knew you'd be back, ya candy bandit! What's the magic words?"
Randy tosses his little hat onto the porch and declares, "Wingdabell!"
"Wrong answer, kid. Ya gotta say trick or treat. Otherwise....you get tickled!" Bones snatches the baby from your arms and tickles him until Randy laughing and screaming at the same time. You pull out your phone and take a picture. Gotta save this moment.
After a minute or so, Bones stops and snuggles Randy close. "You're too cute for your own good, kid," he says. "How 'bout you go back to mama and I getcha all the candy that'll fit in your little hat?"
"No hat!" Randy says, even as he reaches for you. "Mama hat!"
"You heard him," you say, taking off your own fedora. "Better do what he says. He's the boss."
"Yes, ma'am!" Bones takes the hat and fills it with candy.
You manage to hold your hat and your baby. You kiss him all over his round little cheeks. "Good job, mob baby," you tell him. "You made mama so proud!"
"Wing da bell?" Randy asks.
"First we gotta hide all the candy from Daddy."
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SO makes a special gift for character, how about Grim?
Let's see if I can finish these before the new ones post from the queue! End of the month speed run! Woo!
Grim sat stiffly next to you on the couch. "I still don't understand," he said. "What is the gift-giving occasion?"
"Who says I need an occasion to give you a gift?" you laughed. "I finished this and I wanted to give it to you right away."
"But I don't have anything for you. You should have informed me earlier that you had a gift so that I could have gotten you something." He was pouting! He was actually pouting!
You laughed again and reached up to cup his cheek. "Believe me," you said, "your reaction to this will be gift enough for me." You stroked a thumb over his cheekbone and he leaned into your touch.
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." You patted his cheek one more time and then grabbed the gift bag from the coffee table and thrust it into his lap. "Open it, open it, open it!"
Grim finally smiled, just a little bit, and reached into the bag. He pulled out the leatherbound book and ran a hand over the cover, tracing the carefully stamped gold letters. It just read "Together".
"Open it!" you urged again and watched as he did.
Inside, on creamy pages, were pictures. Any picture he had ever taken of you, any picture you'd somehow gotten of him, all the pictures anyone had ever taken of the two of you together--you had painstakingly arranged each and every one on the pages. You'd written captions and little comments, doodled hearts and funny pictures, and poured your soul into making the most beautiful album ever. You watched your love trace his finger over each page, watched his face shift as he smiled and chuckled, and yes, even teared up looking at it.
Eventually, he reached a blank page and looked up at you. You beamed at him. "I saved space for more adventures," you explained.
Grim delicately closed the book and set it aside. Then he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to him. "I love you," he said into your hair. "Thank you. This is the best gift I've ever gotten."
"You deserve it," you told him and turned so you could kiss him.
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anneimaginesundertale · 11 months
Tick or Treat! (Fourth first, same as the first, who shall be the next Uncle in line!)
The wheel says Uncle Break is next, so it’s probably good you brought Auntie Jack with you this time. She dances Randy up the porch steps. “You remember what to say, kiddo?” she asks.
“Wing a wing!” Randy says, reaching for the doorbell.
“Close enough,” Jack laughs and lets him get his little hands on the button. He wing a wings it real good.
Break opens the door slowly but you see him relax and grin when he realizes who it is. “Hey,” he says.
“Trick or treat!” Jack says cheerily.
Randy echoes her. “Twickatweet!”
Break offers the candy bucket. “Happy Halloween.”
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“That bag’s for the trick or treaters, this one? All mine.” With Blue... I have a feeling he'll be lecturing me XDXDXD
“What are you doing?” Blue asked as you tossed two bags of candy into the cart. “We only need one bag of candy for trick or treaters.”
“I know,” you said with a grin. You pointed to one bag that was mostly non-chocolate candies (Nerds, Laffy Taffy, etc.). “That one’s for trick or treaters. This one?” You indicated the one that was mostly chocolate. “All mine!”
Blue huffed. “The doctor said too many sweets aren’t good for the baby,” he said, taking one bag out.
“The doctor also said I’d have this kid before Halloween,” you said, rubbing your back, “and you see how well that’s working out. Ooh!” Your child made his presence even more known by kicking you in the ribs. “I promise I won’t eat it all in one go.”
Blue sighed and put the bag back. “All right,” he said. “But only if you promise to have just a few pieces a day.”
“I promise,” you said. “Thank you, love.”
“Anything for you.” He smiled and gave you a little kiss. Then he laid a gentle hand on your belly. “You be nice to Mama, baby,” he said, “or no candy at all for you. Oooch!” He pulled his hand away. “He kicked me!”
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S/O Sings, unknown audience with Grim, He probably catches it on camera XD
Was it creepy, watching you on camera when you didn't know? Perhaps. Was it creepy to have cameras in your own home? Perhaps. Did Grim care at all? No.
He definitely hadn't intended to watch you today. He'd gotten an alert from the camera that there was an unusual noise in the kitchen and had turned the feed on expecting to see and hear a burglar. Instead, he had seen you, twirling around with a mixing bowl and singing at the top of your lungs.
You were...not the greatest singer. Not that he'd ever tell you that. You were loud, you apparently didn't know all the words of what you were singing (half of your song went "dee dee dah dah dah, blabbity blah, yeah!"), and you sang with your whole body. Grim winced as some of the contents of the mixing bowl were flung onto his kitchen cabinets.
For all your flaws in performance technique, Grim could not look away from you. Something about this was endearing, adorable even. He watched you until you triumphantly put your baked good (some kind of muffins or cupcakes) into the oven and finished your song on a screechy high note.
"Thank you, Mt. Ebott!" you cried. "I'm here all week!"
Grim couldn't resist. The camera had a speaker option. He clicked the button and called, "Encore, encore!" He wasn't entirely sure it was worth the shriek. Or the dropped mixing bowl.
"I'm going to get you, Grim!" you shouted before he turned the camera off.
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"Quick hide me!" With Black ^-^
"Gonna get you, Mama!" The word echoed across the road as you ran, laughing, toward the blue farmhouse. You bolted through the door without knocking and ran headlong into Black. The short skeleton sputtered as you knocked him to the floor and made him drop the book he'd been carrying.
"What in the blazing--what are you doing here?"
"Quick!" you said, reaching down to help him up. "Hide me! Blue and Randy are after me!"
"I don't--why?" Black spluttered.
"No time to explain! Hide me, please!" You could see your husband and son coming up the steps. "Please!"
Black sighed heavily and grabbed your wrist. "Fine," he said. "Come on." He pulled you up the hall and into the library. "Go pull the middle book on the middle shelf over there," he said. "It's Red's workshop. Hide in there and I'll let you out when they're gone."
"Thank you! You're the best!" You hugged him hard and kissed him on the cheek, then rushed to do as he'd said. The secret door swung shut just as you heard Blue's voice from the hall.
"Has anybody seen Mommy?" Blue's voice was muffled but you could still hear him. "Randy and I need to give her extra super big hugs, don't we, buddy?"
"She went out to the stargazing spot," you heard Black say.
"Oh boy! Randy, that means we get to climb way way way up high! You wanna go climb and find Mama?"
"Mama!" your son shrieked and you almost decided to leave the workroom. But no, it would be better to stay. Just a little longer...
Things grew quiet and then the secret door opened. "You're free and clear," Black said with a bit of a smirk. "What's your plan?"
You grinned at him. "I'm going back home and making cookies for when they come back," you said. "You wanna come help me?"
"Well, I suppose I have a bit of time," Black said. "Certainly. Let's go."
Boy were Blue and Randy in for a surprise when they finally found you!
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Meeting someone very shy who later comes out of their shell- With Break! (Cause Jack is doing the same with him)
@scarletfry37 also requested this one too!
When you'd first met Break, he'd barely spoken a word to you. He spent most of his time hiding in his hoodie. It was cute, but it meant that you had to work hard to make him feel comfortable around you. It was slow going and you weren't entirely sure it was paying off, until one day when you were practicing a new routine and working on a tricky bit of footwork.
Break had been watching you, something he did more and more now. You tried the steps again--left, right, left, turn around and-- "Dang it!" You stumbled and almost fell. The only thing that kept you from hitting the floor was a pair of skeletal hands.
For a moment, the only sound in the studio was the music still playing in the background. Then you heard a low pfffffftttttt. You looked at Break, who grinned at you and gave your hands a little squeeze. The fart sound got a little louder. Break helped you up and let go of your hands. He kept his hands out in front of him, showing you the little whoopee cushion on one of his palms.
"The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick," he said. "It's always funny."
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Taking family photos with Blue? Maybe some fall maternity ones >.>
When you approached Grim and asked him if he’d help you and Blue take maternity photos, his first response was a quirk of a browbone and a flat, “Cutting it a little close, aren’t you?”
You blushed and rested a hand against your round belly. “I’m not due for another month,” you said. “There’s time.”
“Will you take our pictures or not?” Blue asked, a bit offended. “We could ask somebody else to do it.”
Grim’s expression remained the same until you blurted out, “We’ll pay you.”
“That was all I wanted,” he said, his skull shifting to a satisfied smirk. “You may choose the time and location. My price will depend on how you want the photographs developed, of course. We’ll talk soon.” He waved a hand as if dismissing you from his chambers. You and Blue shared a look and left.
A week later, you invited Grim to your home for the photo shoot. You and Blue had looked at other maternity shoots online and had found a few poses and some styles that appealed to you. You decided to do some pictures inside, in the nursery you’d set up, and some outside in your backyard, where the leaves were just starting to change colors.
Grim fussed about lighting until you summoned a few magical lights for him and told him to place them wherever he wanted for the right effect. In some of the outdoor pictures, he also used blue magic to make it look like the leaves were dancing and falling around you. He took a lot of photos with several different cameras. Finally he was done.
“I will let you know when everything is developed and then we can discuss my fee,” he said as he packed up his things.
It only took him two hours to get back to you this time. He came over with a manila envelope. “Look these over and choose the ones you like best,” he said. “I’ll take a flat fee of 25 G for the shoot and then 2 G for every print of a photo you want me to do. And,” he paused for a moment and his voice softened, “and I will do another photo shoot of the babybones when they arrive for free.”
“Aww, Grim,” you said, “you do care!” You wanted to hug him but you knew he didn’t care for that. You settled for patting his hand enthusiastically.
The photographs turned out beautifully! You and Blue loved all of them, but you decided on a few to have printed for family and friends and a few to hang around the house. Blue loved the one of you in the backyard with the leaves swirling around you as you cradled your belly. You loved the one of you and Blue in the nursery. You sat in the rocking chair and Blue knelt beside you. Both of you had your hands on your belly and Blue was looking at you with hearts in his eyes. Grim had done something with your magical lights that made it look like you were both glowing softly. Looking at the pictures only made you even more excited to meet your baby in just a few short weeks!
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