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Scars That Bind
**WARNINGS**: implied ptsd, scarring, angst (but w/ happy ending)
@httpvomitello ,"Hi Hi, how are you? So I was wondering if you could do a one shot with Donnie x f! reader who is his girlfriend. It would be after the event of the second film, where she helps with the fight and everything. However, she ends up with a big scar on her back, but she never got around to revealing it to the others because she was ashamed to show it, and because of that, in those weeks she almost didn't let Donnie touch her, whether it was a hug or a kiss. Until one day, he accidentally sees the scar, and after her explanation, he comforts her and things get better.
A/N: oh boy this is much longer than i had planned it to be! hope y'all still enjoy though! im just gonna go cry in a corner after having written this ╮(T▽T)╭
It had been weeks, and yet the events of the Kraang attacks still effected you. Effected your life. It hadn't been as often as early on, but you still had nightmares. Still awoke sweaty and fearful from a nightmare that played out way differently and more devastating than how the real battle had ended victoriously. Well, mostly victoriously. Yes, the four ninja brothers you had helped and fought alongside went home with some new scars that they would no doubt proudly brandish, but the one you took home made you feel anything but proud. Anything but strong like how the turtles felt about theirs.
The large, healed but still freshly ugly wound across your middle back would be a forever reminder of how things could have gone terribly wrong for you that day. You were lucky to make it out alive in the end, but you had not only been physically scarred, but mentally as well.
What if you hadn't made it out of that slippery situation? What if it had happened and then Donnie, your everything, wouldn't have even known, to busy off fighting the big bad boss? How could you leave him, leave everyone, so suddenly in your foolishness to be more than what you were? A fragile human, trying to be a hero like her mutated boyfriend who had been training to fight his entire life?
The near death experience left you thinking and imaging the worst nearly every waking moment, and it seemed to effect more than just your lonesome. It had started to effect your relationship with Donnie. You can't remember the first moment it happened, but you remember every other time you had rejected his touches. The poor man couldn't get a kiss from you, much less a hug, and he had no idea why. The hurt in his eyes always tugged at your heart strings, but not as much as if he were to find out about the permanent alteration to your body.
If he found out, he would surely blame himself for not being there to protect you. Something you wanted him to not do. He along with his super brothers had more pressing things to be worried about, not a single human when they had the whole of New York on their shoulders. Your horrific dreams of death had also instilled in you that very great possibility of just how much danger you truly were in being with them. Yes, it was something that you had all known. April, Casey, and even Vern were just as in likely danger simply by being friends with the turtles, but no one really realizes the weight of something till it comes crashing down on them. Like it had to you.
If one day something happened to you, you didn't want to leave behind a deeply heartbroken and changed Donnie. Making distance would surely make such a casualty easier to deal with if there was nothing no longer there right?
You chocked on a sob, eyes screwed shut with clasped hands against your reddened face. The staggered cry quietly echoed off your bathroom walls, the only other sound being the slight slush of water in the tub you had planned to get into before you had caught a glance of the cursed marking on your back in the mirror. Now, you sat on the edge, trying your best to reason with your recent actions, but your heart and subconscious knew the truth and would not let you get away so easily.
Images of Donnie's hurt face only a couple hours ago still projected freshly in your mind. The pain in his eyes when you stepped back from his open embrace and rejected his goodbye kiss before you departed for home. You've seen the genius sad before, but never had you seen him so dejected. Knowing that you were the cause, hurt even more.
"But it's for his own good.", you sobbed aloud.
Than why did it feel so wrong?
Suddenly, something had fumbled and hit the tiled floor loudly, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin as you swiftly turned on the edge of the tub to see the last person you wanted to in this exact moment.
There, standing in the entrance straight as a pillar and eyes so wide they might pop out of his head, was Donatello. He had come to return back your phone, that of which he had called deciding it was finally time to talk about your standoff behavior towards him when it rang from the lair lounge. Now though, a call to work out the reason was no longer warranted, the off color patch of new skin and flesh on your back still crystal clear in his mind.
"I. . .", Donnie faltered, one usually a dictionary of speech, now speechless.
You on the other hand, were much more reactive. Your heart picking up pace, as you were quick to grab your towel and wrap it around, stepping out of your forgotten bath and racing to get out of this situation.
"I-I wondered if I had forgotten that, thanks Don, you can go-"
You had tried and failed to push your way past Donnie after swiftly grabbing your phone off the bathroom floor, but the turtle in purple was much faster and had grabbed hold of your arm just as you entered the hallway.
"How. . .how long have you. . .", Donnie swallowed, still struggling to find the words.
You felt your heart drop in your chest seeing the agony in Donnie's knowledgeable gaze.
"Donnie, please. . .", you mutter barely above a whisper, lip beginning to quiver.
"When you said you went to the hospital to check on a friend, did you really go for yourself?", he questioned, brows furrowed as he looked down at you, but you were careful to avoid his gaze.
You tried to pull your arm from his grasp, but Donnie held firm. He wasn't letting you go this time.
"(Y,n), please, I'm just trying to understand."
"There is nothing to understand.", you gritted out, angry with yourself for the tears that threatened to spill once again.
"How could you say that? You have a-"
"I know!", you finally snapped, glare flashing up towards Donatello.
Said turtle was stunned, but soon relaxed his expression, slowly letting go of your arm to take a step back. You cursed yourself internally, looking back to your hallway's carpet and holding yourself tight. A moment of tense silence befell the both of you, neither speaking and both refusing to look at the other. Your heart ached, and so did his, but it was not you who apologized first.
With a tight throat, Donnie was first to speak quietly.
"I'm sorry. . ."
"Don't say that.", you thought to yourself, another stinging pang shooting straight through your chest. Fighting back the urge to cry, you shook your head, chancing a glance at your slumped boyfriend.
"No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. It's just. . ."
Donnie looked up just as you looked down the hall, but your gaze was else where. It was a look he was all to familiar with, one he'd seen after terrifying incidents he and his brothers had experienced.
"Is that why you've been so distant?"
By that, you knew Donatello meant your scar.
The reference broke you, nodding as you started to sob and weep, new tears making new streaks down your face. Donnie muttered a quiet 'oh', opening his arms as you quickly crossed the short distance to fall against his plastron. The moment his strong arms wrapped around you, your heart had exploded, cries racking your body as you sobbed loudly, not caring if the neighbors heard. It had been so long since you had embraced each other, since you had been this close to the person you fell so deeply in love with, that the sensation of Donnie holding you felt as though you had finally returned home after an arduous journey across rough seas.
The entire time you cried Donnie stood cradling you, rubbing your arms softly and murmuring quiet whispers of "its okay" and "let it out" against the top of your messy hair. Neither of you knew how much time had passed, Donnie undoubtedly willing to hold you up if your legs no longer could, but soon you had calmed, only letting out shaking breaths and a few soft sobs here and there. Once you felt you had regained enough strength you gingerly used Donnie's strong plastron as leverage to push your self back, just enough to still remain close but also peer up into his worried gaze.
"I'm sorry Donnie. I never wanted to hurt you. I was so scared about how something happening to me would effect you, when I've been causing you that pain this entire time. I'm so, so sorry Donnie.", you choked out, feeling as though you were ripping off a band-aid and at the same time having heavy weights lifted from your shoulders.
"Oh, (y,n).," Donnie muttered, reaching up to move a strand of hair from your sticky, tear stained face. "I only wish I had realized sooner what you were going through. You shouldn't have faced this alone. I should have been there to help."
You bit your bottom lip, shaking your head slowly.
"No Donnie, that's exactly part of why I acted the way I did. I don't want you to blame yourself for what happened."
Donnie's grip on you tightened, a pit forming in his chest. That scar. It grabbed him by the throat and had him in a choke hold the second he stepped into your bathroom. When had you gotten it during the Kraang attack? Were you alone the whole time? How did you get such a wound?
Donatello had to be quick to stop his thoughts before they spiraled into picturing unsavory images of just how exactly you had been hurt. He hated it, this revelation that something seriously bad had happened to the person he loved and he wasn't there to do anything about it. If he'd lost you, he'd surely would have lost himself.
Leaning forward with tightly shut eyes, holding back his own tears for your sake, Donnie's lips pressed firmly to your forehead before slowly pulling back. His beautiful gold eyes found yours, a comforting smile gracing his features as you tiredly peered back at him inquisitively.
"Sorry, dove. I can't say that I won't, but I promise I'll try to as long as you promise me something."
"Anything, Donnie."
"Promise me that you'll always remember I'm here for you. That you can come to me about anything, and to please let me help fight your battles with you, just as you so bravely have done for me."
Your lips formed into a smile, the first genuine one in who knows how long. Your head fell against Donnie's strong chest once more, your arms squeezing him this time and feeling your soul being filled with a warm, positive feeling for once as the tallest ninja turtle returned your embrace with just as much love.
"I promise.", you spoke just above where Donnie's heart lay protected by plastron, the feeling of another gentle, loving kiss being placed against the top of your hair.
#bayverse tmnt x reader#bayverse tmnt#bayverse donnie x reader#bayverse donatello x reader#tmnt x reader#aged up tmnt#female reader#angst#angst with a happy ending#@httpvomitello#imababblekat's writing
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Shadow of Yourself [14/18]
Prompt: “You’ve changed, Eli. I barely even know who you are right now.”
A/N: we delve into the reader's past a little bit more the episode and eli is an absolute sweetheart about it <3
Based off of: Cobra Kai 05x05, 05x06, and 05x07 Warnings: some swear words (because tumblr apparently doesn’t like that), poorly written fight scenes (i swear, i struggle so much) Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x F!Reader
Tag List: @moonydrafts - @ashwhowrites - @traveleraroundsworld - @truly-abysmal - @likecherriesinthespring - @hollxe1 - @asonofpeter - @scarlett-verse - @musically-ambiguous - @kayda1 - @moon-zoons - @dwcode - @day-dreamsinthedark - @leilani788 - @silvermagnolias - @hawkinsavclub - @animewolflover278 - @gruffle1 - @b-tchymoon - @maggiecc - @beetea38 - @hawkinsavclub1983 - @crpytids - @embersparklz - @kimilight - @httpjiikook - @marauderssmut - @fyckcore - @multinci - @lqveabby - @oh-well-whatever-nevermind - @redskull199987 - @silvermagnolias - @shortneko - @okjaeminn - @thecyclonetragedy - @vamproq - @siriusfahey - @cobrakaigirlie - @kaylinfayezink - @oursuh - @aphroditelxver - @minl0u - @cherrywinepoison - @bath1lda - @fixalice - @fallsofserinity - @maisieibae - @ssrcsm - @notplutos - @kaitieskidmore1 - @httpvomitello - @nichmeddar - @rafaelajonerr - @lazyneonrabbitt - @belleoftheball28 - @httpvomitello - @nichmeddar - @rafaeljonerr - @lazyneonrabbitt - @harrysnovia - @dopepersonacloudllama - @fluffybunnyu
“I made a new friend today.”
“Did you?” Your uncle Elijah calls over the sound of the water running in the sink, his hands frothy and wet from washing the dishes. This was your regular routine after dinner; he’d wash and you’d dry and when your mother was home, she’d put the dishes away. There’s a glaring pile of dishes building to your right that both of you ignore that, as of recently, has been more common. “That’s great, what’s her name?”
Biting your lip, you take the offered dish from his hands; “it’s a boy.”
That gives your uncle pause. With a teasing grin, he turns to you, quirking a brow; “oh? Is that right?” You flush at his wiggling brows, shaking your head as he flicks some soapy water at you before caving. “So, what’s his name, then?”
“Eli,” you answer, grinning from ear to ear. “Eli Moskowitz.”
“What a name,” your uncle laughs, nudging you with his elbow lightly. “He nice?”
You nod instantly, “very.”
“Good. Because no boy will be disrespecting my daughter.”
You flush at your uncle’s words, rolling your eyes; “dad, he’s just a friend.”
Eyes distinctly focused on the pan he’s washing, your uncle hums knowingly; “mm-hmm. And how did you meet Mr. Just-A-Friend Moskowitz?”
You just snort, focusing back on your own task like your uncle and ignoring his teasing because it was nothing new. Your uncle was a funny man and he was the best at jokes, and he liked to tease you – but you didn’t really mind, because it always made you laugh in the end anyways.
“I stood up for him,” you say, with a certain air of pride and an eye on your uncle for his reaction. “From a bully.”
Setting down the pan, your uncle turns to face you; “is that right?”
You mimic his actions, nodding; “yup.”
In the next second, before you can even blink, your uncle is moving his wet, soapy hands to your sides and moving to tickle you relentlessly. A giggle bursts from your lips instantly, carrying on as you desperately swat your uncle’s torturing hands away from you, gasping as you try to catch your breath.
“That’s my girl!” Your uncle cheers, clasping you by the waist and hefting you over his shoulders as he moves to run around the dining room, your cackles the only thing that can be heard in the otherwise silent house. “My little niece, standing up to bullies just like I taught her!”
“Elijah!” You call, grinning wide, “put me down!”
He obliges, finishing one last race around the dinner table before setting you on your own two feet. A laugh bubbles from your throat as he does, breathless and quieter, before you meet his waiting gaze and watch as he moves to crouch in front of you, hands on your shoulders.
“I’m incredibly proud of you, Y/N,” your uncle smiles, all sincerity and love in his eyes. “You know that, right?”
Beaming, you hum; “of course, Elijah! You tell me all the time!”
Shaking his head, your uncle places his hand on the back of your head before leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
The moment is flooded with a gentle and comfortable silence as you lean into the kiss, heart racing and belly aching from your laughing but more happy than you could ever be.
It doesn’t last long.
The next day your uncle falls over at work and is rushed to the hospital.
Two months later, he passes away.
That is the last good memory you have of him.
You stare at the date that glares at you from the top of your phone screen.
July 14th.
July 14th.
The anniversary of your uncle’s death.
And you’re completely alone.
You frown when you see a message pop-up, the frown deepening further when you see who it’s from.
If you need to talk today, let me know. I can try and find some time to chat.
A second later, another text pops up.
Love you, honey.
With a sigh, you let your phone fall to your bed before collapsing against your pillow yourself.
You don’t have the energy to reply to your mother. Not after all that had happened and certainly not when today is… today.
She couldn’t even be here—
Clenching your eyes shut, you roll over to your side, staring at the wall of your bedroom and ignore the buzzes that rumble from your hip where you’d left your phone. You have no doubt it’s your mother, probably irritated or worried that you weren’t replying to her messages.
It’s early-ish, sometime mid-morning, but you haven’t gotten out of bed yet.
Classes at the dojo were a little… well, nonexistent right now because of everything and it was the summer which meant that you didn’t have school. You knew Yasmine and Moon were doing something but pretending everything was fine and smiling with them didn’t seem like the solution to the pain in your heart either. Sam was too busy ‘finding’ herself, Miguel and Robby were spending the day with Johnny last you heard and you could only imagine how that was going. Demetri was maybe with Yasmine and Moon, maybe not, though honestly, you loved the guy, but you didn’t think being with him today would help any.
Honestly, the only person you did want to see was Eli but after your fight in the waterpark parking lot, you didn’t know where either of you stood and you were too scared to find out. Eli hadn’t tried to reach out to you and neither had you, afraid that if you did, he’d officially break it off with you.
Maybe you were being dramatic but this always seemed to happen when you two started dating. You loved Eli, you knew that, and you didn’t want to just be friends but maybe Eli didn’t feel that way anymore. You had been a tad bit cruel at the waterpark and hadn’t tried to see any of it from Eli’s point of view. Cobra Kai had been traumatic for Eli and even if you stood by your opinion that the students at Cobra Kai weren’t your enemies, it still stood to truth that some of them had done horrible things and hadn’t apologized for it.
Nor did it look like they planned to.
Letting out a dejected moan, you shove your face into your pillow.
This was awful.
All you wanted to do was see Eli but you were too afraid to make the first step in case it meant you losing him, permanently this time. Realistically, you knew you couldn’t avoid him forever but for now, you figured, you could at least try.
And all of this was ten times worst because… because—it hurt too much to think.
Your father would know what to do. He would have all the right answers, you knew he would. But he wasn’t here to tell you.
A knock echoes from the front door, startling you out of your thoughts as you jump, moving to sit up as you stare in the direction of your bedroom door and the stairs you can see through it. Who could possibly be at your front door right now?
When you don’t move, another knock follows and with a slight frown, you finally push yourself off of the bed and to your feet before making your way down the stairs. You stare at your front door for a moment longer, confused, before finally moving to unlock it, glancing over the edge of the door to see who it is.
Your eyes widen when you see it’s Eli, with a bouquet of flowers.
“I know we’re fighting or… something, but I didn’t think you’d want to be alone today.”
Lips parting, there’s a flutter that resonates from your heart at Eli’s words; they’re said with a certain softness of hesitation, eyes flickering from meeting your own back to his own feet as he shuffles on your front porch. You feel your heart melt then and there, all anger or doubt you’d had previously disappearing in a single second.
Eli had been the one person you’d wanted to see and here he was.
“You remembered,” you mumbled, still stunned as you reached your hand out, taking the offered flowers that Eli eagerly gives to you. There's a beam of hope that floods his gaze as you take them, pressing them to your nose where you smell the sweet and natural scent of the assorted bouquet, before glancing up at Eli with warm cheeks.
“Of course,” Eli says with ease, without hesitation. “I wasn’t sure if I should come but I knew your mom still wasn’t home and it felt wrong not to come. I’d texted you but you, uh… weren’t answering them.”
Oh, you think guiltily, so he’d been the one texting. Biting your lip, you hug the flowers; “thank you, Eli.”
He smiles; “you’re welcome.”
There’s a moment more of silence before you snap out of your own thoughts, shuffling back to make room for Eli. “Here,” you offer, “come inside.”
Eli is quick to abide, shuffling into your house as you shut the door behind him. You smile at him, a little unsure, as you descend into the kitchen to grab a vase, filling it with water before delicately setting the flowers inside and leaving them to rest on the windowsill where a bit of sun shines on them.
“They’re beautiful,” you smile softly at Eli, “seriously, thank you.”
Eli shakes his head, brushing off your continued thanks; “it’s the least I could do… you know, as your boyfriend.” Then, his gaze shifts, standing an awkward distance away from you as he shoves his hands into the pockets of his joggers and glances at you warily. “If I still am?”
He asks it with a sense of doubt, obviously not sure where you both stand in regards to your relationship. Honestly, you know it’s a little wrong, but it’s a bit of a relief to you that Eli had been having similar concerns as you in regards to your relationship. It made you feel a little less silly knowing that Eli had also been unsure of whether the two of you were still dating or not.
And even more, it made you feel better that it seemed Eli still wanted to.
Letting the first real, genuine beaming smile curl onto your lips, you quickly cross the distance over to Eli, wrapping your arms around his shoulders eagerly. “Of course you are!”
Eli stumbles back at the sudden force, his hands quickly coming to grab you by the hips as he lets out a soft ‘oof’ at your sudden embrace. Still, there’s an eased grin that curls onto his lips all the same and he’s leaning into your hug with a certain fervour of passion.
When you pull back, just enough to meet his eyes, Eli’s laughing; “i’m glad,” he assures. “I felt bad after we fought and I wanted to turn back around instantly but I saw you with Robby and I wasn’t sure…”
“Oh,” you breathe, not having realized he’d seen that. “Robby… he, um… saw me crying after our… and was just making sure I was okay. He walked me home, but that was all.”
Something pained crosses Eli’s eyes but he doesn’t speak on it and the expression is gone as quickly as it came. You watch on in concern, but then he’s squeezing your hips and shaking his head, as if getting rid of the thought, before focusing back on you. “I really am sorry.”
“I’m sorry too,” you exclaim, “I shouldn’t have made that comment about you and Cobra Kai…”
“Nah,” Eli brushes off with a shrug and a light chuckle. “You were right. I was a jerk, just like they are now. It’s not fair of me to act like I wasn’t.”
That wasn’t exactly the point you’d been trying to make, but, you figure, one step at a time. Besides, you were tired of fighting with Eli and you’d desperately missed him for the few days you hadn’t been speaking. You needed and wanted Eli, especially for today, so you decide to leave it for now.
“You know,” you speak up after a moment of silence, clasping your hands behind Eli’s neck as you pull him closer. “My uncle was the first person I told when we became friends.”
Eli blinks at you, surprised. “Really?”
“Yeah,” you nod eagerly, “he was the closest thing to a father I had and at the end, it was usually just the two of us… He’d said he was proud of me.” Then, frowning, you meet Eli’s eyes. “I really wish you got to meet him.”
Eli’s face softens. “I wish I'd met him too.”
Lowering your gaze, you hesitate for a moment. “You think he’d still be proud of me?” The question comes pouring from your lips before you can stop yourself, but Eli’s always been good at bringing that vulnerable side of you out that no one else really ever saw. And, truthfully, you didn’t really mind if it was Eli. “I feel like I never know what I’m doing and so much is happening all the time. I mean, we’ll be done with high school soon and I don’t even know where I want to go for college. Not to mention this whole karate thing…”
Eli raises his hand, softly brushing a strand of hair that had fallen in your face in the midst of everything and therefore, pulls your gaze back on him. His gaze is soft, adoring as he glances down at you and there isn’t an ounce of hesitation or doubt as he says; “of course he’d be proud of you.”
Smiling, enough that your cheeks hurt from how wide, you lightly nudge Eli; “I’m glad you’re here. I didn’t want to spend his anniversary alone.”
Eli grins, ear to ear, and there’s a shared understanding between the two of you as he nods;
“I’m glad to be here too.”
“So… back at Miyagi-do, huh?”
Laughing, Robby shakes his head as he makes his way over to you, having just walked into the dojo. You knew that most of the people there might not be happy to see him back, at least not at first, so you figured that you’d be there to greet him so he didn’t feel so isolated and singled out.
“Yeah,” Robby breathes, coming to a stop in front of you, winking teasingly at you. “The place you’ve never left.”
You snort; “what can I say? I’m loyal.”
Robby rolls his eyes but the smile on his face is undeniable.
“How did… uh, everything with Miguel and your dad work out?” You ask after a moment, unable to help yourself. Ever since Robby had texted you letting you know, despite everything else, it’d been on your mind. There was a lot of bad history between Robby and Miguel, and you honestly had no idea if there ever wouldn’t be.
But… Robby was back in Miyagi-do and Miguel hadn’t seemed as angry about it as you’d expected.
So you hoped it went as well as it seemed it had.
“Went okay,” Robby shrugs, “as okay as it could’ve, I guess.”
“Seems better than okay,” you offer, hopeful. “I mean, you’re here and the two of you aren’t at each other’s throats. So… that’s a good step, right?”
Robby just snorts; “yeah.” And you beam, grin turning wider, until you notice Robby’s gaze over your shoulder and he adds; “but just because Miguel and I are okay, doesn’t mean others feel the same.”
Following his gaze, you freeze when you realize Robby is talking about Eli. He’s stood with Miguel and Demetri, but there’s a particularly nasty glare on Eli’s face as he glances your and Robby’s way. When he meets your eyes, the glare softens considerably, but there’s still an edge to his expression.
“No more deadly of a glare than Tory sends me,” you try to joke, turning back to Robby nervously. Robby just raises a brow, shaking his head as he crosses his arms over his chest and you sigh. “Look, don’t worry about Eli. He’s having a harder time seeing past what happened before the All Valley… you know, with his mohawk.”
Robby just lets his hands fall by his sides. “No worse than he’s done.”
Robby’s eyes snap back to you at your sharp tone, wincing slightly at the look you send him.
“Okay, okay,” he huffs, “I’ll play nice.”
“Thank you,” you sigh, somewhat relieved. “We’re all on the same side now and Eli will calm down. I promise.”
“It might also help if he realizes I’m not trying to steal his girlfriend.”
Cheeks burning, you sputter, surprised by Robby’s comment as you turn to him with wide eyes. “B-But he knows you and Tory—I mean, you guys are dating. And we're friends. Just friends.”
Robby lets out a chuckle. “You said it yourself about Tory,” Robby shrugs. “Besides, I’m not so sure Hawk does know that.”
Your face falls in concern, mortified. “Robby—”
“Line up!”
“Look at them.”
“—When did they get so friendly!”
“Who?” Demetri asks, looking up from the stretching he’d been doing.
Eli just huffs, meeting his friends eyes briefly before nodding in the direction of you and Robby. “Them,” he says sourly, ignoring the look Miguel sends him. It wasn’t his fault. He’d tried to ignore it but it was impossible – he knew that you’ve told him many times that you and Robby were just friends but he hadn’t known you guys were that close. Walking you home? After Eli had made you cry? He couldn’t get it out of his head, a constant numbing thought that was irritating him and making him see things in a different light than was true.
And yes, it was his fault because he’d gotten so defensive and made you upset. But Eli had turned around to apologize and make up, only to see that Robby had already swooped in before he could.
And now? The two of you? You’d left Eli’s side the second you’d seen Robby making his way in, eagerly rushing over to the boy and you were all smiles and giggles as the two of you talked.
What was that about?
“Oh,” Demetri calls, “Y/N and Robby?” He asks to which Eli sharply nods.
“They’ve always been like that,” Demetri shrugs.
That catches Eli’s attention. His eyes finally leave you and Robby to turn and look at his friend, baffled; “what?”
Even Miguel looks a little surprised.
“Yeah,” Demetri nods, not seeing the problem. “Ever since she and I joined Miyagi-do. Or… I guess at first they hadn’t gotten along, but then suddenly, one day, something changed. I think it has to do with the whole parent thing… I know things are better between Robby and Sensei Lawrence now, but they get what it’s like to not really have a parent around.”
“Wait,” Miguel speaks up, before Eli can say anything. “Y/N lives on her own?”
Eli’s previous jealousy forgotten, he and Demetri glance at each other, unsure.
“Not completely,” Eli is the first to explain, voice hesitant with what to say and what not to say. Demetri didn’t even know everything either but Miguel even less it seemed, though Eli was sure you wouldn’t mind having Miguel know; even just a little. Like Demetri knew just a little. “Her dad… passed away when she was really young. And for a while her uncle helped raise her but then he passed away when we were in middle school. She still has her mom, but she leaves a lot for work. She’ll be gone for months at a time.”
“It was okay, you know, when her uncle was alive,” Demetri mumbles, glancing at you from across the dojo. “Because she had him. After he passed away, Y/N was home alone a lot. It’s been hard on her.”
“Oh,” Miguel mumbles, shoulders slumping. “I had no idea.”
“She doesn’t like talking about it,” Eli explains. “She doesn’t want people worrying about her.”
A somber air surrounds the three boys, neither of them sure what to say.
Demetri, as usual, is the first to break the ice. “I wouldn’t worry about Robby and Y/N, Eli.”
Eli turns to Demetri in surprise.
“They’re just friends,” he explains with a shrug, as if there was never any other explanation. “Besides, anyone who can see Y/N can see she only has eyes for you.”
Cheeks warming, Eli turns to Miguel, as if asking for his opinion; Miguel nods,
“Honestly bro,” Miguel laughs tentatively, trying to lighten the mood. “Y/N looks at you like you’re her whole world.”
Eli hesitates, doubting their words because of his own insecurity. Before he can help himself, his eyes naturally drift back towards you and Robby, only to pause when he sees you staring back at him. Eli freezes, panicking, as his eyes widen a fraction and he’s quick to soften his gaze, offering a nervous smile.
You just turn back to Robby, as if confused.
Jumping at Chozen’s suddenly booming voice, you don’t get to finish what he’d been about to say to Robby as Chozen calls everyone over to him. He shouts something in Japanese and you sigh, knowing that’s it, as you follow after Robby to make your way over. Eli quickly makes his way over to you, falling a stop next to you as he meets your eyes, sending a soft smile.
You’re quick to give him one in return, lightly nudging him with your elbow to assure him everything’s okay before turning your attention to Chozen.
“So,” Sam is the first to speak up, “where are my dad and Johnny?”
“Not here,” is all Chozen says in explanation. “Today, you train with me.” He follows by shouting something, again, in Japanese, that no one understands before sighing; “attention.” Instantly, everyone straightens out, your hands falling flat against your sides.
Again, he says something in Japanese and is met with confused gazes.
Huffing, Chozen shakes his head; “bow.”
Oh. Everyone quickly does.
“Cobra Kai gaining ground. We must prepare. Come.” Shuffling forward, Chozen moves to walk around the set up table with various things on it, and you meet Eli’s gaze curiously. “Now, we learn about Yanbaru Kuina.”
“What is that?” Chris asks, “like, some top-secret karate move? Like a throat rip?”
“No,” Chozen answers sharply, ignoring Chris’ poor imitation of having said throat ripped. “It is bird. In English called Okinawa rail. Endangered. Cannot fly.”
Demetri nods; “hence, endangered.”
Chozen grabs something off the ground, hidden behind a brown cloth, before peeling it away the second it’s set on the table. It’s eggs.
“So these are the real eggs?” Miguel asks, gesturing forward.
“No,” Chozen says, like it’s obvious. “Trader Joe’s. $3.29.” At the various looks he gets, Chozen just shakes his head, obviously annoyed; “take egg.”
Eli, Sam and Miguel step forward, grabbing a handful and passing them around; you smile when Eli hands you yours.
“So, what do we do with the eggs?”
“Yanbaru Kuina must protect egg,” Chozen answers. “From Kume Shima habu. Poison snake. You must do same.” He takes the hourglass off the table and turns it upside down. “Begin your preparation.”
“What are we protecting them from?” Robby asks.
“From me.”
You give yourself credit for lasting longer than Eli and Robby, but ultimately, your plan to protect your egg fails all the same.
You wince as Chozen cracks your egg, staring down at the broken yolk sadly before meeting his gaze. He simply just grunts at you before moving on, and with a sigh, you make your way over to the sparing deck where everyone else has lined up. You pause, however, when you notice Eli and Robby standing next to each other.
That cannot be good.
You finish making your way over with a certain hesitance, eyeing the both of them warily, before coming to a stop next to Eli. You smile at him warmly, before letting your eyes flicker from him to Robby and back.
“Everything okay?” You ask, tentatively.
Robby and Eli glance at each other, hesitating.
“These two?” Demetri calls out, answering you when neither Robby or Eli say anything. “Fighting like usual. Not focusing on the bigger picture,” he complains, “like, for example, the crazy guy taking us all out one by one!”
You ignore Demetri’s ramble, turning back to your boyfriend and friend; “oh.”
“No,” Eli is the first to speak up, sighing. “We’re fine. I guess.”
Your eyes widen, straightening out with hope.
“We’re good,” Robby assures, shrugging. Then he pauses, eyeing you and then Eli, before adding; “and just to be clear, Y/N and I are just friends. I don’t like her in that way. She’s great, of course,” he smiles at you, “but I like someone else.”
You freeze at that, eyeing Eli cautiously.
“Cool,” Eli says eventually, his voice even–cautious. “I knew that.”
Yeah, right, you think to yourself as you roll your eyes at Eli’s ‘cool-guy’ attitude, that’s why you spent the entire day glaring at Robby. It was endearing, though, and clearly nothing was meant from it.
Robby nods, holding back a chuckle; “just wanted to make sure.”
You watch as the two of them glance at each other one more time, just staring, before the corner of Robby’s lips twitch and then he’s grinning and to your surprise, Eli is mimicking his grin and suddenly all the tension just fizzles away.
“I will never understand boys,” you huff, bewildered by what had just happened.
Eli and Robby both look your way before bursting out into laughter, and your cheeks warm, slightly embarrassed, but still unable to fight the smile that curls onto your lips all the same.
“Now that that’s done, can we please focus on what’s happening?” Demetri calls, gesturing in front of himself wildly.
You blink, “who’s even left?”
Frowning, you watch as Chozen cracks an egg and starts frying onto the portable heater and pan – right in front of you.
“You are not good Yanbaru Kuina.”
Dejected, you lower your gaze.
“Snakes will take you down,” Chozen sighs. “One by one. I have tried to tell you what you must do. But you do not listen. You must learn to adapt. Or soon, you will be extinct.” A little morbid, but you couldn’t argue against his point. “Take new eggs. Try again.”
Slowly, you all grab a new egg.
“Sensei Toguchi’s real cryptic, like Mr. Larusso,” Demetri thinks aloud, you and the rest circling around each other. “But aggressive like Sensei Lawrence.”
Chris nods; “it’s like the hardest part of both styles.”
“Definitely,” you huff, “it’s scary.”
Mitch just huffs, shuffling back; “can’t wait to get our asses kicked again.”
You turn too, following Eli, Robby and Miguel, before Anthony calls out, halting you;
“Uh, no. No, um….” Curious, you glance back, watching as he tries to find the words. “G-Guys, uh, wait. He said that the snakes will take us down one by one. Right? Just like he took us down one by one, but… but what if we weren’t a bunch of ones? Like, what if we were…”
“Together,” Sam agrees.
“Exactly!” Anthony exclaims, nodding at his sister. “Like, um, a raiding party in Dungeon Lords.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Demetri calls, “even if you’re a level eighty-five, you can’t mount an attack on the grand realm alone.”
Eli nods at Demetri, “exactly. You need a team. And everybody has a special role.”
Grinning, you laugh in hurrah. “By working together!”
Anthony grins, nodding.
“It’s the only way we win. As one.”
You walk home with a certain pep in your step, practically skipping.
The three boys walking with you watch with varying grins.
“This is amazing,” you gush, turning to the three of them and grinning from ear to ear.
Miguel snorts; “you’re way too excited,” he brushes off but his words still come out fond. He meets your eyes with a gentle smile and gestures to Eli and Robby beside him. “We just became friends.”
You snort, shaking your head. Figures they wouldn’t understand.
“It’s much more than that,” you correct, “the three of you have been in some mini-war since this all began.”
At that, Miguel, Robby and Eli glance at each other.
“Miguel and I have always been friends,” Eli reminds, jutting his thumb at Miguel before pointing back at himself.
You roll your eyes. “Yeah but now Robby’s here!”
At the sudden attention pulled on him, Robby flushes, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.
“I have been waiting for this day for a long time,” you explain, sending them a look. They all just laugh, shaking their heads and you fall back into place beside Eli, slipping your hand into his. “Now all that’s left to do is make Sam and Tory be friends and everything will be good.”
There’s a pause that follows that – you’re blissfully unaware.
“Y/N,” Robby calls, somewhat hesitantly. “I feel like that might be harder to do.”
“More like impossible,” Eli snorts, pulling your eyes on him in confusion. “Those two hate each other.”
“I feel like that’s somehow putting it lightly,” Miguel sighs, obviously distressed by his ex-girlfriend and… well, ex-girlfriends hatred for each other. “I don’t think they’ve ever been in the same room without fighting.”
Robby nods, solemnly, and Eli just shakes his head.
You stare at them.
“What?” Eli asks, confused.
“That was literally you two,” you point at Eli and Miguel, “with him,” you shift to Robby, “not a week ago. Especially you two,” you single out Miguel and Robby. “Unless you guys have forgotten,” you snort, raising a challenging brow their way. “I’m sure we can get Sam and Tory to see past their differences.”
It’s clear by the way all three of them look at each other, they’re doubtful.
“Well,” you brush their doubts away, “I'm determined to make them be friends.”
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Shadow of Yourself [13/18]
Prompt: “You’ve changed, Eli. I barely even know who you are right now.”
Based off of: Cobra Kai 05x01, 05x02, 05x03 and 05x04 Warnings: some swear words (because tumblr apparently doesn’t like that), poorly written fight scenes (i swear, i struggle so much) Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x F!Reader
Tag List: @moonydrafts - @ashwhowrites - @traveleraroundsworld - @truly-abysmal - @likecherriesinthespring - @hollxe1 - @asonofpeter - @scarlett-verse - @musically-ambiguous - @kayda1 - @moon-zoons - @dwcode - @day-dreamsinthedark - @leilani788 - @silvermagnolias - @hawkinsavclub - @animewolflover278 - @gruffle1 - @b-tchymoon - @maggiecc - @beetea38 - @hawkinsavclub1983 - @crpytids - @embersparklz - @kimilight - @httpjiikook - @marauderssmut - @fyckcore - @multinci - @lqveabby - @oh-well-whatever-nevermind - @redskull199987 - @silvermagnolias - @shortneko - @okjaeminn - @thecyclonetragedy - @vamproq - @siriusfahey - @cobrakaigirlie - @kaylinfayezink - @oursuh - @aphroditelxver - @minl0u - @cherrywinepoison - @bath1lda - @fixalice - @fallsofserinity - @maisieibae - @ssrcsm - @notplutos - @kaitieskidmore1 - @httpvomitello - @nichmeddar - @rafaelajonerr - @lazyneonrabbitt - @belleoftheball28 - @httpvomitello - @nichmeddar - @rafaeljonerr - @lazyneonrabbitt
Pausing a moment, the both of your eyes meet, and after a beat of silence, laughter echoes.
“Remind me again why we’re being so awkward with each other?”
Across the table, Eli lets out another laugh, this time more light-hearted and a bit more relaxed as he takes in your grin and teasing expression. “Dunno,” he shrugs, but then, winces just faintly. “Maybe because this is our first real date…”
Your brows furrow, head tilting; “I mean, there was that—”
“No, no,” he hurriedly cuts in, waving his hands wildly before him. His face burns a little and his eyes avoid yours as he moves to explain; “we don’t talk about that first date. I was an ass. And I didn’t even try to think of doing something you’d like.”
Heart warming at his words, your cheeks warm as you move your gaze towards your lap, twiddling with your thumbs idly as you think back to that date. Eli definitely wasn’t wrong, and although you’d been about to deny his words originally, he seemed self aware of the fact enough for you to not have to say anything. Because at the end of the day, he was right—that first date hadn’t been anything like you’d once thought your first date with Eli would be like.
And that was, truly, the beginning of when everything went wrong.
Truth be told, you’re not all that interested in delving into that, especially not when it was so abundantly clear how far Eli had grown and how regretful he was of his past actions. Sure, maybe you were more lenient towards his past actions than you could be given how strong your feelings for Eli truly were but… but Eli had apologized. Not just to you but everyone he had harmed and he continuously tried to do right from his past.
That was more than enough for you.
So, with a simple nod, you brush off his words, sitting forward and towards him as you offer a small smile. “It’s in the past,” you assure with a simply shrug of your shoulders. “Besides, this isn’t about then, it’s about us now.” Reaching across the table, you take Eli’s hand in your own, feeling your heart flutter at the rather forward action but the second Eli moves to thread his fingers through your own in return, the worry dissipates. “And I’m glad you asked me out on this date today.”
Reassured at that, Eli’s grin practically beams. The confidence that Eli had found through everything radiates off of him but not in the way it had before – it’s positive, it’s kind and he makes you so unbelievably happy to see.
You loved the old Eli, but this Eli was refreshing and warming.
You relished in the change you never properly got to experience before. You never would’ve traded the only Eli for anything but you definitely could start to appreciate him now.
“I’m glad,” Eli nods. “Demetri said I should take you on one too, especially after everything… He proclaimed he was a master of ‘love’ nowadays and I best listen to his advice.” Eli rolls his eyes but the fond expression for his best friend is undeniable.
“I mean, he did manage to convince Yasmine, who hated us, to date him so…” You trail off at that, still finding the whole situation strange. You couldn’t deny that Demetri had always liked Yasmine, despite her previous behaviour and you also couldn’t deny that it seemed, now at least, Yasmine did truly return his feelings—still, it was odd for you despite everything. Even if you knew the girl was doing her best to make up for everything.
“True,” Eli laughs. Then, he hesitates; “so, was he right then?”
Lips parting, you meet his eyes, watching as he gestures around him. You follow his gesture, taking another look at the cute little diner Eli had taken you to for lunch. It wasn’t really what you’d been expecting when he’d asked you out in the first place — having just assumed the two of you would get up to what you used to before Hawk and when you two were best friends. Maybe an arcade or the comic store.
You knew Eli, now that he’d moved on from that, went back to a lot of his old interests while keeping some of the new. Demetri and you had spent a whole day catching Eli up on what he’d missed in regards to all your ‘nerdy’ things that bonded you guys together in the first place. So, you’d kind of just assumed that even though you guys were dating, that that would be much of the same.
Not to say you didn’t like where he had taken you – because you most definitely did. It was just so much more… intimate. Sure, that made sense because the two of you were dating but you hadn’t had the chance to make that step yet. Not completely. Sure, you’d kissed, held hands, that sort of thing and it wasn’t like this was either of yours first time together; that had been a regular thing even when you two were friends. You and Eli had always spent a lot of time together; separate or with Demetri.
But this? This was… closer. The aura of the fact that it was a date and pretty much your first date very much hung over the air and although the idea had you feeling giddy, it also had you feeling incredibly nervous.
How did you act? Should you act like you always did with Eli? Should you be… different?
It was already hard enough knowing what you were supposed to wear… that had been a whole ordeal of it’s own and if it hadn’t been for Moon and Sam you’re almost positive you would’ve had a panic attack before the date and that would’ve led to nothing but disaster.
The truth of the matter was you may have been the one to question yours and Eli’s awkwardness, trying to assure him that there was no reason to be awkward – when you very much felt like a bundle of nerves that made you stiff and tense and probably looking like a complete and total fool.
Realizing you’d spaced out and Eli was waiting, nervously, for an answer, you rush to answer.
“Uh, y-yes!” You practically squeak out and instantly, you feel your cheeks grow hot (rather than warm) and you panic (even more). “Yes, i’m-i’m sorry. I love this place and it’s so cute and, oh–um–” Meeting his concerned expression, you cave in on yourself. “Sorry,” you sigh, giving up, “I know I told you there was no reason to be but… I’m nervous.”
Eli squeezes your hand. “It’s okay,” he assures softly. “I still am too.”
Laughing lightly, you feel your body ease somewhat. “I guess… I just don’t know how I’m supposed to act… We jumped right into a relationship after everything and I feel like we never even repaired our friendship first—not completely at least.”
Something heartbroken crosses Eli’s expression and his grip on your hand wavers as he frowns. “Are you saying you just want to be friends?”
“What? No!” you exclaim, eyes widening as you realize how your words sounded. “No, no… not at all. I… I don’t want to be just friends. I spent years hiding my feelings for you and I don’t want to go back to acting like that. I just–Eli, I’ve never had a boyfriend before,” you confess, embarrassed at your own words. “Before everything, you and Demetri were the only two people I talked to. Everything is so different now. I mean… I actually have girls who want to be my friend.”
Eli smiles at that, admiring the genuine smile that unconsciously curls on your lips at that.
“It’s all just so different and I’m just afraid you’ll realize I’m not actually someone you want to be with.”
The smile instantly fades from Eli’s lips.
“Are you crazy?” He asks, eyes wide with disbelief.
You blink back at him.
“Y/N,” he calls, expression morphing into something serious as he shakes his head at you. “I spent all those years hiding my feelings for you too, Y/N. And then when I finally told you, I went and screwed it all up. I know what I did was wrong and I know I broke your heart kissing Moon that night. And I know it wasn’t right or fair to you or Moon but the entire time I was with Moon–and after–all I thought about was you.”
Stunned by his confession, you just stare back at him, lips parted and unable to find the words.
“What I did wasn’t right and I’ll forever be sorry,” he whispers. “I don’t deserve you but you’ve been willing to give me a second–hell, third chance and I don’t want to mess it up. I won’t.” He promises, nodding to himself. “You don’t have to be anything and I don’t expect anything. We’ll take it at your pace and all you have to do is be yourself.”
His words wash a calm over you, the tensed muscles in your body instantly easing as you fall back into your chair. You gradually feel less self-conscious about yourself or the way you act, talk–anything. Eli’s words are genuine, you can hear the sincerity in them, and the way he’s looking at you makes you feel all types of butterflies in your stomach; this time, though, they’re good.
“You really mean that?”
“Of course,” he says without hesitation. “This might be early and you don’t have to say it back, but, I love you. I have since that day you stood up for me from that asshole in middle school.”
Giggling at the thought you shake your head. “You know I love you too.”
Smiling, eyes twinkling, Eli nods. “Don’t be nervous, okay? I just want to spend time with you.”
And that’s all you need to hear.
“Desperate,” Yasmine laughs, reading the texts Miguel had just sent Sam. “But cute.”
You snort, “I can almost guarantee that Demetri and Eli are there with them.” All three girls look at you and you just shrug, taking a sip of your drink. “Miguel knows he’s in deep shit, Demetri probably told him to send you that.”
“Demetri?” Sam quirks a brow, doubting your words.
“He thinks he’s some sort of ‘love-genius’,” you make sure to add to your words with some air quotation marks. “Because of you, Yasmine.”
Although her cheeks flush, she doesn’t deny it. “He is,” and then at the looks she receives, she shrugs. “What? He is.”
Shaking her head, Sam pulls the focus back on what you’d all been called there for in the first place – her and Miguel. “I just feel like things have been off lately,” she explains, frowning. “There’s so much I wanna say. Maybe I should just… lay it all out?”
Without missing a beat, Yasmine reaches across the table to grab Sam’s phone. “No,” she squeaks, “no, less it more.”
“I’m with Yas,” Moon speaks up, nodding at Sam with a gentle expression. “It’s better to have these conversations in person.”
Sam looks at you, then.
You shake your head; “I know it’d be easier over text but Miguel deserves to know exactly how you’re feeling. And he has to do the same for you.”
“Mm-hm,” Yasmine hums, finishing typing on Sam’s phone and holding it out towards her. “Keep it short, not sweet.”
Leaning over Sam’s shoulder, you read Yasmine’s text, wincing.
“‘I’m okay’,” Sam reads aloud. “Should I add a smiley face or something?”
Both Yasmine and Moon look at each other.
“It’s up to you,” you offer, albeit maybe unhelpfully.
Huffing, you watch as Sam presses the send button – no emoji.
“Well,” Moon adds after a moment of tense silence. “Should we head over? Our appointment time is coming up.”
Just then, a ding comes from your phone. Setting your bag that you’d grabbed to leave down, you open your phone, smiling unconsciously when you notice the text is from Eli.
hey, got the tattoo covered up
There’s a pause, then another text;
i know you’re hanging out with moon and stuff today, but did you wanna see?
A second later, another final text follows;
i also wanna see you :)
Any futile thought of declining him quickly disappears once you read his final text. Fully still in the ‘honeymoon’ phase of your relationship and especially having worked out any weird kinks between the two of you during your last date, you were more than desperate to see Eli. You’d finally gotten him back and you wanted to see him as much as possible.
Turning to your friends, you hesitate.
They’re all standing, bags in hand and ready to leave, looking back at you expectantly. Sam raises a brow at the expression on your face.
“I’m sorry!” You cry, clasping your hands out before you, begging for your forgiveness. “I was gonna go but Eli got his new tattoo and he wants to—”
“Pssh,” Yasmine cuts in, waving her hand at you. “Just go. We all know how much the two of you are into each other.” Then, pausing, she glances at Moon. “I mean–”
Moon just laughs. “It’s fine. I’m happy for Eli and Y/N.” Then, turning to you, she grins wide, sending you a thumbs up. “Go see him. We have plans to hang all together at the new waterpark anyways.”
Easing a bit, you turn to Sam, hopeful.
She just shrugs. “Go have fun.”
Letting out a squeal of excitement, you jump to your feet, taking all three of them into your arms and squeezing them tightly. Sam leans into it while Moon just laughs, hugging you back with her one arm. Yamine, to the right of you, tenses, unsure of the action but when you let go and beam at her, she follows with a small smile of her own.
Things were still a little awkward between the two of you (naturally) but she was trying and how could not respect that considering everything?
“Thank you!” You say, waving at them as you hurriedly move to make your way out of the coffee shop.
“Well,” Sam says after watching you leave. “At least someone is having good luck in their relationship.”
“Me and Demetri are doing quite well, too, actually,” Yasmine offers.
Sam just glares at her.
“Give it.”
You stare at Moon. “I’d rather not.”
Hand still left out stretched, Moon just shakes her head with a reassuring smile. “Y/N. Come on.”
You eye her for a moment longer, before lowering your gaze towards your body. You glance at the baggy t-shirt you’d thrown on before leaving your house earlier, and frown. “I don’t wanna take it off,” you mumble. “I-It’s cold.”
“Cold?” Yasmine snorts, “really?”
Glaring at her, you scoff. “Yes.”
“Y/N,” Sam calls, glancing up from her book as she smiles at you. “It’s fine, come on. It’s a nice, warm summer day at the pool. Take off your shirt.”
Raising a brow, you gesture to her; “you’re still wearing yours.”
“It’s a tank,” she bluntly reminds. “Cropped.”
You just frown back at her, fingers gripping your shirt tightly.
“Y/N, listen to me,” Moon speaks up, pulling your eyes back on her as she smiles brightly at you. “Just give me the shirt. No one here will judge you, I promise. Besides, you’re hot. And you should show it off.”
Hesitating at her words, you hug yourself; “I really doubt—”
“Oh my god! Y/N! Just take off your shirt!” Yasmine exclaims, obviously frustrated at your lack of compliance, hands falling by her sides in frustration as you glance back at her. Shaking her head at you, she shrugs. “Moon’s right, you’re hot. Why are you so worried about it?”
Giving her a dead-panned stare, you lean towards her. “Oh, I don’t know… could it be because of a certain somebody who bullied me for years about my appearance?”
Sure, Yasmine had changed. Sure, she was trying to be better. Didn’t mean her years of torment were forgotten.
Frustration wiping clean from her face, Yasmine frowns. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” you mumble, “oh.”
You sigh, turning back to Moon.
“Give it.”
Her hand stretches out towards you further and by the look on her face, you know there’s no arguing further.
So, ignoring the nerves bundling in your stomach, you reach for the hem of your shirt. It only takes one more glance at hers and Sam’s reassuring smile before you’re pulling the shirt up and over your head, reluctantly setting it in Moon’s awaiting hands so you can resist the urge to put it back on right away.
She grins, pleased, the second you give it to her, tucking it away beside her (on the opposite side of you) and nodding.
“See? Everything’s fine.” She gestures around to everyone that isn’t even glancing your way, completely in their own worlds. “Besides, we invited the boys, right? So… Eli’s coming.”
Flushing, you glance away from her, hugging your stomach to try and cover yourself; “I definitely don’t want him to see me.”
Yasmine scoffs at that, “please. Everyone can tell the boy is in love with you. I wouldn’t worry.”
And, you figure, in her own way, that’s Yasmine trying to reassure you.
“Yas is right, Y/N,” Moon nods eagerly. “You have nothing to worry about.”
Inhaling deeply, you nod, trying to settle your nerves as you lean back against the beach chair. You force your arms to your sides, fighting the urge to cover yourself, and try to focus on the feeling of the warm sun hitting your skin. It wasn’t often you got to relax like this, and especially not with three girlfriends – you really should try to ignore it.
“Wait,” Sam speaks up a second later. “Boys?”
You and Moon glance at each other wide-eyed.
“Sorry, Sam… I totally forgot me and Y/N invited them…” Moon trails off, a guilty expression on her face as you both look at her.
Leaning over Moon’s shoulder to meet Sam’s eyes, you’re quick to add; “I can text Eli to not come if—”
“Hey, babe!”
You silently curse at the sound of Eli’s voice.
Nerves forgotten, you glance over your shoulder, seeing him and Miguel making their way over to the four of you, a bright grin on Eli’s face as he waves at you. Offering him a small wave back, you turn back to Sam; “seriously, I can—”
“It’s fine, really. I promise,” she reassures with a shake of her head. “I mean, this is gonna happen. And it’s alright. Miguel and I are still friends.”
You and Moon look apprehensive at her words, worried for her as you know she’d just broken things off with Miguel to focus on herself and you didn’t want to be the one who got in her way of her self-reflection journey. But before you can say more, a shadow falls next to your side and you’re glancing up to meet Eli who’s smiling brightly down at you.
“Hey,” he grins down at you, moving to take the empty seat next to you. Everything around you falls to the back of your mind as you unconsciously smile up at him, leaning forward to meet his lips before pulling back;
“Hey,” you return, breathless. “I’m glad you came.”
Eli nods. “Me too,” settling back in his seat, his eyes glance downwards.
You feel yourself tense, chest tightening but before you can move to cover yourself, Eli is taking your hand in his.
“You look great,” he compliments, the words sincere.
And just like that, all your worries wash away. You knew it wa stupid, but it was hard to fight the self-esteem issues that had been taunted at you for years of your life. The things Yasmine and some of the other bullies had said stuck with you and even though you were surrounded by friends and those who cared for you, it was hard not to hear those biting words in the back of your head.
Despite knowing Eli a long time, you’d never been dressed in something so… revealing before. And sure, he was your boyfriend now and you guessed that sort of step just came with the relationship. It didn’t mean you had been any less nervous.
But the warm smile on his lips and the sincerity of his words are reassuring and they leave your heart fluttering in a completely different way than it had before.
Feeling hot and embarrassed, you glance at your lap; “shut up.”
“What?” he laughs, squeezing your hand. “It’s true.”
You meet Eli halfway as he makes his way back from whatever that confrontation with Cobra Kai had been. The sight of Robby making his way over to Tory has you frowning, trying to piece together whatever you could before finally coming to a stop in front of Eli.
“What was that about?” You ask, shifting your focus to Eli as he sets his hands on your arms.
“Nothing,” he dismisses, shaking his head as he tries to lead the both of you back to your friends. You just root yourself in the spot, not letting him pull away.
“Eli,” you huff, “what was it about?”
Sighing, Eli pulls you aside, moving to explain. “They were just being pricks to Sam’s brother, okay? But it’s fine. We sorted it out.” Then, smiling faintly, he brushes a strand of hair out of your face. “Nothing to worry about, okay?”
You glance over his shoulder once more, meeting Tory’s eyes along the way, frowning at the glare she sends you. Turning back to Eli, you hesitate, but at the look he sends you, you just sigh, nodding. “Okay.”
Eager to distract you, Eli grins. “Wanna go on some rides?”
Unable to fight the smile that curls on your lips, you shrug; “sure. Let’s go.”
It was not nothing to worry about.
Just twenty minutes after you and Eli settle back down on the beach chairs, both him and Miguel are getting up when a fight between Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do-and-Eagle-Fang adjacent breaks out. You try to call after Eli and get him to stop, but he barely listens to you, and before you know it the both of them are off. A look Moon and Sam’s way tells you, you all know how this is gonna end – bad, as usual.
Choosing to stay back, knowing that this stuff never ends well, you try to ignore it and relax but your eyes keep flickering over. You may not want to participate in this drama between the dojo’s, but all of your friends were involved and your concern especially laid with Eli; you knew it was hard for him to ignore all of it because of his past with Cobra Kai and everything that had happened and that inevitably caused you to worry.
Eventually, Eli and Tory end up racing down the waterslides to see who’s better but the non-confrontational altercation is quickly ruined when Eli proclaims Cobra Kai cheated. Which then escalates, naturally, and eventually leads to all of you being kicked out of the water park.
Which left you to now, walking home with Eli.
Sam had left early, annoyed and when Miguel realized she wasn’t there, he left too, going to talk to Robby. Too tired to deal with that, which was bound to go poorly, you continued on with Eli, Moon and Yasmine until the two girls left too.
Leaving just you and Eli.
Hand in hand, Eli’s eyes keep shifting over to you beside him, worried eyes registering the frown on your lips and sensing the disappointment flooding off of you. A part of him feels guilty, knowing that he’d been a piece of the reason why you’d all been kicked out of the water park in the first place. But… but he hopes you understand why it all started in the first place.
“I’m… I’m sorry,” Eli whispers a moment later in awkward silence, unable to handle it. Your eyes snap to him at his words, wide eyes falling on him as he runs a hand through his hair. “I know you were excited to hang… I didn’t mean to get us kicked out.”
Lips parting, you’re quick to shake your head. “Eli, I’m not mad.”
“Are you sure?” he doubts, raising a brow. “You… look mad.”
“No,” you sigh, shoulders falling. “I’m not mad. Not at you. Just disappointed… I wish we could get past our differences and get along with Cobra Kai.”
Eli, unable to help himself, scoffs. “Yeah, as if.”
You send him a sharp glance and Eli pauses, swallowing thickly.
“Y-Y/N…” He calls out nervously. “I mean… you must understand, right? That won’t happen.”
“Why not?” You huff, shrugging your shoulders as you instinctively pull your hand from his grasp. “If we could just see past our differences, then—”
“There’s no ‘seeing past our differences’,” Eli cuts off; perhaps a bit sharper than he intended if the look in his eyes is anything to go by. He hesitates, holding himself back for a moment, clearly trying to think of what to say. He decides with; “I mean, they’re the enemy. Robby, Tory, all of them.”
“They’re kids, like us,” you remind, shaking your head. “They’re just like us. And-And Robby isn’t an enemy, he’s not even in Cobra Kai anymore! Neither is Tory or Kenny! Or the rest of them! They’re being brainwashed!” You don’t even realize the way your voice is raising, spiking in your distress as the both of you stand there in the middle of the parking lot.
Eli just shakes his head. “They go too far,” he argues, “and we will never be able to see past our differences.”
Looking back, you wouldn’t have said the words that you do and really, you regret them the second you say them. But the some far part of you, deep in your mind that realizes that isn’t able to see that clarity in that moment and the words just come pouring from your lips.
“What, like you weren’t one of them in the past?”
Something shifts in Eli’s eyes; “so this is about me?”
“What?” You call, baffled. “No! I just meant…”
Really, you don’t know what you meant.
“I knew you still haven't forgiven me for all of that,” Eli scoffs. “It’s clear that you still see me that way.”
“No!” You cry out, unaware of the eyes watching the both of you. “I don’t!”
Eli just steps back from you; “you said it was all in the past.”
“It is! I just meant that you realized your mistakes so who’s to say that they can’t either?”
You know you’re right. Eli probably knows too. But the jab still hovers in the air and stings and it doesn’t allow Eli to see past his own fog of anger to realize the truth of your words. Instead, he just shakes his head down at you, scoffing.
“You don’t get it,” he huffs.
Your eyes widen, stepping towards him. “I’m trying to.” And you reach for him, try to grab his hand and pull him back and apologize even if you knew you were right – you just don’t want to fight anymore. You hate fighting, especially with Eli.
But it doesn’t matter. Eli pulls away before you can and with one more narrowed glance, he simply turns, walking off and leaves you there without another glance back.
And you stand there, watching him for a moment, eyes welling with tears as you try to recount how that conversation went so wrong, so quickly. You knew that what you’d said about when Eli was in Cobra Kai was wrong, but you didn’t understand how Eli couldn’t see that he and Miguel and all of them were acting irrational about Cobra Kai now. Sure, some of them have done shitty things – like Tory or Kenny, but it was all because of John Kreese and now, now it was because of Terry Silver.
Biting your lip, you hug yourself, feeling vulnerable in an entirely new way. Things had been going so well for you and Eli – or at least, it had seemed that way. You thought that both of you would be able to see past what had happened and start new, but clearly neither of you were able to forget everything completely. Eli and his whole ‘Hawk’ thing wasn’t gone from your mind, even if you wished it was and though you obviously were no longer mad at him, it wasn’t that easy just to forget it all. And clearly, it was still very much on Eli’s mind as well.
“You okay?”
Jumping at the new voice, you’re quick to wipe at your eyes, desperate not to be seen having been crying, turning in the direction only to pause when you realize it’s Robby.
Staring at him for a moment, you huff; “i’m fine.”
“You don’t look like you’re fine.”
You just scoff, hugging yourself tighter. “Surprised you’re even talking to me,” you choose to deflect the topic of conversation. If anything, just to give yourself a piece of mind. “Aren’t I the ‘enemy’?”
Robby just snorts; “not part of Cobra Kai, remember?” His voice is light, teasing, obviously in an attempt to cheer you up as he comes to a stand next to you. It doesn’t work. “Besides, you’re definitely not my enemy.”
That makes you feel better, though, just a little.
Glancing at him from the corner of your eye, you shrug; “should tell your girlfriend that.” You know you’re being a tad cruel, but you feel like you’re justified in it. Just a little. Robby has been kind of M.I.A. recently and ignoring you, even if it wasn’t intentional. You figure this is a chance to get a little bit of payback. “She glares at me any time she sees me. It’s worse when she sees us talking… not that you and I have a lot recently.”
Robby winces at that, “sorry about that.” And at your raised brow, he adds; “the whole being distant thing and Tory. Besides, I’m not even sure we’re really… dating anymore.” Sighing, Robby’s shoulders fall in defeat. “I don’t know, it’s complicated.”
Looking in the direction Eli had gone, you let out a laugh; “I'd say.”
Robby frowns at you, a look of concern clear in his eyes. You know he’s going to say something – it’s clear he saw you and Eli fighting, and if not, he definitely saw you crying. But you don’t want to talk about it. Not now.
So, instead, you opt for; “walk me home?”
The concern doesn’t fade but a genuine smile curls on Robby’s lips; “sure.”
#cobra kai#cobra kai x reader#eli moskowitz#eli moskowitz x reader#hawk#hawk x reader#cobra kai hawk#jacob bertrand#cobra kai imagine#eli moskowitz imagine
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Shadow of Yourself [15/18]
Prompt: “You’ve changed, Eli. I barely even know who you are right now.”
A/N: final part of season five! i can't believe i finally finished season five yall because i procrastinated on it for sooooo long but it actually ended up being one of my favourite to write!
Based off of: Cobra Kai 05x08, 05x09, and 05x10 Warnings: some swear words (because tumblr apparently doesn’t like that), poorly written fight scenes (i swear, i struggle so much) ALSO! this chapter deals with some heavier topics - self-doubt and deprication, as well as the reader blames herself for the deaths of her family (but don't worry, eli makes it better <3) ! overall, there's some heavier things discussed so just be warned. Pairing: Eli Moskowitz x F!Reader
Tag List: @moonydrafts - @ashwhowrites - @traveleraroundsworld - @truly-abysmal - @likecherriesinthespring - @hollxe1 - @asonofpeter - @scarlett-verse - @musically-ambiguous - @kayda1 - @moon-zoons - @dwcode - @day-dreamsinthedark - @leilani788 - @silvermagnolias - @hawkinsavclub - @animewolflover278 - @gruffle1 - @b-tchymoon - @maggiecc - @beetea38 - @hawkinsavclub1983 - @crpytids - @embersparklz - @kimilight - @httpjiikook - @marauderssmut - @fyckcore - @multinci - @lqveabby - @oh-well-whatever-nevermind - @redskull199987 - @silvermagnolias - @shortneko - @okjaeminn - @thecyclonetragedy - @vamproq - @siriusfahey - @cobrakaigirlie - @kaylinfayezink - @oursuh - @aphroditelxver - @minl0u - @cherrywinepoison - @bath1lda - @fixalice - @fallsofserinity - @maisieibae - @ssrcsm - @notplutos - @kaitieskidmore1 - @httpvomitello - @nichmeddar - @rafaelajonerr - @lazyneonrabbitt - @belleoftheball28 - @httpvomitello - @nichmeddar - @rafaeljonerr - @lazyneonrabbitt - @harrysnovia - @dopepersonacloudllama - @fluffybunnyu - @lovesanimals0000
Training had ramped up for the Sekai Tekai, even more when you found out that there would need to be a male and female champion that would go against Cobra Kai to represent Miyagi-do as a whole and therefore, finalize whether Miyagi-do would even be participating in the Sekai Tekai or not.
Needless to say, you’d willingly allowed Sam to be the female champion. Of course, out of respect, Mr. Larusso and Sam had spoken to you and asked but you’d simply just assured them both you were more than happy to let Sam have the spot if she wanted it. You’d known that she was trying to focus on herself more, outside of karate, but the impression you’d gotten was despite her hesitance, it was still something she felt was important to her.
Even more when everyone clearly knew that Tory would be Cobra Kai’s chosen champion. The tension between the both of them was still abundantly clear and you didn’t want to get in the way of anything Sam felt she had to prove.
You didn’t want to take that away from her.
“You’re sure?” Sam asks, eyes pinched with concern.
“I don’t want you to think we don’t consider you an option, Y/N,” Daniel explains, standing next to his daughter in a similar fashion of worry. “You’re a formidable fighter yourself.”
You just wave them off, nodding at Daniel. “I promise you it’s okay,” then, you send Sam a bright smile and a thumbs up. “You’ll kick ass, I know it.”
Sam flushes faintly at that, leaning forward to give you a hug which you return with ease, squeezing her with a laugh.
And that had settled that.
The boys champion, however, was still up for debate. You knew Johnny had pulled Miguel, Robby and Eli aside to speak to them about it and you couldn’t enjoy the pizza party until you knew. Obviously, you wouldn’t wish ill on Robby or Miguel and you knew they were also incredibly skilled at karate, but you knew, even if he wouldn’t admit it, that Eli really wanted to be chosen.
And obviously you hoped he would be too.
Gasping, you spin, face brightening with anticipation and hope as you see Eli making his way over to you. You quickly make your way over to him, slipping your hand into his own as you wait for him to tell you.
“What’re you doing out here alone?”
Huffing, purposefully dramatic, you shake your head. “Waiting for you,” you explain with a rush. “So?” You press without a second more of hesitation, eyes twinkling. Eli doesn’t look upset, not that you think he’d be overly disappointed if Miguel was chosen and not even Robby anymore now that they’d gotten past their differences. Really, though, Eli was giving nothing away and it was frustrating. “Who’s the boys champion?”
Eli laughs at your insistence, shaking his head. “Well, after a long and oddly careful conversation from Johnny about how he and the other sensei’s wanted to do this fairly, we came to a decision.”
Eli purposefully baits you with silence, hesitating as you slap him lightly on the shoulder with a laugh and a scoff until finally Eli is submitting and he grins at you.
You brighten; “you?”
“Apparently Miguel and Robby decided they’d let me before,” Eli grins, nodding. “So, yes, me.”
“Yes!” You cheer, voice pitching in excitement as you throw your arms around Eli’s shoulders. He stumbles back in response, laughing as you squeeze him tightly against yourself, face beaming in absolute delight and excitement for Eli. “I’m so happy for you!”
Hands falling on your hips, Eli chuckles; “you’re more excited than I was.”
“Well, duh,” you laugh, pulling back, “this is so amazing! You get to represent Miyagi-do!”
Eli falters slightly at that, looking suddenly thoughtful; “it is a lot of pressure.”
“You’ll do great,” you say with no hesitance or doubt. “You’re an All Valley champ after all.” To add to your point, you poke his cheek with a faint giggle, missing the absolute adoring look on Eli’s face as he watches you celebrate him with a beaming grin on your face and words full of sincerity and love.
Eli thinks back on that day you stood up for him, all the way in middle school and remembers the way that from then on, you had become his whole world. He hadn’t understood it at the time, not completely, but no one had ever stood up for him like that.
Certainly never a girl for that matter either. And Eli had known how important that was to him and how important it still was.
You’d been so kind and cheerful, a blindingly bright spot in his otherwise dull life. He’d had Demetri who of course meant the world to him, but he knows that if he were to ask Demetri himself that his friend would agree too – you��d been the best thing in their lives, standing up for them and joining their small, nerdy and outcasted friend group. And yet, despite all that, you’d never once complained.
You’d signed yourself off that day, joining them, and you’d done so with grace and a toothy grin.
And after all he’d done, how much of a douche he’d been, Eli can’t believe you’re still here with him.
He thinks he’s the luckiest guy in the world.
“Thanks,” Eli settles with, even though there’s so much he wants and could say. He doesn’t know how to put it in words though, he never has. Before he’d become “Hawk”, Eli had never been good with words – hence why Demetri dubbed him as “man of few words” – and now, even as “Hawk” or something past that, Eli finds he still can’t conjure up the right things to say.
He’s stupid and irrational and makes a lot of mistakes, but he hopes you know how much your encouragement and support really does mean the world to him.
“It’s a big honour,” he continues, “but I'm prepared to face the challenge.”
Your eyes spark, sending him an ear-to-ear winning smile as you nod; “I know you are.”
Flushed, Eli lets his eyes wander, turning in the direction he’d found you staring and frowns when he sees Sam training with Daniel and Chozen.
“They just chose Sam?” Eli asks, baffled as he turns back to you, squeezing your hips. All excitement at having been chosen himself suddenly doesn’t matter when Eli thinks you’ve been unfairly casted aside. “Without even giving you a chance?”
You look confused, just briefly, following his gaze before your face parts in realization and your lips part. “Oh, no, Eli,” you laugh, setting your hand against his chest in reassurance. “I let Sam be the girl’s champion.”
Eli pauses, confused; “what, why?”
“Because,” you laugh, like the answer is obvious. It bothers Eli. “Sam is way more skilled than me.”
“That is not true,” Eli instantly argues, shocked that you’d talk so low of yourself. “You’re an amazing fighter, just like she is.”
“Eli, she made it to the final round in the All Valley… I got beat out by Tory,” you remind and Eli watches as you shake your head, ever so nonchalant as you pass yourself off like it’s the easiest thing you’ve ever done. “And we both know Cobra Kai will choose her as their champion. Sam is logically the best option.”
Once again Eli thinks about you standing up for him. How fierce you’d been, how determined – you’d talked down a boy twice your size and older than you without hesitation or an ounce of fear. You’d done it with such bravery that Eli still thinks you’re the bravest girl he knows.
Then he thinks about Yasmine and how cruel she’d been to you. He thinks about the way she’d bullied you, made you feel lesser than yourself, made you feel ashamed.
He thinks of Kyler that day making crude and disgusting comments about you – being easy, being—
Eli thinks about how not once did he ever stand up for you like you had for him.
And he stares at you now, selling yourself short and not even questioning it and he’s filled with such guilt and hurt that Eli doesn’t know what to say.
“Eli?” You call, voice soft, pulling him from his thoughts as you glance up at him curiously. Eli blinks before focusing on you and you just smile. “It’s seriously no big deal. Now, come on, we’re missing the pizza party.”
You’re slipping your hand into his and pulling him along, reaching the kitchen where everyone’s stood and instantly bounding over to Miguel and Robby with a grin and a laugh. Eli can’t focus, not at first, not on the conversation or anyone else.
All he can think about is how he needs to make you see your worth like you’ve always made him see his.
You watch with a nervous expression, eyes never leaving Eli as he starts his fight.
You’re already apprehensive, especially with the fights taking place in Cobra Kai’s new big fancy dojo, but when you see how Kenny steals the first point, you’re reminded of why Cobra Kai is so dangerous. Kenny, despite being newer to karate and younger, is ruthless; he fights with the aggressiveness and anger you used to see Eli fight with and it makes your stomach tense with nerves.
Which only builds when the ref, unfairly, declares Eli’s following point against Kenny as out of bounds.
It definitely wasn’t out of bounds.
Eli is a good fighter. You know he’s a good fighter.
But Cobra Kai is fighting unfairly and that makes you scared.
The next round starts and Kenny starts the same, quick, ruthless and all aggression. Eli is able to keep up, blocking Kenny’s never-ending hits and then shifts, lifting his leg to strike at Kenny but the kid grabs him, doing an illegal strike right onto the bend of Eli’s leg. A cry of pain leaves Eli’s lips as he’s forced to bend, falling to his knee and slumping forward.
You jump, a gasp leaving your lips as you turn to your sensei’s.
“Illegal strike,” the referee shouts, “that’s a warning.”
Your gaze falls to Daniel, panicked; “sensei!”
Daniel meets your eye, shaking his head; “warning?” He scoffs at the ref. “He should be disqualified.”
Grunting, Eli limps over to Johnny and Daniel. “No, it’s fine,” he breathes, lowering his leg. “He… He just caught me off guard.”
“Are you sure, Eli?” Daniel asks, apprehensive.
You’re standing right next to the both of them, looking worriedly at Eli who glances at you, briefly, before nodding over at them. “No more Eli,” he says, voice sharp. “It’s time to uncage the ‘Hawk’.”
Reaching up, he brushes both of his palms against his mohawk, meeting your gaze one last time with a reassuring smirk before turning back to Kenny.
It gives you a little bit of confidence, and you want to believe in Eli but the way he limps back doesn’t reassure you at all and fizzles out any that you’d had left.
Your worry is justified. The second the referee calls the start to the next round, both Kenny and Eli in starting position, Kenny is instantly jutting his hand forward, lunging, and hitting Eli square in the chest. He lets out a loud groan and you flinch, worried, watching as he instantly falls to his knees, curling in on himself.
“Eli!” You call, ignoring all the rules and rushing onto the mat just as Miguel calls out for him at the same time and Johnny comes running forward too.
Your eyes widen, heart falling to the pit of your stomach when you see Eli holding his stomach, flinching in the spot. You don’t know what to do, terrified, so you turn to Johnny and then to Daniel who is now crouching over Eli as well.
“Hawk,” Johnny calls gently, “what’s wrong?”
He gasps at first, heaving, before his voice comes out faint and wheezed; “I can’t… Can’t… Can’t breathe.”
Oh my god. Your heart sinks, seizing with panic and confusion as your hands hover helplessly in front of you — you want to help, you desperately do, but you have no idea how to.
“Eli,” you whisper, pressing your hand to his arm.
The referee just sighs; “can you continue?”
You want to tell Eli he shouldn’t, but you know how important this is so you hold your tongue. Instead, you lean back, giving him space as Eli slowly presses his palms to the ground and tries to push himself up, breathing shakily.
He crashes back to the ground in a second.
“Where the medic?” Johnny bellows.
The next second the medic comes running forward, a hand out towards you to push you back gently.
“That’s a forfeit,” the ref calls, pulling your attention on him in stunned disbelief. “Winner, Payne.”
“But he attacked Eli!” You cry out, forgetting yourself as you gesture towards Kenny. Daniel and Johnny turn to you in surprise but you ignore them, catching sight of Silver’s smirk and your anger builds. You’re seeing red, blinded by your worry and anger and frustration which makes you act without thinking.
You’ve always acted without thinking when it comes to defending Eli.
“That’s not fair,” you huff. “If Eli can’t fight… th-then… someone else should be able to step in and take Eli’s place!”
“Sorry, miss,” the referee shakes his head. “That’s the rules.”
“Rules, my ass,” you argue, pushing yourself to your feet. In that moment every other person fades from your mind – all there is you and Eli, hurt, and that’s enough to make you continue. “That’s not—”
“Y/N! Y/N!”
You blink, turning to Daniel who’s calling for you, then register the hand on your shoulder keeping you back and turn to see Robby shaking his head at you, silently telling you to back down. You stand there, stunned, seeing the way both Johnny and Daniel are looking at you in the exact same way. You feel a sinking feeling, realizing how much of an embarrassment you’d just made of yourself – not to mention, your outburst hadn’t done anything to help Miyagi-do’s image.
Seeing the Sekai Tekai representatives at the far wall and the way they’re looking at you, you frown. A glance down at your hand tells you you’re shaking, and you move to turn back to Eli, but then you catch sight of Kenny and the wide and cruel grin on his face and that fire alights in you once more.
Just faintly, a last pathetic sizzle as you shake your head and your lips part. “But—”
“It’s okay,” Daniel calls, gently, shaking his head at you, “what’s important is if Eli’s okay.”
You know he’s right.
Slowly, your eyes fall down, Robby’s hand leaving your shoulder as you see Eli still hunched in on himself, but some of the colour has come back to his cheeks.
“I think he’s okay,” the medic assures. “Just got the wind knocked out of him.”
Face falling, you crouch back down, staring at Eli with anxiety.
But the second you calm down, footsteps follow.
“Looks like you got a new name,” Kenny calls, stepping forward with a taunting grin as he laughs. His gaze is focused on Eli, taunting and gleaming with the adrenaline of his unfair win. “Faux-Hawk.”
You’re lunging forward before you even realize it, but you don’t make it far as Robby and Miguel grab you, as if having expected you to, and pull you back. You continue to glare at Kenny as he simply laughs your way, eyes narrowed dangerously.
“Y/N,” Miguel calls, “it’s okay.”
“It’s not,” you huff, “they cheated.”
“We still have Sam and Tory’s fight,” Robby reminds, nodding at you. There’s something understanding in his gaze and he makes sure to meet your eyes head-on. “Besides, I think you should go with Eli.”
Glancing down, you see the medic helping Eli up.
You know they’re both right. With a huff, you nod and they step back, you moving forward to help Eli up as Johnny wraps his arm around his shoulder. The two of you help him to the stairs by the further back wall, and the second he’s sat, Johnny glances at you briefly before nodding and stepping forward to let you sit next to Eli.
Sitting next to him, you wrap an arm around his back and use the other to grab his hand, squeezing.
“Are you okay?” You ask softly, whispering it so only he hears.
Meeting your eye briefly, Eli nods; “yeah.”
“Here,” you look up as Johnny comes back, a bottle of water in hand. You take it from him with a soft smile, and then Johnny turns back around, still nearby but giving space, before you hand the water bottle to Eli.
He takes it gratefully, instantly tipping it back to take a sip. You just rub his back as he does, quiet and ignoring the commotion that builds around you—something about Tory not being there for her fight—and focus on Eli in front of you.
“Y/N,” Eli rasps after he finishes swallowing another mouthful of water. He turns to look at you, slowly, face still pale and something painful in his eyes. You frown at the sight, knowing he’s cursing himself for getting hurt and in his mind, failing Miyagi-do.
But you also see the other meaning hidden in his gaze.
“I know,” you sigh, shoulders falling. “I’m sorry. I just got angry… they clearly cheated.”
Eli doesn’t say anything more. He’s quiet, watching you for a moment longer before turning his gaze back ahead of himself. You think he's mad, maybe upset, and your heart falls, but he’s leaning into your touch and that reassures you.
You let that be enough.
i’m on my way
You walk quickly, fingers rushing to let Eli know where you are given that you knew you were running late. Extremely late.
two minutes!
Biting your lip, you look up as you reach the crosswalk, making sure there are no cars coming before making your way across. You rush across the street, feeling a slight shiver when a breeze of wind hits you, before coming to the other side and glancing back down at your phone at the buzz in your hand.
okay :)
Just then, another text pops up;
everything okay?
Biting your lip, you fight the smile growing on your lips.
yup! just my mom
oh… what’d she want?
the usual, all good!
Then, looking up at the growingly increasing music, you grin.
just outside, be in a minute!
You put your phone in your purse, not waiting for a response, taking a deep breath as you take one last glance down at yourself. Truthfully, you weren’t just late because of your mom – she had called you, letting you know she’d been gone another week—as usual—but then you’d taken a bit longer to get ready then you had expected. The first outfit you’d chosen you didn’t like as much as you did when it was laid out in front of you, then the second outfit was worse, until you finally settled on a cute sundress. But then you’d felt like you needed to do something with your hair so that had taken more time, until finally you were slipping on shoes and rushing out the door an hour late.
Eli didn’t need to know that though.
Still, you wanted to dress up. It was a celebration, yes, and you were more than happy that despite everything, Miyagi-do was able to qualify for the Sekai Tekai as well. Unfortunately, so had Cobra Kai, but it was a win regardless.
And, if you were being honest with yourself, you liked that little blush that crawled on Eli’s cheeks when you dressed up and the way he’d look at you like you were the only thing that mattered. It made you feel seen, made you feel wanted and made you feel pretty – which was an added bonus when it was Eli that made you feel that way.
Speaking off, a door opening catches your attention, a smile beaming across your lips when you see it’s Eli.
“Hey,” you greet, rushing up the short distance over to him, setting your hands on his shoulders the second you’re close enough before pressing your lips against his own. He returns the kiss with ease, and a moment later he’s pulling away, hands settling on your waist as you smile up at him. “You’re feeling okay?”
Everyone had all left pretty quickly after you’d all found out you were going to the Sekai Tekai, and you hadn’t had the chance to make sure Eli was feeling okay after Kenny delivered that cheap shot against him. You were both asking because you were concerned for him physically but also because you knew the loss had hit him hard.
“Great,” he assures with ease, your body relaxing with relief. “I’m completely fine, promise.”
You nod, pleased that he’s okay, before your eyes drift upwards and pause. “You changed your hair. It’s not green anymore.”
“Oh,” he mumbles, reaching with his hand and touching the mohawk faintly. “Yeah. I was tired of the green. Didn’t feel like it was ‘me’ anymore.”
“I liked it,” you comment lightly, shrugging. “But I'm sure the next colour will be awesome too,” you laugh, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek.
Eli blushes faintly, rolling his eyes affectionately at your compliment, before he blinks, as if remembering. “You okay?”
You pause at his question, not having expected it. “Yeah, like I said it was just the usual stuff with my mom—”
“No,” he cuts in, shaking his head. “I meant… with what happened. You know… with the fight and everything.”
Oh, you think, not having expected him to bring that back up. He’d seemed troubled by your actions before but after everything and the way it ended, you figured he’d forgotten about. And it wasn’t that you were embarrassed by your actions, you did not regret standing up for Eli like that and you never would – but you didn’t like the way Eli looked at you when he talked about it. It wasn’t judgemental, but there was a certain concerned edge to it that made you feel a little uncertain and uncomfortable.
“Fine,” you say, somewhat defensively. “I just didn’t think it was fair how they were treating you.”
“Y/N,” Eli calls, voice soft and gentle with concern. He squeezes your hips and pulls your gaze on him with a blink. “I don’t mind that you stood up for me,” he grins, eyes twinkling. “Honestly, it was kind of hot.”
Eyes widening, your cheeks warm as you laugh nervously; “sh-shut up.”
“What?” He chuckles, “it’s true! It was hot.”
Shaking your head, you just smile back at him, flushed and embarrassed but you’d be lying if you said his words didn’t flatter you.
“Seriously, though. It’s not that that bothered me.”
Smile falling somewhat, you frown; “then what?”
Eli hesitates, as if debating his words, watching you carefully before he just sighs. “I wish that you would—”
Whatever Eli had been about to say gets forgotten the second the two of you hear a crowd of people yelling. You turn to Eli, confused, and he mimics your expression as the both of you instantly rush in the direction of the noise. You both know that those words can mean nothing good, not in your circumstances, and make your way through the house to get to the back, where the crowd has formed. You’re a few seconds late to the commotion it seems by the huge crowd that has gathered as you both shove your way through.
But any confusion you’d had is instantly answered when you see Sam and Tory.
“My entire family has suffered because of you!”
It’s Sam who bellows it, face red with anger as she takes a lunging step towards Tory, fist flinching back to hit Tory.
She doesn’t get the chance to. Miguel and Robby are rushing forward, Robby stepping in front of Tory while Miguel grabs Sam to push her back; “no! Sam, that’s enough!”
“She’s been working with Kreese this whole time,” Sam explains, turning to Miguel in disbelief that he stopped her.
You turn to Tory. So does everyone else.
“What?” Robby asks, stunned.
“Why did you only come forward now?” Sam turns her aggression back to Tory, “huh? Because you’re a coward.”
No one says anything. You want to, but you don’t know what – you turn to look at Tory, taking in the distress on her face. She looks near tears, face pinched with hurt, but you’ve never spoken to Tory. Not really. And if she has been working with Kreese, well, you wouldn’t deny that that is problematic.
But still, you can’t find it in your heart to blame her when she looks so genuinely upset.
“Screw you, Larusso,” Tory breathes, embarrassed and clearly feeling isolated. “I knew this was a mistake.”
She glances at Robby one last time before walking off.
“Tory,” Robby calls after her.
A second later, Sam follows suit, the other way.
Miguel watches her, sighing; “Sam!”
Both girls leave without another glance back. You turn to Eli, worried.
“Did you know about any of this?” Miguel asks Robby.
“No,” Robby huffs, “I had no idea.”
“What the…”
“W-W-Wait. Okay, so Sensei Targaryen paid off the ref at the All Valley and framed Kreese for a crime he didn’t commit?”
Pausing briefly, you nod at Demetri.
He turns to you and Eli; “never let me miss a house party again.”
With a light smile, you pat Demetri on the shoulder, nodding.
“We need to tell the sensei’s,” Miguel says, shrugging.
Sam just scoffs; “what are they gonna do? We all saw what happened to my dad when he confronted Silver.” At that, Miguel sighs. “I don’t want him getting hurt again.”
“Yeah,” Demetri nods, “besides… if this ref and Stingray are on Silver’s payroll, they’ll never admit to anything.”
Face falling, you shake your head; “I don’t even blame them,” you sigh. “Silver is terrifying.”
“I’m not so sure about that…”
Baffled, you turn to Bert.
“Not about Silver,” he explains, shaking his head at you. “He is terrifying. But… I know he’s in Cobra Kai and I’m in Eagle Fang, but Stingray’s still my friend. He wouldn’t lie to me. A-At least, I hope he won't.”
“Do you think you can get him to talk?” Eli asks.
Bert nods.
“Find out where he lives,” Sam says.
Bert nods again, then Eli is stepping forward grabbing your hand and nodding at Demetri to follow.
After a somewhat failed attempt at getting Stingray to admit to Silver paying him off, everyone’s moods are a little soured and defeated. Sam had stormed out minutes prior, with Miguel quickly chasing after her; you and the rest tried to stick around but it was becoming abundantly clear that you weren’t going to get quite the information you all wanted.
At least not from Stingray.
So you decided to leave, tired of listening to Stingray dance around the truth and act like a coward. You’d gone to say bye to Eli, but then he offered to walk you home, so you’d just smiled at the offer and nodded. And then Demetri had asked to come along. It wasn’t that you minded Demetri tagging along, because you definitely didn’t, but there was something slightly odd about the way he had. He’d looked panicked, almost, when he saw you and Eli leaving, and though it was clear they were trying to be subtle, both Eli and Demetri were sending each other looks.
The entire walk so far had been eerily quiet. Neither of them were saying anything although it was very clear that they wanted to.
And you, stuck in between them, were feeling particularly uncomfortable. You’ve known them for a long time and because of that, it wasn’t hard for you to notice the signs and tells that something was on their mind and that it had to do with you but they weren’t sure how to approach it.
“You both didn’t have to walk me home,” you comment lightly, trying to dissipate this awkward silence lingering around the three of you.
Eli and Demetri just glance at each other.
Biting your lip, you glance at your feet; “so… was there something you guys wanted to talk about or…?”
You’re starting to get nervous, you realize. All of this awkward silence and tension is making you feel uncomfortable and oddly very aware of yourself. Had you done something to upset them? Were they fighting again?
You chance another quick glance at the both of them. They didn’t seem to be arguing or upset with each other. Sure, they were being weird but you don’t think they’d be able to walk together like this if they were fighting like they had been before; they hadn’t been able to be near each other without a fight breaking out. So it’s probably not that.
…And it definitely has to do with you…
So maybe you had done something.
When they still don’t answer you, you halt to a stop in the middle of the sidewalk, pulling your hand from Eli’s so you can turn to face the both of them. They freeze in response, wide eyes falling on you as you stare up at them nervously. “Have I done something to upset you guys?” You ask, unable to avoid the way your voice dips into worry, face scrunching up with distress. “You’re both being very weird right now.”
You figure you should just be out and open about it – rather than teetering around the subject. If you had done something, you’d rather just know… so you can fix it.
“No!” Eli rushes out, face falling at your words. “No, definitely not.”
You stare at him, somewhat eased, before turning to Demetri for extra reassurance.
He nods.
You let out a breath of relief.
“Okay,” you start, slowly, a little less tensed. “Then… what’s the matter?”
“There’s something i’ve been wanting to talk to you about,” Eli starts, finally answering your question. “For a while, actually. B-But…—”
“But,” Demetri cuts in for him. “He wasn’t sure how to approach it so he came to me—”
“I also thought he should know,” Eli adds, rushed. “Since he’s your best friend too.”
Demetri smiles, albeit nervously. “E-Exactly,” he agrees, “so, you know…. He approached me and it was funny because I’ve actually kind of been noticing the same thing. And we thought we should talk to you about it.”
Demetri turns to Eli, looking for backup. Eli nods, quickly.
“But we didn’t know when…” Eli trails, frowning. “Though, I—or-or we guess now’s as good as any,”
They stop then, moving back to just staring at you. You stare back at them, eyes flickering from your boyfriend to your best friend, back and forth, absolutely stunned by what had just happened. Their complete ramble had done nothing to reassure you or even tell you what it exactly was they wanted to talk about – all it had done was make you more confused and nervous.
“So,” you press, shaking your head. “What is it?”
They look at each other, again, and then Demetri’s avoiding your gaze so you zero-in on Eli who is nervously wringing his hands together.
He jumps slightly at your tone, before meeting your eyes and sighing. “It’s just something I’ve been noticing recently. Maybe it was always there but… but Y/N… why don’t you ever stand up for yourself?”
That definitely isn’t what you’d been expecting.
Blinking, you frown; “...what?”
“You’ve done it since middle school,” Demetri explains, always logical. “You used to stand up to bullies when they picked on me or Eli… but you never did it for yourself. I always kind of thought you were amazing, standing up to Kyler or Brucks or any of them…”
“Yet you’d get so quiet if they said anything about you,” Eli finishes, voice soft with concern and a certain tentativeness. He doesn’t want to upset you or make you feel like you’re being interrogated. “And now, even with karate, you have no confidence in yourself. You always expect the best out of us but the worst for yourself. I mean, you nearly attacked that Kenny kid when I got hurt but then you let Sam be Miyagi-do’s champion without a second thought.”
You shrink into yourself, feeling overwhelmed by everything. You know neither Eli or Demetri mean any harm by what they’re saying and it’s stemming purely for their concern and care for you but it’s a lot to take in all at once.
You’d always sort of thought that no one really noticed that part of you – that intense, terrifying and self-deprecating part of you that had no faith or confidence in yourself. Moon had tried, and you figured you’d gotten a bit better at being a little more confident in yourself, at least when it came to your looks or body, but it was harder to tackle your mentality. It was natural for you to shrink away when it came to yourself just like the way it was natural for you to stand up for your friends if they were being hurt.
Mainly because you didn’t think you deserved it. Why would you? You were never strong enough when it actually mattered – you couldn’t do anything to help your dad when he got into drugs and alcohol and ruined his life, inevitably leading to his death. Part of you even thought you were the reason, because you were such a disappointment of a child. When your uncle got sick, you hadn’t been able to make him better and because of that, he died. And even your own mother couldn’t stand to be home with you for longer than a couple of days.
You had your friends. You liked to think they chose you, or at least you hoped… but you couldn’t stop the irrational fear that it was just because they felt bad.
Swallowing thickly, you hug yourself, feeling entirely too vulnerable in that moment. You step away, without even noticing, and Eli is quick to step towards you.
“Sorry,” you rush out, panicking. “I just… I just don’t know what to say.”
Eli turns to Demetri, who sighs; “we’re just concerned for you.”
“I didn’t think anyone really noticed,” you shrug, still avoiding their gazes. “It’s just something I’ve always done. And it’s not really as big of a deal as you guys are making it… it’s what… makes sense.”
“You really think that?” Eli whispers.
You turn to him at that, surprised by his question and your heart breaks when you see the genuine hurt on his face. He looks so… upset at what you’ve said. And when you turn to Demetri, his expression is similar.
Was it really that wrong?
Squeezing yourself, you shrug; “I guess… yeah.”
Eli and Demetri look discouraged, a little at a loss on what to do, but it’s a passing expression. Eli glances back at Demetri and suddenly their expressions harden, turn sure and confident, and then they’re even smiling, a gentle, kind smile, which throws you for such a loop.
“Well then,” Demetri grins, “we’ll just have to make you see differently then, won’t we?”
Your lips part, surprised.
“Yeah,” Eli nods. “We’ll make you see how special you are. Because you are.”
You don’t respond. Not right away. You let yourself take a moment, staring at the determination in both of their eyes and then, before you even realize it, your vision is blurring as your eyes well with tears.
Neither of them could truly understand what that meant to you at that moment. What hearing those words felt like. It was the first time anyone had ever said something so kind and it meant even more hearing it from them. It doesn’t solve everything but it heals something, you’re not sure – something small, but still, something.
In the next second you’re lunging forward, wrapping both of your arms around each of them and pulling them in for a hug. Demetri lets out a sputter while Eli stumbles towards you but you just squeeze them tighter, eyes falling shut as you grin.
“I love you guys.”
The words are whispered but they hear it all the same, and it brings a smile on both of their lips. Demetri glances at Eli from over your head, and with a knowing look, Eli leans into your embrace.
“Yeah,” Eli says honestly, “love you too.” He says it openly, and of course he loves Demetri, his longest friend, but the words are whispered while he looks at you, eyes full of love and care.
Demetri snorts; “I guess if you two are my only choice—”
You silence him with a light jab to the side with your elbow, Demetri just chuckles.
“Then,” he continues with a smirk, “I'd say I love you guys too.”
“So, uh, what’s the emergency? Why’d you have me bring all my gear?”
Turning to Robby and Miguel, you nod. You, Demetri and Eli had just been about to reach your house when you’d all gotten a text from Sam telling you guys to all head to Miguel’s apartment complex. The text itself had been very vague on the reasoning why, with only Demetri’s being slightly different as it had the request for him to grab his gear from work.
“You guys know as much as we do,” Miguel shrugs, “Sam told us to meet here.”
“Sam?” You raise a brow, frowning.
Miguel nods.
“At least she’s talking to you,” Robby sighs, arms crossed over his chest as he shakes his head. “I can’t even get a response from—”
You turn in surprise at Eli’s voice, glancing to your left only to see, like he said, Tory making her way over to you all. Only, she’s with Sam.
“And Sam?” You question, baffled, as you meet Robby’s gaze briefly.
“What’s, uh…” Miguel trails, confused. “What’s up? Hi.”
They come to a stop before the five of you.
Robby shifts next to you, arms falling to his side as he frowns at Tory in concern; “what happened to your hand?”
Following his gaze, your lips part when you see what he has – her hand is wrapped up but you can see the tops of her knuckles and fingers are bruised and cut, her skin an angry red.
“Uh,” she stammers, glancing at her hand. “Training accident. I’m okay.”
“You’re sure?” You cut in, taking a step towards Tory as you glance at her in what you hope she thinks is genuine concern – it is, but you also know you’ve never really spoken to Tory and she thinks of you as a threat. “It looks painful.”
“O-Oh,” she stammers, somewhat confused but you’re thankful she doesn’t look insulted. She almost looks shocked at the fact that you care. “Yeah, I’m okay.” Then, after a moment, she adds; “thanks.”
You smile, relieved and Tory blinks at you.
“We think we have a way to prove Silver assaulted Stingray,” Sam cuts in, nodding at Miguel.
Tory nods; “if the attack happened at the old dojo, then it would’ve been after Silver installed security cameras.”
“So maybe it’s all on tape,” Miguel says.
Robby shakes his head; “but that place was cleaned out.”
“That might not matter,” Demetri speaks up, pulling your eyes on him. “I mean, the systems that we sell at TechTown all save the footage to a central server. Silver probably took the whole server with him.”
“I think he did,” Tory assures. “There is a server in his office at the flagship dojo.”
Eli grins from beside you; “if we can get access to it,” he gestures to him, Demetri and you. “We can find that footage. We could even post that sStingray clip to their YouTube channel.”
“Get a hold of everyone else,” Sam says, nodding. “Let them know that we’re taking down Cobra Kai… tonight.”
“Guys,” you call, rushing back into Silver’s office. “It’s not good out there. We need to hurry. How much longer?”
You say it with a tinge of panic – mainly because your friends were in an all out karate war with Cobra Kai right now and it was all because they were waiting for you three to find and upload the footage needed to take down Silver.
Eli, hushed over the desk next to Demetri, shakes his head at you, turning to Demetri.
“I-I’m almost done,” Demetri rushes, looking up from the iPad to glance at you. “Just a few more minutes.” panicked, he turns back to the screen, fingers working quick to type; “I need to log into their YouTube channel and upload the clip.”
Your lips part to say something, but then; “yo, check upstairs.”
“Oh, shit,” Eli calls, moving to make his way around the desk and fall next to you. “They’re coming,” he turns to Demetri, “be ready to go mobile.”
“Okay, screw it,” Demetri shakes his head; “we’re gonna have to upload it and publish via Wi-Fi.”
In the next second, Kyler and a few of his goonies come rushing around the corner. The second their eyes fall on you three, they’re all laughing, Kyler the loudest as he slows to a stop. “Yo, man,” Kyler snorts. “It’s just Lip, Yasmine’s bitch and…” His eyes squint at you for a moment, “aren’t you the girl who gives great blowjobs? You still hanging with these two losers?”
He says it with a mocking laugh, and freezing, you glance at your feet. You feel Eli’s eyes fall on you and you inhale sharply, swallowing thickly.
“You heard Kenny when he dropped your ass,” Kyler continues, turning back to Eli. “Just a Faux-Hawk now.”
“You know what? That’s life,” Eli shrugs, “you win some, you lose some, but you gotta move on.” Blinking, you slowly glance up at Eli’s words, eyes widening when you see him standing up to Kyler and not shrinking into himself like he used to. There’s the confidence he’d gained with karate but the distinct lack of any cruelty in it; it… it’s a good look on him. “You never did. You’re still pulling the same old bully act. Even though everyone you bullied has kicked your ass.”
“I haven't,” Demetri sighs from behind the desk.
“You’ll get your turn,” Eli assures, “Kyler’s too stupid to ever learn his lesson.”
Kyler’s face burns red with anger and then he’s reeling back, moving to punch Eli, but he blocks the hit with ease, shifting Kyler to knee him right in the gut and sending him crashing to the ground. You flinch as Kyler comes crashing toward you, just as Eli smirks down at him; “and that’s for being an ass to my girlfriend.”
Turning to Eli, you flush when he sends you a wink, feeling a burst of adrenaline at him standing up for you, before Eli turns to kick one of Kyler’s goonies. Once he’s done with that one he finishes off the last. Sending all three of them to the ground.
Kyler is pushing himself up to his feet but before he can, you lunge forward, almost on instinct, spinning as you send the heel of your foot right into his cheek. He falls back with a loud groan, face scrunching in pain.
Smirking down at Kyler, you snort; “who’s the one sucking it now.”
You hear Eli let out a laugh, grinning at you as he and Demetri swap, Eli moving behind the desk as Demetri rushing forward to kick down the other two Cobra Kai’s with practiced ease.
Demetri sends one of them flying towards you, and you quickly block a hit from him, not noticing the way Kyler gets up – again – and heads straight for Demetri. It isn’t until you’ve knocked out the dude attacking you and see Demetri send another kick right into Kyler’s face (making that the third one you realize with a smirk) and officially sending him down do you realize.
Instantly, you grin.
“Man, that felt good,” Demetri yells, full of adrenaline. “Bitch!”
“Nice, Demetri,” you cheer, grinning at him.
Just then, a beep echoes from the iPad;
“We got it,” Eli assures, closing the portable keyboard and pocketing it. “All right. It’s uploading to Cobra Kai’s channel.” Grabbing the iPad, he slides over the desk, falling in between you and Demetri. “Let’s get the hell outta here.”
Before you can make your way out, three more Cobra Kai’s rush in.
You, Eli and Demetri all glance at each other and then, nodding, you lunge forward.
You take the one to the right, ducking from the boy’s punch before sweeping your leg underneath you to send him backwards. When you turn, standing up, you are right behind Eli, pressing your back against his before you jut your leg in front of you, hitting the guy square in the chest.
Meeting Eli’s gaze, you nod, letting him grab you by the arm and swinging you around, to gain momentum, doing a twist and sending your fist right into the guy's cheek, effectively knocking him out.
Eli’s turning back to his guy just as Demetri’s opponent comes stumbling towards you; catching him by the shoulders, you send him back towards Demetri who grins at you, kicking the guy around the head.
When you turn, Eli’s opponent is on the ground too.
You grin at the two of them.
“That was badass,” Demetri breathes, mimicking your grin.
“Hell yeah,” Eli nods.
You glance up as something warm is wrapped around your shoulders, smiling when you realize it’s Eli wrapping a blanket around you. He moves to sit next to you at the back of the ambulance, having just finished being checked out by a doctor himself before he saw you sitting by yourself and rushed over to you.
“Thanks,” you whisper, pulling the blanket closer around yourself and snuggling into the warmth.
“You looked cold,” he grins, bumping into your shoulder gently.
You just laugh lightly, shaking your head before letting your gaze fall before you again. You take in all your friends scattered around, noticing Demetri out of the corner of your eye being pampered by Yasmine who looks concerned and angry at the same time for her boyfriend. You also see Sam and Miguel and Robby and Tory which makes you smile.
“That was crazy,” you comment after a moment. “Sensei Larusso was amazing too, beating Silver like that.”
“Yeah,” Eli shrugs, “but I thought you were pretty badass too.”
Turning to Eli, you flush at the grin he sends you. “Shut up,” you laugh, brushing off his compliment.
“I mean it,” he says, tone serious as he nods at you. “You kicked some serious ass.”
You shake your head, slipping your hand into his; “we all did,” you remind. “Demetri finally got to beat Kyler. That must’ve felt good.”
“So did you,” Eli reminds, quirking a brow.
You just smile up at him.
Leaning forward, you press a kiss to his lips; “yeah,” you whisper. “That definitely felt good.”
Eli chuckles.
Then, biting your lip, you squeeze his hand, pulling his eyes back on you. “Thanks for standing up for me, Eli,” you say, voice sincere and full of adoration. “It meant a lot.”
Eli uses his free hand to brush back your hair, tucking it behind your ear. “Well, it’s only fair. You’ve stood up for me more times than I can count.” There’s something sad on his face as he says it, as if full of regret. “It was about time I did it for you.”
Leaning back slightly, you shake your head; “Eli.” You call softly. “You know I never expected that out of you right?”
Eli just sighs. “I should’ve, though,” he huffs. “I mean… you did it for me so many times and I always just cowered away. Then, when I joined karate, I told you I’d finally be able to protect you like you always did me and then I just became a huge jerk.”
You frown, face falling. You had no idea that Eli had been so upset by all of that or that it had been impacting him that much either, carrying that guilt around with him constantly. You remember the day he speaks of, it was the last time Kyler had made a cruel and crude joke about you; that was before everything changed. Before he’d joined Cobra Kai and turned into the ‘Hawk’ and he’d promised you that he would get strong and brave enough to stand up for you.
Like he always wanted to.
Swallowing thickly, you shift towards Eli, pressing yourself against him as you squeeze his hand, holding it close and pressing your lips to his cheek. “I didn’t need you to stand up for me,” you reassure. “Because just having you near was enough. That’s all I want.”
Eli meets your eyes, surprised.
“Yeah,” you nod, smiling. “You’re all I need. Always.”
Glancing down at your entwined hands, Eli hesitates a moment; “I wish you could see how amazing you are.”
His voice is soft and the words are sincere. You feel your heart swell.
“I’ve spent a lot of my life blaming myself for things that… aren’t my fault.” It’s hard to say, hard to admit, when you’ve spent so much of your life punishing yourself and thinking otherwise. But what Eli and Demetri had said before and their genuine concern made you think, made you realize and see things in a way you never had before. “I don’t want to think that way anymore.”
Eli cups your cheek; “I don’t want you to either.”
“Okay,” you nod, voice a whisper as you smile, eyes watering. “Then help me see, Eli.”
“I will,” he says without hesitation, “I promise I will.”
He’s pressing his lips against your own in the next second and you lean into the affection, letting your eyes flutter shut as you curl into his grasp. You’re reassured by his words and it’s almost as if a weight is lifted off your shoulders at his promise.
It’s the lightest you’ve felt in years.
And it’s all thanks to Eli.
#cobra kai#cobra kai x reader#ck#ck x reader#eli moskowitz#eli moskowitz x reader#eli moskowitz imagine#hawk#hawk x reader#cobra kai hawk#jacob bertrand
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