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lemonluvgirl · 2 years ago
WIP Titles Game
thanks for tagging me @absnow
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your wip folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
Holy heck I actually had to count my WIPs and wow! I've got so many!
The Designation Games
Paper Hearts
Best Laid Plans
Build Me Up From Bones
Small Talk
Hitting The Target
Christmas For 3
This Rebel Heart
Promise Me, Little Brother
Golden Cages
Do you think I might have too many irons in the fire??? LOL Anyways, I'm tagging 12 people hopefully I won't be the only one with a double digit WIP count!
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years ago
So true. If I had a nickle for every time an author wrote in the notes section that their native language wasn't English and then I proceeded to read such epic fanfic...I'd be so damn rich. But also, big thanks to all the fic writers who write in a language other than their own.
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I have news for you about your favourite fics
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endlessnightlock · 2 years ago
Hello there 😊
Can I tell you a story? I promise it's not weird.
I read your drabble yesterday about Buttercup and Peeta where Peet was making pancakes for Katniss. Coincidentally enough I also made pancakes last night 🥞 Sourdough and yeast ones like always, and it reminded me of your sweet ❤️ drabble. Peeta was so adorable with his nervous energy and Buttercup was the right kind of comic relief. I just love them together.
This morning (I did an overnight rise), disaster strikes because the batter grew into a monster in the fridge and seeped its way out of the air tight container! It was ALIVE and there was pancake batter everywhere! 😂😭🤣 Thank goodness I didn't add eggs because that's extra clean up! I had a feeling it would happen when I said good night to it. Lo and behold, I had to clean the fridge before I even made breakfast 😭 What a Monday morning!
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On the up side, the pancakes turned out pretty good. Because I had to clean the fridge, I saw some apples and added them to the batter. I also had some walnuts, so I crumbled them into the bowl. It was an experiment that didn't look so good but I think Peeta would be proud of me for its taste and texture. It was fluffy and moist. Just the right sweetness and freshness from the apples. I love walnuts so that's just 👌.
I was tempted to write this into an Everlark baking drabble with toastbabies but thought better to tell you instead. I hope my pancake adventure made you smile! 🥰 🥞🌞
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You're a girl after my own heart @dandelionlovesyou .
Very cute story :).
Those pancakes sound delicious, although different from how I make them. I don't use yeast in them (I do bake bread, pizza crust, and cinnamon rolls with yeast). Mine are more like I described Peeta's: flour, a little sugar, baking powder, eggs, salt, and baking soda, with buttermilk that reacts with the baking powder to make them fluffy.
Cooking and baking are some of my favorite things to do, and many happy accidents happen in my kitchen, which results in dishes like your apple and walnut pancakes. Yum (I'm going to have to try that sometime)!!!
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dandelionlovesyou · 2 years ago
Peeta cleaning Katniss' eyeglasses before putting it back on her.
Peetie boy, you're so sweet 😊
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everlarkficquestions · 1 year ago
Hi! Do you by any chance have a master list of fics about Everlark as parents??
We don't have a masterlist, but here are several fics about Everlark as parents:
me and my husband (we are doing better) - asclexe
Food Comas - albinokittens300
Love Is - dandelionlovesyou
Sugar and Spice and Everything’s Not So Nice - JHsgf82              
Felicity - MegaAuLover  
holding my breath for the fear of sleep again - vampphobic      
Singing in The Meadow - LovelyToTheBone
Mellark Mistletoe - dandeliononfire        
Of Elves and Eggnog - Miffy          
Paints and Petals - starsmahogany      
Peeta’s Holidays Escapades - Elricsister
Birds in Heaven Know I Love You - CassandraO
Just Hope They Grow Up Normal - CassandraO
Not a Walk in the Park - HGfanonezillion
The Pearl Ring-Demona424
Cold Night In - BlackCat46  
A Day With Dad - Everlark_Pearl
All I Know - JLala
And the Book - thegirlonpeetamellark
A Remedy Against Nightmares - Medea Smyke
Christmas Behind Closed Doors - Miss_Scarlett
Comfort Starts at Home - Everlark_Pearl
Everything You Are - sucrevenin 
His First Hero - Everlark_Pearl
Simple Gifts - Court81981
Simple Things - IzzySamson
Snow Angels - alwaysameiko
Sunrise and the Flame - MalTease
The 10 Steps - jw77
The Life Lessons series - hmweasley
Yellow Blossoms - shesasurvivor
Before and After the In-Between - notanislander
Sweet Talk -flythroughflames
Out of the Mouths of Babes - springsdandelion
The Many and Varied Adventures of Young Fletcher Mellark - orphan_account
They Say It’s Your Birthday - oh_so_loverly         
Easter Tradition - Sagittaria_sagittifolia   
Do You Want To Build A Snowman?- titania522
Sunrise - youarebeingridiculous         
The Family Plan - JLaLa                          
If anyone knows of any more, please let us know!
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verimu · 2 years ago
Can anyone point me to fics where Peeta is a peacekeeper? Fireman? Police officer?
@alwayseverlark @dandelionlovesyou @promptseverlark @mega-aulover @jhsgf82
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broken-everlark · 2 years ago
WIP File game ~~
RULES: Post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I was tagged by the lovelies - @wednesdayandherhyde and @nouklea ❤️💙
Okay so I have a few. Some wyler some everlark.
Wyler/petroclair ⤵️
- Black Cat Ch 5.
- black cat editing draft
- wyler family fic ch 1.
- another way out
- Never Be alone
- abo wyler fic
- cat ears/tail Wednesday wolf/dog ears & tail Tyler / wyler fluff oneshot
- cat ears/tail Wednesday / wyler smut oneshot
- smut petroclair oneshot
- summer smut bingo (still need to pick a card🤣)
Everlark⤵️ (yes I'm back from my small break..)
- To the ends of the Earth ch 3.
- To the Ends of the Earth ch 4.
- Crave (name may change)
- I may re-write CttD. I don't know yet.. I want to continue it.. but I feel like it's awful..😅
I tag ~~~ @cosmic-lullaby @mega-aulover @wincestation @alexabrier @anotherbluesunday @chaoticstupiddm @insomniac1994 @beri-allen @iamfandomcrazy @lemonluvgirl @dandelionlovesyou @badnovels
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itskeisy · 1 year ago
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Tagged by @thesweetnessofspring 💗
rules : type your favorite color into pinterest (google also works) and make a moodboard
Tagging: @arbyeatscheesebuns @alwaysmypearl @periwinckles @kaysbees @dandelionlovesyou @mega-aulover
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dandelionlovesyou · 2 years ago
Young children!Everlark.
Six-year-old Peeta Mellark has a dilemma -- he kissed his best friend, Katniss Everdeen, on the lips! What is a young one supposed to do?
Peeta missed Katniss' left cheek and landed right smack on her pale pink lips. Yikes! He was just saying 'hello' as his Paw taught him before it had happened.
Kisses on the cheeks are normal, right? Peeta thought. It's to greet family and friends, and Peeta has been doing it ever since he can remember. He kisses his Maw on the cheek every morning, he kisses his Paw when he wakes him up for school, he kisses his Auntie Effie even though her perfume makes him sneeze, and he even kisses his stinky brothers, Rye and Wheaton, on their birthdays. Delly kisses him first when she sees him in the park, but he always makes sure that he returns the kiss on her plump cherry cheeks after. He kisses his friends, Katniss, Madge, and Leevy, every Saturday when they have their play date. Kisses are all routine.
But today, his lips slid. And Katniss turned her head towards him just as his lips brushed her olive skin. Maybe it was because his lips were cold from the popsicle Paw bought him, and Katniss got startled. Maybe Katniss wanted to kiss him first today? Or maybe it was just his unlucky day? Either way, what's a six-year-old supposed to do? A kiss on the lips is a new thing, and he hasn't seen anyone from his family do it.  
Without warning, Peeta's cheeks felt hot like oven doors, and his heart made loud tha-thump, tha-thump sounds in his big ears. His lips are still on Katniss', puckered fully like King Henry, Maw's fat goldfish at home. He willed his legs to move and his arms to push himself back, but they were like rocks sinking in the ocean. When he opened his eyes, Katniss' eyes were closed and scrunched up like … like ...
Holy heavensbee! I have to marry Katniss! Peeta screams inside, eyes wider than King Henry the goldfish. And kisses lead to babies! That’s what his Maw tells his older brothers, Rye and Wheat, every night at the dinner table.
“Lip kisses are a no, no, and must be avoided at all times,” Maw said.
Panicked, he pulls back his angelic face, turns around swiftly, and runs as fast as his chubby legs can take him. He passes by Delly, who is just arriving at the park. Leevy is not far behind her, swinging between her mom and dad. Madge is late, like always. And the rest of his six-year-old friends are probably buying ice pops, as his Paw said earlier. It is a hot day after all, and Ripper is selling fresh pops with chunks of fruits at the park entrance.
"Hi, Peeta!" Delly chirps, and she gives him a spirited wave. She’s always jolly, that one. Her lemon-yellow skirt bounces over her knees like butterfly wings. "My tooth fell off! Wanna see?!"
No, he doesn’t. Peeta has bigger problems to think about! “Later, Delly!”
"Alright!" She skips around in her impressive matching shoes and hums Ring-a-Ring O'roses.
Reaching the old oak tree a ways away from the jungle gym, Peeta presses his back on the dense and rough bark to catch his breath. The tree trunk is so huge and the tree so great, he's certain no one will see him hiding there.
Taking a quick glance back from where he came from, he tries to spot Katniss beside the red and orange slides, but she is nowhere to be found. Clumsily searching his pockets for his hanky, he comes out short and spies the white fabric his Paw always puts in his right pocket, splayed near the wooden seesaws. Instead, he lifts his right arm and vigorously rubs his lips on his sleeves. He even wets his lips a couple of times with his tongue and wipes them after. Peeta tasted a gentle hint of mint, like in tea, and thought it was nice.
A minute passes, but the panic still hasn't subsided. Cato aggressively playing stick swords with Marvel catches Peeta's attention. He slides down to the ground, lowering himself in his nook between two large tree roots. Cato likes to mock him, saying he is very fat and calling him "chubby buns" and "brioche boy" all the time. He tells him he's soft and weak, getting every one of his pack to follow his teasing.
Marvel does the same and tells him he's stinky even though he smells like cinnamon and dill. He can't help it that the scent of the bakery clings to his clothes and skin. Katniss thinks he smells good, and she even told him a couple of times over the summer. Peeta never did understand where Marvel was coming from.
"Oh, Katniss," he sadly whispers to no one in particular. He picks up an oak leaf and twirls it between his fingers. He really liked her as his friend, and they had a lot of fun playing tag and hopscotch.
Katniss likes collecting tree nuts and leaves like the one Peeta is holding now, and she always puts them in her bag to take home for her baby sister, Prim. Last Saturday, she told him that her baby sister was turning two, and she wanted to buy her a cupcake from the Mellark bakery. Peeta offered to give it to her, but Katniss was headstrong about refusing it. She said it was her gift, so he couldn't possibly give it to her for free. To trade instead, Peeta asked her to bring him berries from the shrubs near her fence. The Everdeens live on the outskirts of the city, practically in the woods, so she picks a lot of wild berries for her snacks in school. They hatched a good plan to store the cupcake in Peeta's superior lunch box. Katniss would return it the day after, filled with the berries he asked for as a fair trade.
But now they can't do that anymore. They can't be friends anymore, because he will have to marry Katniss. He kissed her, not just kissed her, but kissed her straight on the lips. She will have a baby in … well, he doesn't know how many days, but Katniss' mom is a doctor, so she will know for sure how long to wait. He hopes Katniss will have a baby girl. A tiny thing with the same long raven hair as Katniss does and gray eyes that looks like the full moon. He thinks of food and where they will live and supposes his room is spacious enough. And his bed has a trundle bed for cousins who sleep over. Katniss can sleep on his thicker mattress, while he takes up the trundle bed instead. It should be large enough for her and the baby. Comfortable too, when he keeps the window open.
For food, the bakery always has lots of food, and even though his Maw is strict with getting pastries, she is okay with serving day-old rolls of bread. They're still good as long as you reheat them in the oven and put a bit of butter on top or inside. He can fatten Katniss up in no time, and the baby can have all the fresh milk they use for baking.
House, food, and milk. That should be enough to live by, right? It would be nice to be with Katniss all the time at home. For sure she will sing lullabies to the baby as they cuddle at night. That would be wonderful and not bad at all. Peeta loves her voice, loves the sweet notes she makes that silence all the birds in the park. How lovely it would be to have his little songbird for a roommate. She's going to make a great mother, and he knows it.
Katniss will drive out all his nightmares too. No more boogeyman, werewolves, zombies, and ghouls. Rye can shut up about scary stories because Katniss will give it to him if he ever tries to scare them and the baby. She's not afraid of anything. From now on, there will only be fairy tales and happy ending stories in their bedroom.
Kissing Katniss on the lips wasn't so bad after all.
It's not unfun to be married and play husband and wife. He wonders if he should call her "love," or "dear," or "sweetheart." Auntie Effie calls Uncle Haymitch "darling" or "honey buns," and he calls her "cuddle bear" or "my star." Wheaton calls his girlfriend "baby," which is odd because she's not a baby at all. She's even taller than Wheat. Other times he calls her "kitten" or "lovebug." Well, Wheaton has always been the strange one in the family. Rye, Peeta gathers, will be even more bizarre when he goes to high school. He has all the signs of weirdness and mischief about him.
High school.
What will happen now with school? Maw and Paw don't get to go to school anymore. They work all the time and wear thick glasses all day to do chores. Maw answers phone calls and takes customers' orders, and Paw bakes and bakes and bakes … and cleans. There are no rest days except Sunday mornings. On Saturdays, his Paw drops him off at the park with Mr. Everdeen because he has to deliver cakes. Married life is just about work, work, work, and no fun!
I don’t want to live like that! Peeta thought. He likes going to school. Likes chatting with his friends and teachers, especially Mr. Cinna, his art teacher. He lends him his watercolor set, and they paint carrots and flowers during class. The handsome Mr. Odair is awesome too! Especially when he brings them to the district pool during the summer. Peeta will miss everything about school and work for the rest of his life from now on.
Oh, the horror!
Married life is no fun. No, no, no, no, no!
Why did I have to kiss Katniss on the lips today? Peeta scolds himself while pulling his fat and curly locks. He's now back to his original dilemma, and tears begin to form at the corners of his eyes. Above all, he doesn't want Katniss to live a sad life. He wants to keep listening to her adventure stories, to see her climbing trees, and to hear her laughing out loud when he pushes her forward on the swings. Katniss loves swings.
Kisses on the lips are such evil things!
“Hey!” Katniss all of a sudden pops her head from the side of the oak tree. Her braid dangles on her shoulders, almost reaching the ground with its length. “Are you okay?”
No, I am not, he pouts. 
Six-year-old Peeta Mellark is very much not okay. He kissed his bestest friend in the whole wide world, and now he has to marry her and work for the rest of his life.
"Sorry for kissing you," he says wearily and then rubs his lips with the back of his hand. He's rubbing it like an eraser, erasing dark pencil marks on paper.
Katniss shrugs her shoulders and then kneels before him. She hates seeing her boy with the bread unhappy.
Crumbled leaves and dirt cling to Katniss' green jumper, but she doesn't care like always. "So what? What's wrong, Peeta?" She tilts her head slightly in confusion and wrinkles her eyebrows at him.
Where does Peeta even begin? How can he explain their already ruined young lives?!
"Momma and Poppa do it all the time," Katniss says convincingly, picking up a nice-looking stick. She runs it through the dry leaves and makes a pattern, oblivious to Peeta's entire world crumbling inside him. "They then say 'I love you' or 'good night' after. It's no big deal, Peeta," she says matter of factly.
“But … but …”
"We can rub our lips and spit it out if you want to?"
Peeta's eyes pop at the revelation. Why didn't he think of that? Of course, they can spit out the kiss! The answer was right under his cute button nose. "That's it!"
"Yeah, it's so easy, Peeta." Katniss looks left and right and then back at him. Peeta's blue eyes are back to being bright now, and she's glad. "Together then?"
"Yeah, together!" he answers cheerily.
Hooking their pinkies like they always do when they make promises, they rub their lips over the back of their thumbs, grinning in the process. They both rub it five times, making sure they get every bit of the kiss out of their lips. Then they gather saliva inside their mouths before unbecomingly spitting on the ground like little hooligans.
Peeta feels relief right away. The tension in his round shoulders leaves him, and the sun on the horizon looks alive again in his eyes. They both brush their lips on their shirt sleeves and smile at each other.
"I'm never kissing you again, Katniss Everdeen!" Peeta swears with his adorable, squeaky voice. The most charming expression grazes his freckled face as he beams. He's determined not to repeat what happened today.
Oh, if only he knew where their lives were heading. Fate will fill it up with birthday cakes, high school dances, love letters in lockers, toasting, babies, and ... lots and lots of kisses.
"Okay," Katniss replies, her olive skin glowing. She then grabs his hand, so they can run back together to play with their friends. "Never ever?"
“Never ever!”
--- the end ---
Let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!
A cheek kiss that missed
Submitted by anonymous
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callmetippytumbles · 2 years ago
So between my last tag war post and this one I was tagged by: @therulerofallpotatos @cosmic-lullaby @gardenoblues @chaoticstupiddm @badmoonbatflowers
DA RULES: In a new post show the last line you wrote tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
So here is the deal this time. I could just post my last sentence but I am just going to take the time to post a snippet of the fic here instead.
You’re welcome. (Or I am sorry, depending on how you feel. )
I figured I would post the snippet so that I can get some friendly peer pressure to finish the edits on the fic so I can post by the end of the week.
Tags and snippet under the cut.
The way the normally perky teen lashed out after the events at Gates’ mansion shocked her.
“You will use anyone to get what you want even if it puts them in danger.” Enid scolded. “Did you really need me and Tyler to be there while you got felt up by a freaking monster?”
“It did not feel me up.”
“If it didn’t get distracted by Tyler—who was trying to save your reckless ass—it might have. That thing scented you! And you liked it!”
“I know what I saw, Wednesday,” Enid asserts. “I am a werewolf! I know what scenting looks like. That thing wants you and the monster and this case are all you can talk about. We could have died tonight because of your stupid obsession!”
“But we didn’t. In fact we are so close to solving this case. I can taste it.”
“And it probably tastes like monster jizz. I stuck up for you, I put myself out there for you, considered your feelings—”
“You didn’t have to do that—”
[From the loosely titled Ritual fic (still no title, still do not ask) based on a prompt from the @wylerserver18official server on Discord.]
So I am tagging the people below:
@therulerofallpotatos @suchaladyy @wincestation @cosmic-lullaby @nouklea @broken-everlark @wednesdaysviolet @penelopwgarcia @badmoodbatflowers @pororoh @realmermaid333 @gardenoblues @natliecole @dandelionlovesyou @fandom-geek17 @the-strangest-person @chaoticstupiddm
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pitualba2015 · 1 year ago
💐 once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
Sorry it took me so long to answer this. As for the things I love, there are many.
First my kids, doesn't matter they are adults now, but they will always be my kids. ❤️❤️❤️
Second music. I have a HUGE file with different types of music genres in english, spanish, some italian, some korean, etc 🎶🎶🎶
Third food. There is no better pleasure than eating a well prepared dish. I specially love tex mex, ecuadorian, italian, some japanese, different dishes from european countries. BBQ wings, a good hamburger, New York hot dogs and pizza 😋
Forth reading. Since my junior high years I always lost myself in books. I had a lot of fiend, but when a good book landed on my hands, everybody, including family, knew not to bother me.
Fifth watching either movies or series. Though I'm running behind, but I hope I'll catch up soon.
I want to tag @lemonluvgirl @mega-aulover @norbertsmom @jlalafics @xerxia31 @jroseley @itskeisy @periwinckles @broken-everlark @dandelionlovesyou
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realmermaid333 · 1 year ago
i was tagged by: @thesweetnessofspring !!
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
List of WIPS I am working on:
say yes to heaven 7
light of my life
WIPs I am not working on but will soon:
A Burning Hill 7
everlark smut idea list
tagging (with no pressure)!: @suchaladyy @ourdramaqueen @nonamemanga @burntblueberrywaffles @the-strangest-person @dandelionlovesyou @zorosnavigator
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goldenslumberowo · 1 year ago
Twenty Questions: FanFic Author Edition
A thanks to @bodyelectric77 for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 47 works on there but I have no idea how that happened.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
936,349 - almost to 1 million! If I actually finished up some stories I'm sure I'd be there in no time. Or if I posted all of my WIPs!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Hunger Games mostly. I do have some for A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, but it's all Jaime/Brienne because they are everything.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Reignite Me - HG
Thinning Walls - GoT
Catching Fire and Burning Down - HG
Rising Dawn - GoT
The Expecting Mockingjay - HG
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, but I'm socially awkward! Sometimes I have no idea what to say. If they ask a direct question, I'll almost always respond.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A Long Lost Love I think. It's a one-shot with Avox!Peeta.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
... I'm not sure I have one. I usually write angst!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have, yes. I'm not sure why. I started writing fanfic when I was 12. I'm 25 now. I've definitely seen a fair share, especially when I wasn't that good at writing, but even now I still see it. But for every person who leaves hate, there are hundreds more who are kind. I've never had to address the hate comments because my readers always beat me to it and I love them for that!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Sometimes! I'm not sure I post it too often. I like the forbidden love kind of smut. No particular kinks! That kind of stuff depends on the characters/ship.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Somewhat. I've got one posted!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, not that I know of. Sometimes people will ask.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, but I'd like to! I think collabs would be fun!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
This is difficult. It's a tie between Everlark and Jaime/Brienne.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm not so sure I would say that I think I won't or that I don't plan on finishing them, but I do fear that I might not! If I had to say, it'd probably be Game of the Gods... it's a massive work.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm not sure. Probably Angst. Setting up/establishing stories maybe. I feel the easier part of a fic to write is the first few chapters. I also tend to go heavy on imagery and metaphor.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
So many! Finishing a fic is a struggle for me sometimes. I am always tempted to keep going or I struggle to wrap up all of my thoughts. Fluff is hard for me to write. I usually forego proper sentence structure. Dialogue can be difficult.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I tend to write in first-person, so it's easier to say from their perspective what the other language the person is speaking and that they do not know it or describe what they are saying. I don't know enough to write in another language and I would hate to butcher it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Hunger Games! And I'm still here!
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
That's going to be either Game of the Gods or Thinning Walls.
I've never done one of these things before, it felt like the questions would never end! It was fun! I'm not sure if any of you have done it yet, but I'd love to see your answers...
@loungemermaid @distractionsfromthefood @dandelionlovesyou @mega-aulover @browneyeddevil
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endlessnightlock · 2 years ago
Thank you for taking prompts ☺️🥳
How about a story with Buttercup and Peeta baking together? Or any bonding time really. Fun times!
For my friend @buttercupeatscheesebuns 🤗
Thank you so much 🙏❤️
@dandelionlovesyou thank you! I hope you and @buttercupeatscheesebuns both like it. I wrote this quickly (best way to do a drabble!) so excuse any errors
Standing at the kitchen sink as I wash my hands, gazing out the window at Haymitch's place, I realize I'm no longer alone in the kitchen. There’s a ticklish brush against my ankle, all fine bones and silky fur, a long tail curling around my foot. Buttercup has proven to be as silent as Katniss. Unless that cat wants you to know he's there, you don't.
"Morning, buddy," I greet, my voice a low hush to keep from waking Katniss. She's still dozing in the living room. She and I were up late last night and ended up falling asleep together on the couch. I woke before her, and instead of going home like I thought about doing, I decided I'd get up and make breakfast for us instead.
I'm full of nervous energy as I retrieve ingredients from the cabinet over my head, thoughts and feelings running wild as I complete the simple task of gathering flour and baking powder, sugar, and salt and setting them next to the mixing bowl. I'll make us pancakes since Katniss doesn't keep yeast in her kitchen. I'll have to bring her some of mine and put it in the refrigerator if I decide to do any baking over here.
Out in the living room, I hear Katniss stirring on the couch. I keep my face averted, my stomach fluttering with nerves at the thought of facing her this morning. She asked me to stay, and I can't quite settle on how sleeping with her last night leaves me feeling today.
All the while, Buttercup loops between my legs, rubbing his face against my intact leg. I know he's trying to get my attention. When he nibbles on my ankle, I flinch. It doesn't hurt; I'm jumpy, thus the cooking. Preparing food is a surefire way to settle my nerves. "That's not very nice," I scold that cat when he meows plaintively at me.
"Who isn't?" Katniss asks, yawning as she walks into the kitchen, shooting me a sleepy smile. It does something to me; that smile, it settles my nerves a little. She's not upset I'm here, and I'm not upset I'm here either. So it must be okay.
"The cat," I say, catching myself from calling Buttercup her cat. We both know he was Prim's cat, not hers.
"He's an asshole," Katniss agrees, and I laugh.
"I wasn't going to go that far."
She pulls out a stool at the counter and sits, gratefully accepting the mug of tea I fix her. "Suit yourself," she says, lifting the rim of the cup to her lips, pausing before taking her first sip, "he likes you better than me."
"Maybe," I murmur, rubbing his side with my foot. Buttercup purrs contentedly, a low vibration against the sole of my foot. Katniss never pets him. She does feed him raw meat, though, so it's hard to say for sure.
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penelopwgarcia · 2 years ago
Rules: in a new post you show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are word
I was tagged by so many lovely people I didn't even knew I was that acknowledged as a writer I feel very hugged by @realmermaid333 @anotherbluesunday @chaoticstupiddm
Mine is:
"They decided to stay there, laying side by side like eternal lovers buried together. Tyler wrapped his coat suit around her shoulders, and she fell asleep with their legs tangled, his arms as pillow, her hand holding his as the other hovered his chest with the stars of final winter as witness of their delicious sin."
this is from bloody mary which link is on the fix and I didn't imagine writing a smut scene but the words came to me and I felt like it would be a crime to not write that down so this is going to happen next chapter (a lot of things are going to happen on the next chapter I just hope I could write everything
@therulerofallpotatos @suchaladyy @anotherbluesunday @wincestation @cosmic-lullaby @wyleriseverything @broken-everlark @wednesdaysviolet @badmoodbatflowers @pororoh @gardenoblues @natliecole @dandelionlovesyou @itshype
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promptseverlark · 2 years ago
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Final List - Participants!
I will give you access to the collection so you can post until deadline 25th June.
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