#@ dc WE already know dinahs bi!!! just make it canon!! its not that hard!!!
dyketectivecomics · 5 years
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Bi Dinah rights
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Dear @wtatennisfreak-blog,
Have you actually read my post or did you just interpret it as me being mean to your faves?
I’ve been watching Supergirl since season 1. I’ve read most of the Batwoman comics. I’ve been on tumblr long enough to know how things work around this beautiful hell hole. So no, I’m not new here.
Please enlighten me and tell me how Alex is an homage to Batwoman. Because they have similar haircuts? Because Alex has a problem with alcohol (which is non canonically acknowledged)? Because she has a career in the military? A younger sister? Is that it? If that’s your angle, then Alex is an homage to Kate Kane, not Batwoman. And even, that’s far-fetched because Kate Kane is Jewish lesbian who has known she was gay for years, who has witnessed her sister and mother get killed, and who has a father in the military, who decided to become a vigilante. And you know what Alex would never be, would never endorse? A vigilante.
If Alex Danvers is an homage to Kate Kane, then FeIicity Smo*k is an homage to Barbara Gordon because she wears glasses, is good with computers and was stuck in a wheelchair. Then Sara Lance is an homage to Dinah Lance because she’s a bisexual Canary wearing leather.
“Maggie on SG is basically Montoya.” YES. That’s my point. CW Maggie is a rip-off. She isn’t her own character. Just like FeIicity.
What is the point of taking a brand new character, give her as little background as possible, only to give her the name of a comics canon character who matters a lot to wlw already. Couldn’t they just make her an actual new character? Was it too fucking hard to find a name?
I know the CW likes to take comics canon characters and change a lot about them, I wasn’t expecting them to go by the book. Dinah Lance became Laurel Lance, a straight woman with a bisexual younger sister (because god forbid their main female character is openly bi, or that two sisters are both bisexual, that never happens in real life, right) and waited for her sister to die (a second time) to become the Black Canary. Laurel Lance still is Dinah Lance, she still has lots of traits in common, still is Black Canary (or rather was, but let’s not go there). Dinah Lance is one of my favourite characters in the comics, and her being changed to fit in the narrative of Arrow didn’t stop me from loving Laurel Lance more than I love any other character on a DC show.
You know what happens when series create new characters that don’t appear in the material they are based on, and make them interesting and individual and not just rip-offs? Alex Danvers happens. Harley Quinn happen.
If CW Maggie was named Karla Esposito or Alejandra Duran, everything would be the same as it currently is. CW Maggie still is the rip-off of a lover of Kate Kane with the name of another of her lovers. Doesn’t stop me from loving how Maggie is written (though there’s still too little of her). It was a lazy ‘Oh look, we know and love queer women in fiction!’ move.
What I’m trying to say is, the CW took the FeIicity recipe and applied it to create their Maggie. Took an existing character to do whatever the hell they want with it. FeIicity is Barbara Gordon with a different name. Maggie is Renee Montoya with a different name. But at least CW Maggie isn’t a toxic character with even more toxic fans (Long live Fefe!). The CW is disrespecting comics Maggie Sawyer and Barbara Gordon and many others to do what they want.
And doesn’t casting a white woman as a latina justify criticism? Isn’t it bad enough? What more do you need?
PS: I love CW Maggie, DC Maggie and Renee a lot. PPS: I love Laurel Lance, Dinah Lance and Barbara even more. PPPS: Please stop defending the CW and its racism.
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