#????????? i GUESS????????
hawberries · 4 months
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this is the chilchuck situation . to me
(a reference to twelfth night (2009) ft anne hathaway)
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kingtheghast · 1 year
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Today, my dudes, we’re gonna be trying this awesome purple beverage-
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liltaireissocute · 4 months
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i have an actual art to finish but somehow i ended up sketching molly
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rabiesram · 2 months
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new cotl comic volume dropped and honestly, love ratau being a giant fucking hater /lhj
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ballpitbee · 28 days
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This is more a personal piece but I thought it was naiiice <3 So im posting it here
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actual-changeling · 3 months
I think in like. 90% of "they're handcuffed to each other" scenarios, they would not care. It would barely affect their work at all. They'd keep them on even once they have the key because this is the perfect 'for the love of God, do NOT get kidnapped again' insurance.
There are those delicious 10% right in the middle of the Diana mess that would make for the most painful, angsty, hurt/comfort fic you can imagine. Arcadia, but turned up to 11.
This was not supposed to be anything resembling said fic and instead stay a shitpost—but here we are.
They're fighting over who gets to be in charge of movement immediately, and they do not stop . They keep tripping because they decide to suddenly walk in two different directions, and their wrists are chafed and bloody.
They keep going like that for a while until their lack of coordination and teamwork almost gets them killed, and then they're stuck hiding in a small, dark space, forced to TALK.
Imagine a janitor's closet or a small, windowless bathroom.
First, there's silence.
Then, one of them dares to say a word, and suddenly they're at each other's throats, going straight for the jugular.
Petty fighting turns into insults, which turn into months of pent-up emotions spilling out without any control over how, and they both say things they'll definitely regret later on.
Until it finally reaches a breaking point when Mulder—annoyed, frustrated, confused—cuts her off and says, "You're making it personal again, Scully."
Her mouth closes with an audible click, and she freezes before shuffling as far away from him as she possibly can. He realises he has fucked up. A lot.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean—"
"Oh, you meant it, Mulder; don't backpedal. You meant it now, and you meant it back then too."
"Shut up."
She's exhausted. So fucking tired. You made me a whole person to get her to stay, and she'd believed him. Damn it all, she had believed him. Just for him to turn it into a lie and destroy her trust within seconds.
"What does it take? For this thing to come up and bite you on the ass? I saw these creatures. I saw them burst to life. You would've seen them, too, but you were infected with that virus. You were passed out over my shoulder."   "Mulder, I know what you did. I know what happened to me, but without ignoring the science, I can't… Listen, Mulder. You told me that my science kept you honest. That it made you question your assumptions. That by it, I'd made you a whole person. If I change now… it wouldn't be right or honest."   "I'm talking about extraterrestrial life alive on this planet in our lifetime. Forces that dwarf and precede all human history. I'm sorry, Scully, but this time your science is wrong."
He had walked away from her without a second of hesitation, and she wishes she could walk away from him now.
Six years of loyalty and trust, and for what? To end up as the second-best, easily forgotten choice? To be wanted not for herself but as a placeholder, a substitute for someone else?
Forgiveness, over and over, without hesitation, and Mulder took it for granted. Of course, she will do what he wants. Even when he goes behind her back. Even when he tricks her into it. Even when he leaves her behind with barely a word. Even when she has no reason to do it except because it's him.
Because it's personal.
It has always been personal, but suddenly it's a fallacy she spun out of nothing and not the foundation of their partnership.
"I shouldn't have said that, Scully, i—"
I'm asking you to trust my judgment. To trust me.
"Mulder, shut. up."
He hadn't trusted her. She still trusts him and hates herself for it. What's the point of trusting someone when the reward is rejection and loneliness? When he stopped trusting her God knows how long ago?
The skin on her right wrist burns with abrasions, but she refuses to budge. Pain is sharp and honest, grounding and constant. She trusts pain more than she trusts him.
Time is hard to tell in the dark, it could be minutes or hours of waiting until she can feel his fingertips brush against her palm; she suppresses the urge to flinch. Mulder's touch is warm and light, not meant to ask but to offer, and her body betrays her mind and allows him to interlace their fingers.
God, she misses him. 
Underneath all that bubbling anger and lingering betrayal, she misses her partner. She misses him and the person she knows she can be with him—lighthearted, happy, alive. Contented hours of searching through files and writing reports have become a necessary sacrifice; suffocating spans of time she counts down by the minute.
It was never about the desk. It is not about Diana, not really. 
Maybe the darkness makes them both a bit braver, a bit softer around the edges, because she lets out a deep sigh and wills the tension to leave her muscles. If they keep going the way they have in recent weeks, they will break apart sooner rather than later, and she doesn't want to lose him, she never has. 
All she wants is to get her best friend back and to keep him for however long the world will allow. Not a clean slate or a new beginning, but a second chance for both of them. 
Caught between either extending an olive branch or ending up alone, it is easy to choose. Because it's personal, always has been, and always will be.
The pressure around her wrist disappears when she stops trying to keep her arm from him, and he hesitantly squeezes her hand—she slowly squeezes back.
"I'm sorry. for all of it. I never meant to hurt you, but I did, and I'm so, so sorry."
Scully pushes herself backward so she is leaning against him again, and when she closes her eyes, she can almost pretend they're somewhere, anywhere else, and she's finally coming home.
"I know, Mulder. I know."
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zorosdimples · 10 months
taking @izvmimi’s lead
how the strawhats react to your smut fics:
luffy - can’t read
zoro - can’t read
nami - starts a patreon to monetize that shit
usopp - will deny he has ever seen them (he jerks off to them)
sanji - dies of blood loss two sentences in
robin - reads them for fun and will drop references to your writing in causal conversation
franky - congratulates you on your “super” writing in front of the whole crew
brook - would jerk off to them if he had a dick
jinbe - refers you to a therapist
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foxett · 3 months
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There is a lack of kelmori/omokel/whatever you call it content on this plane of existence. I yearn for more.
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usuallyrated2stars · 1 year
Saw this post and decided to not go to sleep for the next hour.
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I got a giggle.
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eosofspades · 10 months
the cycle of mother-daughter trauma is a fucking ouroboros why is arguing with my mother the exact same as watching her argue with her mother. i am not me asking my mom to hear what i am saying i am my mom begging her mother to hear what she's saying. sick and twisted mirror that reflects itself in spirals all the way down
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chibishortdeath · 4 months
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I have created a masterpiece… or abomination, both are accurate lol. I never got to go on blingee or anything similar as a kid, so this is my first attempt at one of these :3. It was fun to make X3.
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sandskillart · 2 years
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wearing your exes jacket is fine
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gibbearish · 4 months
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making a new box for my tarot cards bc the old one was fuckdt we so fuckin productive today boys
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the-liminal-alien · 5 months
[figure:hey neeeb, its mee the devil. Im here to convince you to do sin/silly]
[nah it’s more like ‘NEB. COME HERE. I NEED TO EAT HUMAN FLESH. NEB. HEY’ but I guess your version works too!]
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buntsukim · 8 months
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Noir takeover
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laterisers · 1 year
general announcement ouuiuooghh.
cw for hospital stuff!!
I forgot to slide by over here and announce that I may or may not remain inactive throughout the next few weeks, as I'm getting a pretty important (heart) surgery done on me hopefully this friday.
I'm gonna keep this blog updated if I'm allowed into my devices after my surgery, but for now i'll be trying to keep myself together and ANTICIPATING that yummy hospital food I'll be ravenously shoving into my mouth for the next two weeks.
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