#> timeduo tag
dreamsclock · 3 years
Karl and Dream, "hold on, you died" "well, it didn't stick"
“hold on,” karl says, aggrieved, “you died.”
dream — cornelius — blinks at him. “well,” he replies, “it didn’t stick.”
“i—” karl flounders. “i remember! i remember you dying! in the village, with— uh, oh god, what’s his name— with robin and cat! in the murder village—”
“oh, i almost forgot about that,” dream says, fondly, “it’s been so long since then. i thought you were talking about the time you cut my head off in the smp revolution of 1380.”
karl’s eyes almost pop out of his head. “what the honk.”
dream grimaces. “i’m guessing you haven’t time-travelled to that time yet.”
when karl shakes his head wordlessly, dream chuckles.
“word of advice for future you, karl. avoid cakeshops. specifically, the cakeshops that don’t sell cake. you’ll thank me later.”
(and when karl eventually time-travels to the dream smp in the 1380s, he does thank dream — a younger, more confused version of dream who has no idea who karl is — when avoiding cakeshops means avoiding the guillotining happening in them.)
(hey, having an immortal for a best friend can come in useful sometimes after all.)
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dreamsclock · 3 years
Do you have timeduo fluff hc's? Had a bad day so I need happy things
i hope your day gets better soon anon !! have some fluffy timeduo hcs :))
c!karl and c!dream bicker CONSTANTLY. at first the others were convinced they didn’t like each other, before realising very quickly they actually love /platonically each other a lot — bickering is just their language shdkdb.
they argue over the smallest things, from their favourite drinks (c!karl prefers a drink from four hundred years ago that c!dream HATES and he lost years off his life when he found out c!karl liked it so much) to who won a rock-paper-scissors game from over a thousand years ago. they have great fun
c!dream is salty that c!karl knows things about him in the future, so constantly makes up stories about c!karl and just pretends they haven’t happened yet in c!karl’s time travelling. c!karl still lives in fear of the Llama Incident c!dream told him about.
when one of them is having a bad day, the other one knows just how to cheer them up. c!dream almost cried when c!karl prepared his favourite meal from decades ago that he thought wasn’t possible to recreate, and only c!dream knows how to cheer c!karl up by taking him to their secret hideout they made centuries ago.
speaking of their secret hideout, c!karl keeps a lot of photos and diary entries there to remind him of his friendship with c!dream !! when his memory is getting bad, he just asks c!dream to take him to their little treehouse and boom, his mind is set at ease. he loves spending days there when he gets overwhelmed, and when he gets c!dream out of prison, they live up there for weeks, helping each other and trying to find happiness again.
c!karl calls c!dream cornelius one time and c!dream almost murders him on the spot. nobody really understands why except c!karl, who giggles like mad, and c!dream, who goes bright red whenever someone brings it up.
just,, c!timeduo :))
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dreamsclock · 3 years
Immortal Dream whining about the fact that he misses a particular dish from like, 1000 years ago and Karl somehow manages to go back in time and comes back with that dish. Dream's ecstatic
Time Duo Anon
c!karl is also the only one who can make immortal c!dream cry with laughter - the c!dteam and him were having dinner one night and c!karl muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like "this is just like the egg incident, right, dream?" and c!dream spat his water everywhere and almost cried laughing. c!sapnap and c!george never found out what the joke was and would be confused to know it was from two hundred years ago
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dreamsclock · 3 years
imortal dream is such a funny concept to me, like i can only see him using slang FROM SUCH A LONG TIME AGO, like imagine him being pissed then starting to speak a forgotten language, adn immortal people are like "what the fuck"
LMAOOO this is such a funny idea 😭 don’t mind me filling this !! lotta c!schlatt content today because i enjoy writing him, so here you go :)
warnings: none i don’t think !! swearing lol
“What the fuck did you just call me?” Schlatt demands one day, looking taken aback — a rare occurrence for Schlatt, really, and if Dream had been less annoyed, he would have classed it as a small win.
As it is, he’s pissed, and currently trying to regain his temper. Hence what he’d called Schlatt. He knows he’s lucky Schlatt will have no idea what he’d meant (sometimes being incredibly old and immortal pays off), but he gathers the President can still tell it’s an insult.
So, muttering it once more under his breath, still peeved, Dream regains his temper, taking a short, uneven breath in through his teeth and trying to calm. “Sorry,” he says, blatantly lying, “it’s— um, a made up word. Someone I know used to use it.”
Technically, he supposes it’s not entirely untrue. Dream had introduced the word to Karl (who, in the current time, doesn’t time travel, he hates time, this whole thing is dumb) so in a way, Karl had used to use it. But Schlatt is still staring at him like he’s personally insulted his mom, and— oh Prime, Dream is getting a sinking feeling in his stomach. Schlatt can’t know, there’s no way—
“You said I had the backbone of a jellyfish and the bravery of a mouse? The personality of a goldfish?” Schlatt steps forwards, outrage written into his face at Dream’s panicked stammering. “What, you think I can’t understand you? You fuckin’ young immortals are so cocky—”
“You’re an immortal?!”
Schlatt rolls his eyes. “Put the fuckin’ pieces together, Einstein. Get the hell out of my office with language like that. Jesus fucking Christ, no respect around here these days.”
Dream flees. Literally. He runs for the door, slamming it shut behind him, and promptly bumping into a very confused Quackity, who he blurts something out at — something about Schlatt being in a bad mood, not to disturb him — before running back to his base. When Sapnap asks what’s wrong, Dream makes up an excuse about being tired and Schlatt and heads to bed early, mind whirling.
Yeah. No. He’s not going to think about Schlatt being an immortal as well. No way in hell.
But he’s careful about who he uses the old languages around in the future: if Schlatt’s an immortal, who else could be?
It’s not worth risking. The next time he insults someone, he’ll do it behind their back in English. The idea of someone hearing him cursing in fluent Latin and understanding what he’s saying is too horrifying to bear.
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dreamsclock · 3 years
I need some immortal Dream and Time Traveler Karl hc's. Or, as I love calling them, Time Duo!
ur wish = my command! if u want lighthearted ones lmk LMAO these got super angsty quickly kskfs
warnings: angst, mentions of death
c!karl used to be friends with c!dream back in like. the 1100s. did he mean to time travel there? nope, but hey, he's not complain-- is that dream?!
c!dream, meanwhile, meets this cool new guy with weird clothes and is like. okay i'll befriend him. shame he's going to die in a couple of years. but we can be friends for now :)
...only to reach the 1700s and see c!karl with like idk a fake moustache to try and blend in and he's like . is that. IS THAT HIM. THAT FUCKER.
so yeah they're good friends ! which is Pain considering different versions of c!karl that have been time travelling hold different views of c!dream. some are overly fond of him and stick to his side like glue. some seem so spacey and can't remember very well who he is, so treat him like a stranger. and others very clearly... don't like him. c!dream learns to deal with this once he learns c!karl is a time traveller - but it still hurts, and he has to wonder what he's done wrong in the future for c!karl to act like this around him.
c!karl, on the other hand, once he reaches c!dream's deterioration / imprisonment, is determined to pull c!dream off the path he's heading down. he's sure he can do it: he just has to make sure c!dream never WANTS to go down that path. once he gets a hang of time travel, he repeats years of c!dream's life and the smp over and over again, desperately trying to 'make it right'. but every time, without fail, c!dream ends up in the prison.
and c!dream isn't an idiot - he knows what c!karl must be doing, because the time traveller is so scattered and seems as if he's had the conversations they're having ten times over. he confronts him about it, and tells him to stop meddling with time more than he already is - that it's only going to hurt both of them.
c!karl, who helplessly agrees, and has to live watching one of his best friends turn self destructive and cruel in the face of war and death, has to watch him become a shadow of his former self without being able to do anything to help.
...c!karl, who time travels decades and decades into the future, where everyone has died / left the smp. he walks its remains, sad, hollow, alone.
...c!karl who checks to see who's on the server on instinct despite knowing it's been hundreds of years and he's not going to see anyone. c!karl freezing when he sees a familiar name.
because of course c!dream isn't dead. he can't die naturally - he's been rotting in the prison for decades.
c!karl immediately going to save him, struggling to get into the prison since a lot of the mechanisms have rusted over and moss is covering a lot of the walls. c!karl breaking down at the sight of c!dream, barely alive, still in the prison.
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dreamsclock · 3 years
Au were many of the bad things (The Exile, Pandora's Vault, Doomsday, Wilbur destroying L'Manburg) don't happen, and there's Time Duo.
Dream is revealed as immortal because, in some way (maybe because of the Eggpire) He loose his last Canon Life (the others two were lost during the wars or something, dunno), but surprise surprise, he comes back angry af, because he can't really die in the first place.
So, after explaining, the chaos starts.
And who starts the chaos? Karl. Karl who was already revealed as a Time Traveller, so he takes joy to embarrass Dream eith all the dumb things he did in the past, because why not?
Dream just want to murder him on the spot, while all the others are loosing their shit at laughing because thinking about Dream, the stoic, all-powerful Admin doing things stupid or absurd like overthrowing a government because of a stupid challenge (the Syndicate was happy about that) it's pretty unbelievable
Of course there are also sad moments like the story of The Village That Went Mad, but they're mostly funny stories
A extremely sleep deprived Time Duo Anon
THIS IS SO GOOD !!!!!! i love c!timeduo so much holy shit this is so funn,,, they have such angst potential but also such potential for comedy stuff like this LMAOOO this is awesome
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dreamsclock · 3 years
Tumblr is an idiot I can't find the Timeduo and Feral Boys hc's qwq
hope this helps :D found both of them under the > time boy tag on my blog so hope that helps in future if you wanna find them !
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