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colorfuluniversalprotectors · 5 months ago
Accidental fall ins
Short log of___Elements of Hope group__General short run of possible senerios to occur.
The chase had been tough and then the fall was worse, if only they were quicker and better prepared for the unknown sounds maybe they could have saved themselves from the paints on those weak shelves tumbling down onto them. They all got something on them, say for one of them. They were mostly untouched, say, for their larger companions. The prime being more disgusted of the two as the pink bot seemed more relieved to have just gotten somewhere beyond the sudden banging sounds that had been on their tails.
To clean up the paint was to be a difficult issue for them. Seeing that there were little areas for proper clean up in the rooms they landed within.
For their sake and the dwindling patience’s of their tiny leader. War Woman was at her wits end of the Prime’s complaints of his ruined frame. When they came across their familiar landscape of endless pools and waterways. Taking the chance to clean up, they found a room that seemed peaceful enough.
No sights of inhabitants or any source of the sounds from before. Giving them some relief of the shelter it would hold for them.
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Time passed by, minutes to half an hour, to an hour, and then three hours. It must have been three hours at that point. But the bots were mostly cleaned off the paint, which seemed to dissolve and fade away into nothingness.
No trace or proof it had even occured. Adding onto the oddities of the abnormal ticks the place held. Though being convenient enough to allow the bots into smaller places without hindrance.
It had been quite peaceful. They all were clean and now merely waiting for one another to wrap things up. But before they were to leave they may just stay for some time.
It was rather peaceful after all.
Edit taken with hours ONLY: 3-4 hours
Edit with days counted: 10
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echinocereus · 9 months ago
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You take Samama Khalid on a date and all he does it talk about Her (The Magnus Institute)
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bluuprincewizard · 1 year ago
'i chose you for a reason.'
today was the start of something amazing. we wrapped our first vr film project and had a team meeting to decide on the next one. it had to be fresh and creative, and something we hadn't done before. i had some ideas, but i was so nervous.
chris was in charge of the meeting, naturally, it is his film company after all, but he let everyone else speak before him. i was sat next to him (i didn't plan it, i swear, i was just late!) so i had to speak last.
i stood up and cleared my throat. my heart was racing.
'i think....'
'speak up, dear,' he said. my heart rate doubled.
'i think we... we should make something about super heroes.'
there was a moment of silence, and then he nodded.
it all started moving so fast from that point on. we were repurposing sets almost immediately. our virtual production office hummed with activity, and i was promoted to creative director... there was no time to-
what you have to understand is that i'm sorry. nothing that happened later was my intention, but i do accept the blame for it.
later, when i stood in the street and the fire licked at my boots, spilling out of his apartment onto the sidewalk, i would think about that night he visited me. and the thing he told me that he shouldn't have.
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gotankgo · 1 year ago
Raw Radar War “Vampire Command”
• == (Double Equals) (2007)
fucking love this song!!!
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andanotherlittlellama · 2 years ago
Person: so what are you? Gay? Straight?
Me (in my head): involuntary celibate because real people are nowhere near as sexy and cool as Athos or Glorfindel or Talia Al Ghul.
Me(out loud): Bi.
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webbazaar0101 · 3 years ago
Difference between '==' and 'is' operator in Python
Difference between '==' and 'is' operator in Python: There are two ways to check the equality of objects in python. First is == operator and second is 'is' operator. Now we will discuss the difference between '==' and 'is' operator in Python with the
There are two ways to check the equality of objects in python. First is == operator and second is ‘is’ operator. Now we will discuss the difference between ‘==’ and ‘is’ operator in Python with the following example. ‘==’ checks the values of both operands and ‘is’ checks the identity of both operands. x=35 y=x #check equality with == operator print(x==y) #True #check equality with 'is'…
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teamdiannaagron · 4 years ago
BAD=GAY in Taylor Swift Song
It feels like one of those nights,We ditch the whole scene.
It feels like one of those nights,We won't be sleeping.
It feels like one of those nights, You look like BAD news.
I gotta have you,I gotta have you.
22 (Dianna has its name in it)
He's so tall and handsome as hell WILDEST DREAM for Karlie He's so BAD  but he does it so well
Grab your passport and my hand
I can make the BAD guys good for a weekend BLANK SPACE (Her gay beard)
"Bad Blood" 
'Cause, baby, now we got bad blood You know it used to be mad love
So take a look what you've done 'Cause, baby, now we got bad blood 
This love is good, this love is BAD/ This love is alive back from the dead
These hands had to let it go free/ And this love came back to me ALLLEGEDLY for Dianna
You stand with your hand on my waistline It's a scene and we're out here in plain sight/I can hear them whisper as we pass by
It's a BAD sign, BAD sign/ Something happens when everybody finds out
 Big reputation, big reputation (glee Dianna got reputation when swiftgron started)
Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation
Ah, and I heard about you (yeah)
Ooh, you like the BAD ones, too
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agencyfassatonews · 4 years ago
النمروش يبحث دمج المقاتلين بالمؤسسة العسكرية
النمروش يبحث دمج المقاتلين بالمؤسسة العسكرية
بحث وزير الدفاع في حكومة الوفاق ” صلاح الدين النمروش ” خلال زيارة إلى معسكري الزهراء والمعمورة، آلية تأهيل المقاتلين ودمجهم بالمؤسسة العسكرية. ووفق بيان للوزارة، فإن الزيارة التي جاءت رفقة رئيس أركان قوات الوفاق الفريق أول ركن ” محمد الحداد “، تأتي ضمن المساعي الحثيثة لوزارة الدفاع بهدف تطوير أداء المؤسسات العسكرية. وأشار البيان إلى أن ” النمروش ” التقى بالقيادات العسكرية في المنطقة لبحث فتح…
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gotankgo · 1 year ago
Raw Radar War “Truckloads of Ammunition”
• == (2007)
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topproductsreview · 6 years ago
Cinderella Solution System Reviews - Does It Really Work? Find out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef_227-sRsw #cinderellasolutionsystemreviews #cinderellasolutionsystemscam #cinderellasolutionsystem #cinderellasolution
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djoswiftie · 6 years ago
whats ur opinion on tumblrs hatred for tibbies
Tumblr has lost their mind
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upn-the-sky · 6 years ago
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How to train calm your Gaston I drew Gaston and that twilight woman again for my fanfic “Individual”, where I revialing their relationship before and after Nic’s birth. Contrary to stereotypes, I believe that she loved him more than life and he.. well, didn’t mind.
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razzledazzy · 6 years ago
all the places this slammed with a direct hit? are places that made me. places that i grew up. east bay, that’s where my church was, that’s where i climbed trees and caught frogs and bothered pillbugs. the first school i went to was callaway elementary. i lived on tyndall air force base and climbed to the tippy top of the ancient oak tree in my backyard. i had birthday parties at mexico beach, there was a resturant/bar there called Toucans that oozed pure jimmy buffet energy. i swam with dolphins in panama city beach, i did karate in panama city. i read my first books. took my first pictures.  
it feels like my hearts been ripped out.
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agustdboyfriend · 7 years ago
goodnight r and s 🌙🌊
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matthewkimble · 7 years ago
snake mannn and little guyy
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gotankgo · 1 year ago
Raw Radar War “==“ (2007)
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