#<- thinks this every time he draws Stolas. Stolas is just cute
satoumafuyuss · 3 months
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Happy mornings <3
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letinek draws something no way but uh basically just self indulgent bullshit of what my oc would be in hazbin hotel totally didn't make him mostly for shipping purposes
the following is just what lore i have so far:
♡ full name is grand duke varfolomey (bartholomew) nikolaevich romanov. however most of the time he is just called "duke" or "bates" (nickname given to him in hell)
♡ sinner, though he pretty much deserves to be in heaven because he didn't really do anything wrong besides overindulging in alcohol and sex (but heaven is rigged + he comes from a questionable family)
♡ in hellverse, he was the youngest child (despite being male, he wasn't a first choice heir) and never really received any affection or attention which leads to him seeking it from others...to the point of it being annoying
♡ died in 1917 at 23 during the romanov family execution (the romanov family is a little different in hellverse since instead of the historical figures, they're my characters. however the story remains the same to one from real life history) but unlike everyone else, died of heart attack before he could be executed
♡ had a weak heart in general and still experiences heart issues in hell even though he won't die anymore
♡ personality is sophisticated, anxious, flirty when he wants to be and really fucking depressed. he also rarely ever gets mad, and is really level headed compared to majority of hell. he tries to avoid conflict to the point of often backing out of the slightest quarrel
♡ gender noncomforming cis guy, demiromantic, omnisexual and hypersexual
♡ people pleaser
♡ acts extremely regal and is annoyed because of the animalistic way majority of hell acts
♡ came to the hotel because he wanted a calm place to live but he is honestly too depressed to bother caring about being redeemed
♡ hits on (almost) everyone + is probably a visitor of val's to get rid of his urges but is unaware of how his employees are treated
♡ sir pent pretty much follows him around everywhere which annoys the hell out of him- he also calls him "your majesty"
♡ cat demon (f u r r y) like husk, but he was actually a cat person when alive and didn't hate cats lmao
♡ and regarding husk again he has to legit kick him out of the bar every now and then because otherwise he often gets drunk and then acts like an idiot
♡ insomniac, sometimes has to get himself drunk out of his mind to fall asleep
♡ honestly just needs a hug
♡ kind of broken english since he is russian + he has a heavy af accent
♡ regarding his voice again, he'd probably sound like stolas (helluva boss) but slightly softer and with an accent
♡ obviously isn't allowed to (as of status), but he wishes he could be a part of ars goetia; he is extremely jealous of them since they have the status he used to have
that's what i have so far but just a quick thing of relationships he'd have with the main cast
"oh, isn't she quite an adorable creature?"
♡ he does like her quite a lot and thinks she's cute, although he finds her amusing and isn't really convinced about the whole redemption ordeal; he only pretends to be all into it to be able to live at the hotel
"...maybe put that nasty spear away?"
♡ he thinks she's pretty, but doesn't really like her attitude and whenever she bosses the hotel members around he just goes and locks himself in his room instead of listening to her
"eugh...he reeks. which is quite a shame, because i cannot deny a certain charm this man possesses..."
♡ disgusted by his lack of hygiene and rather grotesque habits (such as consuming dead deers and cannibalizing other demons), but respects him since he is aware of his powerful status as an overlord
angel dust
"my, my! what a charming lady she is!"
♡ wholeheartedly convinced that angel is a woman, despite everyone trying their best to explain the truth to him. but besides that, he is rather fond of him and is probably the only one to enjoy angel's sex jokes
"banning me from the bar again, huh? how cruel."
♡ has some sort of resentment towards him since he refuses to give him the amount of alcohol he wants...which ultimately is a good thing.
"cute as a button...however, please stay at least 10 feet away from me. at all times."
♡ to say he is freaked out by her is an understatement. he still treats her with respect, though, and sometimes lets her play with his tail (he has a cat tail <3)
sir pentious
"just so annoying, are you not? please leave me alone."
♡ since pentious has admiration for nobelty, he follows him around most of the time which he finds extremely annoying
and that's what i have so far 🫶
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viktheviking1 · 11 months
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(The drawing is just something I threw together late last night, and the file was too big to transfer so I just had to take a picture of the computer screen with my phone. So yeah, it's kind of terrible and I debated whether to post it or not, but I decided it wouldn't hurt. Yeah, writing is still definitely my artform of choice.)
PSA here, many people without limbs can bathe by themselves, and can live independently for the most part, but I thought it’d be cute to show a little bit more of Ozzie being Fizzarolli’s personal carer as well as boyfriend. I think that even if Fizz’s limbs were waterproof, and if he could bathe himself, that they would still appreciate the time and intimacy of bathing together. That’s just my personal headcanon though.
“You, know. Blitz even said that he wouldn’t mind having a three-some with the both of us.” Fizz was lying next to Ozzy on their bed after a long night catching up with his old friend at a bar.
Asmodeus looked thoughtful, “Hmm . . . I suppose I’m not against the idea. . . but what about him and Stolas? Aren’t they . . . together? At least to some degree?”
“Oh, right. You’ve been too busy to keep up with the news. They broke up. Like, completely.” Fizz spilt the tea.
Asmodeus gasped, “No way! Awe! I was really rooting for them! Do you know why?”
Fizz shrugged, “Beats me, but given that they both are on dating accounts looking for rebounds, I doubt either of them are okay about it.”
“They both are?!” Ozzy’s shocked face turned into a mischievous grin.
“Oh, no. I know that face. You know you’re the Lord of Lust, right? Not cupid.” Fizz shook his head disapprovingly.
“I know~ but that little birdie is so lonely~” Asmodeus said playfully, “And besides, what harm could a little poking around do? Don’t you want your old friend to be happy? Or were you planning on keeping him all to yourself? I can respect that.”
“No, it’s not about that. It’s about you” Fizz booped his nose, “meddling in things you shouldn’t meddle with. All you’ll do is end up causing trouble. So you can go do whatever you want, but leave me out of it.” Fizz crossed his arms stubbornly.
“Awe, but Fizzy~ It won’t be as fun without you. And you know your old friend better than anyone. Won’t you give me a hand~” Ozzy squished his face, “Pwease~”
Fizz laughed heartily, “Alright, alright. Fine! But if this goes sideways, it’s on you!”
“Yay! Now let’s get to sleep for real, else I’m gonna be a zombie all day tomorrow.” Ozzy sat up to go get undressed.
“Aw, but I’m still horny! Can’t we have a little fun before bed?” Fizzy complained like a kid wanting candy.
“It’s 2 in the morning, babe! We have to get up in less than 4 hours!” Oz said, taking off his suit.
Fizz curled into a ball, pouting, “Since when were you so responsible?”
Asmodeus chuckled, “Since I had someone to care about~” his face turned stern, “Now get to the bath and take off your limbs. You reek of alcohol.”
“Oh~, won’t you help me get clean, big daddy~” Fizz posed seductively.
Ozzy snickered, “Like I don’t every time.”
“Come on, Oz. It’s no fun if it’s just a chore!” Fizz said, getting off the bed.
“Oh, baby, it never is. I cherish the private moments with you.” Ozzy switched to a more seductive tone, “Now let me sponge you down so good, you’ll be begging for mercy.”
“That’s more like it.” Fizz snickered, and started doing cartwheels to the bathroom.
Read more of The Pompous and the Prick here:
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a-hell-of-a-time · 4 months
i love love love the care and detail you put into the characterisation of every goetia you write, and particularly how you've breathed life into andrealphus and made him a whole ass character with so much depth, given that we barely get anything of him in the show! he's now my forever canon fyi. your via is so cute, and angsty, and beautifully written with all of her teenage complexities and family controversies, and i just adore our many interactions overall. your caim, she is a truly gorgeous, well developed and intriguing oc I am so excited to write with and get to know better. you're a pleasure to see on the dash !! tldr; came for the goetia birbs, stayed for the SASS and quali(tea)!!
what about my portrayal attracted you to my blog? : Accepting!
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((It's funny; when I started this blog I was leaning toward Stolas and Lucifer, but something about Andre spoke to me and lo and behold he became my latest blorbo! I think it's a combination of the archetypes he represents to me, which overlap with characters I rp elsewhere (aka snooty intellectual who is stupid with feelings/cold/closed off to feelings and intimacy who is also hated by the fandom at large). As with any blorbo, I love fleshing them out while putting my own spin on them, so it makes me happy to know that others enjoy my portrayal ;u;
Not gonna lie: There are so many talented folks in this rpc/community and I've been intimidated ever since I arrived back in late February. Hellaverse was not something I expected to get into, and I've been pleasantly surprised that people wish to interact, especially with my portrayals of my muses (and my oc's too!).
For Octavia, I draw upon my own experiences as a child of divorce who is used to hearing one of her parents scream and fight with whatever person they're with at any given time. I also hate how the fandom at large wants to crucify her over her very valid emotions. Newsflash: It is possible for a parent to be caring and loving, but do a shit job at it! In fact, my own father was a lot like Stolas and Lucifer combined, and it took me a while to learn to forgive and rebuild the bond he destroyed through neglect. This is the pov I come from with Octavia and I am happy to hear that it shines through in my writing ;u;
At the end of the day, Octavia loves her dad but is hurt, angry, and scared. These feelings aren't uncommon for children of divorce, especially if they're older when it goes down. For me I was a toddler so I didn't feel/experience it until I was older, but Via is 17 and still growing/changing/finding herself as a person and needs love and stability, you know?
Moving on before I get the pitchforks: Caim is a self indulgent OC for me, not gonna lie. She's a mix of my love of corvids (even though the OG Caimo is a thrush), youkai lore, and my love of tengu. The hardest part for me with her is to make sure she's her own person despite being heavily tied to my Andrealphus so that I'm not forcing that aspect of her character onto others, (or her being solely Yui's wife.) I know that kind of stuff can turn people off of oc's, so I'm trying to be mindful of it. I'm happy that you like her so far, and I also look forward to their interactions in future! (As well as our ongoing thread.) ))
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I don't follow much the tags, things just appear on my TL from retweets and likes and it happens to me, pretty often now, to see drawings of Stella and the subject is always the same:
Either people draw her as a very grumpy, ( and I swear I've never seen anyone drawing her with a smile on her face, a part from when I commission it) awful wife, always being shitty with stolas
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or they draw her as a very sexy( yet grumpy) lady
And a question crossed my mind
Are these the only two ways everyone sees Stella? Either she is a villainesses or a sexy milf!! Don't you think she can be more than these things? I don't know what's wrong with some people
Another thing I don't usually see is her with her daughter doing something funny together!! Everyone is convinced (unfounded) that Via loves her dad more than her mother, I think she is attached to both of her parents, I mean I don't think she hates Stella at all, just because they, maybe, and I say maybe because we haven't seen it yet, don't spend much time together, (but wait.... via doesn't spend that much time with her father either, because every time we see Stolas on screen he's always alone or with blitzo)
I'm convinced that when Via and her mother are together, the very few times they are, at least, Via tries to comfort her mother, because Stella probably opens up with her daughter,and this makes me think that Stella doesn't have anyone else to talk about her frustrations with, except maybe for Andrealphus, but I don't think they are that much in touch now.
I can hear already people telling me " ho if you're not satisfied with what we draw why don't you ask for a commission then? Or better why don't you do it yourself?" Oh don't worry I intend to commission someone to draw me something cute for Stella, so you'll see her in all her colours....soon very soon ❤️❤️
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g-on-ef · 3 years
Blitz cant understand why Striker gives him so much attention. Striker kisses him, holds him, speaks to him like an equal, not a fuck toy. Striker makes Blitz feel things, things he’s never felt properly before. He’s had exes, sure,but he’s never been in love.
Their tails intertwine as they sit in front of the campfire. The warmth of the flames warm Blitz’s skin. What is this feeling... what is it?
Striker leans in, and kisses him. He kisses his lips, his chin, then down to his neck, where the kiss becomes a bite; teeth biting down on red skin, tasting blood. He bites down until blood fills his mouth, and then, for the rest of the night, his forked tongue laps at the newly formed mating bite, and Blitz understands.
A/N: Sorry this took long ^^; hope the wait was worth it ^^ Also there is a poor attempt at smut it’s an attempt but it’s a poor one ^^;
The Harvest Moon Festival was over, the gang was back in IMP City and Blitz...Blitz was curled up in Striker’s side as the cowboy rubbed his back.
He should be angry at himself for seeing Striker behind his employees’ back, especially after what he did to Millie and Moxxie, what he tried to do to Stolas.
Be disgusted with himself that he allowed this assassin to touch him in ways not many have.
And yet...here he was...in Striker’s bed...curled up against him, naked as the day he was born.
The two just finished an amazing round of sex and now here they were basking in the after glow of their fucking.
He could feel Striker’s tail intertwining with his own, he hated that; hated because whenever an imp curled their tails with another it was usually a sign of affection, a sign of love and trust, a sign that meant that they were together and belong to each other only.
Blitz should tell Striker to stop hell, he should definitely push him away or even off instead he tighten his tail around Stirker’s, moves closer to the taller imp and tighten his hold on him.
“What are you thinking about,” Striker asked.Blitz didn’t say anything instead he just continued to draw patterns across Striker’s chest careful to avoid the scars he had.
 “Nothing,” he said softly, Striker doesn’t push, doesn’t call him out on his lying, doesn’t try to force whatever is on his mind out of it instead he just pulls him closer kisses the top of his head and hums a little tune luring Blitz to sleep.
Stolas had a way to irritate him, the baby voice he always used on him, the constant reminder that he was an imp, the insults that were disguised as compliments; yeah the bird had ways to make him regret talking Striker out of shooting him.
Speaking of the assassin, Blitz couldn’t help but smile. Last night he took Blitz for a ride on Bombproof, it was nice not to mention their conversations. Blitz still couldn’t believe that Striker told him who his mother is, that he was Lady Lilith’s son but the queen didn’t know he was alive and he wanted to keep it that way.
“You know I could go to the queen,” he said playfully.
“Let her know that her son is alive and bring you to her,”
He expected Striker to undermined him, tell him that he wouldn’t do that or some other bs crap that made Blitz feel like a lesser being.
Imagine his shock when he said,
“Wouldn’t be surprised if you did that, hell I can already see you going up to her and bribing her with information about me,”
He looked at him oddly.
“Wait, you think I am capable of doing that?”
“Tch, I don’t think that boss man, I know your capable of doing it. Fuck, you con Goiesha to get you through the surface, you run a successful company, love if I ever find out Lilith knows of my existence I would still be shock. 
Knowing you, you would probably have a plan to use it to your advantage,”
It was weird...hearing Striker praise him like that...hearing the respect and admiration that Striker had for him caused Blitz to blush before he looked away.
Striker believed he was capable of conning the Queen of Hell? The Queen?
 Fuck he wasn’t sure what to do with this information but he couldn’t help but smile as he realized that Striker meant it when he said he had potential to do great things, that he wasn’t just toying with him, that he-
“Oh Blitzzzzyyyy!”He groan in annoyance and began to wonder if he should ask the Queen he knows about Striker and he would gladly give him to her if she let him kill Stolas with no consequences.
He’s always listening to him, it didn’t mattered if he was talking about some random bullshit, complaining about some of his clients, whatever was on his mind Striker was always listening to him.
At first he thought he wasn’t paying any attention to him hell why should he, he’s a clown something to be laughed at, a toy to be used and than be thrown away because the owner got what it needed from it.
But than he surprised him one day when he came over to his house Striker set up a cute fort; blankets being draped over furniture with some fairy lights surrounding them pillows on the ground and a medium size TV inside the fort along with different snacks and drinks.
“What’s all this?”
Striker appears behind him and wraps his hands around him and pulled him close to his body.
He kisses his cheek before answering,
“You said you always wanted to see that horse movie Black Beauty, so I bought it and thought we can watch it,”
“You wanna watch a horse movie?” he turned to look at Striker in disbelief.
“Because you love horses, and you told me this is one of your favorite movies, figure I’d watch it with you and see what the fuss is about,”
Blitz blushed as Striker mentioned he wanted to watch it because it was Blitz’s favorite movie. If he was honest with himself he doesn’t even remember mentioning the movie being his favorite since he tends to talk about random stuff, hell sometimes he doesn’t even know what he’s talking about.
Usually Moxxie or Millie have to remind him to slow down or that he’s losing focus...again.
Still Blitz is reminded again how Striker listened to everything he had to say, how he never asked him to slow down, never told him he was losing focus, Striker would just sit there quietly and listen to Blitz’s rambles and now seeing that he remembers that Blitz loved Black Beauty showed him that he has been listening to him...this whole time.
“And the fort?” he had to ask.
Striker laughed.
“That’s for us to relax and have a nice date night together.
Date...all of Blitz’s dates have always been about his partner in fact Blitz was always the giver in every relationship that he was in so to see that Striker was willing to do something nice for him...yeah Blitz looked away before he could say something he would regret.
“Yeah...let’s go and watch the umm...the movie...yeah let’s go watch it,” he said trying so hard not to sound like he was seconds away from blurting out those words.
Striker just laughed as he was pulled into the fort. He sat down and placed Blitz on his lap, the two sat back and enjoyed the movie as they fed each other candy, wings, and drank from the same cup. If Blitz was honest he was waiting for Striker to try something but he didn’t instead the two spend the night watching the movie and enjoying each other’s company.
Half way through the movie Blitz fell asleep and Striker laid him down on the pillows and curled up against him. The two fell asleep in each other’s embrace.
He stared at the embers of the flames as they danced around, he closed his eyes and listen to the crackling of wood he lean back on Striker’s chest, their eyes met, both staring into each other’s a myriad of emotions swirling around them.
He turns around on his lap, his tail searching for Striker’s, Striker wrapping his own around his own.
They continue to stare at one another.
Blitz can feel that feeling, the one he’s tried so hard to ignore growing as they continue to look at one another.
Striker cups his face before he leans in, his lips moving along with his own he picks him up, his lips never leaving his as he lays him down on the sleeping bag.
Striker pulls back a little, his thumb stroke his cheek as he unbuttons Blitz’s shirt, Blitz does the same, the two begin to undress one another.
He can feel Striker’s fingers enter his hole, scissoring him open for his big cock. He moans as he feels him hitting his prostate. His fingers digging into his back as he takes his time with him.
Blitz can feel him kissing his lips, his cheeks, his chin before moving down and sucking on his neck.
He than removes his finger making Blitz whine as he was close to cumming but it doesn’t last long as Striker’s cock enters his hole filling him up once again. He moves gently at first before he fastens his past. 
Blitz is in heaven, at least that’s how Striker manages to make him feel Striker pulls back staring down at the city imp with that emotion, that emotion that was no doubt being reflected in his eyes.
He leans down, moving in and out of him, Blitz moans muffled by the kiss. Striker pulls back and places a kiss on his chin before moving down kissing his neck. 
The kiss turns into a bite, teeth biting down his neck as blood spilled but was lapped up as Striker drank it, Blitz comes, Striker’s name escaping his lips.
Striker groans as his continues to fuck Blitz through his orgasm, the cowboy follows after him and cums inside him.
Striker pulls back and licks his lips, he looks down on Blitz who’s looking at him with amazement.
Striker leans down and begins to lick the newly form mating bite placing kisses on it whenever he can.
He smiles as he feel Striker’s lips on his new mark.
“I love you,” he whispers softly he feels Striker’s smile before he hears those words being return to him.
“I love you too Blitz”
A/N: Well that was fun now onto the rest of the prompts ^^ also guy don’t forget if you wanna send me any Striker x Blitz prompts feel free to do so ^^ One more thing if i have any Army following me I have one thing to say STREAM BUTTER !!! 
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kirausamaria · 4 years
A fun payback (Stolitz Fanfic)
Ok, I’m sorry, I had to wrote this! It was some innuendos and curses but it’s not really NSFW. It’s hard to write when you got the horny bird in a fanfic. Anyways, please let me know how did I do, because it’s my first fanfic ever. I plan to draw some stuff for the post too as soon as my studies finish.
   This time Stolas had something different in mind for Blitzo.
   He wasn’t the type of person to get easily flustered as anyone may expect, but after that “Stolas goes brrrr…” and “poor wardrobe choice” incidents on Instagram, he felt like getting some retaliation for that. Not that it was angry or anything like that, in fact, this was a good chance for him to try something new with his little imp.
   “Sooo, you want to be on top this time I suppose”, Blitzo said while staring at Stolas finishing his job, that was tying him from his wrists and legs to the bed. He had done this several times before so Blitzo wasn’t alarmed or anything. The only thing that seemed unusual was the fact that he was tied down in bed still with his underwear on, normally Stolas would have him completely naked at the instant he got his hands on him.
   “Well, we’ll see about that my dear. It’ll all depend on how you’ll end up feeling at the end”, Stolas replied with an eager smile.
   “Ugh, whatever, let’s just get over with it and do it quickly”, Blitzo answered with an uninterested tone in his voice.
   “I’m afraid to tell you, my dear Blitzy, I plan to take my time on this occasion”.
   Blitzo just stared at him with a puzzled face. He would never admit it, but it was difficult to see Stolas directly on the face sometimes, his eyes weren’t just deeply red, but reflecting such a warm feeling... a charming feeling, maybe? Stolas's genuine smile when staring at him made him feel something inside, but he would never admit that those feelings were something similar to “love”.
   Stolas started caressing Blitzo’s skin as softly as he could, starting from his tied wrists to slowly going down to his chest. Blitzo started to squirm and tried to hold back some moans, it was starting to feel good, but he was too stubborn to let Stolas know that too easily. Stolas then started to caress his torso up and down, focusing on his sides this time, and the pleasant feelings started to change a little. Blitzo squirmed more than at the beginning.
   “Unhg, umph...mmm!”
   “What’s wrong my Blitzy? Doesn’t this feel good?” Stolas asked while grinning a little.
   “Could you just stop fu*king around and go to the next thing?”, Blitzo struggled to say.
   “Why should we stop this? Does it feel weird? Am I possibly making you feel... ticklish?”
   Then Blitzo suddenly realized what this mischievous bird planned to do to him. That a**hole! He planned to do that to me all along! He thought to himself. It’s now he wouldn’t enjoy being tickled as a show of affection with a partner, but with Stolas...we just didn’t like to show any kind of vulnerability in front of him. He wouldn’t admit he’s ticklish or that he likes to be tickled to Stolas, he would never let this go for sure if he did.
   “Come on my little imp, don’t be shy, just show me your real feelings to me and enjoy this experience. It will make you feel so much better”.
   “Ah, shut the f*ck up you freaking bird!” Blitzo yelled. He was trying so hard not to build a smile in his face, the tickling feelings were starting to build up. 
   Stolas chuckled. “You’re such a stubborn creature. I can’t deny it, that is one of the qualities that attracted me about you in the first place, but some honesty wouldn’t hurt, don’t you think?”.
   Blitzo couldn’t run away from Stolas, he knew it, but at the same time he didn’t just lose against him, not giving him the satisfaction of doing what he wanted. But when Stolas started to use his claws against his skin, he just broke.
   “Pfff! Hehehe! Nohohohoho!” Blitzo 
   “See? I know you’d go around!”, Stolas said when scratching Blitzo’s upper arms. “Doesn't it feel much better to just laugh and enjoy it?”
    “F-f you Stolas!” Blitzo whined. He was unable to stop himself from laughing anymore, and Stolas had started to use rougher tickles against him.
   He then felt Stolas’ claws skittering every area of his torso, and also his stomach. Blitzo became really jumpy in that place, and Stolas noticed.
   “Oh, that’s why you squirm everytime I kiss you on your stomach”, Stolas said while holding his laugh. “So what about this?”
    Blitzo almost squealed when Stolas started kissing and scratching his belly at the same time.
   “Nohohohohoho, don’t do that!”
  “Why not? It doesn’t feel good? But I’m having so much fun right now”, Stolas replied. Looking at him Blitzo could tell he was saying the truth, but it tickled so bad he didn’t know if he could keep going with this game, not that he hated seeing Stolas enjoying things, though. Also, the way Stolas kissed him wasn’t bad, he actually was a good kisser, but on his stomach his kisses were unbearable.
    Stolas then started scratching Blitzo’s underarms and that was also a pretty bad spot. Blitzo couldn’t stop his cackling laugh to come out. 
    “Ahahahahaha! Don’t! Not there please!”
   “Oh, starting begging so soon?”
   “I’m not begging you pompous piece of sh*t!”
   “Oh, alright, I understand, it was just a reflex, wasn’t it? You’re actually having fun, don’t you?” Stolas cooed.
   “I’m nohohohohot!” He screamed, not admitting this was kind of fun. 
   “Blitzi, you are so cute, you know that?”, Stolas said with the most sincere voice he could make. He softly leaned down to Blitzo’s neck, which he knew was really sensitive, and started kissing and nibbling it while still tickling his underarms.
   “No my neeehheehck! At least forgive my neeehehehck! I cahahahan’t….!”
   “Blitzo actually loved to be softly kissed in his neck, his feathers also would tickle him and make him melt when Stolas did it, but he would always put a facade of seriousness so he wouldn’t realize that, but Stolas was very clever, he knew Blitzo’s true feelings when having intimacy every full moon with him.
   Stolas stopped in order to let Blitzo breathe. Blitzo was still laughing a little while catching up some air. When he was able to talk again, he said:
   “Why are you always like this Stolas, doing whatever you want…”
   “Uhm? Aren’t our encounters also enjoyable to you?” Stolas asked tilting his head to one side in a question gesture. “Well, to be completely honest with you I’ve always wondered how do you look when you smile, not your everyday smug smile, just a pure, genuine smile...and also how does your laugh sound when you are amused. Every night we meet I have the hope you’ll show that cute smile to me, and when I think I finally got to make you smile, you just look away from me and hide your true feelings”.
   Blitzo was looking at him while listening to all that. Stola’s face showed a little sad smile and he felt his heart shrinking a little. Was he feeling moved? That’s impossible, he said to myself, but he felt Stolas didn’t mean any  harm when playing with him this way.
    But Blitzo is still Blitzo, so…
   “Well, it’s not like I can just laugh in front of you that easily, or look at you in the eyes all the time...just, I don’t hate you or anything, do you get it?”
   Stolas noticed Blitzo was looking a little flustered. 
   “So can we keep having fun for a little more then?”, Stolas asked, with the purest smile he could make. Blitzo was hesitating but…
   “Well, I, uhm…”. Blitzo was kind of trapped in this game already and he wasn’t against some more tickling for the sake of making Stolas happy and having some fun (this thought would never come out of his mouth though). He stared at him and said: “Well, maybe just this time is ok...I guess”.
   There was a big smile on Stolas’ face, he jumped off from the bed and went to his vanity, quickly opened and closed a drawer and came back to where Blitzo was laying. Blitzo was getting both scared and excited at the same time, again trying not to show a nervous anticipating smile.
   Stolas showed him a fancy crystal bottle. He slowly opened and started to pour what it was inside on Blitzo’s chest. It was some herb scented oil.
   “Oh no, onohohohono!”, Blitzo said while nervously giggling at the thought of what it was about to happen. He felt Stolas’ hand sensually spreading the warm oil in all his upper body, making him squirm again. It already tickled so bad when doing this he couldn’t stop his voice from coming out.
    “Please, don’t do it!” Blitzo yelled, but he was unconsciously smiling because of the excitement.
   “I’ll just play for a while, I promise”, Stolas’ answered, while digging Blitzo’s ribs.
   “NOHHOHOHOHOHOHO! STAHAHAHAHAHAP! Blitzo screamed, arching his back trying to get away from Stolas’ claws, but he was really good tied, so he couldn’t move that much.
    “Why, my dear? Doesn’t it feel much better now, to laugh at your heart’s content? You’re getting so much attention tonight, you little greedy imp”.
     “THIIIS NOHOHOT THE ATTENTION I NEHEHEED!, Blitzo replied, truly laughing this time, while his tail was wagging, a sign that an imp is relaxed or happy.
   “Aww, don’t be shy Blitzi, just stop thinking that much and enjoy it! If you do I will let you do the same to me next time”. He took Blitzo’s tail and started to scratch its tip. Blitzo was going crazy, but he was still able to answer back.
   “Can’t wait”, Stolas answered with a singing voice.
  “STOP WIHIHITH THE FU*KING SINGING VOICE ALREADY!” Blitzo practically shrieked, while Stolas was now squeezing his hips and sides.
   “Why, does that make you more ticklish?”, Stolas crooned. “What if I keep doing it while tickling your weakest spot?”
   Blitzo panicked, he knew what it was coming: Stolas grabbed some more oil for his hands and started to slowly run his claws from Blitzo’s hips to his underarms and neck.
   “Nohohohohoho, I swear I’ll kill you if you…!”
  Stolas started digging Blitzo’s underarms, making him shriek with laughter. His head started to get blank.
   “I love your laugh so much, Blitzi”, Stolas now laughing at Blitzo’s strong reactions, “And your tail wiggling with such joy, it just melts my heart”.
   Blitzo’s looking so vulnerable and helpless laughing like this while being tied up was actually really cute.
   Stolas would alternate the tickling on his neck and underarms, then again nibbling and kissing his neck while scratching his whole body, now ten times more sensitive because of the oil.
    Blitzo started to shed tears from the laughing, his head completely in a daze.
   When he started whining and weezing instead of laughing Stolas knew it was enough for tonight, so he stopped.
       Blitzo was coughing and giggling for a whole minute, completely exhausted.
    “You did a good job Blitzi! I really had fun”, Stolas praised Blitzo for his endurance while kissing him on his cheek and forehead.
     Blitzo wouldn’t admit it, but he also thought it had been a little fun, until the almost dying feeling part.
      “I fuc*ing hate you Stolas”, Blitzo was barely able to say, still with some tears in his eyes.
   Stolas was smiling a lot. At least he had his payback.
   “You know? We should play like this more often”. Stolas said while untying Blitzo. “It would help you to relieve some stress from work and it’s a fun way of foreplay. Also laughing is good for your…”.
   Stolas didn’t realize until looking at Blitzo that he was sound asleep.  Blitzo was just exhausted in order to do anything, but peacefully  snoring in bed.
   Stolas just chuckled, staring at this cute picture for a while before covering him with his sheets and curling up at his side, hugging him.
   “Well, I guess we’ll have our little fun until morning”, Stolas thought.
   “Really, Blitzy, you have no idea how much I love you”.
   Stolas then kissed Blitzo’s shoulder and back of his neck, making him smile a little while still sleeping.
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evildisneydorks · 3 years
Helluva Boss 001
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
A draw between Blitzo, Stolas and Fizarrolli.
I have a thing for bastards.
Least Favorite character:
Maybe the condescending deer? I don't hate her, but her voice got a bit annoying for me after a while.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
-One I came up with was Blitzo/Beetlejuice. It's complicated but I love it so much, I even call it Blitzojuice.
Character I find most attractive:
I may not be into men, but I can't deny that Stolas is actually very hot. The voice, the mannerisms, his design, his personality and many more factors just add on and on.
Character I would marry:
I wouldn't be opposed to poly with Millie and become besties with Moxxie.
Character I would be best friends with:
I wanna be friends with Millie and Moxxie so baaaaaad.
a random thought:
The humor is great. Is adult humor, but it's smart adult humor; with quick jokes and some over-the-top things here and there.
And I heavily appreciate the almost non-existence of toilet humor
An unpopular opinion:
Stolas is NOT innocent. Yeah, sending an assasin may be a bit extreme from Stella's behalf, but Stolas cheated on her on their own house, multiple times.
The "Stolas did nothing wrong" argument is bs in my eyes. He keeps cheating on his wife every full moon and doesn't show regret towards it, even flirting with his lover in public at every chance he gets.
I know the series is probably going to treat Stella as an antagonist and I really like that direction beacuse the series needs a big villain, but I feel like this is not undeserved beacuse Stolas knew exactly what he was doing when he invited Blitzo to his bed.
my canon OTP:
Millie/Moxxie; M&M Supremacy.
Non-canon OTP:
Blitzo/Stolas: It can either be very fluffy or very unhealthy and I AM ALL IN FOR IT.
most badass character:
Mah girl Millie. She just has a way with weapons and fighting skills that makes watching her in the screen very entertaining
pairing I am not a fan of:
Can't really think of one right now.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
I can't really say anything so far.
favourite friendship:
The thing Striker and Blitzo had during most of chapter 5. It was kinda cute ngl, they could have been a great team.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by:
I wanna get adopted by Blitzo and become part of IMP. I feel like it would be a great stress reliever and also, I get a cool family.
(Just in case someone doesn't catch the obvious: I do not condone murder or criminal activities in real life, duh)
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
BML Livestream Reaction 6/9/2020
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To my lovely H.H. viewers, listeners, readers:
Wow! The livestream today on Ashley's channel was incredible. The fandom raised more than 60,000 dollars for the Black Lives Matter charity. (I was one of the unnoticed ones who donated). I'm just as amazed as the show staff at the sheer generosity and talent of this fandom. There were a lot of hilarious moments and very good improvs as well. (ex. Bosco saying in Alastor's voice: "I'm an unstoppable death machine!" And all the "Oh Ashley," running gags.
Onto theories and clip reveals:
There appear to be at least five episodes for Helluva Boss (maybe) and perhaps for Hazbin Hotel as well. When would episode 12 + come out? 2027? I'll happily wait if I can live and last that long.
The first clip revealed showed Blitzo taking to Loona, him saying "have a treat" and then eating the biscuit. Millie appears to be there with Moxxie, drawing a pentagram symbol on a wall. Perhaps a gateway to the human world?
Blitzo (yells at a shy imp): "You set fire to my fucking office in front of a goddamn client you dipshit, now someone please tell me that hocus pocus book is still intact?"
Loona (holding the Satanic book): "Our only ticket to the living world? Grabbed it."
Blitzo: "That's why you're my favorite, Loony! You get a treat."
Loona: "Ew. Stop."
Blitzo eats a treat with a happy look on his face. An imp in a dress stands in the background. Millie draws a pentagram on the wall.
Blitzo (to Loona) "Oh stop it, I get enough of that from my therapist. Now lets get to it, gang!"
They prepare to enter Earth.
Second clip: We are introduced to Loo-Loo Land, an apple-themed circus/amusement park. Loo-Loo is another term for sh*t or bathrooms, so a fitting name for one in Hell. Loo-Loo is a large creepy apple mascot who appears overly cheerful toward the imps and presumably Octavia, who's not impressed. Stolas then takes Blitzo to the rides. He can be seen in a themed outfit, with an apple on his shirt, sorts, and a balloon in his hand. Lucifer has a bar/land called Loo-Loo Land that the theme park is a bad spinoff of it.
Millie (both wear glasses): (Moxxie) "Come on, it's fun! You've never been here?" Moxxie: "No. Theme parks always disturb me. Especially (shakes) the mascots."
A creepy mascot dressed as a red apple appears behind them. He's a red apple with a missing tooth in a wide grin of teeth and one of the eyes hanging from string.
Loo-Loo (in a southern accent) "Well, hey there!"
Millie and Moxxie scream.
Loo-Loo: "I'm Loo-Loo! Welcome to Loo-Loo land!"
Stolas talks to his daughter Octavia by a dinosaur carousel.
Stolas: "Look, Via, it's Loo-Loo!"
Octavia is not impressed with the childish theme park and the lack of more modern rides and features.
Octavia (British accent): "I have a question."
Loo-Loo: Well ask away, little girlie! (Goofy laugh)"
Octavia: "Is it true that this theme park is really a shameless spin-off of Lucifer's more popular Loo-Loo World?" (Disneyland vs Disneyworld)
Loo-Loo: No."
Octavia: "This place reeks of insecure corporate shame."
Stolas: "Why don't we go check out the rides."
Third clip showed what appears to be a rival company to Immediate Murder Professionals. It's called CHERUB, consisting of flying singing sheep with halos and angel wings. It can be assumed that they come from Heaven. Do they save lives (like the alternate E.L.F. in Heavenuva Boss) or do they grant miracles while scamming people? One things for sure, they are super cute. Hmm...maybe they are part of brainwashed sheep who want to spread Heaven's culture so others can mindlessly follow it? Or maybe just as a way to bring down I.M.P. to prove that they can be the best demon killers around? Blitzo blows up a TV in frustration. Now I.M.P. has to find a way to save their company and stop their rivals.
Based on the song, they save people's lives on Earth! (Guess what Hazbins: I thought of the AU E.L.F. characters before this was cool!)
If there is a rival company in Heaven to I.M.P. in Hell, it can only mean one thing: a (Haven) hotel in Heaven may also exist. (Except it would be used to give angels freedom to cause trouble and sin/to be themselves in defiance to the strict rules.)
The sheep angels save people from a car accident, and lift up a rock from a crushed person. They do the work for free, as one of them denies money. With I.M.P. killing humans and C.H.E.R.U.B. saving people, it brings the world in balance. (Though poor sheep: too many people are dying from Covid 19.) Both of them do their part to influence the living world (strangely enough, the Hazbin Earth humans seem accepting of the random creatures who arrive and then leave.
C.H.E.R.U.B. saves people so they have a chance to go to Heaven. I.M.P. kills people for money so the humans wind up in Hell.
Christ's Heavenly Efficient Revivers Under Bless
Christ's Healing Employees Revive Unlimited Bodies
Creators Host Efficient Revival Under Belief
Creating Happy Earth Routines U Believe
Sheep/faun one female: "Luckily for you..."
Sheep two male: "There is something we can do..."
Both: "We can help you feel alive, so you can save some time!(waste and drive?)" (two sheep stand beside a baby angel and all smile)
"Cause here at C.H.E.R.U.B., we can save your honey butt from dying violently. " C.H.E.R.U.B. (R mark) "We never even ask a fee." "Because good people spread the love, "And we're here for all above. "We do the paperwork for you "And the heavy lifting too." (Female sheep is shown exhausted in a pile of paperwork and later shown lifting a boulder from a man.) Both sheep witness a dying man from a car accident and wipe the scene away. "So sit back and let us bless a soul... for you." (all three sing). "Oh we, are the C.H..."
Blitzo blows up the TV in anger.
Random names: The cherub is Blitzo's opposite, Millie and the female sheep and Moxxie and the male sheep.
Blitzo's name is German for lightning. Moxxie means aggressive energy. Millie means mild strength/industrious
Donner= German for thunder Jalen= peace Ardel = industrious
Theories based on the song: 1. Heaven has animal-like Zoophobia characters like Hell 2. C.H.E.R.U.B. saves lives while I.M.P. kills them, thus keeping the world in balance. 3. The cherub leader would be Blitzo's rival. Male sheep vs Moxxie, female sheep vs Millie 4. If I.M.P. had their way, everyone would be dead. If C.H.E.R.U.B. had their way, the earth would be overpopulated. 5. C.H.E.R.U.B. have access to Heaven and Earth. They probably use the Bible to access the living world. 6. C.H.E.R.U.B. would save anyone, even criminals. 7. C.H.E.R.U.B. might have another Loona counterpart. 8. Could I.M.P. and C.H.E.R.U.B. have access to all three realms?
Clip number four: Blitzo and Stolas talk in bed. Stolas goes under the covers and stares seductively at him. He gets the idea to take Blitzo to a Harvest Festival with him as a bodyguard. Blitzo gets suspicious, claiming he won't go if Stolas uses him for sex and his purposes. Soon, Blitzo decides to come along. Stolas then says "sorry about you leaving behind your clients," while Blitzo retorts "Oh fuck my clients!" Best line. Stolas' wife will not be happy when she hears of Stolas and Blitzo's relationship.
Stolas (smokes a cigarette): " It's shocking to it to be seen, Blitzy. My grimoire is incredibly vital. And it isn't supposed to be let out by little imps like yourself." He puts out his cigarette on Blitzo's horns and pinched his cheek. Blitzo sighs and shoves him off. Both appear to be topless.
Stolas: "The Harvest Moon is a very special occasion. It's been my annual duty to celebrate it in the Ring of Wrath. It's a charming little festival with games and music..."
Blitzo: "A wrath ring, huh? My employees are from there. Haven't really been, but it sounds like a place of imprints."
Stolas: "Oh! Why don't you all accompany me to the festival as our special guests?! I'll give you all... (goes under the covers and lies near Blitzo's privates. "...special access." (chuckles)
Blitzo: "Look I told you, we're not bodyguards, alright? It was a one time thing we did and guess what? We did it badly!"
Stolas stands up with the cover over his head.
Stolas: "I'm simply offering a fun work-free day of fun! I feel quite safe at the Harvest Festival. I go every year. Nothing has changed."
Blitzo: "Okay, look if you promise this is not some fuck-fest invite... it does sound like it could be fun. Alright, I'll run it by the others. It sounds like we can work without the book anyway."
Stolas: "I do hope to see you there. I'm sorry your clients will have to wait."
Blitzo: (waves his hand) "Oh fuck my clients!"
We are introduced to new characters: Loo-Loo the creepy apple mascot, the shy imp, owl princess Octavia, "Melodia" the queen, the CHERUB sheep and Robo-Fizz, a robotic jester demon colored black, yellow, white, and light pink-red. It can be assumed that he is red and black and dangerous in his true form. Could Hell's circus be one big conspiracy? Anything is possible in the inferno.
Thank you to all who supported Vivzie's charity and those who continue to show their love for the show and concern for what's going on in the world. Protests, Police, Pandemic, Personal Rights. I donated earlier and I do all I can to keep the fandom together, trying to tapper down the "shipping wars." I don't feel like a hero at all, but I feel good that I'm showing support.
My work is unknown in comparison to all the marvelous Charlastor fanfictions out there:
MuseValentine's "Smiling Man" Angelus19's "Taxidermist"
and many more.
Please don't forget to show support to Hazbin Madness and Radio Hazbin on YouTube. Some people may disagree with me on this, but I think those two voice actors and comic dubbers have better potential than Markapiler and JackdaSepticeye. Yes, the latter two may be famous and well-known, but in my opinion, only HalusaTwin and InSaiyans capture the uncasted Lucifer and Lilith so well. A king and queen of the fandom.
But don't fret. This fandom has given me ideas that keep skyrocketing through my head and into the world. I've made fanfictions since 2014 and have only made more after being exposed to DBZ and H.H. My long projects seem to take months to update but as long as I'm alive, inspired and have free time, I won't cease doing what I love. Indeed, Viv's words inspired me toward the end of the stream. She said to a person who donated a lot and the viewers to share their creativity with the world, as it can inspire others. Vivziepop is a role model for me, as are so many of my friends/content creators (artist Ady Laine, theorist BlueRaven666, musician Ashboyo, my close friend Sumera Paleema (DBZ artist) and many others.
Very soon, I'll be expanding upon my rewrites/remixes of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. Indeed, the future episodes may be closer than we think!
Stay safe out there and treat each other well.
-Kathy Prior 42
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