#<- person who doesnt know how to pick colors properly. whatever
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stephgingrich · 3 months ago
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little elphie value study because i’m trying out csp
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shadowsofthegun-if · 2 years ago
hehe okay these are literally in no order
Asters nose is slightly crooked from when Blessing broke it
Blessing does gamble a good bit but they are very sure they dont have a problem they might have a slight problem
Blessing looks a lot like their mother
Harrison has a bit of a drinking problem but hes been very good at hiding it
Jesse and Adrian used to say they were going out hunting for camp but really they were just going to relax at whatever lake was closest
Jesse loves swimming
Blessing doesnt hate swimming but they prefer to avoid lakes whenever they can
Ro has a dream of living on the beach and being able to see the ocean everyday
Blessing and Ro used to sneak off to a meadow and make plans to take a trip down to the coast
Blessing is the one who teaches Ro to swim
Ro is the one who teaches Blessing to properly play the guitar
Ro has a very nice singing voice like their Father
Ro really likes Blessings voice especially their singing voice
Ro does pressure Blessing into singing whenever they can
Anytime Blessing sings its always one of the songs theyve heard from Jesse
Blessing teaches Ros brother Alejandro how to gamble
Ros family is the mirror opposite to Blessings even made sure they had the same amount of siblings
Im a big fan of symbolism so each character has an animal, flower, color, and bird assigned to them in my notes
they also have a season of the year but those are more broad
everyones birthday was a bit more broad in choice but i still picked days that felt right
Almost every characters name was very specially chosen
They also all have middle names
Jesse and Adrians relationship is very much inspired by Lucy Grey Baird and Coriolanus Snow in The Ballad of Song Birds and Snakes
This wasnt even on purpose but Ro and Blessings relationship is a lot like Ellie and Dina from The Last of Us Part II
Asters color is yellow<3
Blessing and Aster used to get into a lot of arguments when they were younger and they'd physically fight a lot
Harrison and Jesse don't know that Aster is part of Adrians gang
Adrian doesnt even know that Blesing exist and he doesnt meet them till theyre 19
Aster is a very good artist and they sketch a lot of plants and landscapes
I've always felt that Blessing is the type of person always up in a tree
Aster and Blessing used to sit in trees and share whatever meal they had after they practiced shooting
Aster and Blessing learnt to shoot together
Blessing is the better shot
Okay im going to stop there but im still very tempted to share the chapter titles. They're not very spoilerly or anything i just like them a lot
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bigbadwolf-16 · 4 years ago
anyway heres the thing for wolf and i am SO sorry if the readmore doesnt work oof this bitch long
slightly modified it
Mentally twelve, but roughly Dark Age old.
Call signs/alias:
Wolf. One syllable, easy.
He / Him
Preferred subclass(es):
Gunslinger, but he’s handy with Void and Stasis. Never got the hang of Arc.
Ghost's name:
Serenity, but she reluctantly answers to Red sometimes.
Their Vanguard:
He came late to the party and properly joined the Guardian ranks sometime after Tallulah died, but he was closest to Cayde-6, rip.
Fireteam name:
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo (former) Maelstrom (former) Exodus (current)
Fireteam teammates:
In Foxtrot: Liz Cabrera, King-3, Armani-7 In Maelstrom: Amelia-9, Atticus Maav In Exodus: Puck-13, Aera-9, Emmanuel-7
Favorite legendary weapon:
Dire Promise IKELOS SMG Seventh Seraph SAW
Favorite exotic weapon:
Ace of Spades Riskrunner The Lament
Favorite exotic armor:
Sealed Ahamkara Grasps The Sixth Coyote St0mp-335
Are they offense, defense, or support:
Generally offense, he’s blindingly fast and is a crackshot with any weapon you put in his hands.
Do they prefer being close, mid, or long range:
He prefers mid to long, but ends up getting in close more often than he’d like. The agility kind of nerfs his ability to take a lot of damage all at once, so he goes airborne the second he gets surrounded.
Do they lean more "Element of Surprise" or "Upfront and Aggressive":
A bit of both! He’ll pull a surprise attack and jump in to get his hands dirty if he has to, which makes him a pretty good distraction if there’s a lot of enemies looking for a bullet sponge, but he prefers a little bit of distance if he can get it.
Strikes, Gambit, or Crucible:
Getting him into strikes takes a lot of perseverance, honestly. He’ll do them if Zavala can actually hold him down long enough. Hunters are elusive as hell anymore, and the amount of times he’s been back to the Tower or even within the City’s walls since the Red War can be counted on one hand.
Crucible is also kind of a gamble. Serenity doesn’t like him doing it because he gets ruthlessly competitive and tends to favor Stasis which gets... ahhh, intense...
He fucks super hard with Gambit, tho. If he’s anywhere near the City, he’s probably playing Gambit because the Drifter won’t give him the good stuff until he does.
Who was their mentor:
If anyone was, it was probably Serenity and only insofar as teaching him how to be fucking normal. It hasn’t worked very well.
Who are they mentoring:
He went through a brief stint where he mentored Atticus. He couldn’t teach him any Warlock things, of course, but other stuff like no-scoping an Acolyte or picking locks? Absolutely.
What ship do they have:
After Forsaken, all of Cayde’s stuff was pretty much left alone, but Wolf asked the Vanguard if he could take the Queen of Hearts and they let him.
What is their Sparrow:
Blood in the Water
Favorite Ghost shell:
Serenity picks her own shells. When they met, she pretty much had the Rust Punk shell after the one she was created with got messed up pretty badly. The new one didn’t stand up very well against the elements.
Wolf keeps a handful of them in the ship so that she can go between them and her favorites are Wisteria Orbit and In Fine Omnium, but she goes back to her old one occasionally if she doesn’t want to get the others dirty.
Favorite color:
Red, but sometimes purple.
Favorite food:
Any kind of spicy ramen and shawarma.
Least favorite food:
He doesn’t like anything with a bitter taste and there are a lot of veggie-based things he just genuinely cannot stand the thought of.
Favorite Pre-Collapse music:
He discovered classic rock and hasn’t looked back once.
Favorite place in The Last City:
Before the Red War when he spent more time in the city itself, his apartment. It was small and pretty cozy and also loaded with his hauls from various jobs. He’d sit in the window and play video games on his off days and just chill with Serenity for hours.
There was also a bar he’d frequent with his old fireteam (and sneakretly sometimes with Cayde) where they pretty much knew everyone who worked there by name. It’s the one place he never got kicked out of for causing a ruckus.
Favorite NPC(s):
Cayde and Wolf hung out a lot when either one of them had the time. These days, if he’s anywhere near the Tower, it’s only to see Amanda or Banshee.
He also likes to kick it with Devrim, Variks, and Failsafe. Osiris finds him frustrating at best, but he and Crow are kind of a package deal at this point.
Least favorite NPC(s):
He finds Rahool kind of dry and nerdy and has nothing but bad things to say about Hideo.
Favorite patrol location:
The EDZ. It’s more or less his home now and he knows every square inch of it by heart.
Least favorite patrol location:
Anywhere on Europa or the Moon. Europa he’ll at least go to without being dragged, if only just to say hi to Variks or Elsie and check up on how things are going, but after the Lunar Incident he won’t step foot on the Moon unless Eris requests him specifically.
5 things your Guardian likes:
Glimmer, babeyyyy!! Also food, bad jokes, going real fast, and springtime.
5 things your Guardian dislikes(this can be anything):
Handling trauma in a healthy way like normal person, having to be responsible for people, being told what to do, big open spaces, and waiting.
Your Guardian has to rest. What is their living space like:
Wolf can and will sleep just about anywhere and in pretty much any position. His old apartment in the City was destroyed during the war, and he just never went back, so now he knocks out in whatever place has enough cover or is out of the way enough he won’t be found.
Does your Guardian have any casual wear?:
Lots. He usually goes for a more urban style, so lots of huge hoodies, joggers, chunky sneakers, snapbacks, that kind of thing. He generally only wears armor when he’s actively working.
What hobbies and/or skills does you Guardian have:
Outside of Guardian stuff, he’s picked up a handful of skills over the years. He can rap and sing and figured out how to autotune his voice/mimic others, he’s pretty good at woodcarving and making little things out of scrap metal, and even if his designs are intentionally tacky he’s good at custom paint jobs for jumpships and Sparrows.
As for hobbies, that mostly consists of exploring. He’s got a lot of patrol areas memorized, and does a lot of urbex in places that aren’t very thoroughly mapped because he likes finding pre-Collapse artifacts and seeing places not very many others have. Mostly for selling.
He also does a lot of gambling, but whether or not he’s any good at it is arguable.
What would your Guardian's lore book be called:
Sixteen Wolves
Where was your Guardian reborn?:
Somewhere in the humid and shitty swamp that used to be Houston, Texas. It was tough going for a while, but they eventually traveled all the way to what would eventually be the City.
What were they wearing when they were reborn:
Rapidly disintegrating work gear from, presumably, some kind of security job.
What was their reaction to being reborn:
Confusion and alarm, but he warmed up to Serenity pretty quickly, so it wasn’t too bad after the initial shock.
What was their reaction to their first rez:
Very surprised until Serenity explained what had just happened. After that, all bets were off.
After being reborn, did they meet friendlies first or hostiles:
Like many, the first sentient form of life he met was hostile, but it wasn’t aliens. His first run-in with other people was a group of survivors who had a lot of mistrust regarding the Risen and he didn’t want to fight them, so he took off.
Who was the first other Guardian they met?:
He definitely doesn’t remember, but it probably wasn’t a pleasant encounter.
Did your Guardian get reborn with, or find, any indication of their past life? If so what do they have/found:
Exos get the luxury of at least knowing their name, but Wolf found his etched into a corner of his chest plate in cool letters. He didn’t remember anything from his past life beyond random glimpses if he dug hard enough, and nowadays those glimpses are pretty rare and extremely vague. There’s never any memory fragment that’s enough to really grab onto, so he tends not to bother with it.
How did your Guardian get their name(if they didn't rez with past life mementos):
Exo thing! He doesn’t remember if it was just some kind of moniker or part of his actual original human name, but Wolf sounds cool so he’s not worried about it.
Going back to your Guardian's lore book, what would be some quotes or passages from their book:
The Hunter dove for the ball and caught it, whipped it back across to his companion with a well-practiced flick of his wrist and tumbled. The Warlock caught it a bit more gracefully and without getting dirt on his clothes.
“Do you ever think about home?”
“What do you mean?”
The Warlock shrugged, tossing the ball back and forth between his palms. “Home. You know. Where you’re from. Your people, I mean. I think about the Dreaming City a lot. I don’t remember how it used to be, but... I like to think maybe I had family there once. Someone to miss me when I was gone. Dreadful to think of how it’s been destroyed...”
“Hm.” Wolf considered the question, then it was his turn to shrug. “Dunno. Guess we don’t really have one.”
“You must have something, Wolf. Exos had to come from somewhere. Everyone has a home.”
“Y’all might have a home. All we got’s a graveyard.”
Does your Guardian have a significant other:
He’s had a handful over the years. He’s still friends with Liz, not that anyone can tell because all they do is fuck with each other and cause trouble when they’re together. He and Amelia were a thing briefly but that one had to be called off to preserve their friendship because, even though they’ve known each other for decades and get along surprisingly well, they are very, very different people.
The last one was Cayde, and that didn’t end well for anyone. Cringe culture is dead, don’t @ me.
Did your Guardian go explore first before going to The Last City? If so, where to:
That was kinda the name of the game back then. The City was just a dinky little encampment and Wolf was on a completely different continent, so by the time he actually got there it was a dinky little town with not much to explore. He ended up breezing through a few times before anyone even really realized he was a Risen. The section of the wall he helped build is actually still there.
What was their reaction to first seeing The Last City:
A little bit surprised, honestly. He already knew there were a lot of little camps and small towns scattered around, but he hadn’t expected to find any that were that organized and so full of lightbearers and mortals, just working side by side.
Is your Guardian a part of a clan:
Yes! He’s part of the Exodus Family.
Does your Guardian's clan have a back story? If so, what is it?(if you want to or able to share):
Not much that I’m personally aware of, just cus my friends and I haven’t talked about it at length, but basically everyone is an Exo and having a fairytale/biblical theme is pretty common. Like. Puck is an obvious one. Wolf and Serenity are a little bit Little Red Riding Hood themed, only insomuch as Serenity having an affinity for red shells and Wolf thinking he’s all big and bad and tough.
(He’s not, he’s a baby.)
If your Guardian would have a quote as a flavor text for a weapon and/or piece of armor, what would they be:
I have a couple of these actually, all inspired by some really good quotes I’ve seen.
Wolf Moon’s Chase (Exotic) “Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.” A hand cannon with a wolf head grip and the Howlin’ Wolves perk; Successive precision kills gradually reload the clip and boost Super energy regen even if stowed. Missed shots have a chance to track enemies and explode.
Last Man Standing (Exotic) ”I was always taught that if you shoot for the Moon and miss, the vacuum of space will suck out your eyeballs. Failure is not an option. Go kill ‘em.” Chest armor with the Knock ‘Em Dead perk: Low health massively boosts damage, resilience, and mobility for a short amount of time.
Bad Blood (Legendary) ”The strength of the pack is the Wolf. The strength of the Wolf is the pack.” A Hunter’s cloak with the Vermilion Stripe down one side and a moon shattered into three pieces on the back.
If your Guardian has had any interactions with any civilians, Eliksni, Cabal, Vex, Hive, Taken, Scorn, Rogue Lightbearers, or Iron Lords/War Lords tell us about it!:
Wolf’s been around a while and he’s seen a lot of things, so let’s dig into this one.
He’s not as well known in the City except by name unless he’s wearing his wolf mask, but he drops in at the Farm pretty often and he’s on good terms with everyone there. He does a lot of supply runs for them and will stick around if they’re shorthanded to help with upkeep or defense if there’s a lot of hostile activity in the area. In general, he doesn’t interact a whole lot with mortals unless they’ve been out on the front lines like Devrim or Suraya. There’s way too much cultural and social disconnect there and he doesn’t have the patience or really even the language to try and explain to them that he, even as a Guardian and Old Light, is just as human as they are and while he may be immortal and have crazy cosmic superpowers given to him by a mysterious and sentient white spheroid, dying hurts and the trauma every Guardian walks around with just is not worth it.
Where Eliksni are concerned, he tends not to initiate fights with them. If they shoot first, all bets are off, but for the most part he has a lot of respect for what they’ve been through and can relate to feeling lost and completely adrift with no identity. He helps rebels on Europa either fight back against Salvation or escape to Earth to join the House of Light. He’s made a lot of friends that way.
Cabal he has a lot of respect for as well, for similar reasons. They lost their home to the Hive and are trying to survive in the best way they know how, even if he doesn’t agree with their politics. He doesn’t know what’s going to happen with Caiatl, but he’s trying to maintain hope that her empire and humanity will eventually reach an understanding. They’d be unstoppable as allies.
He doesn’t fuck with the Vex. Even before things came to light on Europa, even being near them made his brain itch and one of his biggest fears is being infected with some kind of Vex virus that’ll turn him into one of them and spread to other Exos or Ghosts, almost to the point he’d prefer to avoid them altogether.
He is terrified of the Hive. I’ve mentioned the Lunar Incident before, and the trauma of it caused such an intense meltdown that it forced a reset. Unless Eris Morn specifically asks him personally to go to the Moon for any reason, he doesn’t go anywhere near it. He can deal with them in other places like the Reef or on Earth, but the combination of Moon + Hive just scares him to death.
Taken and Scorn both are kind of a wobbly thing for him. He feels bad for what happened to them, but knowing that it can’t be reversed and that just killing them is a mercy makes it easier to deal with them. With Taken and anything relating to them, the spatial distortion they cause kind of overwhelms his processes if he’s dealing with it for too long and can make him feel a little sick, but that usually subsides once he’s gotten some distance. (Scorn are just... Oof. On the one hand, he kind of feels like they’re not too dissimilar to lightbearers just in that they were brought back from the dead and now won’t stay dead, but he always wonders if they’re suffering or if they even know where they are or what they’re doing. It’s just incredibly sad to see them like that, and the same goes for the Wrathborn.)
Rogue lightbearers? He kind of is one. He didn’t join the Vanguard until long after the City was established and before that he was just kind of doing his own thing being a thieving little shithead. It was Amelia who encouraged him to do it, and he’s shaped up a lot since then and become a lot more sympathetic toward other people. He still has that wild edge and always plays it fast and loose with the rules, more so than even most other Hunters, so he’s always butting heads with Zavala about that. In general, he doesn’t think much of them unless they’ve genuinely gone bad and are actively out there hunting and hurting other people.
Warlords/Iron Lords, uhhh. He was friends with a Warlord back in their day, but he didn’t pay them much mind outside of that. As far as he was concerned, if they stayed out of his way and he stayed out of theirs, everything was fine because other people’s problems weren’t his problem and he had no intention of getting tangled up with all that shit when he had a free pass to do all the petty crimes he wanted. He’s always thought the Iron Lords were stuffy and holier-than-thou, but he does kind of respect what they did back then and he might rip on Lord Saladin, but he understands his perspective on things. That kind of survival instinct and total victory or death philosophy, like... ya know. Wolf grew up in different times, too, and back then it was genuinely kill or be killed and you couldn’t trust anyone not to stab you in the back over scraps. He gets it. He may not always agree, but he gets it.
Does your Guardian have any unconventional allies or connections(By Vanguard standards):
Definitely. It didn’t start with Crow and Spider of course, but they’re a pretty good example. As a Hunter, he is connected. He knows a guy for everything you can think of and most of that knowledge is very under the table kind of shit. If the gains are good, he’ll partner up with just about anyone and his only hard limit is probably wholesale murder and not necessarily even because he isn’t comfortable with it. It’s a lot of mess, and a lot of potential to get his ass into really deep trouble he’d rather avoid.
He’s got a lot of Eliksni and Cabal buddies out in the system, most of whom he met in some makeshift prison or while trapped somewhere. More than once it’s been a situation of kidnapping where he just accidentally became friends with his captors.
One of his best friends for years was an Eliksni vandal out on the Tangled Shore, so he has absolutely no issue with having unconventional allies.
(Plus, like. With the system in total fucking chaos, you’re gonna need all the friends you can get. He’s dumb but he’s not stupid.)
How does your Guardian feel about themselves or others using Stasis:
Wolf has mixed feelings about Stasis. With Exos being pretty much literally born of Darkness, he has a natural affinity for it but being such a sensitive dude makes it very easy for the Darkness to manipulate him through. Any time he uses Stasis, he gets weird and a little bloodthirsty, so he tries to only use it when nothing else is working. He’s got a lot of willpower, but you can only hold out for so long when someone’s promising you salvation, peace, and power after the sort of life an Old Light has to deal with. Fear and trauma are very easy to appeal to when everything is looking increasingly more bleak all around you.
As far as other people using it, he’s still very “not my circus, not my clowns” about it. The only time he’d take issue is if someone was using it like legitimately trying to RTL someone he cares about.
Did they run The Last Wish raid? How did they react to seeing a live Ahamkara a.k.a Riven:
I’ve only done parts of it myself, but if he has met Riven he definitely almost short-circuited. I think anyone would if they met a supposedly extinct magic space dragon for the first time.
Did they run The Deep Stone Crypt raid? How did they react to the Crypt and seeing Exo Eliskni:
It was harrowing to say the least. Everything on Europa has been a nightmare, just from his own standpoint as an Exo. He goes through phases where he thinks that being one is the greatest thing ever because you’re faster, stronger, and tougher than anyone else, but at the same time, like. Look at what they have to deal with.
And all the secrets that came out as we learned more about Exoscience and Clovis Bray? Yikes, dude. Any time he’s not feeling cheeky or neutral about it, he just feels this weird sense of shame and guilt. Why would anyone want to be an Exo? Why would anyone willingly hand over their peace of mind and their security in their own identity like that? Most Exos don’t know who they were before, some don’t even know who they are now, and all because they got too close to the truth or their fundamentally unsustainable existence backfired again and they had to completely erase everything and start over.
Seeing Atraks was like watching a car crash knowing you wouldn’t be able to do anything to stop it. All these people seeking that out, wanting to make themselves or their allies into Exos just to be top notch unstoppable war machines when they don’t even slightly understand what it’s really like to live inside a completely foreign body is something he just can’t wrap his head around. He tries not to think about it too hard.
Is your Guardian from D1? How did they react to seeing Taniks alive once again:
He has his own beef with Taniks, but like. If he kept being killed and revived in shittier and shittier conditions, he’d probably be really pissed off too.
Where did they go and what did they do during The Red War:
The Red War kind of spelled the end of him transiently living in the City proper. His apartment was in one of the residential areas that got leveled, and he just never went back once the dust settled.
He did what he could to help, but his main concern was just keeping Serenity safe. He’d never admit it out loud in mixed company but if it came to having to choose between her and a handful of mortals, he’d choose her every time. She’s been the one constant in his life since he was revived and he couldn’t imagine having to try and carry on without her.
It really brought home just how much abuse he could take before his body would quit on him, and he almost didn’t make it through the whole thing. He’s way too reckless now to survive long without his Ghost, but it brought them a whole lot closer together.
For the most part, he teamed up with other Hunters to scout for safe exits and round up survivors, and when the Vanguard left to take care of business he stayed to help keep his lil classmates on task. After that he stayed at the Farm for a while dealing with the whole self-repair and maintenance deal, and he spent a whole lot more time out in the field when it was over.
Here are some characters that are either polarizing or have created a strong enough mass emotion within the community. What opinion does your Guardian hold on each of them >>>
Osiris, First Warlock Vanguard, originally exiled:
Wolf likes Osiris. Anyone who’s reckless, stubborn, uncouth, and a little bit feral is always going to be someone that Wolf likes and wants to be friends with. They get along for the most part, but because focusing doesn’t even make the list of Wolf’s strong points, Osiris can get exasperated with him pretty quickly when they’re going over some kind of batshit strategy and Wolf is over there in his corner texting. Osiris has no idea how he’s survived this long and has definitely said as much to his face. Wolf isn’t so sure either.
Eris Morn, Bane of the Swarm:
He’s a bit intimidated by her. She was kind of the catalyst for one of the most traumatizing events of his life, so being around her now still makes him feel a little bit weird and very nervous. Despite that, he still respects and trusts her immensely and will always come if she needs him.
They’ve taken time since All That Mess to talk to each other and she’s incredibly remorseful over what happened, but Wolf doesn’t blame her for any of it.
She has a very unique perspective on the Darkness and the Hive what all of this shit means, and he generally will trust her word over someone else’s when the topic comes up. She’s got a lot of wisdom in that crazy head of hers and they have a bit of a shared experience when it comes to being trapped in a Hive nest.
Cayde-6, Sixth Hunter Vanguard:
Lemme roll out the simp wagon for this one, ahem.
Wolf adored Cayde. Before The Dare, he joined in on Cayde’s little crew every so often for jobs and over time they got to know each other about as well as anyone can know Cayde or Wolf, and Wolf ended up falling for him pretty hard between all the snarky banter and watching him in action. They did some casual messing around and I’m sure anyone with eyes could see how bad he had it, but he never got the gumption to really confess and never tried to actually pursue anything beyond casual fun.
Cayde’s death absolutely destroyed his entire world. He’s seen plenty of death and his fair share of RTLs, but none have hit him as hard as that one. He spent a little while just immobilized by grief until it morphed into anger because, honestly, I don’t think any Guardian handles loss very well, and he decided after the memorial service to hunt down Uldren regardless of the cost.
The whole thing caused a bit of a rift between himself and his old fireteam and the Spider got a few good laughs out of calling him ‘Killer’. He doesn’t remember a lot of it now due to his reset around Shadowkeep, but he still gets flashes, and he definitely still blames himself. If he could have gotten there just a few minutes sooner, he knows Cayde and Sundance could have survived.
Ikora Rey, Second Warlock Vanguard:
Mad respect for Ikora Rey, especially when she low key high key supported his revenge mission. She has a unique way of being shady about things that Wolf really likes, and they don’t have much in common but he’s enjoyed working with her any time he’s gotten the chance.
When he has things to report on that he knows Zavala won’t like, Wolf goes to her first since she knows best how to soften the blow, and when he has the forethought to even bother, he runs strategies by her to get input. She’s the best Crucible player in history and he kind of sees her as a Warlock that thinks like a Hunter in a lot of ways. In the absence of Cayde, she’s the Vanguard he answers to the quickest.
Commander Zavala, Second Titan Vanguard:
Wolf and Zavala have a tense relationship. They don’t agree on most things and any time you put them in the same room together it inevitably devolves into some kind of argument about the best course of action to take on anything. Wolf’s story has him kind of lined up to be promoted to Vanguard because of experience and technicalities on the Dare, and while it’s not entirely up to Zavala, he does have a lot of sway as the Vanguard Commander. Wolf could not be less interested in the seat if someone was holding a gun to his Ghost.
He’s intentionally unprofessional as hell any time he has to work with Zavala directly and tends to go out of his way to use very unconventional methods that he know Big Blue won’t approve of, because he’s a child. Being petty is the spice of life, and Wolf is still mad that Zavala forbid him from going after Uldren. That he does remember.
With all of that said though! He does respect Zavala. You wouldn’t know it, but he truly does. The guy has the weight of the entire Sol System on his shoulders and never once has he complained.
Saint-14, legendary Titan, First Titan Vanguard:
Wolf is very fond of Saint and Saint is probably one of the few people left who has a way of getting Wolf to slow down and just take it easy for a while. Before Wolf dipped out for good, he’d sometimes just track the guy down to spend time with him and listen to his various wisdoms.
These days, he still calls him up sometimes to shoot the shit and check in on things and he always asks Saint to tell the pigeons and the Colonel that he said hi.
Lord Saladin, Iron Banner handler, One of the last remaining Iron Lords:
Wolf clowns on Saladin a lot but he does understand his point of view when it comes to survival. I’ve mentioned it before, but Wolf “grew up” in the same time period and gets where the intensity and giving no quarter comes from, because back then it really was a life or death decision with way more immediate consequences. Table politics are kind of lost to him and the turning tide between humanity versus the Eliksni or the Cabal is calling for a more open and foreward-thinking willingness to take that risk in allying with them against a common enemy. Wolf’s a quicker learner though, and spending as much time as he has with both has taught him that, in a lot of ways, they’re just like us. They had their homes taken and destroyed, they’ve lost loved ones in droves, and they’re struggling to hang onto a thread in the only way they know how.
Wolf hopes that Lord Saladin will come around and let go of his dated worldviews, because the old ways aren’t what’s going to win wars anymore. Things are far, far bigger than us versus them now and Wolf has a feeling that humanity is gonna need more resolute leaders like Saladin to survive what’s coming.
Lord Shaxx, Crucible handler, Hero of Twilight Gap, living megaphone:
Don’t leave Shaxx and Wolf alone together unless you want complete and utter chaos to unfold. Any time they get together, they get rowdy, and no piece of furniture is safe from having one of them suplexed or dropkicked into it. Shaxx is kind of like a cool uncle to Wolf and they have been known to test new weapons on each other.
The Crow, New Light, Ex-Enforcer to The Spider:
Whoof. When Wolf first met Crow, he was absolutely gobsmacked. Of all the things running through his head, the biggest question he had was why. He almost shot Crow on sight, but he hesitated for some reason. It took a long time for Wolf to warm up to him and in that time he was uncharacteristically quiet and a little cold. Serenity managed to get him to keep his stupid mouth shut, and he’s glad he listened for once.
I think just spending all that time with him hunting Wrathborn, just being a team and really going through it together, was what brought Wolf closer to him. Learning about what Crow was dealing with in his personal life, everything he was going through just as a consequence of existing. Wolf opened up over time himself and once he worked through that big C6 obstacle, he found himself really endeared to both Crow and Glint.
These days, Wolf would probably consider Crow one of his best friends. He’s taught the kid a lot of old Hunter tricks and they hang out a lot, to Glint and Serenity’s immense relief. Crow is like the little brother he never had.
The Spider, The Shore's Only Law, founder of "House" Spider:
He may or may not have low key threatened Spider before he left the Tangled Shore with Crow. From day one, even as someone who is by default insufferably cheeky, the amount of disrespect. Ooh, bitch.
Spider calling him Killer (especially around Crow) got under his skin so fast, you would not even believe, and it was all Wolf could do not to leap across the room and strangle him to death any time they had to do deals.
As far as Wolf is concerned, if he never sees the Spider again, it’ll be too soon.
Uldren Sov, Prince of the Reef, Master of Crows:
Khhhh, hoo boy. The hate. The Frothing Hatred he had for this little man. Wolf had never in his life wanted someone dead as badly as he wanted Uldren Sov dead.
Being friends with Crow and his 16th reset has softened that a lot, and he’s learned a few things about Uldren that have made other things make a lot more since sense then, but. Yeesh.
Mara Sov, Queen of the Reef, Queen of the Awoken, Ex-Kell of Wolves:
Very mixed. He never dealt with her directly, but Wolf has a natural aversion to any form of leadership just by nature. That she cornered the House of Wolves into subservience doesn’t help, but on the other hand, if she hadn’t been at war with them, things would have turned out a lot different for humanity at Twilight Gap.
Variks, the Loyal, founder of House Judgement:
Speaking of shifty motherfuckers.
Wolf definitely likes Variks and his reset between Shadowkeep and now has conveniently erased the memory of knowing Variks had a hand in Cayde’s death.
He does what he can on Europa to help Variks get Salvation rebels to safety if they just want to get the fuck up out of there and is happy to do knife tricks for him when he asks. Variks has made a lot of questionable decisions, but it’s all been done for what he believes is the good of his people, and Wolf can respect that.
Mithrax, the Forsaken, Kell of Light, founder of House Light:
Hasn’t met him, but he’s heard... a lot. With Mithrax being the Kell of the House of Light, Wolf is hopeful it’ll be a good step in the right direction toward uniting humanity and Eliksni. He’s pretty sure they’re both doomed if they can’t at least fight alongside each other temporarily.
The Exo Stranger/Elizabeth "Elsie" Bray, Granddaughter of Clovis I and Sister to Ana Bray:
Wolf is incurably nosy, so he finds Elsie pretty frustrating. She’s full of secrets and never hangs around long enough to explain what the hell she’s talking about or what her end goal is, but she’s been invaluable on Europa. Once she finally opened up a little bit and started actually telling him important things, he found her a whole lot easier to get along with and it helped to have her around when he was discovering a lot of things on his own about where Exos came from.
Eramis, of House Salvation, Kell of Darkness:
He... gets where she was coming from, in a way. She was angry and desperate and that kind of thing is easy for the Darkness to take advantage of. He can’t rightly blame her for grabbing onto anything she thought might save her people, even though it’s ended in yet more trauma for them.
Eramis isn’t someone he’d go out of his way to try to be friends with if she was ever freed from Stasis, but he would hope she’d more or less see the Light and realize that her methods needed some serious rethinking.
Empress Caiatl of the Cabal Imperial Empire:
Wolf has a lot of respect for Caiatl. She watched her home burn down around her and has used that pain to fuel a cause he thinks is pretty noble. Humanity has been at war with the Cabal for a long time now, and both sides have suffered incredible losses because of it. He thinks that trying to mend that and join forces is a good idea, but for once he’s kind of with Zavala on something: They shouldn’t have to swear fealty or subservience to a foreign empire to have their support against a threat that’s coming for both.
He’s holding out hope that if they show their strength against her greatest warriors, she’ll understand that Guardians and humanity as a whole are more beneficial as equals, not cannon fodder. It only takes one Guardian to decimate an entire Cabal squad, after all.
The Darkness is fast approaching. How is your Guardian handling it:
He’s... handling it. It’s been getting harder in recent years to just not think about things which has been his entire motto since he was first revived. More and more he’s having to confront head-on the things that scare him the most, and there’s only so much running away you can do before you run straight into a corner and have to choose between extinction and fighting until you draw your last breath.
Wolf isn’t a pacifist by any means, but it’s just one of those things where he’s starting to realize his way of living just isn’t sustainable with the system in such chaos. The Hive used to be just another threat he had to deal with every so often, but now they’ve become the Big Bad that are outpacing even the Vex in terms of imminent destruction of several species all at once. His biggest hope right now is that humanity, Eliksni, and Cabal can all set their differences aside, at least long enough to try and put up a defense against the Hive and the Darkness. If they can’t, then... well, they won’t have to worry about it for very long, at least.
And finally, does your Guardian have any advice for any New Lights:
Be good. Be understanding. Tell the people you love that you love them every single chance you get, because you never know what could happen out there. Don’t treat everyone as your enemy, because you may find friends in strange places, and how you treat someone may be the difference between waking up dead and surviving to see morning, but most importantly; Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.
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chimcharstar · 5 years ago
1-50 ho
you got it ho
1. What’s your favorite candle scent?
I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED. ive been Purchasing various smelly candles for my gay divination activities, and i have a few nominees. i first thought of the candle i have now, a pink one with a very sweet vanilla smell, i love very sweet smells because it makes me think of candy which i tend to try to fill my inner void with. however im going to go with the first candle i bought, a dark orange one with a citrus smell. citrus scents are my next favourite and specifically this one reminded me of curiously smelling candles at my piano teachers apartment when i was very young. 
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
Tumblr media
idk. ive been listening to her lion king stuff lately. dont judge me i needed to hear remixes of lion king music i was lost in that sauce in high school. and i just think shes neat. i dont think she would aggressively make me feel bad about everything, UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
Look……. i really don’t know???? what is the criteria?? do they need to be like my siblings? dare i criticize my arguably criticizable siblings by picking out my ideal siblings? if i pick an ideal sibling, what does that say about what im lacking in my life? do i pick celebrities i hate so theoretically my family shames them into becoming silent and self-defeating
4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
50. i think im going to have to figure myself out for a long time, and achieve some personal goals first. thats my excessively confident prediction and PERHAPS educated guess
5. Do you know a hoarder?
nnnnnoooooooo????? not a real, cant function because of hoarding hoarder. i can see in a few family members, including myself, liking to hang onto things that maybe become sentimental/unnecessary clutter but that sounds like something many non-hoarders experience?
6. Can you do a split?
lemme try one sec
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
Idk maybe 7? Or 11? i think my parents taught me at a children age and then i started biking for fun like, later, like pre middle school?
8. How many oceans have you swam in?
1. i dont really remember swimming in an ocean but i may have faded childhood memories of salty water and seaweed
9. How many countries have you been to?
2… i went to idaho for a band trip… my dad really doesnt like travelling
10. Is anyone in your family in the army?
NO. ACTUALLY YES. but its funny because the specific brand of christianity we are supposed to be is super pacifist so ive heard. but then i remembered one dude apparently who joined the us military?????? it seemed like it was… an unusual choice. i dont really know anything else about this guy, not even his name
11. What would you name your daughter if you had one?
🙏 *inhale* buddy. oooooohhffffff i want to say something gender neutral honestly. i dont want to rock the boat being unconventional or something but im just thinking of all those years trying to live up to a feminine name
12. What would you name your son if you had one?
same i guess… why have i never thought about this????? was i preoccupied naming myself.
13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test?
hmmmmm hmmmmm trying to unlock the vault. i think i remember a 1 or a 0 on a math quiz. i think i got 30% or something very very bad (i dont even want to know) on my last english exam, but to be fair, i was having such a bad mental breakdown my professor did an intervention
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
like a very very small child? i was obsessed with the save-ums (?!?!?) for some reason. i would sing the anthem… no. theme song? i dont know. i guess it was catchy and there were lots of fun characters. OHHHH I SEE WHATS WRONG
ITS BECAUSE WE ONLY HAD A TV TILL I WAS LIKE 5 OR SOMETHING. what are you cultured people watching as children? what are the shows? 
15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
My Halloween experience:
i dont even remember i probably had some kind of fairy wings? i think i remember fairy wings. we went to one (1) house. later on, since we werent allowed to go trick-or-treating, we were each allotted a certain amount of candy, and if we ate more than a designated amount per day, we were in trouble and wouldnt be allowed anymore. i do remember getting in trouble for this. i think i stole someones candy. sibling against sibling. finally we were allowed to go trick or treating, i went with my younger brothers and by then, was a teenager and felt too tall and really uncomfortable
LMAO I JUST REMEMBERED THAT LAST TIME WE WENT TRICK-OR-TREATING NOT IN A RURAL AREA, my dad drove us around in a van and watched us like a hawk i believe. it was very tense and methodical.
16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
i read the harry potter series (I WROTE SIBLIGS LOL) more times than i could count while growing up. i read the first hunger games book and didnt fancy it for whatever reason, and i had an obnoxious twilight-hating phase.
17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?
sometimes, though, im really genuinely worried about what accent i do have. im worried i read so much harry potter growing up, it rubbed off on me. when i was a server, people would ask about an unusual accent i apparently had, and once, when i was talking to a super british guy who called me luv at walmart, he was like STOP. WAIT. YOU HAVE A BRITISH ACCENT. and i was like WHAT UHHH BYEBYE AND HE WAS LIKE NO. I HEARD YOU. STOP and i was like that michael jackson meme where he covers his face running away and everyone else in the line was staring
18. Did your mother go to college?
i believe she went to a bible college where people put a grand piano on top of the roof. 
19. Are your grandparents still married?
all of my grandparents are dead.
…. hmmMMMM yow. ok. my grandparents who werent estranged stayed married for as long as either of them were living… however, my OTHER grandparents, i mean the fucking kidnappers, my abuser grandpa… remarried? when he was… really really aging. im judging him for it because i know what kind of person he was.
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons?
I WISH. my parents didnt seem to like that sort of thing (surprise). im interested in it now but… as usual… i feel like its too late, im too old.
21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is?
….. i… i thought i did… hes blessed… thats all.
22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to?
how could you ask me this?
no wait! i went to the waterslides. then, later on, i was never allowed to go to the waterslides.
23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?
Spanish. ive been “intending” to learn for a long time, and a lot of people who have been really good influences on me and been genuinely kind to me speak it, id like to learn it
24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray?
one sec
yup thats canadian!
25. Is your father bald?
on the top of his head, yes >:(
26. Do you know triplets?
27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
no? what is this straight stuff? i listened to the dramatic titanic song and felt nothing.
28. Have you ever had Indian food?
i guess so, at a friends house! i dont think otherwise ive gone to a restaurant and actually had indian food
29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant?
*gazes tearily at my OWN FUCKING OLD WORKPLACE
the food was sO GOOD MAN. IT WAS SO GOOD. im just not saying because despite how stalkable i probably am already, i dont want to be specific
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
no whats that
31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)?
belong? whats bjs? whats a warehouse for?
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
i decided at one point they would never tell me this and it was no use asking. i do know they almost named my brother a very fusty old fashioned name fitting in with the thomas the tank engine theme 
33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
G is the ONLY one i will accept so far.
34. Who’s your favorite person in the world?
i……… hmmmm…. i really dont like picking favourites. each person in my life has a unique relationship with me (even though a lot of them arent very warm, trusting or close). because of unhealthy middle school friendships ive grown an aversion to ranking relationships as if they have material value.
35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
rural, i think. i need nature in my life!!! but i also need to be able to have connections to people.
36. Can you whistle?
yes, but not very loudly or accurately
37. Do you sleep with a nightlight?
no, but ive always wanted a nightlight
38. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
ive started to, yeah! this morning i made a whole thing with bread and mushrooms and eggs, and coffee, and i ate it outside watching the traffic. im really trying to treat myself nicely you see. its what id do for someone else.
39. Do you take any pills or medication daily?
and im really fortunate to be in pretty good health, and have access to things i do need
40. What medical conditions do you have?
I dont think… i actually have any. id say gender dysphoria but i think it was informed consent. (im VERY lucky)
im pretty sure there are SOME mental conditions running around undiagnosed. MY BRAIN IS NOT WORKING PROPERLY
41. How many times have you been to the hospital?
for myself? once… when i got hives and started swelling up all over, but otherwise was fine. i really wonder what that was. other times was visiting sick/dying relatives which has made me feel sad and apprehensive whenever i enter a hospital or smell the food
42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
yes! i had a gerbil named nemo! 
43. Where do you buy your jeans?
i dont … remember … really nowhere special i actually have yet to find some jeans i LOVE. sometimes there is a pair of jeans that sparks joy. i do not have such a pair
44. What’s the last compliment you got?
my sister said my pants looked good on me. they are actually their pants, which they left on the floor in my room for an unknown reason, and they want them back. of course.
but because im excited about it and want to brag, the real compliment was when i made borscht and my sister not only ate it faster than me, but wanted a second helping. and my roommate stuck his face in the steam and said it smelled good. hell yes. i put fucking cilantro in it. fcking beast mode.
45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?
yes. theyre usually really emotional and symbolic. if ive been talking to my parents, theyre usually nightmares. ive been reading about dream interpretation for a long time to deal with some of the ominous images that can come up
46. What flavor tea do you enjoy?
red rose reminds me of wheni was little my mom would make really sweet sweet red rose tea for me (thats the kind she drinks all the time) and it brings me those good feelings. otherwise licorice spice really appeald to me for some reason.
47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
six. because of social pressure.
48. What religion will you raise your children to practice?
i never thought about this kind of thing…. i really don’t know….. id just want them to know how to be kind to others and themselves and thats literally it. 
49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real?
i was one of those edgy kids trying to spoil it for everyone. guess what other common fun thing my parents didnt do
50. Why do you have a youtube? 
i dont! so i dont know what this question means! :)
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bigskydreaming · 6 years ago
A lot of the discussions about AoX and the stuff said about the X-Tremists has altered my view of some elements of all that, I’m not gonna lie. The X-Tremists definitely isn’t what I initially thought it was, and in the context of all the X-Men being heavily brainwashed and operating based on a selectively altered sense of self and reality, even if I still don’t agree with it, I GET the intention behind picking gay and bi characters to be the cast of this particular book. 
Like, I can understand how when focused on the end goal rather than the set up, there’s a satisfying payoff to it being gay and bi characters pissed at being shoved back into the closet who are the ones best positioned to figure out what’s really going on and fight back against it once they do. I can connect those dots, see how that story choice makes sense and has the sense of catharsis Williams talked about getting from writing it. From the angle of gay/bi characters fuck shit up because they’re not gonna take society or some higher authority determining who they can and can’t love, that fits.
In a lot of ways, its the compulsory sexuality story I’ve ranted for months about wanting to see in regards to Bobby’s situation and the fact that Jean’s actions are ultimately the reason he spent so long in the closet.
BUT. At the same time....that’s kinda the problem?
Because that story I talked about wanting to see with Bobby, it didn’t come from nowhere, I didn’t just go ‘oh hey what if.’ It came from just putting together the pieces that were already there. Everything needed to tell this particular story about being pissed at someone overriding your own sense of self and telling you who you needed to be for the sake of society, the timeline, whatever....it was already there. In the main universe. Already written. Every single element needed to tell that specific narrative was already in place.
Completely unacknowledged.
And I think that’s a big part of where my cynicism comes from, beyond just not trusting Marvel as a whole. Because the fact that this specific narrative was already laid out, already in play, hell, already the fallout of a Grey’s choices and mucking around with Bobby’s head.....without it ever being addressed, its hard to see how a five issue mini (that needs at least an issue or two to set up the revelations to the characters) can do for that narrative spread out among three gay/bi characters what nobody bothered to do with just one character in three years worth of opportunities.
(And if in the end it turns out by the time all of this is over NOBODY in-story has drawn the parallel between this and Bobby’s own narrative even before all this, like.....that’s gonna bug.)
But anyway. When you look at it from that perspective, as essentially the same narrative that was already set up and put in place and then completely overlooked for Bobby already.....then its hard to see this as anything other than gratuitous. Because that was already this same narrative, WITHOUT the fascist imagery and associations. Bobby already had every reason to be pissed - just needed those reasons to be raised and acknowledged - WITHOUT needing the trauma of being made unwillingly complicit in storm trooper actions heaped on top of how much he would already be fucked up from just the forced closeting. The painful catharsis of watching a gay hero push back against forces trying to make him something other than he is and wants to be, it was already locked and loaded ready to go - WITHOUT the trauma part of that narrative needing to be added to two other characters’ narratives additionally.
It just feels...unnecessary.
Like, I can’t stop fixating on that damn armband, is one of the things. I understand the in-story logic, that its ultimately one of the clues that makes them wake up to the realization something is very wrong, for Bobby to be wearing that. I understand that the intention there is for it to be a motivating factor for Bobby’s anger, making him intensely furious that this was done to him, put on him. But the thing I can’t understand is what makes the armband necessary to do all that?
Its not needed in order to leave bread crumbs for them to see how things are messed up and where. There are other options available, other ways to portray how things are different or wrong. I’ll never agree its necessary for THAT to be the thing that makes Bobby enraged. Like look at everything I was saying about his main universe storyline. Why not just use this to allow Bobby to have a different perspective on his lack of agency in all that and the how and why of his staying repressed for so long, have this second instance of telepathic meddling with his sense of self make the first more clearly obvious to him. Isn’t that already more than enough to make Bobby furious and intent on beating the fucking shit out of Nate Grey because he’s sick of not knowing how much of his sense of self is actually HIM and how much of it is the result of telepaths sticking their nose where they don’t belong, without any hint of remorse?
When its your perspective that the more offensive elements of this story aren’t necessary, its all but impossible to look at anything else. They’re the elephant in the room. The things your eye can’t stray from in those ‘what in this picture doesn’t belong’ games once you find them, because its so painfully obvious then that they don’t belong.
And the other thing, the big thing that I’m really upset at seeing so many other white LGBTQ+ readers dismiss or just trivialize....personally, I find it impossible to find empowerment in three white gay/bi characters who are used to police the romantic and sexual relationships of characters of color and especially LGBTQ+ characters of color. I get that this isn’t on Williams, that it wasn’t her choice to have the X-Tremists arrest Bishop and Bling specifically, that those happened in other books. But this is an area where editorial oversight - used properly - would not only be useful, but I honestly believe was NECESSARY. If you’re gonna tell a story like this, do an event like this, play with these themes specifically and talk about how its meant to explore intersectionality, about how intersections of power affect how an individual interacts with society and its institutions....you need to bring your fucking A game, and this event just didn’t. At all. 
You need to be conscious of the fact that Marvel has given its readers, particularly its most marginalized ones, NO reason to have any faith in them, give them any benefit of the doubt, after they’ve spent the better part of 20 years deliberately driving this franchise into the ground because they didn’t get any of the X-Men movie profits. Editorial absolutely NEEDED to be aware of the nuances of this story and be prepared to step in where necessary to prevent things like what happened with Bishop and Bling interfering with the intended point of the X-Tremists mini and costing it more readers. There should have been someone watching all the pieces, someone whose JOB it was to look at the script for NextGen and hand it back and say no, Ed, you can’t have the X-Tremists arrest Bling, you need to pick someone else, pick a straight white character. We’re not having three white gay/bi cops arrest a black lesbian teen for impure thoughts. Nuh uh, no way. Not happening. Same with Bishop. If he absolutely had to be imprisoned in order for the events of Prisoner X to unfold, there should have been a different reason, rather than a random out of the blue pairing with Jean Grey that gets him locked up and her a slap on the wrist. Like, how about the fact that Nate Grey - being from the Age of Apocalypse - is aware that Bishop being a time traveler enabled him to know the AoA wasn’t how events were supposed to happen, and preemptively locked him away because he was afraid Bishop would be similarly able to see through this altered reality and warn people?
Like, when you have a character LITERALLY playing God, as in that’s the entire narrative....deus ex machina isn’t a problem. It’s your actual story engine. You can set the stage however the hell you want and Bishop can be wherever the hell you need him to be with the only reason being Nate Grey arranged for him to be there because that’s where he wanted him to be, fearing he could be a threat.
But seriously, white LGBTQ+ fans need to shut the absolute fuck up about the instances with Bishop and Bling and stop talking over fans of color when they bring them up. Stop trying to minimize it or handwave it away as no big deal, like, that is ugly. That is just, plain UGLY. Stop telling fans of color and LGBTQ+ fans of color any issues they have with white characters arresting black characters for ‘impure’ and ‘barbaric’ thoughts and relationships...like, stop acting like these things are no big deal or that they’re not big ENOUGH of a deal to take away from the empowerment you get from three white gay/bi characters’ narratives. Stop saying the latter is what they should be focusing on, as if its the only variable here that matters, and that they’re just blowing things out of proportion.  Some readers developing a dislike for Bobby because they have to read and see him being depicted the way he is at the expense of characters of color - even if its not ‘his fault’ - like, some readers not wanting to read or see Bobby in stories for awhile or ever because they just can’t get that image out of their head, that’s a valid and understandable reaction to what’s on the page, what they can’t avoid if they want to take in this story on any level at all. Its a reaction EARNED by the narrative choices made overall, and if its not a reaction the narrative wanted to earn, different narrative choices needed to be made.
Honestly, the more I think about it, if this event was going to happen like it or not, if writers had to just make the best of it as much as they could, knowing editorial wasn’t going to be interfering on their behalf when other writers used their characters in ways detrimental to the first writer’s intentions....Bobby, Jean-Paul and Betsy should have been in the cast of Prisoner X, I think. Like, they shouldn’t have been the secret police, the guilty parties motivated by outrage at being used to hurt others like them, they should have been part of the ones who already had plenty of motivational outrage based entirely on experience with being told their love was impure and wrong.
LGBTQ+ characters IMO were already a natural fit for seeing through Nate Grey’s changes to reality, to be arrested for engaging in romantic and sexual relationships in defiance of society’s laws and arbitrary morals. It could have easily been built into the event itself that Nate Grey (who has never identified as anything other than straight) viewed the world through a heteronormative lens. And thus when ‘eliminating’ love and memories of it and things like that, he did so according to a straight person’s perception of what that looked like...and thus potentially overlooked where LGBTQ+ peoples’ experiences had taught them how to keep a secret part of themselves hidden away at the core of their being, their mind, where no one would stumble across any truths they weren’t ready to reveal. LGBTQ+ characters were already a natural fit to be caught breaking the rules of this society instead of keeping it to themselves and staying safe if they started to suspect something was wrong with the way things were....because they were the ones who had already defiantly pushed back against unjust rules and restrictions the first time they realized something wasn’t right with the way society told them they should feel.
The same is true of characters of color of any sexual orientation, given past laws against interracial relationships - I’m not expanding on that not to exclude them, but just because imprisonment narratives have a different context and history with characters of color and that’s not my lane.
But like, if the event was structured to remove the variable of mutant oppression and thus explore intersections of power when everyone was on the same field in that respect, its disingenuous to make up forms of oppression to highlight the flaws in a dystopian society when existing marginalizations already exist once the mutant metaphor is removed. Those already marginalized in our society should be the ones marginalized in that society, else you end up with a ‘what if straight white people were the oppressed and sympathetic’ narrative that nobody asked for. And I do suspect that part of the way AoX is structured IS intended to reflect that, to have LGBTQ+ characters like the X-Tremists and characters of color like Bishop play key roles in toppling Nate Grey’s dystopian vision....I just don’t believe making any of them the secret police works in FAVOR of that rather than against. If your marginalized characters are united by common experiences of being oppressed by straight white mutants once they in turn are no longer oppressed by humans, then you also eliminate the stuff I was talking about earlier, the issue of having an oppressed group fight to put things back to where they were more oppressed. Instead of SPLITTING your characters’ identities along different axes, with the world according to Nate Grey being better for them in the sense that they’re no longer persecuted for being mutants but worse for them because it tries to restrain their sexualities...they don’t need to prioritize between their marginalizations at all. These characters don’t have to ‘sacrifice’ a world in which they aren’t oppressed for one where they are, if they’re still oppressed by that society as gay and bi individuals even though they’re no longer persecuted for being mutants. That’s still messy as hell for a variety of reasons this long fucking post doesn’t need to see their unpacking added to it, but like....
Sigh. Thing is, I know I have a tendency to go off and running in some AU direction like “this is what I would do if I were writing this story” every time I’m critical of shit. Its honestly not because I think I’m the greatest writer ever or oh my ideas are so much better than everything else. 
Its just....I don’t know how else to say it, even though it fails to sink in every damn time I have a variation of this argument...I’m not critical so I can hate things, I’m critical cuz I want them to be better. I don’t come up with different ideas for how else to tell a story BECAUSE I’m critical of it and hate it as is. Its the reverse. I’m critical of stuff BECAUSE I can’t turn off my writer brain and I can see where things could be better or at least fail in new and different ways than the same old repeated mistakes (and thus at least get us closer to better, by eliminating more of what doesn’t work).
Like, I’m just so fucking tired of being talked about like I’m this bitter angry dude who just hates everything and is never happy with any content ever. I’m not angry and loud when I criticize shit because I’m thinking like “This thing you like offended these three people and thus its fucking terrible and you should feel bad!” I’m angry and loud when I criticize shit because I’m thinking “This thing you like offended these three people AND IT DIDN’T FUCKING HAVE TO. THAT CAN BE AVOIDED.”
I don’t posit all these alternative scenarios when I criticize shit because I’m thinking that doing it any way other than my way is bad, and I’m just an egotistical jackass who will never be satisfied with any work other than his own. (LMAO, hell no, I’m insecure as hellllllll about my work, like lolol. How critical I am of other shit is nothing compared to how critical I am of my own).
Point is, when I do that, I’m only doing it to say like....see, look. Here are alternatives. If I can find some, other writers can too.
But other writers have to LOOK for alternatives in order to find them. They have to have a REASON to write things differently than what they already wrote. THAT’S WHAT CRITICISM IS FOR. TO GIVE THEM THAT REASON. TO TELL THEM THIS DOESN’T WORK THE WAY IT IS, BUT IT COULD WORK IF YOU DO SOME OF THESE THINGS DIFFERENTLY.
And when people say “lmao some of you just need to go the fuck outside, like calm down and let people enjoy shit for a change,” what that ACTUALLY sounds like to some of us is “well this thing works for me as is, and thus I see no reason to care about it being better for the people it doesn’t work for or actively offends.”
It’s honestly depressing as hell how many people on this site smugly reblog that “I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about other people” post, only to turn around and five posts later complain about criticisms of a show they like and are perfectly comfortable with as is.
Its not about telling you that you should never enjoy anything ever. Its not about saying well this thing offends us, and if we can’t enjoy it, nobody should.
Its just like.....its great that you enjoy this thing but wouldn’t it be better if you could still enjoy it and all these people who AREN’T able to enjoy it because of these reasons could now enjoy it more too?
People shutting up about the ways content offends or hurts them or people just settling for sucking it up and dealing with the microaggressions in a creative work, like those things shouldn’t be necessary in order for you to enjoy content or be comfortable with what you’re reading or watching. 
And if it is, that’s a you problem and if you could PLEASE stop projecting it on to people who just want things to be better and more enjoyable across the board - like that’d be great kthxbai.
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mxcn-nmd-brian-blog · 8 years ago
One fish 2 fish
“Have you ever had to apologize to someone for something you did,that you didn't mean to do? Or became paralyzed for a cloudy brain? Imagine having a beard on a first date,and suddenly freaking out into tears when walking through a crowd of people. Same situation on black friday at Target. Recently moved inside my uncles garage; breeze coming in and out, about to break off yet another relationship attempt,i realize that i have a sneaky disorder. I struggle with anxiety/depression and am slight ocd’ish. (What a cocktail right,.?) And i never noticed it as a kid but now things are funny. I tend to tense up when making plans,when i get happy i sometimes get nervous, and every morning i wake up at around 4am(when the alarm is set for 5:15am) just because. And i am just pretty much ready for what the day throws at me. Kinda. No breakfast yet,but I wake up thankful and very alert,grateful to God for friends and family and work.   And for the rest of the day-Everything. Else. Matters. Did i wear these jeans yesterday? Which shoe goes first. Am i wearing the right shirt for the right job sites,and do the shirts even matter? The first day of work i almost died slipping off the roofs. Second day same thing except it was a taller job site. As i get to climbing the ladder to get on the roof i feel a sense of peace and nervousness reciting and even visualizing the process til completion. My hands are gripping the pick tightly as i keep hacking away at the shingles,my sweat drips leaving moisture stains on boots and wood boards and nails. After work i go home and try to relax. My heart races a little as i hurry to the restroom and lock the door. Finally peace and quiet. Nobody making any noise just me and whatever song i thought about playing for the last 12 mins. I make sure the toilet seat is super clean and if the shampoos are on the right side of the body wash,they gotta be fixed. Water running,fogged up mirrors make me feel like the world is blocked out and there is no worry about anything. Calmness and quiet. My peace. That peace last for about a minute til the volume lowers for 3 and a half seconds and i get notified someone is writing me on snapchat. Its the girl i dissed 2 months ago (thought she was fire in h.s.!)because i was moving and although i really liked her inside,i gave up because long distance relationships never work.... But i worked up my courage and I apologized and we've been dating for a month. Shes been acting weird and short with me recently and now she says it's weird between us. The fiberglass and dirt usually make a pretty good distraction as i shower but right now something is way more important. Not the color of my throw up,not the black stuff that comes out of my nose and mouth for the next 4 minutes. Not what medicine i was supposed to be taking,but that the most prettiest girl in the world ran out of patience. Its like another re run episode of “nice guy:the worrier”. Another scenario same actor. Another take,same lines. No matter what the words could've been,i know where this is going. My insecurities that have been heightened to the max only puppeteer me into becoming this freak: who cares so much about every single intricate detail everywhere that he completely lost how to communicate or keep his distance properly in friendships and relationships. I dont know how i got here. But im here. Again. Another scared off girl,another group text saying to hit the strip club,another person who doesnt understand. Making my way to the garage i throw the towel at the pool table and sit down on the cot. Do a lot of people go through this? Am i getting sick? Who else has gone through this? And what can i do to help others?...i close that app,open a new one,and start writing this so that you can see what its like for just one anxiety case. Out of 40 million, 15 million people struggle with various types of anxiety disorders. Please be patient with your neighbors. Please be patient with your parents. Please be patient with your kids. Life is meant to be lived in harmony and peace,we take the first step together using patience. - ‘mxcn-nmd-brian’                                                       
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lilacleli · 8 years ago
“You were red, and you liked me cause i was blue You touched me and suddenly i was a lilac sky”
-Colors by Halsey
It was at midnight when i met her. My party is a blast and everyone is having a great time except me so i decided i needed to go away for a bit and relax myself. I was on my way to my room when i heard my friends arguing about “who’s the richer character”. “I bet you $10 its Batman” Easton said “Okay well i bet on Tony Stark since he owns the good suit” Tristan states while wearing a smug expression. I went pass them and went to my room to chill for a bit and that’s where i see her.
•Lilac• Dear God does this party sucks or what. I wasnt really fond of going out of my room non else going to this party its just that Julia forced me telling me there’s food. Ha. Of course its the only reason why i went out. And of course she was wrong there isnt any food here ugh But oh well im in this decent room now. The only room that doesnt actually smell like booze or smoke or weed and isnt actually “occupied”. The person that owns this room must have shared the same love for comics as me. I mean, holy shit they had lots and some are limited edition but, hey, who on earth fixes their comics like that? Like, wtf? Such precious things shouldnt be placed like that. I MEAN ITS SUPPOSED TO BE IN AN UPRIGHT POSITION IN A STORAGE BOX AND NOT JUST THROWN AWAY AT THE SIDEEEE. And ugh some has grease stains on it ugh poor comics. Poor poor limited edition comics. I wish you were mine. But oh well we cant all have everything we want ha. So i’ll just read you.
-Purple- She was in the middle of reading when he came in. They stared at each other for a bit. His blue eyes met her hazel ones. He was in shock to see someone entering his room. While her, she was eavesdropping to the guys arguing outside.
“Nahh they’re wrong because its actually Black Panther who’s the richest since he owns the island where Varbranium or the shit used in Captain Americas shield is found and hey that shit is really really expensive” I think about it for a bit, getting interested and kind of forgetting she’s in my room “Is that legit?” I asked her. She looked at me with this face that clearly states ‘Do i look like im shitting you?’ “I do know this stuff and if you want, search it but im pretty sure its Black Panther” i contemplated a bit but nodded my head and went out to my friends “No no its not Ironman or Batman idiots because its actually Black Panther since he owns the island where the metal for Captain Americas shield is found and that shit is very expensive. And if you dont believe me search it up.” I said confidently. Theyre looking at me like i grew another head but they took their phones out and searched it and thank God she was right or else ugh. They handed me the $10 while i gave them a smirk and walked away. They’re still gawking when i saw them from my room. I went inside and saw that she’s still there but she was looking at them. “I think you just blew my friends minds” i told her and she just looked at me with a raised brow and chuckled lightly “well its nice sharing knowledge but anyhow i think you got the reward” She said looking at my hand where the money is in. She looked up at me and smiled sweetly “Well hun, be a doll and order us pizza because this party may seem awesome, but it doesnt have food though” She said grimacing. “Hey excuse you but theres food here in MY party” She had that sudden realization kind of facial reaction but she fixes it immediately “well i sure can’t find any and i’ve been here for an hour. Its all booze” rolling her eyes. “Well its a party, i had some chips and a couple of finger foods but hey people doesnt mind much about the food because mostly they came for the free alcohol” i told her as a matter a fact. She rolled her eyes at me and faced the comics back “ugh whatever just order something im hungry” i looked at her challengingly while she just looked up at me and gave me a ‘what?’ expression “Its my money i got from the bet.” “Yeah, but you see you wouldnt have that money if it isnt for me so im sure i have a share there and i know you wont say no to pizza i mean who can? So just make yourself useful and order us one” i gawked at her. Usually girls are too intimidated by me to tell me things to do, so this is new for me. “Oh and i dont like Hawaiian so just please order pepperoni or cheese or whatever just no pineapple and anchovies yuck” She told me after looking up from the comic book. I was gawking at her for a while till she coughed and raised a brow “You okay there pal? Are you high? If not can you understand me?” She asked while moving her fingers infront of my face. I snapped out of it and tried to catch her finger which she moved. I went to get my phone and call the pizza place near my house to order a large pepperoni pizza. After ordering i set my phone down at my bedside table. “It’ll be here in about 10 mins tops” i told her “oh okay, great” she said excitedly while standing up “hey, im gonna go out there for a bit to get drinks, do you want anything?” She asked. “Are you getting any alcohol? Because if not.. i uh actually have a mini fridge near the closet there with water and sodas and stuff” i said while checking my phone for other notifs. She was silent till i looked at her to see her gawking at me and looking at the fridge “wow, just shit you’re living the life bro oh my gosh” i chuckled at her reaction and went to the fridge. “What do you want?” She cleared her throat and pointed at the water bottle. I got her that and took a soda for myself. “Thanks” she said, giving me a small smile. She took a drink and looked back at the comics infront of her ldquo;So we’ve established that this is your party and this is your room so you own these babies right here” She said pointing at the comics “Did you know that you’re shit at packing them? Like how can you just leave these there? They’re limited edition” she said with wide eyes. “Okayyy” i said tilting my head a bit. Curious about what she’s pointing out here. “DUDE these comics are limited edition. That means they’re meant to be taken care of and not left at the side with pizza grease or summat. Its just, i know they’re yours but as a poor comic collector this is such a big crime to me like how can you just do this to these expensive babies??” She rambled. She looks passionate yet laughable because she looks so serious. I cant help but laugh at her. “Why are you laughing??” She asked frantically. “Its just that, you’re really passionate about this” I smirked at her. “Of course i am this is my life i mean i live for this. I love reading and these things are precious to me.” She said while putting a hand at her heart. I cant help but laugh at her again, making her slap my arm. “Shut upppp” she whined. “Did you know there’s a proper way of storing these babies? And if you want i can help you store them! No wait i’ll actually store them for you! Just let me find a box” she stood up to find a box. “I didnt agree yet. What if i just want them scattered there?” I asked her while im still sitting on the floor looking up at her “Well i dont care. My heart wouldn’t be in peace if i left those there so im stacking them properly with or without your permission” One of the guys from outside knocked on my door to tell me the pizzas here. I went out to grab and pay for it. “Wow man what’s with the pizza? And why are you taking it up to your room? Did you finally took a girl up there? Woah bro youre finally getting some action in your own room” Easton laughed with the other guys. “Ugh no, shut the fuck up” I grumbled on the way back to my room. I turned back to the door to see her peaking “Oh you’re backkkk with food” she rushed to get the pizza from me and sat down with it on the floor. “Hey get some napkins please and another bottle of water for me. Thanks” she said while taking one of the pizza. “Ugh its so good, finally im so hungry” she said while devouring the pizza. “I heard what those guys said. Let me just clear it to you that im not here for your own pleasure or here to drink or share a joint with you” she said with an awkward laugh “And if im kind of cockblocking you from anyone i can leave just give me the pizza and let me fix the comics real quick” She said while wiping her hands at the napkin. “No, its fine, and im actually on the way here earlier to chill a bit and im not interested in you, no offence-” she scoffed and rolled her eyes “or in lighting up a joint with you” “ok cool, so i’ll just stack these. Please watch closely so you’ll know how to properly do it because these really needs to be taken care of” she said while stacking the comics in the box. “Ok ok, just stack them and i’ll look” We spent almost an hour stacking them up alphabetically because she insisted since “its better to find what you need when theyre in an alphabetical order” We finished stacking and put the box on the side of my bed. She picked up another slice and sat down beside me. “Why are you here anyways? I mean you’re not here for the free drinks, you’re not also here for the weed, youre also not here to find a hook up and from my observation youre not also here to secretly rob me,so what brings you here to my party?” She looked up at me, pizza still in her hand. “Im here for the food but since this party is lacking of it and i hate drinking, i went to find the quietest place to chill since my cousin, the one who took me here and promised me food is still down there partying or exchanging saliva with her boyfriend” She said looking at her pizza and taking a bite. “Who’s your cousin? And why haven’t i seen you before?” I looked at her curiously. “Oh my cousins name is Julia, she’s a junior while me, im an upcoming sophomore majoring in Early Childhood Education and i just moved here from San Diego” she said while picking some of the pepperoni on the pizza “That’s cool, hope you enjoy it here” i said awkwardly “Are you this awkward with welcoming new people?” She asked with an amused expression. I scoffed “No, its just, i dont know what to say” She laughed a bit and looked straight at me “How bout you comic dude, what year are you?” “Im a junior and i major in Psychology” i told her “That’s cool, hope you enjoy it” She said mocking me. I rolled my eyes at her and looked at her properly. Hazel eyes, long brown hair, long lashes, button nose and heart shaped lips. She’s chubby and small too, wearing an oversized sweater and jeans rolled up at the end, which is a bit cute, to be honest. All in all she’s not that bad but she’s far from my type.“Now comic dude tell me, Who’s your fave superhero?” She asked and it all went down from there. We talked for a bit til she checked her phone and groaned “Ugh Julia is looking for me now. She finally remembered that im in this party too” She said while looking at her phone again “ooohhh and now she’s tired and wants to go home because now she kinda feel bad i spent my first day in LA here. Awhh how sweet” She said sarcastically. “Well at least now she’s thinking of you” i smiled at her “Yeah yeah whatever. Thanks for the pizza, comic dude and also for the company. I think i’ll find her now” She said standing up and brushing the side of her jeans, giving me a small wave. I watched her walk to the door till it occured to me that we dont actually know each other. She’s almost at the door when i called her “Hey wait” she glanced at me. “We’ve been talking all night about stuff and i just realized we dont actually exchanged names” She looked at me and laughed “We didn’t? Gosh my parents would be so disappointed in me, not being well mannered and all” She said while wiping her hands at the end of her sweater. “Well i think mine would be disappointed too so i’ll just start. I’m Greyson or Grey, but some call me JJ for reasons.” I said holding out my hand to her. “Well hi Greyson or Grey that’s sometimes called JJ for reasons. My name is Lilac and im pleased to meet you” she said shaking my hand. “Lilac… that’s a very unique name” “I know” she said with a smug expression.
-Purple- The room is quiet, a bit of music can be heard from outside. Two colors met, waiting to be blend. Grey met Lilac and Lilac met Grey. Their hands intertwined with a promise of a new beginning that despite their difference, holds a colorful future.
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