#<- my all time favorite joke it calmed me down instantly like jingling keys in front of a baby.
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online stores are getting awfully daring with lying about percentages
#.din#.txt#YOU DUMB BITCH YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT $4 ISN'T SALES TAX ON $14????????????????? YOU STUPID BITCH#HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK I THINK SALES TAX IS???? DID YOU THINK I WOULD BELIEVE YOU IF YOU SAID IT WAS NEARLY 30%?????#BECAUSE IT ISN'T! SALES TAX ISN'T ANYWHERE NEAR 30% ANYWHERE IN THE GODDAMN STATES#dont offer me a half off coupon and then try to piss me off by lying about sales tax.#four dollars on $14. as fucking if. get fucking real. or get your brain checked out.#frankly this company should probably be put in the ward cause theyre fucking delusional#<- my all time favorite joke it calmed me down instantly like jingling keys in front of a baby.
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Pink Lemonade
Summary: Richie Tozier finds himself in a sticky situation and is forced to hide in a closet for safety. He wasn’t expecting to find the space already occupied, and he defiantly wasn’t expecting to enjoy the company so much
A/N: *Warnings: Mention of Sex, and Loss of Virginity.* How in the hell is this fiction still going. I mean it just keeps on going and I don't want it to be too long but God, I just love it. Next chapter, whenever I get to writing it, will be a bit more angst. Angry Riche, hurt Eddie and pissed off Stan. Not what you think though.
Word Count: 2221
Part: (1) (2) (3) 4 (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
The first thing that Richie noticed was the smell. Fresh linen laced with lavender washed over him, practically coating him in the heavenly scent. He could feel himself melting into it, wishing that he could swim in the aroma forever. This wasn’t his own sheets, his mother refused to wash his, and yet the he could almost place the scent, almost.
The second thing Richie noticed was the sunlight that shined onto his face. He rolled over, trying to block it out but it followed him. He willed himself to ignore it, to resume his slumber but his eyes opened themselves anyways.
The third, and final thing Richie noticed was that he had no fucking idea where he was. The room was neat, everything in its place. There were no clothes on the floor, no trash anywhere in sight and he couldn’t find a speck of dust on the nightstand. This was nothing like his bedroom at home and he suddenly became worried about the night before.
Richie attempted to rise from the bed, immediately meeting the headache that swelled in his skull. There was a slew of curse words as he dropped back into the mattress. He was hung over, that much was for sure.
“Look who decided to wake up.” A sarcastic sneer came from the threshold. The trashmouth shifted his head, noticing Eddie only in boxers and a night shirt. “It took you long enough.” He yawned, passing by Richie, muttering something under his breath as he rummaged through his dresser drawer.
“Where the fuck am I?” He asked, trying to tune out the loud shuffling of the clothes. Eddie closed the drawer loudly causing Richie to wince. “And do you mind? I have a killer hangover, be a little quitter, fuck.”
“Okay.” Eddie hissed, moving to his closet. “One, you’re at my house and two fuck you. You’re at my house Tozier, I can do whatever I want.” He removed what looked like a pair of jeans before slamming the closet door shut.
“Shit!” Richie exclaimed, covering his ears. “How did I even end up here?”
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Eddie asked, pulling the jeans over his boxer shorts.
“I remember talking to you at the hay barrels, then I remember falling and-“He paused, looking over to the smaller boy who had taken his shirt off before replacing it with a fresh one. His body was tiny, almost all of his ribs and shoulder poking out of his skin, reminding Richie of a Halloween skeleton. The trashmouth wondered if he would break in bed. A smirk curled at the corner of his lips, “And did I puke on your shoes?”
Eddie cringed. “Yeah, you did. You also puked in the car, the sidewalk and on my favorite hoodie so thanks for that.”
“Man, what a party foul.” Richie joked, chuckling lightly.
“Yeah hilarious.”
“Okay so how did I end up at your place?” The trashmouth asked, suddenly aware of his almost nudity. “And how did I end up in only boxers.”
“Well after you fell off the barrel, highlight of my night by the way, I took you to Beverly. She told me she couldn’t take care of you because she was already chasing down a drunken Mike, Ben was helping. Apparently the football team had stripped and were seeing who could streak closest to the fire.” Eddie shook his head, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. Richie couldn’t help but imagine Mike, fully moon, trying to jump the bonfire with Bev and Ben rushing after him. He smirked as Eddie continued. “Stan wanted nothing to do with you, shocker there, and Bill was Stan’s ride. So lucky me, I was stuck with your dumb ass.”
“So you took me here?”
Eddies shrugged, “Where else was I supposed to take you? I have no idea where you live and I had to drive your truck, which is a piece of shit.”
“I bet your parents are pissed.” Richie joked, rubbing his head and reaching for his glasses from the bed stand.
“Dad’s dead, Mom’s out of town.” He replied matter-of-factly.
“Huh.” Richie retorted, “And you just undressed me for fun or?”
He could see the blush that spared across Eddie’s face, his gaze dropping to the floor. “No. You were fucking filthy so before you were totally gone, I had you strip and I washed your clothes.”
“Uh huh.” Richie mused, a shit eating grin crossing his face, “If you wanted me naked in your bed Eds, all you had to do was ask.” He leaned over, running his hands down Eddie’s back causing him to jump up in surprise. “Purrrrrr.”
“Oh fuck off trashmouth.” Eddie hissed, standing from the bed in a huff. “I should have just left you out there with the rest of those idiots.”
“Oh calm down princess, it was a joke.”
“You’re impossible.” He hissed, walking out of the bedroom. Richie could hear him storm down the steps, hopefully going to grab his washed clothes. The lanky boy rose form the bed, feeling the dull throb of his brain but ignoring it. Lazily he walked around the room, taking the odd cleanliness. His hands ran themselves across his dresser, accumulating little dust. Richie smirked, unable to stop the bubble of emotion that began its way up his throat.
God, Eddie was such a dork.
His eyes caught the picture frame that was pushed back to the back of the dresser, practically hidden by Eddie’s book bag. Richie pulled the photo closer, immediately noticing his small friend. It must have been years ago, the Eddie that was in the picture no older than five or six. He was holding an enormous baseball bat that had to be more than twice his size. Behind the child was a man, his face fixated on Eddie’s hand placement, a genuine smile spread across his face. Slowly, Richie traced the small boy’s face, feeling his heart swell at his adorable, overzealous smirk.
“That’s my Dad.” The trashmouth jumped at the sound of Eddie’s voice, nearly dropping the picture. He fumbled slightly, managing to recover not so smoothly. The other boy only smiled, placing the clean clothes on the bed. “That was taken a week before he was diagnosed.”
“Cancer.” Eddie replied, his voice void of emotion. “He died less than a year later.”
“Oh I’m sor-“
“It’s fine.” He replied, shrugging off the entire situation. “That was a long time ago.” They stood there from a minute, Eddie’s eyes down casted, brows furrowed as if deep in thought. Richie debated whether or not to say anything, his stomach twisting painfully, but it passed as the small boy spoke up. “Your clothes are washed so hurry up and get dressed.”
“Can’t take all of this sexiness?” Richie joked, making a rather crude motion with his hips.
Eddie cringed, a ghost of a smile crossing his face. “No, I want you out of my house. It’s bad enough you contaminated my sheets. Who knows what sexually transmitted disease you’re carrying.”
“Nothing that your mother doesn’t already have, I made sure of that.” He retorted, grabbing his shirt and pulling it over his head, his voice muffled by the fabric. “You’re okay with herpes right Eds?”
His host rolled his eyes, snorting as he turned to leave out the room. “You really need to stop calling me that.”
Richie smiled, shaking his head. He stumbled somewhat, trying to follow his friend and put on his pants on at the same time. He stopped at the top of the stairs, buttoning up his jeans. “You fucking love it Eds.” He cooed at the boy descending down the staircase. Eddie only flipped him off in response.
The trashmouth hurried down the stairs, eager to catch up. He hopped the last two steps, landing loudly on the hardwood floor. There was a smirk on his face when Eddie picked up his shoes and keys from the coffee table. “Here.” He bit, shoving the items into Richie’s hands. “That’s everything.”
“Awe, you’re too good for me.”
Eddie rolled his eyes at the sentiment, walking into the kitchen. Richie looked at the door as he pulled his shoes on, feeling his chest tighten. He knew he should go, he had already burdened his friend with his drunken self and he knew that was a handful, but he didn’t really want to leave. At least not alone. “Hey Eds?” He yelled, not moving in either direction.
“What?” He replied, practically groaning.
Richie grinned, “How about I take you out to breakfast, I kinda owe you for last night.”
Eddie appeared, scrunching up his face. “It’s noon Rich. You’ve slept all morning.”
“Okay lunch then.”
“I don’t know.” His host started, fidgeting with his fingers. “I’ve got to clean those sheets and-“
“Oh come on, it’ll be like an hour, two tops.” He could practically see the wheels in Eddie’s head turning. Richie bit his lip, waiting for an answer that seemed to take forever to come. He jingled his keys nervously and Eddie sighed.
The diner was small and smelled of hotdogs for whatever reason. Richie guided Eddie to a booth near the back where a prissy teenager took their order. The trashmouth talked mostly, filling the air with his nonsense. He was relatively surprised when Eddie responded to his babble, actually putting his input into the one sided conversation. The whole thing was comfortable, their interaction with one another light and placid. There were a few jokes thrown around between them but it was all in good fun and Richie couldn’t help appreciate the sense of calm that Eddie brought out in him without even trying.
Soon though the small kid grew quiet, his gaze settled on something out the window. Richie noticed, instantly felt his body tense. “Got something on your mind Eds?” He asked, shifting his weight in his seat.
“Can I ask you something?”
Richie was taken aback by the question, the seriousness in his voice forcing the trashmouth’s stomach churn. “Sure.”
“It’s kind of serious.” He replied meeting his friends gaze. “I don’t want you to make one of your dumb ass jokes about it.”
“I will try my best.” Richie replied, putting his burger down and whipping the mustered from his mouth. “Shoot.”
Eddie paused, his eyes darting between the trashmouth and what remained of his food. “How do you know when you’re ready for sex?”
Richie nearly choked, he could feel his face become red with embarrassment. His mind fought to respond but his fat mouth beat him to it. “Well you see, when you get aroused your penis gets hard and then you stick it in-“
“Forget it.” Eddie hissed, “I knew I shouldn’t have asked you.”
“Whoa hey, look I’m sorry I didn’t mean that.” Richie managed as Eddie slid out of the booth, shaking his head and huffing in disgust. “You just took me by surprise.”
“Thanks for lunch.” He replied coldly, tossing his napkin onto the table.
“Come on Eds.” Richie pleaded, feeling his heart pound against his chest. “It was a joke.”
“It’s always a joke.”
“Eddie.” But his friend ignored him, turning to leave the quaint diner. Richie reacted, grabbing hold of his forearm. “Please, just sit back down. I didn’t mean it.”
“You’re just going to make fun of me.”
“I promise I won’t” The trashmouth pleaded. Eddie glared at him, unmoving. “I’m sorry.”
Slowly, Eddie sat back down on his side of the booth. Richie watched as he fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, grimacing every so often. Richie took in a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. When he exhaled, he could feel the air become thick with their unspoken anxieties. “I um-“ He started, adjusting the glasses on his face. “I lost my virginity when I was fifteen. It was with Betty Ripson, on the couch in her basement.”
“I thought you were-“
“Bisexual.” Richie finished, shrugging. “I like them both. Anyways, I didn’t know if I was ready. It was her first time too so we were both clumsy and awkward and it was absolutely horrible.” He chuckled, the memory of his adolescence nipping at his brain. “Look, I’m not sure if I’m the person you want to have this conversation with. I don’t have the best reputation when it comes to knocking boots, and we’ve already covered that we both have different views on love vs sex.”
“I feel like a prune.” Eddie confessed, “I mean there’s this guy that I like and I don’t know, I’m worried that the lack of sex would drive him away.”
Richie stomach knotted painfully. He could feel his own jealousy claw at his chest but he swallowed, forcing down the ugly emotion. “You should never feel pressured Eds. If you want to wait till you love someone to have sex then do it. It’s your body, your decision and you should never do something that you aren’t comfortable with.”
Eddie smiled, his face blushing at the out of character speech. “Thanks Rich. That was actually-“He paused shaking his head, “Nice.”
“Hey I can be all gushy if I want to.” He replied, winking at his friend. “Just call me the love expert.”
“Yeah I wouldn’t go that far.”
“Good choice.”
Tags: @decaffeinatedpostmoon
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