#<- kind of? Happy vent :3 I'm just surprised
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wowa-bublord · 5 months ago
idk if I should even post this but tbh ever since I've gotten a tumblr i've been kind of surprised by how casually people like me and want to talk to me on here,, I have a few friends IRL (who are just the most amazing people in the world) but I was also bullied like my whole life and making + keeping friends in real life has always been pretty difficult for me. I think I'm just generally kind of a lot for people, like I've definitely had a lot of experience being the weird kid, a lot of times I've been in situations where I thought someone was my friend but I was actually just annoying them the whole time without realizing (even online i've experienced this a lot of times before I made my own blog haha).
it's kind of overwhelming to go from that to experiencing so many people online who seem to actually like me and want to be my friend XD and also so many people who want to and go out of their way to help me when I've been dealing with this Difficult Thing haha. idk. I'm really tired but I just really appreciate it :) thank u 2 everyone who's been so nice to me on here
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kalki-tarot · 1 year ago
Your dream spouse vs. the real one ❤️‍🔥
You & your Destined fs 🌙
Take a deep breathe and pick a picture you feel most drawn to.
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Disclaimer : tarot is not 100% accurate, this reading is just for fun. Tarot does not substitute professional treatment of any kind. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make on behalf of my readings. This may not resonate with everyone. Please be mindful of your own actions and thoughts ♡
I'll be very straightforward with whatever comes through and if you're not comfortable with that, please don't read this post.
Pile 1
Your dream spouse ❤️‍🔥 ‧₊˚
TW ⚠️ : tr*uma bonding.
You want the bad boy/girl type husband/wife. Someone who is impulsive, daring and savage. You may want someone who is your perfect match, and very compatible with you. You desire to bond over trauma with someone. You know those couples who've seen each other's most vulnerable sides. You want a very romantic and caring connection which goes till soul level. You may also want someone who is famous or well known or even who has power and command in the society. You like big surprises. You want to take care of someone who has been emotionally broken down or sad. You want to comfort a sad person. You want a spouse who has old money. You know that trope when there is a powerful person in the society, who's famous and all that, but they have love missing in their lives. You want to be that love to your spouse. You want a deep and intimate spouse who's cold to others but warm snd loving to you only.
Your real spouse 💓 ‧₊˚
33 and 66 can be significant. Your real life spouse is someone very hardworking and honest. They may like to socialize or be with family and friends. This is a very cute and homely energy. Your fs can be someone well known in their field for what they do. They are a family person, someone who's purpose is their family. They believe in long term commitments. They don't joke around, they want serious commitment or else don't enter their life. They may like to meditate or they are calm and composed, they don't seem to lose their cool easily. They are energetic and quick to make changes. They can be an engineer or in business. They are funny and cool. Their personality is very easy going and smooth. They may have emotional outburts a lot of times, but they don't vent it out on you. They may sometimes unknowingly disturb people and then get sad snd walk away when someone tells them something. Despite all of this, they can be of a very giving nature. They donate and do charity work a lot. They sometimes may have limiting beliefs that stresses them out.
Pile 2
Your dream spouse ❤️‍🔥 ‧₊˚
You want your spouse to choose you over any other girl/guy. You wanna be their top priority over anything. You want a mysterious spouse who only opens up to you. You want someone closed off from the world. You want a romantic person who is just like a gentleman/woman. Very caring towards you. You want an happily ever after with your fs. You want to have a rich and happy married life afterwards. Your fs may have a other women's eyes too on them. And they would choose you. You want a rich and wealthy fs.
Your real spouse 💓 ‧₊˚
Your fs may have many expectations of others on their shoulders which constantly makes them fight for themselves. Alright, this person is unhappy with their family or something. They get really sad about this. They somehow gather courage to do what others want from them. But they don't like it. And this is taking a toll on their mental health and making them hate everyone and everything. This thing came through so i told you. Let's get some more cards about their personality.
They want a stable and committed partner with a long term vision. They can be a hardworking person. They are undergoing a transformation right now with the death card. They are pretty emotional and romantic. They have the ability to give lots of love to you.
Pile 3
Your dream spouse ❤️‍🔥 ‧₊˚
You want to meet your spouse by destiny or fate just like kdramas. You want someone romantic, caring and loving to you. You may want someone who is like a reward to you. You want someone emotional, you wanna share an emotional and deep connection with your fs. You want a lawyer by profession? You want someone dominating, loyal and family oriented. Someone who works on a high position and offers you stability. You dream of a happily ever after marriage life with your fs. You want someone to heal or fix your broken heart. You want someone who listens to you without telling anything. You want someone rational as well as emotional, a balance of everything. That's good, actually. You secretly desire a soulmate for yourself.
Your real spouse 💓 ‧₊˚
Your fs may have two sisters. Your real life fs is someone who has a lot of options and choices in love but still, somewhere their heart says that no, there is someone else meant for them, that can be you. They're waiting for you. They are someone with a strong will and determination. They always act fast and logically. Whatever They're doing right now, they are starting someone new and afresh, can be a new start in life or work related. Their feminine energy can be a bit imbalanced right now. There is something which stops them from being expressive of their emotional side. This may be due to some childhood issues by a female figure i see. They are facing this blovk right now. But they're working on it.
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pleasestayawayidonotlikeyou · 4 months ago
if it's ok can you do a bad sanses x scp child reader. where nightmare find them in her negative universe all alone trying to survive (since she lost her father and friends) cause something bad happened and takes them in as their healer (cause the child doesn't want to kill). nightmare found her when she was 7/8 years old, nightmare would see a bit of his passive self in her, and the child would be neutral with the whole situation given they have seen crazier things from where their from (and just wanted to escape their situation from their world). but is a good kid and despite not wanting to hurt anyone she would rather get themselves hurt to protect those she cares for (would literally take a hit from anyone who tries to hurt dadmare, killer, horror and dust because of their past trauma and defend them with her telekinesis). their drawbacks of their abilities is if she gets extremely hurt or looses a limb when having zero energy she can't regenerate until her stamina is helped (energy like full sleep and have food or beverage basically having good stamina) but still can't die. (this is based off an oc of mine so here is more info with a pic to help) she sometime would have her breakdowns like the others from past trauma (also her soul would be perseverance) I'm sorry for the long read i hope your ok with this and if you have any questions I'm happy to answer :3
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Holy shit this took too long to write-
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Featuring: Nightmare, Killer, Dust and Ted.
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Ah yes. Another dumb kid for him to add to the collection.
Since you were quite useful with your healing powers and all, he took you in. Big mistake.
Nightmare now finds himself caring for another kid (the other kids are the Killer Dust and Ted), oh well.
Is very impressed with your ability to regenerate limbs.. it's... Fascinating..
His grumpy self turns into one a bit more content.
You're like a memory of himself in the past, the voice that always keeps ticking in his mind, except you are real. "I am too.."
Didn't find out about Killer bringing you into missions until Ted came furiously to him demanding to know why would his boss let a child go to mass murderer missions.
Spoiler alert, he didn't know and quickly became enraged, that's his kid, how dare Killer bring you to missions without his knowledge!?
Nightmare finds it adorable when you try to protect him, he's already a god silly, he can't die!
Stay still, he wants to study you.
He may or may not like SCPs...
Holds a notebook and pen, writing down any information he can get out of you.
Impressed with your powers, but not surprised, he knows Nightmare wouldn't take in a healer who can't defend themselves.
Watches in the shadows, if you need him just call his name.
Finds Killer's idea of bringing you to missions dumb, but there's nothing he can do can he?
You two may have time alone, and he uses that time to gossip about Killer's dumbass.
On really really rare occasions, he'll vent about his past, about the guilt he feels about his actions.
Another one to be influenced by him.
Nightmare doesn't let you near killer without supervision, that's a big no no.
He doesn't want to wake up hearing laughter with his face painted with permanent marker again.
Killer likes having someone around, especially because you can
He finds it cute when you try to protect him, you're not even to his waist! How are you going to fight a fucking god like dream?
Well, his jaw is on the ground now. "HOLY SHIT NIGHTMARE WHAT KIND OF POWERS DOES THIS KID HAVE???"
Yep, he's bringing you in missions now.
Also Killer named a cat after you.
The fact that you need to be healthy to be able to regenerate is the perfect excuse for him to cook more food.
He repays you when you heal him he makes your favorite dessert.
Ted thinks you're too naive and innocent for battle, and gets pretty annoyed every time you go in missions with them.
Even knowing you can regenerate and defend yourself it still keeps him worried, what if you run out of energy?
Also blames Killer for any scratch you get, he's the one who made you go with them so he's the one to blame.
He's the one who's with you almost 24/7, acts like an actual big brother, may even apresent you to his Papyrus.
When you defend him in an argument, he feels so fucking special, no he doesn't have tears on his eyes you're just hallucinating.
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nopekaat · 3 months ago
✨The Witcher 4 Trailer Spoilers ! ✨
First of all : OH MY GOOODD IM SO HAPPY IT WAS THE BEST WAY TO WOKE UP ???? I was sleeping when my partner just whispered in my ears "the witcher 4's trailer is out." ??? Loved it :'))) But now let's talk about what happens in it ?
(books spoilers included !!) Ciri being the main character is awesome and I'm impatient to play as her and more importantly, having her BACK as the main character she ALWAYS have been. Despite loving Geralt with my whole heart, the witcher saga always have been about ciri AND her parents (Geralt + Yennefer). I always felt like it was logical to start the story with the parents and then the child ? it is an easy way to write a story but also the more logical (in my mind at least). So having CDprojekt do the same as the books is not surprising. If you loo closely, the games ALWAYS follow a similar storyline of the book saga... and that's why the games work so well ! Some people in the Youtube comments section where talking about the lore accuracy and how some stuff is not possible. Well, it is lie 25 to 30 % book accurate when it comes to magic spell and the "ability to drink potions" stuff has already been suggested or shown in the Witcher 3.
Magic spell : Yennefer did teach her all the basic spells in the books when they both live at Melitele Temple. We read about ciri using them (or trying too, let the girl learn) + she uses magic again to save Ihuarraqua + at the end of the saga, she was supposed to enter the Lodge, only powerful sorcereress can enter (as far as I know) ! The thing is : we do not see her use it (except the elder blood one) in the witcher 3 so i get that most of the time we forget that ciri is a witcher AND a sorceress. In the game, it is only adressed one time and it's in a punch Avallac'h make to Yennefer at Kaer Morhen about how little her teaching about magic was... We also know without actually seeing it that Avallac'h teach her magic the whole time they were together.... so seeing her using it in the trailer is NO SURPRISE but more like FINALLY hhhhh
"Ciri drining potions ?" : It is very small but (!) at the end of the Blood&Wine DLC, if Geralt doesn't end up with Yen or Triss, Ciri comes to see him at Corvo Bianco. They then talk about stuff and she happened to explain she succeeded in killing a vampire by drinking a black blood potion (I played in french and its Sang Noir for me so I don't know if it's the right name for the potion in english)... So at the end END of the 3rd game it is suggested that ciri can indeed consume witcher's potions. And I feel like we will finally get our answers in the next game :'))) and that's fantastic.
To conclude : I feel like this trailer is no surprise AT ALL, for having read the books and played the 3rdgame (3 times at 100%... I have no social life) , the next game just feels like the normal following of everything. Even if Ciri getting the trials of glass and having the cat eyes seems more like "the gamer wishes" than book accuracy (???) well who cares, the games definitely aren't 100% Book lore accurate to start with so.... but it didn't forbid us to have fun and experienced one of the best games ever, so who cares in the end hehe CDPR just kind of suggested all of it before in my eyes hhh I just hope the next one is going to be as wonderful as the others :) CDprojekt writing and world building are crazy, very humanness and deeps, i'm so impatient omg Sorry for my english by the way. I just wanted to vent somewhere so don't take my words as craved ones in the stones tho hhh 😭
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icycoldninja · 9 months ago
Thank you so much for doing my first request!! I love your writing, alot!! if your requests are still open, can i have another request?
Basically the sparda boys + v with therapist!reader because they need therapy! Also reader is secretly a billionaireso reader pays the bills in the devil may cry office, spoils them with the sutff they like and always checks on them, telling them that they can let their feelings out, like a therapist !!
if your requests are closed, you can delete this <3
Thanks so much!! Don't worry, requests are still open. Enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Therapist!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante's the definition of "but I'm fine" after talking for 2 hours.
-Expect him to be very moody and sulky during therapy cause he's not used to venting on such a personal level before.
-His jokes get progressively lamer as each layer of trauma is shed, eventually revealing himself as the sad, broken man he really is.
-Is very surprised when all his bills magically get paid by an anonymous person who keeps sending him money and pizza to Devil May Cry every week.
-Never realizes you are his mysterious benefactor but he appreciates what is being done for him and doesn't hesitate to tell you all about his secret caregiver. It makes your day to hear how happy you make him.
-He slowly becomes more comfortable with talking his feelings out, and once that happens, he becomes an unstoppable chatterbox.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil hates the very idea of therapy because he believes he is a MOTIVATED individual who is independent enough to handle his inner issues on his own.
-However, you're very persistent and manage to get him to sit down for a session, much to his reluctance.
-You're oddly kind to him and listen to all his troubles with an open mind--something he's not used to. Though at first he is very cagey about everything, Vergil gladly warms up to you and confesses his deeper secrets.
-He finds it very odd that a secret benefactor has just started sending him presents and money only a few days after he began seeing you as his therapist. It could be a coincidence, but then...maybe not.
-Although he wants to know who is sending him gifts, he decides to just let his mysterious benefactor run their course and not spoil their intentions. Who knows, they might reveal themselves someday.
-Starts writing thank-you notes and leaves them out on the doorstep for you to find.
□ Nero □
-Nero is against therapy for personal reasons. He thinks he alone should know all his secrets and issues, and that he alone should deal with them. He doesn't need outsiders meddling in his affairs.
-He demonstrates his dislike for therapy by being the most rebellious, recalcitrant jerk to have ever walked into your office.
-He talks back to you almost all the time, is extremely rude, and once stole a set of ballpoint pens from your desk because he didn't like how you were jotting down everything he said.
-When he finds random gifts and things being sent to him, as well as his bills being mysteriously paid, Nero gets very suspicious. We're you giving away his address to stalkers?
-Slowly, Nero realizes that his mysterious benefactor is only looking out for him and supporting him, though for what reasons, he has no idea.
-He's grateful for all this help, but still a little wary. He doesn't trust you yet, but maybe with time, he will someday.
● V ●
-V is probably the only one here who actually agrees with the idea of therapy.
-He was a little nervous at first, but seeing how warm and welcoming you are to him relaxes him a lot.
-He's shy and doesn't say all that much at first, but over time, you manage to coax him into speaking to you more.
-He is pleasantly surprised when gifts and bits of money start appearing at his doorstep nearly every day, because last he checked, he didn't have a steady job.
-He can't figure out who's doing this, but he's grateful all the same. He'd love to meet whoever's behind this and thank them for their generosity.
-V's taken up baking treats and leaving them on the doorstep in cute boxes as a way to thank his unseen gift giver.
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sillyromance · 29 days ago
Good day Ma'am,
First of all I LOVE THE NEW STORY SO MUCH, I really love of it turned out. Second of all do you have some funny/interesting moments of Vincent and Marcella in mind? Like we're someone maid a funny mistake or something? Or do you have some loveble (I hope it's written like this) moments of the two of them? Thank you if you answer and like always have a good day Ma'am!
- Anon L.
Good day dear Anon L.!
Thank you very much for your kind words! I'm happy you like the story❤️❤️❤️
Speaking of funny moments, I can think of only one for now – it’s partially shown on my Marcella’s page. She was quite surprised to learn that Vincent could purr. If you have ever heard how panthers purr (* I've learned that tigers don't pure, but chuff which isn't really what I need), you can imagine what it sounds like. When he revealed his ability for the first time, the girl, confused, asked if there was a cat in the house; yet, once realization struck her, Marcella’s face was priceless! She was questioning her entire existence at that point…
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Plus, furniture in Vincent’s house has been made specifically for its gigantic owner; when Marcella needs to take something off the shelves, it becomes impossible without a ladder or her husband’s help. Vincent may turn a bit playful and tease her about her short height; then she makes an adorable pouty face which is practically too hilarious not laugh at!
🌸 As for fluff and lovable moments – here are a few ideas I can give!
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1) Vincent is a very tough and cautious man. He doesn’t like being touched by strangers, and even his best friend Georgy giggles at Nor’s grumpy face every time pulling him into a hug. Yet, Vincent lets his guard down when Marcella is around; she is allowed to do whatever she pleases with him since he feels safe only with his wife of all people, and she is definitely the only person allowed to touch his throat and stomach (from the outside) for those are his spots of extra vulnerability. Also, Marcella loves “hunting” Nor, sneaking behind his back and embracing him when Vincent is sitting at his desk. They both laugh afterwards, but god save you from doing the same! Vincent is a predator, he will instantly feel threatened if approached from behind his back without him noticing!
2) You can imagine, one meter height difference between husband and wife can be a difficulty when things come to communication. Yet, not for these two! Vincent is very attentive towards his precious little princess – when she speaks to him, Nor always bends forward to show he is listening; if she gets overwhelmed in public, it’s enough for Marcella to give his sleeve a little tug, and soon they are already home drinking tea. On the other hand, the girl knows her husband’s stress indicators just as well: Vincent rubs his temples or makes a vague gesture with his hand as if he is searching for something (in fact, he instinctively tries to find his wife’s hand). At home, Marcella makes him sit down and crawls onto his lap to give her man a hug; in public, she skillfully pulls him away from the crowd and leads him somewhere private so he can calm down and vent if he needs to. By the way, at some rare moment Vincent can feel “small” and defenseless despite his great strength and size. The best cure for him then is to lay his head down on Marcella’s stomach and feel his hair brushed by her tiny fingers. In some way, her body sounds give him an illusion of “switching roles” with his wife, allowing him to overcome anxiety and have rest during periods of insomnia.
3) As I mentioned before, Marcella is fascinated by her husband’s musical talent. Once she mentioned it while talking to him and expressed her sadness about not being able to accompany him when he is playing. So, he suggested educating her! She is an eager student while Vincent is a patient, yet demanding teacher; they're already able to perform some simple duets together! She tries to improvise as well, and Nor encourages her on her way for freedom from musical sheets, yet Marcella's experiments have been too shy so far.
4) From her side, Marcella tried to teach Vincent drawing. Let’s say, it wasn’t an easy task😅. Yet, now her husband often makes sketches in his diary when feelings are too hard to bare. The vast majority of his doodles are faces of people he knows, and the ways he portrays them in depend on his emotions. Nor often draws his nightmares, trying to get them out of his mind (Vincent won't admit it, but he gets anxious and suspicious after bad dreams). On top of that, addressing a letter to his wife, Vincent always draws a small lark on the bottom right corner of the paper. No one except the two knows about this habit of his, and that's why the sign serves two purposes: 1) a symbol of his love; 2) protection from fake letters which could lead his wife into a trap. The lark is composed of a calculated number of lines and special items drawn around the bird itself which makes the sign almost impossible to copy.
Thank you for asking and reading! Stay healthy and happy forever ❤️!
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todomitoukei · 7 months ago
Villain stan, I was already expecting an ending like Naruto's anime. Complete trash just for people that experience the story through fanon more than canon. Still, I feel robbed.
This is an anime about SUPERHEROES! What was the idea of finishing with the complete LoV dead or in jail? It would have costed nothing to put Toga, Spinner and Mr. Compress running amok, ready to avenge Twice, Magne, Shigaraki and Dabi. Marvel and DC never had a problem with having villains running free and getting ready for a next battle. An open ending that re-starts the circle as the hores need their villains.
Because Toga's death was bs, not only for being avoidable, but because the fans basically took the moment Ochake opened up about her grief towards Toga to make a DekuChako moment (Neji's death all over again >:v, the only difference is that this time it wasn't the Mangaka's intention to move a ship, but the fans decided to spit in Toga's death none the less).
And honestly, while every villain stan was "Dabi will live" I was "Gods, I hope he dies, because enything else will be a trash ending" and I WAS RIGHT! AT LEAST GIVE HIM THAT LAST SATISFACTION!
Also, Spinner just staying in jail like WHAT? Spinner was the villain who most respected and was the most loyal to Shigaraki, don't make him just write a book, MAKE HIM LEAD THE NEXT LEAGUE OF VILLAINS!
And of course, Endeavor and Hawks have no consecuences for their actions, everything just forgiven, even by the victims. Honestly, I was always in the posture of LoV as family >>>> Todofam, so I wasn't expecting Dabi's end to be more than a "We did it, we stopped Dabi. Now we are free of the past and move on, even if Dabi honestly can't" and this is one of the few times I hate to be right.
(Sorry for the venting, thank you for putting this space to talk about it.)
No need to apologize <3
You're so right about Toga's death immediately being used for different characters having a moment instead of, you know, focusing on her. I'm not sure if this manga could pass the Bechdel test.
That really is why the ending is so bad - the villains seem to not have left as much of a mark as they should've, the fact that the hero ranking system continues being in place is proof of that. You would think that society at the very least realized that treating heroes like celebrities was problematic, and yet nothing about that part of the system changed.
To be honest, I'm surprised they even let Spinner write and publish his book rather than seeing this as some kind of propaganda or safety risk. Remember how early on in the story when those Stain videos came out? It's surprising then that they let Spinner do this.
An ending that suggests the cycle starts again would've been interesting, but remember, Hori went for a "happy" ending
Hori was clearly in over his head writing a story that he ultimately was incapable of writing. The story had so much potential, yet here we are with a story that eventually decided to have nothing change.
I think the Todofam would be great, but I've always been of the opinion that it could never work with Endvr around, which is clear when you look at the Todofam finale where they are all supposedly eager to talk to Touya, only for none of them to say anything beyond that except for Endvr, who also ultimately says nothing other than how much of a victim he is. Boohoo.
Yeah, we were right. But at what cost...
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rubykgrant · 10 months ago
Omg I totally wanna see more random rvb ships. Gonna make a spinner for this. *spins spinner with tons of rvb names* ok we got some weird ones here, we got Biff and Doc for 1, Sheila and Volleyball for 2, 479er and Donur for 3, and Grey and Maine for 4.
PFFF if Biff came back and just did NOT want anything to do with Temple, that would kick-off a whole other murder-spree. Sheila deserves to have some dating fun too~
Honestly other potential relationship stuff that I'm not exactly "invested in", but still find interesting, are-
-Church and Locus; a guy with a short fuse and a BIG mouth... except Church doesn't get all stabby about it. That might be setting the bar VERY low, but Locus has some self-esteem issues, and this is actually a HUGE improvement. Also, the thing with Church is... he acts very mean to deflect and deny how much he cares, but once he's comfortable with showing it, he's capable of being very soft. Also, when Church is complaining about this-or-that, Locus will occasionally make a comment, maybe even that casually mocks Church (Locus only makes jokes on rare occasions, so each one is treated like a big deal). Church will stop ranting, walk over, sit in Locus' lap and just say- "Hey. That was funny"
-somehow, all the Orange-Reds (Turf, Drag, Morgan, Sue, Peake, Santos) survived that explosion (maybe they actually DID get thrown into the future), and after getting used to Reds and Blues not hating each other, they all get a different kind of crush on Donut. At first Donut is oblivious, then he finally figures it out, and he's VERY surprised and flustered. Oh, but also intrigued? This doesn't necessarily need to turn into any steady relationships, but perhaps they can still enjoy themselves. Donut mentions to his own Red Team "I think I could take them all"/"You mean in a fight? Or in bed?"/"YES". Also, Cherry is here; happy polyam relationship with her, Sheila, and Lopez~
-speaking of people not dying; Sharkface and Carolina would be SUCH an interesting dynamic. I've played around with a few scenarios in which he survives, but they all usually turn into him getting on Red Team, and being part of the merry band of goobers... as for him and Carolina finally getting together, it would take a while to even be on friendly terms, because they're both so INTENSE. I think to add an extra layer of humor to this, for some reason nobody understands, Sharkface just decides to hang out with Simmons a lot (he likes how Simmons actually has a little mean-streak, and Simmons now has a cool scary punk guy in his corner, so the power goes to his head). Grif is giving Carolina "chill lessons", and Simmons is sharing ideas on how to VENT FRUSTRATION that don't involve murder with Sharkface. Him and Carolina still clash, but now it is more of a friendly-rivalry kind of thing. It would take a while to get on more friendly terms, but once they do, things would get passionate pretty easily~
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exy-shmexy · 2 years ago
Top 5 vs Personal 5
List your top 5 fics ranked by kudos on AO3. are you surprised by what's most popular to your readers? then provide your ranking of your personal top 5 fics, and tag a few fellow writers!
Thank you so much for the tag @fortheloveofexy <3
Tagging @halfpintpeach @brokenpinetree @desolatebee
One thing I want to say first is that I am so grateful for all the friends I have made thanks to all these fics. I have met some incredible people who supported me and offered me much-needed feedback when I needed it most so to each of you, thank you for absolutely everything.
TOP 5 (by Kudos)
Patchwork (2.3k, Andreil)
In this one, Andrew lets a bored Neil doodle on his legs, then decides to keep a permanent trace of it. I'm not gonna lie, I'm very surprised this is my number one. I love it dearly, mostly because it's basically just fluff and I'm a massive sucker for fluffy fics, but the fact it's ranking so high is funny to me. It's a little guy, but one I was very happy with in the end.
2. Of Detention and Passing Notes (7.2k, Andreil)
This one started off as a very silly tweet I posted about a High School AU where Neil meets Andrew in detention and bugs him by tossing paper notes on his desk. I had an absolute blast writing it! It's one of my first long-ish one shots so I was very happy with it at the time. Also I had to ask several people about actually getting into detention because I was too scared to get in trouble back in my high school days.
3. On The Road (1.8k, Andreil)
This is basically Neil getting horny while the team is on their way to an away game. I uh don't know what madness took over my brain for this one but you know what? It was fun to write c:
4. Let Our Hearts Do Their Part (8.1k, Andreil)
This... is not what it was originally supposed to be lmao I'm happy with it, but my brain kinda decided to go in a completely different direction than what I originally wanted, which is fine! Sometimes you have a plan but then along the way your idea strays away from it and another sprouts in its place.
5. As It Was (3k, Andreil)
Oof that's the very first fic I wrote for AFTG. It's a sick fic in which Neil gets the flu, is stubborn about it, so Andrew comes back to PSU to take care of him. I really like it, still now. I was sick myself when I wrote it and pretty mad about it so that was a good way to vent lol
Paw and Order (ongoing currently 22k, Andreil)
This is probably the most self-indulgent thing I've ever written. This Cat Cafe AU has my entire heart, I absolutely love it and it is just so comforting to write. I have two chapters left to write for it and I'm excited to mark it as completed when the time comes for it although I will probably be sad about it because I just seriously love this silly thing so much.
TW for the paragraph below: mental health, depression, loneliness
Since this post is about being open about your writing, I have to admit that the first two chapters are very heavy on the angst because I was in a similar kind of mood as Andrew is in the beginning of this fic. I tend to get very lost in my own head, and it usually ends up in me feeling very lonely because my brain is great like that. Being able to project on Andrew (sorry my guy) was very helpful at the time. Me being me though, the next chapters get fluffier because even though I try to pretend that I'm a tough emo person, I'm secretly a softie but don't tell anyone. So yeah, this AU will forever have my heart.
2. Querencia (11k, Andreil)
Aw man okay another one I loved working on. To no one's surprise, this is also a very fluffy boy. Neil and Andrew go on a road trip together. This fic has a special place in my heart too for lots of reasons.
3. Snow Angels (1.6k, Aaron)
Listen, we've barely had snow over here. One morning I saw that one video of a dad teaching his kid how to do snow angels, and my brain ran with the idea. It's centered around Aaron because I just know he is the most amazing dad to his twin daughters. Also, they have a puppy.
4. Le Corbeau et le Renard (ongoing currently 40k, all the Foxes)
Basically everything is the same except Ichirou forces Jean to join the Foxes instead of the Trojans after TKM. I have SUCH a love-hate relationship with this fic. I think I was onto something when the idea popped into my brain, but as soon as I sit down to write it my brain just turns off. I like writing about Jean and his relationship with the Foxes, also all the tiny subplots sprinkled in-between, but sometimes I think I was perhaps a bit too ambitious.
Anyway, all of this to say I need to tame this beast and get back to it after I'm done with Paw and Order.
5. Licorice (1k, Andreil)
It's kinda funny because now that I thought about Patchwork again, these two have very similar vibes. I guess I just have a thing for Andreil, being alone in their dorm and some non-sexual intimacy.
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shadymissionary · 1 year ago
Hi, I feel like rambling here for a bit. I have a kinda life-changing conversation coming up tonight that I'm both extremely excited and extremely anxious about.
My partner and I have more or less been in a polyamorous relationship with our two close friends for...idk, 3 years? We've been getting very close with them over the years, and now that we all live in the same city and see each other frequently, it's almost always on my mind. And polyamory can be scary and confusing!! There is almost no framework for it that we learn about growing up, like with monogamous relationships, and so it feels a lot harder to navigate all of the questions and uncertainties.
Circumstances could not have lined up more perfectly to have this conversation though, so I'm feeling good about things. And it's just going to be an enormous relief to be open and honest with my friends about things that I've been holding in for years.
These two are so important to me, I love them so much they're like family, and I've felt so insecure about speaking up about certain things due to the fear of their reactions and potentially damaging our relationship. But I know they love me too and will be completely understanding.
I'm so happy to have an amazing partner that has listened to me vent about this stuff for years now, and his support feels like the one thing that has kept me sane. And I'm glad that I finally have the confidence and motivation to move through all of this uncertainty into a healthier relationship for all of us.
I've been doing a lot of work on myself lately, starting HRT, journaling, going back to therapy, reading mental health books, and listening to mental health podcasts. Last week I was listening to a lecture on Individuation, from Jungian psychology, and the concept of synchronicity was introduced to me. Basically, finding a connection between your own thoughts/desires and the things happening around you in the world. And to recognize when the universe is slapping you in the face telling you to do something.
I had an amazing therapy session yesterday and discussed the feelings I'm having, and how I finally feel ready to address them so I can move on from all this stress. But not knowing how best to find a time to talk about these things and get the conversation started has been the obstacle. I left the session knowing I had to reach out to the two I need to talk to and see if there's a time we could meet and chat. I even had a time limit on myself of getting this done before they host a Halloween party next weekend.
Lo and behold, just a few hours after yesterday's therapy session, I get a text from them asking us to come hang out tonight. Normally I would think up some reason not to, just wanting to chill at home on a Tuesday night, but it was so clear that the opportunity to talk was literally being handed to me. It makes me feel like the world is telling me to do this, and that it's gonna be okay.
I am going to cry so, so hard. But it's going to feel good to get it all off my chest. It's kinda scary, I've never cried in front of either of them that I can recall. So I know it's going to be a surprise that I've been holding all of these feelings in for years. More than anything, I just want the four of us to all be on the same page.
What's also kind of funny to me is like... in most respects, this should be a very easy step for me, but I've had to do so much to build my confidence in order to have this conversation. Earlier this month I came out as non-binary to my parents, and then soon after to my whole extended family. Like, that stuff should have been the hard part! And it was, don't get me wrong, but it didn't take nearly as much effort and crying as it has to prepare myself for tonight's conversation. The impossible task in my mind has been "open up about your feelings to your closest friends." And I'm certain now that I can do it, and that it will work out. ♥
This final dungeon music has been playing in my head all day as this conversation looms in the near future. Fitting that I just got to this point in Baten Kaitos last night hehe. I am gonna survive from that mf force!!
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a-complex-joke · 2 months ago
Manifestation and Rebounding
Chapter 4
Emily POV
We had started to walk back to the park, and there was now a nice banter between us pushing away any feelings of embarrassment or shame I might have had.
“Ok, what's up with your family? I told you my drama now you share. Why didn't you do Christmas with them? ” I asked, honestly I wonder what kind of people raised Brian, and if he is this hot how attractive are his siblings?
“Mmm, not much to say, I love my family. Sure I've had disagreements with them and none of them live in town but I'm not estranged or anything. And as for your second question, I was already supposed to go with Clara to her family's Christmas. My family is pretty wealthy and Clara’s family was also quite well off so it was no issue that we needed to travel to see them. But then I found her naked and cuddled up to one of my coworkers.” Brian said bitterly.
“That's terrible, why would she do that to you?”
“Well, she said that I was taking too long to propose. Part of me thinks she's right. Should I have done it right out of high school?” I don't think he was truly looking for an answer, just venting.
“To me, it seems more likely that this wasn't her first time cheating. Not to put that thought into your head. Say you hadn't found out and proposed later, do you really think she would stopped cheating” I was out of line, 8 mean I've only known this guy 3 days, and here I am giving him relationship advice.
“I know your right, I was gonna do it at Christmas. Pop the question. I mean how crazy is that? To think if I hadn't gone home early, this right here wouldn't be happening” he laughed sourly.
“How did you react when it happened?”
“At first I felt betrayed, then mad at them both, and then just mad at her. The guy had no clue she was in a relationship, let alone with me. I yelled and so did she. said she didn't need me to be happy, but I needed her. I almost thought about kicking her out but I just left. She texted and said she would get her stuff out of there” his eyes seemed glossed over as he spoke.
I hugged his arm, making him look down at me.
“You didn't deserve that. Just because she made a bad choice doesn't mean you're the cause. If she really wanted to be with you forever, she should have had a conversation with you and certainly wouldn't go and cheat. Sometimes we just love people who suck”
He had stopped walking just staring at each other's faces.
Taking in my words, I was surprised myself.
“Eh sorry shouldn't have grabbed onto you like that,” I said unlacing my arms from around his.
“Oh it's fine, warming me up in the chilly weather,” she said looking away to hide his blush.
I seemed the hear on my face grow hotter as well.
“Oh looks like we're also back at the park,” I said trying to change the subject.
“Yeah… I guess we are” he said seeming a bit sad.
“Sorry for bringing that up seems I spoiled the mood” I admitted.
“You didn't, it actually felt great to get it off my chest. I'm just bummed we can't hang out longer” he laughed.
His words made my heart skip. Sure we had said we would see where this relationship goes but in the back of my mind, I wanted dearly to grab his face and kiss him till one of us passes out.
“... Who says we can't” I turned away from him. “The day is young, we could drive over to the movie theater and see something” I offered.
This seemed to relight a spark of joy in him. 
“Ok let's do it! Do you want to drive separately and meet back up or drive together?”
“Let go together, though you might be annoyed with me by the end of the day” I laughed wrapping. 
Myself around his arm again. “Your driving through”
He seemed to have no problems with that.
“Holy moley, THIS is your car?” It was in utter shock, at the old school blue Mustang sat before me.
“Yeah? What you scared of it or something” he joked.
“No this is my like dream car right here” I jumped out of my boots.
“Well it's much cooler on the inside, so hope on in Suga,” Brian said putting on a funny voice.
I rushed to quickly get in the car hoping to hide my blushing face.
Was a pretty good driver, maybe it was the fact the car was older so he was more careful.
The radio played softly, just enough to make out that a song was playing at all.
I tried to focus on anything other than Brian.
I had noticed pretty soon after we left the way his bulge was pronounced as he sat in the car.
Lord imagine giving him road-head in this car, him waving at some rando on the street them unaware that im sucking his soul out of him.
“You quiet, something on your mind” my fantasy interrupted by the man in question.
“Oh n-no just spaced out sorry d-did you say something” I tried to play it cool.
“Just was asking, if there's any movies you wanted to see.”
“Oh I think that movie Bounty Drag seemed interesting” Brian raised an eyebrow not taking his eyes off the road. “It’s about this drag racer who’s down on his luck but after helping to catch a bank robber he realizes he wants to be a bounty hunter, combining his love for racing and justice” I explained.
“That could be fun, that's what we're gonna see?”
“I mean if you want im not picky” I am actually but not with movies.
Brian just smiled to himself.
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aghadbeenhere · 10 months ago
A Positive note!
Heeey, everyone, sorry about last time, I think it was one of those late-time sad thoughts whenever you get tired and all, I don't think i plan on deleting it though, I think it's nice to keep it up there for everyone to see because it's just kinda.. You know, Humanizing.
I've seen a lotta things on the internet, and a lot of disregard for others, I think people really don't get that there is actual people behind the screen at times.
And it honestly surprises me with how much the internet has grown, it's sad that we've somehow de-evolutioned to a more chaotic state now that we can communicate with anybody anywhere in the world, and I honestly don't get it.
Maybe we're not responsible enough, maybe we're too dumb for this sort of power.
Maybe one day the entirety of the internet will go down, maybe it'll go down with this planet whenever we somehow fuck it up past redemption, hell if I know.
I'm not PRAYING for the downfall of the internet, nobody wants that, we have the entirety of human knowledge at our fingertips, just a few clicks away, and here we are totally disregarding it, I think that's kinda sad but it's just the way of life, and I shouldn't be SAD about what other people do or believe, you know?
But eh, whatever, back to the other point I was making.
I think seeing posts like that really can humanize people, sometimes we're feeling bad, we post those feelings out to get them out of our heads and it really brings to light the fact that we're not just the silly little guys behind the screen, we're actual people clicking on our keyboards to type these messages out, and I really like that, we shouldn't feel ashamed about venting on the internet, after all, there's enough space for everything and everyone here.
A part of me really wanted to clear that post and just keep going with the whole 'chill happy guy expressing thoughts' thing I had going, but I'm not even sure if I had it going to begin with, and I don't think I could put up a persona like that.
Sometimes I want to make a new account, an account where i'm all wholesome and sweet, kind to the world and spreading positivity.
But honestly I don't think I could do that, I feel too rash, too irresponsible, erratic, all those sortsa things, and those that know me, know that i could never really shape up to be a soft and kind person.
And I'm okay with that! Be who you want to be! But at times I really do feel like being a fuzzy little spot of joy on the internet at times could be great and all.. But it'd be fake, wouldn't really be me.
Maybe I'll grow softer, kinder, warmer, who the hell knows.
Life comes at you fast with moments like that, hopefully I'll get one to define me as a person.
I kinda feel like a genderless blob of black mass, I mean it's cool at times, but I can't really identify with anyone or anything, feeling more like a drifter through the fields where everyone else has taken a shape.
Here I am, a blob of black mass, forever changing.
But hey, if that's what I am, then I'm okay with it.
As always, happy to be here.
Your silly ol' pal, ag.
:3 <3 | 3: </3
-aghadbeenhere, 2024
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browniefox · 1 year ago
Crisis Core - The Nibelheim Mission
Alrighty, at long last I've gotten back to playing Crisis Core! And before we actually get to Nibelheim, we need to finish up saying goodbye to Aerith! Or, making her a flowercart, essentially the same thing. Also, another long one, so I added a break!
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This games is just, it's so funny what it decides it needs to shove in here. 'Did you know that Zack actually named the bar Seventh Heaven, and that the guy who made it already knew it would have a secret room and be a base for terrorists'. Like, it's so funny but also c'mon, why'd ya do this?
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Zack's little moments with Aerith are so nice. I think, you know, a more fleshed out game showing their relationship would be better, but they do have such a fun dynamic when they off each other, just this chemistry that is so likeable right away, at least for me.
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Saying goodbye to my boyfriend Kunsel, who I'm sure I'll see again so so very soon ;-; I really love him. Again, like Aerith, i wish we could see more interactions with Zack and Kunsel, but you do still get the sense that these two are friends.
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So, surprise surprise, I wish we got to see Zack interact with the Turks more. We've had a few interactions between Zack and the Turks - I think exactly three - and then we're told that he's hung out with them a lot since Angeal died. Still, i do like that we get to see Zack getting Tseng to more or less promise that he'll watch Aerith - not just for Shinra, but for Zack's own peace of mind.
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The three flower carts <3 I love that Aerith loves the cute one, and Zack loves the cool one haha. And I just love the idea of Zack putting all of these together, trying to make Aerith happy. Even more, I want to imagine they actually built the later two together.
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CLOUD SHORT LITTLE BABY BOY!!!! It's so weird to think that he's sixteen. In my mind, he's like 26 in FFVII and 21 here, because that's still pretty young but in my opinion a little more believable.
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Can't believe they made Tifa stand so far back, she looks even shorter compared to the tall ass SOLDIERs! It's so weird to be that the climbing Nibelheim scene is just told through photos. I'm not even sure you can tell the bridge fell???
As good a place as ending to add I love that Sephiroth tells Zack he's considering of leaving Shinra. I think it goes with the trajectory of what's been going on that he's thinking about it, and to me Sephiroth specifically requesting Zack to come with him on this mission to me means he's hoping that Zack also leaves with him.
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Weird way to ask someone if they're down to bang but whatever floats you boat.
For real, it's so funny that Genesis just kicks Zack and decides to have a moment with Sephiroth. He really is just flailing around trying to figure out something that is going to work. I don't think I totally hate him showing up here in concept, but the fact he reveals Sephiroth's true parentage like, a scene early, is just so weird and jarring and I do think I hate that.
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I've been very vocal about hating how heavy handed the symbolism in this game is, but I do love this line and how it contextualizes further the connection between SOLDIERs and monsters and what makes one a monster, and also how Genesis is using this ongoing conversation to hit Sephiroth hard.
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Tall Zack! They're fine, but thank's Tifa for taking care of Cloud.
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I love most of this scene between the two, getting to talk about their anxieties, their fears, especially Zack getting to kind of vent to Cloud. Also I love Cloud's little pose. Zack's speech about being so frustrated and angry with the choices he's being forced to make, becoming disillusioned, I love it, but then the ending of the scene feels so weird, where Zack compliments the sword and Zack seems to have some revelation we don't?
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The montage of Sephiroth reading is one of my favorite things tbh, you really see him pacing and going a little crazy, I love it. I do *not* love how it throws you right into the Nibelheim fire???? The pacing of this whole section sucks ass.
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Oh my god, how Tifa curls away from Zack in hate and in fear??? Brilliant stunning amazing, I love it.
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And Sephiroth is going crazy! Sephiroth, who has lost so much, thinking that he's finally gained something, some kind of connection, that he's learned the answer to why he's had to go through so many bad things in his life, why he's so different. This game has definitely made me like him so much more.
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Being normal human, that had to have been so hard for him to life and fight Sephiroth, even just the few blows that he manages to land, but I love him getting this moment to finally act.
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It is so importnat to me that Cloud, a normal human, managed to kill Sephiroth. That he's a normal guy, a regular joe, who killed him. It speaks to the power of all human people in the whole world of the game, in my opinion.
And Sephiroth, in his shock, doesn't even think to let go of his sword, like he can't even comprehend what is happening.
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Seeing Cloud slide down the stairs tho was so fuckign funny.
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I love that Zack's vision of Angeal shattering, those wings that mean freedom, was him shattering the glass and obtaining his own freedom. Beautiful, chef's kiss. I hope he killed that scientist.
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Yay, Zack and his bestie Cloud! Watching Zack have to go through such lengths every step to get Cloud just out of the mansion gives you such a vivid picture of how hard the rest of it is going to be, getting Cloud to Midgar. He has to clear the way, then go back and drag Cloud through again. I don't even want to think about how hard getting Cloud up the ladder must have been.
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He cares about him So Much. He doesn't even worry about himself, just tries to find a change of clothes for Cloud. Wonder what a First uniform is doing here, though. Maybe it was Zack's? I think in the original he slept in the mansion while Seph was going crazy in the basement. Also, Zack trying to get out of Nibelheim as people try to drag Cloud away??? Oh my god, so mean but also I love it? Again, Cloud is this dead weight right now, but leaving him behind isn't a choice, it's not something Zack ever considers.
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Oh Cissnei, if only you had more screen time to I actually cared about this. I do love, though, that Zack is willing to kill her for his freedom. I mean he's not, like, excited about it or anything, but that he's fully accepted that Shinra and everyone associated with them is a threat to himself and Cloud, and he's not going to let anything happen to them again so long as he can help it. And god, how he jumps to Cloud's defense the second she sees him??? Everything I've ever wanted.
And then Cissnei, well, good move on your part for giving them a motorcycle. Why did she have a motocycle? We'll probably never find out, but still, thanks anyway.
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Motorcycle boys! Further question on the motorcycle is why does it have a sidecare. My sister suggested that Tseng usually sits in the sidecar, which just makes me imagine him T-posing in the sidecar like Saionji does in Utena.
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It really never ends with this fucking guy, huh. What has he been doing for the last five years??? That one of the things that's really bothering me is that so far we never get a sense of the passage of time. I mean, last we saw Genesis, he was dying. But I guess he wasn't dying too badly because it's been five years and he looks exactly the same. Personally, I feel like the Genesis stuff probably should have been wrapped up before Nibelheim, or have a better integration into the current time in the story.
Also fucked up what happened to the copy who ate Zack's hair. God, Genesis really doesn't view the copies as, like, people, does he? He's still searching for answers, but I'm not sure he's ever going to find what he's looking for at this point.
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And somehow, we made it to Gongaga! I can't believe Zack didn't realize he was getting so close to home? Don't know what we're doing here, but maybe he'll run into his parents, so that's fun!
All in all, I have to say, this section of the game feels like we've lost the breaks. It's just going two miles a minute over here, and cutting out some stuff that I think should have been shown. It clearly expects you to have played the original game, and I don't think that's fair tbh. Oh well, at least it's still fun to play with friends and laugh at all of the terrible pacing issues and weird line reads.
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yobotica · 2 years ago
First Lines Meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Tagged By: @desynchimminent
I find these extremely interesting because it would never occur to me to do this and it's fascinating the kind of patterns you can see. :) I'm kind of surprised I have more than 20 works, so I'll just go by the most recent 20 on AO3, newest to oldest. I write a lot of post-canon AU's so there may be spoilers below.
1. A Weary Soul Seeking an Echo // Titanfall 2 // WIP // Post-canon AU
It was only a week after BT... after the destruction of the Fold Weapon, that Commander Briggs asked Jack to look over the specs of available Titans.
2. Story of Seasons: Feather Valley // Assassin's Creed, Story of Seasons // 17.4k // Story of Seasons/Assassin's creed crossover
Shaun cursed as he heard the door to the little library jingle, signalling someone had come in.
3. Ghost // Assassin's Creed // 92.1k // Post-canon AU
By his best estimation, it took Desmond days to realize he wasn't actually dead.
4. Back to Those Old Familiar Places // Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided // 5.2k // AU between games
When Adam was finally able to enter the vent and escape the rain pounding the rooftop he'd just been carefully crossing, he allowed himself a small sigh of relief.
5. The Cost of Living // Deus Ex: Human Revolution // 13.8k // Supernatural Elements AU (not the show, lol, werewolves & vampire AU)
Frank was on comms for Jensen, again.
6. Focus // Assassin's Creed // 3.4k // AU
"Stop doodling on my notes, Desmond," Shaun grumbled from the kitchen, and Desmond grinned at him, even though Shaun hadn't even bothered to look up from his laptop to send a glare his way.
7. Discovery // Assassin's Creed // 3.5k // Post-canon AU
The cabin safe house was exactly what they'd needed.
8. Departure // Assassin's Creed // 666 // canon-compliant
"Hey, Desmond. I'm sorry it took so long," Shaun said, not really daring to look down yet.
9. Denial // Assassin's Creed // 1.2k // canon-compliant
He never got to apologize.
10. Dynasty // Assassin's Creed // 1.8k // AU - canon divergent
It was strange, Desmond thought, that even though he'd been gone for over ten years, the scenery as they approached the farm slowly became familiar.
11. Durable // Assassin's Creed // 7.2k // AU - Period swap
Shaun was concentrating on the ledger in front of him.
12. Decay // Assassin's Creed // 1.5k // canon-compliant
Shaun knew he hadn't been nice to the new guy.
13. Declaration // Assassin's Creed // 3.1k // canon-compliant
Shaun hated getting a new phone.
14. Dream // Assassin's Creed // 1.2k // canon-compliant
Desmond groaned as he rolled out of the Animus chair.
15. All it Takes is Once // Deus Ex: Human Revolution // 1.4k // AU post-game
Pritchard wasn't exactly a saint.
16. Resolutions // Assassin's Creed // 1k // AU
"Alright, I'm choosing to believe that you're taking this seriously, despite evidence to the contrary," Shaun stated imperiously, raising a brow at the single index card in Desmond's hand.
17. Foolish Games // Assassin's Creed // 28.3k // AU
Desmond would say, if he was asked, that he was pretty happy with his life; he had fun taking classes to pursue his passion in brewing and tasting all sorts of beers; he loved being fit and active with parkour and his pick-up soccer team; he enjoyed his job bartending, even, though of course the degree varied depending on the night.
18. Animus // Assassin's Creed // 5.4k // AU - Afterlife
Desmond felt like he'd spent his whole life waiting.
19. Altruism (An Act of Good Will) // Assassin's Creed // 717 // AU
For the first hour of Desmond's very first shift at the kissing booth, he thought it was pretty neat and maybe he'd consider doing this again in the future.
20. Paradox // Assassin's Creed // 3.7k // AU
Just once, Desmond would like the bathroom to be free when he came up from his animus sessions.
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luxaryllis · 3 years ago
I AM IN NEEDETH OF A PART 3 TO THE SCARED SIBLING READER AND RIDDLE. I NEEDETH MORE PAIN AND HURT (P.S you don't need to do this or if you do plan to do it take your time ) (Your writing is amazing AHHHHHH)
Scared!Younger Sibling!Reader with Riddle Rosehearts: Part 3
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Note: Am I concerned with the amount of angst requests I've been receiving? Yes. Am I also loving the angst? Yes.
But, I myself do love a good little angst fic here and there, but man, anon! You wanted FULL ANGST!!
You're wish is my command, anon. You wanted it, you deal with the consequences-
Come and go aboard the ANGST TRAIN!! CHOO-CHOO!! 🚈
But seriously, thank you so, SO much for the support, anon! I'm happy that you enjoyed my writing, even though it's mostly angst 😅.
Also, 🐍 anon and I actually talked a bit behind the scenes about this (though they aren't the original requester), so I sort of based someparts here on their feedback! I hope that this is alright!!
Now, let's get to it!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 2.5 | Part 3 (here) | Part 4
Warning: Mentions of past abuse and domestic violence, Reader possibly has PTSD and anxiety, Angst with no comfort, Possible OOC, Self-deprecating thoughts, tell me if I missed something
"Mr. Trappola, kindly bring [Name] to their room in the dorm. While the potion is quite harmless, the potion might make them say things that they don't want said. [Name]'s privacy is very important.", you hear Mr. Crewel say to your partner in Potionolgy/Alchemy, Ace Trappola.
"Wha- but!- Hahhh, alright, alright...", Ace says as he starts to take one of your arms and slings it over his shoulder.
You feel dizzy... and tired. Thoughts are circling around your head.
"W-what... happened?", you ask with a soft voice.
"We were working on an experiment for a truth potion. Some dumbass decided it was a good idea and spilled our entire work on you while I was goin' over to Mr. Crewel to have him check ours.", Ace says.
"Oh... I don't feel so good....", you say.
"I know..."
"Do I HAVE to go back??", you ask.
"Yes, [Name]."
"I don't want to... Dorm Leader might be there...", you say, thinking of what Riddle might say when he sees you not in class.
"Dorm Leader..? You call him that even though everyone knows that he's your older brother? You can just call the guy by his name, y'know."
"No... he's scary. And mean. He would always shout and hurt me. He's horrible!", you say.
Wait, why are you saying these things?!
Oh no...
Is the truth potion taking its effect now?!
No, no, no, no, NO!
No one has to know!!
Who knows what they'd say?
Who knows what Riddle would say?
Stop it..
Stop it, please!
Even though you want to stop, your stupid mouth still decides to keep moving anyway.
"Back when we were kids, mother would ALWAYS compare us! It's always, Riddle did this, Riddle did that! And she expects ME to do the same!! We aren't the same person for Great Seven's sake!"
"...", Ace was silent. He's never heard you speak so much before. You also don't seem to like your older brother all that much.
He means, he relates, y'know. But even he acknowledges that Riddle has changed.
"A-and then! Whenever I get something "wrong", Riddle would hit me too! He's mean! He's scary! And most of all, he's JUST like mother!"
Gosh darn it, [Name]! Stop it right now!
No, no, no!!
"And then, ALL OF A SUDDEN, he decides he's going to change for the BETTER?! Oh please, NO ONE changes beliefs like a light switch!"
Ace was even more surprised now. You're practically venting out every single thing about your life.
...how much have you been holding back?
Ace knew that holding in your emotions weren't healthy; so he decided to be the bigger person and just let you let it all out.
So, for probably the first time in his life, Ace stayed silent.
"If anything, what if it's a trap!? What if it's some kind of test?! And the moment he sees me break a rule, it's ALL back to Riddle's Tyrant Mode!!"
"And when I saw Riddle playing with that Clover and Pinka, HOW DARE HE BE ABLE TO HAVE FRIENDS?! How dare HE be able to play and have fun?! Without punishment!? Without getting hit?! Without getting shouted at!!"
Mr. Vargas had let off Riddle's class pretty early.
Mr. Crewel had called Mr. Vargas for some help procuring an antidote for the Truth Potion.
Apparently, some student thought it was a good idea to dunk an entire cauldron of the truth potion onto some student.
Now, Riddle would have just shrugged it off, if it was some student.
But no.
It was a Heartslabyul student who got dunked with the truth potion.
And not just any Heartslabyul student.
His sibling, [Name] Rosehearts.
So, Riddle is currently brisk walking his way to Heartslabyul; to check on [Name].
After all, he IS the Heartslabyul Dorm Leader.
And... he wants to get a chance to apologize to his sibling.
He remembers that one time Cater had brought in his fainted sibling.
He had fallen asleep after a while of tending to the unconscious student.
When he woke up, he was alone on the side of his bed.
His bed, empty with only a note left.
Even the glass of water, the rag and water basin were gone.
The note had read,
"Thank you for tending to me while I was unconscious, Dorm Leader. By the time you read this, I am already in my room. I can tend to myself on my own now. And please allow me to be exempted from classes for around 2-3 days until I get better. Once again, thank you, Dorm Leader Rosehearts.
Signed, [Name] Rosehearts, 1st Year"
Riddle knew that the note was purely for formality; it was even written in such a formal way; no one could have possibly guessed that it was from his sibling.
That was 2 weeks ago.
Now, Riddle suddenly hears a loud noise.
It was a school rule not to use such loud noises in the halls; especially when class is still in session.
But then, he hears a couple of words that make him stop in his tracks.
"And when I saw Riddle playing with that Clover and Pinka, HOW DARE HE BE ABLE TO HAVE FRIENDS?! How dare HE be able to play and have fun?! Without punishment!? Without getting hit?! Without getting shouted at!!"
Is that... [Name]??
Was [Name]... talking about him??
Hold on...
W-was that why they seemed even more quiet than usual back then?
"It's no fair... why does Riddle even DESERVE to have a friend? Why does HE deserve to have fun!? And... why was he always so... frightening?! Does he have NO MORAL CONDUCT WHATSOEVER?!?! He's such an annoying, stupid, selfish TYRANT!!"
...[Name] was the one who got the truth potion dunked on them...
So... is this how [Name] really feels about Riddle?
Do... do they really see him as a monster? A person with no morals?
'I... no, Riddle; they-they're right...', Riddle thinks to himself.
'They're right about you. You're a stupid, selfish, annoying tyrant... who always gets mad over the smallest thing... who hits his sibling for the tiniest mistake... who can't even get his sibling to love him, or look his way...', Riddle adds to this thoughts. Tears filling up his eyes.
"I wish that! I-I wish that he..." He hears [Name]'s voice start to waver.
"I wish that he would just... I don't know...", he hears [Name] start to hiccup and sob.
Hearing his dear sibling start crying, it was as if something had made him cry with them too.
'I'm sorry... I... I am so, so sorry for how you were treated, [Name]... I want to make it up to you... somehow...'
'But... how can I...?'
Riddle knows that his sibling wants nothing to do with him. He's painfully aware that they think that he hasn't changed.
But Riddle wants to change that.
He wants to comfort you.
Say, "It's all okay, I'm here" to you.
Like an older brother should.
But you've gone far too down the rabbit hole that is the trauma of having people constantly criticizing their every move.
And Riddle isn't sure if he CAN get you out.
And he isn't sure if you'd be willing to take his hand so he could get you out.
As he continues listening in, Riddle feels his heart breaking even more.
"And... and everyone's telling me that 'Riddle has changed' and stuff! They tell me stuff like, 'Why won't tou acknowledge that he's changed for the better?', 'He's become similar to the older brother of Heartslabyul'..."
"But I wanted that older brother! I wanted the older brother who would comfort me! And think of creative ways to help you study, instead of forcing you to do one certain method or thing all the time and hitting you. Why do THEY get that "older brother"?! If Riddle Rosehearts has truly changed then... then that means he was always capable of change. And I just... wasn't worth changing for..." (a reference to The Good Place)
Riddle's eyes widened.
Do... do they really think that?
No, it isn't you fault, [Name]...
It was mine...
I should have known better...
I wish I could tell you all these...
But you won't let me in...
No matter how close I get, your walls get even higher.
No matter what...
I WILL get you to listen to my apology.
Even if it's the last thing I do...
Another full angst fic!
I hope you don't mind that I made the reference to The Good Place-
If not, I can take it off, just tell me.
And also, please tell me if there is anything wrong here.
And I focused a bit on Riddle here- don't worry, Part 4 will have a bit more of Reader! I hope-
Again, comments and feedback are always appreciated!! Thank you for reading!! 💙💙
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souyasbabyy · 3 years ago
• pairing: draken x son!reader, taiju x son!reader, kakucho x son!reader, izana x son!reader
request by @sxgarcude-anon: Hello, love your work! May I request Dad! Taiju, Kakucho, Izana, Draken where they find out their timid/reserved son has been getting treated harshly at school and bullied (EX. Physically, Socially, Verbally). They don't even find out, instead they find out either through their son's friend, the son comes home very injured, or worse the bullying goes to far and they get called from the school saying their son is in the hospital (or just whatever you wanna go with). The crazier part is that the son could actually go off on the bullies if he really wanted, he's a strong kid for his age (with their dads they could be menaces if they really wanted to). But reader is either too nice, it's easier for them to just do nothing (in their words), or/and maybe they just deserve it (or etc whatever reasons you wish). You could add a little extra such as a teacher knowing but saying nothing or etc XD. You don't have to do this is you don't want to.
• genre: fluff, angst
• warning: bullying, violence toward reader
• note: hiiii i'm back lol, i'm sorry i haven't wrote since what felt like an eternity. i've been struggling a lot with many things this days and my mental health is just,,, real bad lmao but yeah i'm back, thank you for your request and sorry it took so much time to come, i really do hope that you'll like it and for anyone that is getting bullied, pls talk to someone close to you or not, you can even call hotlines but pls talk to someone and i've said it before but i'll say it again, if you ever need to vent you can come in my dms, i'll always answer <33 , i know how hard it is but everything gets better with time <3 take care of yourselves, love u all <33
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— draken
draken always teached his son that violence wasn't the answer to everything
and he was so happy by how kind and respectful you grew up
but since some weeks his son has been coming back home with bruises and everytime he was asking him where they come from he just shrug
now, draken wasn't worried for you because he knew you could take care of you and even if he teached you that you shouldn't fight all the time you could defend yourself
he was that you were getting into fight because you wanted to
so he called your schooled and your professor told him that he haven't saw anything
yet the day after that the school called him to say you were in the hospiral
he was so mad but he was more worried for you so he just rush to where you were
he saw one of your friend in front of your room and they told him everything, how you were bullied by a group in your class, how your teacher act like he never saw anything, how you refused to defend yourself, thinking you deserved it
draken looked at you, you weren't looking at them and he was so mad at your teacher and whoever sent you there
when he was sure you were okay he drove to your school and he was ready to commit arson, he wanted everyone that bullied fired of the school and when he talked to your teacher he really tried ot keep his calm
he saw he was scared but he didn't care, nobody hurt his son
— taiju
since you were born taiju wasn't the same man
he made it his personal mission to protect him and made him feel safe
he was never refusing anything to you and at some point he even thought you'll grow up to be arrogant but to his surprise you were the kindest soul
today he was in front of your school, waiting for you to go back home when he saw you with a little group of other guys that he assumed was your friends until he saw one pushing you on the ground and the others kicking you
he got out of the car and walked to them, his vein on his forehead showing
he grabbed one by the hoodie and told the other to fuck off which they did once they saw the imposant figure of your father
"you tell your dumb little friends that if they ever touch my son i'll take care of them myself, you heard me?"
the guy he was holding, shakily nod before running away once he let go of him
"you should've told me or do something about it" he tells you once he helped you getting up
you weren't looking at him "i didn't wanted to" you shrug
— kakucho
it wasn't a secret that your father was part of a gang and that it's how you got in a private school
people weren't really talking to you except for your one and only friend
you were eaily picked fun of because your father's money was dirty money and "you didn't deserved to be there"
your friend always defended you as much as they could and you promise you'll never tell a word to your father, scared of what he could say about you for not answering back
but once, the bodyguard he sent heard some kids saying awful things to you and he was obligated to reapeat to kakucho, that's his job
kakucho was so worried for you, he had a talk with you, saying he won't think less of you for not answering thise dumbasses and that he wasn't ashame either
when you told him you thought you deserved it, ngl he almost cried, he felt sad that his son felt like that about himself and he made you sure you knew you deserved the entire world, not to be treated badly
just like draken he would talk to the director of school and even to the parents of the people saying shit about you, telling them that they should feel ashame that their kids was saying such bullshit to someone
— izana
izana accepted that you do a sleepover with your friends
he was coming to ask if you needed something when he heard one of your friend say "and what about that guy that was hitting you the other day?" "yeah, i think he really hate me, today again he was threatening me just bc i looked at him" "you should say it to your dad" "and what he's gonna do? threaten a teen?"
and izana was so mad, he wanted to open the door and know who was the asshole hitting you
he doesn't care if he was a teen, no one touch his family
he waited until one of your friend came down to search for something and he asked them who it was, telling them not to tell you he knew and they told him everything, they were ready to give the adress and everything if it meant you'll be safe
izana then searched info on him and his family and when he got to him he threaten him, saying that if ever hit you, talk to you or look at you he'll know and he won't see the colour of the daylight ever again
after that day everytime he was seeing you in the hallway he was turning back
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