#<- gonna have this as the hashtag for the sfm projects
sigilthecursed · 4 months
After a year or two, im gonna be back at it again with Source Filmmaker (SFM). Just need to fix my potato of a laptop without breaking shit any further than it already is. 🥲👍
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Plus, the urges to mess around with the Mr. Puzzles model on the workshop are real and yall might see some stuff with his model and some doodles of him in the near future :>
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swampgallows · 5 years
i wish i were writing more. i wish i had more to write about. i feel better when i write, usually, and even when i just start letting my fingers flutter over the keys i just end up ruminating over the same bullshit that i’m sick to death of having rattle around in my brain incessantly. i need the new. new love, new experiences, new tastes, new wants. i need new blood to revitalize whatever’s still clunking around. i want to get back to my fic but i feel such a disconnect from, well, everything, but WoW specifically too. i love garrosh and when i see him i still feel that draw, but not the same kind of the spark, the same enthusiasm. but that’s like with everything, lately. the fourth war has ended the story in WoW right now and everything’s kind of hanging off a precipice with only a few unsolved mysteries, and some i dont necessarily feel invested in watching play out. 
so tyrande goes to get her vengeance, and the ‘undead night elves’ are displaced. do they get to go horde or alliance or something else altogether? who cares. i dont really give a shit. unless tyrande goes full feral (a word i am hesitant to use due to current connotations) i dont give a shit what elune or the elves are gonna do about teldrassil. oh no, a different elf burned the elf tree. like i give a shit.
i dont give a fuck about sylvanas. i wish she were just fucking dead. please let her bow out and die in peace. the horny squad currently propping up her puppet thrice-corpse will go necrophile on her no matter what anyway; at least let her bow out of the story with some fucking dignity intact.
basically the only plot threads i care about right now are 1. holy shit are we ever getting that sword out of azeroth’s butthole, please save the titan and 2. vol’jin’s spirit on de other side/shadowlands. MAYBE talanji will want revenge for rastakhan’s death or whatever the fuck but i am so fuckin bored to DEATH of this goddamn hashtag woke fuckin girlboss BULLSHIT, the whole fuckin rigamarole, of people saying it’s feminist or not feminist or blizz cant write women or hurr durr crazy woman goes hysterical cuz no babies or shes having emoshuns!!! or the people bitching about that or the people bitching about the people who are bitching about it or the holier than thou fucks on reddit like Um There Are Plenty of Female Characters In Warcraft. Checkmate Fellow Atheists or the people who kin or hyperfixate or project or traumabond or ship or whatever the FUCK talking about how if anything bad happens to the character then they WILL stop playing the game and how blizzard is hashtag canceled and remember hongkong and #notmywarchief and then retaliate with protests by canceling their accounts or flaming the forums or turbogenerating sfm porn and thicc hentai of these TITular characters and i am so FUCKING SICK OF IT
i want the sword out of azeroth and i want papa voljin back home and i want thrall and jaina to kiss and regret it and i want to see garrosh tortured to shit in shadowlands. this is LITCHERALLY all i am alive for right now, everythin else is fuckin garbo and hopeless. cant stand bein at my decks, im runnin out of eps of friends, and i dont have a reason to even get out of bed in the morning except to piss. i created a new file on stardew valley out of desperation. i want to do something constructive but my vessel is on a fucking backlog at this point and i want something new but the entire fuckin world is closed for repairs. jesus goddamn christ
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