#<- felt i might start this tag mayhaps
delicatepoets · 1 year
BESTIES!!!! wish me luck pls! omg im so nervous in my car lmao
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analoceits · 11 months
raven wings chapter one: spiraling smoke
A03 Link
note: ahh im super excited this is finally out!! massive and i mean massive thanks to Oatmeal_Archive, also known as @oatmeat-stans-the-trash-rat on tumblr and ChaosIsMyName, both of my beta readers for this fic!! they were both AMAZING moral support and oatmeal is a grammar wizard tbh. check out their stuff, they’re great writers!!
tags: Wings, Logic | Logan Sanders-centric, Winged Logic | Logan Sanders, Angst with a Happy Ending, Blood, Minor Body Horror, Minor Gore, Religious Guilt, Morally Neutral Morality | Patton Sanders (hes well intentioned just.. a bit messy), Light Sides As Family (Sanders Sides) (they care about eachother sm)
The wings shot out of his back like spiraling towers of smoke, and in the blurry bathroom mirror - they might as well have been. Logan carefully traced his fingers to where they poked out of his back, right under his shoulder blades and felt the muscles. They were real.
He didn’t hesitate before raising them in the air, arching over his head like a deep shadow in the dark light. He bit his tongue to stop himself from gasping out loud with his shock. It looked like a biblical portrait.
He ran his fingers over the dark feathers while thinking back to what could’ve caused this - to be fair, he didn’t have many leads. When he had woken up like this, he didn’t even realize he had wings at first. He could’ve sworn it was one of Virgil’s thick weighted blankets he often borrowed (not that he needed it), but he realized when he sat up.
They were real, that was at least proven - considering how as he stumbled to the bathroom, one of the wings dragging behind him knocked into the table and one of Patton's favorite plants smashed to the floor. He was lucky it was easy to clean up, and the pot was only a little cracked.
He let the wings fall back down to his sides, slightly rocking with their sheer weight. They were much more dense and strong then he had previously imagined. He hadn’t previously thought he could actually fly with them, but with this realization - there was a possibility.
He gripped as tightly as he could along the edge of the counter, and started to flap them as strongly as he could. The muscles themselves were young, and therefor weak. Despite this, after a second he was barely putting weight on his feet, and next thing he knew he was in the air.
He levitated just briefly, not breathing at all for that silent second. Then the wings gave out. He crashed back to the tile floor, scrambling to hoist himself up with the bathroom counter. It definitely bruised his ribs in the process (ow), but facing himself in the mirror - he couldn’t stand to count it as a disappointment.
He set himself back up right and let his thoughts flow. These were not.. particularly planned for, mayhaps, but they weren’t the worst possible change in the Mindscape. Really, the sheer convenience of them was worth their existence all on its own.
He also spared a thought for the possibility of the other sides’ reaction. Despite how emotionless he was, the thought of their wonder made something deep in his chest burn like a lit candle. He could imagine Patton awwing and oohing over the wings, while Roman insisting it was good potential for ‘adventuring’, and even perhaps Virgil finding solace in the thought that it was a safety net for Logan.
Though, for all he knew, these were an impermanent change. The mindscape did not often pull stunts like this. Despite the fact that the sides had small varieties, in the end, they all mostly resembled Thomas. Did any side even have any changes this significant, like animal features- oh.
How had he forgotten?
(Thomas was young at the time. Patton and Janus were in charge, but it was more arbitrary then anything - they were all the same age in the end. King had seemed older, seemed more in charge, but now it was just the twins - with big eyes and little hands just like the rest of them. 
There was distant yelling, and despite how far the voices were, there was no question who it was. Logan put his book down on his lap and looked up. Roman stared at him from across the room and frowned with concern. Jan and Pat had been arguing more recently. Logan nodded at the implicit question, getting up and taking Roman by the hand as they wondered down the hall.
The words became clearer as they became closer.
“I’ve told you that lying isn’t worth it, Jan.. Thomathy’s in trouble and I don’t know how long it’s gonna last!” Patton practically wailed, throwing his arms out through his distress and desperation. He was always emotional in these scenarios.
“You’re acting like I pushed it over myself. It is not that serious of an infraction, Patton. His parents will get over it!” Janus snapped back, arms tucked over his chest and face furrowed with his anger.
Thomas had knocked it over earlier while they were playing. Their mother had valued it a lot, but Thomas thought he could hide it by cleaning it up, with the encouragement of Janus. He got a shard stuck in his hand in the process, and their parents were now worried and furious.
Patton hadn’t coped well. Any time when they were in trouble, or needed to get treatment, he was the most upset. Thus, the intersection was the worst possible scenario. It made sense as he was the center for Morality and Emotions; he was prone to being upset. Nobody blamed him for that. The main issue was that he projected that onto Janus.
Logan turned to face Roman, who gave a steady nod as the argument droned on around them. Despite being the most ‘mature’, and therefor heads of house (so to speak). Janus and Pattons’ arguments could get ugly, fast. The other sides luckily had learned how to separate them in these scenarios and avoid such problems.
Logan motioned that he would take Janus and Roman could take Patton, their usual arrangement. Roman nodded in agreement. Logan was about to step in so they could object to this, but then he stopped. No. Something was wrong.
“Why are you acting so cold-blooded-” Patton yelled, his eyes welling up with angry tears, and Janus’s expression dropped. Despite everything - he hated such insults to a special degree. As if he didn’t care, as if he didn’t try, he would say every time.
Then, it happened. Scales tore through the skin under his eye and seemed to envelops half his face one quick go. His right eye was like a snakes, gold with a thin black slit. His teeth sharpened to little blades in his mouth. 
The silence was overwhelming, and the tension in the air was so palpable Logan could barely breath. He felt Roman’s hand tighten in his, and he gripped back the best he could. Patton clamped his hands over his mouth and slowly paced back, hovering over Roman and Logan protectively in the process.
Janus’s expression went from pure single-minded anger and to confusion, then fear just as the rest of them. He spun his head around behind him for a second, clearly looking for the threat, before he put a hand on his own face. Then, he felt the scales.
He opened his mouth, and even now Logan wondered what he had planned to say - an apology? An explanation? Maybe he was planning to beg with Patton, or maybe he would of never been able say anything at all. It didn’t matter, of course, because Patton cut him off.
Patton clasped his hands together in front of his face, turned his head down and started to pray. He prayed quietly, as always. Once Logan asked him to explain why, and he said that he already had God in his heart - he didn’t need to speak anywhere else. Logan thought it cowardice, but he didn’t say so. Of course, that didn’t matter now - it didn’t take a genius to guess which prayer he was saying.
I come to Your refuge with joy for You shelter me against the attack of the Devil. Protect me, O Lord, from the craftiness of the enemy, and save me from his evil plots.
It was one of Patton's favorite prayers.
Janus stared, and Logan knew he wasn’t the only one to guess the prayer correctly then. Soft anger rested upon his expression. He hissed something under his breath - Logan couldn’t hear it, but Patton must have, because he turned his head up and stopped praying. The look was indecipherable.
Then Janus walked out, hands in fists but head held as high as always. Patton paced back to his room without even seeming to have seen Logan or Roman, and they both ran to their room after. Virgil, Janus, and Remus’s rooms were gone the next morning.)
.. Maybe these weren’t an act of the mindscape. These types of events, with the context of the incident with Janus, seemed to be after negative events. Nothing had occurred. (It was nothing.) This was simply just an accident, or glitch, possibly. 
It was nothing that adjusting his form couldn’t fix. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, tracing his fingers along where the wings poked out of his skin. His flesh seemed to crackle as he tried to push the wings back into himself, letting the bones and muscle nestle into his back. 
After a long, awkward moment of this, his skin wrapped back over itself and he placed a palm where the wing once sprouted from. Nothing.
He opened his eyes again and released a breath he didn’t know he was holding when he still was faced with nothing. He took a few deep breaths, glad that the problem was resolved. He shoved it back into the far corners of his memory. It was noth-
Then he felt it. Burning fire under his skin as bones and feathers reformed into one, with no care or consideration for the rest of his body, tearing muscles apart and shoving his ribs to the side. He covered his mouth, and when that wasn’t enough, he dragged his blunt nails against his cheeks in a desperate attempt to stay silent.
He tried his best to focus and attempted to disperse the wings once more, stop them from reforming desperately, lest they break through his skin. His entire back burned with pain at the attempt. He was sent careening downwards, gripping onto the counter for dear life.
He bit his bottom lip and before he knew it, blood was welling up in his mouth. Every attempt to try and calm himself, breath deeply or count, eventually just made it worse. He gasped and choked on air, while his lungs desperately strained to keep function. The pain was unbearable. 
Virgil - Virgil had told him that after the incident, but before they left the Lightscape, Janus tried to get rid of the scales. Only once. Only once because the first time taught him to not try again, then Virgil had refuse to elaborate farther. Logan understood what he meant now.
The black wings finally broke through his skin and it took everything in Logan’s body to not scream at the top of his lungs. The world swam around him as he felt blood well up around the wings and drip down his back. He spit blood into the sink, and his entire body shook.
The pain slowly eased off of him until he could think again. He propped his head up in his hands and looked up, facing himself in the mirror. The wings were limp against his back, but now he could see the blood on them. They felt more like the burnt and charred wings of a fallen angel instead of anything biblical. He could practically hear Patton’s response, telling him he had fallen from grace. But.. maybe he didn’t have to be aware.
He cleaned the rest of the blood off of himself as gently as he could, before heading back to his room through the dark. He tucked the wings tight against his back and made a point to not spare the cracked flowerpot a guilty glance. After a few achingly long minutes of shuffling through his possessions as the sun rose, he got what he needed and returned to the bathroom.
He spread the items out on the counter, assessing them all equally. A typical black collar shirt of his, a tie, and a laced corset that Roman had left him. He picked up the corset. This could work.
He sinched the corset around himself with steady hands, tucking the wings underneath. Pain flared up and burst through the bloody things, which objected to being tucked so tightly. He bit his lip raw in the process, but by the end the wings were tucked sturdy against his back, if a bit painfully.
Then, he dawned the shirt and tie, and tried his best to see through all angles in the mirror.
It wasn’t the best disguise, that was to be sure. The wings poked out a little, harsh little spikes of bone against his shirt, but that was just because he knew what he was looking for. The other sides, even if they noticed the odd shape, would be unlikely to comment on it. At least, he hoped.
He barely registered the noise of Roman sitting up, and taking his usual morning stretch with an average amount of dramatic flourish. It was his turn to make breakfast, after all. Biting back his reservations, he fled to the kitchen.
“Popstar Padre - is it really worth it to give Janus a ‘fair place at our table’?” Roman ranted between thick bites of waffle, waving his fork like any weapon. “No offense, but the snake isn’t exactly the fair and friendly type that I want influencing Thomas.”
Patton wrung his hands, staring to the side, then down, then at the table. Anywhere but at Roman. Virgil looked between the two, with semi-wide eyes waiting for movement, before sighing deeply like he realized the task at hand.
“Sorry Ro- actually, not sorry at all, but got to agree with Pat on this one.” Roman’s face practically dropped to the core of the earth, looking like the world’s most kicked puppy, but Virgil continued without a hitch. “Janus can be.. the worst, definitely, but he’s getting better. We got to.. ugh, give him a chance, like you gave me.” Virgil’s face curled up like he was being forced to eat dirt with every word he spoke.
Roman snapped out a response, pointing his fork with an accusatory glare. Logan happily tuned out the words, for once content to fade into the background of a debate. The wings continuously shuffled underneath the corset, so having less eyes on him was for the better.
The argument droned on around him, like he was a rock in a river. Silently, for once, he ate his breakfast. Nobody noticed him and that was for the best. With luck, these would simply disappear in a week or two, and nobody would ever know-
“Lo?” The voice was thick with concern, and he nearly bit his tongue off attempting to not flinch. He hesitated, and then very carefully drew his attention back up to Virgil. His heart dropped at the mix of worry and suspicion that rested on his face.
“Yes?” He asked, after choking down a quick bite of pancake. The wings shuffled under the corset, and he cursed his stupid fleshform. Then Virgil put a hand on his shoulder, directly above the wings. He cursed existence, trying to keep the new muscles locked still.
“You’re quiet. You aren’t usually quiet. What’s wrong?” The words made Logan spare Patton and Roman a glance - knowing if they even got the slightest hint he was in any way, shape or form, wrong they’d get worried too. For once, seeing them continue on with their bickering was a blessing.
“I was making up for a small error in Thomas’s editing schedule last night and stayed up a little later than intended. I am simply tired from such activities.” The lie slipped out of his throat like honey. He was sure, with his luck, that Janus was about to pop up behind him.
There was a moment of silence, with Virgil practically glaring into his very soul. Thankfully, he oh so slowly he let go, suspicion still written on his face nonetheless. “Take a nap later. I mean it too, Lo. You aren’t Remy - you can’t do all nighters like that.” His expression softened slightly, and he turned to take a bite of pancake - instead ending up butting into Patton and Roman’s debate once more.
Logan practically breathed all of his lungs out and then some with his relief. His heart was pounding like a war drum. The wings shuffled awkwardly under the corset, trying to find a comfortable resting position again.
It was alright, he reminded himself with the logical part of his brain; Virgil was unaware. Realistically, Virgil would be the one of the light sides to care the least about his.. er, sudden change, but he’d rather not risk it either way, considering that the other option would be him caring the most.
(“You’re just like that fucking snake.”)
He shook his head to clear the thoughts from his skull, and the wings awkwardly ruffled once more under the leather. He was honestly shocked he hadn’t accidentally cramped one of them at this rate.
And then he felt a pair of eyes burning into his back. He didn’t dare look up, because he knew it was Virgil; he knew looking up would just make things worst for him.
Virgil slowly spoke, not like Logan couldn’t understand, but as if he struggled to form words. “Did-,” he hissed and Logan thanked God it was quiet, “did something just move under your shirt?” Fear laced his tone like a thick blanket, and Logan’s muscles tightened slightly.
He turned to face Virgil, carefully angling himself so the wings could fold behind his back and Virgil couldn’t see them. “Nothing moved under my shirt,” he said, furrowing his eyebrows in his best concerned expression. He felt like Janus with this much lying, “Virgil, how much did you sleep last night?”
Virgil scrunched up his face, making it very clear he didn’t believe a word that came out of Logan’s mouth. “No, no no nope,” he popped the ‘P’ for extra effect, “listen, Lo, I’ve already gone down the whole ‘did you sleep enough last night’ she-bang with Janus. That doesn’t work on me.” He insisted.
“It isn’t a trick,” he insisted as calmly as he could, putting his hands up and leaning back slightly for the best kindly demeanor he could give off, “I’m just saying that insomnia, or lack of sleep, can cause minor visual hallucinations - such as seeing something move under ones shirt, and I am aware you’ve struggled with such in the past.”
Virgil stared at him as hard as he could. Logan’s heart twisted with guilt as he watched Virgil’s expression drop, and he seemed to convinced himself that Logan was right and he was just seeing things. “Sorry,” he muttered, and turned back to his dish.
“It’s quite alright.” Logan insisted, turning back to his food himself just as quickly. It was for the best, he reasoned. No reason to tell Virgil and have him in charge of such a big secret, considering his anxiety. 
They ate in silence for what felt like an infinite eternity. Though, Logan knew logically it could’ve only been five, ten minutes more. The argument between Patton and Roman slowly fizzled out, neither of them none the wiser to Logan and Virgil’s.. disagreement.
He finished his plate and got up, calmly announcing as he headed to the sink, “I believe the chore chart indicates that it’s Virgil turn to do the dishes, correct?” He asked, quickly rinsing off his plate.
Virgil nodded and said, “Yeah. I’ll get them once I’m done.” His voice was still the barest bit somber, and Logan could feel the way his eyes traced Logan’s back. 
Logan gave him one last acknowledging glance and ducked down, before crumbling back to his bed. He automatically snapped his shirt and the corset off in one moment. The wings splayed out, exhausted and sore. He covered his face while they stretched.
He turned over and put his arms out. He counted each glow-in-the-dark star on his ceiling and felt every single feather already out of angle. The agitation was unbearable, and he could only pray this was a temporary curse. He wasn’t sure how long he could keep this up.
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redpiperfox · 4 months
(makes your beverage of preference and sits you down across from me)
so. lets chat shall we
what are your favorite genres/settings to write? i noticed a lot of emotion-centric fics under your name, which i love, thank you for the pain and hurt/comfort, i have been Affected in a good way, but does anything else attract you?
and if i may go out on a limb and ask to be privy...... hehe
any brainrots / concepts you're currently considering writing? what's going on in that sick twisted head of yours. what flavors of emotion might you put onto the table for us to eat
AND ONE LAST SPECIAL QUESTION for thou: who are your skzitzy biases, and why? LOLLL
[drags over a chair and drapes myself over it dramatically] FREND, SETTLE IN, BECAUSE IF THERE'S ONE THING I'M GOOD AT, IT'S WAFFLING :D
My fav to write!!! Well, there's different tropes, styles, and environments I enjoy more than others, but I also love just sinking my feet into the new and unexplored? Things I haven't done or haven't seen been done! But generally, I think from the beginning, I've been partial to the non-linear style. Oh I gobble it up, it's my comfort style of writing XD For tags, you're absolutely right, I like pairing up the pain to emphasize comfort or the comfort to emphasize pain and playing with those proportions. I like to try and lean into the realism of the emotions, because I've felt like a lot of fic separates itself so much from the depth and width of emotion for a certain scene? I like sinking my fingers into the gory details of emotion! For AUs, I love doing things that have an air of mystery, an air of intrigue with a big reveal, I like writing fantastical and unimaginable, but I started out as a canon writer. I, uh, had to stop though, because I was starting to feel a little unnervingly like a prophet/psychic XD
For reading I pretty much read anything across the board! I love exploring and finding new ideas and styles and tags and how people explore them in different ways! I am partial to things that remind me of well-done movies and high literature! Tickles my fancy real good hehe
OH THE WIPS I HAVE SO MANY WIPS THEY'RE ALL WAILING AT ME LIKE NEGLECTED BABIES AND I FEEL SO SORRY FOR THEM ToT I have a couple of drabbles to get the gears going-- chaerbin canon first kiss mayhaps, some good ol' canon hurt/comfort, a six of crows inspired itzy, time-traveling 2hwang, a cute gang skz drabble, college au (not part of my series, new au) 2hwang, winter wolves installment, skzitzy siblings 13 part space-traveler/world-jumping au--- there's so much, and I can't promise they'll all see the light of day, my greatest apologies for my shortcomings as a writer >.< I do need to get back to finishing interstellar, and I'm getting close to getting over the crippling anxiety of finishing it and just. finishing it XD
Some things I want to explore!: back to playing with multiple main characters! I used to do it all the time, and I've been playing more with one or a couple mains and everyone else as side characters, but I want to get back into the complexity of weaving many complex threads of plot together! I also want to play with some darker wips that I've been twiddling my thumbs over... we'll see~
OH THE BIAS QUESTION! I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm literally ot13, I can't pick >.< I think the reason these two groups are among my top favs, and kind of a trademark for me knowing that I absolutely adore a group, is when I'm able to love each and every member for their individuality and flavor! There are a couple of groups that get me going like that, but skzitzy OH SKZITZY GET ME IN A VERY SPECIFIC WAY XD Their performance quality, their skills, their personalities-- I absolutely adore them all!
THANK YOU for this excuse to waffle about my thought process and stuff for a bit! I much enjoyed!!!! :D <3
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a-dragons-journal · 1 year
Hello dragon's-journal! Happy Otherkin Day!!! ✨😋✨ So I run a kobold blog, and kobolds have been my gender for about 10 months now. But a few days ago I had an undeniable kin feeling of a snout on my face! What are some methods, tricks, or resources I can use to better connect with wherever these kin feelings are coming from?
(Also, while I do have a kobold sona I use, the snout I felt was LONGER!!! How do I fully get to know this other kobold (if it even is a kobold!) that I'm connected to?)
So, for one thing, if this is the only thing that's happened to point you toward 'kinity, I'm gonna gently say - hold your horses a bit there, champ. Phantom shifts just happen sometimes, to everybody; they're not by any means a 100% indicator of a kintype. (We even have a word for when a non-'kin person runs across the 'kin community, spends a bunch of time reading about us, and then suddenly starts experiencing phantom shifts, "shifter's disease.")
So, give yourself a bit more than a few days, first off, mayhaps. See if it happens again; spend some time thinking about what's making you think you might be koboldkin.
That being said, I'm gonna toss you a handful of links with advice on questioning:
This guide to questioning (and definitions of basic terms) by @/shadowfae
A list of places to interact with other nonhumans
While I don’t have a list onhand, websites are going to be a good place to find writings people have published about their experiences, especially if the tag for your kintype on Tumblr is underwhelming - I’ll recommend this page: https://houseofchimeras.weebly.com/bookmarks.html (please note that that website's no longer being updated and has moved to houseofchimeras.neocities.org/) for a place to get started finding those. (Generally speaking, whenever you find a good alterhuman website, they’ll likely have a Bookmarks, References, Further Reading, etc. page full of links to other websites. Find that page and go through it to find other good websites, and then rinse and repeat.)
My “questioning” tag, which has both posts talking about general advice and posts answering specific questions (and posts with people talking about their own questioning processes)
A list of typical experiences for various alterhuman identities (note typical, not required or universal)
My general “kin resources” tag has A Lot in it, a lot of which is not going to be relevant to you specifically, but it’s there if you want to peruse it
Hopefully that's helpful! Please don't hesitate to stop by again if you have any more specific questions.
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thelightofthebane · 1 year
through the good and bad and all in between
Summary: Magnus was born a warlock. Magnus became a mundane for love and by self-sacrificing tendencies. Magnus turned into a vampire after an act of spite and revenge.
A story about survival, new identities, love through adversities, and accepting changes.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode: s03e17 Heavenly Fire, Vampire Magnus Bane, Turned without consent, Major Character Undeath, Immortal to Mortal to Immortal, Magnus Bane Deserves Nice Things, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Good Boyfriend Alec Lightwood, Soft Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Cat & Alec friendship, Domestic Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending
Rating: E
Chapters: 10
Words: Around 23k~
This fic was created for the Shadowhunters Mini Bang 2023: Presented by the @malecdiscordserver
You can read it on AO3 or the seventh chapter below ~
Chapter 7 - I'm here to stay
There was an old saying that said that no news are good news. But when almost half a day has gone by and there was no news from Alec - no calls, no messages, no surprise portalling -, Magnus felt like slowly losing his mind. Not to be an overbearing boyfriend, especially when your partner is a Shadowhunter, but this was no ordinary mission either. Hell, Magnus would feel more reassured if Alec was dealing with a Greater Demon, not Camille.
He dread to think what that woman could do to Alec. She killed Magnus without an ounce of regret, and they knew each other for centuries. But Alec was new, Alec was… was…
Magnus groaned out loud. He needed a drink.
Or ten.
But before he could even dare to touch one of Ragnor’s very expensive decanters, his phone vibrated inside Alec’s his sweater. He hurriedly fished it out to accept the call, expecting to be Alec with good news, but his stomach totally dropped when it wasn’t his boyfriend’s name on the screen.
It was Isabelle’s.
It didn’t sound good.
“How bad is it?” Magnus quickly said in lieu of a greeting.
Perhaps Izzy had already anticipated this kind of reaction because she went straight to the point without trying any amenities or giving excuses.
“Bad, but he is stable now. Cat tried her best, and alongside some iratzes, he might be as new in a couple of weeks.”
Weeks. Magnus let out a shaky breath.
Would the result be different if he was there to fight together with Alec? Maybe he could’ve persuaded Camille or…
Or he have her mess with your head again.
Magnus shook his head. No, he couldn’t go there. Not now.
“I feel so useless,” he said anyway. “Of course, I trust Cat’s healing skills, but if I still had my magic…”
If I still were a warlock...
Isabelle stayed quiet for a moment, and Magnus dreaded the pity that was about to come.
Though, surprisingly, it didn’t. Her voice was kind, almost amused.
“When it’s about Alec, you don’t really need magic, Magnus. Believe me, your charms are enough. You make him feel better than any healing spell or angelic rune. Would you like to come and keep him company? I’m pretty sure he’ll be very happy waking up to you next to him.”
And because she was Isabelle Lightwood, she couldn’t help but also tease.
“He’ll probably be less fussy, too. Raziel knows that my big brother can’t stay still for long, even worse if you’re on the other side of the ocean and he can’t portal without a healer’s approval.”
That was what sealed the deal for Magnus. He was still very uncertain of stepping into New York, especially the Institute, but since all this undead ordeal had started, Alec was the one bending over backward for Magnus, coming and going all the time without complaining once. It was about time that Magnus would do the same for his boyfriend.
Yes, for Alec - and mayhaps even for himself - Magnus could be brave again.
No more hiding.
“Yes. Please, ask Biscuit to open a portal for me.”
Isabelle’s glee was all he needed as a response.
Magnus barely left the portal and already found himself with his arms full of Clary and Izzy.
“We missed you so much, Magnus.” Clary tightened the hold on him, almost as if afraid he would disappear again in the blink of an eye.
“I’m sorry for taking so long to see you again.” He smiled, patting their backs gently.
“If you pull that shit again, I’ll force you to eat my special lasagna, even if you can’t eat anymore.” Isabelle sniffed.
“I wonder how that would taste now…” He mumbled before hearing someone snickering behind him. When he turned his head, Magnus found Jace looking at him somewhat fondly.
“Welcome back, Bane. You look good.”
“And you look like shit, Jonathan.”
Magnus wasn’t even teasing. Jace looked really bad - his skin looked grayish, clearly clammy, and the bags under his eyes were a sickly purple. Magnus could only imagine what kind of pain was bleeding from the parabatai bond.
And if Jace was bad, Alec was twice worse. Not only in appearance but the readings on the EKG device didn’t look good. Alec’s heart was too frantic for someone who was lying down. There was also a sling immobilizing his left arm, bandages covering the entirety of it until his shoulder.
If they had to do that the mundane way, something was very, very wrong.  
“What happened?”
“Camille was expecting us. I think she wanted us to come. So, of course, she wasn’t alone. She had a lot of followers, most of all still fledglings, demons, and a couple of warlocks. We took care of them while Alec and Cat ran after Camille, but–”
“Cat?” Magnus gasped in horror, his eyes wide in panic. “Catarina never gets involved. How did she…”
“Cat was furious,” Jace grumbled. “She demanded to go with us and Alec didn’t even blink twice to allow her.”
God, he was going to have words with Cat. She was supposed to be the level-headed between them, not indulging his boyfriend in murdering tendencies against his ex.
Well, somehow Magnus wouldn’t be surprised if it actually was the opposite and Alec was the one indulging Cat.
He sighed tiredly, but couldn’t hide the fondness regarding this blooming friendship between them. What was he going to do with those two?
“So, what else?”
“There was a rift open in the basement where all the demons were crawling from. We aren’t sure what hell realm it was, though. Not only the demons were a different kind, but a strange smoke was spiraling in there. It was contained somehow, and we can only guess it was per Camille’s request because it seemed poisonous to Downworloders too.”
Magnus hummed. He could guess what hell realm it was, and if he was right, they had dumb luck. The venom from its demons’ teeth was quick, effective, and fatal.
“Was there any casualty on your side?”
“Only scratches, but no bites. The only one who got truly hurt was Alec.” Izzy sighed, gently squeezing her brother’s ankle. “Between Alec and Cat, when Camille realized it was over, she tried to at least take one of them with her.”
“Cat.” Magnus guessed in a beat.
Izzy blinked in surprise. “Yes. How do you know? Even I thought she was going for Alec.”
Magnus shook his head.
“Camille is very clever. Yes, she could’ve tried to harm Alexander to hurt me, but she always saw the bigger picture first. Without Ragnor and Raphael, Cat is the only immortal closest to me as my family. If she died, and decades later I also lost Alec due to his mortality, I’d be all alone.”
Izzy nodded slowly, clearly disturbed by that woman’s cunningness.
“At least she failed…” Magnus shuddered, holding tight on Alec’s good hand to remind himself that his boyfriend was safe.
“Yes, because my self-sacrificing brother was able to throw himself in front of Cat in time and serve as a living shield. Camille ended up grabbing him instead and both fell inside the rift. Alec grabbed a rock in time, but that harpy craved her nails on his shoulder. It tore his muscles to the bone. He almost got his entire arm ripped out.”
Magnus flinched.
“But she still didn't give up.” Jace continued, clearly annoyed. By his frown, he would bring Camille back just to kill her again if he could. “She only failed to drag Alec with her because his ring shoved her or something. It was pretty strong and-”
“This is why it will take some time to totally heal.” Isabelle intervened, sending a ‘shut up’ glare to Jace. “We were able to prevent the loss of movements on his arm, but it will take a lot more iratzes and physical therapy to get to what it was before. No bow for him for a while.”
“At least it wasn’t his right arm. Alec would get crazy without being able to write reports.” Jace snickered.
Magnus snorted though. “Bold of you to assume he wouldn’t learn how to write left-handed just for that.” Then shook his head in fond disbelief while regarding his unconscious boyfriend. “Silly Shadowhunter…”
However, something started bothering him and he turned to Isabelle and Jace again.
“There is only one thing I don’t understand. You said that Camille almost ripped his arm off when she held onto him, but some magic from a ring pushed her. What ring?” Magnus frowned. Alec didn’t wear rings as far as Magnus knew. His Shadowhunter didn’t seem one to like jewelry, after all. Did he pick up one of Magnus’ as a good luck token? Magnus did have some that were imbued with a couple of enchantments. Nothing strong enough to counterattack dark magic, however.
“God, you can’t keep a secret if your life depended on it, Jace…” Alec groaned and three pairs of eyes snapped towards him.
“Alexander!” Magnus immediately lifted Alec’s hand and peppered his knuckles with kisses.
Alec’s pale cheeks immediately gained some color, causing his siblings to snicker.
“Sorry, buddy.”
“No, you’re not.”
“No, I’m not.” Jace full-on grinned and Izzy giggled after seeing the attempt at a glare by Alec.
“Hush, children. Off you go, you two. I need to take care of my boyfriend now. Shoo!” Magnus waved his hand towards the door, not even trying to feign a look at those two heathens.
The infirmary door closed after stifled snorts and hushed snarks, but neither man paid any attention to them, only having eyes for each other.
“Hello, my love.” Magnus smiled. “It looks like you had a difficult mission.”
Alec groaned again. “Difficult doesn’t even cover it. I’m so glad it’s over though. Camille won’t be a problem anymore, and you’re finally free from her.”
Magnus’ smile turned a bit sad on the corners. “At a high cost, I’m afraid. I’m just happy the price didn’t skyrocket with your life. I’m really glad you tried to protect Catarina, but you could’ve died, Alec.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t really think. When I saw her going to Cat, I just… acted.”
The vampire nodded but didn’t try to reprimand him or anything. He was too relieved for that. Too relieved knowing it was finally over and there would be one less nightmare of a never-ending pile of them. Or so he wanted to believe. The shadows always lurked for a little while after.
“Marry me.”
Alec blurted suddenly and Magnus startled.
“I was going to wait more until I was sure you were more settled and ready, but God, Magnus. I can’t. I love you so much. Calling you my husband consumes my thoughts all the time.” With some difficulty, Alec reached for the ring he had been carrying for the last days. “This isn’t the right one yet. The warlock jeweler I’m in contact with has been running some experimental tests with different types of strong protective and tracking spells. For us both. So you’ll also never have to worry about me.” Alec smiled a little. “I think I can let Soohyun know that her spells are a success.”
The older man gaped at him.
“Please say something, Magnus.”
It was then that the whole dam broke as if only now the reality had hit Magnus with full force.    
Magnus started to giggle.
Then, the giggles morphed into a hysterical laugh.
And then, into sobs.
Alec was alarmed, certain that he had done something wrong. He was about to backpedal and ask Magnus to forget about it when the man grabbed his cheeks and practically slammed their mouths together. The kiss was a bit painful - definitely wet and salty - but Alec ignored even his injuries to reciprocate all the love bleeding from Magnus.
“Only you…” Magnus was still sobbing, but there was a hint of a smile in his words. “Only you would propose to me at a Shadowhunter infirmary, darling.”
Alec blushed hard, then shrugged, going for nonchalant and missing by a mile.
“The only other option seemed to be during some Apocalypse. Maybe a city burning, demons everywhere.”
Magnus half-sobbed, half-giggled, and Alec smiled softly.
Completely smitten.
“Is this a yes? No? Or do you need time to think about it?”
“Alexander.” Magnus tried to wipe his face the best he could with his hands, and only then he looked at the Shadowhunter with a big, genuine smile.
His eyes were a little swollen around the edges, his make-up was all smudged, his nose would probably be very red if he wasn’t a vampire, and there was what seemed to be a bit of snot on it.
And yet.
Even a mess, Magnus Bane was beautiful.
Alec loved him so much.
“It has been a yes since you scrunched your nose in the most adorable way when I served you a drink that you hated. And then, when you had to go back to the Institute because your mother demanded, you still chose to spend the whole night talking to me about the most ridiculous topics. It has been a yes since that night, cintaku.”
At that moment, Alec’s eyes lit up in a way that Magnus would never forget.
He was certain not even the gold of his former eyes could outshine them.
They were full of love, hope, and adoration.
Magnus kissed Alec again, happily drowning in his boyfriend.
No. Fiancé.
He already loved that word.
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canidbld · 6 months
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— A Black Dogs Journey
— A small and quick writeup about my journey to accepting myself as an alterhuman.
(Taken from my carrd and edited)
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My journey with therianthropy technically started when I was 16 when I found the forum "therian.guide" and made my first intro post and therefore my first dip into the community.
I remember that I had tried and assumed I was a bunny / hyena therian based on surface factors (like how I thought I twitched my nose like a bunny for example) and the response to the post was positive. I did not return to the site after that because I also assumed that therianthropy was spiritual only and I knew I wasn't that so I chalked it up to me just over analyzing and didn't think about it again until a few years later where I started a vent blog on tumblr (it would've been my 2nd one technically)
From there, I reposted a lot of canine poetry as I related to it a lot due to, for the most part, the venting nature canine poetry presented itself as. After a while, the more I dived in deeper, the more I was exposed to accounts who adopted a hellhound like aesthetic which I also gravitated towards to the point I stumbled on the "hellhound kin" tag.
Thats where my awareness of mayhaps even the first sense of consideration of being otherkin came from and it would remain a subtle nag at the back of my mind for a bit while I continued to consume canine and hellhound content casually, trying to ignore that nagging feeling at the back of my mind.
Before we get into the continuation of coming to terms with my Black Dog identity, I want to mention that I participated in the pet regression community for a while and eventually I would start resposting caninekin content as I assumed it pretained to my puppy headspace. I want to point this out because I'm pretty sure the pet regression community was also somewhat of a gateway for me to start looking deeper into therianthropy, or at least, one of the reasons.
Another few years later, I found my boyfriend and after a while being together, I showed him my dog themed venting account where I was reintroduced to the time where I considered I was hellhound kin. again, I didn't think much of it until I eventually I did a little digging into what kin meant and came across the term "otherhearted" and "copinglink" and knew that was probably what I felt and so I made a new tumblr account in dedication of accepting my hellhound hearttype and started creating poetry about it.
However there was still something not right about the label I used. As time moved forward and another year passed, I end up to a point where I really start to genuinely consider that I might be more than human and that it might not even be voluntary.
And so starts my more recent journey to discover myself through a nonhuman lens.
The point of adopting the -heart suffix was because honestly... I still wasn't taking kinning that seriously, I still wasn't really acknowledging the bigger picture here. I felt that if I called what I was feeling a -kin, I'd feel like I was disrespecting the community. It was a lame assumption baked up by nothing other than my overanalysing thoughts and insecure feelings because in reality, I did kin hellhounds. Well, kind of.
I knew that there was something ever so slightly off about saying "I was a hellhound" and feel like it should've been the at-all-be-all of my therianthropy. I couldn't pinpoint what was the "off feeling" until I started researching about hellhounds again like I did before. Then I stumbled upon what was called "The Black Dog."
I had read about Black Shuck and Church Grimm before but I think, at that moment, something clicked when I read more about the lore of the Black Dog and its hauntings and Legends.
And so my identity went from "hellhound-hearted" to "Black Dog Theriomythic" and I've honestly been pretty happy with that. Nowadays, it's really about understanding what it means to be a mythical creature in a way that interacts with my humanness and how much of the folklore and traits of the Black Dog pretain to me, thats what I've really been trying to figure out as of late. I have also been considering a few more kins and researching more about the history of therianthropy as well because I know my journey has not ended, there's always more to know.
I say I awakened on march 2024 just because it's easier that way but it's been much more complicated than that. To be honest, that's really only the time I started interacting and engaging in the community more as it seems I have always been somewhat aware of my alterhumanity.
My name sol comes from my boyfriend naming me that when we first started dating, back then it was a sort of fun way to mimic the way an owner would name their dog but back then I was not as aware as I am about me being canine so now the name and the way I was named holds a lot more significance.
I have other layers to my alterhumanity of course, I am still learning and questioning and understanding the nature of kinning and what being theriomythic means but I now know at my deepest core I am the Black Dog from British folklore.
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mrskurono · 3 years
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title: Baby Fever a/n: ok you know what I’ll admit it, all I’ve been thinking about lately is Geto. He’s on my mind constantly. Should I be working on something else, yes. Is Geto the first jjk character I really had a crush on, maybe. I just....fucking Geto ok this has taken me four times to right jfc word count: 1.7k tags: no sub/dom dynamics, romantic sex, established relationship, manga spoilers, fingering, multiple female orgasms (not overstim though) breeding kink, needy Geto, creampie, unprotected sex, pregnancy mention, body worship, really just soft sex ok, unedited character(s): Geto Suguru (jjk)
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They had grown. 
Both girls that was. 
Into wonderful adolescences that brought a set of different challenges. Geto was ready for that be it blindly. And he loved every part of it times two. Each time he looked at either of the kids though he could vividly remembered rounder cheeks, rosier faces and goofier smiles. It left him reminiscing over that more and more now.
You noticed it in the most subtle ways. Geto wanting more. More of those days even though he wouldn’t outright ask.
A trace of his fingers along your collar bone drew you away from what was in your lap. For the most part you’d ignored him once he came to bed but it grew almost impossible when the sorcerer had his lips pressed to the conjunction of your head and neck while a light touch traced down your chest. Not irritated in the slightly, you still give a playful sigh as you put your book down.
“Can I help you?” You can’t even turn your head to see him. Geto’s face is pressed to you with a trail of peppered kisses following suit.
With a firm grip he slipped his fingers against your thigh to give it a playful squeeze. Geto pulled out of the crook of your neck enough to finally look at you with that off brand smirk of his, “Mayhaps.”
You grin just to lean down and catch his lips on yours. Instead though you pull away just as he was going to lean into you. Earning your own smirk to play on your lips, “Mayhaps if you ask nicely Mr. Suguru.”
The hand on your thigh tightened. Pulling you towards him in a meager attempt but for the most part you stayed rooted where you were. Only slightly letting your legs fall open as your smirk grew into a full blown smile. He was awfully soft for a man on the run orchestrating a death cult. 
Geto slipped his fingers up along the crotch of your bottoms. Nudging his forehead against yours like he’d done every night this week. An eye roll that held no merit you grab his face and kiss him deeply. There isn’t a second in hesitation as you lean into him. Geto’s fingers moving up to help you wiggle out of your bottoms. A similar scene playing out just like the previous nights but you didn’t mind in the slightest with his attention fully on you.
“You’re so wet.” He commented against your lips the second his index finger dipped between your folds.
“And you’re already hard.” You toss back to him when your palm presses up against the stark hardness hidden under his robes, “Why don’t we help each other out?”
A nod and he didn’t stop to push back into the kiss. Geto hovering above you but it was your teeth nipping playfully at his bottom lip. Leaving the man to groan as his fingertips danced on either side of your clit. Your hips coming up to join in the motion of his fingers rubbing against you. Only for a few moments though because once they were soaked enough Geto couldn’t keep them from slipping inside you.
“Fuck...you’re so needy,” You moan against Geto’s lips as he curls his fingers in on you. He wouldn’t hesitate to make you cum like this before the main event even started.
Lips back to your neck, Geto hummed something but then nodded and mumbled against the softness of your ear, “I need you.”
Reaching down to grip his forearm as Geto’s fingering picked up in it’s urgency. You regretted the moan when his fingertips brushed over your g-spot. Within seconds he was back at it. Not leaving your sensitive spot alone as your cunt twitched and tightened around him with the impending orgasm. He was gonna get one from you with not much more than a snide remark on your part.
“F-Fuck...” Lip taut with tension as you bit down, fighting it wasn’t in your best interest, “S-Suguru- I- I’m gonna-”
“Cum-” His voice almost desperate, hot breath against your neck, fingers not letting up on their assault, “Please cum- Please I need you to cum- Please-”
The want in his voice too much. Just the way he wouldn’t stop after your orgasm tipped itself over. Fingers pulling a toe curling orgasm out of you as you clutched onto his robes and felt every fiber in your body tingle with hopelessness for him.
Fingers slowing, Geto simply wiggling them around in you and feeling the slickness covering his knuckles. It was when you snagged him for a long drawn out lazy kiss. Just to follow it by an order that he get undressed already, meant the man had no choice but to listen.
Rid of his clothes and between your legs before you knew it. You look down to see him swiping his cock up through the drool of your cunt. What wasn’t on his fingers previously now coated his cock with a beautiful glisten. Geto more than enthralled seeing his cock slip between your cunt lips. Each movement of his length grinding into your sensitive nub sent a shiver up your spine. Either he was too into watching or he was teasing you. A few more swipes and you demand he get on with the main course already.
One push and Geto’s cock slipped down to the hilt with ease. Stretched thoroughly from the nightly fucking all week. Today was no different. Juices squelching around his cock Geto pushed himself down to his base. Feeling his cock bottom out in you no problem. Leaving the man to hover over you. Caged in by both his arms on either side of you. And his hair tickling your face when you looked up at him.
“You’re beautiful.”
“You’re handsome.”
Geto stalled a moment. Savoring the way his hips felt snug in yours. The residual feeling of your walls twitching around him. Not a day would go by where he didn’t swear you were made for him. 
“I love you.” His words clear and concise. You looked up at Geto once more.
What smirk you had early softened into a smile. Bringing his face down to yours for a kiss, “I love you t- fuck-” Before he let you finish Geto grinned against your lips and thrusted into you without warning. Just to watch you convulse and loose yourself on his cock. Just as beautiful as ever. He felt himself unable to control himself all over again.
Each snap of his hips into your core left you breathless. He wasn’t rough. Never was he rough. Geto’s cock curved in the right way that left you rolling your hips up to meet his thrusts. Even if it felt like he was going to split you in half, you still wanted more.
Orgasm or not Geto was bringing you right back to the edge. He always did. As you showered his face in breathless kisses. Some of those met with his own lips. Others spared on his neck and collar bone as you watched with a dazed look at where your bodies met. Geto buried inside you with each thrust. His hands hooked into your hips with your legs slightly elevated so he could defile your deepest parts. Every night this week he’d fuck you like this. In the drunken pleasurer of it all you might have thought he was trying to breed you.
“Please-” Geto’s voice peeled you away, “Please cum-”
Thinking he wanted you to cum on him again you half ass nod, “Yes- Fuck yes I’ll-”
“No-” He groaned more of a gasp. Geto putting his forehead against yours even with the dew accumulating on it, “Please- Please can I cum- Cum in you- I just-”
More than surprised. Of course he’d done so more than once before. Now he was asking you? 
“Love why ask just-”
“I want another baby-” Geto broke your question up, his hips still a mind of their own. His breath ragged against your lips and sweat making his hair cling to him, “With you- Another one- Just one- Let me fill you up- Let me fuck a baby in you- Please- I- I love you so much and-”
Geto’s turn to be surprised.
“Yes please, god fuck yes- Fuck a baby inside me-” You grab Geto’s face. Caring less if you cum at this point and more for the warmth of his release. Lips smashing onto his you don’t hesitate to moan into the fevered kiss.
Geto pulling you down on him with each thrust. Driving his cock in you as deep as he could. Quicker than before like he was desperate for it. Even while your legs twitched and curled, knowing he was breeding in you, something snapped in you.
The way you can on him. Scream only muffled by the fact Geto wouldn’t move his lips from yours. Each rippling twitch of your cunt around him was maddening. Hearing and feeling you craving him sent him into a tizzy until it was simply too late. With the way he snapped his hips into. A rumbling moan emanating up from his chest. It was far too obvious when the first gush of warmth overwhelmed you.
Full well past just what oozed out of you. The mixture of cum and juices soaked the two of you as Geto’s arms waivered a little. A moment of uncertainty if he was going to pull out and waste the gift he just gave you. Instead you yank him down on you. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders and loosely with your legs around his hips. Making it very obvious he was to stay in place on and in you.
Hand drawn down his back you ignore the sweat between his shoulder blades. Instead engrossed in the feeling of Geto’s cock still inside you and the heat of his chest against yours. Sighing softly to lay a kiss against his cheek you hug him a little tighter, “...you could have just said something you know.”
Exhausted and without a real witty reply. Geto had been saving this all week and now he was a little spent. Mumbling something but you didn’t hear.
The idea of being pregnant, with his child, making you smile more and more with each passing second. Even as cum dripped out of you. It was right away that you kissed the side of his head, “Looks like we gotta keep trying until you succeed huh.”
No question to it there was a twitch of excitement in all of his body. You knew neither of you would be happy now until Geto got what he asked for.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Hello my dearest darling love of my life 💜 I am here to request geraskilion! Established geraskier, open to a poly situation. Mayhaps Dandilion (book) is their waiter and Geralt picks up on some vibes between the other two? But Jask is oblivious bc disaster boi.
@dani-dandelino my love! Please enjoy this little treat! Thanks to @officerjennie for being a wonderful beta.
Just a note, Dandelion has Julian written on his name tag. I don't know if I really explain that 😂 But I don't think there are any content warnings?
Geralt smiled fondly as his boyfriend kept chattering away, seemingly oblivious to the fact he’d been talking pretty much to himself for the past ten minutes. Yes, Geralt had been there but he hadn’t said a word since they’d sat down. It was an enviable talent; Jaskier could just keep talking and talking and talking, without pause or breath. The strangest thing was that he very rarely revealed anything about himself. He spoke about the town and its history, whatever project he was working on, whatever his latest obsession was, but it had taken Geralt almost an entire decade to learn anything of note about his best friend. It wasn’t until they were drunkenly making out in the closet of Jaskier’s childhood home that the mask started to crack. He let slip that his parents had never approved of his lifestyle, and then spent the next hour sobbing into Geralt’s shirt.
They’d been dating ever since.
But Geralt wasn’t an idiot. By now he knew Jaskier better than anyone, better than he knew himself, and he saw the glances his boyfriend kept giving their waiter. Every time Julian breezed through the patio seating area, laughing as he balanced plates upon plates of pancakes, coffee cups and even the odd bottle wine even at this time of the morning.
“And then Essi, god bless her little cotton socks, decided to jump right in! It was a miracle that she didn’t get hypothermia,” Jaskier cackled, his eyes sparkling mischievously at the memory.
Geralt rolled his eyes and stroked his thumb along Jaskier’s wrist. “Love?”
“Yes, dear heart?”
“I was there.”
“Oh… really?”
Geralt chuckled and nodded, pulling his boyfriend into a chaste kiss just as Julian laughed at a joke at a nearby table. Jaskier turned away from the kiss, his eyes meeting Julian’s and Geralt smirked as his boyfriend blushed.
Before they’d started dating, Jaskier had flown through partners faster than lightning, but Geralt had never felt threatened by it. At the end of the day, Geralt had been the one constant in the whirlwind that was Jaskier’s life and he knew that whether they were friends or boyfriends, that wouldn’t change. He’d also never expected Jaskier to want to be in an exclusive relationship, that revelation had come as a surprise, and he’d always suspected that Jaskier was trying to push himself into a box that just didn’t fit him.
The way he was looking at Julian confirmed his suspicions.
“Hey?” Geralt squeezed his boyfriend’s hand to pull his attention back.
Jaskier’s eyes went wide and he stammered a ridiculous excuse that wouldn’t have fooled Geralt’s young ward, Ciri.
“It’s alright, Jask. He’s good looking, not too dissimilar to you actually,” Geralt teased. “Cornflower blue eyes, the voice of an angel… and weren’t you called Julian once upon a time?”
Jaskier shuddered. “It’s a terrible name, my parents hated me.”
Geralt scoffed and waved the waiter down. Julian smiled brightly and trotted over to them, a tune on his lips and he winked as he neared their table. “Gentleman,” Julian greeted warmly, “what can I do for you?”
“Gonna be blunt,” Geralt grunted, ignoring Jaskier’s protests. “My boyfriend fancies you, Julian.”
The waiter grimaced, wrinkling his nose in a way that Geralt found completely endearing. It was a habit that the waiter shared with Jaskier, one that Geralt adored. “Dandelion, please. They made me put Julian on the nametag.”
Geralt raised his eyebrows and shared a look with Jaskier. “Dandelion, meet Buttercup.”
“Jaskier,” Jaskier corrected, glaring at Geralt as he offered to shake Dandelion’s hand, “and I am so so sorry! My boyfriend is an arse.”
“Ah yes, but with an arse like that,” Dandelion winked at Geralt, “you just have to forgive him.”
Relief flooded through Geralt. Dandelion wasn’t creeped out by his pretty terrible attempt at flirting, in fact he was actively flirting back, which had Jaskier floored.The poor man was stammering and stumbling over his words nonsensically, his hands flailing until he ran them through his hair with a defeated sigh.
“Please just shoot me now,” he groaned, flopping forward dramatically so his head thudded against the table, almost knocking his plate flying.
Dandelion pouted, so very reminiscent of Jaskier’s own perfect pout, and cocked his head with one hand on his hips. His curls bounced with the movement, the golden locks catching in the sunlight.
And perhaps it wasn’t just Jaskier that had a crush on their waiter. Geralt was slowly realising he might be a little in over his head. Especially when Dandelion just sighed dramatically and cooed “Oh but darling, if we shoot you then I’ll never get to give you my number.”
“Wait, what?!” Jaskier’s head flew up and he gawped at Dandelion, his jaw almost hitting the floor.
“If your boyfriend doesn’t mind, that is?” He winked again at Geralt, making Geralt’s heart flutter in his chest.
He was suddenly bombarded with images of Jaskier and Dandelion giggling as they kissed each other without a care in the world.
Yeah, he was definitely in over his head. “Don’t mind,” he grumbled, trying to hide his own blush.
Jaskier beamed and pulled him into a fierce kiss, knocking both their drinks over in the process and Dandelion whined as he jumped back from the table to avoid getting splashed, but Jaskier didn’t seem to notice. “I love you,” he whispered in Geralt’s ear and then pressed another kiss to Geralt’s cheek.
Geralt tilted his head as he smiled dopily at his boyfriend. “I love you too, Jask.”
Dandelion laughed, a beautiful melodic sound that made Geralt ache to know him better. “Oh, this is going to be divine!”
And he wasn’t wrong in the slightest.
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spicycreativity · 3 years
Yooo I’ve been reading your fic Intertwined and it is super good and giving me major moceit brain rot! Since you’re thinking about taking prompts, mayhaps moceit with something enemies-to-lovers and/or secret relationship?
Ah yay my first ever request! I wrote this as a series of vignettes because I knew if I gave myself half a chance I would go waaay overboard with it. Thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺❤❤❤
Length: 3.5k
Content Warnings: N/A; ask to tag
Oh also I did try to make it obvious, but just in case it isn't, I is post Can Lying Be Good, II is post SvS, III is post DWIT, IV is immediately post PoF, and V is later after PoF
Some nights, Patton's head felt like a pressure cooker with no vent valve. The weight of his covers seemed to crush his chest, forcing him to hyperventilate as he desperately tried to pull in a full breath. Emotions swirled in his head like hot steam, a sickening mix of betrayal and shame, anger and guilt and fear. The knowledge of what Deceit had done, had tried to get Thomas to do, sat heavy in his stomach and brought the temperature up, up, up, until Patton was forced to move. He had to do something, dispel some of the steam before it boiled over into-- Well, something. Sometimes he felt on the verge of something scary and wholly out of his control, some kind of terrible explosion that would liquefy the support joints in Thomas' psyche and send all of them crashing down.
But not tonight. Tonight, Patton would scream into his pillows or pace the halls or talk to the mirror, anything to slow the roaring boil in his mind. He threw himself out of bed, bare feet touching down on the carpet, and was out the door before he could even think of grabbing something to cover up with. Not that the others had never seen him in boxers and a T-shirt, but Roman preferred to sleep in the cold and dropped the temperature accordingly.
Patton had smiled when Virgil had pulled him aside to explain what had happened. That Deceit had impersonated him and, like the Pied Piper, paraded the others behind him with a beautiful song. Thinking about it made the world tilt a little, but Patton had smiled and would have ruffled Virgil's hair if he'd thought Virgil would let him. Because it had turned out okay, hadn't it? And Patton was stupid for still feeling the way he felt. It was stupid to feel hurt that the others hadn't noticed right away. Deceit was a good actor and they had eventually noticed anyway. It was stupid to be scared. Thomas had rejected Deceit's temptation.
And then all Patton's thoughts vanished like a bursting soap bubble, because Deceit was in the hall. His look of wide-eyed astonishment was already morphing into a much more familiar expression of contempt.
"Oh," said Patton, once he'd recovered his own wits.
"Fancy seeing you here," said Deceit, who, Patton noticed with a jolt, was also in his pajamas. It was hard to be scared of someone wearing sweatpants decorated with little cartoon snakes, but it didn't entirely ease Patton's trepidation. It certainly didn't slow his pounding heart.
"What are you doing up?" Patton asked.
Deceit rolled his eyes like Patton's question was unprecedentedly stupid. "I was on my way to kill you in your sleep so I could take your place permanently." He shifted awkwardly as he talked, and Patton realized he was trying to gesticulate with his hands jammed deep in his pockets.
Patton didn't know what to say to that, so he did what he did best and smiled. He needed a way out. Forget feeling like a pressure cooker, he wanted to run back to bed and hide under the covers. He wanted Deceit to go away.
"Anyway," said Deceit, glaring, "I could ask you the same question."
Evil. He was evil. And here was Patton making small talk with him. Abiding him. "Are you sorry?"
Deceit's snake eye caught the light and almost seemed to glow under it. "Am I sorry?"
"For doing wrong." Patton scrambled to find confidence, find righteousness, conviction, faith. Anything he could use to keep Deceit at bay. "For encouraging Thomas to do wrong."
Deceit smiled, but not the way Patton had. This was cruel and mocking. He shook his head slightly as though in disbelief and almost seemed to laugh, his hands drawing the fabric of his sweats tight as he clenched them into fists. "Oh, yes, Patton, I'm so very sorry for trying to help. Yes, I repent! Shall I get down on my knees for you so you can forgive me for looking after Thomas? Hm?"
"I…" Patton took in a shaky breath. "I don't think we have anything more to say to each other. And I don't think I want to see you again."
"Don't worry," said Deceit as Patton turned his back on him, "you definitely won't."
"I'm not angry," Janus said for what felt like the billionth time. He adjusted his arms where he had them crossed over his chest, huffing out a breath through his nose.
"You," said Remus, pointing at him, "have been throwing a tantrum ever since you got back. 'They're too stupid to manipulate, Remus! They didn't even listen, Remus! You're so sexy and well-hung, Remus!'"
"The are too stupid to manipulate! Is that my fault?"
"I'm just saying, you're kind of harshing my mellow."
"You've never been mellow in your life and you know it."
Remus only grinned and shook out the contents of another matchbox to add to his pile. He was planning on building a life-sized Roman out of matches and burning it in effigy. Janus remembered with a twist of guilt that Remus had seemed remarkably at ease in the two seconds before Janus had popped up and started ranting.
"Alright, since you're such a zen master," Janus huffed, "what do you suggest I do? Burn Patton in effigy?"
"I mean…" Remus held out a matchbox. "We can take turns with the Krazy Glue."
"Oh, forget it." Janus took the matchbox more by instinct than anything. "I'm going for a walk."
"You could burn down Virgil's door," Remus suggested.
Janus just shook his head and continued to stalk away. A few hours had passed since the courtroom disaster. It was now early evening and the matchstick of rage still burned quietly in Janus' chest. They were all so stupid! So naive. And it was all Patton's fault.
Janus turned the matchbox over in his hand, careful not to drop it. Scorched earth had never been his preferred modus operandi, but if Patton kept pushing back at him like this, Janus was going to shove, consequences be damned.
Oh, and speak of the angel. Janus didn't much feel like playing it coy, but he forced himself to. He leaned because against the wall, the matches still in his palm, and looked Patton slowly up and down. "We've got to stop meeting like this."
"Deceit!" Patton stopped dead, the smile sliding from his face. "What are you doing here?"
Janus brandished the matches, barely controlling the furious hiss building in the back of his throat. He'd already slipped once today, lost control of his temper. He couldn't allow that to happen again. "I've come to burn it all down."
Patton's eyes went wide, his gaze hot on the matches. "You should know better than to play with fire."
The knowledge of Patton's fear burned hot and triumphant in Janus' veins, filling him with the idea that he could still win something. He got closer to Patton with measured steps, slipping behind him when Patton tried to back away. "No, Patton," he purred, silky and cool in Patton's ear. "You're the one who's playing with fire."
"What…" Patton's voice shook and he cleared his throat, turning his head to try to look Janus in the eye. Janus was momentarily distracted by the freckles' on Patton's neck, the soft pulsing of his jugular vein. "What do you mean?"
Annoyed at himself, Janus backed up. The paper matchbox felt feeble in his grasp now, as feeble as his pathetic little display of power. He could bully Patton all he wanted and it wouldn't change a thing. "The Duke and I, we're the one thing you can't control," he boasted. Might as well see this through, since he started it.
"I have to try," Patton said. "My friends trust me, Thomas trusts me to keep him safe from the likes of you. I won't let you make Thomas into a liar. I won't let you lead Roman astray. But Deceit?"
"What?" Janus growled. His frustration was directed inward now, that he had thought any of this might make him feel better. Right. He should just go read Hobbes in the bath with his fire extinguisher handy.
"If you ever decide you want to… Well, be good. There's room for you at my table."
Janus crushed the matchbox in his clenched fist. If Patton applied his arbitrary standards fairly, he would see that Janus was good. But no, he was quite content to wear the blindfold of his own hypocrisy and leave Janus out to rot. "You're impossible," Janus said through clenched teeth. Before he could change his mind, he palmed the ruined matchbox into Patton's hand and turned to go.
"What's this for?" Patton asked.
Janus paused and gave his well-practiced supervillain smirk. "A promise."
Time to unleash the beast.
Now more than ever, Patton was certain he was in over his head. He sat on the kitchen floor, hot chocolate untouched beside him, and stared at the crumpled matchbox in his palm. 'A promise,' Deceit had said. Patton hadn't been sure what to make of that, but he had an idea now.
Deceit was right. Patton couldn't control Remus. But that just meant he had to try harder. So now what was he supposed to do? Thomas was looking at him for guidance, but… He was supposed to ease up on judging Thomas for having evil thoughts, while simultaneously not letting Thomas be evil. Was he being too harsh or too lenient? And why did it feel like both?
"Well, well, well." Deceit's voice grated on Patton's ears. He made no effort to bolster himself, no effort to look anything other than despondent. Deceit must have been feeling truly bold to venture so far into enemy territory.
"Did you get what you wanted?" Patton asked, still staring at the matchbox. He didn't want to see that smirking face.
"Obviously not," said Deceit. "Chaos for chaos' sake was never the endgame."
"Then why are you here?" Patton asked, finally looking up. The angle and the brim of Deceit's hat kept his eyes in shadow, so all Patton could see was the mouth housing that forked serpent tongue.
"I'm here to offer you one last chance, Patton. Get out of my way."
"You can't put this on me," Patton said, looking again at the matchbox. "You said you were going to burn it down. If you're willing to hurt Thomas to get your way, then you shouldn't get your way."
Deceit twitched slightly and Patton could tell he was rolling his eyes even if he couldn't see it. "Have you heard of prescribed burns?" He didn't wait for Patton to answer. "It's when humans deliberately set fires to destroy some of the forest underbrush. Now, it seems counterintuitive, but regularly burning parts of the forest actually prevents wildfires from raging out of control. Does it hurt the underbrush? Yes. But sometimes things that seem harmless or even good are actually quite deadly if left unchecked. So a little bit of destruction actually serves the greater good. Do you understand?"
Patton furrowed his brow, trying to navigate this. "So you are willing to hurt Thomas to get your way."
"Why," said Janus, flexing his hands, "do I even bother?"
"Why do you bother?" Patton asked. He had never thought to wonder before. Evil was just evil and there was understanding it. But something in him had broken a little today; he could feel the edges of it poking at his chest.
Deceit sighed and shifted his weight. For a moment, Patton thought he might sit or kneel so they could talk at eye level but no, of course not, Deceit would never give up an advantage like that. "Because!" he said, agitated. "Because I know I'm right. I know Thomas needs me. I can help."
"If you truly loved him, you wouldn't be willing to hurt him," Patton said with conviction. That, he could be sure of.
"This is precisely why I've had to take such drastic measures!" Deceit actually stamped his foot, and Patton watched as he balled his hands into fists, the knit of his gloves straining at the knuckles. "None of you ever listen to me! You decided what I am long before I made my entrance and you only hear what supports that illusion." He took a slow, deep breath, and his voice was back to its usual silken glide when he spoke again. "I am asking you, one last time, to get out of my way."
"And I'm telling you" --Patton got to his feet so he could look Deceit in the eye-- "no."
They found each other in the aftermath, both their worlds shattered and still on fire. Janus, for once in his life, didn't know what to say. The walls around them flickered from the force of their combined imagination, showing crumbling drywall and collapsed framing, the smoldering ruin of everything they could have sworn was truth.
Janus had known that Patton was wrong about him, but he had never suspected that he might be wrong about Patton. The realization buzzed through his veins like electricity, along with a fatal determination that he and Patton were inexorably linked now.
Janus never thought he would say the words now coming out of his mouth and mean them, but Patton's magnetic draw seemed to pull them out as it pulled Janus closer and closer. "I was wrong, Patton. Maybe not about everything, but I was wrong about you."
"I did this," Patton said, gesturing at the broken-down walls. He seemed to feel the pull, too, if his gentle shuffle toward Janus was anything to go by.
Sarcasm seemed far beyond Janus' reach tonight, but perhaps not a few well-placed lies. "It's okay, Patton. Everything is okay." The flames moved in closer, consuming some of the wreckage, but Janus knew they were safe. It was all made-up, all of it. He could put the fire out if he could just focus on something other than Patton's tear-streaked face and oh, they were still getting closer and closer together. They'd be chest-to-chest soon. "I think…" said Patton. He wasn't crying now, thank God, because Janus didn't know what he would do. "Is it bad to find something beautiful in all of this?"
And there it was. The contact. Their foreheads touching, their hands intertwined. The two survivors of the wreck, drawn toward each other like magnets. "Very bad," Janus murmured, and he knew that Patton knew he was trying to talk himself out of what he did next.
He kissed Patton.
It was a terrible thing to do, probably his most selfish act to date. Here was Patton, devastated and willing to take whatever comfort he could find, and Janus was taking advantage. Even he had morals, but, oh, this was nice. He hadn't realized just how tense they had been with each other until it all suddenly snapped. And Patton was kissing back and had released his grip on Janus' hands so he could wrap his arms around him. Janus pulled away. "I shouldn't have done that," he said. "You don't need that. "
"Am I that bad at kissing?" Patton asked innocently.
"You didn't want that," Janus explained. "You're upset and you're not thinking straight." Patton was still holding him and despite the tear tracks still gleaming on his cheeks, he looked amused. Something ached at the back of Janus' tongue. "You don't want me."
Patton kissed him again, sweet and chaste this time. "Tell more about how I feel, Janus."
"I--" Couldn't think, couldn't think. "You--" Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Short-circuit. "But I-- You don't--"
"I didn't learn anything today," Patton said, "but I think I realized something that I've always known. Does that make sense?"
"This doesn't solve all our problems," Janus said. This couldn't be real. He couldn't allow himself to delight in this, not when it was going to go away. "You still don't approve of my methods and I don't agree with yours. We're going to disagree."
"You think I don't disagree with the others?" Patton asked and was that hope in his eyes. Here in the fire and ruins, here at the end of the world, Patton had hope. "I want to make this work."
Janus kissed him. This felt like less of a decision and more of a necessity, like breathing.
"So you believe me?" Patton asked when they parted. "You trust me?"
The answer was already yes despite the fear eating away at Janus' insides. It was more like a thrill than existential terror, and on some level he knew he must have been high on endorphins and adrenaline. "I trust you. But Patton?"
"What do we do now?"
"We make it work."
There was something undeniably thrilling about seeing Janus in secret. But mostly, Patton just felt awful about it. Sneaking out of his room at night like a teenager was fun, tip-toeing down the hall to hide away in Janus' room definitely had a sort of teen movie appeal to it. It was the pretending that made Patton feel all sick and guilty.
"You look tired," Roman said. He still wasn't back to his vibrant self, but Patton had vowed to be gentle with him until he found his footing again.
Patton was tired. He and Janus had spent most of the night just talking, innocent as could be, both tucked beneath the covers of Janus' bed. He tried and failed to think of a good pun, something that might distract Roman. "I was up kinda late, I guess."
Roman nodded. It was just the two of them that morning, Virgil being a late sleeper and Logan having been increasingly reclusive as of late, despite his reconciliation with Patton and the others. "I'll make you a coffee. Something fancy. Dare I say, the best coffee you've ever had."
"Oh," said Patton, cheeks heating up. "You don't have to!" Guilt flooded his chest at the idea of taking advantage of Roman.
"I'm offering," said Roman. "But if it makes you feel better, I'll make one for myself, too."
That did make Patton feel better, if only a little. He sighed as Roman got up from the table and started bustling around in the kitchen. These days, Janus was always on the tip of his tongue. He didn't want to risk ruining Roman's good mood by bringing up such a painful subject, but… Patton couldn't keep going like this.
Hiding the relationship had of course been Janus' idea, but Patton couldn't deny the safety of it. For the first time, he realized how Deceit and Self-Preservation could share an identity. And while Patton knew his reasons were noble, he also understood that lying hurt. His friends would be devastated regardless of how they found out, but the destruction would be much worse if they found out accidentally.
"Something's bothering you," Roman said when he got back, holding two mugs piled high with whipped cream covered in chocolate shavings.
"I don't want to talk about it," Patton said.
"C'mon, Padre, we've talked about this. Sharing your feelings doesn't make you a burden. Especially if I'm asking."
Oh, Patton really didn't deserve Roman. "I know, kiddo, I just-- I'm not ready yet."
"Is this about J-- Him? Because I swear, if he hurt you, if he did something--" Roman cut himself off, and Patton appreciated that he looked a little embarrassed. "Sorry."
"I promise I'll tell you when I'm ready," Patton said.
"I suppose that's all I can really ask," Roman said with a nod. "Well, I'll be here when you're ready. It's the least I can do."
"Thanks, Roman." He was still having issues with negative self-talk, but Patton didn't feel like nagging him about it today. So he smiled and picked up a spoon to scoop up some whipped cream. "You're a good friend."
When Roman wandered off to go work on a new creative vision for Thomas, Patton booked it to the Other living room (he was no longer comfortable thinking of it as the Dark Side). While he wasn't exactly on friendly terms with Remus yet, he might be able to navigate a conversation with him if required.
But thankfully, Janus was sprawled out on the couch reading a book of blank verse poetry and Remus was nowhere in sight. “Everything okay, angel?” he asked, tilting the book down so Patton could see his eyes. He sat up so Patton could sit next to him, cuddling closer when Patton put an arm around his shoulders.
Patton fidgeted with the hem of Janus’ capelet. “I’m thinking I want to, um…” He paused, looking for the right words. “Bring you up? See what the others think about you coming around every once in a while. Or all the time.”
Janus stiffened. Patton rubbed his arm. “I’m sure they’ll be thrilled at the idea of having me around.”
“I wouldn’t leave you alone with them!” Patton said. He had learned, more through hints and inference than anything Janus had outright said, that Janus was deeply afraid of rejection and guarded his heart closely. “I just want… I want to stop lying to them and I want to stop sneaking around.”
“It’s safer this way,” Janus said, nudging Patton.
“But it’s not fair to them or to us to keep going like this,” Patton said. “I promise I won’t let them hurt you.”
“Oh, yeah?” Janus asked archly, one hand inching up Patton’s thigh. “You’ll be my hero?”
“You don’t need a hero,” Patton said, putting his free hand down on top of Janus’. “If you decide to go off on them, what you’ll need is a referee.”
“That is true,” Janus said, and Patton noticed with a rush of affection that he was trying not to smile.
“So can I?”
Janus turned and kissed him softly on the forehead. “Yes, angel. But only because you’re cute.”
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writeforfandoms · 3 years
Shake, Rattle and Roll 2
Chapter two!
You can find chapter one Here
Summary: Now you’ve got a dead body and a bunch of prospectors. Time to get out of this mess.
Warnings: More murder. Swearing. 
Eventual Ezra x reader.
Tags: @fandom-blackhole @pedrocentric 
“So who killed him?” Felicia demanded, irreverently.
You scoffed quietly and shifted around the others, making your way to the teenager. She was still staring at the body, barely moving. “Hey, kid,” you murmured, moving into her line of sight. “Let’s go get you a drink, hm? C’mon.” 
Gently, you herded the girl away from the body and into another room. She sank into a chair, and you crouched in front of her. 
“What’s your name, kiddo?” you asked her quietly.
“Not a kid,” she murmured, although it sounded more reflexive than argumentative. 
“You’re not old enough to legally drink,” you retorted. “So you’re still a kid. And I’ll call you that until I have something else to call you.”
She hesitated, blinking at you. Her eyes were wide but surprisingly dry. “Cee.”
“Cee.” You smiled at her and gave her your name in return. Her voice was quiet as she repeated it, but not shocky. She was still tracking things. “Cee, I’m sorry, I have to ask. Was that your dad?” 
“Yes.” She took a deeper breath, gaze flicking back to the doorway. 
“Okay.” You rocked back on your heels. “You have anyone else?”
“No.” She seemed reluctant to answer you. You couldn’t blame her - the state-run facilities were kind of rubbish. 
“Okay.” You took a deep breath. One problem at a time. “Okay. First we need to call this in to the authorities, so they can do all their… stuff.” You waved a hand, unwilling to go into further detail about what ‘stuff’ meant. Investigating, mostly. “You’re probably old enough that you could file for emancipation, and if this place is your dad’s, that’s good for you.”
“What?” Cee blinked at you, looking taken aback.
“I mean, unless you really want to go to a government-funded orphanage? I wouldn’t recommend it. They’re not great.” You wrinkled your nose in distaste. 
The two of you were interrupted by a knock on the door. “I had a feeling I might find the two of you together,” Ezra drawled from the doorway, gaze flickering between the two of you. “I have some unfortunate news.”
“More?” you asked, voice dry.
“The others have decided that the map Damon spoke of must be here,” Ezra continued, looking more at Cee than at you. “They are quite determined to find it, and to not be interrupted in their search.”
Meaning they weren’t calling the authorities, and would hinder anyone who did. That was not great. “Where are they starting?”
“The study, I believe. They left the cook in the kitchen with some… creative promises.”
Aka: threats. Got it. “Did they say anything about the kid?”
“No.” Ezra shook his head, looking at you. “I do not believe they cottoned on to the relation between her and Damon.”
“Thank Kevva for small favors,” you grumbled. “Okay. New plan. We’re getting you out of the house.”
“What?” Cee asked, looking at you.
“We are?” Ezra asked, his voice dangerously mellow.
“Yes, we are,” you said, glowering at Ezra. “I don’t give a fuck about the supposed Queen’s Lair. They can turn the house over searching for that map. But once they realize that she’s related, they’re going to expect her to have answers. You really want to leave a kid to the mercy of the four of them?” 
Ezra was silent, frowning a little as his gaze bored into yours. You stared right back, refusing to blink, willing him to just listen to you. You were speaking reasonably, after all. 
Apparently, the girl had been thinking, too. “This place isn’t dad’s, not really,” she whispered. “We’re using it tonight. He was almost out of money, that’s why he was so eager to get some diggers for the Queen’s Lair.”
You dropped your head forward, towards your chest, with a sigh. Fuck. Fuck! Your mind scrambled over possibilities, creating plans to discard them almost as fast. 
“Do you know where the map is?” Ezra asked, creeping a few steps closer. 
Cee looked between Ezra and you, calculating. For all that she wasn’t grown yet, she wasn’t a fool, either. She was weighing her own options. 
“Cee,” you murmured, lifting your head to meet her gaze again. “What are you thinking?”
Cee didn’t get a chance to respond. There was a crash from down the hall, then footsteps running down the hall towards the kitchen. A brief moment of silence later, there was the sharp report of a thrower discharging. You closed your eyes slowly. The cook, at a guess.
“You two stay here,” Ezra said, speaking a little more quickly now. “I will venture over and see what has occurred.” 
You blew out a breath and stood, stretching out your complaining knees. This was turning into a right mess. Even worse, a right mess with no backup. 
Okay. Priorities, in order:
Get Cee out. Get yourself out. Call the authorities. Then see about hiring Cee or something to help her along. Sure, you’d only known the kid for a couple hours, but no kid deserved this. 
Of course, convincing Cee to let you help her might not be so easy, after all. 
“Cee,” you murmured, turning to the girl again. “I want to make one thing clear right now, between you and me. I don’t care about the map, or the aurelac.”
She blinked at you. “You… don’t?”
“No. I stopped digging years ago and I have no desire to go back to it.” You took a deep breath. “Just… keep that in mind. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night.” 
Ezra let himself back into the room. This time, he strode right over to the two of you, standing with his hands tucked into his pockets. “Well, from what I understand, the cook attempted to call the authorities, to report the, er, incident, as it were. One of the others took exception to that and stopped her in a rather permanent fashion.”
“Great.” You shoved one hand back through your hair in frustration. “Any idea if they’re continuing to search room to room?” 
"Your guess is as good as mine, birdie," Ezra admitted with a shrug. 
You huffed. "Alright, kid, you got a way out of here? Back door?"
"I can make it," Cee agreed.
"Might be needin' a distraction," Ezra mused, gaze sharp. 
You snorted. "That would help. You volunteering?"
"No. We are." Ezra shot you a grin, wild and mischievous. Oh this one was absolutely Trouble. 
The sharp bark from one of the others made you and Cee jump. 
"Everyone here, now!" 
Ezra nodded for you to go first, but you turned to Cee. 
"I know this isn't exactly ideal, but I need you to trust me when I say I will do whatever I can to get you out of here. Okay?" You spoke in a rushed whisper, maintaining eye contact with the girl. This was important. 
"Why?" She asked, rightfully confused.
"I'll explain later, I don't have time right now," you muttered. "But I need you to know that." You stood and headed for the door, passing Ezra wordlessly and ignoring his appraising stare. 
The other prospectors were already gathered in the main hall, joined momentarily by yourself, Ezra, and Cee. 
"Grab the girl," Mikken growled. Inumon stepped forward to comply, and you stepped in her way, heart hammering.
"What for?" You asked, suspicious.
"She's a liability." Mikken gave you a look that clearly questioned your sanity. 
"She's a kid," you protested. "She doesn't know anything about the map. She just works here." 
"Indeed, we spent the past several minutes conversing with this young soul," Ezra added. "As disappointing as it is, she knows nothing of the map, nor of Damon's plans. I am afraid if we wish to find the map, we will have to do so ourselves."
"Fine," Fero spat. "Then we split up and search the house."
Uneasy silence followed that statement as everyone eyed each other, wary and mistrustful. 
"Well then," Ezra started with an easy smile. "Mayhaps we pair off with our accustomed partners? We can divvy up the house by floor."
Mikken nodded once and pointed at you and Ezra. "Basement." Then he looked at Fero and Felicia. "Second floor." 
"And the girl?" Inumon asked before anyone (mainly you) could protest.
Mikken looked down the hallway, thinking for a few moments, before he nodded to a doorway. "Lock her in there." 
You turned to Cee and found Ezra already there, smile still firmly in place. 
"Well little bird, looks like you're in luck," he said, leading the way into the room. It was a library. An actual library. You felt your jaw drop a bit. You'd thought the study had been impressive, but this? This was magnificent. Ezra whistled lowly, apparently sharing your opinion. "In luck indeed! Little bird, you most certainly have luck on your side this fine night. I recommend you find something with which to entertain yourself and keep quiet."
Cee gave both of you one last look before she stepped inside. Ezra shut and locked the door, pocketing the key. 
"Shall we venture forth, then?" He asked, nodding to the basement door. 
A quick glance confirmed Fero and Felicia were already half-way up the stairs. With a sigh, you nodded. 
"Let's go."
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loneveenas · 4 years
snow fight with love
pairing: iwaizumi hajime x gn!reader genre: woooo fluff summary: you reminisce the past year when you and iwaizumi got to know each other — all thanks to that one snowball and the friend of a friend of a friend. words: ~2.8k
FOR @tsukkiscookies RISSE I HOPE YOU LIKE IT <3
note: for the secret santa gift exchange with the @haikyuucreations server!!!! note2: not beta’ed or edited....womp. note3: merry belated christmas and a happy new year in advance everyone!!! may 2021 bless you with better things.
| mlist (not updated) | ss mlist (coming soon)
One winter ago. That’s when it all started. The falling snow that you saw outside your room made you remember.
The snowfall had been very heavy that year too. It was only December but the world was already drawn in a pretty white.
Outside of the university is when you got to know him first. Got to know him… well… that might be a too far-fetched word but it came close.
You had just been done with your last class and was on your way home, walking instead of taking the bus. Your friends had been long gone, having skipped the last class.
With some music ringing in your ears, you were getting a little distracted — a little too much. Not too much to get so distracted that traffic would get the better of you, but still distracted.
When suddenly you got an immense blow from the back. Air left your lungs with a shock and you had to cough to regain your posture. You had stumbled a little forward, and with nothing to hold you upwards, you nearly fell to the ground. Good balance came a long way.
You wiped off your clothes and put up a glare as you flipped your head around to stare daggers into the person who just attacked you with whatever that was. A quick glance on the ground made you notice a small heap on top of the snow—
Ah. So it had been a snowball, huh…
You broke into a sweat glaring at that person. You had to suppress your urges not to gather some snow into a snowball for yourself and attack that person.
And you failed to suppress it. In an instant, your hands flew down to the ground, making a snowball and firing it off with the person in your sight. Enough to wipe that stupid grin off his face.
Got him there.
You were so fed up with this entire situation you turned around again and left for home again.
The person didn’t engage with you again. As he should.
A few days later your 6 year old cousin had asked you to come out with them while you were visiting your grandparents, to make a snowman in the park. Of course you tagged along, who wouldn’t want to see their cute cousin trying to make a snowman.
The thing, however, was that you hadn’t brought a warmer jacket with you. You weren’t going to ask your aunt and uncle if you could wear either of their jackets… So just your thin jacket that you would wear in the car it was.
While your cousin was tugging you along to the park, it started snowing a little. Great. You withheld the urge to shiver.
The two of you started making bigger and bigger balls out of snow to make up the body of the snowman. It was not going to be that big of a snowman, since your cousin was not that tall yet. Not that you were either—but not child ——————
Time passed quickly and you were already working up a sweat and not feeling cold anymore. The snow was still holding on, but you still felt unbothered by it. The smile on your cousin’s face was more than enough.
“Hey!” A sudden voice got you out of your concentration.
You whipped your head around and immediately wish you hadn’t.
“You,” you bite out. You recognize him in an instant. It was that same dude who had hit you with a snowball a couple of days ago.
“Me?” he asked, visibly confused.
Sighing, you turned back as you heard your cousin call for your name. You answered her, helped her with some snow and turned back to face him.
“Never mind. I could help remember but that wouldn’t be worth anything.”
The boy was still confused and you couldn’t help but smile at his silly looking face.
“Can I help you with something?” The snowman wasn’t going to finish on its own, so you had gone back to collecting more snow.
“Ah,” he seemed hesitant. You didn’t look up but heard his footsteps approach closer. “I saw you from my living room window.”
“So?” That sounded kind of creepy if anything.
“I, uh, noticed you were shivering, so I got you a pair of gloves and a sweatshirt to wear.”
You stopped. Looked up. He indeed was holding a pair of gloves and a sweatshirt.
“Oh.” You didn’t know what to say. You patted your snowy hands off on your jeans. “How can I accept these? I don’t even know you.”
The boy had been taken by surprise. “Oh! Of course, sorry. My name is Iwaizumi Hajime.”
Ah, so that's Iwaizumi Hajime.
You laughed shortly, taking the items from his hands. You had forgotten about snowball event and decided to act as a reaction to this act of kindness. “Thank you, Iwaizumi-san. My name is y/n.” You slipped on the sweater, and pushed your hands into the gloves. That was so much better than shivering it out, trying to warm your own body.
“No problem. Nice to meet you, y/n. Glad I could be of any help.”
He didn’t seem like he was going to leave anytime soon, appearing rather interested in the building of the snowman.
“Do you,” you started, gesturing towards the snowman, “mayhaps want to be of more help?”
“Sure!” he said, not second guessing himself any moment.
You laughed and continued working on the snowman.
Iwaizumi and you didn’t exchange numbers or anything, so that was the last time the two of you had spoken with each other. In that conversation, it became clear that you went to the same university as he did, but was in a different department. And on the other side of the campus.
You had a mutual friend, though. Well, mutual was different. Iwaizumi’s best friend, Oikawa Tooru, was friends with your best friend that you knew from high school. So, a friend of a friend of a friend… or something like that.
Now it happened that a few weeks ago those two friends, Oikawa and your best friend, who were in the same dorm building, had organized a secret Santa gift exchange.
And it so happened that you got him for secret Santa. So for the past couple days, with Christmas really quickly nearing now, you had been pondering deeply on what to gift him. You couldn’t ask anyone, since no one really knew the boy aside from Oikawa Tooru. But everyone also knew Oikawa Tooru couldn’t keep his gossiping mouth shut tight.
You also didn’t want to get him anything generic, but the gifts on his list were all sold out already, and—UGH.
You just had to rake your brain around it somehow. It didn’t need to be super duper perfect, since he wasn’t even a friend or anything. (But just a friend of a friend of a friend.)
Still, something about it made you want to do your best to find something that would fit his likings.
These coming days were going to be long.
Fast forward to the day past Christmas, it was the day of Secret Santa and you were nervous.
Somehow, seeing Iwaizumi in front of you in the circle made you even more nervous.
Fidgeting with your fingers, you felt your hands becoming sweatier with the minute.
There was something about the way he was avoiding eye contact with you that just wasn’t sitting right with you.
Gifts were going around, getting exchanged and everyone had a lot of laughs. However, you were feeling strange and unable to enjoy the time to the fullest. Your friend noticed and asked if you wanted to head back to your dorm earlier.
You thought it over for a while. Although you wanted to stay for longer, it did seem like a better solution.
With your friend announcing to the group that the two of you were going to take your leave, you stood up—not without glancing over at Iwaizumi. Something about him made you look back at him, time and time again.
But this time only once.
You grabbed your and your friend’s jackets and walked ahead of them, out of the dorm room.
Not that much longer the door opened and closed it behind you.
“Here,” you didn’t look up from your phone and handed over the jacket with your other hand. “Let’s leave.”
“Actually,” a male voice said, making you look up, eyes widened. Iwaizumi. “I was wondering how you were feeling since you hadn’t been looking that good all evening.” He sheepishly placed a hand behind his head.
You smiled gently. “Thanks. I’m fine, actually. The room just felt a little suffocating.”
“You don’t like busy places like that, do you?” he said faintly.
Staring at him, you were confused at how he noticed that. He quickly answered your apparently questionable face with a, “I could tell.”
“Ah, but don’t feel weirded out by that,” he laughed nervously, “I didn’t mean it wrong.”
He seemed nervous. You laughed at his quick talk.
“Don’t worry. Thanks for caring, I think. I guess? Yes.” What you were babbling yourself you didn’t know either, but all that mattered was Iwaizumi asking for your well being.
The conversation died and neither of you were looking at each other nor at anything in particular.
“So…” Iwaizumi started.
“Right…” You were actually starting to wonder where your friend was at, making you wait like that, but Iwaizumi’s company made you less bothered.
“I actually had you for Secret Santa,” you blurt out. “Sorry if your gifts weren’t good or anything, I had a hard time picking something for you since we had only met up and talked to you that one time when I was building a snowman with my cousin.” Before you realized you had said more to him than you wanted to. “Ack, sorry. Didn’t mean to blurt it out like that.”
Unexpectedly, Iwaizumi had laughed in response. “All good. Actually,” he hesitated a little, “I’m in the same boat as you.”
For the first time since he had walked after you after leaving the group, you turned to look at him and into his eyes. “What do you mean?”
“I, uh, had you too. For Secret Santa, I mean.”
You were aghast. Not once had you noticed that the two of you were literally in the same boat.
“Oh, wow. That is strange.” You laughed and Iwaizumi joined you.
“Yeah,” he scratched the back of his head again. “So, sorry too if my gifts aren’t what you expected them to be, haha. I tried my best.”
“No! I mean, uh, they are great. Thank you. I can see you put a lot of effort into finding the right thing.”
“Same goes for you,” he quickly added. “You actually did a pretty good job.”
“Really?” Your eyes lifted up, a bright smile drawn on your face. “That’s good,” you said a bit softer.
The conversation slowed down again, but this time it didn’t bother you. The atmosphere was nice and enjoyable.
“Do you…” Iwaizumi started after maybe a minute or so, “Maybe want to go out for coffee or something? Outside of university I mean.”
You didn’t waver for one second and said “Yes, I would love to.”
“Really?” Iwaizumi didn’t seem to believe you, so you nodded to confirm it once again. “Wow, okay, cool. Do you mind exchanging numbers? Would be way easier to contact you like that instead of asking through Oikawa and your friend.
Before Iwaizumi had finished speaking, you had actually already moved your phone into his direction. “Let’s do that.”
Iwaizumi and you had met up more than once for coffee after that exchange and in the new year. Your friend hadn’t questioned anything and just went along with it. “Nothing weird to see or talk about,” she’d say. After some interrogation, you had figured out that she had been staying back on that day on purpose and that Oikawa and her were trying to get Iwaizumi and you closer to each other.
Hence the shared Secret Santa troubles and Iwaizumi following after you instead of your friend.
Winter had dragged along for another month and more snow had fallen from the sky. The white winter wonderland was already quickly turning into a more brownish land due to the dirt on the roads mixing with the snow and university had resumed after the two week Christmas break.
You had started seeing Iwaizumi less because of the pressure university was already giving you after only one week.
One evening you were resting in your room when suddenly your roommate stormed in.
“Have you seen this?!” she yelled out—scratch that. She was screaming.
“What are you so excited for? I’m studying…”
“You have got to see this,” she exclaimed again. She was holding something in her hands. A paper kind of something, you could see that much.
“If you’d stop waving around whatever you want to show me so much I might actually be able to see it before the end of this day.” You put down your pen and leaned your arm on the back of the chair, turning your body to your friend, who had plopped down on your bed.
“You’re never going to believe this.”
“Believe what? You’re really making me wait this long, huh?”
“Okay, okay, listen up,” she coughed and sat up straight. In a rather serious tone, she started reading: “Title of the article: best winter picture competition winner has been announced—” right, that had been going around too, you thought “—Winner: Iwaizumi Hajime.”
“What? Really? He didn’t even tell me he was entering the competition. We hadn’t even talked about it.”
The way your friend was laughing at you was signing you that there was up with that.
“Let me see that,” you snatched the paper from her hands and… your mouth dropped open.
It was a picture of you. In the snow. With the snowflakes falling on your face, eyes closed. In the forest.
Titled: ‘wow you have very pretty eyes.’
That had been taken on one of your outings—not dates; you weren’t dating—to the forest while it had been snowing. Iwaizumi had taken his camera with him, but had only taken pictures of either the animals you guys saw or the flora that had looked pretty in the snow.
Or so you had thought.
Without saying anything else, you disappeared from your room, leaving your friend behind.
You had stormed off, on your way to the building Iwaizumi was residing in. You barged into his room without knocking and held up the paper.
“What is the meaning of this?” you bit at him a little harder than you had intended it to sound.
“You saw it,” he only said, avoiding eye contact.
He seemed nervous.
You lessened your temper.
“Do you like it?”
“I… I do.”
“I meant it.”
“Yup.” He popped the ‘p’.
“I see.”
You didn’t say anything else. You were starting to feel flattered instead. After another look, you had to agree. It was a pretty picture.
“Thank you,” you finally said. “It’s really pretty. I’m glad I was the model that took you to first place,” you said playfully.
He laughed and the ice was broken. “Good. Thanks for modeling for me,” he joked.
“What are you thinking about?” Iwaizumi asked you, pushing you out of your thoughts. He had just entered your room and walked up to you, placing his arms around your waist, with his head leaning on your shoulder.
“Hm? Oh, just thinking about last year’s Secret Santa and the events that followed after—” you glanced at the picture that you had cut out and hung up above your desk “—Secret Santa and the new year.”
“Can’t believe it’s already been a year.”
“Me neither.”
“I hope you had fun this year,” Iwaizumi said, pecking your cheek.
You buried yourself into his hug. “Very much. You?”
“Of course. You played a big part in it so I’m very thankful for that. How you were able to open up to me and all, I appreciate that a lot.”
You smiled and released yourself from Iwaizumi’s grip, to stand up and once again embrace yourself in his arms.
“Thank you too for allowing me to be so open and for your love towards me.”
“To another year full of great things,” Iwaizumi whispered into your hair.
“To another year full of even greater things,” you repeated soflty into his chest.
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fatoujallovv · 3 years
fanfiction writer appreciation: skamverse edition
thank you @yasminaselamrani for starting this lil tag 🥺 i read and write elu so that’s what you’re in for here but i’m sending a kiss on the forehead to any writer or reader of anything for being the best 🥺💛
if you’re a writer:
a fic that you’re really proud of:
i know i’m sitting here while i haven’t even finished the fic but close to you just makes me really happy 🥺 it’s obviously not oscar winning movie adaptation worthy in the slightest but i think it’s turned out to be a really fun story and i’ve enjoyed writing it and messing around with social media 🤪
a fic that you were nervous to post:
my lil mental health oneshots rotten work and not to me, not if it’s you (incredibly original titles i know skfjfj) were literally . an excuse for a cathartic feelings dump via my emotional support projection character monsieur lucas lallemant and i felt like i was being to dramatic or insensitive or portraying things badly (even though it was literally my own experiences adskljg idk don’t ask what i was thinking) or being too personal so i was kind of nervous 🥺 but i got a lovely response and being able to share them was really healing for me so i’m so glad i did it 🥺
a fic you wished got more hits/kudos/comments:
i’m super happy with every bit of response i’ve gotten from my writing 🥺 i love all of my comments so so much and all i want to use this space for is to say thank you guys for being the best 🥺
one of your favorite tropes to write:
i think it’s obvious that it’s childhood best friends because both of my chaptered fics have been that sjdjfjsj but i also love myself some fake dating hence my current best friends fake dating au akdjfj
another ship that you don’t write but you’d like to write:
i wish i could write kieutou but i struggle to relate to kieu my’s perspective to be able to write her from an honest and accurate place bc as much as i adore her she is so so different from me and i feel like i can’t get in her head 🤧🤧
one of your abandoned wip you never wrote but wish you did:
i only ever abandoned one thing and it was gonna be a long oneshot where they met in the laundry room of their dorm and then dumbassery ensued and it was gonna be very silly but then i forgot about it so akdjfj mayhaps i should return to her this summer if i have the time
another writer you would love to collaborate with:
@luxandobscurus @lucasotteli and i have literally. planned to collab before and just never made it happen .... besties let’s get on that summer 2021
i would LOVE to do some sort of sm au or something with a cool unique format with miss @vexedtonightmares the queen of sm and galaxy brain concepts!!!!! i would basically be dead weight but i would be like beyond honored to assist her in making magic with her big beautiful brain
if you’re a reader:
a fic (or more) that you love to reread:
i looooove rereading if i can recognize real by @tawmlinsun (i’m linking part two i think oops) i have said it before but it gives me butterflies every time it is the peeeeerfect lil first kiss/getting together fic omg omg
the reread value of all mixed up by @lucasotteli and online love by @vexedtonightmares !!!!! unmatched !!!!! social media au supremacy lichrally go tos when i need a Laff
tag an author you always love reading:
@clairdelalune i know ur movin away from the fandom queen so soz to bring u into this but everything you’ve ever written makes me happy 🥺🥺 ur style and vibes are so . good and heartwarming
@lumierelovers is just an absolutely gorgeous writer and everything she touches is magical 🥺
recommend a story to your followers:
i will recommend lots 😌 (vaguely in order of length from like 1k to like 100k+)
when you kill the lights (and kiss my eyes) by @blanxkey (zaira i frickin miss u pls write more pure poetry 🤧)
thoughts of you aren’t enough by cgsf on ao3 (i think they might be on tumblr but it didn’t let me tag 😔)
open your heart (and let me know you want me here) by @demaury
save us by @luxandobscurus
last dance by @vexedtonightmares (i linked the chap 2 post bc it has the ao3 link but 😌)
maybe it starts now by @lepetitepeach (first part of the series is linked on ao3 bc i don’t think there’s a ficpost)
tag an author you discovered recently:
@fireflysxx is kinda new to writing and i’m so proud of herrrrrr 🤧🤧🤧 i would like to direct your attention to the fic she wrote for me about eliott basically being grumpy lucas’s personal shopper for the day akdjdh: new style
spread the love!
tag someone who inspires you to write:
@yasminaselamrani you literally never stop like i am so impressed you just always have new stories to tell i admire that so much even if i don’t read wtfock i’m sorry 🤧🤧🤧
tag someone who you’ve admired forever:
i don’t want to bother people and i feel like many of the people i’ve had longstanding Big Admiration for i already tagged or isn’t really here anymore 🥺 so just like . everyone i’ve mentioned i admire so much? that’s cheating but idc
tag your writing support:
@luxandobscurus and @lucasotteli the only ones who care as much about elu in 2021 as me and i don’t feel guilty making them help me with my fics KAJDJDJD and @fireflysxx my biggest cheerleader and self proclaimed number one fan you’re always there wanting to see what i’ve made and it’s so encouraging 🥺💛 also @thenerd10 bc u always leave me the sweetest comments EVER and you literally singlehandedly make posting worth it 🤧🤧💛💓💗💓
ok i’m tagging everyone i mentioned 🥺 and i would tag more people but i haven’t seen a lot of my writer friends around in a while and i don’t want to be bothering anyone so please just do this if you see it and want to!!!
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jksofficialwifey · 4 years
This is how it ends | 1
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a jk drabble series
Summary— Jungkook's thinking of ending things, and you're thinking of ending it with him too.
Inspired by bts universe story JK, bec i rly felt for him when he was drawing the car that would hit him 😭
Tags: angst, fluff, dun worry im a fluffer for happy endings so dun lose hope 😉
TW: talks of suicide, smut etc. Might be triggering to depressed/suicidal ppl like me 🤡 but yk, don't do it hoe it's not worth it i promise. Let's not do it, let's not give up. Even tho life sucks, maybe it won't always- let's stay alive just inc it gets better. And hopefully it will get better someday.
The following story contains scenes that some readers might find disturbing and/or inappropriate, including depictions and conversations related to self-harm, suicidal thoughts and actions. If you or anyone you know are suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts, there are resources available to you such as the National Mental Health Crisis Hotline 09178998727 / 989-8727) and Hopeline Philippines (0917-558-4673/ 09188734673 / 02-88044673/2919) Your suffering is not permanent and you can get help.
Jungkook's pov
It didn't look like it, but Jungkook was bored and tired, so very tired with everything. Though he greeted his classmates enthusiastically, like everything was okay, like he was okay. He's always been a professional actor, he'd often wonder why he hasn't won a grammy yet. He'd been pretending forever now that everything was fine, that he was happy- when in actuality he wasn't. He was far from happy.
He'd been thinking about ending things for quite a while now, he was still in college but it was whatever. It's not like anyone would care if he ended things, if he ended it? His hyungs… His brothers were his only friends, but were they still his friends? Would they care if he was gone? They don't even talk anymore. He had no one anymore.
He decided to take out his frustrations by sketching on his notepad, or more like drawing and planning his imminent death. He was leaning by the windows of the classroom, it was break time and there were only a few students inside the room- most students went out to eat anyway. He was highlighting his drawing of a car running him over and leaving him dying.
After that he was bored again. He decided he'll just have to finish the drawing anyway, since he had nothing to do. He didn't even notice you popping up by his side, suddenly intruding and invading his privacy.
"You want to get run over by a car? That's a messy way to die. Might hurt a lot too." you started. He was taken aback by what you said. "Excuse me but who the hell are you? And why are you judging me?" was the only thing he could think of to say.
Actually mayhaps he did kind of know you, you shared a few classes but you were kind of noticeable, in a way at least. You were shy and silent like him, you were kinda weird too but there was something about you that was kinda cool too. Anyway, he just wanted to taunt you that's why he pretended to not know who you are.
"It doesn't matter who I am you know. What matters is that your chosen way of death is quite disturbing- well wanting to die is already disturbing, but you get what I mean. Can I suggest something?" You inquired. "I don't really care about what you'll say, but sure what do you suggest?" Jungkook answered.
"Wouldn't you like to die another way? Less painfully? A little peacefully even? I could help you, ya know?" you suggested.
"I don't need your help or anyone else's. I can do it myself, so no thanks." he bit. "I meant that I could help you think of a less painful way to die. There's so many ways to die ya know? And I kinda wanted to suggest maybe doing it together?" you awkwardly said, seemingly shy.
"Wait, you want to die at the same time as me? Like do it together?" he stated the obvious. "Duh." was your only reply.
"Why? Do you like me or something?" the audacity of this boytoy. "Ew no. Maybe I just don't wanna feel alone…" you confessed.
"Oh." he was kind of embarrassed for implying you had feelings for him.
"We could just drink cyanide you know? Or suffocate ourselves, or… Wait- I wrote it in my notebook." you said, looking for the said notebook in your bag.
Jungkook never thought there was something really wrong about you, he thought you were just weird. It turned out he was wrong.
Thanks for reading! Pls reblog & comment if u liked this drabble n if u want more! 🥺 My praise kink would be satisfiedd~ also im opening commissions again so if y'all wanna 👀 just message me here!
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stressy-enby · 4 years
“I Told You Not to Bother Me!”
Tenya Iida and sibling reader
Summary: Quarantine has hit 1-A pretty hard. Today, they’re supposed to be starting their fist official Zoom meeting as a whole class. However, class rep Tenya Iida’s younger sibling has nothing to do, and decides to crash their brother’s Zoom call just for the fun of it.
I’m tagging this with “Iida x reader” stuff to make it easier to find. The reader is Tenya’s sibling, and THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS PURELY SIBLING PLATONIC. I’M NOT HAVING ANY OF THAT HITACHIIN BROTHERS SHIT IN HERE.
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. . . . .
Tenya set up his laptop, and navigated to the Zoom application. He double checked his school supplies, reassuring himself that he had everything that he needed.
Let’s see. Pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener, loose leaf paper, note books, a few highlighters... is my phone on silent?
His phone chimed. Tenya picked it up and unlocked it, chuckling at the convenience of the timing.
Well, that answers that. He muted his phone, and opened his messages.
(Y\N) Iida: 
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(Y\N): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLpyTnhf2-c
Tenya, whom had lived with this kid for 14 years, nervously clicked on the link. It was a short video, and tied together well with the meme. He let out an undignified snort, then ran a hand through his hair and adjusted his glasses in embarrassment, despite there being no one was there to witness.
Me: I wasn’t going to contradict you. The sheer amount of memes regarding the misfortunes of this year that you’ve sent me prevents me from doing so.
(Y\N): Lol. Not sorry
Me: I gathered. I’m about to start a Zoom meeting with my class. Please don’t disturb me.
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Tenya slid his phone aside, and input the entrance code to the Zoom meeting.
Izuku’s green head was the first thing to appear on the screen. Tenya’s lips quirked up at the sight of the boy’s many All Might posters papering the wall behind him.
“Oh, Iida’s on!” The freckled boy announced. “Hi, Iida!”
“Hello Midoriya. Hello, everyone.” Tenya greeted.
So far, himself, Izuku, Momo, Shoto, Katsuki, Ochaco, and Mr. Aizawa were the only ones in the call.
“Hey, Iida. How’re you doing?” Ochaco asked as the words Tsuyu Asui joined flashed across the top of the screen.
“I’m doing quite well, thank you.” Tenya nodded as Tsuyu’s face flickered on. “Hello, Tsu. How are you holding up?”
A few minutes (and several text messages reminding the missing classmates to join the call) later, everyone had trickled in. Many looked as though they had just woken up, despite it being nearly 10 A.M.
“Ok, so now that we’re all here, we can start.” Mr. Aizawa drawled. A few people smirked as his face filled the screen. He was wrapped in his usual yellow sleeping bag, and held a huge steaming gray mug.
The sleepy teacher began reviewing the protocol. “I’ve got you lot for ten minutes now, and another ten minutes in two hours. We’ll do morning announcements, I can answer questions, the usual crap. After that, Present Mic will join the call and I’ll hang you all over to him for English. 
As Aizawa explained how classes would work for the quarantine, Tenya heard his bedroom door open behind him. You strutted into your brother’s room as if you owned the place, and flopped down on his bed, opening your book.
“What are you doing?” Tenya hissed, muting his microphone. “I told you not to bother me.”
“Relax, dude,” You smirked “I’ll be quiet.”
“Why are you even in here? Don’t you have your own class?”
You shrugged. “I’m not having video calls for all my classes. I don’t have to be on Zoom for another few hours.”
Tenya shot you another withering look, before returning to his call. What have they got hidden up their sleeve?
However, to the bespectacled boy’s surprise, you were true to your word. You lay on Tenya’s bed, silently reading. For almost an hour, the only sounds either of you made where the scratch of Tenya’s pencil on his paper, or the quiet flicker of you turning the pages of your book.
Present Mic’s English class ended, and Ecto Plasm signed on for math. Still, you were silent. Tenya, who didn’t seem to trust you at all, kept glancing over at you, shocked at how long you had kept quiet. You had abandoned your book in favor of scrolling through your phone, but your brother was still completely surprised. Tenya let a wave of relief wash over him. Maybe they’ll actually leave me alone for the meeting. I mean, I’d rather be alone, but beggars can’t be choosers with them, I suppose.
The relief did not last long. You swung your legs off the bed, walked behind the boy, and planted both hands on his shoulders. He visibly flinched, unsure of what you were planning.
“Teny, I’m going to go get a snack.” You stated calmly. “You want anything?”
“Um, do we still have iced tea?”
“I think so. Want me to bring you a glass?”
“Yes please,” Tenya smiled, still slightly bemused.
“You got it, chief.” You ruffled his hair before sidling out of the room.
“Who was that?” Momo asked, startling Tenya back into the call.
“My younger sibling, (Y\N). I guess they’re hanging out with me.” He answered. “They’ve been unusually quiet. It’s slightly unsettling.”
“I had to lock my room to keep my siblings out.” Tsuyu commented. “I don’t trust them to stay quiet.”
A few minutes later, you returned with two glasses of iced tea in hand, and a sleeve of Girl Scout Thin Mints tucked under your arm.
“Please don’t tell me you intend to eat all of those cookies.” Tenya eyed the plastic covered column as you handed him his drink.
“Mayhaps,” You grinned, setting your own glass down on the night tabled before throwing yourself back onto the bed. 
“(Y\N), you know you shouldn’t-”
“If you’re fast enough, you can have a few.” You shoved two Thin Mints into your mouth defiantly. Sighing heavily, Tenya snatched the sleeve away, taking a cookie for himself before placing it on the other side of his desk.
“Ugh, Tenyaaaa,” You rolled over on the bed, grumbling. “You’re not my moooom.”
“No, but I’m your older brother.” He rolled his eyes. “Now, please be quiet. You’ve disturbed my class enough.” He turned back to his laptop, slightly abashed. “I’m very sorry for the interruptions.”
“Not a problem.” Ecto Plasm said cooly, resuming his lesson.
Tenya glared daggers at you as you slunk around him, stealing your Thin Mints back. You stuck your tongue out as you retreated back to the bed. Tenya fought the urge to throw his math book at you, deciding that it’d be best if he just return to the lesson.
. . . . .
“Ok, unless anyone has any questions, I’m signing off.” Mr. Aizawa rubbed his still tired eyes. “You guys can hang out and talk for a little longer if you want.”
The teacher left the call as his class bid him farewell. Katsuki was next ot go, followed by Fumikage and Yuga.
“So, anyone do anything fun this weekend?” Mina asked, moving her camera as she flopped onto her bed.
“My mom and I had a board game day.” Izuku replied. “We played almost every one we have. It feels like it’s been forever since we hung out like that.”
“Ugh, felt that.” You sauntered over to lean on the back of Tenya’s chair. “This guy never wants to hang out with me anymore.”
“I’ve been busy!” He protested.
“We’re in hecking quarantine, Four-Eyes!” You threw your hands into the air. “There ain’t much to be busy with.”
“Nobody leave the call, I’m getting popcorn!” Denki’s image shook violently as he grabbed his phone and ran. 
“Yeah, this is getting good!” Hanta laughed.
You grinned, giving the camera an exaggerated sweeping bow. “Thank you everyone,” You grinned maliciously at Tenya, who gulped involuntarily. “I’ll be here all quarantine.”
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defstolemyheart · 4 years
even then - bang chan
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tags and warnings: angst, royal! au, depictions and allusion of suicide, blood
note: cross-posted from my instagram page, I guess this is my first tumblr post now ehehe. I recommend listening to Rosyln by Bon Iver and St. Vincent while reading because I was inspired by the song.
word count: 2k
“Stop it!”
His voice was carried by the wind, he was sure of it, but it didn’t reach her.
“Your highness, please! Stop!” Christopher yelled with all of his chest, knuckles turning white as he grabbed onto the window sill for balance with all his might. 
Just a few steps ahead of him, she stood, seemingly unfazed by the sloping of the turret, unbothered by the moss-slippery roof tiles, thoroughly uncaring of the fall that awaited her if she slipped even just a step. Even as the violent breeze collided with her body, she kept going, closer and closer to the edge. 
Christopher braved himself, fear of her falling propelling him forward, though he tried his best to guess which tiles would be less likely to cause his own accident.
“Your highness!” His throat felt raw, his chest burning for air. Yet the pain he felt right now, he knew it was not from him voicing out his concerns. It was from the sight of her- her sleep robe flying about from the wind, she looked like she was swaying.
His eyes scanned the horizon. The sky loomed over the two of them, its darkening clouds shifting about, casting shattered shadows and highlights that further added to the ache in Christopher’s chest. As if the world was reflecting what was in her heart.
The smell of salt and iron was sickeningly thick in the air. The easternmost tower of the castle faced the sea. While it was pleasant to be here during the summertime, where the tide looked soft and kind, now in the winter, the waters were murky and dark, and violent.
Echoes of the crashing waves against the shale and corals hundreds of feet below them were warning signs that they shouldn’t be here. They shouldn’t be standing near the edge of the turret, in nothing but their thin sleepwear.
Christopher took a few more careful steps closer to her, who was standing still despite the shaking wind.
“You know, Christopher…” her words barely audible, but he caught them. “I never wanted any of this…”
Christopher caught her pain too, and the broken sobs spilling from her lips. She swayed, her back hunching as more of her cries escaped her.
“I-I just wanted to live- with y-you.” she choked, figure shaken.
“Please, your highness… come with me now…” he pleaded and she turned half-way to face him. Her expression stricken, and she rolled her lips, as if she was holding back a word.
He reached out his hand, wishing silently that she would take it.
He could see it, the emotions swimming and swirling in her glassy orbs. Her cheeks trembled as more tears streamed down from the edge of her lashes.
“Your highness, I promise we’ll be together, always, okay?” Christopher muttered, feeling his eyes burning.
“LIES!” her voice broke, startling the young man. “Nothing but empty words! Stop lying to me! I told you to stop lying to me!”
“I am not lying- please, your highness, I’ll always be there for you…”
“No, it’s not the same… It’s not! The! Same!” her hands crumpled her hair in frustration. “You will always be there on the sideline, while my father whores me to a self-entitled royalty. That’s not- I don’t want that Christopher…”
She looked up, despair painting her face and Christopher was sure he had the same color on him. 
He knew it was not the same, but there was nothing he could do about it. 
He was a mere knight of a lesser standing noble family, assigned to the princess’s aide. He knew their worlds would never collide, no matter how close he stood by her side. Though he would rather take the chance of staying by her side and let his love stay unreciprocated than losing her. Anything would be better than losing her.
And he feared that he was about to lose her now.
He sucked in a sharp breath, attempting to settle the fear that was rattling his chest.
“I know it’s not the same… but please, please, your highness let’s return to your chamber. Let’s talk there, okay? We will discuss what we could do after we get to your chamber, okay?”
Lies. Lies. Lies. 
Christopher lied. 
There was nothing to discuss, but he needed to keep her alive. Not for the crown prince of the far off kingdom she was promised to. Not for her parents. It was for himself, for his own selfish reason as he could not fathom living without her.
“I never wanted to be born into this world....” she looked straight at him, eyes tinged with something he couldn’t quite place and Christopher felt fear dancing quicker in his heart. “I never asked to be born royalty. I never asked for any of this, and it’s my right to end it.”
Christopher took another step, his right hand still reaching out to her, but she took a step back. 
His chest heaved with horror. Two more steps, and she would fall, crashing onto the rock below. Two more steps-
“Please!” he begged. “Please, princess, please! Take my hand!”
The knight’s stomach flipped in nerves with every passing second the princess took to respond, her lips quivering with words she could not seem to mutter.
Then he could hear it, the commotion coming from the small window that was the only access to the turret.
“Your highness!” Christopher recognized the voice to be Lia, the lady-in-waiting for the princess. 
The princess looked past Christopher’s shoulder, and made him turn his head as well. Tears smudged Lia’s pretty face, fear glazing her eyes. The same expression was worn by two other young ladies-in-waiting, who were all calling for the princess to come back.
Then came a figure they all knew quite well, despite the lack of his crown or his gilded robes, Christopher could recognize him anywhere. The King stood behind the window frame, proud and angry.
“Princess!” his voice boomed, though Christopher couldn’t miss the crack of it. Fear seemed to have poisoned the monarch as well. “Get back here!”
Cacophonous laughter filled the air and Christopher’s heart broke as he saw the princess, holding her stomach and laughing as if she just saw the most entertaining play, yet tears kept racing down her pallid cheeks, staining her skin and sleeping gown.
Christopher’s eyes would not stop burning and his breath hitched as she took another step back.
One more-
“I will not bend to your will, father! I will never bend to your will!” fire filled her eyes as her screams stunned everyone, including the King. 
She turned to her knight, whose face was twisted with pain and fear, whose trembling hand was still open to take hers, if only she would reach out.
“Chris,” her voice hoarse, yet fragile. Like she would break any moment. “Do you love me?”
He didn’t need to second guess himself. He knew very well the answer to that question. His heart knew.
So Christopher nodded, “Yes, your highness, I love you. I love you, so much. So please, please come back. Please, my love, I beg you-”
“That’s all I need.” she smiled, though it didn’t reach her eyes. “I love you too.”
Christopher screamed as the princess let herself fall backward to the grey horizon. He scrambled forward, his fingers brushing with hers, but not quite.
Shrieks and shouts of horror filled the air around them, but they fell deaf to Christopher’s ears as he could not hear anything else but the rustling of her silken gown and her solemn cry.
He caught the fear flashing in her eyes, and the regret on her face. Her arms flapped midair, the ivory silk she adorned painting the illusion of wings as it bloomed from the frigid winter wind. 
He wished for those wings to carry her against the wind, against Gravity.
However, Gravity loved her more than she did her knight, and more than the knight did his princess.
Gravity smiled at her, despite her late regrets and vain attempts to fly back to her knight’s embrace. It pulled her closer, letting her in Its embrace instead. She cracked against the rocks and the tendrils of the sea.
His throat burnt from his wailings, voice scratchy as he blared her name repeatedly. The fingers of his right hand were desperately seeking hers, which now laid limp by her side, while his vice grip on the turret’s edge turned his other hand pallid. He kneeled, vision blurry from tears, but he could still make out as the ashen rocks below began to take on a darker shade, only to be washed away by the crashing waters, carrying red over white and grey. 
He sat still on the tiles. Heart shattered, mind broken. Crimson seeping in his chest.
She laid still on the shales. Bones shattered, skin broken. Crimson seeping from her pores.
Christopher wondered, as he looked between his shaking fingertips and the broken remains of the love of his life... Mayhaps… Had he properly confessed the ever growing fondness for the princess, rooted so deeply in his heart it became the sustenance to his will to live, would she have not even walked the steep stone staircases of this cursed tower?
Had he promised to take her away from this wretched land, to convince her earlier that he would do anything to get her away, to run and live the life they want together outside the roles that the wicked world had fated them to grow into, would she have taken his hand?
His eyes stung from the tears that were falling to the damp, bloodied ground where his love now rested on. 
His words never reached her heart.
They never did, probably from the very start.
He gazed upon his own hand, where the ghost of her touch tingled his freezing skin.
Christopher yearned nothing more than to feel her soft hands in his again.
And suddenly the hundreds of feet that separated him and her didn’t seem to be that far-
“What would you do if I died, Chris?” she asked one night. Her soft features were basking under the gentle moonlight as she leaned an arm against her stone balcony, her cheek resting on her folded arm. Her glassy eyes were intent on the knight who stood quietly two feet away from the insomniac princess. 
Christopher was not supposed to be in her chamber, but only in the dead of night when they both could not rest would the two forlorn people be able to converse without the barrier of their status between them.
His eyes widened, grip on the sword on his waist tightening as he was taken aback by her questioning. Retaliation was on the tip of his tongue but he bit it back and let his thoughts simmer.
He ran his gaze across her figure. From her soft, tousled tresses, to her chilled cheeks, down to her plump, unchapped lips and further to her fingers, hidden by the sleeves of her thick woolen robes. She shifted her stance, looking straight into his eyes. The mere sight of her in her most vulnerable moment made his heart swell with warmth, but remembering her question sent chills running down his spine.
If she dies… Christopher felt his chest tightening at the thought of losing her.
He met her gaze gently, “I would rather not think of that possibility, your highness, surely not any time soon, but… ” he smiled, warm, loving, “I would follow you wherever.”
She perked up, amused. “Even in death?” 
He stepped closer, suddenly washed by the yearning to hold her. “Even then, yes.”
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yehet-me-up · 3 years
Content Tag Game
Tagged by EXO sister-wife Kat @yeoldontknow​ <3 1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
3. how long have you been writing? on this blog?
uhhh I definitely wrote half of several harry potter and lotr fanfics in HS but that was ‘the dark times’ many moons ago. so as an adult this is my only fandom! just stumbled into kpop and stumbled onto fanfics in the most backwards way possible (was sent a meme of a 1D ‘imagine’ and was like hey I wonder if they have these for kpop and then I found them and they were not a meme, but were fucking incredible AND NOW 4 YEARS LATER (started August-ish 2017???) here we are hahaha)
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
oh dear god i just remembered I have an AO3 account..... WHOOPS, shit 😅 might need to, y’know, update that at some point. jfc adhd object permanence is something else.
5. what is your favorite genre to write?
Personally it’s sci fi/fantasy, but here in the fanfic space I’d say..... uhh slice of life, romance, angst but make it a happy ending?? fanfic is a way for me to share all the sort romantic hopeful feelings I have about love and life and friendship and purpose 💕
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
Used to be a pantser when I started this (and when fics used to be like ?? 3k-5k) now that fics in general are longer for one-shots and series my good lord I need an outline. Especially for exo mall which is *insert meme of crazy guy with the bulletin board* a lot for my brain haha
7. one shot or multi-chapter?
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8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
I’d say mine are usually 5k or so?? some series were shorter per chapter, depending on subject matter. I tend to write like... interconnected long as frick oneshots, so i don’t count those as chapters ☠️
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete?
uhhhhh good question haha. my book was 95k and I think exo mall is like *dammit math* 140k or something that has significantly gotten out of hand. I have two more fics so it will probably be like 180ish when it’s done?? not including the drabbles to come haha 
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
I loved No Quarter and torturing Kat with her husband, also staying up all night to finish Chanyeol’s exo mall knowing kat had NO idea it was coming was a BLAST. Kyungsoo’s exo mall was one of the most ‘in the flow’ writing experiences i’ve ever had. I wrote this Baek oneshot at like 3am when i couldn’t sleep once and tbh it felt like I wrote it in a dream. ja;slkfjasd I love so many of these this is like a trip down memory lane, so I’m going to be a wh*re and say two more haha.  This is the most honest and close to ‘real life’ thing I think I’ve written on here (and also one of the only sex scenes I didn’t lose my goddamned mind trying to write a;sldkfja;sdf). And lastly Ablaze, which was the longest thing I’d written (I think) and let me know that hey? maybe I could write a book someday <3
11. favorite request you’ve have written and why (if any?)
This request for Exo Mall Baek was such a joy to write! And for some reason this Taeyong drabble makes me wish I had the time/energy to write it into a full story, it gripped me so much when I wrote it, like a movie had fully downloaded into my brain out of nowhere.
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
For sure! I’d say found family is a big one. Trusting that you’ll find your place even if things don’t make sense or you feel unsure. Believing that love is worth the risk and fear of trusting someone ;laksjdfal;sd. That love can be big gestures and super intense, but that after that fades away it’s the small daily moments that matter most - the people who stay and listen when you’re sad, holding hands and forehead kisses, taking care of people when they’re sick or scared or just need company, showing up to try again or to communicate even when things are hard. 
Someone commented on a fic of mine ages ago that I helped them see that real love (of that small, daily, consistent kind) is possible and MAYHAPS I cried because underneath it all, that’s what I’d want people to take away - that love of all kinds is scary, but it’s always worth it in the end <3
13. current number of wips?
Surprisingly just ... 3? wow how time has changed hahaha. I have Jun + Baek for exo mall (plus some drabbles but that will be something people write in about, so I wouldn’t consider them wips) and then I maaaaay continute on here with the Jun + Min regency baes series. We shall see :)
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing?
1. I can’t NOT write Baekhyun as the biggest cheesy dork in the entire world 2. That I’ll always have endless fantasy world to live in. I have to try actively to not start new WIPs because it’s so damn easy to be inspired. If I’m ever bored I know that I can jump into some story and let myself be carried away for a while 3. that who and how i am in real life is not usually the same person that i am when it comes to the vibe of my writing, and that that’s totally okay <3
15. a quote you like from a published story.
“I wish it had been with someone like you, though,” you say, squeezing his hand.
“Someone like me?” he says, raising his eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.
You look down at the floor, trying to figure out how to put how he makes you feel into words. “Yeah, someone strong, and steady. And safe.”
He lets out a laugh. “Safe? That sounds awfully similar to boring.”
“No, no. You don’t understand,” you say emphatically, coming to stand fully in front of him, grabbing his other hand as well. “You never ask me to be anything but who I am. You’re patient, kind, caring. For the longest time I thought that falling in love would be stifling. That it would… I don’t know, take my independence. Take my spirit. Make me into someone I don’t recognize.”
You step closer, holding his face in your hands. “But I can’t think of anything I want more than to be with you. You make me the best version of who I am. I don’t know how it is for you, being with me. But when I’m with you, it just feels like… home,” you finish gently.
- from Kyungsoo’s exo mall because THIS is how I feel about falling in love now, and this story was me working out what I believed about the process (like a goddamned emo bish haha)
16. a quote from an unpublished story.
For a moment you allow yourself this weakness. It won't destroy you to admire the strong lines of his body, the intensity and focus in the set of his brows, the deep, warm color brown of his eyes as they - oh lord, he's looking directly at you. As he notices you watching him his lips press into a small smile, inclining his head towards you.
'Oh no,' you say, mortified. In a breath you've blinked and drawn your arm through Maggie's, weaving your way through the crowd and dragging her with you.
'What's wrong?' she hisses in your ear, slightly off-kilter from the drink and revelry. 'You're going to tear my arm off.’.
'Sorry, he -' With a hand you push through the front doors, gulping in the cool night air and breathing deeply to steady the erratic pace of your heartbeat. 'Maggie, what's happening to me? He looked at me and I felt so... naked. I can't explain it.'
She realizes you aren't in actual distress and laughs. 'Good. About time you fell in love. I'm delighted.'
- From perhaps a future chapter of Jun and Min regency baes series....
17. space for you to say something to your readers.
Thank you so much. Truly, from the bottom of my heart. This fandom brought writing back into my life after such a long time away and I had no idea I would love it so much. The friends it’s brought me and the kind words that made me cry or cheered me up on a shitty day or made me laugh out loud and the watching other writers grow on their journeys. Getting to hear how something I made could help you feel less alone or less sad on a shitty day is all I’ve ever wanted from sharing all this. Thank you for being here and thank you for sharing parts of yourself with me <3
Tagging anyone who sees this who would like to do it, even if you don’t consider yourself a “real writer” yet (yes you are, stop doubting yourself!!!!) 😘
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