#<- blacklisting tag for mutuals who dont like him
synth-spinner · 2 years
In my head Peter and Miles aren't overly excited to encounter spiders since yknow a certain life changing experience but since superior never directly got bit (even if he has a memory of it), and also since he found the powers pretty interesting to study at first he is much more excited about spiders :3 mostly in a purely scientific sense but they've seen him gently and carefully carry a few and talk to them while carrying them away from danger before ^_^ Anna maria finds this very sweet :] actually no peter and miles think spiders r super cool too but u get what I'm layin down right superior is like the resident spider lover <- definitely not biased just coz I love angry guys being niceys to critters
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acesandocs · 3 months
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Hei Hei
My name is Edd (she/him) and this is my Lackadaisy centric blog where i post and reblog (you guessed it) a variety of Lackadaisy content including: fanart, memes and my own art. I love anything to do with oc's especially, both mine and others. My main oc being Åse, nicknamed Ace. I also have two other blogs @coffeintheface and @missedditart.
If you have any triggers or subjects you blacklist feel free to send me a message and I’ll tag them for you. This blog is overall safe for work, but there are some art pieces that are risqué at the most. Those kinds of posts will be tagged with: cw suggestive.
Oc interactons, fanart or questions are all welcome! I don't really do request or art trades, but im willing to make exeptions for mutuals. I'm not comfortable with fanart that is serious nsfw or gore, as well as anything to do with ai.
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fanart appreciation corner
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More info and tags below
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Info about Ace:
Bio card
How Ace fits into the Lackadaisy comic
family tree and timeline
voice claim
design reference sheet
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Tag glossary:
General tags:
#lackadaisy cats = For canon Lackadaisy characters
#lackadaisy oc = For oc's both mine and others
#oc posting = When something reminds me of my oc. Doesn't allways relate directly to lackadaisy.
#my little mutuals 🦄 = tags for mutal's posts, wich is most of them, i dont know if ill be able to manage every mutal from every blog but we will see how it goes.
Åse related:
#Åse ''Ace'' Olaug Årud = Anything to do with my primary Lackdaisy oc.
#åse info = General info and present story. for those who want to know who Ace is and how he fits into canon.
#åse lore = Ace's backstory and family. Just extra fun for those who want a peak into Ace's life before and after the Lackadaisy comic takes place. Will likely include several superfluous oc's.
#Årud family or #Hall family = When a post is about one or more of Ace's family family members, corresponding to each of them. Also used so i dont have to individually tag like 7 characters.
#Åse by others = Fanart tag for Ace
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77ngiez-archive · 2 years
hey there, user who is accusing me of being a proshipper! i know you’re stalking my blog, so i know you’ll see this ^_^
under the cut so my beloved mutuals dont have to scroll past
okay, you took the monaca and kotoko animatic out of context. obviously theyre toxic in canon, it’s fucking danganronpa. the au is one where they’re older, and the events of drae are veeeery different. also, i only tagged it as ship because it implies kotoko has feelings for monaca… which, you know, is something that is in canon? lol
clearly you didn’t read anything besides the tags on my chatfic. at the end of the first chapter notes, i put a disclaimer about the sanniuri. basically, when i first got into sdra2, i started shipping sanniuri due to a writer i admired. i was only at about chapter two of the game when i began shipping it, so i didn’t realize it was toxic. i also began shipping irl sanniuri. since we know nothing about irl mikado, he’s basically my oc at this point. by the time i realized sanniuri was toxic, i already had a bunch of irl sanniuri hcs. and since, surprise, the way i view it isn’t toxic because irlkado is basically my oc at this point, i still ship it.
supporting ao3 doesn’t make me proship. ao3 is literally the best fanfic site, because it has a legal team, awesome tagging system, site layout, etc. i don’t think that them not taking down fics with problematic elements means i should stop using it. is there a single fanfiction website out there that manages to expunge every ounce of problematic works? no. ao3 is the best site i’ve found, because at least everything is properly tagged.
the reason i only posted about you misgendering me and didn’t try to defend myself was because i have been harassed by a proshipper for a while. and every time i posted about them or PROSHIPPERS IN GENERAL, i was screenshotted and placed on their blog, and faced with more harassment. so i’ve been trying to keep quiet about anything pertaining to that!
junkan is listed as selective on my edit blog because i don’t really have an opinion on it. we don’t know if it was actually abusive or not in canon, because we knew next to nothing about it in canon, besides mikan’s devotion to junko. i don’t care enough about it to blacklist, i don’t like it enough for it not to be selective.
i. am. a. minor. i have had my being a minor on my carrd this entire time. one of my friends and i have met up irl, and we have pictures of it, proving that i’m a minor.
you’re an asshole. just block me and move on instead of stalking my blog and trying to turn my friends against me.
oh yeah, also, the weed fic is literalyl just a fic where teruya otori tries and fails to obtain weed (among other things, such as kinjomae and yuki angst).
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fitzefitcher · 3 years
faction conflict soapbox, pt. 1
okay so it seems like for the most part, there are a couple consistent schools of thought here:
school 1: I'm tired of the Horde being the Bad Guy 24/7
school 2: I'm tired of faction conflict, in general
school 3: Really Deeply wish that the Alliance's crimes would actually be Addressed, At All
school 4: Nuanced Wild Card:tm: opinions that I'll have to tackle individually lmao
so let's get started, obviously this is going to be a long-ass post, so I'm going to preemptively break up my answers to these into separate posts, for readability and also for my own sanity lmao. this will be under my essay tag but also the tag faction conflict soapbox, for blacklisting reasons.
school 1: I'm Tired of the Horde being the Bad Guy 24/7
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@lokaror: i dont tend to have much of it these days. But i hate the "Horde is always the bad guy" stuff. When faction war happens its rarely with too much nuance on either side. The group that is primarily outcasts banding together seemingly always having the bad apples chafes too. But i also see from alliance side that it can be just as raw the other way.
The alliance sprang up out of need to for mutual defense, and the horde is the horde because they also need mutual aid and defence. We can't really put too much real world ideals to either, but at its core its always a tinder that can be lit. No way around that.
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@chryseis: Long time blood elf player! I still love the horde (even though most of my favourite lore characters are alliance lol) because it feels like more of a community than the alliance with their high king. However I'm getting super sick of the horde always being the bad guy, and the fact that blizz has used the same evil warchief plot twice! Having said that, some of my worst/funniest online interactions have been with men on twitter who play alliance and genuinely (1/2)
Believe that anyone who plays horde is a terrible war criminal and not someone playing a computer game lmao (2/2)
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@arkhamarchitecture​:  Feels a lot like Blizzard can't resist making the Horde the villains and even when the Alliance does wrong, it gets written off and excused, like they're not allowed to be the bad guys. Which in turn makes a lot of Alliance players treat the Horde like Blizzard is biased in our favor just because the story is always about us? Even though the story is about our side apparently being full of godawful people? It's really infuriating.
I think a core issue w this is the way that the game often presents the Horde and its various characters without the same empathy that it gives to its Alliance characters (note I said "empathy" and not "nuance" or "character development," we'll get back to that later), so it's not that horde people are incapable of inspiring empathy or aren't empathetic themselves, clearly they are and have evoked that reaction enough from players to arrive at this conclusion, it's that the same sort of steps taken with portraying alliance characters aren't taken with horde characters. like, I've already covered this a bit in my sylvanas essay, but like, we're not really given any opportunity to understand what's going on inside her head, so the actions she takes feel nonsensical, unecessary, or even needlessly cruel, and seemingly as players interacting with this game we have to make a lot of extra effort in order to even attempt to understand it. like, example, the "before the storm" novel portrays her as this horrible, conniving, manipulative Evil Dictator, for not wanting to share vital information about azerite with a faction whose leader has effectively done nothing to curb the warmongering tendencies of its other leaders, when in fact, it's very understandable why she wouldn't wanna do this. But again, the author (Christie Golden, bc of course it is) very explicitly portrays her as Bad Bad Evil Zombie Lady for Daring to think that they can't trust the same faction that seems to take issue with the mere concept of the horde having the Audacity of thinking they Deserve to Live lmao. Like, clearly this is Happening, but's never talked about or formally addressed.
likewise, with Garrosh, our other Bad Bad Evil Dictator Warchief, despite all the weird, wretched, horrible shit he was doing, it unfortunately makes a really terrible kind of sense if examined further.
why did he turn away from the horde leaders? because they had all uniformly rejected him from the getgo. cairne said he'd never accept him, vol'jin said he'd kill him, sylvanas made it clear she would never respect his authority. all before he'd done a single solitary thing as warchief.
why did he turn to war so quickly and so strongly? because nothing else was working. thrall's horde had tried diplomacy for years, and it amounted to nothing, because no matter what he did, no matter how far the horde ran from the eastern kingdoms, the alliances wouldn't stop chasing them and trying to kill them. the alliance would never see them as actual people, they'd only ever see them as twisted monsters and bloodthirsty, mindless beasts.
why did he turn to such violent, inhumane methods? bc the entirety of his first real brush with warfare was in northrend, against the scourge, an enemy that will keep getting up again and again and again until they're utterly annihilated. and before that, all his experiences with conflict were with demons, who were similarly impossible to kill.
like, obviously none of these reasons make it okay for him to do what he had done. just because something is understandable, doesn't mean it's acceptable. but it's never portrayed as understandable. it's never addressed, at all. there is no nuance attached to any of his actions- it is only ever portrayed as Evil, as Manipulative and Conniving and Violent and Warmongering, even though there is a whole slew of reasons for how and why we got here. there is no emotionality, there is only cruelty.
edit: whoops, forgot a relevant ask. added now.
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freebooter4ever · 4 years
i’ve seen the discussion going back and forth on boundaries and sexual objectification, and i don’t have much to add to the conversation other than to say everyone is allowed to determine their OWN ‘lines’ and just because we don’t vocalize them doesn’t make them any less valid. but here’s the limits i set for my blog if anyone feels it is important for them to know (<3):
personally I consider ‘characters’ fair game for anything goes, with ‘public personas’ a little more iffy. ‘RPF’ isn’t new - it just takes on a new more accessible/visible form nowadays. i remember reading my first fic about a ‘real person’ back in my LOTR fandom days - it was a story in first person perspective about the main character meeting orlando bloom on a plane before he was ‘famous’. like a lot of these types of stories, it wasnt so much about the person as it was about the meet cute. the actor was just a convenient placeholder with a handsome face and some personality quirks thrown in to make the romance/dialogue more specific. i personally dont read much xReader fic nowadays, but mostly only cause i’m an old fart who can’t relate to the ‘you’ format. i miss the good old days when people actually created OC’s and then inserted them into things LOL. but also LOL if you think i’ve gone an entire year of quarantine without some imagined personal fantasies of joe mazzello (or steve aoki in the years before)(ramilicious can attest to this. she can also attest to most of these fantasies ending in friendship rather than anything explicit cause that’s just how i roll these days lol). the line i draw is i would never post these types of fics in a place where the subject could accidentally find them - you have to go looking for this stuff on tumblr, most fics are given explicit ratings and under read-mores. with the blacklist tags it’s pretty easy to filter things out. its even easier to add filters to ao3 searches. i am NOT going to do something like message steve aoki and say ‘yeah i watched that movie Ibiza like five times, here is my 1k fic where you’re the dj and i’m the one night stand’. but obviously people still enjoy imagining scenarios like these otherwise movies like Ibiza wouldn’t exist?
for art, i consider anything already on display up for grabs, we all know a certain person’s ass is all over the place...all you have to do is google ‘need for speed’ and rami’s name. HOWEVER, in the case of actors i personally would not draw anything more explicit than what’s already there. i’m not gonna draw full frontal nudity for rami (unless he gifts us with it in a movie, i suppose) or anyone. this is 100% a personal choice for me. 
i was a sophomore or junior in college when i volunteered as a figure drawing monitor where i’d time the nude model’s poses and help them set up the stage and lighting and such. there was this one guy in his mid forties probably, a regular who came every week, and i always thought of him fondly till one day (the day after i ran into my Hot Programming TA during dinner and later sent him an email begging him to go on a date with me because i was desperate for kissing experience)(and Hot Programming TA emailed me back within minutes saying yes) this artist guy who i saw all the time and thought i knew fairly well, decided to draw me instead of the model. which would have been fine except he drew me naked. i was NOT naked at the time, i was wearing a shirt, and a bra, and a full prairie skirt with alternating calico and floral patterns. he drew what he imagined was underneath all that. he came up to me after the figure drawing session and showed me his drawings and told me i had been ‘glowing’ and my response was to laugh it off awkwardly and get the hell out of there as soon as i gave the model their pay check. but inwardly i was thinking a) i was NOT glowing for this creepy man twice my age and b) i did NOT give him consent to sexualize my body under my clothes and then SHOW me that objectification. i never said anything to him or anything else, i continued to be the monitor, and i continued to field off creepy advances from him including multiple job offers, but when i finally realized i could just...stop..and i passed the student volunteer monitor job on to my friend naeem, i also realized that what that older male artist did was NOT ok in my book. and it was probably not something he would do while naeem was monitoring.
nowadays im working in an industry that regularly objectifies female bodies. in the past year alone i have had to deal with requests to make breasts bigger, i have been given character rigs that in addition to the usual elbow, knee, and spine joints also have ‘nipple’ joints but ONLY for the women (to make them jiggle for animation), every time i send out a female pose i get it back with notes that push it further into the sexy type of body language reserved for women (twist the spine more! sway the back more! give it ‘energy!’), i have been told to erase wrinkles and fat and pores but ONLY for the women (men you ADD pores bc realism! and manliness!) and this is all me working for a company that is actually fairly progressive in terms of sexism compared to OTHER studios.
like it or not, sexual objectification is a huge part of specifically women’s lives and how we react to that is our business. for me, turning the tables and putting men on display feels like fair’s fair. i cant stop the men from doing it, so if i want to enjoy sexualizing male bodies, damn it im gonna! like dang it, boy do i want to send steve aoki a thank you note every time he posts a video of himself doing those ice baths during the sunset golden hour bc holy shit gorgeous or working out in his gym wearing VERY little clothes, but i dont because i know what its like when someone imposes their personal fantasies on the subject. or, god, there was that time i had to unfollow nicole’s insta for a while bc i had a very explicit dream about her and realized, shit, i need to take a break and get my emotions under control before i can refollow. and god some of the stuff i see dudes sending her during her live videos on mental illness/meditation is TOTALLY gross and not something they should be confronting her with. and she’s not even ‘famous’ famous. or how some fans send their idols explicit direct messages without consent. THAT feels inappropriate to me.
a part of me feels like i shouldn’t have to defend this. men don’t. they’re even encouraged in mass media to sexualize women. but i also recognize the importance of talking about consent. the importance of recognizing that a celebrity deserves to have their boundaries respected. these are my lines in fandom. other people have different lines they won’t cross, and that’s okay to me. i block or blacklist any blogs or tags i think go over the top.
heck, even in fandom-only spaces i still try to keep my own more sexual fantasies off this blog and only in private messages with my friends and mutuals, and i feel like that might come across as unintentionally prudish or judgmental sometimes. i’m not ‘horny on main’ very often. but like...every time i reblog that particular ‘washing machine’ gif of joe mazzello am i thinking about him naked and thinking about how he’s got very loooooong feet, and ‘gee i wonder if that means /other/ things are Too Big for my tastes’ but also ‘gosh wouldnt that make a pretty picture to draw’???? hell yeah.
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i dont know who is gonna actually read this essay but yolo i guess :)
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brandoncarlo · 5 years
A First Timers Playoff Guide
First off if your team didn’t make the playoffs I’m sorry but also congrats, because you will actually get to enjoy the playoffs. Just pick a team to root for, watch as many games as you can, and if the team you pick gets eliminated oh well, pick another. It’ll take a few days to get over your team not getting in but by may when everyone else has literally murdered each other and is crying into their bloody hands, you’ll be safely stowed on the sidelines.
oh and yeah the murder thing is not an understatement. long time mutuals are going to be blocked. people are going to be blacklisting every version of a team name, and all the players, anon hate will be sent. It is INSANE. If you want to reduce this for yourself, keep on your own blog, tag everything as much as you can, and that way if people see something they dont like. it’s on them. you can vague and be as bitter as you want about the game but if you tag it, you cannot be held accountable.
murder applies to the on ice thing too. the moment the playoffs start the refs go home. At least once a game there’s going to be a non call on something that was clearly illegal during the reg season. The rules have changed. and no one besides Wes McCauley knows what they are now.
Also to continue that part, there’s nothing that produces more hate than having to play the same team 4-7 times in a high pressure environment
every year one guy on some random ass team just all of the sudden goes from “who?” to god level. Like yeah Ovi’s probably gonna do great, Crosby is always doing something wild in the playoffs. But every year there’s some dude like fucking Matt Beleskey who just, does playoff hockey better than regular season hockey. 
Wear two shirts, one on top of the other during games so when youre team is down by 5 goals in the first period you can take the one on top off and reverse your teams luck. 
Decide now if antagonizing the other team genuinely is enjoyable for you. Not passing any judgement here but we all get emotional during the playoffs but it should also be fun. If something isn’t fun don’t feel obligated to keep doing it.
Remember that Steven Stamkos is cursed from ever winning any major tournament. He’s been kept out of the Olympics his whole career for a variety of wacky reasons and Tampa’s been the stanely cup favorite multiple times with him on the team. There’s nohing he’s doing wrong, just, hockey gods hate him. 
It’s chaos and there’s no way to know what’s going to happen so just be prepared for anxiety at all times !!! all times !!!! ALL TIMES !!!!
The schedule is literally so that there’s a bajillion important games a night and your team will usually play the night on, night off, night on, night off, schedule.
If you team gets eliminated in the stanley cup finals in game 6 after the other team scored two goals on you in 17 seconds and the next day you have to go to school, be prepared to cry in class. it happens to the best of us (me).
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cyanotiger · 6 years
Any reasons for that ? (Again just curious lol you dont have to answer this if you dont want!!!
[Referring to this ask]
Oh boy, this is a can of worms.
First of all, anything I say can and probably has been articulated much, much better by others, but I’ll do my best to give you a comprehensive answer.
Also, because this is a rather loaded question, I won’t be censoring the ship name BakuDeku in this post like I usually do, even though my view is pretty negative. I use the blacklisting feature so that I don’t come across content like this and if I censor it, then blacklisting won’t work for the rest of the people like me who want to avoid it. I know I usually censor ship names I’m not fond of, but that’s because it’s usually a small mention so I don’t think it bothers anyone too much, whereas this is a long, relatively detailed post. I will be tagging it with #ship negativity and putting my answer under a read more so that if you like BakuDeku and don’t care about my opinions you can blacklist or otherwise avoid the negativity (same goes for any other ships I dislike).
Warning: Bakugou + BakuDeku negativity below. Scroll ahead if that bothers you.
I think I can give you a good answer if I divide this into three major categories:
I. Combative Relationships
Generally speaking, I’m not a big fan of those. A mutual of mine (that I won’t name because I don’t wanna send drama her way) has said: 
“The thing is, usually, when I ship, I think of the character that would make the other smile more, with fewer conflicts and issues and wounds between them. BakuDeku is full of those.”
and I am of the same opinion. 
(On a similar vein, I don’t like conflictual and combative relationships, but I love conflictual and combative characters.)
I don’t like relationships where those two (or more, though I’m not really a poly shipper) are constantly at each other’s throat, they’re fighting and belittling each other to the point where it leaves deep emotional scars (or physical ones, of course), especially if it’s one-sided.*
*Obviously, I’m not saying that I like ships where the above happens from and to both sides, but at least there’s a sense of mutual conflict instead of one person being each other’s punching bag.
The above being said, I recognize that a) no relationship is without fights and conflicts, and oftentimes, those help us improve as people, and b) I do ship relationships where the characters involved aren’t always “lovey-dovey” and clash a lot. To illustrate my point, I’ll give you two other ships I love that in my opinion fit this stereotype. IwaOi (haikyuu!!), EdWin (Fullmetal Alchemist)** 
**I have only seen the 2009 version, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, so my opinion is solely based off that.
(Also, I should mention that I’ve only watched the anime for the above two, but I have both read the manga and watched the anime for BNHA.)
So, IwaOi. They do clash a lot. Iwaizumi straight-up headbutts Oikawa, slaps his hand, calls him “Trashy,” “Shitty,” “Crappy,” etc. Here’s the thing though: None of those things seriously hurt or fuck up Oikawa. Not even close. We never once see him being remotely sad or afraid because of it. Respectively, Oikawa calls Iwaizumi a brute, pretends like he’s better than him, teases him etc. but none of those things have a negative impact on Iwaizumi. On the contrary, their relationship goes much deeper, since they easily become each other’s pillars.
EdWin. Similarly, they clash quite a bit. Ed calls Winry a mechanic junkie and what-not, and she legit has thrown wrenches and hit him in the head. They certainly bicker a lot. But again: none of these things leave long-lasting (or even short-lasting) scars. They do not diminish the other person’s confidence, they do not make them feel worthless. It’s slapstick, played for a laugh. And of course, you could say that, in the case of Winry throwing wrenches at Ed, “abuse is not funny.” And you’re right. It isn’t. But in this case, it’s not meant to be abuse. It’s comedy, exaggerated anime/manga characteristics and the like. If Hiromu Arakawa had wanted to make EdWin abusive, all that wouldn’t be played for the giggles. It would have real, loaded consequences.
So, I think that sums up the relationship part.
II. Personal experience.
Again, a bit of a can of worms here but what can you do. I’ll gladly admit that an important part of why I dislike BakuDeku (not the main reason, but a good chunk of the entire thing) is due to personal experience.
I’m not gonna talk too much about it because this isn’t something I particularly want to expose for all the world to see with every little detail. The gist of it:
I was bullied throughout nearly the entirety of elementary school (and I also didn’t really have any friends until mid-third grade), and that has played a large part in shaping me to the person I am today, for better or for worse. So you can imagine why I would be less sympathetic towards bullies than your average person. (Because yes, in the beginning, Bakugou was little more than a bully, at least towards Midoriya. Obviously, he’s changed since then, especially in the manga)
Here’s the thing: My bullying was definitely not as bad as what Bakugou did to Midoriya. Don’t get me wrong, it was very much serious, had severe consequences on me, and went on for quite a while, but with that person, it was never (if I recall correctly) physical (I did have another person that got physical with me, though, in fourth and fifth grade. Fun.), but it still fucked me up, in more than one ways. And even though it was nowhere near, dare I say, as bad, they never told me to kill myself, the thought of being with that person romantically and/or sexually makes me sick to my stomach. In fact, I’d be happy if I never heard anything from them ever again.
Continuing, I also strongly disagree with (the majority of?) fandom’s opinion, i.e. that the best way for Bakugou and Midoriya to ‘fix’ their relationship is to be as close as possible, or to constantly work together. I know that yes, sometimes forgiving the person that hurt you helps you heal, but I think that people forget that sometimes, victims and survivors just want to move the fuck on. Again, I’m drawing from personal experience here, so I recognize that this might not apply to Midoriya, but sometimes, what’s best for you is removing yourself from the situation, not immersing yourself in it. Some people can go “You know what, that wasn’t my fault. They hurt me, that doesn’t define me,” and move on. That’s what I was able to do (for the most part). And in that case, rarely/never seeing that person again is what you want/need. You’re able to conceptualize your thoughts and your emotions and your trauma away from them, and heal from your trauma away from them, and that can be immensely helpful for many.
Personally, I actually don’t think Midoriya falls into that category, not exactly. I think he’s one of those people that need an apology/acknowledgement, and that’s why he keeps trying with Bakugou, not because he has feelings for him. And when I say apology I don’t mean “Fucking apologize to me, piece of shit” (which Midoriya would never say, btw) but more of a “I need you to recognize that what you did was wrong, that it wasn’t my fault, and yeah, an apology might be good, but mostly I need that realization from your part”. Like. Several abused/bullied people need that to emotionally move on. Not even an apology, sometimes, but an acknowledgement, that it was not their fault, that they didn’t deserve it.
Whatever the case, I could not disagree more with the opinion “Well, Midoriya has to keep working with/being close to Bakugou to see that he’s not really a bad person, and so that Bakugou can learn to be nicer to him!” that I see a lot.
Generally speaking, I don’t like that Midoriya has to bear so much emotional labor (and relive a lot of painful memories, in my opinion) for the sake of helping Bakugou mature. It’s not his job to fix Bakugou, and as Bakugou’s main victim it shouldn’t be put on his shoulders like that.***
***I saw this last sentence somewhere and I remember it but I cannot, for the life of me, remember who said it.
So, that wraps up the personal experience part. I also wrote a post a while ago about what pisses me off about Bakugou’s bullying (apart from the obvious: fucking bullying), so if you wanna read that, here it is
III. The fandom itself/the shippers themselves.
Disclaimer: I’m aware that this is probably the most subjective of the three. I’m also not referring to specific people here, and this is not meant to call out someone(s). Finally, I am not lumping all the shippers together. The following is stuff I’ve observed in the aggregate of the BakuDeku fandom. I follow/am mutuals with some lovely people that ship BakuDeku, and lastly, dear god, I do not hate BakuDeku shippers.
Straight up, something that is not the cause of my dislike but sometimes fuels it is how prevalent it is. I don’t mean this in the “a lot of people ship it, therefore it’s bad” I mean, I’m a hardcore TodoDeku shipper so. I mean it in the “I can barely search the character tags without a lot of it popping up” (though this has progressively gotten better lately, I don’t know why. Oh well). It’s not like it’s this tiny fandom niche, it. is. Everywhere. 
And I get it, I get it, the same thing can be said about TodoDeku, or KiriBaku, or any of the more popular ships. I’ve blacklisted every possible ship name (BakuDeku, DekuBaku, KatsuDeku, DekuKatsu, KatsuIzu, IzuKatsu…) and it still pops up. And even if it didn’t, you gotta admit that having to scroll past ten consecutive posts on your dash because: “This post contains filtered tags #bakudeku” is pretty fucking annoying.
But of course, as I explained, that’s not really a reason for my dislike, and I’m aware that I’m responsible for curating fandom etc. etc. Nor do I really bear any ill will towards those people; they’re reblogging their ship, after all. It’s just something that annoys me. Even if the above didn’t happen, I still would dislike BakuDeku.
Also, generally speaking, I’ve seen far too much upsetting content, such as rape/non-con, pedophilia, regarding that ship. Of course, a) This does not mean that the BakuDeku fandom is ok with those and b) I recognize that this is not exclusive to the BakuDeku fandom/shippers. (For example, I’ve seen KiriBaku content that is actual pedophilia, such as either of them being a teen/pre-teen and the other being in his mid/late-twenties. So yeah.) But I have seen stuff like that come out of the BakuDeku fandom a lot/more than your average fandom/ship, so. 
(But then again, maybe I just saw too much content like that in a short amount of time so my brain is exaggerating? *shrug*)
Furthermore, in a lot of BakuDeku fan content, I’ve seen a lot of creators either excuse or straight up not even acknowledging Bakugou’s bullying. I’ve barely seen an apology/acknowledgement without the reasoning behind it being Bakugou’s romantic feelings instead of the realization that what he did to Midoriya was fucked up.****
****Perhaps that’s because I mostly came across that stuff in the earlier days of fandom, where Bakugou was still kinda horrible, at least in the anime. I don’t really know, and I can’t judge what’s going on now, because I don’t even go close to it.
And dear god, this might get me flack, but some shippers I’ve seen are downright obnoxious (though again, this probably applies to most ships, I guess). But I’m not talking about “jesus, they’re obsessed with their ship”. I don’t particularly care about that. I’m talking about the “if you don’t ship them/see that their relationship is great/read 5391+ pages worth of meta to justify Bakugou’s actions, you’re a horrible person :) and you don’t understand what the story is about at all :) :) ” Yeah. Those people. Annoy me. Especially those that pretend like somehow not shipping BakuDeku means you’re close-minded and unforgiving and believe that Bakugou is a horrible person that deserves no forgiveness and he should die in a fire (the last part is an exaggeration, but you get my point, I believe, and I legit have seen the close-minded/unforgiving parts). 
Also, I should clarify that I’m aware that some BakuDeku shippers were bullying/abuse victims themselves. Still, that doesn’t give you a pass for being an asshole to someone else (especially another victim) nor does it invalidate the “other side’s” argument.
(And as another disclaimer, I do not really want to associate with the anti BakuDeku crowd, and yes, I have seen some terrible stuff they’ve said too. This isn’t an anti vs. shipper thing, it’s a here’s why I don’t like this ship thing.)
All that being said, I know that the above does not represent the majority of shippers/fandom, but I have seen those things disturbingly often. Maybe it’s the vocal minority. I don’t know, and frankly, I don’t care anymore.
I think that’s pretty much it for this section.
All in all, I get why people ship it. Their dynamic is definitely interesting and a core element of BNHA, and people see different aspects they like in a ship. Just as the reason(s) I ship TodoDeku might be different from another TodoDeku shipper’s, I recognize that obviously not all BakuDeku shippers have the same reasoning behind their shipping, nor do they all want the same things to happen regarding their canon relationship in BNHA.
Anyways, I hope I was able to give you a satisfactory answer, but also holy shit, this got really long. And no problem about answering your first ask.
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tentoxa · 6 years
got tagged by @tsukishima-tadashi for a thing!
1. What are some fandoms you never really reblog/talk about?
ive mentioned it a couple times but ape escape!!!! i love ape escape so so fucking much but basically nobody knows about it so i never get a chance to talk about it lmao! im also massively into spyro and borderlands i just dont really follow many people who also blog about it so shrug
2. For any of your fandoms, are there any minor characters you like more than the main cast?
uuuuhhh skdjffdjss not.. really...? like i love the minor oso characters but probably not more than the Boys bc uh. im a thirsty bitch. iyami could get it tho
3. What are some rarepairs you enjoy? 
ohohohoooo okay. OKAY. get ready for some real self indulgent bullshit: tendou and yama. hmmmmmmmm. mind you ive never gone looking but i’ll bet good money theres gonna be fuckin NOTHING for that ship
also i love ichitoto and ichinyaa but theres way more content for those 
4. Do you have a favorite breed of cat/dog? 
for cats i like the fat fluffy ones like persians and ragdolls :3c
5. Are there any unpopular/hated characters you really like? 
hummmmmm i guess perhaps.... kylo? like i know he has plenty of fans/stans but they feel like a minority. and sonic underground isnt very well known bc of how old and admittedly shitty it is but manic is my fuckin uhhh boyfriend
6. Do you have any anime/manga you’d recommend to me? 
panyo panyo di gi charat!! its sickeningly sweet but very simple and cute and the episodes are only like 5 minutes i think? i think it was the first anime i (properly) watched. it holds a very dear place in my heart i rec it to everyone regardless of taste lol
7. Convince me why I should ship your OTP. Or, if you’re up for it, why I shouldn’t ship your NOTP. 
we have a lot of the same opinions on ships actually!! im not really one for Meta on characters and relationships i just kinda gesture to them and make weird noises
8. Are there any qualities all of your favorite characters share? Basically, do you have a type when it comes to characters you stan?
honestly i couldnt personally tell you i feel like im all over the place... i certainly have my biases but i’ll also go for characters that are the complete opposite. its wild im just along for the ride
9. What’s the pettiest reason you’ve ever unfollowed someone for?
skdfjkjkdsg i dont know omg uh... i unfollowed someone not that long ago for breaking mutuals but honestly they were on thin ice for a host of other reasons already soo
or maybe that one person ages ago who posted ships i didnt like bc i couldnt blacklist at the time
10. Are there any minor details that can completely ruin an otherwise promising fanfic for you? Conflicting headcanons and such. (Example: I instantly exit any fanfic that mentions Yamaguchi being bad at baking because it conflicts so heavily with my image of him.)
theres probably plenty but oh man i havent read fanfic for months i just dont have the attention span for it anymore
im not taggin anyone bc im a lazy bitch lol ╰(・∇・╰)
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Yeah, Nice Strawman. Wanna try debating  real person?
”If it’s not nice don’t criticize it! You have to say it gently!”
That’s the stupidest thing anyone can ever say about anything.
You’re right... too bad NO ONE has said that.
What you are doin is building a strawman of what I have said in the past which is “You need to say something good about a show to truly criticize it.”
Notice how I don’t say “only something good.”
Because you can say bad things about a show. But only saying bad things all the god damn time about whatever you “criticism” (Which is the RWDE tag’s modius operande) You are not a critic: You’re a hater. Even people like Doug Walker have said good things about movies or had positive reviews. I have NEVER seen anything positive in the RWDE tag. Ever. And no, the whole “it’s a tag for negativity” has no excuse here. Criticism (as in, PROFESSIONAL criticism) is inherently neutral and not meant to be negative 100% of the time. If it were, people wouldn’t take any reviews seriously.
So nice try with the Strawman but all it does is make you look pathetic.
Think of RVVBY as a person. If you go up to it and baby it the whole time saying there’s nothing wrong with what’s happening in the story and it is perfectly fine how it is, it’s most likely not gonna change and it’ll think that every form of criticism is an attack against it.
Too bad that’s not what’s going on. What you are doing is freaking at the show for making the tiniest of mistakes, mistakes which I have SEEN people look over in other shows, and never giving it praise for what it does right. Hell, most of the time people in the RWDE tag construe everything positive as negative and blame the show for faults that aren’t even there. Speaking as someone who has had this happen to them, let me tell you: it causes severe mental issues and fucks people up.
With you people, it isn’t about criticism: It’s about CONTROL. You want to control the show so you deride for anything you don’t like, ignoring how criticism and personal opinion are NOT mutual inclusive, because things aren’t going the way you want them.     
When Miles had asked for Nice Things my head was spinning. If I had a popular show like he did I would be desperate for fans’ opinions and criticisms so I know what needs to be fixed. I’m not going to bend at their will if they ask for like, I dunno, a ship to become canon because relationships take time and development, and in order for that to happen, the chracters in the ship need development and sensible interaction. Which is something RVVBY hasn’t done yet but you know what let’s move on.
See, right there. The characters have had sensible interactions with each other. Hell, Ruby and Blake remind me of myself and how I interact with people. What you are doing is exactly the problem: You REFUSE to say one good thing about the show. If all you do is bitch: Then how are they suppose to know what to do? Massive amount of negativity only leads to anger and frustration. Once again, talking from personal experience.
Also, when did Miles ask for Nice Things? The RTX panel? Gee, not like a certain group of shippers just got pissy and attacked Jeff and Arryn so Miles probably doesn’t want a repeat. Also, that disproves your statement about ships so good jb: facts contradict you.
You’re right, RVVBY does not belong to us. I’m sure that many people in this tag love RVVBY as much as I do, but we aren’t so willing to ignore its many.. many.. oh so many problems. If the RWDE tag is so bothersome to you because people like me are in it, blacklist it. Don’t even enter it to begin with. Live in the bliss of ignorance.
Fuck you.
You people don’t love RWBY at all, you love control. You’re all a bunch of fragile egotistical control freaks who can’t comprehend that maybe, just because YOU don’t like something, the problem si with you. Because you can say nothing but bad things about something and when the possibility of getting a geninuine compliment out of you is lower than getting Satan to stop being a dick: YOU DON’T LOVE IT.
You’re plea for “ignorance” is less you giving advice and you asking people to not look when you try to abuse the showrunners and the fans.
I am sick and tired of this abusive relationship people like you have with creators and fandoms. I have here a list of examples so why don’t I go ahead and read off some of this huh? 
A Japanese voice actor had to stop making image songs because so many “fans” kept bitching about his singing voice.
A founder of Studio Gainax was forced to leave because one episode of an anime was off-model and his ”fans” bombarded him.
Hideaki Anno was driven to depression by his “fans” sent him DEATH THREATS over an ending.
Voltron had a “fan” BLACKMAIL the studio with storyboard photos (which could get the whole team FIRED).
Tokyo Ghoul’s creator got suicide baited by his “fans” for making aship canon.
Samurai Jack got derided for “Compulsory Heterosexuality” for having an in-canon relationship.
Dream Daddy had an artist being attacked over a fanart and the creators ahd to stop their “fans”.
And Steven Universe? Where do I begin? Driving an artist to suicide? Implying that a show creator was racist? Attacking Rebecca Sugar and OUTRIGHT FORCING HER TO APOLOGIZE FOR IT?
And all of these fandoms all displayed the same symptoms of the RWDE tag. Fucking hell, Voltron and SU have “critical” tags that pull this shit regularly. And bad enough: Some of you assholes acknowledge that they do this without seeing what you are doing.
So excuse me if I don’t want the RWBY fandom to become shit like the rest. And excuse me if I don’t trust people who have shown signs of Psychopathy and Domestic Abusers.
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lunarhoseok · 7 years
I wanted to do a follow forever but chances are if I follow you I will follow you till Tumblr deletes my blog so to make it more meaningful I wanted to talk about my fav mutuals who helped me procrastinate through the end of my degree. Also I really like complimenting people so this is for me too. All of you will get an emoji that reminds me of you.
@clotpolesonly my #1 bae. The only one other than jungkook and yixing that gets 💖💖💖 emojis. She still follows me even tho I’m pretty sure she has all my posts blacklisted. Part of the reason I figured out how much I love girls?? Always validates my sexuality no matter how much I flip flop. We’re gross and got a couples app that lets you touch thumb prints and I literally almost passed out when we did it?? Honestly just love you a lot. Your emoji: 💖
@brunettenamjoon my #1 irl bae. Only person I know irl that follows me. Puts up with all my shit. 100% of it. Forced helped me to come to terms with my love for Jungkook. Made me a better person because of it. Flew to New York with me to see bts and spent way more money than we should have. Put up with me when I cried at said concert bc I couldn’t take a picture with virtual jungkook. 100% supportive but is 100% ready to fight me at any time. Your emoji: 😽
@moonlightyeollie she is my child. If you do anything mean to her I will find you and I will come for you. Was the first person outside of previous friendships that I screamed about exo to. I gave her updates on the exo'ridium concert because she could not watch. 10/10 would recommend talking to. Sends me/tags me in baekxing things bless you for it. Your emoji: 🌟
@hobilouu we met at the concert in Newark and it was so nice meeting you??? Bless you for standing with me in front of the cut outs and taking my picture with jungkook and hobi. Also I felt instantly connected to you because our biases are the same! Super cute. Super nice. I’m glad we got to meet!!! Hopefully we can meet again!!! Your emoji: ☀️
@yiffxing I’ve always seen your selfies around and ur supportiveness towards Yixing but I only recently followed you and you followed me back and I literally almost had a heartattack??? So beautiful and such a great person I strive to be like you tbh. Yixing is lucky to have you. Your emoji: ✨
@squishychimchim i started following you when you are dan and phil blog and i was a dan and phil blog and then we both became kpop blogs and im glad we went on this journey together even tho we have never talked rip its fine. ur url is goals and ur posts are so cute and i love you so much. Your emoji: 💫
@gguked honestly bless you. ur part of the reason i was able to come to terms with my jungkook bias. ur photosets are beautiful and i love every single one of them with all of my heart. i am 100% jealous of ur url it has my short aesthetic and is just wonderful plz i love everything about you. Your emoji: 💗 
@chengineering honestly i look for your posts in my feed ur pretty much one of the only people whose blog i actually check. ur tags are A++ i always read them they bring me joy tbh. ur url is great im jealous also ur love for yixing and chen????? ideal. more people need to be like you. Your emoji: 🦄
@blushguk also part of the reason i was able to come to terms with my jungkook bias. ur super soft for him and i 100% relate. ur blog is what i went to when i was procrastinating my final assignment tbh like whats better than not doing work??? looking at someone be soft for jungkook. hes so lucky to have you tbh. Your emoji: 💞 
@zyxtheking​ yixing stans are the greatest tbh idk ur love for yixing fuels me???? i love it??? thank you for loving yixing so much he is lucky to have you !!!!! ur tags are super relatable, i too am always crying over yixing. also ur url is 100% true and is the best url in existence. Your emoji: 🐰 
@imchangki Followed you on ur haikyuu!! blog and then followed you on this blog cause ur great. thank you for your love for monsta x our boys deserve all the love and you help spread it. bless you i love ur blog so much it makes me happy tbh. Your emoji: 💥
@zhangiyixing honestly ur url tho id literally sell my soul to get that url. also you love yixing and i instantly love anyone that loves yixing okay idk i dont make the rules it just happens. A++++ blog, great aesthetic posts, loves yixing, i feel pressured knowing you follow me tbh i am in love with you????. Your emoji: 🌈 
@chanyeolpe i remember when we used to tag each other in tag thingys and then i never actually did the ones you tagged me in so it stopped and im sorry i am Not A Good Person please forgive me and know i loved and appreciated every single time you did tag me im just lazy plz im sorry know i love you a lot. you were also one of the first kpop blogs i followed and i love ur blog a lot?! Your emoji: 😍 
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sosekinyatsume · 8 years
Tagged by my gf @importattrashcollectio Last movie I watched: hidden figures..... it was rly good lol Last song I listened to: house of the rising sun on accordion (im trying to learn how to play it lol... i get my accordion next week) Last show I watched: blacklist... i got so obsessed i had to stop and take a break for a week because it was ruining me emotionally and ive never had that w a show before... i just have a special connection to this one lol Last thing I ate: ramen... the poor man's dinner Last book I read: welcome to nightvale. A good book based on my fav audio podcast If I could be anywhere right now: japan, visiting my gf, or anywhere where i dont have to deal w the horrible responsibility i do rn When would I time travel to: the anime con in april, im going as reigen. That or i would skip ahead until the end of the school year when i am free of work and also my dad who keeps making me go to court against him First thing I’d do with lottery money: buy more accordions. Or go to japan. Or visit my gf. Or pay for her and i to go on a trip somewhere. Or save it for college; i dont need much stuff Character I would hang out with for a day: gai sensei or rock lee bc i need the motivation and they are, extremely motivational to say the least Time right now: 9:30 pm shit i have to do hw I tag @atomicdangos @thegoodguyslose and any other mutuals or other people who want to do it Like seriously i only tagged people who i think might actually do it but feel free to go ahead gang
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haxxy · 3 years
i just noticed that @noro-noro-noro tagged me in this a few days ago OOPS
1. Why did you choose your url?
I wanted to change my previous one (it had been inkymachetes). I don't think there was any specific thought process behind picking this one though. It was kind of just "what the hell -> what the heck -> what the haxx" (that isn't even something i've EVER said though, so idk why I chose that specific way to censor it sdjfklds)
2. Any side blogs?
I have a ton of sideblogs tbh, but the only one that's active/important is @haxxydraws which is my artblog
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
since july 2012 babey!
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I used to tag queue posts as "Q" but then I realized that I was lazy and stopped doing that
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
@grinningwheel made one so I followed him here (before this i used deviantART as my main social media)
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Eyes used to be my main gimmick + I have central heterochromia (not the same colors / as drastic as my icon though). Eventually I realized that some people saw my icon as a sunflower instead of an iris, which made me like it even more bc sunflowers are my favorite flower + I dig things that can be interpreted multiple ways.
7. Why did you choose your header?
I used to be super into glitch art + I've had that pic as my header for years. If it aint broke dont fix it
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
this vent art-y edit of the simpsons porn shirt comic, which is the bane of my existence bc literally everyone tags it with the same self deprecating shit
9. How many mutuals do you have?
260 (yes I went through and counted)
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many people do you follow?
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
I use it on and off for most of the day, what can I say... I like scrolling.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
Yeah, I mean obv I've had occasional beef with ex friends + shit through tumblr, but I think the last time i got into a "fight" on tumblr is the one time a hannibal fandom mom yelled at me for having opinions
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
I have "reblog for" blacklisted no joke (this is irt posts like "this is the money [insert animal] reblog for money... wow it really works!!" ) If it's stuff like signal boosts, I can understand the mindset behind saying stuff like "you have to reblog this," but I tend to favor informational posts that don't come with a side of guilt tripping.
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes! although I don't usually pass them on bc as you just saw i have 260 mutuals and I never know who to tag
17. Do you like ask games?
Yes, but I don't really get asks anymore so I don't reblog them as much as I did back in the day
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I'm mutuals with @gayarsonist so that's kind of the obvious answer sjkdlf.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I'm dating a mutual
I'm bad at pinging people for these, but if you want to, feel free to snatch this from me + tag me so I can see it
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