#<- a fancy way of saying yapfest
sipho-pearl · 3 months
the instrumental of More Than Survive
I don’t really know any music theory or anything like that!! This is just my own analysis of what I thought while listening to it for the 23934847384th time !!! For this analysis, this is the accompaniment I am basing my analysis off of :D 
(an extension of my analysis into jeremy’s rhyme patterns, except I go off topic a few times but thats okay)
below the cut because it's pretty long!
The start of More Than Survive (MTS)’s melody is very different to every other song; rather than having a strong melody right from the start, it slowly winds up with the sound of Jeremy’s computer. In the opening lines, an electronic beat plays in the background as Jeremy sings. However, this is quickly replaced by a different beat during and after the 2nd verse, as the song quickly changes topic, mirroring Jeremy.
In the third verse, when we get to the main beat of the song, the song’s complete instrumental begins playing. While it is not that noticeable, this instrumental accompanies Jeremy’s strange rhyme scheme and adds to it, constantly changing and never staying in one comfortable pattern. If you listen to the instrumental, this is more obvious, but even from verse to verse the style of the song changes — while at the start, it sticks to a very electronic style, you quickly hear it transition into a more pop-esque style, the main theme, into very percussion and jazz heavy bits, areas with not much backing at all, and back and forth, as if Jeremy was constantly trying new styles in order to try and awkwardly fit in.
This accompanies the feeling that Jeremy expresses about being out of place and unable to fit into the school environment. While this is noticeable in every song that Jeremy’s in, it is primarily seen in MTS. There are even sections where the instrumental cuts out completely and abruptly while Jeremy continues singing; it’s definitely intended to be abrupt, off-beat and adds to the strange and out of place feeling that you get from the rest of MTS.
Looking at the verse where Michael comes in—Verse 17—we see another complete disruption to the (while vague) musical motifs via Michael’s entrance. When he enters, we see a shift to a Bob Marley-esque beat in the background, with Michael’s theme playing on top. Jeremy’s theme disappears completely, alluding to the fact that he feels like ‘player two’ in their friendship*. 
As soon as Michael goes, Jeremy slips back into the same irregular beat that makes up most of the song — as I stated in my rhyme scheme analysis, Michael is one of the people in Be More Chill who helps to balance Jeremy out and shows how they work better together, even if Michael does overpower/take control in the dynamic*, shown again by how their themes clash.
Then, suddenly, Michael’s theme stops, and Jeremy’s theme awkwardly transitions back in, further showing how he feels incomplete without Michael. It even segues back into the starting beat for a minute, before the instruments, one by one, slowly begin to transition back in.
*this may just be me reading way too much into this
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dipperscavern · 13 days
Who up pondering they orb rn? Dipper, that's who!
It's me, chonky, and I hereby request your finest 🔮 reading, please and thank you. Also, sorry for the oncoming wall of text.
As my self-proclaimed title suggests, I am chonky. I'd say I'm probably mid-sized actually but that's only really because I lost some weight when covid happened and the depression rolled in. Anyway, I think I'm 5'5/5'6 but I actually don't know so that's just an estimate based on how tall I am compared to my mom who's 5'11.
I'm biracial but my father's irish-italian genes colonized me so hard, my only afro-centric features I inherited from my mom is my nose, lips, and curly hair, textured around the 3a-3c mark depending on how agreeable my hair is.
I also used to speak spanish when I was way younger because I grew up around my mom's family and she's half puerto rican on her dad's side. Unfortunately, that got whitewashed too when me and my parents moved and I know longer know the language.
I'm from New Jersey but was primarily raised in the New England area of America. I'm (almost) 19 and unlike Jared, I did learn how to read and I enjoy it very much.
I love music of all kinds except country and k-pop is on really thin ice. I'm self-diagnosed autistic and incredibly socially awkward. I make a lot of race jokes but in the "white people can't season their damn food" way instead of the "racist remarks and racial slurs I can't reclaim" way. I'm here, I'm queer, and I really, really need a beer because these damn politicians are going to turn me into an alcoholic, I swear.
I'm a switch but I prefer to dom. Or at least I would. Unfortunately, I get no bitches for I have no rizz. I also have questionable taste in men and women because best believe, you put me in a room alone with Cersei Lannister, her brother (or her lover), Aegon Targaryen II, Aemond Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, or Criston Cole, all them bitches walking out pregnant and I will not apologize for that.
I think that's it. Sorry for the yapfest. All that not talking to people irl manifests into being a blabbermouth online.
-chonky anon
who up pondering they orb rn (me), ANYWAYS, come, dear chonky, and let my crystal friend tell us which man will you love until your timely end 🔮
hm… i see… who is that? no, seriously, who the hell in my orb rn?? OH A PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE— excuse my french, that’s your brother jared. *i outstretch my hand, and a nearby unseen hamster gladly walks on it. i flip it, using its back to rub my eyes clean. you watch in horror as i finish my business, setting the hamster down, and returning my gaze to my crystal ball*
ah, that’s more like it. yes yes… i gaze upon (the first) king in the north, robb stark. the thing that solidified that for me was the race jokes 😭 he’d think you’re sooooo funny, and you remind him a lot of theon (whether or not that hurts his heart after theons betrayal, we’ll never know). and your attitude about politicians is exactly how robb feels 24/7. he’s a great battle strategist, but politics make his head hurt, and he’d love being able to complain with you. the part about being socially awkward and preferring not to speak with people much would tickle robb’s fancy at times, because he feels like he gets you allll to himself. and don’t even worry about the rizz!! robb is a-okay being the charming one, and relishes in being able to tease you all he likes <3
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 6 months
I'm baaaaaaack and I finished the series‼️‼️‼️‼️
Sorry if this one's a long one I felt many emotions listening to Auron's story
First off, I was always curious about Auron, but I didn't want to listen to him outta "fear" it'd just be some sorta weird spicy roleplay with no actual story behind it. {And also I was nervous listening to a whole series that clearly a lotta people love. It was the same with bittersweet lol} However, this was before I even finished listening to all of Finn's and Charlie's episodes, and way before I even knew Yurri even cared that much about these characters!
I'm very glad to say I don't think that way anymore. I appreciate Auron's story, just like the others its well made and well done! Idk what I was expecting, but what I got was beautifully written and acted out.
However, I won't lie, I was a lil put off with all the horny-ness. I appreciate it don't get me wrong‼️‼️‼️‼️ I just wasn't expecting that much forwardness LMAO
Sadly, he's not my all time favorite, but as Auron himself said, He's an acquired taste! I did really like all those times he got soft and vulnerable with us, and again, I won't lie, that really saved him for me in the end.
I heard yurris continuing on with his story and even if he's not my absolute fave{YET, who knows}I'm very excited to see what's in store!
XOXO, sorry for the yapfest<3
-{Fancy brackets} Anon
Yeah, I can see why people would think Auron is just the spicy character with a solely spice story. But as his goes on you can see more layers to him and it makes you more intrigued with his story! Especially since Shattered is coming out (we don't know when but it's getting there). I'm happy you were able to experience the other stories as well that Yuuri has made! I really love how he can make different stories that seem they will be just cookie cutter like other asmr stories but does his own spin on things!
And yeah with Auron including any of the other characters they can be a acquired taste for a few people. Its always interesting when people do give Auron a chance they see he has more to give than being a dom ceo. On the topic of favs I actually favored Finn more than the others before listening to all the stories and when I finally did listen to Auron he smashed through the door and said "I live here now." Like??? Pay rent??? More on Shattered we did get a snip-it of Auron dialogue and AAAA I was geeking out about it bc Auron saying those words is hot. I won't lie I'm a simp for him </3
Also never apologize for yapping in my inbox it's nice to talk about these things!
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squirrelpatties · 5 months
Thinking about Percy, and what his relationship with his various aunts and uncles are like. I’m sure poppy is absolutely obsessed with him, the moment smidge showed off the egg being something she’ll never forget.
yapfest under the cut
poppy loves kids and she has a great attachment to any of her close friends or familys kids especially. In trollstopia its implied she has a bit of a habit of spoiling tiny and i think the same reigns true with percy.
Branch isnt as outwardly enamored but he does like the kid!!!! He can relate to his quiet and ever so slightly offputting nature
Guy is probably such a fun uncle, i imagine that as a parent himself whos really close to smidge he babysits a ton. Guy is richer and more eccentric and i imagine he takes him out for fun activities. I also imagine hes much more lax with him and spoils him a tad. Tiny, being a few years older than him, feels a responsibility for him the same way an older cousin or sibling would. Percy is more reserved and quiet so he probably gets bored by tiny and guys eccentricities and wanders off. A lot.
Percy likes biggie, hes very nice :)))) and his worm is super cool
He likes cooper a lot too! Hes silly and very sweet. Hes also incredibly funny but knows when to tone it down. He also really likes prince d, hes sweet and patient and one of the most understanding guys out there, but hes assertive and not afraid to say it how it is. Hes also super fun
Hes got....mixed feelings on the twins. Theyre nice yeah but theyre also very loud and they bicker and the clothes they make him, while a nice gesture are not his style. Too...fancy is the right word? Hes more of a summer/fall anyway
Hes the only one who understand wtf fuzzbert and the fuzzlings are saying
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