star-critter · 7 months
How Surge got her phone privileges taken away
(Text convo incorrect quote)
Starline : Text me to say you're home safely.
Surge : I'm home dangerously.
Starline : Stop it.
Surge : I'm home lethally.
Starline : Surge.
Kit, texting through Surge's phone : We are home in an extremely lackadaisical and downright reckless fashion.
Starline : Text me when you two are at home and not in a wheelie bin.
Surge : My journey home is violating so many health and safety regulations. I've killed three people.
Starline : ...
Surge : I actually got murdered as soon as I left your field of vision.
Starline : Surge, this is not funny.
Surge : And then I got up and was immediately murdered again by a different dude.
Starline : I have an experiment to conduct. So, I will be unable to respond to your witticisms.
Surge : Who knows how many more times I'll have been murdered by the time you're done with your nerd stuff.
Surge, finally getting off her phone and turning to Kit : Welp. I think I'm funny! And that's all that matters!
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