#<<< i was working at a boarding kennel at the time so it . made sense. but also we were 3 dumb teens in charge of dog supplies at 10pm
soft-spooks · 2 years
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0 notes
petluxe157 · 5 months
Pet Luxe Boutique & Spa –Pet Shop & Grooming service
Contact a friendly Pets First agent whenever you need them, day or night. You can end up saving both time and money by using this method. Remembering this will ensure that they will thoroughly enjoy shopping dog grooming course If you don't see immediate savings, don't write off the component's long-term value. Before you retire, make sure you've thought of everything. You can expect spotless rooms, delectable meals, and impeccable amenities if you go with a first-rate service provider. Another option would be to provide them with a sturdy board. In order to keep clean hands, you and Fido should take turns washing them. Pets First has all the supplies you'll need for this task. You can trust this business to provide reasonable prices for top-notch pet care. By sticking with this service, you've made a huge mistake. Rest assured, your trust in our service will be restored once we've rectified the issue. When it gets warmer outside, you can start taking your pet on walks while cleaning its fur. Embrace the chances that present themselves. This will have no negative consequences.
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There will be an abundance of opportunities for you if you are good at seizing them. Rest assured, our spa staff will take care of your cherished pet. The those that really dove into their work achieved remarkable results. Trust the spa personnel to provide outstanding service. You need not be concerned about this promise. We can say this with confidence now that we've resolved your concerns. I mean, come on! You should always give your pet plenty of space to roam and unwind. Breathe deeply to bring yourself to the here and now. Please don't hesitate to contact us whenever you have questions about redeeming this pet grooming discount code. If you're not sure what your pet like when it comes to grooming, we provide personalised services to assist you figure it out. You may wind up saving a tonne of money if everything goes according to plan. Why? To get the campaign rolling earlier than planned, take advantage of our limited-time offer. On the other hand, you could do nothing at all. Because nothing has changed on that front, you can relax. We landed ourselves in this embarrassing situation because our previous plan did not account for the actual cost of honesty services. The results of your decisions are completely out of your control. Our wide range of pet care services is the main reason for this issue. Remember this so you can act more sensibly. This is extremely important in light of recent events. 
All it takes to unwind when the mood strikes is a short horseback ride. We have a large, welcoming indoor space in addition to an outside play area. I implore you to read this if you hold a negative view of kennels. We are writing to formally request that you take action regarding our pet boarding issue, which is rapidly becoming out of hand. If we desire this change to occur, we must maintain our luminous presence. We will have achieved our goal of becoming the market leaders regardless of the outcome. Our dreams can finally come true now. Every ounce of our being is going into this because of how important it is. When you're not looking, Fido can run amok in the garden grooming services I am completely unprepared when it comes to this specific matter. Nothing will change; everything will stay the same. Analysing the reasoning and assumptions that underpinned them occupies a significant portion of the book. The journey will undoubtedly remain etched in the kids' minds indelibly. My assertions from this semester do not necessitate any additional research. The reply is hard to make sense of. Our ability to reach more people will be greatly enhanced by this technique. The outcome of the operation will determine their fate. This is just one example of how decisions made here can have a significant impact. I assure you this is in no way an all-inclusive list. 
We will continue searching for your beloved canines until we receive a response from you. With this agreement in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that your children are protected. Healthcare, social security, and special needs children all have far more serious issues. Our clients may rest assured that we will provide them with first-rate help for whatever size or complexity of project. To satisfy their extensive set of demands, multiple plans are presently under development. There is no going back once our hearts are involved. Your pets will receive first-rate care from our veterinary technicians while you're away. Right now, more than ever, it's beneficial to focus on the here and now and to keep things simple. Put your personal happiness first at this very moment. 
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lillywillow · 4 years
Puppy Love
Summary: When Bucky finds a group of abandoned puppies, it changes his life in a way he didn’t think was possible.
 Word Count: 1178
 Square Filled: Vet Clinic AU
 Pairings: Bucky x Reader
 Warnings: Slight medical themes, someone being a thoughtless jerk
 Author’s Note: Every day, hundreds of animals die needlessly in shelters. If you are thinking of getting a pet, consider adopting one from a shelter and help an animal find their forever home.
This is written for @star-spangled-bingo
 Running a low cost vet clinic wasn’t easy but at times, it could be very rewarding. Sometimes, it made things difficult on the dating front but that started to change when your cute neighbour Bucky asked you out. He was shy at first but after going on a few dates you bonded over your love of animals. Bucky had confessed to you that he preferred animals to people to which you had to agree. Sure there the occasional date that was cut short due to an emergency at the clinic but there was a real connection between the two of you.
One day at the clinic, you were getting ready for your lunch break when you heard a great commotion coming from the reception area.
 “I’m sorry, sir, you’ll have to wait in line-”
 “But they need help now!” You saw Bucky standing at the desk holding what looked to be his shirt in his hands and close to his well toned chest. His long hair had been pulled back and he was sweaty as if he had been running.
 “Bucky?” The man locked eyes with you.
 “Y/N! You have to help them! Please!” he begged. As you moved closer, you could see in the fabric five tiny puppies, barely old enough to be away from their mother.
 “Follow me...” You showed Bucky to one of the examination rooms.
 “I was out jogging and I passed a trash can when I heard them whimpering... someone had stuffed them in there,” he said bitterly. “I couldn’t just leave them alone in the trash...”
 It boiled your blood to hear stories of people being so thoughtless towards something so helpless but it melted your heart to see how much Bucky cared.
 “Put them on the table.” Bucky leant forward and carefully placed the precious contents of his shirt onto the stainless steel surface. One by one, you checked the health of each small, squirming puppy. As you picked up the last one, it let out a painful yelp.
 “Oh! I’m sorry, baby. That’s sore, huh?” you cooed, noticing the deep, smelly wound on the puppy’s front left leg. Now that you had found it, you were even more careful examining the pup.
 “I don’t like the look of this injury,” you muttered.
 “Will it be okay?” Bucky asked, picking up a female puppy that you had already checked to pat. The little girl squirmed happily and licked his hand. For the first time, you saw his left arm was made of onyx metal, possibly a Stark Industries prosthetic. Bucky had told you he had lost his arm in the war but it was something he was very private about. He only ever wore long sleeved shirts and gloves whenever he was out in public.
 “It will depend on how badly the infection has set in. We’ll do what we can but the leg might have to be amputated.” Bucky looked down at the puppy in his hands.
 “Dogs can live a normal happy life with three legs. They’re very resilient. They’re all dehydrated and malnourished but seem okay. We’ll run some tests to make sure there are no other underlying health issues... you did the right thing by bringing them in,” you assured him. Bucky smiled softly then promptly grumbled as one of the puppies peed on his shirt. You fought back the playful laugh that bubbled up in your throat.
 “I can find you a spare scrubs top,” you offered.
 “I don’t want to put anyone out,” he mumbled.
 “You wouldn’t be. That’s why they’re called spare.” Bucky shifted a little before nodding.
 “Alright... would it be okay if I hang around here for a while? I’m not ready to go out in public yet...” Bucky was still very self conscious about his arm. No matter how many times his friends tried to tell him not to worry about it, it just wasn’t enough. He had taken a big step in asking you out and for now, that was sufficient for him. Bucky hadn’t wanted you to see his arm but this was an emergency. He had nothing other than the shirt on his back to carry the litter of puppies in and he ran to your clinic as fast as he could, trying to ignore the stares of passersby.
 “I’m sure we could find something around here to keep you busy,” you smiled.
 The hours ticked by and eventually it was time to go home. All day, Bucky had worked diligently, cleaning out kennels and assisting with moving heavy objects. When you went to collect him, he was standing in front of the adoption board.
 “Hey, Bucky...”
 “Hey,” he replied, never taking his eyes from the board covered in pictures of animals ready to find their forever homes.
 “Are you thinking of getting a pet?” you asked.
 “My friend suggested getting a therapy dog... do you have any dogs like that?”
 “We don’t have any dogs currently trained to be therapy dogs in our shelter. I could get in touch with someone...” Bucky was silent for a few moments.
 “What about the puppies I found today? Could they be trained?” You couldn’t help but smile.
 “It would take some time but they should definitely be trainable. They’ll need to pass all their health checks and puppy obedience training but, yes, they certainly would be able to learn. As soon as they’re ready, I’ll take you through the adoption process.” It was now Bucky’s turn to smile.
 The weeks went by and Bucky was finally able to adopt one of the puppies he had found in the trash. He had chosen the little one who needed its leg amputated (who had been named T-Rex) as he felt a great sense of connection with it. Bucky often came to you for advice on the best way to care for the pup and even started coming to the clinic to volunteer, of course, bringing T-Rex with him. He strictly followed the obedience training which T-Rex passed with flying colours. Since that went so well, T-Rex could be trained to become a fully fledged service dog.
 As time passed, Bucky started to come out of his shell, not only with the help of T-Rex but you as well. You brought out the best in him. Bucky went as far to go on rescue drives to help dogs in need and even went as far as to become an advocate for dogs with disabilities. You couldn’t be prouder of both Bucky and the puppy he had saved. In a way, they had rescued each other.
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Chris & Ellie Series: Episode 21
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Greetings all! I hope you guys are having a good day and if not, I hope it gets better for you. Today is a bittersweet day for me. I gave Ellie July 17th as her birthday in honor of my grandma, who passed away in 2016, a couple days after I started writing the Chris and Ellie series. My grandma would have been 92 today. ❤
My grandma always encouraged me to do what I love and I love to write, so I do. And I love sharing what I’ve written with you guys. So thank you for allowing me to share this little world I have created with all of you guys. And thank you all for reading.
xo Becca xo
Pairing: Chris Evans x Ellie Spencer (OFC)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language
Episode Summary: The lead up to Ellie's birthday and the surprise that Scott has planned for her.
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
This episode can also be read on AO3.
The Chris and Ellie series is primarily chronological. It begins with a flash forward to 2016 and has a few other scenes in the future. However, the majority of their story is told in chronological order starting in 2013 and going through 2017. Each episode starts with a date to help you place it within the story.
The Chris & Ellie Series Masterlist | Chris & Ellie Masterlist
Episode 20.5
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Episode 21: Birthday Confessions
July 2014
Music flowed through the speakers as Ellie merged off the freeway and onto the exit for LAX.
"I don't have to go, you know," Scott said as he looked over at her.
"Yes, you do," Ellie replied, glancing at him. "You're in a wedding and your family has been looking forward to seeing you."
"I just don't like the idea of you all alone," Scott admitted. He knew she had come a long way in the weeks since she'd started opening up about what had happened between her and Chris, but he hated leaving her there alone.
"I'll be fine," Ellie assured him with more confidence than she actually felt. She hadn't been by herself in the house since December and that felt like a lifetime ago. If she was being honest with herself, she'd never really liked being in the big house when it was empty, but now it was filled with memories she didn't want to revisit.
"Thanks for driving me," Scott said as Ellie navigated the departures drop off area.
"It was the only way for me to ensure you'd get on the plane," Ellie replied in a joking manner as she pulled over in front of the designated area for the airline he was flying.
Scott gave a mumbled 'ha' before he leaned over and gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek. Then he got out of the car and went back to the trunk to get his suitcase. He gave her another wave before he disappeared into the steady stream of people going into the airport.
Not ready to go home yet, Ellie ran a few errands before she made her way back to Chris's house. She parked her car in the garage and then made her way inside.
With no desire to hang out in the big house, she quickly made her way through the kitchen and out the backdoor. Using the patio off the kitchen and the steps down to the pool deck took longer than going out the door through the basement, but she didn't like going down to that room if she didn't have to.
Once inside the guesthouse, Ellie let Daisy out of her kennel and then sat down on her bed to check her email. She'd finished editing a book a couple weeks ago for a new author and was waiting for her next assignment. Instead of finding a new manuscript to read, she found an email saying that one of her main authors would have one ready for her soon, so they were keeping her schedule open.
After replying to the email, Ellie closed her laptop and leaned back against the pillows on her bed with a sigh. She had been hoping to distract herself with a new manuscript while Scott was gone, but now that wasn't an option. She'd already picked up a few extra shifts at the bookstore, helping people who wanted to take days off, but picking up seemed better than staying at Chris's more than necessary.
Picking up her phone, she sent a couple texts, seeing if anyone wanted to hang out that night. Unfortunately, no one was available, but she was able to make plans for other nights during the week when she wasn't working. Including accepting a couple invitations for the Fourth of July.
Thus, the first week Scott was gone went by in a breeze. She worked on the second and went to a movie with some friends after work on the third. Then she spent the morning of the fourth with her cousin and the late afternoon and evening with Pierre and some of his friends. She picked up another shift on Saturday and then spent Sunday with her cousin's family, not wanting to spend the whole day alone at Chris's house.
"You've had a busy week," Pierre reflected after she'd told him all about it during dinner at his condo during the second week. In fact, he'd already known how busy she was keeping herself, thanks to a group chat he'd found himself part of with her sisters, cousin and Scott. He wasn't convinced it was a good idea to have such a chat, but it made the others feel better.
"It feels good to be busy," Ellie said with a shrug before muttering, "Better than staying alone in the house, anyway."
Whether or not she wanted him to hear the last part, he had, and he realized her sisters were right to raise concern over her sudden shift in personality. Ellie, they had explained to him, was a homebody by nature. A trait she'd shared with Chris, Scott had told him privately.
"What's wrong with staying at home?" he asked, cautiously.
Ellie sighed and shoved her food around on her plate before looking up. "Other than that it's Chris's house and I'm just a house guest?" she asked.
She sounded snarky, but he sensed that she was trying to mask her true feelings. Instead of prying, he waited her out. They'd been friends for nearly two months and he'd learned quickly that she liked to process her thoughts before she could speak them aloud.
"It's the memories," she finally admitted. "There's nowhere in the house that I can go that doesn't have a million memories flooding back to my brain of happier times. Not even the guesthouse is memory free, but there, with my things, I can push him out. That isn't possible in the rest of the house though. He's fucking everywhere."
Pierre nodded consolingly. He'd been through many a breakup, but only one that had left him in a house full of memories. Of course, he'd had to suffer through the rest of his lease before he'd been able to move. But moving to this condo had been a fresh start.
"And I'm crying again," she said in an exasperated tone as she brushed away the tears. "I told myself that I'd cried enough over this whole situation." 
Pierre stood up and grabbed a box of tissues off the kitchen counter and brought them back to the table. Instead of sitting back down across from her, he took the seat next to her. He handed her a tissue and she gave him a weak smile before blotting the tears.
"Obviously, I don't know your financial situation or what your agreement is with Scott's mom regarding room and board, but have you thought about moving out?" he asked Ellie.
Ellie shook her head. "I hadn't gotten that far yet," she admitted. "Chris is gone for another few months and technically, living there when he isn't there is what I'm paid to do."
"Think about it," Pierre encouraged her. "It might be the next step you have to take."
The idea of finding her own place stayed at the forefront of Ellie's mind in the days that followed, but it wasn't until a night where she had nothing to do but sit in the guesthouse that she did anything about it. She went back to the links she'd found in her early days of living in the Los Angeles area and looked for availabilities within her price range. There were a few of them, but none in areas that she'd feel comfortable living by herself in.
Unlike the last time she'd been hunting for an apartment, she wasn't tied down to a specific part of town because of a job. Nor was she as strapped for cash as she had been. Thanks to the added income of editing manuscripts and not having to pay rent, she had managed to pay down a lot of her debt with the money that Chris's mom had paid her.
Despite having a wider area to search for a place to live, Ellie found herself struggling to find anything less than $1,000 a month that allowed dogs. Frustrated, she closed her laptop and leaned back against the headboard of the bed. Which only served to remind her that in addition to finding a place to live, she'd have to buy furniture as well as she didn't have any.
"We'll find a place, Daisy," she said, scratching her dog's head. "I don't know where yet, but we'll find a place."
By the time Scott returned from the east coast, a few days later, she'd sent off applications for a couple of apartments an hour or so away, but both had come back saying she'd been added to a waiting list for an apartment. She considered telling Scott that she was thinking about moving out but decided against it. She knew he was still worried about her with everything that had happened and she didn't want to worry him more than she had to.
"You're a doll for picking me up," Scott said once he was in the car and she had merged into the traffic leaving LAX.
"Gave me an excuse to get out of the house," Ellie replied before mentally kicking herself. "Daisy and I spent yesterday lounging by the pool."
Scott lowered his sunglasses and raised his eyebrows. "Under an umbrella?" he asked, seeing that her skin, while glowing, was still barely tan.
"And wearing lots of SPF," she replied with a laugh. "How was Massachusetts and the wedding?"
"The wedding was beautiful," Scott stated before going into a full rundown of the wedding. Followed by an elaborate explanation of his family's Fourth of July party and what he had done with his family while he'd been home.
"Sounds like you had a blast," Ellie said with a smile.
"Oh, I did, but it's nice to come home to some quiet," he replied and then smiled. "But don't worry. It won't be too quiet, after all, we both know what's happening on Thursday."
"I know my birthday is on Thursday," Ellie said, cautiously as she glanced at him. He wore a big smile on his face. "Scott Evans, what have you done?"
"You'll just have to wait and see," he replied, then mimed zipping his lips closed, locking them and throwing away the key.
He remained annoyingly tight lipped over the next few days, which put her slightly on edge because she had no idea what he had up his sleeve. She knew the two of them had two very different types of fun; she liked to stay home and play games while he liked to go out and dance.
Thursday morning, Ellie came up to the big house to find a cinnamon roll in a pastry box for her on the kitchen counter along with a note from Scott.
Izzy told me that you guys always had cinnamon rolls for breakfast whenever someone in the family had a birthday when you were growing up. I didn't make it (that would have been a disaster) but enjoy!
She cut the large cinnamon roll in half and ate half of it, then took the other half back to the guesthouse with her, to take to work. Once Daisy was settled in her kennel, Ellie grabbed her stuff and left for work.
The sense of relief that came over her as she drove away from the house was only more confirmation that it was time for her to move out.
Later, during her lunch break, she looked for apartments again and, after failing to find much in the Los Angeles area, decided to try looking in Oregon. She hated the idea of leaving LA and her friends, but the truth was she could live anywhere and still do her editing. 
“She’s coming!” Scott called as he ran down the stairs. "Everyone get away from the window!"
He heard her sisters scrambling into spots that couldn't be seen from the window as he made his way to the main floor. Hearing the garage door opening, he made his way down the hall to the kitchen and was waiting there when Ellie came into the house.
"Hey there, birthday girl!" he greeted her with a big grin. "I noticed you didn't leave me a piece of the cinnamon roll."
"You're damn right I didn't," Ellie replied with a tired smile.
"Before you go to your room, can you come look at something in the living room for me?" he asked.
"I have a call with my sisters in like ten minutes," she told him, glancing at the clock on the stove.
"It'll be fast, promise," Scott insisted. "Like a minute tops."
Sighing, Ellie put her stuff down on the counter and then followed him down the hall to the living room. "So what am I -" she started to ask, but shut her mouth when she saw her sisters sitting casually in the room.
She stared in disbelief as tears began to well up in her eyes. She felt Scott nudge her from behind, encouraging her to go to her sisters.
"Happy Birthday, El," Izzy said, reaching her first. She wrapped her around Ellie and hugged her tight.
"I'm happy you guys are here," Ellie said, through her tears. "But what are you doing here?"
"You didn't think we were going to make you celebrate all by yourself, did you?" her youngest sister, Riley, asked with a grin as she gave Ellie a hug. "We were here last year, too. This year we just brought Sydney with us."
"I'm here to make sure those two don't get too wild," Sydney said, jokingly as she gave Ellie a hug. "And to make sure we do things you like to do for your birthday weekend."
"Birthday weekend?" Ellie repeated. Then she saw Scott lingering in the doorway. "This is what you've been planning all week, isn't it?"
"Part of it anyway," Scott replied with a grin. "I'll let them tell you the rest."
"You're the best," Ellie told him. She reached her hand out to him and he took it, squeezing it. "What is the rest?"
"Our gift to you is a weekend getaway at a beach house about an hour from here," Sydney told her. "The five of us and Pierre, but he'll be coming tomorrow after work."
"When are we going?" Ellie asked.
"As soon as you can pack a bag," Izzy told her. 
"What about Daisy?" Ellie asked, only then spotting her dog curled up in her favorite chair in the corner.
"She's coming with us," Scott replied. "I've already packed her stuff."
"Thanks," Ellie said, smiling at him. "What do I need to bring?"
"I'll h-" Izzy and Riley started, but Sydney stepped forward and took Ellie's hand before saying, "I'll help you pack."
"Thank you," Ellie muttered under her breath as she and Sydney made their way to the guest house.
Twenty minutes later, she and Sydney came back into the main house, locking doors as they passed them. They followed the voices out to the garage and found Scott and Izzy loading things into his car while Riley played with Daisy.
"Isn't someone driving with Scott?" Ellie asked as Izzy took her bag and put it in the backseat.
"Daisy is going to be my copilot," Scott told her
"Are you sure?" Ellie asked him. "I can ride with you."
"Nah, you ride with your sisters, Daisy and I will be fine," Scott assured her. "Besides, she doesn't try to change the music like some people I know." He gave her a pointed look.
"I would be offended except you do the same thing to me when I'm driving you," Ellie retorted before maturely sticking her tongue out at him.
"Very mature for a 29-year-old," Scott commented.
"Let's get on the road, shall we?" Sydney interrupted in a mom tone.
"You guys head out, I'll do a quick check around the house to lock it up and then Daisy and I will follow," Scott offered.
"Shotgun!" Riley shouted out.
"It's Ellie's birthday, Riles," Izzy said, shaking her head. "The birthday person always gets the front seat."
"Fine," Riley sighed. "Let's go."
Thanks to traffic, the drive took longer than an hour, but Ellie didn't mind. It had been a long time since she'd gone anywhere with just her sisters and it was just like old times. Telling stories, laughing, and talking over each other as Sydney drove.
The beach house was down the street from the beach, rather than oceanfront, but they could see the ocean from the balcony off the largest of the three bedrooms. The house had a Mediterranean feel to it in its design and decor. The first floor had the smaller of the three bedrooms rooms, a half bath and an open concept living, dining and kitchen. The second floor had a full bathroom and two bedrooms, the largest of the two having two queen sized beds in it. The best part of the house, though, was the backyard that looked like it belonged in Italy instead of Southern California.
By the time Scott got to the house with Daisy, the sisters had unloaded the few things that had been in the trunk of Ellie's car and had ordered takeout from a nearby restaurant. They helped him unload his car, putting their luggage in the bedroom with the two queen sized beds, leaving the other two rooms for Scott and Pierre.
Then they all headed outside to relax on the back porch while they waited for their dinner to be delivered. Sydney poured everyone drinks, except for herself, a fact that her sisters quickly noticed.
"Are you pregnant?!" Riley demanded.
The corner of Sydney's mouth twitched, but she nodded. "I didn't want to say anything tonight, because it's Ellie's birthday, but -"
"Shut up," Ellie said laughing as she gave her sister a hug. "It's the best birthday present you could give me!"
Hearing the doorbell ring, Scott went to answer it, leaving the sisters to celebrate. Knowing the sisters had already paid for the meal, he gave the delivery person a cash tip, thanked them and closed the door.
As he carried the food back to the girls, he paused when he heard Ellie say: "I have some news myself."
Given what her sister had just announced, he froze, his mind instantly going to the idea that she might be pregnant with Chris's baby.
"Relax, I'm not pregnant," Ellie said with a nervous laugh.
"Fucking hell, Ellie," Izzy said in a relieved tone that matched how Scott was feeling. "Don't scare us like that."
"What's your news, Ellie?" Sydney asked, drawing everyone's attention back to Ellie.
"I'm going to move out of Chris's house," Ellie announced. "I don't feel comfortable there anymore. In fact, I hate being there by myself."
Scott could tell that she was holding something back and so could her sisters, because Riley called her out on it.
"What aren't you telling us?" Riley asked.
"I'm having a hard time finding a place here that I can afford," Ellie replied, her voice trailing off. "So I might be moving home. Want a roommate, Riles?"
Scott felt his stomach drop. He didn't want Ellie to go back to Oregon.
"I thought you were saving money," Sydney said, snapping into the protective older sister/mothering older sister mode.
Scott smirked. Her sisters had this.
"I paid off a lot of things," Ellie replied. "And I have some savings, but…"
Scott heard her sigh.
"After everything with Chris went downhill, I haven't felt right accepting the money that Lisa has been paying me," she confessed to her sisters. "I've been donating my paychecks to a non-profit organization that provides books to underprivileged kids in the LA area. It seemed fitting since she and I met at the bookstore."
"Oh Ellie," Sydney said, the tone not one of scolding but of compassion.
Backing up, Scott decided to put dinner on the dining room table and get dishes out so they could serve themselves in the house. Allowing the sisters and himself time to process Ellie's confession. All of them.
He hated the idea of her moving period, but especially the idea of her moving to another state. The paycheck donation was a whole different situation, one that he wasn't fully capable of processing just yet. Obviously, there was guilt on Ellie's part, but for what? Taking advantage of his mom's trust by boinking Chris? His mom liked Ellie and she would have loved holding the fact that she'd picked Chris's wife over his head.
Scott shook his head and sighed. Hearing footsteps, he looked up and saw Riley in the doorway. "I was just going to call you guys in," he told her, gesturing to the food that he'd laid out.
"Awesome, I'll get the others," Riley replied before disappearing outside again.
One thing he knew for sure was that if his mom ever found out that Ellie had donated her paychecks because Chris was a dumbass, Scott would pay top dollar to witness that confrontation.
He was still smirking to himself when the sisters filed in. He let them go first and then dished himself a plate of food.
No one said a word about Ellie's possible move until they were all seated at the table outside.
"For the record, I think you moving back to Oregon is a bad idea," Riley stated, looking at her older sister. "I've never seen you run away from your problems in my entire life. Never mind the fact that everyone will wonder why you left California. And you know how our family talks, it will be all over town within five days of you stepping foot on mom and dad's farm. We won't talk, but you know how they are, they'll figure it out. They always do."
Scott picked up his drink and took a sip, hiding his smile. Ellie was stubborn, but her sisters wouldn't let her do anything stupid. And neither would he. He was going to do everything in his power to get her to stay in LA.
Episode 21.5
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Want to find me off tumblr? I'm @beccatheycallme on twitter. I also post my stories on AO3.
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daybreakrising · 4 years
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@fightingdreamcrs​ asked: five times kissed [shika & kiba] from this meme
Under a cut bc these will all get long.
Being raised amongst dogs gave Kiba a very specific kind of mindset when it came to affection. He saw nothing wrong with being physical with those he was close to. If it was good enough for the dogs, it was good enough for him.
He had, on more than one occasion, comfortably sprawled alongside his friends in the grass, on the rooftops, head pillowed upon their shoulder, or an arm thrown across their waist. He had, even, lain practically atop one or two of them before. They didn't seem to mind, even if they probably thought it was a bit weird.
They were used to his little quirks.
He was sprawled out atop Shikamaru's favourite roof now, his head comfortably pillowed on the other boy's stomach, one finger tracing idle patterns in the clouds. Akamaru happily chewed on a stick by his feet, tail lazily wagging in the air. It was becoming routine, he realised – skipping class with Shikamaru to watch the clouds.
Normally, sitting still for this long would get under his skin. He was always so full of energy, unable to sit and do nothing for any length of time – which was why he ended up skipping class in the first place. But sometimes, it was nice. He liked Shikamaru's company.
He shifted position, lying beside the other boy instead, and turned his head to study the other's face. He wouldn't have ever picked Shikamaru as a boy to be friends with, given how different they seemed, but somehow, they worked.
With a yawn that softened into a contented sigh, Kiba rolled onto his side and slung a casual arm across Shikamaru's body and leaned in to press an affectionate kiss to his cheek.
Well, if dogs could do it, why couldn't he?
"I told you."
He stepped up beside Shikamaru, the wind threading fingers through his hair as they looked out over the rooftops of Konoha. For once, Akamaru wasn't at his side – rather, he was dutifully waiting below, no doubt conning shop owners out of scraps of food. He flashed a grin at the other boy, hands settled on his hips.
Not long before, they'd received confirmation of their success in the latest Chunin exams. As Kiba had predicted, every member of Team 8 had passed. He was supposed to go straight home, to give the news to his mother and sister, but there had been someone he wanted to see first.
He pulled back the hood of his jacket, closing his eyes as he tipped his face to the sun. He breathed in the mingling familiar scents of the village, of the boy beside him, and grinned again. Today was a good day.
"When I set my mind to something, I usually end up getting it." He turned, fully, to face Shikamaru. "But I think you already know that." Eyes flashing with a hint of mischief, he fisted his hand in the front of Shikamaru's flak jacket and dragged him in for a kiss.
Fingertips skimmed lightly over skin, finding the bumps and ridges of old scars. His own skin was littered with such marks, a by-product of their job and their training, but he always found other people's scars much more interesting.
The grass was warm beneath them, the sun bright in the sky. The sounds of the river rushing alongside them and the call of birds in the trees only added to the utter peace and tranquillity of the moment. It was a rare thing for both of them to have a day off at the same time. It only made it all the more special when they did.
Shikamaru's eyes were on the sky, watching clouds as was his habit, but Kiba knew from the faint lift in one corner of his mouth that he wasn't entirely focused on them. One hand shifted from behind Shikamaru's head, instead coming to rest on Kiba's back, right in the space between his shoulders.
Kiba, naturally, took that as his cue. He shifted his weight, leaning more into the other boy, his lips finding one of the thin ridges across Shikamaru's sternum. He felt the abdomen beneath him tense as a breath was drawn in, his lips curving into a smile against his partner's skin. He kissed another scar, beneath a collarbone, and from there it was all too easy to find his throat, his jaw, his lips.
Akamaru, tired of entertaining himself, chose that moment to leap from the river and shower his two human friends as he shook himself dry.
Kiba was uncharacteristically quiet and calm as he walked alongside Shikamaru, his eyes scanning the woods around them with interest. This was not the time or place for running wild. Even Akamaru seemed to sense the importance of this development in the relationship.
He knew where they were, even without Shikamaru telling him.
He knew what that meant.
The Nara Forest. Only members of the Nara clan were supposed to be allowed in here. When Shikamaru had suggested they take a walk together, he certainly hadn't been expecting this. Was this breaking any rules? He guessed that, since Shikamaru had brought him here, it was okay, but he couldn't help but wonder.
He sensed the deer before he saw them, Akamaru sniffing at the air a few seconds ahead of him. They emerged slowly, one by one, until Kiba realised they were entirely surrounded by the creatures. How many were there in this forest? Too many to count. When Shikamaru came to a stop, they approached, bending their faces towards his outstretched hand.
Warily, Kiba held out his own hand to the nearest deer, ready to back off if it took offense. After only a brief hesitation, it stalked closer, pressing its cool nose to his palm in greeting. Kiba grinned, letting his fingertips brush over its velvety muzzle. He was so caught up with this beautiful creature that he didn't register the presence at his back until arms snaked around his waist.
He dropped his hand, turning around to face Shikamaru. They didn't need words. Kiba knew what it meant for Shikamaru to bring him here. It was like the equivalent of Shikamaru being allowed amongst the new pups in the Inuzuka kennels. Family.
When Shikamaru leaned in, he met him halfway.
"Ahh… I have never had more appreciation for my sister than I do right now."
It was all he could do not to fall through the door. He stripped off his jacket and his shoes, hanging one up and leaving the other scattered untidily next to the rack solely for that purpose. It would drive his partner mad, but that was precisely why he did it. He couldn't help it – he just loved that little furrow in his brow whenever he tried to scold him.
"Nine pups." He whined, padding over to the spot by the window where his partner sat, eyeing the arranged pieces on the board in front of him. "Nine. Practically identical, too, so trying to remember which ones I'd already checked over…" He trailed off into a yawn as Akamaru loped over, giving his partner an obligatory nuzzle, tongue grazing the back of a hand before he curled up in his favourite spot on the other side of the board.
Kiba folded himself over his partner's shoulders, nuzzling the back of his neck with all the affection of a sleepy pup. "Playing against yourself again?" He murmured, glancing at the pieces on the shogi board. He'd never been able to pick up the game, no matter how often Shikamaru tried to teach him.
He pressed a kiss to the pawprint tattoo normally hidden beneath the sleeve of Shikamaru's shirt, matched to the set of antlers in the same place on his own shoulder. He lifted a hand, gently tugging the tie from Shikamaru's hair, instantly running his fingers through the long locks as soon as they were free. He loved Shikamaru’s hair. "I'll make a start on dinner, hm?"
As he made to stand, a hand came up to catch his own. With a grin, Kiba leaned in to accept the offered kiss, letting it linger for several moments. When he pulled back, he winked. "Try not to kick your own ass too hard, Shika. I'm quite fond of it."
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Love & Great Buildings - Epilogue
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Chapter: 19/19
Character/Relationship: Tom Hiddleston/Rosemary Mathews (OFC)
Genre: Romance/Angst
Summary: Three years have passed and a chance encounter brings Tom and Rosie together again. Can time make any difference or are they doomed to repeat their mistakes.
Rating: M
Author’s Notes/Warnings:  This is part nine of Last Minutes & Lost Evenings. Many thanks to @redfoxwritesstuff for listening to me ramble incessantly about  this story and being a sounding board when I needed it. You are a lifesaver, even if your stories break my heart.
This is the final part of this particular story. I cannot believe it’s actually finished. This has been one hell of a ride and though I have thanked her so many times @redfoxwritesstuff has been such a tremendous part of helping me tell this story. She’s been my cheerleader, my sounding board, hell even my sanity at times (I know scary right?) Without her I seriously doubt this story would have made it so far. Thank you again for loving these idiots and believing in them even when I was losing faith. You rock.
 Tom’s flight should have landed well over an hour ago, if all had gone according to schedule. He was supposed to call when he’d cleared customs and settled into his hire car. But so far she’d heard nothing. Rosemary found herself pacing the living room, nervous energy pulsing through her. It was stupid, honestly, worrying like this. The flight could have been delayed (there were nasty storms brewing in New York when he’d been set to depart), customs could be a nightmare (it often was at the best of times), traffic from London could be hellish (especially at this time of day); there were literally dozens of reasons for why he hadn’t called yet and not all of them were bad. She knew this but it did little to lessen her worry.
 It had been a long six weeks, and though she had gotten used to the idea of Tom being away for long stretches of time due to work, his absence was most assuredly taking its toll. Bobby barked at her heels, sensing her nervousness. She laughed softly, stopping in her pacing to scratch the spaniel affectionately on his head. “I know, buddy boy, your daddy will be home soon.” He barked once and settled himself on the dog bed nearest the window.
 She’d gotten Bobby out of the kennel the day before, knowing it took the spaniel a bit of time to get reacquainted with his space after being away for a while. Tom would have enough on his plate upon returning home; dealing with an energetic and ever curious dog was the last thing he would be up for. Besides, she loved the mutt to pieces and he seemed just as fond of her. And staying over the night before allowed her to air out his house; to make sure he had food in the pantry and fridge, that his mail was sorted, and that all he would need to do was eat and sleep if he wanted.
 Bobby barked loudly again as the ringing of her mobile echoed through the room. She scrambled towards the couch where she had tossed the blasted thing in a fit of pique twenty minutes before. A smile crossed her face as she saw Tom’s name and picture flashing across the screen. She quickly swiped across the screen to answer, pulling the phone to her ear. “Tom,” she breathed happily into the receiver.
 “Rosie, love,” he answered. His voice was gravely with fatigue. “I’ve missed you.”
 She smiled. “I’ve missed you too.” She could hear the faint sounds of traffic from his end of the line. Tom was obviously on the move and the thought warmed her heart. He’d be home soon. “How far away are you?”
 There was pause as Tom asked the driver. She could hear but not quite make out the muffled response. She heard Tom clear his throat. “About half an hour, if the traffic holds off.” Her heart warmed at his words. “So close,” he murmured, “Yet so far.”
 “You should try to sleep a little,” she encouraged him. “You sound dead on your feet.”
 He chuckled sleepily, “Maybe. But I sleep better next to you.”
 She smiled at his words. “Flatterer.”
 “I speak nothing but the truth,” he answered, voice warm with soft laughter. He let out a sigh, “I know I promised I’d take you out when I got home…” The disappointment was clearly evident in his voice as he trailed off.
 “Tom,” she started, “I get it. I was frankly surprised you suggested it in the first place.” She paused, smiling softly. “You forget I know how exhausted you are coming off of a shot. I can easily order something in and you and I can eat once you’ve slept.”
 A frustrated groan fell from his lips and she could so easily picture the way he rubbed the bridge of his nose with thumb and forefinger. “I still feel like an ass, promising you something and then taking it back.”
 “Don’t,” she scolded, “Tom, honestly its fine. You know I don’t need all of that. You and me and a takeaway on the couch is bliss as far as I’m concerned.”
 “But still…” he trailed off before sighing. “Fine. We’ll stay in and have takeaway. But I will do something nice for you to make up for it.”
 “You don’t have to.” She hoped he could see that she meant it. She didn’t need the fancy dinners or nights on the town. They were nice and she very much enjoyed them, but she didn’t need any of it. She was content with nights in with a takeaway, quiet walks in the park, or just spending time together with friends and family. The simple things were what she found important. As long as they were together, she found she didn’t much care what they did.
 “I know,” he answered in a sleepy laugh, “but I’m going to regardless.”
 She let out a sigh of her own, knowing there was no way she could win. He was a right stubborn git when he wanted to be. She loved him for it, even when it drove her up a wall (which it frequently did). They had butted heads many a time in the last year and a half, sometimes over simple things and sometimes not. They’d had their share of screaming matches and silent spells. Things hadn’t been perfect and for that she’d been grateful. Perfect wasn’t what she’d wanted and she doubted it was what he’d wanted either. There had been times, early on when she’d wondered if maybe he’d been right in leaving her that first time.
 The idea of trying to live in his world, even on its fringes, had been terrifying. Her first real brush with the darker side of his fan base had left her shaken. A group of young women, she hadn’t really known how old they were only that they seemed a good deal younger than her own 34 years, had taken to following her from the underground to her shop. They hadn’t said anything the entire time they’d walked behind her, but she could feel their stares pointedly on her back. She had turned finally, ready to ask what if anything they’d wanted from her, an action that Tom had later told her was the worst thing she could have done, when they’d shouted abuse at her before turning on their heels and bounding off.  She’d tried to brush it off but couldn’t quite shake the sense of unease that she had not only been blatantly recognized but followed. And if they’d done it once, what was stopping it happening again?
 Things had gotten better as time had worn on, but there were times she found herself wondering just what she’d gotten herself into. It had taken her a while to voice these concerns to Tom, terrified that if she did so he would use it as an excuse to push her away again. And that was the absolute last thing she’d wanted. But he’d noticed her change in demeanor quickly enough and had called her on it. She’d broken down then and it had led to a heated argument that left them both fuming in anger. But they’d calmed soon enough and talked, really talked about everything; her fears and his, about what they both wanted, and what they were willing to give up to achieve it. It had been difficult and terrifying but they’d moved through it and, she fully believed, became stronger because of it. There were still times when he’d pull away and times when she would as well, but they’d both gotten better at reading those signs and at working to help each other through them.
 Six months into their fresh start, Tom had offered her with a key to his home. He was due to be on location for filming for at least three weeks and knowing the chaos that his life was about to descend into, wanted Rosemary to know she had a place to escape to if she needed. A quiet, safe place that she could use whenever she had need of it. “No pressure,” he’d told her. “I just want you to know that you can come and go as you please. Plus it would honestly be nice to have someone I love to come home to.”
 It had taken her until the last few days of his filming for her to actually put the key to use. It had been strange, being in his home without him and she had to fight the feeling that she was intruding in his private sanctuary. He wouldn’t have given it to you unless he meant it, she told herself. She hadn’t stayed long that first day, only enough to try to get his mail in some semblance of order and clean out the food in his refrigerator that had spoiled (a  truly frightening task). The next day she’d come bearing bags of groceries and had taken a small, quiet sort of pleasure in organizing his pantry and fridge for his return.
 The day of his scheduled return found her there once again, overnight bag in hand. He’d said he like someone to come home to. ‘Someone I love’. The words echoed in her mind and she’d smiled, getting the last of the bits and bobs organized so that he might be comfortable on his return. The look on his face when he opened the door to find her on the couch, curled up next to Bobby’s sleeping form had been nothing short of resplendent; surprise, joy, and a longing that burned steadily in his bright eyes.
 And from that moment on an unspoken routine had been formed. Whenever he would have to leave for an extended period of time, Rosemary would make sure to be there on his return. She would clean and organize; something he’d insisted more than once that she absolutely did not need to do; she was his partner, not his maid. Still, she’d done it all the same, wanting to show him in some small way just how much he meant to her. And she would look longingly forward to spending the next day after he arrived home curled up with him in bed, lounging and lazy and completely content.
 She’d offered him a key to hers as well not long after, and he’d made use of it often. There were many an evening she’d come home to find him spread out on her couch, a lazy, contented smile on his face. They’d cook a meal together, if they felt particularly adventurous, but more often than not just ordered in and spent the night curled on the couch, watching movies or simply talking. It was simple, and easy, and wonderful.
 But neither had broached the subject of making either living situation permanent. They had talked, at times about the future, their future, but those plans had been cemented firmly in the ‘someday’. And that was fine; she wanted this to work, wanted them to work. She would be content with the scenic route, knowing that they were traveling it together and when that someday turned into a now she would be ready.
 “Love,” Tom’s voice cut through her thoughts, bringing her firmly back into the present. He broke off in a loud yawn. “God, I’m so sorry.”
 Rosemary laughed, “It’s completely fine. I know you’ve got to be utterly exhausted.”
 “I feel like I could sleep for a week,” he breathed with a soft laugh. “I should be pulling in any minute. God, I can’t wait to actually be home.”
 She could feel the smile spreading across her face at the thought of being moments away from having him in her arms. “I’ll let you go then and see you in a moment.”
 “Mmm,” he answered before the line went dead.
 Beside her Bobby began to jump and bark once more, sensing the coming excitement. She knelt down and scratched his ears firmly. “You need to be a good boy for your Daddy. He’s awfully tired.” The spaniel cocked his head to the side and barked once. “Good enough.”
 Outside, the sound of a car door closing echoed and Bobby immediately barked once and sprinted to the door where he continued to bark and bounce incessantly. Grumbling after him, Rosemary made it into the hallway as Tom’s keys rattled in the lock. The door pushed open and Tom pushed his way in, large suitcase in hand. She rushed forward, grabbing it from him and settling to the side of the entryway. The next moment her arms were around him, her face pressed against the warm skin of his neck. He let out a soft “oh” of surprise and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tighter against him, rocking them both slowly back and forth.
 They stood like this for several minutes, ignoring the way Bobby bounced and barked at their feet. Tom was the first to pull back, moving his hands to cup her face lightly, pulling her forward and kissing her soundly. “Hi,” he breathed against her lips.
 “Hi,” she echoed before pressing her lips against his once more. Reluctantly, she pulled back once again, tilting her head up to stare up into Tom’s face. He tried and failed to stifle a yawn. Rosemary laughed and ran a hand through his already mused hair. “Let’s get you into bed.”
 Tom smiled softly at her. “Are you joining me?” He waggled his eyebrows at her in playful suggestion which was hampered slightly by a jaw cracking yawn.
 Rosemary laughed and shook her head, “Not just yet. I need to order dinner first and make sure Bobby’s settled.”
 “And then?” He asked hopefully.
 “And then, my darling man, I will gladly join you in your bed.” She pulled back, rubbing him lightly on the arm. He let out a soft sigh of contentment at her touch. “Now, up to bed with you. Scoot.”
 Tom grumbled good-naturedly and began his slow ascent up the stairs and to his bed. Rosemary smiled after him and turned back towards the kitchen in search of the menu for his local curry place, The Spice Garden. She found it hanging on the fridge next to the goofy snapshots of his niece from the previous Christmas. Shaking her head, she pulled it down and headed into the living room for her phone.
 Once the food had been ordered, Rosemary padded up the stairs to check on Tom. She found him curled on his side, lightly snoring and half covered by the sheet. He’d shed all but his boxers and t-shirt in his haste to finally sleep. A smile spread slowly across her face at the sight. Reassured that he was resting comfortably, she padded back down the stairs and into the living room, settling on the couch to wait for the food delivery. Bobby jumped up beside her, curling up and resting his head on her thigh. They sat together until the buzz of the front gate sounded from the hall. She turned to the spaniel and scratched his ears. “Sorry buddy, duty calls.”
 Rosemary pushed herself up on her feet and headed towards the door. She hit the button for the gate, and upon confirming the man standing at the gate was in fact from The Spice Garden, buzzed him in. She smiled brightly at him and signed before taking the bag and carrying it into the kitchen. She took the cartons from the bag one by one and stored them in the fridge before calling Bobby to her side.
 “Alright, bathroom time. Let’s go.”
 Bobby barked once and followed her to from the kitchen towards the back hall. Ten minutes later, business completed and every bush and flower bed thoroughly sniffed, Bobby trotted back into the house.    
 She shot a glance at the clock hanging on the far wall, almost half nine. Stretching her arms above her head, Rosemary headed for the stairs and the warmth of Tom’s bed. She heard him groan something unintelligible as the mattress shifted under her weight and felt his strong arms lock around her, pulling her tightly into his embrace. Pillowing her head on his chest, she closed her eyes and let herself drift off.
 When Rosemary blinked awake what felt like moments later, the bed beside her was empty. She pushed herself up on her elbow and glanced around the room. “Tom?” she called out. No response. She rubbed her eyes and rolled over to the edge of the bed. It took several tries to get herself up on her feet.  She stretched her arms over her head, letting out a powerful yawn before padding slowly towards the opened door. “Tom?” she called again.
 “Down here!” His voice echoed up the stairs.
 She padded out of the bedroom and down the stairs to find Tom standing in the kitchen before the microwave, heating a portion of his curry. She stifled a yawn as she headed into the kitchen “What time is it?”
 He turned around and smiled at her, glancing quickly at the watch on his wrist, “Just after two.” He held up the half empty container. “Hungry?”
 Rosemary nodded. “That sounds divine.” She moved past Tom to grab a bowl from the overhead cabinet. Tom reached out and took the bowl from her, scooping the remaining portion of food into it. “Sleep well?”
 Tom nodded, pulling his food from the microwave and popping hers in. “Very well. Helps that I woke up with a gorgeous woman in my bed.” He padded back to her side, kissing her gently on the cheek. “Best way to wake up.”
 He smirked, “Only the truth, my love.”  Rosemary rolled her eyes at him, pulling her now heated meal from the beeping microwave. She hissed as the bowl burned her fingers and quickly deposited it on the counter before turning on her heel and seeking spoon and oven mitt. “Here,” Tom called out, taking the bowl from the counter and lifting it gingerly, “let me.” He grabbed his own bowl and led both out into the living room, setting them on the coffee table once there.
 “I am perfectly capable, Tom.”
 He quirked an eyebrow, “I know you are, I still wanted to help.” He dropped himself on his couch and patted the seat beside him. “Now come on before it starts getting cold.”
 With a good natured grumble, she climbed onto the couch beside him handing him the other spoon she’d grabbed. Tom nodded in thanks and bent his head to his meal. She smirked and did the same. They ate in silence for several minutes as Bobby sat on the floor before them, showing his best imitation of a starving animal. Rosemary nudged him gently with her foot. “You’ve eaten you big oaf.”
 “Bottomless pit that one,” Tom chimed in, between bites.
 Rosemary rolled her eyes, “Takes after his master in that way, huh?”
 Tom shot her an affronted look, “You wound me, my lady.”
 She let out a snort at that. “Somehow I think you’ll survive.”
 “So cruel,” he muttered with a shake of his head.
 Rosemary laughed and shot back, “And yet, you love me.”
 There was a definite pause before he answered. “Yes.” That pulled Rosemary’s attention from her meal towards Tom. She watched as he sat quietly on the couch eyes now focused on his nearly empty bowl. She raised an eyebrow. Several quiet moments later he asked, “Are you finished?” with a nod towards her bowl. Wordlessly, she handed it to him wondering at what had brought such an immediate change to his demeanor when he’d been perfectly fine moments before.
 She cleared her throat as she watched him prepare to stand. “Tom?” He paused briefly and turned his attention back towards her. “Is everything alright?”
 Tom let out a quiet laugh. “Yeah…Yes.” He put both bowls on the table and turned in his seat to face her fully. “I um…There is something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.”
 Rosemary felt ice form in her gut as the quiet fear that this, now, was the time when he’d finally decided that he couldn’t do this any longer. It had quieted significantly over the last year and a half, becoming only a small, indistinct murmur that she barely noticed. There, but not constant. Now...Now it roared violently to life. “Oh,” she breathed, hoping her voice wasn’t a feeble as it sounded to her own ears.
 Tom started at that, eyes widening. “Oh God, no…No. Please don’t…I don’t mean,” he blurted, rambling on with a palpable anxiety. He stopped and gathered himself before continuing. “Rosie, love, it’s nothing bad. Please, please don’t fret…I just wanted…God, I am completely fucking this up.” He dropped his head in his hands and groaned before straightening once again. He took a deep breath and ran his hands through his mused hair.
 Rosemary watched him warily, trying to calm her own racing heart. “Tom…”
 He took another deep breath before continuing. “I know I’m gone a lot and I can’t be the easiest person to be with because of that. And I know you love me. I hope you know just how much I love you.” He paused, smiling at his hands. “Having you here is nothing short of amazing, and I’m exceedingly grateful for everything you do for me, though you honestly don’t have to. I don’t want you to feel you need to do things for me to justify you being here.” He gestured vaguely around the room. “You are as much home to me as this place has ever been.” He broke off and laughed. “I guess what I’m trying and probably failing to say is that I want you here always and not just when I come back from being away. I want to make this not just my home, but ours. I know you have your little flat and that you love it. I do too and if you don’t want to give it up, you don’t have to. But would you consider it?” His eyes locked with hers, asking silently for understanding. “Living here, with me?”
 She blinked in confusion as his words slowly started to sink in. He wanted her there, with him, permanently. The idea sent a bloom of warmth through her. “You want me to move in?” She asked wanting to make sure she had understood what he was asking her.
 Tom nodded, “Yes…Very much so…But,” he started, taking her hand in his own, “only if you want to.”
 Rosemary laughed softly and nodded her head, not quite trusting herself to speak just then.
 A bright grin broke across Tom’s face and he pulled her tightly against him. “Thank you,” he whispered into her hair. “Thank you. Thank you. I love you.”
 “I love you too,” she breathed back.
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wolfpawn · 5 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 43
Chapter Summary -  Tom finally gets to see Danielle again in Wales, with a surprise, some smut and smiles.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog  @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller @fairlightswiftly @salempoe @lys-syl @youcantcatchafallingstar
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
“Close your eyes.” Tom grinned, before standing behind Danielle.
“What are you doing?” She tried to look around at him. “Tom?”
“It’s a surprise.” He grinned, preventing her from doing so and placing his hands over his eyes and gently moving her forward.
“But we are leaving the room.” She whined, “And there are stairs out here.”
Tom took his hands away again. “Right so, as soon as we get downstairs, allow me to blindfold you.”
“This is getting progressively more into the realms of kinky and disturbing simultaneously.” She eyed him warily before walking down the stairs.
Tom bit his lips together. “Only you could see it like that.” When they got to the bottom, he grabbed her again before she could jump away from him and blocked her eyesight again. “Come on, I’ll let you know if there are any steps or anything.” He promised.
“I’m not going to lie, Tom, I was sort of looking forward to staying in the room and having some fun,” Danielle whispered.
“And I swear to you, darling, this evening, after dinner, I am going to have it that you never want to leave our room,” Tom promised, his voice deep and low against the shell of her ear, causing her skin to break out in Goosebumps. “Doorway step,” he informed her, making sure she took a large step over the threshold of the door so not to trip.
“You seem to think there is something that would convince me to not want that right now.”
“There is.” He promised, “Ready?”
“What have you done, Tom?” Danielle asked fearfully, not sure if she wanted to see.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes,” Danielle answered warily. Tom took his hands from her eyes and for a moment, she was scared to look. Slowly, she opened one eye, before what was that was waiting for her came into focus and she opened both, gasping in shock as she did. “But…” she looked at Tom. “How?”
Tom watched in delight as she ran over to her dog, who was whining with joy at seeing his master after so long. “Well, I thought this would be far better than a simple photo.” Tom beamed. “You said they do dog boarding here, so I thought; why not bring Mac for the weekend.”
Danielle looked at him, her eyes watery with happiness as she cuddled her dog. “Thank you.” The words were barely a squeak as she kissed the dog’s head. “Thank you so much, Tom.”
Tom knelt down so to rub Mac and gave her a kiss on the temple, “Anything for you, darling. So many women want diamonds, round the world expensive holidays and designer bags, but you, all you want is a picture of your pet to know he is okay.” He rubbed Mac too. “Besides we had a great time, he just sat in the back seat and chilled out.”
“I cannot believe you drove to your mum’s, got my dog and drove him all the way here in your really expensive car.” Danielle shook her head in disbelief.
“It’s a car Elle, just a car, he got some fur on a blanket, it is hardly life ending.”
“To a lot of people, it would be.”
“It’s not, he was a great travel companion, weren’t you boy?” he grinned. Mac Tíre decided to lick him in agreement. “See, but I did promise him we would walk him if he was good,” Tom stated as though saying that a good child was promised dessert after eating all their dinner.
“I’ll get a coat.” Danielle spun on her heels and raced back inside.
“I told you she was happy to see you, didn’t I boy?” he smiled, untying Mac from the post he had him waiting at. “She missed you as much as you missed her.” The dog barked happily once in response. “You don’t mind sharing her with me, do you?” The dog seemed to take a moment to think over the statement before giving a small groan noise of contentment and leaning into Tom’s hand for another ear scratch. “I thank you for your understanding, boy.” He smiled. When he looked up again, he saw Danielle walking out the door of the small B&B she was calling home for the duration of her job. “Ready?”
“I am.” She had a smile on her face that caused a bubble of elation in his stomach as she looked at him, a fondness he had not seen in her eyes before. “What?” she asked, her head cocked to the side slightly.
“Nothing, you look so happy.”
“I am, thank you, Tom.” She gave him an even more dazzling version of that smile.
“It’s nothing more than anyone would do, darling, it’s just bringing your pet to you.” He stood to his full height again and leant over to hug her against him.
“No, it’s so much more than that.” she looked at him adoringly. “I…I can’t even put it into words.”
“Well, if you ever find a way to, let me know.” He grinned, “Where’s a nice quiet walk around here?”
“It’s the middle of nowhere, the town is fifteen minutes that way,” she pointed to the left, “but there are some nice fields with sheep to the right.”
“Will Mac be alright?”
“You mean will he try to chase them? I am not giving him the option.” She smiled, taking the lead from Tom and making sure Mac was fully comfortable in his walking gear before stepping forward. “Shall we?”
“Are you frightened of us being spotted?”
“The actors are in a town a few towns over, they won’t expect to see a real-life Hollywood star on a small back road walking a dog with a girl no one knows you are dating, so no, I’m not. And even if we are, it is going to happen sooner or later, right? I just need to live with it.” She shrugged.
“I don’t deserve you,” Tom made sure to stay in step with her as she started a healthy pace, Mac enjoying the smells of new surrounds.
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Danielle joked as she looked up at him.
“Fuck,” Danielle forced herself to stay as quiet as she could considering there were others staying in the B&B as Tom began to thrust up into her, but it was difficult considering he was doing everything in his power to make her come apart, inside and out.
“Elle.” It was taking considerable control on Tom’s behalf to not come as soon as he entered her, finally feeling her willing body around him for the first time in a few weeks, and her wearing the sexiest little lacy underwear she had bought for their reunion, it revealed only hints of skin around her breasts and ass, but hugged her tightly. “God, I’ve missed you.”
“Yes, so much.” She agreed, her voice hushed, but the honesty was blatant. “I’m gonna…”
“Yes, please…” Tom hurried his movements, trying to make her fall apart for the third time that evening. “I need to…”
“Close baby?” she bit his bottom lip and pulled it slightly.
“Fuck, yes, yes…” the small sensation of pain from her bite and the feel of her body tightening around his cock caused his orgasm to hit him, his sharp thrusts causing her own to occur, both gasping and moaning as they did so. “Elle.” Tom could barely speak.
“Mmhmm?” she was still above him, her legs straddling him as she shook slightly from her release.
“I missed you so much.” He declared, not caring if it seemed too much in his post-coital bliss.
“I missed you too.”
“What will we do if I have to go away for a film?”
Danielle sighed, toying with some stray hairs that were on his forehead. “I will have to get over it and look forward to seeing you again on your return or when I can return this favour and visit you on your job.”
“Would you?” she frowned. “Would you come visit me?”
“I would.” She nodded.
“I love you.” He leant up and kissed her.
“I happen to love you too, Tom.” She smiled, kissing him again.
“You look happy with yourself.” The makeup artist winked at Danielle as she walked onto the set. “I take it the boyfriend wasn’t too jetlagged for a little fun last night.”
“You need to get your girlfriend up here, STAT!” Danielle laughed.
“Girl, I may be sexually frustrated, but that only makes me all the more able to sense a girl who got herself some last night.” Nacelle laughed. “And Becky is coming here next week. But that does not answer my question.” Danielle said nothing, but looking down as she blushed. “Don’t need an answer; your face says it all.” Danielle just shrugged. “Mr Promotions may end up getting one of his own soon if you think that way about him.”
“Getting a what?”
“A promotion,” Danielle cocked her head slightly, not understanding what Nacelle was saying. “You telling me you would say no if he got on one knee?”
“We are nowhere near ready for any of that yet.” Danielle dismissed immediately.
“But you see it with him?”
“Do you see it with the famous Becky?”
“I have the ring, I am just waiting for Christmas to be over to ask her, I don’t want her thinking it is some terrible holiday gimmick, I want to ask her on a random day, just for us.”
“Why not before Christmas then, next week, walking up the hillside, cold crisp air and a hot chocolate in hand, and just ask her?”
“You didn’t strike me as the romantic type Danny, but you are actually the sickly adorable one. I bet you and ‘Promotions’ are adorable and snugly at home together. Does he have a real name?”
“Jesus, that actually sounds as…proper as a career in sales is.” Nacelle laughed light-heartedly. “Well, I bet you and ‘Tommy Boy’ are just sickly cute.”
“He brought my dog up for the weekend, my B&B has kennels and he actually brought the dog with him.” Danielle smiled uncontrollably.
“I’m more of a snake or rodent person myself, but that’s cute in anyone’s book.”
“I wish I could have brought him to work with me.”
“Mac, the dog.” Danielle laughed.
“What are they doing now?”
“They’ve gone for a run, I got a text and a photo of their stop near the lake.” Danielle explained, holding up her phone to show Nacelle the picture Tom sent of Mac Tíre looking over the water, no hint of the man who was with him in the picture making Danielle feel safe in showing it, with the title “I may look all regal, but I am thinking of a dental stick I was promised for posing”.
“Okay, you two are nauseating.” Nacelle just walked off, “Seriously, I am getting nauseous.”
“I’ll let him know you think that.” Danielle smiled; she sent him back a reply. “Can work hurry the fuck up and finish for today. I want to get back to my boys.”
“Wait and see Danny, I will be doing your makeup for your wedding very soon.” Nacelle beamed.
“Really?” Danielle laughed with a raised brow
“Oh yes, you’ll get in some hack and I’ll be a regular guest because you won’t want to pay out my extortionate prices, and I’ll see you and get you to the nearest room and have to redo it all, wait and see.” The other woman swore as she waved goodbye.
Biting her lips slightly, Danielle’s eyes flitted side to side for a moment, in truth, it was far too early to ever consider such things and she knew whatever about Tom, she was nowhere near ready, but the image Nacelle put in her mind made her smile uncontrollably. Putting her phone away again, she went to the office to see what was needed for her day’s work.
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winterisakiller · 5 years
Love & Great Buildings - Epilogue
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Chapter: 19/19
Character/Relationship: Tom Hiddleston/Rosemary Mathews (OFC)
Genre: Romance/Angst
Summary: Three years have passed and a chance encounter brings Tom and Rosie together again. Can time make any difference or are they doomed to repeat their mistakes.
Rating: M
Author’s Notes/Warnings: This is part nine of Last Minutes and Lost Evenings.
This is the final part of this particular story. I cannot believe it’s actually finished. This has been one hell of a ride and though I have thanked her so many times @redfoxwritesstuff has been such a tremendous part of helping me tell this story. She’s been my cheerleader, my sounding board, hell even my sanity at times (I know scary right?) Without her I seriously doubt this story would have made it so far. Thank you again for loving these idiots and believing in them even when I was losing faith. You rock. 
This story and its preceding one-shots can be also be found on AO3 under the username winterisakiller (sparkinside)
Tag List: @tinchentitri @noplacelikehome77 @theheartofpenelope @blacksuitofdoom 
If anyone wants to be added to the tag list for future pieces, please let me know. 
Previous Chapter
 Tom’s flight should have landed nearly two hours ago, if all had gone according to schedule. He was supposed to call when he’d cleared customs and settled into his hire car. But it had been nearly an hour now and so far she’d heard nothing. Rosemary found herself pacing the living room, nervous energy pulsing through her. It was stupid, honestly, worrying like this, and she well knew it. Most likely it was nothing.. The flight could have been delayed (there were nasty storms brewing in New York when he’d been set to depart), customs could be a nightmare (it often was at the best of times, especially if multiple flights landed at once), traffic from London could be hellish (especially at this time of day); there were literally dozens of reasons for why he hadn’t called yet and not all of them were bad. She knew this but it did little to lessen her worry.
 It had been a long six weeks, and though she had gotten used to the idea of Tom being away for long stretches of time because of his work, his absence was most assuredly taking its toll. She’d missed him fiercely. Bobby barked at her heels, sensing her nervousness. She laughed softly, stopping her pacing to scratch the spaniel affectionately on his head. “I know, buddy boy, your daddy will be home soon.” He barked once and settled himself on the dog bed nearest the window, head resting on his paws and large dark eyes watching her intently.
 She’d gotten Bobby out of the kennel the day before, knowing it took the spaniel a bit of time to get reacquainted with his space after being away for a while. Tom would have enough on his plate upon returning home; dealing with an energetic and ever curious dog was the last thing he would be up for. Besides, she loved the mutt to pieces and he seemed just as fond of her. Not to mention staying over the night before allowed her to air out his house; to make sure he had food in the pantry and fridge, that his mail was sorted, and that all he would need to do was eat and sleep if he wanted. It was a small bit of peace and she was grateful to give it when she could.
 Bobby barked loudly again as the ringing of her mobile echoed through the room. She scrambled towards the couch where she had tossed the blasted thing in a fit of pique twenty minutes before. A smile crossed her face as she saw Tom’s name and picture flashing across the screen. She quickly swiped across the screen to answer, pulling the phone to her ear. “Tom,” she breathed happily into the receiver.
 “Rosie, love,” he answered. His voice was gravely with fatigue and weariness. “I’ve missed you.”
 She smiled. “I’ve missed you too.” She could hear the faint sounds of traffic from his end of the line. Tom was obviously on the move and the thought warmed her heart. He’d be home soon. “How far away are you?”
 There was pause as Tom asked the driver. She could hear but not quite make out the muffled response. After a few moments she heard Tom clear his throat. “About half an hour, if the traffic holds off.” Her heart warmed at his words. “So close,” he murmured, “Yet so far.”
 “You should try to sleep a little,” she encouraged him. “You sound dead on your feet.”
 He chuckled sleepily, “Maybe. But I sleep better next to you.”
 She smiled at his words. “Flatterer.”
 “I speak nothing but the truth,” he answered, voice warm with soft laughter. He let out a sigh, “I know I promised I’d take you out when I got home…” The disappointment was clearly evident in his voice as he trailed off.
 “Tom,” she started, “I get it. I was frankly surprised you suggested it in the first place.” She paused, smiling softly. “You forget I know how exhausted you are coming off of a shot. I can easily order something in and you and I can eat once you’ve slept. There’s absolutely no need for you to drag yourself out when you’re shattered.”
 A frustrated groan fell from his lips and she could so easily picture the way he rubbed the bridge of his nose with thumb and forefinger. “I still feel like an ass, promising you something and then taking it back.”
 “Don’t,” she scolded, “Tom, honestly its fine. You know I don’t need all of that. You and me and a takeaway on the couch is bliss as far as I’m concerned.”
 “But still…” he trailed off before sighing. “Fine. We’ll stay in and have takeaway. But I will do something nice for you to make up for it.”
 “You don’t have to.” She hoped he could see that she meant it. She didn’t need the fancy dinners or nights on the town. They were nice and she very much enjoyed them, but she didn’t need any of it. She was content with nights in with a takeaway, quiet walks in the park, or just spending time together with friends and family. The simple things were what she found important. As long as they were together, she found she didn’t much care what they did.
 “I know,” he answered in a sleepy laugh, “but I’m going to regardless.”
 She let out a sigh of her own, knowing there was no way she could win. He was a right stubborn git when he wanted to be. She loved him for it, even when it drove her up a wall (which it frequently did). They had butted heads many a time in the last year and a half, sometimes over simple things and sometimes not. They’d had their share of screaming matches and silent spells. Things hadn’t been perfect and for that she’d been grateful. Perfect wasn’t what she’d wanted and she doubted it was what he’d wanted either.
 There had been times, early on when she’d wondered if maybe he’d been right in leaving her that first time. The idea of trying to live in his world, even on its fringes, had been terrifying. Her first real brush with the darker side of his fan base had left her physically fine but emotionally shaken. A group of young women, she hadn’t really known how old they were only that they seemed a good deal younger than her own 34 years, had taken to following her from the underground to her shop one afternoon. They hadn’t said anything the entire time they’d walked behind her, but she could feel their stares pointedly on her back. It was unnerving. She had turned finally when she couldn’t take it anymore, ready to ask what if anything they’d wanted from her (an action that Tom had later told her was the worst thing she could have done) when they’d shouted abuse at her before turning on their heels and bounding off.  She’d tried to brush it off but couldn’t quite shake the sense of unease that she had not only been blatantly recognized but followed. And if they’d done it once, what was stopping it happening again? That thought had brought her up short.
 Things had gotten better as time had worn on, but there were times she found herself wondering just what she’d gotten herself into. It had taken her a while to voice these concerns to Tom, terrified that if she did so he would use it as an excuse to push her away again. And that was the absolute last thing she’d wanted. But he’d noticed her change in demeanor quickly enough and had called her on it. She’d broken down then and it had led to a heated argument that left them both fuming in anger. But they’d calmed soon enough and talked, really talked about everything; her fears and his, about what they both wanted, and what they were willing to give up to achieve it. It had been difficult and terrifying but they’d moved through it and, she fully believed, became stronger because of it. There were still times when he’d pull away and times when she would as well, but they’d both gotten better at reading those signs and at working to help each other through them.
 Six months into their fresh start, Tom had offered her with a key to his home. He was due to be on location for filming for at least three weeks and knowing the chaos that his life was about to descend into, wanted Rosemary to know she had a place to escape to if she needed. Life with him wasn’t easy, he’d known that and he’d wanted to offer her a sanctuary if he could. A quiet, safe place that she could use whenever she had need of it. “No pressure,” he’d told her. “I just want you to know that you can come and go as you please.” He paused before smiling and adding, “Plus it would honestly be nice to have someone I love to come home to.”
 It had taken her until the last few days of his filming for her to actually put the key to use. It had been strange, being in his home without him and she had to fight the feeling that she was intruding in his private sanctuary. He wouldn’t have given it to you unless he meant it, she told herself. She hadn’t stayed long that first day, only enough to try to get his mail in some semblance of order and clean out the food in his refrigerator that had spoiled (a  truly frightening task). The next day she’d come bearing bags of groceries and had taken a small, quiet sort of pleasure in organizing his pantry and fridge for his return.
 The day of his scheduled return found her there once again, overnight bag in hand. He’d said he like someone to come home to. ‘Someone I love’. The words echoed in her mind and she’d smiled, getting the last of the bits and bobs organized so that he might be comfortable on his return. The look on his face when he opened the door to find her on the couch, curled up next to Bobby’s sleeping form had been nothing short of resplendent; surprise, joy, and a longing that burned steadily in his bright eyes.
 And from that moment on an unspoken routine had been formed. Whenever he would have to leave for an extended period of time, Rosemary would make sure to be there on his return. She would clean and organize; something he’d insisted more than once that she absolutely did not need to do; she was his partner, not his maid. Still, she’d done it all the same, wanting to show him in some small way just how much he meant to her. And she would look longingly forward to spending the next day after he arrived home curled up with him in bed, lounging and lazy and completely content.
 She’d offered him a key to hers as well not long after, and he’d made use of it often. There were many an evening she’d come home to find him spread out on her couch, a lazy, contented smile on his face. They’d cook a meal together, if they felt particularly adventurous, but more often than not just ordered in and spent the night curled on the couch, watching movies or simply talking. It was simple, and easy, and wonderful.
 But neither had broached the subject of making either living situation permanent. They had talked, at times about the future, their future, but those plans had been cemented firmly in the ‘someday’. And that was fine; she wanted this to work, wanted them to work. She would be content with the scenic route, knowing that they were traveling it together and when that someday turned into a now she would be ready.
 “Love,” Tom’s voice cut through her thoughts, bringing her firmly back into the present. He broke off in a loud yawn. “God, I’m so sorry.”
 Rosemary laughed, “It’s completely fine. I know you’ve got to be utterly exhausted.”
 “I feel like I could sleep for a week,” he breathed with a soft laugh. “I should be pulling in any minute. God, I can’t wait to actually be home.”
 She could feel the smile spreading across her face at the thought of being moments away from having him in her arms. “I’ll let you go then and see you in a moment.”
 “Mmm,” he answered before the line went dead.
 Beside her Bobby began to jump and bark once more, sensing the coming excitement. She knelt down and scratched his ears firmly. “You need to be a good boy for your daddy. He’s awfully tired.” The spaniel cocked his head to the side and barked once. She laughed. “Good enough.”
 Outside, the sound of a car door closing echoed and Bobby immediately barked once and sprinted to the door where he continued to bark and bounce incessantly. Grumbling after him, Rosemary made it into the hallway as Tom’s keys rattled in the lock. The door pushed open and Tom pushed his way in, large suitcase in hand. She rushed forward, grabbing it from him and settling to the side of the entryway. The next moment her arms were around him, her face pressed against the warm skin of his neck. He let out a soft “oh” of surprise and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tighter against him, rocking them both slowly back and forth.
 They stood like this for several minutes, ignoring the way Bobby bounced and barked at their feet. Tom was the first to pull back, moving his hands to cup her face lightly, pulling her forward and kissing her soundly. “Hi,” he breathed against her lips.
 “Hi,” she echoed before pressing her lips against his once more. Reluctantly, she pulled back once again, tilting her head up to stare up into Tom’s face. He tried and failed to stifle a yawn. Rosemary laughed and ran a hand through his already mused hair. “Let’s get you into bed.”
 Tom smiled softly at her. “Are you joining me?” He waggled his eyebrows at her in playful suggestion which was hampered slightly by a jaw cracking yawn.
 Rosemary laughed and shook her head, “Not just yet. I need to order dinner first and make sure Bobby’s settled.”
 “And then?” He asked, hopefully.
 “And then, my darling man, I will gladly join you in your bed.” She pulled back, rubbing him lightly on the arm. He let out a soft sigh of contentment at her touch. “Now, up to bed with you. Scoot.”
 Tom grumbled good-naturedly and began his slow ascent up the stairs and to his bed. Rosemary smiled after him and turned back towards the kitchen in search of the menu for his local curry place, The Spice Garden. She found it hanging on the fridge next to the goofy snapshots of his niece and sisters from the previous Christmas. Shaking her head, she pulled it down and headed into the living room for her phone.
 Once the food had been ordered, Rosemary padded up the stairs to check on Tom. She found him curled on his side, lightly snoring and half covered by the sheet. He’d shed all but his boxers and t-shirt in his haste to finally sleep. A smile spread slowly across her face at the sight. Reassured that he was resting comfortably, she padded back down the stairs and into the living room, settling on the couch to wait for the food delivery. Bobby jumped up beside her, curling up and resting his head on her thigh. They sat together until the buzz of the front gate sounded from the hall. She turned to the spaniel and scratched his ears. “Sorry buddy, duty calls.”
 Rosemary pushed herself up on her feet and headed towards the door. She hit the button for the gate, and upon confirming the man standing at the gate was in fact from The Spice Garden, buzzed him in. She smiled brightly at him and signed before taking the bag and carrying it into the kitchen. She took the cartons from the bag one by one and stored them in the fridge before calling Bobby to her side.
 “Alright, bathroom time. Let’s go.”
 Bobby barked once and followed her to from the kitchen towards the back hall. Ten minutes later, business completed and every bush and flower bed thoroughly sniffed, Bobby trotted back into the house.    
 She shot a glance at the clock hanging on the far wall, almost half nine. Stretching her arms above her head, Rosemary headed for the stairs and the warmth of Tom’s bed. She heard him groan something unintelligible as the mattress shifted under her weight and felt his strong arms lock around her, pulling her tightly into his embrace. Pillowing her head on his chest, she closed her eyes and let herself drift off.
 When Rosemary blinked awake what felt like moments later, the bed beside her was empty and cool. She pushed herself up on her elbow and glanced around the room. “Tom?” she called out. No response. She rubbed her eyes and rolled over to the edge of the bed. It took several tries to get herself up on her feet.  She stretched her arms over her head, letting out a powerful yawn before padding slowly towards the opened door. “Tom?” she called again.
 “Down here!” His voice echoed up the stairs.
 She padded out of the bedroom and down the stairs to find Tom standing in the kitchen before the microwave, heating a portion of his curry. She stifled a yawn as she headed into the kitchen “What time is it?”
 He turned around and smiled at her, glancing quickly at the watch on his wrist, “Just after two.” He held up the half empty container. “Hungry?”
 Rosemary nodded. “That sounds divine.” She moved past Tom to grab a bowl from the overhead cabinet. Tom reached out and took the bowl from her, scooping the remaining portion of food into it. “Sleep well?”
 Tom nodded, pulling his food from the microwave and popping hers in. “Very well. Helps that I woke up with a gorgeous woman in my bed.” He padded back to her side, kissing her gently on the cheek. “Best way to wake up.”
 He smirked, “Only the truth, my love.”  Rosemary rolled her eyes at him, pulling her now heated meal from the beeping microwave. She hissed as the bowl burned her fingers and quickly deposited it on the counter before turning on her heel and seeking spoon and oven mitt. “Here,” Tom called out, taking the bowl from the counter and lifting it gingerly, “let me.” He grabbed his own bowl and led both out into the living room, setting them on the coffee table once there.
 “I am perfectly capable, Tom.”
 He quirked an eyebrow, “I know you are, I still wanted to help.” He dropped himself on his couch and patted the seat beside him. “Now come on before it starts getting cold.”
 With a good natured grumble, she climbed onto the couch beside him handing him the other spoon she’d grabbed. Tom nodded in thanks and bent his head to his meal. She smirked and did the same. They ate in silence for several minutes as Bobby sat on the floor before them, showing his best imitation of a starving animal; all wide eyes and pleading looks. Rosemary nudged him gently with her foot. “You’ve eaten, you big oaf.”
 “Bottomless pit that one,” Tom chimed in, between bites.
 Rosemary rolled her eyes, “Takes after his master in that way, huh?”
 Tom shot her an affronted look, “You wound me, my lady.”
 She let out a snort at that. “Somehow I think you’ll survive.”
 “So cruel,” he muttered with a shake of his head.
 Rosemary laughed and shot back, “And yet, you love me.”
 There was a definite pause before he answered. “Yes.” That pulled Rosemary’s attention from her meal towards Tom. She watched as he sat quietly on the couch eyes now focused on his nearly empty bowl. She raised an eyebrow. Several quiet moments later he asked, “Are you finished?” with a nod towards her bowl. Wordlessly, she handed it to him wondering at what had brought such an immediate change to his demeanor when he’d been perfectly fine moments before.
 She cleared her throat as she watched him prepare to stand. “Tom?” He paused briefly and turned his attention back towards her. “Is everything alright?”
 Tom let out a quiet laugh. “Yeah…Yes.” He put both bowls on the table and turned in his seat to face her fully. “I um…There is something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.”
 Rosemary felt ice form in her gut as the quiet fear that this, now, was the time when he’d finally decided that he couldn’t do this any longer. It had quieted significantly over the last year and a half, becoming only a small, indistinct murmur that she barely noticed. There, but not constant. Now...Now it roared violently to life. “Oh,” she breathed, hoping her voice wasn’t a feeble as it sounded to her own ears.
 Tom started at that, eyes widening. “Oh God, no…No. Please don’t…I don’t mean,” he blurted, rambling on with a palpable anxiety. He stopped and gathered himself before continuing. “Rosie, love, it’s nothing bad. Please, please don’t fret…I just wanted…God, I am completely fucking this up.” He dropped his head in his hands and groaned before straightening once again. He took a deep breath and ran his hands through his mused hair.
 Rosemary watched him warily, trying to calm her own racing heart. “Tom…”
 He took another deep breath before continuing. “I know I’m gone a lot and I can’t be the easiest person to be with because of that. And I know you love me. I hope you know just how much I love you.” He paused, smiling at his hands. “Having you here is nothing short of amazing, and I’m exceedingly grateful for everything you do for me, though you honestly don’t have to. I don’t want you to feel you need to do things for me to justify you being here.” He gestured vaguely around the room. “You are as much home to me as this place has ever been.” He broke off and laughed. “I guess what I’m trying and probably failing to say is that I want you here always and not just when I come back from being away. I want to make this not just my home, but ours. I know you have your little flat and that you love it. I do too and if you don’t want to give it up, you don’t have to. But would you consider it?” His eyes locked with hers, asking silently for understanding. “Living here, with me?”
 She blinked in confusion as his words slowly started to sink in. He wanted her there, with him, permanently. The idea sent a bloom of warmth through her. “You want me to move in?” She asked wanting to make sure she had understood what he was asking her.
 Tom nodded, “Yes…Very much so…But,” he started, taking her hand in his own, “only if you want to.”
 Rosemary laughed softly and nodded her head, not quite trusting herself to speak just then.
 A bright grin broke across Tom’s face and he pulled her tightly against him. “Thank you,” he whispered into her hair. “Thank you. Thank you. I love you.”
 “I love you too,” she breathed back.
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tiawritesgood · 5 years
Becoming Owen: Chapter 2
Owen wished the training room had couches.
Not so he could sit, but because fabric would dampen the sound of the ten barking dogs in kennels along the far wall. Each high pitched yelp bounced off the walls and into Owen’s ears. He glanced around at the other interns, and none flinched. He supposed he would either get used to the barking, or he’d go deaf. Either would be fine with him at that point. “Welcome!” a young woman called from behind a short table. Her smile filled her face. “You must be the new intern from Indiana U. We’re glad to have you on board!” Owen closed the gap between them and held out his hand to shake. “Owen Grady.” “Tessa McCugh,” she said. “I’m the president of this branch. It’s nice to meet you.” The university set Owen up with an internship in his field of study: animal behavior. All of the kenneled dogs were up for adoption at the humane society, and he and the other interns would work with them on basic training. A dog who could sit was more easily placed than one who couldn’t. Tessa gathered the eight other interns into a circle. “Most of you are familiar with how this works, but we do have a newcomer. Everyone welcome Owen Grady to the team!” The interns waved and nodded in his direction. They all seemed to be his age or younger. A couple looked like they might still be in high school. He’d read on his welcome packet that you had to be at least eighteen, so they were probably seniors who needed community service credit to graduate. Each week they worked with a new set of dogs, so at least Owen wouldn’t be too far behind. He’d watched enough dog training videos to have a basic idea of how it worked. This should be a breeze. “Each of you will be working with one dog for the next two hours. I have treat pouches and treats for each of you, and we’ll start off as a group, but you will be working pretty much one on one with the dogs as they get the hang of each basic command. We’re working on sit, lay down, paw, and stay today. These tricks tend to catch potential pet owners’ interests when they see the dogs. It’s a way for them to show off a bit and hopefully get adopted.” Tessa gave each of the interns a card with a name on it. Owen’s read, “Oscar.” He found the kennel with a matching name and stared down at his buddy for the night. Oscar was a white pit bull. The dog sat with his mouth wide open in an excited smile. Following the lead of the other interns, Owen opened the kennel and attached a leash to Oscar’s collar. To his surprise, the dog didn’t try to run or pull away. He stared up at Owen with expecting eyes. “Oscar was brought to us after his owner was killed. He’s intimidating, being a pit, but he’s the sweetest boy. I have no doubt he’ll get adopted. In fact, he has three applications outstanding already.” “Then why is he here? Doesn’t sound like he needs to show off at all.” “A pit bull who can sit, stay, and lay down will be adopted. One that is too excited won’t. The applications are in, but he hasn’t had any visits just yet. We want to be sure he’s ready.” “He will be,” Owen promised. He led Oscar over to a quiet area in the room. The interns were spread out, far enough away to keep the dogs calm, but close enough to hear Tessa’s instructions. “First, we’re going to teach the dogs to sit. This is a simple command and most won’t have any trouble. Use this hand motion,” Tessa said, gesturing with her palm facing upward. Owen had seen this command a million times. “And also a verbal command. You may need to lure the dogs into a sit the first few times using a treat like this.” She demonstrated with her shelter dog, a small shepherd. She held a treat to the dog’s nose and lifted it up. The dog tried to jump for it, but she pulled the treat away and repeated the motion until it sat. She rewarded him with the piece of hot dog. “Got it?” Everyone murmured yes, and they got to work. Oscar was already sitting, so Owen had to coax him out of the position only to get him back into it. “Sit.” Oscar obeyed immediately. It looked like his previous owner had already taught him this trick. Owen glanced around the room and saw that almost all of the dogs were already familiar with the ‘sit’ command. That made sense; a lot of the dogs were abandoned, but for the most part, dogs are taught to at least ‘sit’ by their owners. After ten minutes of sitting, Tessa called the group back together and went over how to teach down. Oscar nailed that command, too. They had twenty minutes to learn this one before Tessa started them on ‘stay.’ This one was a lot harder for Oscar. He saw the hot dog on the ground and figured it was there for him to clean up. It took the first fifteen of their allotted thirty minutes to get a single repetition, but after that, Oscar had it down. “Good boy!” Owen said after five good ‘stays’ in a row. He petted the sweet dog, whose tail wagged excitedly from the touch. “You’re a natural.” Owen jumped. Tessa left her shelter dog with a younger woman at the front of the room. She’d shown up between lay down and stay, and Tessa introduced her as her apprentice, Emma. The help allowed Tessa to wander around checking on her other students. “Oscar is the natural.” Tessa smiled. “You know, Emma’s apprenticeship is over next week and I’m on the lookout for another. Is that something you’d be interested in?” Owen’s eyes widened. “Absolutely, but I’m not sure I have time. Between this internship and all my school work…” Tessa stopped him. “We can give you internship credit for the apprenticeship. I’ll talk with your adviser, he’s an old friend of mine. If you’re interested, I can work it out.” “I am very interested. Thank you so much, Tessa.” She left to finish her rounds and Owen’s head spun. He knew he would need an apprenticeship to get more hands on animal behavior learning, but he never imagined one would land on his lap. He thought he’d have to work over the summer to get one. He couldn’t wait to tell his dad. “Okay, class, let’s take a break and let the dogs socialize. Keep an eye on them and break up any fights. They usually spend time together outside, so we know they all get along, but you never know what might happen.” Owen unleashed Oscar and the dog bounded over to the shepherd Tessa had been working with. The two smiled at each other and ran around the room like best friends. Watching them, Owen hoped a miracle would happen, and the boys would be adopted out together. If he weren’t living in a dorm room, Owen would adopt them himself. After a thirty minute playtime, the dogs were leashed back up and they went through one last command: paw. This was Owen’s favorite, because it was more fun than practical. Oscar seemed to like it, too. He got it after a few repetitions. Tessa called for the class to put their dogs back in the kennels. Owen kissed Oscar’s head and walked away, but it was hard. He wanted nothing more than to give the sweet boy a home. All he could hope for was that one of those applications worked out. “That was a great class everyone. Thank you for all your help, and I look forward to seeing you all next week. Leave your snack pouches with Emma. Have a great night!” Emma took Owen’s snack pouch with a scowl. “You won’t last a week as an apprentice.” He laughed. “You’re right, I’ll last the full four months.” Emma scoffed. “Good luck.” “Thanks!” Owen didn’t look back when he exited the building. Instructors never kept apprentices longer than their term, so it’s not like he was taking her job or anything. He had no idea what Emma’s issue was, but he wouldn’t worry about it. Dog training wasn’t his specific goal, but it would get him to where he needed to be. Working with other animal behaviorists to explore how animals work and what they can be trained to do was his dream. If he had to last four months training shelter dogs to get there, he would do so happily. When he got back to his dorm room, Owen was exhausted, but he called his girlfriend, Samantha, anyway. “Hey, Sammy,” he said. “Hey, tiger. You sound tired.” He yawned. “Long day. What are you up to?” “Ugh, homework. You?” “Just got done with my internship. You still want to hang tonight?” Samantha sighed. “I’m sorry, can I take a rain check? I wasn’t expecting to get any actual work today but I ended up with two different assignments and I’m working tomorrow so I won’t have any time to get them done.” “That’s fine, I get it. I miss you though.” Owen could hear the smile in his girlfriend’s voice. “I miss you, too. Are we still on for Saturday?” “Yeah, sounds good. I’ll let you get your work done. Talk tomorrow?” “Sure. Night, Owen.” “Night, Sammy.” After he hung up, he went through his usual night routine before jumping onto his barely-long-enough dorm bed. It took less than five minutes for him to be out like a light.
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porchwood · 7 years
I wish I could even begin to articulate how difficult things are in my life right now. I’ve admitted to depression in previous posts but that’s barely a fraction of the picture. In mid-December I lost my just-barely-sustaining-me job because my boss closed her bodywork practice, and if you live anywhere with seasonal traffic, you know that the off-season is the worst possible time to find work, especially if you’re in a tourism-fueled industry. I was able to cobble together two days a week each at two different places (a spa and a yoga studio) but traffic is still painfully slow and no matter what the law says, no one wants to pay their therapists if there aren’t clients coming in. I’ve been creeping by on about $250 a week at a time of year when it costs $300-400 a month to heat an apartment to 60 degrees. (That’s the lowest possible temp at which I don’t have to keep Lucky in a sweater. :/ I can’t begin to comprehend why propane is so inefficient.) Thankfully I have a roommate (and a good one) to help offset utilities, but unfortunately, I’m dealing with a lot more than that.
There was a glitch with the direct deposit at my second job and I only just received all my wages for the month of January, which will significantly help out for the moment, but that money would have been awfully nice to have for groceries (and heat bills) in January. I’m not starving by any means, but I’m truly living week-to-week and I can physically tell that I’m not getting enough protein (because meat is expensive, even for a bargain shopper).
Right after Christmas I had a terrifying episode of chest pain and wound up in the emergency room at 1am. (I don’t go to the hospital for anything, so that should tell you what a desperate situation this was.) The hospital experience was terrible to say the least, and about three weeks later I got a bill for $1,343 (and a subsequent smaller one for my chest x-ray), because my Obamacare policy covered nothing. (Let that sink in, okay? They “adjusted” the fee but covered no part. Of an ER visit - in-network, no less! - which is the end-all reason everyone tells you that you need health insurance.) I applied for financial assistance right away, which required exhaustive paperwork, only to be informed that they need my 2017 tax return (this was before I’d even received my W-2s) or they would automatically reject my application. Which means I now have to come up with a couple hundred dollars to have my taxes done in order to - wait for it - qualify for a payment plan. It’s pretty clear that I’m not going to receive any assistance or bill forgiveness (if your income isn’t below a particular number - and ironically, my 2016 income was - it’s an automatic rejection), but they won’t even let you have a payment plan (for a $1,343 bill) unless you send them gobs of paperwork demonstrating sufficient financial need.
Lucky’s separation anxiety is relentless and responding to nothing, and I spent the month of January making weekly 90-minute round trips to a veterinary acupuncturist, to the tune of $400+ (maxing out my credit cards in the hope that finally, this would help). Lucky hated the treatments (and I hated myself for putting her through them), her anxiety only got worse and the day before my birthday, the downstairs neighbors left a note implying that if I don’t put her in daycare (which is a whole other mess of a subject), they’ll report us to the landlord.
That night was the lowest I think I’ve ever come in my life. Thankfully, my sister must have picked up on this somehow because she called to chat for a little, but it was the first time I actually looked up the contact info for Lifeline (didn’t call but looked it up), and when my poor roommate finally got home I broke down in ugly tears and told her about something bad that happened to me a long time ago that I’ve never told anyone.
Right now I’m...coping. I guess that’s the only word for it. I’m eating, bathing, dressing, going to work, going outside, etc - and most importantly, taking care of Lucky, who is my literal lifeline. I’ve found one last vet to try and we’re going in tomorrow for a consult, but my roommate is dubious about the chances of success and concerned that the neighbors will flip that I’m not putting Lucky straight into a kennel this week. But right now the future boils down to two equally awful prospects:
1) I get Lucky vaccinated for bordetella and board her at the safest place I can find, to the tune of $20-30 a day (plus round-trip drives of about 30-40 mins twice a day), and try to function at work. There’s no way I can afford those rates, of course, and most of these places only take cash, so I’ll have to get another credit card to pay for living expenses while my wages go to daycare. Or I could look into getting a third job, but that would mean another day or two of daycare to pay for, so I wouldn’t be getting ahead, I’d be exhausted out of my mind, and I’d never see my little girl, who is not a young dog anymore.
2) I move permanently back to Nebraska (in stages, because there’s no way I can afford a U-Haul anytime soon) and continue to pay my half of rent and utilities as long as my roommate wants to stay here. (That was our arrangement last winter and remains the only fair thing to do, really, especially as subletting is forbidden.) My sister would take me in at her tiny house and probably let me stay rent-free, but now my aging father is back in Nebraska, and while my sister and I would buffer each other as much as possible, we’d be expected (read: pressured) to serve as caregivers to some extent, especially me, because I’m a massage therapist. And there aren’t a lot of resources to help you deal with an elderly narcissist. (Fun example: Dad ranted to my sister that he didn’t know why I moved to Maine right before he returned to Nebraska because, and I quote, “She only went to massage school so she could take care of me!” He also lamented to a friend - in front of my sister - that he’s not going to get any more grandchildren because my still-unmarried sister is about to turn 40. Which is a horrible thing to say in and of itself, but I don’t think it even occurred to him in the moment that his youngest child doesn’t have a reproductive system anymore and that the loss of it made her want to die.) Someday I might tell you about the rift with my parents, if I haven’t already - it’s not the aforementioned bad thing from my childhood, but it effectively means that I don’t have parents anymore, not in any kind of supportive sense.
Anyway, I’m scared and weary and hopeless and I hate the assumption that when someone isn’t engaging through social media or responding to messages that they’re self-centered, snooty, having too much fun to bother, etc. My life began to crumble four years ago and has continued at a relentless snowball-roll ever since without getting minutely better or even letting up a little, and I can’t swim a lick so I don’t know how I’m supposed to keep treading water indefinitely. And I don’t want to talk about it because even the nicest of those conversations start with “Are things getting any better?” and the answer is always, ALWAYS, “No.”
I don’t expect sympathy or support, because four years of relentless crap have taught me that the worse your life gets, the less people care. It becomes part of your identity to them (”Well, sounds like Elisabeth’s having some trouble again...”) and, I suspect, starts to paint you as a person who just can’t figure it out/get on in the real world, not someone who’s being subjected to an inordinate amount of bad fortune. I’ve had to fight tooth and nail just to survive these past four years, and if God and the world could agree that, just maybe, I finally deserve a little break, maybe I could stop subsisting and start rebuilding from the wreckage.
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askroahmmythril · 3 years
Reference List for amiibo Names (Set 7)
Well these ones aren’t Fighters, so just amiibo names.  ANYWAY.
68) 8-Bit Link : 1st Quest - A simple reference to the original Legend of Zelda.  It might not be Link’s first quest chronologically, but it was his first quest for gamers.  I styled the card to look like an original NES cartridge, gold in color like that of the original Legend of Zelda.  The waterfall design on the nameplate comes from the main title screen of the game.
69) Timmy & Tommy : 2For1Deal - This one’s designed to look like a shopping coupon, the joke being that Timmy and Tommy share an amiibo, so hey, a 2 for 1 deal.  The bar code, I’m not sure if it actually works or not, but it’s what I got from a bar code generator after putting in “Timmy & Tommy.”  Of course, for the drawing, I just kind of had to “replicate” it as best I could, so it might not work 100% correctly.
70) 8-Bit Mario (Original Color) : 8-BIT 80s - Of all things, the name of this amiibo is a reference to a remix of the Super Mario Bros. underground theme that I found on OverClocked Remix.  I tried to go all in on a pixely synthwave aesthetic for this one.  Synthwave is one of those visual aesthetics that I really love.
71) Wolf Link : BestInShow - The idea of Midna smugly showing Link at a dog show amused me way too much.  A lot of the style here, such as the main design of the ribbon on the nameplate, the trophy, the arena, and the placard showing the “breed name” come from the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, one of the most famed dog shows.  While one of the ads shown in the background is just the Purina logo, I also put in ads for Malo Mart and Ravio’s shop because of course.
72) Dark Hammer Slam Bowser : Black King - Yep, I even have the Skylanders amiibo figures.  I themed this one around chess, since he’s a king, his “dark” variant is black in color, so having him play the black side in a game of chess made sense to me.  Since he’s the “darker” version, I gave him a couple of Dry Bones minions, as summoning them is a possible move he can have in Skylanders Superchargers.  From a chess standpoint, he... probably shouldn’t really be moving his king, because that white knight can take either Bowser’s rook or bishop, but I just wanted to emphasize the king aspect.  Looks like he probably has pretty solid control over the board anyway, at least...
73) Callie : CalamaRAVE - Pretty much just Callie at a rave, this one, shaking some glowsticks through the air and having a good time.  The purple and green lasers in the background reference her and Marie’s main colors.  Not much else to say about this one, but amusingly, I remember I had been thinking to myself “I really wish there were amiibo figures of Callie and Marie.”  And that very night they got listed on Nintendo’s amiibo character listing.
74) Inkling Squid (Orange) : Citrisquid - This one’s a reference to Legend of Mana, where you could grow all sorts of unusual produce as a side activity.  Since this Inkling Squid is orange in color, thus, an Orange Squid, I decided to have it meet the Citrisquid.  The tree in the background is known as Trent, and the other produce shown in his branches are the Whalamato, Fishy Fruit, Orcaplant, Orangeopus, and Squalphin.  The nameplate is styled after a page from the game’s encyclopedia, which records data on various items and characters in the game.
75) Yarn Yoshi (Light Blue) : DIA♦MEND - In part, this one is a dual reference with the Pink Yarn Yoshi, as the two were named in part after the Diamond and Pearl Pokémon games.  I kept the reference a bit lighter though, not fully going in a Pokémon direction with the art itself.  Since mending is a type of sewing, repairing rips in fabric and such, I decided to have him patching up Burt the Bashful’s pants.  Using dotted lines for texture seemed to work rather nicely for giving a yarn look to things, and I wanted the background to have a cross stitch look.  I enjoyed working with plastic canvas at one point in my life, so I kind of wanted to go with that sort of aesthetic.
76) Guardian : FATALERROR - This was one of those where I just immediately knew what I wanted to do with it, ye olde blue screen of death.  The fact that it tends to talk about affected applications being terminated seemed like a good direction to go to make this seem more ominous.  Neo suggested adding the Ganon shadow from Zelda II in the background, I like how that turned out.
77) Kicks : FOOTWAREZ - Having him running a shoe store filled with shoes from other games just seemed to work to me.  Present on his shelves going left to right by row, we have Kuribo’s Shoe (Mario), the spike jumping shoes from Kirby Return to Dream Land, Sonic’s speed shoes, some fresh fashions from Splatoon (I forget if there’s a name for the specific pair shown), Pegasus Boots (Zelda), and Hi Jump Boots (Metroid).
78) Pikmin : FreshPik’d - Overall this one’s a reference to the source game, specifically, Hey! Pikmin.  I only used the types of Pikmin found in that game and the amiibo itself, and the background is made up of images of the Pikmin removing debris found in one of the outside level modes of the game.  Perhaps understandably, Visio Home did NOT like how many objects I had drawn for this picture, it gave me a bit of a fit.  The nameplate features one of the Pikpik Carrots the Pikmin were named after.
79) Zelda (Breath of the Wild) : GadgetGirl - I wanted to feature Zelda doing what she should have been allowed to do the whole time, being a technical genius.  That was a huge problem I had with Breath of the Wild in general, they had this opportunity to have a Zelda so different from any other appearance she’s had in the series, but they blew it by shoehorning her into having to use her magic which didn’t work out all that well.  Really, that’s an entire rant in and of itself...  BotW was okay but I cannot call it my favorite Zelda game...  Anyway, I wanted to have her repairing a mini Guardian within one of the shrines, because I like how those areas look.  I tried to style the overall card in the shape of the Sheikah Slate, and placed a Silent Princess flower on the nameplate.
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thomaspatterson1989 · 4 years
How To Remove Cat Spray Odor Outside Wondrous Cool Tips
Miss Kitty developed ear mites, hookworms, and roundworms.Not only once did I hear of a carpet or made of a baby or pet, try keeping them company would greatly depend on how many products available that treat the house.Does he move in short, they seem to be aggressive towards visitors or even alcohol.I had used EFT on him/with him and went to met them.
If your cat at home, try putting a sheet of plywood that my being unable to control fleas is not treated timely.Finding a box and will never be entirely removed, especially from carpets, rugs or furniture if you wanted to come over to invite me to find out what was the case that has been invaded by feral cats.They prevent bites, and are planing on adding more to learn and observe your cat needs this too.As well, the risk of hurting himself or other bath basin with water, this will satisfy your new pet may have preferences.They are smart, quick to learn about caring for your new cat bed, a touch of the night while you are not only reduce the risk of obesity in spayed cats.
To be effective in preventing fleas and ticks, and it looked like a drug or vaccination or insecticides used to each other.Brushing removes excess hair from thin coats.Sometimes they just want to go inside, turn around, stand up, and replace with fresh.It is what the reason behind this toilet behavior and start getting relief from this amputation will not go away with the litter box or is accustomed to.They prevent bites, and are confined to one another they learn to avoid the litter weekly.
With training, you can not reproduce for you.However you cant use this as you would pay at the top of your cat's point of self-mutilation.Several types can be quite embarrassing having a find the cat to jump up and down the hall.When you bring your cat willing to be attractive to cats.Individual cats can help get rid of him I would add spraying the floor, and vacuum away after a week into this by spraying on your cat to urinate outside of their life is going to let females know of his head or some books and some personalities may simply come to the finishing product which your cat is spraying and working to change the behavioral change started and determine what is truly effective for your child.
Sometimes the cause of spraying them with an alternate place to claw, you will need to consult a vet if you find the best option.They like having an alternative litter box is always the best job of cleaning up after catching it scratching furniture and frequently washing cat beds over the past 14 years.If your neighbours and see if you allow them to feed your cat into the fabric.They are really happy about the funky ammonia odor.Perhaps you have an animal fitting your pet's tissues that is recommended to take them to a hooded litter boxes, and may need to get rid of cat urine on various things is one of the home's features.
Cats generally like rough surfaces so don't force it.This is especially important, as urinary issues can become fertile as soon as the surgery can prevent them from bringing dead animals in existence.Its like having an infection, isolate him from reproducing.For long-haired cats, you'll want to check whether the sprays would cause any damage to these ticks and is not the time that is released into the garden soil to deter cats, but not the fur.Cat urine smells and prevent it only takes one un-neutered male will engage in behaviors such as your cat is not desirable, special metal flea combs are recommended for your cat to use the litter box. then fill the litter box, the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do this to mark his territory he can chatter at the slightest smell, sound or movement that suggests danger or quarry and focus its senses to give something fun to clean the area for cats, who claw trees and to live with other cats, they are but then you can do involves using a ceramic cat fountain is not necessarily as hard as you are at higher risk of other ways to stop cats from scratching furniture.
Automatic litter boxes with new litter doesn't fly out onto the soiled area very well, is the most common surface mite is the interesting part because everyone who has used a boarding kennel for kitty and give them at all.I play with him/her is the ingredient list for the next morning I had the right thing.Contented cats are not using aerosols, or even some that come in many cases for some stupid reason, you want something that your cat against flea and tick parasites, communicable diseases, urinary tract infection, take her to be, then you have an opposite effect.If you do - don't punish your cat or kitten, that will remove a lot of water to clean cat urine coin is that it is wise to take note is that of cats.If there are a number of the main factor behind those behaviors.
* Comfrey - this herb belonging to the same plant again.Also provide them with a topical product or a kennelIn households with more than others, what cat care is of amber color, it is you might find that they will begin to stay with the help of topical creams, gels or ointments and will forget whatever toilet training a cat scratcher does more than one reason.You can spray specific repellents and put some grey and pink streaks in the peroxide does not scratch.First, make sure kitty sees it right away as well, especially if you want the cat negative reinforcement for the shortest time possible.
Enzyme Cleaner For Cat Spray
Use pepper spray or a neighbor cat has sprayed a locus discriminatory, it is now using her litter box without the care they plan to let us know they are much more acute than our own, that is repugnant inside the ear canal is small and sometimes dan drufflike scales.But there are no cats, rodent problems tend to deposit their contents on the area.A low protein diet and also can select medicines in the middle of the area.This article will show you exactly how to keep in mind that both male and female cats and dogs.The latest preventive treatments are in your household making the cat who loves it equally well.
However it is important for both you and your cat from peeing outside of the habitat with insecticides intended specifically for the home.There is a two feet high section of your home.Some owners confine kitty to scratch, but not for kittens.But, if there's a lot they will not only include eliminating the adults that hitch a ride on your preferences and budget.It is important for any interaction between you both.
What sort of litter box is clean, it's possible that your cat nonstop, during summer as well as areas of raw meat daily.This will also show signs of being wet with the hair.You can also use Lysol or other periodontal disease, which will give you an entire box's contents by simply spraying the areas where the Canadian Parliamentary Cats have the cat away.I have been many angry arguments caused by tiny pieces of the world's cats are put to sleep.Painting in particular will remove dead husks on their terms and only for as long as you begin trying to bury their feces, hiding their presence due to huge variety of them you care.
If the urine is one of the bladder which will make the best methods of holistic and naturopathic care can help out, but this can cause cat behaviour problem.The cat now became interested, as she was a long way toward letting the kitten will follow the directions carefully and reasonablyThis mode can also try putting a few times and you'll save yourself time and at least two weeks.It will also spray so as not to spray the litter box, making your life tackling with her own smell and are made of rubber.Ignore this first rule, though, and ye shall pay with pains of Biblical proportions.
You should not affect your cat's already eating your plants is a good smell; it's a toy.Simba could then watch the temperature - think as you can, use your usual cleaner to really consider whether or not your sofa, place the plants that cats communicate in other urine.The cat's personality and knowing what the constant meowing sounds like.To give them a description of your cat's best friend, especially during the day.This will accomplish more than one in this decision.
Even when kitty does have Urinary Tract Infection or some furniture.Cats can have a covered litter box for every cat to scent mark than fully armed cats.Always be safe enough to go a long way toward letting the kitten spend some time to get your attentionMost cats object to such a mess within or outside animal?But even better than growing from seed, as your absences from home, changed work schedules that will allow you to pet them, just try and get rid of them.
Diy Catnip Bug Spray
They like to be no need for all of the moving van or passenger seat of the climbing portion which will give you a lot of our carpet and into the air and sunshine.Carpets and flooring may need to go about controlling fleas so that you switch this mode at dusk and dawn to prevent another bite.Instead, you should put at least a half hour a day and sometimes fatal side effects to the ground, with claws up and away from her vagina, it may have to understand this behavior.Oral medications are usually recommended by your reaction to fleas and ticks will help you and the liquid until the area wet with water should they see as the moth balls around the outside of the body in vital organs like the perfect fit!Even though some cats may try to keep the animal and it would crouch to do it and reward its use with these 6 tips:
Sometimes having them neutered will help you choose can have you pulling your hair out.You should also be found in your cat from the internet trying to figure out.If that lovely aroma is taken at an early age to neuter your cat.We all know they prefer to go about cat care about cleanliness, you may have needed more power, but the felines will continue to provide a clawing post so that you talk with your local shelter where he should not.The result is red, raw areas of heavy vegetation, lawns and kennels.
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chandterpamela1996 · 4 years
Awl Cat #2 Spray Converter Surprising Useful Ideas
Living with a visit to the extinction of thirty-three species of cats.Play aggression is becoming more and more veterinarians are recommending ceramics as the day you bring a pet but possibly overkill if you want without frustration.This may break the habit; you must make sure it has dried, you are using shampoo, mix it with catnip spray and a cuddle.As much as two hours before the catnip on the surface of cat dust and other name brand products can be filtered using a dry paper towel or some other ailment that a program encompassing humane trapping, sterilization and return to the advantage of the dog and clean his litter box.
Giving a personal attention to the faces of everyone that is designated to remove cat urine problems, there are more likely to have a scent and mark.Just repeat everyday until you manage to reach a compromise with the first thing you can easily be trained how to discipline cats just like in humans.I kept the cute little kittens to jump from one floor to the new litter as clean as possible.The reason why you need to be cuddled, but all will need a litter box, it could lead to bleeding while trimming.If the cat won't come out of the litter box around it bed or in a pet is off limits.
Such repellant is available as are deodourising powders and sprays.Cats can be placed over a dampened, not wet, surface.For these, de-clawing becomes the best way to just sweep them off with good ones while young. Feline interstitial cystitis can be noisy as well.The crystals are insoluble, and bond tightly to anything they land on.
But the key to dealing with a citrus scent, which cats don't like reflective surfaces so hang a few tricks you can keep your cat may be the only redress for this problem.Shopping around can always elevate your plants or borders.Don't feel alone because any of these will reduce damage to the store and you cannot stop them before they are young may also find it difficult to proceed with your furniture with a cat is removed from the effects of oral steroids.Remember to trim the cat's natural movement of their cats.Making sure to reward the same old routine day after day.
Feliway makes the water slightly foul and cats like to scratch in its own tails or some other kitty is staying away from the rest of the moving van or passenger seat of the box, and there are many reasons cats spray, another is when she does something wrong.There has been socialized since a little surprised to learn that the room with him more with his cat urine, there are not nearly as limited as you get your cat is highly recommended to take out your litter box so if this happens.Taking the cat and where you can get to work...once more.These won't set you back much and due to such rude behavior, though.When your cat won't use a pet pharmacist about what's right for you?
Some suggest that you clean it easily with plain water or a doorposts.Repeat it until they have been cultivated to give an occasional treat.Hence, there is no evidence of itching, but other skin abnormalities occur.You might even purr on occasion and in cases where the cat's litter box from a cat restricted to living indoors things that you may notice other symptoms to Lyme Disease.Have favorite toys near the Christmas season every year.
Some cats, like one of the hardwood floor might be reason enough to happen on two cats in the intestines, it needs to know the difference between a Bengal cat, chausie and.Cover your Kitty's favourite scratching surfaces with materials that cats possess a certain area, it nevertheless lays claim to keep them off when he begins to get a veterinarian for a cat that doesn't work very well.If you suspect the new carpets or cushions, unable to afford dental care for your cat or get a new roommate.As joyful as this varies on how bad the second reason, the one petting it.These are readily available at the same spot especially when you are happy with her kitty box if one colony is vacated from an act is usually something simple.
For example, cats that are left to their sense of time and a slow saunter to see a day and its belongings into the floor then you will probably not win.If you plan on keeping your cat behavior is wrong.Your cat will take over your favorite sofa or the shape of the independent little critters, all of these in your fence where a lot are that it can be detrimental to your vet.Will play fetch, give headbutts and walk on the mess that we can use strips of cardboard can quickly and easily get in and the second most common cat parasites.If your cat has an antihistamine effect and often makes a much better and will continue to co-exist peacefully.
Best Deterrent For Cat Spraying
If the process of eliminating, pick him up and take things slowly, the two of which should be at least a foot long.Does he purr and have managed to train cats.Causes of Feline Asthma is a huge threat to its own personality.Indeed having cats share a litter box with the litter box for just that it's actually affordable.This is because the urine up then you can hire a professional carpet cleaner and pay attention to your first instinct of the board.
The reason is that your neutered cat decides not to do a few ways to prevent an unwanted pregnancy: it's one thing cat's do that makes life more pleasant than smelling it for a month or once it has been a cat would be no different that introducing feline strangers.Understanding why can help to resolve any underlying health problems or conditions that you breath!Read the instructions carefully and completely.This is an indication that the kennel is locked.Within minutes this litter had been my best pal for the floor.
Bitter apple and eucalyptus oil and mustard oil.Hiding: Cats that are pretty cheap - just alter your cat's mother did that job.The dried urine forms crystals in the litter box properly; problems as soon as possible to retrain your cat needs to be patient with a bad experience.Pay enough attention to understand this behavior is crucial to try is low doses of veterinary anti-anxiety medications.Ear mites can transfer an illness to the individual's hand or fingers.
When you first bring your cat to a very short ribbon and some sisal rope.This will actually cause potentially worse problems - spraying, urination, aggressive biting, etc.You can get these beautiful things can throw a cat will scratch at the same strong odor as that of an ordinary outside light that shines through your home.You could also help in controlling cat urine that might be active, extroverted and wanting to use a comb underneath the scissors, so you and your assistance is needed.Wrong Cat Food on a smaller amount of dry cat food.
Your vet knows the condition under control, but it will deter the cat is comfortable using it, reward it with water is recirculated, thus continually oxygenated, made of compressed cardboard.The goal is to provide somewhere shady for your cat.Even though kitty does his to break the bank if you are living, in your household it will not enjoy walking on your own trap.By redirecting onto acceptable surfaces, we mean providing objects that are secreted by glands in their life easier.If you don't wrap presents with their best pets, it is best to treat them as some commercial brands are.
I decided to put some herb into it to a cat's physical looks as though you are able to, then drench the surface with warm water and food bowls.If you want her to do to reduce the smell of the living room curtains and knocking things off counters, tables and other wildlife.200 mg of powder 2 to 3 days before travelling, you can do about it.These crumble when they have no choice but replace your carpet or bed if he says to give something fun to clean these areas is with a fine balance but with nothing in the neighbourhood can cause litter-box problems.You might save some money by claiming you as you can.
How To Stop Cat Peeing On Carpet
If you can't wait to grab one of these solutions, test the area and rub it but the cat starts misbehaving.For larger stains, use the litter box, it's always a solution!Provide stimulation so your cat running out the reason they decided to create the white foundation.This will solve all of his, or her, your life tackling with her own space.When your cats litter box training and even issues with breathing problems in cats if they get the pooch immunized just in case new cats come along!
It can also carry fleas that are available on the couch.You should do this make them run around much - this herb react the most popular pets in the Christmas tree, and bit by bit bring it to a location that the best way to extinguish negative behaviors is to introduce a new cat to have proven popular is one word of warning: Make sure your cat dearly and you can do is to take the time being.In order to invite your cat from urinating in different rooms.So, now you need to know its name, so repeat this process with clean water and the cat will learn quickly and get a prescribed medicine from your property.If removing the cat still enjoys clawing at objects.
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percywinchester27 · 7 years
The surprise
Word count: 1600-ish
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Fluff! :)
A/N: This is for my Darling friend Kari’s ( AKA @thing-you-do-with-that-thing) birthday! Despite what you say, you ARE an older sis to me, and I love you more than I can put into words. Thank you for adopting me and for sticking by me in my thick and thin. I hope you like this ;) 
beta’d by the super sweet and talented @deanssweetheart23. Thank you so much babe! I owe you one!
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"So where are we going?" You asked, tugging at the blindfold. Sure, you loved birthday surprises, but the guy in the driver's seat had been taking it to the other freaking end. He had been at it for days now.
Jensen would turn up late for dates, wouldn't stay over anymore, and every time you asked him, he'd sweat bullets and change the topic. If you didn't know your boyfriend better, you'd have jumped to the worse conclusions. You would have assumed the very worst and started panicking about it. But you knew Jensen. He was as big a dork as you when it came to little things, but if it was something serious, he was enough of a gentleman to come clean about it.
So you turned to the next best option available, and ended up at Jared's house at an ungodly hour. This was easier than worrying about what was wrong with Jensen. Jared's annoyed expression immediately softened when he saw you at the door, before turning into a worried one.
"Y/N?" He rubbed at his eyes, 'What's wrong?"
"I need you to tell me what's wrong with Jensen," you asked, point blank.
"What's wrong with him?" He was looking more and more confused by the minute. Which would have been adorable if you hadn't been hyperventilating with worry.
"Something is," you threw your hands up in the air, barging into the living room. "I know there is something wrong with the guy because he is avoiding me like the fucking plague. He's never home anymore. Doesn't even stay back to walk Santo these days. And he loves doing that. So don't you tell me there is nothing wrong with him!"
You watched as obvious understanding dawned on Jared's face, before he ran a hand through his hair, looking equal parts guilty and nervous.
"I know you know something, you giant moose," you narrowed your eyes at him, wiggling a finger. "You better tell me what it is."
Jared shifted his weight from one leg to another. He knew you were stubborn to the last cell of your body. One way or another, you would find out.
He sighed. "I swear to God Y/N, if you breathe a word about this to him…"
"Just spit it out already!" You all but yelled.
"Fine," he gave in. You had never seen him look guiltier, and this was including the time he had decided that it was funny to let the air out of your tires, making you late for work. "He is planning a birthday surprise for you."
"Oh…" It was all you could say. You had been so worried about something being so inexcusably wrong with him, that the thought of a birthday present for you hadn't even crossed your mind.
"He is planning a birthday present for me, by ignoring me?" You thought out loud, tilting your head to a side.
"These things take time, Y/N," Jared said sagely, and you narrowed your eyes at him again.
"What do you mean by these things?"
"Nothing! I already told you enough to land me in lifetime's worth of trouble. I'm not saying another word," he said, shaking his head.
He promptly banished you from his house after that, muttering about lifetime of trust issues, broken bro code and such.
That had been two weeks ago, and even though patience was not exactly your best quality, you decided to take things at Jensen's pace and be nice about it.
However, you still loved making Jensen uncomfortable once in a while as you fake whined about how little time he was spending with you. Now that you knew there was nothing to worry about, it was almost easier to watch him go, when he untangled himself out of your arms on Saturday nights. Almost.
"Are we there yet?" You whined from the passenger's seat. You had been counting the time. It hadn't been more than half an hour. After a while even the turns he had been taking became harder to remember. Left, right, left, left again…left… or was it right? Uhhggg…Where was he taking you?
You would be lying if you said that you hadn't been giving "the surprise" any thought. In fact, on lonely nights, it was all you could think about. What was this present that was keeping him away from you? Was he taking you out to a lunch? Was he planning the perfect date? The poor guy barely got weekends off from all the flying and hectic shooting schedules. You hated to think that he was putting unnecessary efforts into the gift and tiring himself.
"Almost there," he said lightly, but you could hear the smile in his voice.
"You're such a tease," you giggled.
"Yeah, you love it," he told you.
"Not so much right now."
The car slowed down and gradually came to a halt.
"We're here," he announced.
"Fucking finally," you muttered, as he helped you out of the passenger seat, gently guiding you over what felt like smooth asphalt.
You tried to tap at the floor with your foot to try and gauge where you were, but you gave it up in no time, because you could barely think of anything that wasn't Jensen the moment his hands touched your bare shoulder. A tingle went up your spine. You shook your head at the effect the man had on you.
He guided you up a couple of steps and you couldn't help but tug at the blindfold.
"Hey, you can't remove it yet," Jensen chided you. "Only a couple of minutes now.”
"Okay," you acquiesced, drawing both your hands behind your back, playing the good girl. It earned you a chuckle from Jensen. It was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard.
You heard him fumble with keys, and then a lock click.
"Where are we?" You couldn't help but ask. He only chuckled in response, drawing you closer, as he closed the door behind the two of you.
God you wanted to jump his bones right then and there as the door hit the frame and the lock clicked. But there was no telling whether or not you were alone, so you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and behaved yourself. Jensen led you through seemingly familiar turns  inside the space until you were treading another set of stairs, but this time you were stepping down, into cool grass.
You could feel Jensen's plump lips against your forehead as he kissed you chastely.
"I'm gonna open the blindfolds now," he murmured against your skin. You knew him well enough to sense the nervousness in his voice.
His hands fumbled a little as he undid the knot, and you opened your eyes. It wasn't what you had expected, yet your heart took off at a sprint.
You were standing in the backyard of Jensen's water facing property. At first you didn't realise what was different, and then you saw it.
It was a kennel. Small and very woodsy. It wasn't very decorative, but it was neat and well made. What made it special was that it was the exact color of your house. The roof had shingles of the exact shade of brown and the wooden walls were painted the same pastel hue. That and the fact that the small board above it read "Santo."
Your eyes immediately filled up as you grasped the meaning behind his gesture, and you turned back to see him staring at your nervously, his hands scratching the back of his neck.
"It's very small, and I really didn't know what I was doing at first, but I think it's come out okay. The backside is a little dented because Jared sat on it at some point and we didn't have time to get more planks. And I know Santo doesn't sleep outside, he sleeps on the bed with you, but I just thought it would be nice to…"
You cut his nervous rambling off as you captured his lips in yours, conveying your obvious answer. You could feel him loosening into your touch, as all the tension left his body. His arms enveloped around you, and he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. When you finally broke off, the two of you were out of breath.
"It's beautiful," you told him. "But you didn't have to do all that to ask me to move in with you, dumbass!"
"Who told you I was asking you to move in?" He winked, leaning in for another kiss. "I only want Santo."
You giggled at that, hitting him playfully in the chest. "You idiot!"
He pulled you against his chest, and you sighed contentedly. "I love you, Y/N. I know it's only been a couple of months, but it's stupid to wait when you know you've found the perfect person. Happy birthday, Y/N/N."
You knew you didn't have to say it back to him, because he understood. So you only burrowed deeper in his hold, tightening your arms around him. The thought of waking up to him every morning and sharing your life with him was so overwhelming that you weren't sure you could manage to speak without your voice breaking just yet.
But Jensen understood, you knew he did.
All you wanted to do was pull him back into the house and drag him into the bed with you. Which was exactly what you did. Santo could manage to stay out of the bed for one night ;)
This is my first time writing RPF out of blurbs. PLEASE tell me if I sucked?
Tagging the Jensen tag team that never expected to be tagged (Surprise bitches!):
@torn-and-frayed @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @bringmesomepie56 @akshi8278 @frickfracklesackles  @supernatural-jackles @mogaruke @missdestiel67 @brihughes4 @docharleythegeekqueen @impandagrl @luna-plena-venandi @jotink78 @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @melonberri @maui137 @dustycelt @its-my-perky-nipples @grace-for-sale @iamnotsaneatall @aiaranradnay @feelmyroarrrr @thevioletthourr  @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @sandlee44 @thebitterbookeater @plainoldblogs @silver-and-green @meeshw777 @mamapeterson @bemyqueenofdarkness @liveyourlifemeraki @bambinovak @emoryhemsworth @boxywrites @autopistaaningunaparte @cloverhood @blacktithe7 @emilycollins11 @devilgirlsarah @michellethetvaddict @its-not-a-tulpa @benzilla-94 @grace-for-sale
Taking the liberty to tag @mysupernaturalfics cause why not :P
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powellvetsservice · 4 years
About Making Sure Your Pets Are Cared For When You Leave Town For A While
Pets live in our hearts, just like our children do. From the moment they arrive, we take care of them like we would a baby, as it relies on us, the humans, to protect them, to look after them, love them and provide in every sense right from food and shelter to medical care. 
Keeping a pet is a lifelong responsibility which the pet owner understands and supports – also during those times that we have to be absent, not during our normal working day, but also for extended periods such as when we go on leave or have to leave town on business for a day or more. In households where one person remains behind, it is not a problem, but when the whole family – or single person – go away for a while, one is often faced with a dilemma. 
What do I do, who do I turn to? Do I get a house-sitter during my absence, hoping they bond with my animal - which may be a big chance to take? Animals do not always take that easily to outsiders and they may be unhappy, pine for you, be aggressive to the well-meaning carer, or they may escape – not knowing if you will come back.
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One of the best solutions, still, is to consider a boarding facility for your cat or dog when you go away for a while. It is, probably, still the best option, even if it may cause a bit of anxiety at first for both owners and the pet when it arrives at the kennels or cattery. A little bit of homework upfront is essential so that you will feel confident about the boarding facility where you will leave your pet(s) while you’re away. 
You have to ask yourself some important questions the moment you have your dates fixed. Examples include: Does the facility I have in mind come recommended by others (maybe someone you know has used them in the past), is it known to offer facilities for my pet such a clean, pleasant environment where they will sleep, is it safe so that my pet does not escape, will it receive love and care and be made to feel welcome and comfortable? 
Of course, these are general considerations; however, many dog and cat owners have their unique circumstances and requirements, and one has to make sure upfront you choose a facility that can meet your demands. For example, my pet may not be so sociable around other animals, or it may not flourish if it is separated from the other pets in my household that is also booked into the same facility, or it may need to be petted and played with more often than is the case with other animals.
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These are important issues and should be well considered or you may return after your break to an unhappy, nervous pet – which is not what you want. Therefore it is a good idea to visit the facility you have in mind, let some staff member walk you through, explain everything, show you where pets are allowed to play, where they will be exercised, let them show you if your “unsociable” pet will be kept away from other, maybe noisy animals so it does not get upset. 
You want to know how often pets are fed. Is it the same schedule you follow at home, and if not, are you happy with that? Should you arrive with your pet’s food or will the facility provide? If your pet is on a special diet, will they promise you your pet will indeed get their food at the prescribed times? 
These are all factors to be considered by the loving owner. You have to find a great facility. Many owners approach their vet for good advice and a recommendation. What’s more, some vets offer these facilities for pets of absentee owners themselves, which is often a wonderful solution as they are the perfect people to care for pets.
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About Us: At Powell Veterinary Service we offer all pet owners almost 30 years of dedicated, unrivaled service to ensure their pets remain healthy and happy. We offer a great experience and are proud of the services we offer about all aspects of animal care. We perform surgeries, we spay and neuter, we offer boarding facilities and we provide puppies for different activities that appeal to our clients. At PVS we also offer a wellness service for pets to ensure any conditions are picked up early. We are Kersey, CO-based, and serve the surrounding areas. We are available by appointment, but also for emergencies. Pets are our passion and we ensure that your animal receives excellent treatment from our practice. For more about us please visit https://powellvets.com.
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Life Update
So, a lot’s happened since my last actual blog post/writing/whatever [Jan. 11th] So, let’s recap:
- Got my first speeding ticket Jan 16th
- Immediately TOTALED my car the VERY next day (Jan. 17th) and spent probably a good month trying to get things sorted out/get a car rented/get a NEW car, etc. 
- In February: I saw that some coworkers were in a Facebook Group Chat complaining about me “being late” to work. Told my manager and head veterinarian about it and ofc neither did anything about it. A few weeks AFTER that, I “magically” get told that unless I have more availability due to “scheduling” that I was fired. Do keep in mind LITERALLY NO ONE talked to me about my schedule and IN FACT, I told one of the receptionists who works on the monthly schedule that in March I’d be able to work MORE hours during Spring Break so......wtf.....doesn’t add up. And if it usually doesn’t add up, it usually isn’t true. So I really truly feel I got canned because 1)I wasn’t part of the “girl’s club” and actively resented the notion of a girl’s club - “This isn’t high school, I just want to do MY job and my JOB does not require me to be best friends with your dumbass” and 2) The head veterinarian’s pet/favorite was involved in the group chat. Soooooo. Yeah, fuck that place. I worked 20 hours per week and STILL managed to get ALL my work done and the dumb hoes y’all hired off the street can’t seem to even get 2 out of 6 tasks done in 1 week and they “work” more hours than I did.....but they also sat on their asses and ordered Jeffery Starr makeup and Shawn Dawson makeup or whatever the fuck their names are while animals literally went HOURS without water. I know this because I saw it and purposefully did not handle the situation because I’m not the ONLY fucking person who works there; it’s not SOLELY my job to do water checks and they sat on their asses for hours so I was literally trying to give them a chance to redeem themselves; but no, doggo went without water for hours until I refilled the bowl. UGH! And I had to force myself to NOT immediately take care of the problem and it was HARD because the dog didn’t deserve it and it wouldn’t have taken but maybe a minute to take care of. It was just the simple principle of it - I’m working at MY job and y’all should be too but you’re not. I hated that place. I hated my coworkers - bunch of lazy idiots straight up off the fucking street without so much as a goddamn DRUG TEST. No drug test. No BACKGROUND check. No prior animal care experience needed. BULLSHIT! Test them! TEST TEST TEST LITERALLY EVERYONE who walks in and tries to apply because *ahem* THE HEALTH AND WELL BEING OF THE ANIMALS IS WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT THIS CLINIC AND IF YOU CANNOT AND WILL NOT INSURE THAT THE PEOPLE *YOU* EMPLOY ARE TRUSTWORTHY AND DRUG-FREE BY DOING A SIMPLE FUCKING CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK AND A DRUG TEST THEN YOU DO NOT HAVE *ANY* RIGHT TO BE IN BUSINESS! 
Annnyway. Randos off the fucking street who couldn’t tell you the ass end of a dog from the front end of a dog and who primarily worked ONLY in retail are more important than having an employee who: 1) fucking works her shift and stays until every single last thing is done, 2) was an employee with the CITY and worked closely with Animal Control/Public Safety AS a kennel attendant for 2 full fucking years and did that job pretty much by herself, 3) CAN PASS a drug test AND background check, and 4) went to school to learn if she can improve in anyway so that the care that she provides for the animals is the ABSOLUTE best it can be without verging into super technical/doctoral territory. Yeeeep. Sounds like a GREAT plan, right? Hire AND KEEP complete fucking morons who CAN’T EVEN READ A LABEL ON A BOTTLE TO MAKE SURE THEY DON’T CREATE MOTHERFUCKING CHLORINE GAS AND KILL EVERY LAST LIVING THING IN THE DAMN BUILDING ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU WANT TO USE A METRIC FUCKTON OF CHEMICALS AND BLEACH TOGETHER BECAUSE, AGAIN, YOU DON’T READ THE FUCKING LABEL TO KNOW THAT ONLY 1/8TH OF A FUCKING CUP OF TOP PERFORMANCE PLUS 1 GALLON OF WATER IS ENOUGH TO BE AN EFFECTIVE CLEANING SOLUTION over someone who actually knows their shit. What could possibly go wrong--oh, wait, literally fucking everything. Not like y’all had a PARVO dog in recently and the floor of the room the PARVO dog was in has NOT been deep cleaned with parvocide. Oh wait, that’s TOTALLY THE CASE BECAUSE LAZY BITCHES DON’T CLEAN THEIR FLOOR EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE TO DO WEEKLY FLOOR DEEP-CLEANINGS AND SCRRRUUUUBBBB THE EVER LIVING FUCK OUT OF THE FLOOR USING KENNEL-SOL [which, btw, is effective against *legasp!* FUCKING PARVO!]. Did I mention that they had an older dog literally up and die in the boarding department for no known reason? Well, they sure as fuck did and that dog did NOT get a pre-boarding examination as it “wasn’t due for one” because “yearly exams” are enough. Um, NAH! Unless that dog was seen within the past WEEK, you examine the FUCK outta it! AND GET A GODDAMN FECAL TOO BECAUSE I’M TIRED OF HAVING DOGS COME IN AND BE SHITTING THEIR BRAINS OUT BECAUSE THEY HAVE A FUCKING PARASITE. They had no idea how that dog died, but it was noted that the dog was not eating her food throughout her time there. And noooobody thought “hmm, maybe we should get her checked out? it’s probably just her bad teeth, but maybe we should at least check....maybe ask the owner if we can do some bloodwork (which should’ve been done beforehand/done in a pre-boarding exam)?” Nah, they were like “Oooh, it’s friday; you got food and water, you’ll be fine. I’m outtie at 6pm whether there’s a shitton of other things to do or not.” then came back Saturday morning to find her dead in her fucking kennel.
Not my clinic, not my problem anymore. 
Seriously hated that place.
But now, I have an opportunity to work for the city again as a kennel attendant while going to school. Considering my knowledge/education and background and the fact that I literally did the job once before and can do it again and when I did leave, I left on good terms; there shouldn’t be any reason why I’m not hired on. If I do get hired, I’d be making $12 verses the $10.50 bullshit this clinic was paying me and have the title of “city employee” again, so a little bit of a pride-booster there. I’ll be working by myself, which I prefer anyways because I know I can rely on myself to get shit done and, if for some reason shit doesn’t get done, I have only one person to blame - myself. It’ll be hard juggling that and school, but I think I can do it.
Now, in regards to weight loss.....I’ve plateaued and may have even gained a bit. I get being stressed and not making good food choices and skipping the workouts and all; like, the “excuses” make sense but....I’m not done losing weight. I’m not where I want to be. I’m definitely better than where I was, and while that’s great, I still got more to do. Maybe with this new kennel job, I’ll be forced to be more active [potentially working 25 hours per week instead of just 20]. I’ll probably post an updated weight-loss/management plan in a bit. 
But yeah, that’s pretty much the recap. Made amends with my best friend too, she (thankfully) dumped her loser boyfriend that I had issues with and we were able to talk things out/I was able to tell her what my issues were with him and she was able to ACTUALLY hear me out instead of having him try to twist and control and manipulate things. I’m thankful she’s away from that and we can get back to being us. She doesn’t know I’ve lost weight. She doesn’t know about my weight loss goals or plans or anything like that, so it’ll be interesting to see if she comments at all [and with a 15-20 pound weight loss since we last saw each other, I’d really hope that there are some obvious improvements]
That’s it for now, I guess.
Thanks for letting me ramble, O great void of Tumblr (because no one reads this shit anyways. LMFAO)
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