#<< i don't ship it n this isn't supposed to be ship art but i'm fine feeding that tag
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heyyblueberrygirl · 6 months ago
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I can't believe the kids didn't get to bowl in the bowling episode smh
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davekat-sucks · 1 year ago
Its not often I participate in online arguments... or ever... but just this once, I'll throw my hat in the ring. You right, DaveKat is not a good ship at all. I'm a new Homestuck reader (currently at page 4488). I'll never ever get into the sequel stuff of Homestuck bc of the horror stories I've heard of it but even then, when I heard DaveKat as a ship I was like, "Huh??? That's a ship??? and its popular??????" because I don't see the vision. Dave and Karkat have no chemistry like what is their relationship like?? Karkat going on his millionth rant that day and Dave pissing on him for it like??? AND there isn't any build up to it to which I heard it was forced upon. Like for what? For what purpose?? But you know what I do like? DaveJade. I'm a big DaveJade fan. Not only do they have a lot of chemistry but like their dynamic, the contrast between the silliness of Jade and the cool guy Dave is SO fun and SO SO cute. Also Also, Dave and Jade's relationship just feels so real to me. Like I think Jade is like the only person Dave really enjoys talking with other than y'know, Rose and John. iirc (bc its been a while since I continued reading HS) the only time Dave smirked while talking to someone was with Jade on page 382 (which I only found out ta'day :0) and no doubt in my mind Dave was excited to meet Jade when she finally got into the medium and helped her out finding the frogs on her planet. I also think that Jade would be a very supportive figure for Dave givin his insecurities about himself, that at least she thinks Dave is very cool even when he thinks otherwise. Another thing, Jade did not have to go out there dressed all fancy n crap like for who you so fancy for? DAVE OBVIOUSLY!!! Also seeing art of Dave trying so hard to keep his cool around Jade is so cute and funny DaveJade is just so CUTE GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love DaveJade :)
Also I ship Karkat and Terezi bc they have a very funny dynamic lol (I think what sold me on DaveJade was this album art from Vol 8 LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE!!!!)
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Dave and Jade could really help and support each other. Jade wants to see the outside world and gain connections with people as Dave learns to open himself more and know he can be vulnerable at times with those he care for so that he can have confidence to still be strong and cool in his own way. Both of them can be out to do whatever they want together. If not just them, then with friends too. See the world they have never saw before when they were stuck at home (get it? Cuz Homestuck lmao). I think some of the Homestuck pairings was suppose to be this. Couples that not only have great chemistry, but also ones that can help grow and mature as people for the new universe they would eventually live in. And it's that support that would soon lead to be with their friends to rise and stand up whatever is facing them. It's why DaveJade works. I don't see it working with Davekat. Most fanon I see has them kind of stationary. Never changing to be something else. Even now, they are just depicted as people that stay the same and too nervous to grow out from their comfort zone.
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weaselbeaselpants · 29 days ago
So Um. Yeah.
Skip indented screenshots to see my message to the Lily-fan who has alt motives in 'revealing' this.
There is a user in the critical space atm who is pro-Israel. That's not the same thing as being Zionist believe it or not, but yeah. That's that and also they have a disturbing nature of rbing/calling Palestine allies 'Hamasnik'. Pro-Palestine stuff is supposed to be about the safety and lives and helping of Palestinian people and then eventually also talking about the displacement (yes, I do see it as neocolonialism. As do many others. Including Israelis) and ongoing genocide being inflicted on them by the IDF/America. An ally's goal in all of this is to be supportive and not support what my own country and what the Nation of Israel is doing because it's wrong. As is always the case here, what makes this all so hard to do correctly as a gentile (friend says only other Jewish people are allowed to say 'Goyim') is to do this without being insensitive to Jews, appropriating the Holocaust or even antisemitic. I don't believe, in the name of the Jewish friends and family I have that saying what Israel is (has always been doing) doing is bad is the same as being antisemitic. Sorry. I've seen people who don't mean to be antisemetic be antisemitic in regards to this stuff/calling out Ben Shapiro and whatnot. I'm of the opinion of Art Spiegelman/Eli Valley as a gent, even though I'm obviously not in their position as a Jewish person. I could never. I'm an ally take me or leave me. I get doing either. And, as an ally to both Jewish people and Palestinians I just kind of find these comments made by this user pretty awful. Suffering makes you hurt. And I don't think their own suffering justifies this;
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I don't support them. I respect their bladder enough to not tell you the blog name or the alt blog they that they reblog this and express these ops on (they mentioned that they got genuine antisemtic harassment. I don't disbelief that because I've sadly seen that happening. Trying to not make a fire as much as possible), but yeah. I can't on my good conscious say I know EXACTLY what 'holocaust universalism' is. I only know as much as my Polish-American grandmother vocally said she and her children and grandchildren would be dead if we were in occupied poland- and that as a queer person with queer and transgender family that that does apply to us to. I hate to think that what I wrote out just now is somehow universalizing a Jewish experience. I'm not. I'm not using it as 'just a metaphor'. We (immediate family) aren't Jewish but that is what would happen to us.
---In any case, to Lily Orchard and her followers who I presume are the ones who are trying to instigate that in order to discredit allegations against you abusing your sibling and others.
Don't YOU DARE act like you've ever cared somehow about Palestine/being Antisemitic. In the case of the later I def know you don't care since you made jokes about Rebecca Sugar being a n@zi and 'jokingly' compared Pink Diamond to a woman who sold out other Jews during the holoc@ust. And then never even attempted to apologize. I don't know about me but personally I find that very antisemetic.
In the case of what Lily Orchard thinks of Palestine, well, I already know that one now too-
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As for everyone else in the lorch tag that isn't one of her supporters who I've already blocked, I'm sorry abt divulging this. You have to trust me but I REALLY don't want any infighting.
As I just said to someone in messenger; barring legit MAPs and Bigots I don't think we ought to ignore any complaint abt lorch just cuz you disagree w someone politically.
I mean, I think Josh Scorcher is republican and likes Trump. That doesn't make Lily pedo-jacking him and once shipping him with a teenager okay.
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starsofang · 5 months ago
I'm late to commenting this chapter, but I spent all the day sleeping because I needed to catch up on sleep since I wake at 05:30 in the morning for school, but here I am.
Girl, I don't care what anyone says. Your dialogue is art, and your banter is the best. The first scene talking with Soap was amazing, like it feels so natural the way they talk.
Ok, so Gaz, I was kicking my feet in the air and twirling my hair with my finger during all his part, like, you can't throw “So, I have read them right, then.” at me and expect me to act normally afterwards. “You have never been kissed before?” No... 🫣 but you could be my first, you know... “I will not avoid you, I do not think I have the strength to do so, anyway. Not with you.” Girl, that's a fact. How can anyone avoid him? If you do it, you deserve to go to jail.
And Price, oh Gods Price. All the teasing banter between him and Y/N was sublime, but the “That is… understandable. Forgive me, I have not had a woman on my ship until you." so I'm the first you brought here? Am I special? You haven't had a woman in your cuartes for a long time..? But what killed me was the “I may prefer it, actually.” I CAN'T, WHAT, LIKE, I'M FOAMING AT MY MOUTH LIKE A RAVID ANIMAL PRICE JUST TAKE ME HERE, but no cute scene because Soap needed to interrupt. Angie, please just a kiss scene or a confession of love or interest or something I'm begging you give us some crumbs at least 😭
We didn't had any Ghost interactions but I'm manifesting that in the next chapter he is going to be overly protective with the reader and we are going to have a really cute scene with him because "you can hear Graves talking to you in your head and is my fault" but Y/N is going to say that it isn't and all that, please, I just want a cute scene just one don't do take it away from us.
Oh, oh, and to finish a fun fact about pirates. This one may help you in writing your next chapter. Pirate ships were smaller, so they would be easier to turn around to be able to capture bigger ships. And now that I think about it if the 141 only has 4 members their ship should be a lot smaller than the normal pirate ship in order to be able to run it with that little people so Graves is at a disadvantage in this one (I suppose he has a bigger crew and therefore a bigger ship).
This one is just for the funsies. Pirates' favourite drink was called Grog which is a mix of rum, water, lemon juice, and sugar. The water was warm because it had been previously been boiled to kill the vacteria, then you put the rum in the warm water -it killed germs and made the water taste better- then the lemon juice to prevent scurvy and the sugar so it tasted better. It really didn't make you drunk because the rum was diluated in water, and it was rationalise in the ship.
Sorry for the long fun facts, but finally, I have somewhere to share them 🩵
i hope you rested well pookie you deserve it 😙
you don’t understand how hard it is to not make gaz and reader just make out already it’s so difficult, the tension is THERE and i’m over here making gaz hang by a thread. it pains ME just as much but I NEED TO DO IT, i’m a sucker for a bit of angst and misunderstanding. same with price, i want them to just 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 but it’s fun in the moment making it not happen
ghost scene is soon! ik my man hasn’t been around but it’s a build up and finally, it’s gonna happen. i plan on making the next chapter the longest one so i can get a lot of shit done, and there’s just SO much needing to be said so look forward to it 😙
also, hope you know i will most likely be using that now somewhere in the fic. i LOVE hearing your facts, you can always come here to tell me about them and i will love every single one and i’d love to incorporate them in the fic
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shallowoak · 7 months ago
Design Chatter - MLP Grand Line Gang!
>> Link to the art here! <<
I really enjoyed rambling about the East Blue Crew, so I'm back again to talk your ears off about the rest of the crew now that I've finally posted them! Once again, fair warning that this will be long and there will be spoilers!
I kept a few simple guidelines for myself in mind:
Keep it fun and surprising, in the spirit of the original!
I draw in the G4 style, but features from every gen and toy line are fair game
I love back card / blind bag style character blurbs. I live for crumbs of worldbuilding XD
I've purposefully not included cutie marks because I suck at drawing them and I'd never finish a piece if I had to draw them :v (maybe a post for another time?)
Further than the Crystal Empire, even beyond Yakyakistan, Chopper hails from the frozen north. A skilled potion maker, he loves to brew warm healing tonics with ingredients found on the mountain. He's hoping he can learn to skywalk like the Reindeer in Robin's books!
Every now and again, it's nice to do a 1:1 translation of a character rather than a full reimagining! Reindeer appear in G4 during the special Best Gift Ever, so it's the little changes that make Chopper 'ponified'- the lighter patches on his face, ears and tummy. The swirls in his inner ears. Changing his hoof/antler colour to be just a little more pink. One thing I did add was little baby deer spots shaped like blossom for an extra pop of colour!
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I chose to draw him in Defence Point because it's cuter 🥺 my mind also thought to draw Brain Point in the Equestria Girls style and I'm not sure the world is ready for that 😂 Defence Point was also supposed to harken back to a popular fluffy fan character- before I found out their creator isn't someone I want to be celebrating. But you live and learn when trying to reference fandom culture 🤷
Many hooves make light work! Having studied at the Mythica University and Golden Oak libraries alike, this magic scholar always has a spell to get her crew out of a pinch! During her travels, the wily CP9 tried restraining her magic with a tennis ball!
Hm. Put into pony form, Robin kind of looks like Twilight. Similar key colours and hairstyles can't really be avoided. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, though. Something about this combination must just give off 'bookish'! Besides, there are plenty of character foils to Twilight that look like her in canon, too. Moondancer, Sunset, Starlight... Robin could fall into this category- a promising student led astray by forces beyond her control. It certainly isn't easy being a magic student.
Rather than an odd outward appearance, Robin's fear factor is based on people's perceptions of her abilities. I feel like she's similar to Nami in looking normal and still getting demonised. Left to her own devices, she just likes to travel and study! So I didn't want to give her a super edgy design and feed into those misconceptions. Robin is at her coolest when she chooses to be wicked for herself!
She's a normal pony, but she's still a little more dark and mysterious than someone like Twilight. That sweeping black mane, heavy hooves, and curved horn—not to mention that colourful glint in her eye—make her sturdier than a Unicorn like Sanji, and her calm confidence lets you know it! I like to think Nami has inspired her to look into getting a big flowery leg design, but she's a little worried about being even more recognisable.
Self-acceptance and found family are super! Building each other up is almost as satisfying as building new airships... almost. This loud n' proud Griffon makes Canterlot cruisers and Ornithian pirate ships alike! Lately, within the crew, he's been helping Usopp come to terms with being a Cutie Mark-less creature. Every creature has worth and is deserving of love, with or without a mark!
Franky just kinda washed up from somewhere and that really ignited my imagination when it came to his appearance. From the start, I was adamant that he should be a creature with 'fingers'. There's something about crafting with your hands that can't be recreated with Unicorn magic.
MLP Griffons are known for their strong personalities and love of precious metals- so I thought one was a great fit for the unapologetic, totally authentic Franky! This larger body also gives him more space to customise, more feathers and fluff to style!
Horse noses are very closely linked to the shape of their mouths, so having the top half of his beak be metal avoided a lot of weird imagery. His pre-time skip design shows less of his cyborg nature, but being able to use bird forelegs definitely helped to dampen the weirdness of his bulky arms more than the noodly legs of a pony. Without the differentiation between fore and upper leg, I think he'd just look swollen! Besides, you do not want to take a strong right with added claws 😬
I think it's definitely easier to imagine a solo Griffon making ships than a solo pony! His large wings and long tail help keep him safe and balanced while he works high up, and his muscular back limbs help shift heavy materials. Those back legs are coloured to look like his Speedo, as they appear less fluffy than the rest of him.
This lifelong sailor knows no pony is an island. Music can bring every creature and animal on the seas together- if only you stop to listen ❤️ All our paths are bound to cross again one day, even if the seas are wide! Magic works in mysterious ways, no bones about it!
I felt that if I was going to go to the effort of drawing a full pony skeleton, I didn't want to then cover my hard work up with clothes. Now I'm thinking I should've- the structure on those limbs was hard to draw! I looked at real horse skellies, the Hidden Dissectibles figures, and even the 'Don't Mine at Night' MLP crossover parody song... None of it made it any easier 😂 would not recommend.
Seeing as there wasn't much I could do with his base design, I decided instead to add to it! In the climax of the Rainbow Rocks movie, the Siren villains summon giant magical projections of themselves to attack. This reminded me of Brook's soul leaving his body- so that's what I drew! Though it doesn't have any mind control powers, I still wouldn't advise touching this frosty apparition... or any of the sound waves it produces!
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Keeps up with 'current' affairs! This sagely Seapony is a pillar of the community as well as Equestria! He helps the crew stay on course (emotionally and literally) as the world changes and expands around them- it's always an exciting time both above and below the surface!
I should've been more forward-thinking and drawn him up for Mermay! Seaponies have a long history with the MLP universe, appearing alongside their land counterparts at the start of G1- a fact I think is very fitting for his character. Of course, Jinbei's design is based on Whale Sharks, and Fishmen/Merfolk as a whole are so unique with how they can be designed. Seaponies too are different in every generation- so I had a lot of fun incorporating as many unique elements as I could!
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I couldn't exactly make a horse wide and flat to mimic a Whale Shark's body as he does in his canon appearance, so I decided instead to lean in more to the cute spots and shark-shaped tail fin! Then I extended his sideburns to create a softer border between his body colours and to add back some visual interest lost by removing the large membrane fin G4 Seaponies have. Jinbei is already pretty hefty and strong, so a little extra fluff doesn't noticeably slow him down.
It's certainly more difficult to imagine hair as fins; they're so much more rigid. Without individual strands or the ability to curl like natural hair, it's a lot harder to suggest diverse textures. But I still think the semi-transparent look is a lot of fun to look at and layer, and it helps his blonde streaks stand out!
Though I could've put the sun brand on his flank, it just didn't look or feel right when we're so used to seeing it on his chest. Seaponies don't usually get their own marks, and the sun is a widely used symbol of freedom. Leaving his flank free still gives me the option of giving him a unique mark in the future- he's still a prominent individual in his own right!
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featherdawn · 2 years ago
I've expressed how I don't like the whole wally x y/n thing the fandom has going on but the more I think about it the more,,, uncomfortable it gets on my head
like, not as a self shipping thing, if ur in love with wally go fuckin nuts! I'm more talking about how like, y/n has become a character in the fanon
which firstly, who exactly is y/n supposed to be, in wallys eyes? it seems the person his voice messages are directed to is the playfellow workshop employee, and it's possible he doesn't know that that person is not us, the outsiders viewing but entirely uninvolved with the restoration. if he does know we're separate, then it's most likely he views us as the audience for welcome home. the thoughts of an adult character having a crush on the target audience of a young children's show is,,, uncomfortable.
even ignoring all that, and assuming he knows us as 1. not the playfellow employee, 2. adults, and 3. as multiple separate people (which throws another wrench into this. which one of us is y/n? is he just seeking the world's largest polycule here?), it just feels. odd for his character to be in love with the viewer. in the show, he's supposed to be an audience surrogate, isn't he? why would he be in love with the very person/people he's supposed to represent? it doesn't make much sense from a storytelling perspective to me.
finally, he doesn't show any signs of being romantically interested in us lmao. the closest we get is an "I love you", which, congrats, a children's show character said they love you. that happens platonically all the time lol
this isn't meant to like. rain on anyone's parade or discourage ppl making wally x y/n content (a lot of it is really cute! despite my overall negative feelings on the ship, I still sometimes enjoy looking at yalls art, yall are talented <333), more just. express frustration with how ingrained it is in the fanon. people seem to treat it as canon and its not and it can be frustrating seeing it absolutely everywhere, yk?
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violetsareblue-selfships · 2 years ago
Ship: Kazuha x April | Word Count: 1506 | Warnings/Tags: food mention (again like vague), so sappy, proposal <3
A/N: surprise? ehe~ this is the official announcement I suppose that we're also engaged <3 I'll post the art in a few minutes~~ (and come back and link where it goes in the fic, I like when I did that for scara's :3 -- also this is set in-canon around the Irodori Festival for those who have game knowledge ^-^ I hope you enjoy it~ 💞
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"Well, isn't this nostalgic?" April asks softly as she takes in the dark, mystical ambience of the Chinju Forest. "I almost forgot what this place was like…"
"I know what you mean," Kazuha murmurs, a small smile on his lips. "Remember that one time we played hide and seek here and you got so upset that you couldn't find me?" His tone turns teasing and April huffs, though there's a playful sparkle in her eyes.
"You cheated! I never said you could hide up in one of the trees!" If she weren't so keen on holding one of his hands, she'd cross her arms in childish indignation. As it is, she's fighting to keep from giggling.
"Ah, but you never said I couldn't, dove. Besides, I gave you that dango to cheer you up, remember?" Kazuha asks, his smile widening a little.
"Right! I'd forgotten about that… Huh, seems you've spoiled me from the beginning," April teases, grinning when his cheeks go red, barely able to be seen in the atmosphere of the forest.
Kazuha doesn't speak, instead he leads her through the forest until they reach one of the cliffs overlooking the ocean. They sit down together and Kazuha smiles at the automatic way April curls into his side, her warmth always a welcome one.
"Honestly… I'm surprised we didn't get together sooner," Kazuha murmurs after a while of silence, drawing a little curious sound from April. "You're right. I have been spoiling you since we were kids. Mainly because I knew there was something about you… something I had to keep in my life no matter what."
"I know what you mean," April says, her heart fluttering at his words. "You caught my attention immediately and I just knew we had to be friends. Sure, I didn't imagine it would end up like this, but… I'm happy we found each other."
"Mm…" Kazuha hums, turning to press a kiss to her temple. "I am as well. I don't know what life would have been like without you, but I know it wouldn't have been as sweet as it's been. As for now… I can't picture a future without you in it. One without you by my side… it just doesn't make sense."
April laughs softly, her face heating up. Somehow even after all these years, it still takes just a few pretty words from him to make her blush. "It's the same for me. That's why I plan to stick beside you. No matter what you plan to do."
"Mm…" Kazuha trails off, his eyes fixed on the horizon. "C'mon. The wind calls for us to head into the city for a bit."
"Hah, are you sure you're not hungry?" April teases and Kazuha chuckles.
"Maybe so… Then I was thinking we visit Araumi one more time before returning to Ritou."
"Sounds good."
The two stand up and work their way back out of the forest and down towards Inazuma City. Once there, they stop at a food stall and grab something to eat as well as some desserts for the visit to Araumi.
They eat together before setting off. "You know… it is strange to be back here. I know we have been back during the end of the Vision Hunt Decree but we didn't stay this long…" April murmurs.
"I know. It is odd to be here without having to be on edge as well," Kazuha says. They're always so in sync. He'd been feeling the exact same way the whole visit, even before when they were simply staying in Ritou for the Irodori Festival. It doesn't surprise him that they felt the same way. Not when they know each other so well.
"Exactly! It is nice, though, to see everything. It hasn't changed much…" April lets out a soft laugh, both of them knowing that that is due to their archon.
Kazuha chuckles as well. "It truly hasn't… Do you ever see yourself coming back here and settling down?" He asks quietly.
"Hmm. I could see it. But only if that is what you would want. I'd settle anywhere in Teyvat so long as we're together," April muses. "Or even if we never quite settle down. So long as I'm with you… life will be perfect."
"And you say I'm the one with a way with words…" Kazuha murmurs with a soft laugh.
They fall silent again until they reach their destination. They settle under one of the sakura trees and begin snacking on the dessert they'd bought.
Kazuha's eyes sparkle as he leans closer, brushing a stray bit of syrup from the corner of April's lips. He holds eye contact with her as he brings his thumb to his mouth, licking it clean while she blushes. "Sweet. But you're sweeter."
"Kazuha," April whines, her face feeling hot.
"Yes, my sweet? You know it's true," Kazuha murmurs, his eyes sparkling playfully. April whines and hides her face in his shoulder.
"You are dangerous," She murmurs softly. The only problem about knowing each other as well as they do is that they also know the best, most effective ways to fluster the other.
Kazuha simply chuckles and they finish the dessert with no interruptions. "Come here. Let me hold you a little while before we go back." Kazuha opens his arms, pleased when April easily settles into his lap and snuggles in close.
"You know… your words have got me thinking…" Kazuha murmurs, brushing his fingers through her hair softly. "I had already been tempted, but now… I really would like to ask you something. All I request is that you don't interrupt until I'm done."
"Kazuha?" April asks, but he simply looks at her expectantly. "I… okay."
"Good. Now, my precious dove, this whole trip has my thoughts all awhirl… As I mentioned earlier, I cannot see a feasible future without you in my life. You have been there for me when no one else was and you have seen every side of me that exists, yet you love all of me without question. You know I love you the same. For all your flaws, you are perfect in my eyes. You are my muse, my best friend, my lover, the reason I wake up every day, and more…"
While he speaks, Kazuha keeps gently playing with her hair, his eyes never straying from hers. And the longer he speaks, the more her stomach is filled with butterflies, anticipation lighting up every nerve as it builds.
"April, darling, I already have some semblance of an idea what your answer will be. But I find it remiss if I did not ask you this trip. It feels like fate has led us here for a reason, for this reason… So, my dearest, my most beloved…"
Kazuha has kept her attention so solidly on him, on his eyes, that she hasn't noticed him pulling a small bag out of one of his satchels. His fingers tug open the little drawstring bag and empties its contents into his hand.
"Would you do me the honor of becoming your husband? Would you marry me?" Kazuha asks, holding the ring up between his fingers, finally catching her attention with it.
The ring itself is relatively simple: a silver band with a pretty ruby as the centerpiece. But April recognizes it. "Kazuha… have you really had this since then??" She asks quietly and Kazuha chuckles softly.
"But, of course. This ring caught my love's eye. I just knew it had to be your engagement ring…"
"When did you? You didn't buy it when we were together…?" She asks softly, her eyes widening as he chuckles again.
"You got it. Beidou distracted you the next afternoon while I went back to the stall and bought it for you." Kazuha looks so proud of himself that it makes her smile. "As for your answer?"
"Of course, I'll marry you!" April says, tears pricking her eyes at how sweet this whole thing is.
Kazuha smiles at her, a soft little thing that takes her breath away. His fingers are gentle as he lifts her left hand and slides the ring into place, taking her hand and brushing a kiss over the ring.
April's breath catches in her throat and she loops her arms around his neck, pressing their foreheads together. "I'm getting you a ring," She says softly.
He simply chuckles. "If that's what you wish. I'm simply happy you said yes."
"As if I'd say no. You're it for me, Kazuha, you know that."
Kazuha brings her in for a soft kiss at that, his eyes sparkling with delight once the kiss is over. "Now, my dove, it is up to you when we return to Ritou. We can stay here as long as you'd like… or at least until sundown." He lets out a soft laugh at that.
"A little longer. I want you to myself a bit more."
"That sounds perfect, my dove."
And so, they stay there cuddled up, relishing the joy of holding their fiancé.
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witchthewriter · 2 years ago
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tag game: stranger things edition
Thank you @maniac-maniac-maniac for tagging me!
Btw anyone can play if they want to! Don't feel like you have to wait to be tagged 🦋
Ride or die ship (your otp)
I- I don't really have one... I don't like Mike and El; she's on another level. I think I have to ship a couple, it would be Argle and Jonathan?? Or Robin and Vickie. Oh! Robin and Nancy!
Most annoying ship
Mike and El... I hate how she feels as if she isn't good enough for him while she is literally the main character? And I can't have El being insecure because my girl is BITCHIN' 👏👏👏
Second favourite ship
Me and Eddie <3 <;3 <3
Favourite platonic relationship
STEVE AND ROBIN! They are platonic SOULMATES! Absolutely amazing chemistry by the actors.
Underrated ship
Joyce and Jim; they were already Mother ™ and Father ™ even before going on their date at Enzos.
Overrated ship
Mike and El, AND Steve and Nancy. I mean I do like the trope of Female Character Has Big Ambitions with Boyfriend Who Has None. But Steve and Nancy are too dissimilar. As well as Nancy and Jonathan - there is no chemistry there.
One thing I would change in canon
Eddie's death duh.
Something canon did right
... Introduce Eddie, I'm SORRY I'm being annoying but c'mon he is the best thing about the goddamn show. It was boring for me before.
A thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART
It's so old, but my Vampire!Eddie Boyfriend headcanons. Looking back it could do with a lot of editing, but the idea that Eddie was actually turned into a vampire because of the bat bites was brilliant (credit to whoever came up with that first).
A character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing)
I got TWO, season 1-3 Hopper, because I really loved his whole punch first ask questions later. And his weight, I loved his weight. I think his weightloss in season 4 wasn't just for Stranger Things, I think he genuinely wanted to be skinnier. Which ... I mean his body his rules, but I loved him more when he was heavier tbh.
And OBVIOUSLY EDDIE. HOW DID THEY COME UP WITH THE PERFECT CHARACTER?! They could have made him a one, maybe even two sided drug dealer who couldn't graduate high school. But no, he has so much heart and SOFTNESS. I actually fell in love with him after the cafeteria scene, when he was with Chrissy. He just became this caring, open, kind guy who also had a LUNCHBOX full of fcking DRUGS.
The character I relate to the most and why
You already hate me by now because I've spoken about Eddie so much, but yeah ... Eddie. It's one of the reasons why he's so well-loved. The outsider, the one everyone thinks is weird - I think all can relate on one level or another. Especially growing up ... not so well off. Seeing Eddie live in a trailer but he's still so popular; it gives a lot of gratification (if that's the right word?)
Character(-s) I hate the most and why
Mr Wheeler - he is literally such a shITTY DAD. WTF. In his daily life he doesn't care about his family, or show any interest in them.
STEVE'S PARENTS - WHERE ARE THEY? WHAT ARE THEY DOING? I mean they could be travelling for work but that's still neglect.
Billy - if he wasn't a good looking character no one would like him. In the original script he was actually supposed to called Lucas the n-word because he's racist. And in the scenes with Lucas, there are underlying motifs that show his racism. So, yeah, I hate racists.
Martin Brenner aka Papa. Motherf*cking asshole.
Something I've learned from the fandom
Um... that the majority of us really love big-haired, soft-hearted, drug dealers? I mean okay, I don't really get into fandoms anymore because of bad past experiences. I guess what I've learnt then, is that everyone has their own opinion - doesn't mean yours is wrong or any less valid.
Three tags i seek out on ao3
I don't go on Ao3 a lot, but Hopper, basically just Hopper omg ahahha. Or soulmate AU.
A song I strongly associate with my otp/favourite character
I gots no songs I associate with my otp but I do for Eddie - The Sails of Chiron by Scorpions. It's a bit of rock but also ... really sensual?? I found it because Eddie made me fall in love with 80s heavy rock.
No pressure tagging: @sardonic-the-writer.
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g-on-ef · 2 years ago
People like Me break Beautiful things
A/N: Hello beautiful people ^^ I'm back with a new story !!! This something that I've been dying to write since I read @ladyanaconda fic, guys if you can go give her stories/art a like she deserves all the love and praise in the world !!! Anywhore this idea has been brewing in my in my head for quiet some time now ^^ basically this is an Octavia x OC story with Blitzo x Striker as well so if you don't ship Blitzo x Striker than kindly leave oh and if you love stolas also leave he's not gonna be portray in a good light at all. But anywhore be prepared for a story of love angst heartache betrayal and Striker being a bad ass ^^ now enough of my babbling on with the show ^^
Summary: Sometimes when I'm alone I Cry, Cause I am on my own. The tears I cry are bitter and warm. They flow with life but take no form I Cry because my heart is torn. I find it difficult to carry on. If I had an ear to confiding, I would cry among my treasured friend, but who do you know that stops that long, to help another carry on. The world moves fast and it would rather pass by. Then to stop and see what makes one cry, so painful and sad. And sometimes… I Cry and no one cares about why.- Tupac
Octavia never thought she would know betrayal like many of her fellow royals did, she never thought that the one she gave her heart to would be the one to crush it.
She never thought that her best friend the love of her life would be the son of the man trying to murder her father...
Chapter 1: Grey
She lied, she lied to them all when she said it was okay that her dad broke their promise and she lied when she said it was okay cause he was there.
If she was honest she wanted to laugh at the hellhound when she was telling her all that bullshit about dads trying their best hell how was she supposed to take that girls word seriously when she kicked her father in the balls?
If that speech came from someone else than maybe Via would have a better chance of believing it but coming from the hellhound and felt more like bullshit.
Octavia stared at the ceiling of her room, they came home and the first thing her dad did was grab the homewrecker and took him to his room.
Never in her life has she been grateful that her room was soundproof.
Taking a deep breath Via was about to go to sleep when her phone vibrated. She turned her head and picked it up.
It was a message...from him.
A smile a real smile bloomed across her face as she opened the app.
Come to the window
Confused Octavia did what the message said. Opening her window she almost squeal in delight at the person on her balcony.
Instead she ran to open arms that encircled around her and pulled her closer to a strong chest.
The smell of the desert mixed with leather and smoke filled her nose a smell that reminded her of home. Her real home.
"What are you doing here,"
The sound of rattling filled her ears, letting her know he was happy to see her as much as she was him.
"It's simple princessa I'm here to take you to see the stars,"
She pulled away, she was a head taller than him and she wonder aside from being an imp what else he was mixed with because from his height was a head taller than the homewrecker and average imp.
"Yeah, you always talked about wanting to see the stars in Wrath and figured since your ma isn't here and your dad is busy doing Satan knows what with Satan knows who it'll be the perfect time to go visit Wrath."
Octavia looked at him and smiled.
"Sure let's-"
Octavia and the other looked up to see Stolas' head and watched as his body moved.
"The fuck?"
Octavia on the other hand.
"Let's go," she grabbed his hand and dragged him out the castle to the outside where his motorcycle was.
She grabbed the spear helmet and waited till he sat down.
"Do I wanna know," he asked as he started the bike"
He turned to face her.
"And I don't just mean your dad getting fucked by the 'homewrecker'"
She shook her head.
"No, just please Grey, please let's get out of here,"
The imp known as Grey felt his smile drop at the look of hurt and sadness on her. His heart hurt at seeing her like this and kept his growl as well as thoughts to himself, she needed comfort not a lecture and he will gladly take her anywhere so that she will never feel hurt again.
"Alright Princesa, let's get you out of here,"
He started the bike and took her far, far away from her home which was slowly becoming her own personal hell.
A/N: good ??? Bad ??? Tell me what you guys think ^^
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biscuits-of-bagend · 6 months ago
DnDoc, The Mushroom Planet #5 - Reclamation Quest
Part 1 Part 4
Previous stories: DnDoc, Coming Home DnDoc, Space Band DnDoc,A Man's a Man DnDoc, The God of Rock 'n' Roll DnDoc, The Loch o' the Lowes
By Ruby's reckoning, Rogue did a convincing job of looking frustrated when he got eliminated first from the minigame tournament. Ruby would have liked to say that she was also tanking so that she could go see if he was okay, but really she was just distracted by worry and confusion and kept running straight into goombas and koopas and bullet bills. She was certain Rogue had lost on purpose though, and this was only confirmed as she watched him take his communicator from his pocket and immediately excuse himself from the tent. As soon as Ruby was eliminated, at the end of the next round, she followed him outside.
   He was pacing around, looking at the communicator screen and waving away little star fragments from around his head. Loads of them flew by in this area and if you caught them, you could exchange them for tickets in the minigame arcade.
   "Got enough stars already, by the sounds of things," he said to Ruby as she approached.
   "Rogue," said Ruby, putting her hand on his forearm. "Please could you explain to me why I'm out here worried about you, not the Doctor? Why did you give me the communicator to read the message rather than just showing it to the Doctor? It feels weird, like, I don't like feeling like I have a secret from him."
   Rogue sighed, and ran his hand down his face. "No, that's fair. But… ah, okay, let's go back to the start. The truth is that when Shy Guy said about potentially selling our ships, I did think about it - for mine. There's so much room in the TARDIS, and I spend so much more time there. I don't want my old ship just piling layers of dust on top of Art's memory. That makes me feel physically sick. But… but if I do sell it, and move into the TARDIS… Well, don't you feel dependent on him, on the Doctor?"
   "I mean, I suppose," said Ruby. "My ability to go home depends on him for sure."
   "It wouldn't be a good for a relationship," said Rogue. "Right?"
   Ruby spread her hands in front of herself. "Sometimes people move in together. Isn't that just dependency?"
   "Not if both people own the house."
   "You want your name on the deeds to the TARDIS?" Ruby raised an eyebrow.
   "No." Rogue sighed, but smiled, clearly open to the mood being lightened. "I just wanted to make this decision myself, because it's big. And now freaking Shy Guy seems to have taken the decision from me." He held up his communicator. "I'm trying to scroll through these to figure out where they've taken the ship so I can go try to get it back, at least for now."
   "Hey, you know, I was born in 2004," said Ruby. "I'm really good with a smartphone. Mind if I?"
   He passed it to her. "Be my guest."
   Ruby flicked from email to email, swishing notification ribbons out of the way. Then her eyes locked onto the words "pixel exchange yard." That sounded like where they'd keep vehicles, or at least a good place to start. She clicked through some hyperlinks and found a map, zoomed in for a moment before realising the minigame tent wasn't on screen and so zoomed out instead. Then she clicked the directions option and a line appeared between the tent and the yard.
   "You would make a hell of a bounty hunter," Rogue said, blinking in surprise at her.
   "I'm sure you'd have managed it if you weren't halfway through a panic attack," said Ruby, giving him a sympathetic smile.
   "Oh, this isn't a panic attack. You'll know when I'm having a panic attack, trust me," said Rogue, starting to lead her away from the tent, following the directions on his communicator.
   But then the line changed, and Rogue groaned, explaining that if he was understanding the map application correctly, the yard was mobile. He started to run, and Ruby ran with him, following the new line on the map. But then it changed again, and it kept changing no matter how fast they ran. They obeyed the new line over and over again, but it was no use. They even used the speed boosts on the pavement, but trying to focus their eyes on what was in front of them was near impossible as they hurtled forwards from boost to boost. Just as you figured out where you were in the space of the city streets, you were somewhere else entirely.
   Eventually neither of them could take it any longer. They leant up against the nearest wall and tried to catch their breath.
   "I can't, I can't," muttered Rogue. "Maybe I should just let them have it." He sank to his haunches. Ruby followed him down but realised he may have wanted some privacy when she heard him whispering, "I'm so sorry, Art. I love you, I'm sorry." Then Rogue grabbed Ruby's hand. "Okay." He gulped. "Now I'm having a panic attack."
@off-traveling-in-the-stars @casavanse @monster-donut @randomwholocker (let me know at any point if you no longer wish to be tagged in each post)
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twotwinks · 1 year ago
p3 and M, I, N, A, T, O :)
this made me smile so much it's so smart i love you
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
while i may not be into it, i will say the ryominas popped off with the aesthetics. everything that i've ever seen for those two absolutely fucks, even the sweet fluffy stuff that isn't meant to look cool is so chef's kiss thematically. if i were to ship them i'd be eating good
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
.....that being said, ryomina also happens to be one of the very few tags i have blacklisted on tumblr dskhld the ryominas are just too prolific. every other p3 post i see is about these bitches (affectionate) i see cool art of minato and thanatos and think ooh this fucks and then i see the tags and discover that it's also meant to be ryomina and i'm like aw man. Every Time!
also unrelated to p3 but ace attorney
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
minato's hair drawn correctly (i.e. not symmetrical or so aggressively parted that you can't tell it's supposed to be hanging over his eye)
the protagonists together! i see a lot of matching art of them but i don't really see them actually being together often. i love to see them all hanging out i think they should all be bestest friends. as an extension of this, i also want to see more bankita of course. and more specifically of minato and minako together, especially as twins because that's my jam
more art of minato and thanatos that isn't meant to be ryomina akjds i don't say this to be hostile i just think thanatos's design fucks and i want to be able to interact with art of him without encroaching into a space i don't belong
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
bankita! bankita forever raaaaaah! they make me craaaaazy send help. i think i've probably already said everything i need to say about them multiple times over but i just really like them a whole lot. i've even started to drift away from souyo, which was my main ship involving yu, in favor of this one. it's also my only ship involving minato who is my favorite so i guess it gets priority dfkljhd
i'm also quite fond of akishinji, and it's even better if you throw minako in the mix! it's not an ot3 i was expecting to have, but her romance routes with both of them are really sweet and i already shipped them together, so. i was happy to find that there's at least a few other people out there who ship them too!
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
i'm not really aggressive about my headcanons dhkld they're headcanons for a reason. that being said i guess i did try to start a fight with p3re's first cutscene for making a minor change to minato's reaction to the dark hour which didn't work as well with my headcanon that he believes the dark hour to be a series of hallucinations and nightmares. he does actually have recurring nightmares too, the dark hour just doesn't happen to be one of them. i'm writing a whole fic about this, please wait warmly.
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
this one's mean. do i like put my spotify on shuffle or what.
untranslated liz triangle song...a minute-long reprise from a musical...an instrumental from a different musical...sappy country song that i could probably apply to a ship but is too generic to hit right...greensleeves...oh alright here we go
this one isn't quite as perfect as some other kairiki bear songs like heart nonsense and batten but i will say it's very baby minato core. to me. i dunno i think a lot about how none of his relatives ever wanted to keep him for very long and what that must have been like for him as a little kid. more thoughts about this will also appear in the aforementioned fic!
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bisexualshauna · 1 year ago
oh my god, I am so sorry for these not all being in one ask. More parallels/ideas keep popping into my brain. I'm literally just keeping this open in a tab so I can collect my thoughts before I sleep instead of you receiving a million more asks.
El in the Red Room* instead of Brenner's lab? P A I N *
Even though this would be funny with either El or Max, the idea of Max being the one teasingly suggesting ladies to date feels very on brand for her.
El as Sharon Carter/Agent 13 is particularly funny if Mike is Cap since Sharon and Steve are supposed to have a romantic relationship. (I hear it's way more fleshed out and awesome in the comics, though I haven't read them myself). But also- Sharon/Natasha = Elmax vibes?
Dustin deserves to be here. My brain is too tired to figure out where to put him. At the very least, I can see him as one of the agents who stood up to HYDRA agents and helped out Cap. He's too good and pure to be Arnim Zola. For whatever reason, my other idea is Dustin as Ant-Man even though he isn't even in CA:TWS.
Lucas is the best, and so is Sam Wilson. That's it. That's the bullet point. Really though, both are SO loyal, skilled in combat/strategy, and has a good head on his shoulders but also is gutsy enough to follow Steve/The Party when they decide to do stupid shit. -I just imagined Lucas in the scene where Sam fights the Hydra Agents using just a knife and his broken steering wheel during that freeway scene???? I'm sorry, I need to lie down.
TROY AS THAT ANNOYING PRICK BROCK RUMLOW. Troy doing some shitty monologue and Lucas shutting him down, as he should!
In my mind, Will = Steve/Cap and Mike = Bucky/Winter Soldier is more obvious, but there are a few things where I could see it the other way around:
Will=Cap & Mike= Bucky
Will has light hair and has that pure, good heart like Steve. He's grown up with a single mom, a poor family, and an abusive father. He's also very artistic and intelligent. Will has a strong bond with Lucas that gives me Steve and Sam vibes (esp if you also ship Byclair). Also, seeing Will lose his shit at the Bucky/Mike reveal??? and the ELEVATOR FIGHT SCENE?????
Mike has that dark, wild hair like the Winter Soldier. He is fiercely protective over Will, taller than Will when they were kids, and has mastered the art of wrapping an arm around Will's shoulders and pulling him somewhere else. Also, Mike's and Lucas's bickering feels similar to Bucky and Sam's in Civil War. Except Wheelclair get along better than Bucky and Sam do.
Mike=Cap & Will= Bucky
Mike is the receiver of the Megamind meme: No bitches? Besides El and of course Will himself. Will loved him from the very beginning, like Bucky. Mike is the leader and a good strategist. El could be Peggy, but also I don't want her to be dead XD Mike had the survivor's guilt when he thought that he failed to save Will from dying, and when he found out that Will was ACTUALLY alive? No one and no thing was going to stop him. Not the government, not the military, not shadowy organizations, and not whatever was messing with his best friend's head. He, like Steve, is also due for a complete breakdown.
Will is the one who disappeared after an unsuccessful campaign and came back irreversibly different. He's been mentally manipulated and had his body used for killing people without his consent. Will gets all the girls. Will canonically knows how to use a gun, just like our favorite sniper <3**
Thank you for being patient and reading my ramblings if you've gotten this far! I clearly love both movies/shows, and also you were the first ST fanblog I followed, which made me even more excited! I hope you're having a good time whenever and wherever you are! May your new year be filled with inspiration!
*Especially since I think comics!Natasha has some experimental "replicated" super soldier serum = El's powers. It's a reach, but isn't that what brainstorming is about? **I'd give the sniper position to Lucas if this were a Cap 1 fic with the Party as the Howling Commandos. I need to sleep before my brain decides wreak more havoc with a CA:TFA/ST crossover. I've been adding to this for almost two hours now XD
i'm sorry i never answered it when you first sent this but i want you to know i typed up a gigantic response in my notes (along with my plans for an honest to god byler stevebucky AU, as well as a full list of byler and stucky parallels) and then had it all erased when my dumb ass spilled water on my laptop 💀
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hattiewritesalot · 3 years ago
Hi I saw you wrote for Encanto can I get a thing were Bruno had a child that had a gift were they can do art and there art comes alive?
Alright! Let's go!
~Never Again~
Bruno Madrigal x child!gn!reader
Tumblr media
(this isn't a ship. please don't take it that way.)
Summary: Bruno Madrigal left his family, and his eight-year-old child, after seeing Mirabel's vision. What happens when he comes back and sees his child all grown up, fully capable and able to control their gift?
Warnings: A bit sad, a bit of angst but it's honestly just quite cute stuff.
*please read the note at the bottom it's quite important*
Your world came crashing down the day your father left you. He had not said anything to anyone, let alone you, and it broke your heart completely. How could he be so selfish?
Luckily for you, your Tía Pepa had been kind enough to raise you as her own, and you had formed a strong bond with the woman. Along with Julieta's help, she had taught you to control your gift, and what a wonderful gift it was!
Anything you drew, anything at all, came to life before your very eyes. It mesmerised you, until your Abuela began using your abilities to her own advantages.
You could've forgotten about your father easily, he had left you as an infant on your own, but there was just something in the back of your mind nagging you to not let go of the few fond memories you had of him.
Perhaps it was the fact that he was watching your growth every day through the walls.
Casita was in ruins, and so was La Familia Madrigal.
Mirabel was missing, and so, it seemed, was all of the hope in the Encanto. Everybody searched for her, day and night, but she was simply unable to be found. Eventually, half of the town just presumed her to be dead and moved on.
You mourned the loss of your dearest cousin. The two of you always got along well, due to the fact that you were both sort of the family outcasts. After all, Mirabel had no gift and you were the child of the most hated Madrigal of all.
You suddenly noticed how long Abuela had been gone, and where she was, and that's when you heard bells ringing and people yelling.
'She's back!'
'Who's back?'
'Mirabel Madrigal! She's back!'
A small sigh of relief escaped you as you rushed to her and wrapped your arms around her.
'Mirabel!' You exclaimed, holding on to her even tighter.
'I was so worried! We all were!'
She did not reply. She simply nodded and held onto you tighter, before suddenly pulling away.
'(Y/N), I've got to warn you of something really quick.'
'Mirabel, can I talk to them?'
A new voice joined in the conversation, one so familiar yet you didn't know who it was. And that's when you looked over Mirabel's shoulder, and came face-to-face with your father.
'Dad…' You whispered, stepping closer to him cautiously, as if you were trying to make sure he was real.
'Hey, kid, c'mere.'
You smiled at him, and he smiled back, before your fist collided with his nose.
'What were you thinking? Just leaving me alone with no warning?'
'Listen (Y/N), I'm-'
'You're sorry? Really? It's way too late for sappy apologies.'
'I did it to protect you.'
'And yet you only hurt me in the process.'
Furious tears dripping down your cheeks, fists clenched by your sides, watching as Bruno dabbed at his bleeding nose with a tissue. He stopped for a moment.
'Your 11th birthday.'
'What is that supposed to-'
'You threw a slice of cake at Camilo and you started a food fight.'
You gasped, eyes widening in shock.
'How do you know that-'
'Your 16th birthday. You drew yourself sixteen cupcakes and at them all by yourself. You knew you would get sick afterwards, and you did, but you didn't care.'
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments.
'I would never leave you without a purpose, mariposa. I was there the whole time, in the walls. I watched you grow, I watched you learn.'
'Dad?' You asked, walking up to him to look him in the eyes.
'Yes, (Y/N)?'
You pulled him into a gentle hug. 'Never leave again.'
He smiled, eyes glistening with tears. 'Never again, mi mariposa.'
I'm sorry this was so short, I had no idea what else to add. There've been some pretty bad things happening in my life atm but I tried to get this story up ASAP. I might be taking a break soon if anything gets any worse, but I will keep you updated. :)
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rd0265667 · 2 years ago
The offer(Chapter 4)
1.7k words
I walked into the nearest "The Twosome Place"  with that Yuna girl, she's wearing her hood once again and had her sunglasses on. With her mask on too, she was almost impossible to recognise
"One caramel macchiato, and one..." Yuna said, nudging me in the shoulder
"An espresso, thank you."
"So, Y/N, care to tell me abit about yourself?" "Well, erm, I'm Y/N as I told you, I'm an only child, before...before both my parents perished in a car accident." "I'm so sorry to hear that." "Don't be, You aren't the drunk bastard who killed them. There isn't much I remember about them though. I was orphaned at 5, no foster families or adoptive parents wanted me, no relatives to take me in either, so I stuck around at the orphanage until I was 14, then left to earn money. Couldn't really earn money while studying either, so I dropped out of high school to do odd jobs. That's my life so far I guess. How about you?" "Well, my name is Shin Yuna, and as I assume you can't tell, I am a Kpop Idol." The cogs began to click in my head. I saw her on some Music videos. Hmm, no wonder she looks so pretty. Wait what? You didn't hear that. Anyways, back to her "I'm a member of ITZY, I graduated from the Hanlim Arts School, and I'm in the middle of a comeback with my group."
She then began rambling about her life and members, as she seemed like an infinite ball of energy, but, something was a little weird.
"What about your family?"
Hearing that, she tensed up, and a sour look overcame the face that was so full of light just a moment ago. Oh shit, fuck fuck fuck, I pissed her off
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, we don't have to talk about them if you don't want to."
"No, it's fine, you told me about your family, it is only right I tell you about mine. I was abandoned by my parents. They don't want anything to do with me, and I don't want anything to do with them. All I have, all I had left was my Sister."
"She's....missing I guess. I haven't seen her in a very long time, and I miss her a lot."
"That's horrible. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Have you tried finding her? Or the local authorities-"
"I'm sorry Y/N, could we not? Please?" She said as I saw beads of little water droplets drip from her eyes.
"Yeh, no worries, soooo, Could you tell me why we're having coffee together?" I said, trying my best to change the topic and cheer her up, which seem to kind of work, as I saw her wipe her tears and force out a little smile.
"Ah, yes. So, my group has been needing a Personal Assistant to help us around the dorm, but we don't really want someone who's a fan. Don't get me wrong, I love all our fans, but it would be a little weird to have a fan be our personal assistant. And you obviously don't know us from the fact that you didn't recognise me at the store. We want someone who's nice, kind, and you fill in the box nicely. Plus, and I say this with the least amount of offence intended, but even before we chatted, I could guess you needed a job."
"Hey, what is that supposed to mean?"
"It means, Y/N, you look like a hobo."
"Rude, but not wrong....Job sounds enticing though, and to be perfectly frank I need the money. What would my duties entail?"
"Pretty basic stuff, help us buy stuff we need, accompany us out should we need it, cooking and cleaning if necessary, but we usually clean up after ourselves so it should not be much of a problem. If need be, you will need to help our manager keep track of our schedules and escort us for practices and what not. Your meals will be provided for and you'll live in our dorm."
"That sounds good, but me, stay in a dorm with 5 girls? Seems a tad inappropriate doesn't it?"
Yuna smirked before reaching over the table and poking me in the cheek, saying, "Well. unless you're a pervert who plans to do unspeakable things to 5 young maidens, then I think we'll be fine."
I blushed at the sudden skin ship as I shook my head as she smirked. "Good, I'll tell JYP-nim, he'll interview you soon and if he accepts, you'll get the job. In the meantime, shall we chat a little more?"
There, hours seemed like minutes as Yuna and I chatted it up like old friends. She couldn't seem to stop, like a boundless battery had been attached to her. She told me stories about her members, her schoolmates and her life for the recent years, as I looked at her with amazement. We had not met for more than a day, but she seemed so overjoyed to have someone to genuinely talk to. I guess being an Idol is pretty lonely too. Through it all, her smile remained ever so vibrant. It was really refreshing. Suddenly, something flashed into my mind, she looks so familiar, like she was in my dream. Her name was, Gaeul I think? I'd never seen her before though.
"Getting bored of me already?" Yuna pouted as she saw me space out, as I shook my head and said, "Sorry, had a weird dream last night and something popped in my head, what did you say?" "JYP-nim is ready to see you, a car will be sent to pick us up in 20 minutes"
At JYP building
"Ah, Y/N, come in and take a seat."JYP said as I knocked on his door
I sat down in front of his office desk and flashed a small smile, only to be met with a stony stare
"Before we continue, I need you to understand one thing. I treat all my artists like my kids, and if anyone does anything to hurt or endanger them, I will see to it they have no future, anywhere. Is that clear?" "Yes Sir." "Now, before I hire you, I'd like to ask, who in the world are you? My people ran some background checks on you, and we found almost nothing. It's like you haven't existed until very recently. Why is that?" "Well, I'm unsure of that sir. Maybe you need to hire better people." I said, with a slight chuckle, before collecting myself once again under the now both stony and disapproving stare of JYP. Small talk, not my strong suit. "Well, to be honest, I am unsure why information on me is limited, and if that were to make you not trust me, I understand that, there's nothing I can do about that, lost most of my documents ages ago, however, What I can do is promise you that I will take care of your girls to the best of my abilities. I am new to this, and I will falter, but I will do my utmost. That much I can promise you." JYP continued staring at me, seemingly assessing me for any tells of me lying to him, before giving me a small smile and saying, " Well, that's good to hear. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't be able to hire you if I wanted to, as an enigma is hard to trust, however, as Yuna personally vouched for you, I will make an exception. Aish, never been able to say no to that girl. Don't let me down kid." I smiled as I was jumping for joy in my head. First Semi-Stable Job I've ever had, and my employers seem to be really nice. This is great!
I walked out and looked at Yuna, who smirked at me. "Got it?" "How did you-" "JYP-nim doesn't know how to say no to me hehe. Let's go to your apartment to pack up your things, then I'll bring you to your new home."
Yuna and I walked into my grey box as a look of shock overcame Yuna's face "You live here? No offence but our toilet is bigger than this." "Hey, this apartment is the best that no money can buy. Don't judge alright, taking care of you girls is the first stable job I've had." Yuna slithered up to me, grabbing my arm again and resting her chin on my shoulder "I'm your hero, aren't I." I blushed once again, this girl is too damn cute, she's like a temptress or something, and she loves skin ship way too much I quickly swiped her hand off as she chuckled and watched as I packed. Literally a minute later, we were headed out of my grey box. What, did you expect me to need boxes? I have like 4 outfits, the bed came with the apartment, and other than that, I had just a small bag of insignificant junk.
As we headed to ITZY's dorm, Yuna fell asleep next to me. Like she trusted me, just like that. I could never, years of being treated like garbage by everyone left me with a healthy dose of trust issues. She looked so cute in her sleep though, her lips looked so--- oh for god sakes Y/N keep it in your pants. You work for her now. Fuck it up and she can simply fire you. Gotta be on my best behaviour.
Once we reached the dorm, I gently shook Yuna, as she groggily woke up, and somehow, just like that, she was up on her feet and as energetic as ever. How? I swear this woman is not human.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dorm. Opening the door, I saw four other faces. Two of them were closer up front, one with a neutral look and the other clearly with an unhappy face. Two other behind had small smiles as they timidly waved at me.
One of the girls who was in front, who kinda looked like that one Dragon, mumbled "Girls, hurry."
The other girl who was already in front rolled her eyes, as she stepped forward, with the two behind stepping up too, and Yuna joined them too, a smile etched on her face.
"Hana, Dul,Ses, all in us, hello, we are ITZY." The five said in unison.
"Hi, I'm Y/N, I'll be your assistants."
"Y/N, lets gooooo." Yuna said as she tugged me by the hand and rushed me in, past 4 very different girls, with different thoughts and feelings towards me.
This is gonna be interesting.
In the Dark
Knull sat upon his throne, holding a holovid projector as he looked, seeing a masked figure who glared back at him.
"You called for me?" "Yes my pet, I have been informed that the Prince of the Gap dimension has been banished to Earth. His information has just been sent to you.You are to kill him for me, or you know what happens. This prince has a bracelet on him, enchanted to always protect him from any harm. However, like all that the highfather does, it is flawed. The enchantment can be overwritten and will be deactivated if the prince fully and completely trusts them." The masked figure glared at him, rolling their eyes but said nothing. Obedience to Knull was forced, there was no choice involved. "The false gods and self-appointed defenders of the Earth. They shall pay for their hubris, and you shall be the piece that shatters them." "Yes my liege" In the background, Knull could hear some commotion
"Jisoo unnieeeeee, hurryyyyy" Knull chuckled," Ah your humans are always whining huh." "May I be excused." "Go, and I expect results. You know what happens if I do not get them."
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chillinginmyhead · 2 years ago
Hello, I'm Xenlain or just Xen. Um so, this is a thing. This is a selfship blog I won't be too active tho. I'm not that good at drawing or writing. My pfp is one of the only good drawings I managed to do this month. (I'm secretly hoping nobody finds this blog, but feel free to interact if you're comfortable. I suppose this could be a good socializing exercise, ig.)
A little bit about me
I'm from Mexico. I like anime, manga and videogames. Accepting recommendations.
My interests are:
Hunter x hunter
Puella Magi Madoka Magica. (Anything with magical girls really.)
The Backrooms/Liminal Spaces/Unreality.
Slasher movies.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Currently watching part 3.)
The Souls games (I don't play it, but I like watching lore videos.)
Overlord (The light-novels specifically.)
This blog is too out of my comfort zone. Interacting makes me absolutely anxious and paranoid... Maybe I won't post much.
Before You Interact.
○ I do wanna make friends but I'm too anxious to talk to people ;u;
○ English isn't my first language, so expect unintentionally bad grammar, structure and expressions, I'm still learning. Please be respectful when making corrections.
○ I selfship as a coping mechanism.
○ I don't know why but I like morally questionable characters =<
No, I don't condone anything I just find them interesting.
○ I might not be very active, so expect weeks without content.
○ Also, not really accepting requests atm, still trying to get over my fear of posting anything ;n;
○ I'm a bit awkward, sorry about that.
○ I have bad anxiety, so, I mean you can message me, but it's not sure I'll answer. This goes as well to possible mutuals, I might not respond right away but I see you.
○ Depending on the context, I will block without warning.
○ Sans is my main f/o, I don't feel very comfortable sharing, but I can handle it. Follow if you want.
○ I don't really gave tags for any of my f/o's at the moment. (Do I need to have tags for them? =<)
Things I'm okay with.
● I'm totally a-ok with sharing my f/o's.
● Receiving recommendations, corrections, tips, etc. Either on my art or my writing, as long as is not rude or in bad intention.
● [More to be added I have bad memory and forgot what else to put here (•^•;) ]
My f/o list. [Will probably update as time goes.] [Mostly all of them are romantic.]
Sans (Undertale) (Romantic) (My main love <3)
Simon "Ghost" Riley (CoD MW 2) (Romantic)
Seto Kaiba (Yu-gi-oh) (Romantic)
Jack Atlas (Yu-gi-oh) (Romantic)
The King In Yellow (Yes, the cosmic entity/god) (Is it romantic or romance adjacent?)
Michael Myers (Halloween) (Romantic)
Zero (My own oc) (Shipped with other oc, romantic)
Civius (My own oc) (Romantic)
Do Not Interact.
Quite honestly just don't be rude. There's a block button for a reason.
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idjitlili · 4 years ago
I, I will be king.(II)
Din Djarin x reader.
Tumblr media
Part 1. Masterlist.
Summary:Din Djarins feelings get in the way,  when you reach your master once again.Din finally drops you off with your master, before he leaves for what seems for months. Second part and last part.
Word count:4497
Warnings: confusing? Honestly comparing din to a fridge isn't the best thing I've wrote.
A/n: OH AND this is the finished request for anonymous and @elkhead-art sorry it too so long.
As the sound of nothingness caused your eyes to slowly awake along with your consciousness, dark surrounded you. A small orange light was only to be seen outside. You were warm, and comfortable laying in a bed.  You recognised the texture of the blankets, the outline of the room. This wasn't anyone's room, it was yours.
Almost felt like you had dreamt the past few months, you had never left Luke, and never met the Mandalorian. But that was false, it had all happened, you were now back on Ahch-To. You had made it, you wondered if Mando was still here. 
On Ahch-To you lived in a small hut thing, so did Luke and so would Grogu. The island surrounded by water, no sand not much anyways, thankfully. Blue milk? We do not speak of that.
Soon enough you were wide awake,your feet had carried you outside, the atmosphere pitch black except the glowing orange in the distance where two figures sat.
"Luke?" The outlines of the bodies began to clear, it was clearly Luke and Mando with Grogu sat in his lap. Their heads turned to you, Luke's lips twitching up , he had stood up quickly making his way to you. "Padawan, I have missed you." Pulling you into a tight hug, his arms around your shoulders, you head dug into his chest. "What about no attachments, master?"
Scoffing Luke had placed his hands on your shoulders to look you directly in the eye. "That was very unwise, I told you to stay here for a reason, now you have months worth of teaching to catch up on."
"Sorry? I have learnt many lessons with the Mandalorian, we even met some other Mandalorians and guess what? They had met Anakin Skywalker , Obi-wan, when he was so very handsome, and Ahsoka. Plus, Mando has met Ahsoka , recently as well." You sat beside Mando, in front of the fire, Luke on one side and him on the other.
"Sounds like you had a good time, I hope you didn't have a great time." You weren't sure what Luke was trying to imply but you didn't care, your eyes had caught the green creature in Mando's lap. His hand reaching for you, offering your figure for him , his tiny green hand clutching it, though he could talk to you through the force, you already knew his name and he knew yours. 
Grogu had stood up, shuffling back onto Mando's other thigh, bringing your hand with him. All three of you watched his movements. Mando's hand against his thigh, whilst the his other was behind Grogu in case he fell. His breath hitched when Grogu reached down and gripped his finger. You didn't dare pull your hand from Grogu, as he pulled your hands together. Yours and Mando's finger tips touching, well his gloved finger tips.
Grogu had let go of your hands, looking at each of you, before interlacing his hands together. You didn't even get a chance to think about it, Mando had slid his fingers in between yours, closing them together. The small creature smiled and sat back on Mando's leg. Your hand placed on Mando's leg still locked with his. Luke hadn't said anything, Grogu getting up a second later walking towards him, no doubt that was him.
For what was a couple of hours, your hand stayed against the warmth of the Mandalorians glove. All until the early hours of day, you had stayed up talking with them, assuming he wanted as much time with Grogu as he could.
In which that point he had exuded to leave, following him to his now repaired ship, thanks to the other Mandalorians.
Luke had made you look away, as the Mandalorian removed his helmet, to say goodbye to Grogu. That was their goodbye, Grogu knew that.  Not long after that, Grogu was handed back to Luke, who step away, enabling you somewhat of privacy.
"Goodbye, Mando."
"My name is Din Djarin,"
"Oh wow, so your name isn't Mando? That's actually great, I prefer Din." A nod of his head and he was gone, felt strange, like he didn't care anymore but why would he give you his name?
You hadn't seen him for months, yet your heart-ached for him, it was stupid you weren't supposed to feel like this. Nothing would happen anyways, he was a Mandalorian you a Jedi, it wasn't supposed to be. Figuring Din had moved down on, he knew he couldn't keep Grogu, so he was trying forget. But that was not what he was doing, he wasn't abandoning Grogu no, he was trying to reclaim Mandalore.
147 days since you had last seen Din Djarin, you were shipped off by Luke's request this time.  Alone. For how long you didn't know, an undercover mission that could be quick or could take a long time , just luck.  Where you were sent was all but unfamiliar to you, uncover as bounty Hunter. Made your stomach flip, you'd be working for Boba Fett, who now had complete control of The hurts palace.  Luke had sent you to recover a Jedi that was being hunted.
Instead of your dark pants, long sleeve that you'd wear under your robes. (Yeah, basically Luke got the better outfits, you were fitted into formal Jedi wear.)  Now wearing fitted armour that covered your whole body like Din's, a helmet upon your head, dressed in dark colours. The helmet was confining , making you sweat a lot. How did Din do that all day?
You weren't sure how Luke managed to get you employed by Boba, did he just write up what is the equivalent to a Cv? Wasn't that your job , literally, you aren't supposed to get someone else to do it. 'Oh yes, I y/n am certain excellent at slicing, killing, capturing Bounties.' No, not killing that was the last resort. But, you would be able to capture bounties, so you'd be fine.
As long as you got the first bounty back to him, you would've secured the job. Luke had given you a ship to use, it was small, pre empire. Previously some junk from Tatooine, that Luke had brought to Ahch-too, and eventually you both repaired it.
With a ship and blasters, no lightsaber, you easily caught your first bounty and were in the job. Blasters seemed unpredictable, why does everyone miss? Poor design. 
For the four months you had been with Boba, well working for him, sure he had something going on with Fennec. Not that you could blame her, if Rex or fives was there and young, I'd bone, and I am total virgin. Din had been back to Ahch, Luke making up some excuse about being on supply run. And you were Boba Fett's best bounty hunter.
You were sent to Mandalore, all you was given was the location, and that it was a huge bounty for this creature dead or alive. The location wasn't even pinpoint just a part of the planet.  You knew of this planet, well heard of it.  Oh yes, like you'd see Din there.  Not Surprising Boba wouldn't go himself.
"How will I know I've found them, then?"
"You'll know."  The nod of his helmet, as he held his leg swung over the side of the chair. Not like when other bounty hunters would go in, his posture was always rigid, his hand sat upon his thighs. Fennec was always present as well, but not when you'd arrive. Boba would send her out. A nod from your helmet as you turned on your feet to leave.
"Wait," stopping before you had even taken a step, turning back to Fett. Another glance over him made it clear, he was presenting himself to you, his legs spread like that wasn't for nothing.
"Can I see what you look like?" You didn't even know what Boba looked like, but you had heard of the clones, and Obi-wan had told you about them , and how he was one of the only ones to survive. Yeah, Luke had finally taken you to the place where completely the trials that allowed you to speak to the 'dead'.
Bringing up your gloved hands to your helmet, pulling it off your head slowly. Squinting your eyes slightly as they adjusted to the lighting. Your y/c eyes fluttering to Boba who just sat there nodding at you, your helmet hooked under your arm. 
"See you soon, l/n."
"Goodbye, Fett."
With that you were headed to Mandalore with barely any knowledge of the planet, only with hope that you'd be okay. 'I don't believe in luck we make our own luck." 
Worried that you'd land on the planet and be shot, oh yes just a pre empire ship landing on your planet. Not like Hera almost died for talking. Yet, you thought nothing about someone waiting when you landed on the hot planet with ease. Though, most of the planet was inhospitable there was still some life left. A doom over the city of Sundari, in the distance.
Stepping from your ship into the atmosphere, on the edge of the ramp. Closing your eyes briefly s your stretched your arms over your head, clenching your fists closed at the same time. Satisfaction washed of you for a long moment. Yeah, that didn't last long when the sound of multiple mechanical surrounded you quickly.
Sighing as you opened your eyes again, the shape light of the planet dimmed by the filter on your helmet. Just as Suspected 4 Mandalorians surrounding, upholstering your blaster tossing it into the dirt in front of you. Lifting your eye hands above your head. Could only hope, that they thought you were a man, but you had placed your lightsaber dangerously in the front of your pants. With the plate of armour placed over that to conceal it further.
You dared not speak, maybe you'd pretend you had your tongue cut out, no , that wouldn't work they would check. You heard of Ezra Bridger maybe you'd pretend to be a hutt, no, no you didn't have a tail.
"State your business." You didn't recognise the voice of the Mandalorian definitely wasn't Din's. Lowering your hands slowly to place them on your hips, changing your whole posture.
"Han solo, I'm here looking for my wookie."
"Solo? Where's your ship then?" Scoffing at the Mandalorian, turning around and pointing to your ship.
"No, the Falcon,"
"Oh, so what you're a fan? Ships don't last forever." You were supposed to be trying to conceal your voice, but clearly that wasn't working. Your hands now cuffed behind your back, pushed onto ship and off you went to an unknown destination. Just maybe that Han Solo thing hadn't worked? Two of the Mandalorians stayed in the back of the ship, what you'd describe as the back of a police van sort of thing. Their eyes glued to you , as you sat in front of them.Only the humming from the ship could be heard, you weren't leaving the planet but travelling towards Sundari.
Your helmet still upon your head as they pulled you out of the ship by your underarms , dragging you. The lightsaber slipping in your pants slightly, you hoped that it wouldn't fall into you leg, looking like you had shat yourself. Feet scraping against the stone path , looked as if you on a plaza, the area around built up. Large steps leading to watch you could describe as a palace, it was huge. Covered with cubist murals of Mandalorians.
No, this couldn't be what Luke sent you for? You thought you were in search of Jedi's not more Mandalorians.  You hoped that they weren't taking you to their leader, was that Darth Maul still? No, he's dead? Ugh. If they searched you you'd be dead,  if they took your helmet off you'd be dead. It was no surprise you had been seen with Luke by the empire causing trouble. Depending whether they were still a neutral system.  
One of the Mandalorians from the pair that walked behind you as you were held, had made their way to the front of the group. Speaking into the com link on their right arm, in a language that you could only guess was Mando'a. Stood at the bottom of the steps waiting for a brief moment, before the huge metal doors were opened agonisingly slow. Basically Aragorn walking through those doors at Helms deep without Aragorn or anyone walking through the door.
With that, no one came out of the doors but you were pulled in the stairs and through the doors. Lead into a room with a throne? Right, no more politicians since Satine. Surprising that the room wasn't just made out complete Beskar, more pretty windows carpets , paint, paintings, Chairs  , food. Wow, they must of killed a Pirate, wasn't Mandalore broke?
In the centre of the room, a man stood, in tight fitted clothes, furs, heavy boots, a weapon upon his belt, sorry two bone a blaster the other hidden from your sight. His face aged like wine, squishy, dark brown eyes locked onto yours. If his eyes were to be compared to something, it would be that chocolate river from Willy Wonka. No fat kid in it, but a a handsome man surrounded it. Soft brunette curls on his head, wrinkles at the edges of his eyes.
"This one claims to be 'Han Solo' "  The man only nodded at the Mandalorian dismissing them, the doors shut behind you loudly. Turning to face you completely the man sat upon his Throne . 
"So, you fought with the Rebel Alliance." That voice, it was familiar yet you didn't recognise his face. Maybe he was Luke's friend that he'd often talk to , or just someone who had made a fuss at a bar. Instead of responding verbally you had just nodded too.
"Right, what rank, Han."
"I'm sorry, I would prefer if you called me by my title." Straightening your posture , bulking yourself.
"Oh? And what would that be?"  The smirk upon that mans fave indicated be was having too much fun. You were glad your helmet had a modulator.
"Captain, commander or yours." The smirk had dropped from his face, lips slightly parted, clearly flustered, only for a moment before his face went back to smouldering.
"You clearly are not who you say are. Until you tell me your purpose here I cannot allow you to leave."
You were stuck in some sort of cell, hundreds of other cells surrounding you. It looked like they had put you into the one connected to the wall of the building. Nor had they searched you again. Why? All they did was take your blaster.  He didn't even try , he just shoved you into a cell, not him directly but he didn't like you or was going to sell you off to someone. Bounty hunters didn't sway the hearts of many.
So, what did you do? Grabbed your lightsaber from your pants cut through the wall, and ran for your life.  Why it wasn't made out of beskar you didn't Know. Calling R2 from your com link, oh yes Luke had sent him with you to watch over you. Your breath heavy as you ran through the city that was covered with metal, seemed like no end. But you could t just stop and wait for R2 you weren't even sure of he could get through.
The shooting at your feet as you ran for the doors out of the city, igniting your lightsaber and throwing it the doors switches. Quickly return your lightsaber to your hand before making it to the door. The sound of their jet packs and firing dying down as you turn to face them. Stood in a line face you as you exit slowly. Your light saver back in your belt , your arms up to your shoulders as you walked backwards.
"This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caug-"  Okay, you had miscalculated you weren't planning on being grabbed from behind and pulled into a ship. The bright light of the inside of the side around you as the ramp was quickly slammed shit as you landed on the floor with a thump. This was your ship, but it wasn't R2 who you heard breathing heavily behind you.
Ahsoka Tano on your ship, Boba fett sent for her and she ended up capturing you instead. Not capturing but saving you , just said that for dramatic affect . You weren't sent to Boba for Mandalorians no of course not , if Luke wanted that he'd call Din. 
"Luke skywalker? Is your master?" Her hands on her hips as you sat in the pilots chair. She wasn't particularly fond on going with you but she did , why? That was unsure. The only reason she gave was her ship was destroyed on the planet and would not say why she was there either. Not that it was your business. 
"Yes, yes he is."
With that you were heading back to Ahch-too but of course it's never that simple. Instead Boba Fett had taken himself out of Tatooine to personally come meet you with the bounty that he knew you had.  In fact it ended up like the Hobbit the battle of the five armies, all in space just floating. Mandalorians and Boba attached to your ship. 
Both Boba Fett, and the Mandalorians entering the cockpit at the same time, turning around in your chair with a squeak. Sighing.  A mandalorian stepping forward to look at Ahsoka who now stood , her fingers besides her lightsaber eyeing the company.
"Ahsoka?"  Though she did not reply just stood her ground, you didn't dare to move , this was a huge mess.  The mandalorian that you assumed was king now in armour that seemed familiar but all of them looked alike to be honest. At least the clones had more style, and they didn't look alike.
"What are doing with Han Solo?"
Fett scoffed looking at you briefly before turning to Mandalorian in blue. "That's not solo, I would know he tried to kill me."
"I would kill you too, Clone."  Glaring at the Mandalorian it seemed that their was something you were missing, their guns were all lowered, yet Ahsoka still stood her ground. Like she would trust anyone after what she had been through.
"As I was saying, that is not Solo. This my best bounty Hunter, l/n. She caught a Je- why is she  not in carbonite?"
"Uhm, about that Boba..." Though your explanation was cut short again, Boba's eyes did not leave yours, your cheeks felt hot under your helmet, this was R2 he allowed them to board.
"Did you not know? Your best bounty Hunter is a Jedi."   These Mandalorians we're really sucky, they just wouldn't piss off, maybe if Mando was here he'd kill them, no , he wouldn't kill his own kind. Ugh, if you had been alive when Ahsoka was young, she'd cut their heads of with no hesitation, oh but not clones.
"Yeah, that wasn't hard to see, my lightsaber was shoved down my pants, you Mandalorians suck, didn't know I was Jedi until you saw me waving around a lightsaber. Ironic."   It seemed like Ahsoka had enough, and began the engine again, on your way back to Ahch."Down your trousers, really?"
"No, my underwear." Did that sound sarcastic?
You hadn't meant to bring a party with you to Luke but here you were on the way ack home with some Mandalorians and Boba Fett. Everyone had calmed down, waiting to arrive somewhere, with no discussion about it. Was this a horrible choice endangering Grogu probably.  So, you had gotten Bobas attention bringing him out of the cockpit and into a room. Well, the only over rooms were the bathroom and your small sleeping area.
"Well, what is it?"
"Uhm, just that I am no longer working for you, sorry and yeah I don't think you should stay."
"Oh,  just lovely you are. Though, I am not sure you ar- were my best bounty hunt, you'll have to take the helmet off." What was with this guy and wanting to see your facc. Sighing you pulled your helmet from your face slowly, the cold air slapping you as your hair fell from the helmet messy. (If you have no hair then your head was looking polished and hot like Dwayne Johnson.)
Though yet again, you could not see his face, well until he pulled his off too. A deep laugh erupted from his lips as he smiled at you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"It is you."
Neither of you had notice Bo-Katan walking by after doing her business, seriously in your ship? Not that you'd notice it was her without seeing she got new armour. Oh, you know she went straight to tell her king.
So, after your short interaction with Boba, who decided he'd leave but not yet to much of your dislike. Soon as you stepped into the cockpit , the bigger framed Mandalorian was in front you, he wanted something. Looking passed him for Ahsoka who was busy with the control panel. Everyone talking to each other. Your throat itchy, this was not pleasant.
"You know you remind me of a fridge."
His visor stuck upon your face no, the silence from him, even his breathing did not stop you you. You were uncomfortable but when he wasn't speaking what were you supposed to do?
"Well, maybe a broken one because you hold yogurt but it's warm."  Again, he did not respond just stared you down.
"Yes, I understand." The same modified voice as you remembered, yet you still felt intimidated still.
"Oh, not funny not then?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"That I'm not Han Solo?" Grabbing your upper arm as he scoffed pulling you towards his empty ship connected to yours. You'd only hope that if you were murdered right now, that Luke would have this surge of anger like his father and kill this man. 'Kenobi!' Okay, it just felt like it needed to be Maul rage not a 'oh no, I strangled my wife pretty much and wondered how she died and now I am mad.' Too bad Mail didn't run Anakin over when he had the chance.
"Take the helmet off."
"Take it off." His feet travelling closer to you as his voice got sterner and slower. Wishing Din was here to tell this man about boundaries.
"Get lost, why are you even here? Chasing someone that didn't do anything wrong. You're a dick for king , go home and fix your ugly planet , sperm bank." You bad went to push passed him, his frame was sturdy, and before you could he had your wrists  in his hands.  Not fighting him, even though you could easily break free his hold was gentle. Looking up to the t of his visor.
"Do you not recognise me?"  You wanted to say yeah you kidnapped me. But it was clear from the soft tone in his voice that wasn't it. You had be oblivious, how could you over look everything.  The voice, the Mandalorians, a king , was this a joke from Ahsoka?  Maybe she was more like than Anakin than you had been lead to think.  His hands dropped from your wrists,  your hands rested on the sides of his helmet. A soft click of his helmet, pulling it up slowly.
But as you had began to lift it up, he had grabbed it from you quickly throwing it behind him with a thud.His cinnamon caramel sand, shiny coconut , beach waved, auburn oven baked curls softly placed upon his head. Stubble littering his jaw like grass, his Willy wonka chocolate fountain eyes glazing on you softly. T-this was the king of Mandalore, b-but no this couldn't be , no he wouldn't take his helmet off in front you? Would he?
Your hands now resting on the sides of your helmet, click , pulling up the helmet just as you had done previously without interruption. A sigh from his mouth as caught a glimpse of your face. Before your helmet dropped the floor , he had pulled you into a tight embrace.
"Don't tell me this whole time , I've been like these Mandalorians suck, I wish Din was here."
Pulling from Din to look at him,  through you shouldn't have , your palm was pressed against his stubbles cheek.
“Yeah, I had lightsaber as dick how did you not notice? Plus that pick up line, seriously?” Your hand was no longer one Din’s face, partly because it had became sweaty too quick and your arm was aching.
“Hm, if I knew it was you then I would’ve accepted.” Accepted what? The pick up line.. your face was hot, why couldn’t he say he heard Han Solo was a player and didn’t want his heart broken? Instead his hands were interwoven with yours. I feel like this a David Bowie as Jareth moment.
“P-pardon?” Your hands were dropped, Din had turned to pick up his helmet.
“You’re with him.”
“I’m with you?”
“No you are involved with Fett.”
“Sorry? I worked for him as bounty Hunter not a personal hustler.” But Din continued to put his helmet on unamused, walking out the door, but you had decided the best idea . Doesn’t matter if your weight , Din was strong. If he had to he’d be able to carry a ship. Okay maybe.
So, you had jumped on his back, your arms around his neck, legs around his Weiss, he did not budge, not at all.”Tell me what you meant or I-ill be... very annoying and pretend I am this really cool person that gets men and women but I am not but I will pretend I’ll trick them into thinking my lightsaber is big shlong -gosh why did you not stop me. And you should because I am a huge virgin.” Huge nerd more like.
“...I’d accept your offer of you being mine.” Maybe, Din felt better because he didn’t have to directly look at you, you were on his back what were you going to do, jump off and fall over? No, once again you pulled his helmet from his head, pressing a kiss to his stubbled cheek.
“We could be lovers.”
“I , I will be king
and you, you will be queen.”
What you didn’t see was Ahsoka with her com link talking to Luke , basically had a spy camera. 100% accidentally, but Luke knew you’d be safe.
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